def get_quick_look(): mpl.rcParams[''] = 'stixgeneral' window, wc = get_default_windows() #### Find the desired x1d's in the directory # first, check if all_exposures.txt exists. if it does, read it in if os.path.exists("all_exposures.txt"): exposure_cat ="all_exposures.txt") else: # if all_exposures does not exist, import scrape_headers and make it. print "---> all_exposures.txt doesn't exist!!!!! so I'm going to make it now" from scrape_headers import make_exposure_catalog as make_exposure_catalog DATA_DIR = '.' dataset_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, '*x1d.fits')) if len(dataset_list) == 0: return "there's nothing here to make all_exposures with, trying to exit gracefully :-(" exposure_cat = make_exposure_catalog(dataset_list) # second, cull for anything with Flag = 1 mask = exposure_cat['Flag'] == 1 exposure_cat = exposure_cat[mask] dataset_list = [] for root in exposure_cat['Rootname']: dataset_list.append(root+"_x1d.fits") if len(exposure_cat) == 0: return "the flags in all_exposures.txt told me to not do anything :-(" # pathname = "file://"+os.getcwd()+"/" pathname = '' ## does alias.txt exist? alias_file = "alias.txt" if (os.path.exists(alias_file)): af = open(alias_file, 'r') targname = af.readline() af.close() else: print "---->>>> get_quick_look can't find "+alias_file+"!!!!! making one instead..... <<<<----------" hdr0 = fitsio.read_header(dataset_list[0], 0) targname = hdr0['TARGNAME'].strip() af = open(alias_file, 'w') af.write(targname) af.close() outfilename = targname + "_quicklook.html" exists = os.path.isfile(outfilename) if exists: command = "rm -f "+outfilename os.system(command) outfile = open(outfilename, "w") ra = exposure_cat['RA'][0] dec = exposure_cat['DEC'][0] tardescr = exposure_cat['Target Description'][0] coord = SkyCoord(ra=ra*, dec=dec* info = """<html> <head><h1 style="text-align:center;font-size:350%">"""+targname+"""</h1></head> <body><p style="text-align:center;font-size=250%">"""+tardescr+"""<br> α = """+str(ra)+""", δ = """+str(dec)+""" ("""+coord.to_string('hmsdms')+""")</font></p> <hr /> """ outfile.write(info) #### Now loop through all the files to figure out the demographics t, r = get_demographics(dataset_list) LAMBDA_MIN = np.min(r['minwave']-2) LAMBDA_MAX = np.max(r['maxwave']+2) MAX_FLUX = 1.05*np.max(r['maxflux']) print 'MAX_FLUX', r['maxflux'] t_pid = t.group_by(['PID']) info="""<p style="text-align:center;font-size=200%">COS quick look of<br> Programs: """ for k in t_pid.groups.keys: info = info+"""<a href=""""+str(k[0])+"""&observatory=HST">"""+str(k[0])+"""</a> """ info = info + """</p>""" outfile.write(info) width = 0.7 colors = get_default_pid_colors() figname = "exptime_histogram.png" plot_exptime_histogram(t, figname, colors=colors, t_pid=t_pid, width=width) addfig = r"""<br><img src='"""+pathname+figname+r"""' style="width:600pix">""" outfile.write(addfig) figname = "exptime_fppos_histogram.png" plot_exptime_fppos_histogram(t, figname, t_pid=t_pid, width=width) addfig = r"""<img src='"""+pathname+figname+r"""' style="width:600pix">""" outfile.write(addfig) if (exposure_cat['Detector'] == 'FUV').any(): figname = "lifetime_position_histogram.png" plot_lifetime_position_histogram(t, figname, t_pid=t_pid, width=width) addfig = r"""<img src='"""+pathname+figname+r"""' style="width:600pix">""" outfile.write(addfig) add_coadd = find_and_plot_coadds(targname, pathname, LAMBDA_MIN, LAMBDA_MAX, 0, MAX_FLUX, window=window, wc=wc) outfile.write(add_coadd) #### add legend info = """<p style="font-size=300%">Individual exposures<br>Legend: <b><font color="black">flux in black</font></b>, <b><font color="grey">errors in grey</font></b>, both smoothed over 7 pixels (~1 resel). S/N≡median(flux/error), per unsmoothed pixel, in shaded window.</p>""" outfile.write(info) #### Loop through files and make plots! time_flux = [] for filename in dataset_list: with as hdulist: ##### want to change this to fitsio !!!!! ##### hdr = hdulist[0].header data = hdulist[1].data if (hdulist[1].data == None): print "no data:",filename continue if (np.shape(data['flux'])[0] == 0): print np.shape(data['flux']),filename continue output_name = targname+"_"+str(hdr['proposid'])+"_"+str(hdr['cenwave'])+"_"+str(hdr['rootname'])+".png" print "FILENAME", output_name labeltext = str(hdr['rootname'])+ """ PID """+str(hdr['proposid'])+""" Visit """+str(hdr['linenum'].split('.')[0])+""" """+str(hdr['primesi'])+"""/"""+str(hdr['opt_elem']) + """/"""+str(hdr['cenwave']) + """/FPPOS"""+str(hdr['fppos'])+""" """+ hdulist[1].header['date-obs']+""", Exptime = """ +str(int(data['exptime'][0]))+"""s""" time = np.average([hdulist[1].header['expstart'], hdulist[1].header['expend']]) time_flux = plot_spectrum(output_name, data['wavelength'], data['flux'], LAMBDA_MIN, LAMBDA_MAX, 0, MAX_FLUX, \ window=window, wc=wc, labeltext=labeltext, error=data['error'], wgt=data['dq_wgt'], smooth=7, time=time, time_flux=time_flux) addfig = r"""<br><img src='"""+pathname+output_name+r"""' style="width:1200pix">""" print "writing out file ", addfig outfile.write(addfig) if np.size(time_flux) > 0: tf = Table(rows=time_flux, names=('mjd','flux','error','window')) plot_time_flux(tf, window=window, wc=wc) addfig = r"""<br><img src='"""+pathname+r"""time_flux.png' style="width:1200pix">""" outfile.write(addfig) outfile.write("</body></html>") outfile.close() message = """
def get_demographics(dataset_list): print "getting the demographics" # first, check if all_exposures.txt exists. if it does, read it in if os.path.exists("all_exposures.txt"): exposure_cat ="all_exposures.txt") else: # if all_exposures does not exist, import scrape_headers and make it. print "---> all_exposures.txt doesn't exist!!!!! so I'm going to make it now" from scrape_headers import make_exposure_catalog as make_exposure_catalog exposure_cat = make_exposure_catalog(dataset_list) mask = exposure_cat['Flag'] == 1 exposure_cat = exposure_cat[mask] # if scrape_headers can't be found, do it the hard way. # this can be done with a try except feature but things need re-arranging. if (False): LYA_MIN = 1206 ## should this depend on M vs L grating? LYA_MAX = 1226 demographics = [] ranges = [] for filename in dataset_list: hdr = fitsio.read_header(filename, 0) data, hdr1 =, ext=1, header=True) if (data == None): print "no data:", filename continue if (np.shape(data['FLUX'])[0] == 0): print np.shape(data['FLUX']), filename continue demographics.append((hdr['PROPOSID'], hdr['LINENUM'].split('.')[0], hdr['LINENUM'].split('.')[1], hdr['CENWAVE'], hdr['FPPOS'], hdr['LIFE_ADJ'], hdr['PR_INV_L'], hdr['ROOTNAME'], data['EXPTIME'][0])) indices = np.where((data["DQ_WGT"] > 0) & (data["DQ"] == 0) & ((data["WAVELENGTH"] > LYA_MAX) | (data["WAVELENGTH"] < LYA_MIN))) minwave = 1100 maxwave = 1900 maxflux = 1e-14 if(np.shape(indices)[1] > 0): if(hdr['OPT_ELEM'] == 'G140L'): minwave = 900. maxwave = 2160. maxflux = 5.0 * np.mean(data["FLUX"][indices]) # changed from max of flux by JT 072015 if((hdr['OPT_ELEM'] == 'G130M') or (hdr['OPT_ELEM'] == 'G160M')): minwave = 1100 maxwave = 1900 maxflux = 3.0 * np.median(data["FLUX"][indices]) # changed from max of flux by JT 072015 if hdr['DETECTOR'] == 'NUV': minwave = 1700 maxwave = 3000 maxflux = 3.0 * np.mean(data["FLUX"][indices]) # changed from max of flux by JT 072015 ranges.append((minwave, maxwave, maxflux)) print "Incorporating minwave, maxwave, maxflux from: ", filename, hdr['DETECTOR'], hdr['OPT_ELEM'], hdr['CENWAVE'], minwave, maxwave, maxflux t = Table(rows=demographics, names=('PID', 'Visit', 'expnum', 'cenwave', 'FPPOS', 'lp', 'PI_NAME', 'rootname', 'exptime')) r = Table(rows=ranges, names=('minwave', 'maxwave', 'maxflux'), dtype=('f8', 'f8', 'f8')) # now from the exposure_cat table, find the stuff needed for t and r to be returned ranges = [] demographics = [] for i in range(len(exposure_cat)): demographics.append((exposure_cat['PropID'][i], exposure_cat['Cenwave'][i], exposure_cat['FPPOS'][i], exposure_cat['LP'][i], exposure_cat['PI Name'][i], exposure_cat['Rootname'][i], exposure_cat['Exptime'][i])) minwave = 1100 maxwave = 1900 maxflux = 1e-14 if(exposure_cat['Grating'][i] == 'G140L'): minwave = 900. maxwave = 2160. maxflux = 5.0 * exposure_cat['Mean Flux'][i] # changed from max of flux by JT 072015 if((exposure_cat['Grating'][i] == 'G130M') or (exposure_cat['Grating'][i] == 'G160M')): minwave = 1100 maxwave = 1900 maxflux = 3.0 * exposure_cat['Median Flux'][i] # changed from max of flux by JT 072015 if exposure_cat['Detector'][i] == 'NUV': minwave = 1700 maxwave = 3000 maxflux = 3.0 * exposure_cat['Mean Flux'][i] # changed from max of flux by JT 072015 ranges.append((minwave, maxwave, maxflux)) t = Table(rows=demographics, names=('PID', 'cenwave', 'FPPOS', 'lp', 'PI_NAME', 'rootname', 'exptime')) r = Table(rows=ranges, names=('minwave', 'maxwave', 'maxflux'), dtype=('f8', 'f8', 'f8')) print "----------------------- THESE ARE THE DEMOGRAPHICS---------------------" print t print r return t, r
def get_quick_look(): mpl.rcParams[''] = 'stixgeneral' window, wc, w_used = get_default_windows() #### Find the desired x1d's in the directory # first, check if all_exposures.txt exists. if it does, read it in if os.path.exists("all_exposures.txt"): exposure_cat ="all_exposures.txt") else: # if all_exposures does not exist, import scrape_headers and make it. print "---> all_exposures.txt doesn't exist!!!!! so I'm going to make it now" from scrape_headers import make_exposure_catalog as make_exposure_catalog DATA_DIR = '.' dataset_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, '*x1d.fits.gz')) if len(dataset_list) == 0: print "did not find any x1d.fits.gz.gz files, trying for unzipped ones" print "I'm also going to gzip any x1d.fits.gz files I do find..." os.system("gzip *x1d.fits.gz") dataset_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, '*x1d.fits.gz')) if len(dataset_list) == 0: return "there's nothing here to make all_exposures with, trying to exit gracefully :-(" exposure_cat = make_exposure_catalog(dataset_list) # second, cull for anything with Flag = 1 mask = exposure_cat['Flag'] == 1 exposure_cat = exposure_cat[mask] exposure_cat.sort('Cenwave') dataset_list = [] for root in exposure_cat['Rootname']: dataset_list.append(root+"_x1d.fits.gz") if len(exposure_cat) == 0: return "the flags in all_exposures.txt told me to not do anything :-(" # pathname = "file://"+os.getcwd()+"/" pathname = '' ## does alias.txt exist? alias_file = "alias.txt" if (os.path.exists(alias_file)): af = open(alias_file, 'r') targname = af.readline() targname = targname.strip() af.close() else: print "---->>>> get_quick_look can't find "+alias_file+"!!!!! making one instead..... <<<<----------" hdr0 = fitsio.read_header(dataset_list[0], 0) targname = hdr0['TARGNAME'].strip() af = open(alias_file, 'w') af.write(targname) af.close() outfilename = targname + "_quicklook.html" exists = os.path.isfile(outfilename) if exists: command = "rm -f "+outfilename os.system(command) outfile = open(outfilename, "w") else: outfile = open(outfilename, "w") ra = exposure_cat['RA'][0] dec = exposure_cat['DEC'][0] mast_url = '"'+str(ra)+','+str(dec)+'"' tardescr = exposure_cat['Target Description'][0] coord = SkyCoord(ra=ra*, dec=dec* targnamelink ="""<a href=".">"""+targname+"""</a>""" info = """<html> <head><title>"""+targname+"""</title> <h1 style="text-align:center;font-size:350%">"""+targnamelink+"""</h1></head> <body><p style="text-align:center;font-size=250%">"""+tardescr+"""<br> α = """+str(ra)+""", δ = """+str(dec)+""" (<a href="""+mast_url+""">"""+coord.to_string('hmsdms')+"""</a>)</font></p> <hr /> """ outfile.write(info) #### Now loop through all the files to figure out the demographics t, r = get_demographics(dataset_list) r_det = r.group_by(['detector']) mask = r_det.groups.keys['detector'] == 'FUV' r_fuv = r_det.groups[mask] mask = r_det.groups.keys['detector'] == 'NUV' r_nuv = r_det.groups[mask] if (exposure_cat['Detector'] == 'FUV').any(): LAMBDA_MIN_FUV = np.min(r_fuv['minwave']-2) LAMBDA_MAX_FUV = np.max(r_fuv['maxwave']+2) MAX_FLUX_FUV = 1.05*np.max(r_fuv['maxflux']) if (exposure_cat['Detector'] == 'NUV').any(): LAMBDA_MIN_NUV = np.min(r_nuv['minwave']-2) LAMBDA_MAX_NUV = np.max(r_nuv['maxwave']+2) MAX_FLUX_NUV = 1.05*np.max(r_nuv['maxflux']) print 'MAX_FLUX', r['maxflux'] t_pid = t.group_by(['PID']) info="""<p style="text-align:center;font-size=200%">Programs: """ for k in t_pid.groups.keys: info = info+"""<a href=""""+str(k[0])+"""&observatory=HST">"""+str(k[0])+"""</a> """ info = info + """</p>""" outfile.write(info) width = 0.7 colors = get_default_pid_colors(t_pid.groups.keys) print colors ### first do demographics for just the FUV exposures, then repeat first two for any NUV observations. if (exposure_cat['Detector'] == 'FUV').any(): t_det = t.group_by(['detector']) mask = t_det.groups.keys['detector'] == 'FUV' t_fuv = t_det.groups[mask] t_fuv_pid = t_fuv.group_by(['PID']) print t_det print t_fuv figname = "fuv_exptime_histogram.png" title = "distribution of FUV exposure times by cenwave" plot_exptime_histogram(t_fuv, figname, colors=colors, t_pid=t_fuv_pid, width=width, title=title) addfig = r"""<br><img src='"""+pathname+figname+r"""' style="width:35%">""" outfile.write(addfig) figname = "fuv_exptime_fppos_histogram.png" title = "distribution of FUV exposure times by cenwave and FP-POS" plot_exptime_fppos_histogram(t_fuv, figname, colors=colors, t_pid=t_fuv_pid, width=width, title=title) addfig = r"""<img src='"""+pathname+figname+r"""' style="width:35%">""" outfile.write(addfig) figname = "fuv_lifetime_position_histogram.png" plot_lifetime_position_histogram(t_fuv, figname, colors=colors, t_pid=t_fuv_pid, width=width) addfig = r"""<img src='"""+pathname+figname+r"""' style="width:25%"><br>""" outfile.write(addfig) if (exposure_cat['Detector'] == 'NUV').any(): t_det = t.group_by(['detector']) mask = t_det.groups.keys['detector'] == 'NUV' t_nuv = t_det.groups[mask] t_nuv_pid = t_nuv.group_by(['PID']) print t_det print t_nuv figname = "nuv_exptime_histogram.png" title = "distribution of NUV exposure times by cenwave" plot_exptime_histogram(t_nuv, figname, colors=colors, t_pid=t_nuv_pid, width=width, title=title) addfig = r"""<br><img src='"""+pathname+figname+r"""' style="width:35%">""" outfile.write(addfig) figname = "nuv_exptime_fppos_histogram.png" title = "distribution of NUV exposure times by cenwave and FP-POS" plot_exptime_fppos_histogram(t_nuv, figname, colors=colors, t_pid=t_nuv_pid, width=width, title=title) addfig = r"""<img src='"""+pathname+figname+r"""' style="width:35%">""" outfile.write(addfig) if (exposure_cat['Detector'] == 'FUV').any(): print ">>>>>> I AM ASSUMING YOU HAVE COADDS ONLY IF YOU HAVE FUV DATA !!!!!!! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<" add_coadd = find_and_plot_coadds(targname, pathname, LAMBDA_MIN_FUV, LAMBDA_MAX_FUV, 0, MAX_FLUX_FUV, window=window, wc=wc) outfile.write(add_coadd) #### add legend info = """<p style="font-size=300%">Individual exposures<br>Legend: <b><font color="black">flux in black</font></b>, <b><font color="grey">errors in grey</font></b>, both smoothed over 6 pixels (~1 resel). S/N≡median(flux/error), per ~1 resel, in shaded window.</p>""" outfile.write(info) #### Loop through files and make plots! time_flux = [] for filename in dataset_list: with as hdulist: ##### want to change this to fitsio !!!!! ##### hdr = hdulist[0].header data = hdulist[1].data if (hdulist[1].data == None): print "no data:",filename continue if (np.shape(data['flux'])[0] == 0): print np.shape(data['flux']),filename continue output_name = targname+"_"+str(hdr['proposid'])+"_"+str(hdr['cenwave'])+"_"+str(hdr['rootname'])+".png" print "FILENAME", output_name labeltext = str(hdr['rootname'])+ """ PID """+str(hdr['proposid'])+""" Visit """+str(hdr['linenum'].split('.')[0])+""" """+str(hdr['primesi'])+"""/"""+str(hdr['opt_elem']) + """/"""+str(hdr['cenwave']) + """/FPPOS"""+str(hdr['fppos'])+""" """+ hdulist[1].header['date-obs']+""", Exptime = """ +str(int(data['exptime'][0]))+"""s""" time = np.average([hdulist[1].header['expstart'], hdulist[1].header['expend']]) wavelength = data['wavelength'] flux = data['flux'] error = data['error'] wgt = data['dq_wgt'] if hdr['detector'] == 'FUV': LAMBDA_MIN, LAMBDA_MAX, MAX_FLUX = LAMBDA_MIN_FUV, LAMBDA_MAX_FUV, MAX_FLUX_FUV if hdr['detector'] == 'NUV': LAMBDA_MIN, LAMBDA_MAX, MAX_FLUX = LAMBDA_MIN_NUV, LAMBDA_MAX_NUV, MAX_FLUX_NUV if hdr['opt_elem'] == 'G230L': ### want to get rid of stripe c wavelength = data['wavelength'][0:2] flux = data['flux'][0:2] error = data['error'][0:2] wgt = data['dq_wgt'][0:2] time_flux = plot_spectrum(output_name, wavelength, flux, LAMBDA_MIN, LAMBDA_MAX, 0, MAX_FLUX, \ window=window, wc=wc, labeltext=labeltext, error=error, wgt=wgt, smooth=6, time=time, time_flux=time_flux) addfig = r"""<br><img src='"""+pathname+output_name+r"""' style="width:100%">""" print "writing out file ", addfig outfile.write(addfig) if np.size(time_flux) > 0: tf = Table(rows=time_flux, names=('mjd','flux','error','window')) plot_time_flux(tf, window=window, wc=wc) addfig = r"""<br><img src='"""+pathname+r"""time_flux.png' style="width:100%">""" outfile.write(addfig) outfile.write("</body></html>") outfile.close() message = """