コード例 #1
def KMR_Markov_matrix_simultaneous(N, p, epsilon):
    Generate the Markov matrix for the KMR model with *simultaneous* move

    N : int
        Number of players

    p : float
        Level of p-dominance of action 1, i.e.,
        the value of p such that action 1 is the BR for (1-q, q) for any q > p,
        where q (1-q, resp.) is the prob that the opponent plays action 1 (0, resp.)

    epsilon : float
        Probability of mutation

    P : numpy.ndarray
        Markov matrix for the KMR model with simultaneous move

    For simplicity, the transition probabilities are computed under the assumption
    that a player is allowed to be matched to play with himself.

    P = np.empty((N+1, N+1), dtype=float)
    for n in range(N+1):
        P[n, :] = \
            (n/N < p) * binom.pmf(range(N+1), N, epsilon/2) + \
            (n/N == p) * binom.pmf(range(N+1), N, 1/2) + \
            (n/N > p) * binom.pmf(range(N+1), N, 1-epsilon/2)
    return P
コード例 #2
ファイル: binomial.py プロジェクト: nickyj88/fantasy_football
def nextround(playpos, dround):
    thisround = weightmatrix.playpos.filter(round == dround)
    nextround = weightmatrix.playpos.filter(round == dround+1)
    ##Setting picks by round
    if dRound % 2 == 0:
        m = 8
        n = 4
        m = 10
        n = 5
    ##Calculating weights based on binomial probability
    if dRound % 2 == 0:
    	pickprob = []
    	for i in range(m+1):
        	prob = 0
        	for l in range(max(0,i-4),min(4,i)+1):
            	prob = prob + binom.pmf(l,n,thisround)*binom.pmf(i-l,m-n,nextround)
        pickprob = []
    	for i in range(m+1):
        	prob = 0
        	for l in range(max(0,i-5),min(5,i)+1):
            	prob = prob + binom.pmf(l,n,thisround)*binom.pmf(i-l,m-n,nextround)
    ##Setting probabilities to be cumulative, i.e. now it will describe the probability that
    ##that player will still be available by next round
    for i in range(1,len(pickprob)):
    	pickprob[i] = pickprob[i-1] + pickprob[i]
    return pickprob
コード例 #3
def plotMLE():
   Plots a binomial distribution, and another with parameters estimated from samples
   from the first distribution.
    # Number of samples
    NumSamples = 10

    # Number of independent experiments
    N = 10

    # Probability of success
    mu = 0.2

    # Plot the true binomial distribution
    x = xrange(N + 1)
    plt.plot(binom.pmf(x, N, mu), label="True Distribution")

    # Estimate the success probability from samples
    muML = sum(np.random.binomial(N, mu, NumSamples)) * 1.0 / N / NumSamples

    # Plot the maximum likelihood distribution
    plt.plot(binom.pmf(x, N, muML), label="MLE")

コード例 #4
ファイル: KMR.py プロジェクト: S-Nakada/HW2014
def KMR_2x2_P_simultaneous(N, p, epsilon):
          P = np.empty((N+1, N+1), dtype=float)
          for x in range(N+1):
            P[x,:]  = / 
                 (x/N < p) * binom.pmf(range(N+1), N, epsilon/2) + / 
                 (x/N == p) * binom.pmf(range(N+1), N, 1/2) + /      
                 (x/N > p) * binom.pmf(range(N+1), N, 1-epsilon/2) +/
コード例 #5
 def set_move(self):
     self.X = np.zeros((self.n+1,self.n+1))
     if self.mode == 'sequential':  # 逐次改訂
         expay0 = np.empty(2) 
         expay1 = np.empty(2) 
         for k in range(1,self.n):
             expay0[0] = self.one_pay[0][0]*(self.n-k-1)/(self.n-1)+self.one_pay[0][1]*k/(self.n-1)
             expay0[1] = self.one_pay[1][0]*(self.n-k-1)/(self.n-1)+self.one_pay[1][1]*k/(self.n-1)
             expay1[0] = self.one_pay[0][0]*(self.n-k)/(self.n-1)+self.one_pay[0][1]*(k-1)/(self.n-1)
             expay1[1] = self.one_pay[1][0]*(self.n-k)/(self.n-1)+self.one_pay[1][1]*(k-1)/(self.n-1)
             if expay1[0] > expay1[1]:
                 self.X[k][k-1]=(k/self.n)*(1-self.epsi*0.5) #k人からk-1人になる確率
             elif expay1[0]==expay1[1]:
                 self.X[k][k-1]= (k/self.n)*self.epsi*0.5
                 self.X[k][k] = (k/self.n)*(1-self.epsi*0.5)                
             if expay0[1]>expay0[0]:
                 self.X[k][k+1]=((self.n-k)/self.n)*(1-self.epsi*0.5) #k人からk+1人になる確率
                 self.X[k][k] += ((self.n-k)/self.n)*self.epsi*0.5 #X[k][k]は上でも定めているので上書きでなく加えている
             elif expay0[1]==expay0[0]:
                 self.X[k][k+1] = ((self.n-k)/self.n)*0.5
                 self.X[k][k] += ((self.n-k)/self.n)*0.5
                 self.X[k][k+1] = ((self.n-k)/self.n)*self.epsi*0.5
                 self.X[k][k] += ((self.n-k)/self.n)*(1-self.epsi*0.5)
         self.X[0][0] = 1-self.epsi*0.5
         self.X[0][1] = self.epsi*0.5
         self.X[self.n][self.n-1] = self.epsi*0.5
         self.X[self.n][self.n] = 1-self.epsi*0.5
     elif self.mode == 'simultaneous':  # 同時改訂
         for i in range(self.n+1):
         expay = np.empty(2)  
         for k in range(0,self.n+1):
             expay[0] = self.one_pay[0][0]*(self.n-k)/(self.n)+self.one_pay[0][1]*k/(self.n)
             expay[1] = self.one_pay[1][0]*(self.n-k)/(self.n)+self.one_pay[1][1]*k/(self.n)
             if expay[0] > expay[1]:
                 self.X[k] = binom.pmf(list,self.n,self.epsi)
             elif expay[0] == expay[1]:
                 self.X[k] = binom.pmf(list,self.n,0.5)
                 self.X[k] = binom.pmf(list,self.n,1-self.epsi)
         print 'The mode '+ self.mode+'is Unknown. Check your input.'
コード例 #6
def compute_posteriors(c, n, p_H1=0.5, iterations=1000, verbose=True):
    p_H2 = 1.0 - p_H1
    p_data_given_H1 = binomial_distribution.pmf(c, n, 0.5)
    if verbose: print "p(data|H_1) =", p_data_given_H1

    # Montecarlo:
    low = 0.5
    high = 1.0
    pi = np.random.uniform(low=0.5, high=1.0, size=iterations)
    p_data_given_H2 = (binomial_distribution.pmf(c, n, pi) * 1.0 / (high-low)).mean()
    if verbose: print "p(data|H_2) =", p_data_given_H2

    p_H1_given_data = (p_data_given_H1 * p_H1) / (p_data_given_H1 * p_H1 + p_data_given_H2 * p_H2)
    p_H2_given_data = (p_data_given_H2 * p_H2) / (p_data_given_H1 * p_H1 + p_data_given_H2 * p_H2)
    return p_H1_given_data, p_H2_given_data
コード例 #7
ファイル: American_binomial.py プロジェクト: lshigham/PlanB
 def calculate(self, option):
     if(option.payoffType is PayoffType.call):
         for i in range(node_number):
             spot_T = spot * (u ** (nreps - i)) * (d ** (i))
             call_T += option.payoff(spot_T, strike) * binom.pmf(nreps - i, nreps, pu)
         call_price = call_T * np.exp(-rate * expiry)
         return call_price
     elif(option.payoffType is PayoffType.put):
         for i in range(node_number):
             spot_T = spot * (u ** (nreps - i)) * (d ** (i))
             put_T += option.payoff(spot_T, strike) * binom.pmf(nreps - i, nreps, pd)
         put_price = put_T * np.exp(-rate * expiry)
         return put_price
         raise ValueError("Wrong Payoff Type")
コード例 #8
def test_remaining_gain_sample_gtps():
    n = len(ground_truth_pairs)
    gtps = sorted(gtp_scores.remaining_gain_sample_gtps(max_n=n))
    assert len(gtps) == n
    # if we draw everything the results should always be everything
    assert gtps == sorted(gtp_scores.remaining_gain_sample_gtps(max_n=n))
    # if we don't draw everything it's quite unlikely we get the same result
    gtps = gtp_scores.remaining_gain_sample_gtps(max_n=5)
    assert len(gtps) == 5
    assert gtps != gtp_scores.remaining_gain_sample_gtps(max_n=5)

    # make sure we never get items that are fully covered already
    gtp_scores.gtp_max_precisions[ground_truth_pairs[0]] = 1
    c = Counter()
    k = 100
    n = 128
    for i in range(k):
    assert ground_truth_pairs[0] not in c
    assert sum(c.values()) == k * n
    # count how many aren't in gtps
    c_not_in = 0
    for gtp in ground_truth_pairs[1:]:
        if gtp not in c:
            c_not_in += 1
    assert c_not_in < 2, \
        "it's very unlikely that 2 gtps weren't in our %d samples, " \
        "but %d are not" % (k, c_not_in)

    # near end simulation
    gtpe_scores = gtp_scores.copy_reset()
    # set all scores to 1 --> remaining gains to 0
    gtpe_scores.gtp_max_precisions = gtpe_scores.get_remaining_gains()
    high_prob, low_prob = random.sample(gtpe_scores.ground_truth_pairs, 2)
    # high and low prob refer to the remaining gains and the expected probs to
    # be selected by remaining gain samples...
    gtpe_scores.gtp_max_precisions[high_prob] = 0.1
    gtpe_scores.gtp_max_precisions[low_prob] = 0.9
    assert gtpe_scores.remaining_gain == 1
    c = Counter()
    for i in range(100):
    assert len(c) == 2
    assert sum(c.values()) == 100
    assert (binom.pmf(c[high_prob], 100, .9) > 0.001 and
            binom.pmf(c[low_prob], 100, .1) > 0.001), \
        'expected that high_prob item is drawn with a 9:1 chance, but got:\n' \
        'high: %d, low: %d' % (c[high_prob], c[low_prob])
コード例 #9
ファイル: plzf_htest.py プロジェクト: gyftdresaw/Single_Cell
def triplet_prob(Nw,t,ptriplet,psingle):
    weights = np.zeros(Nw+1)
    # number of non-singles must be greater than or equal to t
    for ns in xrange(t,Nw+1):
        weights[ns] = 1.0 - binom.cdf(t-1,ns,ptriplet)
    return sum(weights * binom.pmf(np.linspace(0,Nw,Nw+1),Nw,(1.0-psingle)))
コード例 #10
def smooth(arr, n):
    avgs = empty(len(arr))
    pm = binom.pmf(xrange(n * 2), n * 2, 0.5)
    for i in xrange(len(avgs)):
        subarr = zero_padded(arr, i - n, i + n)
        avgs[i] = sum(map(operator.mul, pm, subarr))
    return avgs
コード例 #11
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: devkake/OPTIM_TP_DP
def E_V(x, u, t, V):
	wl = list(range(0, n+1))
	wpl = np.array(binom.pmf(wl, n, p))
	xl = [f(x, u, w) for w in wl]
	vl = np.array([V[t + 1, xn] for xn in xl])
	ev = sum(wpl * vl)
	return ev
コード例 #12
ファイル: bayes_predict.py プロジェクト: befeltingu/RLDashApp
def update_figure(sample_data):

    # first sample from current posterior beta distribution
    sample_data = json.loads(sample_data)

    p = sample_data['sample']

    x_binom_pdf = np.arange(0,

    y_binom_pdf = binom.pmf(x_binom_pdf, n, p)

    trace = go.Scatter(

    layout_posterior = go.Layout(

        xaxis={'title': 'X'},
        yaxis={'title': 'Prob X', 'range': [0, 1]},
        margin={'l': 40, 'b': 40, 't': 10, 'r': 10},
        legend={'x': 0, 'y': 1}

    fig2 = dict(data=[trace], layout=layout_posterior)

    return fig2
コード例 #13
ファイル: active.py プロジェクト: thanhan/code-uai16
def get_risk1(adata, pp1, pp2, i, li, turk_uncer, r, crowd_type = 'single', pp3 = None):
    Risk after doing action 1 (query the crowd)
    with item i and get label li
    unlab_risk = get_unl_risk(adata, pp1, [i], li, r = r, pp3 = pp3)
    #for item i
    if crowd_type == 'all5':
        # generate 5 crowd labels from the crowd accuracy model:
        # assume li is the true label 
        # eval the prob that 0,1,2,..5 crowd mems say li
        pr = [[0,0],[0,0]]
        for i in range(2): 
            for j in range(2): 
                pr[i][j] = adata.count[i][j]  * 1.0 / (adata.count[i][j] + adata.count[1-i][j])
        i_risk = 0
        for x in range(6):
            p = binom.pmf(x, 5, pr[li][li])
            new_labels = [li]*x
            p_true = prob_from_crowd_label2(i, adata, pp = None, labels = new_labels)
            this_i_risk = p_true[1-li] * r[1-li][li]
            i_risk += p * this_i_risk
        new_labels = [li]
        p_true = prob_from_crowd_label2(i, adata, pp = None, labels = new_labels)
        i_risk = p_true[1-li] * r[1-li][li]
    #res += r[0][1] * pp[i][1] * (li == 0) \
    #    +  r[1][0] * pp[i][0] * (li == 1)
    # for labelled items
    #pp = pp2
    crowd_risk = get_crowd_risk(adata, pp2, turk_uncer, r = r) 
    return unlab_risk + i_risk + crowd_risk
コード例 #14
ファイル: Likelihoods.py プロジェクト: panCtrlV/mixedlogistic
def posteriorHiddenMemberProbs(data, params_old):
    :type data: Data
    :param data:
    :type params_old: Paramters
    :param params_old:
    n = data.n
    m = data.m

    memberProbs = softmaxForData(data.Xm, params_old.Alpha, params_old.a, True)
    choosingProbs = sigmoidForData(data.Xr, params_old.Beta, params_old.b)
    if isinstance(m, int):
        if m == 1:  # binary response
            observedLikelihoods = np.abs((1. - data.y).reshape(n, 1) - choosingProbs)
            observedLikelihoods = binom.pmf(data.y.reshape(n, 1),
                                            np.repeat(m, n).reshape(n, 1),
        raise("Function is not yet implemented for non-integer 'm'.")

    jointProbs = np.multiply(memberProbs, observedLikelihoods)
    scales = jointProbs.max(axis=1).reshape(n, 1)
    scaledJointProbs = jointProbs / scales
    return scaledJointProbs / scaledJointProbs.sum(axis=1).reshape(n, 1)
コード例 #15
ファイル: binom.py プロジェクト: ronrest/pyrpy
def dbinom(x, size=1, prob=0.5, log=False):
    Density Function for the binomial distribution.
    Returns the probability of getting "x" successes out of "size" number of
    trials, given a probability of "prob" for each success.

    dbinom(x, size, prob=0.5, log=False)
    pbinom(q, size, prob=0.5, lowertail=True, log=False)
    qbinom(p, size, prob=0.5, lowertail=True, log=False)
    rbinom(n=1, size=1, prob=0.5)

    :param x:       int. or array of ints. The number of successes
    :param size:    int. Number of trials
    :param prob:    float. Probability of a success
    :param log:     bool. take the log?
    if log:
        # note, scipy flips meaning of n and size
        return binom.logpmf(x, n=size, p=prob, loc=0)
        # note, scipy flips meaning of n and size
        return binom.pmf(x, n=size, p=prob)
コード例 #16
ファイル: Likelihoods.py プロジェクト: panCtrlV/mixedlogistic
def observedLogLikelihood(data, params):
    :type data: Data
    :param data:
    :type params: Paramters
    :param params:
    n = data.n
    m = data.m

    memberProbs = softmaxForData(data.Xm, params.Alpha, params.a, True)
    choosingProbs = sigmoidForData(data.Xr, params.Beta, params.b)
    if isinstance(m, int):
        if m == 1:
            observedLikelihoods = np.abs((1. - data.y).reshape(n, 1) - choosingProbs)
            observedLikelihoods = binom.pmf(data.y.reshape(n, 1),
                                            np.repeat(m, n).reshape(n, 1),
        raise("Function is not yet implemented for non-integer 'm'.")

    jointProbs = np.multiply(memberProbs, observedLikelihoods)
    return np.log(jointProbs.sum(axis=1)).sum()
コード例 #17
ファイル: ub_anlysis.py プロジェクト: skimmy/lib-bio
def binomial_distribution_vectors(n, p, v_size=None):
    pmf = np.array([binom.pmf(i, n, p) for i in range(n+1)])
    cdf = np.array([binom.cdf(i, n, p) for i in range(n+1)])
    if (v_size != None) and (v_size > n+1):
        # padding to the right to reach v_size length
        pmf = np.append(pmf, np.zeros(v_size-n))
        cdf = np.append(cdf, np.ones(v_size-n))
    return pmf,cdf
コード例 #18
def get_value(x, distr):
    if distr['distr_name'] == 'binomial':
        if lookup_pmf.has_key(x):
            return lookup_pmf[x]
            v = binom.pmf(x, distr['n'], distr['p'])
            lookup_pmf[x] = v
            return v
コード例 #19
 def likelihood(self,hypo,data):
     idx,k = data
     N,f = hypo
     N = N * ((1-f) ** (idx-1)) #1-based
     if N < k:
         return 0
     val = binom.pmf(k,N,f)
     return val
コード例 #20
ファイル: methods.py プロジェクト: hardingnj/xpclr
def pdf_integral(p1, data):

    # calculate pdens for range of p1
    xj, nj, c, p2, var = data

    dens = pdf(p1, data=data[2:])

    return dens * binom.pmf(xj, nj, p=p1)
コード例 #21
ファイル: ancestralsim.py プロジェクト: vsbuffalo/x-ancestry
 def json_prob_anc(self):
     """return the probability this individual is an X ancestor"""
     breakpoints = np.arange(1e3)  # how many breakpoints there are
     prob = 1 - np.sum(poisson.pmf(breakpoints, (self.xnrec-1)*XGENLEN) *
                       binom.pmf(0, n=breakpoints+1, p=1/2.0**(self.xnrec-1)))
     if np.isnan(prob):
         prob = 1
     all_slots = dict([(s, getattr(self, s)) for s in self.__slots__])
     return dict(prob_anc=prob, **all_slots)
コード例 #22
ファイル: prob.py プロジェクト: lhayhurst/ladyluck
    def __init__ (self, dice_type, num_dice, use_focus=False, use_target_lock=False):
        self.num_dice = num_dice
        self.results = [ x for x in range(num_dice+1)]
        self.probability_of_success = 0
        if dice_type == DiceType.RED:
            self.probability_of_success = get_hit_prob(use_focus, use_target_lock)
            self.probability_of_success = get_evade_prob(use_focus)

        self.pmf = binom.pmf( self.results, num_dice, self.probability_of_success)
コード例 #23
ファイル: phospho.py プロジェクト: etal/cladecompare
def compare_one(col, cons_aa, aln_size, weights, aa_freqs, pseudo_size):
    "Column probability using the ball-in-urn model."
    col_counts = count_col(col, weights, aa_freqs, pseudo_size)
    col_tot = col_counts['S'] + col_counts['T'] + col_counts['Y']
    p_j = (aa_freqs['S'] + aa_freqs['T'] + aa_freqs['Y'])
    # pvalue = binom.pmf(range(cons_count, aln_size + 1),
                       # aln_size, p_j).sum()
    pvalue = binom.pmf(range(int(math.ceil(col_tot)), aln_size + 2),
                       aln_size + 1, p_j).sum()
    return pvalue
コード例 #24
def binomialDistanceProb(delta, alpha, beta, prob):
    if alpha - beta == 0:
        if delta == 0:
            return 1
            # This causes a gradient of 0 among "impossible" distance
            # values - making gradient ascent impossible. For cases where 
            # gradient ascent is needed, use gradientBinomialDistanceProb
            return 0
    return binom.pmf(delta, alpha - beta, prob)
コード例 #25
 def gradientBinomialDistanceProb(self, delta, alpha, beta, prob):
     if alpha - beta == 0:
         if delta == 0:
             return 1
             return self.minimumDistanceProb**(1+delta)
     return max(min(
         binom.pmf(delta, alpha - beta, prob),
コード例 #26
ファイル: urn.py プロジェクト: etal/cladecompare
def compare_one(col, cons_aa, aln_size, weights, aa_freqs, pseudo_size):
    "Column probability using the ball-in-urn model."
    # cons_count = col.count(cons_aa)
    cons_count = count_col(col, weights)[cons_aa]
    p_j = aa_freqs[cons_aa]
    cons_count_i = int(ceil(cons_count))
    size_i = int(ceil(aln_size))
    # pvalue = float(cons_count_i)/len(col)
    pvalue = binom.pmf(range(cons_count_i, size_i + 1), size_i, p_j).sum()
    return pvalue
コード例 #27
def computeLPPD_components(gam,pnull,y,N,x):
    '''Returns log-posterior predictive density (LPPD) for extracted gam,pnull from binomial model'''
    from scipy.stats import binom
    ll = 0
    lppd = []
    for i in xrange(5):
        ll = binom.pmf(y[i], N[i], 
                       logist(x[i]*gam + (1-gam)*log_odds(pnull)))
    return np.array(lppd)
コード例 #28
ファイル: kmr.py プロジェクト: yohanashima/stochevolution
def mk_matrix1(N, ep, p):   #同時改訂
    P = np.empty((N+1, N+1))
    for i in range(N):
        if i/N < p:
		    pro = ep/2
        elif i/N == p:
            pro = 1/2
            pro = 1-ep/2
        P[i] = binom.pmf(range(N+1), N, pro)
    return P
コード例 #29
def likelihood(p_in):
    A function to return the likelihood for a given value of p.
    if (testPrior):     # Allows us to test the prior, by ignoring the data
        return 1
    elif (not testPrior):   # Returns a likelihood score for actual data
        if (p_in >= 0 and p_in <= 1):
            return binom.pmf(data,n,p_in)
            return 0    # Returns value of 0 (rather than non) if p outside bounds.
コード例 #30
def binomial_variance(n, p):
    #TODO: should not be here
    global alt_var_cnt

    n1 = np.floor(n*p)
    diff = binom.pmf(np.arange(0, n1), n, p)
    s = np.sum(diff * np.power(np.arange(0, n1) - n*p, 2))
    old_var = n*p*(1-p)
    ret = (old_var - s) / (1- np.sum(diff))
    alt_var_cnt += 1
    return ret
コード例 #31
def plot_expected_prices(
    und_vals: List[List[float]],
    p: float,
    ticker: str,
    expiration: str,
    external_axes: Optional[List[plt.Axes]] = None,
) -> None:
    """Plot expected prices of the underlying asset at expiration

    und_vals : List[List[float]]
        The expected underlying values at the expiration date
    p : float
        The probability of the stock price moving upward each round
    ticker : str
        The ticker of the option's underlying asset
    expiration : str
        The expiration for the option
    external_axes : Optional[List[plt.Axes]], optional
        External axes (1 axis is expected in the list), by default None
    up_moves = list(range(len(und_vals[-1])))
    probs = [100 * binom.pmf(r, len(up_moves), p) for r in up_moves]
    if external_axes is None:
        _, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=plot_autoscale(), dpi=cfp.PLOT_DPI)
        if len(external_axes) != 1:
            logger.error("Expected list of one axis item.")
            console.print("[red]Expected list of one axis item./n[/red]")
        (ax,) = external_axes

    ax.set_title(f"Probabilities for ending prices of {ticker} on {expiration}")
    ax.plot(und_vals[-1], probs)

    if external_axes is None:
コード例 #32
def euro_binomial_pricer(S, K, r, v, q, T, n, payoff, verbose=True):
    nodes = n + 1
    h = T / n
    u = np.exp((r - q) * h + v * np.sqrt(h))
    d = np.exp((r - q) * h - v * np.sqrt(h))
    pstar = (np.exp((r - q) * h) - d) / (u - d)

    price = 0.0

    for i in range(nodes):
        prob = binom.pmf(i, n, pstar)
        spotT = S * (u**i) * (d**(n - i))
        po = payoff(spotT, K)
        price += po * prob
        if verbose:
            print(f"({spotT:0.4f}, {po:0.4f}, {prob:0.4f})")

    price *= np.exp(-r * T)

    return price
コード例 #33
ファイル: food-checkpoint.py プロジェクト: databill86/Fin5350
def binomialPricer(option, S, r, v, q, n):
    nodes = n + 1
    T = option.expiry
    K = option.strike
    h = T / n
    u = np.exp((r - q) * h + v * np.sqrt(h))
    d = np.exp((r - q) * h - v * np.sqrt(h))
    pstar = (np.exp((r - q) * h) - d) / (u - d)

    price = 0.0

    for i in range(nodes):
        prob = binom.pmf(i, n, pstar)
        spotT = S * (u**i) * (d**(n - i))
        po = option.payoff(spotT)
        price += po * prob

    price *= np.exp(-r * T)

    return price
コード例 #34
def binom_cal():
    n = int(e.get())
    p = float(e1.get())
    x1 = int(e2.get())
    x2 = int(e3.get())
    global x
    x = np.arange(x1, x2)
    global r
    r = binom.pmf(x, n, p)
    total = 0

    for add in r:
        #total = 0
        total += add
    global e4
    e4 = Entry(root)
    e4.grid(row=5, column=1)
    e4.insert(10, str(total))
コード例 #35
ファイル: binom.py プロジェクト: ROVAN1220/Probability-Graph
def Binomial():
    binomValues = list(map(float, txt.get().split(',')))
    n = np.float_(binomValues[0])
    p = np.float_(binomValues[1])
    x = np.float_(binomValues[2])
    x = np.arange(x)  #it creates list [0,1,2,3]
    result = binom.pmf(x, n, p)  #calculate binomial function

    )  #printing list of result at each value of x  ## result at y axis ##probability always betwenn 0 to 1  so on y AXIS  value tkes between 0 and 1

        x, result, 'o-'
    )  # at index zero of result of x=0 pmf calculated    pmf= (n!/(x!*(n-x)!)) p^x*(1-p)^(1-p)
    plt.title("Binomial graph graph")
    plt.xlabel("Number of success")  # x-axis lable
    plt.ylabel("probability of sucess")  # y axis lable
    plt.show()  #graph show
コード例 #36
    def next_round_prob_bravo(self, margin, round_size_prev, round_size, kmin_first, kmin, prob_table_prev):
        :param margin: margin of a given race (float in [0, 1])
        :param round_size_prev: the size of the previous round
        :param round_size: the size of the current round
        :param kmin_first: the kmin for the first round
        :param kmin: the value of previous kmin
        :param prob_table_prev: the probability distribution at the begining of the current round
        :return: prob_table: the probability distribution at the end of the current round is returned

        prob_table = [0] * (round_size + 1)
        for i in range(kmin + 1):
            for j in range(min(round_size + 1, round_size - round_size_prev + kmin + 1)):
                prob_table[j] = prob_table[j] + binom.pmf(j-i, round_size - round_size_prev, (1+margin)/2) * prob_table_prev[i]

        return prob_table
コード例 #37
def _jc_posterior_ng(COUNT_MATRIX, DIST_SAMPLES):
    P = np.exp(-DIST_SAMPLES / 100)

    likelihood = binom.pmf(MATRIX_DIAGONAL_SUM, MATRIX_SUM, P)

    #   This code is not commented in Octave
    #    if (any(isnan(likelihood)))
    #      # In case the binomial is tricky to compute, approx with normal distr!
    #      likelihood = normpdf(k, tot .* p, tot .* p .* (1 .- p));
    #    endif

    likelihood[0] /= 2
    likelihood[-1] /= 2

    POSTERIOR_VEC = likelihood / (likelihood.sum() *
                                  (DIST_SAMPLES[1] - DIST_SAMPLES[0]))

    return POSTERIOR_VEC
コード例 #38
ファイル: plotting.py プロジェクト: hwulfmeyer/ba_code
def binomfortour(k=11):
    toursize_max = 60
    toursize = np.arange(1, toursize_max,1)
    popsize = 800
    probabilities = toursize/popsize
    test = binom.pmf(k=k, n=popsize, p=probabilities)          #P(X  = k)
    test1 = binom.cdf(k=k, n=popsize, p=probabilities)         #P(X <= k)
    test2 = 1 - binom.cdf(k=k-1, n=popsize, p=probabilities)   #P(X >= k)                       
    #print(np.round(test, decimals=2))
    #print(np.round(test1, decimals=2))
    #print(np.round(test2, decimals=2))

    plt.bar(x=toursize, height=test1, width=0.6)
    xticks = np.arange(5, toursize_max, 5)
    plt.xticks(xticks, xticks)
    plt.title("P(X >= "+str(k)+")")
コード例 #39
def binomial_pmf_theoretical(params):
    """ Computes the PMF for a binomial distribution using the explicit formula
            params: An object containing two attributes: n and p. These are the distribution parameters
            A pandas data frame with 2 columns called 'k' and 'prob_thr'. The first column contains integers
            from 0 to n representing the number of successful trials. The second column contains the
            probabilities Pr[X=k].
    xvals = range(
        0, params.n + 1
    )  # X is the random variable in Pr[X=k]. It represents number of successes
    probs = [binom.pmf(k=v, n=params.n, p=params.p)
             for v in xvals]  # Generate p(k) for each possible value of k

    # Create a pandas dataframe with the results and return
    res_df = pd.DataFrame(data=list(zip(xvals, probs)),
                          columns=["k", "prob_thr"])

    return res_df
コード例 #40
def calculate_cVaR(percentile, n, q):
    Calculate the conditional value at risk(cVaR) given confidence level and discrete distribution
    @percentile::float: confidence level, 0 <= percentile <= 1
    @n::int; maximum number of trials
    @q::int; the probability of getting heads
    Return::int: the cVaR 
    cVaR = 0
    mul = -1 / (1 - percentile)  # the multiplier in the front
    mu = n * q
    currVaR = 0 - n * q  # right shift to standard binomial distribution

    while currVaR <= -calculate_VaR(percentile, n, q):
        x = currVaR + mu  # shift back
        cVaR += mul * currVaR * binom.pmf(x, n, q)
        currVaR += 1

    return cVaR
コード例 #41
def european_binomial(option, rate, vol, div, steps):
    strike = option.strike
    expiry = option.expiry
    spot = option.spot
    call_t = 0.0
    spot_t = 0.0
    option_t = 0.0
    h = expiry / steps
    u = np.exp((rate - div) * h + vol * np.sqrt(h))
    d = np.exp((rate - div) * h - vol * np.sqrt(h))
    num_nodes = steps + 1
    pstar = (np.exp(rate * h) - d) / (u - d)

    for i in range(num_nodes):
        spot_t = spot * (u**(steps - i)) * (d**(i))
        option_t += option.payoff(spot_t) * binom.pmf(steps - i, steps, pstar)

    option_t *= np.exp(-rate * option.expiry)

    return option_t
コード例 #42
    def _create_mdp(self, path, prob, size):
        def _fill_reward(x):
            if x == 0:
                return 0.1
            elif x == size - 1:
                return 1
                return 0

        state_generator = StateGenerator('name', 'reward')
        action_generator = ActionGenerator('name')
        states = [
            state_generator.generate_state(name="s" + str(x),
            for x in range(size)
        actions = [
            for name in ['LEFT', 'RIGHT']

        # Initializing the states of the mdp with binomial distribution
        init_states = dict(
                [0] + [binom.pmf(i, size - 3, prob)
                       for i in range(size - 2)] + [0]))

        mdp = MDPModel('MdpEnvLinVariable') \
            .add_states(states) \
            .add_actions(actions) \
            .add_init_states(init_states) \
            .add_final_states([states[x] for x in [0, size - 1]], 100)

        for i in range(size - 2):
            mdp \
                .add_transition(states[i + 1], actions[0], {states[i]: 1}) \
                .add_transition(states[i + 1], actions[1], {states[i + 2]: 1})
        # Visualize the MDP
        # mdp.visualize(file="{0}/{1}".format(path, self.__class__.__name__))
        return mdp
コード例 #43
    def _classify_position(self, tx_indels: int, mock_indels: int,
                           edit_prior: Pr, binom_p: Pr) -> bool:
        Classify for each position if it Edit or not.
        :param tx_indels:
        :param mock_indels:
        :param edit_prior:
        :param binom_p:
        :return: Edit or not bool

        total_reads = self._n_reads_tx + self._n_reads_mock
        no_edit_prior = 1 - edit_prior

        # if no indels in treatment, return True (same results as if run the classifier)
        if tx_indels == 0:
            return False

        # In extreme cases both posteriors are smaller than python minimum number (1e-325).
        # The heuristic to solve this rare event, is to divide by 10 both the treatment and the mock indels.
        for idx in range(5):
            total_indels = tx_indels + mock_indels

            # Likelihood function computation
            no_edit_likelihood = hypergeom.pmf(tx_indels, total_reads,
                                               total_indels, self._n_reads_tx)
            edit_likelihood = binom.pmf(k=tx_indels, n=total_indels, p=binom_p)

            # Posterior probability computation
            no_edit_post = no_edit_prior * no_edit_likelihood
            edit_post = edit_prior * edit_likelihood

            # Regular case - Both different from zero
            if (edit_post != 0) or (no_edit_post != 0):
                edit = edit_post > no_edit_post
                return edit
                tx_indels = tx_indels // 10
                mock_indels = mock_indels // 10

        raise ClassificationFailed()
コード例 #44
def make_3D(t, N, F, Tf, Ts, R, a, eta, Q, T, St):
    dt = t[1] - t[0]
    r = np.arange(t[0], t[-1] + dt, dt / 100)
    dr = r[1] - r[0]
    n = np.arange(np.floor(N - 4 * np.sqrt(N)), np.ceil(N + 4 * np.sqrt(N)))
    pois = poisson.pmf(n, N)
    nu = np.arange(30)
    model = np.sum(((1 - R) * Promt(r, F, Tf, Ts, T, St) + R *
                    (1 - eta) * Recomb(r, F, Tf, Ts, T, St, a, eta)).reshape(
                        len(t), 100, len(T)),
    if np.any(model < 0):
        return np.amin(model) * np.ones((len(nu), 100, len(Q)))
    I = np.arange(len(nu) * len(Q) * len(t) * len(n))
    B = binom.pmf(
        nu[I // (len(Q) * len(t) * len(n))], (n[I % len(n)]).astype(int),
        dS[(I // (len(n) * len(t))) % len(Q)] *
        Q[(I // (len(n) * len(t))) % len(Q)] *
        model[(I // len(n)) % len(t),
              (I // (len(n) * len(t))) % len(Q)]).reshape(
                  len(nu), len(Q), len(t), len(n))
    # P=np.matmul(B, pois)
    if np.any(np.isnan(B)):
        print('B is nan')
    if np.any(np.isinf(B)):
        print('B is inf')
    P0 = np.vstack((np.ones(len(n)), np.cumprod(np.prod(B[0], axis=0),
    P1 = (P0 * (1 - np.prod(B[0], axis=0)))
    P = np.zeros((100, len(nu), len(Q)))
    for i in range(len(Q)):
        P2 = P0 * (1 - np.prod(B[0, np.delete(np.arange(len(Q)), i)], axis=0))
        P[0, 0, i] = np.sum(np.sum(B[0, i] * P2 * pois, axis=1), axis=0)
    P[0, 1:] = np.sum(np.sum(B[1:] * P0 * pois, axis=3), axis=2)
    for i in range(1, 100):
        P[i] = np.sum(np.sum(B[:, :, i:, :] * P1[:len(t) - i, :] * pois,
    return np.transpose(P, (1, 0, 2))
コード例 #45
ファイル: KMR.py プロジェクト: snowdj/Game-Theory
def kmr_markov_matrix(p, N, epsilon=0, simultaneous=False):
    Generate the transition probability matrix for the KMR dynamics with
    two acitons.

    p : scalar(int)
        Probability on mixed strategy nash equilibrium.
    N : scalar(int)
        Number of players.
    epsilon : scalar(int), optional(default=0)
    simultaneous : True or False
        sequential or simultaneous

    P : ndarray(int, ndim=2)
        The transition probability matrix for the KMR dynamics.
    P = np.zeros((N + 1, N + 1), dtype=float)
    if simultaneous is False:
        P[0][1] = (epsilon) * (1 / 2)
        P[N][N - 1] = (epsilon) * (1 / 2)
        P[0][0], P[N][N] = 1 - P[0][1], 1 - P[N][N - 1]
        for i in range(1, N):
            P[i][i - 1] = (i / N) * (epsilon * (1 / 2) + (1 - epsilon) *
                                     (((i - 1) / (N - 1) < p) +
                                      ((i - 1) / (N - 1) == p) * (1 / 2)))
            P[i][i + 1] = ((N - i) / N) * (epsilon * (1 / 2) + (1 - epsilon) *
                                           ((i / (N - 1) > p) +
                                            (i / (N - 1) == p) * (1 / 2)))
            P[i][i] = 1 - P[i][i - 1] - P[i][i + 1]
        return P
        for i in range(0, N + 1):
            P[i] = binom.pmf(range(N + 1), N,
                             (i / N < p) * epsilon / 2 + (i / N == p) / 2 +
                             (i / N > p) * (1 - epsilon / 2))
        return P
コード例 #46
ファイル: phospho.py プロジェクト: etal/cladecompare
def compare_aln(fg_aln, bg_aln):
    """Compare alignments using the ball-in-urn model.

    Like CHAIN does.
    # BG seqs are weighted, FG seqs are not
    bg_weights = alnutils.sequence_weights(bg_aln, 'none')
    bg_size = sum(bg_weights)
    bg_cons = consensus.consensus(bg_aln, weights=bg_weights)
    # Height of the foreground alignment column
    fg_size = len(fg_aln)
    fg_cons = consensus.consensus(fg_aln)
    fg_cols = zip(*fg_aln)
    bg_cols = zip(*bg_aln)
    fg_weights = [1] * fg_size
    pseudocounts = combined_frequencies(fg_aln, fg_weights, bg_aln, bg_weights)
    hits = []
    for faa, baa, fg_col, bg_col in zip(fg_cons, bg_cons, fg_cols, bg_cols):
        if faa == '-' or baa == '-':
            # Ignore indel columns -- there are better ways to look at these
            pvalue = 1.0
            # Cumulative binomial test
            # Number of consensus-type residues in the foreground column
            fg_counts = count_col(fg_col, fg_weights, pseudocounts)
            fg_tot = fg_counts['S'] + fg_counts['T'] + fg_counts['Y']
            # Consensus residue frequency in the combined alignment column
            bg_counts = count_col(bg_col, bg_weights, pseudocounts)
            p_j = (bg_counts['S'] + bg_counts['T'] + bg_counts['Y'] + fg_tot
                   ) / (bg_size + fg_size + 2.0)  # pseudocount size = 1.0

            # Probability of fg col conservation vs. the combined/main set
            # (P_j_LB in the publication)
            # NB: Some tweaks for pseudocounts
            pvalue = binom.pmf(range(int(math.ceil(fg_tot)), fg_size + 2),
                               fg_size + 1, p_j).sum()
            if pvalue == 1.0:
                logging.info("Meaningless p-value: p_j=%s, fg=%s vs. bg=%s",
                             p_j, fg_tot, bg_counts)
        hits.append((faa, baa, pvalue))
    return hits
コード例 #47
def matrix_selection_more_contributors(n, N, s=0):
    rocc = reduced_occupancy(N)
    mtx = np.zeros((n + 1, n + 1))
    # cache is (io, no, ip, nc)
    cache = np.full((2*n+1, n+1, 2*n+1, n+1), np.nan)
    for ip in range(0, n + 1):
        for io in range(0, n + 1):
            for nc in range(0, n+1):
                for ic in range(0, nc+1):
                    p = binom.pmf(ic, nc, ip/n)

                    mtx[ip, io] += Qs(io, n, ic, nc, N, s, cache) * p

    # for nc in range(0, n+1):
    #     for ic in range(0, nc+1):
    #         # p = binom.pmf(ic, nc, np.arange(0, n+1)/n)
    #         p = hypergeom.pmf(ic, n, np.arange(0, n+1), nc)
    #         for io in range(0, n + 1):
    #             mtx[:, io] += Qs(io, n, ic, nc, N, s, cache) * p

    return mtx, cache
コード例 #48
 def UtilIG_bayes_risk(self):
     if self.i != 0:
         m = np.argmax(self.w)
         L_w = np.ones(self.n_particles())
         dU = np.zeros([self.n_exp(), 1])
         for i in range(self.n_exp()):
             L_w[m] = binom.pmf(self.num, n=self.d,
                                p=self.ptable_C[i])  #各パーティクルでの実験でms=0にいた確率
             w_new = self.w * L_w.reshape([len(L_w), 1])  #重みの更新
             x_infer = self.Mean(w_new, self.x)
             dU[i] = np.trace(self.Q * np.dot(
                 (self.x - x_infer[0]).T,
                 (self.x - x_infer[0])))  #実験C[i]でのベイズリスク
         self.U = dU * self.U
         self.U = self.U / np.sum(self.U)
     self.C_best_i = np.argmin(self.U)
     self.C_best = self.C[self.C_best_i]
コード例 #49
def EuropeanBinomialPricer(pricing_engine, option, data):
    expiry = option.expiry
    strike = option.strike
    (spot, rate, volatility, dividend) = data.get_data()
    steps = pricing_engine.steps
    nodes = steps + 1
    dt = expiry / steps 
    u = np.exp(((rate - dividend) * dt) + volatility * np.sqrt(dt)) 
    d = np.exp(((rate - dividend) * dt) - volatility * np.sqrt(dt))
    pu = (np.exp((rate - dividend) * dt) - d) / (u - d)
    pd = 1 - pu
    disc = np.exp(-rate * expiry)
    spotT = 0.0
    payoffT = 0.0
    for i in range(nodes):
        spotT = spot * (u ** (steps - i)) * (d ** (i))
        payoffT += option.payoff(spotT)  * binom.pmf(steps - i, steps, pu)  
    price = disc * payoffT 
    return price 
コード例 #50
def get_binominal_probabilities(n):
    params = {}

    params['4'] = [0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8]

    params['5'] = [0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9]

    params['6'] = [0.1, 0.26, 0.42, 0.58, 0.74, 0.9]

    params['8'] = [
        0.1, 0.21428571, 0.32857143, 0.44285714, 0.55714286, 0.67142857,
        0.78571429, 0.9

    probs = []

    for true_class in range(0, n):
            binom.pmf(np.arange(0, n), n - 1, params[str(n)][true_class]))

    return np.array(probs)
コード例 #51
 def UtilIG_bayes_risk(self):
     m = np.argmax(self.w)
     p_exp = self.Expsim(self.x[m], self.C_best)  #真値におけるms0の確立
     num = binomial(self.d, p_exp)  #実験をd回行いms=0であった回数
     L_w = np.ones(self.n_particles())
     dU = np.zeros([self.n_exp(), 1])
     for i in range(self.n_exp()):
         L_w[m] = binom.pmf(num, n=self.d,
                            p=self.ptable_C[i])  #各パーティクルでの実験でms=0にいた確率
         w_new = self.w * L_w.reshape([len(L_w), 1])  #重みの更新
         x_infer = self.Mean(w_new, self.x)
         dU[i] = np.trace(self.Q * np.dot((self.x - x_infer[0]).T,
                                          (self.x - x_infer[0])))
     self.U = dU * self.U
     self.U = self.U / np.sum(self.U)
     self.C_best_i = np.argmin(self.U)
     self.C_best = self.C[self.C_best_i]
コード例 #52
 def Update(self): #ベイズ推定を行う関数 引数(self,Ci)
     self.num=binomial(self.d, self.p_exp)#実験をd回行いms=0であった回数
     if exp_flag_best=="rabi":
     elif exp_flag_best=="ramsey":
     self.w=self.w*temp.reshape([len(temp),1]) #重みの更新
     self.w=self.w/np.sum(self.w) #重みの規格化
コード例 #53
def get_series_prob(series_games, series_wins, series_losses, team_winProb):
    team_probs = []

    if series_wins == series_games / 2 + 1:
        total_games = series_wins + series_losses

    if series_losses == series_games / 2 + 1:

    if (series_wins != series_games / 2 + 1
            and series_losses != series_games / 2 + 1):
        for end_game in range(series_games / 2 + 1,
                              series_games + 1 - series_losses):
            team_in_N = BinomDist.pmf(n=end_game - 1 - series_wins,
                                      k=(series_games / 2 - series_wins),
                                      p=team_winProb) * team_winProb


    return float(sum(team_probs))
コード例 #54
ファイル: phospho.py プロジェクト: etal/cladecompare
def compare_cols(fg_col, fg_cons, fg_size, fg_weights, bg_col, bg_cons,
                 bg_size, bg_weights, aa_freqs, pseudo_size):
    "Compare alignments using the ball-in-urn model (cumulative binomial test)"
    # Number of consensus-type residues in the foreground column
    fg_counts = count_col(fg_col, fg_weights, aa_freqs, pseudo_size)
    fg_tot = fg_counts['S'] + fg_counts['T'] + fg_counts['Y']
    # Consensus residue frequency in the combined alignment column
    bg_counts = count_col(bg_col, bg_weights, aa_freqs, pseudo_size)
    p_j = (bg_counts['S'] + bg_counts['T'] + bg_counts['Y'] + fg_tot) / (
        bg_size + fg_size + 2.0)  # pseudocount size = 1.0

    # Probability of fg col conservation vs. the combined/main set
    # (P_j_LB in the publication)
    # NB: Some tweaks for pseudocounts
    pvalue = binom.pmf(range(int(math.ceil(fg_tot)), fg_size + 2), fg_size + 1,
    if pvalue == 1.0:
        logging.info("Meaningless p-value: p_j=%s, fg=%s vs. bg=%s", p_j,
                     fg_tot, bg_counts)

    return pvalue
コード例 #55
ファイル: task.py プロジェクト: wandonye/jupyanno
def show_my_result(name_list, correct_list, num_questions=30, ax1=None):
    n_correct = np.arange(num_questions + 1)
    if ax1 is None:
        fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 5), dpi=250)
    binom_pmf = binom.pmf(n_correct, num_questions, 0.5)
    binom_cdf = np.cumsum(binom_pmf)
    ax1.bar(n_correct, binom_pmf / np.max(binom_pmf), color='k', alpha=0.5)

    ax1.plot(n_correct, binom_cdf, 'k-', label='Cumulative')
    prop_cycle = plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle']
    color_cycle = cycle(prop_cycle.by_key()['color'])
    y_pos_list = np.linspace(0.2, 0.8, len(name_list))
    for y_pos, name, correct, color in zip(y_pos_list, name_list, correct_list,
                    label='{}\nTop {:2.1f}%'.format(name,
                                                    100 * binom_cdf[correct]),
        ax1.text(correct, y_pos, name)
    return ax1
コード例 #56
def model(args):
    %prog model erate

    Model kmer distribution given error rate. See derivation in FIONA paper:
    from scipy.stats import binom, poisson

    p = OptionParser(model.__doc__)
    p.add_option("-k", default=23, type="int", help="Kmer size")
    p.add_option("--cov", default=50, type="int", help="Expected coverage")
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 1:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    (erate, ) = args
    erate = float(erate)
    cov = opts.cov
    k = opts.k

    xy = []
    # Range include c although it is unclear what it means to have c=0
    for c in range(0, cov * 2 + 1):
        Prob_Yk = 0
        for i in range(k + 1):
            # Probability of having exactly i errors
            pi_i = binom.pmf(i, k, erate)
            # Expected coverage of kmer with exactly i errors
            mu_i = cov * (erate / 3)**i * (1 - erate)**(k - i)
            # Probability of seeing coverage of c
            Prob_Yk_i = poisson.pmf(c, mu_i)
            # Sum i over 0, 1, ... up to k errors
            Prob_Yk += pi_i * Prob_Yk_i
        xy.append((c, Prob_Yk))

    x, y = zip(*xy)
    asciiplot(x, y, title="Model")
コード例 #57
ファイル: sfs_utilities.py プロジェクト: SantosJGND/MCM
def single_gen_matrix(Ne= 1092, ploidy= 2,precision= 1092,s=0):
    define transition probabilities for alleles at any given frequency from 1 to Ne.
    pop_size= Ne * ploidy
    space= np.linspace(0,pop_size,precision,dtype=int)
    t= np.tile(np.array(space),(precision,1))
    probs= [x / (pop_size) for x in space]
    sadjust= [x * (1+s) for x in probs]
    scomp= [(1-x) for x in probs]
    new_probs= [sadjust[x] / (scomp[x]+sadjust[x]) for x in range(precision)]
    new_probs= np.nan_to_num(new_probs)
    probs= new_probs
    freq_matrix= binom.pmf(t.T,pop_size,probs)
    return freq_matrix
コード例 #58
def sample_c_i(i):
    global c, clusters
    xi = x[i]
    ci = c[i]
    phi_i_j = {}
    clusters_cp = deepcopy(clusters)

    for j in clusters_cp:
        n_j_i = clusters_cp[j].size()
        if n_j_i > 0:
            theta_j = beta.rvs(clusters_cp[j].a1,clusters_cp[j].b1)
            phi_i_j[j] = binom.pmf(xi,20,theta_j) * n_j_i / (alpha + N - 1)

    j_new = max(clusters) + 1
    phi_i_j[j_new] = p_new[xi]
    # generate j1
    c_phi = phi_i_j.keys()
    p_phi = phi_i_j.values() / sum(phi_i_j.values())
    #j1 = stats.rv_discrete(name='custm',values=(c_phi,p_phi))
    j1 = np.random.choice(c_phi,p = p_phi)
    #j1 = max(phi_i_j, key = phi_i_j.get)
    #print "debug:x",i,"ci",ci, "j1",j1
    if j1 == j_new:
        c[i] = j1
        clusters[j1] = Cluster(j1)
        if clusters[ci].size() == 0:
            del clusters[ci]
        c[i] = j1
        #print xi, ci,  clusters[ci].member
        #print "ci",ci,"member",clusters[ci].member,"xi",xi
        if clusters[ci].size() == 0:
            del clusters[ci]
コード例 #59
def _left_extreme(n_instances, n_total, prob):
    """Used for a binomial problem. Calculates the exact likelihood of finding observations as and less extreme
    than our observed value

    n_instances: int
        The number of observed successes in our binomial problem
    n_total: int
        The total number of observations
    prob: float, 0<=p<=1
        The expected probability of success

    p: float
        The exact likelihood that we would find observations less extreme than our observed number of
    counter = np.arange(n_instances + 1)
    p = np.sum(binom.pmf(counter, n_total, prob))
    return p
コード例 #60
ファイル: hw3_4.py プロジェクト: samtx/applied-bayes
def part_a2(fname=fname):
    fname = fname + '_a2'
    m = 5
    theta_set = np.linspace(1 / float(m), 1 - 1 / float(m), m)
    n = 34
    x = np.arange(n + 1)
    fig = plt.figure()
    hh = []
    for i, theta in enumerate(theta_set):
        h, = plt.plot(x,
                      binom.pmf(x, n, theta),
                      label=r'$\theta=' + '{:.2f}'.format(theta) + '$')
    plt.xlabel(r'$y$', fontsize=labelFontSize)
    plt.ylabel(r'$p(y \mid \theta)$', fontsize=labelFontSize)
    plt.title('3.4a' + r' $p(y \mid \theta)$', fontsize=titleFontSize)
    plt.savefig(fname + '.' + imgFmt, format=imgFmt)