コード例 #1
    def returnDistData(cls, self):
        gammaParam = gamma.fit(10**(self.data / 10))
        gammaDist = gamma.pdf(self.data, *gammaParam)

        rayleighParam = rayleigh.fit(self.data)
        rayleighDist = rayleigh.pdf(self.data, *rayleighParam)

        normParam = norm.fit(self.data)
        normDist = norm.pdf(self.data, *normParam)

        logNormParam = lognorm.fit(self.data)
        lognormDist = lognorm.pdf(self.data, *logNormParam)

        nakagamiParam = nakagami.fit(self.data)
        nakagamiDist = nakagami.pdf(self.data, *nakagamiParam)

        exponParam = expon.fit(self.data)
        exponDist = expon.pdf(self.data, *exponParam)

        exponweibParam = exponweib.fit(self.data)
        weibDist = exponweib.pdf(self.data, *exponweibParam)

        distDF = pd.DataFrame(np.column_stack([
            gammaDist, rayleighDist, normDist, lognormDist, nakagamiDist,
            exponDist, weibDist
                                  'gammaDist', 'rayleighDist', 'normDist',
                                  'lognormDist', 'nakagamiDist', 'exponDist',
        self.distDF = distDF
コード例 #2
def fit(data, filename):
    Pr = 10**(data / 10)
    h = np.sqrt(Pr / np.mean(Pr))
    paramh = nakagami.fit(h)
    x = np.linspace(0, 3, 1000)
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(sharey=False)
    ax.plot(x, nakagami.pdf(x, nu=paramh[0], loc=paramh[1], scale=paramh[2]))
    ax2 = ax.twinx()
    h.plot(kind='hist', ax=ax2, color='g')
    fig.savefig(filename + '_dist' + '.png', bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300)
コード例 #3
# Variando a média e plotando os gráficos
#sigma = np.sqrt(vtVar[0]);
#for il in range(0,len(vtMu)):
#    mu = vtMu[il]
#    plt.subplot(2,2,1)
#    plt.plot(x, norm.pdf(x,mu), label='Média = {}'.format(mu))
#    plt.subplot(2,2,2)
#    plt.plot(x, norm.cdf(x,mu), label='Média = {}'.format(mu))
# Variando a variância e plotando os gráficos
mu = vtMu[0]
for il in range(0, len(vtVar)):
    sigma = (vtVar[il])
    plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
             nakagami.pdf(x, nu=sigma),
             label='$\ni$ = {:01.2f}'.format(sigma))
    # plt.xlim([0,10])
    plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
             nakagami.cdf(x, nu=sigma),
             label='$\ni$ = {:01.2f}'.format(sigma))
# plt.xlim([0,10])

plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
コード例 #4
from scipy.stats import nakagami
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)

# Calculate a few first moments:

nu = 4.97
mean, var, skew, kurt = nakagami.stats(nu, moments='mvsk')

# Display the probability density function (``pdf``):

x = np.linspace(nakagami.ppf(0.01, nu), nakagami.ppf(0.99, nu), 100)
ax.plot(x, nakagami.pdf(x, nu), 'r-', lw=5, alpha=0.6, label='nakagami pdf')

# Alternatively, the distribution object can be called (as a function)
# to fix the shape, location and scale parameters. This returns a "frozen"
# RV object holding the given parameters fixed.

# Freeze the distribution and display the frozen ``pdf``:

rv = nakagami(nu)
ax.plot(x, rv.pdf(x), 'k-', lw=2, label='frozen pdf')

# Check accuracy of ``cdf`` and ``ppf``:

vals = nakagami.ppf([0.001, 0.5, 0.999], nu)
np.allclose([0.001, 0.5, 0.999], nakagami.cdf(vals, nu))
# True

# Generate random numbers:
コード例 #5
    def fitDist(self):

        n = len(self.data)

        # gamma distribution
        gammaParam = gamma.fit(self.data)
        gammaNumPar = len(gammaParam)
        gammaSum = -1 * np.sum(np.log(gamma.pdf(self.data, *gammaParam)))
        aicGamma = 2 * gammaNumPar + 2 * gammaSum + (2 * gammaNumPar *
                                                     (gammaNumPar + 1) /
                                                     (n - gammaNumPar - 1))

        # rayleigh distribution
        rayleighParam = rayleigh.fit(self.data)
        rayleighNumPar = len(rayleighParam)
        rayleighSum = -1 * np.sum(
            np.log(rayleigh.pdf(self.data, *rayleighParam)))
        aicRayleigh = 2 * rayleighNumPar + 2 * rayleighSum + (
            2 * rayleighNumPar * (rayleighNumPar + 1) /
            (n - rayleighNumPar - 1))

        # normal distribution
        normParam = norm.fit(self.data)
        normNumPar = len(normParam)
        normSum = -1 * np.sum(np.log(norm.pdf(self.data, *normParam)))
        aicNorm = 2 * normNumPar + 2 * normSum + (2 * normNumPar *
                                                  (normNumPar + 1) /
                                                  (n - normNumPar - 1))

        # LogNormal distribution
        logNormParam = lognorm.fit(self.data)
        logNormNumPar = len(logNormParam)
        logNormSum = -1 * np.sum(np.log(lognorm.pdf(self.data, *logNormParam)))
        aicLogNorm = 2 * logNormNumPar + 2 * logNormSum + (
            2 * logNormNumPar * (logNormNumPar + 1) / (n - logNormNumPar - 1))

        # Nakagami distribution
        nakagamiParam = nakagami.fit(self.data)
        nakagamiNumPar = len(nakagamiParam)
        nakagamiSum = -1 * np.sum(
            np.log(nakagami.pdf(self.data, *nakagamiParam)))
        aicNakagami = 2 * nakagamiNumPar + 2 * nakagamiSum + (
            2 * nakagamiNumPar * (nakagamiNumPar + 1) /
            (n - nakagamiNumPar - 1))

        # exponential distribution
        exponParam = expon.fit(self.data)
        exponNumPar = len(exponParam)
        exponSum = -1 * np.sum(np.log(expon.pdf(self.data, *exponParam)))
        aicExpon = 2 * exponNumPar + 2 * exponSum + (2 * exponNumPar *
                                                     (exponNumPar + 1) /
                                                     (n - exponNumPar - 1))

        # weibul distribution
        exponweibParam = exponweib.fit(self.data)
        exponweibNumPar = len(exponweibParam)
        exponweibSum = -1 * np.sum(
            np.log(exponweib.pdf(self.data, *exponweibParam)))
        aicExpWeib = 2 * exponweibNumPar + 2 * exponweibSum + (
            2 * exponweibNumPar * (exponweibNumPar + 1) /
            (n - exponweibNumPar - 1))

        return (aicGamma, aicRayleigh, aicNorm, aicLogNorm, aicNakagami,
                aicExpon, aicExpWeib)