コード例 #1
ファイル: test_orthogonal.py プロジェクト: 745698140/test_1
def test_roots_laguerre():
    weightf = orth.laguerre(5).weight_func
    verify_gauss_quad(sc.roots_laguerre, orth.eval_laguerre, weightf, 0.,
                      np.inf, 5)

    x, w = sc.roots_laguerre(5, False)
    y, v, m = sc.roots_laguerre(5, True)
    assert_allclose(x, y, 1e-14, 1e-14)
    assert_allclose(w, v, 1e-14, 1e-14)

    muI, muI_err = integrate.quad(weightf, 0, np.inf)
    assert_allclose(m, muI, rtol=muI_err)

    assert_raises(ValueError, sc.roots_laguerre, 0)
    assert_raises(ValueError, sc.roots_laguerre, 3.3)
コード例 #2
def mean_xsectv(mX, mphi, alphaX, vmean, sign, minn=10, maxn=15,
                minb=0.1, classical_th = 10, 
                tol=1e-2, eval_L=2, max_L=260,
                method='RK45', tol_convergence=0.01, max_itr=100,
                xtol_root=1e-4, rtol_root=1e-4,
                atol_ode=1e-4, rtol_ode=1e-5):
    Return <\sigma v>, assuming Boltzmann distribution.
    Only t+u channel
    We use Gauss-Laguerre quadrature for integration.
    Note: the input velocity is vmean, <v> = 2\sqrt(2/pi)v0, not v0.
    minn: we sample at least minn points by quadrature.
    maxn: we do not sample more than maxn, if maxn <= minn, we do not check convergence.
    precision: we stop integration when it converges below this value
    Other parameters are for cross section

    v0 = np.sqrt(np.pi/8)*vmean
    params = (minb, classical_th,
              tol, eval_L, max_L,
              method, tol_convergence, max_itr,
              xtol_root, rtol_root,
              atol_ode, rtol_ode)

    # First minn sampling
    nodes, weights = roots_laguerre(minn)
    integ_arr = list(map(lambda i: np.sqrt(8/np.pi)*v0*weights[i]*nodes[i]*xsect(mX, mphi, alphaX, np.sqrt(2*nodes[i])*v0, sign, *params), range(minn)))
    integ = sum(integ_arr)

    if maxn > minn:
        # add sampling points until convergence
        integ_err = 1.0

        for n in np.arange(minn+1, maxn+1,1):
            nodes, weights = roots_laguerre(n)
            integ_old = integ
            integ_arr = list(map(lambda i: np.sqrt(8/np.pi)*v0*weights[i]*nodes[i]*xsect(mX, mphi, alphaX, np.sqrt(2*nodes[i])*v0, sign, *params), range(n)))
            integ = sum(integ_arr)
            integ_err = np.abs(integ-integ_old)/integ_old

            if integ_err < precision:
    return integ
コード例 #3
 def laguerre(function, order, *args, **kwargs):
     Evaluate integral of <function> object, of 1 variable and parameters:
         integral[0, +infinity] {dx exp(-x) function(x, **args)} 
     :function  <function> f(x, *args, **kwargs)
     :order     <int>   order of the quadrature
             or <tuple> (order, alpha) where alpha is float for the associated 
                           Laguerre integration (dx x^alpha exp(-x) *f(x))
     *args and **kwargs will be passed to the function (check argument introduction
         in case of several function management)
     if not order in GaussianQuadrature._roots_weights_Laguerre:
         if isinstance(order, tuple):
             x_i, w_i = roots_genlaguerre(order[0], alpha=order[1])
             x_i, w_i = roots_laguerre(order, mu=False)
         GaussianQuadrature._roots_weights_Laguerre[order] = (x_i, w_i)
         x_i, w_i = GaussianQuadrature._roots_weights_Laguerre.get(order)
     # integral = 0.0
     # for i in range(len(x_i)):
     #     integral += w_i[i] * function(x_i[i], *args, **kwargs)
     integral = np.dot(w_i, function(x_i, *args, **kwargs))
     #print("order", order, "=",integral)
     return integral
コード例 #4
ファイル: ray.py プロジェクト: rossjjennings/cubit
def gauss_laguerre(n):
    Gauss-Laguerre quadrature:
    A rule of order 2*n-1 on the ray with respect to
    the weight function w(x) = exp(-x).
    return special.roots_laguerre(n)
コード例 #5
def gauss_laguerre_quadrature(f, conversion, N):

    x, w = roots_laguerre(N)

    #need to become e^(-x)
    x = x * conversion
    w = w * conversion

    return sum(f(x) * w)
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_orthogonal.py プロジェクト: alchemyst/scipy
def test_roots_laguerre():
    weightf = orth.laguerre(5).weight_func
    verify_gauss_quad(sc.roots_laguerre, orth.eval_laguerre, weightf, 0., np.inf, 5)
    verify_gauss_quad(sc.roots_laguerre, orth.eval_laguerre, weightf, 0., np.inf,
                      25, atol=1e-13)
    verify_gauss_quad(sc.roots_laguerre, orth.eval_laguerre, weightf, 0., np.inf,
                      100, atol=1e-12)

    x, w = sc.roots_laguerre(5, False)
    y, v, m = sc.roots_laguerre(5, True)
    assert_allclose(x, y, 1e-14, 1e-14)
    assert_allclose(w, v, 1e-14, 1e-14)

    muI, muI_err = integrate.quad(weightf, 0, np.inf)
    assert_allclose(m, muI, rtol=muI_err)

    assert_raises(ValueError, sc.roots_laguerre, 0)
    assert_raises(ValueError, sc.roots_laguerre, 3.3)
コード例 #7
def _cached_roots_laguerre(n):
    Cache roots_laguerre results to speed up calls of the fixed_quad
    if n in _cached_roots_laguerre_cache:
        return _cached_roots_laguerre_cache[n]

    _cached_roots_laguerre_cache[n] = roots_laguerre(n)
    return _cached_roots_laguerre_cache[n]
コード例 #8
ファイル: ray.py プロジェクト: rossjjennings/cubit
def exponential(n, scale=1):
    Gauss-Laguerre quadrature:
    A rule of order 2*n-1 on the ray with respect to the PDF of an
    exponential distribution with arbitrary scale.
    nodes, weights = special.roots_laguerre(n)
    nodes = scale * nodes

    return nodes, weights
コード例 #9
def test_gausslaguerre():
    compar own implementation aginst scipy.special
    N = 20
    w, r = GaussLaguerre(N)
    r_e, w_e = roots_laguerre(N)
    res_w = np.abs(w - w_e)
    res_r = np.abs(r - r_e)
    assert np.max(res_w) == pytest.approx(0, abs=10**-5)
    assert np.max(res_r) == pytest.approx(0)
コード例 #10
def splitPlus(dicSAM, clsEOS):

    iERR = 0

    nUser = clsEOS.NU  #-- Component Number of the User Plus Fraction
    nComp = clsEOS.NC  #-- Component Number of Heaviest Pseudo
    nSamp = clsEOS.NS  #-- Number of Samples
    nSplt = clsEOS.NP  #-- Number of Pseudo-Components (=NC-NU+1)

    #print("splitPlus: nUser,nComp,nSamp,nSplt ",nUser,nComp,nSamp,nSplt)

    cPlus = clsEOS.gPP("CN", nUser - 1)  #-- Name of the User Plus Fraction
    cPlus = procPlusFracName(nUser - 1, cPlus,
                             clsEOS)  #-- If already split, process-name

    #print("splitPlus: cPlus ",cPlus)

    #  Gauss-Laguerre Zeros (xZ) and Weights (wT) depending on Num Pseudos
    #  Now using Scipy Special Function to get Zeros & Weights

    xZ, wT = SS.roots_laguerre(nSplt)

    #-- Whitson Rule: Heaviest Pseudo = MIN(500,2.5*max-Plus-Frac) ------

    maxMw = 0.0
    for iS in range(nSamp):
        maxMw = max(maxMw, dicSAM[iS].mPlus)

    maxMw = min(2.5 * maxMw, 500.0)

    #-- eta = Min Mole Wt in Plus Frac, i.e. if C7+ => Mw(C6+1/2) -------

    eta = clsEOS.gPP("MW", nUser - 2) + 6.0  #-- Penultimate Comp + 6.0 A.U.
    beta0 = (maxMw - eta) / xZ[nSplt - 1]  #-- Eqn.(3.33)

    #  alfa - User alpha-Coeff (defaulted to 1.0 if not sepcified)
    #  mObs - User Plus Fraction Mole Weight
    #  delt - Eqn.(3.34)
    #  gama - The Gamma Function - now use Scipy Special Function

    alfa = NP.zeros(nSamp)
    mObs = NP.zeros(nSamp)
    delt = NP.zeros(nSamp)
    gama = NP.zeros(nSamp)

    for iSam in range(nSamp):
        clsSAM = dicSAM[iSam]
        if clsSAM.aPlus < 1.0E-06: clsSAM.aPlus = 1.0
        alfa[iSam] = clsSAM.aPlus
        mObs[iSam] = clsSAM.mPlus
        delt[iSam] = exp(alfa[iSam] * beta0 / (mObs[iSam] - eta) - 1.0)
        gama[iSam] = SS.gamma(alfa[iSam])

#  mSpl - Pseudo-Component Mole Weights, Eqn.(3.32)
#  fCon - "Constant" part (no delt-dependence) of Eqn.(3.30)

    mSpl = NP.zeros(nSplt)
    fCon = NP.zeros((nSamp, nSplt))

    for iSpl in range(nSplt):
        mSpl[iSpl] = eta + beta0 * xZ[iSpl]
        for iSam in range(nSamp):
            expO = (alfa[iSam] - 1.0) / gama[iSam]
            fCon[iSam][iSpl] = pow(xZ[iSpl], expO)

    #print("mSpl ",mSpl)
    #print("fCon ",fCon)

#-- Adjust the delta's to match the Measured Mole Weight by Sample --

    delt, zSpl = matchAllDelta(alfa, delt, mObs, mSpl, wT, xZ, fCon)

    #-- Ensure the sample plus fraction compositions normalise ----------

    sumZ = NP.zeros(nSamp)

    for iSam in range(nSamp):
        iOffs = nUser - 1
        for iSp in range(nSplt):
            sumZ[iSam] = sumZ[iSam] + zSpl[iSam][iSp]
        sPls = dicSAM[iSam].sComp[nUser - 1]
        #print("sumZ,sPls ",sumZ[iSa],sPls)
        sPls = sPls / sumZ[iSam]
        for iSp in range(nSplt):
            dicSAM[iSam].sZI(iOffs, sPls * zSpl[iSam][iSp])
            iOffs += 1
            #print("iSa,iSp,sTst ",iSa,iSp,sTst)

#== Now, check the specific gravities against Soreide correlation =====

    nPlus = 0
    fPlus = 0.0
    zPlus = NP.zeros(nSplt)
    gPlus = NP.zeros(nSplt)

    for iSam in range(nSamp):
        sPlus = dicSAM[iSam].sPlus
        if sPlus > 0.0:
            for iSpl in range(nSplt):
                zPlus[iSpl] = zSpl[iSam][iSpl]
            fCThs = adjustFC(nSplt, zPlus, mSpl, sPlus)
            nPlus = nPlus + 1
            fPlus = fPlus + fCThs

    if nPlus > 0:
        fCavg = fPlus / float(nPlus)
        for iSpl in range(nSplt):
            gPlus[iSpl] = soreideSpcG(mSpl[iSpl], fCavg)
        #print("gPlus ",gPlus)
            "No Plus Fraction Specific Gravities for Any of the Samples - Error"
        iERR = -1
        return iERR

#== Now can define the Pseudo-Component Properties ====================

    iC = nUser - 1
    for iSpl in range(nSplt):
        molWt = mSpl[iSpl]
        SpecG = gPlus[iSpl]
        heavyComp(molWt, SpecG, iC, clsEOS)
        cName = cPlus + "P" + str(iSpl + 1)
        clsEOS.sPP("CN", iC, cName)
        iC += 1

#  End of Routine

    return iERR
コード例 #11
def mean_xsectv_tu_intf(mX, mphi, alphaX, vmean, sign, width_sm,
                        minn=10, maxn=15,
                        minb=0.1, classical_th = 10,
                        tol=1e-2, eval_L=2, max_L=260,
                        method='RK45', tol_convergence=0.01, max_itr=100,
                        xtol_root=1e-4, rtol_root=1e-4,
                        atol_ode=1e-4, rtol_ode=1e-5,
                        n_width=100, eval_N_peak=500, tol_peak=1e-3, h=1e-1, eval_N=5, tol_trp=1e-2, tol_quad=1e-2):
    Calculate t+u corss section and interference btw s- and t+u channel simultaneously
    For the t-channel resonance region, this function reduces the computation time.

    v0 = np.sqrt(np.pi/8)*vmean
    vRsq = mphi**2/mX**2 - 4

    b = alphaX*mX/mphi

    # If s-ch resonance exists or in Born region
    if vRsq > 0 or b < minb:
        params = (mX, mphi, alphaX, vmean, sign, minn, maxn,
                  minb, classical_th,
                  tol, eval_L, max_L,
                  method, tol_convergence, max_itr,
                  xtol_root, rtol_root,
                  atol_ode, rtol_ode)
        xsectv_t = mean_xsectv(*params)

        #interference btw. s- and t-(u-) channel
        params=(mX, mphi, alphaX, vmean, sign, width_sm,
                n_width, eval_N_peak, tol_peak, h, eval_N, tol_trp,
                minn, maxn, tol_quad,
                None, minb,
                tol, eval_L, max_L,
                method, tol_convergence, max_itr,
                xtol_root, rtol_root,
                atol_ode, rtol_ode)
        xsectv_intf = mean_xsectv_intf(*params)

        return xsectv_t + xsectv_intf

    # In t-ch resonance region
        other_params = (tol, eval_L,  max_L,
                        method, tol_convergence, max_itr,
                        xtol_root, rtol_root,
                        atol_ode, rtol_ode)
        integ_err = 1.0
        integ = 1.0
        for n in np.arange(minn, maxn+1, 1):
            integ_old = integ
            nodes, weights = roots_laguerre(n)
            integ_t_arr = np.array([])
            integ_intf_arr = np.array([])

            # For each nodes of Quadrature
            for i in range(n):
                v = np.sqrt(2*nodes[i]) * v0
                a = v/(2*alphaX)

                if mX*v/mphi < classical_th:
                    # t+u channel
                    xsectk2_t = xsectk2_part_wave(a, b, sign, *other_params)
                    xsect_t = xsectk2_t[0]*16*np.pi/v**2/mX**2
                    delta_arr_input = xsectk2_t[-1]
                    #print delta_arr_input
                    integ_t_arr = np.append(integ_t_arr, np.sqrt(8/np.pi)*v0*weights[i]*nodes[i]*xsect_t)
                    # Interference term
                    xsect_intf = xsect_intf_part_wave(mX, mphi, alphaX, v, sign, width_sm, delta_arr_input, *other_params)[0]
                    integ_intf_arr = np.append(integ_intf_arr, np.sqrt(8/np.pi)*v0*weights[i]*nodes[i]*xsect_intf)
                    xsect_t = xsect_clas(mX, mphi, alphaX, v, sign)
                    integ_t_arr = np.append(integ_t_arr, np.sqrt(8/np.pi)*v0*weights[i]*nodes[i]*xsect_t)

                    #interference btw. s- and t-(u-) channel
                    xsect_intf = xsect_intf_part_wave(mX, mphi, alphaX, v, sign, width_sm, None, *other_params)[0]
                    integ_intf_arr = np.append(integ_intf_arr, np.sqrt(8/np.pi)*v0*weights[i]*nodes[i]*xsect_intf)
            integ = np.sum(integ_t_arr + integ_intf_arr)

            if maxn > minn:
                # add sampling points until convergence
                integ_err = np.abs(integ-integ_old)/integ_old

                if integ_err < precision:

        return integ
コード例 #12
def mean_xsectv_intf(mX, mphi, alphaX, vmean, sign, width_sm,
                     n_width=100, eval_N_peak=500, tol_peak=1e-3, h=1e-1, eval_N=5, tol_trp=1e-2,
                     minn=10, maxn=15, tol_quad=1e-2,
                     delta_arr_input=None, minb=0.1, 
                     tol=1e-2, eval_L=2, max_L=260,
                     method='RK45', tol_convergence=0.01, max_itr=100,
                     xtol_root=1e-4, rtol_root=1e-4,
                     atol_ode=1e-4, rtol_ode=1e-5):
    Return <\sigma v>, assuming Boltzmann distribution.
    Note: the input velocity is vmean, <v> = 2\sqrt(2/pi)v0, not v0.

    n_width: if the resonance exists, we integrate around the peak with intercal h=(half width)/n_width
    eval_N_peak: for iteration > eval_N_peak, we evaluate convergence
    tol_peak: tolerance for the integration around the resonance

    h: the integration interval outside the resonance
    eval_N: for iteration > eval_N, we evaluate convergence
    tol_trp: tolerance of this region
    other_params = (delta_arr_input, minb,
                    tol, eval_L,  max_L,
                    method, tol_convergence, max_itr,
                    xtol_root, rtol_root,
                    atol_ode, rtol_ode)
    v0 = np.sqrt(np.pi/8)*vmean
    vRsq = mphi**2/mX**2 - 4

    if vRsq >= 0:
        # Integraion with mediator resonance
        vR = np.sqrt(vRsq)
        wR = alphaX*vR**3/8 + mphi*width_sm/mX**2 # width around peak

        # We first integrate the narrow region around the peak
        # we use x, v=sqrt(2)v0*x
        xR = vR/np.sqrt(2)/v0 
        width_xR = np.sqrt(2.)*wR/4.0/vR/v0 # half width around xR
        max_peak_width = (wR/2.0/v0**2)**2/2.0/xR / 5.0 # We integrate around the peak at most [xR-max_peak_width, xR+max_peak_width]
        h_peak = width_xR/n_width # intagration interval around the peak
        integ_arr = np.array([h_peak*4*np.sqrt(2/np.pi)*v0*xR**3*np.exp(-xR**2)*xsect_intf(mX, mphi, alphaX, np.sqrt(2)*v0*xR, sign, width_sm, *other_params)])
        xs = np.arange(xR+h_peak, xR+max_peak_width, h_peak)
        for i, x in enumerate(xs):
            integ_arr = np.append(integ_arr, h_peak*4*np.sqrt(2/np.pi)*v0*x**3*np.exp(-x**2)*xsect_intf(mX, mphi, alphaX, np.sqrt(2)*v0*x, sign, width_sm, *other_params))
            x = xR - (i+1)*h_peak
            integ_arr = np.append(integ_arr, h_peak*4*np.sqrt(2/np.pi)*v0*x**3*np.exp(-x**2)*xsect_intf(mX, mphi, alphaX, np.sqrt(2)*v0*x, sign, width_sm, *other_params))
            if i>eval_N_peak:
                eval_err = np.sum(integ_arr[-eval_N:])/np.sum(integ_arr[:-eval_N])
                if eval_err < tol_peak: break

        # Then we integrate outside the peak
        # We do not care the overlap on peak by taking the integration interval
        # larger than max_peak_width
        if h < max_peak_width:
            h = max_peak_width

        # Peak of x^3exp(-x^2)
        xGauss_peak = np.sqrt(3.0/2.0)

        # Points at which x^3exp(-x^2) beceoms 10^-3 smaller than the peak value
        xi = 0.074428
        xf = 3.3849

        # integration for x < xGauss_peak
        xs = np.arange(xGauss_peak, xi, -h)
        integ_arr_low = np.array([])
        for i, x in enumerate(xs):
            integ_arr_low = np.append(integ_arr_low, h*4*np.sqrt(2/np.pi)*v0*x**3*np.exp(-x**2)*xsect_intf(mX, mphi, alphaX, np.sqrt(2)*v0*x, sign, width_sm, *other_params))

            if i>eval_N:
                eval_err = np.sum(integ_arr_low[-eval_N:])/np.sum(integ_arr_low[:-eval_N])
                if eval_err < tol_trp: break

        # integraion for x > xGauss_peak
        xs = np.arange(xGauss_peak+h, xf, h)
        integ_arr_high = np.array([])
        for i, x in enumerate(xs):
            integ_arr_high = np.append(integ_arr_high, h*4*np.sqrt(2/np.pi)*v0*x**3*np.exp(-x**2)*xsect_intf(mX, mphi, alphaX, np.sqrt(2)*v0*x, sign, width_sm, *other_params))

            if i>eval_N:
                eval_err = np.sum(integ_arr_high[-eval_N:])/np.sum(integ_arr_high[:-eval_N])
                if eval_err < tol_trp: break
        return np.sum(integ_arr) + np.sum(integ_arr_low) + np.sum(integ_arr_high)
        # integraion without resonance
        # First minn sampling
        nodes, weights = roots_laguerre(minn)
        integ_arr = list(map(lambda i: np.sqrt(8/np.pi)*v0*weights[i]*nodes[i]*xsect_intf(mX, mphi, alphaX, np.sqrt(2*nodes[i])*v0, sign, width_sm, *other_params), range(minn)))
        integ = sum(integ_arr)

        if maxn > minn:
            # add sampling points until convergence
            integ_err = 1.0

            for n in np.arange(minn+1, maxn+1,1):
                nodes, weights = roots_laguerre(n)
                integ_old = integ
                integ_arr = list(map(lambda i: np.sqrt(8/np.pi)*v0*weights[i]*nodes[i]*xsect_intf(mX, mphi, alphaX, np.sqrt(2*nodes[i])*v0, sign, width_sm, *other_params), range(minn)))
                integ = sum(integ_arr)
                integ_err = np.abs(integ-integ_old)/integ_old

                if integ_err < tol_quad:

        return integ
コード例 #13
def root(N):  #zeros laguerre
    a = roots_laguerre(N)[0]
    return a
コード例 #14
parsec = 3.08568025e+18  # cm
El = ['h','he','li','be','b','c','n','o','f','ne','na', \
    'mg','al','si','p','s','cl','ar','k','ca','sc','ti', \
Ionstage = ['I','II','III','IV','V','VI','VII','VIII','IX','X','XI','XII','XIII', \
    'XIV','XV','XVI','XVII','XVIII','XIX','XX','XXI',' XXII','XXIII','XXIV', \
Spd = ['S', 'P', 'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'Q', 'R', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', \
       'X','Y', 'Z', 'A','B', 'C', 'S1', 'P1', 'D1', 'E1', 'F1', 'G1', 'H1', 'I1', 'K1', 'L1', \
       'M1', 'N1', 'O1', 'Q1', 'R1', 'T1', 'U1', 'V1', 'W1','X1','Y1', 'Z1', 'A1','B1', 'C1']
#  data for Gauss-Laguerre integration
ngl = 12
zgl = special.roots_laguerre(ngl)
xgl = zgl[0]
wgl = zgl[1]

#ngl =  12
#xgl = np.asarray([0.115722117358021,0.611757484515131,1.512610269776419,2.833751337743509
#    ,4.599227639418353,6.844525453115181,9.621316842456871,13.006054993306350
#    ,17.116855187462260,22.151090379396983,28.487967250983992,37.099121044466926], 'float64')
#wgl = np.asarray([2.647313710554435e-01,3.777592758731382e-01,2.440820113198774e-01,9.044922221168074e-02
#    ,2.010238115463406e-02,2.663973541865321e-03,2.032315926629993e-04,8.365055856819753e-06
#    ,1.668493876540914e-07,1.342391030515027e-09,3.061601635035012e-12,8.148077467426124e-16], 'float64')
コード例 #15
ファイル: run_guassquad.py プロジェクト: Ovewh/Computilus
    nstart = args.n
    if nstart != 1:
        nstart = nstart -1
    output = args.output
    resultLeg = []
    errorLeg = []
    resultLag = []
    errorLag = []
    timeLeg = []
    timeLag = []
    Ns = []
    for n in range(nstart,N+1):
        print('Running for N = {}'.format(n))

        xleg, wleg = leggauss(n)
        xlag, wlag = roots_laguerre(n)

        leQuad = gQuad(xleg,xlag,wleg,wlag)
        timer = timeit.Timer(lambda: leQuad.integrate_legrende(-2,2))
        time = timer.timeit(1)
        timer = timeit.Timer(lambda: leQuad.integrate_laguerre())
        time = timer.timeit(1)
コード例 #16
def root(x):  #zeros laguerre
    a = roots_laguerre(x)[0]
    return a
コード例 #17
ファイル: gaussQuad.py プロジェクト: Ovewh/Computilus
                for l in prange(N):
                    for m in prange(N):
                        for n in prange(N):
                            x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 = xm*x[i]+xl, xm*x[j]+xl, xm*x[k]+xl, xm*x[l]+xl, xm*x[m]+xl, xm*x[n]+xl
                            exp1 = -2*alpha*np.sqrt(x1*x1+ y1*y1 + z1*z1)
                            exp2 = -2*alpha*np.sqrt(x2*x2+y2*y2+z2*z2)
                            deno = np.sqrt((x1-x2)**2 + (y1-y2)**2 + (z1-z2)**2)
                            weight = w[i]*w[j]*w[k]*w[l]*w[m]*w[n]

                            if deno > 10**-10:
                                totalSum += weight*np.exp(exp1+ exp2)/deno

    return totalSum*((b-a)*0.5)**6

if __name__ == "__main__":
    leg, legw = leggauss(31)
    lag, lagw = roots_laguerre(31)
    quad = gQuad(leg,lag, legw,lagw)
    result_leg = quad.integrate_legrende(-2,2)
    result_lag = quad.integrate_laguerre()

    analytical = 5*np.pi**2/16**2
    error_lag = analytical - result_lag
    error_leg = analytical - result_leg

    print('Analytical: {:.5f}'.format(analytical))
    print('Result laguerre: {:.5f}'.format(result_lag))
    print('Result legendre: {:.5f}'.format(result_leg))
    print('Error leguerre: {:.5f}'.format(error_lag))
    print('Error legendre: {:.5f}'.format(error_leg))
コード例 #18
#krok z jest stosunkowo niewielki, aby w przejrzysty sposob pokazac przebieg całki

#zakres calki
#a = 0
#b = np.Infinity
#nie bedzie konieczne definiowanie zakresu calki wynika to bezposrednio
#ze specyfikacji scipy.special.roots_laguerre

#ilość wezłów
#ilosc wybrana przy pomocy wolframalpha oraz obliczenia I_n dla przykładowych wartości z z zakresu [0.5,2.5],
# gdzie I_n += ai[i]*function1(z, ti[i]) dla wybranych kilku próbnych z
n = 20

#wezły oraz współczynniki kwadratury Gaussa- Laguerre'a
ti, ai = roots_laguerre(n)

#pomocnicza pusta tablica
calki = []

print("  z  ", "Obliczona całka")
for j in range(len(z)):
    I_n = 0
    for i in range(len(ai)):
        I_n += ai[i] * function1(z[j], ti[i])

for i in range(len(calki)):
    print("%1.2f %18.15f" % (z[i], calki[i]))

#wartość minimalna całki
コード例 #19
def laguerreRoots(self, n):
    return special.roots_laguerre(n)