コード例 #1
def cluster_distance(cluster1: Cluster,
                     cluster2: Cluster,
                     distance_agg: Callable = min) -> float:
    compute all the pairwise distances between cluster1 and cluster2
    and apply the aggregation function _distance_agg_ to the resulting list
    return distance_agg([distance(v1, v2)
                         for v1 in get_values(cluster1)
                         for v2 in get_values(cluster2)])
コード例 #2
def knn_classify(k: int,
                 labeled_points: List[LabeledPoint],
                 new_point: Vector) -> str:

    # Order the labeled points from nearest to farthest.
    by_distance = sorted(labeled_points,
                         key=lambda lp: distance(lp.point, new_point))

    # Find the labels for the k closest
    k_nearest_labels = [lp.label for lp in by_distance[:k]]

    # and let them vote.
    return majority_vote(k_nearest_labels)
コード例 #3
def find_eigenvector(m: Matrix,
                     tolerance: float = 0.00001) -> Tuple[Vector, float]:
    guess = [random.random() for _ in m]

    while True:
        result = matrix_times_vector(m, guess)    # transform guess
        norm = magnitude(result)                  # compute norm
        next_guess = [x / norm for x in result]   # rescale

        if distance(guess, next_guess) < tolerance:
            # convergence so return (eigenvector, eigenvalue)
            return next_guess, norm

        guess = next_guess
コード例 #4
def random_distances(dim: int, num_pairs: int) -> List[float]:
    return [distance(random_point(dim), random_point(dim))
            for _ in range(num_pairs)]
コード例 #5
def main():
    xs = range(-10, 11)
    actuals = [derivative(x) for x in xs]
    estimates = [difference_quotient(square, x, h=0.001) for x in xs]
    # plot to show they're basically the same
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    plt.title("Actual Derivatives vs. Estimates")
    plt.plot(xs, actuals, 'rx', label='Actual')       # red  x
    plt.plot(xs, estimates, 'b+', label='Estimate')   # blue +
    # plt.show()
    def partial_difference_quotient(f: Callable[[Vector], float],
                                    v: Vector,
                                    i: int,
                                    h: float) -> float:
        """Returns the i-th partial difference quotient of f at v"""
        w = [v_j + (h if j == i else 0)    # add h to just the ith element of v
             for j, v_j in enumerate(v)]
        return (f(w) - f(v)) / h
    # "Using the Gradient" example
    # pick a random starting point
    v = [random.uniform(-10, 10) for i in range(3)]
    for epoch in range(1000):
        grad = sum_of_squares_gradient(v)    # compute the gradient at v
        v = gradient_step(v, grad, -0.01)    # take a negative gradient step
        print(epoch, v)
    assert distance(v, [0, 0, 0]) < 0.001    # v should be close to 0
    # First "Using Gradient Descent to Fit Models" example
    from scratch.linear_algebra import vector_mean
    # Start with random values for slope and intercept.
    theta = [random.uniform(-1, 1), random.uniform(-1, 1)]
    learning_rate = 0.001
    for epoch in range(5000):
        # Compute the mean of the gradients
        grad = vector_mean([linear_gradient(x, y, theta) for x, y in inputs])
        # Take a step in that direction
        theta = gradient_step(theta, grad, -learning_rate)
        print(epoch, theta)
    slope, intercept = theta
    assert 19.9 < slope < 20.1,   "slope should be about 20"
    assert 4.9 < intercept < 5.1, "intercept should be about 5"
    # Minibatch gradient descent example
    theta = [random.uniform(-1, 1), random.uniform(-1, 1)]
    for epoch in range(1000):
        for batch in minibatches(inputs, batch_size=20):
            grad = vector_mean([linear_gradient(x, y, theta) for x, y in batch])
            theta = gradient_step(theta, grad, -learning_rate)
        print(epoch, theta)
    slope, intercept = theta
    assert 19.9 < slope < 20.1,   "slope should be about 20"
    assert 4.9 < intercept < 5.1, "intercept should be about 5"
    # Stochastic gradient descent example
    theta = [random.uniform(-1, 1), random.uniform(-1, 1)]
    for epoch in range(100):
        for x, y in inputs:
            grad = linear_gradient(x, y, theta)
            theta = gradient_step(theta, grad, -learning_rate)
        print(epoch, theta)
    slope, intercept = theta
    assert 19.9 < slope < 20.1,   "slope should be about 20"
    assert 4.9 < intercept < 5.1, "intercept should be about 5"
コード例 #6
def main():
    xs = range(-10, 11)
    actuals = [derivative(x) for x in xs]
    estimates = [difference_quotient(square, x, h=0.001) for x in xs]

    # plot to show they're basically the same
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    plt.title("Actual Derivatives vs. Estimates")
    plt.plot(xs, actuals, 'rx', label='Actual')  # red  x
    plt.plot(xs, estimates, 'b+', label='Estimate')  # blue +
    # plt.show()


    def partial_difference_quotient(f: Callable[[Vector], float], v: Vector,
                                    i: int, h: float) -> float:
        """Returns the i-th partial difference quotient of f at v"""
        w = [
            v_j + (h if j == i else 0)  # add h to just the ith element of v
            for j, v_j in enumerate(v)

        return (f(w) - f(v)) / h

    # "Using the Gradient" example

    # pick a random starting point
    v = [random.uniform(-10, 10) for i in range(3)]

    for epoch in range(1000):
        grad = sum_of_squares_gradient(v)  # compute the gradient at v
        v = gradient_step(v, grad, -0.01)  # take a negative gradient step
        print(epoch, v)

    assert distance(v, [0, 0, 0]) < 0.001  # v should be close to 0

    # First "Using Gradient Descent to Fit Models" example

    from scratch.linear_algebra import vector_mean

    # Start with random values for slope and intercept.
    theta = [random.uniform(-1, 1), random.uniform(-1, 1)]

    learning_rate = 0.001

    for epoch in range(5000):
        # Compute the mean of the gradients
        grad = vector_mean([linear_gradient(x, y, theta) for x, y in inputs])
        # Take a step in that direction
        theta = gradient_step(theta, grad, -learning_rate)
        print(epoch, theta)

    slope, intercept = theta
    assert 19.9 < slope < 20.1, "slope should be about 20"
    assert 4.9 < intercept < 5.1, "intercept should be about 5"

    # Minibatch gradient descent example

    theta = [random.uniform(-1, 1), random.uniform(-1, 1)]

    for epoch in range(1000):
        for batch in minibatches(inputs, batch_size=20):
            grad = vector_mean(
                [linear_gradient(x, y, theta) for x, y in batch])
            theta = gradient_step(theta, grad, -learning_rate)
        print(epoch, theta)

    slope, intercept = theta
    assert 19.9 < slope < 20.1, "slope should be about 20"
    assert 4.9 < intercept < 5.1, "intercept should be about 5"

    # Stochastic gradient descent example

    theta = [random.uniform(-1, 1), random.uniform(-1, 1)]

    for epoch in range(100):
        for x, y in inputs:
            grad = linear_gradient(x, y, theta)
            theta = gradient_step(theta, grad, -learning_rate)
        print(epoch, theta)

    slope, intercept = theta
    assert 19.9 < slope < 20.1, "slope should be about 20"
    assert 4.9 < intercept < 5.1, "intercept should be about 5"
コード例 #7
changes_by_month: List[DailyChange] = {month: [] for month in range(1, 13)}

for change in all_changes:

avg_daily_change = {
    month: sum(change.pct_change for change in changes) / len(changes)
    for month, changes in changes_by_month.items()

# October is the best month
assert avg_daily_change[10] == max(avg_daily_change.values())

from scratch.linear_algebra import distance

a_to_b = distance([63, 150], [67, 160])  # 10.77
a_to_c = distance([63, 150], [70, 171])  # 22.14
b_to_c = distance([67, 160], [70, 171])  # 11.40

a_to_b = distance([160, 150], [170.2, 160])  # 14.28
a_to_c = distance([160, 150], [177.8, 171])  # 27.53
b_to_c = distance([170.2, 160], [177.8, 171])  # 13.37

from typing import Tuple

from scratch.linear_algebra import vector_mean
from scratch.statistics import standard_deviation

def scale(data: List[Vector]) -> Tuple[Vector, Vector]:
    """returns the means and standard deviations for each position"""
コード例 #8
def random_distances(dim: int, num_pairs: int) -> List[float]:
    return [
        distance(random_point(dim), random_point(dim))
        for _ in range(num_pairs)
コード例 #9
changes_by_month: List[DailyChange] = {month: [] for month in range(1, 13)}

for change in all_changes:

avg_daily_change = {
    month: sum(change.pct_change for change in changes) / len(changes)
    for month, changes in changes_by_month.items()

# October is the best month
assert avg_daily_change[10] == max(avg_daily_change.values())

from scratch.linear_algebra import distance

a_to_b = distance([63, 150], [67, 160])        # 10.77
a_to_c = distance([63, 150], [70, 171])        # 22.14
b_to_c = distance([67, 160], [70, 171])        # 11.40

a_to_b = distance([160, 150], [170.2, 160])    # 14.28
a_to_c = distance([160, 150], [177.8, 171])    # 27.53
b_to_c = distance([170.2, 160], [177.8, 171])  # 13.37

from typing import Tuple

from scratch.linear_algebra import vector_mean
from scratch.statistics import standard_deviation

def scale(data: List[Vector]) -> Tuple[Vector, Vector]:
    """returns the means and standard deviations for each position"""
    dim = len(data[0])