コード例 #1
 def daughter(self, scale, N, dt=1):
     Returns a daughter wavelet to be multiplied with the
     Fourier-transformed time series.
     scale : float
         Scale of the wavelet.
     N : int
         Number of observations in the series being transformed.
     dt : int
         Number of observations per unit time.
     daughter : ndarray
         "Daughter" wavelet (the Fourier transform of the
         mother wavelet of the appropriate scale and length)
     k = sp.arange(int(N / 2)) * 2 * sp.pi / (N * dt)
     k = sp.hstack((k, -sp.flipud(k)))
     if len(k) == N + 1:
         k = k[1:]
     expnt = -(scale * k - self.k0)**2 / 2. * (k > 0)
     norm = sp.sqrt(scale * k[1]) * sp.pi**(-0.25) * sp.sqrt(
         N)  # total energy = N (Eqn. 7)
     daughter = norm * sp.exp(expnt)
     daughter = daughter * (k > 0)
     return daughter
コード例 #2
def task2(rx_sample_time, rx_signal, tx_envelope, pltfig=False):
    rx_quad_demod = quadrature_demodulation(rx_signal, rx_sample_time)
    rx_filtered = matched_filter(rx_quad_demod,
    if pltfig:
        plot_sqr_magn(rx_filtered, rx_sample_time)
    return rx_filtered  # workarround due to lack of time
コード例 #3
ファイル: fft_outline.py プロジェクト: tkchris93/ACME
def down_sample(filename, new_rate, outputfile=None):
    Create a down-sampled copy of the provided .wav file.  Unless overridden, the output
        file will be of the form "down_<orginalname>.wav"
    filename : string
        input .wav file
    new_rate : int
        sample rate of output file
    outputfile : string
        name of output file

    if outputfile is None:
        outputfile = "down_" + filename

    old_rate, in_sig = wavfile.read(filename)
    in_sig = sp.float32(in_sig)
    fin = sp.fft(in_sig)
    nsiz = sp.floor(in_sig.size * new_rate / old_rate)
    nsizh = sp.floor(nsiz / 2)
    fout = sp.zeros(nsiz)
    fout = fout + 0j
    fout[0:nsizh] = fin[0:nsizh]
    fout[nsiz - nsizh + 1 :] = sp.conj(sp.flipud(fout[1:nsizh]))
    out = sp.ifft(fout)
    out = sp.real(out)  # Take the real component of the signal
    out = sp.int16(out / sp.absolute(out).max() * 32767)
    wavfile.write(outputfile, new_rate, out)
コード例 #4
def prob4(filename='saw.wav', new_rate=11025, outfile='prob4.wav'):
    """Down-samples a given .wav file to a new rate and saves the resulting
    signal as another .wav file.
    filename : string, optional
        The name of the .wav sound file to be down-sampled.
        Defaults to 'saw.wav'.
    new_rate : integer, optional
        The down-sampled rate. Defaults to 11025.
    outfile : string, optional
        The name of the new file. Defaults to prob4.wav.

    old_rate, in_sig = wavfile.read(filename)
    fin = fftw.fft(sp.float32(in_sig))
    # Use if scipy_fftpack is unavailable
    # fin = sp.fft(sp.float32(in_sig))
    nsiz = sp.floor(in_sig.size * new_rate / old_rate)
    nsizh = sp.floor(nsiz / 2)
    fout = sp.zeros(nsiz) + 0j
    fout[0:nsizh] = fin[0:nsizh]
    fout[nsiz - nsizh + 1:] = sp.conj(sp.flipud(fout[1:nsizh]))
    out = sp.real(sp.ifft(fout))
    out = sp.int16(out / sp.absolute(out).max() * 32767)
    wavfile.write('prob4.wav', new_rate, out)
    print ""
コード例 #5
ファイル: parlib.py プロジェクト: pokornyv/SPEpy
def XIntegralsFFT(GF_A,Bubble_A,Lambda,BubZero):
	''' calculate X integral to susceptibilities using FFT '''
	N = int((len(En_A)-1)/2)
	Kappa_A  = TwoParticleBubble(GF_A,GF_A**2,'eh')
	Bubble_A = TwoParticleBubble(GF_A,GF_A,'eh')
	V_A   = 1.0/(1.0+Lambda*Bubble_A)
	KV_A  = Lambda*Kappa_A*V_A**2
	KmV_A = Lambda*sp.flipud(sp.conj(Kappa_A))*V_A**2
	## zero-padding the arrays
	exFD_A  = sp.concatenate([FD_A[N:],sp.zeros(2*N+2),FD_A[:N+1]])
	ImGF_A  = sp.concatenate([sp.imag(GF_A[N:]),sp.zeros(2*N+2),sp.imag(GF_A[:N+1])])
	ImGF2_A = sp.concatenate([sp.imag(GF_A[N:]**2),sp.zeros(2*N+2),sp.imag(GF_A[:N+1]**2)])
	ImV_A   = sp.concatenate([sp.imag(V_A[N:]),sp.zeros(2*N+2),sp.imag(V_A[:N+1])])
	ImKV_A  = sp.concatenate([sp.imag(KV_A[N:]),sp.zeros(2*N+2),sp.imag(KV_A[:N+1])])
	ImKmV_A = sp.concatenate([sp.imag(KmV_A[N:]),sp.zeros(2*N+2),sp.imag(KmV_A[:N+1])])
	## performing the convolution
	ftImX11_A = -sp.conj(fft(exFD_A*ImV_A))*fft(ImGF2_A)*dE
	ftImX12_A =  fft(exFD_A*ImGF2_A)*sp.conj(fft(ImV_A))*dE
	ftImX21_A = -sp.conj(fft(exFD_A*ImKV_A))*fft(ImGF_A)*dE
	ftImX22_A =  fft(exFD_A*ImGF_A)*sp.conj(fft(ImKV_A))*dE
	ftImX31_A = -sp.conj(fft(exFD_A*ImKmV_A))*fft(ImGF_A)*dE
	ftImX32_A =  fft(exFD_A*ImGF_A)*sp.conj(fft(ImKmV_A))*dE
	## inverse transform
	ImX1_A =  sp.real(ifft(ftImX11_A+ftImX12_A))/sp.pi
	ImX2_A =  sp.real(ifft(ftImX21_A+ftImX22_A))/sp.pi
	ImX3_A = -sp.real(ifft(ftImX31_A+ftImX32_A))/sp.pi
	ImX1_A =  sp.concatenate([ImX1_A[3*N+4:],ImX1_A[:N+1]])
	ImX2_A =  sp.concatenate([ImX2_A[3*N+4:],ImX2_A[:N+1]])
	ImX3_A =  sp.concatenate([ImX3_A[3*N+4:],ImX3_A[:N+1]])
	## getting real part from imaginary
	X1_A = KramersKronigFFT(ImX1_A) + 1.0j*ImX1_A + BubZero # constant part !!!
	X2_A = KramersKronigFFT(ImX2_A) + 1.0j*ImX2_A
	X3_A = KramersKronigFFT(ImX3_A) + 1.0j*ImX3_A
	return [X1_A,X2_A,X3_A]
コード例 #6
def getFluxes(val_mat, direction_mat, out_flux, inc):

    import scipy
    import math

    factor = 2

    cell_angles = scipy.flipud(
        scipy.array([[-1 * math.pi / 4, -1 * math.pi / 2, -3 * math.pi / 4],
                     [0, scipy.nan, math.pi],
                     [math.pi / 4, math.pi / 2, 3 * math.pi / 4]]))
    cell_incs = scipy.array([[(inc**2 + inc**2)**0.5, inc,
                              (inc**2 + inc**2)**0.5], [inc, scipy.nan, inc],
                             [(inc**2 + inc**2)**0.5, inc,
                              (inc**2 + inc**2)**0.5]])

    vels_in = scipy.cos(cell_angles - direction_mat)
    vels_in[1, 1] = scipy.nan
    vels_in[vels_in < 0.00001] = scipy.nan
    vels_in = vels_in * val_mat
    in_fluxes = (vels_in**factor /
                 sum(vels_in[~scipy.isnan(vels_in)]**factor) * out_flux)

    #	print(in_fluxes);

    #	cosines      = scipy.cos((cell_angles - math.pi) - direction_mat);
    #	cosines[1,1] = scipy.nan;
    #	cosines[cosines < 0.00001] = scipy.nan;
    #	thicknesses  = in_fluxes / (cosines * val_mat);

    return in_fluxes
コード例 #7
ファイル: pycwt.py プロジェクト: ElOceanografo/PyCWT
 def daughter(self, scale, N, dt=1):
     Returns a daughter wavelet to be multiplied with the
     Fourier-transformed time series.
     scale : float
         Scale of the wavelet.
     N : int
         Number of observations in the series being transformed.
     dt : int
         Number of observations per unit time.
     daughter : ndarray
         "Daughter" wavelet (the Fourier transform of the
         mother wavelet of the appropriate scale and length)
     k = sp.arange(int(N/2)) * 2 * sp.pi / (N * dt)
     k = sp.hstack((k, -sp.flipud(k)))
     if len(k) == N + 1:
         k = k[1: ]
     expnt = -(scale * k - self.k0)**2 / 2. * (k > 0)
     norm = sp.sqrt(scale * k[1]) * sp.pi**(-0.25) * sp.sqrt(N) # total energy = N (Eqn. 7)
     daughter = norm * sp.exp(expnt)
     daughter = daughter * (k >0)
     return daughter   
コード例 #8
 def flip_boundary(self):
     """The method for extracting the boundaries can result in clockwise or 
     counterclockwise boundaries. This method is used to flip the rotation 
     direction if needed.
     self.__boundary = flipud(self.boundary)
     self.__boundary = roll(self.boundary, 1)
コード例 #9
def plot_data(args):
    """Plot X as an interpolated image"""
    outfile = (args.out_params + '.png').format(param='X_colors',
    #fig, axs = pyplot.subplots(args.I+1, 1, sharex=True, sharey=True, squeeze=False)
    fig, axs = pyplot.subplots(args.I,
    fig.set_size_inches(24, 20)
    I, T, L = args.X.shape
    extent = [0, T, 0, L]
    #extent = [0, 100, 0, 5]
    for i in xrange(args.I):
        im = axs[i, 0].imshow(sp.flipud(args.X[i, :, :].T),
        axs[i, 0].set_yticks(sp.linspace(0, L, L, endpoint=False) + .5)
        axs[i, 0].set_yticklabels(valid_marks[:L])
        axs[i, 0].text(T / 2,
                       L + 1,

    fig.savefig(os.path.join(args.out_dir, outfile), dpi=120)
コード例 #10
def pca(data):
    """performs PCA on already preprocessed data

    :param data: numpy.ndarray [N_samples x N_features]
    Matrix of normalized data


        eigenvalues_pc: numpy.ndarray  [N_features]
                        Array of sorted eigenvalues (explained variance)

        principal_components: numpy.ndarray [N_features x N_features]
                            projection matrix, each column is an eigenvector

        sorted_index: numpy.ndarray [N_features]
        array of indices (from most important to less) used for reconstructing an order of most important features

    num_of_samples = data.shape[0]
    covariance_matrix = sp.dot(data.T, data) / num_of_samples
    eigenvalues_pc, principal_components = eig(covariance_matrix)
    sorted_index = sp.flipud(sp.argsort(eigenvalues_pc))
    eigenvalues_pc = eigenvalues_pc[sorted_index]
    principal_components = principal_components[:, sorted_index]

    return eigenvalues_pc, principal_components, sorted_index
コード例 #11
 def bulk_bands_calculator(self, s, sub, kx, ky, kz):
     ''' Calculate the band energies for the specified kx, ky, and kz values.
     The 3x3 Hamiltonian for wurtzite crystals is used for the valence,
     while a 1x1 Hamiltonian is used for the conduction band. The model is
     from the chapter by Vurgaftman and Meyer in the book by Piprek. 
     E = scipy.zeros((4, len(s.Eg0)))
     E[0,:] = s.Eg0+s.delcr+s.delso/3+\
     L = hbar**2/(2*m0)*(s.A1*kz**2+s.A2*(kx+ky)**2)+\
     T = hbar**2/(2*m0)*(s.A3*kz**2+s.A4*(kx+ky)**2)+\
     F = s.delcr + s.delso / 3 + L + T
     G = s.delcr - s.delso / 3 + L + T
     K = hbar**2 / (2 * m0) * s.A5 * (kx + 1j * ky)**2 + s.D5 * (s.epsxx -
     H = hbar**2 / (2 * m0) * s.A6 * (kx + 1j * ky) * kz + s.D6 * (s.epsxz)
     d = scipy.sqrt(2) * s.delso / 3
     for ii in range(len(s.Eg0)):
         mat = scipy.matrix([[F[ii], K[ii], -1j * H[ii]],
                             [K[ii], G[ii], -1j * H[ii] + d[ii]],
                             [-1j * H[ii], -1j * H[ii] + d[ii], L[ii]]])
         w, v = scipy.linalg.eig(mat)
         E[1:, ii] = scipy.flipud(scipy.sort(scipy.real(w)))
     return E
コード例 #12
ファイル: fft_solutions.py プロジェクト: davidreber/Labs
def prob4(filename='saw.wav', new_rate = 11025, outfile='prob4.wav'):
    """Down-samples a given .wav file to a new rate and saves the resulting
    signal as another .wav file.
    filename : string, optional
        The name of the .wav sound file to be down-sampled.
        Defaults to 'saw.wav'.
    new_rate : integer, optional
        The down-sampled rate. Defaults to 11025.
    outfile : string, optional
        The name of the new file. Defaults to prob4.wav.

    old_rate, in_sig = wavfile.read(filename)
    fin = fftw.fft(sp.float32(in_sig))
    # Use if scipy_fftpack is unavailable
    # fin = sp.fft(sp.float32(in_sig))
    nsiz = sp.floor(in_sig.size * new_rate / old_rate)
    nsizh = sp.floor(nsiz / 2)
    fout = sp.zeros(nsiz) + 0j
    fout[0:nsizh] = fin[0:nsizh]
    fout[nsiz-nsizh+1:] = sp.conj(sp.flipud(fout[1:nsizh]))
    out = sp.real(sp.ifft(fout))
    out = sp.int16(out/sp.absolute(out).max() * 32767)
    print ""; plot_signal('prob4.wav')
コード例 #13
ファイル: bedTopo5_bak.py プロジェクト: ywbomhf2019/CARST
def getFluxes(val_mat, direction_mat, out_flux, inc):

    import scipy
    import math

    speed_factor = 3
    angle_factor = 1
    inc_factor = 1

    cell_angles = scipy.flipud(
        scipy.array([[-1 * math.pi / 4, -1 * math.pi / 2, -3 * math.pi / 4],
                     [0, scipy.nan, math.pi],
                     [math.pi / 4, math.pi / 2, 3 * math.pi / 4]]))

    cell_incs = scipy.array([[(inc**2 + inc**2)**0.5, inc,
                              (inc**2 + inc**2)**0.5], [inc, scipy.nan, inc],
                             [(inc**2 + inc**2)**0.5, inc,
                              (inc**2 + inc**2)**0.5]])
    cell_incs = (1 / cell_incs**inc_factor)
    cell_incs = cell_incs / sum(cell_incs[~scipy.isnan(cell_incs)])

    vels_in = scipy.cos(cell_angles - direction_mat)
    vels_in[1, 1] = scipy.nan
    vels_in[vels_in < 0.00001] = scipy.nan
    vels_in = vels_in**angle_factor * val_mat**speed_factor * cell_incs
    in_fluxes = (vels_in / sum(vels_in[~scipy.isnan(vels_in)]) * out_flux)

    return in_fluxes
コード例 #14
ファイル: parlib.py プロジェクト: pokornyv/SPEpy
def KramersKronigFFT(ImX_A):
	'''	Hilbert transform used to calculate real part of a function from its imaginary part
	uses piecewise cubic interpolated integral kernel of the Hilbert transform
	use only if len(ImX_A)=2**m-1, uses fft from scipy.fftpack  '''
	X_A = sp.copy(ImX_A)
	N = int(len(X_A))
	## be careful with the data type, orherwise it fails for large N
	if N > 3e6: A = sp.arange(3,N+1,dtype='float64')
	else:       A = sp.arange(3,N+1)  
	X1 = 4.0*sp.log(1.5)
	X2 = 10.0*sp.log(4.0/3.0)-6.0*sp.log(1.5)
	## filling the kernel
	if N > 3e6: Kernel_A = sp.zeros(N-2,dtype='float64')
	else:       Kernel_A = sp.zeros(N-2)
	Kernel_A = (1-A**2)*((A-2)*sp.arctanh(1.0/(1-2*A))+(A+2)*sp.arctanh(1.0/(1+2*A)))\
	Kernel_A = sp.concatenate([-sp.flipud(Kernel_A),sp.array([-X2,-X1,0.0,X1,X2]),Kernel_A])/sp.pi
	## zero-padding the functions for fft
	ImXExt_A = sp.concatenate([X_A[int((N-1)/2):],sp.zeros(N+2),X_A[:int((N-1)/2)]])
	KernelExt_A = sp.concatenate([Kernel_A[N:],sp.zeros(1),Kernel_A[:N]])
	## performing the fft
	ftReXExt_A = -fft(ImXExt_A)*fft(KernelExt_A)
	ReXExt_A = sp.real(ifft(ftReXExt_A))
	ReX_A = sp.concatenate([ReXExt_A[int((3*N+3)/2+1):],ReXExt_A[:int((N-1)/2+1)]])
	return ReX_A
コード例 #15
ファイル: epi_pre.py プロジェクト: bcnmedtech/qcm
    def flip_boundary(self):
        """ """

        print("TO-DO: DOCUMENTATION")

        self.__boundary = flipud(self.boundary)
        self.__boundary = roll(self.boundary, 1)
コード例 #16
ファイル: material.py プロジェクト: puluoning/ledsim
 def bulk_bands_calculator(self,s,sub,kx,ky,kz):
   ''' Calculate the band energies for the specified kx, ky, and kz values.
       The 3x3 Hamiltonian for wurtzite crystals is used for the valence,
       while a 1x1 Hamiltonian is used for the conduction band. The model is
       from the chapter by Vurgaftman and Meyer in the book by Piprek. 
   E = scipy.zeros((4,len(s.Eg0)))   
   E[0,:] = s.Eg0+s.delcr+s.delso/3+\
   L = hbar**2/(2*m0)*(s.A1*kz**2+s.A2*(kx+ky)**2)+\
   T = hbar**2/(2*m0)*(s.A3*kz**2+s.A4*(kx+ky)**2)+\
   F = s.delcr+s.delso/3+L+T
   G = s.delcr-s.delso/3+L+T
   K = hbar**2/(2*m0)*s.A5*(kx+1j*ky)**2+s.D5*(s.epsxx-s.epsyy)
   H = hbar**2/(2*m0)*s.A6*(kx+1j*ky)*kz+s.D6*(s.epsxz)
   d = scipy.sqrt(2)*s.delso/3
   for ii in range(len(s.Eg0)):
     mat = scipy.matrix([[    F[ii],     K[ii],       -1j*H[ii]      ],
                         [    K[ii],     G[ii],       -1j*H[ii]+d[ii]],
                         [-1j*H[ii], -1j*H[ii]+d[ii],     L[ii]      ]])
     w,v = scipy.linalg.eig(mat)
     E[1:,ii] = scipy.flipud(scipy.sort(scipy.real(w)))
   return E
コード例 #17
ファイル: parlib.py プロジェクト: pokornyv/SPEpy
def KramersKronigFFT(ImX_A):
	'''	Hilbert transform used to calculate real part of a function from its imaginary part
	uses piecewise cubic interpolated integral kernel of the Hilbert transform
	use only if len(ImX_A)=2**m-1, uses fft from scipy.fftpack  '''
	X_A = sp.copy(ImX_A)
	N = int(len(X_A))
	## be careful with the data type, orherwise it fails for large N
	if N > 3e6: A = sp.arange(3,N+1,dtype='float64')
	else:       A = sp.arange(3,N+1)  
	X1 = 4.0*sp.log(1.5)
	X2 = 10.0*sp.log(4.0/3.0)-6.0*sp.log(1.5)
	## filling the kernel
	if N > 3e6: Kernel_A = sp.zeros(N-2,dtype='float64')
	else:       Kernel_A = sp.zeros(N-2)
	Kernel_A = (1-A**2)*((A-2)*sp.arctanh(1.0/(1-2*A))+(A+2)*sp.arctanh(1.0/(1+2*A)))\
	Kernel_A = sp.concatenate([-sp.flipud(Kernel_A),sp.array([-X2,-X1,0.0,X1,X2]),Kernel_A])/sp.pi
	## zero-padding the functions for fft
	ImXExt_A = sp.concatenate([X_A[int((N-1)/2):],sp.zeros(N+2),X_A[:int((N-1)/2)]])
	KernelExt_A = sp.concatenate([Kernel_A[N:],sp.zeros(1),Kernel_A[:N]])
	## performing the fft
	ftReXExt_A = -fft(ImXExt_A)*fft(KernelExt_A)
	ReXExt_A = sp.real(ifft(ftReXExt_A))
	ReX_A = sp.concatenate([ReXExt_A[int((3*N+3)/2+1):],ReXExt_A[:int((N-1)/2+1)]])
	return ReX_A
コード例 #18
ファイル: parlib.py プロジェクト: pokornyv/SPEpy
def XIntegralsFFT(GF_A,Bubble_A,Lambda,BubZero):
	''' calculate X integral to susceptibilities using FFT '''
	N = int((len(En_A)-1)/2)
	Kappa_A  = TwoParticleBubble(GF_A,GF_A**2,'eh')
	Bubble_A = TwoParticleBubble(GF_A,GF_A,'eh')
	V_A   = 1.0/(1.0+Lambda*Bubble_A)
	KV_A  = Lambda*Kappa_A*V_A**2
	KmV_A = Lambda*sp.flipud(sp.conj(Kappa_A))*V_A**2
	## zero-padding the arrays
	exFD_A  = sp.concatenate([FD_A[N:],sp.zeros(2*N+2),FD_A[:N+1]])
	ImGF_A  = sp.concatenate([sp.imag(GF_A[N:]),sp.zeros(2*N+2),sp.imag(GF_A[:N+1])])
	ImGF2_A = sp.concatenate([sp.imag(GF_A[N:]**2),sp.zeros(2*N+2),sp.imag(GF_A[:N+1]**2)])
	ImV_A   = sp.concatenate([sp.imag(V_A[N:]),sp.zeros(2*N+2),sp.imag(V_A[:N+1])])
	ImKV_A  = sp.concatenate([sp.imag(KV_A[N:]),sp.zeros(2*N+2),sp.imag(KV_A[:N+1])])
	ImKmV_A = sp.concatenate([sp.imag(KmV_A[N:]),sp.zeros(2*N+2),sp.imag(KmV_A[:N+1])])
	## performing the convolution
	ftImX11_A = -sp.conj(fft(exFD_A*ImV_A))*fft(ImGF2_A)*dE
	ftImX12_A =  fft(exFD_A*ImGF2_A)*sp.conj(fft(ImV_A))*dE
	ftImX21_A = -sp.conj(fft(exFD_A*ImKV_A))*fft(ImGF_A)*dE
	ftImX22_A =  fft(exFD_A*ImGF_A)*sp.conj(fft(ImKV_A))*dE
	ftImX31_A = -sp.conj(fft(exFD_A*ImKmV_A))*fft(ImGF_A)*dE
	ftImX32_A =  fft(exFD_A*ImGF_A)*sp.conj(fft(ImKmV_A))*dE
	## inverse transform
	ImX1_A =  sp.real(ifft(ftImX11_A+ftImX12_A))/sp.pi
	ImX2_A =  sp.real(ifft(ftImX21_A+ftImX22_A))/sp.pi
	ImX3_A = -sp.real(ifft(ftImX31_A+ftImX32_A))/sp.pi
	ImX1_A =  sp.concatenate([ImX1_A[3*N+4:],ImX1_A[:N+1]])
	ImX2_A =  sp.concatenate([ImX2_A[3*N+4:],ImX2_A[:N+1]])
	ImX3_A =  sp.concatenate([ImX3_A[3*N+4:],ImX3_A[:N+1]])
	## getting real part from imaginary
	X1_A = KramersKronigFFT(ImX1_A) + 1.0j*ImX1_A + BubZero # constant part !!!
	X2_A = KramersKronigFFT(ImX2_A) + 1.0j*ImX2_A
	X3_A = KramersKronigFFT(ImX3_A) + 1.0j*ImX3_A
	return [X1_A,X2_A,X3_A]
コード例 #19
ファイル: TopsPlugin.py プロジェクト: fmarczin/pysxm
 def readData(self,ob):
     f = open(ob.filename,'rb')
     f.seek(int(self._header['STM image list']['Data offset']))
     data = f.read(int(self._header['STM image list']['Data length']))
     ob.d = scipy.fromstring(data,dtype=scipy.int16)
     ob.d.shape = ob.XRes, ob.YRes
     ob.d = scipy.flipud(ob.d)
コード例 #20
def flux_qg(q, parms):

    # - (u + U) q_x - (q_y + Q_y) v
    qe = np.vstack((q,-np.flipud(q)))
    qe_hat = fftn(qe)

    # Compute gradient of PV
    q_x = (ifftn( parms.ikx*qe_hat)).real
    q_y = (ifftn( parms.iky*qe_hat)).real

    # Compute streamfunction
    psie_hat = parms.K2Fi*qe_hat
    psi = (ifftn(psie_hat)).real

    # Compute physical velocities
    u = (ifftn(-parms.iky*psie_hat)).real
    v = (ifftn( parms.ikx*psie_hat)).real

    # Restrict to physical domain
    q_x = q_x[0:parms.Ny,:]
    q_y = q_y[0:parms.Ny,:]
    u   = u[0:parms.Ny,:]
    v   = v[0:parms.Ny,:]
    psi = psi[0:parms.Ny,:]

    # Compute flux
    flux = - (u + parms.U)*q_x - (q_y + parms.Q_y)*v

    # FJP: energy should include potential energy
    energy = 0.5*np.mean(u**2 + v**2) + np.mean(parms.F*psi**2)
    enstr  = np.mean(q**2)
    mass   = np.mean(psi)

    return flux, energy, enstr, mass
コード例 #21
ファイル: bedTopo5.py プロジェクト: whyjz/CARST
def getFluxes(val_mat, direction_mat, dist_mat, duxdy_mat, out_flux, inc):

	import scipy;
	import math;

	speed_factor   = 1;
	angle_factor   = 1;
	inc_factor     = 1;
	dist_factor    = 1;
	strain_factor  = 1;

	duxdy_mat = duxdy_mat / (sum(duxdy_mat[~scipy.isnan(duxdy_mat)]));

	cell_angles  = scipy.flipud(scipy.array([[-1 * math.pi / 4, -1 * math.pi / 2, -3 * math.pi / 4], [0, scipy.nan, math.pi], [math.pi / 4, math.pi / 2, 3 * math.pi / 4]]));
#	cell_angles  = scipy.flipud(scipy.array([[3 * math.pi / 4, 1 * math.pi / 2, 1 * math.pi / 4], [math.pi, scipy.nan, 0], [-3 * math.pi / 4, -1 * math.pi / 2, -1 * math.pi / 4]]));

	cell_incs    = scipy.array([[(inc**2 + inc**2)**0.5, inc, (inc**2 + inc**2)**0.5], [inc, scipy.nan, inc], [(inc**2 + inc**2)**0.5, inc, (inc**2 + inc**2)**0.5]]);
	cell_incs    = (1 / cell_incs**inc_factor);
	cell_incs    = cell_incs / sum(cell_incs[~scipy.isnan(cell_incs)]);

	vels_in      = scipy.cos(cell_angles - direction_mat);
	vels_in[1,1] = scipy.nan;
	vels_in[vels_in < 0.00001] = scipy.nan;
	vels_in      = vels_in**angle_factor * val_mat**speed_factor * dist_mat**dist_factor * (1 / duxdy_mat**strain_factor) * cell_incs;
	in_fluxes    = (vels_in / sum(vels_in[~scipy.isnan(vels_in)]) * out_flux);

        return in_fluxes;
コード例 #22
def plot_q_qhat(q, t):
    # Plot Potential Vorticity
    plt.axes([-Lx/2e3, Lx/2e3, -Ly/2e3, Ly/2e3])
    name = "PV at t = %5.2f" % (t/(3600.0*24.0))

    # compute power spectrum and shift ffts
    qe = np.vstack((q0,-np.flipud(q)))
    qhat = np.absolute(fftn(qe))
    kx = fftshift((parms.ikx/parms.ikx[0,1]).real)
    ky = fftshift((parms.iky/parms.iky[1,0]).real)
    qhat = fftshift(qhat)

    Sx, Sy = int(parms.Nx/2), parms.Ny
    Sk = 1.5

    # Plot power spectrum
    plt.axis([0, 10, 0, 10])
    name = "PS at t = %5.2f" % (t/(3600.0*24.0))

コード例 #23
def SelfEnergyD_sc(Gup_A, Gdn_A, GTup_A, GTdn_A, Lambda, spin):
    ''' dynamic self-energy, calculates the complex function from FFT '''
    if spin == 'up':
        BubbleD_A = BubbleD(GTup_A, GTdn_A, Lambda, spin)
        GF_A = sp.copy(Gdn_A)
        Det_A = DeterminantGD(Lambda, GTup_A, GTdn_A)
    else:  ## spin='dn'
        BubbleD_A = BubbleD(GTdn_A, GTup_A, Lambda, spin)
        GF_A = sp.copy(Gup_A)
        Det_A = sp.flipud(sp.conj(DeterminantGD(Lambda, GTup_A, GTdn_A)))
    Kernel_A = U * BubbleD_A / Det_A
    ## zero-padding the arrays
    FDex_A = sp.concatenate(
        [FD_A[Nhalf:], sp.zeros(2 * Nhalf + 3), FD_A[:Nhalf]])
    BEex_A = sp.concatenate(
        [BE_A[Nhalf:], sp.zeros(2 * Nhalf + 3), BE_A[:Nhalf]])
    GFex_A = sp.concatenate(
        [GF_A[Nhalf:], sp.zeros(2 * Nhalf + 3), GF_A[:Nhalf]])
    Kernelex_A = sp.concatenate(
         sp.zeros(2 * Nhalf + 3), Kernel_A[:Nhalf]])
    ## performing the convolution
    ftSE1_A = -sp.conj(fft(BEex_A * sp.imag(Kernelex_A))) * fft(GFex_A) * dE
    ftSE2_A = +fft(FDex_A * sp.imag(GFex_A)) * sp.conj(fft(Kernelex_A)) * dE
    SE_A = ifft(ftSE1_A + ftSE2_A) / sp.pi
    SE_A = sp.concatenate([SE_A[3 * Nhalf + 4:], SE_A[:Nhalf + 1]])
    return SE_A
コード例 #24
def SelfEnergyD(Gup_A, Gdn_A, Lambda, spin):
    ''' dynamic self-energy, uses Kramers-Kronig relations to calculate the real part '''
    if spin == 'up':
        BubbleD_A = BubbleD(Gup_A, Gdn_A, Lambda, spin)
        GF_A = sp.copy(Gdn_A)
        Det_A = DeterminantGD(Lambda, Gup_A, Gdn_A)
    else:  ## spin='dn'
        BubbleD_A = BubbleD(Gdn_A, Gup_A, Lambda, spin)
        GF_A = sp.copy(Gup_A)
        Det_A = sp.flipud(sp.conj(DeterminantGD(Lambda, Gup_A, Gdn_A)))
    Kernel_A = U * BubbleD_A / Det_A
    ## zero-padding the arrays
    FDex_A = sp.concatenate([FD_A[Nhalf:], sp.zeros(2 * N + 3), FD_A[:Nhalf]])
    BEex_A = sp.concatenate([BE_A[Nhalf:], sp.zeros(2 * N + 3), BE_A[:Nhalf]])
    ImGF_A = sp.concatenate([
        sp.zeros(2 * Nhalf + 3),
    ImKernel_A = sp.concatenate([
        sp.zeros(2 * Nhalf + 3),
    ## performing the convolution
    ftImSE1_A = -sp.conj(fft(BEex_A * ImKernel_A)) * fft(ImGF_A) * dE
    ftImSE2_A = -fft(FDex_A * ImGF_A) * sp.conj(fft(ImKernel_A)) * dE
    ImSE_A = sp.real(ifft(ftImSE1_A + ftImSE2_A)) / sp.pi
    ImSE_A = sp.concatenate([ImSE_A[3 * Nhalf + 4:], ImSE_A[:Nhalf + 1]])
    Sigma_A = KramersKronigFFT(ImSE_A) + 1.0j * ImSE_A
    return Sigma_A
コード例 #25
def transform_voxel(J_vox, use_rotation=True, use_inversion=True):

    # Apply a random element of the cube isometry group (Oh) to the J
    # specifying a unit cube (voxel.) This consists of selecting a
    # random rotation (from 24) followed by inversion (reflection
    # through the origin.) If both are active, this implements
    # reflections as well.

    # Assumes vertex indices translate to (m,n,l) with m fastest, i.e.
    # 0 -> [0,0,0], 1 -> [1,0,0], 2 -> [0,1,0], 3 -> [1,1,0], etc.

    # All 48 possible transformations appear uniformly, though
    # depending on J_vox there may be fewer distinct outcomes of
    # course.

    # This is to pad with zeros and ensure length 3
    format_str = "{0:0" + str(3) + "b}"

    U = sp.zeros((3, 8), dtype=sp.int64)
    for i in range(8):
        u_str = format_str.format(i)
        U[:, i] = [int(u) for u in u_str]
    U = sp.flipud(U)

    # Translate to [-1,1] vertices
    V = 2 * U - 1

    if use_rotation:
        # Random rotation matrix
        R = get_random_rot()
        # No rotation
        R = sp.eye(len(V))

    V_prime = R.dot(V)
    U_prime = (V_prime + 1) / 2

    # This is to apply the full octahedral transformation group
    # (i.e. including reflections!)  Inversion just "reflects through
    # the origin", but then translate back so corner (-1,-1,-1) is at
    # the origin.
    if use_inversion is True:
        if sp.rand() < 0.5:
            U_prime *= -1
            U_prime += sp.ones((3, 1)).dot(sp.ones((1, 8)))

    # Get the mapped variable indices, i.e. variable i maps to
    # corresponding
    I_prime = sp.array([[1, 2, 4]]).dot(U_prime)

    I_prime = sp.int64(I_prime[0, :])

    # Need to invert the map
    I_P_inv = sp.argsort(I_prime)
    J_vox_prime = J_vox[sp.ix_(I_P_inv, I_P_inv)]

    return J_vox_prime
コード例 #26
ファイル: pycwt.py プロジェクト: ElOceanografo/PyCWT
 def daughter(self, scale, N, dt=1):
     k = sp.arange(int(N/2)) * 2 * sp.pi / (N * dt)
     k = sp.hstack((k, -sp.flipud(k)))
     if len(k) == N + 1:
         k = k[1: ]
     expnt = -(scale * k)**2 / 2.0
 	norm = sp.sqrt(scale * k[1] / special.gamma(self.order + 0.5)) * sp.sqrt(N);
 	daughter = -norm * (1j**self.order) * ((scale * k)**self.order) * sp.exp(expnt)
 	return daughter 
コード例 #27
ファイル: TopsPlugin.py プロジェクト: fmarczin/pysxm
 def readData(self,ob):
     f = open(ob.filename,'rb')
     f.seek(int(self._header['Data offset']))
     points = int(self._header['SamplesT'])
     datalength = ob.XRes * ob.YRes * points * 2
     data = f.read(datalength)
     ob.d = scipy.fromstring(data,dtype=scipy.int16)
     ob.d.shape = ob.XRes, ob.YRes, points
     ob.d = scipy.flipud(ob.d)
コード例 #28
def plot_patch(ls,H,sigma68,sigma95,sigma99):
    print("Plotting confidence intervals")
    x = sp.append(ls, sp.flipud(ls))
    # Initiate figure
#    plt.clf()
#    fig = plt.figure(1)
    # Columnwise mean of H:
    Hmean = H.mean(axis=0)

    y68_l = scale(ls,-sigma68[:,0]+Hmean)
    y68_u = scale(ls,sigma68[:,1]+Hmean)
    y68 = sp.append(y68_l,sp.flipud(y68_u))
    y95_l = scale(ls,-sigma95[:,0]+Hmean)
    y95_u = scale(ls,sigma95[:,1]+Hmean)
    y95 = sp.append(y95_l,sp.flipud(y95_u))
    y99_l = scale(ls,-sigma99[:,0]+Hmean)
    y99_u = scale(ls,sigma99[:,1]+Hmean)
    y99 = sp.append(y99_l,sp.flipud(y99_u))
#    plt.figure(1)
#    plt.hold(True)

#    plt.xlabel('$r_{max} [Mpc/h]$')
#    plt.axis([64, 256, 0.90, 1.10])    

    Hmean = scale(ls,Hmean)

コード例 #29
ファイル: bedTopo5_bak.py プロジェクト: whyjz/CARST
def elevDeriv(val_mat, direction_mat, inc):

	import scipy;
	import scipy.linalg;
	import math;

	cell_angles  = scipy.flipud(scipy.array([[3 * math.pi / 4, math.pi / 2, math.pi / 4], [math.pi, scipy.nan, 0], [-3 * math.pi / 4, -1 * math.pi / 2, -1 * math.pi / 4]]));
	cell_incs    = scipy.array([[(inc**2 + inc**2)**0.5, inc, (inc**2 + inc**2)**0.5], [inc, scipy.nan, inc], [(inc**2 + inc**2)**0.5, inc, (inc**2 + inc**2)**0.5]]);
	angle        = direction_mat[1,1];

	cell_cosines_f = scipy.cos(angle - cell_angles);
	cell_cosines_b = scipy.cos(angle - cell_angles);
	cell_sines_f   = scipy.sin(angle - cell_angles);
	cell_sines_b   = scipy.sin(angle - cell_angles);

	cell_cosines_f[cell_cosines_f < 0.00001] = scipy.nan;
	cell_cosines_f = cell_cosines_f**2;
	cell_cosines_f = cell_cosines_f / sum(cell_cosines_f[~scipy.isnan(cell_cosines_f)]);
	cell_cosines_b[cell_cosines_b > -0.00001] = scipy.nan;
	cell_cosines_b = cell_cosines_b**2;
	cell_cosines_b = cell_cosines_b / sum(cell_cosines_b[~scipy.isnan(cell_cosines_b)]);
	cell_sines_f[cell_sines_f < 0.00001] = scipy.nan;
	cell_sines_f   = cell_sines_f**2;
	cell_sines_f   = cell_sines_f / sum(cell_sines_f[~scipy.isnan(cell_sines_f)]);
	cell_sines_b[cell_sines_b > -0.00001] = scipy.nan;
	cell_sines_b   = cell_sines_b**2;
	cell_sines_b   = cell_sines_b / sum(cell_sines_b[~scipy.isnan(cell_sines_b)]);

	temp  = val_mat * cell_cosines_f;
	h_x_f = sum(temp[~scipy.isnan(temp)]);

	temp  = val_mat * cell_cosines_b;
	h_x_b = sum(temp[~scipy.isnan(temp)]);

	temp  = val_mat * cell_sines_f;
	h_y_f = sum(temp[~scipy.isnan(temp)]);

	temp  = val_mat * cell_sines_b;
	h_y_b = sum(temp[~scipy.isnan(temp)]);

	h_x = scipy.array([h_x_b, val_mat[1,1], h_x_f]);
	h_y = scipy.array([h_y_b, val_mat[1,1], h_y_f]);

	xs = scipy.array([-1 * int(inc), 0, int(inc)]);
	A  = scipy.vstack([xs, scipy.ones(len(xs))]).T;

#	print("A: " + str(A));
#	print("h_x_b: " + str(h_x_b));
#	print("val_mat[1,1]: " + str(val_mat[1,1]));
#	print("h_x_f: " + str(h_x_f));

	dh_dx, intercept = scipy.linalg.lstsq(A, h_x)[0];
	dh_dy, intercept = scipy.linalg.lstsq(A, h_y)[0];

	return dh_dx, dh_dy;
コード例 #30
def solve_qg(parms, q0):

    global cnt
    # Set parameters
    dt = parms.dt
    Nx = parms.Nx
    Ny = parms.Ny

    # initialize fields
    Nt = int(parms.tf/parms.dt)
    #energy = np.zeros(Nt)
    #enstr  = np.zeros(Nt)
    #mass   = np.zeros(Nt)

    # Euler step
    t,ii = 0., 0
    NLnm = flux_qg(q0, parms)
    q  = q0 + dt*NLnm;

    # AB2 step
    t,ii = parms.dt, 1
    NLn = flux_qg(q, parms)
    q   = q + 0.5*dt*(3*NLn - NLnm)

    qe = np.zeros((2*Ny,Nx,2), dtype=float)
    cnt = 1
    for ii in range(3,Nt+1):

        # AB3 step
        t = (ii-1)*parms.dt
        NL = flux_qg(q, parms)
        q  = q + dt/12*(23*NL - 16*NLn + 5*NLnm).real

        # Exponential Filter
        for jj in range(2):
            qe[:,:,jj] = np.vstack((q[:,:,jj],-np.flipud(q[:,:,jj])))
            qe[:,:,jj] = (ifftn(parms.sfilt*fftn(qe[:,:,jj]))).real
            q[:,:,jj]  = qe[0:Ny,:,jj]

        # Reset fluxes
        NLnm = NLn
        NLn  = NL

        if (ii-0)%parms.npt==0:

            # make title
            name = "PV at t = %5.2f" % (t/(3600.0*24.0))

            # Plot PV (or streamfunction)
            plot_q_qhat(q, t)

            cnt += 1

    return q
コード例 #31
def elevDeriv(val_mat, direction_mat, inc):

	import scipy;
	import scipy.linalg;
	import math;

	cell_angles  = scipy.flipud(scipy.array([[3 * math.pi / 4, math.pi / 2, math.pi / 4], [math.pi, scipy.nan, 0], [-3 * math.pi / 4, -1 * math.pi / 2, -1 * math.pi / 4]]));
	cell_incs    = scipy.array([[(inc**2 + inc**2)**0.5, inc, (inc**2 + inc**2)**0.5], [inc, scipy.nan, inc], [(inc**2 + inc**2)**0.5, inc, (inc**2 + inc**2)**0.5]]);
	angle        = direction_mat[1,1];

	cell_cosines_f = scipy.cos(angle - cell_angles);
	cell_cosines_b = scipy.cos(angle - cell_angles);
	cell_sines_f   = scipy.sin(angle - cell_angles);
	cell_sines_b   = scipy.sin(angle - cell_angles);

	cell_cosines_f[cell_cosines_f < 0.00001] = scipy.nan;
	cell_cosines_f = cell_cosines_f**2;
	cell_cosines_f = cell_cosines_f / sum(cell_cosines_f[~scipy.isnan(cell_cosines_f)]);
	cell_cosines_b[cell_cosines_b > -0.00001] = scipy.nan;
	cell_cosines_b = cell_cosines_b**2;
	cell_cosines_b = cell_cosines_b / sum(cell_cosines_b[~scipy.isnan(cell_cosines_b)]);
	cell_sines_f[cell_sines_f < 0.00001] = scipy.nan;
	cell_sines_f   = cell_sines_f**2;
	cell_sines_f   = cell_sines_f / sum(cell_sines_f[~scipy.isnan(cell_sines_f)]);
	cell_sines_b[cell_sines_b > -0.00001] = scipy.nan;
	cell_sines_b   = cell_sines_b**2;
	cell_sines_b   = cell_sines_b / sum(cell_sines_b[~scipy.isnan(cell_sines_b)]);

	temp  = val_mat * cell_cosines_f;
	h_x_f = sum(temp[~scipy.isnan(temp)]);

	temp  = val_mat * cell_cosines_b;
	h_x_b = sum(temp[~scipy.isnan(temp)]);

	temp  = val_mat * cell_sines_f;
	h_y_f = sum(temp[~scipy.isnan(temp)]);

	temp  = val_mat * cell_sines_b;
	h_y_b = sum(temp[~scipy.isnan(temp)]);

	h_x = scipy.array([h_x_b, val_mat[1,1], h_x_f]);
	h_y = scipy.array([h_y_b, val_mat[1,1], h_y_f]);

	xs = scipy.array([-1 * int(inc), 0, int(inc)]);
	A  = scipy.vstack([xs, scipy.ones(len(xs))]).T;

#	print("A: " + str(A));
#	print("h_x_b: " + str(h_x_b));
#	print("val_mat[1,1]: " + str(val_mat[1,1]));
#	print("h_x_f: " + str(h_x_f));

	dh_dx, intercept = scipy.linalg.lstsq(A, h_x)[0];
	dh_dy, intercept = scipy.linalg.lstsq(A, h_y)[0];

	return dh_dx, dh_dy;
コード例 #32
ファイル: pycwt.py プロジェクト: ElOceanografo/PyCWT
 def daughter(self, scale, N, dt=1):
     k = sp.arange(int(N/2)) * 2 * sp.pi / (N * dt)
     k = sp.hstack((k, -sp.flipud(k)))
     if len(k) == N + 1:
         k = k[1: ]
 	expnt = -(scale * k) * (k > 0.)
 	norm = sp.sqrt(scale * k[1]) * (2**self.order 
 	    / sp.sqrt(self.order * sp.prod(sp.arange(2, (2 * self.order - 1))))) * sp.sqrt(N)
 	daughter = norm * ((scale * k)**self.order) * sp.exp(expnt);
 	daughter = daughter * (k > 0.)     # Heaviside step function
 	return daughter
コード例 #33
def ReBDDFDD(Gup_A, Gdn_A, printint):
    ''' function to calculate the sum of real parts of FD and BD integrals '''
    Int1_A = sp.imag(1.0 / sp.flipud(sp.conj(Det_A))) * sp.real(
        Gup_A * sp.flipud(Gdn_A))
    Int2_A = sp.imag(Gup_A * sp.flipud(sp.conj(Gdn_A)) /
    ## here we multiply big and small numbers for energies close to zero
    #RBF1_A    = sp.exp(sp.log(FB_A)+sp.log(Int1_A))
    RBF1_A = -FB_A * Int1_A
    RBF1_A[Nhalf] = (RBF1_A[Nhalf - 1] + RBF1_A[Nhalf + 1]) / 2.0
    RBF2_A = -FD_A * Int2_A
    TailL2 = -0.5 * RBF2_A[0] * En_A[
        0]  ## leading-order, 1/x**3 tail correction to Int2_A
    RBF = (simps(RBF1_A + RBF2_A, En_A) + TailL2) / sp.pi
    if printint:
        WriteFileX([Int1_A, Int2_A, RBF1_A, RBF2_A], 50.0, 3, '', 'RBF.dat')
    print('{0: .5f}\t{1: .8f}\t{2: .8f}'\
    return RBF
コード例 #34
 def daughter(self, scale, N, dt=1):
     k = sp.arange(int(N / 2)) * 2 * sp.pi / (N * dt)
     k = sp.hstack((k, -sp.flipud(k)))
     if len(k) == N + 1:
         k = k[1:]
     expnt = -(scale * k)**2 / 2.0
     norm = sp.sqrt(
         scale * k[1] / special.gamma(self.order + 0.5)) * sp.sqrt(N)
     daughter = -norm * (1j**self.order) * (
         (scale * k)**self.order) * sp.exp(expnt)
     return daughter
コード例 #35
    def plot(self, t, plot_param):
        xlim = plot_param['xlim']
        ylim = plot_param['ylim']
        xnum = plot_param['xnum']
        ynum = plot_param['ynum']
        cmap = plot_param['cmap']

            threshold = plot_param['threshold']
        except KeyError:
            threshold = None

            fignums = plot_param['fignums']
        except KeyError:
            fignums = (1, 2)

        x_values = scipy.linspace(xlim[0], xlim[1], xnum)
        y_values = scipy.linspace(ylim[0], ylim[1], ynum)
        x_mesh, y_mesh = scipy.meshgrid(x_values, y_values, indexing='xy')
        odor_value = self.value(t, x_mesh.flatten(), y_mesh.flatten())
        odor_value = scipy.reshape(odor_value, x_mesh.shape)
        odor_value = scipy.flipud(odor_value)

                   extent=(xlim[0], xlim[1], ylim[0], ylim[1]),
        for x, y in self.traps.param['source_locations']:
            s = scipy.linspace(0, 2.0 * scipy.pi, 100)
            cx = x + self.traps.param['trap_radius'] * scipy.cos(s)
            cy = y + self.traps.param['trap_radius'] * scipy.sin(s)
            plt.plot(cx, cy, 'k')
        plt.plot([0], [0], 'ob')
        plt.xlabel('x (m)')
        plt.ylabel('y (m)')
        plt.title('Odor Concentration')
        if threshold is not None:
            odor_thresh = odor_value >= threshold
                       extent=(xlim[0], xlim[1], ylim[0], ylim[1]),
            for x, y in self.traps.param['source_locations']:
                plt.plot([x], [y], '.k')

            plt.plot([0], [0], 'ob')
            plt.xlabel('x (m)')
            plt.ylabel('y (m)')
            plt.title('Odor Concentration >= {0}'.format(threshold))
コード例 #36
 def daughter(self, scale, N, dt=1):
     k = sp.arange(int(N / 2)) * 2 * sp.pi / (N * dt)
     k = sp.hstack((k, -sp.flipud(k)))
     if len(k) == N + 1:
         k = k[1:]
     expnt = -(scale * k) * (k > 0.)
     norm = sp.sqrt(
         scale * k[1]) * (2**self.order / sp.sqrt(self.order * sp.prod(
             sp.arange(2, (2 * self.order - 1))))) * sp.sqrt(N)
     daughter = norm * ((scale * k)**self.order) * sp.exp(expnt)
     daughter = daughter * (k > 0.)  # Heaviside step function
     return daughter
コード例 #37
 def value_to_mesh(self, t, plot_param):
     xnum = plot_param['xnum']
     ynum = plot_param['ynum']
     xlim = plot_param['xlim']
     ylim = plot_param['ylim']
     x_values = scipy.linspace(xlim[0], xlim[1], xnum)
     y_values = scipy.linspace(ylim[0], ylim[1], ynum)
     x_mesh, y_mesh = scipy.meshgrid(x_values, y_values, indexing='xy')
     odor_value = self.value(t, x_mesh.flatten(), y_mesh.flatten())
     odor_value = scipy.reshape(odor_value, x_mesh.shape)
     odor_mesh = scipy.flipud(odor_value)
     return odor_mesh
コード例 #38
def flux_qg(q, parms):

    Nx = parms.Nx
    Ny = parms.Ny

    psi = np.zeros((2*Ny,Nx,2),dtype=float)
    u = np.zeros((2*Ny,Nx,2),dtype=float)
    v = np.zeros((2*Ny,Nx,2),dtype=float)
    qe  = np.zeros((2*Ny,Nx,2),dtype=float)
    flux = np.zeros((Ny,Nx,2),dtype=float)
    q_x = np.zeros((2*Ny,Nx,2),dtype=float)
    q_y = np.zeros((2*Ny,Nx,2),dtype=float)
    qe_hat = np.zeros((2*Ny,Nx,2),dtype=complex)
    psie_hat = np.zeros((2*Ny,Nx,2),dtype=complex)

    # - (u + U) q_x - (q_y + Q_y) v
    for ii in range(2):
        # Extend and take FFT
        qe[:,:,ii] = np.vstack((q[:,:,ii],-np.flipud(q[:,:,ii])))
        qe_hat[:,:,ii] = fftn(qe[:,:,ii])

        # Compute gradient of PV
        q_x[:,:,ii] = (ifftn( parms.ikx*qe_hat[:,:,ii])).real
        q_y[:,:,ii] = (ifftn( parms.iky*qe_hat[:,:,ii])).real

    # Compute streamfunction
    psie_hat[:,:,0] = parms.W1[:,:,0]*qe_hat[:,:,0] + parms.W1[:,:,1]*qe_hat[:,:,1]
    psie_hat[:,:,1] = parms.W2[:,:,0]*qe_hat[:,:,0] + parms.W2[:,:,1]*qe_hat[:,:,1]

    for ii in range(2):
        psi[:,:,ii] = (ifftn(psie_hat[:,:,ii])).real

        # Compute physical velocities
        u[:,:,ii] = (ifftn(-parms.iky*psie_hat[:,:,ii])).real
        v[:,:,ii] = (ifftn( parms.ikx*psie_hat[:,:,ii])).real

        # Restrict to physical domain
        #q_x[:,:,ii] = q_x[0:parms.Ny,:,ii]
        #q_y[:,:,ii] = q_y[0:parms.Ny,:,ii]
        #u[:,:,ii]   = u[0:parms.Ny,:,ii]
        #v[:,:,ii]   = v[0:parms.Ny,:,ii]
        #psi[:,:,ii] = psi[0:parms.Ny,:,ii]

        # Compute flux
        flux[:,:,ii] = - (u[0:Ny,:,ii] + parms.U[ii])*q_x[0:Ny,:,ii]- (q_y[0:Ny,:,ii] + parms.Q_y[ii])*v[0:Ny,:,ii]

    # FJP: energy should include potential energy
    #energy = 0.5*np.mean(u**2 + v**2) + np.mean(parms.F*psi**2)
    #enstr  = np.mean(q**2)
    #mass   = np.mean(psi)

    return flux
コード例 #39
def filtfilt(b, a, x):
    Filter with given parameters forward and in reverse to eliminate
    phase shifts.
    In addition, initial state is calculated with lfilter_zi and 
    mirror images of the sample are added at end and beginning to
    remove edge effects.
    Must be a one-dimensional array only.
    #For now only accepting 1d arrays
    ntaps = max(len(a), len(b))
    edge = ntaps * 3

    if x.ndim != 1:
        raise ValueError, "Filtfilt is only accepting 1 dimension arrays."

    #x must be bigger than edge
    if x.size < edge:
        raise ValueError, "Input vector needs to be bigger than 3 * max(len(a),len(b)."

    if len(a) < ntaps:
        a = scipy.r_[a, scipy.zeros(len(b) - len(a))]

    if len(b) < ntaps:
        b = scipy.r_[b, scipy.zeros(len(a) - len(b))]

    zi = _lfilter_zi(b, a)

    #Grow the signal to have edges for stabilizing
    #the filter with inverted replicas of the signal
    s = scipy.r_[2 * x[0] - x[edge:1:-1], x, 2 * x[-1] - x[-1:-edge:-1]]
    #in the case of one go we only need one of the extrems
    # both are needed for filtfilt

    (y, zf) = scipy.signal.lfilter(b, a, s, -1, zi * s[0])

    (y, zf) = scipy.signal.lfilter(b, a, scipy.flipud(y), -1, zi * y[-1])

    return scipy.flipud(y[edge - 1:-edge + 1])
コード例 #40
ファイル: pseudospectral.py プロジェクト: Xelaju/NumMeth
def coefft(v):
  """Computes Chebyshev coefficients of polynomial represented by collocation
  values in v.  This method is scale invariant; the coefficients of the
  expansion on [a,b] depend on function values in the same way as for [-1,1].
  N = len(v)-1
  if N==0:
    return v
  vrv = sp.concatenate((v,sp.flipud(v[1:-1])))
  U = sp.fft(vrv) / N
  a = sp.ones((N+1,))
  a[[0,-1]] = 0.5
  return a * U[0:N+1]
コード例 #41
ファイル: ecgtk.py プロジェクト: Basildcruz/ecgtk
def filtfilt(b,a,x):
    Filter with given parameters forward and in reverse to eliminate
    phase shifts.
    In addition, initial state is calculated with lfilter_zi and 
    mirror images of the sample are added at end and beginning to
    remove edge effects.
    Must be a one-dimensional array only.
    #For now only accepting 1d arrays

    if x.ndim != 1:
        raise ValueError, "Filtfilt is only accepting 1 dimension arrays."

    #x must be bigger than edge
    if x.size < edge:
        raise ValueError, "Input vector needs to be bigger than 3 * max(len(a),len(b)."

    if len(a) < ntaps:

    if len(b) < ntaps:


    #Grow the signal to have edges for stabilizing 
    #the filter with inverted replicas of the signal
    #in the case of one go we only need one of the extrems 
    # both are needed for filtfilt



    return scipy.flipud(y[edge-1:-edge+1])
コード例 #42
def solve_qg(parms, q0):

    global cnt
    # Set parameters
    dt = parms.dt
    Nx = parms.Nx
    Ny = parms.Ny

    # initialize fields
    Nt = int(parms.tf/parms.dt)
    energy = np.zeros(Nt)
    enstr  = np.zeros(Nt)
    mass   = np.zeros(Nt)

    # Euler step
    t,ii = 0., 0
    NLnm, energy[0], enstr[0], mass[0] = flux_qg(q0, parms)
    q  = q0 + dt*NLnm;

    # AB2 step
    t,ii = parms.dt, 1
    NLn, energy[1], enstr[1], mass[1] = flux_qg(q, parms)
    q   = q + 0.5*dt*(3*NLn - NLnm)

    kx = fftshift((parms.ikx/parms.ikx[0,1]).real)
    ky = fftshift((parms.iky/parms.iky[1,0]).real)

    cnt = 1
    for ii in range(3,Nt+1):

        # AB3 step
        t = (ii-1)*parms.dt
        NL, energy[ii-1], enstr[ii-1], mass[ii-1] = flux_qg(q, parms)
        q  = q + dt/12*(23*NL - 16*NLn + 5*NLnm).real

        # Exponential Filter
        qe = np.vstack((q,-np.flipud(q)))
        qe = (ifftn(parms.sfilt*fftn(qe))).real
        q  = qe[0:Ny,:]

        # Reset fluxes
        NLnm = NLn
        NLn  = NL

        if (ii-0)%parms.npt==0:

            t = ii*dt
            plot_q_qhat(q, t)
            cnt += 1

    return q, energy, enstr, mass
コード例 #43
ファイル: PictureEditor.py プロジェクト: hchauvet/pyCalliper
    def LoadImage(self):
        img = imread(self.photo_data['path']+os.path.sep+self.photo_data['Name'])

        if self.flipud_needed:
            self.axes.imshow(flipud(img), interpolation='nearest',animated=True)
            self.axes.imshow(img, interpolation='nearest',animated=True)

        #store the background boundary box
        self.fig_bg = self.canvas.copy_from_bbox(self.axes.bbox)
        #Save limits
        self.xlims = self.axes.get_xlim()
        self.ylims = self.axes.get_ylim()
コード例 #44
ファイル: pycwt.py プロジェクト: ElOceanografo/PyCWT
 def _add_coi(self, color, data_present=None, fill=False):
     n = len(self.series)
     coi_whole = self.coi * self.dt * sp.hstack((sp.arange((n + 1) / 2), 
                         sp.flipud(sp.arange(n / 2))))
     coi_list = [coi_whole]
     baseline = sp.ones(n) * self.period[-1]
     if data_present is not None:
         for i in range(2, len(data_present) - 1):
             if data_present[i - 1] and (not data_present[i]):
                 coi_list.append(circ_shift(coi_whole, i))
                 baseline[i] = 0
             elif not data_present[i]:
                 baseline[i] = 0
             elif (not data_present[i - 1]) and data_present[i]:
                 coi_list.append(circ_shift(coi_whole, i))
     coi_line = sp.array(coi_list).min(axis=0)
     coi_line[coi_line == 0] = 1e-4
     x = sp.hstack((self.time, sp.flipud(self.time)))
     y = sp.log2(sp.hstack((coi_line, sp.ones(n) * self.period[-1])))
     if fill:
         plt.fill(x, y, color='black', alpha=0.3)
         plt.plot(self.time, sp.log2(coi_line), color=color, linestyle=':')
コード例 #45
 def _add_coi(self, color, data_present=None, fill=False):
     n = len(self.series)
     coi_whole = self.coi * self.dt * sp.hstack((sp.arange(
         (n + 1) / 2), sp.flipud(sp.arange(n / 2))))
     coi_list = [coi_whole]
     baseline = sp.ones(n) * self.period[-1]
     if data_present is not None:
         for i in range(2, len(data_present) - 1):
             if data_present[i - 1] and (not data_present[i]):
                 coi_list.append(circ_shift(coi_whole, i))
                 baseline[i] = 0
             elif not data_present[i]:
                 baseline[i] = 0
             elif (not data_present[i - 1]) and data_present[i]:
                 coi_list.append(circ_shift(coi_whole, i))
     coi_line = sp.array(coi_list).min(axis=0)
     coi_line[coi_line == 0] = 1e-4
     x = sp.hstack((self.time, sp.flipud(self.time)))
     y = sp.log2(sp.hstack((coi_line, sp.ones(n) * self.period[-1])))
     if fill:
         plt.fill(x, y, color='black', alpha=0.3)
         plt.plot(self.time, sp.log2(coi_line), color=color, linestyle=':')
コード例 #46
def plot_down_saw_spec_correct():
    rate, in_sig = wavfile.read('saw.wav')
    old_rate = 44100
    new_rate = 22050
    in_sig = sp.float32(in_sig)
    fin = anfft.fft(in_sig)
    nsiz = sp.floor(in_sig.size*new_rate/old_rate)
    nsizh = sp.floor(nsiz/2)
    fout = sp.zeros(nsiz)
    fout = fout + 0j
    fout[0:nsizh] = fin[0:nsizh]
    fout[nsiz-nsizh+1:] = sp.conj(sp.flipud(fout[1:nsizh]))
    f = sp.absolute(fout)
コード例 #47
ファイル: parlib.py プロジェクト: pokornyv/SPEpy
def TwoParticleBubble(F1_A,F2_A,channel):
	''' calculates the two-particle bubble, channel = 'eh', 'ee' '''
	N = int((len(En_A)-1)/2)
	## zero-padding the arrays
	exFD_A = sp.concatenate([FD_A[N:],sp.zeros(2*N+3),FD_A[:N]])
	ImF1_A = sp.concatenate([sp.imag(F1_A[N:]),sp.zeros(2*N+3),sp.imag(F1_A[:N])])
	ImF2_A = sp.concatenate([sp.imag(F2_A[N:]),sp.zeros(2*N+3),sp.imag(F2_A[:N])])
	## performing the convolution
	if channel == 'eh':
		ftImChi1_A =  sp.conj(fft(exFD_A*ImF2_A))*fft(ImF1_A)*dE	# f(x)F2(x)F1(w+x)
		ftImChi2_A = -fft(exFD_A*ImF1_A)*sp.conj(fft(ImF2_A))*dE	# f(x)F1(x)F2(x-w)
	elif channel == 'ee':
		ftImChi1_A =  fft(exFD_A*ImF2_A)*fft(ImF1_A)*dE					# f(x)F2(x)F1(w-x)
		ftImChi2_A = -sp.conj(fft(exFD_A*sp.flipud(ImF1_A)))*fft(ImF2_A)*dE	# f(x)F1(-x)F2(w+x)
	ImChi_A = -sp.real(ifft(ftImChi1_A+ftImChi2_A))/sp.pi
	ImChi_A = sp.concatenate([ImChi_A[3*N+4:],ImChi_A[:N+1]])
	Chi_A = KramersKronigFFT(ImChi_A) + 1.0j*ImChi_A
	return Chi_A
コード例 #48
ファイル: plot.py プロジェクト: daler/tree-hmm
def plot_data(args):
    """Plot X as an interpolated image"""
    outfile = (args.out_params + '.png').format(param='X_colors', **args.__dict__)
    #fig, axs = pyplot.subplots(args.I+1, 1, sharex=True, sharey=True, squeeze=False)
    fig, axs = pyplot.subplots(args.I, 1, sharex=True, sharey=True, squeeze=False)
    I,T,L = args.X.shape
    extent = [0, T, 0, L]
    #extent = [0, 100, 0, 5]
    for i in xrange(args.I):
        im = axs[i,0].imshow(sp.flipud(args.X[i,:,:].T), interpolation='sinc', vmin=0, vmax=1, extent=extent, aspect='auto')
        axs[i,0].set_yticks(sp.linspace(0, L, L, endpoint=False) + .5)
        axs[i,0].text(T/2, L+1, valid_species[i], horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='top')

    fig.savefig(os.path.join(args.out_dir, outfile), dpi=120)
コード例 #49
    def _goodK(self, cutoff=None):
        if cutoff is None:
            cutoff = 1e-10 * self.X.max()

        powers = self.Et * self.Ew.max(0) * self.Eh.max(1)
        sorted_powers = sp.flipud(sp.argsort(powers))
        idx = sp.where(powers[sorted_powers] > cutoff * powers.max())[0]
        goodk = sorted_powers[:(idx[-1] + 1)]
        if powers[goodk[-1]] < cutoff:
            goodk = sp.delete(goodk, -1)

        goodk = sp.sort(goodk)

        # Etが1を超えているindexは削除するようにする
        # too_large_k = sp.where(self.Et > 1.0)[0]
        # goodk = sp.array(list(set(goodk) - set(too_large_k)))

        return goodk
コード例 #50
ファイル: parlib.py プロジェクト: pokornyv/SPEpy
def TwoParticleBubble(F1_A,F2_A,channel):
	''' calculates the two-particle bubble, channel = 'eh', 'ee' '''
	N = int((len(En_A)-1)/2)
	## zero-padding the arrays
	exFD_A = sp.concatenate([FD_A[N:],sp.zeros(2*N+3),FD_A[:N]])
	ImF1_A = sp.concatenate([sp.imag(F1_A[N:]),sp.zeros(2*N+3),sp.imag(F1_A[:N])])
	ImF2_A = sp.concatenate([sp.imag(F2_A[N:]),sp.zeros(2*N+3),sp.imag(F2_A[:N])])
	## performing the convolution
	if channel == 'eh':
		ftImChi1_A =  sp.conj(fft(exFD_A*ImF2_A))*fft(ImF1_A)*dE	# f(x)F2(x)F1(w+x)
		ftImChi2_A = -fft(exFD_A*ImF1_A)*sp.conj(fft(ImF2_A))*dE	# f(x)F1(x)F2(x-w)
	elif channel == 'ee':
		ftImChi1_A =  fft(exFD_A*ImF2_A)*fft(ImF1_A)*dE					# f(x)F2(x)F1(w-x)
		ftImChi2_A = -sp.conj(fft(exFD_A*sp.flipud(ImF1_A)))*fft(ImF2_A)*dE	# f(x)F1(-x)F2(w+x)
	ImChi_A = -sp.real(ifft(ftImChi1_A+ftImChi2_A))/sp.pi
	ImChi_A = sp.concatenate([ImChi_A[3*N+4:],ImChi_A[:N+1]])
	Chi_A = KramersKronigFFT(ImChi_A) + 1.0j*ImChi_A
	return Chi_A
コード例 #51
ファイル: domain.py プロジェクト: lucach/cromosim
 def build_domain(self):
     To build the domain : reads the background image (if supplied) \
     and initializes all the color arrrays
     if (self.__background != 'White'):
         image = Image.open(self.__background)
         image = Image.new("RGB", (self.width, self.height), "white")
     draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
     for iw in self.__walls:
         if (isinstance(iw, Circle) or isinstance(iw, Ellipse)
                 or isinstance(iw, Rectangle) or isinstance(iw, Polygon)):
             xy = iw.get_verts() / self.pixel_size
             xy[:, 1] = self.height - xy[:, 1]
                          outline="rgb(0, 0, 0)",
                          fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)")
         elif isinstance(iw, Line2D):
             linewidth = iw.get_linewidth()
             xy = iw.get_xydata() / self.pixel_size
             xy[:, 1] = self.height - xy[:, 1]
                       fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)")
     for id in self.__doors:
         linewidth = id.get_linewidth()
         xy = id.get_xydata() / self.pixel_size
         xy[:, 1] = self.height - xy[:, 1]
                   fill="rgb(255, 0, 0)")
     self.__image_filename = self.__name + '_domain.png'
     ## Easy way to convert a Pillow image to numpy arrays...
     ## The origin of img is at the top (left) and flipud allows to put it down...
     self.image = sp.flipud(imread(self.__image_filename))
     self.image_red = self.image[:, :, 0]
     self.image_green = self.image[:, :, 1]
     self.image_blue = self.image[:, :, 2]
     self.mask =  (self.image_red == 0) \
                 *(self.image_green == 0) \
                 *(self.image_blue == 0)
     self.mask_id = sp.where(self.mask)
コード例 #52
def istft(X, framesize=512, hopsize=256, window="hann"):
    n_frames = X.shape[1]
    recovered_x = sp.zeros((n_frames - 1) * hopsize + framesize)
    win_func = sp.signal.get_window(window, framesize)

    for i, _X in enumerate(X.T):
        start_frame = i * hopsize
        end_frame = min(start_frame + framesize, len(recovered_x))
        recX = sp.concatenate((_X, sp.flipud(_X[1:-1].conjugate())))
        ifft_data = ifft(recX, framesize)
        recovered_x[start_frame:end_frame] += sp.real(
            (ifft_data * win_func)[:end_frame - start_frame])

    recovered_x *= hopsize / float(framesize)

    return recovered_x
コード例 #53
def plot_q_qhat(q, t):

    # Plot Potential Vorticity
    for jj in range(2):
        name = "PV at t = %5.2f" % (t/(3600.0*24.0))
        plt.axes([-Lx/2, Lx/2, -Ly/2, Ly/2])

    kx = fftshift((parms.ikx/parms.ikx[0,1]).real)
    ky = fftshift((parms.iky/parms.iky[1,0]).real)

    # compute power spectrum and shift ffts
    qe = np.zeros((2*Ny,Nx,2))
    qhat = np.zeros((2*Ny,Nx,2),dtype=complex)

    for jj in range(2):
        qe[:,:,jj] = np.vstack((q[:,:,jj],-np.flipud(q[:,:,jj])))
        qhat[:,:,jj] = np.absolute(fftn(qe[:,:,jj]))
        qhat[:,:,jj] = fftshift(qhat[:,:,jj])

    Sx, Sy = int(parms.Nx/2), parms.Ny

    # Plot power spectrum
    for jj in range(2):
        name = "PS at t = %5.2f" % (t/(3600.0*24.0))

        for kx_i in kx[Sy:int(1.5*Sy),Sx:int(1.5*Sx)]:
            for ky_i in ky[Sy:int(1.5*Sy),Sx:int(1.5*Sx)]:
                for q_i in qhat[Sy:int(1.5*Sy),Sx:int(1.5*Sx),jj]:
                    results_to_csv('output.csv', [t/(3600.0*24.0), kx_i, ky_i, q_i])

コード例 #54
ファイル: ledsim.py プロジェクト: puluoning/ledsim
 def get_dz_segment(self,d1,dn,L):
   ''' Calculate the vector of gridpoint spacing given a segment of length L
       and gridpoint spacings d1,dn specified at the two ends of the segment.
   if L < 2*max(d1,dn):
     raise ValueError, 'Grid error: gridpoint spacing is changing too rapidly'
   if abs(1.-(d1/dn)) < 1e-10:
     N = round(L/d1)  
     rem = L-d1*N
     delvec = scipy.ones(N)*d1
     isDecreasing = dn < d1
     if isDecreasing:
       dn, d1 = d1, dn
     a = (1-L/d1)/(dn/d1-L/d1)
     N = scipy.log(dn/d1)/scipy.log(a)
     n = scipy.linspace(0,scipy.floor(N),scipy.floor(N))
     delvec = scipy.concatenate((d1*a**n,[dn]))
     rem = L-sum(delvec)
     if isDecreasing:
       delvec = scipy.flipud(delvec)
   remvec = 1-abs(scipy.linspace(-1,1,len(delvec)))
   return delvec+rem*remvec/sum(remvec)
コード例 #55
def levinsonSymmetricConstrainA1(A, y, ncoeffs=scipy.inf):
    ncoeffs = min(ncoeffs, A.shape[1])

    eps = A[0, 0]

    ref = scipy.zeros(ncoeffs - 1)

    x = scipy.zeros(ncoeffs)
    x[0] = 1

    for i in range(1, ncoeffs):
        gamma = A[0, i] + scipy.dot(A[0, 1:i], x[1:i])

        ref[i - 1] = -gamma / eps

        eps *= (1 - ref[i - 1] * scipy.conjugate(ref[i - 1]))

        temp = scipy.conjugate(scipy.flipud(x[:i + 1]))

        x[:i + 1] += ref[i - 1] * temp
        x[i] = ref[i - 1]

    return (x, scipy.sqrt(eps))
コード例 #56
ファイル: ledsim.py プロジェクト: puluoning/ledsim
 def get_dz_segment(self, d1, dn, L):
     ''' Calculate the vector of gridpoint spacing given a segment of length L
     and gridpoint spacings d1,dn specified at the two ends of the segment.
     if L < 2 * max(d1, dn):
         raise ValueError, 'Grid error: gridpoint spacing is changing too rapidly'
     if abs(1. - (d1 / dn)) < 1e-10:
         N = round(L / d1)
         rem = L - d1 * N
         delvec = scipy.ones(N) * d1
         isDecreasing = dn < d1
         if isDecreasing:
             dn, d1 = d1, dn
         a = (1 - L / d1) / (dn / d1 - L / d1)
         N = scipy.log(dn / d1) / scipy.log(a)
         n = scipy.linspace(0, scipy.floor(N), scipy.floor(N))
         delvec = scipy.concatenate((d1 * a**n, [dn]))
         rem = L - sum(delvec)
         if isDecreasing:
             delvec = scipy.flipud(delvec)
     remvec = 1 - abs(scipy.linspace(-1, 1, len(delvec)))
     return delvec + rem * remvec / sum(remvec)
コード例 #57
ファイル: test_levinson.py プロジェクト: StevenKo/loudia
def levinsonSymmetricConstrainA1(A, y, ncoeffs = scipy.inf):
    ncoeffs = min(ncoeffs, A.shape[1])
    eps = A[0,0]

    ref = scipy.zeros( ncoeffs - 1 )
    x = scipy.zeros( ncoeffs )
    x[0] = 1
    for i in range(1, ncoeffs):
        gamma = A[0, i] + scipy.dot(A[0, 1:i], x[1:i])

        ref[i-1] = - gamma / eps

        eps *= (1 - ref[i-1]*scipy.conjugate(ref[i-1]))
        temp = scipy.conjugate(scipy.flipud(x[:i+1]))
        x[:i+1] += ref[i-1] * temp
        x[i] = ref[i-1]
    return (x, scipy.sqrt(eps))
コード例 #58
ファイル: bedTopo2.py プロジェクト: whyjz/CARST
def getFluxes(val_mat, direction_mat, out_flux, inc):

	import scipy;
        import math;

	factor = 2;

        cell_angles  = scipy.flipud(scipy.array([[-1 * math.pi / 4, -1 * math.pi / 2, -3 * math.pi / 4], [0, scipy.nan, math.pi], [math.pi / 4, math.pi / 2, 3 * math.pi / 4]]));
        cell_incs    = scipy.array([[(inc**2 + inc**2)**0.5, inc, (inc**2 + inc**2)**0.5], [inc, scipy.nan, inc], [(inc**2 + inc**2)**0.5, inc, (inc**2 + inc**2)**0.5]]);

        vels_in      = scipy.cos(cell_angles - direction_mat);
	vels_in[1,1] = scipy.nan;
        vels_in[vels_in < 0.00001] = scipy.nan;
        vels_in      = vels_in * val_mat;
        in_fluxes    = (vels_in**factor / sum(vels_in[~scipy.isnan(vels_in)]**factor) * out_flux);

#	print(in_fluxes);

#	cosines      = scipy.cos((cell_angles - math.pi) - direction_mat);
#	cosines[1,1] = scipy.nan;
#	cosines[cosines < 0.00001] = scipy.nan;
#	thicknesses  = in_fluxes / (cosines * val_mat);

        return in_fluxes;
コード例 #59
def plot_q_qhat(q, t):
    # Plot Potential Vorticity
    plt.axes([-Lx/2e3, Lx/2e3, -Ly/2e3, Ly/2e3])
    name = "PV at t = %5.2f" % (t/(3600.0*24.0))

    # compute power spectrum and shift ffts
    qe = np.vstack((q0,-np.flipud(q)))
    qhat = np.absolute(fftn(qe))
    kx = fftshift((parms.ikx/parms.ikx[0,1]).real)
    ky = fftshift((parms.iky/parms.iky[1,0]).real)
    qhat = fftshift(qhat)

    Sx, Sy = int(parms.Nx/2), parms.Ny
    Sk = 1.5

    # Plot power spectrum
    plt.axis([0, 10, 0, 10])
    name = "PS at t = %5.2f" % (t/(3600.0*24.0))

#    plt.savefig(os.path.join(fname, '%03d.png' % (cnt)))
    for row, ii in enumerate(qhat):
        for col, jj in enumerate(ii):
            if kx[row,col] >= 0 and ky[row,col] >= 0:
                results_to_csv(csvwriter, ["%.4f" % (t/(3600.0*24.0)), kx[row, col], ky[row, col], jj])