コード例 #1
 def do_gaussian_fit(scale, mu, sigma):
     start = mu - 6 * sigma
     stop = mu + 6 * sigma
     step = (stop - start) / 1000
     x = flex.double(frange(start, stop, step))
     y = scale * flex.exp(-flex.pow2(x - mu) / (2 * sigma**2))
     fit = curve_fitting.single_gaussian_fit(x, y)
     assert approx_equal(fit.a, scale, 1e-4)
     assert approx_equal(fit.b, mu, eps=1e-4)
     assert approx_equal(fit.c, sigma, eps=1e-4)
コード例 #2
 def do_gaussian_fit(scale, mu, sigma):
   start = mu - 6 * sigma
   stop = mu + 6 * sigma
   step = (stop - start)/1000
   x = flex.double(frange(start, stop, step))
   y = scale * flex.exp(-flex.pow2(x - mu) / (2 * sigma**2))
   fit = curve_fitting.single_gaussian_fit(x, y)
   assert approx_equal(fit.a, scale, 1e-4)
   assert approx_equal(fit.b, mu, eps=1e-4)
   assert approx_equal(fit.c, sigma, eps=1e-4)
コード例 #3
  def common_mode(self, img, stddev, mask):
    """The common_mode() function returns the mode of image stored in
    the array pointed to by @p img.  @p mask must be such that the @p
    stddev at the selected pixels is greater than zero.

    @param img    2D integer array of the image
    @param stddev 2D integer array of the standard deviation of each
                  pixel in @p img
    @param mask   2D Boolean array, @c True if the pixel is to be
                  included, @c False otherwise
    @return       Mode of the image, as a real number

    # Flatten the image and take out inactive pixels XXX because we
    # cannot take means and medians of 2D arrays?
    img_1d = img.as_1d().select(mask.as_1d()).as_double()
    assert img_1d.size() > 0

    if (self.common_mode_correction == "mean"):
      # The common mode is approximated by the mean of the pixels with
      # signal-to-noise ratio less than a given threshold.  XXX Breaks
      # if the selection is empty!
      img_snr = img_1d / stddev.as_double().as_1d().select(mask.as_1d())
      return (flex.mean(img_1d.select(img_snr < THRESHOLD_SNR)))

    elif (self.common_mode_correction == "median"):
      return (flex.median(img_1d))

    # Identify the common-mode correction as the peak histogram of the
    # histogram of pixel values (the "standard" common-mode correction, as
    # previously implemented in this class).
    hist_min = -40
    hist_max = 40
    n_slots = 100

    hist = flex.histogram(img_1d, hist_min, hist_max, n_slots=n_slots)
    slots = hist.slots()
    i = flex.max_index(slots)
    common_mode = list(hist.slot_infos())[i].center()

    if (self.common_mode_correction == "mode"):
      return (common_mode)

    # Determine the common-mode correction from the peak of a single
    # Gaussian function fitted to the histogram.
    from scitbx.math.curve_fitting import single_gaussian_fit
    x = hist.slot_centers()
    y = slots.as_double()
    fit = single_gaussian_fit(x, y)
    scale, mu, sigma = fit.a, fit.b, fit.c
    self.logger.debug("fitted gaussian: mu=%.3f, sigma=%.3f" %(mu, sigma))
    mode = common_mode
    common_mode = mu
    if abs(mode-common_mode) > 1000: common_mode = mode # XXX
    self.logger.debug("delta common mode corrections: %.3f" %(mode-common_mode))

    if 0 and abs(mode-common_mode) > 0:
      #if 0 and skew > 0.5:
      # view histogram and fitted gaussian
      from numpy import exp
      from matplotlib import pyplot
      x_all = x
      n, bins, patches = pyplot.hist(section_img.as_1d().as_numpy_array(), bins=n_slots, range=(hist_min, hist_max))
      y_all = scale * flex.exp(-flex.pow2(x_all-mu) / (2 * sigma**2))
      scale = slots[flex.max_index(slots)]
      y_all *= scale/flex.max(y_all)
      pyplot.plot(x_all, y_all)

    return (common_mode)