def mcmc(samp,z,init,cov,prior_mu,samples=1000,proposal_width=0.1): posterior = np.empty((0,len(init))) prior_std = cov var_current = [] for var in init: var_current.append(var) for sample in range(samples): post = [] for i in range(len(init)): var_proposed = norm(var_current[i],proposal_width).rvs() params_prop = [a for a in var_current] params_prop[i] = var_proposed #Assuming sigma=1 for the simplest case likelihood_current = mv(mean=var_current,cov=cov).pdf(samp) likelihood_proposed = mv(mean=params_prop,cov=cov).pdf(samp) prior_current = mv(mean=prior_mu,cov=prior_std).pdf(var_current) prior_proposed = mv(mean=prior_mu,cov=prior_std).pdf(params_prop) p_current = np.sum([np.log(a) for a in likelihood_current])*prior_current p_proposed = np.sum([np.log(a) for a in likelihood_proposed])*prior_proposed #print(p_proposed/p_current) accept = p_proposed / p_current > np.random.rand() if accept: #print(f"{i} | {var_current} -> {var_proposed}") var_current[i] = var_proposed post.append(var_current[i]) posterior = np.r_[posterior,[post]] return posterior
# In[1]: import seaborn as sb from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal as mv from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D from pylab import * from numpy import * # q1 # create the target distribution # sample at .1 interval tmp = arange(-2, 2, .1) x, y = meshgrid(tmp, tmp) mu = [0,0] sigma = eye(len(mu)) * 2/5 dist = mv(mu, sigma) X = vstack((x.flatten(), y.flatten())).T Y = dist.pdf(X).reshape(x.shape) * 3 targets = array(Y.flatten(), ndmin = 2).T fig, ax = subplots(1, 1, subplot_kw = {'projection': '3d'}) ax.plot_surface(x, y, targets.reshape(x.shape)) ax.set_xlabel('$x_1$', labelpad = 20) ax.set_ylabel('$x_2$', labelpad = 20) ax.set_zlabel('pdf', labelpad =20) sb.set_context('poster') sb.set_style('white') show()
#plt.legend() if(save_plt): plt.savefig("goal_init.pdf",bbox_inches='tight') #============================================================================== # Prior Samples #============================================================================== ker_mimic = GPy.kern.Matern52(variance = 1.0, lengthscale = 0.147, input_dim =1) nb_points_path = 100 nb_func = 50 X_kernel = np.linspace(0.,1., nb_points_path)[:,None] mu_kernel = np.zeros((nb_points_path)) C_kernel = ker_mimic.K(X_kernel,X_kernel) sample_paths = np.squeeze(np.random.multivariate_normal(mu_kernel, C_kernel, nb_func)) mv0 = mv(mean = mu_kernel, cov = C_kernel, allow_singular=True) log_p = mv0.logpdf(sample_paths) tmp = np.power(log_p / np.sum(log_p), 8) scale = 2 /np.max(tmp) p_norm = scale * tmp color_tmp = get_plot_infos(p_norm, cm.Blues) index_tmp = np.argsort(p_norm) for n in index_tmp: plt.plot(X_kernel[:], sample_paths[n], color = color_tmp[n], linewidth = p_norm[n]) plt.ylabel(r"$f(x)$") plt.xlabel(r"$x$") if(save_plt): plt.savefig("prior_samples.pdf",bbox_inches='tight')
def f(self, x, y): self.bivariate = mv( [self.mu1, self.mu2], [[self.sig1**2, self.sig12], [self.sig12, self.sig2**2]]) return self.bivariate.pdf((x, y))
then the corresponding eigenvalue of C will be λi + β−1. It is therefore sufficient that the kernel matrix k(xn,xm) be positive semidefinite for any pair of points xn and xm, so that λi ? 0, because any eigenvalue λi that is zero will still give rise to a positive eigenvalue for C because β> 0. [Bisschop 308] ''' L = chol(K) # this gives an error. is something wrong with the kernel? l = rank(L) # it would be surprising, if this was >= 0 # q4 mu = np.zeros(len(x)) # for some reason it errors on singularity? prior = mv(mu, K, allow_singular=1) samples = prior.rvs(5) fig, ax = subplots(1, 1) for i in samples: ax.plot(x, i) savefig('../Figures/ex_1_test') # q5 thetas = np.array([ [ 1, 4, 0, 0 ], [ 9, 4, 0, 0 ], [ 1, 64, 0, 0 ], [ 1, 0.25, 0, 0 ], [ 1, 4, 10, 0 ], [ 1, 4, 0, 5 ] ]) # i want at most 3 rows nRows = 3 # get the the number of columns nCols = thetas.shape[ 0 ] // nRows
def overlay(i): print(i) tag = "{:0>4}".format(i) global counter imgname = "{}_a.png".format(tag) imgpath = os.path.join(abspath,imgname) image = cv2.imread(imgpath) maskpath = os.path.join(abspath,"{}_masks.png".format(tag)) depthpath = os.path.join(abspath,"{}_npdepth.npy".format(tag)) depthmap = np.load(depthpath,allow_pickle=False) projmat = fu.matrix_from_string(data["projection"]) masks = separate(maskpath) verts = [] p=False #totalimg = np.zeros((256,256)).astype(np.uint8) outimg = np.zeros((256,256)).astype(np.uint8) for hue in masks: objname = getObjFromHue(hue) # if objname: # objclass = objname.split(".")[0] # studs = fu.get_object_studs(objclass) # for stud in studs: # stud.append(1.0) # else: # continue if not objname: continue #studmask = np.zeros((512,512),dtype=np.uint8) #maskedimg = np.zeros((512,512,3),dtype=np.uint8) inds={0:30,1:60,2:90,3:120,4:150} if "WingR" in objname: studs = [[-.94,1.86,0.0,1.0], [-.94,-1.86,0.0,1.0], [-0.0,-1.86,0.0,1.0], [.94,1.86,0.0,1.0]]#[.9,.9,0.0,1.0], [.9,1.8,0.0,1.0]] elif "WingL" in objname: studs = [[-.94,-1.86,0.03,1.0] , [-.94,1.86,0.03,1.0], [-0.0,1.86,0.03,1.0], [.94,-1.86,0.03,1.0]]#[.9,-.9,0.032,1.0], [.9,-1.8,0.032,1.0]] elif """if "Slope1" in objname: studs = [[0.0,0.0,0.95487,1.0]] elif "Slope3" in objname: studs = [[0.0,0.579934,1.17411,1.0],[0.0,-0.579934,1.17411,1.0]] else: studs = [[-0.579934,-0.579934,0.579934,1.0],[-0.579934,0.579934,0.579934,1.0],[0.579934,-0.579934,0.579934,1.0],[0.579934,0.579934,0.579934,1.0]] """ studs = np.array(studs,dtype=np.float32) #studs[0:3] = .95 * studs[0:3] modelmat = fu.matrix_from_string(data["objects"][objname]["modelmat"]) viewmat = fu.matrix_from_string(data["viewmats"][i]) screenverts = fu.verts_to_screen(modelmat, viewmat, projmat, studs, filter=True) if screenverts is None: continue screenverts[:,0:2] = fu.toNDC(screenverts[:,0:2], (512,512)) visibleverts = screenverts# [v for v in screenverts if depthmap[int(v[1]),int(v[0])] - abs(v[2]) > -0.05] #maskedimg = cv2.bitwise_and(image,image,mask=masks[hue]) #cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(write_path,"{}_{}_masked.png".format(tag,counter)), cv2.resize(maskedimg, (256,256), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)) #outimg = np.zeros((256,256,3)).astype(np.uint8) #outimg = np.zeros((256,256)).astype(np.uint8) finalverts = [] for v in visibleverts: x= int(v[0]) y=int(v[1]) val = masks[hue][y,x] x= int(v[0]/2) y=int(v[1]/2) if val > 0: pos = np.dstack(np.mgrid[0:256:1, 0:256:1]) rv = mv(mean=[y,x], cov=7) pd = rv.pdf(pos) img = pd/np.amax(pd) gimg = np.rint(255 * img) gimg = gimg.astype(np.uint8), (x,y), 3, (255,255,255),-1) #outimg[y,x] = 255 outimg = outimg + gimg #totalimg = totalimg + gimg #coord = np.array([x,y],dtype=np.float32) #else: # coord = np.array([np.nan,np.nan]) #finalverts.append(coord) #f = np.array(finalverts) #print(f.shape),"{}_kpts.npy".format(counter)), f) #cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(write_path,"{}_{}_kpts.png".format(tag,counter)), outimg) #counter += 1 cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(write_path,"{}_img.png".format(tag)), image) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(write_path,"{}_kpts.png".format(tag)), outimg) def iterOverlay(indices): for ind in indices: overlay(ind) indices = np.arange(data["runs"]) if args.num is None else [args.num] cores = mp.cpu_count() num_procs = 1 if len(indices) < cores else cores indices_lists = np.array_split(indices, num_procs) #print(indices_lists) processes = [] counter = 0 iterOverlay(indices) '''
x = linspace(-1, 1, N) K = kernel(x, x, theta) print(K.shape) # q3 ''' K = N x N = 101 x 101 We can show semipositive definite by showing that all the eigenvalues are >= 0 ''' eigval, eigvec = linalg.eig(K) # linalg returns complex values, but the complex part is zero print(real(eigval)) # q4 from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal as mv mu = zeros(len(x)) prior = mv(mu, K, allow_singular=1) print(linalg.matrix_rank(K)) samples = prior.rvs(5) fig, ax = subplots(1, 1) for i in samples: ax.plot(x, i) savefig('../Figures/ex_1_test') # q5 thetas = np.array([[1, 4, 0, 0], [9, 4, 0, 0], [1, 64, 0, 0], [1, 0.25, 0, 0], [1, 4, 10, 0], [1, 4, 0, 5]]) # i want at most 3 rows nRows = 3
plt.rc('text', usetex=True) #============================================================================== # ***GOAL Present basis of GP #============================================================================== nb_points_path = 50 nb_func = 50 l = 0.2 k = GPy.kern.RBF(input_dim=1,lengthscale = l, variance = 1.0) X = np.linspace(0.,1., nb_points_path) X = X[:,None] mu = np.zeros((nb_points_path)) C = k.K(X,X) Z = np.squeeze(np.random.multivariate_normal(mu, C, nb_func)) mv0 = mv(mean = mu, cov = C , allow_singular=True) log_p = mv0.logpdf(Z) tmp = np.power(log_p / np.sum(log_p), 8) scale = 1.2 /np.max(tmp) p_norm = scale * tmp for n, zz in enumerate(Z): plt.plot(X[:], zz, color = 'blue', linewidth = p_norm[n]) plt.savefig('prior_more_3.pdf') #plot one func = nb_1 = 3 x_fin = X[-1,0] x_lim = [0, 1.35] y_lim = [-2, 2] arbitray_labels = [r"p(f)=0.1", r"p(f)=0.3", r"p(f)=0.6"]
errors.append(np.mean((self.targets - outputs[-1])**2)) # if idx % 1000: # # self.eta = np.random.randn() *2 # print(errors[-1]) if idx > maxiter: alpha = False return errors, idx idx += 1 close('all') # q1 tmp = np.arange(-2, 2, .1) x, y = np.meshgrid(tmp, tmp) dist = mv([0, 0], np.eye(2) * 2 / 5. * 3) X = np.vstack((x.flatten(), y.flatten())) Y = dist.pdf(X.T).reshape(x.shape) fig, ax = subplots(2, 1, subplot_kw={'projection': '3d'}) ax[0].plot_surface(x, y, Y, cmap='viridis') # show() # print(Y.shape); assert 0 tmp = state = [X.T, np.array(Y.flatten(), ndmin=2).T] net = mlp(M=8, eta=1e-1, n_patterns=4, state=tmp) errors, iters = net.train(threshold=1e-1, maxiter=int(1000)) out = net.forward_pass(net.patterns) # print(errors[-1]) print((out[-1] - net.targets)**2, iters)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal as mv from scipy.stats import norm func = mv(mean=[1,9],cov=[[3,0],[0,2]]) x, y = np.mgrid[-2.0:4.0:100j, 6.0:12.0:100j] xy = np.column_stack([x.flat,y.flat]) z = func.pdf(xy) z = z.reshape(x.shape) from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111,projection='3d') ax.plot_surface(x,y,z,alpha=0.8) ax.set_title('Base Function') ax.set_xlabel('X') ax.set_ylabel('Y') ax.set_zlabel('MV Gaussian') plt.savefig('pdf.pdf') def mcmc(samp,z,init,cov,prior_mu,samples=1000,proposal_width=0.1): posterior = np.empty((0,len(init))) prior_std = cov
def gaussian_multivariate(mu, cov): return mv(mean = mu, cov = cov)