コード例 #1
ファイル: threshold.py プロジェクト: JoErNanO/brian
 def __call__(self, P):
     # N.B.: is "float" necessary?
     # Other possibility to avoid sorting: use an exponential distribution
     n = random.poisson(float(len(P) * P.clock.dt * clip(P._S[self.state][0], 0, Inf))) # number of spikes
     if n > len(P):
         n = len(P)
         log_warn('brian.HomogeneousPoissonThreshold', 'HomogeneousPoissonThreshold cannot generate enough spikes.')
     spikes = sample(xrange(len(P)), n)
     spikes.sort() # necessary only for subgrouping
     return spikes
コード例 #2
 def __call__(self, P):
     # N.B.: is "float" necessary?
     # Other possibility to avoid sorting: use an exponential distribution
     n = random.poisson(float(len(P) * P.clock.dt * clip(P._S[self.state][0], 0, Inf))) # number of spikes
     if n > len(P):
         n = len(P)
         log_warn('brian.HomogeneousPoissonThreshold', 'HomogeneousPoissonThreshold cannot generate enough spikes.')
     spikes = sample(xrange(len(P)), n)
     spikes.sort() # necessary only for subgrouping
     return spikes
コード例 #3
def intefy(hist, norm):
    from scipy import random as rnd
    rethist = hist.Clone(hist.GetName() + "_random")
    for x in range(hist.GetNbinsX()):
        for y in range(hist.GetNbinsX()):
            bin = rethist.GetBin(x + 1, y + 1)
                bin, float(int(norm * rnd.poisson(hist.GetBinContent(bin)))))
    return rethist
コード例 #4
def addPoisson(data, nFactor=1):
	This method is used to generate random noise on a spectrum, image or cube
	by using the numpy.random.poisson library.
	@param data: it can be a 1D, 2D or 3D numpy-array.
	nFactor: float number that is used to turn the poisson noise a float by multiplying the
	poisson distribution by it and dividing the random number resulted from the method
	by it.
	It returns a data with the same type that the one inputted.

    if (data.ndim == 1):
        tmp = empty_like(data)
        for k in range(data.shape[0]):
            tmp[k] = random.poisson(nFactor * data[k]) / nFactor

    elif (data.ndim == 2):
        tmp = empty_like(data)
        for i in range(data.shape[0]):
            for j in range(data.shape[1]):
                tmp[i][j] = random.poisson(nFactor * data[i][j]) / nFactor

    elif (data.ndim == 3):
        tmp = empty_like(data)
        for k in range(data.shape[0]):
            for i in range(data.shape[1]):
                for j in range(data.shape[2]):
                    tmp[k][i][j] = random.poisson(
                        nFactor * data[k][i][j]) / nFactor
        errorMessage = "Error @  illusion.datamanip.addPoissonNoise: \n"
        errorMessage += "Data with more than 3 dimensions are not supported"
        raise TypeError, errorMessage
    return tmp
コード例 #5
 def randomlist(self,mode=1,size=1000,low=0,high=100):
     "generate a list followed given distribution"
     "IN:distribution model code which refer to randomlist method; sequence size; sequence range"
     "OUT:a sequence followed distribution like"
     x = []
     if mode == 1:        
         x = random.randint(low,high,size=size)
     if mode == 2:
         x = map(float,random.normal(loc=(low+high)/2.0, scale=(high-low)/6.0, size=size))
     if mode == 3:
         x = map(long,random.exponential(scale=1, size=size)+low)
     if mode == 4:
         x = map(long,random.pareto(1,size=size)+low)
     if mode == 5:
         x = map(long,random.poisson(lam=(low+high)/2.0, size=size))    
 #     x = random.choice(x,size=100)    
     return x
コード例 #6
def main(eta, speed, angle, exposure_time, fits_path, png_path):
    ''' Main program to generate a trailed asteroid image with/without a coma'''
    '''Define the necessary parameters

    The parameters needed as input are:

    1. eta : ratio of intensity/flux of coma to intensity/flux of asteroid.

             eta = 0 implies no coma. 

    2. nucleus_value : The intensity value of asteroid, which is just a single pixel at the
                   center of the image throughout this work. The default value is 1.
    3. pre_pixel_scale: The high resolution used for the first couple of stages. This needs to be 
                    much higher than the Subaru pixel scale. Default value: 0.01 arcsec/pixel.
                    Note that the minimum value of this scale is decided by the computational
                    strength of your machine. (Works fine till 0.004 arcsec/pixel in Ishan's PC)
    4. subaru_pixel_scale: Pixel scale of the images obtained from Subaru Telescope. Assumed as
                       0.17 arcsec/pixel
    5. coma_size: radius of coma used for calculating flux in the coma, which in turn is used to 
              calculate the eta value defined above. Default value: 2 arcsec
    6. image_size: The size of the image. Default value: 20 arcsec

    7. speed: The speed with which the asteroid is moving in the plane of the sky. 
          Default value: 50 arcsec/hour
    8. angle: The direction in which the asteroid is moving. This is given as an angle from the 
          x axis of the image (image[:,0]).
    9. exposure_time: The exposure time of the camera in the actual telescope. Here it decides the
                  length of trail of the asteroid. 


    #eta, speed, angle and exposure_time provided by the user
    nucleus_value = 1.0
    pre_pixel_scale = 0.01  #in arcsec/pixel
    subaru_pixel_scale = 0.17  #in arcsec/pixel
    coma_size = 2.0  #arcsec
    image_size = 20.0  #arcsec
    '''Warning! Don't make the ratio image_size/pre_pixel_scale greater than about 5000. You will get a memory
    '''Part 1: High resolution asteroid with coma image'''

    coma = library.generateComa(eta, nucleus_value, pre_pixel_scale,
                                image_size, coma_size)
    #no_coma = library.generateComa(0,10,0.1,10.0,0,nucleus_value,pixel_scale)



    coma_high_res = coma.z_pre

    center = int(coma.z_pre.shape[0] / 2)

    #plt.title('With coma (eta='+repr(eta)+')')

    #plt.title('Without coma (eta=0)')
    '''Part 2: Trailing
    We will use the module trailComa. It needs to be initialized with the following arguments:
            1) input_coma: the input coma image
            2) velocity: velocity is an object of type velocity
            3) total_time: total exposure time in seconds
            4) pre_pixel_scale: the initial high resolution pixel scale
      To account for velocity as a vector, we have defined a class 'velocity' which takes the 
            1) speed: in arcsec/hour
            2) angle: in degrees

    #defne velocity

    vel = library.velocity(speed, angle)

    #initialize an object of type trailComa

    trailed_coma = library.trailObject(coma_high_res, vel, exposure_time,

    #Create trailed image


    trailed_high_res = trailed_coma.output_object
    #display the trailed image

    #shift = int(trailed_coma.dist_mov/(2*pre_pixel_scale))

    #shift = 250

    #plt.imshow(trailed_coma.output_coma[center-shift:center+shift,center-shift:center+shift],cmap = 'gray')
    #plt.title('Trailed coma pre-interpolation (pixel scale = Subaru/'+repr(subaru_pixel_scale/coma.pre_pixel_scale)
    #+')'+ '(eta='+repr(eta)+')'+'Angle ='+repr(angle))
    '''Part 3: Downgrading the high resolution trailed image to subaru's resolution'''

    #Grid and Sum the image as in CCD

    trailed_low_res = library.binAndSum(trailed_high_res, pre_pixel_scale,

    #Ensure image is 100x100 sized.
    if trailed_low_res.shape[0] > 101:
        shift = int((trailed_low_res.shape[0] - 101) / 2)
        trailed_low_res = trailed_low_res[shift:(trailed_low_res.shape[0] -
                                                 shift - 1),
                                          shift:(trailed_low_res.shape[0] -
                                                 shift - 1)]

    trailed_low_res = trailed_low_res / trailed_low_res.max()
    '''Part 4: Convolve with Background star'''

    #hdulist = fits.open('/home/ishan/CometHunters@laserfloyd/Data/psf/psf.10.fits')
    hdulist = fits.open(
    hdulist1 = fits.open(

    background = hdulist[0].data
    background = background - background.min(
    )  #negative values found in the image
    '''We need to divide the background star's flux by the number of times the asteroid
    is repeated on the trailed image. This is to ensure that the total flux in the final convovled
    asteroid is same as the total flux of the original background star.
    We are working under the assumption that the asteroid and the background star are of the same

    #finding number of times the asteroid gets copied in the trailed image
    asteroid_count = trailed_coma.total_time / trailed_coma.single_time

    #background = background/30.0
    background = background / asteroid_count

    conv_coma = library.convolveBgd(trailed_low_res, background, 50)

    #conv_coma = conv_coma - conv_coma.min()
    #conv_coma = conv_coma/conv_coma.max()
    '''Part 5: Generate trailed background'''

    #Remove the central star from the abckground image (Trial and Error)
    background[45:55, 45:55] = background[0:10, 0:10]
    #background[44:56,44:56] = background[0:12,0:12]
    '''hdulist1 = fits.open('/home/ishan/CometHunters@laserfloyd/Data/psf_no_stars/psf.10b.fits')
    background = hdulist1[0].data
    background = background - background.min() #negative values found in the image
    background = background/30.0'''

    #convolve model trailed asteroid with the nosiy background
    trailed_bgd = signal.convolve2d(trailed_low_res,
    '''Part 6: Trailed Background Subtraction'''

    coma_mod2 = conv_coma - trailed_bgd

    #temp = np.ones_like(coma_mod2)

    #temp = temp*np.mean(background)

    #temp = random.poisson(temp)

    #coma_mod2 = coma_mod2 + temp

    coma_mod2 = coma_mod2 - coma_mod2.min(
    )  #min value negative fot eta = 0 case
    '''Part 7: Add Noise'''

    coma_mod2 = coma_mod2 + np.mean(background)

    coma_mod2 = random.poisson(coma_mod2)

    final_image = np.copy(coma_mod2)

    #save image in a fits file

    hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(final_image)

    prihdr = fits.Header()

    prihdr['ETA'] = (
        eta, 'ratio of brightness of coma/tail to brightness of asteroid')
    prihdr['IMAGE_SCALE'] = (0.17, 'in arcsec/pixel')
    prihdr['IMAGE_SIZE'] = (20.0, 'in arcsec')
    prihdr['POS_X_AXIS'] = ('Right edge pointing north',
                            'Positive X-Axis convention for angles')
    prihdr['POS_Y_AXIS'] = ('Bottom edge pointing west',
                            'Positive Y-Axis convention for angles')
    prihdr['TRAIL SPEED'] = (speed, 'in arcsec/hour ')
    prihdr['TRAIL_ANGLE'] = (angle, 'in degrees')
    prihdr['EXP_TIME'] = (exposure_time, 'exposure time in seconds')

    hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(data=final_image, header=prihdr)

    #Naming covention: cobine eta and angle (unique combination for each object)

    file_name = "{:.3f}".format(eta) + '_' + "{:.3f}".format(angle) + '.fits'
    file_path = fits_path + file_name


    #Convert image to stamp
    stamp = kplt.poststamp.fromfits(file_path, hduid=0, sigs=(3., 2.5), ni=8)
    stamp.create((50, 50), (50, 50), edgefix=False)
    marks = [draw.cross((50, 50), 10, sep=5, mode='topleft')]

    file_name = str(eta) + '_' + str(angle) + '.png'
    file_path = png_path + file_name

               scale=(3., 5.),