コード例 #1
    def auc_score(self, ground_truth, predictions, **kwargs):
        """ Calculate the AUC score for this particular trial.

        This will also calculate the F scores and ROC curves

            ground_truth: vector of class labels
            predictions: vector of predicted class labels

            AUC score for this trial

        # calculate f scores
        thresholded = threshold(predictions[:, 1], threshmin=0.5)
        thresholded = threshold(thresholded, threshmax=0.5, newval=1.0).astype(int)
        fhalf_score = metrics.fbeta_score(ground_truth.astype(int), thresholded, beta=0.5)
        f2_score = metrics.fbeta_score(ground_truth.astype(int), thresholded, beta=2)
        f1_score = metrics.fbeta_score(ground_truth.astype(int), thresholded, beta=1)

        # calculate ROC curve and AUC
        fpr, tpr, _ = metrics.roc_curve(ground_truth, predictions[:, 1])
        area = metrics.auc(fpr, tpr)

        self.rates_.append((fpr, tpr))
        return area
コード例 #2
def thresh(im, thresh):
    Threshold image with threshdold value thresh
    tlow = threshold(im, threshmin=thresh, newval=0)
    thigh = threshold(tlow, threshmax=thresh, newval=255)
    return thigh.astype(np.uint8)
コード例 #3
def otsu( small_img ):
    #filter black and gray
    img_R = small_img[:,:,0]
    img_G = small_img[:,:,1]
    img_B = small_img[:,:,2]
    black = (img_R < 10 ) & (img_G < 10) & (img_B < 10)
    small_img[:,:,:3][black] = [255,255,255]

    grey = (img_R >= 220 ) & (img_G >= 220) & (img_B >=220)
    small_img[:,:,:3][grey] = [255,255,255]

    gray = cv2.cvtColor( small_img  , cv2.COLOR_RGB2HSV )
    mask = (gray[:,:,0] < 0.06) & (gray[:,:,1] < 0.06) & (gray[:,:,2]< 70)
    small_img[:,:,:3][mask] = [255,255,255]

    return small_img
    #changing to gray scale
    img_gray = cv2.cvtColor( small_img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY )

    # clahe
    clahe = cv2.createCLAHE()
    img_cl = clahe.apply(img_gray);

    # otsu algorithm
        thresh = threshold_otsu(img_cl)

        threshold( small_img[:,:,:3] , thresh  , [255,255,255] )
    return small_img
コード例 #4
 def render_image(self, dir):
     input_file = h5py.File(self.file, 'r')
     wires = input_file['image/wires']
     n = 1
     scale = 100
     thresh = 25
     self.logger.info("""Producing {} images with
                  scale {} and threshold {}""".format(n, scale, thresh))
         image = wires[0]
         self.logger.info("Image: min: {}, max: {}".format(
             np.min(image), np.max(image)))
         buff = np.ndarray(shape=(image.shape[1], image.shape[2],
         for i in range(3):
             buff[:, :, i] = image[i, :, :]
         buff = buff * scale
         buff = threshold(buff, threshmin=thresh) + threshold(
             buff, threshmax=-thresh)
         self.logger.info("Buffer: min: {}, max: {}".format(
             np.min(buff), np.max(buff)))
         output_file = os.path.join(dir, 'wires.png')
         imsave(output_file, buff)
     except Exception as e:
         self.logger.warning("problem creating image")
コード例 #5
    def create_gist_parameters(self, selected_path, video_name):

        org_images = images.read_video_as_list_by_path(selected_path,
        background_model = cv2.BackgroundSubtractorMOG2(len(org_images),
        for frame in org_images:
                frame, len(org_images))  # given frame, learning-rate

        th = 150
        fgmask_set = []
        dp_mask = []
        for frame in org_images:
            forward = background_model.apply(
            )  # create foreground mask which is gray-scale(0~255) image.
            tmp = cv2.cvtColor(forward, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)  # convert to color
            #convert gray-scale foreground mask to binary image.
            a = stats.threshold(forward, threshmin=th, threshmax=255, newval=0)
            a = stats.threshold(a, threshmin=0, threshmax=th, newval=1)

        return fgmask_set, org_images, dp_mask
コード例 #6
ファイル: nodeprotocol.py プロジェクト: peparedes/Urbanio
    def recv_cmd(self):
        data, address = self.sck.recvfrom(296)
        uData = self.rec_fmt.unpack(data)
        tempImage = np.asarray(uData[1:65])
        tSamp = uData[70]
        tempImageMat = np.reshape(tempImage, (16, 4))
        tempRow = tempImageMat.sum(axis=1)/4

        tempRowSq = tempRow**2
        # Select a threshold as a percentace above the RMS value
        tempRms = np.sqrt(tempRowSq.sum()/tempRow.size)
        threshold = tempRms*1.06

        # Binarizing the signal (0=no reading, 1=person detected)
        defaultVals = stats.threshold(tempRow, threshmin=threshold, newval=0)
        defaultVals = stats.threshold(defaultVals, threshmax=threshold,
        # print(defaultVals)
        span = 3.2  # Width of sensed floor
        # print(defaultVals)
        values = np.dot([i for i, x in enumerate(defaultVals) if x == 1],
        self.pos_values.append((tSamp, defaultVals))
        if len(self.pos_values) > 100:
コード例 #7
 def channel_enhance(self, img, channel, level=1):
     if channel == 'B':
         blue_channel = img[:, :, 0]
         # blue_channel = (blue_channel - 128) * (level) +128
         blue_channel = blue_channel * level
         blue_channel = stats.threshold(blue_channel,
         img[:, :, 0] = blue_channel
     elif channel == 'G':
         green_channel = img[:, :, 1]
         # green_channel = (green_channel - 128) * (level) +128
         green_channel = green_channel * level
         green_channel = stats.threshold(green_channel,
         img[:, :, 0] = green_channel
     elif channel == 'R':
         red_channel = img[:, :, 2]
         # red_channel = (red_channel - 128) * (level) +128
         red_channel = red_channel * level
         red_channel = stats.threshold(red_channel,
         img[:, :, 0] = red_channel
     img = img.astype(np.uint8)
     return img
コード例 #8
 def brightness_contrast(self, img, alpha=1.0, beta=0):
     img_contrast = img * (alpha)
     img_bright = img_contrast + (beta)
     # img_bright = img_bright.astype(int)
     img_bright = stats.threshold(img_bright, threshmax=255, newval=255)
     img_bright = stats.threshold(img_bright, threshmin=0, newval=0)
     img_bright = img_bright.astype(np.uint8)
     return img_bright
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_stats.py プロジェクト: zoccolan/eyetracker
 def test_basic(self):
     a = [-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, -1, -2]
     assert_array_equal(stats.threshold(a), a)
     assert_array_equal(stats.threshold(a, 3, None, 0),
                        [0, 0, 3, 4, 5, 0, 0])
     assert_array_equal(stats.threshold(a, None, 3, 0),
                        [-1, 2, 3, 0, 0, -1, -2])
     assert_array_equal(stats.threshold(a, 2, 4, 0), [0, 2, 3, 4, 0, 0, 0])
コード例 #10
	def brightness_contrast(self, img, alpha = 1.0, beta = 0):
		img_contrast = img * (alpha)
		img_bright = img_contrast + (beta)
		# img_bright = img_bright.astype(int)
		img_bright = stats.threshold(img_bright,threshmax=255, newval=255)
		img_bright = stats.threshold(img_bright,threshmin=0, newval=0)
		img_bright = img_bright.astype(np.uint8)
		return img_bright
コード例 #11
def threshold_values(vector):
    Returns a new vector with all values < 0.5 set to 0, and all values >= 0.5
    set to 1.
    tmp_vec = stats.threshold(vector, None, 0.5, 1)
    tmp_vec = stats.threshold(tmp_vec, 0.5, None, 0)
    return tmp_vec
コード例 #12
def main():
        connection = pg.connect("dbname = rem user = wireless password = wireless")

        df = psql.read_sql("select occ, noise_floor, timetag from spectruminfo order by timetag DESC LIMIT 1000", connection)

        tempocc = df['occ'].values
        tempnf = df['noise_floor'].values

        occ = np.zeros((df.shape[0],16))
        nf = np.zeros((df.shape[0],16))

        for i in range (0, len(occ)-1):
                occ[i,:] = np.copy(np.array(tempocc[i]))
                nf[i,:] = np.copy(np.array(tempnf[i]))


        fitness = np.zeros((16,1))
        for i in range(195,210):

        for i in range(0,16):
                thr = np.mean(nf[:,i])
                print 10.0/np.fabs(thr)
                #print np.mean(occ[:,i])
                occ[:,i] = stats.threshold(occ[:,i],threshmax = 10.0/np.fabs(thr), newval=1)
                occ[:,i] = stats.threshold(occ[:,i],threshmin = 0.9, newval=0)




        print bd.enumerate_bursts(occ[:,8], 'burstLabel')
        # print zero_runs(occ[:,8])
        #plt.hist(np.histogram(occ[:,0]), bins = [0, 1])

コード例 #13
ファイル: test_stats.py プロジェクト: zoccolan/eyetracker
 def test_basic(self):
     a = [-1,2,3,4,5,-1,-2]
コード例 #14
def _minmaxThreshold(simMat, targetL):
    nNodes = simMat.shape[0]
    targetL *= 0.75  # heuristic adjustment to get roughly the right number of (undirected) links
    # maxVals = simMat.copy()
    maxVals = simMat.max(axis=1)
    # print("MaxVals: " + str(maxVals))
    maxVals[maxVals ==
            0.0] = 1.0  # set max of empty rows to max possible sim value
    threshold = float(min(maxVals))
    thrSimMat = sps.threshold(simMat,
    nLinks = np.count_nonzero(thrSimMat)
    print("Thresholded to %d links" % nLinks)
    if nLinks < targetL:  # thresolding cut off too many links, use full matrix
        print("Using full matrix")
        thrSimMat = sps.threshold(simMat,
        nLinks = np.count_nonzero(thrSimMat)
    if nLinks > targetL:  # thresholding cut off too few links
        newSimMat = np.matrix(np.zeros(simMat.shape))
        frac = float(targetL) / nLinks
        print("Keep frac = %f of the links" % frac)
        # keep frac links in each row
        nLinksRow = [np.count_nonzero(row) for row in thrSimMat]
        for i in range(nNodes):
            rowSim = thrSimMat[i].ravel()
            linksTarget = int(math.floor(frac * nLinksRow[i])) + 1
            idx = nNodes - linksTarget
            threshold = np.partition(rowSim, idx)[idx]
            rowLinks = sps.threshold(rowSim,
            nRowLinks = np.count_nonzero(rowLinks)
            if nRowLinks > 1.1 * linksTarget:  # got too many, select at random, set unselected to zero
                linkIdx = np.nonzero(rowLinks)[
                    0]  # get indices of nonzero row elements
                linkVals = rowLinks[
                    linkIdx]  # compute link weights  - 0.5*threshold
                topIdx = np.argsort(
                    linkVals)[len(linkVals) -
                              linksTarget:]  # get highest similarity links
                linkIdx = linkIdx[topIdx]
                # linkIdx = rnd.choice(linkIdx, linksTarget, replace=False, p=linkVals/np.sum(linkVals))  # (weighted) random draw the ones to keep
                linkVals = rowLinks[linkIdx]  # save the selected links
                rowLinks = np.zeros(nNodes)  # new links, all zero
                rowLinks[linkIdx] = linkVals  # assign the ones that were saved
            newSimMat[i] = rowLinks
            # print("Row %i contains %f links, should have %d.  Threshold = %f"%(i, np.count_nonzero(newSimMat[i]), frac*nLinksRow[i], threshold))
        simMat = newSimMat
        simMat = thrSimMat
    return simMat
コード例 #15
	def hue_saturation(self, img_rgb, alpha = 1, beta = 1):
		img_hsv = cv2.cvtColor(img_rgb, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
		hue = img_hsv[:,:,0]
		saturation = img_hsv[:,:,1]
		hue = stats.threshold(hue * alpha ,threshmax=179, newval=179)
		saturation = stats.threshold(saturation * beta,threshmax=255, newval=255)
		img_hsv[:,:,0] = hue
		img_hsv[:,:,1] = saturation
		img_transformed = cv2.cvtColor(img_hsv, cv2.COLOR_HSV2BGR)
		return img_transformed
コード例 #16
 def hue_saturation(self, img_rgb, alpha=1, beta=1):
     img_hsv = cv2.cvtColor(img_rgb, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
     hue = img_hsv[:, :, 0]
     saturation = img_hsv[:, :, 1]
     hue = stats.threshold(hue * alpha, threshmax=179, newval=179)
     saturation = stats.threshold(saturation * beta,
     img_hsv[:, :, 0] = hue
     img_hsv[:, :, 1] = saturation
     img_transformed = cv2.cvtColor(img_hsv, cv2.COLOR_HSV2BGR)
     return img_transformed
コード例 #17
def silence_ratio(signal, arg_dict):
    t = arg_dict['silenceThreshold']
    if np.isclose(np.max(signal), 0):
        signal = threshold(signal, threshmin=t, newval=-100)
        silent = np.where(signal == -100)[0]
        return len(silent) / len(signal)
        # Normalization needed to max = 1
        signal = signal / np.max(signal)
        signal = threshold(signal, threshmin=t, newval=-100)
        # print(signal)
        silent = np.where(signal == -100)[0]
        return len(silent) / len(signal)
コード例 #18
ファイル: competitors.py プロジェクト: jdc08161063/AND4NMF
 def train(self):
     D = self.A_true.shape[1]
     for t in range(self.epo):
         for i in range(D):
             start = time.time()
             Yi = self.Y - self.A * self.Z + self.A[:, i] * self.Z[i, :]
             fi = self.A[:, i].copy()
             gi = self.Z[i, :].copy().transpose()
             self.A[:, i] = 1.0/(norm(gi) * norm(gi)) * threshold(Yi * gi, threshmin = 0)
             self.Z[i, :] = (1.0/(norm(fi) * norm(fi)) * threshold(Yi.transpose() * fi, threshmin = 0)).transpose()
             end = time.time()
             self.time = self.time + end - start
コード例 #19
def detect_hand(color, depth):
    thresh = threshold(
        depth, threshmin=thresh_lo, threshmax=thresh_hi,
        newval=0)  #throw out all values that are too small or too large
    thresh = threshold(thresh, threshmax=1,
                       newval=255)  #make remaining values 255
    thresh = thresh.astype(np.uint8)
    kernel = np.ones((5, 5), np.uint8)
    thresh = cv2.erode(thresh, kernel, iterations=1)
    kernel = np.ones((7, 7), np.uint8)
    thresh_dilation = cv2.dilate(thresh, kernel, iterations=1)

    _, contours, _ = cv2.findContours(thresh_dilation, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL,

    rois = [
    ]  #regions of interest. each one is a tuple: (contour, area, center)
    print 'len(contours): ', len(contours)
    for contour in contours:
        r = cv2.minAreaRect(contour)
        (r_cent, (w, h), r_angle) = r
        if cv2.contourArea(contour) > min_contour and min(
            [x for [[x, y]] in contour]) > 50:
            M = cv2.moments(contour)
            rois.append((contour, M['m00'], (int(M['m10'] / M['m00']),
                                             int(M['m01'] / M['m00']))))

    if (len(rois) > 0):
        hand = max(
            rois, key=lambda roi: roi[1])[0]  # get the biggest roi as the hand
        return None, None, 0

    #find the first local max enclosed circle greater than min_palm_circle
    palm_cent = None
    palm_radius = 0
    miny = min([y for [(x, y)] in hand])
    maxy = max([y for [(x, y)] in hand])
    (vx, vy, x0, y0) = cv2.fitLine(hand, cv2.DIST_L2, 0, 0.01, 0.01)
    for y in range(int(miny), int(maxy), 10):
        x = float((y - y0) * vx / vy + x0)
        radius = cv2.pointPolygonTest(hand, (x, y), True)
        if (radius > min_palm_circle and radius > palm_radius):
            palm_cent = (int(x), int(y))
            palm_radius = radius
        if (palm_cent != None and radius < 0.9 * palm_radius):
            #hand = filter_hsv(color, depth, hand, palm_cent, palm_radius)
            break  #we reached a local min
    return hand, palm_cent, palm_radius
コード例 #20
def find_tstar(phi0, discretization=200):
    """ finds tstar and t_opt (at discretization) for a given phi0"""
    # define a periodic spline for the
    start_time = pos_start_root + phi0 * 23.7 / (2 * np.pi)
    prc_pos = stats.threshold(-pmodel.pPRC_interp(times + start_time)[:, 15],
    prc_neg = stats.threshold(-pmodel.pPRC_interp(times + start_time)[:, 15],
    prc = -pmodel.pPRC_interp(times + start_time)[:, 15]

    prc_pos_spl = ut.PeriodicSpline(times, prc_pos, period=pmodel.T)
    prc_neg_spl = ut.PeriodicSpline(times, prc_neg, period=pmodel.T)

    def dphitot_dt(phis, t):  # integrates everything
        [phi_osc_pos, phi_osc_neg, phi_shift_pos, phi_shift_neg] = phis
        dphi_osc_pos_dt = (2*np.pi)/pmodel.T +\
        dphi_osc_neg_dt = (2*np.pi)/pmodel.T +\
        dphi_shft_pos_dt = umax * prc_pos_spl(phi_osc_pos * pmodel.T /
                                              (2 * np.pi))
        dphi_shft_neg_dt = umax * prc_neg_spl(phi_osc_neg * pmodel.T /
                                              (2 * np.pi))
        return (dphi_osc_pos_dt, dphi_osc_neg_dt, dphi_shft_pos_dt,

    int_times = np.linspace(0, 3 * pmodel.T, 10001)

    delta_phis_total = integrate.odeint(dphitot_dt, [0, 0, 0, 0],

    # get the delta phis
    delta_phi_fs = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, discretization)
    cross_loc = np.min(
        np.where(delta_phis_total[:, 2] - delta_phis_total[:, 3] >= 2 * np.pi))
    t_star = int_times[cross_loc]
    phi_star = delta_phis_total[cross_loc, 3] % (2 * np.pi)

    t_opts = []
    for phif in delta_phi_fs:
        if phif > phi_star:
            time_to_reach = np.min(int_times[np.where(
                delta_phis_total[:, 3] + 2 * np.pi <= phif)])
            time_to_reach = np.min(
                int_times[np.where(delta_phis_total[:, 2] >= phif)])
    return delta_phi_fs, np.asarray(t_opts), t_star, phi_star
コード例 #21
def thresholdSimilarityMatrix(simMat, targetLS, fixed=False, directed=False):
    nNodes = simMat.shape[0]
    targetL = min(targetLS * nNodes, nNodes * (nNodes - 1) / 2)
    nNonZero = np.count_nonzero(simMat)
    print("[SimToNetwork.thresholdSimilarityMatrix] targetL nNonZero " +
          str(targetL) + ' ' + str(nNonZero))
    if nNonZero > 0:  # sim matrix must have at least one non-zero entry
        targetL *= 2
        if fixed or nNonZero <= targetL:  # keep links with sim above some value
            idx = nNodes * nNodes - (min(targetL, nNonZero) - 1) - 1
            threshold = simMat.flatten()
            threshold = float(threshold[idx])
            print("partitioned threshold " + str(threshold))
            simMat = np.matrix(sps.threshold(simMat, threshold, None, 0))
        else:  # threshold by min max sim so all nodes have at least one link, then threshold preserving relative number of links
            simMat = _minmaxThreshold(simMat, targetL)
            # simMat = _locallyAdaptiveThreshold(simMat, targetL)
    if not directed:
        # combine upper and lower triangles into final upper triangular similarity matrix
        upper = np.triu(simMat, 1)  # upper triangle
        lower = np.tril(simMat, -1).T  # transposed lower triangle
        simMat = np.maximum(upper, lower)  # take max
    print("[SimToNetwork.thresholdSimilarityMatrix] newSimMat nNonZero " +
    return simMat
コード例 #22
def threshold(array, threshold=5):
    """Set all pixels below threshold to zero.

    array : `~numpy.ndarray`
        Input array
    threshold : float, optional
        Minimum threshold

    data : `~numpy.ndarray`
	Copy of input array with pixels below threshold set to zero.
    # TODO: np.clip is simpler, no?
    from scipy import stats
    # NaNs are set to 1 by thresholding, which is not
    # what we want for detection, so we replace them with 0 here.
    data = np.nan_to_num(array)

    data = stats.threshold(data, threshold, None, 0)
    # Note that scipy.stats.threshold doesn't binarize,
    # it only sets values below the threshold to 0,
    # which is not what we want here.
    return data.astype(np.bool).astype(np.uint8)
コード例 #23
def convertdigits_to_ampere(digits):
    ampere = digits

    ampere *= 0.04132
    ampere += 0.3
    ampere = threshold(ampere, 0.6)
    return ampere
コード例 #24
def compute_mean_of_non_zero(li_val, thres):
    t1 = threshold(li_val, thres)
    #t1 = li_val > bin_thres
    t2 = np.count_nonzero(t1)
    t3 = sum(t1)
    mean = t3 / t2
    return mean
コード例 #25
 def skeletonize(self, image):
     image = grey_closing(image, footprint=circle(8), mode='constant', cval=0.0)
     image = add_zero_mat(image)
     prev_binary_image = np.zeros_like(image)
     image_bit_depth = (image.dtype.itemsize * 8) / 2
     print "image_bit_depth: " + str(image_bit_depth)
     #image_thresholds = range(2**image_bit_depth,-1,-16)
     image_thresholds = [2**x for x in range(image_bit_depth, 3, -1)] + range(15, 0, -1)
     print "image_thresholds: " + str(image_thresholds)
     for curr_threshold in image_thresholds:
         print "curr_threshold: " + str(curr_threshold)
         curr_thresh_image = threshold(image, curr_threshold)
         curr_binary_image = curr_thresh_image.astype(np.bool).astype(np.int)
         imsave(skeleton_images_path + "binary_" + str(curr_threshold) + ".png", curr_binary_image)
         curr_sum_image = (prev_binary_image + curr_binary_image)
         curr_skeleton_image = self.thin_pixels(curr_sum_image)
         imsave(skeleton_images_path + "skeleton_" + str(curr_threshold) + ".png", curr_skeleton_image)
         print "curr_skeleton max: " + str(curr_skeleton_image.max())
         prev_binary_image = curr_skeleton_image
     return remove_zero_mat(prev_binary_image)
コード例 #26
ファイル: eta_phi.py プロジェクト: rkhanna24/3DXRD
def getFrame(frameNo, ID):

    @param frameNo int identifying the number of the frame in one file desired
    @param ID int identifying the binary file currently being accessesed, suffix
                of the filename of the binary file

    @return im uint16 array containing the intensity data of one frame 
            with the background subtracted off and intensity above the threshold 

    This function returns the desired frame with the intensity data above the
    threshold and the background data subtracted off.
    im = np.zeros(size)

    if ID == 0:
        IDstr = ''
        IDstr = str(ID)
    filename = directory + filePrefix + IDstr
    # reads the frame from the binary file into a string to be converted
    if not os.path.isfile(filename):
        sys.stdout.write("Cannot find the file: {0}. Check if it is in the right directory, or the filePrefix is correct.".format(filename))
    f = open(filename,'rb')
    offset = header + (frameNo - 1)*frameSize
    im_data_hex = f.read(frameSize)
    im = convertBin(im_data_hex)
    im = stats.threshold(im,threshmin = threshold, newval = 0)
    return im
            def err(parameter_shifts, future_ext_phases, mpc_time):
                # assert that args are good
                assert len(parameter_shifts)==len(future_ext_phases), \
                            "length mismatch between u, phi_ext"
                osc_phases = np.zeros(len(parameter_shifts) + 1)
                osc_phases[0] = mpc_phi

                for i, pshift in enumerate(parameter_shifts):
                    # next oscilltor phase = curr phase + norm prog +integr pPRC
                    def dphidt(phi, t0):
                        return 2 * np.pi / (pmodel.T) + pshift * prcs(
                            pmodel._phi_to_t(phi))[:, control_vectors[0]]

                    osc_phases[i + 1] = integrate.odeint(
                        dphidt, osc_phases[i], single_step_ts)[-1]

                #calc difference
                p1 = osc_phases[1:]
                p2 = future_ext_phases
                differences = np.asarray([(p1 - p2) % (2 * np.pi),
                                          (p2 - p1) % (2 * np.pi)]).min(0)
                differences = stats.threshold(differences, threshmin=0.1)
                #quadratic cost in time
                weights = (np.arange(len(differences)) + 1)
                return np.sum(weights * differences**2) + 0.001 * np.sum(
コード例 #28
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: mvnnn/gammapy
def threshold(array, threshold=5):
    """Set all pixels below threshold to zero.

    array : `~numpy.ndarray`
        Input array
    threshold : float, optional
        Minimum threshold

    data : `~numpy.ndarray`
        Copy of input array with pixels below threshold set to zero.
    # TODO: np.clip is simpler, no?
    from scipy import stats
    # NaNs are set to 1 by thresholding, which is not
    # what we want for detection, so we replace them with 0 here.
    data = np.nan_to_num(array)

    data = stats.threshold(data, threshold, None, 0)
    # Note that scipy.stats.threshold doesn't binarize,
    # it only sets values below the threshold to 0,
    # which is not what we want here.
    return data.astype(np.bool).astype(np.uint8)
コード例 #29
def save_results(batch_label, batch_infer, batch_diff_infer, batch_name,
    for i in xrange(len(batch_name)):
        image_name = batch_name[i].split(" ")[0].replace(
            ".resnet_hypercolumn", ".jpg")
        image_base_name = convert_image_name(image_name)
        image = iuf.load_image(image_name)
        image = iuf.resize_image(image, (FLAGS.label_row, FLAGS.label_col))
        label_norm = iuf.repeat_image(iuf.norm_image(batch_label[i]))

        num_car_label = np.sum(batch_label[i])
        num_car_infer = np.sum(batch_infer[i]) + batch_diff_infer[i][0]

        batch_infer[i] = ss.threshold(batch_infer[i], threshmin=0.0, newval=0)
        infer_norm = iuf.repeat_image(iuf.norm_image(batch_infer[i]))
        stack_image = np.hstack((image, label_norm, infer_norm))
        #iuf.show_image(stack_image, normalize = False)
            stack_image, FLAGS.result_dir + "/" +
            image_base_name.replace(".jpg", "resdeconv_result.jpg"))
        batch_infer[i].tofile(FLAGS.result_dir + "/" +
                              image_base_name.replace(".jpg", ".npy"))
        print("label: %.2f, infer: %.2f" % (num_car_label, num_car_infer))
        result_list.append(image_name + " " + str(num_car_label) + " " +
コード例 #30
def image_to_sketch(img):
    :param image: An image represented in numpy array with shape (height, width, 3) or (batch, height, width, 3)
    :return: A sketch of the image with shape (height, width) or (batch, height, width)

    # We must apply a lower threshold. Otherwise the sketch image will be filled with non-zero values that may provide
    # hints to the cnn trained. (It is unlikely to occur in human provided sketches that we have many pixels with
    # brightness lower than 32. )

    if len(img.shape) == 4:
        img_diff_dilation_gray =  np.array([image_to_sketch(img[i,...]) for i in range(img.shape[0])])
        return img_diff_dilation_gray
    elif len(img.shape) == 3:
        assert img.dtype == np.float32  # Otherwise the conversion does not work properly.

        kernel = np.ones((5, 5), np.uint8)
        img_dilation = cv2.dilate(img, kernel, iterations=1)

        img_diff_dilation = np.abs(np.subtract(img, img_dilation))
        img_diff_dilation_gray = cv2.cvtColor(img_diff_dilation, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)

        img_diff_dilation_gray_thresholded = threshold(img_diff_dilation_gray, SKETCH_LOWEST_BRIGHTNESS)

        return img_diff_dilation_gray_thresholded
        print('Image has to be either of shape (height, width, num_features) or (batch_size, height, width, num_features)')
        raise AssertionError
コード例 #31
ファイル: montage.py プロジェクト: hdevalence/montage
def create_mask(foreground, background, blur_sigma, thresh, opacity):
    Given two RGB images, foreground and background,
    give a mask of the areas where foreground differs from the
    background by more than thresh.

    Apply blur_sigma amount of blurring, and set the opacity of
    the nonzero parts of the mask to opacity.
    blurred_fg = gaussian_filter(foreground, blur_sigma).astype(int)
    blurred_bg = gaussian_filter(background, blur_sigma).astype(int)
    diff = np.sum(np.abs(fg - bg), axis=2)
    diff = threshold(diff, threshmin=thresh, newval=0)
    diff = threshold(diff, threshmax=thresh+1, newval=opacity)
    diff = gaussian_filter(diff, blur_sigma).astype(np.uint8)
    return diff
コード例 #32
def plot_W(W, threshmin=None, threshmax=None):
    W_filtered = threshold(np.abs(W), threshmin=threshmin, threshmax=threshmax)
    row_indices, column_indices = np.indices(W_filtered.shape)
コード例 #33
def prepareDistributionImage(image):
    valmax = np.amax(image)
    if valmax > 0:
        scale = valmax / 255.0
        scale = 1
    img = stats.threshold(image, np.median(image))
    return img / scale
コード例 #34
def spread_spectrum(img):
    img = stats.threshold(img, threshmin=12, newval=0)

    # see http://docs.opencv.org/3.1.0/d5/daf/tutorial_py_histogram_equalization.html
    clahe = cv2.createCLAHE(clipLimit=2.0, tileGridSize=(8, 8))
    img = clahe.apply(img)

    return img
コード例 #35
def prepareDistributionImage(image):
    valmax = np.amax(image)
    if valmax>0:
        scale = valmax/255.0
        scale = 1
    img = stats.threshold(image, np.median(image))
    return img/scale
コード例 #36
def compare_rows(a,row):
    """take numpy array a and compare to row row
    Return new numpy array of same size as a containing 0's and 1's
    0's indicate element of a was greater than corresponding element of row
    1's indicate element of a was less than corresponding element of row"""

    import numpy as np
    from scipy import stats
    (number_rows,number_cols) = np.shape(a)
    b = np.zeros_like(a)
    for i in range(number_rows):
        b[i,:] = a[i,:] - row[:]
    b = stats.threshold(b, threshmin=0, newval=-1)
    b = stats.threshold(b, threshmax=0, newval=0)
    b = -1*b
    return b
コード例 #37
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: rsumner33/Funky-Vision
def remove_background_percent(frame, thresh=.5, average=None):
    if average is None:
        max = np.max(frame)
        max = n_largest(frame, average)
        max = int(np.mean(max))
    threshold = max - (thresh * max)
    frame = sp.threshold(frame, threshold, None, 0)
    return frame
コード例 #38
def rgb2gray_and_binary(raw):
    converts color img to binary image( foreground 1 , background 0)
    :param raw: image list.
    :return:  binary image list

    fg_list = []
    if len(raw[0].shape) == 2:
        for i in range(len(raw)):
                stats.threshold(raw[i], threshmin=0, threshmax=0, newval=1))
        for i in range(len(raw)):
            tmp = cvtColor(raw[i], COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
                stats.threshold(tmp, threshmin=0, threshmax=0, newval=1))
    return fg_list
コード例 #39
def plot_2d_max(image, layer, th=-300):
    # p = image.transpose(2,1,0)
    # p = p[:,:,::-1]
    p = image.transpose(0, 1, 2)
    p = threshold(p, threshmax=th)
    print p.shape

    plt.imshow(p[layer], cmap=plt.cm.gray)
コード例 #40
def compare_rows(a, row):
    """take numpy array a and compare to row row
    Return new numpy array of same size as a containing 0's and 1's
    0's indicate element of a was greater than corresponding element of row
    1's indicate element of a was less than corresponding element of row"""

    import numpy as np
    from scipy import stats

    (number_rows, number_cols) = np.shape(a)

    b = np.zeros_like(a)
    for i in range(number_rows):
        b[i, :] = a[i, :] - row[:]
    b = stats.threshold(b, threshmin=0, newval=-1)
    b = stats.threshold(b, threshmax=0, newval=0)
    b = -1 * b
    return b
コード例 #41
ファイル: math.py プロジェクト: mehdisebbar/clustering-models
def proj_unit_disk(w, t=None):
    we receive a vector [v1,v2,...,vp] and project [v1,v2,...,vp-1] on the positive unit disk.
    v = threshold(w, threshmin=0, newval=0)
    if np.linalg.norm(v)**2 <= 1:
        return v
        return v / np.linalg.norm(v)
コード例 #42
 def map_channels(i_x):
     i, x = i_x
     x = (x * 255).astype(np.uint8)
     if x.max() > 0.35 * 255:
         threshold = np.fabs(x.max() - x.max() * .65)
         threshold = 255
     threshImage = stats.threshold(x, threshmin=threshold)
     threshImage[threshImage > 0] = i
     return threshImage
コード例 #43
ファイル: touchPad.py プロジェクト: hatooku/synapti-vision
 def processPixels (self, pixels):
     pixels_np = np.array(pixels)
     # Difference from baseline
     pixels_np = self.baseline - pixels_np
     # normalize
     p_max = np.max(pixels_np) * 1.0
     p_min = np.min(pixels_np) * 1.0
     pixels_np = (pixels_np - p_min) / (p_max - p_min)  
     # std > 0.1 -> no coins
     #print("std:", np.std(pixels_np))
     # low pass filter
     pixels_np = stats.threshold(pixels_np, threshmin=0.70, newval=0.0)
     # set all else to max (255)
     pixels_np = stats.threshold(pixels_np, threshmax=0.1, newval=255.0)
     return pixels_np.tolist()    
コード例 #44
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: Alexanders101/Funky-Vision
def remove_background_farthest(frame, thresh, average=None):
    if average is None:
        max = np.min(frame)
        max = n_smallest(frame, average)
        max = int(np.mean(max))
    if max == 0:
        max = np.mean(frame)
    threshold = max + (thresh * max)
    frame = sp.threshold(frame, threshold, None, 0)
    return frame
コード例 #45
	def channel_enhance(self, img, channel, level=1):
		if channel == 'B':
			blue_channel = img[:,:,0]
			# blue_channel = (blue_channel - 128) * (level) +128
			blue_channel = blue_channel * level
			blue_channel = stats.threshold(blue_channel,threshmax=255, newval=255)
			img[:,:,0] = blue_channel
		elif channel == 'G':
			green_channel = img[:,:,1]
			# green_channel = (green_channel - 128) * (level) +128
			green_channel = green_channel * level
			green_channel = stats.threshold(green_channel,threshmax=255, newval=255)
			img[:,:,0] = green_channel
		elif channel == 'R':
			red_channel = img[:,:,2]
			# red_channel = (red_channel - 128) * (level) +128
			red_channel = red_channel * level
			red_channel = stats.threshold(red_channel,threshmax=255, newval=255)
			img[:,:,0] = red_channel
		img = img.astype(np.uint8)
		return img
コード例 #46
ファイル: evtdata.py プロジェクト: tarvos14/pytpc
    def xyzs(self, drift_vel=None, clock=None, pads=None, peaks_only=False):
        """Find the scatter points of the event in space.

        If a drift velocity and write clock frequency are provided, then the result gives the z dimension in
        meters. Otherwise, the z dimension is measured in time buckets.

        drift_vel : number or array-like
            The drift velocity in the detector, in cm/us. This can be the scalar magnitude or a vector. A vectorial
            drift velocity can be used to correct for the Lorentz angle.
        clock : int or float, optional
            The write clock rate, in MHz
        pads : ndarray, optional
            An array of pad vertices. If provided, these pads will be used instead of the default pad plane.
        peaks_only : bool, optional
            If True, only the peak of each activation curve will be used.

        xyzs : numpy.ndarray
            A 4D array of points including (x, y, tb or z, activation)

        See also

        if peaks_only:
            traces_copy = numpy.copy(self.traces)
            for i, tr in enumerate(traces_copy):
                traces_copy[i]['data'][:] = threshold(tr['data'], threshmin=tr['data'].max(), newval=0)
            nz = traces_copy['data'].nonzero()

            nz = self.traces['data'].nonzero()

        if pads is None:
            pads = generate_pad_plane()

        pcenters = pads.mean(1)

        xys = numpy.array([pcenters[self.traces[i]['pad']] for i in nz[0]])
        zs = nz[1].reshape(nz[1].shape[0], 1)
        cs = self.traces['data'][nz].reshape(nz[0].shape[0], 1)

        xyzs = numpy.hstack((xys, zs, cs))

        if drift_vel is not None and clock is not None:
            xyzs = calibrate(xyzs, drift_vel, clock)

        return xyzs
コード例 #47
ファイル: cross_corr.py プロジェクト: sathayas/fMRIConnectome
def pack_thresh(R, Th=0.3, PosOnly=0):
    A function to transform the correlation matrix to the uppder diagonal only,
    and threshold with a given parameter. The resulting file compresses very 

    input parameters:
          R:        A full correlation matrix of size V x V.
          Th:       A threshold to eliminate small correlation values.
                        For positive elements, R>Th
                        For negative elements, R<-Th (if PosOnly=0)
                    The default value of Th is 0.3.
          PosOnly:  A flag to indicate whether the thresholded correlation
                    matrix should only include positive values. 
                        PosOnly=0:    Both positive and negative correlations
                                      are retained.
                        PosOnly=1:    Only positive correlations are retained
                        PosOnly=-1:   Only negative correlations are retained
                                      (with R<-Th)
          thrR_csr: The thresholded sparse correaltion matrix.
    # upper triangle only
    uR = np.triu(R,1)
    # thresholding
    if PosOnly==0:
        thuRpos = stats.threshold(uR, threshmin=Th, newval=0)
        thuRneg = stats.threshold(uR, threshmax=-Th, newval=0)
        thuR = thuRpos + thuRneg
    elif PosOnly==1:
        thuR = stats.threshold(uR, threshmin=Th, newval=0)
    elif PosOnly==-1:
        thuR = stats.threshold(uR, threshmax=-Th, newval=0)
    # sparse matrix
    thuR_csr = sparse.csr_matrix(thuR)
    return thuR_csr
コード例 #48
def threshold_frame( frame, nstd = None):
    # Change the parameter to one's liking. Currently low threshold value is 3
    # std more than mean.
    mean = int(frame.mean())
    std = int(frame.std())
    if nstd is None:
        nstd = 3
    low = max(0, mean + (nstd * std))
    high = int( frame.max() )
    logging.debug("Thresholding at %s + %s * %s" % (mean, nstd, std))
    logging.debug("|-  low, high = %s, %s" % (low, high))
    frame = stat.threshold( frame, low, high, newval = 0)
    return to_grayscale( frame )
コード例 #49
ファイル: experiments.py プロジェクト: asa52/LaserUROP
    def thresh_com(x, y):
        """Threshold the results at the half-range level and find their
        centre of mass.
        :param x: The array of the last set of positions, sorted in
        ascending order.
        :param y: The brightness measurements corresponding to x.
        :return: The centre of mass in position and the thresholded
        brightness array."""
        thresh_level = np.mean([np.min(y), np.max(y)])
        thresh = stat.threshold(y, threshmin=thresh_level)
        normalisation = integrate.simps(thresh, x)
        numerator = integrate.simps(x * thresh, x)

        return numerator / normalisation, thresh
コード例 #50
    def collabStandardK(self, X, Xflip, K, lenoflist):

        Y = dist.squareform(dist.pdist(Xflip, "jaccard"))
        #find the closest K rows
        Y = np.nan_to_num(Y)  #house keeping for na's
        U = np.argsort(Y)[:, :K]
        #average them
        out = np.mean(Xflip[U], 1)
        #threshold back to binary
        out = stats.threshold(out, threshmax=0.5, newval=1)
        out = stats.threshold(out, threshmin=0.49, newval=0)
        print("\nComputed RMS Errors from Collaborative filtering")
        print self.errors(X, out)
        plt.title("CF - users")
        figstring = "outputs/CF_plot_" + str(lenoflist)


        cnt = 0
        for i in X:
            for j in i:
                if (j == 1):
                    cnt = cnt + 1

        print("Count of 1's in X: " + str(cnt))

        cnt = 0
        for i in out:
            for j in i:
                if (j == 1):
                    cnt = cnt + 1

        print("Count of 1's in result: " + str(cnt))
コード例 #51
    def _findLocalMax(self):
        """Find the centers of particles by thresholding and dilating."""
        dilationKernel = im.makeCircularKernel(self._dilationRadius)

        maxed = []
        for image in self._morphed:
            # set pixels below morph thresh to 0
            threshed = stats.threshold(image, self._morphThreshold, newval=0.0)
            dilated = cv2.dilate(threshed, dilationKernel)
            # expThreshold is so named because the original algorithm 
            # originally exponentiated and then thresholded, which is the same
            # as flipping the sign and exponentiating the threshold.
            binary = (dilated - threshed) >= self._expThreshold
        self._maxed = maxed
コード例 #52
    def _findLocalMax(self):
        """Find the centers of particles by thresholding and dilating."""
        dilationKernel = im.makeCircularKernel(self._dilationRadius)

        self._maxed = im.createImageArray(self, "morphMax",
                                          shape = self._morphed[0].shape,
        for image in self._morphed:
            # set pixels below morph thresh to 0
            threshed = stats.threshold(image, self._morphThreshold, newval=0.0)
            dilated = cv2.dilate(threshed, dilationKernel)
            # expThreshold is so named because the original algorithm 
            # originally exponentiated and then thresholded, which is the same
            # as flipping the sign and exponentiating the threshold.
            binary = (dilated - threshed) >= self._expThreshold
コード例 #53
def HRinst(dataset, secperunit=60, peak_threshold=98, filt=True):

    Takes the input data of the time and voltage to convert it into an array
    with time and instantaneous heart rate.

    :param dataset: (tuple) Two elements, each a 1xN ndarray for time and
     voltage values respectively
    :param secperunit: (int or double) Conversion from unit of time ndarray
     to seconds
    :param peak_threshold: (double) percentage of maximum peak to set
    :param filt: (boolean) true if user wants to filter data, false if not
    :returns: (ndarray) 2 columns. First column with time in s, second column
     with heart rate in BPM. Each element in the ndarray is a float.
    import numpy as np
    from scipy import stats

    time = dataset[:][0]
    voltage = dataset[:][1]

    if filt:
        voltage = data_filter(voltage)

    thresholded = stats.threshold(voltage,
                                  np.percentile(voltage, peak_threshold))
    hrinst = np.zeros(len(thresholded))

    is_increasing = np.roll(thresholded, 1) <= thresholded
    will_decrease = np.roll(thresholded, -1) < thresholded
    is_maximum = is_increasing * will_decrease
    peakInd = np.asarray(np.where(is_maximum))

    for i, val in enumerate(thresholded):
        peaks = peakInd[peakInd < i]
        if i > peakInd[0][1]:
            hrinst[i] = \
                secperunit / (time[int(peaks[-1])] - time[int(peaks[-2])])
            hrinst[i] = 0

    hrinst[-1] = hrinst[-2]
    return hrinst
コード例 #54
def isolate_depths(frame, expand=1.0, length=256, blur=None):
    """Isolate depths of a greyscale depth image

    frame: frame to analyse
    expand: amount to expand the range of the isolation
    length: possible values of pixels
    blur: amount to blur, None for none
    if blur is not None:
        frame = cv2_medianBlur(frame, blur, frame)
    expand -= (expand - 1) / 2
    count = __get_bins(length)
    ranges = __get_depths_range(count).astype(float)
    ranges[:, 1] *= expand
    ranges[:, 0] /= expand
    ranges = ranges.astype(uint8)
    iso = [threshold(frame, start, stop - 1) for start, stop in ranges]
    if len(iso) == 0:
        return zeros_like(frame)
    return np_sum(iso, 0).astype(uint8)
コード例 #55
def detectFeatures(grayImage):
    print 'Detecting features for image...'
    gaussImage = ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(grayImage, 5)
    gradY, gradX = np.gradient(gaussImage)
    gradXX = gradX * gradX
    gradYY = gradY * gradY
    gradXY = gradX * gradY
    gauXX = ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(gradXX, 5)
    gauYY = ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(gradYY, 5)
    gauXY = ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(gradXY, 5)

    Det = gauXX * gauYY - gauXY * gauXY
    Trace = gauXX + gauYY
    R = Det - k * Trace * Trace

    ThresR = stats.threshold(R, thresholdR)
    ThresRdilate = ndimage.grey_dilation(ThresR, footprint=[[1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1]])
    ThresRpeak = ThresR > ThresRdilate

    features = ThresRpeak.nonzero()
    features = zip(features[1], features[0]) #(column, row), (width, height) (x, y)
    print 'Detected', len(features), 'features'
    return features
コード例 #56
ファイル: convert.py プロジェクト: rkhanna24/3DXRD
def toImage(image_data):
    @param image_data uint16 array containing intensities from binary files
    This function converts the intensity data from all files into high-res and low-res images.
    Plots the intensity data using matplotlib; faster but high resolution is lost
    # Removes values below a threshold to make the background of the ring images
    #   black
    image_data.shape = size
    plt.imshow(np.minimum(stats.threshold(image_data,threshmin=threshold, newval=0), 255 + 0*image_data))
    # Specifies the color map; can be modified if you want!
    # Saves image to output directory
    plt.savefig(imDirectory + output + "-lo.png")

    Plots the intensity map by converting intensities to RGB values; slower  
        but has higher resolution
    # Determines max intensity for the gradient
    maxI = np.max(image_data)
    # creates an mxnx3 array of zeros of type uint8; this array will store 
    #   the RGB values that will be converted to an image
    rgbArr = np.zeros((size[0],size[0],3),dtype = 'uint8')
    sys.stdout.write("Converting to Image\n")
    for i in range(size[0]):
        for j in range(size[0]):
            # Converts intensity to pixel
            rgbArr[i,j] = toRGB(image_data[i][j],maxI)
    image = Image.fromarray(rgbArr,'RGB')
    # Saves image to output director provided
    image.save(imDirectory + output + ".png")
コード例 #57
ファイル: radii.py プロジェクト: rkhanna24/3DXRD
    return image_data

def toImage(image_data):
    @param im_data uint16 array containing intensities from binary files
    This function converts the intensity data from all files into an image and saves it
    Plots the intensity data using matplotlib; faster but high resolution is lost
    # Removes values below a threshold to make the background of the ring images
    #   black
    image_data.shape = size
    plt.imshow(np.minimum(stats.threshold(image_data,threshmin=threshold, newval=0), 255 + 0*image_data))
    # Specifies the color map; can be modified if you want!
    # Saves image to output directory
    plt.savefig(imDirectory + output + "-lo.png")

    Plots the intensity map by converting intensities to RGB values; slower  
        but has higher resolution
    # Determines max intensity for the gradient
    maxI = np.max(image_data)
    # creates an mxnx3 array of zeros of type uint8; this array will store 
    #   the RGB values that will be converted to an image
    rgbArr = np.zeros((size[0],size[0],3),dtype = 'uint8')
    sys.stdout.write("Converting to Image\n")