コード例 #1
ファイル: squapi.py プロジェクト: ysato-g/squapi-cpu
def GammaDLT0(t, kappa, Omega, diff=0):
    The decoherence function of the Drude-Lorentz cutoff for T = 0.  
    See Eq.(A9) of Sato J.Chem.Phys.150(2019)224108
    diff   = 0    : the order of differentiation with respect to time 
    cosh = np.cosh(Omega * t)
    sinh = np.sinh(Omega * t)
    # Note: Shi(z) = shici(z)[0] and Chi(z) = shici(z)[1]
    Shi = shichi(Omega * t)[0]
    Chi = shichi(Omega * t)[1]
    if diff == 0:
        val = sinh * Shi - cosh * Chi
        val += EulerGamma + np.log(Omega * t)
        return kappa * val
    elif diff == 1:
        val = cosh * Shi - sinh * Chi
        return kappa * Omega * val
    elif diff == 2:
        val = sinh * Shi - cosh * Chi
        return kappa * Omega**2 * val
        return 0
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_sici.py プロジェクト: HabiburRahman1/scipy
def test_shichi_consistency():
    # Make sure the implementation of shichi for real arguments agrees
    # with the implementation of shichi for complex arguments.

    # On the negative real axis Cephes drops the imaginary part in chi
    def shichi(x):
        shi, chi = sc.shichi(x + 0j)
        return shi.real, chi.real

    # Overflow happens quickly, so limit range
    x = np.r_[-np.logspace(np.log10(700), -30, 200), 0, np.logspace(-30, 2, np.log10(700))]
    shi, chi = sc.shichi(x)
    dataset = np.column_stack((x, shi, chi))
    FuncData(shichi, dataset, 0, (1, 2), rtol=1e-14).check()
コード例 #3
def test_shichi_consistency():
    # Make sure the implementation of shichi for real arguments agrees
    # with the implementation of shichi for complex arguments.

    # On the negative real axis Cephes drops the imaginary part in chi
    def shichi(x):
        shi, chi = sc.shichi(x + 0j)
        return shi.real, chi.real

    # Overflow happens quickly, so limit range
    x = np.r_[-np.logspace(np.log10(700), -30, 200), 0,
              np.logspace(-30, np.log10(700), 200)]
    shi, chi = sc.shichi(x)
    dataset = np.column_stack((x, shi, chi))
    FuncData(shichi, dataset, 0, (1, 2), rtol=1e-14).check()
コード例 #4
def exparg(h, k=k1, tb=tbath):
    Argument of the exponentials in the solution of the MCE equation where the magnetic field dependence of the heat capacity C is taken into account.
    See Wolfram alpha for a human readable version of the solution of the equation

    h : array
        Reduced magnetic field H/Hc0.
    k : scalar, optional
        Prefactor of the second term in the RHS of the equation. The default is k1.
    tb : scalar, optional
        Reduced bath temperature Tbat/Tc0. The default is tbath.

    y : array
        Final computed quantity.

    y = - k * tb * shichi(2*h/tb)[0] + \
        k * tb**2 / (2*h) * (1 + np.cosh(2*h/tb))
    return y
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_sici.py プロジェクト: BranYang/scipy
 def shichi(x):
     shi, chi = sc.shichi(x + 0j)
     return shi.real, chi.real
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_mpmath.py プロジェクト: 7islands/scipy
 def chi(x):
     return sc.shichi(x)[1]
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_mpmath.py プロジェクト: 7islands/scipy
 def shi(x):
     return sc.shichi(x)[0]
コード例 #8
 def chi(x):
     return sc.shichi(x)[1]
コード例 #9
 def shi(x):
     return sc.shichi(x)[0]
コード例 #10
 def shichi(x):
     shi, chi = sc.shichi(x + 0j)
     return shi.real, chi.real
コード例 #11
ファイル: fun2search.py プロジェクト: yixin-09/Bea2Conda
#add EAGT 12 gsl functions
gsl_airy_ai = lambda t: sf.airy_Ai(t, 0)
bessely1 = lambda t: bessely(1, t)
bessely0 = lambda t: bessely(0, t)
besselj1 = lambda t: besselj(1, t)
besselj0 = lambda t: besselj(0, t)
legendre3 = lambda t: legendre(3, t)
legendre2 = lambda t: legendre(2, t)
pyairyai = lambda z: sc.airy(z)[0]
pybessely1 = sc.y1
pybessely0 = sc.y0
pybesselj1 = sc.j1
pybesselj0 = sc.j0
pychi = lambda z: sc.shichi(z)[1]
pyeta = lambda x: (1.0-math.pow(2.0,1.0-x))*sc.zeta(x,1)
pygamma = sc.gamma
pyci = lambda z:sc.sici(z)[1]
pyloggamma = lambda z: (sc.loggamma(z)).real
pylegendre3 = lambda x: sc.eval_legendre(3, x)
pylegendre2 = lambda x: sc.eval_legendre(2, x)
rf_12_l = [airyai,bessely1,bessely0,besselj1,besselj0,chi,altzeta,gamma,ci,loggamma,legendre3,legendre2]
gf_12_l = [gsl_airy_ai,sf.bessel_Y1,sf.bessel_Y0,sf.bessel_J1,sf.bessel_J0,sf.Chi,sf.eta,sf.gamma,sf.Ci,sf.lngamma,sf.legendre_P3,sf.legendre_P2]
pf_12_l = [pyairyai,pybessely1,pybessely0,pybesselj1,pybesselj0,pychi,pyeta,pygamma,pyci,pyloggamma,pylegendre3,pylegendre2]
input_domain_12 = [[[-823549.6645, 102]],[[1.0, 1.7e10]],[[1.0, 1.7e10]],[[0, 1.7e+100]],[[0, 1.7e+100]],[[0, 700]],[[-168, 100]],[[-168, 168]],[[1.0, 823549]],[[0.0, 1000.0]],[[-1.7976931348623157e+10, 1.7976931348623157e+10]],[[-1.7976931348623157e+10, 1.7976931348623157e+10]]]
input_domain_12_py = [[[-823549.6645, 102]],[[1.0, 1.7e10]],[[1.0, 1.7e10]],[[0, 1.7e+100]],[[0, 1.7e+100]],[[0, 700]],[[1, 100]],[[0, 168]],[[1.0, 823549]],[[0.0, 1000.0]],[[-1.7976931348623157e+10, 1.7976931348623157e+10]],[[-1.7976931348623157e+10, 1.7976931348623157e+10]]]
# The iteration number
n_r_iter = 20
mp.pre = 200
x = 1.2414480316687057e+40