コード例 #1
ファイル: test_iterative.py プロジェクト: AlloysMila/scipy
    def test_leftright_precond(self):
        """Check that QMR works with left and right preconditioners"""

        from scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve import splu
        from scipy.sparse.linalg.interface import LinearOperator

        n = 100

        dat = ones(n)
        A = spdiags([-2*dat, 4*dat, -dat], [-1,0,1] ,n,n)
        b = arange(n,dtype='d')

        L = spdiags([-dat/2, dat], [-1,0], n, n)
        U = spdiags([4*dat, -dat], [ 0,1], n, n)

        L_solver = splu(L)
        U_solver = splu(U)

        def L_solve(b):
            return L_solver.solve(b)
        def U_solve(b):
            return U_solver.solve(b)
        def LT_solve(b):
            return L_solver.solve(b,'T')
        def UT_solve(b):
            return U_solver.solve(b,'T')

        M1 = LinearOperator( (n,n), matvec=L_solve, rmatvec=LT_solve )
        M2 = LinearOperator( (n,n), matvec=U_solve, rmatvec=UT_solve )

        x,info = qmr(A, b, tol=1e-8, maxiter=15, M1=M1, M2=M2)

        assert_normclose(A*x, b, tol=1e-8)
コード例 #2
ファイル: BS_FDM.py プロジェクト: jamie-hong/scripts
  def build_sparse_crank_nicolson(s):
    """(internal) Set up the sparse matrices for the Crank-Nicolson method. """

    A = sparse.lil_matrix((s.n, s.n))
    C = sparse.lil_matrix((s.n, s.n))

    for j in xrange(0, s.n):
      xd = j+1+s.xs
      ssxx = (s.sigma * xd) ** 2

      A[j,j] = 1.0 - 0.5*s.dt*(ssxx + s.r)
      C[j,j] = 1.0 + 0.5*s.dt*(ssxx + s.r)
      if j > 0:
        A[j,j-1] = 0.25*s.dt*(+ssxx - s.r*xd)
        C[j,j-1] = 0.25*s.dt*(-ssxx + s.r*xd)
      if j < s.n-1:
        A[j,j+1] = 0.25*s.dt*(+ssxx + s.r*xd)
        C[j,j+1] = 0.25*s.dt*(-ssxx - s.r*xd)

    s.A = A.tocsr()
    s.C = linsolve.splu(C)              # perform sparse LU decomposition

    # Buffer to store right-hand side of the linear system Cu = v
    s.v = empty((n, ))
コード例 #3
 def test_splu_smoketest(self):
     with warnings.catch_warnings():
         warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=SparseEfficiencyWarning)
         # Check that splu works at all
         x = random.rand(self.n)
         lu = splu(self.A)
         r = self.A * lu.solve(x)
         assert_(abs(x - r).max() < 1e-13)
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_linsolve.py プロジェクト: Juanlu001/scipy
    def _check_non_singular(self):
        # Make a diagonal dominant, to make sure it is not singular
        n = 5
        a = csc_matrix(random.rand(n, n))
        b = ones(n)

        expected = splu(a).solve(b)
        assert_array_almost_equal(factorized(a)(b), expected)
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_iterative.py プロジェクト: ElDeveloper/scipy
    def test_leftright_precond(self):
        """Check that QMR works with left and right preconditioners"""

        from scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve import splu
        from scipy.sparse.linalg.interface import LinearOperator

        n = 100

        dat = ones(n)
        A = spdiags([-2*dat, 4*dat, -dat], [-1,0,1],n,n)
        b = arange(n,dtype='d')

        L = spdiags([-dat/2, dat], [-1,0], n, n)
        U = spdiags([4*dat, -dat], [0,1], n, n)

        with suppress_warnings() as sup:
            sup.filter(SparseEfficiencyWarning, "splu requires CSC matrix format")
            L_solver = splu(L)
            U_solver = splu(U)

        def L_solve(b):
            return L_solver.solve(b)

        def U_solve(b):
            return U_solver.solve(b)

        def LT_solve(b):
            return L_solver.solve(b,'T')

        def UT_solve(b):
            return U_solver.solve(b,'T')

        M1 = LinearOperator((n,n), matvec=L_solve, rmatvec=LT_solve)
        M2 = LinearOperator((n,n), matvec=U_solve, rmatvec=UT_solve)

        with suppress_warnings() as sup:
            sup.filter(DeprecationWarning, ".*called without specifying.*")
            x,info = qmr(A, b, tol=1e-8, maxiter=15, M1=M1, M2=M2)

        assert_normclose(A*x, b, tol=1e-8)
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_linsolve.py プロジェクト: MonsieurGalois/scipy
    def test_splu_perm(self):
        # Test the permutation vectors exposed by splu.
        n = 30
        a = random.random((n, n))
        a[a < 0.95] = 0
        # Make a diagonal dominant, to make sure it is not singular
        a += 4*eye(n)
        a_ = csc_matrix(a)
        lu = splu(a_)
        # Check that the permutation indices do belong to [0, n-1].
        for perm in (lu.perm_r, lu.perm_c):
            assert_(all(perm > -1))
            assert_(all(perm < n))
            assert_equal(len(unique(perm)), len(perm))

        # Now make a symmetric, and test that the two permutation vectors are
        # the same
        a += a.T
        a_ = csc_matrix(a)
        lu = splu(a_)
        assert_array_equal(lu.perm_r, lu.perm_c)
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_linsolve.py プロジェクト: sylee957/scipy
    def test_bad_inputs(self):
        A = self.A.tocsc()

        assert_raises(ValueError, splu, A[:, :4])
        assert_raises(ValueError, spilu, A[:, :4])

        for lu in [splu(A), spilu(A)]:
            b = random.rand(42)
            B = random.rand(42, 3)
            BB = random.rand(self.n, 3, 9)
            assert_raises(ValueError, lu.solve, b)
            assert_raises(ValueError, lu.solve, B)
            assert_raises(ValueError, lu.solve, BB)
            assert_raises(TypeError, lu.solve, b.astype(np.complex64))
            assert_raises(TypeError, lu.solve, b.astype(np.complex128))
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_linsolve.py プロジェクト: grlee77/scipy
    def test_lu_refcount(self):
        # Test that we are keeping track of the reference count with splu.
        n = 30
        a = random.random((n, n))
        a[a < 0.95] = 0
        # Make a diagonal dominant, to make sure it is not singular
        a += 4*eye(n)
        a_ = csc_matrix(a)
        lu = splu(a_)

        # And now test that we don't have a refcount bug
        rc = sys.getrefcount(lu)
        for attr in ('perm_r', 'perm_c'):
            perm = getattr(lu, attr)
            assert_equal(sys.getrefcount(lu), rc + 1)
            del perm
            assert_equal(sys.getrefcount(lu), rc)
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_linsolve.py プロジェクト: yishuifengxing/scipy
    def test_lu_refcount(self):
        # Test that we are keeping track of the reference count with splu.
        n = 30
        a = random.random((n, n))
        a[a < 0.95] = 0
        # Make a diagonal dominant, to make sure it is not singular
        a += 4 * eye(n)
        a_ = csc_matrix(a)
        lu = splu(a_)

        # And now test that we don't have a refcount bug
        rc = sys.getrefcount(lu)
        for attr in ('perm_r', 'perm_c'):
            perm = getattr(lu, attr)
            assert_equal(sys.getrefcount(lu), rc + 1)
            del perm
            assert_equal(sys.getrefcount(lu), rc)
コード例 #10
ファイル: test_linsolve.py プロジェクト: Juanlu001/scipy
    def test_bad_inputs(self):
        A = self.A.tocsc()

        assert_raises(ValueError, splu, A[:,:4])
        assert_raises(ValueError, spilu, A[:,:4])

        for lu in [splu(A), spilu(A)]:
            b = random.rand(42)
            B = random.rand(42, 3)
            BB = random.rand(self.n, 3, 9)
            assert_raises(ValueError, lu.solve, b)
            assert_raises(ValueError, lu.solve, B)
            assert_raises(ValueError, lu.solve, BB)
            assert_raises(TypeError, lu.solve,
            assert_raises(TypeError, lu.solve,
コード例 #11
ファイル: test_linsolve.py プロジェクト: MonsieurGalois/scipy
    def test_splu_basic(self):
        # Test basic splu functionality.
        n = 30
        a = random.random((n, n))
        a[a < 0.95] = 0
        # First test with a singular matrix
        a[:, 0] = 0
        a_ = csc_matrix(a)
        # Matrix is exactly singular
        assert_raises(RuntimeError, splu, a_)

        # Make a diagonal dominant, to make sure it is not singular
        a += 4*eye(n)
        a_ = csc_matrix(a)
        lu = splu(a_)
        b = ones(n)
        x = lu.solve(b)
        assert_almost_equal(dot(a, x), b)
コード例 #12
    def test_splu_basic(self):
        # Test basic splu functionality.
        n = 30
        a = random.random((n, n))
        a[a < 0.95] = 0
        # First test with a singular matrix
        a[:, 0] = 0
        a_ = csc_matrix(a)
        # Matrix is exactly singular
        assert_raises(RuntimeError, splu, a_)

        # Make a diagonal dominant, to make sure it is not singular
        a += 4 * eye(n)
        a_ = csc_matrix(a)
        lu = splu(a_)
        b = ones(n)
        x = lu.solve(b)
        assert_almost_equal(dot(a, x), b)
コード例 #13
    def test_lu_attr(self):
        A = self.A
        n = A.shape[0]
        lu = splu(A)

        # Check that the decomposition is as advertized

        Pc = np.zeros((n, n))
        Pc[np.arange(n), lu.perm_c] = 1

        Pr = np.zeros((n, n))
        Pr[lu.perm_r, np.arange(n)] = 1

        Ad = A.toarray()
        lhs = Pr.dot(Ad).dot(Pc)
        rhs = (lu.L * lu.U).toarray()

        assert_allclose(lhs, rhs, atol=1e-10)
コード例 #14
ファイル: test_linsolve.py プロジェクト: Aliases/dissect
    def test_lu_attr(self):
        A = self.A
        n = A.shape[0]
        lu = splu(A)

        # Check that the decomposition is as advertized

        Pc = np.zeros((n, n))
        Pc[np.arange(n), lu.perm_c] = 1

        Pr = np.zeros((n, n))
        Pr[lu.perm_r, np.arange(n)] = 1

        Ad = A.toarray()
        lhs = Pr.dot(Ad).dot(Pc)
        rhs = (lu.L * lu.U).toarray()

        assert_allclose(lhs, rhs, atol=1e-10)
コード例 #15
ファイル: test_linsolve.py プロジェクト: vbasu/scipy
    def test_assume_sorted_indices_flag(self):
        # a sparse matrix with unsorted indices
        unsorted_inds = np.array([2, 0, 1, 0])
        data = np.array([10, 16, 5, 0.4])
        indptr = np.array([0, 1, 2, 4])
        A = csc_matrix((data, unsorted_inds, indptr), (3, 3))
        b = ones(3)

        # should raise when incorrectly assuming indices are sorted
        use_solver(useUmfpack=True, assumeSortedIndices=True)
        assert_raises_regex(RuntimeError, "UMFPACK_ERROR_invalid_matrix", factorized, A)

        # should sort indices and succeed when not assuming indices are sorted
        use_solver(useUmfpack=True, assumeSortedIndices=False)
        expected = splu(A.copy()).solve(b)

        assert_equal(A.has_sorted_indices, 0)
        assert_array_almost_equal(factorized(A)(b), expected)
        assert_equal(A.has_sorted_indices, 1)
コード例 #16
ファイル: BS_FDM.py プロジェクト: jamie-hong/scripts
  def build_sparse_implicit(s):
    """(internal) Set up the sparse matrix system for the implicit method."""

    C = sparse.lil_matrix((s.n, s.n))

    for j in xrange(0, s.n):
      xd = j+1+s.xs
      ssxx = (s.sigma * xd) ** 2
      C[j,j] = 1.0 + s.dt*(ssxx + s.r)

      if j > 0:
        C[j,j-1] = 0.5*s.dt*(-ssxx + s.r*xd)
      if j < s.n-1:
        C[j,j+1] = 0.5*s.dt*(-ssxx - s.r*xd) 

    # Store matrix with sparse LU decomposition already performed
    s.C = linsolve.splu(C)

    # Buffer to store right-hand side of the linear system Cu = v
    s.v = empty((n, ))
コード例 #17
ファイル: test_linsolve.py プロジェクト: Juanlu001/scipy
    def test_assume_sorted_indices_flag(self):
        # a sparse matrix with unsorted indices
        unsorted_inds = np.array([2, 0, 1, 0])
        data = np.array([10, 16, 5, 0.4])
        indptr = np.array([0, 1, 2, 4])
        A = csc_matrix((data, unsorted_inds, indptr), (3, 3))
        b = ones(3)

        # should raise when incorrectly assuming indices are sorted
        use_solver(useUmfpack=True, assumeSortedIndices=True)
        with assert_raises(RuntimeError,

        # should sort indices and succeed when not assuming indices are sorted
        use_solver(useUmfpack=True, assumeSortedIndices=False)
        expected = splu(A.copy()).solve(b)

        assert_equal(A.has_sorted_indices, 0)
        assert_array_almost_equal(factorized(A)(b), expected)
        assert_equal(A.has_sorted_indices, 1)
コード例 #18
    def build_sparse_implicit(self, s):
        """(internal) Set up the sparse matrix system for the implicit method."""

        C = sparse.lil_matrix((s.n, s.n))

        for j in range(0, s.n):
            xd = j + 1 + s.xs
            ssxx = (s.sigma * xd)**2

            C[j, j] = 1.0 + s.dt * (ssxx + s.r)

            if j > 0:
                C[j, j - 1] = 0.5 * s.dt * (-ssxx + s.r * xd)
            if j < s.n - 1:
                C[j, j + 1] = 0.5 * s.dt * (-ssxx - s.r * xd)

                # Store matrix with sparse LU decomposition already performed
        s.C = linsolve.splu(sparse.lil_matrix.tocsc(C))

        # Buffer to store right-hand side of the linear system Cu = v
        s.v = empty((n, ))
コード例 #19
ファイル: test_linsolve.py プロジェクト: yishuifengxing/scipy
        def check(dtype, complex_2=False):
            A = self.A.astype(dtype)

            if complex_2:
                A = A + 1j * A.T

            n = A.shape[0]
            lu = splu(A)

            # Check that the decomposition is as advertized

            Pc = np.zeros((n, n))
            Pc[np.arange(n), lu.perm_c] = 1

            Pr = np.zeros((n, n))
            Pr[lu.perm_r, np.arange(n)] = 1

            Ad = A.toarray()
            lhs = Pr.dot(Ad).dot(Pc)
            rhs = (lu.L * lu.U).toarray()

            eps = np.finfo(dtype).eps

            assert_allclose(lhs, rhs, atol=100 * eps)
コード例 #20
ファイル: hw12.py プロジェクト: jamie-hong/scripts
 def build(self):
     A = sparse.lil_matrix((self.n, self.n))
     C = sparse.lil_matrix((self.n, self.n))
     for j in xrange(0, self.n):
         xd = j+1+self.xs
         ssxx = (self.sigma * xd) ** 2
         A[j,j] = 1.0 - 0.5*self.dt*(ssxx + self.r)
         C[j,j] = 1.0 + 0.5*self.dt*(ssxx + self.r)
         if j > 0:
             A[j,j-1] = 0.25*self.dt*(+ssxx - self.r*xd)
             C[j,j-1] = 0.25*self.dt*(-ssxx + self.r*xd)
         if j < self.n-1:
             A[j,j+1] = 0.25*self.dt*(+ssxx + self.r*xd)
             C[j,j+1] = 0.25*self.dt*(-ssxx - self.r*xd)
     self.A = A.tocsr()
     self.C = linsolve.splu(C)  # sparse LU decomposition
     # Buffer to store right-hand side of the linear system Cu = v
     self.v = empty((n, ))
コード例 #21
ファイル: test_linsolve.py プロジェクト: Juanlu001/scipy
        def check(dtype, complex_2=False):
            A = self.A.astype(dtype)

            if complex_2:
                A = A + 1j*A.T

            n = A.shape[0]
            lu = splu(A)

            # Check that the decomposition is as advertized

            Pc = np.zeros((n, n))
            Pc[np.arange(n), lu.perm_c] = 1

            Pr = np.zeros((n, n))
            Pr[lu.perm_r, np.arange(n)] = 1

            Ad = A.toarray()
            lhs = Pr.dot(Ad).dot(Pc)
            rhs = (lu.L * lu.U).toarray()

            eps = np.finfo(dtype).eps

            assert_allclose(lhs, rhs, atol=100*eps)
コード例 #22
 def test_splu_smoketest(self):
     # Check that splu works at all
     x = random.rand(self.n)
     lu = splu(self.A)
     r = self.A*lu.solve(x)
     assert_(abs(x - r).max() < 1e-13)
コード例 #23
 def test_splu_smoketest(self):
     # Check that splu works at all
     x = random.rand(self.n)
     lu = splu(self.A)
     r = self.A * lu.solve(x)
     assert_(abs(x - r).max() < 1e-13)