コード例 #1
ファイル: hilbert.py プロジェクト: gharib85/pyfermions
def selesnick_hwlet(K, L, min_phase=False):
    Return Selesnick's Hilbert transform wavelet pair (h, g).

    The parameter K determines the number of zeros at z=-1.
    The parameter L determines the support of the filter implementing the fractional delay.

    The length of both scaling filters is 2(K+L).
    This code is inspired by Selesnick's hwlet.m.
    d = allpass(1 / 2, L)

    # filter for z^(K+L) S(z)
    s1 = scipy.special.binom(2 * K, np.arange(2 * K + 1))
    s2 = np.convolve(d, d[::-1])
    s = np.convolve(s1, s2)

    # solve convolution system for z^(K+L-1) R(z)
    A = convmtx(s, 2 * (K + L) - 1)
    A = A[1::2]
    b = np.zeros(2 * (K + L) - 1)
    b[K + L - 1] = 1
    r = np.linalg.solve(A, b)

    # find spectral factor Q(z) and compute filter for z^K F(z)
    q = sfact(r, min_phase=min_phase)
    b = scipy.special.binom(K, np.arange(K + 1))
    f = np.convolve(q, b)
    h = np.convolve(f, d)
    g = np.convolve(f, d[::-1])

    # build orthogonal wavelet
    h = orthogonal_wavelet.from_scaling_filter(signal(h))
    g = orthogonal_wavelet.from_scaling_filter(signal(g))
    return h, g
コード例 #2
def main(argv):
    for arg in argv:
        df = pd.read_csv(arg, sep='  ', header=None)
        tt = df.iloc[23999:, 0]
        s = df.iloc[23999:, 1]

        nofiltersig = signal(s, tt, 0)
        medianfiltersig = signal(s, tt, 1)
        fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(5, 5))
        axs[0, 0].plot(tt.values, nofiltersig)
        axs[1, 0].plot(tt.values, medianfiltersig)

        Fs = tt.values[1] - tt.values[0]

        F, Pxx = periodogram(nofiltersig, Fs)
        axs[0, 1].loglog(F, Pxx, linewidth=0.5)

        F, Pxx = periodogram(medianfiltersig, Fs)
        axs[1, 1].loglog(F, Pxx, linewidth=0.5)

        data = {'Frequence': F, 'Puissance': Pxx}
        df = pd.DataFrame(data)


コード例 #3
def plot_gen_1(freqs, projs, time, sim_vars):
    Generates publication ready plots using compressive atomic sensing
    signal = pulse_gen(sim_vars["sig_freq"],

    plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
    plt.plot(time, signal(time), 'g-')
    # plt.grid(True)
    plt.title("Magnetic field signal", fontsize=18)
    plt.ylim([-1, 1])
    plt.ylabel("Amplitude (G)", fontsize=14)
    plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0, 3))
    plt.xlabel("Time (s)", fontsize=14)

    plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
    #plt.stem(freqs, projs, linewidth=0.6, bottom=np.mean(projs))
    plt.ylabel("$|\langle 1 | \psi(t) \\rangle |^2 $", fontsize=16)
    plt.xlabel("Tuning frequency (Hz)", fontsize=14)
    plt.savefig("original.png", dpi=1500)
    # plt.grid(True)
コード例 #4
def plot_gen_2(freqs,
    Generates publication ready plots using compressive atomic sensing
    # generate original signal
    signal = pulse_gen(sim_vars["sig_freq"],
    signal = signal(time)
    signal /= np.max(np.abs(signal))
    recon /= np.max(np.abs(recon))

    # format projections to expectation value
    projs = 2 * projs - 1
    comp_p = 2 * comp_p - 1
    # get number of measuremens used
    measurements = sim_vars["measurements"]

    plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
    plt.plot(time, signal, 'g-')
    plt.plot(time, recon, 'r-')
    plt.legend(["Original", "Reconstruction"])
        "Magnetic field signal reconstruction with {} Fourier measurements using \"{}\" method"
        .format(measurements, sim_vars["method"]),
    plt.ylabel(r"Amplitude", fontsize=14)
    plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0, 3))
    plt.xlabel("Time (s)", fontsize=14)

    plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)

    plt.plot(freqs, projs, 'o-', alpha=0.3, linewidth=0.6, label="_nolegend_")
    plt.plot(comp_f, comp_p, 'r*', linewidth=1.5, label="Sample frequencies")
    plt.ylabel(r"$\langle F_z \rangle  $", fontsize=16)
    plt.xlabel("Tuning frequency (Hz)", fontsize=14)
    plt.figure(num=1, figsize=[12, 9])
    if savefig:
        path = "C:\\Users\\Joshua\\Research\\Uni\\2018\\Project\\Latex\\Proj_Figures\\"
        # save parameters to text file
        fig_name = dict_write(path, sim_vars)
        plt.savefig(path + fig_name + ".png", transparent=True, dpi=800)

コード例 #5
def fourier(steps, electrodes, amplitude, frequency, time, offset, width,
            white, pink):
    xsignal = signal(steps, electrodes, amplitude, frequency, time, offset,
    xwhitenoise = whitenoise(steps, white)[1]
    xpinknoise = pinknoise(steps, pink)[1]
    window = rectangularwindow(steps, width, time)[1]
    combinedsignal = (xsignal + xwhitenoise + xpinknoise) * window
    OutputFFT = np.abs(np.fft.rfft(combinedsignal)) / time
    OutputFrequency = np.linspace(0, (steps / 2 + 1) / time,
                                  num=int(steps / 2 + 1))
    return OutputFrequency, OutputFFT
コード例 #6
def signal_generate(time, sim_vars):
    Generates the neural signal defined by sim_vars

    signal = pulse_gen(sim_vars["sig_freq"],
    signal = signal(time)
    signal /= np.max(np.abs(signal))

    return signal
コード例 #7
def test_signal():
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    t1 = np.linspace(50, 5000, 5000)
    s = signal(t1, bijective=True, **D_SEQ_PARAMS)
    plt.plot(s, t1)
    eff = np.array([0.9, 1.0, 1.1])
    s0 = signal(
        eff=1.0,  # #
        n_gre=160,  # #
        tr_gre=7.0,  # ms
        a1=4.0 * eff,  # deg
        a2=5.0,  # deg
        # tr_seq': 8000.0,  # ms
        # ti1': 1000.0,  # ms
        # ti2': 3300.0,  # ms
        ta=440.0,  # ms
        tb=1180.0,  # ms
        tc=4140.0,  # ms
コード例 #8
def signal_generate(time, sim_vars):
    Generates the neural signal defined by sim_vars
    # assume single pulse if not defined
    if "nte" not in sim_vars.keys():
        nte = sim_vars["tau"] + 1/sim_vars["sig_freq"]
        sim_vars["nte"] = nte

    signal = pulse_gen(sim_vars["sig_freq"], tau=[sim_vars["tau"]], amp=sim_vars["sig_amp"], nte=[sim_vars["nte"]])
    signal = signal(time)
    signal /= np.max(np.abs(signal))

    return signal
コード例 #9
ファイル: psd_welch_source.py プロジェクト: tbhuy/dn-backend
def main(argv):

    df = pd.read_csv(argv[0], sep=',', header=None)
    tt = df.iloc[23999:, 0]
    s = df.iloc[23999:, 1]

    nofiltersig = signal(s, tt, 0)
    medianfiltersig = signal(s, tt, 1)
    fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(5, 5))
    axs[0, 0].plot(tt.values, nofiltersig)
    axs[1, 0].plot(tt.values, medianfiltersig)

    Fs = tt.values[1] - tt.values[0]

    F, Pxx = welch(nofiltersig, Fs)
    axs[0, 1].loglog(F, Pxx, linewidth=0.5)

    F, Pxx = welch(medianfiltersig, Fs)
    axs[1, 1].loglog(F, Pxx, linewidth=0.5)

    data = {'Frequence': F, 'Puissance': Pxx}
    df = pd.DataFrame(data)

    df.to_csv(argv[1], index=False)
コード例 #10
ファイル: filters.py プロジェクト: michaelRadigan/astroML
 def min_func(v):
     return np.sum(
         (PSD[1:] - signal(f[1:], v[0], v[1]) - noise(f[1:], v[2]))**2)
コード例 #11
def signal(fname,nmin=3,nmax = None):
    roi = load(fname)
    sh = roi.shape[1]
    roim = roi[:,:nmin].mean(axis=1)
    if nmax is None:
        nmax = nmin
        S = roi[:,nmin:].sum(axis=1)-roim*(sh-nmin)
        S = roi[:,-nmax:].sum(axis=1)-roim*nmax

for fa,fb in dfiles:
    FA = signal(fa); 
    FB = signal(fb); 
    # Total signal
    St = FA+FB

    namesp = (fa.split(sep=".")[0]).split(sep="/")[-1]

    Sshape = FA.shape

    # ~ namefigure = namesp
    # ~ figure(namefigure,figsize=(16,6))
    t = arange(0,Sshape[0])/freqadq  # in seconds
    # Regularise
    meanS = mean(St)
    stS = std(St)
    Sn = (St-meanS)/stS
コード例 #12
ファイル: hilbert.py プロジェクト: gharib85/pyfermions
def sfact(h, min_phase=False, eps=1e-5):
    Return a mid-phase (or min-phase) spectral factorization of the polynomial h of degree 2n; i.e., a polynomial g of degree n such that

      h(X) = X^n g(X) g(1/X)

    The min_phase parameter is ignored if h is a complex signal.
    This code is inspired by Selesnick's sfactM.m and sfact.m.
    assert len(h) % 2 == 1, "Polynomial should have even degree."
    isreal = np.all(np.isreal(h))

    # find roots of original polynomials
    roots = np.roots(h)

    # classify roots on unit circle
    roots_circ = roots[np.abs(np.abs(roots) - 1) < eps]
    if min_phase and roots_circ:
        raise NotImplementedError

    plus_one = np.abs(roots_circ - 1) < eps
    minus_one = np.abs(roots_circ + 1) < eps
    others = ~(plus_one | minus_one)
    pos_angle = (np.angle(roots_circ) > 0) & others
    neg_angle = (np.angle(roots_circ) < 0) & others

    num_plus_one = sum(plus_one)
    num_minus_one = sum(minus_one)
    num_pos_angle = sum(pos_angle)
    num_neg_angle = sum(neg_angle)
    assert num_plus_one % 2 == 0, "The root +1 should appear an even number of times."
    assert num_minus_one % 2 == 0, "The root -1 should appear an even number of times."
    assert (num_pos_angle == num_neg_angle
            ), "Should have as many eigenvalues e^{i phi} as e^{-i phi}."
    assert num_plus_one + num_minus_one + num_pos_angle + num_neg_angle == len(

    # collect half the +1's, half the -1's, and the intersperse positive with negative ones (to increase numerical stability)
    roots_pos_angle = roots_circ[pos_angle]
    roots_circ = np.r_[roots_pos_angle[::2], 1 / roots_pos_angle[1::2],
                       [+1] * (num_plus_one // 2),
                       [-1] * (num_minus_one // 2), ]

    # roots inside unit disk
    roots_int = roots[np.abs(roots) <= 1 - eps]
    if isreal and not min_phase:
        pos_imags, reals = scipy.signal.filter_design._cplxreal(roots_int)
        A1 = np.r_[pos_imags[::2], pos_imags[::2].conj()]
        A2 = np.r_[pos_imags[1::2], pos_imags[1::2].conj()]
        imags = np.r_[1 / A1, A2]
        reals = np.r_[1 / reals[::2], reals[1::2]]
        roots_int = np.r_[imags, reals]

    # roots of the spectral factorization
    roots = np.r_[roots_circ, roots_int]
    roots = leja(roots)

    # build corresponding polynomial
    g = np.poly(roots)
    if isreal:
        g = np.real(g)
    g = g * np.sqrt(h[-1] / (g[0] * g[-1]))
    if min(g) + max(g) < 0:
        g = -g

    # check that g is indeed a spectral factor of h
    assert signal(h).isclose(signal(np.convolve(g, g[::-1])))
    return g
コード例 #13
ファイル: filters.py プロジェクト: yukgu/astroML
def wiener_filter(t, h, signal='gaussian', noise='flat', return_PSDs=False):
    """Compute a Wiener-filtered time-series

    t : array_like
        evenly-sampled time series, length N
    h : array_like
        observations at each t
    signal : str (optional)
        currently only 'gaussian' is supported
    noise : str (optional)
        currently only 'flat' is supported
    return_PSDs : bool (optional)
        if True, then return (PSD, P_S, P_N)

    h_smooth : ndarray
        a smoothed version of h, length N

    The Wiener filter operates by fitting a functional form to the PSD::

       PSD = P_S + P_N

    The resulting frequency-space filter is given by::

       Phi = P_S / (P_S + P_N)

    This entire operation is equivalent to a kernel smoothing by a
    kernel whose Fourier transform is Phi.

    See Also
    scipy.signal.wiener : a static (non-adaptive) wiener filter
    if signal != 'gaussian':
        raise ValueError("only signal='gaussian' is supported")

    if noise != 'flat':
        raise ValueError("only noise='flat' is supported")

    t = np.asarray(t)
    h = np.asarray(h)

    if (t.ndim != 1) or (t.shape != h.shape):
        raise ValueError('t and h must be equal-length 1-dimensional arrays')

    # compute the PSD of the input
    N = len(t)
    Df = 1. / N / (t[1] - t[0])
    f = fftpack.ifftshift(Df * (np.arange(N) - N / 2))

    H = fftpack.fft(h)
    PSD = abs(H)**2

    # Set up the Wiener filter:
    #  fit a model to the PSD: sum of signal form and noise form
    signal = lambda x, A, width: A * np.exp(-0.5 * (x / width)**2)
    noise = lambda x, n: n * np.ones(x.shape)

    min_func = lambda v: np.sum(
        (PSD - signal(f, v[0], v[1]) - noise(f, v[2]))**2)
    v0 = [5000, 0.1, 10]
    v = optimize.fmin(min_func, v0)

    P_S = signal(f, v[0], v[1])
    P_N = noise(f, v[2])
    Phi = P_S / (P_S + P_N)

    # Use Phi to filter and smooth the values
    h_smooth = fftpack.ifft(Phi * H)

    if not np.iscomplexobj(h):
        h_smooth = h_smooth.real

    if return_PSDs:
        return h_smooth, PSD, P_S, P_N, Phi
        return h_smooth
コード例 #14
import elephant.conversion as conv
import elephant.kernels as kernels
import math
import neo
import numpy as np
import quantities as pq
import scipy as sp
import scipy.stats
import scipy.signal
import warnings

from bartlett import bartlett  # from bartlett.py import the Bartlett"s method function
from neo import io
from neo.core import SpikeTrain
We can measure the information rate of spike firing using the following method. First, we estimate
the signal from spikes (using the noise-reduction approaches), then we compute noise in the estimated
signal (measuring the random errors and removing them), after that we compute the signal-to-noise-ratio of the
estimated signal, and finally calcualte lower bound to information rate from the signal-to-noise ratio.

class AsciiSpikeTrainIO(BaseIO):
    Class for reading/writing SpikeTrains in a text file.
    Each Spiketrain is a line.
    is_readable = True
    is_writable = True
    supported_objects = [Segment, SpikeTrain]
    readable_objects = [Segment]
コード例 #15
ファイル: filters.py プロジェクト: MQQ/astroML
def wiener_filter(t, h, signal='gaussian', noise='flat',
    """Compute a Wiener-filtered time-series

    t : array_like
        evenly-sampled time series, length N
    h : array_like
        observations at each t
    signal : str (optional)
        currently only 'gaussian' is supported
    noise : str (optional)
        currently only 'flat' is supported
    return_PSDs : bool (optional)
        if True, then return (PSD, P_S, P_N)

    h_smooth : ndarray
        a smoothed version of h, length N

    The Wiener filter operates by fitting a functional form to the PSD::

       PSD = P_S + P_N

    The resulting frequency-space filter is given by::

       Phi = P_S / (P_S + P_N)

    This entire operation is equivalent to a kernel smoothing by a
    kernel whose Fourier transform is Phi.

    See Also
    scipy.signal.wiener : a static (non-adaptive) wiener filter
    if signal != 'gaussian':
        raise ValueError("only signal='gaussian' is supported")

    if noise != 'flat':
        raise ValueError("only noise='flat' is supported")

    t = np.asarray(t)
    h = np.asarray(h)

    if (t.ndim != 1) or (t.shape != h.shape):
        raise ValueError('t and h must be equal-length 1-dimensional arrays')

    # compute the PSD of the input
    N = len(t)
    Df = 1. / N / (t[1] - t[0])
    f = fftpack.ifftshift(Df * (np.arange(N) - N / 2))

    H = fftpack.fft(h)
    PSD = abs(H) ** 2

    # Set up the Wiener filter:
    #  fit a model to the PSD: sum of signal form and noise form
    signal = lambda x, A, width: A * np.exp(-0.5 * (x / width) ** 2)
    noise = lambda x, n: n * np.ones(x.shape)

    min_func = lambda v: np.sum((PSD - signal(f, v[0], v[1])
                                 - noise(f, v[2])) ** 2)
    v0 = [5000, 0.1, 10]
    v = optimize.fmin(min_func, v0)

    P_S = signal(f, v[0], v[1])
    P_N = noise(f, v[2])
    Phi = P_S / (P_S + P_N)

    # Use Phi to filter and smooth the values
    h_smooth = fftpack.ifft(Phi * H)

    if not np.iscomplexobj(h):
        h_smooth = h_smooth.real

    if return_PSDs:
        return h_smooth, PSD, P_S, P_N, Phi
        return h_smooth
コード例 #16
 def compute(doc: PreparedDocument, partition: Partition):
     return signal(doc, partition).astype(np.float32)
コード例 #17
def wiener_filter(t, h, signal='gaussian', noise='flat', return_PSDs=False,
                  signal_params=None, noise_params=None):
    """Compute a Wiener-filtered time-series

    t : array_like
        evenly-sampled time series, length N
    h : array_like
        observations at each t
    signal : str (optional)
        currently only 'gaussian' is supported
    noise : str (optional)
        currently only 'flat' is supported
    return_PSDs : bool (optional)
        if True, then return (PSD, P_S, P_N)
    signal_guess : tuple (optional)
        A starting guess at the parameters for the signal.  If not specified,
        a suitable guess will be estimated from the data itself. (see Notes
    noise_guess : tuple (optional)
        A starting guess at the parameters for the noise.  If not specified,
        a suitable guess will be estimated from the data itself. (see Notes

    h_smooth : ndarray
        a smoothed version of h, length N

    The Wiener filter operates by fitting a functional form to the PSD::

       PSD = P_S + P_N

    The resulting frequency-space filter is given by::

       Phi = P_S / (P_S + P_N)

    This entire operation is equivalent to a kernel smoothing by a
    kernel whose Fourier transform is Phi.

    Choosing Signal/Noise Parameters
    the arguments ``signal_guess`` and ``noise_guess`` specify the initial
    guess for the characteristics of signal and noise used in the minimization.
    They are generally expected to be tuples, and the meaning varies depending
    on the form of signal and noise used.  For ``gaussian``, the params are
    (amplitude, width).  For ``flat``, the params are (amplitude,).

    See Also
    scipy.signal.wiener : a static (non-adaptive) wiener filter
    # Validate signal
    if signal != 'gaussian':
        raise ValueError("only signal='gaussian' is supported")
    if signal_params is not None and len(signal_params) != 2:
        raise ValueError("signal_params should be length 2")

    # Validate noise
    if noise != 'flat':
        raise ValueError("only noise='flat' is supported")
    if noise_params is not None and len(noise_params) != 1:
        raise ValueError("noise_params should be length 1")

    # Validate t and hd
    t = np.asarray(t)
    h = np.asarray(h)

    if (t.ndim != 1) or (t.shape != h.shape):
        raise ValueError('t and h must be equal-length 1-dimensional arrays')

    # compute the PSD of the input
    N = len(t)
    Df = 1. / N / (t[1] - t[0])
    f = fftpack.ifftshift(Df * (np.arange(N) - N / 2))

    H = fftpack.fft(h)
    PSD = abs(H) ** 2

    # fit signal/noise params if necessary
    if signal_params is None:
        amp_guess = np.max(PSD[1:])
        width_guess = np.min(np.abs(f[PSD[1:] < np.mean(PSD[1:])]))
        signal_params = (amp_guess, width_guess)
    if noise_params is None:
        noise_params = (np.mean(PSD[1:]),)

    # Set up the Wiener filter:
    #  fit a model to the PSD: sum of signal form and noise form

    def signal(x, A, width):
        width = abs(width) + 1E-99  # prevent divide-by-zero errors
        return A * np.exp(-0.5 * (x / width) ** 2)

    def noise(x, n):
        return n * np.ones(x.shape)

    # use [1:] here to remove the zero-frequency term: we don't want to
    # fit to this for data with an offset.
    min_func = lambda v: np.sum((PSD[1:] - signal(f[1:], v[0], v[1])
                                 - noise(f[1:], v[2])) ** 2)
    v0 = tuple(signal_params) + tuple(noise_params)
    v = optimize.fmin(min_func, v0)

    P_S = signal(f, v[0], v[1])
    P_N = noise(f, v[2])
    Phi = P_S / (P_S + P_N)
    Phi[0] = 1  # correct for DC offset

    # Use Phi to filter and smooth the values
    h_smooth = fftpack.ifft(Phi * H)

    if not np.iscomplexobj(h):
        h_smooth = h_smooth.real

    if return_PSDs:
        return h_smooth, PSD, P_S, P_N, Phi
        return h_smooth
コード例 #18
 def I(t):
     return signal(t) * np.cos(2 * pi * F_LO * t)
コード例 #19
 def Q(t):
     return signal(t) * np.sin(2 * pi * F_LO * t)
コード例 #20
def signal_substraction(file, window, samplerate, df, every, result_of_fft):

    # we asume, that our satellite signals are not contineously received
    # so we do a substraction on frequency level. the signal intensity of each frequency for the window kernel
    # is substracted from the overall, longtime average of this frequency.
    # this allows to see fluctuations better, because they are adding to the average.
    # so we can find a superposed signal easier this way.
    threshold = meaning(result_of_fft)
    signal_lowered = substract(result_of_fft, threshold)
    print(time.time(), timeit.default_timer()-time_start, "lowering done")

    v = np.zeros((len(signal_lowered), window))
    #w = np.zeros((len(signal_lowered), window))

    bandwidth = int(window / (2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2))
    #print("band", bandwidth*df)

    for j in range(0, window, bandwidth):

        u = []
        for kk in range(len(signal_lowered)):
            #u = u/np.max(u)

        #print("test", len(u), len(u[0]))
        plt.imshow(u, interpolation='nearest')
        # #plt.gca().set_xticks(xf)

        edged = signal(edge_detection1(u))
        #graved = centerofgravity(edged)

        for k in range(len(edged)):
            for l in range(len(edged[k])):
                v[k][j+l] = edged[k][l]# + signaaaal

    print(time.time(), timeit.default_timer()-time_start, "edging done")

    w3 = []
    filename3 = file+"_all.png"
    for lll in range(len(v)):

    plt.imshow(w3, interpolation='nearest')
    #plt.figure(figsize=(1200, 800))
    plt.savefig(filename3, format='png', dpi=500)
    #plt.savefig(filename, format='png', dpi=1000)

    del w3

    return v
コード例 #21
ファイル: statistics_states.py プロジェクト: p-serna/Nanorods
def signal(fname, nmin=3, nmax=None):
    roi = load(fname)
    sh = roi.shape[1]
    roim = roi[:, :nmin].mean(axis=1)
    if nmax is None:
        nmax = nmin
        S = roi[:, nmin:].sum(axis=1) - roim * (sh - nmin)
        S = roi[:, -nmax:].sum(axis=1) - roim * nmax
    return (S)

for fa, fb in dfiles:
    FA = signal(fa)
    FB = signal(fb)
    # Total signal
    St = FA  #+FB

    namesp = (fa.split(sep=".")[0]).split(sep="/")[-1]

    Sshape = FA.shape

    # ~ namefigure = namesp
    # ~ figure(namefigure,figsize=(16,6))
    t = arange(0, Sshape[0]) / freqadq  # in seconds
    # Regularise
    meanS = mean(St)
    stS = std(St)
    Sn = (St - meanS) / stS
コード例 #22
    #    if len(fields) != 4:
    #        continue

    #    sampleinfo.append(fields)

    sampleinfo = []
    for s in args.sampleinfos:
        fields = s.split(",")
        if len(fields) != 4:
            ap.error("Invalid sampleinfo argument: %s" % s)

    vc, ws = get_averaged_transcript_rpf_densities_mutliple_samples(sampleinfo, args.txinfofile, DEFAULT_NGRID, args.minreads)
    fig = plot_average_transcript_rpf_densities(sampleinfo, vc, ws)
    fig.savefig(args.outfile, format="pdf", bbox_inches='tight')


if __name__ == "__main__":
    from signal import signal, SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL
    signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL)

    except IOError as e:
        if e.errno != 32:
    except KeyboardInterrupt as e: