コード例 #1
def test_sg_coeffs_exact():
    polyorder = 4
    window_length = 9
    halflen = window_length // 2

    x = np.linspace(0, 21, 43)
    delta = x[1] - x[0]

    # The data is a cubic polynomial.  We'll use an order 4
    # SG filter, so the filtered values should equal the input data
    # (except within half window_length of the edges).
    y = 0.5 * x**3 - x
    h = savgol_coeffs(window_length, polyorder)
    y0 = convolve1d(y, h)
    assert_allclose(y0[halflen:-halflen], y[halflen:-halflen])

    # Check the same input, but use deriv=1.  dy is the exact result.
    dy = 1.5 * x**2 - 1
    h = savgol_coeffs(window_length, polyorder, deriv=1, delta=delta)
    y1 = convolve1d(y, h)
    assert_allclose(y1[halflen:-halflen], dy[halflen:-halflen])

    # Check the same input, but use deriv=2. d2y is the exact result.
    d2y = 3.0 * x
    h = savgol_coeffs(window_length, polyorder, deriv=2, delta=delta)
    y2 = convolve1d(y, h)
    assert_allclose(y2[halflen:-halflen], d2y[halflen:-halflen])
コード例 #2
def test_sg_coeffs_exact():
    polyorder = 4
    window_length = 9
    halflen = window_length // 2

    x = np.linspace(0, 21, 43)
    delta = x[1] - x[0]

    # The data is a cubic polynomial.  We'll use an order 4
    # SG filter, so the filtered values should equal the input data
    # (except within half window_length of the edges).
    y = 0.5 * x ** 3 - x
    h = savgol_coeffs(window_length, polyorder)
    y0 = convolve1d(y, h)
    assert_allclose(y0[halflen:-halflen], y[halflen:-halflen])

    # Check the same input, but use deriv=1.  dy is the exact result.
    dy = 1.5 * x ** 2 - 1
    h = savgol_coeffs(window_length, polyorder, deriv=1, delta=delta)
    y1 = convolve1d(y, h)
    assert_allclose(y1[halflen:-halflen], dy[halflen:-halflen])

    # Check the same input, but use deriv=2. d2y is the exact result.
    d2y = 3.0 * x
    h = savgol_coeffs(window_length, polyorder, deriv=2, delta=delta)
    y2 = convolve1d(y, h)
    assert_allclose(y2[halflen:-halflen], d2y[halflen:-halflen])
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_savitzky_golay.py プロジェクト: sthagen/scipy
def test_sg_coeffs_large():
    # Test that for large values of window_length and polyorder the array of
    # coefficients returned is symmetric. The aim is to ensure that
    # no potential numeric overflow occurs.
    coeffs0 = savgol_coeffs(31, 9)
    assert_array_almost_equal(coeffs0, coeffs0[::-1])
    coeffs1 = savgol_coeffs(31, 9, deriv=1)
    assert_array_almost_equal(coeffs1, -coeffs1[::-1])
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_savitzky_golay.py プロジェクト: BranYang/scipy
def test_sg_coeffs_large():
    # Test that for large values of window_length and polyorder the array of
    # coefficients returned is symmetric. The aim is to ensure that
    # no potential numeric overflow occurs.
    coeffs0 = savgol_coeffs(31, 9)
    assert_array_almost_equal(coeffs0, coeffs0[::-1])
    coeffs1 = savgol_coeffs(31, 9, deriv=1)
    assert_array_almost_equal(coeffs1, -coeffs1[::-1])
コード例 #5
def test_sg_coeffs_deriv_gt_polyorder():
    If deriv > polyorder, the coefficients should be all 0.
    This is a regression test for a bug where, e.g.,
        savgol_coeffs(5, polyorder=1, deriv=2)
    raised an error.
    coeffs = savgol_coeffs(5, polyorder=1, deriv=2)
    assert_array_equal(coeffs, np.zeros(5))
    coeffs = savgol_coeffs(7, polyorder=4, deriv=6)
    assert_array_equal(coeffs, np.zeros(7))
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_savitzky_golay.py プロジェクト: sthagen/scipy
def test_sg_coeffs_deriv_gt_polyorder():
    If deriv > polyorder, the coefficients should be all 0.
    This is a regression test for a bug where, e.g.,
        savgol_coeffs(5, polyorder=1, deriv=2)
    raised an error.
    coeffs = savgol_coeffs(5, polyorder=1, deriv=2)
    assert_array_equal(coeffs, np.zeros(5))
    coeffs = savgol_coeffs(7, polyorder=4, deriv=6)
    assert_array_equal(coeffs, np.zeros(7))
コード例 #7
def test_sg_coeffs_deriv():
    # The data in `x` is a sampled parabola, so using savgol_coeffs with an
    # order 2 or higher polynomial should give exact results.
    i = np.array([-2.0, 0.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0])
    x = i ** 2 / 4
    dx = i / 2
    d2x = 0.5 * np.ones_like(i)
    for pos in range(x.size):
        coeffs0 = savgol_coeffs(5, 3, pos=pos, delta=2.0, use='dot')
        assert_allclose(coeffs0.dot(x), x[pos], atol=1e-10)
        coeffs1 = savgol_coeffs(5, 3, pos=pos, delta=2.0, use='dot', deriv=1)
        assert_allclose(coeffs1.dot(x), dx[pos], atol=1e-10)
        coeffs2 = savgol_coeffs(5, 3, pos=pos, delta=2.0, use='dot', deriv=2)
        assert_allclose(coeffs2.dot(x), d2x[pos], atol=1e-10)
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_savitzky_golay.py プロジェクト: sthagen/scipy
def test_sg_coeffs_deriv():
    # The data in `x` is a sampled parabola, so using savgol_coeffs with an
    # order 2 or higher polynomial should give exact results.
    i = np.array([-2.0, 0.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0])
    x = i**2 / 4
    dx = i / 2
    d2x = np.full_like(i, 0.5)
    for pos in range(x.size):
        coeffs0 = savgol_coeffs(5, 3, pos=pos, delta=2.0, use='dot')
        assert_allclose(coeffs0.dot(x), x[pos], atol=1e-10)
        coeffs1 = savgol_coeffs(5, 3, pos=pos, delta=2.0, use='dot', deriv=1)
        assert_allclose(coeffs1.dot(x), dx[pos], atol=1e-10)
        coeffs2 = savgol_coeffs(5, 3, pos=pos, delta=2.0, use='dot', deriv=2)
        assert_allclose(coeffs2.dot(x), d2x[pos], atol=1e-10)
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_savitzky_golay.py プロジェクト: sthagen/scipy
def test_sg_coeffs_trivial():
    # Test a trivial case of savgol_coeffs: polyorder = window_length - 1
    h = savgol_coeffs(1, 0)
    assert_allclose(h, [1])

    h = savgol_coeffs(3, 2)
    assert_allclose(h, [0, 1, 0], atol=1e-10)

    h = savgol_coeffs(5, 4)
    assert_allclose(h, [0, 0, 1, 0, 0], atol=1e-10)

    h = savgol_coeffs(5, 4, pos=1)
    assert_allclose(h, [0, 0, 0, 1, 0], atol=1e-10)

    h = savgol_coeffs(5, 4, pos=1, use='dot')
    assert_allclose(h, [0, 1, 0, 0, 0], atol=1e-10)
コード例 #10
def sgolay(order: int, flamelen: int) -> Tuple:
    order : int
        The order of the polynomial used to fit the samples. polyorder must be 
        less than flamelen.
    flamelen : int
        The length of the filter window (i.e. the number of coefficients). 
        framelen must be an odd positive integer.

    system :a tuple of array_like describing the system.
            The following gives the number of elements in the tuple and
            the interpretation:
                * (num, den)

    num = signal.savgol_coeffs(flamelen, order)
    den = 1

    return num, den
コード例 #11
def savgol(T, ord=3, Fs=1.0, smoothing=True):
    """Return a Savitzky-Golay FIR filter for smoothing or residuals.

    T : float
        Window length (in seconds if sampling rate is given).
    ord : int
        Order of local polynomial.
    Fs : float
        Sampling rate
    smoothing : bool
        Filter coefficients yield local polynomial fits by default.
        Alternatively, the local polynomial can be subtracted from
        the signal if smoothing==False

    b : array
        FIR filter
    a : constant (1)
        denominator of filter polynomial

    N = int(T * Fs)
    N += 1 - N % 2
    b = signal.savgol_coeffs(N, ord)
    if not smoothing:
        b *= -1
        # midpoint add one?
        b[N // 2] += 1
        #b[0] += 1
    return b, 1
コード例 #12
def test_sg_coeffs_trivial():
    # Test a trivial case of savgol_coeffs: polyorder = window_length - 1
    h = savgol_coeffs(1, 0)
    assert_allclose(h, [1])

    h = savgol_coeffs(3, 2)
    assert_allclose(h, [0, 1, 0], atol=1e-10)

    h = savgol_coeffs(5, 4)
    assert_allclose(h, [0, 0, 1, 0, 0], atol=1e-10)

    h = savgol_coeffs(5, 4, pos=1)
    assert_allclose(h, [0, 0, 0, 1, 0], atol=1e-10)

    h = savgol_coeffs(5, 4, pos=1, use='dot')
    assert_allclose(h, [0, 1, 0, 0, 0], atol=1e-10)
コード例 #13
def savitzky_golay_filter(data, window, polyorder, pos_back=1, order=0, axis=-1, mode='nearest'):
	Výpočet Savitzky-Golay filtru - aproximace klouzavého okna (hodnoty uvnitř)
									pomocí konvoluce s polynomem

	Input: data      .. vektor dat (np.array() "1D")
			window    .. časový úsek, na kterém je počítán SG filtr " (int)
			polyorder .. řád polynomu, který je využit při vyhlazování dat v okně
			pos_back  .. je pozice od konce okna, ve níž probíhá aproximace,
						posunem pozice ze středu okna přicházíme o robustnost

	Output: output .. data vyhlazená pomocí S-G filtru (np.array() "1D")
	if pos_back > window:
		raise ValueError("pozice není uvnitř okna")

	# okraje mám default pomocí nearest => nakopíruje krajní body
	if mode not in ["mirror", "nearest", "wrap"]:
		raise ValueError("mode must be 'mirror', 'nearest' or 'wrap'")

	data = np.asarray(data)
	# Nastavili jsem, aby se koeficienty počítaly v posledním bodě -> pos = window_lenght-1
	coeffs = savgol_coeffs(window, polyorder, pos=window - pos_back, deriv=order)
	# dále používám stejnou konvoluci jako je v originále
	output = convolve1d(data, coeffs, axis=axis, mode=mode, cval=0.0)

	return output
コード例 #14
ファイル: features.py プロジェクト: jensheit/padertorch
 def __init__(self, width=5, order=1):
     self.width = width
     self.order = order
     kernel = savgol_coeffs(width, order, deriv=order, delta=1.0).astype(np.float32)
     self.kernel = nn.Parameter(
         torch.from_numpy((-1)**(order % 2)*kernel), requires_grad=False
コード例 #15
ファイル: smoothing.py プロジェクト: tetedange13/cnvkit
def savgol(x,
    """Savitzky-Golay smoothing.

    Fitted polynomial order is typically much less than half the window width.

    `total_width` overrides `n_iter`.
    if len(x) < 2:
        return x

    # If the effective (total) window width is not specified explicitly, compute it.
    if total_width is None:
        total_width = n_iter * window_width

    # Pad the signal.
    if weights is None:
        x, total_wing, signal = check_inputs(x, total_width, False)
        x, total_wing, signal, weights = check_inputs(x, total_width, False,

    # If the signal is short, the effective window length originally requested may not be possible. Because of this, we
    # recalculate it given the actual wing length obtained.
    total_width = 2 * total_wing + 1

    # In case the signal is *very* short, the smoothing parameters will have to be adjusted as well.
    window_width = min(window_width, total_width)
    order = min(order, window_width // 2)

    # Given the adjusted window widths (one-iteration and total), calculate the number of iterations we can do.
    n_iter = max(1, min(1000, total_width // window_width))

    # Apply signal smoothing.
        'Smoothing in {} iterations with window width {} and order {} for effective bandwidth {}'
        .format(n_iter, window_width, order, total_width))
    if weights is None:
        y = signal
        for _i in range(n_iter):
            y = savgol_filter(y, window_width, order, mode='interp')
        # y = convolve_unweighted(window, signal, wing)
        # TODO fit edges here, too
        window = savgol_coeffs(window_width, order)
        y, w = convolve_weighted(window, signal, weights, n_iter)
    # Safety
    bad_idx = (y > x.max()) | (y < x.min())
    if bad_idx.any():
        logging.warning("Smoothing overshot at {} / {} indices: "
                        "({}, {}) vs. original ({}, {})".format(
                            bad_idx.sum(), len(bad_idx), y.min(), y.max(),
                            x.min(), x.max()))
    return y[total_wing:-total_wing]
コード例 #16
ファイル: dv.py プロジェクト: cZahn/skultrafast
def apply_sg_scan(y, window_size, order, deriv=0):
    out = np.zeros_like(y)
    c = sig.savgol_coeffs(window_size, order, deriv=0)
#    for s in range(y.shape[-1]):
#        for i in range(y.shape[1]):
#            print c.shape
    out = nd.convolve1d(y, c, 0, mode='nearest')
     #out, s] = c.dot(y[:, i, 1, s])
    return out
コード例 #17
ファイル: dv.py プロジェクト: Tillsten/skultrafast
def apply_sg_scan(y, window_size, order, deriv=0):
    out = np.zeros_like(y)
    c = sig.savgol_coeffs(window_size, order, deriv=0)
#    for s in range(y.shape[-1]):
#        for i in range(y.shape[1]):
#            print c.shape
    out = nd.convolve1d(y, c, 0, mode='nearest')
     #out, s] = c.dot(y[:, i, 1, s])
    return out
コード例 #18
ファイル: test_savitzky_golay.py プロジェクト: AnAnteup/icp4
def compare_coeffs_to_alt(window_length, order):
    # For the given window_length and order, compare the results
    # of savgol_coeffs and alt_sg_coeffs for pos from 0 to window_length - 1.
    # Also include pos=None.
    for pos in [None] + list(range(window_length)):
        h1 = savgol_coeffs(window_length, order, pos=pos, use='dot')
        h2 = alt_sg_coeffs(window_length, order, pos=pos)
        assert_allclose(h1, h2, atol=1e-10,
                        err_msg=("window_length = %d, order = %d, pos = %s" %
                                 (window_length, order, pos)))
コード例 #19
def compare_coeffs_to_alt(window_length, order):
    # For the given window_length and order, compare the results
    # of savgol_coeffs and alt_sg_coeffs for pos from 0 to window_length - 1.
    # Also include pos=None.
    for pos in [None] + list(range(window_length)):
        h1 = savgol_coeffs(window_length, order, pos=pos, use='dot')
        h2 = alt_sg_coeffs(window_length, order, pos=pos)
        assert_allclose(h1, h2, atol=1e-10,
                        err_msg=("window_length = %d, order = %d, pos = %s" %
                                 (window_length, order, pos)))
コード例 #20
def errorWeightedSmoothing(myData, myError, myWidth, myOrder):
    myWeights = savgol_coeffs(myWidth, myOrder, 0)

    mySignal = convolve(myData / myError**2, myWeights, mode='same')

    mySignal = mySignal / convolve(1.0 / myError**2, myWeights, mode='same')

    myErrors = (1.0 / convolve(1.0 / myError**2, myWeights,
                               mode='same'))**0.5 / sum(myWeights)**0.5

    return mySignal, myErrors
コード例 #21
ファイル: velocity.py プロジェクト: sarmadm/PyFixation
	def __init__(self, resolutionX, resolutionY, screenWidth, screenHeight, samplerate, window, threshold):
		self.resolutionX = resolutionX
		self.resolutionY = resolutionY
		self.centerx = self.resolutionX / 2.0
		self.centery = self.resolutionY / 2.0
		self.screenWidth = screenWidth
		self.screenHeight = screenHeight
		self.threshold = threshold
		self.nFixations = 0
		self.fixating = False
		self.samplerate = samplerate
		self.order = 2
		self.window = window
		self.halfwindow = int(self.window/2)
		self.coeff = [savgol_coeffs(self.window, self.order, 0), savgol_coeffs(self.window, self.order, 1), savgol_coeffs(self.window, self.order, 2)]
		self.time = np.zeros(self.window, dtype = float)
		self.winax = np.zeros(self.window, dtype = float)
		self.winay = np.zeros(self.window, dtype = float)
		self.winx = np.zeros(self.window, dtype = float)
		self.winy = np.zeros(self.window, dtype = float)
コード例 #22
	def __init__(self, resolutionX, resolutionY, screenWidth, screenHeight, samplerate, window, threshold):
		self.resolutionX = resolutionX
		self.resolutionY = resolutionY
		self.centerx = self.resolutionX / 2.0
		self.centery = self.resolutionY / 2.0
		self.screenWidth = screenWidth
		self.screenHeight = screenHeight
		self.threshold = threshold
		self.nFixations = 0
		self.nSamples = 0
		self.fixating = False
		self.samplerate = samplerate
		self.order = 2
		self.window = window
		self.halfwindow = int(self.window/2)
		self.coeff = [savgol_coeffs(self.window, self.order, 0), savgol_coeffs(self.window, self.order, 1), savgol_coeffs(self.window, self.order, 2)]
		self.time = np.zeros(self.window, dtype = float)
		self.winax = np.zeros(self.window, dtype = float)
		self.winay = np.zeros(self.window, dtype = float)
		self.winx = np.zeros(self.window, dtype = float)
		self.winy = np.zeros(self.window, dtype = float)
コード例 #23
 def __call__(self, lst):
     "filter a list. the last having the more weight"
     l = len(lst)
     if l % 2 == 0:
         lst = numpy.array(lst[1:])
         l -= 1
         lst = numpy.array(lst)
     if len(lst) < self.order:
         return lst[-1]
     if l not in self.cache:
         self.cache[l] = savgol_coeffs(l, self.order, pos=0)
     return numpy.dot(lst, self.cache[l])
コード例 #24
    def __init__(self):
        # parameters in the direct extraction
        self.skypars = {'width': 10, 'order': 2}
        self.coeffs = signal.savgol_coeffs(33, 4, deriv=0, delta=1.0)

        self.fluxscale = 1e-17  # just a number to avoid rounding errors

        # set up the models to fit
        self.models = {}
        self.models['source'] = Model(np.array([0, 0, 0.7]), 'gaussian')
        self.models['sky'] = Model(np.zeros(self.skypars['order'] + 1),
コード例 #25
ファイル: prep.py プロジェクト: tmpereira/SPC
def golay(data, diff, order, win):
    import numpy as np
    from scipy.signal import savgol_coeffs
    from scipy.sparse import spdiags
    import numpy.matlib
    n = int((win - 1) / 2)
    sgcoeff = savgol_coeffs(win, order, deriv=diff)[:, None]
    sgcoeff = np.matlib.repmat(sgcoeff, 1, data['r'].shape[1])
    diags = np.arange(-n, n + 1)
    D = spdiags(sgcoeff, diags, data['r'].shape[1],
    D[:, 0:n] = 0
    D[:, data['r'].shape[1] - 5:data['r'].shape[1]] = 0
    data['r'] = np.dot(data['r'], D)
    return data
コード例 #26
def savgol(x,
    """Savitzky-Golay smoothing.

    Fitted polynomial order is typically much less than half the window width.

    `total_width` overrides `n_iter`.
    if len(x) < 2:
        return x

    if total_width:
        n_iter = max(1, min(1000, total_width // window_width))
        total_width = n_iter * window_width
    logging.debug("Smoothing in %d iterations for effective bandwidth %d",
                  n_iter, total_width)

    # Apply signal smoothing
    if weights is None:
        x, total_wing, signal = check_inputs(x, total_width, False)
        y = signal
        for _i in range(n_iter):
            y = savgol_filter(y, window_width, order, mode='interp')
        # y = convolve_unweighted(window, signal, wing)
        # TODO fit edges here, too
        x, total_wing, signal, weights = check_inputs(x, total_width, False,
        window = savgol_coeffs(window_width, order)
        y, w = convolve_weighted(window, signal, weights, n_iter)
    # Safety
    bad_idx = (y > x.max()) | (y < x.min())
    if bad_idx.any():
        logging.warning("Smoothing overshot at {} / {} indices: "
                        "({}, {}) vs. original ({}, {})".format(
                            bad_idx.sum(), len(bad_idx), y.min(), y.max(),
                            x.min(), x.max()))
    return y[total_wing:-total_wing]
コード例 #27
def savgol(x, width=None, weights=None, order=None):
    """Savitzky-Golay smoothing."""
    if len(x) < 2:
        return x
    if width is None:
        width = guess_window_size(x, weights)
    x, wing, signal = check_inputs(x, width, False)
    # Fitted polynomial order is typically much less than half width
    if order is None:
        order = int(round(np.log2(2 * wing + 1)))
    # Apply signal smoothing
    window = savgol_coeffs(2 * wing + 1, order)
    if weights is None:
        y = savgol_filter(x, 2 * wing + 1, order, mode='interp')
        # y = convolve_unweighted(window, signal, wing)
        # TODO fit edges here, too
        y, _w = convolve_weighted(window, signal, weights)
    return y
コード例 #28
ファイル: smoothing.py プロジェクト: etal/cnvkit
def savgol(x, total_width=None, weights=None,
           window_width=5, order=3, n_iter=1):
    """Savitzky-Golay smoothing.

    Fitted polynomial order is typically much less than half the window width.

    `total_width` overrides `n_iter`.
    if len(x) < 2:
        return x

    if total_width:
        n_iter = max(1, min(1000, total_width // window_width))
        total_width = n_iter * window_width
    logging.debug("Smoothing in %d iterations for effective bandwidth %d",
                  n_iter, total_width)

    # Apply signal smoothing
    if weights is None:
        x, total_wing, signal = check_inputs(x, total_width, False)
        y = signal
        for _i in range(n_iter):
            y = savgol_filter(y, window_width, order, mode='interp')
        # y = convolve_unweighted(window, signal, wing)
        # TODO fit edges here, too
        x, total_wing, signal, weights = check_inputs(x, total_width, False, weights)
        window = savgol_coeffs(window_width, order)
        y, w = convolve_weighted(window, signal, weights, n_iter)
    # Safety
    bad_idx = (y > x.max()) | (y < x.min())
    if bad_idx.any():
        logging.warning("Smoothing overshot at {} / {} indices: "
                        "({}, {}) vs. original ({}, {})"
                        .format(bad_idx.sum(), len(bad_idx),
                                y.min(), y.max(),
                                x.min(), x.max()))
    return y[total_wing:-total_wing]
コード例 #29
def noise_cube(data,

    Makes an empirical estimate of the noise in a cube assuming that
    it is normally distributed about zero. Treats the spatial and
    spectral dimensions as separable.
    data : np.array
        Array of data (floats)
    mask : np.bool

        Boolean array with False indicating where data can be 
        used in the noise estimate. (i.e., True is signal)
    do_map : np.bool
        Estimate spatial variations in the noise. Default is True. If
        set to False, all locations in a plane have the same noise

    do_spec : np.bool
        Estimate spectral variations in the noise. Default is True. If
        set to False, all channels in a spectrum have the same noise

    box : int

        Spatial size of the box over which noise is calculated in
        pixels.  Default: no box, every pixel gets its own noise
    spec_box : int

        Spectral size of the box overwhich the noise is calculated.
        Default: no box, each channel gets its own noise estimate.
    nThresh : int
        Minimum number of data to be used in an individual noise estimate.
    iterations : int
        Number of times to iterate the noise solution to force Gaussian 
        statistics.  Default: no iterations.
    bandpass_smooth_window : int
        Number of channels used in bandpass smoothing kernel.  Defaults to 
        nChan / 4 where nChan number of channels.  Set to zero to suppress 
        smoothing. Uses Savitzky-Golay smoothing
    bandpass_smooth_order : int
        Polynomial order used in smoothing kernel.  Defaults to 3.

    # TBD: add error checking

    # Create a mask that identifies voxels to be fitting the noise

    noisemask = np.isfinite(data)
    if mask is not None:
        noisemask[mask] = False

    # Default the spatial step size to individual pixels

    step = 1
    halfbox = step // 2

    # If the user has supplied a spatial box size, recast this into a
    # step size that critically samples the box and a halfbox size
    # used for convenience.

    if box is not None:
        step = np.floor(box / 2.5).astype(np.int)
        halfbox = int(box // 2)

    # Include all pixels adjacent to the spatial
    # boundary of the data as set by NaNs
    boundary = np.all(np.isnan(data), axis=0)

    if oversample_boundary:
        struct = nd.generate_binary_structure(2, 1)
        struct = nd.iterate_structure(struct, halfbox)
        rind = np.logical_xor(nd.binary_dilation(boundary, struct), boundary)
        extray, extrax = np.where(rind)
        extray, extrax = None, None

    # If the user has supplied a spectral box size, use this to
    # calculate a spectral step size.

    if spec_box is not None:
        spec_step = np.floor(spec_box / 2).astype(np.int)
        boxv = int(spec_box // 2)
        boxv = 0

    # Default the bandpass smoothing window

    if bandpass_smooth_window is None:
        bandpass_smooth_window = 2 * (data.shape[0] // 8) + 1

    # Initialize output to be used in the case of iterative
    # estimation.

    noise_cube_out = np.ones_like(data)

    # Iterate

    for ii in np.arange(iterations):

        if not do_map:

            # If spatial variations are turned off then estimate a
            # single value and fill the noise map with this value.

            noise_value = mad_zero_centered(data, mask=noisemask)
            noise_map = np.zeros(data.shape[1:]) + noise_value


            # Initialize map to be full of not-a-numbers
            noise_map = np.zeros(data.shape[1:]) + np.nan

            # Make a noise map

            xx = np.arange(data.shape[2])
            yy = np.arange(data.shape[1])

            # Sample starting at halfbox and stepping by step. In the
            # individual pixel limit this just samples every spectrum.

            xsamps = xx[halfbox::step]
            ysamps = yy[halfbox::step]
            xsampsf = (xsamps[np.newaxis, :] *
                       (np.ones_like(ysamps))[:, np.newaxis]).flatten()
            ysampsf = (ysamps[:, np.newaxis] * np.ones_like(xsamps)).flatten()

            for x, y in zip(xsampsf, ysampsf):
                # Extract a minicube and associated mask from the cube

                minicube = data[:, (y - halfbox):(y + halfbox + 1),
                                (x - halfbox):(x + halfbox + 1)]
                minicube_mask = noisemask[:, (y - halfbox):(y + halfbox + 1),
                                          (x - halfbox):(x + halfbox + 1)]

                # If we have enough data, fit a noise value for this entry

                if np.sum(minicube_mask) > nThresh:
                    noise_map[y, x] = mad_zero_centered(minicube,

            if extrax is not None and extray is not None:
                for x, y in zip(extrax, extray):

                    minicube = data[:, (y - halfbox):(y + halfbox + 1),
                                    (x - halfbox):(x + halfbox + 1)]
                    minicube_mask = noisemask[:,
                                              (y - halfbox):(y + halfbox + 1),
                                              (x - halfbox):(x + halfbox + 1)]

                    if np.sum(minicube_mask) > nThresh:
                        noise_map[y, x] = mad_zero_centered(minicube,

            noise_map[boundary] = np.nan

            # If we are using a box size greater than an individual pixel
            # interpolate to fill in the noise map.

            if halfbox > 0:

                # Note the location of data, this is the location
                # where we want to fill in noise values.
                data_footprint = np.any(np.isfinite(data), axis=0)

                # Generate a smoothing kernel based on the box size.
                kernel = Gaussian2DKernel(box / np.sqrt(8 * np.log(2)))

                # Make a weight map to be used in the convolution, in
                # this weight map locations with measured values have
                # unity weight. This without measured values have zero
                # weight.

                # wt_map = np.isfinite(noise_map).astype(np.float)
                # wt_map[boundary] = np.nan
                # Take an average weighted by the kernel at each
                # location.
                # noise_map[np.isnan(noise_map)] = 0.0
                # y, x = np.where(np.isfinite(noise_map))
                # import scipy.interpolate as interp
                # func = interp.interp2d(x, y, noise_map[y, x], kind='cubic')

                noise_map = convolve(noise_map, kernel, boundary='extend')

                # yy, xx = np.indices(noise_map.shape)
                # noise_map_beta = interp.griddata((y, x), noise_map[y,x],
                #                                  (yy, xx), method='cubic')
                # noise_map_beta = func(yy, xx)
                # noise_map_beta[boundary] = np.nan
                # noise_map = noise_map_beta
                # wt_map = convolve(wt_map, kernel, boundary='extend')

                # noise_map /= wt_map

                # Set the noise map to not-a-number outside the data
                # footprint.

                noise_map[~data_footprint] = np.nan
        # Initialize spectrum

        noise_spec = np.zeros(data.shape[0]) + np.nan

        if not do_spec:

            # If spectral variations are turned off then assume that
            # the noise_map describes all channels of the cube.



            # Loop over channels

            zz = np.arange(data.shape[0])
            for z in zz:

                # Idententify the range of channels to be considered
                # in this estimate.

                lowz = np.clip(z - boxv, 0, data.shape[0])
                hiz = np.clip(z + boxv + 1, 0, data.shape[0])

                # Extract a slab from the cube and normalize it by the
                # noise map. Now any measured noise variations are
                # relative to those in the noise map.

                slab = data[lowz:hiz, :, :] / noise_map[np.newaxis, :, :]
                slab_mask = noisemask[lowz:hiz, :, :]
                noise_spec[z] = mad_zero_centered(slab, mask=slab_mask)

            # Smooth the spectral variations in the noise.

            if bandpass_smooth_window > 0:

                # Initialize a Savitzky-Golay filter then run it over
                # the noise spectrum.

                kernel = savgol_coeffs(int(bandpass_smooth_window),

                baddata = np.isnan(noise_spec)
                noise_spec = convolve(noise_spec,
                noise_spec[baddata] = np.nan

                # Make sure that the noise spectrum is normalized by
                # setting the median to one.

                noise_spec /= np.nanmedian(noise_spec)

        # Combine the spatial and spectral variations into a
        # three-dimensional noise estimate.

        noise_cube = np.ones_like(data)
        noise_cube *= (noise_map[np.newaxis, :] *
                       noise_spec[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis])

        if iterations == 1:
            return (noise_cube)

            # If iterating, normalize the data by the current noise
            # estimate and scale the current noise cube by the new
            # estimate.

            data = data / noise_cube
            noise_cube_out *= noise_cube

    # If iterating return the iterated noise cube.

    return (noise_cube_out)
コード例 #30
def noise_cube(data,

    # Taken from PHANGS pipeline

    Makes an empirical estimate of the noise in a cube assuming that it 
    is normally distributed.
    data : np.array
        Array of data (floats)
    mask : np.bool
        Boolean array with False indicating where data can be 
        used in the noise estimate. (i.e., True is Signal)
    box : int
        Spatial size of the box over which noise is calculated (correlation 
        scale).  Default: no box
    spec_box : int
        Spectral size of the box overwhich the noise is calculated.  Default:
        no box
    nThresh : int
        Minimum number of data to be used in a noise estimate.
    iterations : int
        Number of times to iterate the noise solution to force Gaussian 
        statistics.  Default: no iterations.
    bandpass_smooth_window : int
        Number of channels used in bandpass smoothing kernel.  Defaults to 
        nChan / 4 where nChan number of channels.  Set to zero to suppress 
        smoothing. Uses Savitzky-Golay smoothing
    bandpass_smooth_order : int
        Polynomial order used in smoothing kernel.  Defaults to 3.

    from astropy.convolution import convolve, Gaussian2DKernel
    from scipy.signal import savgol_coeffs

    noisemask = np.isfinite(data)
    if mask is not None:
        noisemask[mask] = False
    step = 1
    boxr = step // 2  # floor division
    if box is not None:
        step = np.floor(box / 2.5).astype(np.int)
        boxr = int(box // 2)
    if spec_box is not None:
        spec_step = np.floor(spec_box / 2).astype(np.int)
        boxv = int(spec_box // 2)
        boxv = 0

    noise_cube_out = np.ones_like(data)

    if bandpass_smooth_window is None:
        bandpass_smooth_window = 2 * (data.shape[0] // 8) + 1

    for i in np.arange(iterations):
        noise_map = np.zeros(data.shape[1:]) + np.nan
        noise_spec = np.zeros(data.shape[0]) + np.nan
        xx = np.arange(data.shape[2])
        yy = np.arange(data.shape[1])
        zz = np.arange(data.shape[0])
        for x in xx[boxr::step]:
            for y in yy[boxr::step]:
                spec = data[:, (y - boxr):(y + boxr + 1),
                            (x - boxr):(x + boxr + 1)]
                spec_mask = noisemask[:, (y - boxr):(y + boxr + 1),
                                      (x - boxr):(x + boxr + 1)]
                if np.sum(spec_mask) > nThresh:
                    noise_map[y, x] = mad_zero_centered(spec, mask=spec_mask)

        if boxr > 0:
            data_footprint = np.any(np.isfinite(data), axis=0)
            kernel = Gaussian2DKernel(box / np.sqrt(8 * np.log(2)))
            wt_map = np.isfinite(noise_map).astype(np.float)
            noise_map[np.isnan(noise_map)] = 0.0
            noise_map = convolve(noise_map, kernel)
            wt_map = convolve(wt_map, kernel)
            noise_map /= wt_map
            noise_map[~data_footprint] = np.nan

        for z in zz:
            lowz = np.clip(z - boxv, 0, data.shape[0])
            hiz = np.clip(z + boxv + 1, 0, data.shape[0])
            plane = data[lowz:hiz, :, :] / noise_map[np.newaxis, :, :]
            plane_mask = noisemask[lowz:hiz, :, :]
            noise_spec[z] = mad_zero_centered(plane, mask=plane_mask)
        # Smooth spectral shape
        if bandpass_smooth_window > 0:
            kernel = savgol_coeffs(int(bandpass_smooth_window),
            noise_spec = convolve(noise_spec, kernel, boundary='extend')
        noise_spec /= np.nanmedian(noise_spec)
        noise_cube = np.ones_like(data)
        noise_cube *= (noise_map[np.newaxis, :] *
                       noise_spec[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis])
        if iterations == 1:
            return (noise_cube)
            data = data / noise_cube
            noise_cube_out *= noise_cube
    return (noise_cube_out)
コード例 #31
 def __init__(self, n_samples, sg_order):
     self.savgol_weights = savgol_coeffs(n_samples,
                                         pos=n_samples - 1)
     self.b, self.a = (self.savgol_weights, [1.])
     self.zi = np.zeros((n_samples - 1, ))
コード例 #32
ファイル: savgol_coeff.py プロジェクト: causemx/DSP_utility
from pylab import *
from scipy.signal import savgol_coeffs, convolve
import numpy as np

data = np.loadtxt("samples.log")
coef = savgol_coeffs(11, 2)
ret = convolve(data, coef, 'same')
コード例 #33

k = 11
m = 0
median_smooth = np.zeros(n_1)
for i in range(k + 1, n_1 - k - 1):
    m += 1
    median_smooth[i] = np.median(sig_input_sensor[i - k:m + k])
plt.title("Filtro Median")
plt.plot(median_smooth, color='m', label="data smoothing")
plt.plot(sig_input_sensor, color='red', label="original sample")

#### Savitzky Golay

savis_smooth = signal.savgol_filter(sig_input_sensor, 9,
                                    3)  ##Señal de entrada, tamaño, exponente
signal.savgol_coeffs(11, 3)
plt.title("Filtro Savitzky-Golay")
plt.plot(savis_smooth, color='red', label="data smoothing")
plt.plot(sig_input_sensor, color='yellow', label="original sample")

####### Gaussian smoothing

gaus_smooth = gaussian_filter(sig_input_sensor, 2)
plt.title("Filtro Gaussian smoothing")
plt.plot(gaus_smooth, color='red', label="data smoothing")
plt.plot(sig_input_sensor, color='g', label="original sample")
コード例 #34
        ######### Finding optiminzed parameters for S-G filtering #############
        SG_param = np.loadtxt(file_path_SG)
        n_SG_param = len(SG_param)
        SG_param_add = np.zeros(n_SG_param, dtype = float)
        k1 = SG_param[:,0]
        f1 = SG_param[:,2]
            # 1st derivative
        noise_dIdV = np.gradient(noise_IV[:,1] / dV_new)
        bb = 0

        for k,f in zip(k1, f1):
            k = int(k)
            f = int(f)
            g0 = signal.savgol_coeffs(f, k, deriv=0)
            g1 = signal.savgol_coeffs(f, k, deriv=1) * -1
            Half_win1 = ((f + 1) / 2) - 1
            Half_win1 = int(Half_win1)
            sg0 = np.zeros(int(n - Half_win1 - 1), dtype = float)
            sg1 = np.zeros(int(n - Half_win1 - 1), dtype = float)
            for ii in range(int((f + 1) / 2), int(n - (f + 1) / 2 + 1)):
                sg0[ii-1] = np.dot(g0, noise_dIdV[ii-1-Half_win1 : ii-1+Half_win1+1])
                sg1[ii-1] = np.dot(g1, noise_dIdV[ii-1-Half_win1 : ii-1+Half_win1+1])
            sg1 = sg1 / dV_new
            sg0_new = signal.savgol_filter(noise_dIdV, f, k, deriv = 0)
            sg1_new = signal.savgol_filter(noise_dIdV, f, k, deriv = 1)
            sg2_new = signal.savgol_filter(noise_dIdV, f, k, deriv = 2)
            sg1_new = sg1_new / dV_new
コード例 #35
ファイル: dv.py プロジェクト: cZahn/skultrafast
def apply_sg(y, window_size, order, deriv=0):
    out = np.zeros_like(y)
    coeffs = sig.savgol_coeffs(window_size, order, deriv=0, use='dot')
    for i in range(y.shape[1]):
        out[:, i] = coeffs.dot(y[:, i])
    return out
コード例 #36
def savgol_error(x,
    """ Apply a Savitzky-Golay filter to an array.
    This is a 1-d filter.  If `x`  has dimension greater than 1, `axis`
    determines the axis along which the filter is applied.
    x : array_like
        The data to be filtered.  If `x` is not a single or double precision
        floating point array, it will be converted to type ``numpy.float64``
        before filtering.
    window_length : int
        The length of the filter window (i.e. the number of coefficients).
        `window_length` must be a positive odd integer. If `mode` is 'interp',
        `window_length` must be less than or equal to the size of `x`.
    polyorder : int
        The order of the polynomial used to fit the samples.
        `polyorder` must be less than `window_length`.
    deriv : int, optional
        The order of the derivative to compute.  This must be a
        nonnegative integer.  The default is 0, which means to filter
        the data without differentiating.
    delta : float, optional
        The spacing of the samples to which the filter will be applied.
        This is only used if deriv > 0.  Default is 1.0.
    axis : int, optional
        The axis of the array `x` along which the filter is to be applied.
        Default is -1.
    mode : str, optional
        Must be 'mirror', 'constant', 'nearest', 'wrap' or 'interp'.  This
        determines the type of extension to use for the padded signal to
        which the filter is applied.  When `mode` is 'constant', the padding
        value is given by `cval`.  See the Notes for more details on 'mirror',
        'constant', 'wrap', and 'nearest'.
        When the 'interp' mode is selected (the default), no extension
        is used.  Instead, a degree `polyorder` polynomial is fit to the
        last `window_length` values of the edges, and this polynomial is
        used to evaluate the last `window_length // 2` output values.
    cval : scalar, optional
        Value to fill past the edges of the input if `mode` is 'constant'.
        Default is 0.0.
    y : ndarray, same shape as `x`
        The filtered data.
    See Also
    Details on the `mode` options:
            Repeats the values at the edges in reverse order.  The value
            closest to the edge is not included.
            The extension contains the nearest input value.
            The extension contains the value given by the `cval` argument.
            The extension contains the values from the other end of the array.
    For example, if the input is [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], and
    `window_length` is 7, the following shows the extended data for
    the various `mode` options (assuming `cval` is 0)::
        mode       |   Ext   |         Input          |   Ext
        'mirror'   | 4  3  2 | 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8 | 7  6  5
        'nearest'  | 1  1  1 | 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8 | 8  8  8
        'constant' | 0  0  0 | 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8 | 0  0  0
        'wrap'     | 6  7  8 | 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8 | 1  2  3
    .. versionadded:: 0.14.0
    >>> from scipy.signal import savgol_filter
    >>> np.set_printoptions(precision=2)  # For compact display.
    >>> x = np.array([2, 2, 5, 2, 1, 0, 1, 4, 9])
    Filter with a window length of 5 and a degree 2 polynomial.  Use
    the defaults for all other parameters.
    >>> savgol_filter(x, 5, 2)
    array([1.66, 3.17, 3.54, 2.86, 0.66, 0.17, 1.  , 4.  , 9.  ])
    Note that the last five values in x are samples of a parabola, so
    when mode='interp' (the default) is used with polyorder=2, the last
    three values are unchanged.  Compare that to, for example,
    >>> savgol_filter(x, 5, 2, mode='nearest')
    array([1.74, 3.03, 3.54, 2.86, 0.66, 0.17, 1.  , 4.6 , 7.97])
    if mode not in ["mirror", "constant", "nearest", "interp", "wrap"]:
        raise ValueError("mode must be 'mirror', 'constant', 'nearest' "
                         "'wrap' or 'interp'.")

    x = np.asarray(x)
    # Ensure that x is either single or double precision floating point.
    if x.dtype != np.float64 and x.dtype != np.float32:
        x = x.astype(np.float64)

    coeffs = savgol_coeffs(window_length, polyorder, deriv=deriv, delta=delta)

    if mode == "interp":
        if window_length > x.size:
            raise ValueError("If mode is 'interp', window_length must be less "
                             "than or equal to the size of x.")

        # Do not pad.  Instead, for the elements within `window_length // 2`
        # of the ends of the sequence, use the polynomial that is fitted to
        # the last `window_length` elements.
        y = np.sqrt(convolve1d(sigma**2, coeffs**2, axis=axis,
        _fit_edges_polyfit(sigma, window_length, polyorder, deriv, delta, axis,
        # Any mode other than 'interp' is passed on to ndimage.convolve1d.
        y = convolve1d(sigma**2, coeffs**2, axis=axis, mode=mode, cval=cval)

    return y
コード例 #37
ファイル: dv.py プロジェクト: Tillsten/skultrafast
def apply_sg(y, window_size, order, deriv=0):
    out = np.zeros_like(y)
    coeffs = sig.savgol_coeffs(window_size, order, deriv=0, use='dot')
    for i in range(y.shape[1]):
        out[:, i] = coeffs.dot(y[:, i])
    return out
コード例 #38
plt.figure(figsize=(5, 4))
f = np.fft.rfftfreq(fft_length, d=1/win_length)
plt.plot(f, X)
plt.gcf().savefig('figs\\fourier_ex_freq.png', dpi=dpi)

## slide 15
winl = 101
pos = np.round((winl-1)/2)
t = np.arange(winl)/winl

for polyorder in [1, 3, 5, 7]:
    h = sig.savgol_coeffs(window_length=winl, polyorder=polyorder, pos=pos)
    plt.plot(h, label='$h, m=$' + str(polyorder))

plt.gcf().savefig('figs\\sg_impulse', dpi=dpi)

## slide 16
fs = 160
win_length = fs*2
fft_length = win_length*2
t = np.arange(win_length)/fs
omega1 = 2*np.pi*2
omega2 = 2*np.pi*20
コード例 #39
ファイル: filters.py プロジェクト: nikolaims/nfb
 def __init__(self, n_samples, sg_order):
     self.savgol_weights = savgol_coeffs(n_samples, sg_order, pos=n_samples - 1)
     self.b, self.a = (self.savgol_weights, [1.])
     self.zi = np.zeros((n_samples - 1, ))
コード例 #40
def compare_with_savgol(fs, b, a):
    from scipy.signal import savgol_coeffs
    b_sg = savgol_coeffs(81, 2)
    mfreqz(fs, b_sg, 1, False)
    mfreqz(fs, b, a)
コード例 #41
        xMatrix = vstack([xMatrix, x])

    x = 0 + xMatrix

    yEstimatorMatrix = dot(x.transpose(), dot(inv(dot(x, x.transpose())), x))

    return yEstimatorMatrix[int((window_length - 1) / 2) - shift]

    mySavgol_coeffs(polyorder=polyorder, window_length=window_length, deriv=0),
plot(savgol_coeffs(polyorder=polyorder, window_length=window_length, deriv=0),

for i in arange(2, 8, 2):
    y = abs(
                              shift=0)))[:int(window_length / 2)]
    y /= y[1]