def askForLoadSave_func(saveId: str): ''' 读档处理询问流程 玩家输入0:进入读取存档询问流程 玩家输入1:进入删除存档询问流程 Keyword arguments: saveId -- 存档id ''' cmdList = SaveHandleFramePanel.askLoadSavePanel() yrn = GameInit.askfor_All(cmdList) PyCmd.clr_cmd() if yrn == '0': return confirmationLoadSave_func(saveId) elif yrn == '1': confirmationRemoveSave_func(saveId) return False
def askForOverlaySave_func(saveId:str): ''' 存档处理询问流程 玩家输入0:进入覆盖存档询问流程 玩家输入1:进入删除存档询问流程 Keyword arguments: saveId -- 存档id ''' cmdList = SaveHandleFramePanel.askForOverlaySavePanel() yrn = GameInit.askfor_All(cmdList) yrn = str(yrn) PyCmd.clr_cmd() if yrn == '0': confirmationOverlaySave_func(saveId) elif yrn == '1': confirmationRemoveSave_func(saveId)
def mainFrame_func(): ''' 游戏主页控制流程 ''' inputS = [] flowReturn = MainFramePanel.mainFramePanel() inputS = inputS + flowReturn characterId = CacheContorl.characterData['characterId'] characterData = AttrHandle.getAttrData(characterId) characterName = characterData['Name'] ans = GameInit.askfor_All(inputS) PyCmd.clr_cmd() CacheContorl.oldFlowId = 'main' if ans == characterName: CacheContorl.nowFlowId = 'see_character_attr' else: CacheContorl.nowFlowId = mainFrameGotoData[ans]
def startInputNamePanel(): ''' 玩家姓名输入处理面板 ''' EraPrint.pline(), '3')) inputState = 0 while inputState == 0: characterName = GameInit.askfor_str() if TextHandle.getTextIndex(characterName) > 10: TextLoading.getTextData(TextLoading.errorPath, 'inputNameTooLongError')) else: inputState = 1 CacheContorl.temporaryCharacter['Name'] = characterName
def waitInput(intA: int, intB: int) -> GameInit.askfor_str: ''' 等待玩家输入ab之间的一个数 Keyword arguments: intA -- 输入边界A intB -- 输入边界B ''' while (True): ans = GameInit.askfor_str() if ans.isdecimal(): ans = int(ans) if intA <= ans <= intB: break TextLoading.getTextData(TextLoading.errorPath, 'inputNullError') + '\n') return ans
def seeCharacterList_func(oldPanel): maxPage = getCharacterListPageMax() inputS = [] seeCharacterListPanelInput = SeeCharacterListPanel.seeCharacterListPanel( maxPage) startId = len(seeCharacterListPanelInput) inputS = inputS + seeCharacterListPanelInput askForSeeCharacterListPanelInput = SeeCharacterListPanel.askForSeeCharacterListPanel( startId) inputS = inputS + askForSeeCharacterListPanelInput yrn = GameInit.askfor_All(inputS) yrn = str(yrn) characterIdList = CharacterHandle.getCharacterIdList() pageId = int(CacheContorl.panelState['SeeCharacterListPanel']) if yrn == str(startId): if pageId == 0: CacheContorl.panelState['SeeCharacterListPanel'] = str(maxPage) seeCharacterList_func(oldPanel) else: pageId = str(pageId - 1) CacheContorl.panelState['SeeCharacterListPanel'] = pageId seeCharacterList_func(oldPanel) elif yrn == str(startId + 1): if oldPanel == 'MainFramePanel': import script.Flow.Main as mainframe CacheContorl.characterData['characterId'] = '0' CacheContorl.panelState['SeeCharacterListPanel'] = '0' mainframe.mainFrame_func() else: pass elif yrn == str(startId + 2): if pageId == maxPage: CacheContorl.panelState['SeeCharacterListPanel'] = '0' seeCharacterList_func(oldPanel) else: pageId = str(pageId + 1) CacheContorl.panelState['SeeCharacterListPanel'] = pageId seeCharacterList_func(oldPanel) elif yrn in characterIdList: yrn = str(int(yrn) + characterPageShow * pageId) CacheContorl.characterData['characterId'] = yrn from script.Flow import SeeCharacterAttr SeeCharacterAttr.seeAttrOnEveryTime_func('SeeCharacterListPanel', oldPanel)
def loadSave_func(oldPanel): inputS = [] savePage = savePageIndex() showSaveValue = savePage[0] lastSavePageValue = savePage[1] SaveHandleFramePanel.loadSaveInfoHeadPanel() flowReturn = SaveHandleFramePanel.seeSaveListPanel(showSaveValue, lastSavePageValue, True) inputS = inputS + flowReturn startId = len(inputS) flowReturn = SaveHandleFramePanel.askForChangeSavePagePanel(startId) inputS = inputS + flowReturn yrn = GameInit.askfor_Int(inputS) PyCmd.clr_cmd() if yrn == str(startId): savePanelPage = int(CacheContorl.panelState['SeeSaveListPanel']) if savePanelPage == 0: CacheContorl.panelState[ 'SeeSaveListPanel'] = CacheContorl.maxSavePage else: CacheContorl.panelState['SeeSaveListPanel'] = savePanelPage - 1 loadSave_func(oldPanel) elif yrn == str(startId + 1): if oldPanel == 'MainFlowPanel': CacheContorl.wframeMouse['wFrameRePrint'] = 1 CacheContorl.panelState['SeeSaveListPanel'] = 0 import script.Design.StartFlow as mainflow mainflow.main_func() elif oldPanel == 'MainFramePanel': CacheContorl.panelState['SeeSaveListPanel'] = 0 import script.Flow.Main as mainframe mainframe.mainFrame_func() pass elif yrn == str(startId + 2): savePanelPage = int(CacheContorl.panelState['SeeSaveListPanel']) if savePanelPage == CacheContorl.maxSavePage: CacheContorl.panelState['SeeSaveListPanel'] = 0 else: CacheContorl.panelState['SeeSaveListPanel'] = savePanelPage + 1 loadSave_func(oldPanel) else: ansReturn = int(yrn) saveId = SaveHandle.getSavePageSaveId(showSaveValue, ansReturn) askForLoadSave_func(oldPanel, saveId)
def establishSave_func(oldPanel): inputS = [] savePage = savePageIndex() showSaveValue = savePage[0] lastSavePageValue = savePage[1] SaveHandleFramePanel.establishSaveInfoHeadPanel() flowReturn = SaveHandleFramePanel.seeSaveListPanel(showSaveValue, lastSavePageValue) inputS = inputS + flowReturn startId = len(inputS) flowReturn = SaveHandleFramePanel.askForChangeSavePagePanel(startId) inputS = inputS + flowReturn yrn = GameInit.askfor_Int(inputS) PyCmd.clr_cmd() if yrn == str(startId): savePanelPage = int(CacheContorl.panelState['SeeSaveListPanel']) if savePanelPage == 0: CacheContorl.panelState[ 'SeeSaveListPanel'] = CacheContorl.maxSavePage else: CacheContorl.panelState['SeeSaveListPanel'] = savePanelPage - 1 establishSave_func(oldPanel) elif yrn == str(startId + 1): if oldPanel == 'MainFramePanel': CacheContorl.panelState['SeeSaveListPanel'] = 0 import script.Flow.Main as mainframe mainframe.mainFrame_func() else: pass elif yrn == str(startId + 2): savePanelPage = int(CacheContorl.panelState['SeeSaveListPanel']) if savePanelPage == CacheContorl.maxSavePage: CacheContorl.panelState['SeeSaveListPanel'] = 0 else: CacheContorl.panelState['SeeSaveListPanel'] = savePanelPage + 1 establishSave_func(oldPanel) else: ansReturn = int(yrn) saveId = SaveHandle.getSavePageSaveId(showSaveValue, ansReturn) if SaveHandle.judgeSaveFileExist(saveId) == '1': askForOverlaySave_func(oldPanel, saveId) else: SaveHandle.establishSave(saveId) establishSave_func(oldPanel)
def optionstr(cmdList, cmdColumn=1, cmdSize='left', lastLine=False, askfor=True, cmdListData=None): if cmdListData == None: cmdListData = TextLoading.getTextData(TextLoading.cmdPath, cmdList).copy() else: pass inputS = [] textWidth = GameConfig.text_width if lastLine == True: if len(cmdListData) - 1 < cmdColumn: cmdColumn = len(cmdListData) - 1 else: if len(cmdListData) < cmdColumn: cmdColumn = len(cmdListData) cmdIndex = int(textWidth / cmdColumn) for i in range(0, len(cmdListData)): cmdTextBak = Dictionaries.handleText(cmdListData[i]) cmdText = '[' + cmdTextBak + ']' if i == 0: cmdSizePrint(cmdText, cmdTextBak, None, cmdIndex, cmdSize) inputS.append(cmdListData[i]) elif i / cmdColumn >= 1 and i % cmdColumn == 0: EraPrint.p('\n') cmdSizePrint(cmdText, cmdTextBak, None, cmdIndex, cmdSize) inputS.append(cmdTextBak) elif i == len(cmdListData) - 1 and lastLine == True: EraPrint.p('\n') cmdSizePrint(cmdText, cmdTextBak, None, cmdIndex, cmdSize) inputS.append(cmdTextBak) else: cmdSizePrint(cmdText, cmdTextBak, None, cmdIndex, cmdSize) inputS.append(cmdTextBak) EraPrint.p('\n') if askfor == True: ans = GameInit.askfor_All(inputS) return ans else: return inputS
def mainFrame_func(): ''' 游戏主页控制流程 ''' inputS = [] flowReturn = MainFramePanel.mainFramePanel() inputS = inputS + flowReturn characterId = CacheContorl.characterData['characterId'] characterData = CacheContorl.characterData['character'][characterId] characterName = characterData.Name ans = GameInit.askfor_All(inputS) PyCmd.clr_cmd() CacheContorl.oldFlowId = 'main' if ans == characterName: CacheContorl.nowFlowId = 'see_character_attr' else: if ans == '0': Clothing.initCharacterClothingPutOn() CacheContorl.nowFlowId = mainFrameGotoData[ans]
def seeCharacterList_func(): ''' 用于查看角色列表的流程 ''' while (True): maxPage = getCharacterListPageMax() inputS = [] seeCharacterListPanelInput = SeeCharacterListPanel.seeCharacterListPanel( maxPage) startId = len(seeCharacterListPanelInput) inputS = inputS + seeCharacterListPanelInput askForSeeCharacterListPanelInput = SeeCharacterListPanel.askForSeeCharacterListPanel( startId) inputS = inputS + askForSeeCharacterListPanelInput yrn = GameInit.askfor_All(inputS) yrn = str(yrn) characterIdList = CacheContorl.characterData['character'].keys() pageId = int(CacheContorl.panelState['SeeCharacterListPanel']) if yrn == str(startId): if pageId == 0: CacheContorl.panelState['SeeCharacterListPanel'] = str(maxPage) else: pageId = str(pageId - 1) CacheContorl.panelState['SeeCharacterListPanel'] = pageId elif yrn == str(startId + 1): CacheContorl.characterData['characterId'] = 0 CacheContorl.panelState['SeeCharacterListPanel'] = '0' CacheContorl.nowFlowId = CacheContorl.oldFlowId break elif yrn == str(startId + 2): if pageId == maxPage: CacheContorl.panelState['SeeCharacterListPanel'] = '0' else: pageId = str(pageId + 1) CacheContorl.panelState['SeeCharacterListPanel'] = pageId elif int(yrn) + characterPageShow * pageId in characterIdList: yrn = int(yrn) + characterPageShow * pageId CacheContorl.characterData['characterId'] = yrn CacheContorl.nowFlowId = 'see_character_attr' CacheContorl.tooOldFlowId = CacheContorl.oldFlowId CacheContorl.oldFlowId = 'see_character_list' break
def establishSave_func(): ''' 绘制保存存档界面流程 ''' while (True): inputS = [] savePage = savePageIndex() showSaveValue = savePage[0] lastSavePageValue = savePage[1] SaveHandleFramePanel.establishSaveInfoHeadPanel() flowReturn = SaveHandleFramePanel.seeSaveListPanel( showSaveValue, lastSavePageValue) inputS = inputS + flowReturn startId = len(inputS) flowReturn = SaveHandleFramePanel.askForChangeSavePagePanel(startId) inputS = inputS + flowReturn yrn = GameInit.askfor_Int(inputS) PyCmd.clr_cmd() if yrn == str(startId): savePanelPage = int(CacheContorl.panelState['SeeSaveListPanel']) if savePanelPage == 0: CacheContorl.panelState[ 'SeeSaveListPanel'] = CacheContorl.maxSavePage else: CacheContorl.panelState['SeeSaveListPanel'] = savePanelPage - 1 elif yrn == str(startId + 1): CacheContorl.panelState['SeeSaveListPanel'] = 0 CacheContorl.nowFlowId = CacheContorl.oldFlowId break elif yrn == str(startId + 2): savePanelPage = int(CacheContorl.panelState['SeeSaveListPanel']) if savePanelPage == CacheContorl.maxSavePage: CacheContorl.panelState['SeeSaveListPanel'] = 0 else: CacheContorl.panelState['SeeSaveListPanel'] = savePanelPage + 1 else: ansReturn = int(yrn) saveId = SaveHandle.getSavePageSaveId(showSaveValue, ansReturn) if SaveHandle.judgeSaveFileExist(saveId) == '1': askForOverlaySave_func(saveId) else: SaveHandle.establishSave(saveId)
def enterCharacterNature_func(): ''' 请求玩家确认性格流程 ''' CacheContorl.characterData['character'][0].initAttr() while 1: PyCmd.clr_cmd() CreatorCharacterPanel.enterCharacterNatureHead() inputS = SeeNaturePanel.seeCharacterNatureChangePanel(0) inputS += CreatorCharacterPanel.enterCharacterNatureEnd() yrn = GameInit.askfor_All(inputS) if yrn in CacheContorl.characterData['character'][0].Nature: if CacheContorl.characterData['character'][0].Nature[yrn] < 50: CacheContorl.characterData['character'][0].Nature[yrn] = random.uniform(50,100) else: CacheContorl.characterData['character'][0].Nature[yrn] = random.uniform(0,50) elif int(yrn) == 0: CacheContorl.characterData['character'][0].initAttr() CacheContorl.nowFlowId = 'acknowledgment_attribute' break elif int(yrn) == 1: CacheContorl.characterData['character'][0].Nature = Nature.getRandomNature()
def gameStart(): from script.Design import StartFlow from script.Core import GameInit
def optionstr(cmdList: str, cmdColumn=1, cmdSize='left', lastLine=False, askfor=True, cmdListData=None, nullCmd='', returnData=None) -> list: ''' 绘制无id的文本命令列表 例: [长寿的青蛙] Keyword arguments: cmdList -- 命令列表id,当cmdListData为None时,根据此id调用cmdList内的命令数据 cmdColumn -- 每行命令列数 (default 1) cmdSize -- 命令文本在当前列的对齐方式(left/center/right) (default 'left') lastLine -- 最后一个命令换行绘制 (default False) cmdListData -- 命令列表数据 (default None) nullCmd -- 在列表中按纯文本绘制,并不加入监听列表的命令文本 returnData -- 命令返回数据 (default None) ''' if cmdListData == None: cmdListData = TextLoading.getTextData(TextLoading.cmdPath, cmdList).copy() inputS = [] textWidth = GameConfig.text_width if lastLine == True: if len(cmdListData) - 1 < cmdColumn: cmdColumn = len(cmdListData) - 1 else: if len(cmdListData) < cmdColumn: cmdColumn = len(cmdListData) cmdIndex = int(textWidth / cmdColumn) nowNullCmd = nullCmd for i in range(0, len(cmdListData)): nowNullCmd = True if returnData == None: if nullCmd == cmdListData[i]: nowNullCmd = False cmdTextBak = Dictionaries.handleText(cmdListData[i]) cmdText = '[' + cmdTextBak + ']' else: if nullCmd == returnData[i]: nowNullCmd = False cmdTextBak = returnData[i] cmdText = '[' + cmdListData[i] + ']' if i == 0: cmdSizePrint(cmdText, cmdTextBak, None, cmdIndex, cmdSize, noNullCmd=nowNullCmd) if nowNullCmd: inputS.append(cmdListData[i]) elif i / cmdColumn >= 1 and i % cmdColumn == 0: EraPrint.p('\n') cmdSizePrint(cmdText, cmdTextBak, None, cmdIndex, cmdSize, noNullCmd=nowNullCmd) if nowNullCmd: inputS.append(cmdTextBak) elif i == len(cmdListData) - 1 and lastLine == True: EraPrint.p('\n') cmdSizePrint(cmdText, cmdTextBak, None, cmdIndex, cmdSize, noNullCmd=nowNullCmd) if nowNullCmd: inputS.append(cmdTextBak) else: cmdSizePrint(cmdText, cmdTextBak, None, cmdIndex, cmdSize, noNullCmd=nowNullCmd) if nowNullCmd: inputS.append(cmdTextBak) EraPrint.p('\n') if askfor == True: ans = GameInit.askfor_All(inputS) return ans else: return inputS
def optionint(cmdList, cmdColumn=1, idSize='left', idSwitch=True, askfor=True, cmdSize='left', startId='0', cmdListData=None, lastLine=False): if cmdListData == None: cmdListData = TextLoading.getTextData(TextLoading.cmdPath, cmdList).copy() inputI = [] textWidth = GameConfig.text_width if lastLine == True: if len(cmdListData) < cmdColumn: cmdColumn = len(cmdListData) else: if len(cmdListData) + 1 < cmdColumn: cmdColumn = len(cmdListData) cmdIndex = int(textWidth / cmdColumn) if len(cmdListData) + 1 < cmdColumn: cmdColumn = len(cmdListData) + 1 for i in range(0, len(cmdListData)): cmdText = Dictionaries.handleText(cmdListData[i]) startId = int(startId) returnId = i + startId if idSwitch == True: id = idIndex(returnId) else: id = '' cmdTextAndId = id + cmdText cmdTextAndIdIndex = TextHandle.getTextIndex(cmdTextAndId) if cmdTextAndIdIndex < cmdIndex: if idSize == 'right': cmdTextAndId = cmdText + id elif idSize == 'left': cmdTextAndId = id + cmdText if i == 0: cmdTextAndId = cmdTextAndId.rstrip() cmdSizePrint(cmdTextAndId, returnId, None, cmdIndex, cmdSize) inputI.append(str(returnId)) elif i / cmdColumn >= 1 and i % cmdColumn == 0: EraPrint.p('\n') cmdTextAndId = cmdTextAndId.rstrip() cmdSizePrint(cmdTextAndId, returnId, None, cmdIndex, cmdSize) inputI.append(str(returnId)) elif i == len(cmdListData) and lastLine == True: EraPrint.p('\n') cmdTextAndId = cmdTextAndId.rstrip() cmdSizePrint(cmdTextAndId, returnId, None, cmdIndex, cmdSize) inputI.append(str(returnId)) else: cmdTextAndId = cmdTextAndId.rstrip() cmdSizePrint(cmdTextAndId, returnId, None, cmdIndex, cmdSize) inputI.append(str(returnId)) else: pass EraPrint.p('\n') if askfor == True: ans = int(GameInit.askfor_Int(inputI)) return ans else: return inputI
def optionint(cmdList: list, cmdColumn=1, idSize='left', idSwitch=True, askfor=True, cmdSize='left', startId=0, cmdListData=None, lastLine=False) -> list: ''' 批量绘制带id命令列表 例: [000]开始游戏 Keyword arguments: cmdList -- 命令列表id,当cmdListData为None时,根据此id调用cmdList内的命令数据 cmdColumn -- 每行命令列数 (default 1) idSize -- id文本位置(left/center/right) (default 'left') idSwitch -- id显示开关 (default True) askfor -- 绘制完成时等待玩家输入的开关 (default True) cmdSize -- 命令文本在当前列的对齐方式(left/center/right) (default 'left') startId -- 命令列表的起始id (default 0) cmdListData -- 命令列表数据 (default None) lastLine -- 最后一个命令换行绘制 (default False) ''' if cmdListData == None: cmdListData = TextLoading.getTextData(TextLoading.cmdPath, cmdList).copy() inputI = [] textWidth = GameConfig.text_width if lastLine == True: if len(cmdListData) < cmdColumn: cmdColumn = len(cmdListData) else: if len(cmdListData) + 1 < cmdColumn: cmdColumn = len(cmdListData) cmdIndex = int(textWidth / cmdColumn) if len(cmdListData) + 1 < cmdColumn: cmdColumn = len(cmdListData) + 1 for i in range(0, len(cmdListData)): cmdText = Dictionaries.handleText(cmdListData[i]) returnId = i + startId if idSwitch == True: id = idIndex(returnId) else: id = '' cmdTextAndId = id + cmdText cmdTextAndIdIndex = TextHandle.getTextIndex(cmdTextAndId) if cmdTextAndIdIndex < cmdIndex: if idSize == 'right': cmdTextAndId = cmdText + id elif idSize == 'left': cmdTextAndId = id + cmdText if i == 0: cmdTextAndId = cmdTextAndId.rstrip() cmdSizePrint(cmdTextAndId, returnId, None, cmdIndex, cmdSize) inputI.append(str(returnId)) elif i / cmdColumn >= 1 and i % cmdColumn == 0: EraPrint.p('\n') cmdTextAndId = cmdTextAndId.rstrip() cmdSizePrint(cmdTextAndId, returnId, None, cmdIndex, cmdSize) inputI.append(str(returnId)) elif i == len(cmdListData) and lastLine == True: EraPrint.p('\n') cmdTextAndId = cmdTextAndId.rstrip() cmdSizePrint(cmdTextAndId, returnId, None, cmdIndex, cmdSize) inputI.append(str(returnId)) else: cmdTextAndId = cmdTextAndId.rstrip() cmdSizePrint(cmdTextAndId, returnId, None, cmdIndex, cmdSize) inputI.append(str(returnId)) EraPrint.p('\n') if askfor == True: ans = int(GameInit.askfor_Int(inputI)) return ans else: return inputI
def seeAttrOnEveryTime_func(): ''' 通用用于查看角色属性的流程 ''' while (True): characterId = CacheContorl.characterData['characterId'] if CacheContorl.oldFlowId == 'in_scene': nowScene = CacheContorl.characterData['character'][0].Position nowSceneStr = MapHandle.getMapSystemPathStrForList(nowScene) characterIdList = MapHandle.getSceneCharacterIdList(nowSceneStr) else: characterIdList = list( CacheContorl.characterData['character'].keys()) characterIdIndex = characterIdList.index(characterId) inputS = [] seeAttrInEveryTime_func() askSeeAttr = SeeCharacterAttrPanel.askForSeeAttr() inputS += askSeeAttr inputs1 = SeeCharacterAttrPanel.askForSeeAttrCmd() inputS += inputs1 yrn = GameInit.askfor_All(inputS) PyCmd.clr_cmd() showAttrHandleData = TextLoading.getTextData(TextLoading.cmdPath, 'seeAttrPanelHandle') characterMax = characterIdList[len(characterIdList) - 1] if yrn in showAttrHandleData: CacheContorl.panelState['AttrShowHandlePanel'] = yrn elif yrn == '0': if characterIdIndex == 0: CacheContorl.characterData['characterId'] = characterMax else: characterId = characterIdList[characterIdIndex - 1] CacheContorl.characterData['characterId'] = characterId elif yrn == '1': if CacheContorl.oldFlowId == 'main': CacheContorl.characterData['characterId'] = 0 elif CacheContorl.oldFlowId == 'see_character_list': characterListShow = int(GameConfig.characterlist_show) nowPageId = characterIdIndex / characterListShow CacheContorl.panelState['SeeCharacterListPanel'] = nowPageId elif CacheContorl.oldFlowId == 'in_scene': scenePath = CacheContorl.characterData['character'][0].Position scenePathStr = MapHandle.getMapSystemPathStrForList(scenePath) nameList = MapHandle.getSceneCharacterNameList( scenePathStr, True) nowCharacterName = CacheContorl.characterData['character'][ CacheContorl.characterData['characterId']].Name try: nowCharacterIndex = nameList.index(nowCharacterName) except ValueError: nowCharacterIndex = 0 nameListMax = int(GameConfig.in_scene_see_player_max) nowSceneCharacterListPage = math.floor(nowCharacterIndex / nameListMax) CacheContorl.panelState[ 'SeeSceneCharacterListPanel'] = nowSceneCharacterListPage CacheContorl.panelState['AttrShowHandlePanel'] = 'MainAttr' CacheContorl.nowFlowId = CacheContorl.oldFlowId CacheContorl.oldFlowId = CacheContorl.tooOldFlowId break elif yrn == '2': if characterId == characterMax: characterId = characterIdList[0] CacheContorl.characterData['characterId'] = characterId else: characterId = characterIdList[characterIdIndex + 1] CacheContorl.characterData['characterId'] = characterId
def seeScene_func(judge: bool): ''' 用于查看当前场景界面的流程 Keyword argument: judge -- 判断是否绘制角色列表界面的开关 ''' while (True): inputS = [] InScenePanel.seeScenePanel() scenePath = CacheContorl.characterData['character'][0].Position scenePathStr = MapHandle.getMapSystemPathStrForList(scenePath) sceneCharacterNameList = MapHandle.getSceneCharacterNameList( scenePathStr) nameListMax = int(GameConfig.in_scene_see_player_max) changePageJudge = False if len(sceneCharacterNameList) == 1: CacheContorl.characterData['characterId'] = 0 inSceneCmdList1 = [] if judge: if CacheContorl.panelState['SeeSceneCharacterListPage'] == '0': inputS = inputS + InScenePanel.seeSceneCharacterListPanel() if len(sceneCharacterNameList) > nameListMax: inSceneCmdList1 = InScenePanel.changeSceneCharacterListPanel( ) changePageJudge = True inputS.append('SeeSceneCharacterListPage') startId1 = len(inSceneCmdList1) InScenePanel.seeCharacterInfoPanel() SeeCharacterAttrPanel.seeCharacterHPAndMPInSence( CacheContorl.characterData['characterId']) SeeCharacterAttrPanel.seeCharacterStatusPanel( CacheContorl.characterData['characterId']) instructHead = InstructPanel.seeInstructHeadPanel() inSceneCmdList2 = InScenePanel.inSceneButtonPanel(startId1) if changePageJudge: inputS += inSceneCmdList1 + instructHead + inSceneCmdList2 else: inputS += instructHead + inSceneCmdList2 yrn = GameInit.askfor_All(inputS) PyCmd.clr_cmd() nowPage = int(CacheContorl.panelState['SeeSceneCharacterListPanel']) characterMax = len(CacheContorl.characterData['character']) - 1 pageMax = math.floor(characterMax / nameListMax) if yrn in sceneCharacterNameList: CacheContorl.characterData[ 'characterId'] = MapHandle.getCharacterIdByCharacterName( yrn, scenePathStr) elif judge and yrn not in inSceneCmdList2 and yrn != 'SeeSceneCharacterListPage' and changePageJudge: if yrn == inSceneCmdList1[0]: CacheContorl.panelState['SeeSceneCharacterListPanel'] = 0 elif yrn == inSceneCmdList1[1]: if int(nowPage) == 0: CacheContorl.panelState[ 'SeeSceneCharacterListPanel'] = pageMax else: CacheContorl.panelState[ 'SeeSceneCharacterListPanel'] = int(nowPage) - 1 elif yrn == inSceneCmdList1[2]: CacheContorl.panelState[ 'SeeSceneCharacterListPanel'] = InScenePanel.jumpCharacterListPagePanel( ) elif yrn == inSceneCmdList1[3]: if int(nowPage) == pageMax: CacheContorl.panelState['SeeSceneCharacterListPanel'] = 0 else: CacheContorl.panelState[ 'SeeSceneCharacterListPanel'] = int(nowPage) + 1 elif yrn == inSceneCmdList1[4]: CacheContorl.panelState['SeeSceneCharacterListPanel'] = pageMax elif yrn == inSceneCmdList2[0]: CacheContorl.nowFlowId = 'see_map' nowMap = MapHandle.getMapForPath( CacheContorl.characterData['character'][0].Position) CacheContorl.nowMap = nowMap break elif yrn in [inSceneCmdList2[1], inSceneCmdList2[2]]: if yrn == inSceneCmdList2[2]: CacheContorl.oldCharacterId = CacheContorl.characterData[ 'characterId'] CacheContorl.characterData['characterId'] = 0 CacheContorl.nowFlowId = 'see_character_attr' CacheContorl.oldFlowId = 'in_scene' break elif yrn == 'SeeSceneCharacterListPage': PanelStateHandle.panelStateChange(yrn) elif yrn in instructHead: if CacheContorl.instructFilter[yrn] == 1: CacheContorl.instructFilter[yrn] = 0 else: CacheContorl.instructFilter[yrn] = 1