if (BACK_MUS is None and BACK_VOL != -12): print( 'Warning! Background volume specified even though no background music was provided.' ) if (KEEP_SEP == False and PRERUN == False and BACK_MUS is None and LOUD_THRESHOLD == 2 and NEW_TRAC == None and SILENT_SPEED == 99999 and VIDEO_SPEED == 1 and BASE_TRAC == 0 and HWACCEL is None and not isAudio): OUTPUT_FILE = fastVideo(INPUT_FILE, OUTPUT_FILE, SILENT_THRESHOLD, FRAME_SPREADAGE, SAMPLE_RATE, VERBOSE) else: OUTPUT_FILE = originalMethod( INPUT_FILE, OUTPUT_FILE, GIVEN_FPS, FRAME_SPREADAGE, FRAME_QUALITY, SILENT_THRESHOLD, LOUD_THRESHOLD, SAMPLE_RATE, SILENT_SPEED, VIDEO_SPEED, KEEP_SEP, BACK_MUS, BACK_VOL, NEW_TRAC, BASE_TRAC, COMBINE_TRAC, VERBOSE, PRERUN, HWACCEL) print('Finished.') timeLength = round(time.time() - startTime, 2) minutes = timedelta(seconds=round(timeLength)) print(f'took {timeLength} seconds ({minutes})') if (not os.path.isfile(OUTPUT_FILE)): raise IOError(f'Error: The file {OUTPUT_FILE} was not created.') try: # should work on Windows os.startfile(OUTPUT_FILE) except AttributeError: try: # should work on MacOS and most Linux versions
args.keep_tracks_seperate) else: from scripts.fastVideoPlus import fastVideoPlus outFile = fastVideoPlus( ffmpeg, INPUT_FILE, newOutput, args.silent_threshold, args.frame_margin, args.sample_rate, args.audio_bitrate, args.debug, args.video_speed, args.silent_speed, args.cut_by_this_track, args.keep_tracks_seperate) else: from scripts.originalMethod import originalMethod outFile = originalMethod( ffmpeg, INPUT_FILE, newOutput, args.frame_margin, args.silent_threshold, args.zoom_threshold, args.sample_rate, args.audio_bitrate, args.silent_speed, args.video_speed, args.keep_tracks_seperate, args.background_music, args.background_volume, args.cut_by_this_audio, args.cut_by_this_track, args.cut_by_all_tracks, args.debug, args.hardware_accel) print('Finished.') timeLength = round(time.time() - startTime, 2) minutes = timedelta(seconds=round(timeLength)) print(f'took {timeLength} seconds ({minutes})') if (not os.path.isfile(outFile)): raise IOError(f'Error: The file {outFile} was not created.') if (not args.no_open and not args.export_to_premiere): try: # should work on Windows os.startfile(outFile)
outFile = fastVideo(INPUT_FILE, newOutput, args.silent_threshold, args.frame_margin, args.sample_rate, args.audio_bitrate, args.verbose, args.cut_by_this_track, args.keep_tracks_seperate) else: outFile = fastVideoPlus( INPUT_FILE, newOutput, args.silent_threshold, args.frame_margin, args.sample_rate, args.audio_bitrate, args.verbose, VIDEO_SPEED, SILENT_SPEED, args.cut_by_this_track, args.keep_tracks_seperate) else: outFile = originalMethod(INPUT_FILE, newOutput, args.frame_rate, args.frame_margin, args.silent_threshold, args.zoom_threshold, args.sample_rate, args.audio_bitrate, SILENT_SPEED, VIDEO_SPEED, args.keep_tracks_seperate, BACK_MUS, BACK_VOL, NEW_TRAC, BASE_TRAC, COMBINE_TRAC, args.verbose, HWACCEL) print('Finished.') timeLength = round(time.time() - startTime, 2) minutes = timedelta(seconds=round(timeLength)) print(f'took {timeLength} seconds ({minutes})') if (not os.path.isfile(outFile)): raise IOError(f'Error: The file {outFile} was not created.') if (not args.no_open): try: # should work on Windows os.startfile(outFile)