コード例 #1
ファイル: bgmm.py プロジェクト: johnlees/PopPUNK
def log_likelihood(X, weights, means, covars, scale):
    """modified sklearn GMM function predicting distribution membership

    Returns the mixture LL for points X. Used by :func:`~assign_samples` and

        X (numpy.array)
            n x 2 array of core and accessory distances for n samples
        weights (numpy.array)
            Component weights from :func:`~fit2dMultiGaussian`
        means (numpy.array)
            Component means from :func:`~fit2dMultiGaussian`
        covars (numpy.array)
            Component covariances from :func:`~fit2dMultiGaussian`
        scale (numpy.array)
            Scaling of core and accessory distances from :func:`~fit2dMultiGaussian`
        logprob (numpy.array)
            The log of the probabilities under the mixture model
        lpr (numpy.array)
            The components of the log probability from each mixture component

    lpr = (log_multivariate_normal_density(X / scale, means, covars) +
    logprob = sp_logsumexp(lpr, axis=1)

    return (logprob, lpr)
コード例 #2
ファイル: infotheo.py プロジェクト: arnab0000/Internships
def logsumexp(a, axis=None):
    Compute the log of the sum of exponentials log(e^{a_1}+...e^{a_n}) of a

    Avoids numerical overflow.

    a : array_like
        The vector to exponentiate and sum
    axis : int, optional
        The axis along which to apply the operation.  Defaults is None.


    This function was taken from the mailing list

    This should be superceded by the ufunc when it is finished.
    if axis is None:
        # Use the scipy.maxentropy version.
        return sp_logsumexp(a)
    a = np.asarray(a)
    shp = list(a.shape)
    shp[axis] = 1
    a_max = a.max(axis=axis)
    s = np.log(np.exp(a - a_max.reshape(shp)).sum(axis=axis))
    lse = a_max + s
    return lse
コード例 #3
def PDI(trace, model):
    log_px = _log_post_trace(trace, model)  # shape (nsamples, N_datapoints)

    # log posterior predictive density of data point n
    #  = E_{q(\theta)} p(x_n|\theta)
    lppd_n = sp_logsumexp(log_px, axis=0, b=1.0 / log_px.shape[0])

    mu_n = np.exp(lppd_n)

    var_log_n = np.var(log_px, axis=0)

    mu_log_n = np.mean(log_px, axis=0)

    var_n = np.var(np.exp(log_px), axis=0)

    pdi = np.divide(var_n, mu_n)
    pdi_log = np.divide(var_log_n, mu_log_n)

    wapdi = np.divide(var_log_n, np.log(mu_n))

    return pdi, pdi_log, wapdi