コード例 #1
ファイル: mathieu_functions.py プロジェクト: Hugovdberg/ttim
    def Ie(self,n,z):
        """even first-kind radial Mathieu function (Ie) 
        analogous to I Bessel functions, called Ce in McLachlan p248 (eq 1&2), 
        for scalar or vector orders or argument

        n: order (scalar or vector)
        z: radial argument (scalar or vector)"""

        from scipy.special import ive
        n,z,sqrtq,v1,v2,M,EV,OD = self._RadFuncSetup(n,z)
        y = np.empty((n.shape[0],z.shape[0]),dtype=complex)

        ord = self.ord[0:M+1]
        sgn = self.sgnord[0:M,None,None]
        I1 = ive(ord[0:M+1,None],v1[None,:])[:,None,:]
        I2 = ive(ord[0:M+1,None],v2[None,:])[:,None,:]
        j = n[:]//2

        y[EV,:] = (np.sum(sgn*self.A[0:M,j[EV],0,:]*I1[0:M,:,:]*I2[0:M,:,:],axis=0)/
        y[OD,:] = (np.sum(sgn*self.B[0:M,j[OD],1,:] * 
                     (I1[0:M,:,:]*I2[1:M+1,:,:] + I1[1:M+1,:,:]*I2[0:M,:,:]),axis=0)/

	# scaling factor to un-scale products of Bessel functions from ive()
        y *= np.exp(np.abs(v1.real) + np.abs(v2.real))[None,:]
        return np.squeeze(y)
コード例 #2
ファイル: mathieu_functions.py プロジェクト: Hugovdberg/ttim
    def Io(self,n,z):
        """odd first-kind radial Mathieu function (Io) 
        analogous to I Bessel functions, called Se in McLachlan p248 (eq 3&4), 
        for scalar or vector orders or argument

        n: order (scalar or vector)
        z: radial argument (scalar or vector)"""
        from scipy.special import ive
        n,z,sqrtq,v1,v2,M,EV,OD = self._RadFuncSetup(n,z)
        y = np.empty((n.shape[0],z.shape[0]),dtype=complex)

        ord = self.ord[0:M+2]
        sgn = self.sgnord[0:M,None,None]
        I1 = ive(ord[0:M+2,None],v1[None,:])[:,None,:]
        I2 = ive(ord[0:M+2,None],v2[None,:])[:,None,:]        
        j = (n[:]-1)//2  # Io_0() invalid

        y[EV,:] = (np.sum(sgn*self.B[0:M,j[EV],0,:] *
                     (I1[0:M,:,:]*I2[2:M+2,:,:] - I1[2:M+2,:,:]*I2[0:M,:,:]),axis=0)/

        y[OD,:] = (np.sum(sgn*self.A[0:M,j[OD],1,:] *
                     (I1[0:M,:,:]*I2[1:M+1,:,:] - I1[1:M+1,:,:]*I2[0:M,:,:]),axis=0)/

        y *= np.exp(np.abs(v1.real) + np.abs(v2.real))[None,:]
        y[n==0,:] = np.NaN
        return np.squeeze(y)
コード例 #3
ファイル: mathieu_functions.py プロジェクト: Hugovdberg/ttim
    def dIo(self,n,z):
        """odd first-kind radial Mathieu function derivative (DIo) 
        (analogous to I Bessel functions, called Se in McLachlan p248), 
        for scalar or vector orders or argument

        n: order (scalar or vector)
        z: radial argument (scalar or vector)"""
        from scipy.special import ive
        n,z,sqrtq,enz,epz,v1,v2,M,EV,OD = self._RadDerivFuncSetup(n,z)
        dy = np.empty((n.shape[0],z.shape[0]),dtype=complex)

        ord = self.ord[0:M+2]
        sgn = self.sgnord[0:M,None,None]
        I1 = ive(ord[0:M+2,None],v1[None,:])[:,None,:]
        I2 = ive(ord[0:M+2,None],v2[None,:])[:,None,:]
        dI1 = self._deriv(v1,I1[0:M+2,0,:],0)[:,None,:]
        dI2 = self._deriv(v2,I2[0:M+2,0,:],0)[:,None,:]
        j = (n[:]-1)//2

        dy[EV,:] = (sqrtq/self.B[0,j[EV],0,:]*np.sum(sgn*self.B[0:M,j[EV],0,:] *
                     (epz*I1[0:M,:,:]*dI2[2:M+2,:,:] - enz*dI1[0:M,:,:]*I2[2:M+2,:,:] - 
                     (epz*I1[2:M+2,:,:]*dI2[0:M,:,:] - enz*dI1[2:M+2,:,:]*I2[0:M,:,:])),axis=0))

        dy[OD,:] = (sqrtq/self.A[0,j[OD],1,:]*np.sum(sgn*self.A[0:M,j[OD],1,:] * 
                     (epz*I1[0:M,:,:]*dI2[1:M+1,:,:] - enz*dI1[0:M,:,:]*I2[1:M+1,:,:] - 
                     (epz*I1[1:M+1,:,:]*dI2[0:M,:,:] - enz*dI1[1:M+1,:,:]*I2[0:M,:,:])),axis=0))
        dy *= np.exp(np.abs(v1.real) + np.abs(v2.real))[None,:]
        dy[n==0,:] = np.NaN # dIo_0() invalid
        return np.squeeze(dy)
コード例 #4
ファイル: mathieu_functions.py プロジェクト: Hugovdberg/ttim
    def dKo(self,n,z):
        """odd second-kind radial Mathieu function derivative (DKo) 
        (analogous to K Bessel functions, called Gek in McLachlan p248), 
        for scalar or vector orders or argument

        n: order (scalar or vector)
        z: radial argument (scalar or vector)"""
        from scipy.special import kve,ive
        n,z,sqrtq,enz,epz,v1,v2,M,EV,OD = self._RadDerivFuncSetup(n,z)
        dy = np.empty((n.shape[0],z.shape[0]),dtype=complex)

        ord = self.ord[0:M+2]
        I = ive(ord[0:M+2,None],v1[None,:])[:,None,:]
        K = kve(ord[0:M+2,None],v2[None,:])[:,None,:]
        dI = self._deriv(v1,I[0:M+2,0,:],0)[:,None,:]
        dK = self._deriv(v2,K[0:M+2,0,:],1)[:,None,:]
        j = (n[:]-1)//2 

        dy[EV,:] = (sqrtq/self.B[0,j[EV],0,:]*np.sum(self.B[0:M,j[EV],0,:] *
                     (epz*I[0:M,:,:]*dK[2:M+2,:,:] - enz*dI[0:M,:,:]*K[2:M+2,:,:] -
                     (epz*I[2:M+2,:,:]*dK[0:M,:,:] - enz*dI[2:M+2,:,:]*K[0:M,:,:])),axis=0))

        dy[OD,:] = (sqrtq/self.A[0,j[OD],1,:]*np.sum(self.A[0:M,j[OD],1,:] *
                     (epz*I[0:M,:,:]*dK[1:M+1,:,:] - enz*dI[0:M,:,:]*K[1:M+1,:,:] + 
                      epz*I[1:M+1,:,:]*dK[0:M,:,:] - enz*dI[1:M+1,:,:]*K[0:M,:,:]),axis=0))

        dy *= np.exp(np.abs(v1.real) - v2)[None,:]
        dy[n==0,:] = np.NaN  # dKo_0() invalid
        return np.squeeze(dy)
コード例 #5
    def __init__(self,pset,psf_model):   
        self._psf_model = copy.deepcopy(psf_model)
#        self._pid = [pnorm.pid(),psigma.pid()]

        x = np.linspace(-4,4,800)
        self._ive = UnivariateSpline(x,spfn.ive(0,10**x),s=0,k=2)
コード例 #6
ファイル: mathieu_functions.py プロジェクト: Hugovdberg/ttim
    def Ko(self,n,z):
        """odd second-kind radial Mathieu function (Ko) 
        (analogous to K Bessel functions, called Gek in McLachlan p248), 
        for scalar or vector orders or argument

        n: order (scalar or vector)
        z: radial argument (scalar or vector)"""
        from scipy.special import kve,ive
        n,z,sqrtq,v1,v2,M,EV,OD = self._RadFuncSetup(n,z)
        y = np.empty((n.shape[0],z.shape[0]),dtype=complex)

        ord = self.ord[0:M+2]
        I = ive(ord[0:M+2,None],v1[None,:])[:,None,:]
        K = kve(ord[0:M+2,None],v2[None,:])[:,None,:]
        j = (n[:]-1)//2  

        y[EV,:] = (np.sum(self.B[0:M,j[EV],0,:] *
                     (I[0:M,:,:]*K[2:M+2,:,:] - I[2:M+2,:,:]*K[0:M,:,:]),axis=0)/

        y[OD,:] = (np.sum(self.A[0:M,j[OD],1,:] *
                     (I[0:M,:,:]*K[1:M+1,:,:] + I[1:M+1,:,:]*K[0:M,:,:]),axis=0)/

        y *= np.exp(np.abs(v1.real) - v2)[None,:]
        y[n==0,:] = np.NaN   # Ko_0() invalid
        return np.squeeze(y)
コード例 #7
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: mahmoud-lsw/fermipy
def convolve2d_gauss(fn, r, sig, nstep=200):
    """Evaluate the convolution f'(r) = f(r) * g(r) where f(r) is
    azimuthally symmetric function in two dimensions and g is a
    2D gaussian with standard deviation s given by:

    g(r) = 1/(2*pi*s^2) Exp[-r^2/(2*s^2)]


    fn : function
      Input function that takes a single radial coordinate parameter.

    r :  `~numpy.ndarray`
      Array of points at which the convolution is to be evaluated.

    sig : float
      Width parameter of the gaussian.

    nstep : int
      Number of sampling point for numeric integration.

    r = np.array(r, ndmin=1)
    sig = np.array(sig, ndmin=1)

    rmin = r - 10 * sig
    rmax = r + 10 * sig
    rmin[rmin < 0] = 0
    delta = (rmax - rmin) / nstep

    redge = (rmin[:, np.newaxis] +
             delta[:, np.newaxis] *
             np.linspace(0, nstep, nstep + 1)[np.newaxis, :])

    rp = 0.5 * (redge[:, 1:] + redge[:, :-1])
    dr = redge[:, 1:] - redge[:, :-1]
    fnv = fn(rp)

    r = r.reshape(r.shape + (1,))
    saxis = 1

    sig2 = sig * sig
    x = r * rp / (sig2)

    if 'je_fn' not in convolve2d_gauss.__dict__:
        t = 10 ** np.linspace(-8, 8, 1000)
        t = np.insert(t, 0, [0])
        je = special.ive(0, t)
        convolve2d_gauss.je_fn = UnivariateSpline(t, je, k=2, s=0)

    je = convolve2d_gauss.je_fn(x.flat).reshape(x.shape)
    #    je2 = special.ive(0,x)
    v = (rp * fnv / (sig2) * je * np.exp(x - (r * r + rp * rp) /
                                         (2 * sig2)) * dr)
    s = np.sum(v, axis=saxis)

    return s
コード例 #8
ファイル: RPA.py プロジェクト: avshytov/Coulomb-Impurity
def Fm(x, m, r1, r2, semi = True):
    ra = r1
    rb = r2
    if (r2 < r1):
       rb = r1
       ra = r2
    if m > 20 and semi:
       za = x * ra
       zb = x * rb
       if (za < 1e-5) and (zb < 1e-5): 
           e = -1 + m * math.log(ra/rb * (m + 1.0)/m) -0.5 *math.log((m+1.0)*m) - math.log(rb/2/(m + 1.0))
           return -math.exp(2*e)/4.0
           #return 0.0
       sqa1 = math.sqrt(m**2 + za**2)
       sqa2 = math.sqrt((m + 1)**2 + za**2)
       sqb1 = math.sqrt(m**2 + zb**2)
       sqb2 = math.sqrt((m + 1)**2 + zb**2)
       li1 = sqa1 + m * math.log(za/(m + sqa1)) - 0.5 * math.log(sqa1) 
       li2 = sqa2 + (m + 1) * math.log(za/(m + 1 + sqa2)) - 0.5 * math.log(sqa2) 
       lk1 = -sqb1 - m * math.log(zb/(m + sqb1)) - 0.5 * math.log(sqb1)
       lk2 = -sqb2 - (m + 1)* math.log(zb/(m + 1 + sqb2)) - 0.5 * math.log(sqb2)
       L =  2.0*(li1 + lk1)
       Li = 2.0*(li2 - li1)
       Lk = 2.0*(lk2 - lk1)
       return math.exp(L) * x * x * (math.exp(Li) - 1) * (math.exp(Lk) - 1)/4
       #return math.exp(L) * (math.exp(Li) - 1) * (math.exp(Lk) - 1)/4
    im1 = special.ive(m, x * ra)
    km1 = special.kve(m, x * rb)
    im2 = special.ive(m + 1, x * ra)
    km2 = special.kve(m + 1, x * rb)
    e = math.exp(x * (ra - rb))
    q1 = im1 * km1 * im1 * km1 
    q2 = im2 * km2 * im2 * km2 
    q3 = im1 * km2 * im1 * km2
    #q4 = q3
    q4 = im2 * km1 * im2 * km1
    #q = x * (im1 * km1 - im2 * km2) * e
    #print r1, r2, m, e, q
    return x * x * (im1 * im1 - im2 * im2) * (km2 * km2 - km1 * km1) * e * e
コード例 #9
ファイル: dispersion.py プロジェクト: dtold/HYDROS
def make_Ive_array(kperp,nb,Tpar_Tperp):
    global ive_arr
    ive_arr = np.empty((2*nb+2),dtype=np.float64)
    for j in js:
        ive_arr[j] = ive(j_shift[j],b)
コード例 #10
ファイル: util.py プロジェクト: mahmoud-lsw/gammatools
def convolve2d_gauss(fn,r,sig,rmax,nstep=200):
    """Evaluate the convolution f'(r) = f(r) * g(r) where f(r) is
    azimuthally symmetric function in two dimensions and g is a
    gaussian given by:

    g(r) = 1/(2*pi*s^2) Exp[-r^2/(2*s^2)]


    fn : Input function that takes a single radial coordinate parameter.

    r :  Array of points at which the convolution is to be evaluated.

    sig : Width parameter of the gaussian.

    r = np.array(r,ndmin=1,copy=True)
    sig = np.array(sig,ndmin=1,copy=True)

    rp = edge_to_center(np.linspace(0,rmax,nstep+1))
    dr = rmax/float(nstep)
    fnrp = fn(rp)

    if sig.shape[0] > 1:        
        rp = rp.reshape((1,1,nstep))
        fnrp = fnrp.reshape((1,1,nstep))
        r = r.reshape((1,r.shape[0],1))
        sig = sig.reshape(sig.shape + (1,1))
        saxis = 2
        rp = rp.reshape(1,nstep)
        fnrp = fnrp.reshape(1,nstep)
        r = r.reshape(r.shape + (1,))
        saxis = 1

    sig2 = sig*sig
    x = r*rp/(sig2)
    je = spfn.ive(0,x)

    s = np.sum(rp*fnrp/(sig2)*

    return s
コード例 #11
  def _verifyPdfWithNumpy(self, vmf, atol=1e-4):
    """Verifies log_prob evaluations with numpy/scipy.

    Both uniform random points and sampled points are evaluated.

      vmf: A `tfp.distributions.VonMisesFisher` instance.
      atol: Absolute difference tolerable.
    dim = tf.compat.dimension_value(vmf.event_shape[-1])
    nsamples = 10
    # Sample some random points uniformly over the hypersphere using numpy.
    sample_shape = [nsamples] + tensorshape_util.as_list(
        vmf.batch_shape) + [dim]
    uniforms = np.random.randn(*sample_shape)
    uniforms /= np.linalg.norm(uniforms, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
    uniforms = uniforms.astype(dtype_util.as_numpy_dtype(vmf.dtype))
    # Concatenate in some sampled points from the distribution under test.
    vmf_samples = vmf.sample(
        sample_shape=[nsamples], seed=tfp_test_util.test_seed())
    samples = tf.concat([uniforms, vmf_samples], axis=0)
    samples = tf.debugging.check_numerics(samples, 'samples')
    samples = self.evaluate(samples)
    log_prob = vmf.log_prob(samples)
    log_prob = tf.debugging.check_numerics(log_prob, 'log_prob')
    conc = self.evaluate(vmf.concentration)
    mean_dir = self.evaluate(vmf.mean_direction)
    log_true_sphere_surface_area = (
        np.log(2) + (dim / 2) * np.log(np.pi) - sp_special.gammaln(dim / 2))
    expected = (
        conc * np.sum(samples * mean_dir, axis=-1) +
        np.where(conc > 0,
                 (dim / 2 - 1) * np.log(conc) -
                 (dim / 2) * np.log(2 * np.pi) -
                 np.log(sp_special.ive(dim / 2 - 1, conc)) -
    self.assertAllClose(expected, self.evaluate(log_prob),
コード例 #12
ファイル: mathieu_functions.py プロジェクト: mwtoews/prevTTim
    def dKo(self, n, z):
        """odd second-kind radial Mathieu function derivative (DKo) 
        (analogous to K Bessel functions, called Gek in McLachlan p248), 
        for scalar or vector orders or argument

        n: order (scalar or vector)
        z: radial argument (scalar or vector)"""

        from scipy.special import kve, ive
        n, z, sqrtq, enz, epz, v1, v2, M, EV, OD = self._RadDerivFuncSetup(
            n, z)
        dy = np.empty((n.shape[0], z.shape[0]), dtype=complex)

        ord = self.ord[0:M + 2]
        I = ive(ord[0:M + 2, None], v1[None, :])[:, None, :]
        K = kve(ord[0:M + 2, None], v2[None, :])[:, None, :]
        dI = self._deriv(v1, I[0:M + 2, 0, :], 0)[:, None, :]
        dK = self._deriv(v2, K[0:M + 2, 0, :], 1)[:, None, :]
        j = (n[:] - 1) // 2

        dy[EV, :] = (sqrtq / self.B[0, j[EV], 0, :] *
                     np.sum(self.B[0:M, j[EV], 0, :] *
                            (epz * I[0:M, :, :] * dK[2:M + 2, :, :] -
                             enz * dI[0:M, :, :] * K[2:M + 2, :, :] -
                             (epz * I[2:M + 2, :, :] * dK[0:M, :, :] -
                              enz * dI[2:M + 2, :, :] * K[0:M, :, :])),

        dy[OD, :] = (sqrtq / self.A[0, j[OD], 1, :] * np.sum(
            self.A[0:M, j[OD], 1, :] *
            (epz * I[0:M, :, :] * dK[1:M + 1, :, :] - enz * dI[0:M, :, :] *
             K[1:M + 1, :, :] + epz * I[1:M + 1, :, :] * dK[0:M, :, :] -
             enz * dI[1:M + 1, :, :] * K[0:M, :, :]),

        dy *= np.exp(np.abs(v1.real) - v2)[None, :]
        dy[n == 0, :] = np.NaN  # dKo_0() invalid
        return np.squeeze(dy)
コード例 #13
    def _verifyPdfWithNumpy(self, vmf, atol=1e-4):
        """Verifies log_prob evaluations with numpy/scipy.

    Both uniform random points and sampled points are evaluated.

      vmf: A `tfp.distributions.VonMisesFisher` instance.
      atol: Absolute difference tolerable.
        dim = vmf.event_shape[-1].value
        nsamples = 10
        # Sample some random points uniformly over the hypersphere using numpy.
        sample_shape = [nsamples] + vmf.batch_shape.as_list() + [dim]
        uniforms = np.random.randn(*sample_shape)
        uniforms /= np.linalg.norm(uniforms, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
        uniforms = uniforms.astype(vmf.dtype.as_numpy_dtype)
        # Concatenate in some sampled points from the distribution under test.
        samples = tf.concat(
            [uniforms, vmf.sample(sample_shape=[nsamples])], axis=0)
        samples = tf.check_numerics(samples, 'samples')
        samples = self.evaluate(samples)
        log_prob = vmf.log_prob(samples)
        log_prob = tf.check_numerics(log_prob, 'log_prob')
            from scipy.special import gammaln  # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top
            from scipy.special import ive  # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top
        except ImportError:
            tf.logging.warn('Unable to use scipy in tests')
        conc = self.evaluate(vmf.concentration)
        mean_dir = self.evaluate(vmf.mean_direction)
        log_true_sphere_surface_area = (np.log(2) + (dim / 2) * np.log(np.pi) -
                                        gammaln(dim / 2))
        expected = (conc * np.sum(samples * mean_dir, axis=-1) + np.where(
            conc > 0, (dim / 2 - 1) * np.log(conc) -
            (dim / 2) * np.log(2 * np.pi) - np.log(ive(dim / 2 - 1, conc)) -
            np.abs(conc), -log_true_sphere_surface_area))
        self.assertAllClose(expected, self.evaluate(log_prob), atol=atol)
コード例 #14
def vmf_tic(X):
    X = np.array(X)
    ll = log_likelihood(X)

    if np.isnan(ll):
        return np.nan

    N, D = X.shape
    mu = fit_mean_direction(X)
    kappa = fit_concentration(X)

    total = np.zeros(D)
    hess_diagonal = np.zeros(D - 1)
    for i, x in enumerate(X):
        grad_i = log_vMF_gradient(mu, kappa, x)
        total += grad_i**2

        elementwise = x * mu
        cdots = np.cumsum(elementwise[::-1])[::-1]

        hess_diagonal += -cdots[:-1] * kappa
    total /= N
    hess_diagonal /= N

    v = (D / 2 - 1)
    num = ive(v + 1, kappa) * (ive(v - 1, kappa) + ive(v + 1, kappa)) - ive(
        v, kappa) * (ive(v, kappa) + ive(v + 2, kappa))  # noqa
    denom = 2 * ive(v, kappa)**2

    k_diag = num / denom

    fisher_diagonal = -np.concatenate([[k_diag], hess_diagonal])

    correction = np.sum(total / fisher_diagonal)

    return -(ll - correction)
コード例 #15
def magnetic_field_vertical_magnetic_dipole(t,
    """Magnetic field due to step off vertical dipole at the surface

    t : (n_t) numpy.ndarray
        times (s)
    xy : (n_locs, 2) numpy.ndarray
        surface field locations (m)
    sigma : float, optional
    mu : float, optional
        magnetic permeability
    moment : float, optional
        moment of the dipole

    h : (n_t, n_locs, 3) numpy.ndarray
        The magnetic field at the observation locations and times.

    Matches the negative of equation 4.69a of Ward and Hohmann 1988, for the vertical
    component (due to the difference in coordinate sign conventionn used here).

    .. math::
        h_z = -\\frac{m}{4 \\pi \\rho^2} \\left[
        \\left(\\frac{9}{2 \\theta^2 \\rho^2} - 1\\right)\\mathrm{erf}(\\theta \\rho)
        - \\frac{1}{\\sqrt{\\pi}}\\left(\\frac{9}{\\theta \\rho + 4 \\theta \\rho} \\right)

    Also matches equation 4.72 for the horizontal components, which is again negative due
    to our coordinate convention.

    .. math::
        h_\\rho = \\frac{m \\theta^2}{2\\pi\\rho}
         - I_2\\left(\\frac{\\theta^2\\rho^2}{2}\\right)\\right]

    Reproducing part of Figure 4.4 and 4.5 from Ward and Hohmann 1988

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    >>> from geoana.em.tdem import magnetic_field_vertical_magnetic_dipole

    Calculate the field at the time given, and 100 m along the x-axis,

    >>> times = np.logspace(-8, 0, 200)
    >>> xy = np.array([[100, 0, 0]])
    >>> h = magnetic_field_vertical_magnetic_dipole(times, xy, sigma=1E-2)

    Match the vertical magnetic field plot

    >>> plt.loglog(times*1E3, h[:,0, 2], c='C0', label='$h_z$')
    >>> plt.loglog(times*1E3, -h[:,0, 2], '--', c='C0')
    >>> plt.loglog(times*1E3, h[:,0, 0], c='C1', label='$h_x$')
    >>> plt.loglog(times*1E3, -h[:,0, 0], '--', c='C1')
    >>> plt.xlabel('time (ms)')
    >>> plt.ylabel('h (A/m)')
    >>> plt.legend()
    >>> plt.show()
    r = np.linalg.norm(xy[:, :2], axis=-1)
    x = xy[:, 0]
    y = xy[:, 1]
    thr = theta(t, sigma, mu=mu)[:, None] * r  #will be positive...

    h_z = 1.0 / r**3 * ((9 / (2 * thr**2) - 1) * erf(thr) -
                        (9 / thr + 4 * thr) / np.sqrt(np.pi) * np.exp(-thr**2))
    # positive here because z+ up

    # iv(1, arg) - iv(2, arg)
    # ive(1, arg) * np.exp(abs(arg)) - ive(2, arg) * np.exp(abs(arg))
    # (ive(1, arg) - ive(2, arg))*np.exp(abs(arg))
    h_r = 2 * thr**2 / r**3 * (ive(1, thr**2 / 2) - ive(2, thr**2 / 2))
    # thetar is always positive so this above simplifies (more numerically stable)

    angle = np.arctan2(y, x)
    h_x = np.cos(angle) * h_r
    h_y = np.sin(angle) * h_r

    return moment / (4 * np.pi) * np.stack((h_x, h_y, h_z), axis=-1)
コード例 #16
def halfspace(off,
    """Return frequency- or time-space domain VTI half-space solution.

    Calculates the frequency- or time-space domain electromagnetic response for
    a half-space below air using the diffusive approximation, as given in
    [Slob_et_al_2010]_, where the electric source is located at [0, 0, zsrc],
    and the electric receiver at [xco, yco, zrec].

    It can also be used to calculate the fullspace solution or the separate
    fields: direct field, reflected field, and airwave; always using the
    diffusive approximation. See `solution`-parameter.

    This routine is not strictly part of `empymod` and not used by it.
    However, it can be useful to compare the code to this analytical solution.

    This function is called from one of the modelling routines in :mod:`model`.
    Consult these modelling routines for a description of the input and
    solution parameters.

    xco = np.cos(angle) * off
    yco = np.sin(angle) * off
    res = np.real(1 / etaH[0, 0])
    aniso = 1 / np.sqrt(np.real(etaV[0, 0]) * res)

    # Define freq/time and dtype depending on signal.
    if signal is None:
        freq = freqtime
        dtype = complex
        time = freqtime
        if signal == -1:  # Calculate DC
            time = np.r_[time[:, 0], 1e4][:, None]
            freqtime = time
        dtype = float

    # Other defined parameters
    rh = np.sqrt(xco**2 + yco**2)  # Horizontal distance in space
    hp = np.abs(zrec + zsrc)  # Physical vertical distance
    hm = np.abs(zrec - zsrc)
    hsp = hp * aniso  # Scaled vertical distance
    hsm = hm * aniso
    rp = np.sqrt(xco**2 + yco**2 + hp**2)  # Physical distance
    rm = np.sqrt(xco**2 + yco**2 + hm**2)
    rsp = np.sqrt(xco**2 + yco**2 + hsp**2)  # Scaled distance
    rsm = np.sqrt(xco**2 + yco**2 + hsm**2)
    tp = mu_0 * rp**2 / (res * 4)  # Diffusion time
    tm = mu_0 * rm**2 / (res * 4)
    tsp = mu_0 * rsp**2 / (res * aniso**2 * 4)  # Scaled diffusion time
    tsm = mu_0 * rsm**2 / (res * aniso**2 * 4)
    if signal is None:
        s = 2j * np.pi * freq  # Laplace parameter

    # delta-fct delta_\alpha\beta
    if ab in [11, 22, 33]:
        delta = 1
        delta = 0

    # src-rec type
    if ab == 33:
        srcrec = 3
    elif ab in [13, 23, 31, 32]:
        srcrec = 2
        srcrec = 1

    # Define alpha/beta; swap if necessary
    x = xco
    y = yco
    if ab == 11:
        y = x
    elif ab in [22, 23, 32]:
        x = y
    elif ab == 21:
        x, y = y, x

    # Define rev for 3\alpha->\alpha3 reciprocity
    if ab in [13, 23]:
        rev = -1
    elif ab in [31, 32]:
        rev = 1

    # Exponential diffusion functions for m=0,1,2

    if signal is None:  # Frequency-domain
        f0p = np.exp(-2 * np.sqrt(s * tp))
        f0m = np.exp(-2 * np.sqrt(s * tm))
        fs0p = np.exp(-2 * np.sqrt(s * tsp))
        fs0m = np.exp(-2 * np.sqrt(s * tsm))

        f1p = np.sqrt(s) * f0p
        f1m = np.sqrt(s) * f0m
        fs1p = np.sqrt(s) * fs0p
        fs1m = np.sqrt(s) * fs0m

        f2p = s * f0p
        f2m = s * f0m
        fs2p = s * fs0p
        fs2m = s * fs0m

    elif np.abs(signal) == 1:  # Time-domain step response
        # Replace F(m) with F(m-2)
        f0p = erfc(np.sqrt(tp / time))
        f0m = erfc(np.sqrt(tm / time))
        fs0p = erfc(np.sqrt(tsp / time))
        fs0m = erfc(np.sqrt(tsm / time))

        f1p = np.exp(-tp / time) / np.sqrt(np.pi * time)
        f1m = np.exp(-tm / time) / np.sqrt(np.pi * time)
        fs1p = np.exp(-tsp / time) / np.sqrt(np.pi * time)
        fs1m = np.exp(-tsm / time) / np.sqrt(np.pi * time)

        f2p = f1p * np.sqrt(tp) / time
        f2m = f1m * np.sqrt(tm) / time
        fs2p = fs1p * np.sqrt(tsp) / time
        fs2m = fs1m * np.sqrt(tsm) / time

    else:  # Time-domain impulse response
        f0p = np.sqrt(tp / (np.pi * time**3)) * np.exp(-tp / time)
        f0m = np.sqrt(tm / (np.pi * time**3)) * np.exp(-tm / time)
        fs0p = np.sqrt(tsp / (np.pi * time**3)) * np.exp(-tsp / time)
        fs0m = np.sqrt(tsm / (np.pi * time**3)) * np.exp(-tsm / time)

        f1p = (tp / time - 0.5) / np.sqrt(tp) * f0p
        f1m = (tm / time - 0.5) / np.sqrt(tm) * f0m
        fs1p = (tsp / time - 0.5) / np.sqrt(tsp) * fs0p
        fs1m = (tsm / time - 0.5) / np.sqrt(tsm) * fs0m

        f2p = (tp / time - 1.5) / time * f0p
        f2m = (tm / time - 1.5) / time * f0m
        fs2p = (tsp / time - 1.5) / time * fs0p
        fs2m = (tsm / time - 1.5) / time * fs0m

    # Pre-allocate arrays
    gs0m = np.zeros(np.shape(x), dtype=dtype)
    gs0p = np.zeros(np.shape(x), dtype=dtype)
    gs1m = np.zeros(np.shape(x), dtype=dtype)
    gs1p = np.zeros(np.shape(x), dtype=dtype)
    gs2m = np.zeros(np.shape(x), dtype=dtype)
    gs2p = np.zeros(np.shape(x), dtype=dtype)
    g0p = np.zeros(np.shape(x), dtype=dtype)
    g1m = np.zeros(np.shape(x), dtype=dtype)
    g1p = np.zeros(np.shape(x), dtype=dtype)
    g2m = np.zeros(np.shape(x), dtype=dtype)
    g2p = np.zeros(np.shape(x), dtype=dtype)
    air = np.zeros(np.shape(f0p), dtype=dtype)

    if srcrec == 1:  # 1. {alpha, beta}
        # Get indices for singularities
        izr = rh == 0  # index where rh = 0
        iir = np.invert(izr)  # invert of izr
        izh = hm == 0  # index where hm = 0
        iih = np.invert(izh)  # invert of izh

        # fab
        fab = rh**2 * delta - x * y

        # TM-mode coefficients
        gs0p = res * aniso * (3 * x * y - rsp**2 * delta) / (4 * np.pi *
        gs0m = res * aniso * (3 * x * y - rsm**2 * delta) / (4 * np.pi *
        gs1p[iir] = (
            ((3 * x[iir] * y[iir] - rsp[iir]**2 * delta) / rsp[iir]**4 -
             (x[iir] * y[iir] - fab[iir]) / rh[iir]**4) * np.sqrt(mu_0 * res) /
            (4 * np.pi))
        gs1m[iir] = (
            ((3 * x[iir] * y[iir] - rsm[iir]**2 * delta) / rsm[iir]**4 -
             (x[iir] * y[iir] - fab[iir]) / rh[iir]**4) * np.sqrt(mu_0 * res) /
            (4 * np.pi))
        gs2p[iir] = ((mu_0 * x[iir] * y[iir]) /
                     (4 * np.pi * aniso * rsp[iir]) *
                     (1 / rsp[iir]**2 - 1 / rh[iir]**2))
        gs2m[iir] = ((mu_0 * x[iir] * y[iir]) /
                     (4 * np.pi * aniso * rsm[iir]) *
                     (1 / rsm[iir]**2 - 1 / rh[iir]**2))

        # TM-mode for numerical singularities rh=0 (hm!=0)
        gs1p[izr * iih] = -np.sqrt(mu_0 * res) * delta / (4 * np.pi * hsp**2)
        gs1m[izr * iih] = -np.sqrt(mu_0 * res) * delta / (4 * np.pi * hsm**2)
        gs2p[izr * iih] = -mu_0 * delta / (8 * np.pi * aniso * hsp)
        gs2m[izr * iih] = -mu_0 * delta / (8 * np.pi * aniso * hsm)

        # TE-mode coefficients
        g0p = res * (3 * fab - rp**2 * delta) / (2 * np.pi * rp**5)
        g1m[iir] = (np.sqrt(mu_0 * res) * (x[iir] * y[iir] - fab[iir]) /
                    (4 * np.pi * rh[iir]**4))
        g1p[iir] = (g1m[iir] + np.sqrt(mu_0 * res) *
                    (3 * fab[iir] - rp[iir]**2 * delta) /
                    (2 * np.pi * rp[iir]**4))
        g2p[iir] = mu_0 * fab[iir] / (4 * np.pi * rp[iir]) * (2 / rp[iir]**2 -
                                                              1 / rh[iir]**2)
        g2m[iir] = -mu_0 * fab[iir] / (4 * np.pi * rh[iir]**2 * rm[iir])

        # TE-mode for numerical singularities rh=0 (hm!=0)
        g1m[izr * iih] = np.zeros(np.shape(g1m[izr * iih]), dtype=dtype)
        g1p[izr * iih] = -np.sqrt(mu_0 * res) * delta / (2 * np.pi * hp**2)
        g2m[izr * iih] = mu_0 * delta / (8 * np.pi * hm)
        g2p[izr * iih] = mu_0 * delta / (8 * np.pi * hp)

        # Bessel functions for airwave
        def BI(gamH, hp, nr, xim):
            """Return BI_nr."""
            return np.exp(-np.real(gamH) * hp) * ive(nr, xim)

        def BK(xip, nr):
            """Return BK_nr."""
            return np.exp(-1j * np.imag(xip)) * kve(nr, xip)

        # Airwave calculation
        def airwave(s, hp, rp, res, fab, delta):
            """Return airwave."""
            # Parameters
            zeta = s * mu_0
            gamH = np.sqrt(zeta / res)
            xip = gamH * (rp + hp) / 2
            xim = gamH * (rp - hp) / 2

            # Bessel functions
            BI0 = BI(gamH, hp, 0, xim)
            BI1 = BI(gamH, hp, 1, xim)
            BI2 = BI(gamH, hp, 2, xim)
            BK0 = BK(xip, 0)
            BK1 = BK(xip, 1)

            # Calculation
            P1 = (s * mu_0)**(3 / 2) * fab * hp / (4 * np.sqrt(res))
            P2 = 4 * BI1 * BK0 - (3 * BI0 - 4 * np.sqrt(res) * BI1 /
                                  (np.sqrt(s * mu_0) * (rp + hp)) + BI2) * BK1
            P3 = 3 * fab / rp**2 - delta
            P4 = (s * mu_0 * hp * rp * (BI0 * BK0 - BI1 * BK1) +
                  np.sqrt(res * s * mu_0) * BI0 * BK1 * (rp + hp) +
                  np.sqrt(res * s * mu_0) * BI1 * BK0 * (rp - hp))

            return (P1 * P2 - P3 * P4) / (4 * np.pi * rp**3)

        # Airwave depending on signal
        if signal is None:  # Frequency-domain
            air = airwave(s, hp, rp, res, fab, delta)

        elif np.abs(signal) == 1:  # Time-domain step response
            # Solution for step-response air-wave is not analytical, but uses
            # the Gaver-Stehfest method.
            K = 16

            # Coefficients Dk
            fn = np.vectorize(np.math.factorial)

            def coeff_dk(k, K):
                """Return coefficients Dk for k, K."""
                n = np.arange(int((k + 1) / 2),
                              np.min([k, K / 2]) + .5,
                Dk = n**(K / 2) * fn(2 * n)
                Dk /= fn(n) * fn(n - 1) * fn(k - n) * fn(2 * n -
                                                         k) * fn(K / 2 - n)
                return Dk.sum() * (-1)**(k + K / 2)

            for k in range(1, K + 1):
                s = k * np.log(2) / time
                cair = airwave(s, hp, rp, res, fab, delta)
                air += coeff_dk(k, K) * cair.real / k

        else:  # Time-domain impulse response
            thp = mu_0 * hp**2 / (4 * res)
            trh = mu_0 * rh**2 / (8 * res)
            P1 = (mu_0**2 * hp * np.exp(-thp / time)) / (res * 32 * np.pi *
            P2 = 2 * (delta - (x * y) / rh**2) * ive(1, trh / time)
            P3 = mu_0 / (2 * res * time) * (rh**2 * delta - x * y) - delta
            P4 = ive(0, trh / time) - ive(1, trh / time)

            air = P1 * (P2 - P3 * P4)

    elif srcrec == 2:  # 2. {3, alpha}, {alpha, 3}
        # TM-mode
        gs0m = 3 * x * res * aniso**3 * (zrec - zsrc) / (4 * np.pi * rsm**5)
        gs0p = rev * 3 * x * res * aniso**3 * hp / (4 * np.pi * rsp**5)
        gs1m = (np.sqrt(mu_0 * res) * 3 * aniso**2 * x * (zrec - zsrc) /
                (4 * np.pi * rsm**4))
        gs1p = rev * np.sqrt(
            mu_0 * res) * 3 * aniso**2 * x * hp / (4 * np.pi * rsp**4)
        gs2m = mu_0 * x * aniso * (zrec - zsrc) / (4 * np.pi * rsm**3)
        gs2p = rev * mu_0 * x * aniso * hp / (4 * np.pi * rsp**3)

    elif srcrec == 3:  # 3. {3, 3}
        # TM-mode
        gs0m = res * aniso**3 * (3 * hsm**2 - rsm**2) / (4 * np.pi * rsm**5)
        gs0p = -res * aniso**3 * (3 * hsp**2 - rsp**2) / (4 * np.pi * rsp**5)
        gs1m = np.sqrt(mu_0 * res) * aniso**2 * (3 * hsm**2 -
                                                 rsm**2) / (4 * np.pi * rsm**4)
        gs1p = -np.sqrt(mu_0 * res) * aniso**2 * (3 * hsp**2 - rsp**2) / (
            4 * np.pi * rsp**4)
        gs2m = mu_0 * aniso * (hsm**2 - rsm**2) / (4 * np.pi * rsm**3)
        gs2p = -mu_0 * aniso * (hsp**2 - rsp**2) / (4 * np.pi * rsp**3)

    # Direct field
    direct_TM = gs0m * fs0m + gs1m * fs1m + gs2m * fs2m
    direct_TE = g1m * f1m + g2m * f2m
    direct = direct_TM + direct_TE

    # Reflection
    reflect_TM = gs0p * fs0p + gs1p * fs1p + gs2p * fs2p
    reflect_TE = g0p * f0p + g1p * f1p + g2p * f2p
    reflect = reflect_TM + reflect_TE

    # If switch-on, subtract switch-on from DC value
    if signal == -1:
        direct_TM = direct_TM[-1] - direct_TM[:-1]
        direct_TE = direct_TE[-1] - direct_TE[:-1]
        direct = direct[-1] - direct[:-1]

        reflect_TM = reflect_TM[-1] - reflect_TM[:-1]
        reflect_TE = reflect_TE[-1] - reflect_TE[:-1]
        reflect = reflect[-1] - reflect[:-1]

        air = air[-1] - air[:-1]

    # Return, depending on 'solution'
    if solution == 'dfs':
        return direct
    elif solution == 'dsplit':
        return direct, reflect, air
    elif solution == 'dtetm':
        return direct_TE, direct_TM, reflect_TE, reflect_TM, air
        return direct + reflect + air
コード例 #17
 def analytic_solution_helper(x, tau, x_0):
     sqrt_tau = np.sqrt(tau)
     result = float((1 - tau) * 1 / (x * np.sqrt(tau)) *
                    special.ive(1, 2 * x / x_0 * sqrt_tau) *
                    np.exp(-(1 + tau - 2 * sqrt_tau) * x / x_0))
     return result
コード例 #18
ファイル: density_utils.py プロジェクト: ari-hacks/arviz
def _vonmises_pdf(x, mu, kappa):
    """Calculate vonmises_pdf."""
    if kappa <= 0:
        raise ValueError("Argument 'kappa' must be positive.")
    pdf = 1 / (2 * np.pi * ive(0, kappa)) * np.exp(np.cos(x - mu) - 1)**kappa
    return pdf
コード例 #19
 def BI(gamH, hp, nr, xim):
     r"""Return BI_nr."""
     return np.exp(-np.real(gamH) * hp) * special.ive(nr, xim)
コード例 #20
ファイル: MRA.py プロジェクト: scre583/pyphant1
def convolveMRA(field, sigma):
    if sigma == 0:
        return field.data
    n = int(len(field.dimensions[-1].data) / 2)
    kernel = ive(numpy.arange(-n, n), sigma)
    return convolve(field.data, kernel, mode='same')
コード例 #21
 def VerifyBesselIvRatio(self, v, z, rtol):
     bessel_iv_ratio, v, z = self.evaluate(
         [tfp.math.bessel_iv_ratio(v, z), v, z])
     # Use ive to avoid nans.
     scipy_ratio = scipy_special.ive(v, z) / scipy_special.ive(v - 1., z)
     self.assertAllClose(bessel_iv_ratio, scipy_ratio, rtol=rtol)
コード例 #22
    def compute_params(self):
        """ Initialize  """
        check = 1
        inc = 0.00000001
        c_atzero = check + 1
        r0 = self.rmin()
        r_min = self.rmin()
        r1 = self.r_1()
        V = 1
        nv = self.N / V

        e = 0
        f = 0
        """ Iterate until the condition is satisfied """
        while (check > 0.0001):
            e = e + 1
            f = f + 1
            check, P, c_atzero = self.PSD(r0, r1)
            grad_1 = nv * self.p_0 * ((6.28 * r0)**(0.5 * self.d)) * (
                (self.d / r0) * sc.jve((0.5 * self.d), r0) + sc.ive(
                    (0.5 * self.d) - 1, r0) - sc.jve((0.5 * self.d) + 1, r0))
            grad_2 = nv * (1 - self.p_0) * ((6.28 * r1)**(0.5 * self.d)) * (
                (self.d / r1) * sc.jve((0.5 * self.d), r1) + sc.ive(
                    (0.5 * self.d) - 1, r1) - sc.jve((0.5 * self.d) + 1, r1))

            grad_norm = (check / r_min) + (r0 * grad_1 / r_min)

            r0 = r0 + inc * grad_norm
            r1 = r1 + inc * (grad_2 * r0 / r_min)

            if self.verbose == 1:
                if f == 1000:
                    print('iter =', e, '  check=', check)
                    f = 0

        r0 = r0 - inc * grad_1
        r1 = r1 - inc * grad_2

        check, P, c_atzero = self.PSD(r0, r1)
        """ Summary and figures """
        if self.summary == 1:

            print('N = ', self.N)
            print('d = ', self.d)
            print('r0 = ', r0)
            print('r1 = ', r1)
            print('p0 = ', self.p_0)
            print('delta = ', r1 - r0)
            print('rmin_step =', r_min)
            print('gain = ', r0 / r_min)

            plt.plot(P, label='PSD')
            ze = np.zeros((self.bins, 1))
            plt.plot(ze, ':r')
            plt.title('PSD : N=' + str(self.N) + '  d=' + str(self.d))

        return P, r0, r1, self.p_0, r_min
コード例 #23
def MRicdf(Ic, Is, interpmethod='cubic'):
    Compute an interpolation function to give the inverse CDF of the
    modified Rician with a given Ic and Is.  

    Ic: float, parameter for M-R
    Is: float > 0, parameter for M-R

    Optional argument:
    interpmethod: keyword passed as 'kind' to interpolate.interp1d

    interpolation function f for the inverse CDF of the M-R


    if Is <= 0 or Ic < 0:
        raise ValueError(
            "Cannot compute modified Rician CDF with Is<=0 or Ic<0.")

    # Compute mean and variance of modified Rician, compute CDF by
    # going 15 sigma to either side (but starting no lower than zero).
    # Use 1000 points, or about 30 points/sigma.

    mu = Ic + Is
    sig = np.sqrt(Is**2 + 2 * Ic * Is)
    I1 = max(0, mu - 15 * sig)
    I2 = mu + 15 * sig
    I = np.linspace(I1, I2, 1000)

    # Grid spacing.  Set I to be offset by dI/2 to give the
    # trapezoidal rule by direct summation.

    dI = I[1] - I[0]
    I += dI / 2

    # Modified Rician PDF, and CDF by direct summation of intensities
    # centered on the bins to be integrated.  Enforce normalization at
    # the end since our integration scheme is off by a part in 1e-6 or
    # something.

    #p_I = 1./Is*np.exp(-(Ic + I)/Is)*special.iv(0, 2*np.sqrt(I*Ic)/Is)
    p_I = 1. / Is * np.exp(
        (2 * np.sqrt(I * Ic) -
         (Ic + I)) / Is) * special.ive(0, 2 * np.sqrt(I * Ic) / Is)

    cdf = np.cumsum(p_I) * dI
    cdf /= cdf[-1]

    # The integral is defined with respect to the bin edges.

    I = np.asarray([0] + list(I + dI / 2))
    cdf = np.asarray([0] + list(cdf))

    # The interpolation scheme doesn't want duplicate values.  Pick
    # the unique ones, and then return a function to compute the
    # inverse of the CDF.

    i = np.unique(cdf, return_index=True)[1]
    return interpolate.interp1d(cdf[i], I[i], kind=interpmethod)
コード例 #24
    def Mtil(m, epr, mur, bet, nu, b):
        def produto(A, B):
            C = _np.zeros((A.shape[0], B.shape[1], A.shape[2]), dtype=complex)
            for i in range(A.shape[0]):
                for j in range(B.shape[1]):
                    for k in range(A.shape[1]):
                        C[i, j, :] = C[i, j, :] + A[i, k, :] * B[k, j, :]
            return C

        for i in range(
                len(b)):  # lembrando que length(b) = número de camadas - 1
            x = nu[i + 1, :] * b[i]
            y = nu[i, :] * b[i]
            Mt = _np.zeros((4, 4, w.shape[0]), dtype=complex)

            if i < len(b) - 1:
                D = _np.zeros((4, 4, nu.shape[1]), dtype=complex)
                z = nu[i + 1, :] * b[i + 1]
                if not any(z.real < 0):
                    ind = (z.real < 60)

                    A = _scyspe.iv(m, z[ind])
                    B = _scyspe.kv(m, z[ind])
                    C = _scyspe.iv(m, x[ind])
                    E = _scyspe.kv(m, x[ind])

                    D[0, 0, :] = 1
                    D[1, 1, ind] = -B * C / (A * E)
                    D[1, 1, ~ind] = -_np.exp(-2 * (z[~ind] - x[~ind]))
                    D[2, 2, :] = 1
                    D[3, 3, ind] = -B * C / (A * E)
                    D[3, 3, ~ind] = -_np.exp(-2 * (z[~ind] - x[~ind]))

            Mt[0, 0, :] = -nu[i + 1, :]**2 * b[i] / epr[i + 1, :] * (
                epr[i + 1, :] / nu[i + 1, :] *
                (-_scyspe.kve(m - 1, x) / _scyspe.kve(m, x) - m / x) -
                epr[i, :] / nu[i, :] *
                (_scyspe.ive(m - 1, y) / _scyspe.ive(m, y) - m / y))
            Mt[0, 1, :] = -nu[i + 1, :]**2 * b[i] / epr[i + 1, :] * (
                epr[i + 1, :] / nu[i + 1, :] *
                (-_scyspe.kve(m - 1, x) / _scyspe.kve(m, x) - m / x) -
                epr[i, :] / nu[i, :] *
                (-_scyspe.kve(m - 1, y) / _scyspe.kve(m, y) - m / y))
            Mt[1, 0, :] = -nu[i + 1, :]**2 * b[i] / epr[i + 1, :] * (
                epr[i + 1, :] / nu[i + 1, :] *
                (_scyspe.ive(m - 1, x) / _scyspe.ive(m, x) - m / x) -
                epr[i, :] / nu[i, :] *
                (_scyspe.ive(m - 1, y) / _scyspe.ive(m, y) - m / y))
            Mt[1, 1, :] = -nu[i + 1, :]**2 * b[i] / epr[i + 1, :] * (
                epr[i + 1, :] / nu[i + 1, :] *
                (_scyspe.ive(m - 1, x) / _scyspe.ive(m, x) - m / x) -
                epr[i, :] / nu[i, :] *
                (-_scyspe.kve(m - 1, y) / _scyspe.kve(m, y) - m / y))

            Mt[0, 2, :] = (nu[i + 1, :]**2 / nu[i, :]**2 -
                           1) * m / (bet * epr[i + 1, :])
            Mt[0, 3, :] = Mt[0, 2, :]
            Mt[1, 2, :] = Mt[0, 2, :]
            Mt[1, 3, :] = Mt[0, 2, :]
            Mt[2, 2, :] = -nu[i + 1, :]**2 * b[i] / mur[i + 1, :] * (
                mur[i + 1, :] / nu[i + 1, :] *
                (-_scyspe.kve(m - 1, x) / _scyspe.kve(m, x) - m / x) -
                mur[i, :] / nu[i, :] *
                (_scyspe.ive(m - 1, y) / _scyspe.ive(m, y) - m / y))
            Mt[2, 3, :] = -nu[i + 1, :]**2 * b[i] / mur[i + 1, :] * (
                mur[i + 1, :] / nu[i + 1, :] *
                (-_scyspe.kve(m - 1, x) / _scyspe.kve(m, x) - m / x) -
                mur[i, :] / nu[i, :] *
                (-_scyspe.kve(m - 1, y) / _scyspe.kve(m, y) - m / y))
            Mt[3, 2, :] = -nu[i + 1, :]**2 * b[i] / mur[i + 1, :] * (
                mur[i + 1, :] / nu[i + 1, :] *
                (_scyspe.ive(m - 1, x) / _scyspe.ive(m, x) - m / x) -
                mur[i, :] / nu[i, :] *
                (_scyspe.ive(m - 1, y) / _scyspe.ive(m, y) - m / y))
            Mt[3, 3, :] = -nu[i + 1, :]**2 * b[i] / mur[i + 1, :] * (
                mur[i + 1, :] / nu[i + 1, :] *
                (_scyspe.ive(m - 1, x) / _scyspe.ive(m, x) - m / x) -
                mur[i, :] / nu[i, :] *
                (-_scyspe.kve(m - 1, y) / _scyspe.kve(m, y) - m / y))
            Mt[2, 0, :] = (nu[i + 1, :]**2 / nu[i, :]**2 -
                           1) * m / (bet * mur[i + 1, :])
            Mt[2, 1, :] = Mt[2, 0, :]
            Mt[3, 0, :] = Mt[2, 0, :]
            Mt[3, 1, :] = Mt[2, 0, :]

            if len(b) == 1:
                M = Mt
                if (i == 0):
                    M = produto(D, Mt)
                elif i < len(b) - 1:
                    M = produto(D, produto(Mt, M))
                    M = produto(Mt, M)
        return M
コード例 #25
ファイル: pol.py プロジェクト: RuiXu55/NDSolver
def pol(args, p, k, omega):
    logging.basicConfig(level=args.loglevel or logging.INFO)
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    theta = p['theta'][0] * np.pi / 180.
    logger.debug("omega guess = %e+%ei \n", omega.real, omega.imag)

    # epsilon is renormalized: epsilon = epsilon*(v_A^2/c^2*omega^2)
    epsilon = np.zeros((3, 3), dtype=complex)
    epsilon += (p['delta'][0] * omega)**2 * np.identity(3)
    """ Iterate over species """
    for m in range(0, int(p['Nsp'][0])):
        beta_perp = p['beta_perp'][m]
        beta_para = p['beta_para'][m]
        beta_ratio = beta_perp / beta_para
        dens = p['dens'][m]
        mu = p['mu'][m]
        q = p['q'][m]
        kappa = int(p['kappa'][m])  # right now only integer kappa is supported
        ''' chiX shortcuts for long terms '''
        chi = dens**1.5 * q**2 * np.sqrt(mu / beta_para) / (k * np.cos(theta))
        chi0 = (beta_ratio - 1.) * mu * dens * q**2
        ''' use kappa dispersion relation '''
        if (kappa < p['kappa_limit'][0]):
            ''' first add non-iterative term '''
            epsilon[0, 0] += chi0
            epsilon[1, 1] += chi0
            epsilon[2, 2] += chi0 * np.tan(theta)**2
            epsilon[2,2] += 2.*omega**2*(2.*kappa-1.)/(2.*kappa-3.)*dens**2\
            epsilon[0, 2] += -chi0 * np.tan(theta)  # typo?

            N = int(p['N'][0])
            lab = 0
            epsi = np.zeros((3, 3), dtype=complex)
            while True:
                add_eps = np.zeros((3, 3), dtype=complex)
                for n in range(-N, N + 1):
                    # this piece is to avoid unnessary function evaluation
                    if (lab and abs(n) <= N - 1):
                        eta = beta_ratio * omega - (
                            beta_ratio - 1.) * n * mu * q  # shortcut
                        zh    = np.sqrt((2.*kappa+2.)/(2.*kappa-3.))*(omega-n*q*mu)/\
                        jh = k * np.sin(theta) * np.sqrt(
                            (2. * kappa - 3.) * beta_perp / 2. / mu / dens) / q
                        intxx = complex_quadrature(intgrand, zh, jh, kappa, n,
                        intyy = complex_quadrature(intgrand, zh, jh, kappa, n,
                        intxy = complex_quadrature(intgrand, zh, jh, kappa, n,

                        add_eps[0,0] += 4.*np.sqrt(2.)*mu**1.5*dens**2.5*q**4*(kappa-0.5)*((kappa+1.)/(2.*kappa-3.))**1.5\
                        add_eps[1, 1] += 2. * np.sqrt(2.) * chi * (
                            kappa - 0.5) / np.sqrt(2. * kappa - 3.) * (
                                kappa + 1.)**1.5 * eta * intyy
                        add_eps[2,2] += 4.*np.sqrt(2.)/np.sqrt(mu)*dens**2.5*q**2*(kappa-0.5)*((kappa+1.)/(2.*kappa-3.0))**1.5\
                        add_eps[0,1] += 4j*mu*dens**2*q**3/np.sqrt(beta_perp*beta_para)/(k**2*np.cos(theta)*np.sin(theta))*\
                        add_eps[0,2] += 4.*np.sqrt(2.)*np.sqrt(mu)*dens**2.5*q**3*(kappa-0.5)*((kappa+1)/(2.*kappa-3.))**1.5/\
                        add_eps[1,2] += -4j*dens**2*q**2*(kappa-0.5)/(2.*kappa-3.)*(kappa+1.)**1.5/np.sqrt(beta_perp*beta_para)\

                # check if we should increase N, and copy add_eps value to epsi
                lab, var = check_eps(epsi, add_eps, p['eps_error'][0], lab)
                if (var):
                    logger.debug("sp[%d], n=%d satisfies constraint!\n", m, N)
                epsi += add_eps
                N += 1
                logger.debug("sp[%d], Increase N to =%d!\n", m, N)
            epsilon += epsi

            '''use bi-maxwellian dispersion'''
            Lam = (k * np.sin(theta))**2 * beta_perp / (2. * q**2 * mu * dens)
            # add non-iterative term
            epsilon[0, 0] += chi0
            epsilon[1, 1] += chi0

            N = int(p['N'][0])
            lab = 0
            epsi = np.zeros((3, 3), dtype=complex)
            while (True):
                add_eps = np.zeros((3, 3), dtype=complex)
                for n in range(-N, N + 1):
                    # this piece is to avoid unnessary function evaluation
                    if (lab and abs(n) <= N - 1):
                        eta = beta_ratio * omega - (beta_ratio -
                                                    1.) * n * mu * q
                        zeta = (omega - n * mu * q) * np.sqrt(dens) / (
                            np.sqrt(beta_para * mu) * k * np.cos(theta))
                        add_eps[0, 0] += chi * n**2 * sp.ive(
                            n, Lam) / Lam * eta * f.Z(zeta)
                        add_eps[0, 1] += 1j * chi * n * (
                            f.dIne(n, Lam) - sp.ive(n, Lam)) * eta * f.Z(zeta)
                        add_eps[0,2] += -mu*dens**2*q**3/beta_perp/(k**2*np.sin(theta)*np.cos(theta))*eta*\
                                1] += chi * (n**2 * sp.ive(n, Lam) / Lam -
                                             2. * Lam *
                                             (f.dIne(n, Lam) - sp.ive(n, Lam))
                                             ) * eta * f.Z(zeta)
                        add_eps[1, 2] += 1j / 2. * dens * q * np.tan(
                            theta) * eta * (f.dIne(n, Lam) -
                                            sp.ive(n, Lam)) * f.dp(zeta, 0)
                        add_eps[2,2] += -dens**2*q**2*(omega-n*mu*q)/beta_perp/(k*np.cos(theta))**2*eta*\
                # check if we should increase N
                lab, var = check_eps(epsi, add_eps, p['eps_error'][0], lab)
                if (var):
                    logger.debug("sp[%d], n=%d satisfies constraint!\n", m, N)
                N += 1
                epsi += add_eps
                logger.debug("sp[%d], Increase N to =%d!\n", m, N)
            epsilon += epsi
    epsilon[1, 0] = -epsilon[0, 1]
    epsilon[2, 0] = epsilon[0, 2]
    epsilon[2, 1] = -epsilon[1, 2]
    epsilon[0, 0] += -(k * np.cos(theta))**2
    epsilon[1, 1] += -k**2
    epsilon[2, 2] += -(k * np.sin(theta))**2
    epsilon[0, 2] += k**2 * np.sin(theta) * np.cos(theta)
    epsilon[2, 0] += k**2 * np.sin(theta) * np.cos(theta)
    ''' calculate determinant '''
    disp_det = LA.det(epsilon) / omega**p['exp'][0]

    # calculate polarization
    val = np.ones(3, dtype=complex)  # eigenvalue
    vec = np.ones((3, 3), dtype=complex)  # eigenvectors
    val, vec = LA.eig(epsilon)
    if (abs(omega.real) > 1e-5):
        pol = 1j * vec[1] / vec[0] * omega.real / abs(omega.real)
        pol = 1j * vec[1] / vec[0]
    return val, pol
コード例 #26
ファイル: special.py プロジェクト: jiangyuinsar/mgvm-release
def logive(nu, kappa):
    return np.log(ive(nu, kappa))
コード例 #27
ファイル: vi.py プロジェクト: jiangyuinsar/mgvm-release
def inference_model_grad(xin, config):

    # Load parameters
    n_data = config['N_data']
    n_pred = config['N_pred']
    c_data = config['c_data']
    s_data = config['s_data']
    c_2data = config['c_2data']
    s_2data = config['s_2data']
    mat_kin = config['Kinv']  # not ideal, but this way it's all consistent.
    idx_psi_p = config['idx_psi_p']
    idx_mf_k1 = config['idx_mf_k1']
    idx_mf_m1 = config['idx_mf_m1']
    k1 = config['k1']
    k2 = config['k2']

    n_totp = n_data + n_pred

    # Variable unpacking
    psi_p = xin[idx_psi_p]
    mf_k1 = np.exp(xin[idx_mf_k1])
    mf_m1 = xin[idx_mf_m1]

    # Variable reshaping
    psi_p = psi_p.reshape(n_pred, 1)
    mf_k1 = mf_k1.reshape(n_totp, 1)
    mf_m1 = mf_m1.reshape(n_totp, 1)
    k1 = k1.reshape(1, 1)
    k2 = k2.reshape(1, 1)

    # assemble prediction set statistics
    s_psi_p = np.sin(psi_p)
    c_psi_p = np.cos(psi_p)
    s_2psi_p = np.sin(2. * psi_p)
    c_2psi_p = np.cos(2. * psi_p)

    c_psi = np.vstack((c_psi_p, c_data))
    s_psi = np.vstack((s_psi_p, s_data))
    c_2psi = np.vstack((c_2psi_p, c_2data))
    s_2psi = np.vstack((s_2psi_p, s_2data))

    # Getting mean field moments
    div_ive_1_0 = ss.ive(1, mf_k1) / ss.ive(0, mf_k1)
    div_ive_2_0 = ss.ive(2, mf_k1) / ss.ive(0, mf_k1)
    div_ive_3_0 = ss.ive(3, mf_k1) / ss.ive(0, mf_k1)

    c_x = div_ive_1_0 * np.cos(mf_m1)
    s_x = div_ive_1_0 * np.sin(mf_m1)
    c_2x = div_ive_2_0 * np.cos(2. * mf_m1)
    s_2x = div_ive_2_0 * np.sin(2. * mf_m1)

    cc_x = 0.5 * (1 + c_2x)
    ss_x = 0.5 * (1 - c_2x)
    cs_x = 0.5 * s_2x

    # Building inverse sections
    mat_kin_cc = mat_kin[0:n_totp, 0:n_totp]
    mat_kin_ss = mat_kin[n_totp:, n_totp:]
    mat_kin_cs = mat_kin[0:n_totp, n_totp:]

    diag_mat_kin_cc = np.diag(mat_kin[0:n_totp, 0:n_totp]).reshape(n_totp, 1)
    diag_mat_kin_ss = np.diag(mat_kin[n_totp:, n_totp:]).reshape(n_totp, 1)
    diag_mat_kin_cs = np.diag(mat_kin[0:n_totp, n_totp:]).reshape(n_totp, 1)

    np.fill_diagonal(mat_kin_cc, 0.)
    np.fill_diagonal(mat_kin_ss, 0.)
    np.fill_diagonal(mat_kin_cs, 0.)

    # Gradient assembly point
    # ----------------------------------------------------
    # Prior
    dpri_psi_p = 0.
    dpri_c_x = - (np.dot(mat_kin_cc, c_x) + np.dot(mat_kin_cs, s_x))
    dpri_s_x = - (np.dot(mat_kin_ss, s_x) + np.dot(mat_kin_cs.T, c_x))
    dpri_cc_x = - 0.5 * diag_mat_kin_cc
    dpri_ss_x = - 0.5 * diag_mat_kin_ss
    dpri_cs_x = - diag_mat_kin_cs

    # Likelihood
    ds_psi_psi_p = + np.cos(psi_p)
    dc_psi_psi_p = - np.sin(psi_p)
    ds_2psi_psi_p = + 2. * np.cos(2. * psi_p)
    dc_2psi_psi_p = - 2. * np.sin(2. * psi_p)

    dlik_s_psi = k1 * s_x[0:n_pred]
    dlik_c_psi = k1 * c_x[0:n_pred]
    dlik_s_2psi = k2 * s_2x[0:n_pred]
    dlik_c_2psi = k2 * c_2x[0:n_pred]

    dlik_psi_p = (dlik_s_psi * ds_psi_psi_p + dlik_c_psi * dc_psi_psi_p +
                  dlik_s_2psi * ds_2psi_psi_p + dlik_c_2psi * dc_2psi_psi_p)

    dlik_c_x = +k1 * c_psi
    dlik_s_x = +k1 * s_psi
    dlik_cc_x = +k2 * c_2psi
    dlik_ss_x = -k2 * c_2psi
    dlik_cs_x = +2.0 * k2 * s_2psi

    # Mean field gradients (along with entropy)
    dc_x_mf_k1 = np.cos(mf_m1) * (0.5 * (1. + div_ive_2_0) - div_ive_1_0 ** 2)
    ds_x_mf_k1 = np.sin(mf_m1) * (0.5 * (1. + div_ive_2_0) - div_ive_1_0 ** 2)
    dcc_x_mf_k1 = +0.5 * np.cos(2. * mf_m1) * (0.5 * (div_ive_1_0 + div_ive_3_0) - div_ive_1_0 * div_ive_2_0)
    dss_x_mf_k1 = -0.5 * np.cos(2. * mf_m1) * (0.5 * (div_ive_1_0 + div_ive_3_0) - div_ive_1_0 * div_ive_2_0)
    dcs_x_mf_k1 = +0.5 * np.sin(2. * mf_m1) * (0.5 * (div_ive_1_0 + div_ive_3_0) - div_ive_1_0 * div_ive_2_0)

    dent_mf_k1 = - 0.5 * mf_k1 * (1. + div_ive_2_0) + mf_k1 * div_ive_1_0 ** 2

    dc_x_mf_m1 = - np.sin(mf_m1) * div_ive_1_0
    ds_x_mf_m1 = + np.cos(mf_m1) * div_ive_1_0
    dcc_x_mf_m1 = - np.sin(2. * mf_m1) * div_ive_2_0
    dss_x_mf_m1 = + np.sin(2. * mf_m1) * div_ive_2_0
    dcs_x_mf_m1 = + np.cos(2. * mf_m1) * div_ive_2_0

    dent_mf_m1 = 0.

    dmf_k1 = (dpri_c_x + dlik_c_x) * dc_x_mf_k1 + (dpri_s_x + dlik_s_x) * ds_x_mf_k1 + \
             (dpri_cc_x + dlik_cc_x) * dcc_x_mf_k1 + (dpri_ss_x + dlik_ss_x) * dss_x_mf_k1 + \
             (dpri_cs_x + dlik_cs_x) * dcs_x_mf_k1 + dent_mf_k1

    dmf_m1 = (dpri_c_x + dlik_c_x) * dc_x_mf_m1 + (dpri_s_x + dlik_s_x) * ds_x_mf_m1 + \
             (dpri_cc_x + dlik_cc_x) * dcc_x_mf_m1 + (dpri_ss_x + dlik_ss_x) * dss_x_mf_m1 + \
             (dpri_cs_x + dlik_cs_x) * dcs_x_mf_m1 + dent_mf_m1

    # Final gradient assembly
    dpsi_p = dlik_psi_p + dpri_psi_p

    # Positivy transformation
    dlog_mf_k1 = dmf_k1 * mf_k1

    grad = np.vstack((dpsi_p, dlog_mf_k1, dmf_m1))

    return - grad.flatten()
コード例 #28
ファイル: vi.py プロジェクト: jiangyuinsar/mgvm-release
def inference_model_obj(xin, config):

    # Load parameters
    n_data = config['N_data']
    n_pred = config['N_pred']
    c_data = config['c_data']
    s_data = config['s_data']
    c_2data = config['c_2data']
    s_2data = config['s_2data']
    mat_kin = config['Kinv']  # not ideal, but this way it's all consistent.
    idx_psi_p = config['idx_psi_p']
    idx_mf_k1 = config['idx_mf_k1']
    idx_mf_m1 = config['idx_mf_m1']
    k1 = config['k1']
    k2 = config['k2']

    n_totp = n_data + n_pred

    # Variable unpacking
    psi_p = xin[idx_psi_p]
    mf_k1 = np.exp(xin[idx_mf_k1])
    mf_m1 = xin[idx_mf_m1]

    # Variable reshaping
    psi_p = psi_p.reshape(n_pred, 1)
    mf_k1 = mf_k1.reshape(n_totp, 1)
    mf_m1 = mf_m1.reshape(n_totp, 1)
    k1 = k1.reshape(1, 1)
    k2 = k2.reshape(1, 1)

    # assemble prediction set statistics
    s_psi_p = np.sin(psi_p)
    c_psi_p = np.cos(psi_p)
    s_2psi_p = np.sin(2. * psi_p)
    c_2psi_p = np.cos(2. * psi_p)

    c_psi = np.vstack((c_psi_p, c_data))
    s_psi = np.vstack((s_psi_p, s_data))
    c_2psi = np.vstack((c_2psi_p, c_2data))
    s_2psi = np.vstack((s_2psi_p, s_2data))

    # Getting mean field moments
    div_ive_1_0 = ss.ive(1, mf_k1) / ss.ive(0, mf_k1)
    div_ive_2_0 = ss.ive(2, mf_k1) / ss.ive(0, mf_k1)

    c_x = div_ive_1_0 * np.cos(mf_m1)
    s_x = div_ive_1_0 * np.sin(mf_m1)
    c_2x = div_ive_2_0 * np.cos(2. * mf_m1)
    s_2x = div_ive_2_0 * np.sin(2. * mf_m1)

    cc_x = 0.5 * (1 + c_2x)
    ss_x = 0.5 * (1 - c_2x)
    cs_x = 0.5 * s_2x

    # Building inverse sections
    mat_kin_cc = mat_kin[0:n_totp, 0:n_totp]
    mat_kin_ss = mat_kin[n_totp:, n_totp:]
    mat_kin_cs = mat_kin[0:n_totp, n_totp:]

    diag_mat_kin_cc = np.diag(mat_kin[0:n_totp, 0:n_totp]).reshape(n_totp, 1)
    diag_mat_kin_ss = np.diag(mat_kin[n_totp:, n_totp:]).reshape(n_totp, 1)
    diag_mat_kin_cs = np.diag(mat_kin[0:n_totp, n_totp:]).reshape(n_totp, 1)

    np.fill_diagonal(mat_kin_cc, 0.)
    np.fill_diagonal(mat_kin_ss, 0.)
    np.fill_diagonal(mat_kin_cs, 0.)

    # Free energy assembly point
    # ----------------------------------------------------

    prior = - (la.qform(c_x, mat_kin_cs, s_x) + np.dot(diag_mat_kin_cs.T, cs_x) +
               0.5 * (la.qform(c_x, mat_kin_cc, c_x) + np.dot(diag_mat_kin_cc.T, cc_x) +
                      la.qform(s_x, mat_kin_ss, s_x) + np.dot(diag_mat_kin_ss.T, ss_x)))

    likelihood = k1 * (np.dot(c_psi.T, c_x) + np.dot(s_psi.T, s_x)) - n_totp * (np.log(ss.ive(0, k1)) + k1) +\
                 k2 * (np.dot(c_2psi.T, cc_x - ss_x) + np.dot(s_2psi.T, 2 * cs_x)) - n_totp * (np.log(ss.ive(0, k2)) + k2)

    entropy = np.sum(np.log(ss.ive(0, mf_k1)) + mf_k1 - mf_k1 * ss.ive(1, mf_k1) / ss.ive(0, mf_k1))

    energy = likelihood + prior + entropy

    return - energy.flatten()
コード例 #29
 def compute_log_partition(self, az, bz, y):
     b = np.absolute(bz)
     I0 = ive(0, b * y)
     logZ = np.sum(-0.5 * az * (y**2) +
                   np.log(2 * np.pi * y * ive(0, b * y)) + b * y)
     return logZ
コード例 #30
ファイル: fit_gaussian.py プロジェクト: aarchiba/ratings
def vonmises_coefficient(k,m):
    return ive(m,k)/ive(0,k)
コード例 #31
ファイル: MRA.py プロジェクト: gclos/pyphant1
def convolveMRA(field, sigma):
    if sigma==0:
        return field.data
    n = int(len(field.dimensions[-1].data)/2)
    kernel = ive(numpy.arange(-n, n), sigma)
    return convolve(field.data, kernel, mode='same')
コード例 #32
def dIne(n,a):
  return 0.5*(sp.ive(n-1,a)+sp.ive(n+1,a))
コード例 #33
ファイル: bessel_test.py プロジェクト: hjarraya/probability
 def VerifyBesselIve(self, v, z, rtol, atol=1e-7):
     bessel_ive, v, z = self.evaluate([tfp.math.bessel_ive(v, z), v, z])
     scipy_ive = scipy_special.ive(v, z)
     self.assertAllClose(bessel_ive, scipy_ive, rtol=rtol, atol=atol)
コード例 #34
def dive(n,a,i):
  a = float(a)
  # No perpendicular component
  if a ==0:
    if   i == 1:
      fz = 0.5*(sp.ive(n-1,a)+sp.ive(n+1,a))-sp.ive(n,a)
    elif i == 2:
      fz = 0.25*sp.ive(n-2,a)-sp.ive(n-1,a)+1.5*sp.ive(n,a)\
      sys.exit("Error:i should be 1 or 2 for dive function!")
  # with perpendicular component
    if   i == 1:
      fz = (n/a-1)*sp.ive(n,a)+sp.ive(n+1,a)
    elif i == 2:
      fz = ((n**2-n)/a**2-2*n/a+1.)*sp.ive(n,a)+\
      sys.exit("Error:i should be 1 or 2 for dive function!")
  return fz
コード例 #35
def k2w_es3d(
    Compute electrostatic dispersion relation for a magnetized Vlasov-Poisson
    system assuming the background magnetic field along `z` and the wavevector
    `k` can have components along `x` and `z`, i.e., the perpendicular and
    parallel directions.
    The basic algorithm follows [1]. The Z function is approximated by a J-pole
    Pade expansion and the bi-Maxwellian distribution is approximated by a
    truncated summation of Bessel functions. This way, a linear system is
    generated that can be solved for complex frequencies as eigenvalues of the
    equivalent matrix.

        kxs (np.ndarray): Wavevector component values along `x`.
        kzs (np.ndarray): Wavevector component values along `z`.
        species (np.ndarray): A list of parameters of each plasma species.
          `species[s]` are the parameters of the `s`th species, including
          `q, m, n, v0x, v0z, p0x, p0z`.
        params (dict): A dictionary of relevant parameters. Here, the used
          ones are `epsilon0` and `Bz`.
        isMag (list or None): A list of booleans to indicate wether each species
            is magnetized. If not set, all species are assumed to be magnetized.
        J (int): Order of Pade approximation. One of (`8`, `12`).
        N (int): Highest order of cylctron harmonic to include in the Bessel
          expansion of the bi-Maxwellian distribution. If `check_convergence`
          is set to True, `N` will be increased until the expansion coefficients
          add up to greater than a threshold value set by `convergence_thresh`.
        check_convergence (bool): See option `N`. Default is True.
        convergence_thresh (float): See option `N`. Default is 0.975.
        sort (str): Order for sorting computed frequencies. Default is "real".
        sort (str): `'real'` or `'imag'` or `'none'`. Order to sort results.
        ws (np.ndarray or list): Computed frequencies in a list. `ws[ik]` is the
          solution for the `ik`th wavevector. The result is packed as a
          `np.ndarray` if the `N` values used for all `k` are the same.
    q, m, n, vx, vz, px, pz = np.rollaxis(np.array(species), axis=1)
    eps0 = params['epsilon0']
    Bz = params['Bz']

    S = len(q)  # number of species
    lamDz = np.sqrt(eps0 * pz / (n * q)**2)
    vtz = np.sqrt(2. * pz / n / m)
    vtx = np.sqrt(2. * px / n / m)
    wc = q * Bz / m

    if isMag is None:
        isMag = [True] * S
    assert (len(isMag) == S)

    bz, cz = bzs[J], czs[J]

    Tz_Tx = (vtz / vtx)**2
    rc = vtx / np.sqrt(2) / np.abs(wc)

    ks = np.sqrt(kzs**2 + kxs**2)
    nk = len(ks)
    ws = []
    Ns = np.zeros((nk, ), dtype=np.int32)

    if check_convergence:
        if np.any(isMag):
            for ik in range(nk):
                Nmax = N
                kz = kzs[ik]
                kp = kxs[ik]
                kp_rc2m = ((kp * rc[isMag])**2).max()
                found = False
                while (not found):
                    bessSum = ive(range(-Nmax, Nmax + 1), kp_rc2m).sum()
                    if bessSum < convergence_thresh:
                        Nmax = Nmax + 1
                        found = True
                        if ik == len(ks) - 1:
                                "(kp*rc)^2 {}, N {}, bessSum {}".format(
                                    kp_rc2m, Nmax, bessSum))
                Ns[ik] = Nmax
    logging.debug("Ns {}".format(Ns))
    print('Ns', Ns)
    if dry_run:

    for ik, k in enumerate(ks):
        kz = kzs[ik]
        kp = kxs[ik]

        N4k = Ns[ik]  # the number of terms to keep for k
        SNJ = S * (2 * N4k + 1) * J
        M = np.zeros((SNJ, SNJ), dtype=np.complex128)
        B = np.zeros([SNJ], dtype=np.complex128)
        C = np.zeros([SNJ], dtype=np.complex128)
        m = 0
        for s in range(S):
            if isMag[s]:
                for n in range(-N4k, N4k + 1):
                    bessel = ive(n,
                                 (kp * rc[s])**2)  # modified Bessel function
                    for j in range(J):
                        B[m] = bessel * bz[j] \
                            * (cz[j] * kz * vtz[s] + n * wc[s] * Tz_Tx[s]) \
                            / (lamDz[s] * k)**2
                        C[m] = kz * vz[s] + kp * vx[s] + n * wc[s] \
                             + cz[j] * kz * vtz[s]
                        m += 1
                bessel = 1. / (2. * N4k + 1.)
                for n in range(-N4k, N4k + 1):
                    for j in range(J):
                        B[m] = bessel * bz[j] * (cz[j] * k * vtz[s]) \
                             / (lamDz[s] * k)**2
                        C[m] = kz * vz[s] + kp * vx[s] + cz[j] * k * vtz[s]
                        m += 1

        for m in range(SNJ):
            M[m, :] = -B[m]
            M[m, m] += C[m]

        w = scipy.linalg.eigvals(M)

        sort_idx = slice(None)
        if sort in ["imag"]:
            sort_idx = np.argsort(w.imag + 1j * w.real)
        elif sort in ["real"]:
            sort_idx = np.argsort(w)
        elif sort != 'none':
            raise ValueError('`sort` value {} not recognized'.format(sort))

    if Ns.min() == Ns.max():
        # if different k has different N, the size of ws are different
        return np.array(ws)
        return ws
コード例 #36
 def U(self, r):
     C = np.sqrt(2.0 * np.pi) / self.r_0 / 2.0
     x = r**2 / 4.0 / self.r_0**2
     # ive is bessel function of
     # imaginary argument * decaying exponent
     return special.ive(0, x) * C
コード例 #37
def cp_log(p, kappa):
    p = float(p)
    cp = (p / 2 - 1) * np.log(kappa)
    cp += -(p / 2) * np.log(2 * pi) - np.log(ive(p / 2 - 1, kappa)) - kappa
    return cp
コード例 #38
 def log_norm(cls, kappa, D):
     kappa = np.clip(kappa, 1e-10, np.inf)
     return (
         (D / 2) * np.log(2 * np.pi) + np.log(ive(D / 2 - 1, kappa))
         + np.abs(kappa) - (D / 2 - 1) * np.log(kappa)
コード例 #39
 def BI(gamH, hp, nr, xim):
     """Return BI_nr."""
     return np.exp(-np.real(gamH) * hp) * ive(nr, xim)
コード例 #40
 def ratio(self, l):
     """Compute the ratio I_{l+1/2}(alpha) / I_{l-1/2}(alpha)"""
     return ive(l + 0.5, self.alpha) / ive(l - 0.5, self.alpha)
コード例 #41
    def Mtil(m, epr, mur, bet, nu, b):
        def produto(A,B):
            C = _np.zeros((A.shape[0],B.shape[1],A.shape[2]),dtype=complex)
            for i in range(A.shape[0]):
                for j in range(B.shape[1]):
                    for k in range(A.shape[1]):
                        C[i,j,:] = C[i,j,:] + A[i,k,:]*B[k,j,:]
            return C

        for i in range(len(b)): # lembrando que length(b) = número de camadas - 1
            x = nu[i+1,:] * b[i]
            y = nu[i  ,:] * b[i]
            Mt = _np.zeros((4,4,w.shape[0]),dtype=complex)

            if i<len(b)-1:
                D = _np.zeros((4,4,nu.shape[1]),dtype=complex)
                z = nu[i+1,:]*b[i+1]
                if not any(z.real<0):
                    ind = (z.real<60)

                    A = _scyspe.iv(m,z[ind])
                    B = _scyspe.kv(m,z[ind])
                    C = _scyspe.iv(m,x[ind])
                    E = _scyspe.kv(m,x[ind])

                    D[0,0,:]    =  1
                    D[1,1,ind]  = - B*C/(A*E)
                    D[1,1,~ind] = - _np.exp(-2*(z[~ind]-x[~ind]))
                    D[2,2,:]    =  1
                    D[3,3,ind]  = - B*C/(A*E)
                    D[3,3,~ind] = - _np.exp(-2*(z[~ind]-x[~ind]))

            Mt[0,0,:] = -nu[i+1,:]**2*b[i]/epr[i+1,:]*(
                    epr[i+1,:]/nu[i+1,:]*(-_scyspe.kve(m-1,x)/_scyspe.kve(m,x) - m/x)
                    - epr[i,:]/nu[i,:]  *( _scyspe.ive(m-1,y)/_scyspe.ive(m,y) - m/y))
            Mt[0,1,:] = -nu[i+1,:]**2*b[i]/epr[i+1,:]*(
                    epr[i+1,:]/nu[i+1,:]*(-_scyspe.kve(m-1,x)/_scyspe.kve(m,x) - m/x)
                    - epr[i,:]/nu[i,:]  *(-_scyspe.kve(m-1,y)/_scyspe.kve(m,y) - m/y))
            Mt[1,0,:] = -nu[i+1,:]**2*b[i]/epr[i+1,:]*(
                    epr[i+1,:]/nu[i+1,:]*( _scyspe.ive(m-1,x)/_scyspe.ive(m,x) - m/x)
                    - epr[i,:]/nu[i,:]  *( _scyspe.ive(m-1,y)/_scyspe.ive(m,y) - m/y))
            Mt[1,1,:] = -nu[i+1,:]**2*b[i]/epr[i+1,:]*(
                    epr[i+1,:]/nu[i+1,:]*( _scyspe.ive(m-1,x)/_scyspe.ive(m,x) - m/x)
                    - epr[i,:]/nu[i,:]  *(-_scyspe.kve(m-1,y)/_scyspe.kve(m,y) - m/y))

            Mt[0,2,:] = (nu[i+1,:]**2/nu[i,:]**2 - 1)*m/(bet*epr[i+1,:])
            Mt[0,3,:] = Mt[0,2,:]
            Mt[1,2,:] = Mt[0,2,:]
            Mt[1,3,:] = Mt[0,2,:]
            Mt[2,2,:] = -nu[i+1,:]**2*b[i]/mur[i+1,:]*(
                    mur[i+1,:]/nu[i+1,:]*(-_scyspe.kve(m-1,x)/_scyspe.kve(m,x) - m/x)
                    - mur[i,:]/nu[i,:]  *( _scyspe.ive(m-1,y)/_scyspe.ive(m,y) - m/y))
            Mt[2,3,:] = -nu[i+1,:]**2*b[i]/mur[i+1,:]*(
                    mur[i+1,:]/nu[i+1,:]*(-_scyspe.kve(m-1,x)/_scyspe.kve(m,x) - m/x)
                    - mur[i,:]/nu[i,:]  *(-_scyspe.kve(m-1,y)/_scyspe.kve(m,y) - m/y))
            Mt[3,2,:] = -nu[i+1,:]**2*b[i]/mur[i+1,:]*(
                    mur[i+1,:]/nu[i+1,:]*( _scyspe.ive(m-1,x)/_scyspe.ive(m,x) - m/x)
                    - mur[i,:]/nu[i,:]  *( _scyspe.ive(m-1,y)/_scyspe.ive(m,y) - m/y))
            Mt[3,3,:] = -nu[i+1,:]**2*b[i]/mur[i+1,:]*(
                    mur[i+1,:]/nu[i+1,:]*( _scyspe.ive(m-1,x)/_scyspe.ive(m,x) - m/x)
                    - mur[i,:]/nu[i,:]  *(-_scyspe.kve(m-1,y)/_scyspe.kve(m,y) - m/y))
            Mt[2,0,:] = (nu[i+1,:]**2/nu[i,:]**2 - 1)*m/(bet*mur[i+1,:])
            Mt[2,1,:] = Mt[2,0,:]
            Mt[3,0,:] = Mt[2,0,:]
            Mt[3,1,:] = Mt[2,0,:]

            if len(b) == 1:
                M = Mt
                if (i ==0):
                    M = produto(D,Mt)
                elif i < len(b)-1:
                    M = produto(D,produto(Mt,M))
                    M = produto(Mt,M)
        return M
コード例 #42
 def f_scaled(xi_b, xi_y):
     b = sz_eff * xi_b
     y = b / az + xi_y / np.sqrt(az)
     coef = 2 * np.pi / np.sqrt(u_eff)
     bz = complex2array(np.array(b))
     return coef * relu(b) * relu(y) * ive(0, b * y) * f(bz, y)
コード例 #43
 def U(self, r):
     C = np.sqrt(2.0 * np.pi) / self.r_0 / 2.0;
     x = r**2 / 4.0 / self.r_0**2
     # ive is bessel function of
     # imaginary argument * decaying exponent
     return special.ive(0, x) * C 
コード例 #44
def magnetic_field_time_deriv_magnetic_dipole(t,
    """Magnetic field time derivative due to step off vertical dipole at the surface

    t : (n_t) numpy.ndarray
        times (s)
    xy : (n_locs, 2) numpy.ndarray
        surface field locations (m)
    sigma : float, optional
    mu : float, optional
        magnetic permeability
    moment : float, optional
        moment of the dipole

    dh_dt : (n_t, n_locs, 3) numpy.ndarray
        The magnetic field at the observation locations and times.

    Matches the negative of equation 4.70 of Ward and Hohmann 1988, for the vertical
    component (due to the difference in coordinate sign conventionn used here).

    .. math::
        \\frac{\\partial h_z}{\\partial t} = \\frac{m}{2 \\pi \\mu \\sigma \\rho^5}\\left[
        9\\mathrm{erf}(\\theta \\rho)
        - \\frac{2\\theta\\rho}{\\sqrt{\\pi}}\\left(
        9 + 6\\theta^2\\rho^2 + 4\\theta^4\\rho^4\\right)

    Also matches equation 4.74 for the horizontal components

    .. math::
        \\frac{\\partial h_\\rho}{\\partial t} = -\\frac{m \\theta^2}{2 \\pi \\rho t}e^{-\\theta^2\\rho^2/2} \\left[
        (1 +\\theta^2 \\rho^2) I_0 \\left(
        \\right) - \\left(
        2 + \\theta^2\\rho^2 + \\frac{4}{\\theta^2\\rho^2}\\right)I_1\\left(\\frac{\\theta^2\\rho^2}{2}\\right)

    Reproducing the time derivate parts of Figure 4.4 and 4.5 from Ward and Hohmann 1988

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    >>> from geoana.em.tdem import magnetic_field_time_deriv_magnetic_dipole

    Calculate the field at the time given, 100 m along the x-axis,

    >>> times = np.logspace(-6, 0, 200)
    >>> xy = np.array([[100, 0, 0]])
    >>> dh_dt = magnetic_field_time_deriv_magnetic_dipole(times, xy, sigma=1E-2)

    Match the vertical magnetic field plot

    >>> plt.loglog(times*1E3, dh_dt[:,0, 2], c='C0', label=r'$\\frac{\\partial h_z}{\\partial t}$')
    >>> plt.loglog(times*1E3, -dh_dt[:,0, 2], '--', c='C0')
    >>> plt.loglog(times*1E3, dh_dt[:,0, 0], c='C1', label=r'$\\frac{\\partial h_x}{\\partial t}$')
    >>> plt.loglog(times*1E3, -dh_dt[:,0, 0], '--', c='C1')
    >>> plt.xlabel('time (ms)')
    >>> plt.ylabel(r'$\\frac{\\partial h}{\\partial t}$ (A/(m s))')
    >>> plt.legend()
    >>> plt.show()
    r = np.linalg.norm(xy[:, :2], axis=-1)
    x = xy[:, 0]
    y = xy[:, 1]
    tr = theta(t, sigma, mu)[:, None] * r

    dhz_dt = 1 / (r**3 * t[:, None]) * (
        9 / (2 * tr**2) * erf(tr) -
        (4 * tr**3 + 6 * tr + 9 / tr) / np.sqrt(np.pi) * np.exp(-tr**2))

    # iv(k, v) = ive(k, v) * exp(abs(arg))
    dhr_dt = -2 * tr**2 / (r**3 * t[:, None]) * (
        (1 + tr**2) * ive(0, tr**2 / 2) -
        (2 + tr**2 + 4 / tr**2) * ive(1, tr**2 / 2))
    angle = np.arctan2(y, x)
    dhx_dt = np.cos(angle) * dhr_dt
    dhy_dt = np.sin(angle) * dhr_dt
    return moment / (4 * np.pi) * np.stack((dhx_dt, dhy_dt, dhz_dt), axis=-1)