コード例 #1
def radar_cross_section(frequency, width, incident_angle, observation_angle):
    Calculate the bistatic radar cross section for a 2D strip.
    :param frequency: The frequency of the incident energy (Hz).
    :param width: The width of the strip (m).
    :param incident_angle: The incident angle (deg).
    :param observation_angle: The observation angle (deg).
    :return: The bistatic radar cross section (m^2).
    # Wavelength
    wavelength = c / frequency

    # Wavenumber
    k = 2.0 * pi / wavelength

    phi_i = radians(incident_angle)
    phi_o = radians(observation_angle)

    rcs_tm = k * width**2 * sin(phi_i) * sinc(width / wavelength *
                                              (cos(phi_o) + cos(phi_i)))**2

    rcs_te = k * width**2 * sin(phi_o) * sinc(width / wavelength *
                                              (cos(phi_o) + cos(phi_i)))**2

    return rcs_tm, rcs_te
コード例 #2
def radar_cross_section(frequency, width, length, incident_theta,
                        observation_theta, observation_phi):
    Calculate the bistatic radar cross section for a rectangular plate.
    :param frequency: The frequency of the incident energy (Hz).
    :param width: The width of the plate (m).
    :param length: The length of the plate (m).
    :param incident_theta: The incident angle theta (deg).
    :param observation_theta: The observation angle theta (deg).
    :param observation_phi: The observation angle phi (deg).
    :return: The bistatic radar cross section (m^2).
    # Wavelength
    wavelength = c / frequency

    theta_i = radians(incident_theta)
    theta_o = radians(observation_theta)

    phi_o = radians(observation_phi)

    x = width / wavelength * sin(theta_o) * cos(phi_o)
    y = length / wavelength * (sin(theta_o) * sin(phi_o) - sin(theta_i))

    rcs_tm = 4.0 * pi * (length * width / wavelength)**2 * (
        cos(theta_i)**2 * (cos(theta_o)**2 * cos(phi_o)**2 +
                           sin(phi_o)**2)) * sinc(x)**2 * sinc(y)**2

    rcs_te = 4.0 * pi * (length * width / wavelength)**2 * (
        cos(theta_o)**2 * sin(phi_o)**2 +
        cos(phi_o)**2) * sinc(x)**2 * sinc(y)**2

    return rcs_tm, rcs_te
コード例 #3
    def getXiAuto(self,rp,rt,z,pk_lin,pars):
        k = self.k
        if not self.fit_aiso:


        muk = model.muk
        kp = k * muk
        kt = k * np.sqrt(1-muk**2)

        bias_lya = pars["bias_lya*(1+beta_lya)"]/(1.+pars["beta_lya"])
        beta_lya = pars["beta_lya"]

        if self.uv_fluct:
            bias_gamma = pars["bias_gamma"]
            bias_prim = pars["bias_prim"]
            lambda_uv = pars["lambda_uv"]
            W = sp.arctan(k*lambda_uv)/(k*lambda_uv)
            bias_lya_prim = bias_lya + bias_gamma*W/(1+bias_prim*W)
            beta_lya = bias_lya*beta_lya/bias_lya_prim
            bias_lya = bias_lya_prim

        if self.lls:
            bias_lls = pars["bias_lls"]
            beta_lls = pars["beta_lls"]
            L0_lls = pars["L0_lls"]
            F_lls = sp.sinc(kp*L0_lls/sp.pi)
            beta_lya = (bias_lya*beta_lya + bias_lls*beta_lls*F_lls)/(bias_lya+bias_lls*F_lls)
            bias_lya = bias_lya + bias_lls*F_lls

        pk_full = pk_lin * (1+beta_lya*muk**2)**2*bias_lya**2

        Gpar = sp.sinc(kp*Lpar/2/sp.pi)
        Gper = sp.sinc(kt*Lper/2/sp.pi)

        sigmaNLper = pars["SigmaNL_perp"]
        sigmaNLpar = sigmaNLper*pars["1+f"]
        pk_nl = sp.exp(-(kp*sigmaNLpar)**2/2-(kt*sigmaNLper)**2/2)
        pk_full *= pk_nl
        pk_full *= self.DNL(k,muk,self.pk,self.q1_dnl,self.kv_dnl,self.av_dnl,self.bv_dnl,self.kp_dnl,self.dnl_model)

        evol  = self.evolution_Lya_bias(z,[pars["alpha_lya"]])*self.evolution_growth_factor(z)
        evol /= self.evolution_Lya_bias(self.zref,[pars["alpha_lya"]])*self.evolution_growth_factor(self.zref)
        evol  = evol**2.

        return self.Pk2Xi(ar,mur,k,pk_full,ell_max=self.ell_max)*evol
コード例 #4
ファイル: cosmo.py プロジェクト: joselotl/picca
    def getXiAuto2D(self, rp, rt, z, pk2d, pars):

        if not self.fit_aiso:
            ap = pars["ap"]
            at = pars["at"]
            ap = pars["aiso"] * pars["1+epsilon"] * pars["1+epsilon"]
            at = pars["aiso"] / pars["1+epsilon"]

        art = at * rt
        arp = ap * rp

        bias_lya = pars["bias_lya*(1+beta_lya)"] / (1. + pars["beta_lya"])
        beta_lya = pars["beta_lya"]

        if self.uv_fluct:
            bias_gamma = pars["bias_gamma"]
            bias_prim = pars["bias_prim"]
            lambda_uv = pars["lambda_uv"]
            W = sp.arctan(self.k * lambda_uv) / (self.k * lambda_uv)
            bias_lya_prim = bias_lya + bias_gamma * W / (1 + bias_prim * W)
            beta_lya = bias_lya * beta_lya / bias_lya_prim
            bias_lya = bias_lya_prim

        if self.lls:
            bias_lls = pars["bias_lls"]
            beta_lls = pars["beta_lls"]
            L0_lls = pars["L0_lls"]
            F_lls = sp.sinc(self.kp * L0_lls / sp.pi)
            beta_lya = (bias_lya * beta_lya + bias_lls * beta_lls * F_lls) / (
                bias_lya + bias_lls * F_lls)
            bias_lya = bias_lya + bias_lls * F_lls

        sigmaNLper = pars["SigmaNL_perp"]
        sigmaNLpar = sigmaNLper * pars["1+f"]

        pk_full = pk2d * sp.exp(
            -(sigmaNLper**2 * self.kt**2 + sigmaNLpar**2 * self.kp**2) / 2)
        pk_full = pk_full * (1 + beta_lya * self.muk**2)**2 * bias_lya**2

        Lpar = pars["Lpar_auto"]
        Lper = pars["Lper_auto"]
        pk_full *= sp.sinc(self.kp * Lpar / 2 / sp.pi)**2
        pk_full *= sp.sinc(self.kt * Lper / 2 / sp.pi)**2
        pk_full *= self.DNL(self.k, self.muk, self.pk_2d, self.q1_dnl,
                            self.kv_dnl, self.av_dnl, self.bv_dnl, self.kp_dnl,

        evol = self.evolution_Lya_bias(
            z, [pars["alpha_lya"]]) * self.evolution_growth_factor(z)
        evol /= self.evolution_Lya_bias(
            self.zref, [pars["alpha_lya"]]) * self.evolution_growth_factor(
        evol = evol**2.

        return fftlog.Pk2XiA(self.k1d, pk_full, arp, art) * evol
コード例 #5
ファイル: downsample_test.py プロジェクト: virtualritz/aqsis
def sincKer(width, scale):
	Return a sinc filter kernel with specified width and scale
	width - total number of points in the filter (not radius!)
	scale - zeros will be centered around 0 with spacing "scale"
    x = r_[0:width + 1] - width * 0.5
    k = numpy.outer(scipy.sinc(x / scale), scipy.sinc(x / scale))
    return k
コード例 #6
ファイル: downsample_test.py プロジェクト: liangjidian/aqsis
def sincKer(width, scale):
	Return a sinc filter kernel with specified width and scale
	width - total number of points in the filter (not radius!)
	scale - zeros will be centered around 0 with spacing "scale"
    x = r_[0:width + 1] - width * 0.5
    k = numpy.outer(scipy.sinc(x / scale), scipy.sinc(x / scale))
    return k
コード例 #7
ファイル: cosmo.py プロジェクト: joselotl/picca
    def getXiAutoQSO(self, rp, rt, z, pk_lin, pars):
        k = self.k

        if not self.fit_aiso:
            ap = pars["ap"]
            at = pars["at"]
            ap = pars["aiso"] * pars["1+epsilon"] * pars["1+epsilon"]
            at = pars["aiso"] / pars["1+epsilon"]
        ar = sp.sqrt(rt**2 * at**2 + rp**2 * ap**2)
        mur = rp * ap / ar

        muk = model.muk
        kp = k * muk
        kt = k * sp.sqrt(1 - muk**2)

        ### QSO-QSO auto correlation
        bias_qso = pars["bias_qso"]
        beta_qso = pars["growth_rate"] / bias_qso
        pk_full = pk_lin * (bias_qso * (1. + beta_qso * muk**2))**2

        ### Velocity dispersion
        if (self.velo_gauss):
            pk_full *= sp.exp(-0.5 * (kp * pars['sigma_velo_gauss'])**2)
        if (self.velo_lorentz):
            pk_full /= 1. + (kp * pars['sigma_velo_lorentz'])**2

        ### Peak broadening
        sigmaNLper = pars["SigmaNL_perp"]
        sigmaNLpar = sigmaNLper * pars["1+f"]
        pk_full *= sp.exp(-0.5 * ((sigmaNLper * kt)**2 + (sigmaNLpar * kp)**2))

        ### Pixel size
        Lpar = pars["Lpar_autoQSO"]
        Lper = pars["Lper_autoQSO"]
        pk_full *= sp.sinc(kp * Lpar / 2. / sp.pi)**2
        pk_full *= sp.sinc(kt * Lper / 2. / sp.pi)**2

        ### Redshift evolution
        qso_evol = [pars['qso_evol_0'], pars['qso_evol_1']]
        evol = sp.power(
            self.evolution_growth_factor(z) /
            self.evolution_growth_factor(self.zref), 2.)
        evol *= sp.power(
            self.evolution_QSO_bias(z, qso_evol) /
            self.evolution_QSO_bias(self.zref, qso_evol), 2.)

        return self.Pk2Xi(ar, mur, k, pk_full, ell_max=self.ell_max) * evol
コード例 #8
ファイル: spike_alignment.py プロジェクト: pmeier82/BOTMpy
def sinc_interp1d(x, s, r):
    """Interpolates `x`, sampled at times `s`
    Output `y` is sampled at times `r`

    inspired from from Matlab:

    :param ndarray x: input data time series
    :param ndarray s: input sampling time series (regular sample interval)
    :param ndarray r: output sampling time series
    :return ndarray: output data time series (regular sample interval)

    # init
    s = sp.asarray(s)
    r = sp.asarray(r)
    x = sp.asarray(x)
    if x.ndim == 1:
        x = sp.atleast_2d(x)
        if x.shape[0] == len(s):
            x = x.T
            if x.shape[1] != s.shape[0]:
                raise ValueError('x and s must be same temporal extend')
    if sp.allclose(s, r):
        return x.T
    T = s[1] - s[0]

    # resample
    sincM = sp.tile(r, (len(s), 1)) - sp.tile(s[:, sp.newaxis], (1, len(r)))
    return sp.vstack([sp.dot(xx, sp.sinc(sincM / T)) for xx in x]).T
コード例 #9
    def shg_perfect_type_I(self, I1, lambd1, L, theta, phi):
        Calculate the amplitude of the sh with perfect type I phase matching.  Effectively, there is only one incident
        beam since both fundamental beams have the same intensity and wavelength.
        Equation 2.2.19 on page 78 of Nonlinear Optics by Robert Boyd, Third Edition.
        :param I1: Intensity of the fundamental.
        :param lambd1: The wavelength of the fundamental.
        :param L: Length of the crystal.
        :param theta: Polar angle.
        :param phi: Azimuthal angle.
        :return: Intensity of the type I second harmonic.

        deff = 7.36e-12

        n1 = self.outer_normal(lambd1, theta, phi)
        n2 = self.outer_normal(lambd1, theta, phi)
        n3 = self.inner_normal(2 * lambd1, theta, phi)

        omega3 = pc.c * n1 / lambd1 + pc.c * n2 / lambd1

        del_k = self.delta_k_I(lambd1, lambd1 / 2, theta, phi)

        return 8 * deff**2 * omega3**2 * I1**2 / (n1 * n2 * n3 * pc.epsilon0 *
                                                  pc.c**2) * L**2 * sp.sinc(
                                                      del_k * L / 2)**2
コード例 #10
def sinc_interp1d(x, s, r):
    """Interpolates `x`, sampled at times `s`
    Output `y` is sampled at times `r`

    inspired from from Matlab:

    :param ndarray x: input data time series
    :param ndarray s: input sampling time series (regular sample interval)
    :param ndarray r: output sampling time series
    :return ndarray: output data time series (regular sample interval)

    # init
    s = sp.asarray(s)
    r = sp.asarray(r)
    x = sp.asarray(x)
    if x.ndim == 1:
        x = sp.atleast_2d(x)
        if x.shape[0] == len(s):
            x = x.T
            if x.shape[1] != s.shape[0]:
                raise ValueError('x and s must be same temporal extend')
    if sp.allclose(s, r):
        return x.T
    T = s[1] - s[0]

    # resample
    sincM = sp.tile(r, (len(s), 1)) - sp.tile(s[:, sp.newaxis], (1, len(r)))
    return sp.vstack([sp.dot(xx, sp.sinc(sincM / T)) for xx in x]).T
コード例 #11
def radar_cross_section_3d(frequency, radius, incident_angle,
                           observation_angle, number_of_modes, length):
    Calculate the bistatic radar cross section for a finite length cylinder with oblique incidence.
    :param frequency: The frequency of the incident energy (Hz).
    :param radius: The radius of the cylinder (m).
    :param incident_angle: The angle of incidence from z-axis (deg).
    :param observation_angle: The observation angle (deg).
    :param number_of_modes: The number of terms to take in the summation.
    :param length: The length of the cylinder (m).
    :return: The bistatic radar cross section for the infinite cylinder (m^2).
    # Wavelength
    wavelength = c / frequency

    theta_i = radians(incident_angle)
    theta_o = theta_i

    # Calculate the 2D RCS
    rcs_te, rcs_tm = radar_cross_section(frequency, radius, incident_angle,
                                         observation_angle, number_of_modes)

    value = 2.0 * length ** 2 / wavelength * sin(theta_o) ** 2 * \
            sinc(length / wavelength * (cos(theta_i) + cos(theta_o))) ** 2

    return rcs_te * value, rcs_tm * value
コード例 #12
    def sum_frequenc_I(self, I1, I2, lambd1, lambd3, L, theta, phi):
        Calculate the intensity of the summed frequency pulse with fundamental pulse intensities I1 and I2 for Type I
        phase matching.
        Equation 2.2.19 on page 78 of Nonlinear Optics by Robert Boyd, Third Edition.
        :param I1: Intensity of one of the fundamental beams.
        :param I2: Intensity of the other fundamental beam.
        :param lambd1: One of the fundamental wavelengths.
        :param lambd3: The target sum frequency.
        :param L: The length of the crystal.
        :param theta: Polar angle.
        :param phi: Azimuthal angle.
        :return: Intensity of the type I summed frequency beam.
        omega3 = pc.c / lambd3
        lambd2 = lambd1 * lambd3 / (lambd1 - lambd3
                                    )  # From w3 = w1 + w2, w=2pi*c/lambda

        deff = 7.36e-12  # this is really the type II deff

        n1 = self.outer_normal(lambd1, theta, phi)
        n2 = self.outer_normal(lambd2, theta, phi)
        n3 = self.inner_normal(lambd3, theta, phi)

        del_k = self.delta_k_I(lambd1, lambd3, theta, phi)

        return 8 * deff**2 * omega3**2 * I1 * I2 / (
            n1 * n2 * n3 * pc.epsilon0 * pc.c**2) * L**2 * sp.sinc(
                del_k * L / 2)**2
コード例 #13
def far_fields(width, height, frequency, r, theta, phi):
    Calculate the far zone electric and magnetic fields for a rectangular aperture in a ground plane.
    with a TE10 distribution of fields in the aperture.
    :param r: The range to the field point (m).
    :param theta: The theta angle to the field point (rad).
    :param phi: The phi angle to the field point (rad).
    :param width: The width of the aperture (m).
    :param height: The height of the aperture (m).
    :param frequency: The operating frequency (Hz).
    :return: The far zone electric and magnetic fields (V/m), (A/m).
    # Calculate the wavenumber
    k = 2.0 * pi * frequency / c

    # Calculate the wave impedance
    eta = sqrt(mu_0 / epsilon_0)

    # Define the x and y wavenumber components
    kx = k * width * 0.5 * sin(theta) * cos(phi)
    ky = k * height * 0.5 * sin(theta) * sin(phi)

    # Define the radial-component of the electric far field (V/m)
    e_r = 0.0

    # Define the theta-component of the electric far field (V/m)
    e_theta = 1j * width * height * k / (2.0 * pi * r) * exp(-1j * k * r) * (-0.5 * pi * sin(phi)) * \
              cos(kx) / (kx ** 2 - (0.5 * pi) ** 2) * sinc(ky)

    # Define the phi-component of the electric far field (V/m)
    e_phi = 1j * width * height * k / (2.0 * pi * r) * exp(-1j * k * r) * (-0.5 * pi * cos(theta) * cos(phi)) * \
            cos(kx) / (kx ** 2 - (0.5 * pi) ** 2) * sinc(ky)

    # Define the radial-component of the magnetic far field (A/m)
    h_r = 0.0

    # Define the theta-component of the magnetic far field (A/m)
    h_theta = -1j * width * height * k / (2.0 * pi * eta * r) * exp(-1j * k * r) * \
              (-0.5 * pi * cos(theta) * cos(phi)) * cos(kx) / (kx ** 2 - (0.5 * pi) ** 2) * sinc(ky)

    # Define the phi-component of the magnetic far field (A/m)
    h_phi = 1j * width * height * k / (pi * eta * r) * exp(-1j * k * r) * (-0.5 * pi * sin(phi)) * \
            cos(kx) / (kx ** 2 - (0.5 * pi) ** 2) * sinc(ky)

    # Return all six components of the far field
    return e_r, e_theta, e_phi, h_r, h_theta, h_phi
コード例 #14
def raised2(t, beta, T):
    a = 1.0 / T
    b = sinc(t / T)
    c = cos((pi * beta * t) / T)
    d = 1 - pow(2.0 * beta * t / T, 2)

    #print "a:%s, b:%s, c:%s, d:%s" % (a,b,c,d)

    return a * b * (c / d)
コード例 #15
ファイル: h_plane_sectoral.py プロジェクト: zxzion/software
def far_fields(guide_height, horn_width, horn_effective_length, frequency, r,
               theta, phi):
    Calculate the electric and magnetic fields in the far field of the horn.
    :param r: The distance to the field point (m).
    :param theta: The theta angle to the field point (rad).
    :param phi: The phi angle to the field point (rad).
    :param guide_height: The height of the waveguide feed (m).
    :param horn_width: The width of the horn (m).
    :param horn_effective_length: The effective length of the horn (m).
    :param frequency: The operating frequency (Hz).
    :return: The electric and magnetic fields radiated by the horn (V/m), (A/m).
    # Calculate the wavenumber
    k = 2.0 * pi * frequency / c

    # Calculate the wave impedance
    eta = sqrt(mu_0 / epsilon_0)

    # Define the radial-component of the electric field
    e_r = 0.0

    # Define the theta-component of the electric field
    e_theta = sin(phi) * (1.0 + cos(theta)) * sinc(k * guide_height * 0.5 * sin(theta) * sin(phi)) * \
              I(k, r, theta, phi, horn_width, guide_height, horn_effective_length)

    # Define the phi-component of the electric field
    e_phi = cos(phi) * (1.0 + cos(theta)) * sinc(k * guide_height * 0.5 * sin(theta) * sin(phi)) *\
            I(k, r, theta, phi, horn_width, guide_height, horn_effective_length)

    # Define the radial-component of the magnetic field
    h_r = 0.0

    # Define the theta-component of the magnetic field
    h_theta = -cos(phi) / eta * (1.0 + cos(theta)) * sinc(k * guide_height * 0.5 * sin(theta) * sin(phi)) * \
              I(k, r, theta, phi, horn_width, guide_height, horn_effective_length)

    # Define the phi-component of the magnetic field
    h_phi = sin(phi) / eta * (1.0 + cos(theta)) * sinc(k * guide_height * 0.5 * sin(theta) * sin(phi)) * \
            I(k, r, theta, phi, horn_width, guide_height, horn_effective_length)

    # Return all six components of the far field
    return e_r, e_theta, e_phi, h_r, h_theta, h_phi
コード例 #16
ファイル: ambiguity_function.py プロジェクト: zxzion/software
def single_pulse(time_delay, doppler_frequency, pulse_width):
    Calculate the ambiguity function for a continuous wave single pulse.
    :param time_delay: The time delay for the ambiguity function (seconds).
    :param doppler_frequency: The Doppler frequency for the ambiguity function (Hz).
    :param pulse_width: The pulse width (seconds).
    :return: The ambiguity function for a CW pulse.
    ambiguity = abs((1.0 - abs(time_delay / pulse_width)) *
                    sinc(doppler_frequency * (pulse_width - abs(time_delay))))**2

    ambiguity[abs(time_delay) > pulse_width] = 0

    return ambiguity
コード例 #17
ファイル: deft_examples.py プロジェクト: allanmcinnes/DEFT
def sinc_seq(A = 1.0, tf = 1.0, delta = 0.1):
    t = -tf
    dt = 0.001
    events = []
    v_last = None
    # Note use of round() to compensate for floating-point arithmetic errors
    # that lead to inexact results.
    while t <= tf:
        v = delta * floor(round(A*sinc(t) / delta, 10))
        if v != v_last:
            events += [(t, v)]
            v_last = v          
        t += dt
    return array(events)    
コード例 #18
ファイル: sinc_interp.py プロジェクト: hlabathems/mapspec
 def _get_kernel(self,x1,func_name):
     #evaluate pixel shift
     if func_name in func_dic.keys():
         func = func_dic[func_name]
         func = lambda kx:  sp.sinc(kx)*get_window(func_name,kx.size)
     i = sp.searchsorted(self.x,x1)
     dpix = (x1 - self.x[i - 1])/(self.x[i] - self.x[i - 1])
     if dpix == 1.0: dpix = 0
     assert sp.absolute(dpix) < 1.0
     kx = sp.r_[-self.kw:self.kw + 1] + dpix
     k = func(kx)
     k = k/sp.sum(k)
     return k
コード例 #19
ファイル: ambiguity_function.py プロジェクト: zxzion/software
def lfm_pulse(time_delay, doppler_frequency, pulse_width, bandwidth):
    Calculate the ambiguity function for a linear frequency modulated single pulse.
    :param time_delay: The time delay for the ambiguity function (seconds).
    :param doppler_frequency: The Doppler frequency for the ambiguity function (Hz).
    :param pulse_width: The waveform pulse width (seconds).
    :param bandwidth: The waveform band width (Hz).
    :return: The ambiguity function for an LFM pulse.
    ambiguity = abs((1.0 - abs(time_delay) / pulse_width) *
                    sinc(pi * pulse_width * (bandwidth / pulse_width * time_delay + doppler_frequency) *
                    (1.0 - abs(time_delay) / pulse_width)))**2

    ambiguity[abs(time_delay) > pulse_width] = 0

    return ambiguity
コード例 #20
ファイル: texfilt.py プロジェクト: UIKit0/aqsis
def sincKer(width, even, scale = 2):
	Return a sinc filter kernel with specified width and scale
	width - width of the filter (used by the window)
	even - true if the generated filter should have an even number of points.
	scale - zeros will be centred around 0 with spacing "scale"
	if even:
		numPts = max(2*int((width+1)/2), 2)
		numPts = max(2*int(width/2) + 1, 3)
	x = r_[0:numPts]-(numPts-1)*0.5
	k = scipy.sinc(x/scale)
	k *= cos(linspace(-pi/4,pi/4,len(k)))
	ker = numpy.outer(k,k)
	ker /= sum(ker.ravel())
	return ker
コード例 #21
ファイル: texfilt.py プロジェクト: virtualritz/aqsis
def sincKer(width, even, scale=2):
	Return a sinc filter kernel with specified width and scale
	width - width of the filter (used by the window)
	even - true if the generated filter should have an even number of points.
	scale - zeros will be centred around 0 with spacing "scale"
    if even:
        numPts = max(2 * int((width + 1) / 2), 2)
        numPts = max(2 * int(width / 2) + 1, 3)
    x = r_[0:numPts] - (numPts - 1) * 0.5
    k = scipy.sinc(x / scale)
    k *= cos(linspace(-pi / 4, pi / 4, len(k)))
    ker = numpy.outer(k, k)
    ker /= sum(ker.ravel())
    return ker
コード例 #22
ファイル: beam.py プロジェクト: adam-lewis/analysis_IM
    def radial_transform(self, width) :
        """Return the radial beam Fourier transform function.

        In the radial direction the beam is just top hat function, so the
        Fourrier transform is a sinc function.
        width : float
            The frequency width of the beam function.

        transform : function
            Call signiture : transform(k_rad). Vectorized radial beam transform
            as a function of radial wave number.  Accepts an array of wave 
            numbers (with units the reciprocal of those of `width`) and returns
            an array of the same shape.
        factor = width/2.0/sp.pi
        return lambda k_rad : sp.sinc(k_rad * factor)
コード例 #23
    def radial_transform(self, width):
        """Return the radial beam Fourier transform function.

        In the radial direction the beam is just top hat function, so the
        Fourier transform is a sinc function.

        width: float
            The frequency width of the beam function.

        transform: function
            Call signature: transform(k_rad). Vectorized radial beam transform
            as a function of radial wave number.  Accepts an array of wave
            numbers (with units the reciprocal of those of `width`) and returns
            an array of the same shape.

        factor = width / 2. / sp.pi
        return lambda k_rad: sp.sinc(k_rad * factor)
コード例 #24
ファイル: downsample_test.py プロジェクト: virtualritz/aqsis
def lanczos(N, tau=1):
	return N-point Lanczos window with width tau
    return scipy.sinc(linspace(-1, 1, N) / tau)
コード例 #25
def make_amb(Fsorg,m_up,plen,nlags,nspec=128,winname = 'boxcar'):
    """ Make the ambiguity function dictionary that holds the lag ambiguity and
    range ambiguity. Uses a sinc function weighted by a blackman window. Currently
    only set up for an uncoded pulse.
        Fsorg: A scalar, the original sampling frequency in Hertz.
        m_up: The upsampled ratio between the original sampling rate and the rate of
        the ambiguity function up sampling.
        plen: The length of the pulse in samples at the original sampling frequency.
        nlags: The number of lags used.
        Wttdict: A dictionary with the keys 'WttAll' which is the full ambiguity function
        for each lag, 'Wtt' is the max for each lag for plotting, 'Wrange' is the
        ambiguity in the range with the lag dimension summed, 'Wlag' The ambiguity
        for the lag, 'Delay' the numpy array for the lag sampling, 'Range' the array
        for the range sampling and 'WttMatrix' for a matrix that will impart the ambiguity
        function on a pulses.

    # make the sinc
    nsamps = sp.floor(8.5*m_up)
    nsamps = nsamps-(1-sp.mod(nsamps,2))

    nvec = sp.arange(-sp.floor(nsamps/2.0),sp.floor(nsamps/2.0)+1)
    pos_windows = ['boxcar', 'triang', 'blackman', 'hamming', 'hann', 'bartlett', 'flattop', 'parzen', 'bohman', 'blackmanharris', 'nuttall', 'barthann']
    curwin = scisig.get_window(winname,nsamps)
    outsinc = curwin*sp.sinc(nvec/m_up)
    outsinc = outsinc/sp.sum(outsinc)
    dt = 1/(Fsorg*m_up)
    Delay = sp.arange(-(len(nvec)-1),m_up*(nlags+5))*dt
    t_rng = sp.arange(0,1.5*plen,dt)
    numdiff = len(Delay)-len(outsinc)
    outsincpad  = sp.pad(outsinc,(0,numdiff),mode='constant',constant_values=(0.0,0.0))
    # envelop function
    envfunc = sp.zeros(d2d.shape)
    envfunc = envfunc/sp.sqrt(envfunc.sum(axis=0).max())
    #create the ambiguity function for everything
    Wtt = sp.zeros((nlags,d2d.shape[0],d2d.shape[1]))
    cursincrep = sp.tile(outsincpad[:,sp.newaxis],(1,d2d.shape[1]))
    Wt0 = Wta = cursincrep*envfunc
    Wt0fft = sp.fft(Wt0,axis=0)
    for ilag in sp.arange(nlags):
        cursinc = sp.roll(outsincpad,ilag*m_up)
        cursincrep = sp.tile(cursinc[:,sp.newaxis],(1,d2d.shape[1]))
        Wta = cursincrep*envfunc
        #do fft based convolution, probably best method given sizes
        Wtafft = scfft.fft(Wta,axis=0)
        if ilag==0:
            nmove = len(nvec)-1
            nmove = len(nvec)
        Wtt[ilag] = sp.roll(scfft.ifft(Wtafft*sp.conj(Wt0fft),axis=0).real,nmove,axis=0)

    # make matrix to take
#    imat = sp.eye(nspec)
#    tau = sp.arange(-sp.floor(nspec/2.),sp.ceil(nspec/2.))/Fsorg
#    tauint = Delay
#    interpmat = spinterp.interp1d(tau,imat,bounds_error=0,axis=0)(tauint)
#    lagmat = sp.dot(Wtt.sum(axis=2),interpmat)

#    # triangle window
    tau = sp.arange(-sp.floor(nspec/2.),sp.ceil(nspec/2.))/Fsorg
    amb1d = plen-tau
    kp = sp.argwhere(amb1d>0).flatten()
    lagmat = sp.zeros((Wtt.shape[0],nspec))
    Wttdict = {'WttAll':Wtt,'Wtt':Wtt.max(axis=0),'Wrange':Wtt.sum(axis=1),'Wlag':Wtt.sum(axis=2),
    return Wttdict
コード例 #26
def raised(x, beta, T):
    return (pi / 4.0 * T) * sinc(1 / 2.0 * beta)
コード例 #27
ファイル: deft.py プロジェクト: allanmcinnes/DEFT
def periodic_sinc_deft(x, max_w):
    Return a sinc-based Fourier transform of a discrete event sequence x.
    The sequence x is assumed to define a possibly non-uniformly sampled
    periodic time-domain signal. 
    This approach is a semi-analytical technique that essentially works by 
    treating the DE sequence as defining a piecewise-constant signal, and 
    treating the FT as the sum of the FTs of the rectangular pulses that make up 
    that piecewise-constant signal.

    This version of the DEFT assumes a periodic signal, and like the standard
    DFT constructs the transform from a finite segment of the signal by
    assuming a periodic extension of the signal. The result is essentially a 
    frequency sampling of the nonperiodic DEFT at frequencies that are multiples
    of the fundamental frequency.
    The rect function is defined as 
        rect(t/tau) = 0 if |t| > tau/2
                      1 if |t| < tau/2
    and has Fourier transform
        F(w) = tau * sinc(w*tau/(2*pi))
    Given events e0 = (t0, v0) and e1 = (t1, v1) we treat them as defining
    a rectangle rect((t - ((t1 - t0)/2 + t0))/|t1 - t0|) with FT
        F(w) = v0 * exp(-j*w*(t0+t1)/2) * tau * sinc(w*tau/(2*pi))
    where tau = |t1 - t0|
    x : event array
        array to transform, where each event in the array is a 2-tuple
        (time, value)
    max_w : maximum radian frequency over which to evaluate the transform
    z : complex array
        z = sum[n=0..N] v0 * exp(-1j*w*(t0 + t1)/2) * tau * sinc(w*tau/(2*pi))
            (t0, v0) = x[n]
            (t1, v1) = x[n+1]
            tau = t1 - t0
            P = max(t) - min(t)
            w = 2*pi*k/P for k in -max_w*P/(2*pi) .. max_w*P/(2*pi)
    ts = [t for (t,v) in x]
    P = max(ts) - min(ts)     # Period
    w0 = (2*pi)/P             # Fundamental radian frequency
    T = max(ts)               # Signal end point
    # Construct frequency sample points
    k_bound = floor(max_w/w0)
    w = w0*arange(-k_bound, k_bound+1, dtype=complex)
    z = zeros(len(w), dtype=complex)
    xf = append(x, [(T, x[0,1])], axis=0)   # manage the wraparound
    for n in range(len(x)):
        (t0, v0) = xf[n]
        (t1, v1) = xf[n+1]
        tau = abs(t1 - t0)
        z = z + (v0 * exp(-1j*w*(t0 + tau/2)) * tau * sinc(w*tau/(2*pi)))
    return asarray(zip(w,z/P))
コード例 #28
def make_amb(Fsorg, m_up, plen, pulse, nspec=128, winname='boxcar'):
        Make the ambiguity function dictionary that holds the lag ambiguity and
        range ambiguity. Uses a sinc function weighted by a blackman window. Currently
        only set up for an uncoded pulse.

            Fsorg (:obj:`float`): A scalar, the original sampling frequency in Hertz.
            m_up (:obj:`int`): The upsampled ratio between the original sampling rate and the rate of
            the ambiguity function up sampling.
            plen (:obj:`int`): The length of the pulse in samples at the original sampling frequency.
            nlags (:obj:`int`): The number of lags used.

            Wttdict (:obj:`dict`): A dictionary with the keys 'WttAll' which is the full ambiguity function
            for each lag, 'Wtt' is the max for each lag for plotting, 'Wrange' is the
            ambiguity in the range with the lag dimension summed, 'Wlag' The ambiguity
            for the lag, 'Delay' the numpy array for the lag sampling, 'Range' the array
            for the range sampling and 'WttMatrix' for a matrix that will impart the ambiguity
            function on a pulses.
    nspec = int(nspec)
    nlags = len(pulse)
    # make the sinc
    nsamps = sp.floor(8.5 * m_up)
    nsamps = int(nsamps - (1 - sp.mod(nsamps, 2)))
    # need to incorporate summation rule
    vol = 1.
    nvec = sp.arange(-sp.floor(nsamps / 2.0), sp.floor(nsamps / 2.0) + 1)
    pos_windows = [
        'boxcar', 'triang', 'blackman', 'hamming', 'hann', 'bartlett',
        'flattop', 'parzen', 'bohman', 'blackmanharris', 'nuttall', 'barthann'
    curwin = scisig.get_window(winname, nsamps)
    # Apply window to the sinc function. This will act as the impulse respons of the filter
    outsinc = curwin * sp.sinc(nvec / m_up)
    outsinc = outsinc / sp.sum(outsinc)
    dt = 1 / (Fsorg * m_up)
    #make delay vector
    Delay_num = sp.arange(-(len(nvec) - 1), m_up * (nlags + 5))
    Delay = Delay_num * dt

    t_rng = sp.arange(0, 1.5 * plen, dt)
    if len(t_rng) > 2e4:
        raise ValueError(
            'The time array is way too large. plen should be in seconds.')
    numdiff = len(Delay) - len(outsinc)
    numback = int(nvec.min() / m_up - Delay_num.min())
    numfront = numdiff - numback
    #    outsincpad  = sp.pad(outsinc,(0,numdiff),mode='constant',constant_values=(0.0,0.0))
    outsincpad = sp.pad(outsinc, (numback, numfront),
                        constant_values=(0.0, 0.0))
    (d2d, srng) = sp.meshgrid(Delay, t_rng)
    # envelop function
    t_p = sp.arange(nlags) / Fsorg
    envfunc = sp.interp(sp.ravel(srng - d2d), t_p, pulse, left=0.,
    #    envfunc = sp.zeros(d2d.shape)
    #    envfunc[(d2d-srng+plen-Delay.min()>=0)&(d2d-srng+plen-Delay.min()<=plen)]=1
    envfunc = envfunc / sp.sqrt(envfunc.sum(axis=0).max())
    #create the ambiguity function for everything
    Wtt = sp.zeros((nlags, d2d.shape[0], d2d.shape[1]))
    cursincrep = sp.tile(outsincpad[sp.newaxis, :], (len(t_rng), 1))
    Wt0 = cursincrep * envfunc
    Wt0fft = sp.fft(Wt0, axis=1)
    for ilag in sp.arange(nlags):
        cursinc = sp.roll(outsincpad, ilag * m_up)
        cursincrep = sp.tile(cursinc[sp.newaxis, :], (len(t_rng), 1))
        Wta = cursincrep * envfunc
        #do fft based convolution, probably best method given sizes
        Wtafft = scfft.fft(Wta, axis=1)

        nmove = len(nvec) - 1
        Wtt[ilag] = sp.roll(scfft.ifft(Wtafft * sp.conj(Wt0fft), axis=1).real,

    # make matrix to take
    imat = sp.eye(nspec)
    tau = sp.arange(-sp.floor(nspec / 2.), sp.ceil(nspec / 2.)) / Fsorg
    tauint = Delay
    interpmat = spinterp.interp1d(tau, imat, bounds_error=0, axis=0)(tauint)
    lagmat = sp.dot(Wtt.sum(axis=1), interpmat)
    W0 = lagmat[0].sum()
    for ilag in range(nlags):
        lagmat[ilag] = ((vol + ilag) / (vol * W0)) * lagmat[ilag]

    Wttdict = {
        'WttAll': Wtt,
        'Wtt': Wtt.max(axis=0),
        'Wrange': Wtt.sum(axis=1),
        'Wlag': Wtt.sum(axis=2),
        'Delay': Delay,
        'Range': v_C_0 * t_rng / 2.0,
        'WttMatrix': lagmat
    return Wttdict
コード例 #29
ファイル: sinc_interp.py プロジェクト: mmfausnaugh/mapspec
def trim_sinc(kx):
    #equivalent to setting window to boxcar
    return sp.sinc(kx)
コード例 #30
def make_amb(Fsorg,m_up,plen,pulse,nspec=128,winname = 'boxcar'):
        Make the ambiguity function dictionary that holds the lag ambiguity and
        range ambiguity. Uses a sinc function weighted by a blackman window. Currently
        only set up for an uncoded pulse.

            Fsorg (:obj:`float`): A scalar, the original sampling frequency in Hertz.
            m_up (:obj:`int`): The upsampled ratio between the original sampling rate and the rate of
            the ambiguity function up sampling.
            plen (:obj:`int`): The length of the pulse in samples at the original sampling frequency.
            nlags (:obj:`int`): The number of lags used.

            Wttdict (:obj:`dict`): A dictionary with the keys 'WttAll' which is the full ambiguity function
            for each lag, 'Wtt' is the max for each lag for plotting, 'Wrange' is the
            ambiguity in the range with the lag dimension summed, 'Wlag' The ambiguity
            for the lag, 'Delay' the numpy array for the lag sampling, 'Range' the array
            for the range sampling and 'WttMatrix' for a matrix that will impart the ambiguity
            function on a pulses.
    nspec = int(nspec)
    nlags = len(pulse)
    # make the sinc
    nsamps = sp.floor(8.5*m_up)
    nsamps = int(nsamps-(1-sp.mod(nsamps, 2)))
    # need to incorporate summation rule
    vol = 1.
    nvec = sp.arange(-sp.floor(nsamps/2.0), sp.floor(nsamps/2.0)+1)
    pos_windows = ['boxcar', 'triang', 'blackman', 'hamming', 'hann',
                   'bartlett', 'flattop', 'parzen', 'bohman', 'blackmanharris',
                   'nuttall', 'barthann']
    curwin = scisig.get_window(winname, nsamps)
    # Apply window to the sinc function. This will act as the impulse respons of the filter
    outsinc = curwin*sp.sinc(nvec/m_up)
    outsinc = outsinc/sp.sum(outsinc)
    dt = 1/(Fsorg*m_up)
    #make delay vector
    Delay_num = sp.arange(-(len(nvec)-1),m_up*(nlags+5))
    Delay = Delay_num*dt

    t_rng = sp.arange(0, 1.5*plen, dt)
    if len(t_rng) > 2e4:
        raise ValueError('The time array is way too large. plen should be in seconds.')
    numdiff = len(Delay)-len(outsinc)
    numback = int(nvec.min()/m_up-Delay_num.min())
    numfront = numdiff-numback
#    outsincpad  = sp.pad(outsinc,(0,numdiff),mode='constant',constant_values=(0.0,0.0))
    outsincpad  = sp.pad(outsinc,(numback, numfront), mode='constant',
                         constant_values=(0.0, 0.0))
    (d2d, srng)=sp.meshgrid(Delay, t_rng)
    # envelop function
    t_p = sp.arange(nlags)/Fsorg
    envfunc = sp.interp(sp.ravel(srng-d2d), t_p,pulse, left=0., right=0.).reshape(d2d.shape)
#    envfunc = sp.zeros(d2d.shape)
#    envfunc[(d2d-srng+plen-Delay.min()>=0)&(d2d-srng+plen-Delay.min()<=plen)]=1
    envfunc = envfunc/sp.sqrt(envfunc.sum(axis=0).max())
    #create the ambiguity function for everything
    Wtt = sp.zeros((nlags, d2d.shape[0], d2d.shape[1]))
    cursincrep = sp.tile(outsincpad[sp.newaxis, :], (len(t_rng), 1))
    Wt0 = cursincrep*envfunc
    Wt0fft = sp.fft(Wt0, axis=1)
    for ilag in sp.arange(nlags):
        cursinc = sp.roll(outsincpad, ilag*m_up)
        cursincrep = sp.tile(cursinc[sp.newaxis, :], (len(t_rng), 1))
        Wta = cursincrep*envfunc
        #do fft based convolution, probably best method given sizes
        Wtafft = scfft.fft(Wta, axis=1)

        nmove = len(nvec)-1
        Wtt[ilag] = sp.roll(scfft.ifft(Wtafft*sp.conj(Wt0fft), axis=1).real,
                            nmove, axis=1)

    # make matrix to take
    imat = sp.eye(nspec)
    tau = sp.arange(-sp.floor(nspec/2.), sp.ceil(nspec/2.))/Fsorg
    tauint = Delay
    interpmat = spinterp.interp1d(tau, imat, bounds_error=0, axis=0)(tauint)
    lagmat = sp.dot(Wtt.sum(axis=1), interpmat)
    W0 = lagmat[0].sum()
    for ilag in range(nlags):
        lagmat[ilag] = ((vol+ilag)/(vol*W0))*lagmat[ilag]

    Wttdict = {'WttAll':Wtt, 'Wtt':Wtt.max(axis=0), 'Wrange':Wtt.sum(axis=1),
               'Wlag':Wtt.sum(axis=2), 'Delay':Delay, 'Range':v_C_0*t_rng/2.0,
    return Wttdict
コード例 #31
ファイル: deft.py プロジェクト: allanmcinnes/DEFT
def sinc_deft(x, T, w):
    Return a sinc-based Fourier transform of a discrete event sequence x.
    The sequence x is assumed to define a possibly non-uniformly sampled
    time-domain signal. 
    This approach is a semi-analytical technique that essentially works by 
    treating the DE sequence as defining a piecewise-constant signal, and 
    treating the FT as the sum of the FTs of the rectangular pulses that make up 
    that piecewise-constant signal.

    This version of the DEFT assumes a finite signal duration,
    with the signal assumed to return to its zero state at the end of that
    duration (just as we assume that the signal starts at a zero state).
    The rect function is defined as 
        rect(t/tau) = 0 if |t| > tau/2
                      1 if |t| < tau/2
    and has Fourier transform
        F(w) = tau * sinc(w*tau/(2*pi))
    Given events e0 = (t0, v0) and e1 = (t1, v1) we treat them as defining
    a rectangle v0 * rect((t - ((t1 - t0)/2 + t0))/|t1 - t0|) with FT
        F(w) = v0 * exp(-j*w*(t0+t1)/2) * tau * sinc(w*tau/(2*pi))
    where tau = |t1 - t0|

    See McInnes, A. "A Discrete Event Fourier Transform", https://github.com/allanmcinnes/DEFT.
    x : event array
        array to transform, where each event in the array is a 2-tuple
        (time, value)
    T : signal termination time
    w : array
        array of radian frequencies over which the transform
        should be evaluated
    z : complex array
        z = sum[n=0..N] v0 * exp(-1j*w*(t0 + t1)/2) * tau * sinc(w*tau/(2*pi))
            (t0, v0) = x[n]
            (t1, v1) = x[n+1]
            tau = t1 - t0
    assert T >= x[-1][0], \
        "Termination tag T = {0:g} must be greater".format(T) + \
        " than or equal to the tag of the final event in the signal, " + \
        "t = {0:g}. ".format(x[-1][0]) + \
        "However, T is {0:g} less than t.".format(x[-1][0] - T)
    z = zeros(len(w), dtype=complex)
    xf = append(x, [(T, 0.0)], axis=0)   # Append a terminating zero event
    for n in range(len(x)):
        (t0, v0) = xf[n]
        (t1, v1) = xf[n+1]
        tau = abs(t1 - t0)
        z = z + (v0 * exp(-1j*w*(t0 + tau/2)) * tau * sinc(w*tau/(2*pi)))
    return asarray(zip(w,z))
コード例 #32
ファイル: metals.py プロジェクト: joselotl/picca
    def valueCross(self,pars):

        qso_boost         = pars["qso_metal_boost"]
        qso_evol          = [pars['qso_evol_0'],pars['qso_evol_1']]
        bias_qso          = pars["bias_qso"]
        growth_rate = pars["growth_rate"]
        beta_qso          = growth_rate/bias_qso
        bias_met = sp.array([pars['bias_'+met] for met in self.met_names])
        beta_met = sp.array([pars['beta_'+met] for met in self.met_names])
        Lpar = pars["Lpar_cross"]
        Lper = pars["Lper_cross"]

        ### Scales
        if (self.different_drp):
            drp_met = sp.array([pars['drp_'+met]  for met in self.met_names])
            drp     = sp.outer(sp.ones(self.nd_cross),drp_met)
            drp = pars["drp"]

        if self.grid:

            ### Redshift evolution
            z     = self.grid_qso_met[:,:,2]
            evol  = sp.power( self.evolution_growth_factor(z)/self.evolution_growth_factor(self.zref),2. )
            evol *= self.evolution_Lya_bias(z,[pars["alpha_lya"]])/self.evolution_Lya_bias(self.zref,[pars["alpha_lya"]])
            evol *= self.evolution_QSO_bias(z,qso_evol)/self.evolution_QSO_bias(self.zref,qso_evol)

            rp_shift = self.grid_qso_met[:,:,0]+drp
            rt       = self.grid_qso_met[:,:,1]
            r        = sp.sqrt(rp_shift**2 + rt**2)
            mur      = rp_shift/r

        muk      = cosmo_model.muk
        kp       = self.k * muk
        kt       = self.k * sp.sqrt(1.-muk**2)

        ### Correction to linear power-spectrum
        pk_corr = (1.+0.*muk)*self.pk
        pk_corr *= sp.sinc(kp*Lpar/2./sp.pi)**2
        pk_corr *= sp.sinc(kt*Lper/2./sp.pi)**2

        ### Biases
        b1b2 = qso_boost*bias_qso*bias_met

        if self.grid:
            xi_qso_met = sp.zeros(self.grid_qso_met[:,0,0].size)
            for i in range(self.nmet):
                pk_full  = b1b2[i]*(1. + beta_met[i]*muk**2)*(1. + beta_qso*muk**2)*pk_corr
                xi_qso_met += cosmo_model.Pk2Xi(r[:,i],mur[:,i],self.k,pk_full,ell_max=self.ell_max)*evol[:,i]

            nbins = list(self.xdmat.values())[0].shape[0]
            xi_qso_met = sp.zeros(nbins)
            for i in self.met_names:
                bias_met = pars["bias_"+i]
                beta_met = pars["beta_"+i]

                recalc = beta_met != self.prev_pmet['beta_'+i] or\
                    growth_rate != self.prev_pmet['growth_rate'] or\
                    not sp.allclose(qso_evol,self.prev_pmet['qso_evol']) or\
                    self.prev_pmet['drp'] != drp
                if recalc:
                    if self.verbose:
                        print("recalculating metal {}".format(i))
                    self.prev_pmet['beta_'+i] = beta_met
                    self.prev_pmet['growth_rate'] = growth_rate
                    self.prev_pmet['qso_evol'] = qso_evol
                    self.prev_pmet['drp'] = drp

                    z = self.xzeff[i]
                    evol  = sp.power( self.evolution_growth_factor(z)/self.evolution_growth_factor(self.zref),2. )
                    evol *= self.evolution_Lya_bias(z,[pars["alpha_"+i]])/self.evolution_Lya_bias(self.zref,[pars["alpha_"+i]])
                    evol *= self.evolution_QSO_bias(z,qso_evol)/self.evolution_QSO_bias(self.zref,qso_evol)

                    rp = self.xrp[i] + drp
                    rt = self.xrt[i]
                    r = sp.sqrt(rp**2+rt**2)
                    mur = rp/r
                    pk_full  = (1. + beta_met*muk**2)*(1. + beta_qso*muk**2)*pk_corr
                    self.prev_xi_qso_met[i]  = cosmo_model.Pk2Xi(r,mur,self.k,pk_full,ell_max=self.ell_max)
                    self.prev_xi_qso_met[i] = self.xdmat[i].dot(self.prev_xi_qso_met[i]*evol)

                xi_qso_met += qso_boost*bias_qso*bias_met*self.prev_xi_qso_met[i]

        return xi_qso_met
コード例 #33
ファイル: metals.py プロジェクト: joselotl/picca
    def valueAuto(self,pars):

        bias_lya /= 1+beta_lya

        if self.templates:
            bias_met=sp.array([pars['bias_'+met] for met in self.met_names])
            beta_met=sp.array([pars['beta_'+met] for met in self.met_names])
            amp[:,0] = bias_met*(1 + (beta_lya+beta_met)/3 + beta_lya*beta_met/5)
            amp[:,1] = bias_met*(2*(beta_lya+beta_met)/3 + 4*beta_lya*beta_met/7)
            amp[:,2] = bias_met*8*beta_met*beta_lya/35




            bias_met2 = bias_met*bias_met[None,:]

            amp[:,:,0] = bias_met2*(1+(beta_met+beta_met[None,:])/3+beta_met*beta_met[None,:]/5)
            amp[:,:,1] = bias_met2*(2*(beta_met+beta_met[None,:])/3+4*beta_met*beta_met[None,:]/7)
            amp[:,:,2] = bias_met2*8*beta_met*beta_met[None,:]/35


            muk = cosmo_model.muk
            k = self.k
            kp = k*muk
            kt = k*sp.sqrt(1-muk**2)
            nbins = self.dmat["LYA_"+self.met_names[0]].shape[0]

            if self.hcds_mets:
                bias_lls = pars["bias_lls"]
                beta_lls = pars["beta_lls"]
                L0_lls = pars["L0_lls"]
                Flls = sp.sin(kp*L0_lls)/(kp*L0_lls)

            Lpar_auto = pars["Lpar_auto"]
            Lper_auto = pars["Lper_auto"]
            alpha_lya = pars["alpha_lya"]

            Gpar = sp.sinc(kp*Lpar_auto/2/sp.pi)**2
            Gper = sp.sinc(kt*Lper_auto/2/sp.pi)**2

            xi_lya_met = sp.zeros(nbins)
            for met in self.met_names:
                bias_met = pars['bias_'+met]
                beta_met = pars['beta_'+met]
                alpha_met = pars["alpha_"+met]
                dm = self.dmat["LYA_"+met]
                recalc = beta_met != self.prev_pmet["beta_"+met]\
                        or beta_lya != self.prev_pmet["beta_lya"]\
                        or alpha_lya != self.prev_pmet["alpha_lya"]\
                        or alpha_met != self.prev_pmet["alpha_"+met]

                rt = self.auto_rt["LYA_"+met]
                rp = self.auto_rp["LYA_"+met]
                zeff  = self.auto_zeff["LYA_"+met]
                r = sp.sqrt(rt**2+rp**2)
                w = (r==0)
                r[w] = 1e-6
                mur = rp/r

                if recalc:
                    if self.verbose:
                        print("recalculating ",met)
                    pk  = (1+beta_lya*muk**2)*(1+beta_met*muk**2)*self.pk
                    pk *= Gpar*Gper
                    xi = cosmo_model.Pk2Xi(r,mur,self.k,pk,ell_max=self.ell_max)
                    xi *= ((1+zeff)/(1+self.zref))**((alpha_lya-1)*(alpha_met-1))
                    self.prev_xi_lya_met["LYA_"+met] = self.dmat["LYA_"+met].dot(xi)

                if self.hcds_mets:
                    recalc = self.prev_pmet["beta_lls"] != beta_lls\
                        or self.prev_pmet["L0_lls"] != L0_lls
                    if recalc:
                        pk = (1+beta_lls*muk**2)*(1+beta_met*muk**2)*self.pk*Flls
                        pk *= Gpar*Gper
                        xi = cosmo_model.Pk2Xi(r,mur,self.k,pk,ell_max=self.ell_max)
                        xi *= ((1+zeff)/(1+self.zref))**((alpha_lya-1)*(alpha_met-1))
                        self.prev_xi_dla_met[met] = xi

                xi_lya_met += bias_lya*bias_met*self.prev_xi_lya_met["LYA_"+met]
                if self.hcds_mets:
                    xi_lya_met += bias_lls*bias_met*self.prev_xi_dla_met[met]

            xi_met_met = sp.zeros(nbins)
            for i,met1 in enumerate(self.met_names):
                bias_met1 = pars['bias_'+met1]
                beta_met1 = pars['beta_'+met1]
                alpha_met1 = pars["alpha_"+met1]
                for met2 in self.met_names[i:]:
                    rt = self.auto_rt[met1+"_"+met2]
                    rp = self.auto_rp[met1+"_"+met2]
                    zeff  = self.auto_zeff[met1+"_"+met2]
                    bias_met2 = pars['bias_'+met2]
                    beta_met2 = pars['beta_'+met2]
                    alpha_met2 = pars["alpha_"+met2]
                    dm = self.dmat[met1+"_"+met2]
                    recalc = beta_met1 != self.prev_pmet["beta_"+met1]\
                            or beta_met2 != self.prev_pmet["beta_"+met2]

                    if recalc:
                        if self.verbose:
                            print("recalculating ",met1,met2)
                        r = sp.sqrt(rt**2+rp**2)
                        mur = rp/r
                        pk  = (1+beta_met1*muk**2)*(1+beta_met2*muk**2)*self.pk
                        pk *= Gpar*Gper
                        xi = cosmo_model.Pk2Xi(r,mur,self.k,pk,ell_max=self.ell_max)
                        xi *= ((1+zeff)/(1+self.zref))**((alpha_met1-1)*(alpha_met2-1))
                        self.prev_xi_met_met[met1+"_"+met2] = self.dmat[met1+"_"+met2].dot(xi)

                    xi_met_met += bias_met1*bias_met2*self.prev_xi_met_met[met1+"_"+met2]
            for i in self.prev_pmet:
                self.prev_pmet[i] = pars[i]
        return xi_lya_met + xi_met_met
コード例 #34
def distribution3(x, y, x_avr, y_avr, x_scale, y_scale):
    return sinc((x - x_avr) / x_scale) * sinc((y - y_avr) / y_scale)
コード例 #35
ファイル: slice_timing.py プロジェクト: jcketz/pypreprocess
def compute_sinc_kernel(acquisition_time, user_time,
    """Computes the sinc kernel around given user times (user_time).

    acquisition_time: 1D array of size n_scans
        acquisition times for the TRs in the underlying experiment
        (typically 0, TR, 2TR, ..., (n_scans - 1) TR or 0, 1, 2, ...,
        (n_scans - 1)
    user_time: 1D array of shape n_user_times
        the times around which the kernels will be centered (this
        is the times your want to predict response for)
    symmetricization_trick: boolean (optional, default True)
        if true symmetricization trick will be used to reflect the
        acquisition times about the ordinate axis (this helps the
        subsequenc sinc-based interpolation)
    L: int (optional, default None)
        width of Hanning Window to use in windowing the sinc kernel
        (this should help preventing the 'teleportation' of artefacts across
        different TRs, and also make the kernel sparse, thus speeding up
        the ensuing linear algebra)

    sinc_kernel: 2D array of shape (len(user_time), 2n_scans - 1) if
    symmetricization trick has been used or (len(user_time), n_scans)


    >>> import slice_timing as st
    >>> from numpy import *
    >>> at = st.get_acquisition_time(10)
    >>> ut = st.get_user_time(21, 10, slice_index=9)
    >>> k = st.compute_sinc_kernel(at, ut)


    # sanitize the times
    assert len(user_time.shape) == 1
    assert len(acquisition_time.shape) == 1

    # brag
    if not slice_index is None:
        if not n_slices is None:
            print ("Estimating STC transform (sinc kernel) for slice "
                   "%i/%i...") % (slice_index + 1, n_slices)
            print ("Estimating STC transform (sinc kernel) for slice "
                   "%i") % (slice_index + 1)

    # symmetricize the acq time
    if symmetricization_trick:
        acquisition_time = symmetricized(acquisition_time)

    # compute time shifts
    time_shift = np.array([
            t - acquisition_time
            for t in user_time])

    # compute kernel
    sinc_kernel = scipy.sinc(time_shift)

    # modify the kernel with a Hanning window of width L
    # around the user times (user_time)
    if not L is None and L != INFINITY:
        assert L > 0
        sinc_kernel *= hanning_window(
            time_shift, L)

    # return computed kernel
    return scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(sinc_kernel)
コード例 #36
def sicifunc(z, a, b, c):
    si, ci = scipy.special.sici(2.0 * b * (z - a))
    #return c*((-1.0+np.cos(2.0*b*(a-z))+2.0*b*(a-z)*si)/(2.0*(b*b)*(z-a))+np.pi/(2.0*b))*b
    return c * (-scipy.sinc(b * (z - a) / np.pi) * scipy.sin(b * (z - a)) +
                si + np.pi / 2.0) / np.pi
コード例 #37
def Fonction(x, y):
    z = fabs(sinc(x) * sinc(y))
    return z
コード例 #38
Lcoh_E = sp.zeros(points)  # coherence length as the DC field is varied

I_phi = sp.zeros(points)  # second harmonic as phi is varied
I_theta = sp.zeros(points)  # second harmonic as theta is varied
I_E = sp.zeros(points)  # second harmonic as the DC field is varied

# 7.)___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
for i in range(points):
    n1_phi = n1_normal.n2(theta, phi_var[i])
    n3_phi = n3_normal.n1(theta, phi_var[i])

    n1_theta = n1_normal.n2(theta_var[i], phi)
    n3_theta = n3_normal.n1(theta_var[i], phi)

    Lcoh_phi[i] = lambd1 * lambd3 / (2 * ((n3_phi - n1_phi) * lambd1))
    Lcoh_theta[i] = lambd1 * lambd3 / (2 * ((n3_theta - n1_theta) * lambd1))

    I_phi[i] = 8 * (chi3 * E)**2 * omega3**2 * I1**2 * L**2 / (
        n**3 * pc.epsilon0 * pc.c**2) * sp.sinc(L / Lcoh_phi[i])**2
    I_theta[i] = 8 * (chi3 * E)**2 * omega3**2 * I1**2 * L**2 / (n**3 * pc.epsilon0 * pc.c**2) * \
                 sp.sinc(L / Lcoh_theta[i])**2

# 8.)___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2)
ax1.plot(phi_var * 180 / sp.pi, I_phi)
ax2.plot(theta_var * 180 / sp.pi, I_theta)
# ax1.set_ylim([0, 15])

コード例 #39
ファイル: downsample_test.py プロジェクト: liangjidian/aqsis
def lanczos(N, tau=1):
	return N-point Lanczos window with width tau
    return scipy.sinc(linspace(-1, 1, N) / tau)
コード例 #40
    def getXiCross(self,rp,rt,z,pk_lin,pars):
        k = self.k
        if not self.fit_aiso:

        qso_evol = [pars['qso_evol_0'],pars['qso_evol_1']]

        muk = model.muk
        kp = k * muk
        kt = k * np.sqrt(1-muk**2)

        bias_lya = pars["bias_lya*(1+beta_lya)"]/(1.+pars["beta_lya"])
        beta_lya = pars["beta_lya"]

        ### UV fluctuation
        if self.uv_fluct:
            bias_gamma    = pars["bias_gamma"]
            bias_prim     = pars["bias_prim"]
            lambda_uv     = pars["lambda_uv"]
            W             = sp.arctan(k*lambda_uv)/(k*lambda_uv)
            bias_lya_prim = bias_lya + bias_gamma*W/(1+bias_prim*W)
            beta_lya      = bias_lya*beta_lya/bias_lya_prim
            bias_lya      = bias_lya_prim

        ### LYA-QSO cross correlation
        bias_qso = pars["bias_qso"]
        beta_qso = pars["growth_rate"]/bias_qso
        pk_full  = bias_lya*bias_qso*(1+beta_lya*muk**2)*(1+beta_qso*muk**2)*pk_lin

        ### HCDS-QSO cross correlation
        if self.lls:
            bias_lls = pars["bias_lls"]
            beta_lls = pars["beta_lls"]
            L0_lls = pars["L0_lls"]
            F_lls = sp.sinc(kp*L0_lls/sp.pi)

        ### Velocity dispersion
        if (self.velo_gauss):
            pk_full *= sp.exp( -0.25*(kp*pars['sigma_velo_gauss'])**2 )
        if (self.velo_lorentz):
            pk_full /= np.sqrt(1.+(kp*pars['sigma_velo_lorentz'])**2)

        ### Peak broadening
        sigmaNLper = pars["SigmaNL_perp"]
        sigmaNLpar = sigmaNLper*pars["1+f"]
        pk_full   *= sp.exp( -0.5*( (sigmaNLper*kt)**2 + (sigmaNLpar*kp)**2 ) )

        ### Pixel size
        pk_full *= sp.sinc(kp*Lpar/2./sp.pi)**2
        pk_full *= sp.sinc(kt*Lper/2./sp.pi)**2

        ### Non-linear correction
        pk_full *= np.sqrt(self.DNL(self.k,self.muk,self.pk,self.q1_dnl,self.kv_dnl,self.av_dnl,self.bv_dnl,self.kp_dnl,self.dnl_model))

        ### Redshift evolution
        evol  = np.power( self.evolution_growth_factor(z)/self.evolution_growth_factor(self.zref),2. )
        evol *= self.evolution_Lya_bias(z,[pars["alpha_lya"]])/self.evolution_Lya_bias(self.zref,[pars["alpha_lya"]])
        evol *= self.evolution_QSO_bias(z,qso_evol)/self.evolution_QSO_bias(self.zref,qso_evol)

        return self.Pk2Xi(ar,mur,k,pk_full,ell_max=self.ell_max)*evol
コード例 #41
ファイル: sinc_interp.py プロジェクト: mmfausnaugh/mapspec
def lanczos(kx):
    w = 5.
    out = sp.sinc(kx/w)
    m = abs(kx) > w
    out[m] = 0
    return out*sp.sinc(kx)
コード例 #42
dx = 0.1
t0 = 0.0
tmax = 500.0
dt = 0.1
x = arange(xmin, xmax, dx)
temps = arange(t0, tmax, dt)

# calcul d'une superposition de deux OPPH en milieu non dispersif
omega0 = 1000.0
domega = 1.0
k0 = 0.5
dk = 0.01
#mescourbes=[[2*Psi0*cos(domega*t - dk*xi)*cos(omega0*t - k0*xi) for xi in x] for t in temps]

# calcul d'un paquet d'ondes
mescourbes = [[
    2 * Psi0 * sinc(domega * t - dk * xi) * cos(omega0 * t - k0 * xi)
    for xi in x
] for t in temps]

# tracé de l'animation
fig = pyplot.figure()
ax = pyplot.axes(xlim=(0, xmax), ylim=(-1.0, 1.0))
courbe, = ax.plot(x, mescourbes[0])
line_ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig,
コード例 #43
def sincSquared(x,A,B,tau,x0):
    return A*(scipy.sinc(tau * 2*scipy.pi * (x-x0) ))**2 / (2*scipy.pi) + B
コード例 #44
ファイル: Lab24.py プロジェクト: snowdj/byu_macro_boot_camp
        epsilon = 1e-5
        numPrime0 = (function(x0+epsilon)-function(x0))/epsilon
        xold = x0
        xnew = xold - function(xold)/numPrime0
        while abs((xold- xnew)) > tol:
            xold = xnew
            numPrimeNew = (function(xnew+epsilon)-function(xnew))/epsilon
            xnew = xold - function(xold)/numPrimeNew
        return xnew

func = lambda x: x**2 -1
fPrime = lambda x: 2*x

func1 = lambda x: sp.cos(x)
func2 = lambda x: sp.sin(1/x)*x**2
func3 = lambda x: sp.sinc(x) -x

func1Prime = lambda x: -sp.sin(x)
func2Prime = lambda x: 2*x*sp.sin(1/x) - sp.cos(1/x)
func3Prime = lambda x: -sp.sin(x)/x**2 + sp.cos(x)/x -1

# Problem 2
funcProb2 = lambda x: x**(1/3)
# print myNewNewton(funcProb2, .5)
# This will diverge as can easily be seen with this analtical derivation:
    # x_n+1 = x_n - (x_n**1/3)/(x_n**(-2/3)/3)
    # x_n+1 = x_n - 3*x_n
    # x_n+1 = -2*x_n // This diverges!