コード例 #1
    def plotmap(self,fig,ax):
        """ This function will plot the map of Alaska. The data will be plotted
            over it and will use the basemap class to position everything.
                fig - The figure handle for the plots.
                ax - The axes handle that the map will be plotted over.
                m - This is the handle for the basemap object.
        latlim2 = self.params['latbounds']
        lonlim2 = self.params['lonbounds']
        m = Basemap(projection='merc',lon_0=sp.mean(lonlim2),lat_0=sp.mean(latlim2),\
        # draw coastlines, state and country boundaries, edge of map.
    #    m.drawstates()
    #    m.drawcountries()

        merstep = sp.round_((lonlim2[1]-lonlim2[0])/5.)
        parstep = sp.round_((latlim2[1]-latlim2[0])/5.)
        parallels = sp.arange(latlim2[0],latlim2[1],parstep)
        return m
コード例 #2
def getCorrection(x, y, x_sv, y_sv):
    """looks up correction in calculated vector fields"""
    xi = np.maximum(np.minimum(sp.round_(x / 100).astype('i'), x_sv.shape[0]),
    yi = np.maximum(np.minimum(sp.round_(y / 100).astype('i'), x_sv.shape[1]),
    return (x_sv[xi, yi], y_sv[xi, yi])
コード例 #3
def deriva(t, z_ode, x, y, z):
    v_deriva = sp.zeros(len(t))
    for pos in range(len(t)):
        v_deriva[pos] = sp.sqrt(
            sp.dot((z_ode[pos, :3] - [x[pos], y[pos], z[pos]]),
                   (z_ode[pos, :3] - [x[pos], y[pos], z[pos]])))

    v_d = v_deriva / 1000

    dist_error = sp.sqrt(
        sp.dot([x[pos], y[pos], z[pos]], [x[pos], y[pos], z[pos]]))

    mdistancia = sp.round_(sp.amax(v_d), 1)  # distancia máxima entre ambos
    err = sp.round_(v_deriva[-1] / dist_error,
                    2)  # % de error probando distintos N's
    #print(f"Error = {err * 100}%")

    #Gráfico P2

    title(f"Distancia entre Eulerint y Odeint, d = {mdistancia} [km]")
    xlabel("Tiempo, t [Horas]")
    ylabel("Deriva, d [KM]")
    plot(time, v_d, color="dodgerblue")

コード例 #4
ファイル: pmu_planner.py プロジェクト: MartinBloedorn/pmu
 def __expand_points(self, p0, p1, surff) -> list:
     ASCII drawing to come.
     rl = list() # return list
     p0 = sp.array(p0)
     p1 = sp.array(p1)
     dist = sp.linalg.norm(p1[0:2] - p0[0:2]) # 2d distance only
     # wont append starting point; is endpoint of previous segment;
     # automatically avoids printing start coordinate to outupt
     cz = surff(p0[0], p0[1])  # start point depth correction
     # number of tick points to inspect
     n = int(sp.ceil(dist/self[self.pt.xysampling]))
     if n > 1:
         # tick between start and end points
         xt = sp.linspace(p0[0], p1[0], n, False)
         yt = sp.linspace(p0[1], p1[1], n, False)
         for i in range(1,n): # don't iterate over start/endpoints
             zi = surff(xt[i], yt[i]) # if new depth correction is too large,
             if abs(zi - cz) > self[self.pt.zthreshold]:
                 cz = zi
                 di = sp.linalg.norm(sp.array((xt[i], yt[i])) - p0[0:2])
                 z01= p0[2] + (p1[2]-p0[2])*(di/dist) # interpolate original depth
                 rl.append([float(sp.round_(i, self[self.pt.precision])) for i in [xt[i], yt[i], z01 + cz]])
     # append end point
     cz = surff(p1[0], p1[1])  # start point depth correction
     rl.append([float(sp.round_(i, self[self.pt.precision])) for i in [p1[0], p1[1], p1[2] + cz]])
     return rl
コード例 #5
def _hough_transform(img, angles):
    rows, cols = img.shape

    # determine the number of bins
    d = sp.ceil(sp.hypot(*img.shape))
    nr_bins = 2 * d
    bins = sp.linspace(-d, d, nr_bins)

    # create the accumulator
    out = sp.zeros((nr_bins, len(angles)), dtype=sp.float64)

    # compute the sines/cosines
    cos_theta = sp.cos(angles)
    sin_theta = sp.sin(angles)

    # constructe the x and y values
    y = []
    x = []
    for i in xrange(rows):
        y += [i] * cols
        x += range(cols)
    y = sp.array(y)
    x = sp.array(x)

    # flatten image
    flattened_img = img.flatten()

    for i, (c, s) in enumerate(zip(cos_theta, sin_theta)):
        distances = x * c + y * s
        bin_indices = (sp.round_(distances) - bins[0]).astype(sp.uint8)
        bin_sums = sp.bincount(bin_indices, flattened_img)
        out[:len(bin_sums), i] = bin_sums

    return out
コード例 #6
ファイル: utilFunctions.py プロジェクト: jswoboda/SimISR
def makesumrule(ptype,plen,ts,lagtype='centered'):
    """ This function will return the sum rule.
            ptype - The type of pulse.
            plen - Length of the pulse in seconds.
            ts - Sample time in seconds.
            lagtype -  Can be centered forward or backward.
            sumrule - A 2 x nlags numpy array that holds the summation rule.
    nlags = sp.round_(plen/ts)
    if ptype.lower()=='long':
        if lagtype=='forward':
            arforward = sp.zeros(nlags,dtype=int)
        elif lagtype=='backward':
            arback = sp.zeros(nlags,dtype=int)
            arback = -sp.ceil(sp.arange(0,nlags/2.0,0.5)).astype(int)
            arforward = sp.floor(sp.arange(0,nlags/2.0,0.5)).astype(int)
        sumrule = sp.array([arback,arforward])
    elif ptype.lower()=='barker':
        sumrule = sp.array([[0],[0]])
    return sumrule
コード例 #7
ファイル: utilFunctions.py プロジェクト: jswoboda/SimISR
def makepulse(ptype,plen,ts):
    """ This will make the pulse array.
            ptype - The type of pulse used.
            plen - The length of the pulse in seconds.
            ts - The sampling rate of the pulse.
            pulse - The pulse array that will be used as the window in the data formation.
            plen - The length of the pulse with the sampling time taken into account.
    nsamps = int(sp.round_(plen/ts))

    if ptype.lower()=='long':
        pulse = sp.ones(nsamps)
        plen = nsamps*ts

    elif ptype.lower()=='barker':
        blen = sp.array([1,2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 11,13])
        nsampsarg = sp.argmin(sp.absolute(blen-nsamps))
        nsamps = blen[nsampsarg]
        pulse = GenBarker(nsamps)
        plen = nsamps*ts
#elif ptype.lower()=='ac':
        raise ValueError('The pulse type %s is not a valide pulse type.' % (ptype))

    return (pulse,plen)
コード例 #8
def real2discrete(ds, *real_value):
    이름 : real2discrete
    기능 : 이 함수는 프로젝트 파일에서 real 공간 값으로 선언된 것을
           전산모사에서 계산을 할 수 있도록 discrete 한 공간 값으로 변환해
           준다. 따라서 주어지는 인자는 한 cell의 최소 단위인 dx가
           주어지고, 변환하고자 하는 real 값들을 넣어준다.
    인자 : dx, real_vals
    반환 : discrete_val

    보충 : 들어오는 real 값 개수에 맞추어 결과 discrete 값의 개수도
           반환된다. 단지 한 개가 아닌 여러개 인자인 경우 tuple로 반환이
    number_members = len(real_value)
    list_discrete_value = []
    for mem in xrange(number_members):
        array_real_value = sc.array(real_value[mem])
        array_real_value = array_real_value/ds
        discrete_value = sc.round_(array_real_value)
        discrete_value = sc.array(discrete_value,'i')
    if len(list_discrete_value) == 1 :
        return list_discrete_value[0]
        return list_discrete_value
コード例 #9
def makesumrule(ptype,plen,ts):
    nlags = sp.round_(plen/ts)
    if ptype.lower()=='long':
        arback = -sp.ceil(sp.arange(0,nlags/2.0,0.5)).astype(int)
        arforward = sp.floor(sp.arange(0,nlags/2.0,0.5)).astype(int)
        sumrule = sp.array([arback,arforward])
    elif ptype.lower()=='barker':
        sumrule = sp.array([[0],[0]])
    return sumrule
コード例 #10
ファイル: genotypes.py プロジェクト: bvilhjal/phensim
def simulate_common_genotypes(n=1000, m=10000):    
    Simulate genotypes
    snps = sp.random.random((m, n))
    snps = sp.round_(snps)
    snps = sp.array(snps, dtype='int8')
    snps = snps[sp.sum(snps, 1) > 0]
    print 'Done Simulating SNPs.'
    return snps    
コード例 #11
def simulate_common_genotypes(n=1000, m=10000):
    Simulate genotypes
    snps = sp.random.random((m, n))
    snps = sp.round_(snps)
    snps = sp.array(snps, dtype='int8')
    snps = snps[sp.sum(snps, 1) > 0]
    print 'Done Simulating SNPs.'
    return snps
コード例 #12
ファイル: triangulate.py プロジェクト: jdranczewski/Magic2
 def interpolate(self, canvas, status=None):
     # Clear the interpolated canvas
     canvas.interpolated = sp.zeros_like(canvas.fringes_image) - 1024.0
     if status is not None:
         status.set("Performing the interpolation", 70)
         print("Performing the interpolation")
     # Iterate over all the triangles in the triangulation
     for triangle in self.triangles:
         # Create a shortcut to the triangle's vertices
         co = triangle.vert_coordinates
         # Calculate a few constants for the Barycentric Coordinates
         # More info: https://codeplea.com/triangular-interpolation
         div = (co[1, 0] - co[2, 0]) * (co[0, 1] - co[2, 1]) + (
             co[2, 1] - co[1, 1]) * (co[0, 0] - co[2, 0])
         a0 = (co[1, 0] - co[2, 0])
         a1 = (co[2, 1] - co[1, 1])
         a2 = (co[2, 0] - co[0, 0])
         a3 = (co[0, 1] - co[2, 1])
         # Calculate the bounds of a rectangle that fully encloses
         # the current triangle
         xmin = int(sp.amin(triangle.vert_coordinates[:, 1]))
         xmax = int(sp.amax(triangle.vert_coordinates[:, 1])) + 1
         ymin = int(sp.amin(triangle.vert_coordinates[:, 0]))
         ymax = int(sp.amax(triangle.vert_coordinates[:, 0])) + 1
         # Take out slices of the x and y arrays,
         # containing the points' coordinates
         x_slice = canvas.x[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax]
         y_slice = canvas.y[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax]
         # Use Barycentric Coordinates and the magic of numpy (scipy in this
         # case) to perform the calculations with the C backend, instead
         # of iterating on pixels with Python loops.
         # If you have not worked with numpy arrays befor dear reader,
         # the idea is that if x = [[0 1]
         #                          [2 3]],
         # then x*3+1 is a completely valid operation, returning
         # x = [[1 4]
         #      [7 10]]
         # Basically, we can do maths on arrays as if they were variables.
         # Convenient, and really fast!
         w0 = (a0 * (x_slice - co[2, 1]) + a1 * (y_slice - co[2, 0])) / div
         w1 = (a2 * (x_slice - co[2, 1]) + a3 * (y_slice - co[2, 0])) / div
         w2 = sp.round_(1 - w0 - w1, 10)
         # Calculate the values for a rectangle enclosing our triangle
         slice = (self.values[triangle.vertices[0]] * w0 +
                  self.values[triangle.vertices[1]] * w1 +
                  self.values[triangle.vertices[2]] * w2)
         # Make a mask (so that we only touch the points
         # inside of the triangle).
         # In Barycentric Coordinates the points outside of the triangle
         # have at least one of the coefficients negative, so we use that
         mask = sp.logical_and(sp.logical_and(w0 >= 0, w1 >= 0), w2 >= 0)
         # Change the points in the actual canvas
         canvas.interpolated[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax][mask] = slice[mask]
     canvas.interpolation_done = True
コード例 #13
def glmnetPlot(x, xvar = 'norm', label = False, ptype = 'coef', **options):
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    # process inputs
    xvar = getFromList(xvar, ['norm', 'lambda', 'dev'], 'xvar should be one of ''norm'', ''lambda'', ''dev'' ')    
    ptype = getFromList(ptype, ['coef', '2norm'], 'ptype should be one of ''coef'', ''2norm'' ')    

    if x['class'] in ['elnet', 'lognet', 'coxnet', 'fishnet']:
        handle = plotCoef(x['beta'], [], x['lambdau'], x['df'], x['dev'], 
        label, xvar, '', 'Coefficients', **options)

    elif x['class'] in ['multnet', 'mrelnet']:
        beta = x['beta']
        if xvar == 'norm':
            norm = 0
            nzbeta = beta
            for i in range(len(beta)):
                which = nonzeroCoef(beta[i])
                nzbeta[i] = beta[i][which, :]
                norm = norm + scipy.sum(scipy.absolute(nzbeta[i]), axis = 0)
            norm = 0
        if ptype == 'coef':
            ncl = x['dfmat'].shape[0]
            if x['class'] == 'multnet':
                for i in range(ncl):
                    mstr = 'Coefficients: Class %d' % (i) 
                    handle = plotCoef(beta[i], norm, x['lambdau'], x['dfmat'][i,:], 
                             x['dev'], label, xvar, '', mstr, **options)
                    if i < ncl - 1:         
                for i in range(ncl):
                    mstr = 'Coefficients: Response %d' % (i) 
                    handle = plotCoef(beta[i], norm, x['lambdau'], x['dfmat'][i,:], 
                             x['dev'], label, xvar, '', mstr, **options)
                    if i < ncl - 1:
            dfseq = scipy.round_(scipy.mean(x['dfmat'], axis = 0))
            coefnorm = beta[1]*0
            for i in range(len(beta)):
                coefnorm = coefnorm + scipy.absolute(beta[i])**2
            coefnorm = scipy.sqrt(coefnorm)
            if x['class'] == 'multnet':
                mstr = 'Coefficient 2Norms'
                handle = plotCoef(coefnorm, norm, x['lambdau'], dfseq, x['dev'],
                         label, xvar, '',mstr, **options);        
                mstr = 'Coefficient 2Norms'
                handle = plotCoef(coefnorm, norm, x['lambdau'], x['dfmat'][0,:], x['dev'],
                         label, xvar, '', mstr, **options);                

コード例 #14
def simulate_rare_genotypes(n=1000, m=10000, exp_scale=0.1):
    Simulating unlinked rare genotypes, rounding up exponentially distributed values.
    m: number of causal variants
    n: number of individuals    
    snps = stats.expon.rvs(0, scale=exp_scale, size=(m, n))
    snps = sp.round_(snps)
    snps[snps > 1] = 1
    snps = snps[sp.sum(snps, 1) > 0]

    print 'Simulated %d dimorphic SNPs' % len(snps)

    return snps
コード例 #15
ファイル: _tests.py プロジェクト: kmarwah/doamusic
def doatest():
    print("s1 is {}".format(sp.rad2deg(s1_aoa)))
    print("s2 is {}".format(sp.rad2deg(s2_aoa)))
    s1_est = music.Estimator(ants, music.covar(s1), nsignals=1)
    s2_est = music.Estimator(ants, music.covar(s2), nsignals=1)
    # s1
    t1 = time()
    s1_res = s1_est.doasearch()[0]
    t1 = time() - t1
    s1_err = sp.rad2deg(util.aoa_diff_rad(s1_res, s1_aoa))
    #print("s1 estimated value: {} in {}s, error {} deg".format(sp.int_(sp.rad2deg(s1_res)),t1,s1_err))
    print("s1 estimated value: {} in {}s, error {} deg".format(
        sp.round_(sp.rad2deg(s1_res)), t1, s1_err))
    #print("s1 estimated value: {} in {}s, error {} deg".format(sp.rad2deg(s1_res),t1,s1_err))

    # s2
    t2 = time()
    s2_res = s2_est.doasearch()[0]
    t2 = time() - t2
    s2_err = sp.rad2deg(util.aoa_diff_rad(s2_res, s2_aoa))
    print("s2 estimated value: {} in {}s, error {} deg".format(
        sp.round_(sp.rad2deg(s2_res)), t2, s2_err))
    # both signals
    bothres = est.doasearch()
コード例 #16
ファイル: genotypes.py プロジェクト: bvilhjal/phensim
def simulate_rare_genotypes(n=1000, m=10000, exp_scale=0.1):
    Simulating unlinked rare genotypes, rounding up exponentially distributed values.
    m: number of causal variants
    n: number of individuals    
    snps = stats.expon.rvs(0, scale=exp_scale, size=(m, n))
    snps = sp.round_(snps)
    snps[snps > 1] = 1
    snps = snps[sp.sum(snps, 1) > 0]
    print 'Simulated %d dimorphic SNPs' % len(snps)
    return snps
コード例 #17
ファイル: utilityfuncs.py プロジェクト: kefuhe/GeoDataPython
def readMahalih5(filename,des_site):
    """ This function will read the mahali GPS data into a GeoData data structure.
        The user only has to give a filename and name of the desired site.
            filename - A string that holds the file name.
            des_site - The site name. Should be listed in the h5 file in the
                table sites.
    h5fn = Path(filename).expanduser()

    with h5py.File(str(h5fn), "r", libver='latest') as f:

        despnts = sp.where(f['data']['site']==des_site)[0]
        # TODO: hard coded for now
        doy =  doy= f['data']['time'][despnts]
        year = 2015*sp.ones_like(doy,dtype=int)

        TEC = f['data']['los_tec'][despnts]

        nTEC = f['data']['err_los_tec'][despnts]

        vTEC = f['data']['vtec'][despnts]
        az2sat = f['data']['az'][despnts]
        el2sat = f['data']['az'][despnts]

        piercelat = f['data']['pplat'][despnts]
        piercelong = f['data']['pplon'][despnts]
        satnum= f['data']['prn'][despnts]
        recBias = f['data']['rec_bias'][despnts]
        nrecBias = f['data']['err_rec_bias'][despnts]

    # Make the integration time on the order of 15 seconds.
    if (year==year[1]).all():
        unixyear =(datetime(year[0],1,1,0,0,0,tzinfo=UTC) - EPOCH).total_seconds()
        uttime = unixyear + sp.round_(24*3600*sp.column_stack((doy,doy+15./24./3600.))) # Making the difference in time to be a minute
        (y_u,y_iv) = np.unique(year,return_inverse=True)
        unixyearu = sp.array([(datetime(iy,1,1,0,0,0,tzinfo=UTC) - EPOCH).total_seconds() for iy in y_u])
        unixyear = unixyearu[y_iv]
        uttime = unixyear + 24*3600*sp.column_stack((doy,doy+15./24./3600.))

    data = {'TEC':TEC,'nTEC':nTEC,'vTEC':vTEC,'recBias':recBias,'nrecBias':nrecBias,'satnum':satnum,'az2sat':az2sat,'el2sat':el2sat}
    coordnames = 'WGS84'
    sensorloc = sp.nan*sp.ones(3)
    dataloc = sp.column_stack((piercelat,piercelong, 350e3*sp.ones_like(piercelat)))

    return (data,coordnames,dataloc,sensorloc,uttime)
コード例 #18
def readMahalih5(filename,des_site):
    """ This function will read the mahali GPS data into a GeoData data structure.
        The user only has to give a filename and name of the desired site.
            filename - A string that holds the file name.
            des_site - The site name. Should be listed in the h5 file in the
                table sites.
    h5fn = Path(filename).expanduser()

    with h5py.File(str(h5fn), "r", libver='latest') as f:

        despnts = sp.where(f['data']['site']==des_site)[0]
        # TODO: hard coded for now
        doy =  doy= f['data']['time'][despnts]
        year = 2015*sp.ones_like(doy,dtype=int)

        TEC = f['data']['los_tec'][despnts]

        nTEC = f['data']['err_los_tec'][despnts]

        vTEC = f['data']['vtec'][despnts]
        az2sat = f['data']['az'][despnts]
        el2sat = f['data']['az'][despnts]

        piercelat = f['data']['pplat'][despnts]
        piercelong = f['data']['pplon'][despnts]
        satnum= f['data']['prn'][despnts]
        recBias = f['data']['rec_bias'][despnts]
        nrecBias = f['data']['err_rec_bias'][despnts]

    # Make the integration time on the order of 15 seconds.
    if (year==year[1]).all():
        unixyear =(datetime(year[0],1,1,0,0,0,tzinfo=UTC) - EPOCH).total_seconds()
        uttime = unixyear + sp.round_(24*3600*sp.column_stack((doy,doy+15./24./3600.))) # Making the difference in time to be a minute
        (y_u,y_iv) = np.unique(year,return_inverse=True)
        unixyearu = sp.array([(datetime(iy,1,1,0,0,0,tzinfo=UTC) - EPOCH).total_seconds() for iy in y_u])
        unixyear = unixyearu[y_iv]
        uttime = unixyear + 24*3600*sp.column_stack((doy,doy+15./24./3600.))

    data = {'TEC':TEC,'nTEC':nTEC,'vTEC':vTEC,'recBias':recBias,'nrecBias':nrecBias,'satnum':satnum,'az2sat':az2sat,'el2sat':el2sat}
    coordnames = 'WGS84'
    sensorloc = sp.nan*sp.ones(3)
    dataloc = sp.column_stack((piercelat,piercelong, 350e3*sp.ones_like(piercelat)))

    return (data,coordnames,dataloc,sensorloc,uttime)
コード例 #19
def get_distribution(list):
    """Returns al que posible probability distributions for the given list"""
    size = len(list)
    x = scipy.arange(size)
    y = scipy.int_(scipy.round_(scipy.stats.vonmises.rvs(5, size=size) * 255))
    h = plt.hist(y, bins=range(256), color='w')
    dist_names = ['gamma', 'beta', 'rayleigh', 'norm', 'rayleigh']
    for dist_name in dist_names:
        dist = getattr(scipy.stats, dist_name)
        param = dist.fit(y)
        pdf_fitted = dist.pdf(x, *param[:-2], loc=param[-2],
                              scale=param[-1]) * size
        plt.plot(pdf_fitted, label=dist_name)
        plt.xlim(0, 255)
    plt.legend(loc='upper right')
    plt.savefig('distribuciones.png', bbox_inches='tight')
コード例 #20
ファイル: simulations.py プロジェクト: bvilhjal/mixmogam
def simulate_genotypes(num_indivs=1000, num_snps=1000):
    Simulate genotypes
    snps = sp.random.random((num_snps, num_indivs))
    snps = sp.round_(snps)
    snps = sp.array(snps, dtype='int8')
    snps = snps[sp.sum(snps, 1) > 0]
    positions = []
    chromosomes = []
    for chrom in range(1, 6):
        len_chrom = num_snps / 5
        chromosomes.extend([chrom] * (len_chrom))
        positions.extend(range(1, len_chrom + 1))
    indiv_ids = range(num_indivs)
    sd = snpsdata.construct_snps_data_set(snps, positions, chromosomes, indiv_ids)
    print '\nDone Simulating SNPs.'
    return sd
コード例 #21
def makepulse(ptype,plen,ts):

    nsamps = sp.round_(plen/ts)

    if ptype.lower()=='long':
        pulse = sp.ones(nsamps)
        plen = nsamps*ts

    elif ptype.lower()=='barker':
        blen = sp.array([1,2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 11,13])
        nsampsarg = sp.argmin(sp.absolute(blen-nsamps))
        nsamps = blen[nsampsarg]
        pulse = GenBarker(nsamps)
        plen = nsamps*ts
#elif ptype.lower()=='ac':
        raise ValueError('The pulse type %s is not a valide pulse type.' % (ptype))

    return (pulse,plen)
コード例 #22
ファイル: simulations.py プロジェクト: mahort/mixmogam
def simulate_genotypes(num_indivs=1000, num_snps=1000):
    Simulate genotypes
    snps = sp.random.random((num_snps, num_indivs))
    snps = sp.round_(snps)
    snps = sp.array(snps, dtype='int8')
    snps = snps[sp.sum(snps, 1) > 0]
    positions = []
    chromosomes = []
    for chrom in range(1, 6):
        len_chrom = num_snps / 5
        chromosomes.extend([chrom] * (len_chrom))
        positions.extend(range(1, len_chrom + 1))
    indiv_ids = range(num_indivs)
    sd = snpsdata.construct_snps_data_set(snps, positions, chromosomes,
    print '\nDone Simulating SNPs.'
    return sd
コード例 #23
def deriva(t, z_ode, z_eul):
    v_deriva = sp.zeros(len(t))
    for pos in range(len(t)):
        v_deriva[pos] = sp.sqrt(
            sp.dot((z_ode[pos, :3] - z_eul[pos, :3]),
                   (z_ode[pos, :3] - z_eul[pos, :3])))
    v_d = v_deriva / 1000

    mdistancia = sp.round_(sp.amax(v_d), 1)  #distancia máxima entre ambos

    #Gráfico P2

    title(f"Distancia entre Eulerint y Odeint, d = {mdistancia} [km]")
    xlabel("Tiempo, t [Horas]")
    ylabel("Deriva, d [KM]")
    plot(time, v_d, color="dodgerblue")

コード例 #24
def v2min_image_v(dr, cell, pbc=None, shifts_out=False):
    Authors: matscipy authors - https://github.com/libAtoms/matscipy

    Apply minimum image convention to an array of distance vectors.

    dr : array_like
        Array of distance vectors.
    cell : array_like, shape (n_dim,)
        Cell extent in each direction.
    pbc : array_like, optional, type bool
        Periodic boundary conditions directions. Default is to
        assume periodic boundaries in all directions.

    dr : array
        Array of distance vectors, wrapped according to the minimum image

    # Check where distance larger than 1/2 cell. Particles have crossed
    # periodic boundaries then and need to be unwrapped.
    n_dim = len(cell)
    rec = sp.diag(1. / sp.asarray(cell))
    cell = sp.diag(sp.asarray(cell))
    if pbc is not None:
        rec *= sp.array(pbc, dtype=int).reshape(n_dim, 1)
    dri = sp.round_(sp.dot(dr, rec))
    shifts = sp.dot(dri, cell)
    # Unwrap
    if shifts_out:
        return dr - shifts, shifts
        return dr - shifts
コード例 #25
ファイル: var_models.py プロジェクト: rdiggelmann/HDsort
def AR_from_C(C, nc, max_order=10):
    """build covariance sequence for lags [0,max_order+1] from block toeplitz matrix
    Here the input matrix C is assumed to exhibit a block structure with respect to the
    multichanneled data and the temporal lag, where the temporal per channel forms the
    Toeplitz structure, and the multichanneled part the block structure.
    The output is a sequence of one nc x nc covariance matrix per lag in the toeplitz
    structure of C. Also the AR coefficients for the order specified

    # inits
    assert C.shape[0] == C.shape[1], 'C is not square'
    tf = C.shape[0] / float(nc)
    assert tf == sp.round_(tf), 'nc does not match tf'
    tf, nc = int(tf), int(nc)
    order = min(tf - 1, max_order + 1)
    print 'doing lags upto:', order
    gamma_y = sp.zeros((order, nc, nc))
    GammaY0 = sp.empty(((order - 1) * nc, (order - 1) * nc))
    # build gamma_y_seq from C
    for o in xrange(order):
        for c1 in xrange(nc):
            for c2 in xrange(nc):
                gamma_y[o, c1, c2] = C[c1 * tf + o, c2 * tf]
    # build GammaY0 from gamma_y_seq, blockwise
    for i in xrange(order - 1):
        for j in xrange(i, order - 1):
            GammaY0[i * nc:(i + 1) * nc, j * nc:(j + 1) * nc] = gamma_y[j - i]
            if j > i:
                GammaY0[j * nc:(j + 1) * nc,
                        i * nc:(i + 1) * nc] = gamma_y[j - i].T
    # build calculation matrices
    GammaY0inv = sp_la.inv(GammaY0)
    gamma_y_seq = sp.hstack(gamma_y[1:])

    # return
    return sp.dot(gamma_y_seq, GammaY0inv), gamma_y
コード例 #26
ファイル: cyclone.py プロジェクト: PMBio/cyclone
	def trainModel(self, do_pca = False,out_dir='./cache', rftop = 40, class_labels = SP.array(['G1','S','G2M']), cv=10, npc=3, is_SVM=1, is_RFE=0 , scale=False):
		if not os.path.exists(out_dir):
		CFG = {}
		CFG['is_RFE'] = is_RFE # use recursive feature selection (can be slow for large datasets)
		CFG['is_SVM'] = is_SVM # use SVM with univariate feature selection (faster than RFE)
		CFG['CV_inner'] = cv #inner CV for RFE_CV: either an int or 'LOOCV'
		CFG['out_dir'] = out_dir
		CFG['do_pca'] = do_pca
		CFG['lassotop'] = 20
		self.cv = cv
		Y = self.Y
		labels = self.labels
		var_names = self.geneNames
		numClasses = self.numClasses
		predRF = SP.zeros((len(labels),numClasses))
		predSVM = SP.zeros((len(labels),numClasses)) 
		predSVMrbf = SP.zeros((len(labels),numClasses))
		predGNB = SP.zeros((len(labels),numClasses))
		predLR = SP.zeros((len(labels),numClasses))
		predLRall = SP.zeros((len(labels),numClasses))
		if self.cv == 'LOOCV':
			loo = LeaveOneOut(len(labels))
			CV_list = (list(iter(loo)))
			CV_list.append((SP.array(range(Y.shape[0])), SP.array(range(Y.shape[0]))))#all data...
			skf = StratifiedKFold(labels, n_folds=self.cv)
			CV_list = (list(iter(skf)))
			CV_list.append((SP.array(range(Y.shape[0])), SP.array(range(Y.shape[0]))))#all data...
		lambda_best = SP.zeros((1,len(CV_list))).ravel()	
		print("Performing cross validation ...")
		for i in range(len(CV_list)):
			if i<len(CV_list)-1:
				print("Fold " + str(i+1) + " of " + str(len(CV_list)-1))
				print("Final model")
			# string label for this fold
			#get data of a CV run
			cv_tr = CV_list[i][0]
			cv_tst = CV_list[i][1]
			lab_tr = labels[cv_tr]
			Ytr = Y[cv_tr,:]
			Ytst = Y[cv_tst,:]
			lab_tst = labels[cv_tst]
			if (i==len(CV_list)-1):
				foldlabel = 'full'
				if (self.Y_tst==None):
					Ytst = Y[cv_tst,:]
					lab_tst = labels[cv_tst]
					foldlabel = 'Test'
					Ytst = self.Y_tst
					lab_tst = self.labels_tst
				foldlabel = str(i)	
			if do_pca>=1:
				npc = npc#3	
				#do PCA to get features
				pcaCC = PCA(n_components=npc, whiten=False)
				#selection = SelectKBest(k=1)
				#combined_features = FeatureUnion([("pca", pcaCC), ("univ_select", selection)])
				combined_features = FeatureUnion([("pca", pcaCC)])
				gnb = GaussianNB()
				y_pred = gnb.fit(pcaTr, lab_tr).predict_proba(pcaTst)
				if i<len(CV_list)-1:
					predGNB[cv_tst,:] =y_pred#[:,1]
					predGNB_ts = y_pred#[:,1]
			if do_pca==2:
				Ytr = SP.concatenate((Ytr, pcaTr),1)
				Ytst = SP.concatenate((Ytst, pcaTst),1)
				pcnames = []
				for pci in range(npc):
				var_names = SP.concatenate((var_names, SP.array(pcnames)),1)				
			print("  Computing random forest ...")
			if CFG['is_RFE']==1:#Recursive feature selection with SVM
				print("  Computing RFE with SVM ...")
				svc = SVC(kernel="linear", probability=False, class_weight='auto')#use linear SVM for selection
				rfecv = RFECV(estimator=svc, step=1,scoring='f1')
				param_grid = dict(estimator__C=[0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000])
				clf_rfe = GridSearchCV(rfecv, param_grid=param_grid, cv=3, scoring='f1')#GridSearch to find optimal parameters
				clf_rfe.fit(Ytr, lab_tr)
				svc = SVC(kernel="linear", probability=False,C=clf_rfe.best_estimator_.estimator.C, class_weight='auto')#use linear SVM for selection
				if CFG['CV_inner']=='':
					rfecv = RFECV(estimator=svc, step=1,scoring='f1')
				elif CFG['CV_inner']=='LOOCV':
					rfecv = RFECV(estimator=svc, step=1,scoring='f1', cv=LeaveOneOut(len(lab_tr)))
					rfecv = RFECV(estimator=svc, step=1,scoring='f1', cv=StratifiedKFold(lab_tr, n_folds=CFG['CV_inner']))
				clf_rfe.best_estimator_.fit(Ytr, lab_tr)
				predicted = clf_rfe.best_estimator_.predict(Ytst)
				if i<len(CV_list)-1:
					predSVM[cv_tst,:] = predicted
					predSVM_ts[cv_tst] = predicted
				classifier = svm.SVC(kernel='rbf', gamma=0.05, class_weight='auto', probability=True)#rbf kernel for prediction
				param_grid = dict(C=[0.1, 1], gamma=[1e-1,1e-2,1e-3])
				clf_rbf = GridSearchCV(classifier, param_grid=param_grid, cv=3, scoring='f1')
				clf_rbf.fit(Ytr[:,clf_rfe.best_estimator_.ranking_==1], lab_tr)
				clf_rbf.best_estimator_.fit(Ytr[:,clf_rfe.best_estimator_.ranking_==1], lab_tr)
				predicted = clf_rbf.best_estimator_.predict_proba(Ytst[:,clf_rfe.best_estimator_.ranking_==1])
				if i<len(CV_list)-1:
					predSVMrbf[cv_tst,:] = predicted
				fpr, tpr, thresholds = metrics.roc_curve(lab_tst, predicted[:,1])
				if (i==len(CV_list)-1) | CFG["CV_plots"]>0:
					PL.plot(fpr, tpr)
			elif CFG['is_SVM']==1:#univariate FS with rbf SVM; choose this if you hava a large data set (many features, eg RNAseq)
				print("  SVM feature selection ...")
				classifier = svm.SVC(kernel='rbf', gamma=0.05, class_weight='auto', probability=True)
				selection = SelectKBest(k=1)
				combined_features = FeatureUnion([("univ_select", selection)])				
				X_features = combined_features.fit(Ytr, lab_tr).transform(Ytr)
				scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler().fit(Ytr)
				YtrS = scaler.transform(Ytr)
				YtstS = scaler.transform(Ytst)
				classifier.fit(X_features, lab_tr)
				pipeline = Pipeline([("features", combined_features), ("svm", classifier)])
				if CFG['do_pca']==3:
					param_grid = dict(features__pca__n_components=SP.unique(SP.round_(SP.logspace(1.0,max(SP.log2(Ytr.shape[1]), SP.log2(10)),num=min(5,Ytr.shape[1]),base=2.0))),
									  svm__C=[0.1, 1, 10], svm__gamma=[1e-1,1e-2,1e-3])
					C_range = 10. ** SP.arange(0, 2)
					gamma_range = 10. ** SP.arange(-5, 1)
					param_grid = dict(features__univ_select__k=SP.unique(SP.round_(SP.logspace(3.0,SP.log2(Ytr.shape[1]),num=min(10,Ytr.shape[1]),base=2.0))),
									  svm__C=C_range, svm__gamma=gamma_range)
				clf = GridSearchCV(pipeline, param_grid=param_grid, cv=5, scoring='f1')
				clf.fit(YtrS, lab_tr)
				print("The best classifier is: ", clf.best_estimator_)
				expected = lab_tst
				predicted = clf.best_estimator_.predict_proba(YtstS)
				if i<len(CV_list)-1:
					predSVM[cv_tst,:] = predicted
					predSVM_ts = predicted

				classifier = svm.SVC(kernel='rbf', gamma=0.05, class_weight='auto', probability=True)#rbf kernel for prediction
				param_grid = dict(C=[1,10], gamma=[ 1e-1,1e-2,1e-3])
				clf_rbf = GridSearchCV(classifier, param_grid=param_grid, cv=5, scoring='f1')
				clf_rbf.fit(Ytr, lab_tr)
				clf_rbf.best_estimator_.fit(Ytr, lab_tr)
				predicted = clf_rbf.best_estimator_.predict_proba(Ytst)
				if i<len(CV_list)-1:
					predSVMrbf[cv_tst,:] = predicted
					predSVMrbf_ts = predicted
			#do lasso with regularisation path
			cs = l1_min_c(Ytr, lab_tr, loss='log') * SP.logspace(0, 3)
			print("  Computing regularization path ...")
			lasso = linear_model.LogisticRegression(C=cs[0]*10.0, penalty='l1', tol=1e-6)
			param_grid = dict(C=cs)
			clf_lr = GridSearchCV(lasso, param_grid=param_grid, cv=5, scoring='f1')
			clf_lr.fit(Ytr, lab_tr)
			clf_lr.best_estimator_.fit(Ytr, lab_tr)
			lambda_best[i] = clf_lr.best_params_.get('C')
			predicted = clf_lr.best_estimator_.predict_proba(Ytst)

			clf = linear_model.LogisticRegression(C=cs[0]*10.0, penalty='l1', tol=1e-6)
			coefs_ = []
			for c in cs:
				clf.fit(Ytr, lab_tr)
			if i<len(CV_list)-1:
				predLR[cv_tst,:] = predicted
				predLR_ts = predicted
			coefs_ = SP.array(coefs_)
			# get ordering by importance (how many times they appear)
			order=order[::-1] # descending
			# store this order
			featrank_lasso = order
			showtop= min(Ytr.shape[1], CFG['lassotop'])

			clfAll = linear_model.LogisticRegression(C=1e5, penalty='l2', tol=1e-6)
			clfAll.fit(Ytr, lab_tr)
			predicted = clfAll.predict_proba(Ytst)
			if i<len(CV_list)-1:
				predLRall[cv_tst,:] = predicted
				predLRall_ts = predicted
			forest = ExtraTreesClassifier(n_estimators=500,
										  random_state=0, criterion="entropy", bootstrap=False)
			#forest = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=500,
			#							 random_state=0, criterion="entropy")
			forest.fit(Ytr, lab_tr)
			pred = forest.predict_proba(Ytst)
			if i<len(CV_list)-1:
				predRF[cv_tst,:] = pred#[:,1]
				predRF_ts = pred#[:,1]
			importances = forest.feature_importances_
			std = SP.std([tree.feature_importances_ for tree in forest.estimators_],
			topfeat=min(Ytr.shape[1], rftop)
			indices = SP.argsort(importances)[::-1][0:topfeat]
			# store full feature ranking
			featrank_rf = SP.argsort(importances)[::-1]
			# Plot the feature importances of the forest
			if (i==len(CV_list)-1):
				#PL.title("Feature importances, Fold "+foldddPPlabel+', AUC='+str(SP.round_(metrics.auc(fpr, tpr),3)))
				PL.title("Feature importances")
				#PL.bar(range(topfeat), importances[indices],color="r", yerr=std[indices], align="center")
				PL.bar(range(topfeat), importances[indices],color="r", align="center")
				PL.xticks(range(topfeat), indices, rotation=70)
				PL.setp(PL.gca().get_xticklabels(), fontsize=8)
				PL.xlim([-1, topfeat])
		f2 = open(os.path.join(out_dir,'classification_reportCV.txt')  ,'w')
		predRFv = SP.argmax(predRF_ts,axis=1)+1
		predRF_trv = SP.argmax(predRF,axis=1)+1
		self.scores = predRF
		self.scores_tst = predRF_ts
		self.ranking = var_names[indices]

		predLRv = SP.argmax(predLR_ts,axis=1)+1
		predLR_trv = SP.argmax(predLR,axis=1)+1
		self.scoresLR = predLR
		self.scoresLR_tst = predLR_ts
		predLRallv = SP.argmax(predLRall_ts,axis=1)+1
		predLRall_trv = SP.argmax(predLRall,axis=1)+1
		self.scoresLRall = predLRall
		self.scoresLRall_tst = predLRall_ts
		if CFG['is_SVM']==1:
			predSVMv = SP.argmax(predSVM_ts,axis=1)+1
			predSVM_trv = SP.argmax(predSVM,axis=1)+1
			self.scoresSVM = predSVM
			self.scoresSVM_tst = predSVM_ts
			predSVMrbfv = SP.argmax(predSVMrbf_ts,axis=1)+1
			predSVMrbf_trv = SP.argmax(predSVMrbf,axis=1)+1
			self.scoresSVMrbf = predSVMrbf
			self.scoresSVMrbf_tst = predSVMrbf_ts

		predGNBv = SP.argmax(predGNB_ts,axis=1)+1
		predGNB_trv = SP.argmax(predGNB,axis=1)+1
		self.scoresGNB = predGNB
		self.scoresGNB_tst = predGNB_ts

		print("Classification report for classifier %s:\n%s\n" % ('Gaussian Naive Bayes', metrics.classification_report(self.labels, predGNB_trv)))
		print("Classification report for classifier %s:\n%s\n" % ('Random Forest', metrics.classification_report(self.labels, predRF_trv)))
		print("Classification report for classifier %s:\n%s\n" % ('LR', metrics.classification_report(self.labels, predLR_trv)))
		print("Classification report for classifier %s:\n%s\n" % ('LRall', metrics.classification_report(self.labels, predLRall_trv)))
		if CFG['is_RFE']==1:
			print("Classification report for classifier %s:\n%s\n" % ('SVM ', metrics.classification_report(labels, predSVM>0.5)),file=f2)
		elif CFG['is_SVM']==1:
			print("Classification report for classifier %s:\n%s\n" % ('SVM', metrics.classification_report(self.labels, predSVM_trv)))
			print("Classification report for classifier %s:\n%s\n" % ('SVMrbf', metrics.classification_report(self.labels, predSVMrbf_trv)))
コード例 #27
ファイル: cyclone.py プロジェクト: PMBio/cyclone
	def plotPerformance(self,perfType = 'ROC',plot_test=True, out_dir = './cache',class_labels = ['G1 phase','S phase','G2M phase'], method = 'RF'):
		plparams = {'backend': 'pdf',
		  'axes.labelsize': 14,
		  'text.fontsize': 14,
		  'legend.fontsize': 13,
		  'xtick.labelsize': 14,
		  'ytick.labelsize': 14,
		  'text.usetex': False}
		assert(perfType in ['ROC', 'PR'])
		if plot_test ==True:
			if method=='RF':
				labs = self.labels_tst
				scores = self.scores_tst
			elif method=='LR':
				labs = self.labels_tst
				scores = self.scoresLR_tst
			elif method=='LRall':
				labs = self.labels_tst
				scores = self.scoresLRall_tst
			elif method=='GNB':
				labs = self.labels_tst
				scores = self.scoresGNB_tst
			elif method=='SVM':
				labs = self.labels_tst
				scores = self.scoresSVM_tst
			elif method=='SVMrbf':
				labs = self.labels_tst
				scores = self.scoresSVMrbf_tst
			if method=='RF':
				labs = self.labels
				scores = self.scores
			elif method=='LR':
				labs = self.labels
				scores = self.scoresLR
			elif method=='LRall':
				labs = self.labels
				scores = self.scoresLRall
			elif method=='GNB':
				labs = self.labels
				scores = self.scoresGNB
			elif method=='SVM':
				labs = self.labels
				scores = self.scoresSVM
			elif method=='SVMrbf':
				labs = self.labels
				scores = self.scoresSVMrbf	
		#col = ['r', 'b', 'g']
		col = ['#1b9e77', '#d95f02', '#7570b3']
		aucList = SP.zeros((scores.shape[1],))
		for ind in range(scores.shape[1]):
			labels_i = labs.copy()
			scores_i = scores[:,ind]
			labels_i[labs==ind+1] = 1
			labels_i[labs!=ind+1] = 0
			if perfType == 'ROC':
				fpr, tpr, thresholds = metrics.roc_curve(labels_i, scores_i)
				aucList[ind] = metrics.auc(fpr, tpr)
			elif perfType == 'PR':
				fpr, tpr, thresholds = metrics.precision_recall_curve(labels_i, scores_i)
			PL.plot(fpr, tpr, '-', c=col[ind])
		if perfType=='ROC':
			PL.title("ROC curve ccClassify")
			leg_str = list()
			for i in range(len(class_labels)):
				leg_str.append(class_labels[i]+', AUC = '+str(SP.round_(aucList[i],3)))
			PL.legend(leg_str, loc='lower-right')
			ax = plt.gca()
			PL.title("PR curve ccClassify")
			leg_str = list()
			for i in range(len(class_labels)):
				leg_str.append(class_labels[i])#+', AUC = '+str(SP.round_(aucList[i],3)))
			PL.legend(leg_str, loc='lower-right')
			ax = plt.gca()
コード例 #28
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: amorriso/django
def refresh_table(request, option_name):
        #print " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "
        #print request.POST
        #print " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "
        #print request.is_ajax()
        #print " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "
        if request.is_ajax() and request.POST:
            option_name = request.POST['option_name']
            options = OptionDefinition.objects.all()
            option = [o for o in options if o.name == option_name][0]

            optioncontracts = sorted(
                key = lambda x : x.strike)

            published_options = sorted(
                    key = lambda x : x.strike)

            future = option.future
            today = datetime.date.today()
            time2expiry = hf.diff_dates_year_fraction(option.expiry_date, today)

            # we need to know the last vol to calculate the change, we store this in a dict 
            # accessed by strike value 
            published_options_dict = dict([(i.strike, i.vol) for i in published_options])
            published_options_changes_dict = dict([(i.strike, i.change) for i in published_options])

            strikes = [float(i) for i in request.POST.getlist('strikes[]')]
            #json_strikes = json.dumps(strikes)
            vols = [float(i) for i in request.POST.getlist('vols[]')]
            call_values = [hf.black_pricer(time2expiry, future.bid, K, v, call = True) for K, v in zip(strikes, vols)]
            put_values = [hf.black_pricer(time2expiry, future.bid, K, v, call = False) for K, v in zip(strikes, vols)]
            call_deltas = [hf.black_delta(time2expiry, future.bid, K, v, call = True) for K, v, in zip(strikes, vols)]
            # extra stuff Gareth wants
            put_delta = [hf.black_delta(time2expiry, future.bid, K, vol, call = False) for K, vol in zip(strikes, vols)]
            value_gamma = [hf.black_gamma(time2expiry, future.bid, K, vol) for K, vol in zip(strikes, vols)]
            value_theta = [hf.black_theta(time2expiry, future.bid, K, vol) for K, vol in zip(strikes, vols)]
            value_vega = [hf.black_vega(time2expiry, future.bid, K, vol) for K, vol in zip(strikes, vols)]

            changes = []
            # if we're updating on a publish table event we just want the changes from the db, this is because
            # the db gets changed before we update the table, therefore when we query the db to find what the
            # old vols were, because we've just changed them, they're the same as the new.
            if request.POST['update'] == 'gradeX':
                for s, v in zip(strikes, vols):
            # if we're updated on an update table event, then we need to calculate the changes
                for s, v in zip(strikes, vols):
                    if s in published_options_dict:
                        changes.append(v - published_options_dict[s])

            #print changes

            heading_row = [future.name, option.name, future.bid]

            atm_strike = hf.ATM_strike(strikes, future.bid)
            random_column = []
            for pos, (v, s) in enumerate(zip(vols, strikes)):
                if s == atm_strike:
                    random_column.append(scipy.round_(hf.black_pricer(time2expiry, future.bid, s, v, call = True) + hf.black_pricer(time2expiry, future.bid, s, v, call = False), decimals = 5)) 
            return HttpResponse(json.dumps({ 
                                            'strikes' : strikes,
                                            'call_values' : [scipy.round_(i, decimals=5) for i in call_values],
                                            'put_values' : [scipy.round_(i, decimals=5) for i in put_values],
                                            'call_deltas' : [scipy.round_(i, decimals=5) for i in call_deltas],
                                            'put_deltas' : [scipy.round_(i, decimals=5) for i in put_delta],
                                            'value_gamma' : [scipy.round_(i, decimals=5) for i in value_gamma],
                                            'value_theta' : [scipy.round_(i, decimals=5) for i in value_theta],
                                            'value_vega' : [scipy.round_(i, decimals=5) for i in value_vega],
                                            'vols' : [scipy.round_(i, decimals=5) for i in vols],
                                            'changes' : [scipy.round_(i, decimals=5) for i in changes],
                                            'random_column' : random_column,
                                            'heading_row' : heading_row,
                                            }), mimetype="application/json" )
            #print "else raise"
            raise Http404

    except Exception as e:
        #print e
        raise Http404
コード例 #29
  # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Jun 19 00:00:01 2013
@author: jhinebaugh

import OpenPNM
from time import clock
import scipy as sp
print 'Creating 25,000 pore cubic network'
cubic = OpenPNM.Geometry.Cubic().generate(domain_size=[50,50,10],lattice_spacing=[1.0])
print 'Finished at time =',sp.round_(clock(),2),'seconds'
print ''
print 'Creating 100 pore Delauny network'
delaunay = OpenPNM.Geometry.Delaunay().generate(domain_size=[10,10,10],num_pores=100)
print 'Finished at time =',sp.round_(clock(),2),'seconds'
print ''
print 'Creating #### pore imported network'
matfile = OpenPNM.Geometry.MatFile().generate(filename='standard_cubic_5x5x5.mat')
print matfile
print 'Finished at time =',sp.round_(clock(),2),'seconds'
print ''
print "Adding 'air' and 'water' for each network type"
air_cubic = OpenPNM.Fluids.Air().create(fluid_name='air_cubic')
water_cubic = OpenPNM.Fluids.Water().create(fluid_name='water_cubic')
air_delaunay = OpenPNM.Fluids.Air().create(fluid_name='air_delaunay')
water_delaunay = OpenPNM.Fluids.Water().create(fluid_name='water_delaunay')
air_matfile = OpenPNM.Fluids.Air().create(fluid_name='air_matfile')
water_matfile = OpenPNM.Fluids.Water().create(fluid_name='water_matfile')
コード例 #30
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: amorriso/django
def option(request, option_name):

        options = OptionDefinition.objects.all()
        option = [o for o in options if o.name == option_name][0]
        optioncontracts = sorted(
            key = lambda x : x.strike)

        strikes = [o.strike for o in optioncontracts]
        bids = [o.bid if o.bid > 0 else None for o in optioncontracts]
        json_strikes = json.dumps(strikes)
        json_bids = json.dumps(bids)
        asks = [o.ask if o.ask > 0 else None for o in optioncontracts]
        json_asks = json.dumps(asks)
        values = [o.value if o.value > 0 else None for o in optioncontracts]
        json_values = json.dumps(values)
        bid_volume = json.dumps([o.bid_volume if o.bid_volume > 0 else None for o in optioncontracts])
        ask_volume = json.dumps([o.ask_volume if o.ask_volume > 0 else None for o in optioncontracts])
        last_trade_value = [o.last_trade_value if o.last_trade_value > 0 else None for o in optioncontracts]
        json_last_trade_value = json.dumps(last_trade_value)
        last_trade_volume = json.dumps([o.last_trade_volume if o.last_trade_volume > 0 else None for o in optioncontracts])
        last_updated = json.dumps([o.last_updated.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") for o in optioncontracts])

        #get future price
        future = option.future
        callbool = [True if o.easy_screen_mnemonic[-3] == 'c' else False for o in optioncontracts]
        today = datetime.date.today()
        time2expiry = hf.diff_dates_year_fraction(option.expiry_date, today)

        # calc vols and deltas
        bid_vols = [hf.black_pricer_vol(time2expiry, future.bid, K, Val, call) for K, Val, call in zip(strikes, bids, callbool)]
        json_bid_vols = json.dumps(bid_vols)
        bid_delta = [hf.black_delta(time2expiry, future.bid, K, vol, call) for K, vol, call in zip(strikes, bid_vols, callbool)]
        json_bid_delta = json.dumps(bid_delta)

        # always future.bid. Why? you can't hedge against a price future price that don't exist, so we don't use the value. We 
        # therefore need to choose one of bid or ask. We choose bid.
        ask_vols = [hf.black_pricer_vol(time2expiry, future.bid, K, Val, call) for K, Val, call in zip(strikes, asks, callbool)]
        json_ask_vols = json.dumps(ask_vols)
        # always future.bid. Why? you can't hedge against a price future price that don't exist, so we don't use the value. We 
        # therefore need to choose one of bid or ask. We choose bid.
        ask_delta = json.dumps([hf.black_delta(time2expiry, future.bid, K, vol, call) for K, vol, call in zip(strikes, ask_vols, callbool)])

        # always future.bid. Why? you can't hedge against a price future price that don't exist, so we don't use the value. We 
        # therefore need to choose one of bid or ask. We choose bid.
        value_vols = [hf.black_pricer_vol(time2expiry, future.bid, K, Val, call) for K, Val, call in zip(strikes, values, callbool)]

        #interpolate on vol surface. Presently order 3 spline.
        value_vols = hf.spline_interpolate(value_vols, strikes)
        json_value_vols = json.dumps(value_vols)
        # always future.bid. Why? you can't hedge against a price future price that don't exist, so we don't use the value. We 
        # therefore need to choose one of bid or ask. We choose bid.
        value_delta = [hf.black_delta(time2expiry, future.bid, K, vol, call) for K, vol, call in zip(strikes, value_vols, callbool)]
        json_value_delta = json.dumps(value_delta)

        # always future.bid. Why? you can't hedge against a price future price that don't exist, so we don't use the value. We 
        # therefore need to choose one of bid or ask. We choose bid.
        call_delta = [hf.black_delta(time2expiry, future.bid, K, vol, call = True) for K, vol in zip(strikes, value_vols)]

        last_trade_vols = [hf.black_pricer_vol(time2expiry, future.last_trade_value, K, Val, call) for K, Val, call in zip(strikes, last_trade_value, callbool)]
        json_last_trade_vols = json.dumps(last_trade_vols)
        last_trade_delta = json.dumps([hf.black_delta(time2expiry, future.last_trade_value, K, vol, call) for K, vol, call in zip(strikes, last_trade_vols, callbool)])

        # extra stuff Gareth wants
        put_delta = [hf.black_delta(time2expiry, future.bid, K, vol, call = False) for K, vol in zip(strikes, value_vols)]
        value_gamma = [hf.black_gamma(time2expiry, future.bid, K, vol) for K, vol in zip(strikes, value_vols)]
        value_theta = [hf.black_theta(time2expiry, future.bid, K, vol) for K, vol in zip(strikes, value_vols)]
        value_vega = [hf.black_vega(time2expiry, future.bid, K, vol) for K, vol in zip(strikes, value_vols)]

        publishedcontracts = sorted(
                key = lambda x : x.strike)

        if len(publishedcontracts) == 0:

            published = False
            published_time = json.dumps(datetime.datetime(1900,1,1,0,0,0).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
            table_data = []#(future.name, option.month_tag, future.bid, '', '', '', '', '')]

            atm_strike = hf.ATM_strike(strikes, future.bid)
            random_column = []
            for pos, (v, s) in enumerate(zip(value_vols, strikes)):
                if s == atm_strike:
                    random_column.append(scipy.round_(hf.black_pricer(time2expiry, future.bid, s, v, call = True) + hf.black_pricer(time2expiry, future.bid, s, v, call = False), decimals = 5)) 

            for p in xrange(len(random_column)):
                            scipy.round_(strikes[p], decimals=5),
                            scipy.round_(hf.black_pricer(time2expiry, future.bid, strikes[p], value_vols[p], True), decimals=5),
                            scipy.round_(hf.black_pricer(time2expiry, future.bid, strikes[p], value_vols[p], False), decimals=5),
                            scipy.round_(call_delta[p], decimals=5),
                            scipy.round_(put_delta[p], decimals=5),
                            scipy.round_(value_gamma[p], decimals=5),
                            scipy.round_(value_theta[p], decimals=5),
                            scipy.round_(value_vega[p], decimals=5),
                            scipy.round_(value_vols[p], decimals=5),
            # here we need to get stuff from the publishedcontracts
            published = True
            published_time = publishedcontracts[0].publish_time
            table_data = []#(future.name, option.month_tag, publishedcontracts[0].future_value, '', '', '', '', '')]

            atm_strike = hf.ATM_strike([c.strike for c in publishedcontracts], publishedcontracts[0].future_value)
            time2expiry = hf.diff_dates_year_fraction(option.expiry_date, publishedcontracts[0].publish_time)

            random_column = []
            for pos, o in enumerate(publishedcontracts):
                if o.strike == atm_strike:
                    random_column.append(scipy.round_(hf.black_pricer(time2expiry, o.future_value, o.strike, o.vol, call = True) + hf.black_pricer(time2expiry, o.future_value, o.strike, o.vol, call = False), decimals = 5)) 

            for pos, c in enumerate(publishedcontracts):
                            scipy.round_(c.strike, decimals=5),
                            scipy.round_(c.call_value, decimals=5),
                            scipy.round_(c.put_value, decimals=5),
                            scipy.round_(c.call_delta, decimals=2),
                            scipy.round_(c.put_delta, decimals=2),
                            scipy.round_(c.gamma, decimals=3),
                            scipy.round_(c.theta, decimals=2),
                            scipy.round_(c.vega, decimals=2),
                            scipy.round_(c.vol, decimals=5),
                            scipy.round_(c.change, decimals=5),

    except Exception as e:
        #print e
        #raise Http404
        return render(
                    request, 'marketdata/no-data-option.html',
                        'option': option, 

    return render(
                    request, 'marketdata/option.html', 
                        'future': future, 
                        'future_bid': future.bid, 
                        'future_last_updated': future.last_updated, 
                        'option': option, 
                        'strikes' : json_strikes,
                        'non_json_strikes' : strikes,
                        'bids' : json_bid_vols,
                        'bids_delta' : json_bid_delta,
                        'asks' : json_ask_vols,
                        'asks_delta' : ask_delta,
                        'values' : json_value_vols,
                        'values_delta' : json_value_delta,
                        'bid_volume' : bid_volume,
                        'ask_volume' : ask_volume,
                        'last_trade_value' : json_last_trade_vols,
                        'last_trade_volume' : last_trade_volume,
                        'last_updated' : last_updated,
                        'published' : published,
                        'published_time' : published_time,
                        'table_data' : table_data
コード例 #31
def get_ramp(x0, x1, vmax, a, dt, output='ramp only'):
    Generate a ramp trajectory from x0 to x1 with constant
    acceleration, a, to maximum velocity v_max. 

    Note, the main purlpose of this routine is to generate a
    trajectory from x0 to x1. For this reason v_max and a are adjusted
    slightly to work with the given time step.

     x0 = starting position
     x1 = ending position
     vmax = maximum allowed velocity
     a = constant acceleration
       output = 'ramp only' or 'full'
       when ramp only is selected then only the velocity ramp is returned. 
       If 'full' is selected the adjusted acceleration and maximum velocity 
       are also returned.
      ramp = ramp trajectory form x0 to x1

    # Insure we are dealing with floating point numbers
    x0, x1 = float(x0), float(x1)
    vmax, a = float(vmax), float(a)
    dt = float(dt)
    vmax, a = abs(vmax), abs(a)  # Make sure that v_max and a are positive

    # Check to see if there is anything to do
    if x0 == x1:
        return scipy.array([x0])

    # Get distance and sign indicating direction
    dist = abs(x1 - x0)
    sign = scipy.sign(x1 - x0)

    # Determine if we will reach v_max
    t2vmax = vmax / a
    t2halfdist = scipy.sqrt(0.5 * dist / a)

    if t2vmax > t2halfdist:
        # Trajectory w/o constant velocity segment
        T = scipy.sqrt(dist / a)
        n = int(scipy.round_((1.0 / dt) * T))

        # Adjust accel and duration for rounding of n (discrete time steps)
        a = dist / (n * dt)**2
        T = scipy.sqrt(dist / a)

        # Generate trajectory
        t = scipy.linspace(0.0, 2.0 * T, 2 * n + 1)

        def f1(t):
            return 0.5 * sign * a * (t**2)

        def f2(t):
            s = t - T
            return f1(T) + sign * a * T * s - 0.5 * sign * a * s**2

        func_list = [f1, f2]
        cond_list = [t <= T, t > T]
        ramp = x0 + scipy.piecewise(t, cond_list, func_list)

        # Trajectory w/ constant velocity segment
        # Compute acceleration time and adjust acceleration
        T1 = vmax / a
        n = int(scipy.round_(T1 / dt))
        a = vmax / (n * dt)  # Adjusted acceleration
        T1 = vmax / a  # Adjusted acceleration time

        # Compute and adjust constant velocity time
        T2 = dist / vmax - T1
        m = int(scipy.round_(T2 / dt))
        vmax = dist / (dt * (n + m))  # Adjusted max velocity
        T2 = dist / vmax - T1  # Adjusted constant velocity time

        # Generate trajectory
        t = scipy.linspace(0.0, 2.0 * T1 + T2, 2 * n + m + 1)

        def f1(t):
            return 0.5 * sign * a * (t**2)

        def f2(t):
            s = t - T1
            return f1(T1) + sign * vmax * s

        def f3(t):
            s = t - T1 - T2
            return f2(T1 + T2) + sign * vmax * s - 0.5 * sign * a * s**2

        func_list = [f1, f2, f3]
        cond_list = [
            t <= T1,
            scipy.logical_and(t > T1, t <= T1 + T2), t > T1 + T2
        ramp = x0 + scipy.piecewise(t, cond_list, func_list)

    if output == 'ramp only':
        return ramp
    elif output == 'full':
        return ramp, vmax, a
        raise ValueError, 'unknown keyword option output=%s' % (output, )
コード例 #32
print '\nwithout using cache'
print tn, '(*n)'

print '\n2nd\t4th\t6th\t8th\t(spatial order)'
print '1D'
for n, nx in [(256, 256), (512, 512)]:
    print '(%d=%d)' % (n, nx)
    n2 = 6 * n + 3 * n + (2 * n + 1) + (2 * n + 1)
    n4 = 6 * n + 7 * n + (4 * n + 3) + (4 * n + 3)
    n6 = 6 * n + 11 * n + (6 * n + 5) + (6 * n + 5)
    n8 = 6 * n + 15 * n + (8 * n + 7) + (8 * n + 7)
    #rn = 6.*n + (2*p-1)*n + (p*n+p-1) + (p*n+p-1)
    rn = 6. * n + (4 * p - 1) * n + 2 * (p - 1)
    #print rn
    ratio = rn / (tn * n) * 100
    print sc.round_(ratio, 2), '%'

print '\n2D'
for n, nx, ny in [(256, 16, 16), (512, 32, 16)]:
    print '(%d=%dx%d)' % (n, nx, ny)
    n2 = 6 * n + (2 * n + nx) + (2 * n + ny) + (n + (nx + ny))
    n4 = 6 * n + (4 * n + 3 * nx) + (4 * n + 3 * ny) + (n + 3 * (nx + ny))
    #rn = 6.*n + (p*n+(p-1)*nx) + (p*n+(p-1)*ny) + (n+(p-1)*(nx+ny))
    rn = 6. * n + (2 * p + 1) * n + 2 * (p - 1) * (nx + ny)
    ratio = rn / (tn * n) * 100
    print sc.round_(ratio, 2), '%'

print '\n3D'
for n, nx, ny, nz in [(256, 16, 4, 4), (512, 16, 8, 4)]:
    print '(%d=%dx%dx%d)' % (n, nx, ny, nz)
    n2 = 6 * n + 3 * n + 2 * (nx * ny + ny * nz + nz * nx)
コード例 #33
 def __pyramid_ski__(frame,t = 7,k = 2):
     # create image pyramid from img, skimage implemetation
     py = pyramid_gaussian(frame, downscale = k)
     return [sp.round_(255.0*e).astype(sp.uint8) for e in py][:t]
コード例 #34
def dnToTOA(inPath, outPath, sensor):
    Convertir les DNs en Radiance et/ou réflectance des images PlanetScope et RapidEye
    sensor = 0 if PlanetScope or 1 if RapidEye
    if sensor == 0:  # PlanetScope
        # Search MS Image and Metadata XML File
        lstFile = [file for file in os.listdir(inPath)]
        #    print (lstFile)
        for file in lstFile:
            if file.split('_')[-1] == "AnalyticMS.tif":
                inRaster = file
            elif file.split('_')[-1] == "metadata.xml":
                inMetadata = file
    #    print (inRaster,inMetadata)

    # Parse XML and Get reflectanceCoefficient from Metadata File
        tree = ET.parse(os.path.join(inPath, inMetadata))
        lstBand = []
        lstRCoef = []
        dicMetadata = {}
        for element in tree.iter():
            if re.match("(.*)bandNumber", element.tag):
            elif re.match("(.*)reflectanceCoefficient", element.tag):
    #    print (lstBand, lstRCoef)
        for i in range(len(lstBand)):
            dicMetadata.update({lstBand[i]: lstRCoef[i]})
#        print (dicMetadata)

# Open Raster File and Convert DN to TOA Reflectance

        g = gdal.Open(os.path.join(inPath, inRaster), gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
        if g is None:
            print('Can\'t open Analystic MS File. Please Check it.')
    #    print (g)
        geoT = g.GetGeoTransform()
        Proj = g.GetProjection()
        x_size = g.RasterXSize  # Raster xsize
        y_size = g.RasterYSize  # Raster ysize
        bandCount = g.RasterCount
        nodata = g.GetRasterBand(1).GetNoDataValue()

        toaArray = sp.empty((y_size, x_size, bandCount), dtype=get_datatype(g))
        for j in range(bandCount):
            dnArray = g.GetRasterBand(j + 1).ReadAsArray()
            toaArray[:, :, j] = sp.round_(dnArray * dicMetadata[j + 1] * 10000)

        # Write TOA Reflectance Image in GeoTiff
        outName = inRaster[:-4] + '_TOA.tif'
        #    print (outName)
        outFolder = os.path.join(
            inRaster.split('_')[0][:4] + '_' + inRaster.split('_')[0][4:6] +
            '_' + inRaster.split('_')[0][6:8])
        if not os.path.isdir(outFolder):

        outFile = os.path.join(outFolder, outName)

        driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff')
        dataType = gdal_array.NumericTypeCodeToGDALTypeCode(toaArray.dtype)
        #    dataType=gdal.GetDataTypeName(toaArray.DataType)
        ds = driver.Create(outFile, x_size, y_size, bandCount, dataType,
        for k in range(bandCount):
            ds.GetRasterBand(k + 1).WriteArray(toaArray[:, :, k])
            if nodata != None:
                ds.GetRasterBand(k + 1).SetNoDataValue(nodata)

        g = None
        ds = None
        driver = None

    elif sensor == 1:  # RapidEye
        # Search MS Image and Metadata XML File
        lstFile = [file for file in os.listdir(inPath)]
        #    print (lstFile)
        for file in lstFile:
            if file.split('_')[-1] == "Analytic.tif":
                inRaster = file
            elif file.split('_')[-1] == "metadata.json":
                inMetadata = file
#        print (inRaster,inMetadata)

# Open Raster File and Convert DN to TOA Reflectance

# Exo-Atmospheric Irradiance (EAI) in W/m²/µm for each band successively 1-B 2-G 3-R 4-RE 5-NIR
        dicEAI = {1: 1997.8, 2: 1863.5, 3: 1560.4, 4: 1395., 5: 1124.4}

        # Solar Zenithal Angle (90°-sun elevation) Sun elevation is found in Metadata json file
        with open(os.path.join(inPath, inMetadata)) as json_file:
            content = json.load(json_file)
            SOLAR_ZENITH = 90 - float(content['properties']['sun_elevation'])
            ACQUISITION_DATE = content['properties']['acquired'][:10]

#            print (SOLAR_ZENITH)
#        print  (ACQUISITION_DATE)

# Compute Earth-Sun Distance at the day of acquisition in Astronomical Units.
# At this time, the Earth-Sun Distance is done on this website : http://www.instesre.org/Aerosols/sol_calc.htm
# lat  = 14,64 & lon = -16,44
        dicESUN = {
            "2017-07-27": 1.015107862579904,
            "2017-10-06": 0.99966670968068246,
            "2017-10-26": 0.994036745275356,
            "2017-11-09": 0.990452817341342,
            "2018-03-15": 0.9917799308371985

        ESUN = float(dicESUN[ACQUISITION_DATE])
        #        print (ESUN)

        # Create Gdal Dataset to compute TOA Reflectance

        g = gdal.Open(os.path.join(inPath, inRaster), gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
        if g is None:
            print('Can\'t open Analystic File. Please Check it.')
    #    print (g)
        geoT = g.GetGeoTransform()
        Proj = g.GetProjection()
        x_size = g.RasterXSize  # Raster xsize
        y_size = g.RasterYSize  # Raster ysize
        bandCount = g.RasterCount
        nodata = g.GetRasterBand(1).GetNoDataValue()

        toaArray = sp.empty((y_size, x_size, bandCount), dtype=get_datatype(g))
        for j in range(bandCount):
            dnArray = g.GetRasterBand(j + 1).ReadAsArray()

            toaArray[:, :, j] = sp.round_(
                dnArray * 0.01 *
                (pi *
                 (ESUN**ESUN) / dicEAI[j + 1] * cos(SOLAR_ZENITH * pi / 180)) *

        # Save TOA Reflectance Image in GeoTiff

        outName = inRaster[:-4] + '_TOA.tif'
        #    print (outName)
        outFolder = os.path.join(
            os.path.basename(inPath).split('_')[0][:4] + '_' +
            os.path.basename(inPath).split('_')[0][4:6] + '_' +
        if not os.path.isdir(outFolder):

        outFile = os.path.join(outFolder, outName)

        driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff')
        dataType = gdal_array.NumericTypeCodeToGDALTypeCode(toaArray.dtype)
        #    dataType=gdal.GetDataTypeName(toaArray.DataType)
        ds = driver.Create(outFile, x_size, y_size, bandCount, dataType,
        for k in range(bandCount):
            ds.GetRasterBand(k + 1).WriteArray(toaArray[:, :, k])
            if nodata != None:
                ds.GetRasterBand(k + 1).SetNoDataValue(nodata)

        g = None
        ds = None
        driver = None
コード例 #35
    def trainModel(self,
                   class_labels=SP.array(['G1', 'S', 'G2M']),
        if not os.path.exists(out_dir):
        CFG = {}
        CFG['is_RFE'] = is_RFE  # use recursive feature selection (can be slow for large datasets)
        CFG['is_SVM'] = is_SVM  # use SVM with univariate feature selection (faster than RFE)
        CFG['CV_inner'] = cv  #inner CV for RFE_CV: either an int or 'LOOCV'
        CFG['out_dir'] = out_dir
        CFG['do_pca'] = do_pca
        CFG['lassotop'] = 20
        self.cv = cv
        Y = self.Y
        labels = self.labels
        var_names = self.geneNames
        numClasses = self.numClasses
        predRF = SP.zeros((len(labels), numClasses))
        predSVM = SP.zeros((len(labels), numClasses))
        predSVMrbf = SP.zeros((len(labels), numClasses))
        predGNB = SP.zeros((len(labels), numClasses))
        predLR = SP.zeros((len(labels), numClasses))
        predLRall = SP.zeros((len(labels), numClasses))
        names_dict = {}
        if self.cv == 'LOOCV':
            loo = LeaveOneOut(len(labels))
            CV_list = (list(iter(loo)))
                            SP.array(range(Y.shape[0]))))  #all data...
            skf = StratifiedKFold(labels, n_folds=self.cv)
            CV_list = (list(iter(skf)))
                            SP.array(range(Y.shape[0]))))  #all data...
        lambda_best = SP.zeros((1, len(CV_list))).ravel()
        print("Performing cross validation ...")
        for i in range(len(CV_list)):
            if i < len(CV_list) - 1:
                print("Fold " + str(i + 1) + " of " + str(len(CV_list) - 1))
                print("Final model")
            # string label for this fold
            #get data of a CV run
            cv_tr = CV_list[i][0]
            cv_tst = CV_list[i][1]
            lab_tr = labels[cv_tr]
            Ytr = Y[cv_tr, :]
            Ytst = Y[cv_tst, :]
            lab_tst = labels[cv_tst]
            if (i == len(CV_list) - 1):
                foldlabel = 'full'
                if (self.Y_tst == None):
                    Ytst = Y[cv_tst, :]
                    lab_tst = labels[cv_tst]
                    foldlabel = 'Test'
                    Ytst = self.Y_tst
                    lab_tst = self.labels_tst
                foldlabel = str(i)
            if do_pca >= 1:
                npc = npc  #3
                #do PCA to get features
                pcaCC = PCA(n_components=npc, whiten=False)
                pcaTst = pcaCC.transform(Ytst)
                pcaTr = pcaCC.transform(Ytr)
                #selection = SelectKBest(k=1)
                #combined_features = FeatureUnion([("pca", pcaCC), ("univ_select", selection)])
                combined_features = FeatureUnion([("pca", pcaCC)])
                gnb = GaussianNB()
                y_pred = gnb.fit(pcaTr, lab_tr).predict_proba(pcaTst)
                if i < len(CV_list) - 1:
                    predGNB[cv_tst, :] = y_pred  #[:,1]
                    predGNB_ts = y_pred  #[:,1]
            if do_pca == 2:
                Ytr = SP.concatenate((Ytr, pcaTr), 1)
                Ytst = SP.concatenate((Ytst, pcaTst), 1)
                pcnames = []
                for pci in range(npc):
                    pcnames.append('PC' + str(pci + 1))
                var_names = SP.concatenate((var_names, SP.array(pcnames)), 1)
            print("  Computing random forest ...")

            if CFG['is_RFE'] == 1:  #Recursive feature selection with SVM
                print("  Computing RFE with SVM ...")
                svc = SVC(kernel="linear",
                          class_weight='auto')  #use linear SVM for selection
                rfecv = RFECV(estimator=svc, step=1, scoring='f1')
                param_grid = dict(estimator__C=[0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000])
                clf_rfe = GridSearchCV(
                    rfecv, param_grid=param_grid, cv=3,
                    scoring='f1')  #GridSearch to find optimal parameters
                clf_rfe.fit(Ytr, lab_tr)
                svc = SVC(kernel="linear",
                          class_weight='auto')  #use linear SVM for selection
                if CFG['CV_inner'] == '':
                    rfecv = RFECV(estimator=svc, step=1, scoring='f1')
                elif CFG['CV_inner'] == 'LOOCV':
                    rfecv = RFECV(estimator=svc,
                    rfecv = RFECV(estimator=svc,
                clf_rfe.best_estimator_.fit(Ytr, lab_tr)
                predicted = clf_rfe.best_estimator_.predict(Ytst)
                if i < len(CV_list) - 1:
                    predSVM[cv_tst, :] = predicted
                    predSVM_ts[cv_tst] = predicted
                classifier = svm.SVC(
                    probability=True)  #rbf kernel for prediction
                param_grid = dict(C=[0.1, 1], gamma=[1e-1, 1e-2, 1e-3])
                clf_rbf = GridSearchCV(classifier,
                clf_rbf.fit(Ytr[:, clf_rfe.best_estimator_.ranking_ == 1],
                    Ytr[:, clf_rfe.best_estimator_.ranking_ == 1], lab_tr)
                predicted = clf_rbf.best_estimator_.predict_proba(
                    Ytst[:, clf_rfe.best_estimator_.ranking_ == 1])
                if i < len(CV_list) - 1:
                    predSVMrbf[cv_tst, :] = predicted
                fpr, tpr, thresholds = metrics.roc_curve(
                    lab_tst, predicted[:, 1])
                if (i == len(CV_list) - 1) | CFG["CV_plots"] > 0:
                    PL.plot(fpr, tpr)
                    PL.savefig(CFG['out_dir'] + '/RF_SVM_' + foldlabel +
                    names_dict[foldlabel + '_SVM'] = self.geneNames[
                        clf_rfe.best_estimator_.ranking_ == 1]
            elif CFG[
                    'is_SVM'] == 1:  #univariate FS with rbf SVM; choose this if you hava a large data set (many features, eg RNAseq)
                print("  SVM feature selection ...")
                classifier = svm.SVC(kernel='rbf',
                selection = SelectKBest(k=1)
                combined_features = FeatureUnion([("univ_select", selection)])

                X_features = combined_features.fit(Ytr, lab_tr).transform(Ytr)
                scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler().fit(Ytr)
                YtrS = scaler.transform(Ytr)
                YtstS = scaler.transform(Ytst)

                classifier.fit(X_features, lab_tr)
                pipeline = Pipeline([("features", combined_features),
                                     ("svm", classifier)])
                if CFG['do_pca'] == 3:
                    param_grid = dict(
                                            num=min(5, Ytr.shape[1]),
                                            num=min(10, Ytr.shape[1]),
                        svm__C=[0.1, 1, 10],
                        svm__gamma=[1e-1, 1e-2, 1e-3])
                    C_range = 10.**SP.arange(0, 2)
                    gamma_range = 10.**SP.arange(-5, 1)
                    param_grid = dict(features__univ_select__k=SP.unique(
                                        num=min(10, Ytr.shape[1]),
                clf = GridSearchCV(pipeline,
                clf.fit(YtrS, lab_tr)
                print("The best classifier is: ", clf.best_estimator_)
                select_best = clf.best_estimator_.get_params(
                expected = lab_tst
                predicted = clf.best_estimator_.predict_proba(YtstS)
                if i < len(CV_list) - 1:
                    predSVM[cv_tst, :] = predicted
                    predSVM_ts = predicted

                classifier = svm.SVC(
                    probability=True)  #rbf kernel for prediction
                param_grid = dict(C=[1, 10], gamma=[1e-1, 1e-2, 1e-3])
                clf_rbf = GridSearchCV(classifier,
                clf_rbf.fit(Ytr, lab_tr)
                clf_rbf.best_estimator_.fit(Ytr, lab_tr)
                predicted = clf_rbf.best_estimator_.predict_proba(Ytst)
                if i < len(CV_list) - 1:
                    predSVMrbf[cv_tst, :] = predicted
                    predSVMrbf_ts = predicted

            #do lasso with regularisation path
            cs = l1_min_c(Ytr, lab_tr, loss='log') * SP.logspace(0, 3)
            print("  Computing regularization path ...")

            lasso = linear_model.LogisticRegression(C=cs[0] * 10.0,
            param_grid = dict(C=cs)
            clf_lr = GridSearchCV(lasso,
            clf_lr.fit(Ytr, lab_tr)
            clf_lr.best_estimator_.fit(Ytr, lab_tr)
            lambda_best[i] = clf_lr.best_params_.get('C')
            predicted = clf_lr.best_estimator_.predict_proba(Ytst)

            clf = linear_model.LogisticRegression(C=cs[0] * 10.0,
            coefs_ = []
            for c in cs:
                clf.fit(Ytr, lab_tr)

            if i < len(CV_list) - 1:
                predLR[cv_tst, :] = predicted
                predLR_ts = predicted
            coefs_ = SP.array(coefs_)
            # get ordering by importance (how many times they appear)
            order = (coefs_ != 0).sum(axis=0).argsort()
            order = order[::-1]  # descending
            # store this order
            featrank_lasso = order
            showtop = min(Ytr.shape[1], CFG['lassotop'])

            clfAll = linear_model.LogisticRegression(C=1e5,
            clfAll.fit(Ytr, lab_tr)
            predicted = clfAll.predict_proba(Ytst)
            if i < len(CV_list) - 1:
                predLRall[cv_tst, :] = predicted
                predLRall_ts = predicted
            forest = ExtraTreesClassifier(n_estimators=500,
            #forest = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=500,
            #							 random_state=0, criterion="entropy")
            forest.fit(Ytr, lab_tr)
            pred = forest.predict_proba(Ytst)
            if i < len(CV_list) - 1:
                predRF[cv_tst, :] = pred  #[:,1]
                predRF_ts = pred  #[:,1]
            importances = forest.feature_importances_
            std = SP.std(
                [tree.feature_importances_ for tree in forest.estimators_],

            topfeat = min(Ytr.shape[1], rftop)
            indices = SP.argsort(importances)[::-1][0:topfeat]
            # store full feature ranking
            featrank_rf = SP.argsort(importances)[::-1]
            # Plot the feature importances of the forest
            if (i == len(CV_list) - 1):
                #PL.title("Feature importances, Fold "+foldddPPlabel+', AUC='+str(SP.round_(metrics.auc(fpr, tpr),3)))
                PL.title("Feature importances")
                #PL.bar(range(topfeat), importances[indices],color="r", yerr=std[indices], align="center")
                PL.xticks(range(topfeat), indices, rotation=70)
                PL.setp(PL.gca().get_xticklabels(), fontsize=8)
                PL.xlim([-1, topfeat])
                PL.savefig(out_dir + '/RF_featureimportance_' + foldlabel +

        f2 = open(os.path.join(out_dir, 'classification_reportCV.txt'), 'w')

        predRFv = SP.argmax(predRF_ts, axis=1) + 1
        predRF_trv = SP.argmax(predRF, axis=1) + 1
        self.scores = predRF
        self.scores_tst = predRF_ts
        self.ranking = var_names[indices]

        predLRv = SP.argmax(predLR_ts, axis=1) + 1
        predLR_trv = SP.argmax(predLR, axis=1) + 1
        self.scoresLR = predLR
        self.scoresLR_tst = predLR_ts

        predLRallv = SP.argmax(predLRall_ts, axis=1) + 1
        predLRall_trv = SP.argmax(predLRall, axis=1) + 1
        self.scoresLRall = predLRall
        self.scoresLRall_tst = predLRall_ts
        if CFG['is_SVM'] == 1:
            predSVMv = SP.argmax(predSVM_ts, axis=1) + 1
            predSVM_trv = SP.argmax(predSVM, axis=1) + 1
            self.scoresSVM = predSVM
            self.scoresSVM_tst = predSVM_ts

            predSVMrbfv = SP.argmax(predSVMrbf_ts, axis=1) + 1
            predSVMrbf_trv = SP.argmax(predSVMrbf, axis=1) + 1
            self.scoresSVMrbf = predSVMrbf
            self.scoresSVMrbf_tst = predSVMrbf_ts

        predGNBv = SP.argmax(predGNB_ts, axis=1) + 1
        predGNB_trv = SP.argmax(predGNB, axis=1) + 1
        self.scoresGNB = predGNB
        self.scoresGNB_tst = predGNB_ts

        print("Classification report for classifier %s:\n%s\n" %
              ('Gaussian Naive Bayes',
               metrics.classification_report(self.labels, predGNB_trv)))
        print("Classification report for classifier %s:\n%s\n" %
              ('Random Forest',
               metrics.classification_report(self.labels, predRF_trv)))
        print("Classification report for classifier %s:\n%s\n" %
              ('LR', metrics.classification_report(self.labels, predLR_trv)))
        print("Classification report for classifier %s:\n%s\n" %
               metrics.classification_report(self.labels, predLRall_trv)))
        if CFG['is_RFE'] == 1:
                "Classification report for classifier %s:\n%s\n" %
                ('SVM ', metrics.classification_report(labels, predSVM > 0.5)),
        elif CFG['is_SVM'] == 1:
            print("Classification report for classifier %s:\n%s\n" %
                   metrics.classification_report(self.labels, predSVM_trv)))
            print("Classification report for classifier %s:\n%s\n" %
                   metrics.classification_report(self.labels, predSVMrbf_trv)))
コード例 #36
ファイル: titan_mixedmodel.py プロジェクト: mrbazzik/ML-tasks
prec = {'S0':[],'S1':[]}
rec = {'S0':[],'S1':[]}
scores = []
min_score = 1
for train, test in cv:
    x_train, y_train = x.iloc[train,:], y.iloc[train]
    x_test, y_test = x.iloc[test,:], y.iloc[test]

##    x_train, y_train = x,y
##    x_test, y_test = xt,yt

    clf.fit(x_train, y_train)

    xf = x_train.loc[females,:].drop(['SexN','SexClass','SexParch','Mr','Master','Rev'],1)
    yf = y_train.loc[females]
    clf.fit(xf, yf)
    yf_p =clf.predict(x_test.drop(['SexN','SexClass','SexParch','Mr','Master','Rev'],1))
    xm = x_train.loc[males,:].drop(['SexN','SexClass','SexParch','Miss','Mrs'],1)
    ym = y_train.loc[males]
    clf.fit(xm, ym)
    ym_p =clf.predict(x_test.drop(['SexN','SexClass','SexParch','Miss','Mrs'],1))

    for i in range(0,len(x_test)):
        if (x_test.iloc[i,:].SexN == 1) & (y_p[i] == 0):
コード例 #37
@author: james

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy
import scipy.stats

df = pd.read_excel(
    r"C:\Users\james\Documents\School\Machine Learning & Data mining\Project1\Data\hprice2.xls",
cols = range(0, 11)
raw_data = df.get_values()
X = raw_data[:, cols]

size = 30000
x = scipy.arange(size)
y = scipy.int_(scipy.round_(scipy.stats.vonmises.rvs(5, size=size) * 47))
h = plt.hist(y, bins=range(48))

dist_names = ['gamma', 'beta', 'rayleigh', 'norm', 'pareto']

for dist_name in dist_names:
    dist = getattr(scipy.stats, dist_name)
    param = dist.fit(y)
    pdf_fitted = dist.pdf(x, *param[:-2], loc=param[-2],
                          scale=param[-1]) * size
    plt.plot(pdf_fitted, label=dist_name)
    plt.xlim(0, 47)
plt.legend(loc='upper right')
コード例 #38
# from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6620471/fitting-empirical-distribution-to-theoretical-ones-with-scipy-python
# Saullo's answer
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy
import scipy.stats
size = 20000
x = scipy.arange(size)
# creating the dummy sample (using beta distribution)
y = scipy.int_(scipy.round_(scipy.stats.beta.rvs(6,2,size=size)*47))
# creating the histogram
h = plt.hist(y, bins=range(48), density=True)

dist_names = ['alpha', 'beta', 'arcsine',
              'weibull_min', 'weibull_max', 'rayleigh']

for dist_name in dist_names:
    dist = getattr(scipy.stats, dist_name)
    param = dist.fit(y)
    pdf_fitted = dist.pdf(x, *param[:-2], loc=param[-2], scale=param[-1])
    plt.plot(pdf_fitted, label=dist_name)
plt.legend(loc='upper left')
#NB : from scipy.stats._continuous_distns import _distn_names #all dist names

#fit() method mentioned by @Saullo Castro provides maximum likelihood estimates (MLE). The best distribution for your data is the one give you the highest can be determined by several different ways: such as
#1, the one that gives you the highest log likelihood.
#2, the one that gives you the smallest AIC, BIC or BICc values (see wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akaike_information_criterion, basically can be viewed as log likelihood adjusted for number of parameters, as distribution with more parameters are expected to fit better)
#3, the one that maximize the Bayesian posterior probability. (see wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posterior_probability)
コード例 #39
ファイル: dbn2latex.py プロジェクト: sergeyplis/gunfolds
def gprint(G, mtype="obs", bend=5, curve=5, R=1, layout=None, scale=5):
    Prints out an automatically layout compressed dbn repesentation of
    the graph in TikZ/Latex format
    output = StringIO.StringIO()
    BE = set()
    n = len(G)
    if not layout:
        g = dict2graph(ecj.cloneBfree(G))
        layout = g.layout_fruchterman_reingold(maxiter=50000, coolexp=1.1)
        #layout = g.layout_graphopt(niter=50000, node_charge=0.08)
        layout.center([0, 0])
        layout.scale(float(1 / scipy.absolute(layout.coords).max()))
        cc = scipy.round_(array(layout.coords), decimals=4)
        g = dict2graph(ecj.cloneBfree(G))
        cc = array(layout.coords)
    paintSCC(g, colors)
    for i in range(0, n):
        node = g.vs[i]['label']
        rc = g.vs[i]["color"]
        print >>output, "{ \\definecolor{mycolor}{RGB}{"\
        mcolor = "fill = {rgb: red,"+str(rc[0])+"; green,"+str(rc[1])+\
            "; blue,"+str(rc[2])+"}"
        print >>output, "\\node["+mtype+", fill=mycolor] ("+node+") at ("+\
            str(cc[i][0])+","+str(cc[i][1])+") {"+node+"};}"

    for i in range(0, n):
        v = g.vs[i]['label']
        ll = [v + '/' + u for u in G[v]]
        for l in ll:
            a, b = l.split('/')
            if G[a][b].intersection([(edge_type['bidirected'], 0)]):
                if not (BE.intersection([(a, b)])
                        or BE.intersection([(b, a)])):
                    print >>output,'  \\draw[pilip, on layer=back] ('+\
                        a+') -- ('+b+');'
            if G[a][b].intersection([(edge_type['directed'], 1)]):
                if a == b:
                    dff = cc[g.vs['label'].index(a)] - scipy.mean(cc, 0)
                    ang = scipy.arctan2(dff[1], dff[0])
                    ang_a = scipy.rad2deg(ang)
                    print >>output,"\\path[overlay,draw,pil] ("+a+")" +\
                        " .. controls +("+ "%.5f" % (bend+ang_a) +\
                        ":"+ fstr % (2*curve)+"mm) and +("+\
                        "%.5f" % (ang_a-bend)+\
                        ":"+"%.5f" % (2*curve)+"mm) .. ("+b+");"
                    dff = cc[g.vs['label'].index(b)] \
                        - cc[g.vs['label'].index(a)]
                    ang = scipy.arctan2(dff[1], dff[0])
                    ang_a = scipy.rad2deg(ang)
                    ang_b = ang_a + 180
                    print >>output,"\\path[overlay,draw,pil] ("+a+")" +\
                        " .. controls +("+\
                        "%.5f" % (bend+ang_a) +\
                        ":"+fstr % (curve)+"mm) and +("+\
                        fstr % (ang_b-bend)+\
                        ":"+fstr % (curve)+"mm) .. ("+b+");"
    return output
コード例 #40

ax = plt.axes(projection='3d')



deriva = sp.zeros(len(tiempo))

for i in range(len(tiempo)):
    deriva[i] = sp.sqrt(sp.dot((z_odeint[i,:3] - [x[i],y[i],z[i]]), (z_odeint[i,:3] - [x[i],y[i],z[i]])))

z_f = sp.sqrt(sp.dot([x[i],y[i],z[i]],[x[i],y[i],z[i]]))
error = sp.round_(deriva[-1]/z_f,2)

print (f'Error = {error*100} %')

dist_max = sp.round_(sp.amax(deriva)/1000,1)


plt.title(f'Distancia entre eulerint y odeint, $δ_m$ = {dist_max} (km)')
plt.ylabel('Deriva, δ [KM]')
plt.xlabel('Tiempo, $t$ [h]')

コード例 #41
 def plotPerformance(self,
                     class_labels=['G1 phase', 'S phase', 'G2M phase'],
     plparams = {
         'backend': 'pdf',
         'axes.labelsize': 14,
         'text.fontsize': 14,
         'legend.fontsize': 13,
         'xtick.labelsize': 14,
         'ytick.labelsize': 14,
         'text.usetex': False
     assert (perfType in ['ROC', 'PR'])
     if plot_test == True:
         if method == 'RF':
             labs = self.labels_tst
             scores = self.scores_tst
         elif method == 'LR':
             labs = self.labels_tst
             scores = self.scoresLR_tst
         elif method == 'LRall':
             labs = self.labels_tst
             scores = self.scoresLRall_tst
         elif method == 'GNB':
             labs = self.labels_tst
             scores = self.scoresGNB_tst
         elif method == 'SVM':
             labs = self.labels_tst
             scores = self.scoresSVM_tst
         elif method == 'SVMrbf':
             labs = self.labels_tst
             scores = self.scoresSVMrbf_tst
         if method == 'RF':
             labs = self.labels
             scores = self.scores
         elif method == 'LR':
             labs = self.labels
             scores = self.scoresLR
         elif method == 'LRall':
             labs = self.labels
             scores = self.scoresLRall
         elif method == 'GNB':
             labs = self.labels
             scores = self.scoresGNB
         elif method == 'SVM':
             labs = self.labels
             scores = self.scoresSVM
         elif method == 'SVMrbf':
             labs = self.labels
             scores = self.scoresSVMrbf
     #col = ['r', 'b', 'g']
     col = ['#1b9e77', '#d95f02', '#7570b3']
     aucList = SP.zeros((scores.shape[1], ))
     for ind in range(scores.shape[1]):
         labels_i = labs.copy()
         scores_i = scores[:, ind]
         labels_i[labs == ind + 1] = 1
         labels_i[labs != ind + 1] = 0
         if perfType == 'ROC':
             fpr, tpr, thresholds = metrics.roc_curve(labels_i, scores_i)
             aucList[ind] = metrics.auc(fpr, tpr)
         elif perfType == 'PR':
             fpr, tpr, thresholds = metrics.precision_recall_curve(
                 labels_i, scores_i)
         PL.plot(fpr, tpr, '-', c=col[ind])
     if perfType == 'ROC':
         PL.title("ROC curve ccClassify")
         leg_str = list()
         for i in range(len(class_labels)):
             leg_str.append(class_labels[i] + ', AUC = ' +
                            str(SP.round_(aucList[i], 3)))
         PL.legend(leg_str, loc='lower-right')
         ax = plt.gca()
         PL.savefig(out_dir + '/ROC_test' + str(plot_test) + '_' + method +
         PL.title("PR curve ccClassify")
         leg_str = list()
         for i in range(len(class_labels)):
                            )  #+', AUC = '+str(SP.round_(aucList[i],3)))
         PL.legend(leg_str, loc='lower-right')
         ax = plt.gca()
         PL.savefig(out_dir + '/ROC_test' + str(plot_test) + '_' + method +
コード例 #42
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: amorriso/django
def prices(request):

        required_options = set([o for o in request.POST.keys() if request.POST[o] == u'true'])

        published_options = sorted(
                key = lambda x : x.strike)
        published_option_definitions = set([])
        for o in published_options:
        futures = sorted(
                Future.objects.all() ,
                key = lambda x : x.name)
        futures = [el for el in futures 
                if el.expiry_date > datetime.datetime.today()]
        option_definitions = OptionDefinition.objects.all() 

        #if len(required_options) == 0:
        #    required_options = set(option_definitions)

        option_definitions =  [el for el in option_definitions
                if el.expiry_date > datetime.datetime.today() and el.name in required_options]
        #option_definition_dict = dict([(o, o.name) for o in option_definitions])
        futuredict = collections.OrderedDict()
        for future in futures:
            futuredict[future] = collections.OrderedDict()
            for option_def in option_definitions:
                if option_def.future == future:
                    #futuredict[future][option_definition_dict[option_def]] = collections.OrderedDict()
                    futuredict[future][option_def] = collections.OrderedDict()
                    publishedcontracts = sorted(
                            [i for i in published_options if i.optiondefinition == option_def],
                            key = lambda x : x.strike)
                    if len(publishedcontracts) > 0:
                        futuredict[future][option_def]['published'] = True
                        #futuredict[future][option_definition_dict[option_def]]['published_time'] = publishedcontracts[0].publish_time
                        futuredict[future][option_def]['published_time'] = publishedcontracts[0].publish_time
                        table_data = []
                        atm_strike = hf.ATM_strike([c.strike for c in publishedcontracts], publishedcontracts[0].future_value)
                        time2expiry = hf.diff_dates_year_fraction(option_def.expiry_date, publishedcontracts[0].publish_time)
                        random_column = []
                        for pos, o in enumerate(publishedcontracts):
                            if o.strike == atm_strike:
                                random_column.append(scipy.round_(hf.black_pricer(time2expiry, o.future_value, o.strike, o.vol, call = True) + hf.black_pricer(time2expiry, o.future_value, o.strike, o.vol, call = False), decimals = 5)) 
                        published_strikes = []
                        published_vols = []
                        for pos, c in enumerate(publishedcontracts):
                                        scipy.round_(c.strike, decimals=5),
                                        scipy.round_(c.call_value, decimals=5),
                                        scipy.round_(c.put_value, decimals=5),
                                        scipy.round_(c.call_delta, decimals=2),
                                        scipy.round_(c.put_delta, decimals=2),
                                        scipy.round_(c.gamma, decimals=3),
                                        scipy.round_(c.theta, decimals=2),
                                        scipy.round_(c.vega, decimals=2),
                                        scipy.round_(c.vol, decimals=5),
                                        scipy.round_(c.change, decimals=5),
                        #futuredict[future][option_definition_dict[option_def]]['table_data'] = table_data
                        futuredict[future][option_def]['table_data'] = table_data
                        optioncontracts = sorted(
                            key = lambda x : x.strike)

                        strikes = [o.strike for o in optioncontracts] 

                        all_strikes = set(strikes)
                        all_strikes = sorted(list(all_strikes))

                        published_vols = hf.remap_values(published_vols, published_strikes, all_strikes)
                        futuredict[future][option_def]['published_vols'] = published_vols

                        bids = hf.remap_values([o.bid if o.bid > 0 else None for o in optioncontracts], strikes, all_strikes)
                        asks = hf.remap_values([o.ask if o.ask > 0 else None for o in optioncontracts], strikes, all_strikes)
                        last_trade_value = hf.remap_values([o.last_trade_value if o.last_trade_value > 0 else None for o in optioncontracts], strikes, all_strikes)
                        values = hf.remap_values([o.value if o.value > 0 else None for o in optioncontracts], strikes, all_strikes)
                        future = option_def.future
                        callbool = [True if o.easy_screen_mnemonic[-3] == 'c' else False for o in optioncontracts]
                        today = datetime.date.today()
                        time2expiry = hf.diff_dates_year_fraction(option_def.expiry_date, today)
                        bid_vols = [hf.black_pricer_vol(time2expiry, future.bid, K, Val, call) for K, Val, call in zip(strikes, bids, callbool)]
                        ask_vols = [hf.black_pricer_vol(time2expiry, future.bid, K, Val, call) for K, Val, call in zip(strikes, asks, callbool)]
                        last_trade_vols = [hf.black_pricer_vol(time2expiry, future.last_trade_value, K, Val, call) for K, Val, call in zip(strikes, last_trade_value, callbool)]
                        value_vols = [hf.black_pricer_vol(time2expiry, future.bid, K, Val, call) for K, Val, call in zip(strikes, values, callbool)]
                        value_vols = hf.spline_interpolate(value_vols, strikes)

                        futuredict[future][option_def]['strikes'] = json.dumps(all_strikes)
                        futuredict[future][option_def]['bid_vols'] = json.dumps(bid_vols)
                        futuredict[future][option_def]['ask_vols'] = json.dumps(ask_vols)
                        futuredict[future][option_def]['last_trade_vols'] = json.dumps(last_trade_vols)
                        futuredict[future][option_def]['value_vols'] = json.dumps(value_vols)
                        futuredict[future][option_def]['published'] = False
        if len(required_options) > 0:
            containsdata = True
            containsdata = False

        template = loader.get_template('prices.html')
        context = RequestContext(request, {
            'futuredict': futuredict,
            'containsdata' : containsdata
        return HttpResponse(template.render(context))

    except Exception as e:
        #print e
        raise Http404

    return render(request, 'prices.html')
コード例 #43
salmapFile = matpyfiles['salmapFile'][0][0][0]

iou = params['params'][0]['windows'][0]['iou'][0][0][0][0]
scales = params['params'][0]['windows'][0]['scale'][0][0][0]
aspRatio = params['params'][0]['windows'][0]['aspRatio'][0][0][0]

# Initializing and loading files
salmap = sio.loadmat(salmapFile)
salmap = salmap['salmap']
windows = []
rows, cols = salmap.shape[0], salmap.shape[1]
imgArea = rows * cols
stepFactor = ((1 - iou) / (1 + iou))

# Generate Windows
for scale in scales:
    winArea = scale * imgArea
    for ar in aspRatio:
        width = int(sp.round_(sqrt(winArea * ar)))
        height = int(sp.round_(sqrt(float(winArea) / ar)))
        stepH = int(sp.round_(width * stepFactor))
        stepV = int(sp.round_(height * stepFactor))
        for rmin in xrange(0, rows - height + 1, stepV):
            for cmin in xrange(0, cols - width + 1, stepH):
                rmax = min(rows - 1, rmin + height)
                cmax = min(cols - 1, cmin + width)
                windows.append([cmin, rmin, cmax, rmax])

windows = sp.array(windows) + 1
sio.savemat(windowsFile, mdict={'windows': windows})
コード例 #44
ファイル: simulation2.py プロジェクト: whatf0xx/wgm
    wgm_phi = sp.cos(m * phi) + sp.sin(m * phi) * sp.sqrt(-1)

    heavymap = sp.heaviside((r / a) - 1, 1)
    if (m == 7):
        wgm = sp.real(wgm_phi * int_wgm_rho * (1 - heavymap) +
                      B * wgm_phi * ext_wgm_rho * heavymap)
        wgm = wgm + sp.real(wgm_phi * int_wgm_rho * (1 - heavymap) +
                            B * wgm_phi * ext_wgm_rho * heavymap)

    m += 1

#%%draw on circle
heavyp = sp.heaviside(r - 0.995 * a, 1)
heavyn = sp.heaviside(1.005 * a - r, 1)
xlab = sp.round_(x, 2)
ylab = sp.round_(y, 2)
circle = pd.DataFrame(heavyp * heavyn, index=ylab, columns=xlab)

#%% make heatmap of function
g = sns.heatmap(wgm,
circle_palette = [(0xFF / 0xFF, 0xFF / 0xFF, 0xFF / 0xFF, 0.001),
                  (0xD1 / 0xFF, 0xEC / 0xFF, 0x9C / 0xFF, 1)]
cmap = mpl.colors.ListedColormap(circle_palette)
c = sns.heatmap(circle,
コード例 #45
ファイル: dbn2latex.py プロジェクト: undercoveridiot/gunfolds
def gprint(G, mtype="obs", bend=5, curve=5, R=1, layout=None, scale=5):
    Prints out an automatically layout compressed dbn repesentation of
    the graph in TikZ/Latex format
    output = StringIO.StringIO()
    BE = set()
    n = len(G)
    if not layout:
        g = dict2graph(ecj.cloneBfree(G))
        layout = g.layout_fruchterman_reingold(maxiter=50000, coolexp=1.1)
        # layout = g.layout_graphopt(niter=50000, node_charge=0.08)
        layout.center([0, 0])
        layout.scale(float(1 / scipy.absolute(layout.coords).max()))
        cc = scipy.round_(array(layout.coords), decimals=4)
        g = dict2graph(ecj.cloneBfree(G))
        cc = array(layout.coords)
    paintSCC(g, colors)
    for i in range(0, n):
        node = g.vs[i]['label']
        rc = g.vs[i]["color"]
        print >>output, "{ \\definecolor{mycolor}{RGB}{"\
            + str(rc[0]) + "," + str(rc[1]) + "," + str(rc[2]) + "}"
        mcolor = "fill = {rgb: red," + str(rc[0]) + "; green," + str(rc[1]) +\
            "; blue," + str(rc[2]) + "}"
        print >>output, "\\node[" + mtype + ", fill=mycolor] (" + node + ") at (" +\
            str(cc[i][0]) + "," + str(cc[i][1]) + ") {" + node + "};}"

    for i in range(0, n):
        v = g.vs[i]['label']
        ll = [v + '/' + u for u in G[v]]
        for l in ll:
            a, b = l.split('/')
            if G[a][b].intersection([(edge_type['bidirected'], 0)]):
                if not(BE.intersection([(a, b)]) or BE.intersection([(b, a)])):
                    print >>output, '  \\draw[pilip, on layer=back] (' +\
                        a + ') -- (' + b + ');'
            if G[a][b].intersection([(edge_type['directed'], 1)]):
                if a == b:
                    dff = cc[g.vs['label'].index(a)] - scipy.mean(cc, 0)
                    ang = scipy.arctan2(dff[1], dff[0])
                    ang_a = scipy.rad2deg(ang)
                    print >>output, "\\path[overlay,draw,pil] (" + a + ")" +\
                        " .. controls +(" + "%.5f" % (bend + ang_a) +\
                        ":" + fstr % (2 * curve) + "mm) and +(" +\
                        "%.5f" % (ang_a - bend) +\
                        ":" + "%.5f" % (2 * curve) + "mm) .. (" + b + ");"
                    dff = cc[g.vs['label'].index(b)] \
                        - cc[g.vs['label'].index(a)]
                    ang = scipy.arctan2(dff[1], dff[0])
                    ang_a = scipy.rad2deg(ang)
                    ang_b = ang_a + 180
                    print >>output, "\\path[overlay,draw,pil] (" + a + ")" +\
                        " .. controls +(" +\
                        "%.5f" % (bend + ang_a) +\
                        ":" + fstr % (curve) + "mm) and +(" +\
                        fstr % (ang_b - bend) +\
                        ":" + fstr % (curve) + "mm) .. (" + b + ");"
    return output
コード例 #46
print '\nwithout using cache'
print tn, '(*n)'

print '\n2nd\t4th\t6th\t8th\t(spatial order)'
print '1D'  
for n,nx in [(256,256), (512,512)]:
	print '(%d=%d)' % (n,nx)
	n2 = 6*n + 3*n + (2*n+1) + (2*n+1)
	n4 = 6*n + 7*n + (4*n+3) + (4*n+3)
	n6 = 6*n + 11*n + (6*n+5) + (6*n+5)
	n8 = 6*n + 15*n + (8*n+7) + (8*n+7)
	#rn = 6.*n + (2*p-1)*n + (p*n+p-1) + (p*n+p-1)
	rn = 6.*n + (4*p-1)*n + 2*(p-1)
	#print rn
	ratio = rn/(tn*n)*100
	print sc.round_(ratio,2), '%'

print '\n2D'  
for n,nx,ny in [(256,16,16), (512,32,16)]:
	print '(%d=%dx%d)' % (n,nx,ny)
	n2 = 6*n + (2*n+nx) + (2*n+ny) + (n+(nx+ny))
	n4 = 6*n + (4*n+3*nx) + (4*n+3*ny) + (n+3*(nx+ny))
	#rn = 6.*n + (p*n+(p-1)*nx) + (p*n+(p-1)*ny) + (n+(p-1)*(nx+ny))
	rn = 6.*n + (2*p+1)*n + 2*(p-1)*(nx+ny)
	ratio = rn/(tn*n)*100
	print sc.round_(ratio,2), '%'

print '\n3D'  
for n,nx,ny,nz in [(256,16,4,4), (512,16,8,4)]:
	print '(%d=%dx%dx%d)' % (n,nx,ny,nz)
	n2 = 6*n + 3*n + 2*(nx*ny+ny*nz+nz*nx)
コード例 #47
 def __pyramid_ski__(frame,steps = 7,scale = 2):
     # create image pyramid from img, skimage implemetation
     py = pyramid_gaussian(frame, downscale = scale)
     return [sp.round_(255.0*e).astype(sp.uint8) for e in py][:steps]
コード例 #48
ファイル: twoColour.py プロジェクト: RuralCat/CLipPYME
def getCorrection(x,y,x_sv, y_sv):
    '''looks up correction in calculated vector fields'''
    xi = np.maximum(np.minimum(sp.round_(x/100).astype('i'), x_sv.shape[0]),0)
    yi = np.maximum(np.minimum(sp.round_(y/100).astype('i'), x_sv.shape[1]),0)
    return (x_sv[xi, yi],y_sv[xi, yi])