コード例 #1
def ExamplePlotFrozenDist():
    """Example of PlotFrozenDist."""

    from pylab import figure, subplot
    from scipy.stats import norm, gamma, poisson, skellam

    print("Example: Norm, Norm, Gamma, Gamma, Poisson, Poisson, Skellam, Skellam.")

    PlotFrozenDist( norm() )
    PlotFrozenDist( norm( loc=10, scale=0.5) )
    PlotFrozenDist( gamma(3) )
    ga = gamma( 3, loc=5)
    PlotFrozenDist( ga, q=1e-6, color='g')
    mn = float(ga.stats()[0]) ### add a red vline at the mean
    vlines( mn, 0, ga.pdf(mn),  colors='r', linestyles='-')
    PlotFrozenDist( poisson(10), color='r', ms=3) ## Pass other plotting arguments 
    PlotFrozenDist( skellam( 5.3, 10), marker='*')
    PlotFrozenDist( skellam( 100, 10), marker='+', no_vlines=True)
コード例 #2
def ExamplePlotFrozenDist():
    """Example of PlotFrozenDist.
    See :meth:`plotfrozen.PlotFrozenDist`

    from pylab import figure, subplot
    from scipy.stats import norm, gamma, poisson, skellam
    from matplotlib.pyplot import vlines
    PlotFrozenDist(norm(loc=10, scale=0.5))
    ga = gamma(3, loc=5)
    PlotFrozenDist(ga, q=1e-6, color='g')
    mn = float(ga.stats()[0])  # add a red vline at the mean
    vlines(mn, 0, ga.pdf(mn), colors='r', linestyles='-')
    PlotFrozenDist(poisson(10), color='r',
                   ms=3)  # Pass other plotting arguments
    PlotFrozenDist(skellam(5.3, 10), marker='*')
    PlotFrozenDist(skellam(100, 10))
コード例 #3
ファイル: tn_pois.py プロジェクト: dawe/scatACC
def diff_estimate():
    options = get_options()
    if options.accurate:
        # to be moved downward sometime
        raise NotImplementedError("Accurate estimate not yet implemented!")

    ftn5 = pysam.AlignmentFile(options.tn5, 'rb')
    ftnH = pysam.AlignmentFile(options.tnH, 'rb')

    n_reads5 = mapped_reads(ftn5, options.mito_chrom_name)
    n_readsH = mapped_reads(ftnH, options.mito_chrom_name)

    # genome sizes should be the same, but you'll never know
    # at a certain point one should also check that two files
    # have been aligned on the same reference...
    gs5 = genome_size(ftn5, options.mito_chrom_name)
    gsH = genome_size(ftnH, options.mito_chrom_name)

    # poisson lambda will be the average coverage per bin
    mu5 = n_reads5 / (gs5 / options.stepsize)
    muH = n_readsH / (gsH / options.stepsize)

    # now we can use a Skellam distribution
    # this will model the differences we count on each bin

    skd = sst.skellam(mu5, muH)

    # by default we will skip duplicated reads
    for chromosome in ftn5.references:
        if chromosome == options.mito_chrom_name:
        chr_len = ftn5.get_reference_length(chromosome)
        for start in range(0, chr_len, options.stepsize):
            stop = start + options.stepsize
            if stop > chr_len:
                stop = chr_len
            c5 = ftn5.count(contig=chromosome,
            cH = ftnH.count(contig=chromosome,
            d = c5 - cH
            p = skd.cdf(d)
            l = np.log(p)
            if p > 0.5:
                # more evidences on the right tail, the tn5 one
                l = -np.log(1 - p)
            if l > _MAXLOG:
                l = _MAXLOG
            if l < -_MAXLOG:
                l = -_MAXLOG
            # write to stdout
            # one day I will add direct bigwig support
コード例 #4
def main():
    dist = skellam(20, 1.2)
    events = [{
        'events': 5,
        'rndm': np.random.randint(0, 2147483647)
    }, {
        'events': 8,
        'rndm': np.random.randint(0, 2147483647)
    func = partial(test_func, dist)
    with Pool(2) as p:
        res = p.map(func, events)

コード例 #5
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 6))
rmin, rmax = max(1, n - 10), n + 10

for i, Ns in enumerate([1 / 1000, 5, 10, 50]):
    s = Ns / N
    n_range = np.arange(rmin, rmax + 1)
    # Exact distribution
    dist = [dist_num_anc(a, n, x, s, N, rocc) for a in n_range]
    kwargs = dict(n=n, N=N, s=Ns / N)
    ax.plot(n_range, dist, ls="", marker="o", color=f"C{i}")

    # Skellam
    mu1 = n * s
    mu2 = n * (n - 1) / (2 * N)
    s = skellam(mu1, mu2)
    s_range = np.arange(-n, rmax)
    # ATTN: note that +n is added to the support of the distribution here
    ax.plot(s_range + n, s.pmf(s_range), label=Ns, ls="--", color=f"C{i}")

ax.legend(title="Ns", loc="upper left")

shared_args = dict(
    xlabel="Number of contributing lineages",
    xlim=(rmin, rmax),
    ylim=(-0.005, 1),
    xticks=list(range(rmin, rmax, 5)),
ax.set(ylabel="Probability", title="Skellam approximation", **shared_args)
ax.fill_between([n, rmax], [-10, -10], [10, 10], color="red", alpha=0.05)
コード例 #6
def main():
    plt.rcParams['figure.autolayout'] = True

    threads = 15

    cent_edges = [
        6, 9, 12, 17, 24, 32, 42, 54, 69, 86, 106, 129, 156, 188, 226, 271
    percentiles = []

    mu1, mu2 = 20.9, 0.2
    mu_bar = (mu1 + mu2) / 2
    mu_delta = mu1 - mu2
    dist = skellam(mu1, mu2)
    binning = np.arange(-0.5, mu_bar * 2 * 10 + 1.5, 1)
    trials = 1000
    moment_pars = {
        'c2': {
            'method': get_c2_meas,
            'true': 2 * mu_bar
        'c3': {
            'method': get_c3_meas,
            'true': mu_delta
        'c4': {
            'method': get_c4_meas,
            'true': 2 * mu_bar
        'c5': {
            'method': get_c5_meas,
            'true': mu_delta
        'c6': {
            'method': get_c6_meas,
            'true': 2 * mu_bar
        'k2': {
            'method': get_k2_meas,
            'true': 2 * mu_bar
        'k3': {
            'method': get_k3_meas,
            'true': mu_delta
        'k4': {
            'method': get_k4_meas,
            'true': 2 * mu_bar
        'k5': {
            'method': get_k5_meas,
            'true': mu_delta
        'k6': {
            'method': get_k6_meas,
            'true': 2 * mu_bar
        'c4/c2': {
            'method': get_c4_div_c2_meas,
            'true': 1
        'k4/k2': {
            'method': get_k4_div_k2_meas,
            'true': 1
        'c6/c2': {
            'method': get_c6_div_c2_meas,
            'true': 1
        'k6/k2': {
            'method': get_k6_div_k2_meas,
            'true': 1
        'c4/c2 - k4/k2': {
            'method': get_c4_div_c2_sub_k4_div_k2_meas,
            'true': 1
        'c6/c2 - k6/k2': {
            'method': get_c6_div_c2_sub_k6_div_k2_meas,
            'true': 1

    save_path = '/home/dylan/Desktop/'

    emulate_data(cent_edges, dist, binning, trials, moment_pars, percentiles,
                 threads, save_path)

コード例 #7
def main():
    plt.rcParams['figure.autolayout'] = True
    # num_events = np.asarray(np.arange(2, 101, 1))
    # percentiles = [5, 30, 50, 70, 95]

    # n, p = 20, 0.4
    # q = 1 - p
    # dist = binom(n, q)
    # binning = np.arange(-0.5, 20 + 1.5, 1)
    # trials = 100
    # moment_pars = {'c2': {'method': lambda x: x.get_cumulant(2), 'true': n*p*q},
    #                'c3': {'method': lambda x: x.get_cumulant(3), 'true': n*p*q*(1-2*p)},
    #                'c4': {'method': lambda x: x.get_cumulant(4),
    #                       'true': n * p * q * (1 + (3 * n - 6) * p * q) - 3 * (n*p*q)**2},
    #                'k2': {'method': lambda x: x.get_k_stat(2), 'true': n*p*q},
    #                'k3': {'method': lambda x: x.get_k_stat(3), 'true': n*p*q*(1-2*p)},
    #                'k4': {'method': lambda x: x.get_k_stat(4),
    #                       'true': n * p * q * (1 + (3 * n - 6) * p * q) - 3 * (n*p*q)**2}}

    # num_events = np.asarray(np.arange(10, 101, 1))
    # percentiles = []
    # mu = 5
    # dist = poisson(mu)
    # binning = np.arange(-0.5, mu * 10 + 1.5, 1)
    # trials = 1000
    # moment_pars = {'c2': {'method': lambda x: x.get_cumulant(2).val, 'true': mu},
    #                'c3': {'method': lambda x: x.get_cumulant(3).val, 'true': mu},
    #                'c4': {'method': lambda x: x.get_cumulant(4).val,
    #                       'true': mu},
    #                'k2': {'method': lambda x: x.get_k_stat(2).val, 'true': mu},
    #                'k3': {'method': lambda x: x.get_k_stat(3).val, 'true': mu},
    #                'k4': {'method': lambda x: x.get_k_stat(4).val,
    #                       'true': mu},
    #                'c4/c2': {'method': lambda x: x.get_cumulant(4).val / x.get_cumulant(2).val,
    #                          'true': 1},
    #                'k4/k2': {'method': lambda x: x.get_k_stat(4).val / x.get_k_stat(2).val,
    #                          'true': 1}
    #                }

    num_events = np.asarray(np.arange(10, 1000, 10))
    threads = 13
    # num_events = np.asarray(np.arange(50, 5000, 10))
    percentiles = [16, 84]

    mu1, mu2 = 20.9, 0.2
    mu_bar = (mu1 + mu2) / 2
    mu_delta = mu1 - mu2
    dist = skellam(mu1, mu2)
    binning = np.arange(-0.5, mu_bar * 2 * 10 + 1.5, 1)
    trials = 10000
    moment_pars = {
        'c2': {
            'method': get_c2,
            'method_single': get_c2_meas,
            'true': 2 * mu_bar
        'c3': {
            'method': get_c3,
            'method_single': get_c3_meas,
            'true': mu_delta
        'c4': {
            'method': get_c4,
            'method_single': get_c4_meas,
            'true': 2 * mu_bar
        'c5': {
            'method': get_c5,
            'method_single': get_c5_meas,
            'true': mu_delta
        'c6': {
            'method': get_c6,
            'method_single': get_c6_meas,
            'true': 2 * mu_bar
        'k2': {
            'method': get_k2,
            'method_single': get_k2_meas,
            'true': 2 * mu_bar
        'k3': {
            'method': get_k3,
            'method_single': get_k3_meas,
            'true': mu_delta
        'k4': {
            'method': get_k4,
            'method_single': get_k4_meas,
            'true': 2 * mu_bar
        'k5': {
            'method': get_k5,
            'method_single': get_k5_meas,
            'true': mu_delta
        'k6': {
            'method': get_k6,
            'method_single': get_k6_meas,
            'true': 2 * mu_bar
        'c4/c2': {
            'method': get_c4_div_c2,
            'method_single': get_c4_div_c2_meas,
            'true': 1
        'k4/k2': {
            'method': get_k4_div_k2,
            'method_single': get_k4_div_k2_meas,
            'true': 1
        'c6/c2': {
            'method': get_c6_div_c2,
            'method_single': get_c6_div_c2_meas,
            'true': 1
        'k6/k2': {
            'method': get_k6_div_k2,
            'method_single': get_k6_div_k2_meas,
            'true': 1
        'c4/c2 - k4/k2': {
            'method': get_c4_div_c2_sub_k4_div_k2,
            'method_single': get_c4_div_c2_sub_k4_div_k2_meas,
            'true': 1
        'c6/c2 - k6/k2': {
            'method': get_c6_div_c2_sub_k6_div_k2,
            'method_single': get_c6_div_c2_sub_k6_div_k2_meas,
            'true': 1

    save_path = '/home/dylan/Desktop/'

    # demo_plots(dist)
    sim_single_trial(dist, num_events, binning, moment_pars, threads)
    # sim_trials(dist, num_events, trials, binning, percentiles, moment_pars, threads)
    # start = time.time()
    # event_means, event_errs, event_percs = simulate(dist, num_events, trials, binning, moment_pars, percentiles)
    # print(f'Simulation time: {time.time() - start}s')
    # # plot_moments(num_events, event_means, event_errs, event_percs, moment_pars, percentiles)
    # plot_moments_together(num_events, event_means, event_errs, event_percs, moment_pars, percentiles)
    # # plot_cumulants(num_events, event_means, event_errs, event_percs, moment_pars, percentiles)
    # plot_cumulant_ratios(num_events, event_means, event_errs, event_percs, moment_pars, percentiles)
    # plot_ratios(num_events, event_means, event_errs, event_percs, moment_pars, percentiles)

コード例 #8
ファイル: part2.py プロジェクト: chenxu0602/HKJC
from math import exp, factorial
from scipy.stats import skellam

def poisson(l, k):
    """ Poission function with interval: l """
    return pow(l, k) * exp(-l) / factorial(k)

print("Consider the game is the combination of the superposition of two independent poission processes N1 and N2.")
print("Assuming team i is the home team while team j is the away.")

mu1, mu2 = 1.55, 1.05
print(f"\nThe HAD pool can be modeled by N1 - N2, which is a skellam distribution with mu1 = {mu1} and mu2 = {mu2}.")
print("Alternatively, we can do Sum(N1 * N2) over all cases that have k_n1 > k_n2, k_n1 = k_n2 or k_n1 < k_n2 with a cutoff at some threshold.")

sk = skellam(mu1, mu2)
had_draw = sk.pmf(0)
had_away = sk.cdf(-1)
had_home = 1.0 - had_draw - had_away
print("The probablity of HAD HOME|AWAY|DRAW: {:.2f}%|{:.2f}%|{:.2f}%.".format(had_home*100, had_away*100, had_draw*100))

had_home_odds_true = 1.0 / had_home
had_away_odds_true = 1.0 / had_away
had_draw_odds_true = 1.0 / had_draw
print("The decimal odds of HAD HOME|AWAY|DRAW: {:.2f}|{:.2f}|{:.2f}.".format(\
        had_home_odds_true, had_away_odds_true, had_draw_odds_true))

had_margin = 0.123
had_home_odds_margin = 1.0 / had_home / (1 + had_margin)
had_away_odds_margin = 1.0 / had_away / (1 + had_margin)
had_draw_odds_margin = 1.0 / had_draw / (1 + had_margin)