def prompt_user_to_send_announcement_email(): """Asks the user to send release announcement mail and check if it is in announcement category. """ new_contributors_mail_ids = (', ').join( get_new_authors_and_contributors_mail_ids()) release_version = common.get_current_release_version_number( common.get_current_branch_name()) common.open_new_tab_in_browser_if_possible( '') common.ask_user_to_confirm( 'Please copy the mail message from %s and send the email to:\n' ' TO: [email protected]\n' ' BCC: [email protected], ' '[email protected], %s\n' 'with the following subject: "Announcing release v%s of Oppia!"' 'Please make sure to check that the mail ids of new authors ' 'and contributors are correct.\n' % ( RELEASE_MAIL_MESSAGE_FILEPATH, new_contributors_mail_ids, release_version)) common.open_new_tab_in_browser_if_possible( '!categories/oppia') common.ask_user_to_confirm('Add announcements label to the email sent.\n') common.ask_user_to_confirm( 'Ensure the email sent to oppia@ is in the Announcements category')
def update_package_json(): """Updates version param in package json file to match the current release version. """ release_version = common.get_current_release_version_number( common.get_current_branch_name()) common.inplace_replace_file(PACKAGE_JSON_FILEPATH, '"version": ".*"', '"version": "%s"' % release_version)
def get_parent_branch_name_for_diff(): """Returns remote branch name against which the diff has to be checked. Returns: str. The name of the remote branch. """ if common.is_current_branch_a_hotfix_branch(): return 'release-%s' % common.get_current_release_version_number( common.get_current_branch_name()) return b'develop'
def update_version_in_config_files(): """Updates version param in package json file to match the current release version. """ release_version = common.get_current_release_version_number( common.get_current_branch_name()) common.inplace_replace_file(PACKAGE_JSON_FILEPATH, '"version": ".*"', '"version": "%s"' % release_version, expected_number_of_replacements=1) common.inplace_replace_file(common.FECONF_PATH, 'OPPIA_VERSION = \'.*\'', 'OPPIA_VERSION = \'%s\'' % release_version, expected_number_of_replacements=1)
def create_new_file_with_release_message_template(): """Adds the template message to release mail filepath.""" release_version = common.get_current_release_version_number( common.get_current_branch_name()) with python_utils.open_file(RELEASE_MAIL_MESSAGE_FILEPATH, 'w') as f: f.write(RELEASE_MAIL_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE % (tuple([release_version] + SECTIONS_TO_ADD))) common.ask_user_to_confirm( 'Please make updates to following file %s for generating the ' 'release announcement mail by adding:\n' ' 1. Main changes for release\n' ' 2. Editorials/announcements if required\n' ' 3. Author details from\n' ' 4. Names of release testers\n' ' 5. Name of QA Team lead\n' ' 6. Your name\n' % RELEASE_MAIL_MESSAGE_FILEPATH)
def draft_new_release(): """Drafts a new release tag on github.""" release_version = common.get_current_release_version_number( common.get_current_branch_name()) remote_alias = common.get_remote_alias(release_constants.REMOTE_URL) subprocess.check_call([ 'git', 'tag', '-a', 'v%s' % release_version, '-m', 'Version %s' % release_version]) subprocess.check_call([ 'git', 'push', remote_alias, 'v%s' % release_version]) common.open_new_tab_in_browser_if_possible( release_constants.NEW_RELEASE_URL) common.open_new_tab_in_browser_if_possible( release_constants.GITHUB_RELEASE_TAB_URL) common.ask_user_to_confirm( 'Please draft a new release on GitHub pointing to the ' 'new tag and including relevant changelog information.\n' 'The two tabs in your browser point to: ' 'Page to draft a new release, examples of previous releases.')
def execute_deployment(): """Executes the deployment process after doing the prerequisite checks. Raises: Exception. App name is invalid. Exception. Custom version is used with production app. Exception. App name is not specified. Exception. The deployment script is not run from a release or test branch. Exception. The deployment script is run for prod server from a test branch. Exception. Current release version has '.' character. Exception. Last commit message is invalid. Exception. The mailgun API key is not added before deployment. Exception. Could not find third party directory. Exception. Invalid directory accessed during deployment. """ parsed_args = _PARSER.parse_args() custom_version = None if parsed_args.app_name: app_name = parsed_args.app_name if app_name not in [APP_NAME_OPPIASERVER, APP_NAME_OPPIATESTSERVER ] and ('migration' not in app_name): raise Exception('Invalid app name: %s' % app_name) if parsed_args.version and app_name == APP_NAME_OPPIASERVER: raise Exception('Cannot use custom version with production app.') # Note that custom_version may be None. custom_version = parsed_args.version else: raise Exception('No app name specified.') current_branch_name = common.get_current_branch_name() release_dir_name = 'deploy-%s-%s-%s' % ( '-'.join('-'.join(app_name.split('.')).split(':')), current_branch_name, CURRENT_DATETIME.strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')) release_dir_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '..', release_dir_name) deploy_data_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.pardir, 'release-scripts', 'deploy_data', app_name) install_third_party_libs.main() if not (common.is_current_branch_a_release_branch() or (common.is_current_branch_a_test_branch())): raise Exception( 'The deployment script must be run from a release or test branch.') if common.is_current_branch_a_test_branch() and (app_name in [ APP_NAME_OPPIASERVER, APP_NAME_OPPIATESTSERVER ]): raise Exception('Test branch can only be deployed to backup server.') if custom_version is not None: current_release_version = custom_version.replace(DOT_CHAR, HYPHEN_CHAR) else: current_release_version = current_branch_name[ len(common.RELEASE_BRANCH_NAME_PREFIX):].replace( DOT_CHAR, HYPHEN_CHAR) # This is required to compose the release_version_library_url # (defined in switch_version function) correctly. if '.' in current_release_version: raise Exception('Current release version has \'.\' character.') assert len(current_release_version) <= 25, ( 'The length of the "version" arg should be less than or ' 'equal to 25 characters.') # Do prerequisite checks. common.require_cwd_to_be_oppia() common.ensure_release_scripts_folder_exists_and_is_up_to_date() gcloud_adapter.require_gcloud_to_be_available() try: if app_name == APP_NAME_OPPIASERVER: check_release_doc() release_version_number = common.get_current_release_version_number( current_branch_name) last_commit_message = subprocess.check_output( 'git log -1 --pretty=%B'.split()) personal_access_token = common.get_personal_access_token() if not common.is_current_branch_a_hotfix_branch(): if not last_commit_message.startswith( 'Update authors and changelog for v%s' % (release_version_number)): raise Exception('Invalid last commit message: %s.' % (last_commit_message)) g = github.Github(personal_access_token) repo = g.get_organization('oppia').get_repo('oppia') common.check_blocking_bug_issue_count(repo) common.check_prs_for_current_release_are_released(repo) check_travis_and_circleci_tests(current_branch_name) update_configs.main(personal_access_token) with python_utils.open_file(common.FECONF_PATH, 'r') as f: feconf_contents = if ('MAILGUN_API_KEY' not in feconf_contents or 'MAILGUN_API_KEY = None' in feconf_contents): raise Exception( 'The mailgun API key must be added before deployment.') update_configs.add_redishost() if not os.path.exists(THIRD_PARTY_DIR): raise Exception( 'Could not find third_party directory at %s. Please run ' ' prior to running this script.' % THIRD_PARTY_DIR) current_git_revision = subprocess.check_output( ['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD']).strip() # Create a folder in which to save the release candidate. python_utils.PRINT('Ensuring that the release directory parent exists') common.ensure_directory_exists(os.path.dirname(release_dir_path)) # Copy files to the release directory. Omits the .git subfolder. python_utils.PRINT('Copying files to the release directory') shutil.copytree(os.getcwd(), release_dir_path, ignore=shutil.ignore_patterns('.git')) # Change the current directory to the release candidate folder. with common.CD(release_dir_path): if not os.getcwd().endswith(release_dir_name): raise Exception( 'Invalid directory accessed during deployment: %s' % os.getcwd()) python_utils.PRINT('Changing directory to %s' % os.getcwd()) python_utils.PRINT('Preprocessing release...') preprocess_release(app_name, deploy_data_path) update_and_check_indexes(app_name) build_scripts(parsed_args.maintenance_mode) deploy_application_and_write_log_entry(app_name, current_release_version, current_git_revision) python_utils.PRINT('Returning to oppia/ root directory.') switch_version(app_name, current_release_version) flush_memcache(app_name) check_breakage(app_name, current_release_version) python_utils.PRINT('Done!') finally: subprocess.check_output([ 'git', 'checkout', '--', update_configs.LOCAL_FECONF_PATH, update_configs.LOCAL_CONSTANTS_PATH, APP_DEV_YAML_PATH ])
def main(): """Collects necessary info and dumps it to disk.""" branch_name = common.get_current_branch_name() if not common.is_current_branch_a_release_branch(): raise Exception( 'This script should only be run from the latest release branch.') parsed_args = _PARSER.parse_args() if parsed_args.github_username is None: raise Exception('No GitHub username provided. Please re-run the ' 'script specifying a username using ' '--github_username=<Your username>') github_username = parsed_args.github_username personal_access_token = common.get_personal_access_token() g = github.Github(personal_access_token) repo = g.get_organization('oppia').get_repo('oppia') repo_fork = g.get_repo('%s/oppia' % github_username) common.check_blocking_bug_issue_count(repo) common.check_prs_for_current_release_are_released(repo) if not os.path.exists( constants.release_constants.RELEASE_SUMMARY_FILEPATH): raise Exception('Release summary file %s is missing. Please re-run ' 'this script.' % (constants.release_constants.RELEASE_SUMMARY_FILEPATH)) current_release_version_number = common.get_current_release_version_number( branch_name) target_branch = 'update-changelog-for-releasev%s' % ( current_release_version_number) remove_updates_and_delete_branch(repo_fork, target_branch) # Opens Credit Form. python_utils.PRINT( 'Note: Make following changes directly to %s and make sure to ' 'save the file after making these changes.' % (constants.release_constants.RELEASE_SUMMARY_FILEPATH)) common.ask_user_to_confirm( 'Check emails and names for new authors and new contributors in the ' 'file: %s and verify that the emails are ' 'correct through welcome emails sent from [email protected] ' '(confirm with Sean in case of doubt). Please ensure that you correct ' 'the emails of the form: %s.' % (constants.release_constants.RELEASE_SUMMARY_FILEPATH, constants.release_constants.INVALID_EMAIL_SUFFIX)) common.open_new_tab_in_browser_if_possible( constants.release_constants.CREDITS_FORM_URL) common.ask_user_to_confirm( 'Check the credits form and add any additional contributors ' 'to the contributor list in the file: %s.' % (constants.release_constants.RELEASE_SUMMARY_FILEPATH)) common.ask_user_to_confirm( 'Categorize the PR titles in the Uncategorized section of the ' 'changelog in the file: %s, and arrange the changelog ' 'to have user-facing categories on top.' % (constants.release_constants.RELEASE_SUMMARY_FILEPATH)) common.ask_user_to_confirm( 'Verify each item is in the correct section in the ' 'file: %s and remove trivial changes like "Fix lint errors" ' 'from the changelog.' % (constants.release_constants.RELEASE_SUMMARY_FILEPATH)) common.ask_user_to_confirm( 'Ensure that all items in changelog in the file: %s ' 'start with a verb in simple present tense.' % (constants.release_constants.RELEASE_SUMMARY_FILEPATH)) common.ask_user_to_confirm( 'Please save the file: %s with all the changes that ' 'you have made.' % (constants.release_constants.RELEASE_SUMMARY_FILEPATH)) release_summary_lines = get_release_summary_lines() update_changelog(branch_name, release_summary_lines, current_release_version_number) update_authors(release_summary_lines) update_contributors(release_summary_lines) update_developer_names(release_summary_lines) update_version_in_config_files() list_of_numbered_files = [] for i, filepath in enumerate(LIST_OF_FILEPATHS_TO_MODIFY, start=1): list_of_numbered_files.append('%s. %s' % (i, filepath)) message = ('Please check the changes and make updates if required in the ' 'following files:\n%s\n' % '\n'.join(list_of_numbered_files)) common.ask_user_to_confirm(message) create_branch(repo, repo_fork, target_branch, github_username, current_release_version_number)
def main(): """Collects necessary info and dumps it to disk.""" branch_name = common.get_current_branch_name() if not common.is_current_branch_a_release_branch(): raise Exception( 'This script should only be run from the latest release branch.') parsed_args = _PARSER.parse_args() if parsed_args.github_username is None: raise Exception( 'No GitHub username provided. Please re-run the ' 'script specifying a username using ' '--github_username=<Your username>') github_username = parsed_args.github_username personal_access_token = common.get_personal_access_token() python_utils.PRINT('Generating release summary...') generate_release_info.main(personal_access_token) if not os.path.exists(release_constants.RELEASE_SUMMARY_FILEPATH): raise Exception( 'Release summary file %s is missing. Please re-run ' 'this script.' % release_constants.RELEASE_SUMMARY_FILEPATH) g = github.Github(personal_access_token) repo_fork = g.get_repo('%s/oppia' % github_username) current_release_version_number = common.get_current_release_version_number( branch_name) target_branch = 'update-changelog-for-releasev%s' % ( current_release_version_number) remove_updates_and_delete_branch(repo_fork, target_branch) # Opens Credit Form. python_utils.PRINT( 'Note: Make following changes directly to %s and make sure to ' 'save the file after making these changes.' % ( release_constants.RELEASE_SUMMARY_FILEPATH)) common.ask_user_to_confirm( 'Check emails and names for authors and contributors in the release ' 'summary file and verify that the emails are ' 'correct through welcome emails sent from [email protected] ' '(confirm with Sean in case of doubt).') common.open_new_tab_in_browser_if_possible( release_constants.CREDITS_FORM_URL) common.ask_user_to_confirm( 'Check the credits form and add any additional contributors ' 'to the contributor list in the release summary file.') common.ask_user_to_confirm( 'Categorize the PR titles in the Uncategorized section of the ' 'changelog in the release summary file, and arrange the changelog ' 'to have user-facing categories on top.') common.ask_user_to_confirm( 'Verify each item is in the correct section in the release summary ' 'file and remove trivial changes like "Fix lint errors" ' 'from the changelog.') common.ask_user_to_confirm( 'Ensure that all items in changelog in the release summary file ' 'start with a verb in simple present tense.') common.ask_user_to_confirm( 'Please save the release summary file with all the changes that ' 'you have made.') release_summary_lines = [] with python_utils.open_file( release_constants.RELEASE_SUMMARY_FILEPATH, 'r' ) as release_summary_file: release_summary_lines = release_summary_file.readlines() check_ordering_of_sections(release_summary_lines) update_changelog( branch_name, release_summary_lines, current_release_version_number) update_authors(release_summary_lines) update_contributors(release_summary_lines) update_developer_names(release_summary_lines) message = ( 'Please check the changes and make updates if required in the ' 'following files:\n1. %s\n2. %s\n3. %s\n4. %s\n' % ( CHANGELOG_FILEPATH, AUTHORS_FILEPATH, CONTRIBUTORS_FILEPATH, ABOUT_PAGE_FILEPATH)) common.ask_user_to_confirm(message) create_branch( repo_fork, target_branch, github_username, current_release_version_number)