def setup_db(setup_type): #Read Configuration import shapefile import os, glob, os.path import datetime,psycopg2 from datetime import timedelta import sys import subprocess from scripts.db_functions import ReadYAML from scripts.db_functions import DB_connection from scripts.db_functions import create_variable_container from scripts.db_functions import update_functions from scripts.db_functions import geojson_to_sql from scripts.db_functions import bulk_compute_slope download_link,osm_data_recency,buffer,extract_bbox,source_population,additional_walkability_layers,osm_mapping_feature = ReadYAML().data_source() compute_slope_impedance = ReadYAML().data_refinement()["variable_container"]["compute_slope_impedance"][1:-1] db_name,user,host,port,password = ReadYAML().db_credentials() db_name_temp = db_name+'temp' db_temp = DB_connection(db_name_temp,user,host,port,password) #Create pgpass-file for normal and temporary DB ReadYAML().create_pgpass('',user) ReadYAML().create_pgpass('temp',user) ReadYAML().create_pgpass('empty',user+'empty') #Create seperate user if not exists for renaming DBs afterwards cmd = f'''PGPASSFILE=~/.pgpass_{db_name} psql -U {user} -h {host} -c "SELECT 1 FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname='{user+'empty'}';"''' cmd_return = subprocess.check_output(cmd,shell=True) if ('0 row' in str(cmd_return)): print(cmd_return) os.system(f'''PGPASSFILE=~/.pgpass_{db_name} psql -U {user} -h {host} -c "CREATE USER goatempty WITH password '{password}'; ALTER USER goatempty SUPERUSER;"''') os.system(f'''PGPASSFILE=~/.pgpass_{db_name} psql -U {user} -h {host} -c "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS goatempty;"''') os.system(f'''PGPASSFILE=~/.pgpass_{db_name} psql -U {user} -h {host} -c "CREATE DATABASE goatempty;"''') #Create temporary database os.system(f'''PGPASSFILE=~/.pgpass_{db_name} psql -U {user} -h {host} -c "SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE datname='{db_name_temp}';"''') os.system(f'PGPASSFILE=~/.pgpass_{db_name} psql -U {user} -h {host} -c "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS {db_name_temp};"') os.system(f'PGPASSFILE=~/.pgpass_{db_name} psql -U {user} -h {host} -c "CREATE DATABASE {db_name_temp};"') #Create extensions os.system(F'PGPASSFILE=~/.pgpass_{db_name_temp} psql -U {user} -h {host} -d {db_name_temp} -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;CREATE EXTENSION pgrouting;CREATE EXTENSION hstore;CREATE EXTENSION intarray;CREATE EXTENSION plpython3u;"') os.system(F'PGPASSFILE=~/.pgpass_{db_name_temp} psql -U {user} -h {host} -d {db_name_temp} -c "CREATE EXTENSION arraymath;CREATE EXTENSION floatvec;"') #These extensions are needed when using the new DB-image os.system(f'PGPASSFILE=~/.pgpass_{db_name_temp} psql -U {user} -h {host} -d {db_name_temp} -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis_raster;"') os.system(f'PGPASSFILE=~/.pgpass_{db_name_temp} psql -U {user} -h {host} -d {db_name_temp} -c "CREATE EXTENSION plv8;"') os.chdir('/opt/data') if (download_link != 'no_download' and setup_type == 'new_setup'): os.system(f'wget --no-check-certificate --output-document="raw-osm.osm.pbf" {download_link}') #Define bounding box, the boundingbox is buffered by approx. 3 km bbox = shapefile.Reader("study_area.shp").bbox top = bbox[3]+buffer left = bbox[0]-buffer bottom = bbox[1]-buffer right = bbox[2]+buffer if (setup_type == 'new_setup'): if (extract_bbox == 'yes'): bounding_box = f'--bounding-box top={top} left={left} bottom={bottom} right={right}' print('Your bounding box is: ' + bounding_box) os.system(f'osmosis --read-pbf file="raw-osm.osm.pbf" {bounding_box} --write-xml file="study_area.osm"') #Create timestamps os.system('rm timestamps.txt') os.system('touch timestamps.txt') #Create timestamp by substracting one day (usually Geofabrik files are one day old) currentDT = timestamp = currentDT.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")+'T'+currentDT.strftime("%H:%M:%S")+'Z' print(timestamp) file = open("timestamps.txt","a") file.write(timestamp+'\n') file.close() #Import DEM if os.path.isfile('dem_vec.sql'): db_temp.execute_script_psql('dem_vec.sql') elif os.path.isfile('dem.tif'): #os.system('gdalwarp -dstnodata -999.0 -r near -ot Float32 -of GTiff -te %f %f %f %f dem.tif dem_cut.tif' % (left,top,right,bottom)) os.system('raster2pgsql -c -C -s 4326 -f rast -F -I -M -t 100x100 dem.tif public.dem > dem.sql') db_temp.execute_script_psql('dem.sql') db_temp.execute_script_psql('/opt/data_preparation/SQL/prepare_dem.sql') #Import shapefiles into database for file in glob.glob("*.shp"): print(file) os.system(f'PGPASSFILE=~/.pgpass_{db_name_temp} shp2pgsql -I -s 4326 %s public.%s | PGPASSFILE=~/.pgpass_{db_name_temp} psql -d %s -U %s -h %s -q' % (file,file.split('.')[0],db_name_temp,user,host)) #Import custom pois if glob.glob('custom_pois/*.geojson'): geojson_to_sql(db_name_temp,user,host,port,password) db_temp.execute_text_psql(f'DELETE FROM custom_pois WHERE NOT ST_INTERSECTS(geom,ST_MAKEENVELOPE({left},{bottom},{right},{top}, 4326))') #Use OSM-Update-Tool in order to fetch the most recent data if (osm_data_recency == 'most_recent'): #Take last timestamp file = open('timestamps.txt','r') for line in file: pass timestamp=str(line.replace('\n','')) print('You are fetching the most recent changes from OSM.') os.system(f'osmupdate study_area.osm {timestamp} study_area_update.osm -b={left},{bottom},{right},{top}') #Add new timestamp currentDT = timestamp = currentDT.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")+'T'+currentDT.strftime("%H:%M:%S")+'Z' print(timestamp) file = open('timestamps.txt','a') file.write(timestamp+'\n') file.close() os.system('mv study_area_update.osm study_area.osm') #Reduce files-size OSM-file os.system('osmconvert study_area.osm --drop-author --drop-version --out-osm -o=study_area_reduced.osm') os.system('rm study_area.osm | mv study_area_reduced.osm study_area.osm') #Copy custom data into temporary database if (setup_type in ['all','population','pois','network']): for file in glob.glob("*.shp"): table_name = file.split('.')[0] os.system(f'PGPASSFILE=~/.pgpass_{db_name} pg_dump -U {user} -d {db_name} -h {host} -t {table_name} | PGPASSFILE=~/.pgpass_{db_name_temp} psql -d {db_name_temp} -U {user} -h {host}') #Create tables and types db_temp.execute_script_psql('/opt/data_preparation/SQL/create_tables.sql') create_variable_container(db_name_temp,user,str(port),host,password) #Write timestamp in Variable container db_temp.execute_text_psql(f"INSERT INTO variable_container(identifier, variable_simple) VALUES ('data_recency','{timestamp}')") db_temp.execute_script_psql('/opt/data_preparation/SQL/types.sql') #Create functions that are needed for data_preparation for file in glob.glob('/opt/database_functions/data_preparation/*'): db_temp.execute_script_psql(file) if (setup_type in ['new_setup','all','population','pois','network']): os.system(f'PGPASSFILE=~/.pgpass_{db_name_temp} osm2pgsql -d {db_name_temp} -H {host} -U {user} --hstore -E 4326 study_area.osm') if (setup_type in ['new_setup','population','pois']): os.system(f"PGPASSFILE=~/.pgpass_{db_name_temp} psql -d {db_name_temp} -h {host} -U {user} -f {'../data_preparation/SQL/pois.sql'}") if (setup_type in ['new_setup','population']): print ('It was chosen to use population from: ', source_population) if os.path.isfile('buildings.shp'): script_buildings = 'buildings_residential_custom.sql' else: script_buildings = 'buildings_residential.sql' if (source_population == 'extrapolation'): db_temp.execute_script_psql('../data_preparation/SQL/'+script_buildings) db_temp.execute_script_psql('../data_preparation/SQL/census.sql') elif(source_population == 'disaggregation'): db_temp.execute_script_psql('../data_preparation/SQL/'+script_buildings) db_temp.execute_script_psql('../data_preparation/SQL/population_disagregation.sql') elif(source_population == 'distribution'): db_temp.execute_script_psql('../data_preparation/SQL/population_distribution.sql') db_temp.execute_script_psql('../data_preparation/SQL/create_population_userinput.sql') if (setup_type in ['new_setup','all','network']): os.system(f'PGPASSFILE=~/.pgpass_{db_name_temp} osm2pgrouting --dbname {db_name_temp} --host {host} --username {user} --file "study_area.osm" --conf ../mapconfig.xml --clean') db_temp.execute_script_psql('../data_preparation/SQL/network_preparation1.sql') if compute_slope_impedance == 'yes': bulk_compute_slope(db_name_temp,user,port,host,password) db_temp.execute_script_psql('../data_preparation/SQL/network_preparation2.sql') if (additional_walkability_layers == 'yes'): db_temp.execute_script_psql('../data_preparation/SQL/layer_preparation.sql') if (osm_mapping_feature == 'yes'): db_temp.execute_script_psql('../data_preparation/SQL/create_tables_mapping.sql') if (setup_type == 'new_setup'): os.system(f'''PGPASSFILE=~/.pgpass_{db_name} psql -U {user} -h {host} -c "SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE datname='{db_name+'old'}';"''') os.system(f'PGPASSFILE=~/.pgpass_{db_name} psql -U {user} -h {host} -c "DROP DATABASE {db_name}old;"') os.system(f'''PGPASSFILE=~/.pgpass_{db_name}empty psql -U {user}empty -h {host} -c "SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE datname='{db_name}';"''') os.system(f'PGPASSFILE=~/.pgpass_{db_name}empty psql -U {user}empty -h {host} -c "ALTER DATABASE {db_name} RENAME TO {db_name}old;"') os.system(f'PGPASSFILE=~/.pgpass_{db_name}empty psql -U {user}empty -h {host} -c "ALTER DATABASE {db_name_temp} RENAME TO {db_name};"') #Creates DB_functions update_functions() os.system(f'PGPASSFILE=~/.pgpass_{db_name} psql -U {user} -h {host} -d {db_name} -f /opt/database_functions/libs/plv8_js_modules.sql') #os.system(f'psql -U {user} -d {db_name} -c "ALTER DATABASE {db_name} SET plv8.start_proc TO plv8_require') else: con,cursor = db_temp.con_psycopg() #Select all tables that have changed sql_select_not_empty_tables = ''' SELECT c.relname FROM pg_class c INNER JOIN pg_namespace n ON (n.oid = c.relnamespace) WHERE c.reltuples <> 0 AND c.relkind = 'r' AND nspname = 'public'; ''' cursor.execute(sql_select_not_empty_tables) tables_to_update = cursor.fetchall() con.close() #Refresh all tables that have changed for table in tables_to_update: table = table[0] if (table != 'spatial_ref_sys'): os.system(f'PGPASSFILE=~/.pgpass_{db_name} psql -d {db_name} -U {user} -h {host} -c "DROP TABLE {table} CASCADE;"') os.system(f'PGPASSFILE=~/.pgpass_{db_name_temp} pg_dump -U {user} -d {db_name_temp} -h {host} -t {table} | PGPASSFILE=~/.pgpass_{db_name} psql -d {db_name} -U {user} -h {host}') os.system(f'''PGPASSFILE=~/.pgpass_{db_name} psql -U {user} -h {host} -c "SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE datname='{db_name_temp}';"''') os.system(f'PGPASSFILE=~/.pgpass_{db_name} psql -U {user} -h {host} -c "DROP DATABASE {db_name_temp};"')
'variable_container', 'restore_dump' ] parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('-t', help=help_text_type) parser.add_argument( '-n', help= 'Please define a namespace (e.g. muenchen) otherwise no backup can be done.' ) setup_type = parser.parse_args().t namespace = parser.parse_args().n print('You decided to do the following setup-type: %s' % setup_type) if not setup_type or setup_type not in (setup_types): sys.exit('You have defined no setup-type!') elif (setup_type == 'functions'): ReadYAML().create_pgpass('') db_functions.update_functions() elif (setup_type == 'variable_container'): ReadYAML().create_pgpass('') db_name, user, host = ReadYAML().db_credentials()[:3] db_con = DB_connection(db_name, user, host) db_con.execute_text_psql(db_functions.create_variable_container()) elif (setup_type == 'restore_dump' and namespace != None): restore_db(namespace) else: setup_db.setup_db(setup_type)
def setup_db(setup_type): #Read Configuration import shapefile import os, glob import datetime, psycopg2 from datetime import timedelta from scripts.db_functions import ReadYAML from scripts.db_functions import DB_connection from scripts.db_functions import create_variable_container from scripts.db_functions import update_functions from scripts.db_functions import geojson_to_sql download_link, osm_data_recency, buffer, source_population, additional_walkability_layers = ReadYAML( ).data_source() db_name, user, host, port, password = ReadYAML().db_credentials() db_name_temp = db_name + 'temp' db_temp = DB_connection(db_name_temp, user, host) #Create temporary database os.system( '''psql -U postgres -c "SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE datname='%s';"''' % db_name_temp) os.system('psql -U postgres -c "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS %s;"' % db_name_temp) os.system('psql -U postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE %s;"' % db_name_temp) #Create pgpass-file for temporary database ReadYAML().create_pgpass('temp') #Create extensions os.system( 'psql -U postgres -d %s -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;CREATE EXTENSION pgrouting;CREATE EXTENSION hstore;CREATE EXTENSION plpython3u;"' % db_name_temp) os.chdir('/opt/data') if (download_link != 'no_download' and setup_type == 'new_setup'): os.system( 'wget --no-check-certificate --output-document="raw-osm.osm.pbf" %s' % download_link) #Define bounding box, the boundingbox is buffered by approx. 3 km bbox = shapefile.Reader("study_area.shp").bbox top = bbox[3] + buffer left = bbox[0] - buffer bottom = bbox[1] - buffer right = bbox[2] + buffer if (setup_type == 'new_setup'): bounding_box = '--bounding-box top=%f left=%f bottom=%f right=%f' % ( top, left, bottom, right) #print('osmosis --read-pbf file="raw-osm.osm.pbf" %s --write-xml file="study_area.osm"' % bounding_box) os.system( 'osmosis --read-pbf file="raw-osm.osm.pbf" %s --write-xml file="study_area.osm"' % bounding_box) #Create timestamps os.system('rm timestamps.txt') os.system('touch timestamps.txt') #Create timestamp by substracting one day (usually Geofabrik files are one day old) currentDT = - timedelta(days=1) timestamp = currentDT.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + 'T' + currentDT.strftime( "%H:%M:%S") + 'Z' print(timestamp) file = open("timestamps.txt", "a") file.write(timestamp + '\n') file.close() #Import shapefiles into database for file in glob.glob("*.shp"): print(file) os.system( 'PGPASSFILE=/.pgpass shp2pgsql -I -s 4326 %s public.%s | PGPASSFILE=/.pgpass psql -d %s -U %s -h %s -q' % (file, file.split('.')[0], db_name_temp, user, host)) #Use OSM-Update-Tool in order to fetch the most recent data if (osm_data_recency == 'most_recent'): #Take last timestamp file = open('timestamps.txt', 'r') for line in file: pass timestamp = str(line.replace('\n', '')) print('You are fetching the most recent changes from OSM.') os.system( 'osmupdate study_area.osm %s study_area_update.osm -b=%f,%f,%f,%f' % (timestamp, left, bottom, right, top)) #Add new timestamp currentDT = timestamp = currentDT.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + 'T' + currentDT.strftime( "%H:%M:%S") + 'Z' print(timestamp) file = open('timestamps.txt', 'a') file.write(timestamp + '\n') file.close() os.system('mv study_area_update.osm study_area.osm') #Reduce files-size OSM-file os.system( 'osmconvert study_area.osm --drop-author --drop-version --out-osm -o=study_area_reduced.osm' ) os.system('rm study_area.osm | mv study_area_reduced.osm study_area.osm') #Copy custom data into temporary database if (setup_type in ['all', 'population', 'pois', 'network']): for file in glob.glob("*.shp"): table_name = file.split('.')[0] os.system('pg_dump -U %s -d %s -t %s | psql -d %s -U %s' % (user, db_name, table_name, db_name_temp, user)) #Create tables and types db_temp.execute_script_psql('/opt/data_preparation/SQL/create_tables.sql') db_temp.execute_text_psql(create_variable_container()) db_temp.execute_script_psql('/opt/data_preparation/SQL/types.sql') #Create functions that are needed for data_preparation db_temp.execute_script_psql( '/opt/database_functions/other/select_from_variable_container.sql') db_temp.execute_script_psql( '/opt/database_functions/other/split_long_way.sql') if (setup_type in ['new_setup', 'all', 'population', 'pois', 'network']): os.system( 'PGPASSFILE=/.pgpass osm2pgsql -d %s -H %s -U %s --hstore -E 4326 study_area.osm' % (db_name_temp, host, user)) if (setup_type in ['new_setup', 'population', 'pois']): os.system( 'PGPASSFILE=/.pgpass psql -d %s -U %s -h %s -f %s' % (db_name_temp, user, host, '../data_preparation/SQL/pois.sql')) if (setup_type in ['new_setup', 'population']): print('It was chosen to use population from: ', source_population) if (source_population == 'extrapolation'): db_temp.execute_script_psql( '../data_preparation/SQL/buildings_residential.sql') db_temp.execute_script_psql( '../data_preparation/SQL/census.sql') elif (source_population == 'disaggregation'): db_temp.execute_script_psql( '../data_preparation/SQL/buildings_residential.sql') db_temp.execute_script_psql( '../data_preparation/SQL/population_disagregation.sql') if (setup_type in ['new_setup', 'all', 'network']): os.system( 'PGPASSFILE=/.pgpass osm2pgrouting --dbname %s --host %s --username %s --file "study_area.osm" --conf ../mapconfig.xml --clean' % (db_name_temp, host, user)) db_temp.execute_script_psql( '../data_preparation/SQL/network_preparation.sql') if (additional_walkability_layers == 'yes'): db_temp.execute_script_psql( '../data_preparation/SQL/layer_preparation.sql') if (setup_type == 'new_setup'): #Create pgpass for goat-database ReadYAML().create_pgpass('') os.system( '''psql -U postgres -c "SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE datname='%s';"''' % db_name) os.system('psql -U postgres -c "ALTER DATABASE %s RENAME TO %s;"' % (db_name, db_name + 'old')) os.system('psql -U postgres -c "ALTER DATABASE %s RENAME TO %s;"' % (db_name_temp, db_name)) os.system('psql -U postgres -c "DROP DATABASE %s;"' % (db_name + 'old')) #Creates DB_functions update_functions() else: #Create pgpass for goat-database ReadYAML().create_pgpass('') con = psycopg2.connect( "dbname='%s' user='******' port = '%s' host='%s' password='******'" % (db_name_temp, user, port, host, password)) cursor = con.cursor() #Select all tables that have changed sql_select_not_empty_tables = ''' SELECT c.relname FROM pg_class c INNER JOIN pg_namespace n ON (n.oid = c.relnamespace) WHERE c.reltuples <> 0 AND c.relkind = 'r' AND nspname = 'public'; ''' cursor.execute(sql_select_not_empty_tables) tables_to_update = cursor.fetchall() #Refresh all tables that have changed for table in tables_to_update: table = table[0] if (table != 'spatial_ref_sys'): os.system( 'PGPASSFILE=/.pgpass psql -d %s -U %s -h %s -c "DROP TABLE %s CASCADE;"' % (db_name, user, host, table)) os.system('pg_dump -U %s -d %s -t %s | psql -d %s -U %s' % (user, db_name_temp, table, db_name, user)) os.system( '''psql -U postgres -c "SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE datname='%s';"''' % db_name_temp) os.system('psql -U postgres -c "DROP DATABASE %s;"' % db_name_temp)