コード例 #1
def qre_exploitability(dist, payoff_tensor, temperature=0., aggregate=np.mean):
    """Compute Shannon regularized exploitability of dist for non-symmetric game.

    dist: list of 1-d np.arrays, current estimate of nash distribution
    payoff_tensor: (n x A1 x ... x An) np.array, payoffs for each joint action
      assumed to be non-negative. can also be list of (A1 x ... x An) np.arrays
    temperature: non-negative float
    aggregate: function to reduce individual exp_is to scalar, e.g., mean or max
    exploitability (float): avg_i payoff_i of best response_i - payoff_i of dist
    num_players = len(payoff_tensor)

    exp_i = []
    for i in range(num_players):
        nabla_i = misc.pt_reduce(payoff_tensor[i], dist, [i])
        dist_i = dist[i]
        if temperature > 0:
            br_i = special.softmax(nabla_i / temperature)
            br_i = np.zeros_like(dist_i)
            maxima = (nabla_i == np.max(nabla_i))
            br_i[maxima] = 1. / maxima.sum()

        u_i_br = nabla_i.dot(br_i) + temperature * special.entr(br_i).sum()
        u_i_dist = nabla_i.dot(
            dist_i) + temperature * special.entr(dist_i).sum()

        exp_i.append(u_i_br - u_i_dist)

    return aggregate(exp_i)
コード例 #2
def best_merge(L, q, uni, mis21, mis, ffs, pos):
    Finds the best pair of letters to merge at positions pos.

    For each letter pair A,B it computes all the MI values which change, and
    adds up the total change, to compute a new msqerr. If then finds the choice
    with smallest msqerr.

    It returns the best msqerr, and the changed MIs (a list of length L)
    ffp = [ffs[pos, j] for j in range(L) if j != pos]
    entrp = np.array([np.sum(entr(x), axis=1) for x in ffp])
    mip = np.array([mis[pos, j] for j in range(L) if j != pos])
    mi21p = np.array([mis21[pos, j] for j in range(L) if j != pos])
    unientr = entr(uni)

    goodness = np.inf
    for A in range(q - 1):
        ffA = [ff[A, :] for ff in ffp]
        eA = entrp[:, A]

        for B in range(A + 1, q):
            unidelta = entr(uni[A] + uni[B]) - unientr[A] - unientr[B]
            eC = np.array(
                [sum(entr(ffa + ff[B, :])) for ff, ffa in zip(ffp, ffA)])
            eB = entrp[:, B]
            #            vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv   change in MI due to merge
            newmis = mip - eC + eA + eB + unidelta

            g = sum((newmis - mi21p)**2)
            if g < goodness:
                goodness, bestA, bestB, newmi = g, A, B, newmis

    return goodness, bestA, bestB
コード例 #3
def cheap_gradients(random, dist, y, payoff_matrices, num_players,
                    temperature=0., proj_grad=True):
  """Computes exploitablity gradient and aux variable gradients with samples.

  This implementation takes payoff_matrices as input so technically uses O(d^2)
  compute but only a single column of payoff_matrices is used to perform the
  update so can be re-implemented in O(d) if needed.

    random: random number generator, np.random.RandomState(seed)
    dist: 1-d np.array, current estimate of nash distribution
    y: 1-d np.array (same shape as dist), current estimate of payoff gradient
    payoff_matrices: (>=2 x A x A) np.array, payoffs for each joint action
    num_players: int, number of players, in case payoff_matrices is abbreviated
    temperature: non-negative float, default 0.
    proj_grad: bool, if True, projects dist gradient onto simplex
    gradient of exploitability w.r.t. (dist, y) as tuple
    unregularized exploitability (stochastic estimate)
    tsallis regularized exploitability (stochastic estimate)
  action_1 = random.choice(dist.size, p=dist)
  nabla = payoff_matrices[0][:, action_1]
  if temperature > 0:
    br = special.softmax(y / temperature)
    br_mat = (np.diag(br) - np.outer(br, br)) / temperature
    br_policy_gradient = nabla - temperature * (np.log(br) + 1)
    power = np.inf
    s = np.linalg.norm(y, ord=power)
    br = np.zeros_like(dist)
    maxima = (y == s)
    br[maxima] = 1. / maxima.sum()
    br_mat = np.zeros((br.size, br.size))
    br_policy_gradient = np.zeros_like(br)

  unreg_exp = np.max(y) - y.dot(dist)
  entr_br = temperature * special.entr(br).sum()
  entr_dist = temperature * special.entr(dist).sum()
  reg_exp = y.dot(br - dist) + entr_br - entr_dist

  policy_gradient = nabla
  if temperature > 0:
    policy_gradient -= temperature * (np.log(dist) + 1)
  other_player_fx = (br - dist) + br_mat.dot(br_policy_gradient)

  action_u = random.choice(dist.size)  # uniform, ~importance sampling
  other_player_fx = dist.size * other_player_fx[action_u]
  other_player_fx_translated = payoff_matrices[1, :, action_u] * other_player_fx
  grad_dist = -policy_gradient + (num_players - 1) * other_player_fx_translated
  if proj_grad:
    grad_dist = simplex.project_grad(grad_dist)
  grad_y = y - nabla

  return (grad_dist, grad_y), unreg_exp, reg_exp
コード例 #4
ファイル: cwrnn_norm.py プロジェクト: jCuadra/lrh
 def print_info(self):
     _D = self.d.copy()
     print 'dominant wave period: \n', _D.argmax(axis=0) + 1
     print '\n\navg. power (all):\t', np.abs(_D).mean()
     print 'avg. power waves:\t', self.A.mean()
     print '\n\nentropy:\n', special.entr(self.D).sum(axis=0)
     print '\n\n mean entropy: ', np.mean(special.entr(self.D).sum(axis=0))
     d = self.d.copy()
     maxx = d.max(axis=0)
     d[d.argmax(axis=0), range(d.shape[1])] = -10.0
     print '\n\ndiff b/w top 2:\n', maxx - d.max(axis=0)
コード例 #5
ファイル: cwrnn_norm.py プロジェクト: hedgefair/lrh
	def print_info(self):
		_D = self.d.copy()
		print 'dominant wave period: \n', _D.argmax(axis=0) + 1
		print '\n\navg. power (all):\t', np.abs(_D).mean()
		print 'avg. power waves:\t', self.A.mean()
		print '\n\nentropy:\n', special.entr(self.D).sum(axis=0)
		print '\n\n mean entropy: ', np.mean(special.entr(self.D).sum(axis=0))
		d = self.d.copy()
		maxx = d.max(axis=0)
		d[d.argmax(axis=0), range(d.shape[1])] = -10.0
		print '\n\ndiff b/w top 2:\n', maxx - d.max(axis=0)
コード例 #6
def gradients(dist, y, payoff_matrices, num_players, temperature=0.,
  """Computes exploitablity gradient and aux variable gradients.

    dist: 1-d np.array, current estimate of nash distribution
    y: 1-d np.array (same shape as dist), current estimate of payoff gradient
    payoff_matrices: (>=2 x A x A) np.array, payoffs for each joint action
    num_players: int, number of players, in case payoff_matrices is abbreviated
    temperature: non-negative float, default 0.
    proj_grad: bool, if True, projects dist gradient onto simplex
    gradient of exploitability w.r.t. (dist, y) as tuple
    unregularized exploitability (stochastic estimate)
    tsallis regularized exploitability (stochastic estimate)
  nabla = payoff_matrices[0].dot(dist)
  y = nabla
  if temperature > 0:
    br = special.softmax(y / temperature)
    br_mat = (np.diag(br) - np.outer(br, br)) / temperature
    br_policy_gradient = nabla - temperature * (np.log(br) + 1)
    power = np.inf
    s = np.linalg.norm(y, ord=power)
    br = np.zeros_like(dist)
    maxima = (y == s)
    br[maxima] = 1. / maxima.sum()
    br_mat = np.zeros((br.size, br.size))
    br_policy_gradient = np.zeros_like(br)

  unreg_exp = np.max(y) - y.dot(dist)
  entr_br = temperature * special.entr(br).sum()
  entr_dist = temperature * special.entr(dist).sum()
  reg_exp = y.dot(br - dist) + entr_br - entr_dist

  policy_gradient = nabla
  if temperature > 0:
    policy_gradient -= temperature * (np.log(dist) + 1)
  other_player_fx = (br - dist) + br_mat.dot(br_policy_gradient)

  other_player_fx_translated = payoff_matrices[1].dot(other_player_fx)
  grad_dist = -policy_gradient + (num_players - 1) * other_player_fx_translated
  if proj_grad:
    grad_dist = simplex.project_grad(grad_dist)
  grad_y = y - nabla

  return (grad_dist, grad_y), unreg_exp, reg_exp
コード例 #7
ファイル: filter.py プロジェクト: valeman/giotto-tda
    def transform(self, X, y=None):
        """For each row in the array, take absolute values of any negative
        entry, normalise, and compute the Shannon entropy.

        X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
            Input data.

        y : None
            There is no need for a target in a transformer, yet the pipeline
            API requires this parameter.

        Xt : ndarray of shape (n_samples, 1)
            Array of Shannon entropies.

        # TODO: The following is a crude method to ensure each row vector
        #  consists of "probabilities" that sum to one. Consider normalisation
        #  in terms of bin counts?
        check_is_fitted(self, '_is_fitted')
        Xt = check_array(X)

        if np.any(Xt < 0):
            warnings.warn("Negative values detected in X! Taking absolute "
                          "value to calculate probabilities.")
            Xt = np.abs(Xt)

        Xt = Xt / Xt.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True)
        Xt = entr(Xt).sum(axis=1, keepdims=True) / np.log(2)
        return Xt
コード例 #8
    def choose_move(self, board):
        next_moves_list = board.vec_next_moves()

        move_scores = np.zeros(len(next_moves_list))

        moves_flat = [move[0].flatten() for move in next_moves_list]
        moves_flat = np.vstack(moves_flat)

        move_scores = self.model.predict_proba(moves_flat)

        whose_turn = board.turn

        if whose_turn:
            #white player
            player = 1
            #black player
            player = 0

        if self.state == 'explore':
            entropy = entr(move_scores).sum(axis=1) / np.log(2)
            ind = np.argmax(entropy)
        elif self.state == 'exploit':
            ind = np.argmax(move_scores[:, player])
        elif self.state == 'wexploit':  #weighted exploitation
            scores = move_scores[:, player]
            scores = scores + 0.00000001
            scores = scores / sum(scores)

            ind = np.random.choice(np.arange(0, len(scores)), p=scores)

        legal_moves = list(board.legal_moves)

        return legal_moves[ind]
コード例 #9
ファイル: categorical.py プロジェクト: TungTNguyen/deeprlhw2
def cat_entropy(p):
    Entropy of categorical distribution
    # the following version has problems for p near 0
    #   return (-p * np.log(p)).sum(axis=1)
    return special.entr(p).sum(axis=1) #pylint: disable=E1101
コード例 #10
    def log_diagnostics(self, paths):
        # timesteps = 0
        # manager_entropy = 0.0
        # # skill_entropies = [0.0 for _ in range(self.latent_dim)]
        # skill_entropy = 0.0

        # for path in paths:
        #     timesteps += len(path['observations'])
        #     # calculate the entropy of the categorical distribution at each stage
        #     manager_dist_info = self.manager.dist_info(path['observations'])
        #     manager_entropy += self.manager.distribution.entropy(manager_dist_info).sum()
        #     # calculate the entropy of each skill
        #     latent_dist_infos = self.low_policy.dist_info_sym_all_latents(path['observations'])
        #     # for i in range(len(latent_dist_infos)):
        #     #     latent_dist_info = {'log_std': latent_dist_infos[i]['log_std'].eval()}
        #     #     skill_entropies[i] += self.low_policy.distribution.entropy(latent_dist_info).sum()
        #     latent_dist_info = {'log_std': latent_dist_infos[0]['log_std'].eval()}
        #     skill_entropy += self.low_policy.distribution.entropy(latent_dist_info).sum()
        # logger.record_tabular("AverageManagerEntropy", manager_entropy/timesteps)
        # # for i in range(self.latent_dim):
        # #     logger.record_tabular("AverageLatent{0}Entropy".format(str(i)), skill_entropies[i]/timesteps)
        # logger.record_tabular("AverageLatentEntropy", skill_entropy / timesteps)
        manager_probs = np.zeros([1, self.latent_dim])
        for path in paths:
            latents = path['agent_infos']['latents']
            manager_probs += np.sum(latents, axis=0)
        manager_probs = manager_probs.reshape(-1)
        manager_probs = manager_probs / np.sum(manager_probs)
        logger.record_tabular("ManagerEntropy", entr(manager_probs).sum())
        logger.record_tabular("ManagerProbs", manager_probs)
コード例 #11
ファイル: categorical.py プロジェクト: tonyle9/deeprlhw2
def cat_entropy(p):
    Entropy of categorical distribution
    # the following version has problems for p near 0
    #   return (-p * np.log(p)).sum(axis=1)
    return special.entr(p).sum(axis=1)  #pylint: disable=E1101
コード例 #12
ファイル: filter.py プロジェクト: nyxnyx/giotto-learn
    def transform(self, X, y=None):
        """Normalise each row in array to have unit norm and calculate the
        Shannon entropy.

        X : ndarray, shape (n_samples, n_features)
            Input data.

        y : None
            There is no need for a target in a transformer, yet the pipeline
            API requires this parameter.

        Xt : ndarray, shape (n_samples, 1)

        # TODO: the following is a crude method to ensure each row vector
        #  consists of "probabilities" that sum to one. Consider normalisation
        #  in terms of bin counts?
        X = check_array(X)

        if np.any(X < 0):
            warnings.warn("Negative values detected in X! Taking absolute "
                          "value to calculate probabilities.")
            X = np.abs(X)

        probs = X / X.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True)
        Xt = (entr(probs).sum(axis=1) / np.log(2)).reshape(-1, 1)
        return Xt
コード例 #13
def pol_loss(pi, pi_k, q_k, ds_k, dsa_k, alpha):
	term1, term2 = 0.0, 0.0
	i, j = 0, 0
	for s in range(total_states):
		H_k = entr(pi_k[s]).sum()
		H = entr(pi[j:j+4]).sum()
		logH = 0 if (H<=0 or np.isinf(H) or np.isnan(H)) else np.log(H)
		logH_k = 0 if (H_k<=0 or np.isinf(H_k) or np.isnan(H_k)) else np.log(H_k)
		term2 += alpha * (logH - logH_k) * ds_k[s] * H_k 
		j += 4
		for a in range(total_actions):
			logpi = 0 if pi[i]==0 else np.log(pi[i])
			logpi_k = 0 if pi_k[s][a]==0 else np.log(pi_k[s][a])
			term1 += (logpi - logpi_k) * dsa_k[s][a] * (q_k[s][a] + alpha * H_k)
			i += 1
	return -(term1 + term2)
コード例 #14
 def log_diagnostics(self, paths):
     manager_probs = np.zeros([1, self.latent_dim])
     for path in paths:
         latents = path['agent_infos']['latents']
         manager_probs += np.sum(latents, axis=0)
     manager_probs = manager_probs.reshape(-1)
     manager_probs = manager_probs / np.sum(manager_probs)
     logger.record_tabular("ManagerEntropy", entr(manager_probs).sum())
     logger.record_tabular("ManagerProbs", manager_probs)
コード例 #15
def draw_coin_flipping_tree(n=4, p=0.2):
    """ Construct and draw a Huffman code for a sequence of n coin flips.

    n : int >= 0
        The sequence length
    p : float in [0, 1]
        The bias of the coin.

    distribution = get_coin_flipping_distribution(n=n, p=p)

    tree = build_huffman_tree(distribution)
    code = OrderedDict(iter_codewords(tree))
    codesize = len(code)

    H = entr(p) / np.log(2)  # convert to base 2
    EK = sum(distribution[letter] * len(code[letter])
             for letter in distribution)

    min_y = -1
    max_y = +1

    max_x = 1.0

    locations = max_x * np.ones((codesize, 2))
    locations[:, 1] = np.linspace(min_y, max_y, codesize)
    location_tree = replace_leaves(tree, locations)

    figure = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))

    (min_x, middle_y), num_children = draw_connections(location_tree)
    treewidth = 1 - min_x

    bigfontsize = matplotlib.rcParams["font.size"]
    smallfontsize = bigfontsize / np.log2(1 + n**0.5)
    fontargs = dict(fontsize=smallfontsize,

    for (x, y), codeword in zip(locations, code.values()):
        plt.text(x, y, " " + codeword, ha="left", va="center", **fontargs)

    titlestring = "$n=%s,\\quad{}H/n=%.3f,\\quad{}E(K/n)=%.3f$" % (n, H,
                                                                   EK / n)
    plt.title(titlestring, fontsize=bigfontsize)

    plt.xlim(min_x - 0.1 * treewidth, max_x + 0.3 * treewidth)

    plt.ylim(min_y - 0.2, max_y + 0.3)

コード例 #16
def get_mdp_obj(pi, gamma, alpha):
	mdp_obj = 0
	ds, dsa = get_occupancy_measure(pi, gamma)
	for s in range(total_states):
		H = entr(pi[s]).sum()
		r = 1 if s==0 else 0
		for a in range(total_actions):
			mdp_obj += dsa[s][a] * (r + alpha * H)

	return mdp_obj
コード例 #17
def extract_features(arr):
    features = []
    for a in arr:
        features.extend([np.mean(a), np.std(a), entr(a).sum()])

    for i in range(len(features)):
        if features[i] == np.NAN:
            features[i] = 0

    return features
コード例 #18
 def objective(x):
     # Map solution vector x to joint distribution over Q and Y
     pQY = x.dot(mul_mx).reshape((-1, n_y))
     pQY += 1e-12
     probs_q = pQY.sum(axis=1)
     H_YgQ = entr(pQY / probs_q[:, None]).sum(axis=1).dot(probs_q)
     v = (H_Y - H_YgQ) / ln2
     if np.isclose(v, 0):
         v = 0
     return v
コード例 #19
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: epiasini/embo-github-mirror
def entropy(p, axis=0):
    """Compute entropy (in bits) of the given probability distribution.

       p -- distribution for which the entropy is to be computed. This will be normalized to sum to 1 along the axis of interest.
       axis -- axins along which to compute the entropy (default: 0)
    p = np.asarray(p)
    p = 1.0 * p / np.sum(p, axis=axis, keepdims=True)
    return np.sum(entr(p), axis=axis) / np.log(2)
コード例 #20
def getEntropy_ForTerm(wordParam, corpus2SearchParam):
    tokenProbHolder = []
    for indiDoc in corpus2SearchParam:
        appearanceCount = 0
        splitted_strs = indiDoc.split(' ')
        totTokenCount = len(splitted_strs)
        for str_ in splitted_strs:
            if wordParam == str_:
                appearanceCount = appearanceCount + 1
        tokenProb = float(appearanceCount) / float(totTokenCount)
    return entr(tokenProb)
コード例 #21
ファイル: features.py プロジェクト: Roulini/dreem
def band_features_unit(x,fmin,fmax): 
    """extract band features for on signal"""   
    W = np.array([max(0.1,fmin),fmax])/25
    b, a = sig.butter(4, W, btype='bandpass')
    x_f = sig.lfilter(b, a, x)
    p = np.absolute(x_f)/np.absolute(x_f).sum()

    mmd = MMD(x_f)
    esis = esis_epoch(x_f, fmin, fmax)
    entropy =  entr(p).sum()

    return mmd,esis,entropy
コード例 #22
def saveConfToFile(store, coords):
    store = store.numpy()

    file = open("coordsConf.txt", "w")
    for p in range(len(coords)):
        file.write(str(coords[p][0]) + " " + str(coords[p][1]) + " " + str(coords[p][2]))
        softmax = np.exp(store[p]) / np.sum(np.exp(store[p]))
        for i in range(len(store[p])):
            label_id = np.where(remapper == i)[0][0]
            file.write(" " + str(label_id) + " " + str(softmax[i]))
        entropy = entr(softmax).sum(axis=0)
        #file.write(" entropy " + str(entropy))
コード例 #23
ファイル: select_points.py プロジェクト: yue123161/ENIDS
def points_by_entropy(model, x):

    # Calculate entropy
    p = model.predict(x)
    e = entr(p)
    e = np.sum(e, axis=1)

    #Calculate standard deviation of entropy
    std = np.std(e)
    high_entropy_index = np.where(e > 2 * std)

    zero_entropy_index = np.where(e == 0)

    return [zero_entropy_index, high_entropy_index]
コード例 #24
ファイル: qua.py プロジェクト: prajjwalrohilla/Nutella
 def scipy_entropy(pk, qk=None, base=None):
     pk = np.asarray(pk)
     pk = 1.0 * pk / np.sum(pk, axis=0)
     if qk is None:
         vec = special.entr(pk)
         qk = np.asarray(qk)
         if len(qk) != len(pk):
             raise ValueError("qk and pk must have same length.")
         qk = 1.0 * qk / np.sum(qk, axis=0)
         vec = special.rel_entr(pk, qk)
     S = np.sum(vec, axis=0)
     if base is not None:
         S /= np.log(base)
     return S
コード例 #25
def _overlay_entropy(aix, a_areas, ab_areas, base):
    direct function to compute overlay entropies
    mapping = pandas.DataFrame.from_dict(
    mapping["frac"] = mapping.area / mapping.a_area
    mapping["entropy"] = entr(mapping.frac.values) / numpy.log(base)
    result = mapping.groupby("a").entropy.sum().values
    result[result < 0] = 0
    return result
コード例 #26
def qre_exploitability(dist, payoff_tensor, temperature=0.):
    """Compute Shannon regularized exploitability of dist for symmetric game.

    dist: 1-d np.array, current estimate of nash distribution
    payoff_tensor: (>=1 x A x ... x A) np.array, payoffs for each joint action
      assumed to be non-negative
    temperature: non-negative float
    exploitability (float): payoff of best response - payoff of dist
    num_players = payoff_tensor.shape[0]
    nabla = misc.pt_reduce(payoff_tensor[0], [dist] * num_players, [0])
    if temperature > 0:
        br = special.softmax(nabla / temperature)
        br = np.zeros_like(dist)
        maxima = (nabla == np.max(nabla))
        br[maxima] = 1. / maxima.sum()

    u_br = nabla.dot(br) + temperature * special.entr(br).sum()
    u_dist = nabla.dot(dist) + temperature * special.entr(dist).sum()

    return u_br - u_dist
コード例 #27
def compute_entropy(m, nan_as_zero=True):
    Given a num_of_paths_matrix, compute the entropy per rows.

    :param m: number of paths matrix, matrix[i][j] has the number of times a path from i arrives to j
    :param nan_as_zero: if a row of 0s is found, assume entropy is 0 (instead of NaN)
    :return: array of entropies, each value is the entropy of a row
    # normalize rows (the sum of each row must be 1)
    p = m / m.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True)
    # compute per row entropy (in base 2)
    e = entr(p).sum(axis=1) / np.log(2)
    if nan_as_zero:
        e = np.nan_to_num(e)
    return e
コード例 #28
def examine_points(x):
    # Map data to names
    df = pd.DataFrame(x, columns=FEATURE_NAMES)
    num_points = len(df.index)

    # Reverse label encoding
    df['service'] = df['service'].map(SERVICE_MAP)
    df['flag'] = df['flag'].map(FLAG_MAP)
    df['protocol_type'] = df['protocol_type'].map(PROTOCOL_MAP)

    # One hot encode the labels
    cat_features_dfs = []
        cat_df = pd.get_dummies(df[feature], prefix=feature)
        df.drop(feature, inplace=True, axis=1)
    cat_features_dfs.insert(0, df)

    # Merge the one hot encoded features into df
    df = pd.concat(cat_features_dfs, axis=1)

    # Find missing columns due to onehot encoding on sample
    missing_columns = list(set(DNN_FEATURE_ORDER) - set(df.columns))

    # initialize the missing columns to 0's'
    for col in missing_columns:
        df[col] = [0] * num_points

    # reorder the features as expected by the nn
    df = df[DNN_FEATURE_ORDER]

    # For now return points with
    # a) high entropy -> most confused
    # b) zero entropy -> most confident
    # extend later to within class points

    # Calculate entropy
    p = MODEL.predict(df.values)
    e = entr(p)
    e = np.sum(e,axis=1)

    #Calculate standard deviation of entropy
    std = np.std(e)
    high_entropy_index = np.where(e > 1*std )

    zero_entropy_index = np.where(e==0)

    return zero_entropy_index,high_entropy_index, p
コード例 #29
def get_entropy_by_word(seq):
    entropies = []
    lses = []
    for i in range(1, len(seq)):
        x = seq[:i]
        state = model.get_state(x, bos=False)[0]
        indices, logprobs = model.next_word_logprobs_raw(state, x[-1])
        lse = logsumexp(logprobs)
        logprobs -= lse
        probs = np.exp(logprobs)
            [model.id2str[indices[idx]] for idx in np.argsort(logprobs)[-3:]],
    return np.array(entropies), np.array(lses)
コード例 #30
def entropy(model, X, img_name):
    predict = model.predict(X)[0]
    entropy = entr(predict).sum(axis=1) / np.log(2)

    if (is_plot):
        entropy_map = np.reshape(entropy,
                                 (model.outputWidth, model.outputHeight))
        directory = "./tmp/entropy/"
        if not os.path.exists(directory):
        plt.savefig(directory + img_name)

    acq = np.mean(entropy, axis=0)
    return acq
コード例 #31
    def getEntropy(self, data):
        print(' STEP : Feature Fusion using Entropy')
        group_features = self.getGroupFeatures(data)
        entropy = dict()
        for key in group_features.keys():
            tmp = data[group_features[key]].values
            tmp = tmp
            tmp_sum = tmp.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True) + .0000000000001
            p = tmp / tmp_sum

            key = 'grp_entropy_' + key
            entropy[key] = entr(p).sum(axis=1) / np.log(2)

        entropy_features = pd.DataFrame(entropy)
        return entropy_features
コード例 #32
def compute_entropy(frame: list, bit_depth: int):
    frame -= frame.min()
    #print(max(frame), min(frame))
    frame = frame.astype('int64')
    nbins = max(frame) + 1  #2**bit_depth
    # count the number of occurrences for each unique integer between 0 and x.max()
    # in each row of x
    counts = np.bincount(frame, minlength=nbins)

    # divide by number of columns to get the probability of each unique value
    p = counts / float(len(frame))

    # compute Shannon entropy in bits
    if len(p) == 0:
        return 0
        return np.sum(entr(p) / np.log2(len(p)))
コード例 #33
ファイル: entropy.py プロジェクト: wynhbh/pythontools
def get_entropy(pk, base=None):
    @param pk: a probability sequence
    @param base: base for log
    @return: the entropy of the sequence
    pk = asarray(pk)
    pk = 1.0*pk/np.sum(pk, axis=0)

    # caclulate entropy
    vec = entr(pk)

    S = np.sum(vec, axis=0)

    if base is not None:
        S /= log(base)

    return S
コード例 #34
 def _entropy(self, n, p):
     k = np.r_[0:n + 1]
     vals = self._pmf(k, n, p)
     return np.sum(entr(vals), axis=0)
コード例 #35
 def _entropy(self, M, n, N):
     k = np.r_[N - (M - n):min(n, N) + 1]
     vals = self.pmf(k, M, n, N)
     return np.sum(entr(vals), axis=0)
コード例 #36
 def _entropy(self, p):
     return entr(p) + entr(1-p)