コード例 #1
    def populate_from(self, time_from):
        ''' Populates database with calls API from 'time_from' until now. 
        time_now is an integer ms time epoch. API calls are made in steps of 
        1000 minutes. '''

        # get current time
        time_now = Scraper._time_now()
        """ in steps of 1000 minutes, retrieve data from API and insert into 
        database. Note: typical interval between sensor reading is 1 minute, 
        API call returns max 1000 rows."""
        for input_time in range(time_from, time_now, 60000000):
            sensor_reading_after_data, all_sensor_numbers = \
コード例 #2
    def _choose_time():
        ''' Take user input to choose a time in ms time epoch. 
        Times are equivalent to those at https://currentmillis.com/ '''

        # time before the earliest sensor reading in ms format
        earliest_time_ms = 1580920305102

        # same time in utc format (/1000 as utcfromtimestamp takes input in s)
        earliest_time_utc = dt.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(
            int(earliest_time_ms / 1000)).isoformat()

        # get time now
        time_now_ms = Scraper._time_now()
        time_now_utc = dt.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(time_now_ms /

        chosen_times = input('Choose start and end time to plot in ms epochs '
                             'in format "[start, end]". or press enter full '
                             'time range. For example for 1st to 2nd March, '
                             'enter: [1583020800000, 1583107200000].'
                             '\nEarliest:\n    ms:  {}\n    UTC: {}'
                             '\nLatest:\n    ms:  {}\n    UTC: {}\n>>'.format(
                                 earliest_time_ms, earliest_time_utc,
                                 time_now_ms, time_now_utc))

        # by default, choose from earilest time to now
        if not chosen_times:
            time_from_ms = earliest_time_ms
            time_from_utc = earliest_time_utc
            time_to_ms = time_now_ms
            time_to_utc = time_now_utc

        # otherwise, evalute the times inputted.
            chosen_times = eval(chosen_times)
            time_from_ms = chosen_times[0]
            time_to_ms = chosen_times[1]
            time_from_utc = dt.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(
                int(time_from_ms / 1000)).isoformat()
            time_to_utc = dt.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(time_to_ms /

            # print what the chosen time range.
        print('Chosen time range from {} to {}.'.format(
            time_from_utc, time_to_utc))
        return (time_from_ms, time_to_ms)
コード例 #3
    def populate_database(self):
        ''' Calls API and returns readings from the earliest process, then in 
        steps of 1000 minutes until the current time. Note: runs based on 
        earliest from API, not from what exists in database.'''

        # check when to start collecting data from
        earliest_time, sensor_reading_after_data = self.find_earliest_time()

        # put current time into variable
        time_now = Scraper._time_now()

        # insert the first time
        """ in steps of 1000 minutes, retrieve data from API and insert into 
        database. Note: typical interval between sensor reading is 1 minute, 
        API call returns max 1000 rows."""
        for input_time in range(earliest_time, time_now, 60000000):
            sensor_reading_after_data, all_sensor_numbers = \
コード例 #4
                       help="Get all data from a certain point")

    # Parse the command line arguments
    args = parser.parse_args()

        # Connect to the database
        database = Database()

        if args.recent:
            print("Getting most recent data from the API")

        elif args.all:
            print("Getting all data from the api")

        elif args._from:
            time_from = args._from[0]
            print("Getting all data from time point {}", time_from)

            raise Exception(
                "No arguments provided! Should not have gotten here.")

コード例 #5
    def set_defaults(self):
        Sets plotting parameters of DatabasePlotter() class. Sets only those
        set to None to default. Takes no input but checks and changes the 
        parameters of the class.

        sensor_numbers : LIST of INT, optional
            List of INT corresponding to sensor numbers from 
            DatabasePlotter.sensor_numbers. Default = all.
        sensor_names : LIST of STR, optional
            List of STR corresponding to sensor names 
            DatabasePlotter.sensor_names. Default = all.
        room_numbers : LIST of STR, optional
            List of INT corresponding to room numbers from 
            DatabasePlotter.room_numbers. Default = all.
        room_names : LIST of STR, optional
            List of STR corresponding to room names from 
            DatabasePlotter.room_names. Default = all.
        time_from : INT, optional
            First time to plot in ms timestamp format. 
            Default = first available.
        time_to : INT, optional
            Last time to plot in ms timestamp format. 
            Default = most recent available.
        parameters : LIST of STR, optional
             Choice of parameters from DatabasePlotter.param_list. 
             Default = all.
        overlay : INT, optional
            0 = seperate plots, 1 = overlay on same plot. Default = 1.
        aggregate : INT, optional
            0 = individual sensors, 1 = aggregate sensors in same room. 
            Default = 0.
        seperate : INT, optional
            0 = 1 sensors from different rooms on same plot, 1 = sensors 
            from different rooms are plotted seperately. Only relevant if 
            overlay = 1 and aggregate = 0.
            Default = 1.

        No returns - sets plot parmaters as attributes of DatabasePlotter() 


        # get sensor numbers and names. Only requires uses sensors number
        # as if there is input, others are there from early in
        # plot_from_database()
        self.sensor_numbers, self.sensor_names, self.room_numbers, \
            self.room_names = \

        if self.sensor_numbers == None:
            self.sensor_numbers = self.all_sensor_numbers
        if self.sensor_names == None:
            self.sensor_names = self.all_sensor_names
        if self.room_numbers == None:
            self.room_numbers = self.all_room_numbers
        if self.room_names == None:
            self.room_names = self.all_room_names
        if self.time_from == None:
            # time_from = Scraper._time_now() - 86400000 # previous 24 hours
            # time_from = Scraper._time_now() - 604800000 # previous week
            self.time_from = 1580920305102  # from first sensor reading
        if self.time_to == None:
            self.time_to = Scraper._time_now()
        if self.parameters == None:
            self.parameters = self.param_list
        if self.overlay == None and len(self.sensor_numbers) > 1:
            self.overlay = 1
        elif self.overlay == None:
            self.overlay = 0
        if self.aggregate == None:
            self.aggregate = 0
        if self.seperate == None:
            self.seperate = 1
