コード例 #1
ファイル: Main.py プロジェクト: ASConroy/PyXPD
def ocilator_gen(functype, cycles, period, phase, resolution):
    Generates an oscillating function for MED experiments
    functype: str
        String which determines type of ocilator to use
    cycles: int
        Number of cycles for the total run
    period: float
        Period between peaks in seconds
    phase: float
        Additional phase to add in pi, i.e. 1
    resolution: float
        Maximum time resolution of the data in data points per second

    t = np.linspace(0, cycles * period, cycles * period * resolution)
    phase = phase * np.pi
    internal = 2 * np.pi / period * t + phase

    if functype in ['sin', 'Sin']:
        ocil = np.sin(internal)
    elif functype in ['Triangle', 'tri']:
        ocil = 2 * abs(signal.sawtooth(internal)) - 1
    elif functype in ['saw']:
        ocil = signal.sawtooth(internal)
    elif functype in ['square']:
        ocil = signal.square(internal)
    plt.plot(t, ocil, 'o')
    plt.ylim(-1.5, 1.5)
    return ocil
コード例 #2
ファイル: runICA.py プロジェクト: BIDData/BIDMach
def get_source(group, time, num_samples):
    S = None
    first = max(2, int(num_samples/4000))
    second = max(3, int(num_samples/3000))
    third = max(2, first/10)
    if group == 1:
        s1 = np.sin(first * time)
        s2 = np.sign(np.sin(second * time))
        s3 = signal.sawtooth(first * np.pi * time)
        S = np.c_[s1, s2, s3]
    elif group == 2:
        s1 = np.sin(first * time)
        s2 = np.sign(np.sin(second * time))
        s3 = signal.sawtooth(first * np.pi * time)
        s4 = signal.sweep_poly(third * time, [1,2])
        S = np.c_[s1, s2, s3, s4]
    elif group == 3:
        s1 = np.cos(second * time)                  # Signal 1: cosineusoidal signal
        s2 = np.sign(np.sin(second * time))         # Signal 2: square signal
        s3 = signal.sawtooth(first * np.pi * time)  # Signal 3: saw tooth signal
        s4 = signal.sweep_poly(third * time, [1,2]) # Signal 4: sweeping polynomial signal
        s5 = np.sin(first * time)                   # Signal 5: sinusoidal signal
        S = np.c_[s1, s2, s3, s4, s5]
    elif group == 4:
        s1 = np.sin(first * time)
        s2 = signal.sawtooth(float(first/2.55) * np.pi * time)
        s3 = np.sign(np.sin(second * time))
        s4 = signal.sawtooth(first * np.pi * time)
        s5 = signal.sweep_poly(third * time, [1,2])
        S = np.c_[s1, s2, s3, s4, s5]
    S += 0.2 * np.random.normal(size=S.shape)
    S /= S.std(axis=0)
    return S.T
コード例 #3
def somewaves(pen, waves, subwaves, wavperiod=[], wavtype=[], wavesize=[], waveshape=[]):
    global noise
    global plotter
    global g
    for idx, wav in enumerate(wavperiod):

        # print wav, idx, wavesize[idx]
        # plotter.select_pen(random.randint(1,3))
        for i in range(0, rez):
            # print(wav, wavtype[idx], wavesize[idx], waveshape[idx])
            if waveshape[idx] == "cross":
                atom = shapes.cross(size, np.cos(wav[i]) * size)
            if waveshape[idx] == "rect":
                atom = shapes.rectangle(size, np.sin(wav[i]) * size)
            if waveshape[idx] == "circle":
                atom = shapes.circle(signal.sawtooth(wav[i]) * size)
                transforms.perpendicular_noise(atom, noise)
            if waveshape[idx] == "spiral":
                atom = spiral_archimedean(size * 20, num_turns=22, wrapping_constant=1, direction="cw", segments=30)
            if wavtype[idx] == "sin":
                transforms.offset(atom, (i * interval, np.sin(wav[i]) * wavesize[idx]))
            if wavtype[idx] == "cos":
                transforms.offset(atom, (i * interval, np.cos(wav[i]) * wavesize[idx]))
            if wavtype[idx] == "saw":
                transforms.offset(atom, (i * interval, signal.sawtooth(wav[i]) * wavesize[idx]))
            if waves:
                # plotter.write(g)

                # plotter.select_pen(2)
                # tr = shapes.rectangle(size,np.cos(wav1[i])*size)
                # transforms.offset(tr, (i*interval, np.cos(wav1[i])*3500 ))
                # if waves:
                # 	g.append(tr)
                # plotter.select_pen(3)
                # tr = shapes.circle(np.cos(wav2[i])*size)
                # transforms.offset(tr, (i*interval, np.cos(wav1[i])*2500 ))
                # if waves:
                # 	g.append(tr)

        if subwaves:
            p1 = getrandompoint(wav, wavtype[idx], wavesize[idx])
            p2 = getrandompoint(wav, wavtype[len(wavtype) - 1], wavesize[len(wavtype) - 1])
            # print p1
            while randpointer < rez - 1:
                print randpointer
                # for i in range(int(randwavesize)):
                for w in range(len(wavtype)):
                    l = shapes.line(p1, p2)
                    transforms.noise(l, noise)
                    p1 = p2
                    p2 = getrandompoint(wav, wavtype[w], wavesize[w])
    g = shapes.group([])
コード例 #4
def buddy_dynamic_thread():
    general_settings = bt.ctrl_general_t()
    timing_settings = bt.ctrl_timing_t()
    runtime_settings = bt.ctrl_runtime_t()

    general_settings.function = bt.GENERAL_CTRL_DAC_ENABLE
    general_settings.mode = \
        bt.MODE_CTRL_STREAM if streaming else bt.MODE_CTRL_IMMEDIATE
    #general_settings.channel_mask = bt.BUDDY_CHAN_ALL_MASK
    general_settings.channel_mask = bt.BUDDY_CHAN_0_MASK
    general_settings.resolution = bt.RESOLUTION_CTRL_HIGH

    timing_settings.period = bt.FREQUENCY_TO_NSEC(sample_rate)

    runtime_settings.dac_power = bt.RUNTIME_DAC_POWER_ON
    runtime_settings.dac_ref = bt.RUNTIME_DAC_REF_EXT

    if (bt.buddy_configure(handle,
                           timing_settings) != bt.BUDDY_ERROR_CODE_OK):
        print 'test_waveform_dac: could not configure Buddy device'
        return -1


    packet = bt.general_packet_t()
    test_seq_dac_count = 0
    #y_mag = 255
    y_mag = 4095
    t = np.linspace(0, WAVEFORM_TIME, sample_rate * WAVEFORM_TIME, endpoint=False)

    if wave_type == 'square':    
        y = ((scisig.square(np.pi * 2 * WAVEFORM_FREQUENCY * t) + 1) / 2) * y_mag
    elif wave_type == 'sine':
        y = ((np.sin(np.pi * 2 * WAVEFORM_FREQUENCY * t) + 1) / 2) * y_mag
    elif wave_type == 'sawtooth':
        y = ((scisig.sawtooth(np.pi * 2 * WAVEFORM_FREQUENCY * t) + 1) / 2) * y_mag
        return -1

    for k in y:
        for i in range(bt.BUDDY_CHAN_0, bt.BUDDY_CHAN_7):
            bt.uint32_t_ptr_setitem(packet.channels, i, int(k))

        print 'test_waveform_dac: sending %d packet with value %d' % (test_seq_dac_count, k)
        test_seq_dac_count += 1

        if (bt.buddy_send_dac(handle,
                              streaming) != bt.BUDDY_ERROR_CODE_OK):
            print 'test_waveform_dac: could not send DAC packet'
            return -1

        if not streaming:
            time.sleep(1.0 / sample_rate)

コード例 #5
ファイル: sounds.py プロジェクト: smudap/pythonMuzyka
def sound_sawtooth(f, t, a, d):
    Funkcja tworząca falę trójkątną (piła).
        * f - częstotliwość dźwięku
        * t - czas trwania dźwięku
        * a - czas trwania attack
        * d - czas trwania decay
    # tworzymy falę
    f_s = 44100
    t0 = np.linspace(0, t, t * f_s)
    wave = scs.sawtooth(2 * np.pi * f * t0)
    # tworzymy attack
    A = np.floor(a * t * f_s)
    attack = np.linspace(0, 1, A)
    # tworzymy decay
    D = np.floor(d * t * f_s)
    decay = np.linspace(1, 0, D)
    # tworzymy sustain
    sustain = np.ones(t * f_s - A - D)
    # złączamy dzwięki
    sound = np.hstack((attack, sustain, decay)) * wave
    return sound
コード例 #6
ファイル: runOB1.py プロジェクト: lauflulu/Device-Software
    def wave_pattern(self):
        pNow = 0
        if mainToggle == 1:
            if self.state == 1:
                if self.function == 'const.':
                    pNow = self.pressure
                elif self.function == 'sine':
                    tNow = time.time()-startTime
                    pNow = self.pressure + self.amplitude*np.sin(tNow/self.period*2*np.pi-self.phase*np.pi/180.0)
                elif self.function == 'triangle':
                    tNow = time.time()-startTime
                    pNow = self.pressure + self.amplitude*spsg.sawtooth(tNow/self.period*2*np.pi-(self.phase + 270.0)*np.pi/180.0, 0.5)
                elif self.function == 'square':
                    tNow = time.time()-startTime
                    pNow = self.pressure + self.amplitude*spsg.square(tNow/self.period*2*np.pi-self.phase*np.pi/180.0, 0.5)
                elif self.function == 'calculate':
                    tNow = time.time()-startTime
                    pNow = self.calculated_pattern()

        return pNow
コード例 #7
ファイル: colormaps.py プロジェクト: bambang/python-oceans
def zebra_cm(a=4, m=0.5, n=256):
    Zebra palette colormap with NBANDS broad bands and NENTRIES rows in
    the color map.

    The default is 4 broad bands

    cmap = zebra(nbands, nentries)

    [1] Hooker, S. B. et al, Detecting Dipole Ring Separatrices with Zebra
    Palettes, IEEE Transactions on Geosciences and Remote Sensing, vol. 33,
    1306-1312, 1995

    Saturation and value go from m to 1 don't use m = 0.
    a = 4 -> there are this many large bands in the palette.

    x = np.arange(0, n)
    hue = np.exp(-3. * x / n)
    sat = m + (1. - m) * (0.5 * (1. + sawtooth(2. * np.pi * x / (n / a))))
    val = m + (1. - m) * 0.5 * (1. + np.cos(2. * np.pi * x / (n / a / 2.)))
    return np.array([hsv_to_rgb(h, s, v) for h, s, v in zip(hue, sat, val)])
コード例 #8
ファイル: LightPulse.py プロジェクト: MK8J/ui
 def Triangle(self, time_array, amplitude, width=0.5):
     Returns t sized array of equally spaced points from triangle wave
     with peak at t/2. See details in underlying scipy.signal.sawtooth
     t_length = time_array.shape[0]
     wave = signal.sawtooth(2 * np.pi * np.linspace(0, 1, t_length), 0.5)
     return -amplitude * 0.5 * (wave + 1)
コード例 #9
def triangle(triangle_frequency=440, length=0):
    sample_freq = 44100
    if length: end = length
    else: end = 6./triangle_frequency
    t = pl.arange(0., end, 1./sample_freq)
    msg = np.abs(2*signal.sawtooth(t*2*np.pi*triangle_frequency-np.pi/2)) - 1
    msg = Message(sample_freq, t, msg)
    return msg
コード例 #10
ファイル: soundplayer.py プロジェクト: rolfrm/finite_engine
	def saw_gen(self):
		x1 = self.x*chunk
		x2 = (self.x+1)*chunk	
		sample = numpy.arange(x1, x2, dtype=numpy.float32)
		self.x = int(self.x + 1)
		sample *= numpy.pi * 2 / samplespeed
		sample *= self.frequency
		sample = sig.sawtooth(sample).astype(numpy.float32)
		return sample
コード例 #11
ファイル: utilities.py プロジェクト: G4m4/soundtailor
def GenerateSawtoothData(freq, length, sampling_freq):
    Simple sawtooth signal synthesis
    end_time_s = float(length) / sampling_freq

    sampled_time = numpy.arange(0,
                                1.0 / sampling_freq)
    return signal.sawtooth(sampled_time * 2 * numpy.pi * freq)
コード例 #12
ファイル: waves.py プロジェクト: rengenin/pyTone
	def saw_wave(self):
		self.t = np.arange(0., self.L, self.T_s) #Time array
		self.y_t = signal.sawtooth(2.*np.pi*self.Hz*self.t)
		if self.scale == True:
			#Scaled up wave amplitude to audible level
			self.y_t = np.int16(self.y_t/np.max(np.abs(self.y_t))*self.s)
			return self.y_t
		#Wave no scaling
		self.H = self.y_t
		return self.y_t
コード例 #13
ファイル: pitchsinger.py プロジェクト: chrisbaume/PitchSinger
def wavegen(freq, shape=None):

  # use sine if no shape is given
  if shape is None:

  # create array of time points
  t = 2.0 * np.pi * float(freq) * np.arange(0, np.floor(FS/freq)) / float(FS)

  # draw waveform
  if shape=='sine':
    wave = MAX_INT * np.sin(t)
  elif shape=='sawtooth':
    wave = MAX_INT * signal.sawtooth(t + np.pi)
  elif shape=='triangle':
    wave = MAX_INT * signal.sawtooth(t + np.pi/2, 0.5)
  elif shape=='square':
    wave = MAX_INT * signal.square(t)

  return np.array(wave, dtype=np.int16)
コード例 #14
ファイル: logistic_reg.py プロジェクト: titu1994/Python-Work
def triangle_wave():
    nb = np.random.randint(1, 100, size=1)[0]
    shift = np.random.randint(0, 91, size=1)[0]

    x = np.arange(-nb * np.pi, nb * np.pi, step=(2 * nb * np.pi / nb_timesteps))
    y = sawtooth(x + (shift / 180.), width=0.5)

    noise = np.random.uniform(-0.1, 0.1, size=len(x))
    y += noise

    return y
コード例 #15
def wave_fun(t, fun):
    Funkcja wave_fun(t, fun) definiuje funkcje, jaka ma wykonac na zmiennej t.
    Argument fun moze przyjmowac 3 wartosci - sin, saw i rec, wowczas generuje
    fale sinusoidalna, trojkatna lub prostokatna, odpowiednio.
    if fun == 'sin':
        return np.sin(t)
    elif fun == 'saw':
        return sp.sawtooth(t)
    elif fun == 'rec':
        return np.sign(np.sin(t))
コード例 #16
def test_complex_cepstrum():
    """The period of a periodic harmonic will show up as a peak in a 
    complex cepstrum.
    duration = 5.0
    fs = 8000.0
    samples = int(fs*duration)
    t = np.arange(samples) / fs
    fundamental = 100.0
    signal = sawtooth(2.*np.pi*fundamental*t)
    ceps, _ = complex_cepstrum(signal)
    assert(fundamental == 1.0/t[ceps.argmax()])
コード例 #17
    def generate(self, step, dumpworld):
        world = np.zeros([3, 10, 10, 10])
        position = int(
            round((sawtooth(0.1 * step * self.speed, 0.5) + 1) * 4.51))

        if self.dir == 0:
            world[:, position, :, :] = 1.0
        elif self.dir == 1:
            world[:, :, position, :] = 1.0
            world[:, :, :, position] = 1.0

        return world
コード例 #18
ファイル: synth.py プロジェクト: s4rify/OpenSesame
def osc_gen(_type, freq, length, rate):

    length *= .001
    t = np.linspace(0, length, length * rate)
    if _type == u'square':
        return signal.square(2 * np.pi * freq * t)
    if _type == u'saw':
        return signal.sawtooth(2 * np.pi * freq * t)
    if _type == u'sine':
        return np.sin(2 * np.pi * freq * t)
    if _type == u'white_noise':
        return np.random.random(length * rate) * 2 - 1
    raise osexception(u'Invalid oscillator: %s' % _type)
コード例 #19
ファイル: input_mgr.py プロジェクト: jtwild/brainspy-smg
def sawtooth_wave(time_points, frequency, phase, amplitude, offset):
    Generates a sawtooth wave
        time_points: Time points to evaluate the function
        frequency:   Frequencies of the inputs 
        amplitude:   Amplitude of the wave 
        phase:       Phase offset of wave 
        offset:      Offset of the input
    rads = 2 * np.pi * frequency * time_points + phase
    wave = signal.sawtooth(rads + np.pi / 2, width=0.5)
    return amplitude * wave + np.outer(offset, np.ones(len(time_points)))
コード例 #20
def segnal_triangular(amplitud, simetria, t, fs=1):
    """Señal triangular 

        amplitud (int): Amplitud de la señal
        simetria (float): simetria de la señal
        t (list): Lista de valores que definen el tiempo.
        fs (int, optional): Frecuencia de la señal. Defaults to 1.

        list: Lista de valores de la señal
    return amplitud * (signal.sawtooth(2 * np.pi * fs * t, simetria))
コード例 #21
def voiced_fricative(phoneme, freq, length, width=0.2):
    laryngeal_tone = Larynx.get_base_tone(freq, length)
    noise_tone = Noise.get_noise(length)

    filtered_noise = Mouth.get_slice(
                             voiced_fricative_formant_dict[phoneme][1], width),
    filtered_noise *= signal.sawtooth(
        2 * np.pi * np.linspace(0, length, int(len(filtered_noise))) * freq)

    return Mouth.get_slice(Mouth.apply_formants(laryngeal_tone, voiced_fricative_formant_dict[phoneme][0], width) + laryngeal_tone * 0.02, 0.97) \
           + filtered_noise
コード例 #22
ファイル: synth.py プロジェクト: JdenHartog/OpenSesame
def osc_gen(_type, freq, length, rate):

	length *= .001
	t = np.linspace(0, length, length*rate)
	if _type == u'square':
		return signal.square(2*np.pi*freq*t)
	if _type == u'saw':
		return signal.sawtooth(2*np.pi*freq*t)
	if _type == u'sine':
		return np.sin(2*np.pi*freq*t)
	if _type == u'white_noise':
		return np.random.random(length*rate)*2 - 1
	raise osexception(u'Invalid oscillator: %s' % _type)
コード例 #23
ファイル: waveforms.py プロジェクト: ananddb90/radar-1
def sawtooth_freq(t, fm=1, B=1, fd=0, width=0.5):
  Simulated frequencies of sawtooth modulation.

  t: Time array.
  fm: Modulation frequency.
  fd: Doppler frequency shift.
  B: Bandwidth.
    f = B * 0.5 * (signal.sawtooth(2 * np.pi * fm * t, width=width) + 1)
    f += fd

    return f
コード例 #24
 def calc_msd(self):
     Calculates the mean square deviations and returns them as a numpy array
     # stretch
     if self.wgt_val_str.sum() > 0:
         delt = (self.pd.ric.get_val_stretches() -
                 self.ref_val_str) * self.fact_str
         wdelt = delt * self.wgt_val_str
         self.msd_str = (wdelt * wdelt).sum() / self.wgt_val_str.sum()
         self.max_str = wdelt.max()
         self.amsd_str = delt * delt
         self.msd_str = 0.0
         self.amsd_str = 0.0
     # bend
     if self.wgt_val_ibe.sum() > 0:
         delt = (self.pd.ric.get_val_in_bends() -
                 self.ref_val_ibe) * self.fact_ibe
         wdelt = delt * self.wgt_val_ibe
         self.msd_ibe = (wdelt * wdelt).sum() / self.wgt_val_ibe.sum()
         self.max_ibe = wdelt.max()
         self.amsd_ibe = delt * delt
         self.msd_ibe = 0.0
         self.amsd_ibe = 0.0
     # torsion ... to be fully implemented ### DO NOT REMOVE COMMENTS
     if self.wgt_val_tor.sum() > 0:
         delt = (self.pd.ric.get_val_torsions() -
                 self.ref_val_tor) * self.fact_tor
         delt = 90 * (signal.sawtooth(delt / rad2deg, 0.5) + 1
                      )  ###only multiplicity 1
         wdelt = delt * self.wgt_val_tor
         self.msd_tor = (wdelt * wdelt).sum() / self.wgt_val_tor.sum()
         self.max_tor = wdelt.max()
         self.amsd_tor = delt * delt
         self.msd_tor = 0.0
         self.amsd_tor = 0.0
     # wag ... not compared
     # hessian (currently all hessian elements are compared
     if self.absolute:
         delt = (self.pd.ric.get_ric_hessian() -
                 self.ref_hes) * self.fact_hes
         delt = abs(1 - (self.pd.ric.get_ric_hessian() / self.ref_hes))
     wdelt = delt * self.wgt_hes
     self.msd_hes = (wdelt * wdelt).sum() / self.wgt_hes.sum()
     self.max_hes = wdelt.max()
     self.amsd_hes = delt * delt
コード例 #25
ファイル: pcaocr.py プロジェクト: Taohong01/OCR
 def test(self):
     # Generate sample data
     n_samples = 2000
     time = np.linspace(0, 8, n_samples)
     s1 = np.sin(2 * time)  # Signal 1 : sinusoidal signal
     s2 = np.sign(np.sin(3 * time))  # Signal 2 : square signal
     s3 = signal.sawtooth(2 * np.pi * time)  # Signal 3: saw tooth signal
     S = np.c_[s1, s2, s3]
     S += 0.2 * np.random.normal(size=S.shape)  # Add noise
     S /= S.std(axis=0)  # Standardize data
     # Mix data
     A = np.array([[1, 1, 1], [0.5, 2, 1.0], [1.5, 1.0, 2.0]])  # Mixing matrix
     X = np.dot(S, A.T)  # Generate observations
     # Compute ICA
     ica = FastICA(n_components=3)
     S_ = ica.fit_transform(X)  # Reconstruct signals
     A_ = ica.mixing_  # Get estimated mixing matrix
     # We can `prove` that the ICA model applies by reverting the unmixing.
     assert np.allclose(X, np.dot(S_, A_.T) + ica.mean_)
     # For comparison, compute PCA
     pca = PCA(n_components=3)
     H = pca.fit_transform(X)  # Reconstruct signals based on orthogonal components
     # Plot results
     models = [X, S, S_, H]
     names = ['Observations (mixed signal)',
              'True Sources',
              'ICA recovered signals', 
              'PCA recovered signals']
     colors = ['red', 'steelblue', 'orange']
     for ii, (model, name) in enumerate(zip(models, names), 1):
         plt.subplot(4, 1, ii)
         for sig, color in zip(model.T, colors):
             plt.plot(sig, color=color)
     plt.subplots_adjust(0.09, 0.04, 0.94, 0.94, 0.26, 0.46)
コード例 #26
def wave ( tt, lo=0, hi=1, freq=0.1, phi=0, kind='saw', **kwargs ):

    # periodic signal functions have defined period 2 * pi, so we
    # scale the time points accordingly
    sct = tt * freq * 2 * np.pi + phi
    if kind == 'saw':
        if kwargs is not None and 'width' in kwargs:
            ss = sig.sawtooth ( sct, width=kwargs['width'] )
            ss = sig.sawtooth ( sct )
    elif kind == 'square':
        if kwargs is not None and 'duty' in kwargs:
            ss = sig.square ( sct, duty=kwargs['duty'] )
            ss = sig.square ( sct )
    elif kind == 'sine':
        ss = np.sin ( sct )
    elif kind == 'uniform':
        ss = rng.rand(len(tt))
    elif kind == 'gaussian':
        ss = rng.randn(len(tt))
        if kwargs is not None:
            ss = ss * kwargs.get('sd', 1) + kwargs.get('mean', 0)
    elif kind == 'walk':
        ss = rng.randn(len(tt))
        if kwargs is not None:
            ss = ss * kwargs.get('sd', 1) + kwargs.get('mean', 0)
        ss = np.cumsum(ss)
    # potentially other kinds here
    # default to a constant 0 output
        return tt * 0
    return rescale(ss, lo, hi)
コード例 #27
def generate_triangle(freq, t, amplitude, fs, phase=np.zeros(7)):
    Generates a triangle wave form that can be used for the input data.
    freq:       Frequencies of the inputs in an one-dimensional array
    t:          The datapoint(s) index where to generate a sine value (1D array when multiple datapoints are used)
    amplitude:  Amplitude of the sine wave (Vmax in this case)
    fs:         Sample frequency of the device
    phase:      (Optional) phase offset at t=0
    # There is an additional + np.pi/2 to make sure that if phase = 0. the inputs start at 0V

    return signal.sawtooth(
        (2 * np.pi * freq[:, np.newaxis] * t) / fs + phase[:, np.newaxis] +
        np.pi / 2, 0.5) * amplitude[:, np.newaxis]
コード例 #28
ファイル: dac_widget.py プロジェクト: rollingstone/lase
 def update_data(self):
     if self.waveform_list.list[0].isChecked():
         self.waveform_index = 0
         self.data = self.mod_amp * np.cos(
             2 * np.pi * self.freq / self.n * np.arange(self.n))
     elif self.waveform_list.list[1].isChecked():
         self.waveform_index = 1
         self.data = self.mod_amp * signal.sawtooth(
             2 * np.pi * self.freq / self.n * np.arange(self.n), width=0.5)
     elif self.waveform_list.list[2].isChecked():
         self.waveform_index = 2
         self.data = self.mod_amp * signal.square(
             2 * np.pi * self.freq / self.n * np.arange(self.n), duty=0.5)
コード例 #29
def main(args):

    t = np.linspace(0, 1, 10100)
    fs = 4 * 44.1E3
    startTime = 0
    endTime = 0.05
    f = 40.
    t = np.linspace(startTime, endTime, (endTime - startTime) * fs)
    print t

    tri = (sig.sawtooth((t * 2 * pi * 1000.E3), width=0.5) + 1) * 0.5
    sine = ((sin(2 * pi * t * f)) + 1) * 0.5
    cmprtr = np.zeros(len(t))
    cmprtr2 = np.zeros(len(t))
    for i in range(len(t)):
        if sine[i] > tri[i]:
            cmprtr[i] = 1

    sq = (sig.square((t * 2 * pi * 10.E3)) + 1) * 0.5

    for i in range(len(t)):
        if sine[i] > sq[i]:
            cmprtr2[i] = 1
    fc = 15.E3
    data1 = butter_lowpass_filter(cmprtr, fc, fs)
    data2 = butter_lowpass_filter(cmprtr2, fc, fs)

    plt.plot(t, sine)
    plt.plot(t, tri)
    plt.plot(t, cmprtr)
    plt.plot(t, data1)

    plt.plot(t, sine)
    plt.plot(t, sq)
    plt.plot(t, cmprtr2)
    plt.plot(t, data2)


    return 0
コード例 #30
ファイル: synth.py プロジェクト: FieldDB/OpenSesame
	def osc_saw(self, freq, length, rate):

			A saw-wave oscillator.


		length *= .001
		t = np.linspace(0, length, length*rate)
		a = signal.sawtooth(2*np.pi*freq*t)
		return a
コード例 #31
def create_dummy_data_array(width: float,
                            processing: str,
                            sawteeth_count: int,
                            channel_index: int = 1,
                            trace_number: int = 1) -> DataArray:
    identifier = 'ScopeTrace_{:03d}'.format(trace_number)
    label = 'Channel_{}'.format(channel_index)
    scope_data = sawtooth(2 * np.pi * (sawteeth_count * time / period), width)
    offset = {'left': 1 - width, 'center': (1 - width / 2), 'right': 0}
    scope_data = np.roll(scope_data, int(offset[processing] * len(scope_data)))
    return DataArray(identifier,
コード例 #32
 def plot_ica(self):
     # Generate sample data
     n_samples = 2000
     time = np.linspace(0, 8, n_samples)
     s1 = np.sin(2 * time)  # Signal 1 : sinusoidal signal
     s2 = np.sign(np.sin(3 * time))  # Signal 2 : square signal
     s3 = signal.sawtooth(2 * np.pi * time)  # Signal 3: saw tooth signal
     S = np.c_[s1, s2, s3] # 縦に連結
     S += 0.2 * np.random.normal(size=S.shape)  # Add noise
     S /= S.std(axis=0)  # Standardize data
     # Mix data
     A = np.array([[1, 1, 1], [0.5, 2, 1.0], [1.5, 1.0, 2.0]])  # Mixing matrix
     X = np.dot(S, A.T)  # Generate observations(観察データということにする)
     # Compute ICA
     ica = decomposition.FastICA(n_components=3)
     S_  = ica.fit_transform(X)  # Reconstruct signals
     A_  = ica.mixing_  # Get estimated mixing matrix
     # We can `prove` that the ICA model applies by reverting the unmixing.
     assert np.allclose(X, np.dot(S_, A_.T) + ica.mean_)
     # For comparison, compute PCA
     pca = decomposition.PCA(n_components=3)
     H   = pca.fit_transform(X)  # Reconstruct signals based on orthogonal components
     # Plot results
     models = [X, S, S_, H]
     names = ['Observations (mixed signal)',
              'True Sources',
              'ICA recovered signals', 
              'PCA recovered signals']
     colors = ['red', 'steelblue', 'orange']
     for ii, (model, name) in enumerate(zip(models, names), 1):
         plt.subplot(4, 1, ii)
         for sig, color in zip(model.T, colors):
             plt.plot(sig, color=color)
     plt.subplots_adjust(0.09, 0.04, 0.94, 0.94, 0.26, 0.46)
コード例 #33
def generate2():	
		s2 = entFrequency2.get()
		t = np.linspace(0, 1, 500)
		plot.plot(t, signal.sawtooth(2 * np.pi * 5 * t))
		messagebox.showinfo("Results","Sawtooth wave generated")
	except ValueError:
		messagebox.showerror("Issue","Incorrect Input")
コード例 #34
 def fxWaveFormUpdater(self, value):
     if value == 'Sine':
         self.fx = self.fxAmp * np.sin(2 * np.pi * self.fxFreq * self.x)
     elif value == 'Square':
         self.fx = self.fxAmp * signal.square(
             2 * np.pi * self.fxFreq * self.x, 0.5)
     elif value == 'Triangle':
         self.fx = self.fxAmp * signal.sawtooth(
             2 * np.pi * self.fxFreq * self.x, 0.5)
     elif value == 'Sawtooth':
         self.fx = self.fxAmp * signal.sawtooth(
             2 * np.pi * self.fxFreq * self.x, 1)
     # change our plots
     self.canvas.convolutionPlot.plot(self.t_fx, self.fx, 'b')
     self.canvas.convolutionPlot.plot(self.t_gx, np.flip(self.gx, 0), 'g')
     self.canvas.convolutionPlot.set_xlim(-2, 2)
     # Trigger the canvas to update and redraw.
     # Update colvolution with new signal
コード例 #35
def init_soundwaves():
    volume = 0.3  #
    duration = 0.15  # in seconds, may be float
    decay = -0.000001
    for i in range(22, 122):
        note_mapper = (2.0**((i - 69) / 12.0)) * 440.0
        gain = np.exp(decay * np.arange(fs * duration))
        kernel = signal.sawtooth(2 * np.pi * np.arange(fs * duration) *
                                 note_mapper / fs)
        samples = (volume * kernel).astype(np.float32)
        waves[i] = samples
    waves[0] = 0.0 * waves[23]
コード例 #36
 def cyclical(self,
     if mode == 'sin':
         return amp / 2 * np.sin(2 * np.pi * epoch / period + phase) + mean
     elif mode == 'cos':
         return amp / 2 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * epoch / period + phase) + mean
     elif mode == 'triangular':
         return amp / 2 * signal.sawtooth(2 * np.pi * epoch / period +
                                          phase) + mean
コード例 #37
def getrandompoint(wave, table, Vsize):
    global randpointer
    # global randpointerjump
    randpointer = randpointer + int(randpointerjump * randpointerbackrange - random.randint(0, randpointerjump))
    if randpointer < 0:
        randpointer = 0
    if randpointer >= rez:
        randpointer = rez - 1
        # print randpointer
    if table == "sin":
        return (randpointer * interval, np.sin(wave[randpointer]) * Vsize)
    if table == "cos":
        return (randpointer * interval, np.cos(wave[randpointer]) * Vsize)
    if table == "saw":
        return (randpointer * interval, signal.sawtooth(wave[randpointer]) * Vsize)
コード例 #38
def make_triangle_LFO(n_samps, rate, amplitude):
    Generate a triangle wave

            number of samples
            oscillation frequency, in units of 1/samples
    return amplitude * signal.sawtooth(2 * np.pi * rate * np.arange(n_samps),
コード例 #39
ファイル: tp1_0.py プロジェクト: gaelrottier/M1
 def __init__(self):
     #Définition du nombre de périodes
     nT = 2  
     Hz = 50
     #Définition de l'abscisse
     x = np.linspace(start=0, stop=nT, num=50)
     plt.ylim(-2, 2)
     # Génération d'un carré
     plt.plot(x, sg.square(2 * np.pi * Hz * x), c='RED')
     #Génération d'un signal en dent de scie
     plt.plot(x, sg.sawtooth(2 * np.pi * Hz * x), c='ORANGE')
     #Génération d'un signal en triangle
     plt.plot(x, sg.sawtooth(2 * np.pi * Hz * x, width = 0.5), c='CYAN')
コード例 #40
	def __init__(self, frequency, duration, attenuate=None):
		# Set member elements of Saw class
		self.frequency = frequency
		self.duration = duration

		# Set the sample frequency to 44.1 kHz
		self.sample_freq = 44100

		# Create time and wave vector for sawtooth wave
		self.t = np.arange(0, duration, 1/self.sample_freq)			# Period = 1/Frequency
		self.x = signal.sawtooth(2 * np.pi * self.frequency * self.t)		# 2*pi*f to convert to angular frequency omega
		# If user wants to attenuate the signal, attenuate by that value (must be less than 1)
		if((attenuate != None) & (attenuate < 1)):
			self.x = self.x * attenuate
コード例 #41
    def _generate_wave(self, base):
        if base is None:
            return None

        if self.waveform == self.WAVE_SINE:
            wave = np.sin(base)
        elif self.waveform == self.WAVE_SAWTOOTH:
            wave = signal.sawtooth(base)
        elif self.waveform == self.WAVE_SQUARE:
            wave = signal.square(base)
        else:  # unknown waveform or NONE
            l = 1 if base is None else len(base)
            wave = np.array([0] * l, dtype='float64')

        return wave
コード例 #42
ファイル: gen_signal.py プロジェクト: fstakem/pywell
def create_sawtooth(start_time, params, sampling_rate, duration):
    min_value = params['amplitude'][0]
    max_value = params['amplitude'][1]
    num_of_cycles = params['num_of_cycles']
    num_samples = int(duration * sampling_rate)
    sampling_interval = 1 / sampling_rate
    sampling_interval = timedelta(seconds=sampling_interval)

    x = np.arange(num_samples)
    t = [start_time + i * sampling_interval for i in x]
    x = np.linspace(0, 1, num_samples)
    y = sawtooth(2 * np.pi * num_of_cycles * x)
    y = scale_amp(y, min_value, max_value)

    return to_df(t, y)
コード例 #43
ファイル: Model.py プロジェクト: Xemnas0/DL_assignment_2
    def _saveGDparams(self, GDparams):
        self.lambda_L2 = GDparams['lambda_L2']
        self.batch_size = GDparams['batch_size']
        self.n_cycles = GDparams['n_cycles']
        self.n_s = GDparams['n_s']
        self.eta_min = GDparams['eta_min']
        self.eta_max = GDparams['eta_max']
        self.verbose = GDparams['verbose']

        # Prepare schedule of the learning rate
        t = np.arange(self.n_s * 2)
        freq = 1 / (2 * self.n_s)
        self.scheduled_eta = (signal.sawtooth(2 * np.pi * t * freq, 0.5) +
                              1) / 2 * (self.eta_max -
                                        self.eta_min) + self.eta_min
コード例 #44
    def plotSawtooth(self, amp, freq):
        self.Fs: int = 44100
        self.x = arange(0, 1, 1 / self.Fs)
        self.y = (amp / 10) * sawtooth(2 * pi * freq * self.x)
        self.plot = self.PlotView.plotItem
        self.vBox = self.plot.vb
        self.vBox.setLimits(xMin=-0, yMin=-2, xMax=1.3, yMax=2)

        self.plot.showGrid(x=True, y=True)
                       pen=mkPen('b', width=1),
                       name=str(amp) + "Sawtooth(2π" + str(freq))
コード例 #45
 def __generateToneData(self):
     if self.toneType == 'sine':
         self.samples = (
             self.volume *
             np.sin(2 * np.pi * np.arange(self.fs * self.duration) *
                    self.f / self.fs)).astype(np.float32).tobytes()
     elif self.toneType == 'square':
         self.samples = (
             self.volume *
             signal.square(2 * np.pi * np.arange(self.fs * self.duration) *
                           self.f / self.fs)).astype(np.float32).tobytes()
         self.samples = (self.volume * signal.sawtooth(
             2 * np.pi * np.arange(self.fs * self.duration) * self.f /
コード例 #46
ファイル: UIComponents.py プロジェクト: nttung94/FYP
 def calculate_signal(self, **kwargs):
     try: sampling = kwargs['sampling_rate']
     except: sampling = self.sampling
     waveIndex = self.wavelistbox.get_selection()
     st = float(self.start_time.get())
     et = float(self.end_time.get())
     a = float(self.amplitude.get())
     f = float(self.frequency.get())
     delay = float(self.delay.get())
     displacement = float(self.displacement.get())
     x = numpy.arange(st, et+1.0/sampling, 1.0/sampling)
     if (self.list[waveIndex] == 'Sine'):
         y = displacement + a*numpy.sin(2*numpy.pi*f*x - delay*f*numpy.pi)
     if (self.list[waveIndex] == 'Square'):
         y = displacement + a*sgl.square(2*numpy.pi *f*(x-delay))
     if (self.list[waveIndex] == 'Sawtooth'):
         y = displacement + a*sgl.sawtooth(2*numpy.pi *f*(x-delay))
     if (self.list[waveIndex] == 'Triangle'):
         y = displacement + a*sgl.sawtooth(2*numpy.pi *f*(x-delay), width=0.5)
     if (self.list[waveIndex] == 'User Function'):
         try:    exec(self.userSignal.get())
         except: pass
     return [x,y]
コード例 #47
ファイル: play.py プロジェクト: fdaneri/Fersammar
def playrec_sawtooth(frecuencia, duracion, amplitud=0.1, fs=192000):
    Emite y graba una funcion rampa.
    sd.default.samplerate = fs  #frecuencia de muestreo
    sd.default.channels = 1, 2  #por las dos salidas de audio

    cantidad_de_periodos = duracion * frecuencia
    puntos_por_periodo = int(fs / frecuencia)
    puntos_totales = puntos_por_periodo * cantidad_de_periodos

    tiempo = np.linspace(0, duracion, puntos_totales)

    data = amplitud * signal.sawtooth(2 * np.pi * frecuencia * tiempo)
    grabacion = sd.playrec(data, blocking=True)
    return tiempo, data, grabacion
コード例 #48
class MultiProfileTriangle(MultiProfileTestMixin, TestCase):

    x_values = np.linspace(0, 8*np.pi, num=200)
    values = sps.sawtooth(x_values, width=0.5)
    valley_max_idxs = (50, 100, 150)
    peak_max_idxs = (25, 75, 125, 175)
    peak_fwxm_idxs = (25, 75, 125, 175)

    def test_ground_profile(self):
        """Test that the profile is properly grounded to 0."""
        p = MultiProfile(self.values)
        # the minimum shouldn't be zero to start with
        self.assertFalse(p.values.min() == 0)
        # but it should be after grounding
        self.assertTrue(p.values.min() == 0)
コード例 #49
    def _reset_reference(self):
        # get absolute values of amplitude, frequency and offset
        self._amplitude = self._get_current_value(self._amplitude_range)
        self._frequency = self._get_current_value(self._frequency_range)
        offset_range = np.clip(
            self._offset_range, -self._limit_margin[1] + self._amplitude,  self._limit_margin[1] - self._amplitude
        self._offset = self._get_current_value(offset_range)

        t = np.linspace(0, (self._current_episode_length - 1) * self._physical_system.tau, self._current_episode_length)
        phase = np.random.rand() * 2 * np.pi  # note: in the scipy implementation of sawtooth() 1 time-period
        # corresponds to a phase of 2pi
        ref_width = np.random.rand()  # a random value between 0,1 that creates asymmetry in the triangular reference
        # wave ref_width=1 creates a sawtooth waveform
        self._reference = self._amplitude * sg.sawtooth(2*np.pi * self._frequency * t + phase, ref_width) + self._offset
        self._reference = np.clip(self._reference, self._limit_margin[0], self._limit_margin[1])
コード例 #50
    def __init__(self,
                 sampleSpacing=1 / 800,
        :freq: frequency of the input signal
        :amplitude: peak amplitude of input signal
        super(triangle, self).__init__(numPoints=numPoints,
                                       name='Triangle Modeled Waveform')

        # here, we override the relationship between time and frequency
        self.voltageFunction = amplitude * signal.sawtooth(
            2 * np.pi * 5 * self.time, width=.5)
コード例 #51
ファイル: datasets.py プロジェクト: MrGreenRubato/notebooks
def make_signals():
    # fix a random state seed
    rng = np.random.RandomState(42)
    n_samples = 2000
    time = np.linspace(0, 8, n_samples)
    # create three signals
    s1 = np.sin(2 * time)  # Signal 1 : sinusoidal signal
    s2 = np.sign(np.sin(3 * time))  # Signal 2 : square signal
    s3 = signal.sawtooth(2 * np.pi * time)  # Signal 3: saw tooth signal

    # concatenate the signals, add noise
    S = np.c_[s1, s2, s3]
    S += 0.2 * rng.normal(size=S.shape)

    S /= S.std(axis=0)  # Standardize data
    S -= S.min()
    return S
コード例 #52
 def update_data(self):
     # Compute waveform
     if self.waveform_list.list[0].isChecked():
         # Sine
         self.waveform_index = 0
         self.data = self.offset + self.mod_amp * np.sin(2 * np.pi * self.freq / self.n * np.arange(self.n))
     elif self.waveform_list.list[1].isChecked():
         # Triangle
         self.waveform_index = 1
         self.data = self.offset + self.mod_amp * signal.sawtooth(2 * np.pi * self.freq / self.n * np.arange(self.n), width=0.5)
     elif self.waveform_list.list[2].isChecked():
         # Square
         self.waveform_index = 2
         self.data = self.offset + self.mod_amp * signal.square(2 * np.pi * self.freq / self.n * np.arange(self.n), duty=0.5)
     # Prevent overflow
     self.data[self.data >= +0.999] = +0.999
     self.data[self.data <= -0.999] = -0.999
コード例 #53
ファイル: pinscreen.py プロジェクト: atchah/pinscreen
def main():
    sin_functions = {
        'sine': np.sin,
        'sawtooth': lambda x: sawtooth(x, width=0.5),

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('--overwrite', '-O', action='store_true',
                        help="Don't complain if outpath already exists")
    parser.add_argument('--fit-function', '-f',
                        help='Choose a function to fit the waveforms',
                        choices=sin_functions.keys(), default='sine')
        '--strains-from', '-s',
        choices=['fit', 'data'], default='fit',
        help=("Choose whether strains will be computed from the peaks of the "
              "fit function (fit; default) or from the average of the observed "
              "strains at the extended position determined from the fits (data)."))
    parser.add_argument('--fps', type=float, default=30.)
    args = parser.parse_args()
        os.makedirs(args.outpath)  # do this first so we aren't surprised later
    except OSError:
        if not args.overwrite:
            print >> sys.stderr, "Output path exists. Use --overwrite to run anyway."
    f = open(args.infile, 'rU')
    frames = parse_mtrack2(f)
    centered_frames, jitter = recenter(frames)
    fit_parameters = sinefit(frames, dt=1./args.fps, sin=sin_functions[args.fit_function])
    if args.strains_from == 'fit':
        (_center_x, _center_y, resting_x, resting_y, extended_x, extended_y) = \
    elif args.strains_from == 'data':
        (_center_x, _center_y, resting_x, resting_y, extended_x, extended_y) = \
                process_coordinates_from_data(fit_parameters, frames, 1./args.fps)
        raise ValueError
    peak_strain = calculate_peak_strain(fit_parameters, resting_x, resting_y, extended_x, extended_y)
    write_plots(frames, fit_parameters, jitter, args.outpath, peak_strain,
                dt=1./args.fps, min_strain=-0.05, max_strain=0.25)
コード例 #54
def generate_target_force_trajectory(TrajectoryType,Time,Amplitude,AmplitudeModulation,FrequencyModulation):
	if TrajectoryType == 'triangle':
	    delay = (1/FrequencyModulation)/4
	    triangle = 2*sawtooth(2*np.pi*(Time-Delay),0.5)-1
	    TargetForceTrajectory = AmplitudeModulation*triangle+Amplitude
	elif TrajectoryType == 'sinewave':
	    TargetForceTrajectory = AmplitudeModulation*np.sin(2*np.pi*FrequencyModulation*Time)+Amplitude
	elif TrajectoryType == 'constant':
		SamplingFrequency = 10000
		TargetForceTrajectory = np.concatenate((np.zeros(SamplingFrequency), (Amplitude)*(1/2)*Time[:2*SamplingFrequency], Amplitude*np.ones(len(Time)-3*SamplingFrequency), Amplitude*np.ones(5000)))
		TargetForceTrajectory = smooth(TargetForceTrajectory,500)
		TargetForceTrajectory = TargetForceTrajectory[:-5000]
	    #TargetForceTrajectory = [Amplitude*np.ones(1,len(Time))]
	elif strcmp(type,'trapezoid')
		SamplingFrequency = 10000
		offset = 0.01 % in %MVC
		slope = Amplitude/5 % %MVC/s
		%Amplitude = 30 % in %MVC
		holdtime = 0
		interval = 5 % in seconds
		ramp_up = offset/interval*(Time(1:interval*SamplingFrequency))
		delay_rise_start = SamplingFrequency*interval
		delay_rise_end = SamplingFrequency*(Amplitude/slope)+delay_rise_start
		delay_decay_start = delay_rise_end + SamplingFrequency*holdtime
		delay_decay_end = delay_rise_end + SamplingFrequency*holdtime + SamplingFrequency*(Amplitude/slope)
		y1 = slope*(Time(delay_rise_start:delay_rise_end)-interval)
		y2 = -slope*(Time(delay_decay_start:delay_decay_end)-delay_decay_end/SamplingFrequency)
		Trapezoidal_Pulse = [zeros(1,interval*SamplingFrequency) y1 ...
			Amplitude*ones(1,holdtime*SamplingFrequency) y2 zeros(1,interval*SamplingFrequency)]+offset
		N = floor(Time(end)/(len(Trapezoidal_Pulse)/SamplingFrequency))
		TargetForceTrajectory = repmat(Trapezoidal_Pulse,1,N)
		TargetForceTrajectory = [TargetForceTrajectory zeros(1,len(Time)-len(TargetForceTrajectory))+offset]
		TargetForceTrajectory(1:interval*SamplingFrequency) = ramp_up

		# 6%MVC => 0.0667
		# 3%MVC => 0.05
		# 1.5%MVC => 0.033
		# 3%MVC + 5s hold => 0.04
		# 3%MVC + 10s hold => 
コード例 #55
def example_model():
    # example model data from
    # http://scikit-learn.org/stable/auto_examples/decomposition/plot_ica_blind_source_separation.html
    n_samples = 2000
    time = np.linspace(0, 8, n_samples)

    s1 = np.sin(2 * time)  # Signal 1 : sinusoidal signal
    s2 = np.sign(np.sin(3 * time))  # Signal 2 : square signal
    s3 = signal.sawtooth(2 * np.pi * time)  # Signal 3: saw tooth signal

    S = np.c_[s1, s2, s3]
    S += 0.2 * np.random.normal(size=S.shape)  # Add noise

    S /= S.std(axis=0)  # Standardize data
    # Mix data
    A = np.array([[1, 1, 1], [0.5, 2, 1.0], [1.5, 1.0, 2.0]])  # Mixing matrix
    X = np.dot(S, A.T)  # Generate observations
    return S, A, X
コード例 #56
ファイル: dzwiek.py プロジェクト: topolskib/beatbox
def saw_custom(f,T,a=0,b=0):
    Funkcja zwraca macierz reprezentujaca dzwiek stworzony za pomoca fali typu sawtooth.
    Argumenty wejsciowe:
    f - czestotliwosc w Hz
    T - czas w sekundach
    a - wzgledny czas narastania liniowego dzwieku, 0<=a<=1
    b - wzgledny czas wygaszania liniowego dzwieku, 0<=b<=1
    S0=signal.sawtooth(2 * np.pi * f * t)    
コード例 #57
    def getData(self, tstamp):
        if (None == self.data):
            t = np.linspace(0, 1, self.sample_freq)
            self.data = signal.sawtooth(2 * np.pi * self.control_params.frequency * t)
            self.data = self.data * self.control_params.amplitude
        if (None == self.lastTime):
            self.lastTime = bulkio.timestamp.now()
        t_then = self.lastTime.twsec + self.lastTime.tfsec
        t_now = tstamp.twsec + tstamp.tfsec
        vec = None

        if (t_now - t_then >= self.window / self.sample_freq):
            vec = list(self.data[0:self.window])
            self.data = np.roll(self.data, -self.window)
            self.lastTime = tstamp
        return vec
コード例 #58
ファイル: example.py プロジェクト: abalckin/cwavenet

import neurolab as nl
import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
def func1(x):
    if x < 0:
        return 10*np.exp(-.03*x*40 - 0.3)*np.sin((0.6*x*40-0.1))+40*x+.5
    if x >= 0:
        return 10*np.exp(-.03*x*40 - 0.3)*np.sin((0.3*x*40-0.1))+40*x+.5

# Create train samples

x = np.linspace(-0., 0.5, 100)
o = signal.sawtooth(2 * np.pi * 5 * x)
size = len(x)
y = o + (np.random.random(size)-0.5)*0.1

inp = x.reshape(size,1)
tar = y.reshape(size,1)

n = nl.net.newff([[np.min(inp), np.max(inp)]], [35, 1])
n.trainf = nl.train.train_bfgs
n.trainf = nl.train.train_gd
#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
error = n.train(inp, tar, epochs=30, goal=0.0, show=1, adapt=True)
y3 = np.array(error)
out = n.sim(inp)
コード例 #59
ファイル: writeEDFFile.py プロジェクト: holgern/pyedflib

    ch_dict = {
        "label": "ramp",
        "dimension": "uV",
        "sample_rate": 200,
        "physical_max": 100,
        "physical_min": -100,
        "digital_max": 32767,
        "digital_min": -32768,
        "transducer": "",
        "prefilter": "",
    time = np.linspace(0, file_duration, file_duration * 200)
    x2 = signal.sawtooth(2 * np.pi * 1 * time)

    ch_dict = {
        "label": "pulse 1",
        "dimension": "uV",
        "sample_rate": 200,
        "physical_max": 100,
        "physical_min": -100,
        "digital_max": 32767,
        "digital_min": -32768,
        "transducer": "",
        "prefilter": "",
    time = np.linspace(0, file_duration, file_duration * 200)