def single_peak_fit(self, hist, lower_threshold, upper_threshold, mean, zero_peak_gaussian=None): lower_slot = 0 for slot in hist.slot_centers(): lower_slot += 1 if slot > lower_threshold: break upper_slot = 0 for slot in hist.slot_centers(): upper_slot += 1 if slot > upper_threshold: break x = hist.slot_centers() y = hist.slots().as_double() starting_gaussians = [curve_fitting.gaussian( a=flex.max(y[lower_slot:upper_slot]), b=mean, c=3)] # print starting_gaussians #mamin: fit gaussian will take the maximum between starting point (lower_slot) and ending (upper_slot) as a if zero_peak_gaussian is not None: y -= zero_peak_gaussian(x) if 1: fit = curve_fitting.lbfgs_minimiser( starting_gaussians, x[lower_slot:upper_slot], y[lower_slot:upper_slot]) sigma = abs(fit.functions[0].params[2]) if sigma < 1 or sigma > 10: if flex.sum(y[lower_slot:upper_slot]) < 15: #mamin I changed 15 to 5 # No point wasting time attempting to fit a gaussian if there aren't any counts #raise PixelFitError("Not enough counts to fit gaussian") return fit print "using cma_es:", sigma fit = curve_fitting.cma_es_minimiser( starting_gaussians, x[lower_slot:upper_slot], y[lower_slot:upper_slot]) else: fit = curve_fitting.cma_es_minimiser( starting_gaussians, x[lower_slot:upper_slot], y[lower_slot:upper_slot]) return fit
def single_peak_fit(self, hist, lower_threshold, upper_threshold, mean, zero_peak_gaussian=None): lower_slot = 0 for slot in hist.slot_centers(): lower_slot += 1 if slot > lower_threshold: break upper_slot = 0 for slot in hist.slot_centers(): upper_slot += 1 if slot > upper_threshold: break x = hist.slot_centers() y = hist.slots().as_double() starting_gaussians = [ curve_fitting.gaussian(a=flex.max(y[lower_slot:upper_slot]), b=mean, c=3) ] # print starting_gaussians #mamin: fit gaussian will take the maximum between starting point (lower_slot) and ending (upper_slot) as a if zero_peak_gaussian is not None: y -= zero_peak_gaussian(x) if 1: fit = curve_fitting.lbfgs_minimiser(starting_gaussians, x[lower_slot:upper_slot], y[lower_slot:upper_slot]) sigma = abs(fit.functions[0].params[2]) if sigma < 1 or sigma > 10: if flex.sum(y[lower_slot:upper_slot] ) < 15: #mamin I changed 15 to 5 # No point wasting time attempting to fit a gaussian if there aren't any counts #raise PixelFitError("Not enough counts to fit gaussian") return fit print "using cma_es:", sigma fit = curve_fitting.cma_es_minimiser(starting_gaussians, x[lower_slot:upper_slot], y[lower_slot:upper_slot]) else: fit = curve_fitting.cma_es_minimiser(starting_gaussians, x[lower_slot:upper_slot], y[lower_slot:upper_slot]) return fit
def exercise_gaussian_fit(): # test fitting of a gaussian def do_gaussian_fit(scale, mu, sigma): start = mu - 6 * sigma stop = mu + 6 * sigma step = (stop - start) / 1000 x = flex.double(frange(start, stop, step)) y = scale * flex.exp(-flex.pow2(x - mu) / (2 * sigma**2)) fit = curve_fitting.single_gaussian_fit(x, y) assert approx_equal(fit.a, scale, 1e-4) assert approx_equal(fit.b, mu, eps=1e-4) assert approx_equal(fit.c, sigma, eps=1e-4) for i in range(10): scale = random.random() * 1000 sigma = (random.random() + 0.0001) * 10 mu = (-1)**random.randint(0, 1) * random.random() * 1000 functor = curve_fitting.gaussian(scale, mu, sigma) start = mu - 6 * sigma stop = mu + 6 * sigma step = (stop - start) / 1000 x = flex.double(frange(start, stop, step)) fd_grads = finite_differences(functor, x) assert approx_equal(functor.partial_derivatives(x), fd_grads, 1e-4) do_gaussian_fit(scale, mu, sigma) # if we take the log of a gaussian we can fit a parabola scale = 123 mu = 3.2 sigma = 0.1 x = flex.double(frange(2, 4, 0.01)) y = scale * flex.exp(-flex.pow2(x - mu) / (2 * sigma**2)) # need to be careful to only use values of y > 0 eps = 1e-15 x = flex.double([x[i] for i in range(x.size()) if y[i] > eps]) y = flex.double([y[i] for i in range(y.size()) if y[i] > eps]) fit = curve_fitting.univariate_polynomial_fit(x, flex.log(y), degree=2) c, b, a = fit.params assert approx_equal(mu, -b / (2 * a)) assert approx_equal(sigma * sigma, -1 / (2 * a)) # test multiple gaussian fits gaussians = [ curve_fitting.gaussian(0.3989538, 3.7499764, 0.7500268), curve_fitting.gaussian(0.7978957, 6.0000004, 0.5000078) ] x = flex.double(frange(0, 10, 0.1)) y = flex.double(x.size()) for i in range(len(gaussians)): g = gaussians[i] scale, mu, sigma = g.a, g.b, g.c y += g(x) starting_gaussians = [ curve_fitting.gaussian(1, 4, 1), curve_fitting.gaussian(1, 5, 1) ] fit = curve_fitting.gaussian_fit(x, y, starting_gaussians) for g1, g2 in zip(gaussians, fit.gaussians): assert approx_equal(g1.a, g2.a, eps=1e-4) assert approx_equal(g1.b, g2.b, eps=1e-4) assert approx_equal(g1.c, g2.c, eps=1e-4) # use example of 5-gaussian fit from here: # gaussians = [ curve_fitting.gaussian(0.10516252, 23.32727, 2.436638), curve_fitting.gaussian(0.46462715, 33.09053, 2.997594), curve_fitting.gaussian(0.29827916, 41.27244, 4.274585), curve_fitting.gaussian(0.08986616, 51.24468, 5.077521), curve_fitting.gaussian(0.04206501, 61.31818, 7.070303) ] x = flex.double(frange(0, 80, 0.1)) y = flex.double(x.size()) for i in range(len(gaussians)): g = gaussians[i] scale, mu, sigma = g.a, g.b, g.c y += g(x) termination_params = scitbx.lbfgs.termination_parameters( min_iterations=500) starting_gaussians = [ curve_fitting.gaussian(1, 21, 2.1), curve_fitting.gaussian(1, 30, 2.8), curve_fitting.gaussian(1, 40, 2.2), curve_fitting.gaussian(1, 51, 1.2), curve_fitting.gaussian(1, 60, 2.3) ] fit = curve_fitting.gaussian_fit(x, y, starting_gaussians, termination_params=termination_params) y_calc = fit.compute_y_calc() assert approx_equal(y, y_calc, eps=1e-2) have_cma_es = libtbx.env.has_module("cma_es") if have_cma_es: fit = curve_fitting.cma_es_minimiser(starting_gaussians, x, y) y_calc = fit.compute_y_calc() assert approx_equal(y, y_calc, eps=5e-2)
def exercise_gaussian_fit(): # test fitting of a gaussian def do_gaussian_fit(scale, mu, sigma): start = mu - 6 * sigma stop = mu + 6 * sigma step = (stop - start)/1000 x = flex.double(frange(start, stop, step)) y = scale * flex.exp(-flex.pow2(x - mu) / (2 * sigma**2)) fit = curve_fitting.single_gaussian_fit(x, y) assert approx_equal(fit.a, scale, 1e-4) assert approx_equal(fit.b, mu, eps=1e-4) assert approx_equal(fit.c, sigma, eps=1e-4) for i in range(10): scale = random.random() * 1000 sigma = (random.random() + 0.0001) * 10 mu = (-1)**random.randint(0,1) * random.random() * 1000 functor = curve_fitting.gaussian(scale, mu, sigma) start = mu - 6 * sigma stop = mu + 6 * sigma step = (stop - start)/1000 x = flex.double(frange(start, stop, step)) fd_grads = finite_differences(functor, x) assert approx_equal(functor.partial_derivatives(x), fd_grads, 1e-4) do_gaussian_fit(scale, mu, sigma) # if we take the log of a gaussian we can fit a parabola scale = 123 mu = 3.2 sigma = 0.1 x = flex.double(frange(2, 4, 0.01)) y = scale * flex.exp(-flex.pow2(x - mu) / (2 * sigma**2)) # need to be careful to only use values of y > 0 eps = 1e-15 x = flex.double([x[i] for i in range(x.size()) if y[i] > eps]) y = flex.double([y[i] for i in range(y.size()) if y[i] > eps]) fit = curve_fitting.univariate_polynomial_fit(x, flex.log(y), degree=2) c, b, a = fit.params assert approx_equal(mu, -b/(2*a)) assert approx_equal(sigma*sigma, -1/(2*a)) # test multiple gaussian fits gaussians = [curve_fitting.gaussian(0.3989538, 3.7499764, 0.7500268), curve_fitting.gaussian(0.7978957, 6.0000004, 0.5000078)] x = flex.double(frange(0, 10, 0.1)) y = flex.double(x.size()) for i in range(len(gaussians)): g = gaussians[i] scale, mu, sigma = g.a, g.b, g.c y += g(x) starting_gaussians = [ curve_fitting.gaussian(1, 4, 1), curve_fitting.gaussian(1, 5, 1)] fit = curve_fitting.gaussian_fit(x, y, starting_gaussians) for g1, g2 in zip(gaussians, fit.gaussians): assert approx_equal(g1.a, g2.a, eps=1e-4) assert approx_equal(g1.b, g2.b, eps=1e-4) assert approx_equal(g1.c, g2.c, eps=1e-4) # use example of 5-gaussian fit from here: # gaussians = [curve_fitting.gaussian(0.10516252, 23.32727, 2.436638), curve_fitting.gaussian(0.46462715, 33.09053, 2.997594), curve_fitting.gaussian(0.29827916, 41.27244, 4.274585), curve_fitting.gaussian(0.08986616, 51.24468, 5.077521), curve_fitting.gaussian(0.04206501, 61.31818, 7.070303)] x = flex.double(frange(0, 80, 0.1)) y = flex.double(x.size()) for i in range(len(gaussians)): g = gaussians[i] scale, mu, sigma = g.a, g.b, g.c y += g(x) termination_params = scitbx.lbfgs.termination_parameters( min_iterations=500) starting_gaussians = [curve_fitting.gaussian(1, 21, 2.1), curve_fitting.gaussian(1, 30, 2.8), curve_fitting.gaussian(1, 40, 2.2), curve_fitting.gaussian(1, 51, 1.2), curve_fitting.gaussian(1, 60, 2.3)] fit = curve_fitting.gaussian_fit( x, y, starting_gaussians, termination_params=termination_params) y_calc = fit.compute_y_calc() assert approx_equal(y, y_calc, eps=1e-2) have_cma_es = libtbx.env.has_module("cma_es") if have_cma_es: fit = curve_fitting.cma_es_minimiser(starting_gaussians, x, y) y_calc = fit.compute_y_calc() assert approx_equal(y, y_calc, eps=5e-2)