コード例 #1
ファイル: it.py プロジェクト: JeffreyBenjaminBrown/play
def expitPrime(colVec): return expit(colVec) * expit(1-colVec)
    # the derivative of ("expit" = the sigmoid function)

# In[4]:

def _sigmoid(x): return (x / (1 + abs(x)) + 1) / 2
コード例 #2
ファイル: benchmarks.py プロジェクト: jasonwbw/EffictiveRBM
def worker(data,\
    weights, hidden_bias, visible_bias,\
    weight_rate, vbias_rate, hbias_rate, weightcost, isLinear, batch_num):
    pos_hidden_activations = dot(data, weights) + hidden_bias
    if isLinear:
        pos_hidden_probs = pos_hidden_activations
        pos_hidden_states = pos_hidden_probs + random.randn(len(data), len(hidden_bias)).astype(REAL)
        pos_hidden_probs = expit(pos_hidden_activations)
        pos_hidden_states = pos_hidden_probs > random.randn(len(data), len(hidden_bias)).astype(REAL)
    posprods = dot(data.T, pos_hidden_probs)
    pos_hidden_act = sum(pos_hidden_probs, axis = 0)
    pos_visible_act = sum(data, axis = 0)
    neg_visible_activations = dot(pos_hidden_states, weights.T) + visible_bias
    neg_visible_probs = expit(neg_visible_activations)
    neg_hidden_activations = dot(neg_visible_probs, weights) + hidden_bias
    if isLinear:
        neg_hidden_probs = neg_hidden_activations
        neg_hidden_probs = expit(neg_hidden_activations)
    negprods = dot(neg_visible_probs.T, neg_hidden_probs)
    neg_hidden_act = sum(neg_hidden_probs, axis = 0)
    neg_visible_act = sum(neg_visible_probs, axis = 0)
    add_grad_weight = weight_rate * ((posprods - negprods) / len(data) - weightcost * weights)
    add_grad_vbias = vbias_rate * (pos_visible_act - neg_visible_act) / len(data)
    add_grad_hbias = hbias_rate * (pos_hidden_act - neg_hidden_act) / len(data)
    error = sum((data - neg_visible_probs) ** 2)
    if batch_num % 10 == 0:
        print 'finish batch compute', batch_num, time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time()))
    return (error, add_grad_weight, add_grad_vbias, add_grad_hbias, neg_hidden_probs)
コード例 #3
def trainingKBComparison(kbValues,input_sentences,filename):
    # This both sorts out the features and the training labels
    trainingValues = []

    for dict in input_sentences:

    trainingValues = np.array(trainingValues).flatten()

    # Load the KB

    fig, ax = plt.subplots()

    for i,value in enumerate(kbValues):
        kbValues[i] = expit(value)

    ax.hist(kbValues,alpha=0.5,color='g',normed=True,bins=25,label='KB Values')  # plt.hist passes it's arguments to np.histogram
    ax.hist(trainingValues,alpha=0.5,color='r',normed=True,bins=25,label='Training Values')
    plt.title("Histogram of Values")
    ax.legend(loc='upper right')
    ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=8)
    ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='minor', labelsize=8)
    vals = ax.get_yticks()
    ax.set_yticklabels(['{:1.1f}%'.format(x) for x in vals])
コード例 #4
def loss(labels,q,M,a,b):
    """#Loss cross-entropy function with regularization
    inputs: labels-row array of {0.1};q-column vector;M-matrix;a-row of columns;b-scalar
    return np.sum(x)+l/2*(np.sum(M**2)+b**2)
コード例 #5
def myTrain(model, docIndxPos, docIndxNeg, ngramEmbeddings, alpha = 0.1):

    a_2 = expit(reshape(ngramEmbeddings, (1, ngramEmbeddings.size))*matrix(model.w_lt))

##    sum_a_2 = exp(a_2).sum()
##    a_2 = divide(exp(a_2), sum_a_2)

    a_3Pos = expit(matrix(model.w_ld[docIndxPos])*(a_2.transpose()))
    a_3Neg = expit(matrix(model.w_ld[docIndxNeg])*(a_2.transpose()))
##    a_3Pos = matrix(model.w_ld[docIndxPos])*(a_2.transpose())
##    a_3Neg = matrix(model.w_ld[docIndxNeg])*(a_2.transpose())

   ## cost = max(0, 0.5 - a_3Pos + a_3Neg);
##    if(cost > 0):
    err3Pos = (1 - a_3Pos)
    err3Neg = (0 - a_3Neg)

    err2Pos = multiply((err3Pos*model.w_ld[docIndxPos]), multiply(a_2, (1-a_2)))
    err2Neg = multiply((err3Neg*model.w_ld[docIndxNeg]), multiply(a_2, (1-a_2)))
    model.w_ld[docIndxPos] = model.w_ld[docIndxPos] + alpha*err3Pos*a_2
    model.w_ld[docIndxNeg] = model.w_ld[docIndxNeg] + alpha*err3Neg*a_2
    model.w_lt = model.w_lt + alpha*(matrix(ngramEmbeddings).transpose())*err2Pos
    model.w_lt = model.w_lt + alpha*(matrix(ngramEmbeddings).transpose())*err2Neg
コード例 #6
def normalize(score):
    if score==0:
        normScore= expit(score)
        normScore= expit(score)
    return normScore
コード例 #7
def get_ordered_logistic_probs(ability, item_difficulties):
    # NB the '+' operators here represent list concatenation not addition
    return array([1 - expit(ability - item_difficulties[0])] +
                  [expit(ability - item_difficulties[grade - 1]) - 
                   expit(ability - item_difficulties[grade])
                   for grade in range(1, len(item_difficulties))] +
                  [expit(ability - item_difficulties[len(item_difficulties) - 1])])
コード例 #8
 def RMSE(self):
     W, V, b, mu = self.AE.get_params()
     print("testing process starts")
     test = self.AE.test_ind
     rat = []
     pred = []
     rmse = 0
     for i,j in test:
         Rt = self.AE.T[i, :].todense()
         Rt1 = np.zeros(Rt.shape[1] +1)
         Rt1[:6541] = Rt
         p = expit(np.dot(W, expit(np.dot(V, Rt1) + mu)) + b)
         #p = np.tanh(np.dot(W, np.tanh(np.dot(V, Rt1) + mu)) + b)
         p = p[j]
         rat.append(self.AE.t[i, j])
         rat = np.array(rat)
         pred = np.array(pred)
         rmse = np.sqrt(np.mean((pred-rat)**2))
         print "exception"
     np.save('test', test)
     np.save('W', W)
     np.save('V', V)
     np.save('mu', mu)
     np.save('b', b)
     return rmse
コード例 #9
ファイル: buteraMultipleCells.py プロジェクト: ak1536/preBotc
 def rhs(self, V, h, n, S):
     s = self
     tauhV = s.tauBarh / (np.cosh((V - s.thetah) / 2 / s.sigmah))     
     taunV = s.tauBarn / (np.cosh((V - s.thetan) / 2 / s.sigman)) 
     hinfV = expit((s.thetah - V) / s.sigmah)
     ninfV = expit((s.thetan - V) / s.sigman)
     minfNaPV = expit((s.thetamNaP - V) / s.sigmamNaP)
     minfNaV = expit((s.thetamNa - V) / s.sigmamNa)
     SinfV = expit((s.thetaS - V) / s.sigmaS)
     gsyns = np.dot(s.gsyn, S)
     # m n h need expit functions
     # V h n are the function parameters
     # dVdt = [- Inap-h - INa - IK - IL - Itonice==0 - Isyn-e + Iapp==0 ] / C
     dVdt = ( 
             - s.gNaPBar * minfNaPV * h * (V - s.ENa)         # -I_{NaP} = I_{NaP-h} for model 1. (\neq I_{Na})
             - s.gNaBar * minfNaV**3 * (1 - n) * (V - s.ENa)  # -I_{Na}
             - s.gkBar * n**4 * (V - s.Ek)                    # -I_K
             - s.gLBar * (V - s.EL)                           # -I_L
             - s.gt * (V - s.Etonic)                          # -I_tonic
             - gsyns * (V - s.Esyn)                            # -I-syn-e
             + s.Iapp
             ) / s.C  * 1000 # Conversion to mV. Naturally in terms of V/s without this.
     dhdt = (hinfV - h) / tauhV 
     dndt = (ninfV - n) / taunV
     dSdt = ((1 - S) * SinfV - (s.kr * S)) / s.tauS
     return dVdt, dhdt, dndt, dSdt
コード例 #10
ファイル: utility.py プロジェクト: cjwawrzonek/Thesis
def activate(rnn, in_0, rec_0, bias=False, return_out=False):
    W = rnn.W

    # We're throwing away the b_rec.
    # That can be added on a trial by trial basis.
    W_in, b_in = rnn.get_layer(W, 0)
    W_rec, b_rec = rnn.get_layer(W, 1)
    W_out, b_out = rnn.get_layer(W, 2)

    # recurrent activations
    ff_input = np.dot(in_0, W_in) + b_in

    if bias:
        rec_input = np.dot(rec_0, W_rec) + b_rec
        rec_input = np.dot(rec_0, W_rec) + b_rec

    rec_1 = expit(ff_input + rec_input)

    # # output activations
    # # we don't care about these when finding slow point
    if return_out:
        out_1 = expit(np.dot(rec_1, W_out) + b_out)
        return out_1

    # assume input doesn't change from previous step
    return rec_1
コード例 #11
ファイル: pyglmnet.py プロジェクト: ixtel/pyglmnet
    def grad_L2loss(self, beta0, beta, alpha, reg_lambda, x, y):
        z = beta0 + np.dot(x, beta)

            q = self.qu(z)
            s = expit(z)
            grad_beta0 = np.sum(s) - np.sum(y*s/q)
            grad_beta = np.transpose(np.dot(np.transpose(s), x) - np.dot(np.transpose(y*s/q), x)) \
                        + reg_lambda*(1-alpha)*beta# + reg_lambda*alpha*np.sign(beta)

            grad_beta0 = -np.sum(y-z)
            grad_beta = -np.transpose(np.dot(np.transpose(y-z), x)) \
                        + reg_lambda*(1-alpha)*beta# + reg_lambda*alpha*np.sign(beta)

            s = expit(z)
            grad_beta0 =  np.sum(s-y)
            grad_beta = np.transpose(np.dot(np.transpose(s-y), x)) \
                        + reg_lambda*(1-alpha)*beta# + reg_lambda*alpha*np.sign(beta)
            # this assumes that y is already as a one-hot encoding
            pred = self.qu(z)
            grad_beta0 = -np.sum(y - pred)
            grad_beta = -np.transpose(np.dot(np.transpose(y - pred), x)) \
                        + reg_lambda*(1-alpha)*beta

        return grad_beta0, grad_beta
    def make_emissions(self, diff, prob_num):
        if self.emission_mask[prob_num]:
            #print str(time.time()) + "\tusing saved emissions"
            return self.emission_mats[prob_num]
            #print str(time.time()) + "\tcalculating new emissions"
            self.emission_mask[prob_num] = True
            table = self.emission_mats[prob_num]
            for row in range(self.total_states - 1):
                table[row, 1] = expit(self.params['G_' + str(row)].get() - diff)
                table[row, 0] = 1 - table[row, 1]
            #and slip
            table[row + 1, 0] = expit(self.params['S'].get() + diff)
            table[row + 1, 1] = 1 - table[row + 1, 0]

        #g = self.params['G_0'].get()
        #s = self.params['S'].get()
        #table = np.array([[1-g, g], [s, 1-s]])

        print np.array(table)
        print self.params['G_0'].get()
        print self.params['G_1'].get()
        print self.params['S'].get()
        return table
コード例 #13
def trainingTestComparison(training,oldtest,newtest,filename):
    # This both sorts out the features and the training labels
    trainingValues = []
    oldTestValues = []
    newTestValues = []

    for dict in training:

    for dict in oldtest:

    for dict in newtest:

    trainingValues = np.array(trainingValues).flatten()
    oldTestValues = np.array(oldTestValues).flatten()
    newTestValues = np.array(newTestValues).flatten()


    fig, ax = plt.subplots()

    ax.hist(oldTestValues,alpha=0.5,color='r',bins=25,normed=True,label='Old Test Values')  # plt.hist passes it's arguments to np.histogram
    ax.hist(trainingValues,alpha=0.5,color='y',bins=25,normed=True,label='Training Values')
    ax.hist(newTestValues,alpha=0.5,color='b',bins=25,normed=True,label='New Test Values')  # plt.hist passes it's arguments to np.histogram
    plt.title("Histogram of Values")
    ax.legend(loc='upper right')
    ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=8)
    ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='minor', labelsize=8)
    vals = ax.get_yticks()
    ax.set_yticklabels(['{:1.1f}%'.format(x) for x in vals])
コード例 #14
ファイル: rankingmethod.py プロジェクト: egorkudr1/diploma
 def get_loss(self, data):
     loss = 0
     for u, items in enumerate(data):
         fij =  np.sum(self.U[u][np.newaxis, :] * self.V[items], axis=1)
         loss += np.sum(np.log(expit(fij)))
         loss += np.sum(np.log(1 -expit(fij[:, np.newaxis] - fij[np.newaxis, :])))
     loss -= self.reg / 2 * (np.sum(self.U * self.U) + np.sum(self.V + self.V))
     return loss
コード例 #15
ファイル: toy.py プロジェクト: budzianowski/DBN
def updateRBM2(lattice, W, n, method="naive"):
    damp = 0.5
    if method == "naive":
        lattice.hid = damp * expit(np.dot(W, lattice.vis)) + (1.0 - damp) * lattice.hid
        lattice.vis = damp * expit(np.dot(W.T, lattice.hid)) + (1.0 - damp) * lattice.vis
        lattice.hid = damp * expit(np.dot(W, lattice.vis) - (lattice.hid - .5) * np.dot((W ** 2), (lattice.vis - lattice.vis ** 2))) + (1.0 - damp) * lattice.hid
        lattice.vis = damp * expit(np.dot(W.T, lattice.hid) - (lattice.vis - .5) * np.dot((W.T ** 2), (lattice.hid - lattice.hid ** 2))) + (1.0 - damp) * lattice.vis
コード例 #16
def sigmoid_function(x, derivative=False):
    # Clip x to prevent overflow.
    x = np.clip(x, -500, 500)
    if derivative:
        sigmoid_x = expit(x)
        return sigmoid_x * (1-sigmoid_x)
        return expit(x)
コード例 #17
ファイル: test_logit.py プロジェクト: 1641731459/scipy
 def test_large(self):
     for dtype in (np.float32, np.float64, np.longdouble):
         for n in (88, 89, 709, 710, 11356, 11357):
             n = np.array(n, dtype=dtype)
             assert_allclose(expit(n), 1.0, atol=1e-20)
             assert_allclose(expit(-n), 0.0, atol=1e-20)
             assert_equal(expit(n).dtype, dtype)
             assert_equal(expit(-n).dtype, dtype)
コード例 #18
def logser_solver(ab):
    """Given abundance data, solve for MLE of logseries parameter p."""
    ab = check_for_support(ab, lower=1)
    BOUNDS = [0, 1]
    DIST_FROM_BOUND = 10 ** -15
    y = lambda x: 1 / log(1 / (1 - expit(x))) * expit(x) / (1 - expit(x)) - sum(ab) / len(ab)
    x = bisect(y, logit(BOUNDS[0] + DIST_FROM_BOUND), logit(BOUNDS[1] - DIST_FROM_BOUND), xtol=1.490116e-08)
    return expit(x)
コード例 #19
ファイル: likelihood.py プロジェクト: patrickschu/coursera
def likelihoodmachine(list_of_positive_x, list_of_negative_x):
	input list of items for plus and minus outputs respectively.
	poshoods=listmultiplier([special.expit(i) for i in list_of_positive_x])
	neghoods=listmultiplier([1-special.expit(i) for i in list_of_negative_x])
	print listmultiplier([poshoods,neghoods])
	return listmultiplier([poshoods,neghoods])
コード例 #20
ファイル: run.py プロジェクト: moonblade/machineLearning
def predict(Theta1, Theta2, X):
    # h1 = expit()
    # X = np.transpose(X)
    X = np.insert(X, 0, 1)
    h1 = expit(np.dot(X, np.transpose(Theta1)))
    h1 = np.insert(h1, 0, 1)
    h2 = expit(np.dot(h1, np.transpose(Theta2)))
    return h2.argmax() + 1
コード例 #21
    def predictProbability(self, x):
        numberOfSamples = x.shape[0]

        h1 = expit(
                np.vstack((np.ones((1,1)), x.reshape((numberOfSamples,1))))) @ self.theta[0])
        h2 = expit(np.hstack((np.ones((1, 1)), h1)) @ self.theta[1])

        return h2.reshape((h2.size,))
コード例 #22
def forwardProp(X, thetaO, thetaT):
    X = np.matrix(X)
    secLayer = expit(X * thetaO.T)
    onesArray = np.ones((len(secLayer),1))
    secLayer = np.hstack((onesArray, secLayer))
    thrLayer = expit(secLayer * thetaT.T)    
    return thrLayer, secLayer
コード例 #23
ファイル: mnist.py プロジェクト: crystal150/CS470
def propagate(x):
    # propagate an input x to the output layer

    layers[0] = x.copy()
    layers[1] = expit(np.dot(x, weights[0]))
    layers[2] = expit(np.dot(layers[1], weights[1]))

    return layers[2]
コード例 #24
ファイル: rbm.py プロジェクト: jasonwbw/EffictiveRBM
	def train(self, visible_data, \
		max_epochs = 50, batch = 10, \
		initialmomentum = 0.5, finalmomentum = 0.9, \
		weight_rate = 0.001, vbias_rate = 0.001, hbias_rate = 0.001, \
		weightcost = 0.0002):
		grad_weight = zeros((len(self.visible_bias), len(self.hidden_bias)))
		grad_hbias = zeros((1, len(self.hidden_bias)))
		grad_vbias = zeros((1, len(self.visible_bias)))
		for epoch in xrange(max_epochs):
			error = 0.
			for start in xrange(batch):
				if start % 10 == 0:
					print "epoch %d, batch %d" % (epoch, start + 1), time.asctime( time.localtime(time.time()) )
				data = visible_data[start::batch]
				pos_hidden_activations = dot(data, self.weights) + self.hidden_bias
				if self.isLinear:
					pos_hidden_probs = pos_hidden_activations
					pos_hidden_states = pos_hidden_probs + random.randn(len(data), len(self.hidden_bias))
					pos_hidden_probs = expit(pos_hidden_activations)
					pos_hidden_states = pos_hidden_probs > random.randn(len(data), len(self.hidden_bias))
				posprods = dot(data.T, pos_hidden_probs)
				pos_hidden_act = sum(pos_hidden_probs, axis = 0)
				pos_visible_act = sum(data, axis = 0)

				neg_visible_activations = dot(pos_hidden_states, self.weights.T) + self.visible_bias
				neg_visible_probs = expit(neg_visible_activations)
				neg_hidden_activations = dot(neg_visible_probs, self.weights) + self.hidden_bias
				if self.isLinear:
					neg_hidden_probs = neg_hidden_activations
					neg_hidden_probs = expit(neg_hidden_activations)
				negprods = dot(neg_visible_probs.T, neg_hidden_probs)
				neg_hidden_act = sum(neg_hidden_probs, axis = 0)
				neg_visible_act = sum(neg_visible_probs, axis = 0)
				error += sum((data - neg_visible_probs) ** 2)
				if epoch > 5:
					momentum = finalmomentum
					momentum = initialmomentum
				if epoch == max_epochs - 1:
					if self.hidden_probs == None:
						self.hidden_probs = neg_hidden_probs
						self.hidden_probs = concatenate((self.hidden_probs, neg_hidden_probs), axis=0)

				grad_weight = momentum * grad_weight + weight_rate * ((posprods - negprods) / len(data) - weightcost * self.weights)
				grad_vbias = momentum * grad_vbias + vbias_rate * (pos_visible_act - neg_visible_act) / len(data)
				grad_hbias = momentum * grad_hbias + hbias_rate * (pos_hidden_act - neg_hidden_act) / len(data)
				self.weights += grad_weight
				self.visible_bias += grad_vbias
				self.hidden_bias += grad_hbias
			print "epoch %d, error %d\n" % (epoch, error)
コード例 #25
ファイル: rankingmethod.py プロジェクト: egorkudr1/diploma
 def count_loss(self, data):
     loss = 0
     for u, items in enumerate(data):
         fi = np.dot(self.V[items], self.U[u])
         diff_fi = fi[:, np.newaxis] - fi[np.newaxis, :]
         gi = expit(fi)
         gij = expit(diff_fi)
         loss += np.sum(gi * np.sum(gij, axis=0))/len(items)
     loss -= self.reg/2 * (np.sum(self.U ** 2) +  np.sum(self.V ** 2))
     return loss
コード例 #26
ファイル: toy.py プロジェクト: budzianowski/DBN
def updateRBM1(lattice, W, n, method="naive"):
    damp = 0.5
    if method == "naive":
        for ii in range(n):
            lattice.m[ii] = damp * expit(np.dot(W[ii], lattice.m[n:])) + (1.0 - damp) * lattice.m[ii]
            lattice.m[n + ii] = damp * expit(np.dot(W.T[ii], lattice.m[0:n])) + (1.0 - damp) * lattice.m[n + ii]
        for ii in range(n):  # TODO sequential
            lattice.m[ii] = damp * expit(np.dot(W[ii], lattice.m[n:]) - (lattice.m[ii] - 0.5) * np.dot(W[ii] ** 2, lattice.m[n:] - lattice.m[n:] ** 2)) + (1.0 - damp) * lattice.m[ii]
            lattice.m[n + ii] = damp * expit(np.dot(W.T[ii], lattice.m[0:n]) - (lattice.m[n + ii] - 0.5) * np.dot(W.T[ii] ** 2, lattice.m[0:n] - lattice.m[0:n] ** 2)) + (1.0 - damp) * lattice.m[n + ii]
コード例 #27
ファイル: nnvecs.py プロジェクト: nOkuda/nn-demo
 def _forward_propagate(self, features):
     """Propagate forward"""
     self.values[0][:-1] = features
     for layer in range(len(self.weights)):
         if layer < len(self.weights)-1:
             self.values[layer+1][:-1] = expit(
                 np.dot(self.values[layer], self.weights[layer]))
             self.values[layer+1] = expit(
                 np.dot(self.values[layer], self.weights[layer]))
コード例 #28
def main():
    """Prints hyperparameter estimates."""
    samples = get_samples()
    kprobs = get_ks_hparams(samples)
    print('Mean, credible interval, HPDI')
    for k in range(KMAX + 1):
            'Pr(k = {}) ='.format(k),
                kprobs[k].quantile(0.025), kprobs[k].quantile(0.975),
    q = kprobs[1] + kprobs[2]
        'Pr(k = 1 or k = 2) =',
        f2s(q.mean(), q.quantile(0.025), q.quantile(0.975), hpd(q)))
    q = sum(kprobs[1:])
        'Pr(k >= 1) =',
        f2s(q.mean(), q.quantile(0.025), q.quantile(0.975), hpd(q)))
    q = sum(kprobs[3:])
        'Pr(k >= 3) =',
        f2s(q.mean(), q.quantile(0.025), q.quantile(0.975), hpd(q)))

    # Medians, not means!
    A, rho, theta = expit(samples['mu.1']), expit(samples['mu.2']),\

    for param, medians in zip(('A', 'rho', 'theta'), (A, rho, theta)):
        medians = pd.Series(medians)
                medians.quantile(0.025), medians.quantile(0.975),
    # Correlations between parameters
    # Correlation is obtained by dividing the covariance by the product of stdev.
    cor = []
    for _, sample in samples.iterrows():
        scor = []
        for i in range(2):
            for j in range(i + 1, 3):
                    sample['sigma.{}.{}'.format(i + 1, j + 1)]/\
                    (sample['scale.{}'.format(i + 1)]*sample['scale.{}'.format(j + 1)]))
    cols = ('corArho', 'corAtheta', 'corrhotheta')
    cor = pd.DataFrame(cor, columns=cols)
    for col in cols:
            col, f2s(
                cor[col].mean(), cor[col].quantile(0.025),
                cor[col].quantile(0.975), hpd(cor[col])))
コード例 #29
 def pretraining_wd(self, indm, ind_doc, indr_doc):
     SGD update (pre-training on wd graph).
     w = W[indm, :]
     d = D[indc, :]
     wR = W[indr, :]
     cost = - 1 * np.log(expit(np.dot(w, d))) 
     for k in range(wR.shape[0]):
         cost -= np.log(expit(- np.dot(w, wR[k, :])))
     return self.fun_wd(self, indm, ind_doc, indr_doc)
コード例 #30
 def compute_lambda(u, size):
     fwd = 0
     bwd = 0
     bwd_count = 0
     for v in xrange(size):
         if labels[u] > labels[v]:
            fwd -= expit(scores[v] - scores[u])
         elif labels[u] < labels[v]:
             bwd_count += 1
             bwd += expit(scores[v] - scores[u])
     return fwd - bwd_count + bwd
コード例 #31
def f_gradient(w, Xb, yb):
    denom = scspec.expit(-yb * Xb.dot(w))
    return -Xb.T.dot(yb * denom) / Xb.shape[0]
コード例 #32
 def f_IL_6_AMP(self, NF_xB, IL6_STAT3, N):
     y = self.betas['IL6_AMP_NF_xB_w'] * NF_xB + self.betas['IL6_AMP_IL6_STAT3_w'] * IL6_STAT3 + \
         + self.betas['IL6_AMP_b']
     IL6_AMP = self.max_abundance['IL6_AMP'] * expit(y) + N
     return IL6_AMP
コード例 #33
# Plots
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(19, 10), facecolor='white')
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 6, 1, xticks=[], yticks=[])
z = bst1.predict(dtest)
z = np.array([row for row in z])
ax.set_title("XGBoost with 50 trees")
plotsurf(ax, z)
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 6, 2, xticks=[], yticks=[])
z = bst2.predict(dtest)
z = np.array([row for row in z])
ax.set_title("XGBoost with 1 tree")
plotsurf(ax, z)
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 6, 3, xticks=[], yticks=[])
z = linbst.predict(test_X)
ax.set_title("LinXGBoost with 1 tree")
plotsurf(ax, expit(z))
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 6, 4, xticks=[], yticks=[])
z = cart.predict_proba(test_X)[:, 1]
plotsurf(ax, z)
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 6, 5, xticks=[], yticks=[])
z = rf.predict_proba(test_X)[:, 1]
plotsurf(ax, z)
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 6, 6, xticks=[], yticks=[])
z = rrPLF.predict(test_X)
ax.set_title("random rotation PL-Tree Forest")
plotsurf(ax, expit(z))

コード例 #34
ファイル: functions.py プロジェクト: bearrundr/R-CNN_LIGHT
def sigmoid(x):
    #return 1 / (1 + np.expit(-x))
    return expit(x) # expit (x) = 1 / (1 + exp (-x))
コード例 #35
ファイル: line_location.py プロジェクト: roo2319/waggle-dance
def sigmoidMotor(val):
    return (expit(val) - 0.5) / 50
コード例 #36
plt.scatter(x_new, y_new)
# %%
np.corrcoef(x_new, y_new)
# %%

num_data = 200
x_1 = np.random.randint(15, 76, num_data)

x_2 = np.random.randint(0, 2, num_data)
# %%
from scipy.special import expit # 1.
e_x = randn(num_data)

z_base = x_1 + (1 - x_2)*10 - 40 + 5*e_z

z_prob = expit(0.1 * z_base)
# %%
Z = np.array([])
for i in range(num_data):
    Z_i = np.random.choice(2, size=1, p=[1-z_prob[i], z_prob[i]])[0]
    Z = np.append(Z, Z_i)
# %%
e_y = randn(num_data)
Y = -x_1 + 30*x_2 + 10*Z + 80 + 10*e_y

# %%
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'age':x_1,
コード例 #37
def train(f_dataset_train, h_prev, m_prev, t_index):
    inp_unit = f_dataset_train[:, 0].reshape(
        input_size, 1)  # input vector xt taken from image data
    inp_whole = numpy.vstack(
        (inp_unit, h_prev))  # input vector It combined from xt and ht-1
    hidden_whole = numpy.dot(curr_model.get_wm_hidden(),
                             inp_whole)  # raw hidden value for all gates zt
    a_gate = numpy.tanh(hidden_whole[:curr_model.get_hidden_unit_size(), :]
                        )  # split, squashed value from zt
    i_gate = expit(hidden_whole[curr_model.get_hidden_unit_size():2 *
                                curr_model.get_hidden_unit_size(), :])
    f_gate = expit(hidden_whole[2 * curr_model.get_hidden_unit_size():3 *
                                curr_model.get_hidden_unit_size(), :] + f_bias)
    o_gate = expit(hidden_whole[3 * curr_model.get_hidden_unit_size():, :])
    m_curr = i_gate * a_gate + f_gate * m_prev  # memory cell value ct calculated from at, it, ft, and ct-1
    h_curr = o_gate * numpy.tanh(
        m_curr)  # current timestep output value calculated from ot and ct
    if f_dataset_train[:,
                       1:].size == 0:  # on the last step, calculate score, errhc
        score = numpy.dot(curr_model.get_wm_score(),
                          h_curr)  # output layer producing 24 length vector s
        score_prob = numpy.exp(score) / numpy.sum(
            numpy.exp(score))  # softmax layer producing probability vector P
        loss = -numpy.log(
            score_prob[t_index])  # negative log loss error value E
        jac = numpy.diagflat(score_prob) - numpy.dot(
            score_prob, score_prob.T)  # matrix J for deriving softmax layer
        err_score = numpy.dot(
            jac, score_prob -
            target_array[t_index])  # error vector ds from J and audio target
        err_wm_score = numpy.dot(
            err_score, h_curr.T)  # matrix error dws calculated from ds
            curr_model.get_wm_score() -
            curr_model.get_learning_rate() * err_wm_score)  # ws update
        err_h_curr = numpy.dot(
            err_score)  # error vector dht for deriving previous steps
        err_m_curr = 0  # last step has no next memory cell, dct = 0
        err_wm_hidden = 0  # last step has 0 accumulated weight error, dw = 0
    else:  # if not on last step, send ht, ct for forward prop, wait for dht, dct, dw for backward prop
        err_h_curr, err_m_curr, err_wm_hidden, loss = train(
            f_dataset_train[:, 1:], h_curr, m_curr, t_index)
    err_m_curr = err_m_curr + (err_h_curr * o_gate *
                               (1 - numpy.power(numpy.tanh(m_curr), 2))
                               )  # accumulative dct
    err_a_gate = err_m_curr * i_gate  # error vector dat calculated from dct
    err_i_gate = err_m_curr * a_gate  # error vector dat calculated from dct
    err_f_gate = err_m_curr * m_prev  # error vector dat calculated from dct
    err_o_gate = err_h_curr * numpy.tanh(
        m_curr)  # error vector dot calculated from dht
    err_m_prev = err_m_curr * f_gate  # error vector dct-1 calculated from dct
    # calculate error vector for raw, unsplit, unsquashed hidden values for all at, it, ft, and ot
    err_a_inp = err_a_gate * (1 - numpy.power(
        numpy.tanh(hidden_whole[:curr_model.get_hidden_unit_size(), :]), 2))
    err_i_inp = err_i_gate * i_gate * (1 - i_gate)
    err_f_inp = err_f_gate * f_gate * (1 - f_gate)
    err_o_inp = err_o_gate * o_gate * (1 - o_gate)
    err_inp_whole = numpy.vstack(
        (err_a_inp, err_i_inp, err_f_inp,
         err_o_inp))  # dzt concated from hidden value errors
    err_wm_hidden = err_wm_hidden + numpy.dot(
        err_inp_whole, inp_whole.T)  # accumulative dw for weight update
    err_inp_unit = numpy.dot(curr_model.get_wm_hidden().T,
                             err_inp_whole)  # whole input error vector dIt
    err_h_prev = err_inp_unit[input_size:, 0].reshape(
        (curr_model.get_hidden_unit_size(), 1))  # dht-1 split from dIt
    return err_h_prev, err_m_prev, err_wm_hidden, loss  # returns dht-1, dct-1, dw for backprop
コード例 #38
 def pmf(self, phi):
     return expit(np.sum(self.weights[phi]))
コード例 #39
ax.set_yticks([0, 1])
ax.set_yticklabels(['No fire', 'Fire'])

#%% logit
X = np.append(no_fire, yes_fire)[np.newaxis].T
y = np.append(np.repeat(0, len(no_fire)), np.repeat(1, len(yes_fire)))
clf = LogisticRegression(random_state=0).fit(X, y)
clf.predict(X[:2, :])
clf.predict_proba(X[:2, :])

clf.score(X, y)
X_test = np.linspace(0, 250, 300)

loss = expit(X_test * clf.coef_ + clf.intercept_).ravel()

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4, 4))

           y=np.repeat(0, len(no_fire)),
           y=np.repeat(1, len(yes_fire)),

ax.plot(X_test, loss, color='orange', linewidth=3, label='Prediction')
コード例 #40
 def grad(self, x):
     m = self.b.shape[0]
     return (-1 / m) * self.matvec_ATx(
         self.b * expit(-self.b * self.matvec_Ax(x))) + self.regcoef * x
コード例 #41
 def f_TNF(self, ADAM17, N):
     y = self.betas['TNF_ADAM17_w'] * ADAM17 + self.betas['TNF_b']
     TNF = self.max_abundance['TNF'] * expit(y) + N
     return TNF
コード例 #42
ファイル: logit.py プロジェクト: vnijs/pyrsm
def predict_ci(fitted, df, alpha=0.05):
    Compute predicted probabilities with confidence intervals based on a
    logistic regression model

    fitted : Logistic regression model fitted using the statsmodels formula interface
    df : Pandas dataframe with input data for prediction
    alpha : float
        Significance level (0-1). Default is 0.05

    Pandas dataframe with probability predictions and lower and upper confidence bounds

    import numpy as np
    import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
    import pandas as pd

    # simulate data
    x1 = np.arange(100)
    x2 = pd.Series(["a", "b", "c", "a"], dtype="category").sample(100, replace=True)
    y = (x1 * 0.5 + np.random.normal(size=100, scale=10) > 30).astype(int)
    df = pd.DataFrame({"y": y, "x1": x1, "x2": x2})

    # estimate the model
    model = smf.logit(formula="y ~ x1 + x2", data=df).fit()
    pred = predict_ci(model, df)

    plt.plot(x1, pred["prediction"])
    plt.plot(x1, pred["2.5%"], color='black', linestyle="--", linewidth=0.5)
    plt.plot(x1, pred["97.5%"], color='black', linestyle="--", linewidth=0.5)

    if alpha < 0 or alpha > 1:
        raise ValueError("alpha must be a numeric value between 0 and 1")

    # generate predictions
    prediction = fitted.predict(df)

    # set up the data in df in the same was as the exog data
    # that is part of fitted.model.exog
    # use a fake response variable
    df = df.assign(__rvar__=1).copy()
    form = "__rvar__ ~ " + fitted.model.formula.split("~", 1)[1]
    exog = smf.logit(formula=form, data=df).exog

    low, high = [alpha / 2, 1 - (alpha / 2)]
    Xb = np.dot(exog, fitted.params)
    se = np.sqrt((exog.dot(fitted.cov_params()) * exog).sum(-1))
    me = stats.norm.ppf(high) * se

    return pd.DataFrame({
        "prediction": prediction,
        f"{low*100}%": expit(Xb - me),
        f"{high*100}%": expit(Xb + me),
コード例 #43
 def hess(self, x):
     m = self.b.shape[0]
     Ax = self.matvec_Ax(x)
     return (1 / m) * self.matmat_ATsA(self.b * self.b * expit(
         self.b * Ax) * expit(-self.b * Ax)) + self.regcoef * np.eye(len(x))
コード例 #44
def sigmoid(x, out):
    # out[:] = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))
    # np.reciprocal(np.add(np.exp(np.negative(x, out), out), 1, out), out)
    expit(x, out)
コード例 #45
    def predict(self,
                question: str,
                documents: List[Document],
                top_k: Optional[int] = None):
        Use loaded QA model to find answers for a question in the supplied list of Document.

        Returns dictionaries containing answers sorted by (desc.) probability
        {'question': 'Who is the father of Arya Stark?',
        'answers': [
                     {'answer': 'Eddard,',
                     'context': " She travels with her father, Eddard, to King's Landing when he is ",
                     'offset_answer_start': 147,
                     'offset_answer_end': 154,
                     'probability': 0.9787139466668613,
                     'score': None,
                     'document_id': '1337'

        :param question: question string
        :param documents: list of Document in which to search for the answer
        :param top_k: the maximum number of answers to return
        :return: dict containing question and answers

        # convert input to FARM format
        inputs = []
        for doc in documents:
            cur = QAInput(doc_text=doc.text,
                          questions=Question(text=question, uid=doc.id))

        # get answers from QA model
        predictions = self.inferencer.inference_from_objects(
            objects=inputs, return_json=False, multiprocessing_chunksize=1)
        # assemble answers from all the different documents & format them.
        # For the "no answer" option, we collect all no_ans_gaps and decide how likely
        # a no answer is based on all no_ans_gaps values across all documents
        answers = []
        no_ans_gaps = []
        best_score_answer = 0
        for pred in predictions:
            answers_per_document = []
            for ans in pred.prediction:
                # skip "no answers" here
                if self._check_no_answer(ans):
                    cur = {
                        "answer": ans.answer,
                        "score": ans.score,
                        # just a pseudo prob for now
                        "probability": float(expit(
                            np.asarray([ans.score]) / 8)),  # type: ignore
                        "context": ans.context_window,
                        "offset_start": ans.offset_answer_start -
                        "offset_end": ans.offset_answer_end -
                        "offset_start_in_doc": ans.offset_answer_start,
                        "offset_end_in_doc": ans.offset_answer_end,
                        "document_id": pred.id

                    if ans.score > best_score_answer:
                        best_score_answer = ans.score
            # only take n best candidates. Answers coming back from FARM are sorted with decreasing relevance.
            answers += answers_per_document[:self.top_k_per_candidate]

        # Calculate the score for predicting "no answer", relative to our best positive answer score
        no_ans_prediction, max_no_ans_gap = self._calc_no_answer(
            no_ans_gaps, best_score_answer)
        if self.return_no_answers:

        # sort answers by their `probability` and select top-k
        answers = sorted(answers, key=lambda k: k["probability"], reverse=True)
        answers = answers[:top_k]
        result = {
            "question": question,
            "no_ans_gap": max_no_ans_gap,
            "answers": answers

        return result
コード例 #46
def GxSample(x, nCores, pop, sampleKernel, popFlag, nBin, bw, nEcc, Tobs,
    def untransform(dat, datSet):
        datMin = min(datSet)
        datMax = max(datSet)

        datUntransformed = dat * (datMax - datMin)
        datUnzeroed = datUntransformed + datMin

        return datUnzeroed

    G = 6.67384 * math.pow(10, -11.0)
    c = 2.99792458 * math.pow(10, 8.0)
    parsec = 3.08567758 * math.pow(10, 16)
    Rsun = 6.955 * math.pow(10, 8)
    Msun = 1.9891 * math.pow(10, 30)
    day = 86400.0
    rsun_in_au = 215.0954
    day_in_year = 365.242
    sec_in_day = 86400.0
    sec_in_hour = 3600.0
    hrs_in_day = 24.0
    sec_in_year = 3.15569 * 10**7.0
    Tobs = 3.15569 * 10**7.0
    geo_mass = G / c**2
    m_in_AU = 1.496 * 10**11.0

    ##### UNITS EXPECTED FOR POPULATION ###################
    # mass: Msun, orbital period: days, Tobs: seconds     #

    # seed the random generator

    # solar coordinates in the galaxy: in parsecs from
    # (Chaper 8 of Galactic Structure and stellar Pops book) Yoshii (2013)
    x_sun = 8000.0
    y_sun = 0.0
    z_sun = 25

    # sample the number of binaries given by nBin
    power = []
    freq = []
    n = 0
    nWrite = 0
    eccBin = 0

    # open the file to save the gx data
    gxFile = 'gxRealization_' + str(x) + '_' + str(popFlag) + '.dat'
    binDat = []

    nSample = int(nBin / float(nCores))
    dataSample = sampleKernel.resample(nSample)

    # check to see if the population has BHs or is ecc

    m1T = ss.expit(dataSample[0, :])
    m2T = ss.expit(dataSample[1, :])
    porbT = ss.expit(dataSample[2, :])
    eccT = ss.expit(dataSample[3, :])
    rad1T = ss.expit(dataSample[4, :])
    rad2T = ss.expit(dataSample[5, :])
    Lum1T = ss.expit(dataSample[6, :])
    Lum2T = ss.expit(dataSample[7, :])

    m1 = untransform(m1T, pop['m1'])
    m2 = untransform(m2T, pop['m2'])
    porb = untransform(porbT, np.log10(pop['porb']))
    ecc = eccT
    ii = 0
    for e in ecc:
        if e < 0:
            ecc[ii] = abs(e)
        elif e > 1:
            ecc[ii] = 1 - (ecc - 1)
        ii += 1
    rad1 = 10**(untransform(rad1T, pop['rad1']))
    rad2 = 10**(untransform(rad2T, pop['rad2']))
    Lum1 = 10**(untransform(Lum1T, pop['Lum1']))
    Lum2 = 10**(untransform(Lum2T, pop['Lum2']))
    print('you should see me!')

    # First assign the position relative to the galactic center
    # Assign the radial position of the binary
    norm_r = 1 / 2.5
    a_0_r = np.random.uniform(0, 1.0, len(m1))
    r = -2.5 * np.log(1 - a_0_r)
    # Assign the azimuthal position of the star
    phi = np.random.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi, len(m1))
    # Assign the z position of the star with r as a parameter
    norm_zr = 0.71023
    a_0_zr = np.random.uniform(0, 1.0, len(m1))
    z = 1 / 1.42 * np.arctanh(a_0_zr / (0.704) - 1)
    # convert to cartesian and parsecs
    xGX = r * np.cos(phi) * 1000.0
    yGX = r * np.sin(phi) * 1000.0
    zGX = z * 1000.0
    # compute the distance to Earth/LISA/us in kiloparsecs
    dist = ((xGX - x_sun)**2 + (yGX - y_sun)**2 + (zGX - z_sun)**2)**(1 / 2.0)
    dist_kpc = dist / 1000.0

    inc = np.random.uniform(0, math.pi / 2, len(m1))
    OMEGA = np.random.uniform(0, 2 * math.pi, len(m1))
    omega = np.random.uniform(0, 2 * math.pi, len(m1))

    binDat = np.vstack((m1, m2, porb, ecc, rad1, rad2, Lum1, Lum2, xGX, yGX,
                        zGX, dist_kpc, inc, OMEGA, omega)).T
    radTotAU = (rad1 + rad2) / rsun_in_au
    radAng = radTotAU / dist
    binEclipseIndex, = np.where(radAng > inc * 4.8e-6)

    print(len(binEclipseIndex), len(binDat))

    np.savetxt(gxFile, binDat, delimiter=',')

コード例 #47
 def activation(self, batch, weights, offset):
     return expit(numpy.dot(batch, weights) + offset)
コード例 #48
k = 10
n_dim = 4
n_usr = 5000
n_itm = 5000
n_rat = int(1e5)

# Generate fake data
b_usr = np.random.randn(n_usr)
b_itm = np.random.randn(n_itm)
v_usr = np.random.randn(n_usr, n_dim)
v_itm = np.random.randn(n_itm, n_dim)
i_usr = np.random.randint(0, n_usr, size=n_rat)
i_itm = np.random.randint(0, n_itm, size=n_rat)
y = expit(b_usr[i_usr] + b_itm[i_itm] +
          np.sum(v_usr[i_usr, :] * v_itm[i_itm, :], axis=1))
y = np.rint(y)

model = CFM(n_usr + n_itm, k, threshold=1e5, do_svd=True)
# optim = Adam(model.parameters(), lr=1e-4)
optim = SGD(model.parameters(), lr=1e-2)

callbacks = {'auc': auc_callback}
trainer = Trainer(model,
コード例 #49
        def find_best_split_parallel(batch, X, y, s, z, idx, theta,
            y_auc = roc_auc_score(y, z)

            if len(s.shape) > 1:
                ovr_s_auc = []
                for j in range(s.shape[1]):
                    s_auc = roc_auc_score(s[:, j], z)
                    s_auc = max(1 - s_auc, s_auc)
                s_auc = max(ovr_s_auc)
                s_auc = roc_auc_score(s, z)
                s_auc = max(1 - s_auc, s_auc)

            base_score = (1 - theta) * y_auc - theta * s_auc
            best_score = copy(base_score)

            for split in batch:
                variable, value = split
                left_idx = idx[X[idx, variable] < value]
                right_idx = idx[X[idx, variable] >= value]
                left_n, right_n = len(left_idx), len(right_idx)
                if (left_n > 0) and (right_n > 0):
                    left_y, right_y = y[left_idx], y[right_idx]
                    left_s, right_s = s[left_idx], s[right_idx]
                    left_z, right_z = z[left_idx], z[right_idx]
                    left_p, right_p = expit(left_z), expit(right_z)
                    left_z_increase = np.mean(left_y - left_p) * learning_rate
                    right_z_increase = np.mean(right_y -
                                               right_p) * learning_rate
                    left_new_z = left_z + left_z_increase
                    right_new_z = right_z + right_z_increase

                    y_auc = roc_auc_score(
                        left_y.tolist() + right_y.tolist(),
                        left_new_z.tolist() + right_new_z.tolist())

                    if len(s.shape) > 1:
                        ovr_s_auc = []
                        for j in range(s.shape[1]):
                            s_auc = roc_auc_score(
                                s[left_idx, j].tolist() +
                                s[right_idx, j].tolist(),
                                left_new_z.tolist() + right_new_z.tolist())
                            s_auc = max(1 - s_auc, s_auc)
                        s_auc = max(ovr_s_auc)
                        s_auc = roc_auc_score(
                            s[left_idx].tolist() + s[right_idx].tolist(),
                            left_new_z.tolist() + right_new_z.tolist())
                        s_auc = max(1 - s_auc, s_auc)

                    score = (1 - theta) * y_auc - theta * s_auc
                    if score > best_score:
                        best_split = split
                        best_score = score
                        best_left_n = left_n
                        best_right_n = right_n
                        best_left_idx = left_idx
                        best_right_idx = right_idx
                        best_left_z_increase = left_z_increase
                        best_right_z_increase = right_z_increase

            if best_score == base_score:
                best_split = np.nan
                best_score = -np.inf
                best_left_idx = np.nan
                best_right_idx = np.nan
                best_left_z_increase = np.nan
                best_right_z_increase = np.nan
            return best_left_z_increase, best_left_idx, best_right_z_increase, best_right_idx, best_split, best_score
コード例 #50
 def naive_log_logistic(x):
     return np.log(expit(x))
# x_select_col_idxs = [26, 40, 31, 24,  3, 41, 54, 55, 45, 52, 28, 22, 53, 34]
x_test_data_rows = x_test_data_rows[:, x_select_col_idxs]

# read model
model = np.load(MODEL_FILE_PATH)
w = model['w']
x_train_means = model['x_train_means']
x_train_stds = model['x_train_stds']

# In[ ]:

# normalize
x_test_data_rows = (x_test_data_rows - x_train_means) / x_train_stds
# add 1
x_test_data_rows = np.c_[x_test_data_rows, np.ones(x_test_data_rows.shape[0])]

# In[ ]:

# test
y_test_rows = to_bool(special.expit(np.dot(x_test_data_rows, w)))

y_test_series = pd.Series(y_test_rows.flatten())

# concat id and y
output = pd.concat([_id, y_test_series], axis=1)
output.columns = ["id", "label"]

# write file
output.to_csv(OUTPUT_FILE_PATH, index=False)
コード例 #52
    for x in version_string.split('.'):
        except ValueError:
            # x may be of the form dev-1ea1592
    return tuple(version)

np_version = _parse_version(np.__version__)
sp_version = _parse_version(scipy.__version__)

    from scipy.special import expit  # SciPy >= 0.10
    with np.errstate(invalid='ignore', over='ignore'):
        if np.isnan(expit(1000)):  # SciPy < 0.14
            raise ImportError("no stable expit in scipy.special")
except ImportError:

    def expit(x, out=None):
        """Logistic sigmoid function, ``1 / (1 + exp(-x))``.

        See sklearn.utils.extmath.log_logistic for the log of this function.
        if out is None:
            out = np.empty(np.atleast_1d(x).shape, dtype=np.float64)
        out[:] = x

        # 1 / (1 + exp(-x)) = (1 + tanh(x / 2)) / 2
        # This way of computing the logistic is both fast and stable.
        out *= .5
コード例 #53
 def sett(self, M, b):
     """ compute answer labels based on model M,b """
     self.t = s.expit(z(self.q, M, self.a,
                        b)[0])  # answer labels as estimated by the model
コード例 #54
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: michevan/northern-flights
def result():
    if request.method == 'POST' :
    	start_time = time.time()
    	arctic_circle_lat = 64.0   #it's actually 66.3 degrees, but give a bit of wiggle room
    	route_dl = 100   #km, the spatial resolution of the great circle geometry
    	airport_code = request.form['airport'].upper()   
    	slider_value = request.form['value_slider']
    	#if airport_code in ['LAX', 'ORD', 'JFK']:   #speed up code for busy airports
    	#	route_dl = 200
    	current_date = time.strftime('%m/%d/%Y')    #make date format a constant
    	sp_api = nf.SkyPickerApi()
    	today_date = datetime.today()
    	dec1 = today_date.replace(year=2018,month=12,day=1).strftime('%m/%d/%Y')
    	dec31 = today_date.replace(year=2018,month=12,day=31).strftime('%m/%d/%Y')
    	sp_results = sp_api.search_flights_from_airport(airport_code, datetime.strptime(dec1, '%m/%d/%Y'),datetime.strptime(dec31, '%m/%d/%Y'))
    	dest_iata_codes = []
    	for i in range(len(sp_results)):
    		dest_iata_code = sp_results[i]['legs'][0]['to'][-4:-1]
    	unique_dest_iata_codes = set(dest_iata_codes)
    	sp_loc_api = nf.SkyPickerApi()
    	unique_dest_lons = []
    	unique_dest_lats = []
    	elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
    	print('time to search flights from airport: '+str(elapsed_time))
    	start_time = time.time()
    	lat_dict = nf.load_airport_lat_dictionary()
    	lon_dict = nf.load_airport_lon_dictionary()
    	for iata_code in unique_dest_iata_codes:
    		origin_lat = lat_dict[airport_code]
    		origin_lon = lon_dict[airport_code]	
    		abort(400,'Unknown airport code. Please enter a valid three-letter IATA airport code.')
    	if origin_lat < 10:
    		abort(400,'This airport is too far South. Please choose an airport at higher latitude.')
    	elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
    	print('time to get airport coordinates: '+str(elapsed_time))
    	start_time = time.time()
    	dest_airports = pd.DataFrame(data=np.transpose([list(unique_dest_iata_codes),unique_dest_lons,unique_dest_lats]),columns=['code','lon','lat'])
    	if origin_lat > arctic_circle_lat:
    		does_this_route_pass_through_arctic = np.ones(len(dest_airports))
    		does_this_route_pass_through_arctic = np.zeros(len(dest_airports))
    		for i in range(len(dest_airports)):
    			folderpath = 'gis_temp/'
    			layername = airport_code+'-'+dest_airports.loc[i].code
    			gtg = gc.GeodesicLine2Gisfile()
    			lons_lats = (origin_lon, origin_lat, np.float(dest_airports.loc[i].lon), np.float(dest_airports.loc[i].lat))
    			cd = gtg.gdlComp(lons_lats, km_pts=route_dl)
    			gtg.gdlToGisFile(cd, folderpath, layername, fmt="GeoJSON")  # geojson output
    			gc_lat = []; gc_lon = []
    			with open(folderpath+'/'+layername+'.geojson') as json_file:  
    				data = json.load(json_file)
    				if len(data['features'][0]['geometry']['coordinates'][0]) == 2:   #if everything is working as expected
    					for j in range(len(data['features'][0]['geometry']['coordinates'][:])):
    						lon,lat = data['features'][0]['geometry']['coordinates'][j]
    				else:    #anti-meridian crossing, they split the results into two groups so the len will be a lot longer
    					for j in range(len(data['features'][0]['geometry']['coordinates'][0][:])):
    						lon,lat = data['features'][0]['geometry']['coordinates'][0][j]
    					for j in range(len(data['features'][0]['geometry']['coordinates'][1][:])):
    						lon,lat = data['features'][0]['geometry']['coordinates'][1][j]
    			if np.max(gc_lat) > arctic_circle_lat:
    				does_this_route_pass_through_arctic[i] = 1
    	elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
    	if does_this_route_pass_through_arctic.sum() == 0:
    		abort(400, 'No direct flights that have a chance to see the Northern Lights are found from this airport. Please try another airport. \n If this airport should have direct flights over the Arctic, please check https://status.kiwi.com to verify the status of the API, as an API outage can also cause this error. ')

    	print('time to get flight routes: '+str(elapsed_time))
    	start_time = time.time()
    	figdata_path = nf.make_plot(arctic_circle_lat,origin_lon,origin_lat,does_this_route_pass_through_arctic,dest_airports,airport_code)
    	elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
    	print('time to make the globe plot: '+str(elapsed_time))
    	start_time = time.time()
    	final_airport_codes = []
    	final_airport_lats = []
    	final_airport_lons = []
    	for i in range(len(does_this_route_pass_through_arctic)):
    		if does_this_route_pass_through_arctic[i]:
    	### make a giant dataframe that contains all the routes which pass through the arctic
		### and it also contains the flight path, sampled every 10 km
		### in both (lat,lon) and in magnetic (lat,lon)
    	N_routes = 0     #Number of routes, this will get filled in by the code
    	routes = pd.DataFrame(data=None)
    	for i in range(len(does_this_route_pass_through_arctic)):
    		df = nf.get_flight_route(i,does_this_route_pass_through_arctic,airport_code,dest_airports)
    		if df is not None:
    			routes = routes.append(df)
    			N_routes += 1
    	elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
    	print('time to get the final flight routes prepped: '+str(elapsed_time))
    	start_time = time.time()

    	### load aurora model fit to NOAA data, defined in make_aurora_model.ipynb
    	### strictly valid until Jan 4, 2019   (end of current Solar cycle)
    	### and extrapolated out to Jan 4, 2021 assuming the next Solar cycle begins like the current one
    	x_model,bf_model = np.loadtxt('./aurora_model.dat',skiprows=1,usecols=[0,1],unpack=True)  
    	### aurora prob lookup table (from https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/stp/geomag/kp_ap.html)
    	### to convert ap values into kp values
    	kp_lookup = np.array([0,0.33,0.67,1.0,1.33,1.67,2.0,2.33,2.67,3.0,3.33,3.67,4.0,4.33,4.67,5.0,5.33,5.67,6.0,6.33,6.67])
    	ap_lookup = np.array([0,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,12,15,18,22,27,32,39,48,56,67,80,94,111])
    	kp_model = np.interp(bf_model,ap_lookup,kp_lookup)
    	elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
    	print('time to load precomputed aurora data '+str(elapsed_time))
    	start_time = time.time()

    	N_days = 26
    	aurora_p = np.zeros([N_days,N_routes])
    	for i in range(N_routes):
    		p,dts = nf.get_aurora_prob_over_time(routes.iloc[4*i][1:].values,routes.iloc[4*i+1][1:].values,routes.iloc[4*i+2][1:].values,routes.iloc[4*i+3][1:].values,x_model,kp_model,route_dl,N_days=N_days,day_max=500)
    		aurora_p[:,i] = p
    	elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
    	print('time to estimate aurora probabilities: '+str(elapsed_time))
    	start_time = time.time()

    	aurora_plot_path = nf.make_aurora_plot(N_routes,dts,aurora_p,final_airport_codes)
    	elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
    	print('time to make aurora plot: '+str(elapsed_time))
    	start_time = time.time()
    	rf_model,rf_df = rf.load_random_forest_data('k_interp_direct_rf')
    	prices = np.zeros([N_days,N_routes])
    	for i in range(N_routes):
    		pr,dts = rf.predict_airfares(origin_lat,origin_lon,final_airport_lats[i],final_airport_lons[i],rf_model,N_days=N_days,day_max=500)
    		prices[:,i] = pr
    	elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
    	print('time to predict flight prices with neural network: '+str(elapsed_time))
    	start_time = time.time()
    	price_plot_path = nf.make_prices_plot(N_routes,dts,prices,final_airport_codes,rf_df)	

    	elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
    	print('time to make flight prices plot: '+str(elapsed_time))
    	start_time = time.time()
    	best_aurora = np.where(aurora_p == aurora_p.max())
    	best_aurora_price = prices[best_aurora][0]
    	best_aurora_month = (datetime.today() + timedelta(days=dts[best_aurora[0]][0])).month
    	best_aurora_year = (datetime.today() + timedelta(days=dts[best_aurora[0]][0])).year
    	best_aurora_text = final_airport_codes[best_aurora[1][0]]
    	best_aurora_text +=' in '+str(nf.NumtoMonth(np.int(best_aurora_month)))+' '+str(best_aurora_year)
    	best_aurora_text +='. Estimated price ~  $%.f' % (best_aurora_price)
    	best_aurora_text +=', and estimated aurora probability = %0.2f'  % (aurora_p[best_aurora][0])
    	best_price = np.where(prices == prices.min())
    	best_price_aurora = aurora_p[best_price][0]
    	best_price_month = (datetime.today() + timedelta(days=dts[best_price[0]][0])).month
    	best_price_year = (datetime.today() + timedelta(days=dts[best_price[0]][0])).year
    	best_price_text = final_airport_codes[best_price[1][0]]
    	best_price_text +=' in '+str(nf.NumtoMonth(np.int(best_price_month)))+' '+str(best_price_year)
    	best_price_text +='. Estimated price ~  $%.f' % (prices[best_price][0])
    	best_price_text +=', and estimated aurora probability = %0.2f'  % (best_price_aurora)
    	### use sigmoid function to translate slider value to weights
    	aurora_weight = expit(-1.0*np.float(slider_value))
    	price_weight = expit(np.float(slider_value))
    	figure_of_merit =   (aurora_p * aurora_weight) +    (prices.min() / prices)*price_weight * aurora_p.max()

    	best_overall = np.where(figure_of_merit == figure_of_merit.max())
    	best_aurora_overall = aurora_p[best_overall][0]
    	best_price_overall = prices[best_overall][0]
    	best_overall_month = (datetime.today() + timedelta(days=dts[best_overall[0]][0])).month
    	best_overall_year = (datetime.today() + timedelta(days=dts[best_overall[0]][0])).year
    	best_overall_text = final_airport_codes[best_overall[1][0]]
    	best_overall_text +=' in '+str(nf.NumtoMonth(np.int(best_overall_month)))+' '+str(best_overall_year)
    	best_overall_text +='. Estimated price ~  $%.f' % (best_price_overall)
    	best_overall_text +=', and estimated aurora probability = %0.2f'  % (best_aurora_overall)
    	elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
    	print('time to compute best values: '+str(elapsed_time))
    	start_time = time.time()
    	kiwi_url = nf.make_kiwi_url(airport_code, final_airport_codes[best_overall[1][0]][4:7], best_overall_month, best_overall_year)
    	### housecleaning - clear out temp json files in gis_temp
    	#for filename in os.listdir(folderpath):
    	#	if filename.endswith('.geojson'):
    	#		try:
    	#			os.unlink(folderpath+filename)
    	#			#print(folderpath+filename)
    	#		except:
    	#			pass
    	print('time to finish code: '+str(elapsed_time))

    return render_template('result.html',plot_code=figdata_path,aurora_plot_code=aurora_plot_path,price_plot_code=price_plot_path,best_aurora_text=best_aurora_text,
コード例 #55
def load_img(img_path):
    img = PIL.Image.open(img_path)
    img = np.array(img, dtype=np.uint8)

    return img

def transform_img(img):
    mean_bgr = np.array([104.00699, 116.66877, 122.67892])

    img_copy = img.copy()
    img_copy = img_copy[:, :, ::-1]  # RGB -> BGR
    img_copy = img_copy.astype(np.float32)
    img_copy -= mean_bgr
    img_copy = img_copy.transpose(2, 0, 1)  # C x H x W
    img_copy = torch.from_numpy(img_copy).float()

    return img_copy

img_path = os.path.join(img_dir, img_name)
img = load_img(img_path)
img_transformed = transform_img(img)[np.newaxis]
model = models.FCN32s() if fcn_type == 'fcn32' else models.FCN16s()
model_weight = torch.load(pretrained_model)
with torch.no_grad():
    img_transformed = Variable(img_transformed)
score = model(img_transformed)
lbl_pred = (expit(score.data.cpu().numpy()) * 255).astype(np.uint8)[0][0]
save_path = os.path.join(save_dir, 'test_' + img_name)
utils.overlay_imp_on_img(img, lbl_pred, save_path, colormap='jet')
コード例 #56
 def f_NF_xB(self, PRR, EGFR, TNF, N):
     y = self.betas['NF_xB_PRR_w'] * PRR + self.betas['NF_xB_TNF_w'] * TNF + \
         self.betas['NF_xB_EGFR_w'] * EGFR + self.betas['NF_xB_b']
     NF_xB = self.max_abundance['NF_xB'] * expit(y) + N
     return NF_xB
コード例 #57
 def f_ADAM17(self, AGTR1, N):
     y = self.betas['ADAM17_AGTR1_w'] * AGTR1 + self.betas['ADAM17_b']
     ADAM17 = self.max_abundance['ADAM17'] * expit(y) + N
     return ADAM17
コード例 #58
 def f_EGF(self, ADAM17, N):
     y = self.betas['EGF_ADAM17_w'] * ADAM17 + self.betas['EGF_b']
     EGF = self.max_abundance['EGF'] * expit(y) + N
     return EGF
コード例 #59
 def f_AGTR1(self, AngII, N):
     y = self.betas['AGTR1_AngII_w'] * AngII + self.betas['AGTR1_b']
     AGTR1 = self.max_abundance['AGTR1'] * expit(y) + N
     return AGTR1
コード例 #60
def evaluate(weight_file_path,

    # placeholder of input images. Currently batch size of one is supported.
    x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [1, None, None, 3])  # n, h, w, c

    # Create the tiny face model which weights are loaded from a pretrained model.
    model = tiny_face_model.Model(weight_file_path)
    score_final = model.tiny_face(x)

    # Find image files in data_dir.
    filenames = []
    for ext in ('*.png', '*.gif', '*.jpg', '*.jpeg'):
        filenames.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(data_dir, ext)))

    # Load an average image and clusters(reference boxes of templates).
    with open(weight_file_path, "rb") as f:
        _, mat_params_dict = pickle.load(f)

    average_image = model.get_data_by_key("average_image")
    clusters = model.get_data_by_key("clusters")
    clusters_h = clusters[:, 3] - clusters[:, 1] + 1
    clusters_w = clusters[:, 2] - clusters[:, 0] + 1
    normal_idx = np.where(clusters[:, 4] == 1)

    # main
    with tf.Session() as sess:

        _results = []

        for filename in filenames:
            fname = filename.split(os.sep)[-1]
            raw_img = cv2.imread(filename)
            raw_img = cv2.cvtColor(raw_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
            raw_img_f = raw_img.astype(np.float32)

            def _calc_scales():
                raw_h, raw_w = raw_img.shape[0], raw_img.shape[1]
                min_scale = min(
                    np.floor(np.log2(np.max(clusters_w[normal_idx] / raw_w))),
                    np.floor(np.log2(np.max(clusters_h[normal_idx] / raw_h))))
                max_scale = min(1.0,
                                -np.log2(max(raw_h, raw_w) / MAX_INPUT_DIM))
                scales_down = pl.frange(min_scale, 0, 1.)
                scales_up = pl.frange(0.5, max_scale, 0.5)
                scales_pow = np.hstack((scales_down, scales_up))
                scales = np.power(2.0, scales_pow)
                return scales

            scales = _calc_scales()
            start = time.time()

            # initialize output
            bboxes = np.empty(shape=(0, 5))

            # process input at different scales
            for s in scales:
                print("Processing {} at scale {:.4f}".format(fname, s))
                img = cv2.resize(raw_img_f, (0, 0),
                img = img - average_image
                img = img[np.newaxis, :]

                # we don't run every template on every scale ids of templates to ignore
                tids = list(range(
                    4, 12)) + ([] if s <= 1.0 else list(range(18, 25)))
                ignoredTids = list(
                    set(range(0, clusters.shape[0])) - set(tids))

                # run through the net
                score_final_tf = sess.run(score_final, feed_dict={x: img})

                # collect scores
                score_cls_tf, score_reg_tf = score_final_tf[:, :, :, :
                                                            25], score_final_tf[:, :, :,
                prob_cls_tf = expit(score_cls_tf)
                prob_cls_tf[0, :, :, ignoredTids] = 0.0

                def _calc_bounding_boxes():
                    # threshold for detection
                    _, fy, fx, fc = np.where(prob_cls_tf > prob_thresh)

                    # interpret heatmap into bounding boxes
                    cy = fy * 8 - 1
                    cx = fx * 8 - 1
                    ch = clusters[fc, 3] - clusters[fc, 1] + 1
                    cw = clusters[fc, 2] - clusters[fc, 0] + 1

                    # extract bounding box refinement
                    Nt = clusters.shape[0]
                    tx = score_reg_tf[0, :, :, 0:Nt]
                    ty = score_reg_tf[0, :, :, Nt:2 * Nt]
                    tw = score_reg_tf[0, :, :, 2 * Nt:3 * Nt]
                    th = score_reg_tf[0, :, :, 3 * Nt:4 * Nt]

                    # refine bounding boxes
                    dcx = cw * tx[fy, fx, fc]
                    dcy = ch * ty[fy, fx, fc]
                    rcx = cx + dcx
                    rcy = cy + dcy
                    rcw = cw * np.exp(tw[fy, fx, fc])
                    rch = ch * np.exp(th[fy, fx, fc])

                    scores = score_cls_tf[0, fy, fx, fc]
                    tmp_bboxes = np.vstack((rcx - rcw / 2, rcy - rch / 2,
                                            rcx + rcw / 2, rcy + rch / 2))
                    tmp_bboxes = np.vstack((tmp_bboxes / s, scores))
                    tmp_bboxes = tmp_bboxes.transpose()
                    return tmp_bboxes

                tmp_bboxes = _calc_bounding_boxes()
                bboxes = np.vstack(
                    (bboxes, tmp_bboxes))  # <class 'tuple'>: (5265, 5)

            print("time {:.2f} secs for {}".format(time.time() - start, fname))

            # non maximum suppression
            # refind_idx = util.nms(bboxes, nms_thresh)
            refind_idx = tf.image.non_max_suppression(
                tf.convert_to_tensor(bboxes[:, :4], dtype=tf.float32),
                tf.convert_to_tensor(bboxes[:, 4], dtype=tf.float32),
            refind_idx = sess.run(refind_idx)
            refined_bboxes = bboxes[refind_idx]

            _result = []
            for r in refined_bboxes:
                _score = expit(r[4])
                _r = [int(x) for x in r[:4]]
                print("{} {} {} {} {}".format(_score, _r[0], _r[1], _r[2],
                _result.append([_r[0], _r[1], _r[2], _r[3], _score])

            overlay_bounding_boxes(raw_img, refined_bboxes, lw)

            if display:
                # plt.axis('off')

            # save image with bounding boxes
            raw_img = cv2.cvtColor(raw_img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
            cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(output_dir, fname), raw_img)


        return _results
