def interpret(parameters: np.ndarray, classes: np.ndarray, interval: float): n_samples, n_components, n_classes = classes.shape assert parameters.ndim == 3 assert parameters.shape == (n_samples, Weibull.N_PARAMETERS + 1, n_components) shapes = np.expand_dims(relu(parameters[:, 0, :]), 2).repeat(n_classes, 2) scales = np.expand_dims(relu(parameters[:, 1, :]), 2).repeat(n_classes, 2) proportions = np.expand_dims(softmax(parameters[:, 2, :], axis=1), 1) components = weibull_min.pdf(classes, shapes, scale=scales) * interval m, v, s, k = weibull_min.stats(shapes[:, :, 0], scale=scales[:, :, 0], moments="mvsk") return proportions, components, (m, np.sqrt(v), s, k)
def sim_weibull_min(): c = 1.79 mean, var, skew, kurt = weibull_min.stats(c, moments='mvsk') print(1 / mean) catches = 0 for _ in range(10000): j = np.random.uniform() * 1000 t_i = 0 while t_i < j + 500: t_i += weibull_min.rvs(c) if j < t_i and t_i < j + 1: catches += 1 print(catches / 10000)
def sim_weibull_min_v2(): c = 1.79 mean, var, skew, kurt = weibull_min.stats(c, moments='mvsk') catches = 0 catches2 = 0 total_t = 0 for _ in range(20000): j = np.random.uniform() * 50 t_i = 0 tt = 0 catches1 = -1 while t_i < j + 100: t_i += weibull_min.rvs(c) if j < t_i and t_i < j + 30: tt = t_i catches += 1 catches1 += 1 total_t += max((tt - j), 0) catches2 += max(0, catches1) print(catches / 20000 / 30) print(catches2 / total_t)
from scipy.stats import weibull_min import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) # Calculate a few first moments: c = 1.79 mean, var, skew, kurt = weibull_min.stats(c, moments='mvsk') # Display the probability density function (``pdf``): x = np.linspace(weibull_min.ppf(0.01, c), weibull_min.ppf(0.99, c), 100) ax.plot(x, weibull_min.pdf(x, c), 'r-', lw=5, alpha=0.6, label='weibull_min pdf') # Alternatively, the distribution object can be called (as a function) # to fix the shape, location and scale parameters. This returns a "frozen" # RV object holding the given parameters fixed. # Freeze the distribution and display the frozen ``pdf``: rv = weibull_min(c) ax.plot(x, rv.pdf(x), 'k-', lw=2, label='frozen pdf') # Check accuracy of ``cdf`` and ``ppf``: vals = weibull_min.ppf([0.001, 0.5, 0.999], c)
def optimize1Model(modele, datedebut): """ Modelise la courbe google trends par une fonction mathematique en optimisant ses parametres. Parmi les trois distributions, on retient la meilleure modele: str, le modele a optimiser datedebut: dict, dictionnaire associant a chaque modele sa date de lancement return: une liste avec l'ecart cummule entre la modelisation et la courbe brute pour les trois lois, la meilleure distribution et l'estimation de l'obsolescence associee. """ modele = formatNameModel(modele) print('optimisation du modele : ', modele) donnees_brutes = recoverRawTrends(modele) ##recuperation ou calcul de la date de lancement launchdate = datedebut[modele] if not launchdate: launchdate = calculatelaunchdate(donnees_brutes["Mois"], donnees_brutes[modele]) ##fonctions d'optimisations suivant la distribution choisie def objW(X): return objectif('w', X, launchdate.toordinal(), donnees_brutes[modele], donnees_brutes["Mois"]) def objA(X): return objectif('a', X, launchdate.toordinal(), donnees_brutes[modele], donnees_brutes["Mois"]) def objT(X): return objectif('t', X, launchdate.toordinal(), donnees_brutes[modele], donnees_brutes["Mois"]) ## minimizer x0W = [183, 25000, 1.15] #modelisation initiale pour Weibull bndsW = ((150, 1500), (24000, 100000), (1.05, 1.9) ) #bornes des parametres de la loi de Weibull x0A = [250, 50, 0] #modelisation initiale pour Alpha et triangulaire bndsA = ( (100, 5000), (1, 100), (-400, 50) ) # bornes des parametres de la loi Alpha et triangulaires (entre 60 et 10000 jours, entre 1 et 100 unites ordonnée et entre -400 et 50 pour l'offset) resultW = minimize(objW, x0W, method='Powell', bounds=bndsW, options={ 'maxiter': 100000, 'maxfev': 1000, 'return_all': True }) #fonction d'optimisation de notre modelisation ecartW = objectif('w', resultW.x, launchdate.toordinal(), donnees_brutes[modele], donnees_brutes["Mois"]) min = 'w' resultA = minimize(objA, x0A, method='Powell', bounds=bndsA, options={ 'maxiter': 100000, 'maxfev': 1000, 'return_all': True }) ecartA = objectif('a', resultA.x, launchdate.toordinal(), donnees_brutes[modele], donnees_brutes["Mois"]) if ecartA < ecartW: min = 'a' resultT = minimize(objT, x0A, method='Powell', bounds=bndsA, options={ 'maxiter': 100000, 'maxfev': 1000, 'return_all': True }) ecartT = objectif('a', resultT.x, launchdate.toordinal(), donnees_brutes[modele], donnees_brutes["Mois"]) if (ecartT < ecartA and min == 'a') or (ecartT < ecartW and min == 'w'): min = 't' print('meilleure distribution : ' + min) print('Parametres optimisés : ', end='') if min == 'a': print(resultA.x) best = resultA minscore = round( alpha.ppf(0.8, 0.8, loc=launchdate.toordinal() - resultA.x[0] / 10 + resultA.x[2], scale=resultA.x[0] / 1.7) - launchdate.toordinal()) elif min == 't': print(resultT.x) best = resultT minscore = round( triang.stats(0.1, launchdate.toordinal() + resultT.x[2], resultT.x[0], 'm') + 2.5 * math.sqrt( triang.stats(0.1, launchdate.toordinal() + resultT.x[2], resultT.x[0], 'v')) - launchdate.toordinal()) else: print(resultW.x) best = resultW minscore = round( weibull_min.stats(resultW.x[2], launchdate.toordinal(), resultW.x[0], 'm') + 2.5 * math.sqrt( weibull_min.stats(resultW.x[2], launchdate.toordinal(), resultW.x[0], 'v')) - launchdate.toordinal()) print() # montre_solution(min, best.x, launchdate.toordinal(), donnees_brutes[modele], donnees_brutes["Mois"], modele) #affichage de la solution return ([modele, resultA.x, resultT.x, resultW.x], [modele, ecartT, ecartA, ecartW, min, minscore])
def plot_distributions(data, label, output_dir): d = [] for i in data: #if int(i) != 0: # and int(i) < 280000: d.append(i) x = np.linspace(min(data), max(data), len(data)) #np.sort(data) mu = np.mean(x) sigma = np.std(x) n_bins = 30 fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4, 2.5)) #(4, 3)) data = data1 = np.sort(d) mu = np.mean(data, keepdims=True) sigma = np.std(data) plt.xscale('log') ################################################ #Data plot y = np.arange(1, len(data) + 1) / len(data) plt.plot(data, y, 'r-', linewidth=0.9, label="Data") ################################################ #Exponential plot loc, scale =, floc=0) y = ss.expon.cdf(data, loc, scale) D, P = ss.kstest(data, lambda x: y) plt.plot(data, y, 'm-.', linewidth=0.6, label="Exponential - KS D=" + str(round(D, 3))) print("Exponential KS D Value: " + str(D) + " - P value: " + str(P)) ################################################ #lognormal plot logdata = np.log(data) #estimated_mu, estimated_sigma, scale = shape, loc, scale =, floc=0) #scale = estimated_mu #s = estimated_sigma #y = (1+scipy.special.erf((np.log(data)-scale)/(np.sqrt(2)*s)))/2 #ss.lognorm.cdf(data, s, scale) y = ss.lognorm.cdf(data, shape, loc, scale) D, P = ss.kstest(data, lambda x: y) plt.plot(data, y, 'c:', linewidth=0.6, label="Lognormal - KS D=" + str(round(D, 3))) print("Lognormal KS D Value: " + str(D) + " - P value: " + str(P)) ################################################# #Weibull shape, loc, scale =, floc=0) print("shape") print(shape) wei = ss.weibull_min(shape, loc, scale) # shape, loc, scale - creates weibull object #x = np.linspace(np.min(data), np.max(data), len(data)) wei = ss.weibull_min(shape, loc, scale) meanw, var = weibull_min.stats(shape, loc, scale, moments='mv') D, P = ss.kstest(data, lambda x: wei.cdf(data)) plt.plot(data, wei.cdf(data), 'b-', linewidth=0.6, label="Weibull - KS D=" + str(round(D, 3))) ################################################# #Gamma shape1, loc1, scale1 =, floc=0) y = gamma.cdf(x=data, a=shape1, loc=loc1, scale=scale1) D, P = ss.kstest(data, lambda x: y) plt.plot(data, y, 'g--', linewidth=0.6, label="Gamma - KS D=" + str(round(D, 3))) plt.legend(edgecolor="black", prop={'size': 7}) print("Weibull KS D Value: " + str(D) + " - P value: " + str(P)) print( "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ) print("Weibull Mean: " + str(meanw / 60 / 60)) print("Weibull Var: " + str(var / 60 / 60)) # print(data) # print(wei.cdf(data)) ################################################# plt.xlabel('TBF (seconds)') plt.ylabel('Cumulative Probability') #plt.legend(framealpha=1,shadow=True, borderpad = 1, fancybox=True) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(output_dir + "plot_cdf_" + label + ".pdf")
def hesap(ax, bx): z, k, m, n, p, t = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 studentGuvenAlt, aadmGuvenAlt, maadGuvenAlt, madmGuvenAlt, johnsonGuvenAlt, chenGuvenAlt = list( ), list(), list(), list(), list(), list() studentGuvenUst, aadmGuvenUst, maadGuvenUst, madmGuvenUst, johnsonGuvenUst, chenGuvenUst = list( ), list(), list(), list(), list(), list() workbook = xlwt.Workbook() sayfa = workbook.add_sheet("Sayfa1") sayfa.write(0, 1, "Student-t") sayfa.write(0, 3, "AADM-t") sayfa.write(0, 5, "MAAD-t") sayfa.write(0, 7, "MADM-t") sayfa.write(0, 9, "Johnson-t") sayfa.write(0, 11, "Chen-t") for item in range(0, 13): if item == 0: sayfa.write(1, 0, "n") elif item % 2 == 0: sayfa.write(1, item, "AW") else: sayfa.write(1, item, "CP") for i in range(5, 10): for j in range(1, 2501): x = weibull_min.rvs(ax / bx, size=i) mean, var, skew, kurt = weibull_min.stats(ax / bx, moments='mvsk') meanx = round(statistics.mean(x), 4) medianx = round(statistics.median(x), 4) stdevx = round(statistics.stdev(x), 4) aadmx = round((math.sqrt(math.pi / 2) / i) * sum(abs(x - medianx)), 4) maadx = round(statistics.median(abs(x - meanx)), 4) madmx = round(statistics.median(abs(x - medianx)), 4) toplam = 0 for k in range(0, i): toplam = toplam + ((x[k] - meanx)**3) m3 = (i / ((i - 1) * (i - 2))) * toplam studentalt = round(meanx - cell[i - 5] * stdevx / math.sqrt(i), 4) studentust = round(meanx + cell[i - 5] * stdevx / math.sqrt(i), 4) aadmalt = round(meanx - cell[i - 5] * aadmx / math.sqrt(i), 4) aadmust = round(meanx + cell[i - 5] * aadmx / math.sqrt(i), 4) maadalt = round(meanx - cell[i - 5] * maadx / math.sqrt(i), 4) maadust = round(meanx + cell[i - 5] * maadx / math.sqrt(i), 4) madmalt = round(meanx - cell[i - 5] * madmx / math.sqrt(i), 4) madmust = round(meanx + cell[i - 5] * madmx / math.sqrt(i), 4) johnsonalt = round((meanx + (m3 / (6 * i * (stdevx**2)))) - cell[i - 5] * math.sqrt(i) * stdevx, 4) johnsonust = round((meanx + (m3 / (6 * i * (stdevx**2)))) + cell[i - 5] * math.sqrt(i) * stdevx, 4) chenalt = round(meanx - (cell[i - 5] + ( ((m3 / (stdevx**3)) * (1 + 2 * (cell[i - 5]**2))) / (6 * math.sqrt(i))) + ( (((m3 / (stdevx**3))**2) * (cell[i - 5] + 2 * (cell[i - 5])**2) / 9 * i)) + math.sqrt(i) * stdevx)) chenust = round(meanx + (cell[i - 5] + ( ((m3 / (stdevx**3)) * (1 + 2 * (cell[i - 5]**2))) / (6 * math.sqrt(i))) + ( (((m3 / (stdevx**3))**2) * (cell[i - 5] + 2 * (cell[i - 5])**2) / 9 * i)) + math.sqrt(i) * stdevx)) studentGuvenAlt.append(studentalt) studentGuvenUst.append(studentust) aadmGuvenAlt.append(aadmalt) aadmGuvenUst.append(aadmust) maadGuvenAlt.append(maadalt) maadGuvenUst.append(maadust) madmGuvenAlt.append(madmalt) madmGuvenUst.append(madmust) johnsonGuvenAlt.append(johnsonalt) johnsonGuvenUst.append(johnsonust) chenGuvenAlt.append(chenalt) chenGuvenUst.append(chenust) if studentalt <= mean <= studentust: z = z + 1 if aadmalt <= mean <= aadmust: k = k + 1 if madmalt <= mean <= madmust: m = m + 1 if maadalt <= mean <= maadust: n = n + 1 if johnsonalt <= mean <= johnsonust: p = p + 1 if chenalt <= mean <= chenust: t = t + 1 sayfa.write(i - 3, 0, f"{i}") sayfa.write(i - 3, 1, f"{round(z / 2500, 4)}") sayfa.write( i - 3, 2, f"{round(statistics.mean(studentGuvenUst) - statistics.mean(studentGuvenAlt), 4)}" ) sayfa.write(i - 3, 3, f"{round(k / 2500, 4)}") sayfa.write( i - 3, 4, f"{round(statistics.mean(aadmGuvenUst) - statistics.mean(aadmGuvenAlt), 4)}" ) sayfa.write(i - 3, 5, f"{round(n / 2500, 4)}") sayfa.write( i - 3, 6, f"{round(statistics.mean(maadGuvenUst) - statistics.mean(maadGuvenAlt), 4)}" ) sayfa.write(i - 3, 7, f"{round(m / 2500, 4)}") sayfa.write( i - 3, 8, f"{round(statistics.mean(madmGuvenUst) - statistics.mean(madmGuvenAlt), 4)}" ) sayfa.write(i - 3, 9, f"{round(p / 2500, 4)}") sayfa.write( i - 3, 10, f"{round(statistics.mean(johnsonGuvenUst) - statistics.mean(johnsonGuvenAlt), 4)}" ) sayfa.write(i - 3, 11, f"{round(t / 2500, 4)}") sayfa.write( i - 3, 12, f"{round(statistics.mean(chenGuvenUst) - statistics.mean(chenGuvenAlt), 4)}" )'W({ax} {bx}).xls') # excelisim z, k, m, n, p, t = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 studentGuvenAlt, aadmGuvenAlt, maadGuvenAlt, madmGuvenAlt, johnsonGuvenAlt, chenGuvenAlt = list( ), list(), list(), list(), list(), list() studentGuvenUst, aadmGuvenUst, maadGuvenUst, madmGuvenUst, johnsonGuvenUst, chenGuvenUst = list( ), list(), list(), list(), list(), list()
def generate_data(output_dir, CPU_factor, GPU_factor, MEM_factor): ''' #generated wit mixture weibull in R alpha_mem = 1208 beta_mem = 0.871 alpha_gpu = 59666 beta_gpu = 0.934 alpha_cpu = 289484 beta_cpu = 2.778 ''' ##alpha and beta of real data #''' alpha_mem = 295647 beta_mem = 0.918 alpha_gpu = 44721 beta_gpu = 0.551 alpha_cpu = 1595690 beta_cpu = 0.758 #''' #################################################################### #extract real mtbf data x_cpu = [] x_gpu = [] x_mem = [] file_name = "../Data/Titan_Data/GPU_mtbf_epoch1.txt" with open(file_name) as log: for line in log: x_gpu.append(int(line)) file_name = "../Data/Titan_Data/CPU_mtbf_epoch1.txt" with open(file_name) as log: for line in log: x_cpu.append(int(line)) file_name = "../Data/Titan_Data/MEM_mtbf_epoch1.txt" with open(file_name) as log: for line in log: x_mem.append(int(line)) n_samples_gpu = int(int(len(x_gpu)) * float(GPU_factor)) n_samples_cpu = int(int(len(x_cpu)) * float(CPU_factor)) n_samples_mem = int(int(len(x_mem)) * float(MEM_factor)) gpu = Weibull_Distribution(alpha=alpha_gpu,beta=beta_gpu).random_samples(n_samples_gpu) cpu = Weibull_Distribution(alpha=alpha_cpu,beta=beta_cpu).random_samples(n_samples_cpu) mem = Weibull_Distribution(alpha=alpha_mem,beta=beta_mem).random_samples(n_samples_mem) shape, loc, scale =, floc=0) mean_gpu, var = weibull_min.stats(shape,loc,scale, moments='mv') print("gpu total failures = "+ str(n_samples_gpu)) print("gpu shape = " + str(shape)) print("gpu scale = " + str(scale)) print("gpu Mean: "+str(mean_gpu)) print("-----------------") shape, loc, scale =, floc=0) mean_cpu, var = weibull_min.stats(shape,loc,scale, moments='mv') print("cpu total failures = "+ str(n_samples_cpu)) print("cpu shape = " + str(shape)) print("cpu scale = " + str(scale)) print("cpu Mean: "+str(mean_cpu)) print("-----------------") shape, loc, scale =, floc=0) mean_mem, var = weibull_min.stats(shape,loc,scale, moments='mv') print("mem total failures = "+ str(n_samples_mem)) print("mem shape = " + str(shape)) print("mem scale = " + str(scale)) print("mem Mean: "+str(mean_mem)) #new proportions t = 0 t = n_samples_mem+n_samples_cpu+n_samples_gpu proportion_cpu = n_samples_cpu / t proportion_gpu = n_samples_gpu / t proportion_mem = n_samples_mem / t mixture_mean = mean_gpu * proportion_gpu + mean_mem * proportion_mem + mean_cpu * proportion_cpu print("-----------------") print("Total failures = "+ str(n_samples_mem+n_samples_cpu+n_samples_gpu)) print("mixture mean without mixture= " + str(mixture_mean/60/60)) print("-----------------") xvals = np.linspace(0,50,t) wei_cpu = Weibull_Distribution(alpha=alpha_cpu,beta=beta_cpu).CDF(xvals=xvals,show_plot=False) wei_gpu = Weibull_Distribution(alpha=alpha_gpu,beta=beta_gpu).CDF(xvals=xvals,show_plot=False) wei_mem = Weibull_Distribution(alpha=alpha_mem,beta=beta_mem).CDF(xvals=xvals,show_plot=False) Mixture_CDF = wei_gpu * proportion_gpu + wei_cpu * proportion_cpu + wei_mem * proportion_mem shape, loc, scale =, floc=0) meanw, var = weibull_min.stats(shape,loc,scale, moments='mv') print("Mix Mean: "+str(meanw/60/60)) #save all data (cpu + gpu + mem) all_data = np.hstack([gpu,cpu,mem]) file = open(output_dir + "TOTAL_mtbf_epoch1_exascale.txt", 'w+') for i in all_data: if int(i) != 0: file.write(str(int(i))+"\n") file.close() sys.exit()
def get_moments(*args) -> dict: assert len(args) == len(WeibullDistribution.get_parameter_names()) m, v, s, k = weibull_min.stats(*args, moments="mvsk") std = np.sqrt(v) moments = dict(mean=m, std=std, skewness=s, kurtosis=k) return moments