def filtering2(data, sf, kind=1): data = data - np.mean(data) b = [0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2] a=[1] if kind == 1: data = lfilter(b,a,data) elif kind == 2: data = filtfilt(b,a,data) T = 1.0/sf Fc = 1 c1 = 1.0/(1+np.tan(Fc*3.14*T)) c2 = (1-np.tan(Fc*3.14*T))/(1+np.tan(Fc*3.14*T)) b= [c1, -c1] a = [1,-c2] if kind == 1: data = lfilter(b,a,data) elif kind == 2: data = filtfilt(b,a,data) fh = sf/2.0 mb = 2 b,a = butter(mb,30/fh) if kind == 1: data = lfilter(b,a,data) elif kind == 2: data = filtfilt(b,a,data) return data
def iir_noise_filter(name, df, current_col): #extracting sampling rate from parameter file parafile = name + '-parameters.txt' try: params = read_csv(parafile, delim_whitespace=True, engine='python', names=['0','1','2','3'], index_col=0) except: print('Cannot find parameter file') samplerate = params['2']['Samplerate'] Samplingrates = {"2.5Hz":2.5, "5Hz":5.0, "10Hz":10.0, "15Hz":15.0, "25Hz":25.0, "30Hz":30.0, "50Hz":50.0, "60Hz":60.0, "100Hz":100.0, "500Hz":500.0, "1KHz":1000.0, "2KHz":2000.0, "3.75KHz":3750.0, "7.5KHz":7500.0, "15KHz":1500.0, "30KHz":30000.0} samplerate = Samplingrates[samplerate] #constructing IIR notch filters fs = samplerate # Sample frequency (Hz) f0 = 60.0 # Frequency to be removed from signal (Hz) Q = 2.0 # Quality factor # Design notch filter b, a = signal.iirnotch(f0, Q, fs) c, d = signal.iirnotch(f0*2, Q, fs) e, f = signal.iirnotch(f0*4, Q, fs) g, h = signal.iirnotch(f0*5, Q, fs) i, j = signal.iirnotch(f0*6, Q, fs) #apply filters yf1 = signal.filtfilt(b,a,df[current_col]) #60Hz filter yf2 = signal.filtfilt(c,d,yf1) #120Hz filter yf3 = signal.filtfilt(e,f,yf2) #240Hz filter yf4 = signal.filtfilt(g,h,yf3) #300Hz filter yf5 = signal.filtfilt(i,j,yf4) #360Hz filter return yf5
def reconstruct(pitch,fs,coffs,syllable): gain = coffs[0] coffs[0] = 1; x = np.double(fs)/np.double(pitch) num = np.ceil((pitch*3)/10.0) #300ms thus if syllable != "s": ex_input = np.zeros(num*x) for i in range (0,int(num)): ex_input[(i*x)-1] = 1 # Filtering the signal out = signal.filtfilt([gain],coffs,ex_input) d_num = [1] d_den = [1,-0.9] out = signal.filtfilt(d_num,d_den,out) # De-emphasis out = np.int16(out/np.max(np.abs(out)) * 32767) else: ex_input = np.random.normal(0,1,num) out = signal.filtfilt([gain],coffs,ex_input) out = np.int16(out/np.max(np.abs(out)) * 32767) return out
def filter_data(eeg_data, fs): #FILTER CONSTANTS fn = fs/2 filter_order = 2 #2nd order filter f_high = 50 f_low = 5 wn = [59,61] #Nyquist filter window [b,a] = signal.butter(filter_order,f_high/fn, 'low') [b1,a1] = signal.butter(filter_order,f_low/fn, 'high') [bn,an] = signal.butter(4,[x/fn for x in wn], 'stop') filtered_eeg = [] spectogram = [] notched = [] high_passed = [] low_passed = [] channel = eeg_data high_passed = signal.filtfilt(b1,a1,channel); # high pass filter low_passed = signal.filtfilt(b,a,high_passed); # low pass filter y = signal.filtfilt(bn,an,low_passed); # notch filter return y
def _forward_data(self, data): params = self.params try: mapped = filtfilt(self.__iir_num, self.__iir_denom, data, axis=params.axis, padtype=params.padtype, padlen=params.padlen) except TypeError: # we have an ancient scipy, do manually # but is will only support 2d arrays if params.axis == 0: data = data.T if params.axis > 1: raise ValueError("this version of scipy does not " "support nd-arrays for filtfilt()") if not (params['padlen'].is_default and params['padtype'].is_default): warning("this version of scipy.signal.filtfilt() does not " "support `padlen` and `padtype` arguments -- ignoring " "them") mapped = [filtfilt(self.__iir_num, self.__iir_denom, x) for x in data] mapped = np.array(mapped) if params.axis == 0: mapped = mapped.T return mapped
def corr_func(drive, response, fsamp, fdrive, good_pts = [], filt = False, band_width = 1): #gives the correlation over a cycle of drive between drive and response. #First subtract of mean of signals to avoid correlating dc drive = drive-np.median(drive) response = response - np.median(response) #bandpass filter around drive frequency if desired. if filt: b, a = sp.butter(3, [2.*(fdrive-band_width/2.)/fsamp, 2.*(fdrive+band_width/2.)/fsamp ], btype = 'bandpass') drive = sp.filtfilt(b, a, drive) response = sp.filtfilt(b, a, response) #Compute the number of points and drive amplitude to normalize correlation lentrace = len(drive) drive_amp = np.sqrt(2)*np.std(drive) #Throw out bad points if desired if len(good_pts): response[-good_pts] = 0. lentrace = np.sum(good_pts) corr_full = good_corr(drive, response, fsamp, fdrive)/(lentrace*drive_amp) return corr_full
def ApplyFilter(self, data_in): data_out = sp.filtfilt(self.coefb_low, self.coefa_low, data_in) data_out = sp.filtfilt(self.coefb_high, self.coefa_high, data_out) return data_out
def test_train_segments(): results = np.zeros((6, 12)) for i in range(6): dat = io.loadmat('testset%02d.mat' % (i + 1)) eog_v = dat['eog_v_seg'][0] eog_h = dat['eog_h_seg'][0] fs = float(dat['fs'][0]) fir_len = 150 stop_limit = 500 / fs wn = stop_limit / (fs/2) b = sig.firwin(fir_len, wn) eog_v_f = sig.filtfilt(b, 1, eog_v) eog_h_f = sig.filtfilt(b, 1, eog_h) p = PyGERT() p.train(eog_h_f, eog_v_f) results[i, 0] = p.mu_fix results[i, 1] = p.sigma_fix results[i, 2] = p.prior_fix results[i, 3] = p.mu_sac results[i, 4] = p.sigma_sac results[i, 5] = p.prior_sac results[i, 6] = p.mu_bli results[i, 7] = p.sigma_bli results[i, 8] = p.prior_bli results[i, 9] = p.mu_bs results[i, 10] = p.sigma_bs results[i, 11] = p.prior_bs print(results) np.savetxt('segment_test_python.csv', results, delimiter=',')
def generate_noise(D,N): """Generate data for the changepoint detection. Data can either be of type 0 or type 1, but when it's a combination fo both, we define a target label Input - D,N Dimenstionality arguments D dimensions over N samples Output - Data in format X is a matrix in R^{N x D} y is a matrix in R^{N,} not to donfuse with {N,1}""" #Check if we have even D, so we can split the array in future assert D%2 == 0, 'We need even number of dimensions' ratioP = 0.5 #balance of targets X = np.random.randn(N,D) y = np.zeros(N) mark = np.zeros(N) #Generate two filter cofficients filters = {} filters['b1'],filters['a1'] = signal.butter(4,2.0*cutoff1/fs,btype='lowpass') filters['b0'],filters['a0'] = signal.butter(4,2.0*cutoff0/fs,btype='lowpass') for i in xrange(N): if np.random.rand() > 0.5: #Half of the samples will have changepoint, other half wont Dcut = np.random.randint(pattern_len,D-pattern_len) signalA = signal.filtfilt(filters['b1'],filters['a1'],X[i]) signalB = signal.filtfilt(filters['b0'],filters['a0'],X[i]) X[i] = np.concatenate((signalA[:Dcut],signalB[Dcut:]),axis=0) #Concatenate the two signals if True: #Boolean: do you want to introduce a pattern at the changepoint? Dstart = int(Dcut - pattern_len/2) X[i,Dstart:Dstart+pattern_len] = pattern y[i] = 1 #The target label mark[i] = Dcut else: mode = int(np.random.rand()>ratioP) X[i] = signal.filtfilt(filters['b'+str(mode)],filters['a'+str(mode)],X[i]) y[i] = 0 #The target label return X,y,mark
def lowhighpass_filter(data, cutperiod, pass_periods='low'): """Butterworth low- or high pass filter. This function applies a linear filter twice, once forward and once backwards. The combined filter has linear phase. Args: data (array, optional): Data array of shape (time, variables). cutperiod (int): Period of cutoff. pass_periods (str, optional): Either 'low' or 'high' to act as a low- or high-pass filter Returns: Filtered data array. """ try: from scipy.signal import butter, filtfilt except: print 'Could not import scipy.signal for butterworth filtering!' fs = 1. order = 3 ws = 1. / cutperiod / (0.5 * fs) b, a = butter(order, ws, pass_periods) if numpy.ndim(data) == 1: data = filtfilt(b, a, data) else: for i in range(data.shape[1]): data[:, i] = filtfilt(b, a, data[:, i]) return data
def plot_data(dataWindow): print("Init plotting") b, a = butter(2, 0.0001, 'high') #b, a = butter(2, 0.5, 'high') fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212) line1, = ax1.plot(dataWindow.filt_data) line2, = ax2.plot(eog2) print("Start plotting") #while True: for t in range(40*12): #print("Filtering") eog1_filt = filtfilt(b, a, eog1) eog2_filt = filtfilt(b, a, eog2) #print("Plotting") line1.set_ydata(dataWindow.filt_data) #ax1.set_ylim((min(eog1_filt), max(eog1_filt))) ax1.set_ylim(-50000,50000) line2.set_ydata(eog2_filt) #ax2.set_ylim((min(eog2_filt), max(eog2_filt))) ax2.set_ylim(-50000,50000) fig.canvas.draw() sleep(.5) print("Plotting ended")
def filter_data(self,eeg_data): #FILTER CONSTANTS fs = self.fs fn = self.fn filter_order = 2 #2nd order filter f_high = 50 f_low = 5 wn = [59,61] #Nyquist filter window [b,a] = signal.butter(filter_order,f_high/fn, 'low') [b1,a1] = signal.butter(filter_order,f_low/fn, 'high') [bn,an] = signal.butter(4,[x/fn for x in wn], 'stop') filtered_eeg = [] spectogram = [] notched = [] high_passed = [] low_passed = [] print(eeg_data) for i in range(len(eeg_data[0])): channel = eeg_data[:,i] high_passed = signal.filtfilt(b1,a1,channel); # high pass filter low_passed = signal.filtfilt(b,a,high_passed); # low pass filter y = signal.filtfilt(bn,an,low_passed); # notch filter filtered_eeg.append(y); self.filtered_eeg = filtered_eeg return filtered_eeg # if __name__ == '__main__': # main()
def test_sine(self): rate = 2000 t = np.linspace(0, 1.0, rate + 1) # A signal with low frequency and a high frequency. xlow = np.sin(5 * 2 * np.pi * t) xhigh = np.sin(250 * 2 * np.pi * t) x = xlow + xhigh b, a = butter(8, 0.125) z, p, k = tf2zpk(b, a) # r is the magnitude of the largest pole. r = np.abs(p).max() eps = 1e-5 # n estimates the number of steps for the # transient to decay by a factor of eps. n = int(np.ceil(np.log(eps) / np.log(r))) # High order lowpass filter... y = filtfilt(b, a, x, padlen=n) # Result should be just xlow. err = np.abs(y - xlow).max() assert_(err < 1e-4) # A 2D case. x2d = np.vstack([xlow, xlow + xhigh]) y2d = filtfilt(b, a, x2d, padlen=n, axis=1) assert_equal(y2d.shape, x2d.shape) err = np.abs(y2d - xlow).max() assert_(err < 1e-4) # Use the previous result to check the use of the axis keyword. # (Regression test for ticket #1620) y2dt = filtfilt(b, a, x2d.T, padlen=n, axis=0) assert_equal(y2d, y2dt.T)
def plot_comparison(f1, f2, data, xs=[-0.5, 7], ys=[-400, 1000], s=0): '''Compare file 1 (red) with file 2 (blue), taking the mean and std of the signal''' d = handler.extract_data(f1) d2 = handler.extract_data(f2) # due to the 60Hz noise of the water heater, I have to filter it out with a notch filter temp = np.array([56.0,64.0])/(d['fs']/2.0) # 3 is the highest order I can go without it going crazy b,a = butter(3, temp[0], btype='bandstop') y = filtfilt(b,a,lowpass_filter((d['stim']*1e6, d['fs']))[0].T).T y2 = filtfilt(b,a,lowpass_filter((d2['stim']*1e6, d2['fs']))[0].T).T ystd = np.std(y, axis=1) ymean = average((y, d['fs']))[0][:,0] t = d['t']*1e3 y2std = np.std(y2, axis=1) y2mean = average((y2, d2['fs']))[0][:,0] t2 = d2['t']*1e3 plt.figure(figsize=(8,6)) plt.fill_between(t, (ymean-ystd), (ymean+ystd), alpha=0.5, facecolor=color_palette[0]) plt.plot(t, ymean, color=color_palette[0]) plt.fill_between(t2, y2mean - y2std, y2mean + y2std, alpha=0.5, facecolor=color_palette[5]) plt.plot(t2, y2mean, color=color_palette[5]) plt.xlim(xs) plt.ylim(ys) plt.ylabel('Voltage (µV)') plt.xlabel('Time (ms)') plt.title(descriptive_title(f1).replace('<br>', '\n')) plt.legend([str(handler.get_current(data,f1))+'µA', str(handler.get_current(data,f2))+'µA']) if s and type(s) == str: plt.savefig(s + '.pdf') elif s: plt.savefig(f1[:-4]+ f2[:-4]+'-comaparison.pdf')
def makeFiltered(self): filtered = np.zeros(len( b1, a1 = butter(1, 0.0003, 'lowpass') filtered = filtfilt(b1, a1, filtered = - filtered b2, a2 = butter(1, 0.025, 'lowpass') self.filt_data = filtfilt(b2, a2, filtered)
def test_axis(self): # Test the 'axis' keyword on a 3D array. x = np.arange(10.0 * 11.0 * 12.0).reshape(10, 11, 12) b, a = butter(3, 0.125) y0 = filtfilt(b, a, x, padlen=0, axis=0) y1 = filtfilt(b, a, np.swapaxes(x, 0, 1), padlen=0, axis=1) assert_array_equal(y0, np.swapaxes(y1, 0, 1)) y2 = filtfilt(b, a, np.swapaxes(x, 0, 2), padlen=0, axis=2) assert_array_equal(y0, np.swapaxes(y2, 0, 2))
def apply_filter(x, filter=None): b, a = filter try: out_arr = signal.filtfilt(b, a, x, axis=0) except TypeError: out_arr = np.zeros_like(x) for i_ch in range(x.shape[1]): out_arr[:, i_ch] = signal.filtfilt(b, a, x[:, i_ch]) return out_arr
def filtracja(kan,fs, czest): n=1 [bx,ax]=ss.butter(n, czest/(fs/2.),btype='highpass') y1a = ss.filtfilt(bx,ax,kan) [b,a]=ss.butter(n, [48./(fs/2.), 52./(fs/2.)],btype='bandstop') y1 = ss.filtfilt(b,a,y1a) return y1
def generate_peoples_results_files(self): self.np_result = np.c_[self.results[0]['blue'], self.results[0]['green'], self.results[0]['red']] list_number = len(self.results[0]['blue']) # ICA ica = FastICA(n_components=3, fun='logcosh', max_iter=2000) ica_transformed = ica.fit_transform(self.np_result) component_all = ica_transformed.ravel([1]) component_1 = component_all[:list_number] component_2 = component_all[list_number:(2 * list_number)] component_3 = component_all[(2 * list_number):(3 * list_number)] # butter_smooth N = 8 Wn = [1.6 / 30, 4.0 / 30] t = np.linspace(1 / 30, list_number / 30, list_number) b, a = signal.butter(N, Wn, 'bandpass', analog=False) filter_1 = signal.filtfilt(b, a, component_1) filter_2 = signal.filtfilt(b, a, component_2) filter_3 = signal.filtfilt(b, a, component_3) lowess_1 = sm.nonparametric.lowess(filter_1, t, frac=10.0 / list_number) lowess_2 = sm.nonparametric.lowess(filter_2, t, frac=10.0 / list_number) lowess_3 = sm.nonparametric.lowess(filter_3, t, frac=10.0 / list_number) smooths = [] smooth_1 = lowess_1[:, 1] smooth_2 = lowess_2[:, 1] smooth_3 = lowess_3[:, 1] smooths.append(smooth_1) smooths.append(smooth_2) smooths.append(smooth_3) # FFT and spectrum fft_1 = np.fft.fft(smooth_1, 256) fft_2 = np.fft.fft(smooth_2, 256) fft_3 = np.fft.fft(smooth_3, 256) spectrum_1 = list(np.abs(fft_1) ** 2) spectrum_2 = list(np.abs(fft_2) ** 2) spectrum_3 = list(np.abs(fft_3) ** 2) max1 = max(spectrum_1) max2 = max(spectrum_2) max3 = max(spectrum_3) num_spec1 = spectrum_1.index(max(spectrum_1)) if num_spec1 > (list_number / 2): num_spec1 = 256 - num_spec1 num_spec2 = spectrum_2.index(max(spectrum_2)) if num_spec2 > (list_number / 2): num_spec2 = 256 - num_spec2 num_spec3 = spectrum_3.index(max(spectrum_3)) if num_spec3 > (list_number / 2): num_spec3 = 256 - num_spec3 num_spec = [num_spec1, num_spec2, num_spec3] max_all = [max1, max2, max3] max_num = max_all.index(max(max_all)) self.heartRate = int(num_spec[max_num] * 1800 / 256) + 1 return smooths[max_num]
def sf_anal(infile, chunk_rate=80.0, n_steps=12, base_freq=440.0, min_level=0.001, cutoff=None): min_sq_level = min_level**2 if cutoff is None: cutoff = chunk_rate sr, wav = load_non_wav(infile) chunk_size = int(round(float(sr) / chunk_rate)) wav = high_passed(sr, wav) wav2 = wav * wav freqs = 2**(np.linspace(0.0, n_steps, num=n_steps, endpoint=False)/n_steps) * base_freq amp2 = wav2 rel_cutoff = 2.0/(float(sr)/cutoff) # relative to nyquist freq, not samplerate b, a = RC(Wn=rel_cutoff) for i in xrange(4): amp2 = filtfilt(b, a, amp2) mask = amp2>min_sq_level little_amp2 = decimate( amp2, chunk_size, ftype='fir' ) little_mask = mask[np.arange(0,little_amp2.size,1)*chunk_size] little_corrs = [] for freq in freqs: # For now, offset is rounded to the nearest sample offset = int(round(float(sr)/freq)) cov = np.zeros_like(wav) cov[:-offset] = wav[offset:]*wav[:-offset] # repeatedly filter; this is effectively an 8th-order lowpass now smooth_cov = cov for i in xrange(4): smooth_cov = filtfilt(b, a, smooth_cov) # technically the correlation should be taken wrt the harmonic mean of the variances at # the two times, but we assume autocorrelation lag << smooth time little_corrs.append( decimate( mask * smooth_cov/np.maximum(amp2, min_sq_level), chunk_size, ftype='fir' #FIR is needed to be stable at haptic rates ) ) all_corrs = np.vstack(little_corrs) sample_times = (np.arange(0,little_amp2.size,1)*chunk_size).astype(np.float)/sr #trim "too quiet" stuff all_corrs = all_corrs[:,np.where(little_mask)[0]] sample_times = sample_times[np.where(little_mask)[0]] little_amp2 = little_amp2[np.where(little_mask)[0]] return dict( all_corrs=all_corrs, sample_times=sample_times, amp=np.sqrt(little_amp2), #RMS amp is more usual )
def filter_abr(self, x, duration = 0.00999424, nsamples = 244, Wn = 0.02, btype = 'high'): b, a = butter(10, Wn = Wn, btype = btype) if len(x.shape)==1: x_filt = filtfilt(b, a, x) elif len(x.shape)>1: x_filt = np.empty_like(x) for i in range(x.shape[1]): x_filt[:, i] = filtfilt(b, a, x[:, i]) return x_filt
def scatter(filename, thrs, nchannels=2, chnl=5): b, a = iirfilter(1, (0.002, 0.05)) with trace_gen(filename, nchannels, chnl) as gen: data = [(sum(event[thrs:thrs + 180]), min(filtfilt(b, a, event)[thrs:thrs + 180]) - 200) for event in gen if max(filtfilt(b, a, event)[:20]) < 400] int_data = zip(*data)[0] min_data = zip(*data)[1] return int_data, min_data
def noise_filters(self,data): [b1, a1] = [self.high_pass_coefficients[0],self.high_pass_coefficients[1]] [b, a] = [self.low_pass_coefficients[0],self.low_pass_coefficients[1]] [bn, an] = [self.notch_coefficients[0],self.notch_coefficients[1]] for i,channel in enumerate(data): high_passed = signal.filtfilt(b1,a1,channel); # high pass filter low_passed = signal.filtfilt(b,a,high_passed); # low pass filter y = signal.filtfilt(bn,an,low_passed); # notch filter self.filtered_eeg[i] = y; return self.filtered_eeg
def filter(self): """ Filters this time sequence. """ eog_filt1 = np.zeros(len(self.vector)) b1, a1 = butter(1, 0.0003, 'lowpass') eog_filt1 = filtfilt(b1, a1, self.vector) matrix2 = (self.getVector() - eog_filt1) b2, a2 = butter(1, 0.05, 'lowpass') eogfilt2 = filtfilt(b2, a2, matrix2) self.setVector(eogfilt2)
def profile(fname, ends = 100, stage_cal = 8.): dat, attribs, f = bu.getdata(fname) dat = dat[ends:-ends, :] dat[:, stage_column]*=stage_cal f.close() b, a = sig.butter(3, 0.25) int_filt = sig.filtfilt(b, a, dat[:, data_column]) proft = np.gradient(int_filt) stage_filt = sig.filtfilt(b, a, dat[:, stage_column]) dir_sign = np.sign(np.gradient(stage_filt)) b, y, e = spatial_bin(dat[dir_sign<0, stage_column], proft[dir_sign<0]) return b, y, e
def Filter(data_in, f1, f2, sample_rate, filter_order): nyq_rate = sample_rate / 2 w1, w2 = f1 / nyq_rate, f2 / nyq_rate b, a = sp.butter(filter_order, [f2 / nyq_rate], btype='low') data_out = sp.filtfilt(b, a, data_in) b, a = sp.butter(filter_order, [f1 / nyq_rate], btype='high') data_out = sp.filtfilt(b, a, data_out) return data_out
def bandpass_filter(x, s_f, hi=400, lo=7000): """ :param x: one d numpy arrays :param s_f: sampling frequency (in hz) :param hi: hi-pass cutoff :param lo: lo-pass cutoff :return: """ hp_b, hp_a = sg.butter(4, hi / (s_f / 2.), btype='high') lp_b, lp_a = sg.butter(4, lo / (s_f / 2.), btype='low') x_hi = sg.filtfilt(hp_b, hp_a, x, axis=0) x_lo = sg.filtfilt(lp_b, lp_a, x_hi, axis=0) return x_lo
def motion_detected(self, data): filtCutOff = 0.001; [b, a] = butter(1, (2*filtCutOff*1.0)/(, btype='highpass'); acc_magFilt = filtfilt(b, a, data); #acc_magFilt = lfilter(b, a, lfilter(b,a,data)); acc_magFilt = [abs(x) for x in acc_magFilt] filtCutOff = 0.3; [b, a] = butter(1, (2*filtCutOff)*1.0/(, btype='lowpass'); filtered = filtfilt(b, a, acc_magFilt); #filtered = lfilter(b, a, lfilter(b,a,acc_magFilt)); stan = filtered < 0.05 return stan, filtered
def __amp_detect(self, x): ref = np.floor(self.min_ref_per* # HIGH-PASS FILTER OF THE DATA (b,a) = signal.ellip(2, 0.1, 40, [self.fmin_detect*2.0/,self.fmax_detect*2.0/], btype='bandpass', analog=0, output='ba') xf_detect = signal.filtfilt(b, a, x) (b,a) = signal.ellip(2, 0.1, 40, [self.fmin_sort*2.0/,self.fmax_sort*2.0/], btype='bandpass', analog=0, output='ba') xf = signal.filtfilt(b, a, x) noise_std_detect = scipy.median(np.abs(xf_detect))/0.6745; noise_std_sorted = scipy.median(np.abs(xf))/0.6745; thr = self.stdmin * noise_std_detect #thr for detection is based on detected settings. thrmax = self.stdmax * noise_std_sorted #thrmax for artifact removal is based on sorted settings. # LOCATE SPIKE TIMES nspk = 0; xaux = np.argwhere(xf_detect[self.w_pre+1:len(xf_detect)-self.w_post-1-1] > thr) + self.w_pre + 1 xaux = np.resize(xaux,len(xaux)) xaux0 = 0; index = [] for i in range(len(xaux)): if xaux[i] >= (xaux0 + ref): # after find a peak it begin search after ref over the last xaux iaux = xf[xaux[i]:xaux[i]+np.floor(ref/2.0)].argmax(0) # introduces alignment nspk = nspk + 1 index.append(iaux + xaux[i]) xaux0 = index[nspk-1]; # SPIKE STORING (with or without interpolation) ls = self.w_pre + self.w_post spikes = np.zeros([nspk,ls+4]) xf = np.concatenate((xf,np.zeros(self.w_post)),axis=0) for i in range(nspk): # Eliminates artifacts if np.max( np.abs( xf[index[i]-self.w_pre:index[i]+self.w_post] )) < thrmax : spikes[i,:] = xf[index[i]-self.w_pre-1:index[i]+self.w_post+3] aux = np.argwhere(spikes[:,self.w_pre] == 0) #erases indexes that were artifacts if len(aux) != 0: aux = aux.reshape((1,len(aux)))[0] spikes = np.delete(spikes, aux, axis = 0) index = np.delete(index,aux) if self.interpolation == 'y': # Does interpolation spikes = self.__int_spikes(spikes) return spikes, thr, index
def decimate(x, q=10, n=4, k=0.8, filterfun=ss.cheby1): """ scipy.signal.decimate like downsampling using filtfilt instead of lfilter, and filter coeffs from butterworth or chebyshev type 1. Parameters ---------- x : numpy.ndarray Array to be downsampled along last axis. q : int Downsampling factor. n : int Filter order. k : float Aliasing filter critical frequency Wn will be set as Wn=k/q. filterfun : function `scipy.signal.filter_design.cheby1` or `scipy.signal.filter_design.butter` function Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Array of downsampled signal. """ if not isinstance(q, int): raise TypeError("q must be an integer") if n is None: n = 1 if filterfun == ss.butter: b, a = filterfun(n, k / q) elif filterfun == ss.cheby1: b, a = filterfun(n, 0.05, k / q) else: raise Exception('only ss.butter or ss.cheby1 supported') try: y = ss.filtfilt(b, a, x) except: # Multidim array can only be processed at once for scipy >= 0.9.0 y = [] for data in x: y.append(ss.filtfilt(b, a, data)) y = np.array(y) try: return y[:, ::q] except: return y[::q]
def bandpass_filter(self, data, cutoffs, fs, order): low, high = cutoffs[0] / (fs / 2), cutoffs[1] / (fs / 2) b, a = butter(order, [low, high], btype='band', output='ba') y = filtfilt(b, a, data) return np.asarray(y, dtype=np.int16)
def bandpass_filter(sample, band, sample_rate, filter_order): nyq = sample_rate * 0.5 _band = [(f / nyq) for f in band] b, a = signal.butter(filter_order, _band, btype='band') return signal.filtfilt(b, a, sample)
def lowpass_filter(sample, cutoff, sample_rate, filter_order): nyq = sample_rate * 0.5 _cutoff = cutoff / nyq b, a = signal.butter(filter_order, _cutoff, btype='lowpass') y = signal.filtfilt(b, a, sample) return y
def filter_file(data_file_in, data_file_out, do_filtering, do_remove_median): try: cut_off = params.getfloat('filtering', 'cut_off') cut_off = [cut_off, 0.95 * (params.rate / 2.)] except Exception: cut_off = params.get('filtering', 'cut_off') cut_off = cut_off.split(',') try: cut_off[0] = float(cut_off[0]) except Exception: if comm.rank == 0: print_and_log( ['First value of cut off must be a valid number'], 'error', logger) sys.exit(1) cut_off[1] = cut_off[1].replace(' ', '') if cut_off[1] == 'auto': cut_off[1] = 0.95 * (params.rate / 2.) else: try: cut_off[1] = float(cut_off[1]) except Exception: if comm.rank == 0: print_and_log([ 'Second value of cut off must either auto, or a valid a number' ], 'error', logger) sys.exit(1) chunk_size = params.getint('data', 'chunk_size') nb_chunks, _ = data_file_in.analyze(chunk_size) b, a = signal.butter(3, np.array(cut_off) / (params.rate / 2.), 'pass') all_chunks = numpy.arange(nb_chunks, dtype=numpy.int64) to_process = all_chunks[comm.rank::comm.size] loc_nb_chunks = len(to_process) N_total = params.nb_channels if comm.rank == 0: if do_filtering: to_write = [ "Filtering the signal with a Butterworth filter in (%g, %g) Hz" % (cut_off[0], cut_off[1]) ] if do_remove_median: to_write += [ "Median over all channels is substracted to each channels" ] print_and_log(to_write, 'default', logger) pbar = get_progressbar(loc_nb_chunks) for count, gidx in enumerate(to_process): local_chunk, t_offset = data_file_in.get_data(gidx, chunk_size) if do_filtering: for i in nodes: local_chunk[:, i] = signal.filtfilt(b, a, local_chunk[:, i]) local_chunk[:, i] -= numpy.median(local_chunk[:, i]) if do_remove_median: if not numpy.all(nodes == numpy.arange(N_total)): global_median = numpy.median( numpy.take(local_chunk, nodes, axis=1), 1) else: global_median = numpy.median(local_chunk, 1) for i in nodes: local_chunk[:, i] -= global_median if data_file_in != data_file_out and data_file_in: if data_file_in.is_stream: t_offset -= data_file_in._times[ data_file_in._get_streams_index_by_time(t_offset)] else: t_offset -= data_file_in.t_start data_file_out.set_data(t_offset, local_chunk) if comm.rank == 0: pbar.update(count) if comm.rank == 0: pbar.finish() comm.Barrier()
### Read wav data to samples ### fs, wav_data_BCM = wav_data_BCM = wav_data_BCM/32767 #wav_data_BCM = wav_data_BCM[0:20000] fs, wav_data_REF = wav_data_REF = wav_data_REF/32767 #wav_data_REF = wav_data_REF[0:20000] ### Filters audio data ### low_cutoff = 60 high_cutoff = 6000 wn = [low_cutoff/(fs/2), high_cutoff/(fs/2)] b, a = dsp.butter(4, wn, 'band') wav_data_BCM = dsp.filtfilt(b,a,wav_data_BCM) ### Resamples audio to 12 kHz ### wav_data_BCM = dsp.resample(wav_data_BCM,int(wav_data_BCM.shape[0]/4)) #plt.plot(wav_data_12kHz) wav_data_BCM = utils.adjustSNR(wav_data_BCM,60) low_cutoff = 20 high_cutoff = 6000 wn = [low_cutoff/(fs/2), high_cutoff/(fs/2)] b, a = dsp.butter(4, wn, 'band') wav_data_REF = dsp.filtfilt(b,a,wav_data_REF) ### Resamples audio to 12 kHz ### wav_data_REF = dsp.resample(wav_data_REF,int(wav_data_REF.shape[0]/4)) #plt.plot(wav_data_12kHz) wav_data_REF = utils.adjustSNR(wav_data_REF,60)
sig = np.zeros(nsamps) n = (map(float, range(0, (nsamps)))) text_file = open("comb1.txt", "a") # Synthesize bandlimited impulse train limits = [24, 48] for limit in limits: for j in xrange(1, limit + 1): for i in xrange(1, int(j + 1)): harm = np.cos(map(lambda x: x * w0T * float(i), n)) sig = sig + harm print(i) sig = sig / np.max(sig) speech = signal.filtfilt([1], A, sig) # plt.plot(n[0:256], sig[0:256]) out = speech[4864:5121] #plt.plot(out[0:257]) out = np.add(out, abs(np.min(out))) out = np.multiply(out, 1 / (np.max(out))) out = np.multiply(out, -1) out = out + 1 out = np.multiply(out, 32767) plt.plot(out[0:257]) out = np.int0(out) # symmetric text_file.write('static const uint16_t ') text_file.write(name) text_file.write(str(limit)) text_file.write('Atk')
# - f['SUMMED_OUTPUT'].value['isyn_e'] # - f['SUMMED_OUTPUT'].value['isyn_i'] ] + [ f['SUMMED_OUTPUT'].value[name] for name in f['SUMMED_OUTPUT'].dtype.names ], [ # 'sum', # r'$i_\mathrm{pas}$', r'$i_\mathrm{cap}$', # r'$i_\mathrm{syn, E}$', r'$i_\mathrm{syn, I}$', # r'$i_\mathrm{syn, E}+i_\mathrm{syn, I}$', 'residual' ] + [name for name in f['SUMMED_OUTPUT'].dtype.names], [ # 'k', # 'r', 'b', 'c', 'm', 'g', 'y' ] + ['k'] + [colors[i] for i in range(PSET.populationParameters.size)]): ax.semilogx(ss.filtfilt(b, a, data, axis=-1)[:, tind:].var(axis=1), y, lw=2, label=label, color=color) f.close() ax.set_yticks(y) ax.set_yticklabels(yticklabels) ax.axis(ax.axis('tight')) ax.set_xlabel(r'variance (mV$^2$)') fig.savefig(os.path.join(PSET.OUTPUTPATH, 'example_parallel_network_variance.pdf'), bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(fig)
def butter_highpass_filter(data, cutoff, fs, order=5): b, a = butter_highpass(cutoff, fs, order=order) y = signal.filtfilt(b, a, data) return y
def process_file(audio_file): #Read in the file upload #FOR EXAMPLE: Folder: Bone Transducer, fileName = BoneTransducer_T02_2 #don't include .wav for obvious reasons fileName = 'brp_h_t06' sampFreq, snd = + '.wav') # PREPROCESSING DATA # ZERO-MEAN snd = (snd - snd.mean()) / snd.std() #snd = snd[50000:1450000] #used for dropouts # 60 HZ INTERFERENCE NOTCH FILTER f0 = 60.0 # Frequency to be removed from signal (Hz) Q = 40.0 # Quality factor w0 = f0 / (sampFreq / 2) # Normalized Frequency # Design notch filter b, a = signal.iirnotch(w0, Q) snd = signal.filtfilt(b, a, snd) # INITIALIZE fig = plt.figure() fig, ((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4)) = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=(15, 10)) file_len = len(snd) # PLOT AUDIO WAVEFORM timeArray = np.arange(0, len(snd), 1) timeArray = timeArray / sampFreq print("Length of file: " + str(len(snd) / sampFreq) + "s") #snd_norm = np.amax(snd) #ax1.plot(timeArray, snd/snd_norm, color='k') ax1.plot(timeArray, snd, color='k') ax1.set_title('Audio Waveform') ax1.set_xlabel('Time (s)') ax1.set_ylabel('Amplitude') # CALCULATE FFT dft = fft(snd[:490000]) # calculate fourier transform N = len(dft) # length of discrete fourier transform freqs = [i * sampFreq / N for i in range(N)] # convert from dft frequencies to Hz #dft_norm = np.amax(np.abs(dft)) #ax2.plot(freqs, np.abs(dft)/dft_norm, color='k') # change the indices to zoom in/out in frequency ax2.plot(freqs, np.abs(dft), color='k') # change the indices to zoom in/out in frequency ax2.set_title('Freq Analysis') ax2.set_xlabel('Frequencies (Hz)') ax2.set_ylabel('DFT Coefficients') ax2.set_xlim([0, 1000]) # CALCULATE SPECTROGRAM Pxx, freqs, bins, im = ax3.specgram(snd, NFFT=1024, Fs=sampFreq) ax3.set_title('Spectrogram') ax3.set_xlabel('Time') ax3.set_ylabel('Frequency') ax3.set_ylim([0, 1000]) # CALCULATE PSD (based on Welch) f, Pxx_den = signal.welch(snd[:file_len], sampFreq, nperseg=1024) #PLACE INDEX HERE #Pxx_den_norm = np.amax(Pxx_den) #ax4.plot(f, Pxx_den/Pxx_den_norm, color='k') ax4.plot(f, Pxx_den, color='k') ax4.set_title('PSD (Welch)') ax4.set_xlabel('Frequency [Hz]') ax4.set_ylabel('PSD [V^2/Hz]') ax4.set_xlim([0, 1000]) # POST-CALCULATION AESTHETIC plt.suptitle('Results for ' + fileName, fontsize=20) plt.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0.03, 1, 0.92]) figure_name = fileName + '.png' fig.savefig(figure_name, bbox_inches='tight') print("Saved!") return figure_name
def filter_signal(self, device_type="accelerometer", filter_type="bandpass", low_f=1, high_f=10, filter_order=1): """Filtering details: Arguments: -device_type: "accelerometer" or "ECG" -filter_type: filter type - "bandpass", "lowpass", or "highpass" -low_f: low-end cutoff frequency, required for lowpass and bandpass filters -high_f: high-end cutoff frequency, required for highpass and bandpass filters -filter_order: integet for filter order Adds columns to dataframe corresponding to each device. Filters all devices that are available. """ if device_type == "accelerometer": self.accel_filter_low_f = low_f self.accel_filter_low_h = high_f for data_type in ["hip"]: # DATA SET UP if data_type == "hip" and self.hip_fname is not None: data = np.array( [self.df_hip["X"], self.df_hip["Y"], self.df_hip["Z"]]) original_df = self.df_hip fs = self.hip_samplerate * .5 # FILTERING TYPES if filter_type == "lowpass": print("\nFiltering {} accelerometer data with {}Hz, " "order {} lowpass filter.".format( data_type, low_f, filter_order)) low = low_f / fs b, a = butter(N=filter_order, Wn=low, btype="lowpass") filtered_data = filtfilt(b, a, x=data) self.filter_details = { "Order": filter_order, "Type": filter_type, "F crit": [low_f] } if filter_type == "highpass": print("\nFiltering {} accelerometer data with {}Hz, " "order {} highpass filter.".format( data_type, high_f, filter_order)) high = high_f / fs b, a = butter(N=filter_order, Wn=high, btype="highpass") filtered_data = filtfilt(b, a, x=data) self.filter_details = { "Order": filter_order, "Type": filter_type, "F crit": [high_f] } if filter_type == "bandpass": print("\nFiltering {} accelerometer data with {}-{}Hz, " "order {} bandpass filter.".format( data_type, low_f, high_f, filter_order)) low = low_f / fs high = high_f / fs b, a = butter(N=filter_order, Wn=[low, high], btype="bandpass") filtered_data = filtfilt(b, a, x=data) self.filter_details = { "Order": filter_order, "Type": filter_type, "F crit": [low_f, high_f] } original_df["X_filt"] = filtered_data[0] original_df["Y_filt"] = filtered_data[1] original_df["Z_filt"] = filtered_data[2] print("\nFiltering complete.")
def __init__( self, inputfreq=40, system="NTSC", tape_format="VHS", dod_threshold_p=vhs_formats.DEFAULT_THRESHOLD_P_DDD, dod_threshold_a=None, dod_hysteresis=vhs_formats.DEFAULT_HYSTERESIS, track_phase=None, ): # First init the rf decoder normally. super(VHSRFDecode, self).__init__( inputfreq, system, decode_analog_audio=False, has_analog_audio=False ) self.dod_threshold_p = dod_threshold_p self.dod_threshold_a = dod_threshold_a self.dod_hysteresis = dod_hysteresis if track_phase is None: self.track_phase = 0 self.detect_track = True self.needs_detect = True elif track_phase == 0 or track_phase == 1: self.track_phase = track_phase self.detect_track = False self.needs_detect = False else: raise Exception("Track phase can only be 0, 1 or None") self.hsync_tolerance = 0.8 self.field_number = 0 self.last_raw_loc = None # Then we override the laserdisc parameters with VHS ones. if system == "PAL": # Give the decoder it's separate own full copy to be on the safe side. self.SysParams = copy.deepcopy(vhs_formats.SysParams_PAL_VHS) self.DecoderParams = copy.deepcopy(vhs_formats.RFParams_PAL_VHS) elif system == "NTSC": if tape_format == "UMATIC": self.SysParams = copy.deepcopy(vhs_formats.SysParams_NTSC_UMATIC) self.DecoderParams = copy.deepcopy(vhs_formats.RFParams_NTSC_UMATIC) else: self.SysParams = copy.deepcopy(vhs_formats.SysParams_NTSC_VHS) self.DecoderParams = copy.deepcopy(vhs_formats.RFParams_NTSC_VHS) else: raise Exception("Unknown video system! ", system) # Lastly we re-create the filters with the new parameters. self.computevideofilters() cc = self.DecoderParams["color_under_carrier"] / 1000000 DP = self.DecoderParams self.Filters["RFVideoRaw"] = lddu.filtfft( sps.butter( DP["video_bpf_order"], [ DP["video_bpf_low"] / self.freq_hz_half, DP["video_bpf_high"] / self.freq_hz_half, ], btype="bandpass", ), self.blocklen, ) self.Filters["EnvLowPass"] = sps.butter( 8, [1.0 / self.freq_half], btype="lowpass" ) # More advanced rf filter - only used for NTSC for now. if system == "NTSC": y_fm = sps.butter( DP["video_bpf_order"], [ DP["video_bpf_low"] / self.freq_hz_half, DP["video_bpf_high"] / self.freq_hz_half, ], btype="bandpass", ) y_fm = lddu.filtfft(y_fm, self.blocklen) y_fm_lowpass = lddu.filtfft( sps.butter( DP['video_lpf_extra_order'], [DP["video_lpf_extra"] / self.freq_hz_half], btype="lowpass" ), self.blocklen, ) y_fm_chroma_trap = lddu.filtfft( sps.butter( 1, [(cc * 0.9) / self.freq_half, (cc * 1.1) / self.freq_half], btype="bandstop", ), self.blocklen, ) y_fm_filter = ( y_fm * y_fm_lowpass * y_fm_chroma_trap * self.Filters["hilbert"] ) self.Filters["RFVideo"] = y_fm_filter else: y_fm_lowpass = lddu.filtfft( sps.butter( DP['video_lpf_extra_order'], [DP["video_lpf_extra"] / self.freq_hz_half], btype="lowpass" ), self.blocklen, ) y_fm_highpass = lddu.filtfft( sps.butter( DP['video_hpf_extra_order'], [DP["video_hpf_extra"] / self.freq_hz_half], btype="highpass" ), self.blocklen, ) self.Filters["RFVideo"] = self.Filters["RFVideo"] * y_fm_lowpass * y_fm_highpass # Video (luma) de-emphasis # Not sure about the math of this but, by using a high-shelf filter and then # swapping b and a we get a low-shelf filter that goes from 0 to -14 dB rather # than from 14 to 0 which the high shelf function gives. da, db = gen_high_shelf( DP["deemph_corner"] / 1.0e6, DP["deemph_gain"], 1 / 2, inputfreq ) w, h = sps.freqz(db, da) self.Filters["Fdeemp"] = lddu.filtfft((db, da), self.blocklen) self.Filters["FVideo"] = self.Filters["Fvideo_lpf"] * self.Filters["Fdeemp"] SF = self.Filters SF["FVideo05"] = SF["Fvideo_lpf"] * SF["Fdeemp"] * SF["F05"] # Filter to pick out color-under chroma component. # filter at about twice the carrier. (This seems to be similar to what VCRs do) chroma_lowpass = sps.butter( 4, [0.05 / self.freq_half, 1.4 / self.freq_half], btype="bandpass" ) # sps.butter(4, [1.2/self.freq_half], btype='lowpass') self.Filters["FVideoBurst"] = chroma_lowpass # The following filters are for post-TBC: # The output sample rate is at approx 4fsc fsc_mhz = self.SysParams["fsc_mhz"] out_sample_rate_mhz = fsc_mhz * 4 out_frequency_half = out_sample_rate_mhz / 2 het_freq = fsc_mhz + cc fieldlen = self.SysParams["outlinelen"] * max(self.SysParams["field_lines"]) # Final band-pass filter for chroma output. # Mostly to filter out the higher-frequency wave that results from signal mixing. # Needs tweaking. chroma_bandpass_final = sps.butter( 2, [ (fsc_mhz - 0.64) / out_frequency_half, (fsc_mhz + 0.24) / out_frequency_half, ], btype="bandpass", ) self.Filters["FChromaFinal"] = chroma_bandpass_final chroma_burst_check = sps.butter( 2, [ (fsc_mhz - 0.14) / out_frequency_half, (fsc_mhz + 0.04) / out_frequency_half, ], btype="bandpass", ) self.Filters["FChromaBurstCheck"] = chroma_burst_check # Bandpass filter to select heterodyne frequency from the mixed fsc and color carrier signal het_filter = sps.butter( 2, [ (het_freq - 0.001) / out_frequency_half, (het_freq + 0.001) / out_frequency_half, ], btype="bandpass", ) samples = np.arange(fieldlen) # As this is done on the tbced signal, we need the sampling frequency of that, # which is 4fsc for NTSC and approx. 4 fsc for PAL. # TODO: Correct frequency for pal? cc_wave_scale = cc / out_sample_rate_mhz self.cc_ratio = cc_wave_scale # 0 phase downconverted color under carrier wave self.cc_wave = np.sin(2 * np.pi * cc_wave_scale * samples) # +90 deg and so on phase wave for track2 phase rotation cc_wave_90 = np.sin((2 * np.pi * cc_wave_scale * samples) + (np.pi / 2)) # cc_wave_180 = np.sin((2 * np.pi * cc_wave_scale * samples) + np.pi) cc_wave_270 = np.sin( (2 * np.pi * cc_wave_scale * samples) + np.pi + (np.pi / 2) ) # Standard frequency color carrier wave. self.fsc_wave = utils.gen_wave_at_frequency( fsc_mhz, out_sample_rate_mhz, fieldlen ) self.fsc_cos_wave = utils.gen_wave_at_frequency( fsc_mhz, out_sample_rate_mhz, fieldlen, np.cos ) # Heterodyne wave # We combine the color carrier with a wave with a frequency of the # subcarrier + the downconverted chroma carrier to get the original # color wave back. self.chroma_heterodyne = {} self.chroma_heterodyne[0] = sps.filtfilt( het_filter[0], het_filter[1], self.cc_wave * self.fsc_wave ) self.chroma_heterodyne[1] = sps.filtfilt( het_filter[0], het_filter[1], cc_wave_90 * self.fsc_wave ) self.chroma_heterodyne[2] = sps.filtfilt( het_filter[0], het_filter[1], cc_wave_180 * self.fsc_wave ) self.chroma_heterodyne[3] = sps.filtfilt( het_filter[0], het_filter[1], cc_wave_270 * self.fsc_wave )
def filter_simple(data, filter_coeffs): fb, fa = filter_coeffs return sps.filtfilt(fb, fa, data, padlen=150)
def log_envelope(x, fs, filt_len=100): log_env = 10 * np.log10(10.**-4.5 + np.power(x.flatten()[:], 2.0)) w_n = np.hanning(filt_len) w_n /= w_n.sum() return sig.filtfilt(w_n, np.ones(1), log_env)
def butter_lowpass_filter(data,cutoff,fs,order): normal_cutoff = cutoff / nyq # Get the filter coefficients b, a = butter(order, normal_cutoff, btype='low', analog=False) y = filtfilt(b, a, data,axis=0) return y
import soundfile as sf from scipy import signal import numpy as np #read .wav file input_signal,fs ='../data/Sound_Noise.wav') #sampling frequency of input signal sampl_freq = fs #order of the filter order = 4 #cutoff freq 4kHz cutoff_freq = 4000 #digital frequency Wn = 2*cutoff_freq/sampl_freq #b and a are numerator and denominator polynomials respectively b,a = signal.butter(order,Wn,'low') print('a:',a) print('b:',b) #filter the input signal with butterworth filter output_signal = signal.filtfilt(b,a,input_signal) #write output signal into .wav file sf.write('../data/Sound_With_ReducedNoise.wav',output_signal,fs)
def lowpass(s, f, order=2, fs=100.0): b, a = signal.butter(order, f / (fs/2)) return signal.filtfilt(b, a, s)
def draw_lineplot(ax, data, dt=0.1, T=(0, 200), scaling_factor=1., vlimround=None, label='local', scalebar=True, scalebarpos=0, scalebarbasis='log2', unit='mV', ylabels=True, color='r', ztransform=True, filter=False, filterargs=dict(N=2, Wn=0.02, btype='lowpass')): ''' draw some nice lines''' tvec = np.arange(data.shape[1]) * dt try: tinds = (tvec >= T[0]) & (tvec <= T[1]) except TypeError: print(data.shape, T) raise Exception # apply temporal filter if filter: b, a = ss.butter(**filterargs) data = ss.filtfilt(b, a, data, axis=-1) # subtract mean in each channel if ztransform: dataT = data.T - data.mean(axis=1) data = dataT.T zvec = -np.arange(data.shape[0]) vlim = abs(data[:, tinds]).max() if vlimround is None: vlimround = 2.**np.round(np.log2(vlim)) / scaling_factor else: pass yticklabels = [] yticks = [] for i, z in enumerate(zvec): if i == 0: ax.plot(tvec[tinds], data[i][tinds] / vlimround + z, lw=1, rasterized=False, label=label, clip_on=False, color=color) else: ax.plot(tvec[tinds], data[i][tinds] / vlimround + z, lw=1, rasterized=False, clip_on=False, color=color) yticklabels.append('ch. %i' % (i + 1)) yticks.append(z) if scalebar: if scalebarbasis == 'log2': ax.plot([tvec[tinds][-1], tvec[tinds][-1]], [-1 - scalebarpos, -2 - scalebarpos], lw=2, color=color, clip_on=False) ax.text(tvec[tinds][-1] + np.diff(T) * 0.03, -1.5 - scalebarpos, '$2^{' + '{}'.format(int(np.log2(vlimround))) + '}$ ' + '{0}'.format(unit), color=color, rotation='vertical', va='center') elif scalebarbasis == 'log10': # recompute scale bar size to show it on scientific format vlimround10 = 10**np.round(np.log10(vlimround)) if vlimround10 >= 1: vlimround10 = int(np.round(vlimround10)) rescale = vlimround10 / vlimround ax.plot([tvec[tinds][-1], tvec[tinds][-1]], np.array([0.5, -0.5]) * rescale - 1.5 - scalebarpos, lw=2, color=color, clip_on=False) ax.text(tvec[tinds][-1] + np.diff(T) * 0.03, -1.5 - scalebarpos, '{0} '.format(vlimround10) + '{0}'.format(unit), color=color, rotation='vertical', va='center') ax.axis(ax.axis('tight')) ax.yaxis.set_ticks(yticks) if ylabels: ax.yaxis.set_ticklabels(yticklabels) ax.set_ylabel('channel', labelpad=0.1) else: ax.yaxis.set_ticklabels([]) remove_axis_junk(ax, lines=['right', 'top']) ax.set_xlabel(r'time (ms)', labelpad=0.1) return vlimround
def hp_flt_applied(smp_data, fs=2000000, passfreq=500, flt_order=3): b, a = butter_hp_flt(fs, passfreq, flt_order) w, h = signal.freqz(b, a, worN=int(fs / 2)) p_paras = [passfreq, flt_order, w, abs(h)] p_flt_data = signal.filtfilt(b, a, smp_data) return p_flt_data
import pytest import numpy as np from numpy.testing import assert_array_almost_equal from scipy.signal import filtfilt from pylops.utils import dottest from pylops.utils.wavelets import ricker from pylops.avo.prestack import PrestackLinearModelling, PrestackWaveletModelling # Create medium parameters for multiple contrasts nt0 = 201 dt0 = 0.004 t0 = np.arange(nt0)*dt0 vp = 1200 + np.arange(nt0) + filtfilt(np.ones(5)/5., 1, np.random.normal(0, 80, nt0)) vs = 600 + vp/2 + filtfilt(np.ones(5)/5., 1, np.random.normal(0, 20, nt0)) rho = 1000 + vp + filtfilt(np.ones(5)/5., 1, np.random.normal(0, 30, nt0)) m = np.stack((np.log(vp), np.log(vs), np.log(rho)), axis=1) # Angles ntheta = 7 thetamin, thetamax = 0, 40 theta = np.linspace(thetamin, thetamax, ntheta) # Wavelet ntwav = 41 wav, twav, wavc = ricker(t0[:ntwav // 2 + 1], 20) # Shifted wavelet wavoff = 10
def low_pass_fliter(noisy_signal): b, a = signal.butter(3, .9, btype='lowpass', analog=False) low_passed = signal.filtfilt(b, a, noisy_signal) return low_passed
def highpassfilter(self, data, cutoff, fs, order=5): b, a = self.butter_highpass(cutoff, fs, order=order) y = signal.filtfilt(b, a, data) return y
def glove_filter(self, order=4, highcut=2): nyq = 0.5 * self.sRate['glove'] high = highcut / nyq b, a = butter(N=order, Wn=high, btype='lowpass') self.glove = filtfilt(b=b, a=a, x=self.glove, axis=0)
def butter_lowpass_filtfilt(data, cutoff, fs, order=5): b, a = butter_lowpass(cutoff, fs, order=order) y = filtfilt(b, a, data) return y
def lowpass_filter(self, data, cutoff, fs, order): normal_cutoff = cutoff / (fs / 2) b, a = butter(order, normal_cutoff, btype='low', output='ba') y = filtfilt(b, a, data) return np.asarray(y, dtype=np.int16)
def get_VTC_from_file( subject, run, files_list, cpt_blocs=[2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], inout_bounds=[25, 75], filt_cutoff=0.05, filt_type="gaussian", ): """Short summary. Parameters ---------- subject : type Description of parameter `subject`. run : type Description of parameter `run`. files_list : type Description of parameter `files_list`. cpt_blocs : type Description of parameter `cpt_blocs`. inout_bounds : type Description of parameter `inout_bounds`. Returns ------- type Description of returned object. """ # Find the logfiles belonging to a subject subject_logfiles = [] for bloc in cpt_blocs: subject_logfiles.append( op.join(LOGS_DIR, find_logfile(subject, bloc, files_list))) # Load and clean RT arrays RT_arrays = [] RT_to_VTC = [] for idx_file, logfile in enumerate(subject_logfiles): data = loadmat(logfile) df_response = pd.DataFrame(data["response"]) # Replace commission errors by 0 df_clean, perf_dict = clean_comerr(df_response) RT_raw = np.asarray(df_clean.loc[:, 4]) RT_raw = np.array([x if x != 0 else np.nan for x in RT_raw]) # zeros to nans # RT_interpolated = interpolate_RT(RT_raw) RT_arrays.append(RT_raw) if int(cpt_blocs[idx_file]) == int(run): RT_to_VTC = RT_raw performance_dict = perf_dict.copy() df_response_out = df_response # Obtain meand and std across runs allruns_RT_array = np.concatenate(RT_arrays) subj_mean = np.nanmean(allruns_RT_array) subj_std = np.nanstd(allruns_RT_array) # New VTC VTC_raw = compute_VTC(RT_to_VTC, subj_mean, subj_std) # VTC_thresholded = threshold_VTC(VTC_raw, thresh=3) # Compute VTC remove variability values above threshold VTC_raw[np.isnan(VTC_raw)] = 0 VTC_interpolated = interpolate_RT(VTC_raw) if filt_type == "gaussian": filt = signal.gaussian(len(VTC_interpolated), fwhm2sigma(9)) VTC_filtered = np.convolve(VTC_interpolated, filt, "same") / sum(filt) elif filt_type == "butterworth": b, a = signal.butter(3, filt_cutoff) # (filt_order,filt_cutoff) VTC_filtered = signal.filtfilt(b, a, VTC_interpolated) IN_mask = VTC_filtered >= np.quantile(VTC_filtered, inout_bounds[0] / 100), VTC_filtered) OUT_mask = VTC_filtered < np.quantile(VTC_filtered, inout_bounds[1] / 100), VTC_filtered) IN_idx = np.where(IN_mask.mask == False)[0] OUT_idx = np.where(OUT_mask.mask == False)[0] return ( IN_idx, OUT_idx, VTC_raw, VTC_filtered, IN_mask, OUT_mask, performance_dict, df_response_out, RT_to_VTC, )
def performPrep(eeg, refChan, srate, linenoise, referenceType='robust'): dim = np.shape(eeg) if refChan != 0: eeg_chans = np.setdiff1d( range(0, dim[0]), refChan - 1) #remove the reference channel from the eeg channels eeg = eeg[eeg_chans, :] #finding bad channels #finding channels with NaNs or constant values for long periods of time org_dim = np.shape(eeg) originalChannels = np.arange(org_dim[0]) channelsInterpolate = originalChannels nanChannelMask = [False] * org_dim[0] noSignalChannelMask = [False] * org_dim[0] for i in range(0, org_dim[0]): nanChannelMask[i] = np.sum(np.isnan(eeg[i, :])) > 0 for i in range(0, org_dim[0]): noSignalChannelMask[i] = robust.mad(eeg[i, :]) < 10**(-10) or np.std( eeg[i, :]) < 10**(-10) badChannelsfromNans = channelsInterpolate[nanChannelMask] badChannelsfromNoData = channelsInterpolate[noSignalChannelMask] for i in range(0, org_dim[0]): if nanChannelMask[i] == True or noSignalChannelMask[i] == True: eeg = np.delete(eeg, i, axis=0) channelsInterpolate = np.setdiff1d( channelsInterpolate, np.union1d( badChannelsfromNans, badChannelsfromNoData)) #channels to be used for interpolation evaluationChannels = channelsInterpolate new_dim = np.shape(eeg) # find channels that have abnormally high or low amplitude robustchanneldeviation = np.zeros(org_dim[0]) badChannelFromDeviationMask = [False] * (new_dim[0]) channeldeviation = np.zeros(new_dim[0]) for i in range(0, new_dim[0]): channeldeviation[i] = 0.7413 * iqr(eeg[i, :]) channeldeviationSD = 0.7413 * iqr(channeldeviation) channeldeviationMedian = np.nanmedian(channeldeviation) robustchanneldeviation[evaluationChannels] = np.divide( np.subtract(channeldeviation, channeldeviationMedian), channeldeviationSD) for i in range(0, new_dim[0]): badChannelFromDeviationMask[i] = abs( robustchanneldeviation[i]) > 5 or np.isnan( robustchanneldeviation[i]) badChannelsfromDeviation = evaluationChannels[badChannelFromDeviationMask] #finding channels with high frequency noise if srate > 100: eeg = np.transpose(eeg) dim = np.shape(eeg) X = np.zeros((dim[0], dim[1])) B = filter_design(100, A=np.array([1, 1, 0, 0]), F=np.array([0, .36, 0.4, 1]), srate=250) for i in range(0, dim[1]): X[:, i] = signal.filtfilt(B, 1, eeg[:, i]) noisiness = np.divide(robust.mad(np.subtract(eeg, X)), robust.mad(X)) noisinessmedian = np.nanmedian(noisiness) noiseSD = np.median( np.absolute(np.subtract(noisiness, np.median(noisiness)))) * 1.4826 zscoreHFNoise = np.divide(np.subtract(noisiness, noisinessmedian), noiseSD) HFnoisemask = [False] * new_dim[0] for i in range(0, new_dim[0]): HFnoisemask[i] = zscoreHFNoise[i] > 5 or np.isnan(zscoreHFNoise[i]) else: X = eeg noisinessmedian = 0 noisinessSD = 1 zscoreHFNoise = np.zeros(dim[1], 1) badChannelsfromHFnoise = [] badChannelsfromHFnoise = evaluationChannels[HFnoisemask] #finding channels by correlation correlationSeconds = 1 # default value correlationFrames = correlationSeconds * srate correlationWindow = np.arange(correlationFrames) correlationOffsets = np.arange(1, dim[0] - correlationFrames, correlationFrames) Wcorrelation = len(correlationOffsets) maximumCorrelations = np.ones((org_dim[0], Wcorrelation)) drop_out = np.zeros((dim[1], Wcorrelation)) channelCorrelation = np.ones((Wcorrelation, dim[1])) noiselevels = np.zeros((Wcorrelation, dim[1])) channelDeviations = np.zeros((Wcorrelation, dim[1])) drop = np.zeros((Wcorrelation, dim[1])) n = len(correlationWindow) XWin = np.reshape(np.transpose(X[0:n * Wcorrelation, :]), (dim[1], n, Wcorrelation), order='F') dataWin = np.reshape(np.transpose(eeg[0:n * Wcorrelation, :]), (dim[1], n, Wcorrelation), order='F') for k in range(0, Wcorrelation): eegportion = np.transpose(np.squeeze(XWin[:, :, k])) dataportion = np.transpose(np.squeeze(dataWin[:, :, k])) windowCorrelation = np.corrcoef(np.transpose(eegportion)) abs_corr = np.abs( np.subtract(windowCorrelation, np.diag(np.diag(windowCorrelation)))) channelCorrelation[k, :] = np.quantile( abs_corr, 0.98, axis=0) # problem is here is solved noiselevels[k, :] = np.divide( robust.mad(np.subtract(dataportion, eegportion)), robust.mad(eegportion)) channelDeviations[k, :] = 0.7413 * iqr(dataportion, axis=0) for i in range(0, Wcorrelation): for j in range(0, dim[1]): drop[i, j] = np.isnan(channelCorrelation[i, j]) or np.isnan(noiselevels[i, j])) if drop[i, j] == 1: channelDeviations[i, j] = 0 noiselevels[i, j] = 0 maximumCorrelations[evaluationChannels, :] = np.transpose( channelCorrelation) drop_out[:] = np.transpose(drop) noiselevels_out = np.transpose(noiselevels) channelDeviations_out = np.transpose(channelDeviations) thresholdedCorrelations = maximumCorrelations < 0.4 thresholdedCorrelations = thresholdedCorrelations.astype(int) fractionBadCorrelationWindows = np.mean(thresholdedCorrelations, axis=1) fractionBadDropOutWindows = np.mean(drop_out, axis=1) badChannelsFromCorrelation = np.where(fractionBadCorrelationWindows > 0.01) badChannelsFromCorrelation_out = badChannelsFromCorrelation[:] badChannelsFromDropOuts = np.where(fractionBadDropOutWindows > 0.01) badChannelsFromDropOuts_out = badChannelsFromDropOuts[:] #medianMaxCorrelation = np.median(maximumCorrelations, 2); badChannelsfromSNR = np.union1d(badChannelsFromCorrelation_out, badChannelsfromHFnoise) noisyChannels = np.union1d( np.union1d( np.union1d( badChannelsfromDeviation, np.union1d(badChannelsFromCorrelation_out, badChannelsFromDropOuts_out)), badChannelsfromSNR), np.union1d(badChannelsfromNans, badChannelsfromNoData)) print(noisyChannels)
def butter_lowpass_filter(_data, cutoff, fs, order=5): _b, _a = butter_lowpass(cutoff, fs, order=order) _y = filtfilt(_b, _a, _data) return _y
def main(): xIMUdata = xIMU.xIMUdataClass(filePath, 'InertialMagneticSampleRate', 1 / samplePeriod) time = xIMUdata.CalInertialAndMagneticData.Time gyrX = xIMUdata.CalInertialAndMagneticData.gyroscope[:, 0] gyrY = xIMUdata.CalInertialAndMagneticData.gyroscope[:, 1] gyrZ = xIMUdata.CalInertialAndMagneticData.gyroscope[:, 2] accX = xIMUdata.CalInertialAndMagneticData.accelerometer[:, 0] accY = xIMUdata.CalInertialAndMagneticData.accelerometer[:, 1] accZ = xIMUdata.CalInertialAndMagneticData.accelerometer[:, 2] indexSel = np.all([time >= startTime, time <= stopTime], axis=0) time = time[indexSel] gyrX = gyrX[indexSel] gyrY = gyrY[indexSel] gyrZ = gyrZ[indexSel] accX = accX[indexSel] accY = accY[indexSel] accZ = accZ[indexSel] # Compute accelerometer magnitude acc_mag = np.sqrt(accX * accX + accY * accY + accZ * accZ) # HP filter accelerometer data filtCutOff = 0.001 b, a = signal.butter(1, (2 * filtCutOff) / (1 / samplePeriod), 'highpass') acc_magFilt = signal.filtfilt(b, a, acc_mag, padtype='odd', padlen=3 * (max(len(b), len(a)) - 1)) # Compute absolute value acc_magFilt = np.abs(acc_magFilt) # LP filter accelerometer data filtCutOff = 5 b, a = signal.butter(1, (2 * filtCutOff) / (1 / samplePeriod), 'lowpass') acc_magFilt = signal.filtfilt(b, a, acc_magFilt, padtype='odd', padlen=3 * (max(len(b), len(a)) - 1)) # Threshold detection stationary = acc_magFilt < 0.05 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2) ax1.plot(time, gyrX, c='r', linewidth=0.5) ax1.plot(time, gyrY, c='g', linewidth=0.5) ax1.plot(time, gyrZ, c='b', linewidth=0.5) ax1.set_title("gyroscope") ax1.set_xlabel("time (s)") ax1.set_ylabel("angular velocity (degrees/s)") ax1.legend(["x", "y", "z"]) ax2.plot(time, accX, c='r', linewidth=0.5) ax2.plot(time, accY, c='g', linewidth=0.5) ax2.plot(time, accZ, c='b', linewidth=0.5) ax2.plot(time, acc_magFilt, c='k', linestyle=":", linewidth=1) ax2.plot(time, stationary, c='k') ax2.set_title("accelerometer") ax2.set_xlabel("time (s)") ax2.set_ylabel("acceleration (g)") ax2.legend(["x", "y", "z"]) # Compute orientation quat = np.zeros((time.size, 4), dtype=np.float64) # initial convergence initPeriod = 2 indexSel = time <= time[0] + initPeriod gyr = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float64) acc = np.array([ np.mean(accX[indexSel]), np.mean(accY[indexSel]), np.mean(accZ[indexSel]) ]) mahony = ahrs.filters.Mahony(Kp=1, Ki=0, KpInit=1, frequency=1 / samplePeriod) q = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], dtype=np.float64) for i in range(0, 2000): q = mahony.updateIMU(q, gyr=gyr, acc=acc) # For all data for t in range(0, time.size): if (stationary[t]): mahony.Kp = 0.5 else: mahony.Kp = 0 gyr = np.array([gyrX[t], gyrY[t], gyrZ[t]]) * np.pi / 180 acc = np.array([accX[t], accY[t], accZ[t]]) quat[t, :] = mahony.updateIMU(q, gyr=gyr, acc=acc) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Compute translational accelerations # Rotate body accelerations to Earth frame acc = [] for x, y, z, q in zip(accX, accY, accZ, quat): acc.append(q_rot(np.array([x, y, z]), q_conj(q))) acc = np.array(acc) acc = acc - np.array([0, 0, 1]) acc = acc * 9.81 # Compute translational velocities # acc[:,2] = acc[:,2] - 9.81 # acc_offset = np.zeros(3) vel = np.zeros(acc.shape) for t in range(1, vel.shape[0]): vel[t, :] = vel[t - 1, :] + acc[t, :] * samplePeriod if stationary[t] == True: vel[t, :] = np.zeros(3) # Compute integral drift during non-stationary periods velDrift = np.zeros(vel.shape) stationaryStart = np.where(np.diff(stationary.astype(int)) == -1)[0] + 1 stationaryEnd = np.where(np.diff(stationary.astype(int)) == 1)[0] + 1 for i in range(0, stationaryEnd.shape[0]): driftRate = vel[stationaryEnd[i] - 1, :] / (stationaryEnd[i] - stationaryStart[i]) enum = np.arange(0, stationaryEnd[i] - stationaryStart[i]) drift = np.array( [enum * driftRate[0], enum * driftRate[1], enum * driftRate[2]]).T velDrift[stationaryStart[i]:stationaryEnd[i], :] = drift # Remove integral drift vel = vel - velDrift fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) plt.plot(time, vel[:, 0], c='r', linewidth=0.5) plt.plot(time, vel[:, 1], c='g', linewidth=0.5) plt.plot(time, vel[:, 2], c='b', linewidth=0.5) plt.legend(["x", "y", "z"]) plt.title("velocity") plt.xlabel("time (s)") plt.ylabel("velocity (m/s)") # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Compute translational position pos = np.zeros(vel.shape) for t in range(1, pos.shape[0]): pos[t, :] = pos[t - 1, :] + vel[t, :] * samplePeriod fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) plt.plot(time, pos[:, 0], c='r', linewidth=0.5) plt.plot(time, pos[:, 1], c='g', linewidth=0.5) plt.plot(time, pos[:, 2], c='b', linewidth=0.5) plt.legend(["x", "y", "z"]) plt.title("position") plt.xlabel("time (s)") plt.ylabel("position (m)") # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Plot 3D foot trajectory posPlot = pos quatPlot = quat extraTime = 20 onesVector = np.ones(int(extraTime * (1 / samplePeriod))) # Create 6 DOF animation fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 7)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') # Axe3D object ax.plot(posPlot[:, 0], posPlot[:, 1], posPlot[:, 2]) min_, max_ = np.min(np.min(posPlot, axis=0)), np.max(np.max(posPlot, axis=0)) ax.set_xlim(min_, max_) ax.set_ylim(min_, max_) ax.set_zlim(min_, max_) ax.set_title("trajectory") ax.set_xlabel("x position (m)") ax.set_ylabel("y position (m)") ax.set_zlabel("z position (m)")
def _butter_bandpass_filter(self, signal, rate, low, hi, order=6): """butterwoth bandpass filter""" b, a = self._butter_bandpass(low, hi, rate, order=order) y = filtfilt(b, a, signal) return y
def filter(dat, fc, del_t): b, a = signal.butter(5, fc, 'low', analog=False, fs=1/del_t) xd = signal.filtfilt(b, a, dat) return xd