def ComputeJacobianMatrix(self, vec_x, vec_xi=None, rep_loc=None): #need validation """ Calcul l'inverse du Jacobien aux points de gauss dans le cas d'un élément isoparamétrique (c'est à dire que les mêmes fonctions de forme sont utilisées) vec_xi est un tableau dont les lignes donnent les coordonnées dans le repère de référence où on souhaite avoir le jacobien (en général pg) """ if vec_xi is None: vec_xi = self.xi_pg self.ComputeDetJacobian(vec_x, vec_xi) if rep_loc != None: rep_pg = self.interpolateLocalFrame( rep_loc, vec_xi) #interpolation du repère local aux points de gauss self.JacobianMatrix = sp.matmul( self.JacobianMatrix, sp.swapaxes(rep_pg, 2, 3) ) #to verify - sp.swapaxes(rep_pg,2,3) is equivalent to a transpose over the axis 2 and 3 # for k,J in enumerate(self.JacobianMatrix): self.JacobianMatrix[k] =, rep_pg[k].T) if self.JacobianMatrix.shape[-2] == self.JacobianMatrix.shape[-1]: self.inverseJacobian = linalg.inv(self.JacobianMatrix) # self.inverseJacobian = [linalg.inv(J) for J in self.JacobianMatrix] else: #l'espace réel est dans une dimension plus grande que l'espace de l'élément de référence J = self.JacobianMatrix JT = sp.swapaxes(self.JacobianMatrix, 2, 3) self.inverseJacobian = sp.matmul( JT, linalg.inv(sp.matmul(J, JT)) ) #inverseJacobian.shape = (Nel,len(vec_xi)=nb_pg, dim:vec_x.shape[-1], dim:vec_xi.shape[-1])
def rho_dot(Hamiltonian, Gamma, rho, closed): """ Calculate the time derivative of the density matrix This function uses the Lindblad form of the quantum master equation (Steck eq. 5.177 & 5.178 pg 181) .. math:: \\dot{\\rho} = -\\frac{i}{\\hbar} [H, \\rho] + \\Gamma D[c] \\rho where .. math:: D[c] \\rho = c\\rho c^{\\dagger} - \\frac{1}{2} \\{c^{\\dagger} c, \\rho\\}. :math:`\Gamma` is the decay rate and :math:`c` along with its Hermitian conjugate :math:`c^{\dagger}` are the transition matrices of the n level system. The documentation also has some extra information. For now only radiative decay is considered (no dephasing). :param Hamiltonian: Complex ndarray. Hamiltonian. :param Gamma: Ndarray. Decay matrix. :param rho: Complex ndarray. density matrix. :return: Complex ndarray. Time derivative of the density matrix. """ return -1j / hbar * commutator(Hamiltonian, rho) \ - 1 / 2 * anticommutator(Gamma, rho) \ + sum(sp.matmul(closed[0], sp.matmul(rho, closed[1])))
def ComputeJacobianMatrix(self, vec_x, vec_xi=None, rep_loc=None): if vec_xi is None: vec_xi == self.xi_pg self.ComputeDetJacobian(vec_x, vec_xi) if self.JacobianMatrix.shape[-2] == self.JacobianMatrix.shape[-1]: if rep_loc != None: rep_pg = self.interpolateLocalFrame( rep_loc, vec_xi ) #interpolation du repère local aux points de gauss -> shape = (len(vec_x),len(vec_xi),dim,dim) self.JacobianMatrix = sp.matmul( self.JacobianMatrix, sp.swapaxes(rep_pg, 2, 3) ) #to verify - sp.swapaxes(rep_pg,2,3) is equivalent to a transpose over the axis 2 and 3 # rep_pg = self.interpolateLocalFrame(rep_loc, vec_xi) #interpolation du repère local aux points de gauss # for k,J in enumerate(self.JacobianMatrix): self.JacobianMatrix[k] =, rep_pg[k].T) else: #l'espace réel est dans une dimension plus grande que l'espace de l'élément de référence if rep_loc is None: J = self.JacobianMatrix JT = sp.swapaxes(self.JacobianMatrix, 2, 3) self.inverseJacobian = sp.matmul( JT, linalg.inv(sp.matmul(J, JT)) ) #inverseJacobian.shape = (Nel,len(vec_xi)=nb_pg, dim:vec_x.shape[-1], dim:vec_xi.shape[-1]) # self.inverseJacobian = [ , linalg.inv(,J.T))) for J in self.JacobianMatrix] #this line may have a high computational cost return else: rep_pg = self.repLocFromJac(rep_loc, vec_xi)[:, 0:2, :] for k, J in enumerate(self.JacobianMatrix): self.JacobianMatrix[k] =, rep_pg[k].T) self.inverseJacobian = linalg.inv(self.JacobianMatrix)
def F1(params, flag=False): if m0: _m, _w = m0, params[0] elif w0: _m, _w = params[0], w0 else: _m, _w = params tmp = np.power(np.abs(tc - t), _m) X = [ np.ones(N), tmp, tmp * np.cos(_w * np.log(np.abs(tc - t))), tmp * np.sin(_w * np.log(np.abs(tc - t))) ] X = np.vstack(X).T try: beta = sp.matmul(sp.linalg.inv(sp.matmul(X.T, X)), sp.matmul(X.T, y)) except: # print(_m, _w) raise ValueError("X is singular") SSE = np.sum(np.power(y - np.matmul(beta, X.T), 2)) if flag: return SSE, beta return SSE
def predict(self): """ The predict step in Kalman filtering. :return: """ # Predict the state and covariance self.x = matmul(self.A, self.x) + matmul(self.B, self.u) self.P = matmul(matmul(self.A, self.P), self.A.T) + self.Q
def least_squares_interpolant(x, y): xmat = sp.zeros((len(x), 2)) for i in range(len(x)): for j in range(2): xmat[i][j] = x[i] ** j a = sp.matmul(sp.transpose(xmat), xmat) b = sp.matmul(sp.transpose(xmat), y) ans = numpy.linalg.solve(a, b) return ans, xmat
def update_reservoir(self, u, n, Y): # u is input at specific time # u has shape (N_u (3 for L63)) # See page 16 eqtn 18 of Lukosevicius PracticalESN for feedback info. x_n_tilde = cp.tanh( cp.matmul(self.W, self.x[n]) + cp.array(sp.matmul(self.W_in, sp.hstack((sp.array([1]), u)))) + cp.array(sp.matmul(self.W_fb, Y))) self.x[n+1] = cp.multiply((1-cp.array(self.alpha_matrix)), cp.array(self.x[n])) \ + cp.multiply(cp.array(self.alpha_matrix), x_n_tilde)
def update_reservoir(self, u, n, Y): # u is input at specific time # u has shape (N_u (3 for L63)) # See page 16 eqtn 18 of Lukosevicius PracticalESN for feedback info. x_n_tilde = sp.tanh( sp.matmul(self.W, self.x[n]) + sp.matmul(self.W_in, sp.hstack((sp.array([1]), u))) + sp.matmul(self.W_fb, Y)) # TODO: Add derivative term? self.x[n+1] = sp.multiply((1-self.alpha_matrix), self.x[n]) \ + sp.multiply(self.alpha_matrix, x_n_tilde)
def chi_formal(Ham, psi_i, psi_0, t): extract = Matrix_diag(Ham(t)) H_d = extract[0] M = extract[1] M_dag = extract[2] exponential = sp.zeros([len(H_d), len(H_d)], dtype=complex) for i in range(len(H_d)): exponential[i][i] = sp.exp(-1j * t * H_d[i][i]) psi_i_bra = sp.matrix.conjugate(sp.transpose(psi_i)) psi_t = sp.matmul(M, sp.matmul(exponential, sp.matmul(M_dag, psi_0))) chi_rooted = sp.matmul(psi_i_bra, psi_t) return abs(chi_rooted)**2
def cart2frac(self): """Convert Cartesian coordinates to fractional""" if self.cart: lat_inv = inv( for i in range(self.nat): self.r[i,:] = sp.matmul(lat_inv, self.r[i,:]) self.cart = False
def output_Y(self, u, n): one_by_one = sp.array([1]) # Eqtn 4 concatinated_matrix = sp.hstack((sp.hstack( (one_by_one, u)), cp.asnumpy(self.x[n]))) output_Y_return = sp.matmul(self.W_out, concatinated_matrix) return output_Y_return
def WikiCG(A, b, *, e=1e-8, iter_max=100): x = sp.zeros(b.shape, dtype=float) r = b - sp.matmul(A, x) p = sp.copy(r) rr =, r) for _ in range(iter_max): Ap = sp.matmul(A, p) alpha = rr / sp.matmul(p, Ap) x += alpha * p r -= alpha * Ap if linalg.norm(r) < e: break beta = rr rr =, r) beta = rr / beta p = r + beta * p return x
def fun(t, z): i = 1 Fr = sp.zeros(40) while i < 20: Fr[i + 20] = -(CAP[i]) * invM[i, i] * sp.tanh((z[20 + i]) - z[20 + i - 1]) i += 1 return sp.matmul(A, z) + Fr
def calculate_W_out(self, Y_target, N_x, beta, train_start_timestep, train_end_timestep): # see Lukosevicius Practical ESN eqtn 11 # Using ridge regression N_u = sp.shape(Y_target)[0] X = sp.vstack( (sp.ones((1, train_end_timestep - train_start_timestep)), Y_target[:, train_start_timestep:train_end_timestep], self.x[train_start_timestep:train_end_timestep].transpose())) # Ridge Regression W_out = sp.matmul( sp.array(Y_target[:, train_start_timestep + 1:train_end_timestep + 1]), sp.matmul( X.transpose(), sp.linalg.inv( sp.matmul(X, X.transpose()) + beta * sp.identity(1 + N_x + N_u)))) self.W_out = W_out
def update(self, z): """ The update step in Kalman filtering. :param z: The measurements. :return: """ # Calculate the Kalman gain S = matmul(matmul(self.H, self.P), self.H.T) + self.R K = matmul(matmul(self.P, self.H.T), inv(S)) # Correction based on the measurement residual = z - matmul(self.H, self.x) self.x = self.x + matmul(K, residual) self.P = self.P - matmul(matmul(K, self.H), self.P) self.state.append(self.x) self.residual.append(norm(residual)) self.epsilon.append(matmul(residual.T, matmul(inv(S), residual))) self.sigma.append(sqrt(S[0, 0]**2 + S[1, 1]**2 + S[2, 2]**2)) self.process_noise.append(self.Q[0, 0])
def fun(t,z): # --- Reporte de paso de tiempo if t > fun.tnextreport: print " {} at t = {}".format(fun.solver, fun.tnextreport) fun.tnextreport += 1 # --- Cálculo Famort = sp.zeros((40)) # vector de fuerza friccional de amortiguamiento Famort[0] = -(Cap[0] * (1./M[0,0]) * sp.tanh((z[20]/vr))) Ft=sp.zeros(40) if t<226.81: Ft[20:]=f0(t)*9.8 return sp.matmul(A,z) + Famort + Ft
def BookCG(A, b, e=1e-8, k_max=100): k = 0 d_old = 0 x = sp.zeros((A.shape[0])) r = b - sp.matmul(A, x) d =, r) while sp.sqrt(d) > e * sp.sqrt(, b)) and k < k_max: k = k + 1 if k == 1: p = r else: beta = d / d_old p = r + beta * p w = sp.matmul(A, p) a = d /, w) x = x + a * p r = r - a * w d_old = d d =, r) return x
def rho_dot(Hamiltonian, Gamma, rho, closed): """ Calculate the time derivative of the density matrix using the quantum master equation (Steck eq. 5.177 & 5.178 pg 181) rho_dot = -i / hbar * [H, rho] + Gamma * D[c] * rho where D[c] * rho = 1 / 2 * {c_dagger * c, rho}. Gamma is the decay rate and c are the transition matrices of the n level system. In practice c will be a sum of multiple transition matrices. NOTE: 1.) For now only radiative decay is considered (no dephasing) and all levels have the same decay rate. 2.) The Lindblad operator does not include the term that adds population back in. Therefore this function simulates open quantum systems :param Hamiltonian: Hamiltonian. :param Gamma: Decay matrix. :param rho: density matrix. :return: Time derivative of the density matrix as a 2-D ndarray (dtype=complex). """ return -1j / hbar * commutator(Hamiltonian, rho) \ - 1 / 2 * anticommutator(Gamma, rho) \ + sum(sp.matmul(closed[0], sp.matmul(rho, closed[1])))
def main(n = 3): A = [[20*random() for j in range(n)] for i in range(n)] b = [20*random() for i in range(n)] L, U = descompLU(A, b) printMatrix(A, 'A') print() printMatrix(L, 'L') print() printMatrix(U, 'U') print() printMatrix(matmul(L, U), 'LU')
def rotation_matrix_from_vectors(a, b): a = scipy.asarray(a) b = scipy.asarray(b) a /= scipy.linalg.norm(a) b /= scipy.linalg.norm(b) v = scipy.cross(a, b) c =, b) s = scipy.linalg.norm(v) I = scipy.identity(3, dtype='f8') k = scipy.array([[0., -v[2], v[1]], [v[2], 0., -v[0]], [-v[1], v[0], 0.]]) if s == 0.: return I return I + k + scipy.matmul(k, k) * ((1. - c) / (s**2))
def reflect_by_householder(v, u, c): print("Reflect by Householder:") print("chord:", v) print("Unit normal vector:", u) center_ = center(len(v)) tensor_ = scipy.outer(u, u) print("tensor_:\n", tensor_) product_ = scipy.multiply(tensor_, 2) print("product_:", product_) identity_ = scipy.eye(len(v)) print("identity_:\n", identity_) householder = scipy.subtract(identity_, product_) print("householder:\n", householder) reflected_voices = scipy.matmul(householder, v) print("reflected_voices:", reflected_voices) translated_voices = scipy.subtract(v, center_) print("moved to origin:", translated_voices) reflected_translated_voices = scipy.matmul(householder, translated_voices) print("reflected_translated_voices:", reflected_translated_voices) reflection = scipy.add(reflected_translated_voices, center_) print("moved from origin:", reflection) print("reflection by householder:", reflection) return reflection
def oht_alg(d2d_to_d2d_gains_diag, uav_to_d2d_gains, d2d_to_d2d_gains_diff, eta, power_UAV, power_cir_UAV): theta_ini = Parameter(value=1 / 0.5) iter = 0 epsilon = 1 theta_sol = 0 iter_phi = [] while epsilon >= 1e-2 and iter <= 20: iter += 1 if iter == 1: theta_ref = theta_ini.value else: theta_ref = theta_sol term_x = sp.divide(1, sp.multiply(sp.subtract(theta_ref, 1), sp.matmul(d2d_to_d2d_gains_diag, uav_to_d2d_gains))) term_y = sp.add( sp.multiply(sp.subtract(theta_ref, 1), sp.matmul(sp.transpose(d2d_to_d2d_gains_diff), uav_to_d2d_gains)), sp.divide(1, eta * power_UAV)) a_1 = sp.add(sp.divide(sp.multiply(2, sp.log(sp.add(1, sp.divide(1, sp.multiply(term_x, term_y))))), theta_ref), sp.divide(2, sp.multiply(theta_ref, sp.add(sp.multiply(term_x, term_y), 1)))) b_1 = sp.divide(1, sp.multiply(theta_ref, sp.multiply(term_x, sp.add(sp.multiply(term_x, term_y), 1)))) c_1 = sp.divide(1, sp.multiply(theta_ref, sp.multiply(term_y, sp.add(sp.multiply(term_x, term_y), 1)))) d_1 = sp.divide(sp.log(sp.add(1, sp.divide(1, sp.multiply(term_x, term_y)))), sp.square(theta_ref)) theta = NonNegative(1) t_max = NonNegative(1) obj_opt = Maximize(t_max) constraints = [theta >= 1] constraints.append( t_max <= a_1 - sp.divide(b_1, sp.matmul(d2d_to_d2d_gains_diag, uav_to_d2d_gains)) * inv_pos(theta - 1) - mul_elemwise(c_1, sp.matmul(sp.transpose(d2d_to_d2d_gains_diff), uav_to_d2d_gains) * (theta - 1) + sp.divide(1, eta * power_UAV)) - d_1 * theta) t1 = time.time() prob = Problem(obj_opt, constraints) prob.solve(solver=ECOS_BB) theta_sol = theta.value phi_n_sol = sp.multiply((theta_sol - 1) * eta * power_UAV, uav_to_d2d_gains) x_rate = sp.matmul(d2d_to_d2d_gains_diag, phi_n_sol) term_rate = sp.matmul(sp.transpose(d2d_to_d2d_gains_diff), phi_n_sol) + 1 rate_sol_ue = sp.divide(sp.log(sp.add(1, sp.divide(x_rate, term_rate))), theta_sol) iter_maximin_rate = min(rate_sol_ue) term_pow_iter = sp.subtract(1, sp.divide(1, theta_sol)) * eta * power_UAV * sp.add(1, sp.sum( uav_to_d2d_gains)) + power_cir_UAV iter_phi.append(t_max.value) if iter >= 2: epsilon = sp.divide(sp.absolute(sp.subtract(iter_phi[iter - 1], iter_phi[iter - 2])), sp.absolute(iter_phi[iter - 2])) iter_EE = sp.divide(sp.multiply(1e3, sp.divide(sp.sum(rate_sol_ue), term_pow_iter)), sp.log(2)) return iter_EE, theta_sol, iter_maximin_rate
def RK4(t_tot, N, Ham, psi): dt = t_tot / N #N is number of steps t = sp.linspace(0, t_tot, N + 1) y = [psi] for i in range(len(t) - 1): k1 = dt * TDSE_T(Ham, t[i], y[len(y) - 1]) k2 = dt * TDSE_T(Ham, t[i] + 0.5 * dt, y[len(y) - 1] + k1 / 2) k3 = dt * TDSE_T(Ham, t[i] + 0.5 * dt, y[len(y) - 1] + k2 / 2) k4 = dt * TDSE_T(Ham, t[i] + dt, y[len(y) - 1] + k3) ynew = y[len(y) - 1] + (k1 + 2 * k2 + 2 * k3 + k4) / 6 y.append(ynew) chi = [] for i in range(len(y)): inneri = sp.matmul(sp.conjugate(psi), y[i]) inner = abs(inneri)**2 chi.append(inner) return t, chi
def _operator(self, op): """ This is the function that acts an operator on the full hierarchy. PARAMETERS ---------- 1. op : an operator RETURNS ------- None """ phi_mat = np.transpose( np.reshape(self.phi, [int(len(self.phi) / self.n_state), self.n_state], order="C")) = np.reshape(np.transpose(sp.matmul(op, phi_mat)), len(self.phi))
def fun(t, z): #---- Esto sirve solo para reportar en que tiempo vamos if t > fun.tnextreport: print " {} at t = {}".format(fun.solver, fun.tnextreport) fun.tnextreport += 1 if fun.solver != "Euler": z = np.squeeze(z) Famort = sp.zeros(40) #vector de fuerza friccional de amortiguamiento Famort[0] = -(CAP[0] * (1. / M[0, 0]) * sp.tanh((z[20] / vr))) for i in range(1, 20): Famort[i] = -(1. / M[i, i]) * CAP[i] * sp.tanh( (z[i + 20] - z[i - 1 + 20]) / vr) Ft = sp.zeros(40) if t < 226.81: Ft[20:] = inte(t) * 9.8 return sp.matmul(A, z) + Famort + Ft
def write_spectrum(self, row, col, states, meas, geom, flush_immediately=False): """Write data from a single inversion to all output buffers.""" self.writes = self.writes + 1 if len(states) == 0: # Write a bad data flag atm_bad = s.zeros(len( * -9999.0 state_bad = s.zeros(len( * -9999.0 data_bad = s.zeros( * -9999.0 to_write = { 'estimated_state_file': state_bad, 'estimated_reflectance_file': data_bad, 'estimated_emission_file': data_bad, 'modeled_radiance_file': data_bad, 'apparent_reflectance_file': data_bad, 'path_radiance_file': data_bad, 'simulated_measurement_file': data_bad, 'algebraic_inverse_file': data_bad, 'atmospheric_coefficients_file': atm_bad, 'radiometry_correction_file': data_bad, 'spectral_calibration_file': data_bad, 'posterior_uncertainty_file': state_bad } else: # The inversion returns a list of states, which are # intepreted either as samples from the posterior (MCMC case) # or as a gradient descent trajectory (standard case). For # gradient descent the last spectrum is the converged solution. if self.iv.method == 'MCMC': state_est = states.mean(axis=0) else: state_est = states[-1, :] # Spectral calibration wl, fwhm = cal = s.column_stack( [s.arange(0, len(wl)), wl / 1000.0, fwhm / 1000.0]) # If there is no actual measurement, we use the simulated version # in subsequent calculations. Naturally in these cases we're # mostly just interested in the simulation result. if meas is None: meas =, geom) # Rodgers diagnostics lamb_est, meas_est, path_est, S_hat, K, G = \ self.iv.forward_uncertainty(state_est, meas, geom) # Simulation with noise meas_sim =, geom) # Algebraic inverse and atmospheric optical coefficients x_surface, x_RT, x_instrument = rfl_alg_opt, Ls, coeffs = invert_algebraic(,,, x_surface, x_RT, x_instrument, meas, geom) rhoatm, sphalb, transm, solar_irr, coszen, transup = coeffs L_atm =, geom) L_down_transmitted =, geom) L_up =, geom) atm = s.column_stack( list(coeffs[:4]) + [s.ones((len(wl), 1)) * coszen]) # Upward emission & glint and apparent reflectance Ls_est =, geom) apparent_rfl_est = lamb_est + Ls_est # Radiometric calibration factors = s.ones(len(wl)) if 'radiometry_correction_file' in self.outfiles: if 'reference_reflectance_file' in self.infiles: reference_file = self.infiles['reference_reflectance_file'] self.rfl_ref = reference_file.read_spectrum(row, col) self.wl_ref = reference_file.wl w, fw = resamp = resample_spectrum(self.rfl_ref, self.wl_ref, w, fw, fill=True) meas_est =, geom, rfl=resamp) factors = meas_est / meas else: logging.warning('No reflectance reference') # Assemble all output products to_write = { 'estimated_state_file': state_est, 'estimated_reflectance_file': s.column_stack((, lamb_est)), 'estimated_emission_file': s.column_stack((, Ls_est)), 'estimated_reflectance_file': s.column_stack((, lamb_est)), 'modeled_radiance_file': s.column_stack((wl, meas_est)), 'apparent_reflectance_file': s.column_stack((, apparent_rfl_est)), 'path_radiance_file': s.column_stack((wl, path_est)), 'simulated_measurement_file': s.column_stack((wl, meas_sim)), 'algebraic_inverse_file': s.column_stack((, rfl_alg_opt)), 'atmospheric_coefficients_file': atm, 'radiometry_correction_file': factors, 'spectral_calibration_file': cal, 'posterior_uncertainty_file': s.sqrt(s.diag(S_hat)) } for product in self.outfiles: logging.debug('IO: Writing ' + product) self.outfiles[product].write_spectrum(row, col, to_write[product]) if (self.writes % flush_rate) == 0 or flush_immediately: self.outfiles[product].flush_buffers() # Special case! samples file is matlab format. if 'mcmc_samples_file' in self.output: logging.debug('IO: Writing mcmc_samples_file') mdict = {'samples': states}['mcmc_samples_file'], mdict) # Special case! Data dump file is matlab format. if 'data_dump_file' in self.output: logging.debug('IO: Writing data_dump_file') x = state_est xall = states Seps_inv, Seps_inv_sqrt = self.iv.calc_Seps(x, meas, geom) meas_est_window = meas_est[self.iv.winidx] meas_window = meas[self.iv.winidx] xa, Sa, Sa_inv, Sa_inv_sqrt = self.iv.calc_prior(x, geom) prior_resid = (x - xa).dot(Sa_inv_sqrt) rdn_est =, geom) rdn_est_all = s.array( [, geom) for xtemp in states]) x_surface, x_RT, x_instrument = Kb =, geom) xinit = invert_simple(, meas, geom) Sy =, geom) cost_jac_prior = s.diagflat(x - xa).dot(Sa_inv_sqrt) cost_jac_meas =[self.iv.winidx, :]) meas_Cov =, meas, geom) lamb_est, meas_est, path_est, S_hat, K, G = \ self.iv.forward_uncertainty(state_est, meas, geom) A = s.matmul(K, G) # Form the MATLAB dictionary object and write to file mdict = { 'K': K, 'G': G, 'S_hat': S_hat, 'prior_mu': xa, 'Ls': Ls, 'prior_Cov': Sa, 'meas': meas, 'rdn_est': rdn_est, 'rdn_est_all': rdn_est_all, 'x': x, 'xall': xall, 'x_surface': x_surface, 'x_RT': x_RT, 'x_instrument': x_instrument, 'meas_Cov': meas_Cov, 'wl': wl, 'fwhm': fwhm, 'lamb_est': lamb_est, 'coszen': coszen, 'cost_jac_prior': cost_jac_prior, 'Kb': Kb, 'A': A, 'cost_jac_meas': cost_jac_meas, 'winidx': self.iv.winidx, 'windows':, 'prior_resid': prior_resid, 'noise_Cov': Sy, 'xinit': xinit, 'rhoatm': rhoatm, 'sphalb': sphalb, 'transm': transm, 'transup': transup, 'solar_irr': solar_irr, 'L_atm': L_atm, 'L_down_transmitted': L_down_transmitted, 'L_up': L_up }['data_dump_file'], mdict) # Write plots, if needed if len(states) > 0 and 'plot_directory' in self.output: if 'reference_reflectance_file' in self.infiles: reference_file = self.infiles['reference_reflectance_file'] self.rfl_ref = reference_file.read_spectrum(row, col) self.wl_ref = reference_file.wl for i, x in enumerate(states): # Calculate intermediate solutions lamb_est, meas_est, path_est, S_hat, K, G = \ self.iv.forward_uncertainty(state_est, meas, geom) plt.cla() red = [0.7, 0.2, 0.2] wl, fwhm = xmin, xmax = min(wl), max(wl) fig = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 5)) plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) meas_est =, geom) for lo, hi in idx = s.where(s.logical_and(wl > lo, wl < hi))[0] p1 = plt.plot(wl[idx], meas[idx], color=red, linewidth=2) p2 = plt.plot(wl, meas_est, color='k', linewidth=1) plt.title("Radiance") plt.title("Measurement (Scaled DN)") ymax = max(meas) * 1.25 ymax = max(meas) + 0.01 ymin = min(meas) - 0.01 plt.text(500, ymax * 0.92, "Measured", color=red) plt.text(500, ymax * 0.86, "Model", color='k') plt.ylabel(r"$\mu$W nm$^{-1}$ sr$^{-1}$ cm$^{-2}$") plt.ylabel("Intensity") plt.xlabel("Wavelength (nm)") plt.ylim([-0.001, ymax]) plt.ylim([ymin, ymax]) plt.xlim([xmin, xmax]) plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) lamb_est =, geom) ymax = min(max(lamb_est) * 1.25, 0.10) for lo, hi in # black line idx = s.where(s.logical_and(wl > lo, wl < hi))[0] p2 = plt.plot(wl[idx], lamb_est[idx], 'k', linewidth=2) ymax = max(max(lamb_est[idx] * 1.2), ymax) # red line if 'reference_reflectance_file' in self.infiles: idx = s.where( s.logical_and(self.wl_ref > lo, self.wl_ref < hi))[0] p1 = plt.plot(self.wl_ref[idx], self.rfl_ref[idx], color=red, linewidth=2) ymax = max(max(self.rfl_ref[idx] * 1.2), ymax) # green and blue lines - surface components if hasattr(, 'components') and \ self.output['plot_surface_components']: idx = s.where( s.logical_and( > lo, < hi))[0] p3 = plt.plot([idx],, geom)[idx], 'b', linewidth=2) for j in range(len( z = lamb_est[]) mu =[j][0] * z plt.plot([idx], mu[idx], 'g:', linewidth=1) plt.text(500, ymax * 0.86, "Remote estimate", color='k') if 'reference_reflectance_file' in self.infiles: plt.text(500, ymax * 0.92, "In situ reference", color=red) if hasattr(, 'components') and \ self.output['plot_surface_components']: plt.text(500, ymax * 0.80, "Prior mean state ", color='b') plt.text(500, ymax * 0.74, "Surface components ", color='g') plt.ylim([-0.0010, ymax]) plt.xlim([xmin, xmax]) plt.title("Reflectance") plt.title("Source Model") plt.xlabel("Wavelength (nm)") fn = self.output['plot_directory'] + ('/frame_%i.png' % i) plt.savefig(fn) plt.close()
def Matrix_diag(H): w1, v1 = sp.linalg.eig(H) M_dag = sp.matrix.conjugate(sp.transpose(v1)) M = v1 ## conjugate(transpose(M)) H_diag = sp.matmul(sp.matmul(M_dag, H), M) return H_diag, M, M_dag, w1
d2d_to_d2d_gains = max_d2d_to_d2d_gains[:num_d2d_pairs, : num_d2d_pairs, Mon] d2d_to_d2d_gains_diff = max_d2d_to_d2d_gains_diff[:num_d2d_pairs, : num_d2d_pairs] d2d_to_d2d_gains_diag = sp.subtract(d2d_to_d2d_gains, d2d_to_d2d_gains_diff) # ############################################################ # This code is used to find the initial point for EEmax algorithm # ############################################################ theta_ini = Parameter(value=1 / (1 - 0.5)) phi_n_ini = sp.multiply((theta_ini.value - 1) * eta * sp.divide(power_UAV, num_d2d_pairs), uav_to_d2d_gains) x_rate = sp.matmul(d2d_to_d2d_gains_diag, phi_n_ini) term_rate = sp.matmul(sp.transpose(d2d_to_d2d_gains_diff), phi_n_ini) + 1 rate_sol_ue = sp.divide( sp.log(sp.add(1, sp.divide(x_rate, term_rate))), theta_ini.value) # print rate_sol_ue rmin_ref = min(rate_sol_ue) if rmin_ref <= 0.2 * sp.log(2): rmin = rmin_ref else: rmin = 0.2 * sp.log(2) pow_ = NonNegative(num_d2d_pairs) objective = Minimize(sum_entries(pow_) / theta_ini)
def cavity(k, n_f, w_c): return w_c * sp.kron(sp.identity(k), (sp.matmul(alphadag(n_f), alpha(n_f))))
def TDSE_T(Hami, t, psi): diff = -1j * sp.matmul(Hami(t), psi) return diff