def __init__(self, name=None, project=None, filename=None, folder=None): if name is None: name = 'Default' self.projectref = sc.Link(project) # Store pointer for the project = sc.uniquename( name, namelist=self.projectref().burdensets.keys( )) # Name of the parameter set, e.g. 'default' self.uid = sc.uuid() # ID self.created = # Date created self.modified = # Date modified # Define hard-coded column names self.colnames = sc.odict([ ('active', 'Active'), #('code', 'Code'), ('cause', 'Cause'), ('dalys', 'DALYs'), ('deaths', 'Deaths'), ('prevalence', 'Prevalence') ]) # Load data, if provided = None if filename is not None: self.loaddata(filename=filename, folder=folder) return None
def launch_task(task_id='', func_name='', args=[], kwargs={}): match_taskrec = datastore.loadtask(task_id) # Find a matching task record (if any) to the task_id. if match_taskrec is None: # If we did not find a match... if not func_name in task_func_dict: # If the function name is not in the task function dictionary, return an error. return_dict = {'error': 'Could not find requested async task function "%s"' % func_name} else: new_task_record = Task(task_id) # Create a new TaskRecord. # Initialize the TaskRecord with available information. new_task_record.status = 'queued' new_task_record.queue_time = new_task_record.func_name = func_name new_task_record.args = args new_task_record.kwargs = kwargs datastore.savetask(new_task_record) # Add the TaskRecord to the TaskDict. # Queue up run_task() for Celery. my_result = run_task.delay(task_id, func_name, args, kwargs) new_task_record.result_id = # Add the result ID to the TaskRecord, and update the DataStore. datastore.savetask(new_task_record) return_dict = new_task_record.jsonify() # Create the return dict from the user repr. else: # Otherwise (there is a matching task)... if match_taskrec.status == 'completed' or match_taskrec.status == 'error': # If the TaskRecord indicates the task has been completed or thrown an error... if match_taskrec.result_id is not None: # If we have a result ID, erase the result from Redis. result = celery_instance.AsyncResult(match_taskrec.result_id) result.forget() match_taskrec.result_id = None # Initialize the TaskRecord to start the task again (though possibly with a new function and arguments). match_taskrec.status = 'queued' match_taskrec.queue_time = match_taskrec.start_time = None match_taskrec.stop_time = None match_taskrec.pending_time = None match_taskrec.execution_time = None match_taskrec.func_name = func_name match_taskrec.args = args match_taskrec.kwargs = kwargs # Queue up run_task() for Celery. my_result = run_task.delay(task_id, func_name, args, kwargs) match_taskrec.result_id = # Add the new result ID to the TaskRecord, and update the DataStore. datastore.savetask(match_taskrec) return_dict = match_taskrec.jsonify() # Create the return dict from the user repr. else: # Else (the task is not completed)... return_dict = {'error': 'Task is already %s' % match_taskrec.status} return return_dict # Return our result.
def set_metadata(self, filename): ''' Set the metadata for the simulation -- creation time and filename ''' self.created = if filename is None: datestr = sc.getdate(obj=self.created, dateformat='%Y-%b-%d_%H.%M.%S') self.filename = f'covasim_{datestr}.sim' return
def __init__(self, sim=None, metapars=None, scenarios=None, basepars=None, filename=None): # For this object, metapars are the foundation default_pars = make_metapars() # Start with default pars super().__init__( default_pars) # Initialize and set the parameters as attributes # Handle filename self.created = if filename is None: datestr = sc.getdate(obj=self.created, dateformat='%Y-%b-%d_%H.%M.%S') filename = f'covasim_scenarios_{datestr}.scens' self.filename = filename # Handle scenarios -- by default, create a baseline scenario if scenarios is None: scenarios = sc.dcp(default_scenario) self.scenarios = scenarios # Handle metapars if metapars is None: metapars = {} self.metapars = metapars self.update_pars(self.metapars) # Create the simulation and handle basepars if sim is None: sim = cvsim.Sim() self.base_sim = sim if basepars is None: basepars = {} self.basepars = basepars self.base_sim.update_pars(self.basepars) self.base_sim.validate_pars() self.base_sim.init_results() # Copy quantities from the base sim to the main object self.npts = self.base_sim.npts self.tvec = self.base_sim.tvec self.reskeys = self.base_sim.reskeys # Create the results object; order is: results key, scenario, best/low/high self.sims = sc.objdict() self.allres = sc.objdict() for reskey in self.reskeys: self.allres[reskey] = sc.objdict() for scenkey in scenarios.keys(): self.allres[reskey][scenkey] = sc.objdict() for nblh in ['name', 'best', 'low', 'high']: self.allres[reskey][scenkey][ nblh] = None # This will get populated below return
def set_metadata(self, simfile, label): ''' Set the metadata for the simulation -- creation time and filename ''' self.created = self.version = cvv.__version__ self.git_info = cvm.git_info() if simfile is None: datestr = sc.getdate(obj=self.created, dateformat='%Y-%b-%d_%H.%M.%S') self.simfile = f'covasim_{datestr}.sim' if label is not None: self.label = label return
def check_task(task_id, verbose=False): match_taskrec = datastore.loadtask(task_id) # Find a matching task record (if any) to the task_id. if match_taskrec is None: # Check to see if the task exists, and if not, return an error. errormsg = {'error': 'No task found for specified task ID (%s)' % task_id} if verbose: print(errormsg) return errormsg else: # Update the elapsed times. if match_taskrec.pending_time is not None: # If we are no longer pending... pending_time = match_taskrec.pending_time # Use the existing pending_time. if match_taskrec.execution_time is not None: # If we have finished executing... execution_time = match_taskrec.execution_time # Use the execution time in the record. else: # Else (we are still executing)... execution_time = ( - match_taskrec.start_time).total_seconds() else: # Else (we are still pending)... pending_time = ( - match_taskrec.queue_time).total_seconds() execution_time = 0 taskrec_dict = match_taskrec.jsonify() # Create the return dict from the user repr. taskrec_dict['pendingTime'] = pending_time taskrec_dict['executionTime'] = execution_time if verbose: sc.pp(taskrec_dict) return taskrec_dict # Return the has record information and elapsed times.
def __init__(self, project=None, name=None, burdenset=None, intervset=None, makepackage=None): = name # Name of the parameter set, e.g. 'default' self.uid = sc.uuid() # ID self.projectref = sc.Link( project) # Store pointer for the project, if available self.created = # Date created self.modified = # Date modified self.eps = 1e-4 # A nonzero value to help with division self.burdenset = burdenset self.intervset = intervset self.budget = None self.frpwt = None self.equitywt = None = None # The data if makepackage: self.makepackage() return None
def __init__(self, name='Default', burdenfile=None, interventionsfile=None, country=None, makepackage=True, verbose=2): ''' Initialize the project ''' ## Define the structure sets self.burdensets = sc.odict() self.intervsets = sc.odict() self.packagesets = sc.odict() ## Define other quantities = name = country self.uid = sc.uuid() self.created = self.modified = self.version = hp.version self.gitinfo = sc.gitinfo(__file__) self.filename = None # File path, only present if is used ## Load burden spreadsheet, if available if burdenfile: self.loadburden(filename=burdenfile, verbose=verbose) ## Load interventions spreadsheet, if available if interventionsfile: self.loadinterventions(filename=interventionsfile, verbose=verbose) ## Combine into health package, if available if makepackage and burdenfile and interventionsfile: self.makepackage() return None
def __init__(self, name=None, project=None, filename=None, folder=None): if name is None: name = 'Default' self.projectref = sc.Link(project) # Store pointer for the project = sc.uniquename(name, namelist=self.projectref().intervsets.keys()) # Name of the parameter set, e.g. 'default' self.uid = sc.uuid() # ID self.created = # Date created self.modified = # Date modified # Define hard-coded column names self.colnames = sc.odict([('active', 'Active'), ('shortname','Short name'), ('platform', 'Platform'), ('burdencov','Causes of burden (max coverage)'), ('icer', 'ICER'), ('unitcost', 'Unit cost'), ('spend', 'Spending'), ('frp', 'FRP'), ('equity', 'Equity'), ]) = None if filename is not None: self.loaddata(filename=filename, folder=folder) return None
def __init__(self, obj=None, key=None, objtype=None, uid=None, force=True): # Handle input arguments if uid is None: if force: uid = sc.uuid() else: errormsg = 'DataStore: Not creating a new Blob UUID since force is set to False: key=%s, objtype=%s, uid=%s, obj=%s' % ( key, objtype, uid, obj) raise Exception(errormsg) if not key: key = '%s%s%s' % (objtype, default_separator, uid) # Set attributes self.key = key self.objtype = objtype self.uid = uid self.created = self.modified = [self.created] self.obj = obj return None
def __init__(self, pars=None, datafile=None, filename=None): default_pars = cvpars.make_pars() # Start with default pars super().__init__( default_pars) # Initialize and set the parameters as attributes self.datafile = datafile # Store this = None if datafile is not None: # If a data file is provided, load it = cvpars.load_data(datafile) self.created = if filename is None: datestr = sc.getdate(obj=self.created, dateformat='%Y-%b-%d_%H.%M.%S') filename = f'covasim_{datestr}.sim' self.filename = filename self.stopped = None # If the simulation has stopped self.results_ready = False # Whether or not results are ready self.people = {} self.results = {} self.calculated = {} if pars is not None: self.update_pars(pars) return
def get_fn(): ''' Get a filename from the date ''' string = sc.sanitizefilename(str(' ', '_') return string
def save_project(project, die=None): # NB, only for saving an existing project project.modified = output = datastore.saveblob(obj=project, objtype='project', die=die) return output
def set_metadata(obj): ''' Set standard metadata for an object ''' obj.version = spv.__version__ obj.created = obj.git_info = sc.gitinfo(__file__, verbose=False) return
def update(self): ''' When the object is updated, append the current time to the modified list ''' now = self.modified.append(now) return now
def _do_RPC(self, verbose=False): # Check to see whether the RPC is getting passed in in request.form. # If so, we are doing an upload, and we want to download the RPC # request info from the form, not if 'funcname' in request.form: # Pull out the function name, args, and kwargs fn_name = request.form.get('funcname') try: args = json.loads(request.form.get('args', "[]"), object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) except: args = [] # May or may not be present try: kwargs = json.loads(request.form.get('kwargs', "{}"), object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) except: kwargs = {} # May or may not be present else: # Otherwise, we have a normal or download RPC, which means we pull the RPC request info from reqdict = json.loads(, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) fn_name = reqdict['funcname'] args = reqdict.get('args', []) kwargs = reqdict.get('kwargs', {}) if verbose: print('RPC(): RPC properties:') print(' fn_name: %s' % fn_name) print(' args: %s' % args) print(' kwargs: %s' % kwargs) # If the function name is not in the RPC dictionary, return an error. if not sc.isstring(fn_name): return robustjsonify( {'error': 'Invalid RPC - must be a string (%s)' % fn_name}) if not fn_name in self.RPC_dict: return robustjsonify( {'error': 'Could not find requested RPC "%s"' % fn_name}) found_RPC = self.RPC_dict[fn_name] # Get the RPC we've found. ## Do any validation checks we need to do and return errors if they don't pass. # If the RPC is disabled, always return a Status 403 (Forbidden) if found_RPC.validation == 'disabled': if verbose: print('RPC(): RPC disabled') abort(403) # Only do other validation if DataStore and users are included -- NOTE: Any "unknown" validation values are treated like 'none'. if self.config['USE_DATASTORE'] and self.config['USE_USERS']: if found_RPC.validation == 'any' and not ( current_user.is_anonymous or current_user.is_authenticated): abort( 401 ) # If the RPC should be executable by any user, including an anonymous one, but there is no authorization or anonymous login, return a Status 401 (Unauthorized) elif found_RPC.validation == 'named' and ( current_user.is_anonymous or not current_user.is_authenticated): abort( 401 ) # Else if the RPC should be executable by any non-anonymous user, but there is no authorization or there is an anonymous login, return a Status 401 (Unauthorized) elif found_RPC.validation == 'admin': # Else if the RPC should be executable by any admin user, but there is no admin login or it's an anonymous login... if current_user.is_anonymous or not current_user.is_authenticated: abort( 401 ) # If the user is anonymous or no authenticated user is logged in, return Status 401 (Unauthorized). elif not current_user.is_admin: abort( 403 ) # Else, if the user is not an admin user, return Status 403 (Forbidden). # If we are doing an upload... if found_RPC.call_type == 'upload': if verbose: print('Starting upload...') thisfile = request.files[ 'uploadfile'] # Grab the formData file that was uploaded. filename = secure_filename( thisfile.filename ) # Extract a sanitized filename from the one we start with. try: uploaded_fname = os.path.join( self.datastore.tempfolder, filename) # Generate a full upload path/file name. except Exception as E: errormsg = 'Could not create filename for uploaded file: %s' % str( E) raise Exception(errormsg) try: uploaded_fname) # Save the file to the uploads directory except Exception as E: errormsg = 'Could not save uploaded file: %s' % str(E) raise Exception(errormsg) args.insert( 0, uploaded_fname) # Prepend the file name to the args list. # Show the call of the function. callcolor = ['cyan', 'bgblue'] successcolor = ['green', 'bgblue'] failcolor = ['gray', 'bgred'] timestr = '[%s]' %'str') try: userstr = ' <%s>' % current_user.username except: userstr = ' <no user>' RPCinfo = sc.objdict({ 'time': timestr, 'user': userstr, 'module': found_RPC.call_func.__module__, 'name': found_RPC.funcname }) if self.config['LOGGING_MODE'] == 'FULL': string = '%s%s RPC called: "%s.%s"' % ( RPCinfo.time, RPCinfo.user, RPCinfo.module, sc.colorize(callcolor, string, enable=self.colorize) # Execute the function to get the results, putting it in a try block in case there are errors in what's being called. try: if verbose: print('RPC(): Starting RPC...') T = sc.tic() result = found_RPC.call_func(*args, **kwargs) if isinstance( result, dict ) and 'error' in result: # If the RPC returns an error, return it return robustjsonify({'error': result['error']}) elapsed = sc.toc(T, output=True) if self.config['LOGGING_MODE'] == 'FULL': string = '%s%s RPC finished in %0.2f s: "%s.%s"' % ( RPCinfo.time, RPCinfo.user, elapsed, RPCinfo.module, sc.colorize(successcolor, string, enable=self.colorize) except Exception as E: if verbose: print('RPC(): Exception encountered...') shortmsg = str(E) exception = traceback.format_exc() # Grab the trackback stack hostname = '|%s| ' % socket.gethostname() tracemsg = '%s%s%s Exception during RPC "%s.%s" \nRequest: %s \n%.10000s' % ( hostname, RPCinfo.time, RPCinfo.user, RPCinfo.module,, request, exception) sc.colorize( failcolor, tracemsg, enable=self.colorize ) # Post an error to the Flask logger limiting the exception information to 10000 characters maximum (to prevent monstrous sqlalchemy outputs) if self.config['SLACK']: self.slacknotification(tracemsg) if isinstance( E, HTTPException ): # If we have a werkzeug exception, pass it on up to werkzeug to resolve and reply to. raise E code = 500 # Send back a response with status 500 that includes the exception traceback. fullmsg = shortmsg + '\n\nException details:\n' + tracemsg reply = { 'exception': fullmsg } # NB, not sure how to actually access 'traceback' on the FE, but keeping it here for future return make_response(robustjsonify(reply), code) # If we are doing a download, prepare the response and send it off. if found_RPC.call_type == 'download': # To download a file, use `this.$` instead of `this.$sciris.rpc`. Decorate the RPC with # `@RPC(call_type='download')`. Finally, the RPC needs to specify the file and optionally the filename. # This is done with tuple unpacking. The following outputs are supported from `rpc_function()` # # 1 - filename_on_disk # 2 - BytesIO # 3 - filename_on_disk, download_filename # 4- BytesIO, download_filename # # Examples return values from the RPC are as follows # # 1 - "E:/test.xlsx" (uses "test.xlsx") # 2 - <BytesIO> (default filename will be generated in this function) # 3 - ("E:/test.xlsx","foo.xlsx") # 4 - (<BytesIO>,"foo.xlsx") # # On the RPC end, the most common cases would be it might look like # # return "E:/test.xlsx" # # OR # # return Blobject.to_file(), "foo.xlsx" if verbose: print('RPC(): Starting download...') if result is None: # If we got None for a result (the full file name), return an error to the client. return robustjsonify({ 'error': 'Could not find resource to download from RPC "%s": result is None' % fn_name }) elif sc.isstring(result): from_file = True dir_name, file_name = os.path.split(result) output_name = file_name elif isinstance(result, io.BytesIO): from_file = False bytesio = result output_name = 'download.obj' else: try: content = result[0] output_name = result[1] if sc.isstring(content): from_file = True dir_name, file_name = os.path.split(content) elif isinstance(content, io.BytesIO): from_file = False bytesio = content else: return robustjsonify( {'error': 'Unrecognized RPC output'}) except Exception as E: return robustjsonify( {'error': 'Error reading RPC result (%s)' % E}) if from_file: response = send_from_directory(dir_name, file_name, as_attachment=True) response.status_code = 201 # Status 201 = Created # Unfortunately, we cannot remove the actual file at this point # because it is in use during the actual download, so we rely on # later cleanup to remove download files. else: response = send_file(bytesio, as_attachment=True, attachment_filename=output_name) response.headers['filename'] = output_name print(response) return response # Return the response message. # Otherwise (normal and upload RPCs), else: if found_RPC.call_type == 'upload': # If we are doing an upload.... try: os.remove( uploaded_fname ) # Erase the physical uploaded file, since it is no longer needed. if verbose: print('RPC(): Removed uploaded file: %s' % uploaded_fname) except Exception as E: if verbose: print('RPC(): Could not remove uploaded file: %s' % str(E)) # Probably since moved by the user if result is None: # If None was returned by the RPC function, return ''. if verbose: print('RPC(): RPC finished, returning None') return '' else: # Otherwise, convert the result (probably a dict) to JSON and return it. output = robustjsonify(result) if verbose: print('RPC(): RPC finished, returning result') return output
def set_metadata(obj): ''' Set standard metadata for an object ''' obj.created = obj.version = cvv.__version__ obj.git_info = cvm.git_info() return
def run_task(task_id, func_name, args, kwargs): if kwargs is None: kwargs = {} # So **kwargs works below if verbose: print('C>> Starting run_task() for %s' % task_id) # Check if run_task() locked and wait until it isn't, then lock it for # other run_task() instances in this Celery worker. # NOTE: We may want to resurrect this, perhaps using the task_id as the lock, if we find out there are # conflicts with access to the TaskRecords. # lock_run_task(task_id) # Find a matching task record (if any) to the task_id. match_taskrec = datastore.loadtask(task_id) if match_taskrec is None: if verbose: print('C>> Failed to find task record for %s' % task_id) # unlock_run_task(task_id) # uncomment if there are conflicts return { 'error': 'Could not access Task' } # Set the TaskRecord to indicate start of the task. match_taskrec.status = 'started' match_taskrec.start_time = match_taskrec.pending_time = (match_taskrec.start_time - match_taskrec.queue_time).total_seconds() # Do the actual update of the TaskRecord. datastore.savetask(match_taskrec) if verbose: print('C>> Saved task for %s' % task_id) # Make the actual function call, inside a try block in case there is # an exception thrown. # NOTE: This block is likely to run for several seconds or even # minutes or hours, depending on the task. try: result = task_func_dict[func_name](*args, **kwargs) match_taskrec.status = 'completed' if verbose: print('C>> Successfully completed task %s! :)' % task_id) except Exception as e: # If there's an exception, grab the stack track and set the TaskRecord to have stopped on in error. error_text = traceback.format_exc() match_taskrec.status = 'error' match_taskrec.error_text = error_text match_taskrec.error_msg = str(e) result = error_text if verbose: print('C>> Failed task %s! :(' % task_id) # Set the TaskRecord to indicate end of the task. match_taskrec.stop_time = match_taskrec.execution_time = (match_taskrec.stop_time - match_taskrec.start_time).total_seconds() # Do the actual update of the TaskRecord. Do this in a try / except # block because this step may fail. For example, if a TaskRecord is # deleted by the webapp, the update here will crash. try: datastore.savetask(match_taskrec) except Exception as e: # If there's an exception, grab the stack track and set the TaskRecord to have stopped on in error. error_text = traceback.format_exc() match_taskrec.status = 'error' match_taskrec.error_text = error_text match_taskrec.error_msg = str(e) result = error_text if verbose: print('C>> Failed to save task %s! :(' % task_id) if verbose: print('C>> End of run_task() for %s' % task_id) # Unlock run-task() for other run_task() instances running on the same # Celery worker. # unlock_run_task(task_id) # uncomment if there are conflicts # Return the result. return result