コード例 #1
ファイル: industry-CSV.py プロジェクト: NealSchneier/dev
sector = range(1, 10) #list of 1-9
properties = "coname"
sort = "u"
static = ".csv"
con = getMysqlConnection()

for i in sector:
		csvReader = yahooFinanceAPIRequest(url + str(i) + properties + sort + static)
		print "Error with URL Request/ Converting CSV " +  url + str(i) + properties + sort + static
		with con:
			cur = con.cursor()
			for row in csvReader:
				cur.execute('select id from industry where name="' + row["Industry"] + '"')	
				industryId = cur.fetchone()
				#If the industry is not present then create it
				if industryId is None:
					cur.execute('insert into industry (name, sector_id) values ("' + row["Industry"] + '", ' + str(i) + ')')
					cur.execute('select id from industry where name="' + row["Industry"] + '"')
					industryId = cur.fetchone()
				cur.execute('insert into industries (sector_number, industry, day_price_change, market_cap , price_to_earnings_ratio, roe_percent, div_yield_percent, debt_to_equity, price_to_book, net_profit_margin, price_to_free_cash_flow) values (' + str(i) + ', '+ str(industryId[0]) + ', ' + row["1-Day Price Chg %"]+ ', ' + convert(row["Market Cap"]) +', "' + row["P/E"]+'", ' + row["ROE %"]+', ' + convert(row["Div. Yield %"])+', ' + convert(row["Debt to Equity"])+', ' + row["Price to Book"]+', ' + row["Net Profit Margin (mrq)"]+', ' + row["Price To Free Cash Flow (mrq)"] +' )')
	except db.Error, e:
	    print "Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0],e.args[1])
コード例 #2
ファイル: industry.py プロジェクト: NealSchneier/dev
				html = html.partition('\n')
				single = html[2].partition('\n')
				row = single[0].rsplit(',')
				#print row
				html = html[2]
				if len(row) == 10:
					cur.execute('select id from industry where name=' + row[0] + '')
					industryId = cur.fetchone()
					if industryId is None:
						cur.execute('insert into industry (name, sector_id) values (' + row[0] + ', ' + str(i) + ')')
						cur.execute('select id from industry where name=' + row[0] + '')
						industryId = cur.fetchone()
					#print 'insert into industries (sector_number, industry, day_price_change, market_cap , price_to_earnings_ratio, roe_percent, div_yield_percent, debt_to_equity, price_to_book, net_profit_margin, price_to_free_cash_flow) values (' + str(i) + ', '+ str(industryId[0]) + ', ' + row[1]+ ', ' + convert(row[2]) +', "' + row[3]+'", ' + row[4]+', ' + row[5]+', ' + row[6]+', ' + row[7]+', ' + row[8]+', ' + row[9] +' )'
					cur.execute('insert into industries (sector_number, industry, day_price_change, market_cap , price_to_earnings_ratio, roe_percent, div_yield_percent, debt_to_equity, price_to_book, net_profit_margin, price_to_free_cash_flow) values (' + str(i) + ', '+ str(industryId[0]) + ', ' + row[1]+ ', ' + convert(row[2]) +', "' + row[3]+'", ' + row[4]+', ' + convert(row[5])+', ' + convert(row[6])+', ' + row[7]+', ' + row[8]+', ' + row[9] +' )')
					cur.execute('select id from industry where name=' + row[0] + row[1]+ '')
					industryId = cur.fetchone()

					if industryId is None:
						cur.execute('insert into industry (name, sector_id) values (' + row[0] + row[1] + ', ' + str(i) + ')')
						cur.execute('select id from industry where name=' + row[0] + row[1]+ '')
						industryId = cur.fetchone()
					#print 'insert into industries (sector_number, industry, day_price_change, market_cap , price_to_earnings_ratio, roe_percent, div_yield_percent, debt_to_equity, price_to_book, net_profit_margin, price_to_free_cash_flow) values (' + str(i) + ', '+ str(industryId[0]) + ', ' + row[2] +', ' + convert(row[3]) +', ' + row[4]+', ' + row[5]+', ' + row[6]+', ' + row[7]+', ' + row[8]+', ' + row[9] +', ' + row[10] +')'
					cur.execute('insert into industries (sector_number, industry, day_price_change, market_cap , price_to_earnings_ratio, roe_percent, div_yield_percent, debt_to_equity, price_to_book, net_profit_margin, price_to_free_cash_flow) values (' + str(i) + ', '+ str(industryId[0]) + ', ' + row[2] +', ' + convert(row[3]) +', ' + row[4]+', ' + row[5]+', ' + convert(row[6])+', ' + convert(row[7]) +', ' + row[8]+', ' + row[9] +', ' + row[10] +')')
	except db.Error, e:
	    print "Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0],e.args[1])
	    #print  str(i) + ', '+ row[0] + ', ' + row[1]+ ', "' + row[2] +'", "' + row[3]+'", ' + row[4]+', ' + row[5]+', ' + row[6]+', ' + row[7]+', ' + row[8]+', ' + row[9] 
コード例 #3
ファイル: companies.py プロジェクト: NealSchneier/dev
		 		if len(row) == 1:
		 			rest = row[0].rsplit(',')
			 		#print row
			 		#print "rest" + rest[0]
			 		html = html[2]
			 		if len(rest) == 10:
			 			cur.execute('select id from company where name=' + rest[0] + '')
						companyId = cur.fetchone()
						if companyId is None:
							cur.execute('insert into company (name) values (' + rest[0] + ')')
							cur.execute('select id from company where name=' + rest[0] + '')
							companyId = cur.fetchone()
						#print companyId[0]
			 			#print str(rest[0]) + ', ' + convert(rest[1])+ ', "' + convert(rest[2]) +'", "' + convert(rest[3])+'", ' + convert(rest[4])+', ' + convert(rest[5])+', ' + convert(rest[6])+', ' + convert(rest[7])+', ' + convert(rest[8])+', ' + convert(rest[9]) 
			 			cur.execute('insert into companies (company_id, day_price_change, market_cap , price_to_earnings_ratio, roe_percent, div_yield_percent, debt_to_equity, price_to_book, net_profit_margin, price_to_free_cash_flow) values ('+ str(companyId[0]) + ', ' + convert(rest[1])+ ', "' + convert(rest[2]) +'", "' + convert(rest[3])+'", ' + convert(rest[4])+', ' + convert(rest[5])+', ' + convert(rest[6])+', ' + convert(rest[7])+', ' + convert(rest[8])+', ' + convert(rest[9]) +' )')
			 		elif len(rest) == 11:
			 			cur.execute('select id from company where name=' + rest[0] + rest[1] + '')
						companyId = cur.fetchone()
						if companyId is None:
							cur.execute('insert into company (name) values (' + rest[0] + rest[1] + ')')
							cur.execute('select id from company where name=' + rest[0] + rest[1] + '')
							companyId = cur.fetchone()
						#print companyId[0]
			 			#print str(rest[0]) + ', ' + convert(rest[1])+ ', "' + convert(rest[2]) +'", "' + convert(rest[3])+'", ' + convert(rest[4])+', ' + convert(rest[5])+', ' + convert(rest[6])+', ' + convert(rest[7])+', ' + convert(rest[8])+', ' + convert(rest[9]) 
			 			cur.execute('insert into companies (company_id, day_price_change, market_cap , price_to_earnings_ratio, roe_percent, div_yield_percent, debt_to_equity, price_to_book, net_profit_margin, price_to_free_cash_flow) values ('+ str(companyId[0]) + ', ' + convert(rest[2])+ ', "' + convert(rest[3]) +'", "' + convert(rest[4])+'", ' + convert(rest[5])+', ' + convert(rest[6])+', ' + convert(rest[7])+', ' + convert(rest[8])+', ' + convert(rest[9])+', ' + convert(rest[10]) +' )')
			 		elif len(rest) == 12:
			 			cur.execute('select id from company where name=' + rest[0] + rest[1] + rest[2] + '')
						companyId = cur.fetchone()
						if companyId is None:
							cur.execute('insert into company (name) values (' + rest[0] + rest[1] + rest[2] + ')')
コード例 #4
ファイル: sector.py プロジェクト: NealSchneier/dev
	#update database
	con = db.connect('localhost', 'root', 'metsfan', 'finance2')
	with con:
		cur = con.cursor()
		cnt = html.count('\n')
		for i in range(cnt-1):

			html = html.partition('\n')
			single = html[2].partition('\n')
			row = single[0].rsplit(',')
			html = html[2]
			#get the id for the sector
			cur.execute('select id from sector where name=' + row[0] + '')
			sectorId = cur.fetchone()
			#print 'insert into sectors (sector, day_price_change, market_cap , price_to_earnings_ratio, roe_percent, div_yield_percent, debt_to_equity, price_to_book, net_profit_margin, price_to_free_cash_flow) values (' + str(sectorId[0]) + ', ' + row[1]+ ', ' + convert(row[2]) +', ' + row[3]+', ' + row[4]+', ' + row[5]+', ' + row[6]+', ' + row[7]+', ' + row[8]+', ' + row[9] +' );'
			cur.execute('insert into sectors (sector, day_price_change, market_cap , price_to_earnings_ratio, roe_percent, div_yield_percent, debt_to_equity, price_to_book, net_profit_margin, price_to_free_cash_flow) values (' + str(sectorId[0]) + ', ' + row[1]+ ', ' + convert(row[2]) +', ' + row[3]+', ' + row[4]+', ' + row[5]+', ' + row[6]+', ' + row[7]+', ' + row[8]+', ' + row[9] +' );')
except db.Error, e:
    print "Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0],e.args[1])
    if con:    

#f = open("data/sector/all.csv","w")

コード例 #5
ファイル: companies-CSV.py プロジェクト: NealSchneier/dev
     companyToIndustry = cur.fetchone()
     if companyToIndustry is None:
             "insert into companyToIndustry (company_id, industry_id) values ("
             + str(companyId[0])
             + ", "
             + str(companyToIndustry[0])
             + ")"
         # print companyId[0]
         # print str(rest[0]) + ', ' + convert(rest[1])+ ', "' + convert(rest[2]) +'", "' + convert(rest[3])+'", ' + convert(rest[4])+', ' + convert(rest[5])+', ' + convert(rest[6])+', ' + convert(rest[7])+', ' + convert(rest[8])+', ' + convert(rest[9])
     "insert into companies (company_id, day_price_change, market_cap , price_to_earnings_ratio, roe_percent, div_yield_percent, debt_to_equity, price_to_book, net_profit_margin, price_to_free_cash_flow) values ("
     + str(companyId[0])
     + ", "
     + convert(row["1-Day Price Chg %"])
     + ', "'
     + convert(row["Market Cap"])
     + '", "'
     + convert(row["P/E"])
     + '", '
     + convert(row["ROE %"])
     + ", "
     + convert(row["Div. Yield %"])
     + ", "
     + convert(row["Debt to Equity"])
     + ", "
     + convert(row["Price to Book"])
     + ", "
     + convert(row["Net Profit Margin (mrq)"])
     + ", "