コード例 #1
def make_exports_html():
    """Make top-level HTML page for exports directory that contains
    links to individual student pages.

    # Create HTML output stream
    html_output = cStringIO.StringIO()

    # Walk course folders in exports directory
    course_folder_list = get_subdirs(path_consts.EXPORTS_FOLDER)
    for course_folder in course_folder_list:
        write_course_html(html_output, course_folder)

        # Walk student folders
        html_output.write('<DIV CLASS="studentlist"><UL>\n')
        student_folders_list = get_subdirs(
            os.path.join(path_consts.EXPORTS_FOLDER, course_folder))
        for student_folder in student_folders_list:
            student_folder_link = urllib.quote('/'.join(
                (course_folder, student_folder, INDEX_FILE)))
            html_output.write('<LI><A HREF="%s">%s</A></LI>\n' %
                              (student_folder_link, student_folder))


    # We're ready to output the HTML page.
    html_file_name = os.path.join(path_consts.EXPORTS_FOLDER, INDEX_FILE)
    script_logging.log_status('Making %s' % html_file_name)
    with open(html_file_name, 'w') as ofile:

    html_output.close()  # We're done with the output buffer
def download_all_media_recordings(doDownload=True):
    """Download all media recordings submissions by parsing exports folder.
    doDownload parameter lets us run this without actually downloading files, 
    which is useful during development.

    # Walk exports directory looking for submissions csv files.
    for (folder_path, dir_list,
         file_list) in os.walk(path_consts.EXPORTS_FOLDER):
        if path_consts.SUBMISSIONS_FILE_NAME in file_list:

            # Walk through all the student's submission attachments.
            submissions_csv_file = os.path.join(
                folder_path, path_consts.SUBMISSIONS_FILE_NAME)
            submissions = export_student_artifacts.load_csv_file(
            for submission in submissions[
                    1:]:  # Skip 1st row, which is the header.

                # Look for media_recording submissions
                if submission.submission_type == 'media_recording':
                    target_file_path = os.path.join(folder_path,
                    if doDownload:
                            'Download %s to %s' %
                            (submission.media_url, target_file_path))
コード例 #3
def load_errors():
    pattern = re.compile(REGEX_PATTERN)

    err_list = []  # Accumulate the download errors

    file_name = script_logging.ERR_FILE_NAME
    if (os.path.isfile(file_name)):
        with open(file_name, 'r') as f:
            for line in f:
                match = pattern.match(line)
                if match:
                    err_list.append((match.group(1), match.group(2)))

    # Let's see what download errors we found
    if len(err_list) > 0:
        # This process might still generate errors, so save the current
        # error before starting a new one.

        for err in err_list:
            # Retry the download
            download_file = err[0]
            download_url = err[1]
            http_downloader.download(download_url, download_file)

        script_logging.log_status('No download errors to retry.')
コード例 #4
def dump_all_json():
    """Retrieve all relevant artifact data from Canvas API & store to files.

    # Set up process logging.
    # Existence of error log file can tell us if errors occur.

    # Pull list of courses
    courses = canvas_data.pull_courses()

    # If there are course ID parameters, just load the specified courses
    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        course_id_list = map(int, sys.argv[1:])
        courses = [
            course for course in courses if course['id'] in course_id_list

        # course_id = int(sys.argv[1])
        # courses = [course for course in courses if course['id'] == course_id]

    script_logging.log_status('Storing courses JSON to %s' %
    with open(COURSES_FILE_NAME, 'w') as f:
        json.dump(courses, f, indent=2)

    for course in courses:
        course_id = course['id']

        # Pull students in each course
        students = canvas_data.pull_course_students(course_id)
        dump_json(students, STUDENTS_FILE_NAME, course_id, "course students")

        # Pull users for each course.
        # We'll need this to look up comment submitters.
        users = canvas_data.pull_course_users(course_id)
        dump_json(users, USERS_FILE_NAME, course_id, "course users")

        # pull assignments for each course
        assignments = canvas_data.pull_assignments(course_id)
        dump_json(assignments, ASSIGNMENTS_FILE_NAME, course_id,
                  'course assignments')

        # pull submissions for each assignment
        for assignment in assignments:
            assignment_id = assignment["id"]
            submissions = canvas_data.pull_submissions_with_comments(
                course_id, assignment_id)
            dump_json(submissions, SUBMISSIONS_FILE_NAME, assignment_id,
                      'assignment submissions')
コード例 #5
def dump_json(json_data, file_name_template, record_id, content_description):
    """Helper function to output JSON data to external file.
    json_data -- JSON collection to write to external file.
    file_name_template -- Template for building file name. Expected to contain a
        string substitution element, whose value is specified by the record_id parameter.
        e.g. 'json/students_%s.json'
    record_id -- Value to use in substitution to build output file name.
        e.g. 39310000000000056
    content_description -- String that describes the data being written to file.
        Used to create status log message.
    file_name = file_name_template % (record_id)
    script_logging.log_status('Storing %s JSON to %s' %
                              (content_description, file_name))
    with open(file_name, 'w') as f:
        json.dump(json_data, f, indent=2)
コード例 #6
def download(download_url, target_file_path):
    """Download the file at the given URL to the target folder.
    If something bad happens, just skip the download & log it as an error.
        script_logging.log_status('Download file %s' % target_file_path)
        script_logging.log_status('Download URL %s' % download_url)

        # attachment_resp = requests.get(download_url)
        # attachment_resp = requests.get(download_url, timeout=10)    # 10 second timeout
        attachment_resp = requests.get(
            download_url, timeout=REQUEST_TIMEOUT,
            stream=True)  # Don't download content immediately

        script_logging.log_status('Status code: %s' %
        script_logging.log_status('Headers: %s' % attachment_resp.headers)

        # # Extract name to use for saving file
        # content_header = attachment_resp.headers['Content-Disposition']
        # file_name = re_filename.search(content_header).group(1)

        # Save attachment file to target file
        # saved_file_name = os.path.join(target_folder, file_name)
        # script_logging.log_status('Downloading %s' % target_file_path)
        with open(target_file_path, "wb") as ofile:

        script_logging.log_status('Done downloading %s' % target_file_path)

    except Exception as e:
        # Escape file names in case they have weird characters in them.
        escaped_file = target_file_path.replace("'", "\'")
        escaped_url = download_url.replace("'", "\'")
        script_logging.log_error("Error_http_downloader '%s', '%s'" %
                                 (escaped_file, escaped_url))
        script_logging.log_error("Error object: " + str(e))
def write_csv_file(file_path, csv_headers, csv_data):
    """Output student data to a csv file.
    file_path -- Full path name for output file.
    csv_headers -- Tuple containing csv headers.
    csv_data -- List of tuples containing csv data rows.
    script_logging.log_status('Writing %s' % file_path)

    # with open(file_path,'w') as f:
    #     csv_writer = csv.writer(f)
    #     csv_writer.writerow(csv_headers)
    # csv_writer.writerows(csv_data)    # 12.15.2017 Can't handle unicode characters

    #? Try find the row that is causing write error
    # for data in csv_data:
    #     print(file_path)
    #     print(csv_headers)
    #     print(data)
    #     csv_writer.writerow(data)

    with io.FileIO(file_path, 'w') as f:
        w = csv.writer(f, encoding='utf-8')
コード例 #8
def retrieve_json():
    """Retrieve JSON data from Canvas we'll need to download student artifacts."""

    # Download the JSON files to a working directory.
    if not os.path.exists(JSON_FOLDER):



    # Report counts of what we got back.
    courses = load_courses_json()
    script_logging.log_status("Course count: %s" % len(courses))

    for course in courses:
        course_id = course['id']

        students = load_students_json(course_id)
        script_logging.log_status("Student count for course %s: %s" %
                                  (course_id, len(students)))

        users = load_users_json(course_id)
        script_logging.log_status("User count for course %s: %s" %
                                  (course_id, len(users)))

        assignments = load_assignments_json(course_id)
        script_logging.log_status("Assignment count for course %s: %s" %
                                  (course_id, len(assignments)))

        for assignment in assignments:
            assignment_id = assignment['id']
            submissions = load_submissions_json(assignment_id)
                "Submission count for assignment %s: %s" %
                (assignment_id, len(submissions)))

    script_logging.log_status("Time stamp: %s" % get_time_stamp())
コード例 #9
11.29.2016 tps
09.02.2017 tps Download media recording submissions.
09.24.2018 tps Retry download errors.

import json_artifacts
import export_student_artifacts
import download_attachments
import download_media_recordings
import make_html
import script_logging
import retry_download_errors

script_logging.log_status('Retrieve Canvas JSON data')

script_logging.log_status('Create student folders')

script_logging.log_status('Download attachments')

script_logging.log_status('Download media recordings')

script_logging.log_status('Generate HTML')

コード例 #10
"""For testing, this script runs all the scripts in sequence to
fully populate artifacts export folder from Canvas API,
except for downloading attachments & media recordings.

08.31.2018 tps

import json_artifacts
import export_student_artifacts
# import download_attachments
# import download_media_recordings
import make_html
import script_logging

script_logging.log_status('Retrieve Canvas JSON data')

script_logging.log_status('Create student folders')

# script_logging.log_status('Download attachments')
# download_attachments.download_all_attachments()

# script_logging.log_status('Download media recordings')
# download_media_recordings.download_all_media_recordings()

script_logging.log_status('Generate HTML')
コード例 #11
def make_student_html():
    """Create HTML page for each student folder."""

    # Walk course folders in exports directory
    course_folder_list = get_subdirs(path_consts.EXPORTS_FOLDER)
    for course_folder in course_folder_list:

        # Walk student folders. Folder names are same as user names.
        course_folder_path = os.path.join(path_consts.EXPORTS_FOLDER,
        student_folders_list = get_subdirs(course_folder_path)

        # Walk folder list by index number, so we can use index
        # to generate next/prev navigation links for each page.
        for i in range(0, len(student_folders_list)):
            student_folder = student_folders_list[i]

            # Build paths we need for the student folder.
            student_folder_path = os.path.join(course_folder_path,
            student_html_file = os.path.join(student_folder_path, INDEX_FILE)
            script_logging.log_status('Making %s' % student_html_file)

            # Start generating HTML for the student folder.
            # html_output = cStringIO.StringIO()
            html_output = StringIO.StringIO(
            )  # Because cStringIO doesn't handle unicode data.
            begin_student_html(html_output, student_folder)

            # Generate navigation links
            write_html_student_navigation(html_output, i, student_folders_list)

            # Display when the data was exported.

            # Read in submission comments file.
            # We'll look for places to insert its contents as we step
            # through the submissions.
            comments_list = export_student_artifacts.load_csv_file(

            # Read in rubric assessments file.
            # We'll look for places to insert its contents as we step
            # through the submissions.
            rubric_assessments_list = export_student_artifacts.load_csv_file(

            # Read in attachments file
            # We'll look for places to insert its contents as we step
            # through the submissions.
            attachments_list = export_student_artifacts.load_csv_file(

            # Parse student submissions file.
            # Split list into header & data rows.
            submissions_list = export_student_artifacts.load_csv_file(
            csv_headers = submissions_list[0]
            submissions_list = submissions_list[1:]

            # The last 3 columns are for media recording fields.
            # Replace them with a single column with a link to the media recording download.
            csv_headers = csv_headers[:10]

            # Add a column for attachments.

            # Add a column for submission comments.
            csv_headers = list(csv_headers)

            # Add a column for grade

            # # Add 2 columns for rubric data
            # csv_headers.append('rubric_points')
            # csv_headers.append('rubric_comments')

            # Add column for rubric assessments

            write_begin_html_table(html_output, csv_headers)
            for row in submissions_list:

                # # 1st 9 elements are just data to display.
                # write_html_table_data(html_output, row[:9])

                # 1st 4 elements are just data to display.
                write_html_table_data(html_output, row[:5])

                # Next column is an HTML assignment description
                write_html_table_data_as_html(html_output, row[5:6])

                # Next 4 elements are just data to display
                write_html_table_data(html_output, row[6:9])

                # Next element is for URL submission
                write_html_table_data_link(html_output, row[9], 'Online URL')

                # # Next element is media recording id
                # write_html_table_data(html_output, [row[10]])

                # Next element is media recording type
                write_html_table_data_link(html_output, row[10], row[11])

                # # Next element is media recording url
                # write_html_table_data(html_output, [row[12]])

                # Look for comments & attachments for this submission in other csv files.
                submission_id = row.submission_id

                # See if there are are any attachments.
                # Doing this the dumb way, by simplying looping through
                # all attachments, looking for ones that match.
                relevant_attachments = [attachments_list[0]
                                        ]  # Include column headers
                for attachment in attachments_list[1:]:  # Skip header row
                    if submission_id == attachment.submission_id:
                write_html_attachments_table(html_output, relevant_attachments)

                # See if there are are any submissions comments.
                # Doing this the dumb way, by simply looping through
                # all submission comments, looking for ones that match.
                relevant_comments = [comments_list[0]
                                     ]  # We still need the headers.
                for comment in comments_list[1:]:  # Skip header row
                    if submission_id == comment.submission_id:
                write_html_comments_table(html_output, relevant_comments)

                # Next columns is for grade
                write_html_table_data(html_output, row[13:14])

                # # Next 2 columns are for rubric data
                # write_html_table_data(html_output, row[14:16])

                # 01.16.2019 tps Render rubric assessments, if any.
                # Loop through all rubric assessments, looking for ones that match.
                relevant_rubric_assessments = [rubric_assessments_list[0]
                                               ]  # We still need the headers.
                for rubric_assessment in rubric_assessments_list[
                        1:]:  # Skip header row
                    if submission_id == rubric_assessment.submission_id:


                html_output)  # Add links to underlying csv files.

            # We're done writing HTML for one student.

            # Output the student HTML file.
            # with open(student_html_file, 'w') as ofile:
            with io.open(student_html_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as ofile:

            html_output.close()  # We're done with the output buffer
def write_student_folders():
    """Create student data folders from JSON data files."""

    # Make sure the top-level exports folder exist.
    if not os.path.isdir(path_consts.EXPORTS_FOLDER):

    # Include time stamp file in exports folder.
    with open(path_consts.TIME_STAMP_FILE_NAME, 'w') as f:

    # Walk through exports for each course.
    courses = json_artifacts.load_courses_json()
    for course in courses:

        # Course data needed for export records
        course_id = course['id']
        course_name = course['name']
        course_code = course['course_code']
        course_start_at = course['start_at']

        # Dictionary for resolving user IDs of students & commenters to their user names.
        user_lookup = json_artifacts.create_user_lookup(

        # Create dictionary collection used to accumulate submissions by student.
        students_dict = {}
        students = json_artifacts.load_students_json(course_id)
        for student in students:

            # Derive a user name to associate with the student record,
            # instead of using the internal Canvas ID.
            # We might not be able to derive a user name from the student
            # record, in which case we have to skip it.
            user_name = get_user_name(student)
            if user_name is None:

            # Stucture to accumulate submission data for each student in course.
            students_dict[student['id']] = {
                DICT_KEY_USER_NAME: user_name,
                DICT_KEY_SUBMISSIONS: [],
                DICT_KEY_COMMENTS: [],
                DICT_KEY_ATTACHMENTS: [],

        # Walk through assignments in the course.
        assignments = json_artifacts.load_assignments_json(course_id)
        for assignment in assignments:
            # Assume assignments are ordered by position.

            # Assignment data needed for export records.
            assignment_id = assignment['id']
            assignment_name = assignment['name']

            # Encode weird unicode characters as utf-8
            # The description string might be Null.
            assignment_description = assignment['description']
            if (assignment_description is None):
                assignment_description = ""
            assignment_description = assignment_description.encode("utf-8")

            # Walk through submissions for the assignment.
            submissions = json_artifacts.load_submissions_json(assignment_id)
            for submission in submissions:

                # Submission data needed for export records.
                submission_id = submission['id']
                submitter_id = submission['user_id']

                # 08.02.2018 tps Work on retrieving rubric points & comments, if any
                """ If a submission has a rubric, it's in a dictionary property like this:
                    "rubric_assessment": {
                        "_4848": {
                            "points": 3.0, 
                            "comments": ""

                    I don't know what the "_4848" key means, but it seems to be that there is only
                    ever 1 entry, so we'll just say that we can grab that one entry's data & be done.
                    - The entry might not have a 'points' property
                    - 'comments' value might be null.
                # submission_rubric_pts = None        # 01.16.2019 tps No longer used to generate HTML pages
                # submission_rubric_comments = None   # 01.16.2019 tps No longer used to generate HTML pages

                # if 'rubric_assessment' in submission:
                #     # script_logging.log_status(
                #     #     '**** Found rubric of type %s of length %s for course %s, assignment %s, submission %s, user %s'
                #     #     % (type(submission['rubric_assessment']), len(submission['rubric_assessment']), course_id, assignment_id, submission_id, submitter_id))
                #     rubric_dict = submission['rubric_assessment']
                #     # rubric_element = rubric_dict[rubric_dict.keys()[0]]
                #     # if 'points' in rubric_element:
                #     #     submission_rubric_pts = rubric_element['points']
                #     # if rubric_element['comments'] is not None:
                #     #     submission_rubric_comments = rubric_element['comments']
                #     # script_logging.log_status(
                #     #     '**** Found rubric points %s comments %s'
                #     #     % (submission_rubric_pts, submission_rubric_comments))
                #     # 01.16.2019 tps Gather multiple rubric assessments into a flat data structure
                #     # The rubric description & ratings come from the assignment record.
                #     # The keys in the rubric assessment dictionary can be matched to IDs of
                #     # rubric objects in the assignment record.
                #     rubric_list = assignment['rubric']
                #     for rubric_id, assessment in rubric_dict.iteritems():   # Loop through assessments
                #         # There might not be a "points" field in the assessment, in which case
                #         # there is nothing for us to report.
                #         if 'points' not in assessment:
                #             continue
                #         # The "comments" value might be null, in which case use an empty string.
                #         rubric_assessment_comments = ''
                #         if assessment['comments'] is not None:
                #             rubric_assessment_comments = assessment['comments']
                #         # Find the rubric description
                #         rubric = next(( x for x in rubric_list if x['id'] == rubric_id), None)
                #         # Find the corresponding assessment rating
                #         # There may not be corresponding rating object for the points value
                #         rating = next(( x for x in rubric['ratings'] if x['points'] == assessment['points']), None)
                #         rating_description = ''
                #         if rating is not None:
                #             rating_description = rating['description']
                #         rubric_assessment = (
                #             submission_id,
                #             rubric['description'],
                #             assessment['points'],
                #             rating_description,
                #             rubric_assessment_comments.encode("utf-8")
                #         )
                #         students_dict[submitter_id][DICT_KEY_RUBRIC_ASSESSMENTS].append(rubric_assessment)

                # We've found cases where the submitter is "Test Student",
                # which is a student created by Canvas for impersonation purposes.
                # Since this is not a real student, it won't be found in the student
                # collection, & it should be OK to skip these submissions.

                # We've found cases where the submitter is a student with pending
                # enrollment & the user object retrieved from Canvas doesn't
                # have email login ID. This means it won't be found in the
                # student_dict collection, & it should be OK to skip it.

                if (submitter_id in user_lookup) and (submitter_id
                                                      in students_dict):
                    submission_user = user_lookup[submitter_id]

                    submission_user_name = get_user_name(submission_user)
                    submitted_at = submission['submitted_at']
                    submission_type = submission['submission_type']
                    submission_body = submission['body']
                    if submission_body is not None:
                        # Encode weird unicode characters as utf-8
                        submission_body = submission_body.encode("utf-8")
                    submission_url = submission['url']

                    # 09.02.2017 tps
                    # Collect data for media_recording submission, which needs to be
                    # downloaded separately.
                    # Assume that all the media recordings are video/mp4 files.
                    submission_media_file = None  # Name for downloaded file
                    submission_media_type = None
                    submission_media_url = None
                    if submission_type == 'media_recording':
                        media_comment = submission['media_comment']
                        submission_media_file = media_comment[
                            'media_id'] + '.mp4'
                        submission_media_type = media_comment['media_type']
                        submission_media_url = media_comment['url']

                        # print('Submission for course %s %s, assignment %s, submission %s, user %s, type %s' % (course_id, course_name, assignment_id, submission_id, submission_user_name, submission_type))
                        # print(submission_media_file)
                        #print('media url: %s type: %s, display_name: %s' % (submission['media_comment']['url'], submission['media_comment']['media_type'], submission['media_comment']['display_name']))

                    # Gather student's submission data.
                    submission_data = (
                        submission_id, submission_user_name, course_name,
                        course_start_at, assignment_name,
                        assignment_description, submitted_at, submission_type,
                        submission_body, submission_url, submission_media_file,
                        submission_media_type, submission_media_url,
                        # submission_rubric_pts,
                        # submission_rubric_comments

                    # Gather submission comments, if any.
                    submission_comments = submission[DICT_KEY_COMMENTS]
                    if len(submission_comments) > 0:
                        for submission_comment in submission_comments:

                            # Extract items we need to export records.
                            comment_created_at = submission_comment[
                            comment = submission_comment['comment'].encode(

                            # 01.11.2019 tps We can always retrieve the author's name from the submission record.
                            author_user_name = submission_comment['author'][

                            # 01.11.2019 tps We'd prefer to show the user's login name, but We've seen cases where
                            # the comment author was dropped from the course,
                            # in which case there is no user record for them.
                            comment_author_id = submission_comment['author_id']
                            if comment_author_id in user_lookup:
                                commenter = user_lookup[
                                author_user_name = get_user_name(commenter)
                                    'Encountered submission comment in course %s (%s), assignment %s (%s), submitted by user %s (%s) who is not enrolled in the course'
                                    % (course_name, course_id, assignment_name,
                                       assignment_id, author_user_name,

                            # commenter = user_lookup[submission_comment['author_id']]
                            # author_user_name = get_user_name(commenter)

                            # Accumulate submission comments for the student.
                            comment_data = (submission_id, comment_created_at,
                                            comment, author_user_name)

                    # Gather submission attachments, if any.
                    if 'attachments' in submission:
                        for submission_attachment in submission['attachments']:
                            # Accumulate submission attachment data for the student.

                            # 05.08.2019 tps If there is a thumbnail for the attachment, make up a name
                            # for its thumbnail file, since Canvas doesn't provide names for thumbnail files.
                            # Assume all thumbnails are PNG images.
                            thumbnail_file = None
                            if submission_attachment['thumbnail_url']:
                                thumbnail_file = 'thumb' + str(
                                         )) + '.png'

                            attachment_data = (
                                # submission_attachment['display_name'].replace('/', '%2F'),  # Some attachments have weird file names

                            # print('attachment for course %s, assignment %s, submission %s, user %s, type %s, display name %s' % (course_name, assignment_id, submission_id, user_name, submission_type, submission_attachment['display_name']))
                            #print('attachment for course %s, assignment %s, submission %s, user %s, type %s, display name %s' % (course_name, assignment_id, submission_id, user_name, submission_type, submission_attachment['display_name']))

                    # 01.16.2019 tps Gather multiple rubric assessments into a flat data structure.
                    # The rubric description & ratings come from the assignment record.
                    # The keys in the rubric assessment dictionary can be matched to IDs of
                    # rubric objects in the assignment record.
                    if 'rubric_assessment' in submission:

                        rubric_dict = submission['rubric_assessment']
                        rubric_list = assignment['rubric']
                        for rubric_id, assessment in rubric_dict.iteritems(
                        ):  # Loop through assessments

                            # There might not be a "points" field in the assessment, in which case
                            # there is nothing for us to report.
                            if 'points' not in assessment:

                            # The "comments" value might be null, in which case use an empty string.
                            rubric_assessment_comments = ''
                            if assessment['comments'] is not None:
                                rubric_assessment_comments = assessment[

                            # Find the rubric description
                            rubric = next(
                                 for x in rubric_list if x['id'] == rubric_id),

                            # Find the corresponding assessment rating.
                            # There may not be a corresponding rating object for the points value.
                            rating = next(
                                (x for x in rubric['ratings']
                                 if x['points'] == assessment['points']), None)
                            rating_description = ''
                            if rating is not None:
                                rating_description = rating['description']

                            rubric_assessment = (
                                submission_id, rubric['description'],
                                assessment['points'], rating_description,

                    # Mention that we skipped a submission
                        'Skipped submission for course %s, assignment %s, submission %s, user %s'
                        % (course_id, assignment_id, submission_id,

        # Make a file directory to hold course data, named after the course.
        course_folder_name = os.path.join(path_consts.EXPORTS_FOLDER,
        if not os.path.isdir(course_folder_name):

        # We're ready to output all the course's student data csv files.
        for user_id, student_data in students_dict.items():
            # Each student gets their own folder, named by their user name.
            user_name = student_data[DICT_KEY_USER_NAME]
            student_folder_name = os.path.join(course_folder_name, user_name)
            if not os.path.isdir(student_folder_name):

            # Write submissions file.
            file_path = os.path.join(student_folder_name,
            write_csv_file(file_path, SUBMISSION_HEADERS,

            # Write submission comments file.
            file_path = os.path.join(student_folder_name,
            write_csv_file(file_path, SUBMISSION_COMMENT_HEADERS,

            # Write submission attachments file.
            file_path = os.path.join(student_folder_name,
            write_csv_file(file_path, SUBMISSION_ATTACHMENT_HEADERS,

            # Write rubric assessments file.
            file_path = os.path.join(student_folder_name,
            write_csv_file(file_path, SUBMISSION_RUBRIC_ASSESSMENT_HEADERS,
コード例 #13
def cp_err_log():
    err_log_file = script_logging.ERR_FILE_NAME
    err_log_cp = make_cp_file_name()
    script_logging.log_status('Copying error log %s to %s' %
                              (err_log_file, err_log_cp))
    shutil.copy(err_log_file, err_log_cp)