def register_data(im_src, im_dest, param_reg, path_copy_warp=None, rm_tmp=True): ''' Parameters ---------- im_src: class Image: source image im_dest: class Image: destination image param_reg: str: registration parameter path_copy_warp: path: path to copy the warping fields Returns: im_src_reg: class Image: source image registered on destination image ------- ''' # im_src and im_dest are already preprocessed (in theory: im_dest = mean_image) # binarize images to get seg im_src_seg = binarize(im_src, thr_min=1, thr_max=1) im_dest_seg = binarize(im_dest) # create tmp dir and go in it tmp_dir = tmp_create() os.chdir(tmp_dir) # save image and seg fname_src = 'src.nii.gz' im_src.setFileName(fname_src) fname_src_seg = 'src_seg.nii.gz' im_src_seg.setFileName(fname_src_seg) fname_dest = 'dest.nii.gz' im_dest.setFileName(fname_dest) fname_dest_seg = 'dest_seg.nii.gz' im_dest_seg.setFileName(fname_dest_seg) # do registration using param_reg sct_register_multimodal.main(args=['-i', fname_src, '-d', fname_dest, '-iseg', fname_src_seg, '-dseg', fname_dest_seg, '-param', param_reg]) # get registration result fname_src_reg = add_suffix(fname_src, '_reg') im_src_reg = Image(fname_src_reg) # get out of tmp dir os.chdir('..') # copy warping fields if path_copy_warp is not None and os.path.isdir(os.path.abspath(path_copy_warp)): path_copy_warp = os.path.abspath(path_copy_warp) file_src = extract_fname(fname_src)[1] file_dest = extract_fname(fname_dest)[1] fname_src2dest = 'warp_' + file_src +'2' + file_dest +'.nii.gz' fname_dest2src = 'warp_' + file_dest +'2' + file_src +'.nii.gz' shutil.copy(tmp_dir +'/' + fname_src2dest, path_copy_warp + '/') shutil.copy(tmp_dir + '/' + fname_dest2src, path_copy_warp + '/') if rm_tmp: # remove tmp dir shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir) # return res image return im_src_reg, fname_src2dest, fname_dest2src
def test_sequences(fake_3dimage_sct): """ Test correct behaviour in some Image manipulation sequences """ img = fake_3dimage_sct.copy() path_tmp = sct.tmp_create(basename="test_sequences") path_a = os.path.join(path_tmp, 'a.nii') path_b = os.path.join(path_tmp, 'b.nii') assert img.absolutepath is None, mutable=True) assert img._path is not None assert img.absolutepath is not None assert img.absolutepath == os.path.abspath(path_b) \ .change_orientation("RPI") \ .save(path_b, mutable=True) assert img.absolutepath is not None assert img.absolutepath == os.path.abspath(path_b)
def apply_transfo(im_src, im_dest, warp, interp='spline', rm_tmp=True): # create tmp dir and go in it tmp_dir = tmp_create() # copy warping field to tmp dir shutil.copy(warp, tmp_dir) warp = ''.join(extract_fname(warp)[1:]) # go to tmp dir os.chdir(tmp_dir) # save image and seg fname_src = 'src.nii.gz' im_src.setFileName(fname_src) fname_dest = 'dest.nii.gz' im_dest.setFileName(fname_dest) # apply warping field fname_src_reg = add_suffix(fname_src, '_reg') sct_apply_transfo.main(args=['-i', fname_src, '-d', fname_dest, '-w', warp, '-x', interp]) im_src_reg = Image(fname_src_reg) # get out of tmp dir os.chdir('..') if rm_tmp: # remove tmp dir shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir) # return res image return im_src_reg
def test_change_nd_orientation(fake_4dimage_sct): import sct_image im_src = fake_4dimage_sct.copy() path_tmp = sct.tmp_create(basename="test_reorient"), "src.nii"), mutable=True) print(im_src.orientation, def orient2shape(orient): # test-data-specific thing letter2dim = dict( L=2, R=2, A=3, P=3, I=4, S=4, ) return tuple([letter2dim[x] for x in orient] + [5]) orientation = im_src.orientation assert orientation == "LPI" assert im_src.header.get_best_affine()[:3,3].tolist() == [0,0,0] im_dst = msct_image.change_orientation(im_src, "RPI") assert im_dst.orientation == "RPI" assert == orient2shape("RPI") assert im_dst.header.get_best_affine()[:3,3].tolist() == [2-1,0,0]
def __init__(self, fname_im, contrast, fname_seg, path_out, verbose): self.fname_im = fname_im self.contrast = contrast self.fname_seg = fname_seg self.path_out = path_out self.verbose = verbose self.tmp_dir = sct.tmp_create(verbose=self.verbose) # path to tmp directory self.orientation_im = Image(self.fname_im).orientation # to re-orient the data at the end self.slice2D_im = sct.extract_fname(self.fname_im)[1] + '_midSag.nii' # file used to do the detection, with only one slice self.dection_map_pmj = sct.extract_fname(self.fname_im)[1] + '_map_pmj' # file resulting from the detection # path to the pmj detector self.pmj_model = os.path.join(sct.__data_dir__, 'pmj_models', '{}_model'.format(self.contrast)) self.threshold = -0.75 if self.contrast == 't1' else 0.8 # detection map threshold, depends on the contrast self.fname_out = sct.extract_fname(self.fname_im)[1] + '_pmj.nii.gz' self.fname_qc = 'qc_pmj.png'
def __init__(self, param=None, param_glcm=None): self.param = param if param is not None else Param() self.param_glcm = param_glcm if param_glcm is not None else ParamGLCM() # create tmp directory self.tmp_dir = sct.tmp_create(verbose=self.param.verbose) # path to tmp directory if self.param.dim == 'ax': self.orientation_extraction = 'RPI' elif self.param.dim == 'sag': self.orientation_extraction = 'IPR' else: self.orientation_extraction = 'IRP' # metric_lst=['property_distance_angle'] self.metric_lst = [] for m in list(itertools.product(self.param_glcm.feature.split(','), self.param_glcm.angle.split(','))): text_name = m[0] if m[0].upper() != 'asm'.upper() else m[0].upper() self.metric_lst.append(text_name + '_' + str(self.param_glcm.distance) + '_' + str(m[1])) # dct_im_seg{'im': list_of_axial_slice, 'seg': list_of_axial_masked_slice} self.dct_im_seg = {'im': None, 'seg': None} # to re-orient the data at the end if needed self.orientation_im = Image(self.param.fname_im).orientation self.fname_metric_lst = {}
def __init__(self, fname_mask, fname_sc, fname_ref, path_template, path_ofolder, verbose): self.fname_mask = fname_mask self.fname_sc = fname_sc self.fname_ref = fname_ref self.path_template = path_template self.path_ofolder = path_ofolder self.verbose = verbose self.wrk_dir = os.getcwd() if not set(np.unique(Image(fname_mask).data)) == set([0.0, 1.0]): if set(np.unique(Image(fname_mask).data)) == set([0.0]): printv('WARNING: Empty masked image', self.verbose, 'warning') else: printv("ERROR input file %s is not binary file with 0 and 1 values" % fname_mask, 1, 'error') # create tmp directory self.tmp_dir = tmp_create(verbose=verbose) # path to tmp directory # lesion file where each lesion has a different value self.fname_label = extract_fname(self.fname_mask)[1] + '_label' + extract_fname(self.fname_mask)[2] # initialization of measure sheet measure_lst = ['label', 'volume [mm3]', 'length [mm]', 'max_equivalent_diameter [mm]'] if self.fname_ref is not None: for measure in ['mean', 'std']: measure_lst.append(measure + '_' + extract_fname(self.fname_ref)[1]) measure_dct = {} for column in measure_lst: measure_dct[column] = None self.measure_pd = pd.DataFrame(data=measure_dct, index=range(0), columns=measure_lst) # orientation of the input image self.orientation = None # volume object self.volumes = None # initialization of proportion measures, related to registrated atlas if self.path_template is not None: self.path_atlas = os.path.join(self.path_template, "atlas") self.path_levels = os.path.join(self.path_template, "template", "PAM50_levels.nii.gz") else: self.path_atlas, self.path_levels = None, None self.vert_lst = None self.atlas_roi_lst = None self.distrib_matrix_dct = {} # output names self.pickle_name = extract_fname(self.fname_mask)[1] + '_analyzis.pkl' self.excel_name = extract_fname(self.fname_mask)[1] + '_analyzis.xls'
def register_slicewise(fname_src, fname_dest, fname_mask='', warp_forward_out='step0Warp.nii.gz', warp_inverse_out='step0InverseWarp.nii.gz', paramreg=None, ants_registration_params=None, path_qc='./', verbose=0): # create temporary folder path_tmp = sct.tmp_create(verbose) # copy data to temp folder sct.printv('\nCopy input data to temp folder...', verbose) convert(fname_src, path_tmp+'src.nii') convert(fname_dest, path_tmp+'dest.nii') if fname_mask != '': convert(fname_mask, path_tmp+'mask.nii.gz') # go to temporary folder chdir(path_tmp) # Calculate displacement if paramreg.algo == 'centermass': # translation of center of mass between source and destination in voxel space register2d_centermassrot('src.nii', 'dest.nii', fname_warp=warp_forward_out, fname_warp_inv=warp_inverse_out, rot=0, poly=int(paramreg.poly), path_qc=path_qc, verbose=verbose) elif paramreg.algo == 'centermassrot': # translation of center of mass and rotation based on source and destination first eigenvectors from PCA. register2d_centermassrot('src.nii', 'dest.nii', fname_warp=warp_forward_out, fname_warp_inv=warp_inverse_out, rot=1, poly=int(paramreg.poly), path_qc=path_qc, verbose=verbose, pca_eigenratio_th=float(paramreg.pca_eigenratio_th)) elif paramreg.algo == 'columnwise': # scaling R-L, then column-wise center of mass alignment and scaling register2d_columnwise('src.nii', 'dest.nii', fname_warp=warp_forward_out, fname_warp_inv=warp_inverse_out, verbose=verbose, path_qc=path_qc, smoothWarpXY=int(paramreg.smoothWarpXY)) else: # convert SCT flags into ANTs-compatible flags algo_dic = {'translation': 'Translation', 'rigid': 'Rigid', 'affine': 'Affine', 'syn': 'SyN', 'bsplinesyn': 'BSplineSyN', 'centermass': 'centermass'} paramreg.algo = algo_dic[paramreg.algo] # run slicewise registration register2d('src.nii', 'dest.nii', fname_mask=fname_mask, fname_warp=warp_forward_out, fname_warp_inv=warp_inverse_out, paramreg=paramreg, ants_registration_params=ants_registration_params, verbose=verbose) sct.printv('\nMove warping fields to parent folder...', verbose)'mv '+warp_forward_out+' ../')'mv '+warp_inverse_out+' ../') # go back to parent folder chdir('../')
def __init__(self, param_seg=None, param_model=None, param_data=None, param=None): self.param_seg = param_seg if param_seg is not None else ParamSeg() self.param_model = param_model if param_model is not None else ParamModel() self.param_data = param_data if param_data is not None else ParamData() self.param = param if param is not None else Param() # create model: self.model = Model(param_model=self.param_model, param_data=self.param_data, param=self.param) # create tmp directory self.tmp_dir = tmp_create(verbose=self.param.verbose) # path to tmp directory self.target_im = None # list of slices self.info_preprocessing = None # dic containing {'orientation': 'xxx', 'im_sc_seg_rpi': im, 'interpolated_images': [list of im = interpolated image data per slice]} self.projected_target = None # list of coordinates of the target slices in the model reduced space self.im_res_gmseg = None self.im_res_wmseg = None
def visualize_warp(fname_warp, fname_grid=None, step=3, rm_tmp=True): if fname_grid is None: from numpy import zeros tmp_dir = sct.tmp_create() im_warp = Image(fname_warp) os.chdir(tmp_dir) assert len( == 5, "ERROR: Warping field does bot have 5 dimensions..." nx, ny, nz, nt, ndimwarp = # nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = im_warp.dim # This does not work because dimensions of a warping field are not correctly read : it would be 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 sq = zeros((step, step)) sq[step - 1] = 1 sq[:, step - 1] = 1 dat = zeros((nx, ny, nz)) for i in range(0, dat.shape[0], step): for j in range(0, dat.shape[1], step): for k in range(dat.shape[2]): if dat[i : i + step, j : j + step, k].shape == (step, step): dat[i : i + step, j : j + step, k] = sq fname_grid = "grid_" + str(step) + ".nii.gz" im_grid = Image(param=dat) grid_hdr = im_warp.hdr im_grid.hdr = grid_hdr im_grid.setFileName(fname_grid) fname_grid_resample = sct.add_suffix(fname_grid, "_resample")"sct_resample -i " + fname_grid + " -f 3x3x1 -x nn -o " + fname_grid_resample) fname_grid = tmp_dir + fname_grid_resample os.chdir("..") path_warp, file_warp, ext_warp = sct.extract_fname(fname_warp) grid_warped = path_warp + "grid_warped_gm" + ext_warp"sct_apply_transfo -i " + fname_grid + " -d " + fname_grid + " -w " + fname_warp + " -o " + grid_warped) if rm_tmp:"rm -rf " + tmp_dir, error_exit="warning") return grid_warped
def func_rescale_header(fname_data, rescale_factor, verbose=0): """ Rescale the voxel dimension by modifying the NIFTI header qform. Write the output file in a temp folder. :param fname_data: :param rescale_factor: :return: fname_data_rescaled """ import nibabel as nib img = nib.load(fname_data) # get qform qform = img.header.get_qform() # multiply by scaling factor qform[0:3, 0:3] *= rescale_factor # generate a new nifti file header_rescaled = img.header.copy() header_rescaled.set_qform(qform) # the data are the same-- only the header changes img_rescaled = nib.nifti1.Nifti1Image(img.get_data(), None, header=header_rescaled) path_tmp = sct.tmp_create(basename="propseg", verbose=verbose) fname_data_rescaled = os.path.join(path_tmp, os.path.basename(sct.add_suffix(fname_data, "_rescaled"))), fname_data_rescaled) return fname_data_rescaled
def visualize_warp(fname_warp, fname_grid=None, step=3, rm_tmp=True): if fname_grid is None: from numpy import zeros tmp_dir = tmp_create() im_warp = Image(fname_warp) status, out = run('fslhd '+fname_warp) from os import chdir chdir(tmp_dir) dim1 = 'dim1 ' dim2 = 'dim2 ' dim3 = 'dim3 ' nx = int(out[out.find(dim1):][len(dim1):out[out.find(dim1):].find('\n')]) ny = int(out[out.find(dim2):][len(dim2):out[out.find(dim2):].find('\n')]) nz = int(out[out.find(dim3):][len(dim3):out[out.find(dim3):].find('\n')]) sq = zeros((step, step)) sq[step-1] = 1 sq[:, step-1] = 1 dat = zeros((nx, ny, nz)) for i in range(0, dat.shape[0], step): for j in range(0, dat.shape[1], step): for k in range(dat.shape[2]): if dat[i:i+step, j:j+step, k].shape == (step, step): dat[i:i+step, j:j+step, k] = sq fname_grid = 'grid_'+str(step)+'.nii.gz' im_grid = Image(param=dat) grid_hdr = im_warp.hdr im_grid.hdr = grid_hdr im_grid.setFileName(fname_grid) fname_grid_resample = add_suffix(fname_grid, '_resample') run('sct_resample -i '+fname_grid+' -f 3x3x1 -x nn -o '+fname_grid_resample) fname_grid = tmp_dir+fname_grid_resample chdir('..') path_warp, file_warp, ext_warp = extract_fname(fname_warp) grid_warped = path_warp+extract_fname(fname_grid)[1]+'_'+file_warp+ext_warp run('sct_apply_transfo -i '+fname_grid+' -d '+fname_grid+' -w '+fname_warp+' -o '+grid_warped) if rm_tmp: run('rm -rf '+tmp_dir, error_exit='warning')
def visualize_warp(fname_warp, fname_grid=None, step=3, rm_tmp=True): if fname_grid is None: from numpy import zeros tmp_dir = sct.tmp_create() im_warp = Image(fname_warp) status, out =['fslhd', fname_warp]) curdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(tmp_dir) dim1 = 'dim1 ' dim2 = 'dim2 ' dim3 = 'dim3 ' nx = int(out[out.find(dim1):][len(dim1):out[out.find(dim1):].find('\n')]) ny = int(out[out.find(dim2):][len(dim2):out[out.find(dim2):].find('\n')]) nz = int(out[out.find(dim3):][len(dim3):out[out.find(dim3):].find('\n')]) sq = zeros((step, step)) sq[step - 1] = 1 sq[:, step - 1] = 1 dat = zeros((nx, ny, nz)) for i in range(0, dat.shape[0], step): for j in range(0, dat.shape[1], step): for k in range(dat.shape[2]): if dat[i:i + step, j:j + step, k].shape == (step, step): dat[i:i + step, j:j + step, k] = sq fname_grid = 'grid_' + str(step) + '.nii.gz' im_grid = Image(param=dat) grid_hdr = im_warp.hdr im_grid.hdr = grid_hdr im_grid.absolutepath = fname_grid fname_grid_resample = sct.add_suffix(fname_grid, '_resample')['sct_resample', '-i', fname_grid, '-f', '3x3x1', '-x', 'nn', '-o', fname_grid_resample]) fname_grid = os.path.join(tmp_dir, fname_grid_resample) os.chdir(curdir) path_warp, file_warp, ext_warp = sct.extract_fname(fname_warp) grid_warped = os.path.join(path_warp, sct.extract_fname(fname_grid)[1] + '_' + file_warp + ext_warp)['sct_apply_transfo', '-i', fname_grid, '-d', fname_grid, '-w', fname_warp, '-o', grid_warped]) if rm_tmp: sct.rmtree(tmp_dir)
def test_change_shape(fake_3dimage_sct): # Add dimension im_src = fake_3dimage_sct shape = tuple(list( + [1]) im_dst = msct_image.change_shape(im_src, shape) path_tmp = sct.tmp_create(basename="test_reshape") src_path = os.path.join(path_tmp, "src.nii") dst_path = os.path.join(path_tmp, "dst.nii") im_src = msct_image.Image(src_path) im_dst = msct_image.Image(dst_path) assert == shape data_src = data_dst = assert (data_dst.reshape(data_src.shape) == data_src).all() # Remove dimension im_dst = im_dst.change_shape( assert ==
def main(args=None): if args is None: args = sys.argv[1:] # initialize parameters param = Param() # Initialization fname_output = '' path_out = '' fname_src_seg = '' fname_dest_seg = '' fname_src_label = '' fname_dest_label = '' generate_warpinv = 1 start_time = time.time() # get path of the toolbox status, path_sct = commands.getstatusoutput('echo $SCT_DIR') # get default registration parameters # step1 = Paramreg(step='1', type='im', algo='syn', metric='MI', iter='5', shrink='1', smooth='0', gradStep='0.5') step0 = Paramreg(step='0', type='im', algo='syn', metric='MI', iter='0', shrink='1', smooth='0', gradStep='0.5', slicewise='0', dof='Tx_Ty_Tz_Rx_Ry_Rz') # only used to put src into dest space step1 = Paramreg(step='1', type='im') paramreg = ParamregMultiStep([step0, step1]) parser = get_parser(paramreg=paramreg) arguments = parser.parse(args) # get arguments fname_src = arguments['-i'] fname_dest = arguments['-d'] if '-iseg' in arguments: fname_src_seg = arguments['-iseg'] if '-dseg' in arguments: fname_dest_seg = arguments['-dseg'] if '-ilabel' in arguments: fname_src_label = arguments['-ilabel'] if '-dlabel' in arguments: fname_dest_label = arguments['-dlabel'] if '-o' in arguments: fname_output = arguments['-o'] if '-ofolder' in arguments: path_out = arguments['-ofolder'] if '-owarp' in arguments: fname_output_warp = arguments['-owarp'] else: fname_output_warp = '' if '-initwarp' in arguments: fname_initwarp = os.path.abspath(arguments['-initwarp']) else: fname_initwarp = '' if '-initwarpinv' in arguments: fname_initwarpinv = os.path.abspath(arguments['-initwarpinv']) else: fname_initwarpinv = '' if '-m' in arguments: fname_mask = arguments['-m'] else: fname_mask = '' padding = arguments['-z'] if "-param" in arguments: paramreg_user = arguments['-param'] # update registration parameters for paramStep in paramreg_user: paramreg.addStep(paramStep) identity = int(arguments['-identity']) interp = arguments['-x'] remove_temp_files = int(arguments['-r']) verbose = int(arguments['-v']) # sct.printv(arguments) sct.printv('\nInput parameters:') sct.printv(' Source .............. ' + fname_src) sct.printv(' Destination ......... ' + fname_dest) sct.printv(' Init transfo ........ ' + fname_initwarp) sct.printv(' Mask ................ ' + fname_mask) sct.printv(' Output name ......... ' + fname_output) # sct.printv(' Algorithm ........... '+paramreg.algo) # sct.printv(' Number of iterations '+paramreg.iter) # sct.printv(' Metric .............. '+paramreg.metric) sct.printv(' Remove temp files ... ' + str(remove_temp_files)) sct.printv(' Verbose ............. ' + str(verbose)) # update param param.verbose = verbose param.padding = padding param.fname_mask = fname_mask param.remove_temp_files = remove_temp_files # Get if input is 3D sct.printv('\nCheck if input data are 3D...', verbose) sct.check_if_3d(fname_src) sct.check_if_3d(fname_dest) # Check if user selected type=seg, but did not input segmentation data if 'paramreg_user' in locals(): if True in ['type=seg' in paramreg_user[i] for i in range(len(paramreg_user))]: if fname_src_seg == '' or fname_dest_seg == '': sct.printv('\nERROR: if you select type=seg you must specify -iseg and -dseg flags.\n', 1, 'error') # Extract path, file and extension path_src, file_src, ext_src = sct.extract_fname(fname_src) path_dest, file_dest, ext_dest = sct.extract_fname(fname_dest) # check if source and destination images have the same name (related to issue #373) # If so, change names to avoid conflict of result files and warns the user suffix_src, suffix_dest = '_reg', '_reg' if file_src == file_dest: suffix_src, suffix_dest = '_src_reg', '_dest_reg' # define output folder and file name if fname_output == '': path_out = '' if not path_out else path_out # output in user's current directory file_out = file_src + suffix_src file_out_inv = file_dest + suffix_dest ext_out = ext_src else: path, file_out, ext_out = sct.extract_fname(fname_output) path_out = path if not path_out else path_out file_out_inv = file_out + '_inv' # create QC folder sct.create_folder(param.path_qc) # create temporary folder path_tmp = sct.tmp_create() # copy files to temporary folder from sct_convert import convert sct.printv('\nCopying input data to tmp folder and convert to nii...', verbose) convert(fname_src, path_tmp + 'src.nii') convert(fname_dest, path_tmp + 'dest.nii') if fname_src_seg: convert(fname_src_seg, path_tmp + 'src_seg.nii') convert(fname_dest_seg, path_tmp + 'dest_seg.nii') if fname_src_label: convert(fname_src_label, path_tmp + 'src_label.nii') convert(fname_dest_label, path_tmp + 'dest_label.nii') if fname_mask != '': convert(fname_mask, path_tmp + 'mask.nii.gz') # go to tmp folder os.chdir(path_tmp) # reorient destination to RPI'sct_image -i dest.nii -setorient RPI -o dest_RPI.nii') if fname_dest_seg:'sct_image -i dest_seg.nii -setorient RPI -o dest_seg_RPI.nii') if fname_dest_label:'sct_image -i dest_label.nii -setorient RPI -o dest_label_RPI.nii') if identity: # overwrite paramreg and only do one identity transformation step0 = Paramreg(step='0', type='im', algo='syn', metric='MI', iter='0', shrink='1', smooth='0', gradStep='0.5') paramreg = ParamregMultiStep([step0]) # Put source into destination space using header (no estimation -- purely based on header) # TODO: Check if necessary to do that # TODO: use that as step=0 # sct.printv('\nPut source into destination space using header...', verbose) #'isct_antsRegistration -d 3 -t Translation[0] -m MI[dest_pad.nii,src.nii,1,16] -c 0 -f 1 -s 0 -o [regAffine,src_regAffine.nii] -n BSpline[3]', verbose) # if segmentation, also do it for seg # initialize list of warping fields warp_forward = [] warp_inverse = [] # initial warping is specified, update list of warping fields and skip step=0 if fname_initwarp: sct.printv('\nSkip step=0 and replace with initial transformations: ', param.verbose) sct.printv(' ' + fname_initwarp, param.verbose) #'cp '+fname_initwarp+' warp_forward_0.nii.gz', verbose) warp_forward = [fname_initwarp] start_step = 1 if fname_initwarpinv: warp_inverse = [fname_initwarpinv] else: sct.printv('\nWARNING: No initial inverse warping field was specified, therefore the inverse warping field will NOT be generated.', param.verbose, 'warning') generate_warpinv = 0 else: start_step = 0 # loop across registration steps for i_step in range(start_step, len(paramreg.steps)): sct.printv('\n--\nESTIMATE TRANSFORMATION FOR STEP #' + str(i_step), param.verbose) # identify which is the src and dest if paramreg.steps[str(i_step)].type == 'im': src = 'src.nii' dest = 'dest_RPI.nii' interp_step = 'spline' elif paramreg.steps[str(i_step)].type == 'seg': src = 'src_seg.nii' dest = 'dest_seg_RPI.nii' interp_step = 'nn' elif paramreg.steps[str(i_step)].type == 'label': src = 'src_label.nii' dest = 'dest_label_RPI.nii' interp_step = 'nn' else: # src = dest = interp_step = None sct.printv('ERROR: Wrong image type.', 1, 'error') # if step>0, apply warp_forward_concat to the src image to be used if i_step > 0: sct.printv('\nApply transformation from previous step', param.verbose)'sct_apply_transfo -i ' + src + ' -d ' + dest + ' -w ' + ','.join(warp_forward) + ' -o ' + sct.add_suffix(src, '_reg') + ' -x ' + interp_step, verbose) src = sct.add_suffix(src, '_reg') # register src --> dest warp_forward_out, warp_inverse_out = register(src, dest, paramreg, param, str(i_step)) warp_forward.append(warp_forward_out) warp_inverse.insert(0, warp_inverse_out) # Concatenate transformations sct.printv('\nConcatenate transformations...', verbose)'sct_concat_transfo -w ' + ','.join(warp_forward) + ' -d dest.nii -o warp_src2dest.nii.gz', verbose)'sct_concat_transfo -w ' + ','.join(warp_inverse) + ' -d src.nii -o warp_dest2src.nii.gz', verbose) # Apply warping field to src data sct.printv('\nApply transfo source --> dest...', verbose)'sct_apply_transfo -i src.nii -o src_reg.nii -d dest.nii -w warp_src2dest.nii.gz -x ' + interp, verbose) sct.printv('\nApply transfo dest --> source...', verbose)'sct_apply_transfo -i dest.nii -o dest_reg.nii -d src.nii -w warp_dest2src.nii.gz -x ' + interp, verbose) # come back to parent folder os.chdir('..') # Generate output files sct.printv('\nGenerate output files...', verbose) # generate: src_reg fname_src2dest = sct.generate_output_file(path_tmp + 'src_reg.nii', path_out + file_out + ext_out, verbose) # generate: forward warping field if fname_output_warp == '': fname_output_warp = path_out + 'warp_' + file_src + '2' + file_dest + '.nii.gz' sct.generate_output_file(path_tmp + 'warp_src2dest.nii.gz', fname_output_warp, verbose) if generate_warpinv: # generate: dest_reg fname_dest2src = sct.generate_output_file(path_tmp + 'dest_reg.nii', path_out + file_out_inv + ext_dest, verbose) # generate: inverse warping field sct.generate_output_file(path_tmp + 'warp_dest2src.nii.gz', path_out + 'warp_' + file_dest + '2' + file_src + '.nii.gz', verbose) # Delete temporary files if remove_temp_files: sct.printv('\nRemove temporary files...', verbose)'rm -rf ' + path_tmp, verbose) # display elapsed time elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time sct.printv('\nFinished! Elapsed time: ' + str(int(round(elapsed_time))) + 's', verbose) sct.printv('\nTo view results, type:', verbose) if generate_warpinv: sct.printv('fslview ' + fname_src + ' ' + fname_dest2src + ' &', verbose, 'info') sct.printv('fslview ' + fname_dest + ' ' + fname_src2dest + ' &\n', verbose, 'info')
def check_and_correct_segmentation(fname_segmentation, fname_centerline, folder_output='', threshold_distance=5.0, remove_temp_files=1, verbose=0): """ This function takes the outputs of isct_propseg (centerline and segmentation) and check if the centerline of the segmentation is coherent with the centerline provided by the isct_propseg, especially on the edges (related to issue #1074). Args: fname_segmentation: filename of binary segmentation fname_centerline: filename of binary centerline threshold_distance: threshold, in mm, beyond which centerlines are not coherent verbose: Returns: None """ sct.printv('\nCheck consistency of segmentation...', verbose) # creating a temporary folder in which all temporary files will be placed and deleted afterwards path_tmp = sct.tmp_create(basename="propseg", verbose=verbose) from sct_convert import convert convert(fname_segmentation, os.path.join(path_tmp, "tmp.segmentation.nii.gz"), verbose=0) convert(fname_centerline, os.path.join(path_tmp, "tmp.centerline.nii.gz"), verbose=0) fname_seg_absolute = os.path.abspath(fname_segmentation) # go to tmp folder curdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path_tmp) # convert segmentation image to RPI im_input = Image('tmp.segmentation.nii.gz') image_input_orientation = im_input.orientation sct_image.main( "-i tmp.segmentation.nii.gz -setorient RPI -o tmp.segmentation_RPI.nii.gz -v 0" .split()) sct_image.main( "-i tmp.centerline.nii.gz -setorient RPI -o tmp.centerline_RPI.nii.gz -v 0" .split()) # go through segmentation image, and compare with centerline from propseg im_seg = Image('tmp.segmentation_RPI.nii.gz') im_centerline = Image('tmp.centerline_RPI.nii.gz') # Get size of data sct.printv('\nGet data dimensions...', verbose) nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = im_seg.dim # extraction of centerline provided by isct_propseg and computation of center of mass for each slice # the centerline is defined as the center of the tubular mesh outputed by propseg. centerline, key_centerline = {}, [] for i in range(nz): slice =[:, :, i] if np.any(slice): x_centerline, y_centerline = ndi.measurements.center_of_mass(slice) centerline[str(i)] = [x_centerline, y_centerline] key_centerline.append(i) minz_centerline = np.min(key_centerline) maxz_centerline = np.max(key_centerline) mid_slice = int((maxz_centerline - minz_centerline) / 2) # for each slice of the segmentation, check if only one object is present. If not, remove the slice from segmentation. # If only one object (the spinal cord) is present in the slice, check if its center of mass is close to the centerline of isct_propseg. slices_to_remove = [ False ] * nz # flag that decides if the slice must be removed for i in range(minz_centerline, maxz_centerline + 1): # extraction of slice slice =[:, :, i] distance = -1 label_objects, nb_labels = ndi.label( slice) # count binary objects in the slice if nb_labels > 1: # if there is more that one object in the slice, the slice is removed from the segmentation slices_to_remove[i] = True elif nb_labels == 1: # check if the centerline is coherent with the one from isct_propseg x_centerline, y_centerline = ndi.measurements.center_of_mass(slice) slice_nearest_coord = min(key_centerline, key=lambda x: abs(x - i)) coord_nearest_coord = centerline[str(slice_nearest_coord)] distance = np.sqrt(( (x_centerline - coord_nearest_coord[0]) * px)**2 + ( (y_centerline - coord_nearest_coord[1]) * py)**2 + ((i - slice_nearest_coord) * pz)**2) if distance >= threshold_distance: # threshold must be adjusted, default is 5 mm slices_to_remove[i] = True # Check list of removal and keep one continuous centerline (improve this comment) # Method: # starting from mid-centerline (in both directions), the first True encountered is applied to all following slices slice_to_change = False for i in range(mid_slice, nz): if slice_to_change: slices_to_remove[i] = True elif slices_to_remove[i]: slice_to_change = True slice_to_change = False for i in range(mid_slice, 0, -1): if slice_to_change: slices_to_remove[i] = True elif slices_to_remove[i]: slice_to_change = True for i in range(0, nz): # remove the slice if slices_to_remove[i]:[:, :, i] *= 0 # saving the image'tmp.segmentation_RPI_c.nii.gz') # replacing old segmentation with the corrected one sct_image.main( '-i tmp.segmentation_RPI_c.nii.gz -setorient {} -o {} -v 0'.format( image_input_orientation, fname_seg_absolute).split()) os.chdir(curdir) # display information about how much of the segmentation has been corrected # remove temporary files if remove_temp_files: # sct.printv("\nRemove temporary files...", verbose) sct.rmtree(path_tmp)
return ori elif set: # set orientation printv('\nChange orientation...', verbose) im_out = set_orientation(im, ori) elif set_data: im_out = set_orientation(im, ori, True) else: im_out = None else: from os import chdir # 4D data: split along T dimension # or 5D data: split along 5th dimension # Create a temporary directory and go in it tmp_folder = tmp_create(verbose) chdir(tmp_folder) if len( == 5 and[-1] not in [0, 1]: # 5D data printv('\nSplit along 5th dimension...', verbose) im_split_list = multicomponent_split(im) dim = 5 else: # 4D data printv('\nSplit along T dimension...', verbose) im_split_list = split_data(im, 3) dim = 4 for im_s in im_split_list: if get:
def main(): # Initialization size_data = 61 size_label = 1 # put zero for labels that are single points. dice_acceptable = 0.39 # computed DICE should be 0.931034 test_passed = 0 remove_temp_files = 1 verbose = 1 # Check input parameters try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'hvr:') except getopt.GetoptError: usage() for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': usage() elif opt in ('-v'): verbose = int(arg) elif opt in ('-r'): remove_temp_files = int(arg) path_tmp = sct.tmp_create(basename="test_ants", verbose=verbose) # go to tmp folder curdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path_tmp) # Initialise numpy volumes data_src = np.zeros((size_data, size_data, size_data), dtype=np.int16) data_dest = np.zeros((size_data, size_data, size_data), dtype=np.int16) # add labels for src image (curved). # Labels can be big (more than single point), because when applying NN interpolation, single points might disappear data_src[20 - size_label:20 + size_label + 1, 20 - size_label:20 + size_label + 1, 10 - size_label:10 + size_label + 1] = 1 data_src[30 - size_label:30 + size_label + 1, 30 - size_label:30 + size_label + 1, 30 - size_label:30 + size_label + 1] = 2 data_src[20 - size_label:20 + size_label + 1, 20 - size_label:20 + size_label + 1, 50 - size_label:50 + size_label + 1] = 3 # add labels for dest image (straight). # Here, no need for big labels (bigger than single point) because these labels will not be re-interpolated. data_dest[30 - size_label:30 + size_label + 1, 30 - size_label:30 + size_label + 1, 10 - size_label:10 + size_label + 1] = 1 data_dest[30 - size_label:30 + size_label + 1, 30 - size_label:30 + size_label + 1, 30 - size_label:30 + size_label + 1] = 2 data_dest[30 - size_label:30 + size_label + 1, 30 - size_label:30 + size_label + 1, 50 - size_label:50 + size_label + 1] = 3 # save as nifti img_src = nib.Nifti1Image(data_src, np.eye(4)), 'data_src.nii.gz') img_dest = nib.Nifti1Image(data_dest, np.eye(4)), 'data_dest.nii.gz') # Estimate rigid transformation sct.printv('\nEstimate rigid transformation between paired landmarks...', verbose) # TODO fixup isct_ants* parsers[ 'isct_antsRegistration', '-d', '3', '-t', 'syn[1,3,1]', '-m', 'MeanSquares[data_dest.nii.gz,data_src.nii.gz,1,3]', '-f', '2', '-s', '0', '-o', '[src2reg,data_src_reg.nii.gz]', '-c', '5', '-v', '1', '-n', 'NearestNeighbor' ], verbose, is_sct_binary=True) # # Apply rigid transformation # sct.printv('\nApply rigid transformation to curved landmarks...', verbose) #'sct_apply_transfo -i data_src.nii.gz -o data_src_rigid.nii.gz -d data_dest.nii.gz -w curve2straight_rigid.txt -p nn', verbose) # # # Estimate b-spline transformation curve --> straight # sct.printv('\nEstimate b-spline transformation: curve --> straight...', verbose) #'isct_ANTSLandmarksBSplineTransform data_dest.nii.gz data_src_rigid.nii.gz warp_curve2straight_intermediate.nii.gz 5x5x5 3 2 0', verbose) # # # Concatenate rigid and non-linear transformations... # sct.printv('\nConcatenate rigid and non-linear transformations...', verbose) # cmd = 'isct_ComposeMultiTransform 3 warp_curve2straight.nii.gz -R data_dest.nii.gz warp_curve2straight_intermediate.nii.gz curve2straight_rigid.txt' # sct.printv('>> '+cmd, verbose) # # # # Apply deformation to input image # sct.printv('\nApply transformation to input image...', verbose) #'sct_apply_transfo -i data_src.nii.gz -o data_src_warp.nii.gz -d data_dest.nii.gz -w warp_curve2straight.nii.gz -p nn', verbose) # # Compute DICE coefficient between src and dest sct.printv('\nCompute DICE coefficient...', verbose)[ "sct_dice_coefficient", "-i", "data_dest.nii.gz", "-d", "data_src_reg.nii.gz", "-o", "dice.txt" ], verbose) with open("dice.txt", "r") as file_dice: dice = float('3D Dice coefficient = ', '')) sct.printv( 'Dice coeff = ' + str(dice) + ' (should be above ' + str(dice_acceptable) + ')', verbose) # Check if DICE coefficient is above acceptable value if dice > dice_acceptable: test_passed = 1 # come back os.chdir(curdir) # Delete temporary files if remove_temp_files == 1: sct.printv('\nDelete temporary files...', verbose) sct.rmtree(path_tmp) # output result for parent function if test_passed: sct.printv('\nTest passed!\n', verbose) sys.exit(0) else: sct.printv('\nTest failed!\n', verbose) sys.exit(1)
def main(args=None): import numpy as np import spinalcordtoolbox.image as msct_image # Initialization fname_mt0 = '' fname_mt1 = '' file_out = param.file_out # register = param.register # remove_temp_files = param.remove_temp_files # verbose = param.verbose # check user arguments if not args: args = sys.argv[1:] # Check input parameters parser = get_parser() arguments = parser.parse(args) fname_mt0 = arguments['-mt0'] fname_mt1 = arguments['-mt1'] remove_temp_files = int(arguments['-r']) verbose = int(arguments['-v']) # Extract path/file/extension path_mt0, file_mt0, ext_mt0 = sct.extract_fname(fname_mt0) path_out, file_out, ext_out = '', file_out, ext_mt0 # create temporary folder path_tmp = sct.tmp_create() # Copying input data to tmp folder and convert to nii sct.printv('\nCopying input data to tmp folder and convert to nii...', verbose) from sct_convert import convert convert(fname_mt0, os.path.join(path_tmp, "mt0.nii"), dtype=np.float32) convert(fname_mt1, os.path.join(path_tmp, "mt1.nii"), dtype=np.float32) # go to tmp folder curdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path_tmp) # compute MTR sct.printv('\nCompute MTR...', verbose) nii_mt1 = msct_image.Image('mt1.nii') data_mt1 = data_mt0 = msct_image.Image('mt0.nii').data data_mtr = 100 * (data_mt0 - data_mt1) / data_mt0 # save MTR file nii_mtr = nii_mt1 = data_mtr"mtr.nii") #'fslmaths -dt double mt0.nii -sub mt1.nii -mul 100 -div mt0.nii -thr 0 -uthr 100 mtr.nii', verbose) # come back os.chdir(curdir) # Generate output files sct.printv('\nGenerate output files...', verbose) sct.generate_output_file(os.path.join(path_tmp, "mtr.nii"), os.path.join(path_out, file_out + ext_out)) # Remove temporary files if remove_temp_files == 1: sct.printv('\nRemove temporary files...') sct.rmtree(path_tmp) sct.display_viewer_syntax([fname_mt0, fname_mt1, file_out])
def main(args=None): # initialization start_time = time.time() path_out = '.' param = Param() # check user arguments if not args: args = sys.argv[1:] # Get parser info parser = get_parser() arguments = parser.parse(sys.argv[1:]) param.fname_data = arguments['-i'] param.fname_bvecs = arguments['-bvec'] if '-bval' in arguments: param.fname_bvals = arguments['-bval'] if '-bvalmin' in arguments: param.bval_min = arguments['-bvalmin'] if '-g' in arguments: param.group_size = arguments['-g'] if '-m' in arguments: param.fname_mask = arguments['-m'] if '-param' in arguments: param.update(arguments['-param']) if '-thr' in arguments: param.otsu = arguments['-thr'] if '-x' in arguments: param.interp = arguments['-x'] if '-ofolder' in arguments: path_out = arguments['-ofolder'] if '-r' in arguments: param.remove_temp_files = int(arguments['-r']) param.verbose = int(arguments.get('-v')) sct.init_sct(log_level=param.verbose, update=True) # Update log level # Get full path param.fname_data = os.path.abspath(param.fname_data) param.fname_bvecs = os.path.abspath(param.fname_bvecs) if param.fname_bvals != '': param.fname_bvals = os.path.abspath(param.fname_bvals) if param.fname_mask != '': param.fname_mask = os.path.abspath(param.fname_mask) # Extract path, file and extension path_data, file_data, ext_data = sct.extract_fname(param.fname_data) path_mask, file_mask, ext_mask = sct.extract_fname(param.fname_mask) path_tmp = sct.tmp_create(basename="dmri_moco", verbose=param.verbose) # names of files in temporary folder mask_name = 'mask' bvecs_fname = 'bvecs.txt' # Copying input data to tmp folder sct.printv('\nCopying input data to tmp folder and convert to nii...', param.verbose) convert(param.fname_data, os.path.join(path_tmp, "dmri.nii")) sct.copy(param.fname_bvecs, os.path.join(path_tmp, bvecs_fname), verbose=param.verbose) if param.fname_mask != '': sct.copy(param.fname_mask, os.path.join(path_tmp, mask_name + ext_mask), verbose=param.verbose) # go to tmp folder curdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path_tmp) # update field in param (because used later). # TODO: make this cleaner... if param.fname_mask != '': param.fname_mask = mask_name + ext_mask # run moco fname_data_moco_tmp = dmri_moco(param) # generate b0_moco_mean and dwi_moco_mean args = ['-i', fname_data_moco_tmp, '-bvec', 'bvecs.txt', '-a', '1', '-v', '0'] if not param.fname_bvals == '': # if bvals file is provided args += ['-bval', param.fname_bvals] fname_b0, fname_b0_mean, fname_dwi, fname_dwi_mean = sct_dmri_separate_b0_and_dwi.main(args=args) # come back os.chdir(curdir) # Generate output files fname_dmri_moco = os.path.join(path_out, file_data + param.suffix + ext_data) fname_dmri_moco_b0_mean = sct.add_suffix(fname_dmri_moco, '_b0_mean') fname_dmri_moco_dwi_mean = sct.add_suffix(fname_dmri_moco, '_dwi_mean') sct.create_folder(path_out) sct.printv('\nGenerate output files...', param.verbose) sct.generate_output_file(fname_data_moco_tmp, fname_dmri_moco, param.verbose) sct.generate_output_file(fname_b0_mean, fname_dmri_moco_b0_mean, param.verbose) sct.generate_output_file(fname_dwi_mean, fname_dmri_moco_dwi_mean, param.verbose) # Delete temporary files if param.remove_temp_files == 1: sct.printv('\nDelete temporary files...', param.verbose) sct.rmtree(path_tmp, verbose=param.verbose) # display elapsed time elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time sct.printv('\nFinished! Elapsed time: ' + str(int(np.round(elapsed_time))) + 's', param.verbose) sct.display_viewer_syntax([fname_dmri_moco, file_data], mode='ortho,ortho')
def main(args=None): # initializations param = Param() # check user arguments if args is None: args = sys.argv[1:] # get parser info parser = get_parser() arguments = parser.parse_args(args) = int( param.path_data = arguments.path functions_to_test = arguments.function param.remove_tmp_file = int(arguments.remove_temps) jobs = param.verbose = arguments.verbose sct.init_sct(log_level=param.verbose, update=True) # Update log level start_time = time.time() # get absolute path and add slash at the end param.path_data = os.path.abspath(param.path_data) # check existence of testing data folder if not os.path.isdir(param.path_data) or downloaddata(param) # display path to data sct.printv('\nPath to testing data: ' + param.path_data, param.verbose) # create temp folder that will have all results and go in it path_tmp = os.path.abspath(arguments.execution_folder or sct.tmp_create(verbose=param.verbose)) curdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path_tmp) functions_parallel = list() functions_serial = list() if functions_to_test: for f in functions_to_test: if f in get_functions_parallelizable(): functions_parallel.append(f) elif f in get_functions_nonparallelizable(): functions_serial.append(f) else: sct.printv( 'Command-line usage error: Function "%s" is not part of the list of testing functions' % f, type='error') jobs = min(jobs, len(functions_parallel)) else: functions_parallel = get_functions_parallelizable() functions_serial = get_functions_nonparallelizable() if arguments.continue_from: first_func = arguments.continue_from if first_func in functions_parallel: functions_serial = [] functions_parallel = functions_parallel[functions_parallel. index(first_func):] elif first_func in functions_serial: functions_serial = functions_serial[functions_serial. index(first_func):] if arguments.check_filesystem and jobs != 1: print("Check filesystem used -> jobs forced to 1") jobs = 1 print("Will run through the following tests:") if functions_serial: print("- sequentially: {}".format(" ".join(functions_serial))) if functions_parallel: print("- in parallel with {} jobs: {}".format( jobs, " ".join(functions_parallel))) list_status = [] for name, functions in ( ("serial", functions_serial), ("parallel", functions_parallel), ): if not functions: continue if any([s for (f, s) in list_status]) and arguments.abort_on_failure: break try: if functions == functions_parallel and jobs != 1: pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=jobs) results = list() # loop across functions and run tests for f in functions: func_param = copy.deepcopy(param) func_param.path_output = f res = pool.apply_async(process_function_multiproc, ( f, func_param, )) results.append(res) else: pool = None for idx_function, f in enumerate(functions): print_line('Checking ' + f) if functions == functions_serial or jobs == 1: if arguments.check_filesystem: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path_tmp, f)): shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(path_tmp, f)) sig_0 = fs_signature(path_tmp) func_param = copy.deepcopy(param) func_param.path_output = f res = process_function(f, func_param) if arguments.check_filesystem: sig_1 = fs_signature(path_tmp) fs_ok(sig_0, sig_1, exclude=(f, )) else: res = results[idx_function].get() list_output, list_status_function = res # manage status if any(list_status_function): if 1 in list_status_function: print_fail() status = (f, 1) else: print_warning() status = (f, 99) for output in list_output: for line in output.splitlines(): print(" %s" % line) else: print_ok() if param.verbose: for output in list_output: for line in output.splitlines(): print(" %s" % line) status = (f, 0) # append status function to global list of status list_status.append(status) if any([s for (f, s) in list_status ]) and arguments.abort_on_failure: break except KeyboardInterrupt: raise finally: if pool: pool.terminate() pool.join() print('status: ' + str([s for (f, s) in list_status])) if any([s for (f, s) in list_status]): print("Failures: {}".format(" ".join( [f for (f, s) in list_status if s]))) # display elapsed time elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time sct.printv('Finished! Elapsed time: ' + str(int(np.round(elapsed_time))) + 's\n') # come back os.chdir(curdir) # remove temp files if param.remove_tmp_file and arguments.execution_folder is None: sct.printv('\nRemove temporary files...', 0) sct.rmtree(path_tmp) e = 0 if any([s for (f, s) in list_status]): e = 1 # print(e) sys.exit(e)
def main(args=None): if args is None: args = sys.argv[1:] # initialize parameters param = Param() # Initialization fname_output = '' path_out = '' fname_src_seg = '' fname_dest_seg = '' fname_src_label = '' fname_dest_label = '' generate_warpinv = 1 start_time = time.time() # get default registration parameters # step1 = Paramreg(step='1', type='im', algo='syn', metric='MI', iter='5', shrink='1', smooth='0', gradStep='0.5') step0 = Paramreg( step='0', type='im', algo='syn', metric='MI', iter='0', shrink='1', smooth='0', gradStep='0.5', slicewise='0', dof='Tx_Ty_Tz_Rx_Ry_Rz') # only used to put src into dest space step1 = Paramreg(step='1', type='im') paramreg = ParamregMultiStep([step0, step1]) parser = get_parser(paramreg=paramreg) arguments = parser.parse(args) # get arguments fname_src = arguments['-i'] fname_dest = arguments['-d'] if '-iseg' in arguments: fname_src_seg = arguments['-iseg'] if '-dseg' in arguments: fname_dest_seg = arguments['-dseg'] if '-ilabel' in arguments: fname_src_label = arguments['-ilabel'] if '-dlabel' in arguments: fname_dest_label = arguments['-dlabel'] if '-o' in arguments: fname_output = arguments['-o'] if '-ofolder' in arguments: path_out = arguments['-ofolder'] if '-owarp' in arguments: fname_output_warp = arguments['-owarp'] else: fname_output_warp = '' if '-initwarp' in arguments: fname_initwarp = os.path.abspath(arguments['-initwarp']) else: fname_initwarp = '' if '-initwarpinv' in arguments: fname_initwarpinv = os.path.abspath(arguments['-initwarpinv']) else: fname_initwarpinv = '' if '-m' in arguments: fname_mask = arguments['-m'] else: fname_mask = '' padding = arguments['-z'] if "-param" in arguments: paramreg_user = arguments['-param'] # update registration parameters for paramStep in paramreg_user: paramreg.addStep(paramStep) path_qc = arguments.get("-qc", None) qc_dataset = arguments.get("-qc-dataset", None) qc_subject = arguments.get("-qc-subject", None) identity = int(arguments['-identity']) interp = arguments['-x'] remove_temp_files = int(arguments['-r']) verbose = int(arguments.get('-v')) sct.init_sct(log_level=verbose, update=True) # Update log level # sct.printv(arguments) sct.printv('\nInput parameters:') sct.printv(' Source .............. ' + fname_src) sct.printv(' Destination ......... ' + fname_dest) sct.printv(' Init transfo ........ ' + fname_initwarp) sct.printv(' Mask ................ ' + fname_mask) sct.printv(' Output name ......... ' + fname_output) # sct.printv(' Algorithm ........... '+paramreg.algo) # sct.printv(' Number of iterations '+paramreg.iter) # sct.printv(' Metric .............. '+paramreg.metric) sct.printv(' Remove temp files ... ' + str(remove_temp_files)) sct.printv(' Verbose ............. ' + str(verbose)) # update param param.verbose = verbose param.padding = padding param.fname_mask = fname_mask param.remove_temp_files = remove_temp_files # Get if input is 3D sct.printv('\nCheck if input data are 3D...', verbose) sct.check_if_3d(fname_src) sct.check_if_3d(fname_dest) # Check if user selected type=seg, but did not input segmentation data if 'paramreg_user' in locals(): if True in [ 'type=seg' in paramreg_user[i] for i in range(len(paramreg_user)) ]: if fname_src_seg == '' or fname_dest_seg == '': sct.printv( '\nERROR: if you select type=seg you must specify -iseg and -dseg flags.\n', 1, 'error') # Extract path, file and extension path_src, file_src, ext_src = sct.extract_fname(fname_src) path_dest, file_dest, ext_dest = sct.extract_fname(fname_dest) # check if source and destination images have the same name (related to issue #373) # If so, change names to avoid conflict of result files and warns the user suffix_src, suffix_dest = '_reg', '_reg' if file_src == file_dest: suffix_src, suffix_dest = '_src_reg', '_dest_reg' # define output folder and file name if fname_output == '': path_out = '' if not path_out else path_out # output in user's current directory file_out = file_src + suffix_src file_out_inv = file_dest + suffix_dest ext_out = ext_src else: path, file_out, ext_out = sct.extract_fname(fname_output) path_out = path if not path_out else path_out file_out_inv = file_out + '_inv' # create temporary folder path_tmp = sct.tmp_create() sct.printv('\nCopying input data to tmp folder and convert to nii...', verbose) Image(fname_src).save(os.path.join(path_tmp, "src.nii")) Image(fname_dest).save(os.path.join(path_tmp, "dest.nii")) if fname_src_seg: Image(fname_src_seg).save(os.path.join(path_tmp, "src_seg.nii")) if fname_dest_seg: Image(fname_dest_seg).save(os.path.join(path_tmp, "dest_seg.nii")) if fname_src_label: Image(fname_src_label).save(os.path.join(path_tmp, "src_label.nii")) Image(fname_dest_label).save(os.path.join(path_tmp, "dest_label.nii")) if fname_mask != '': Image(fname_mask).save(os.path.join(path_tmp, "mask.nii.gz")) # go to tmp folder curdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path_tmp) # reorient destination to RPI Image('dest.nii').change_orientation("RPI").save('dest_RPI.nii') if fname_dest_seg: Image('dest_seg.nii').change_orientation("RPI").save( 'dest_seg_RPI.nii') if fname_dest_label: Image('dest_label.nii').change_orientation("RPI").save( 'dest_label_RPI.nii') if identity: # overwrite paramreg and only do one identity transformation step0 = Paramreg(step='0', type='im', algo='syn', metric='MI', iter='0', shrink='1', smooth='0', gradStep='0.5') paramreg = ParamregMultiStep([step0]) # Put source into destination space using header (no estimation -- purely based on header) # TODO: Check if necessary to do that # TODO: use that as step=0 # sct.printv('\nPut source into destination space using header...', verbose) #'isct_antsRegistration -d 3 -t Translation[0] -m MI[dest_pad.nii,src.nii,1,16] -c 0 -f 1 -s 0 -o # [regAffine,src_regAffine.nii] -n BSpline[3]', verbose) # if segmentation, also do it for seg # initialize list of warping fields warp_forward = [] warp_forward_winv = [] warp_inverse = [] warp_inverse_winv = [] # initial warping is specified, update list of warping fields and skip step=0 if fname_initwarp: sct.printv('\nSkip step=0 and replace with initial transformations: ', param.verbose) sct.printv(' ' + fname_initwarp, param.verbose) # sct.copy(fname_initwarp, 'warp_forward_0.nii.gz') warp_forward = [fname_initwarp] start_step = 1 if fname_initwarpinv: warp_inverse = [fname_initwarpinv] else: sct.printv( '\nWARNING: No initial inverse warping field was specified, therefore the inverse warping field ' 'will NOT be generated.', param.verbose, 'warning') generate_warpinv = 0 else: start_step = 0 # loop across registration steps for i_step in range(start_step, len(paramreg.steps)): sct.printv('\n--\nESTIMATE TRANSFORMATION FOR STEP #' + str(i_step), param.verbose) # identify which is the src and dest if paramreg.steps[str(i_step)].type == 'im': src = 'src.nii' dest = 'dest_RPI.nii' interp_step = 'spline' elif paramreg.steps[str(i_step)].type == 'seg': src = 'src_seg.nii' dest = 'dest_seg_RPI.nii' interp_step = 'nn' elif paramreg.steps[str(i_step)].type == 'label': src = 'src_label.nii' dest = 'dest_label_RPI.nii' interp_step = 'nn' else: # src = dest = interp_step = None sct.printv('ERROR: Wrong image type.', 1, 'error') # if step>0, apply warp_forward_concat to the src image to be used if i_step > 0: sct.printv('\nApply transformation from previous step', param.verbose) sct_apply_transfo.main(args=[ '-i', src, '-d', dest, '-w', warp_forward, '-o', sct.add_suffix(src, '_reg'), '-x', interp_step ]) src = sct.add_suffix(src, '_reg') # register src --> dest warp_forward_out, warp_inverse_out = register(src, dest, paramreg, param, str(i_step)) # deal with transformations with "-" as prefix. They should be inverted with calling sct_concat_transfo. if warp_forward_out[0] == "-": warp_forward_out = warp_forward_out[1:] warp_forward_winv.append(warp_forward_out) if warp_inverse_out[0] == "-": warp_inverse_out = warp_inverse_out[1:] warp_inverse_winv.append(warp_inverse_out) # update list of forward/inverse transformations warp_forward.append(warp_forward_out) warp_inverse.insert(0, warp_inverse_out) # Concatenate transformations sct.printv('\nConcatenate transformations...', verbose) sct_concat_transfo.main(args=[ '-w', warp_forward, '-winv', warp_forward_winv, '-d', 'dest.nii', '-o', 'warp_src2dest.nii.gz' ]) sct_concat_transfo.main(args=[ '-w', warp_inverse, '-winv', warp_inverse_winv, '-d', 'src.nii', '-o', 'warp_dest2src.nii.gz' ]) # Apply warping field to src data sct.printv('\nApply transfo source --> dest...', verbose) sct_apply_transfo.main(args=[ '-i', 'src.nii', '-d', 'dest.nii', '-w', 'warp_src2dest.nii.gz', '-o', 'src_reg.nii', '-x', interp ]) sct.printv('\nApply transfo dest --> source...', verbose) sct_apply_transfo.main(args=[ '-i', 'dest.nii', '-d', 'src.nii', '-w', 'warp_dest2src.nii.gz', '-o', 'dest_reg.nii', '-x', interp ]) # come back os.chdir(curdir) # Generate output files sct.printv('\nGenerate output files...', verbose) # generate: src_reg fname_src2dest = sct.generate_output_file( os.path.join(path_tmp, "src_reg.nii"), os.path.join(path_out, file_out + ext_out), verbose) # generate: forward warping field if fname_output_warp == '': fname_output_warp = os.path.join( path_out, 'warp_' + file_src + '2' + file_dest + '.nii.gz') sct.generate_output_file(os.path.join(path_tmp, "warp_src2dest.nii.gz"), fname_output_warp, verbose) if generate_warpinv: # generate: dest_reg fname_dest2src = sct.generate_output_file( os.path.join(path_tmp, "dest_reg.nii"), os.path.join(path_out, file_out_inv + ext_dest), verbose) # generate: inverse warping field sct.generate_output_file( os.path.join(path_tmp, "warp_dest2src.nii.gz"), os.path.join(path_out, 'warp_' + file_dest + '2' + file_src + '.nii.gz'), verbose) # Delete temporary files if remove_temp_files: sct.printv('\nRemove temporary files...', verbose) sct.rmtree(path_tmp, verbose=verbose) # display elapsed time elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time sct.printv( '\nFinished! Elapsed time: ' + str(int(np.round(elapsed_time))) + 's', verbose) if path_qc is not None: if fname_dest_seg: generate_qc(fname_src2dest, fname_in2=fname_dest, fname_seg=fname_dest_seg, args=args, path_qc=os.path.abspath(path_qc), dataset=qc_dataset, subject=qc_subject, process='sct_register_multimodal') else: sct.printv( 'WARNING: Cannot generate QC because it requires destination segmentation.', 1, 'warning') if generate_warpinv: sct.display_viewer_syntax([fname_src, fname_dest2src], verbose=verbose) sct.display_viewer_syntax([fname_dest, fname_src2dest], verbose=verbose)
def register(self): # accentuate separation WM/GM self.im_gm = thr_im(self.im_gm, 0.01, self.param.thr) self.im_wm = thr_im(self.im_wm, 0.01, self.param.thr) self.im_template_gm = thr_im(self.im_template_gm, 0.01, self.param.thr) self.im_template_wm = thr_im(self.im_template_wm, 0.01, self.param.thr) # create multilabel images: # copy GM images to keep header information im_automatic_ml = self.im_gm.copy() im_template_ml = self.im_template_gm.copy() # create multi-label segmentation with GM*200 + WM*100 (100 and 200 encoded in =[ 1] * +[0] * =[ 1] * +[ 0] * # set new names fname_automatic_ml = 'multilabel_automatic_seg.nii.gz' fname_template_ml = 'multilabel_template_seg.nii.gz' im_automatic_ml.setFileName(fname_automatic_ml) im_template_ml.setFileName(fname_template_ml) # Create temporary folder and put files in it tmp_dir = sct.tmp_create() path_gm, file_gm, ext_gm = sct.extract_fname(fname_gm) path_warp_template2target, file_warp_template2target, ext_warp_template2target = sct.extract_fname( self.fname_warp_template2target) convert(fname_gm, tmp_dir + file_gm + ext_gm) convert(fname_warp_template, tmp_dir + file_warp_template2target + ext_warp_template2target, squeeze_data=0) if self.fname_warp_target2template is not None: path_warp_target2template, file_warp_target2template, ext_warp_target2template = sct.extract_fname( self.fname_warp_target2template) convert(self.fname_warp_target2template, tmp_dir + file_warp_target2template + ext_warp_target2template, squeeze_data=0) os.chdir(tmp_dir) # save images # apply template2image warping field if self.apply_warp_template == 1: fname_template_ml_new = sct.add_suffix(fname_template_ml, '_r')'sct_apply_transfo -i ' + fname_template_ml + ' -d ' + fname_automatic_ml + ' -w ' + file_warp_template2target + ext_warp_template2target + ' -o ' + fname_template_ml_new) fname_template_ml = fname_template_ml_new nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = im_automatic_ml.dim size_mask = int(22.5 / px) fname_mask = 'square_mask.nii.gz''sct_create_mask -i ' + fname_automatic_ml + ' -p centerline,' + fname_automatic_ml + ' -f box -size ' + str(size_mask) + ' -o ' + fname_mask) fname_automatic_ml, xi, xf, yi, yf, zi, zf = crop_im( fname_automatic_ml, fname_mask) fname_template_ml, xi, xf, yi, yf, zi, zf = crop_im( fname_template_ml, fname_mask) # fname_automatic_ml_smooth = sct.add_suffix(fname_automatic_ml, '_smooth') #'sct_maths -i '+fname_automatic_ml+' -smooth '+str(self.param.smooth)+','+str(self.param.smooth)+',0 -o '+fname_automatic_ml_smooth) # fname_automatic_ml = fname_automatic_ml_smooth path_automatic_ml, file_automatic_ml, ext_automatic_ml = sct.extract_fname( fname_automatic_ml) path_template_ml, file_template_ml, ext_template_ml = sct.extract_fname( fname_template_ml) # Register multilabel images together cmd_reg = 'sct_register_multimodal -i ' + fname_template_ml + ' -d ' + fname_automatic_ml + ' -param ' + self.param.param_reg if 'centermass' in self.param.param_reg: fname_template_ml_seg = sct.add_suffix(fname_template_ml, '_bin')'sct_maths -i ' + fname_template_ml + ' -bin 0 -o ' + fname_template_ml_seg) fname_automatic_ml_seg = sct.add_suffix(fname_automatic_ml, '_bin') #'sct_maths -i '+fname_automatic_ml+' -thr 50 -o '+fname_automatic_ml_seg)'sct_maths -i ' + fname_automatic_ml + ' -bin 50 -o ' + fname_automatic_ml_seg) cmd_reg += ' -iseg ' + fname_template_ml_seg + ' -dseg ' + fname_automatic_ml_seg fname_warp_multilabel_template2auto = 'warp_' + file_template_ml + '2' + file_automatic_ml + '.nii.gz' fname_warp_multilabel_auto2template = 'warp_' + file_automatic_ml + '2' + file_template_ml + '.nii.gz' self.fname_warp_template2gm = sct.extract_fname( self.fname_warp_template2target )[1] + '_reg_gm' + sct.extract_fname( self.fname_warp_template2target)[2] # fname_warp_multilabel_template2auto = pad_im(fname_warp_multilabel_template2auto, nx, ny, nz, xi, xf, yi, yf, zi, zf) # fname_warp_multilabel_auto2template = pad_im(fname_warp_multilabel_auto2template, nx, ny, nz, xi, xf, yi, yf, zi, zf)'sct_concat_transfo -w ' + file_warp_template2target + ext_warp_template2target + ',' + fname_warp_multilabel_template2auto + ' -d ' + file_gm + ext_gm + ' -o ' + self.fname_warp_template2gm) if self.fname_warp_target2template is not None: path_script = os.path.dirname(__file__) path_sct = os.path.dirname(path_script) if self.template == 'MNI-Poly-AMU': fname_dest = path_sct + '/data/MNI-Poly-AMU/template/MNI-Poly-AMU_T2.nii.gz' elif self.template == 'PAM50': fname_dest = path_sct + '/data/PAM50/template/PAM50_t2.nii.gz' self.fname_warp_gm2template = sct.extract_fname( self.fname_warp_target2template )[1] + '_reg_gm' + sct.extract_fname( self.fname_warp_target2template)[2]'sct_concat_transfo -w ' + fname_warp_multilabel_auto2template + ',' + file_warp_target2template + ext_warp_target2template + ' -d ' + fname_dest + ' -o ' + self.fname_warp_gm2template) os.chdir('..') # sct.generate_output_file(tmp_dir+fname_warp_multilabel_template2auto, self.param.output_folder+'warp_template_multilabel2automatic_seg_multilabel.nii.gz') # sct.generate_output_file(tmp_dir+fname_warp_multilabel_auto2template, self.param.output_folder+'warp_automatic_seg_multilabel2template_multilabel.nii.gz') sct.generate_output_file( tmp_dir + self.fname_warp_template2gm, self.param.output_folder + self.fname_warp_template2gm) if self.fname_warp_target2template is not None: sct.generate_output_file( tmp_dir + self.fname_warp_gm2template, self.param.output_folder + self.fname_warp_gm2template) if self.param.qc: fname_grid_warped = visualize_warp( tmp_dir + fname_warp_multilabel_template2auto, rm_tmp=self.param.remove_tmp) path_grid_warped, file_grid_warped, ext_grid_warped = sct.extract_fname( fname_grid_warped) sct.generate_output_file( fname_grid_warped, self.param.output_folder + file_grid_warped + ext_grid_warped) if self.param.remove_tmp:'rm -rf ' + tmp_dir, error_exit='warning')
def register_data(im_src, im_dest, param_reg, path_copy_warp=None, rm_tmp=True): ''' Parameters ---------- im_src: class Image: source image im_dest: class Image: destination image param_reg: str: registration parameter path_copy_warp: path: path to copy the warping fields Returns: im_src_reg: class Image: source image registered on destination image ------- ''' # im_src and im_dest are already preprocessed (in theory: im_dest = mean_image) # binarize images to get seg im_src_seg = binarize(im_src, thr_min=1, thr_max=1) im_dest_seg = binarize(im_dest) # create tmp dir and go in it tmp_dir = sct.tmp_create() curdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(tmp_dir) # save image and seg fname_src = 'src.nii.gz' fname_src_seg = 'src_seg.nii.gz' fname_dest = 'dest.nii.gz' fname_dest_seg = 'dest_seg.nii.gz' # do registration using param_reg sct_register_multimodal.main(args=[ '-i', fname_src, '-d', fname_dest, '-iseg', fname_src_seg, '-dseg', fname_dest_seg, '-param', param_reg ]) # get registration result fname_src_reg = add_suffix(fname_src, '_reg') im_src_reg = Image(fname_src_reg) # get out of tmp dir os.chdir(curdir) # copy warping fields if path_copy_warp is not None and os.path.isdir( os.path.abspath(path_copy_warp)): path_copy_warp = os.path.abspath(path_copy_warp) file_src = extract_fname(fname_src)[1] file_dest = extract_fname(fname_dest)[1] fname_src2dest = 'warp_' + file_src + '2' + file_dest + '.nii.gz' fname_dest2src = 'warp_' + file_dest + '2' + file_src + '.nii.gz' sct.copy(os.path.join(tmp_dir, fname_src2dest), path_copy_warp) sct.copy(os.path.join(tmp_dir, fname_dest2src), path_copy_warp) if rm_tmp: # remove tmp dir sct.rmtree(tmp_dir) # return res image return im_src_reg, fname_src2dest, fname_dest2src
return parser if __name__ == "__main__": sct.init_sct() parser = get_parser() arguments = parser.parse_args(args=None if sys.argv[1:] else ['--help']) fname_input1 = arguments.i fname_input2 = arguments.d verbose = arguments.v sct.init_sct(log_level=verbose, update=True) # Update log level tmp_dir = sct.tmp_create(verbose=verbose) # create tmp directory tmp_dir = os.path.abspath(tmp_dir) # copy input files to tmp directory # for fname in [fname_input1, fname_input2]: sct.copy(fname_input1, tmp_dir) sct.copy(fname_input2, tmp_dir) fname_input1 = ''.join(sct.extract_fname(fname_input1)[1:]) fname_input2 = ''.join(sct.extract_fname(fname_input2)[1:]) curdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(tmp_dir) # go to tmp directory if '-bin' in arguments: fname_input1_bin = sct.add_suffix(fname_input1, '_bin')[
def pre_processing(fname_target, fname_sc_seg, fname_level=None, fname_manual_gmseg=None, new_res=0.3, square_size_size_mm=22.5, denoising=True, verbose=1, rm_tmp=True, for_model=False): printv('\nPre-process data...', verbose, 'normal') tmp_dir = sct.tmp_create() sct.copy(fname_target, tmp_dir) fname_target = ''.join(extract_fname(fname_target)[1:]) sct.copy(fname_sc_seg, tmp_dir) fname_sc_seg = ''.join(extract_fname(fname_sc_seg)[1:]) curdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(tmp_dir) original_info = { 'orientation': None, 'im_sc_seg_rpi': None, 'interpolated_images': [] } im_target = Image(fname_target).copy() im_sc_seg = Image(fname_sc_seg).copy() # get original orientation printv(' Reorient...', verbose, 'normal') original_info['orientation'] = im_target.orientation # assert images are in the same orientation assert im_target.orientation == im_sc_seg.orientation, "ERROR: the image to segment and it's SC segmentation are not in the same orientation" im_target_rpi = im_target.copy().change_orientation( 'RPI', generate_path=True).save() im_sc_seg_rpi = im_sc_seg.copy().change_orientation( 'RPI', generate_path=True).save() original_info['im_sc_seg_rpi'] = im_sc_seg_rpi.copy( ) # target image in RPI will be used to post-process segmentations # denoise using P. Coupe non local means algorithm (see [Manjon et al. JMRI 2010]) implemented in dipy if denoising: printv(' Denoise...', verbose, 'normal') # crop image before denoising to fasten denoising nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = im_target_rpi.dim size_x, size_y = (square_size_size_mm + 1) / px, (square_size_size_mm + 1) / py size = int(np.ceil(max(size_x, size_y))) # create mask fname_mask = 'mask_pre_crop.nii.gz' sct_create_mask.main([ '-i', im_target_rpi.absolutepath, '-p', 'centerline,' + im_sc_seg_rpi.absolutepath, '-f', 'box', '-size', str(size), '-o', fname_mask ]) # crop image cropper = ImageCropper(im_target_rpi) cropper.get_bbox_from_mask(Image(fname_mask)) im_target_rpi_crop = cropper.crop() # crop segmentation cropper = ImageCropper(im_sc_seg_rpi) cropper.get_bbox_from_mask(Image(fname_mask)) im_sc_seg_rpi_crop = cropper.crop() # denoising from spinalcordtoolbox.math import denoise_nlmeans block_radius = 3 block_radius = int([2] / 2) if[2] < (block_radius * 2) else block_radius patch_radius = block_radius - 1 data_denoised = denoise_nlmeans(, block_radius=block_radius, patch_radius=patch_radius) = data_denoised im_target_rpi = im_target_rpi_crop im_sc_seg_rpi = im_sc_seg_rpi_crop else: fname_mask = None # interpolate image to reference square image (resample and square crop centered on SC) printv(' Interpolate data to the model space...', verbose, 'normal') list_im_slices = interpolate_im_to_ref(im_target_rpi, im_sc_seg_rpi, new_res=new_res, sq_size_size_mm=square_size_size_mm) original_info[ 'interpolated_images'] = list_im_slices # list of images (not Slice() objects) printv(' Mask data using the spinal cord segmentation...', verbose, 'normal') list_sc_seg_slices = interpolate_im_to_ref( im_sc_seg_rpi, im_sc_seg_rpi, new_res=new_res, sq_size_size_mm=square_size_size_mm, interpolation_mode=1) for i in range(len(list_im_slices)): # list_im_slices[i].data[list_sc_seg_slices[i].data == 0] = 0 list_sc_seg_slices[i] = binarize(list_sc_seg_slices[i], thr_min=0.5, thr_max=1) list_im_slices[ i].data = list_im_slices[i].data * list_sc_seg_slices[i].data printv(' Split along rostro-caudal direction...', verbose, 'normal') list_slices_target = [ Slice(slice_id=i,, gm_seg=[], wm_seg=[]) for i, im_slice in enumerate(list_im_slices) ] # load vertebral levels if fname_level is not None: printv(' Load vertebral levels...', verbose, 'normal') # copy level file to tmp dir os.chdir(curdir) sct.copy(fname_level, tmp_dir) os.chdir(tmp_dir) # change fname level to only file name (path = tmp dir now) fname_level = ''.join(extract_fname(fname_level)[1:]) # load levels list_slices_target = load_level(list_slices_target, fname_level) os.chdir(curdir) # load manual gmseg if there is one (model data) if fname_manual_gmseg is not None: printv('\n\tLoad manual GM segmentation(s) ...', verbose, 'normal') list_slices_target = load_manual_gmseg(list_slices_target, fname_manual_gmseg, tmp_dir, im_sc_seg_rpi, new_res, square_size_size_mm, for_model=for_model, fname_mask=fname_mask) if rm_tmp: # remove tmp folder sct.rmtree(tmp_dir) return list_slices_target, original_info
def main(): # Initialization fname_mt0 = '' fname_mt1 = '' file_out = param.file_out # register = param.register # remove_tmp_files = param.remove_tmp_files # verbose = param.verbose # get path of the toolbox # status, path_sct = commands.getstatusoutput('echo $SCT_DIR') # Check input parameters parser = get_parser() arguments = parser.parse(sys.argv[1:]) fname_mt0 = arguments['-mt0'] fname_mt1 = arguments['-mt1'] remove_tmp_files = int(arguments['-r']) verbose = int(arguments['-v']) # Extract path/file/extension path_mt0, file_mt0, ext_mt0 = sct.extract_fname(fname_mt0) path_out, file_out, ext_out = '', file_out, ext_mt0 # create temporary folder path_tmp = sct.tmp_create() # Copying input data to tmp folder and convert to nii sct.printv('\nCopying input data to tmp folder and convert to nii...', verbose) from sct_convert import convert convert(fname_mt0, path_tmp + 'mt0.nii', type='float32') convert(fname_mt1, path_tmp + 'mt1.nii', type='float32') # go to tmp folder os.chdir(path_tmp) # compute MTR sct.printv('\nCompute MTR...', verbose) from msct_image import Image nii_mt1 = Image('mt1.nii') data_mt1 = data_mt0 = Image('mt0.nii').data data_mtr = 100 * (data_mt0 - data_mt1) / data_mt0 # save MTR file nii_mtr = nii_mt1 = data_mtr nii_mtr.setFileName('mtr.nii') #'fslmaths -dt double mt0.nii -sub mt1.nii -mul 100 -div mt0.nii -thr 0 -uthr 100 mtr.nii', verbose) # come back to parent folder os.chdir('..') # Generate output files sct.printv('\nGenerate output files...', verbose) sct.generate_output_file(path_tmp + 'mtr.nii', path_out + file_out + ext_out) # Remove temporary files if remove_tmp_files == 1: sct.printv('\nRemove temporary files...')'rm -rf ' + path_tmp) # to view results sct.printv('\nDone! To view results, type:', verbose) sct.printv( 'fslview ' + fname_mt0 + ' ' + fname_mt1 + ' ' + file_out + ' &\n', verbose, 'info')
def straighten(self): """ Straighten spinal cord. Steps: (everything is done in physical space) 1. open input image and centreline image 2. extract bspline fitting of the centreline, and its derivatives 3. compute length of centerline 4. compute and generate straight space 5. compute transformations for each voxel of one space: (done using matrices --> improves speed by a factor x300) a. determine which plane of spinal cord centreline it is included b. compute the position of the voxel in the plane (X and Y distance from centreline, along the plane) c. find the correspondant centreline point in the other space d. find the correspondance of the voxel in the corresponding plane 6. generate warping fields for each transformations 7. write warping fields and apply them step 5.b: how to find the corresponding plane? The centerline plane corresponding to a voxel correspond to the nearest point of the centerline. However, we need to compute the distance between the voxel position and the plane to be sure it is part of the plane and not too distant. If it is more far than a threshold, warping value should be 0. step 5.d: how to make the correspondance between centerline point in both images? Both centerline have the same lenght. Therefore, we can map centerline point via their position along the curve. If we use the same number of points uniformely along the spinal cord (1000 for example), the correspondance is straight-forward. :return: """ # Initialization fname_anat = self.input_filename fname_centerline = self.centerline_filename fname_output = self.output_filename remove_temp_files = self.remove_temp_files verbose = self.verbose interpolation_warp = self.interpolation_warp # TODO: remove this # start timer start_time = time.time() # Extract path/file/extension path_anat, file_anat, ext_anat = sct.extract_fname(fname_anat) path_tmp = sct.tmp_create(basename="straighten_spinalcord", verbose=verbose) # Copying input data to tmp folder sct.printv('\nCopy files to tmp folder...', verbose) Image(fname_anat).save(os.path.join(path_tmp, "data.nii")) Image(fname_centerline).save( os.path.join(path_tmp, "centerline.nii.gz")) if self.use_straight_reference: Image(self.centerline_reference_filename).save( os.path.join(path_tmp, "centerline_ref.nii.gz")) if self.discs_input_filename != '': Image(self.discs_input_filename).save( os.path.join(path_tmp, "labels_input.nii.gz")) if self.discs_ref_filename != '': Image(self.discs_ref_filename).save( os.path.join(path_tmp, "labels_ref.nii.gz")) # go to tmp folder curdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path_tmp) # Change orientation of the input centerline into RPI image_centerline = Image("centerline.nii.gz").change_orientation( "RPI").save("centerline_rpi.nii.gz", mutable=True) # Get dimension nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = image_centerline.dim if self.speed_factor != 1.0: intermediate_resampling = True px_r, py_r, pz_r = px * self.speed_factor, py * self.speed_factor, pz * self.speed_factor else: intermediate_resampling = False if intermediate_resampling:'centerline_rpi.nii.gz', 'centerline_rpi_native.nii.gz') pz_native = pz # TODO: remove system call[ 'sct_resample', '-i', 'centerline_rpi_native.nii.gz', '-mm', str(px_r) + 'x' + str(py_r) + 'x' + str(pz_r), '-o', 'centerline_rpi.nii.gz' ]) image_centerline = Image('centerline_rpi.nii.gz') nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = image_centerline.dim if np.min( < 0 or np.max( > 1:[ < 0] = 0[ > 1] = 1 # 2. extract bspline fitting of the centerline, and its derivatives img_ctl = Image('centerline_rpi.nii.gz') centerline = _get_centerline(img_ctl, self.param_centerline, verbose) number_of_points = centerline.number_of_points # =========================================================================================='Create the straight space and the safe zone') # 3. compute length of centerline # compute the length of the spinal cord based on fitted centerline and size of centerline in z direction # Computation of the safe zone. # The safe zone is defined as the length of the spinal cord for which an axial segmentation will be complete # The safe length (to remove) is computed using the safe radius (given as parameter) and the angle of the # last centerline point with the inferior-superior direction. Formula: Ls = Rs * sin(angle) # Calculate Ls for both edges and remove appropriate number of centerline points radius_safe = 0.0 # mm # inferior edge u = centerline.derivatives[0] v = np.array([0, 0, -1]) angle_inferior = np.arctan2(np.linalg.norm(np.cross(u, v)),, v)) length_safe_inferior = radius_safe * np.sin(angle_inferior) # superior edge u = centerline.derivatives[-1] v = np.array([0, 0, 1]) angle_superior = np.arctan2(np.linalg.norm(np.cross(u, v)),, v)) length_safe_superior = radius_safe * np.sin(angle_superior) # remove points inferior_bound = bisect.bisect(centerline.progressive_length, length_safe_inferior) - 1 superior_bound = centerline.number_of_points - bisect.bisect( centerline.progressive_length_inverse, length_safe_superior) z_centerline = centerline.points[:, 2] length_centerline = centerline.length size_z_centerline = z_centerline[-1] - z_centerline[0] # compute the size factor between initial centerline and straight bended centerline factor_curved_straight = length_centerline / size_z_centerline middle_slice = (z_centerline[0] + z_centerline[-1]) / 2.0 bound_curved = [ z_centerline[inferior_bound], z_centerline[superior_bound] ] bound_straight = [(z_centerline[inferior_bound] - middle_slice) * factor_curved_straight + middle_slice, (z_centerline[superior_bound] - middle_slice) * factor_curved_straight + middle_slice]'Length of spinal cord: {}'.format(length_centerline)) 'Size of spinal cord in z direction: {}'.format(size_z_centerline))'Ratio length/size: {}'.format(factor_curved_straight)) 'Safe zone boundaries (curved space): {}'.format(bound_curved)) 'Safe zone boundaries (straight space): {}'.format(bound_straight)) # 4. compute and generate straight space # points along curved centerline are already regularly spaced. # calculate position of points along straight centerline # Create straight NIFTI volumes. # ========================================================================================== # TODO: maybe this if case is not needed? if self.use_straight_reference: image_centerline_pad = Image('centerline_rpi.nii.gz') nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = image_centerline_pad.dim fname_ref = 'centerline_ref_rpi.nii.gz' image_centerline_straight = Image('centerline_ref.nii.gz') \ .change_orientation("RPI") \ .save(fname_ref, mutable=True) centerline_straight = _get_centerline(image_centerline_straight, algo_fitting,, verbose) nx_s, ny_s, nz_s, nt_s, px_s, py_s, pz_s, pt_s = image_centerline_straight.dim # Prepare warping fields headers hdr_warp = image_centerline_pad.hdr.copy() hdr_warp.set_data_dtype('float32') hdr_warp_s = image_centerline_straight.hdr.copy() hdr_warp_s.set_data_dtype('float32') if self.discs_input_filename != "" and self.discs_ref_filename != "": discs_input_image = Image('labels_input.nii.gz') coord = discs_input_image.getNonZeroCoordinates( sorting='z', reverse_coord=True) coord_physical = [] for c in coord: c_p = discs_input_image.transfo_pix2phys([[c.x, c.y, c.z] ]).tolist()[0] c_p.append(c.value) coord_physical.append(c_p) centerline.compute_vertebral_distribution(coord_physical) centerline.save_centerline( image=discs_input_image, fname_output='discs_input_image.nii.gz') discs_ref_image = Image('labels_ref.nii.gz') coord = discs_ref_image.getNonZeroCoordinates( sorting='z', reverse_coord=True) coord_physical = [] for c in coord: c_p = discs_ref_image.transfo_pix2phys([[c.x, c.y, c.z]]).tolist()[0] c_p.append(c.value) coord_physical.append(c_p) centerline_straight.compute_vertebral_distribution( coord_physical) centerline_straight.save_centerline( image=discs_ref_image, fname_output='discs_ref_image.nii.gz') else: 'Pad input volume to account for spinal cord length...') start_point, end_point = bound_straight[0], bound_straight[1] offset_z = 0 # if the destination image is resampled, we still create the straight reference space with the native # resolution. # TODO: Maybe this if case is not needed? if intermediate_resampling: padding_z = int( np.ceil(1.5 * ((length_centerline - size_z_centerline) / 2.0) / pz_native))[ 'sct_image', '-i', 'centerline_rpi_native.nii.gz', '-o', 'tmp.centerline_pad_native.nii.gz', '-pad', '0,0,' + str(padding_z) ]) image_centerline_pad = Image('centerline_rpi_native.nii.gz') nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = image_centerline_pad.dim start_point_coord_native = image_centerline_pad.transfo_phys2pix( [[0, 0, start_point]])[0] end_point_coord_native = image_centerline_pad.transfo_phys2pix( [[0, 0, end_point]])[0] straight_size_x = int(self.xy_size / px) straight_size_y = int(self.xy_size / py) warp_space_x = [ int(np.round(nx / 2)) - straight_size_x, int(np.round(nx / 2)) + straight_size_x ] warp_space_y = [ int(np.round(ny / 2)) - straight_size_y, int(np.round(ny / 2)) + straight_size_y ] if warp_space_x[0] < 0: warp_space_x[1] += warp_space_x[0] - 2 warp_space_x[0] = 0 if warp_space_y[0] < 0: warp_space_y[1] += warp_space_y[0] - 2 warp_space_y[0] = 0 spec = dict(( (0, warp_space_x), (1, warp_space_y), (2, (0, end_point_coord_native[2] - start_point_coord_native[2])), )) msct_image.spatial_crop( Image("tmp.centerline_pad_native.nii.gz"), spec).save("tmp.centerline_pad_crop_native.nii.gz") fname_ref = 'tmp.centerline_pad_crop_native.nii.gz' offset_z = 4 else: fname_ref = 'tmp.centerline_pad_crop.nii.gz' nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = image_centerline.dim padding_z = int( np.ceil(1.5 * ((length_centerline - size_z_centerline) / 2.0) / pz)) + offset_z image_centerline_pad = pad_image(image_centerline, pad_z_i=padding_z, pad_z_f=padding_z) nx, ny, nz = hdr_warp = image_centerline_pad.hdr.copy() hdr_warp.set_data_dtype('float32') start_point_coord = image_centerline_pad.transfo_phys2pix( [[0, 0, start_point]])[0] end_point_coord = image_centerline_pad.transfo_phys2pix( [[0, 0, end_point]])[0] straight_size_x = int(self.xy_size / px) straight_size_y = int(self.xy_size / py) warp_space_x = [ int(np.round(nx / 2)) - straight_size_x, int(np.round(nx / 2)) + straight_size_x ] warp_space_y = [ int(np.round(ny / 2)) - straight_size_y, int(np.round(ny / 2)) + straight_size_y ] if warp_space_x[0] < 0: warp_space_x[1] += warp_space_x[0] - 2 warp_space_x[0] = 0 if warp_space_x[1] >= nx: warp_space_x[1] = nx - 1 if warp_space_y[0] < 0: warp_space_y[1] += warp_space_y[0] - 2 warp_space_y[0] = 0 if warp_space_y[1] >= ny: warp_space_y[1] = ny - 1 spec = dict(( (0, warp_space_x), (1, warp_space_y), (2, (0, end_point_coord[2] - start_point_coord[2] + offset_z)), )) image_centerline_straight = msct_image.spatial_crop( image_centerline_pad, spec) nx_s, ny_s, nz_s, nt_s, px_s, py_s, pz_s, pt_s = image_centerline_straight.dim hdr_warp_s = image_centerline_straight.hdr.copy() hdr_warp_s.set_data_dtype('float32') if self.template_orientation == 1: raise NotImplementedError() start_point_coord = image_centerline_pad.transfo_phys2pix( [[0, 0, start_point]])[0] end_point_coord = image_centerline_pad.transfo_phys2pix( [[0, 0, end_point]])[0] number_of_voxel = nx * ny * nz logger.debug('Number of voxels: {}'.format(number_of_voxel)) time_centerlines = time.time() coord_straight = np.empty((number_of_points, 3)) coord_straight[..., 0] = int(np.round(nx_s / 2)) coord_straight[..., 1] = int(np.round(ny_s / 2)) coord_straight[..., 2] = np.linspace( 0, end_point_coord[2] - start_point_coord[2], number_of_points) coord_phys_straight = image_centerline_straight.transfo_pix2phys( coord_straight) derivs_straight = np.empty((number_of_points, 3)) derivs_straight[..., 0] = derivs_straight[..., 1] = 0 derivs_straight[..., 2] = 1 dx_straight, dy_straight, dz_straight = derivs_straight.T centerline_straight = Centerline(coord_phys_straight[:, 0], coord_phys_straight[:, 1], coord_phys_straight[:, 2], dx_straight, dy_straight, dz_straight) time_centerlines = time.time() - time_centerlines'Time to generate centerline: {} ms'.format( np.round(time_centerlines * 1000.0))) if verbose == 2: # TODO: use OO import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from datetime import datetime curved_points = centerline.progressive_length straight_points = centerline_straight.progressive_length range_points = np.linspace(0, 1, number_of_points) dist_curved = np.zeros(number_of_points) dist_straight = np.zeros(number_of_points) for i in range(1, number_of_points): dist_curved[i] = dist_curved[ i - 1] + curved_points[i - 1] / centerline.length dist_straight[i] = dist_straight[i - 1] + straight_points[ i - 1] / centerline_straight.length plt.plot(range_points, dist_curved) plt.plot(range_points, dist_straight) plt.grid(True) plt.savefig('fig_straighten_' +"%y%m%d%H%M%S%f") + '.png') plt.close() # alignment_mode = 'length' alignment_mode = 'levels' lookup_curved2straight = list(range(centerline.number_of_points)) if self.discs_input_filename != "": # create look-up table curved to straight for index in range(centerline.number_of_points): disc_label = centerline.l_points[index] if alignment_mode == 'length': relative_position = centerline.dist_points[index] else: relative_position = centerline.dist_points_rel[index] idx_closest = centerline_straight.get_closest_to_absolute_position( disc_label, relative_position, backup_index=index, backup_centerline=centerline_straight, mode=alignment_mode) if idx_closest is not None: lookup_curved2straight[index] = idx_closest else: lookup_curved2straight[index] = 0 for p in range(0, len(lookup_curved2straight) // 2): if lookup_curved2straight[p] == lookup_curved2straight[p + 1]: lookup_curved2straight[p] = 0 else: break for p in range( len(lookup_curved2straight) - 1, len(lookup_curved2straight) // 2, -1): if lookup_curved2straight[p] == lookup_curved2straight[p - 1]: lookup_curved2straight[p] = 0 else: break lookup_curved2straight = np.array(lookup_curved2straight) lookup_straight2curved = list( range(centerline_straight.number_of_points)) if self.discs_input_filename != "": for index in range(centerline_straight.number_of_points): disc_label = centerline_straight.l_points[index] if alignment_mode == 'length': relative_position = centerline_straight.dist_points[index] else: relative_position = centerline_straight.dist_points_rel[ index] idx_closest = centerline.get_closest_to_absolute_position( disc_label, relative_position, backup_index=index, backup_centerline=centerline_straight, mode=alignment_mode) if idx_closest is not None: lookup_straight2curved[index] = idx_closest for p in range(0, len(lookup_straight2curved) // 2): if lookup_straight2curved[p] == lookup_straight2curved[p + 1]: lookup_straight2curved[p] = 0 else: break for p in range( len(lookup_straight2curved) - 1, len(lookup_straight2curved) // 2, -1): if lookup_straight2curved[p] == lookup_straight2curved[p - 1]: lookup_straight2curved[p] = 0 else: break lookup_straight2curved = np.array(lookup_straight2curved) # Create volumes containing curved and straight warping fields data_warp_curved2straight = np.zeros((nx_s, ny_s, nz_s, 1, 3)) data_warp_straight2curved = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz, 1, 3)) # 5. compute transformations # Curved and straight images and the same dimensions, so we compute both warping fields at the same time. # b. determine which plane of spinal cord centreline it is included # sct.printv(nx * ny * nz, nx_s * ny_s * nz_s) if self.curved2straight: for u in tqdm(range(nz_s)): x_s, y_s, z_s = np.mgrid[0:nx_s, 0:ny_s, u:u + 1] indexes_straight = np.array( list(zip(x_s.ravel(), y_s.ravel(), z_s.ravel()))) physical_coordinates_straight = image_centerline_straight.transfo_pix2phys( indexes_straight) nearest_indexes_straight = centerline_straight.find_nearest_indexes( physical_coordinates_straight) distances_straight = centerline_straight.get_distances_from_planes( physical_coordinates_straight, nearest_indexes_straight) lookup = lookup_straight2curved[nearest_indexes_straight] indexes_out_distance_straight = np.logical_or( np.logical_or( distances_straight > self.threshold_distance, distances_straight < -self.threshold_distance), lookup == 0) projected_points_straight = centerline_straight.get_projected_coordinates_on_planes( physical_coordinates_straight, nearest_indexes_straight) coord_in_planes_straight = centerline_straight.get_in_plans_coordinates( projected_points_straight, nearest_indexes_straight) coord_straight2curved = centerline.get_inverse_plans_coordinates( coord_in_planes_straight, lookup) displacements_straight = coord_straight2curved - physical_coordinates_straight # Invert Z coordinate as ITK & ANTs physical coordinate system is LPS- (RAI+) # while ours is LPI- # Refs: # displacements_straight[:, 2] = -displacements_straight[:, 2] displacements_straight[indexes_out_distance_straight] = [ 100000.0, 100000.0, 100000.0 ] data_warp_curved2straight[indexes_straight[:, 0], indexes_straight[:, 1], indexes_straight[:, 2], 0, :]\ = -displacements_straight if self.straight2curved: for u in tqdm(range(nz)): x, y, z = np.mgrid[0:nx, 0:ny, u:u + 1] indexes = np.array(list(zip(x.ravel(), y.ravel(), z.ravel()))) physical_coordinates = image_centerline_pad.transfo_pix2phys( indexes) nearest_indexes_curved = centerline.find_nearest_indexes( physical_coordinates) distances_curved = centerline.get_distances_from_planes( physical_coordinates, nearest_indexes_curved) lookup = lookup_curved2straight[nearest_indexes_curved] indexes_out_distance_curved = np.logical_or( np.logical_or(distances_curved > self.threshold_distance, distances_curved < -self.threshold_distance), lookup == 0) projected_points_curved = centerline.get_projected_coordinates_on_planes( physical_coordinates, nearest_indexes_curved) coord_in_planes_curved = centerline.get_in_plans_coordinates( projected_points_curved, nearest_indexes_curved) coord_curved2straight = centerline_straight.points[lookup] coord_curved2straight[:, 0:2] += coord_in_planes_curved[:, 0:2] coord_curved2straight[:, 2] += distances_curved displacements_curved = coord_curved2straight - physical_coordinates displacements_curved[:, 2] = -displacements_curved[:, 2] displacements_curved[indexes_out_distance_curved] = [ 100000.0, 100000.0, 100000.0 ] data_warp_straight2curved[indexes[:, 0], indexes[:, 1], indexes[:, 2], 0, :] = -displacements_curved # Creation of the safe zone based on pre-calculated safe boundaries coord_bound_curved_inf, coord_bound_curved_sup = image_centerline_pad.transfo_phys2pix( [[0, 0, bound_curved[0]]]), image_centerline_pad.transfo_phys2pix( [[0, 0, bound_curved[1]]]) coord_bound_straight_inf, coord_bound_straight_sup = image_centerline_straight.transfo_phys2pix( [[0, 0, bound_straight[0]]]), image_centerline_straight.transfo_phys2pix( [[0, 0, bound_straight[1]]]) if radius_safe > 0: data_warp_curved2straight[:, :, 0:coord_bound_straight_inf[0][2], 0, :] = 100000.0 data_warp_curved2straight[:, :, coord_bound_straight_sup[0][2]:, 0, :] = 100000.0 data_warp_straight2curved[:, :, 0:coord_bound_curved_inf[0][2], 0, :] = 100000.0 data_warp_straight2curved[:, :, coord_bound_curved_sup[0][2]:, 0, :] = 100000.0 # Generate warp files as a warping fields hdr_warp_s.set_intent('vector', (), '') hdr_warp_s.set_data_dtype('float32') hdr_warp.set_intent('vector', (), '') hdr_warp.set_data_dtype('float32') if self.curved2straight: img = Nifti1Image(data_warp_curved2straight, None, hdr_warp_s) save(img, 'tmp.curve2straight.nii.gz')'Warping field generated: tmp.curve2straight.nii.gz') if self.straight2curved: img = Nifti1Image(data_warp_straight2curved, None, hdr_warp) save(img, 'tmp.straight2curve.nii.gz')'Warping field generated: tmp.straight2curve.nii.gz') if self.curved2straight:'Apply transformation to input image...')[ 'isct_antsApplyTransforms', '-d', '3', '-r', fname_ref, '-i', 'data.nii', '-o', 'tmp.anat_rigid_warp.nii.gz', '-t', 'tmp.curve2straight.nii.gz', '-n', 'BSpline[3]' ], is_sct_binary=True, verbose=verbose) if self.accuracy_results: time_accuracy_results = time.time() # compute the error between the straightened centerline/segmentation and the central vertical line. # Ideally, the error should be zero. # Apply deformation to input image'Apply transformation to centerline image...')[ 'isct_antsApplyTransforms', '-d', '3', '-r', fname_ref, '-i', 'centerline.nii.gz', '-o', 'tmp.centerline_straight.nii.gz', '-t', 'tmp.curve2straight.nii.gz', '-n', 'NearestNeighbor' ], is_sct_binary=True, verbose=verbose) file_centerline_straight = Image('tmp.centerline_straight.nii.gz', verbose=verbose) nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = file_centerline_straight.dim coordinates_centerline = file_centerline_straight.getNonZeroCoordinates( sorting='z') mean_coord = [] for z in range(coordinates_centerline[0].z, coordinates_centerline[-1].z): temp_mean = [ coord.value for coord in coordinates_centerline if coord.z == z ] if temp_mean: mean_value = np.mean(temp_mean) mean_coord.append( np.mean([[ coord.x * coord.value / mean_value, coord.y * coord.value / mean_value ] for coord in coordinates_centerline if coord.z == z], axis=0)) # compute error between the straightened centerline and the straight line. x0 =[0] / 2.0 y0 =[1] / 2.0 count_mean = 0 if number_of_points >= 10: mean_c = mean_coord[ 2: -2] # we don't include the four extrema because there are usually messy. else: mean_c = mean_coord for coord_z in mean_c: if not np.isnan(np.sum(coord_z)): dist = ((x0 - coord_z[0]) * px)**2 + ( (y0 - coord_z[1]) * py)**2 self.mse_straightening += dist dist = np.sqrt(dist) if dist > self.max_distance_straightening: self.max_distance_straightening = dist count_mean += 1 self.mse_straightening = np.sqrt(self.mse_straightening / float(count_mean)) self.elapsed_time_accuracy = time.time() - time_accuracy_results os.chdir(curdir) # Generate output file (in current folder) # TODO: do not uncompress the warping field, it is too time consuming!'Generate output files...') if self.curved2straight: sct.generate_output_file( os.path.join(path_tmp, "tmp.curve2straight.nii.gz"), os.path.join(self.path_output, "warp_curve2straight.nii.gz"), verbose) if self.straight2curved: sct.generate_output_file( os.path.join(path_tmp, "tmp.straight2curve.nii.gz"), os.path.join(self.path_output, "warp_straight2curve.nii.gz"), verbose) # create ref_straight.nii.gz file that can be used by other SCT functions that need a straight reference space if self.curved2straight: sct.copy(os.path.join(path_tmp, "tmp.anat_rigid_warp.nii.gz"), os.path.join(self.path_output, "straight_ref.nii.gz")) # move straightened input file if fname_output == '': fname_straight = sct.generate_output_file( os.path.join(path_tmp, "tmp.anat_rigid_warp.nii.gz"), os.path.join(self.path_output, file_anat + "_straight" + ext_anat), verbose) else: fname_straight = sct.generate_output_file( os.path.join(path_tmp, "tmp.anat_rigid_warp.nii.gz"), os.path.join(self.path_output, fname_output), verbose) # straightened anatomic # Remove temporary files if remove_temp_files:'Remove temporary files...') sct.rmtree(path_tmp) if self.accuracy_results:'Maximum x-y error: {} mm'.format( self.max_distance_straightening))'Accuracy of straightening (MSE): {} mm'.format( self.mse_straightening)) # display elapsed time self.elapsed_time = int(np.round(time.time() - start_time)) return fname_straight
def validation(self, fname_manual_gmseg, fname_sc_seg): path_manual_gmseg, file_manual_gmseg, ext_manual_gmseg = sct.extract_fname( fname_manual_gmseg) path_sc_seg, file_sc_seg, ext_sc_seg = sct.extract_fname(fname_sc_seg) # Create tmp folder and copy files in it tmp_dir = sct.tmp_create()'cp ' + fname_manual_gmseg + ' ' + tmp_dir + file_manual_gmseg + ext_manual_gmseg)'cp ' + fname_sc_seg + ' ' + tmp_dir + file_sc_seg + ext_sc_seg)'cp ' + self.param.output_folder + self.fname_warp_template2gm + ' ' + tmp_dir + self.fname_warp_template2gm) os.chdir(tmp_dir)'sct_warp_template -d ' + fname_manual_gmseg + ' -w ' + self.fname_warp_template2gm + ' -qc 0 -a 0') if 'MNI-Poly-AMU_GM.nii.gz' in os.listdir('label/template/'): im_new_template_gm = Image('label/template/MNI-Poly-AMU_GM.nii.gz') im_new_template_wm = Image('label/template/MNI-Poly-AMU_WM.nii.gz') else: im_new_template_gm = Image('label/template/PAM50_gm.nii.gz') im_new_template_wm = Image('label/template/PAM50_wm.nii.gz') im_new_template_gm = thr_im(im_new_template_gm, self.param.thr, self.param.thr) im_new_template_wm = thr_im(im_new_template_wm, self.param.thr, self.param.thr) self.im_template_gm = thr_im(self.im_template_gm, self.param.thr, self.param.thr) self.im_template_wm = thr_im(self.im_template_wm, self.param.thr, self.param.thr) fname_new_template_gm = 'new_template_gm.nii.gz' im_new_template_gm.setFileName(fname_new_template_gm) fname_new_template_wm = 'new_template_wm.nii.gz' im_new_template_wm.setFileName(fname_new_template_wm) fname_old_template_wm = 'old_template_wm.nii.gz' self.im_template_wm.setFileName(fname_old_template_wm) fname_old_template_gm = 'old_template_gm.nii.gz' self.im_template_gm.setFileName(fname_old_template_gm) fname_manual_wmseg = 'target_manual_wmseg.nii.gz''sct_maths -i ' + file_sc_seg + ext_sc_seg + ' -sub ' + file_manual_gmseg + ext_manual_gmseg + ' -o ' + fname_manual_wmseg) # Compute Hausdorff distance status, output_old_hd ='sct_compute_hausdorff_distance -i ' + fname_old_template_gm + ' -r ' + file_manual_gmseg + ext_manual_gmseg + ' -t 1 -v 1') status, output_new_hd ='sct_compute_hausdorff_distance -i ' + fname_new_template_gm + ' -r ' + file_manual_gmseg + ext_manual_gmseg + ' -t 1 -v 1') hd_name = 'hd_md_multilabel_reg.txt' hd_fic = open(hd_name, 'w') hd_fic.write( 'The "diff" columns are comparisons between regular template registration and corrected template registration according to SC internal structure\n' 'Diff = metric_regular_reg - metric_corrected_reg\n') hd_fic.write('#Slice, HD, HD diff, MD, MD diff\n') no_ref_slices = [] init_hd = "Hausdorff's distance - First relative Hausdorff's distance median - Second relative Hausdorff's distance median(all in mm)\n" old_gm_hd = output_old_hd[output_old_hd.find(init_hd) + len(init_hd):].split('\n') new_gm_hd = output_new_hd[output_new_hd.find(init_hd) + len(init_hd):].split('\n') for i in range(len(old_gm_hd) - 3): # last two lines are informations i_old, val_old = old_gm_hd[i].split(':') i_new, val_new = new_gm_hd[i].split(':') i_old = int(i_old[-2:]) i_new = int(i_new[-2:]) assert i == i_old == i_new, 'ERROR: when comparing Hausdorff distances, slice numbers differs.' hd_old, med1_old, med2_old = val_old.split('-') hd_new, med1_new, med2_new = val_new.split('-') if float(hd_old) == 0.0: no_ref_slices.append(i) hd_fic.write(str(i) + ', NO MANUAL SEGMENTATION\n') else: md_new = max(float(med1_new), float(med2_new)) md_old = max(float(med1_old), float(med2_old)) hd_fic.write( str(i) + ', ' + hd_new + ', ' + str(float(hd_old) - float(hd_new)) + ', ' + str(md_new) + ', ' + str(md_old - md_new) + '\n') hd_fic.close() # Compute Dice coefficient # --- DC old template try: status_old_gm, output_old_gm = 'sct_dice_coefficient -i ' + file_manual_gmseg + ext_manual_gmseg + ' -d ' + fname_old_template_gm + ' -2d-slices 2', error_exit='warning', raise_exception=True) except Exception: # put the result and the reference in the same space using a registration with ANTs with no iteration: corrected_manual_gmseg = file_manual_gmseg + '_in_old_template_space' + ext_manual_gmseg'isct_antsRegistration -d 3 -t Translation[0] -m MI[' + fname_old_template_gm + ',' + file_manual_gmseg + ext_manual_gmseg + ',1,16] -o [reg_ref_to_res,' + corrected_manual_gmseg + '] -n BSpline[3] -c 0 -f 1 -s 0') #'sct_maths -i '+corrected_manual_gmseg+' -thr 0.1 -o '+corrected_manual_gmseg)'sct_maths -i ' + corrected_manual_gmseg + ' -bin 0.1 -o ' + corrected_manual_gmseg) status_old_gm, output_old_gm = 'sct_dice_coefficient -i ' + corrected_manual_gmseg + ' -d ' + fname_old_template_gm + ' -2d-slices 2', error_exit='warning') try: status_old_wm, output_old_wm = 'sct_dice_coefficient -i ' + fname_manual_wmseg + ' -d ' + fname_old_template_wm + ' -2d-slices 2', error_exit='warning', raise_exception=True) except Exception: # put the result and the reference in the same space using a registration with ANTs with no iteration: path_manual_wmseg, file_manual_wmseg, ext_manual_wmseg = sct.extract_fname( fname_manual_wmseg) corrected_manual_wmseg = file_manual_wmseg + '_in_old_template_space' + ext_manual_wmseg'isct_antsRegistration -d 3 -t Translation[0] -m MI[' + fname_old_template_wm + ',' + fname_manual_wmseg + ',1,16] -o [reg_ref_to_res,' + corrected_manual_wmseg + '] -n BSpline[3] -c 0 -f 1 -s 0') #'sct_maths -i '+corrected_manual_wmseg+' -thr 0.1 -o '+corrected_manual_wmseg)'sct_maths -i ' + corrected_manual_wmseg + ' -bin 0.1 -o ' + corrected_manual_wmseg) status_old_wm, output_old_wm = 'sct_dice_coefficient -i ' + corrected_manual_wmseg + ' -d ' + fname_old_template_wm + ' -2d-slices 2', error_exit='warning') # --- DC new template try: status_new_gm, output_new_gm = 'sct_dice_coefficient -i ' + file_manual_gmseg + ext_manual_gmseg + ' -d ' + fname_new_template_gm + ' -2d-slices 2', error_exit='warning', raise_exception=True) except Exception: # put the result and the reference in the same space using a registration with ANTs with no iteration: corrected_manual_gmseg = file_manual_gmseg + '_in_new_template_space' + ext_manual_gmseg'isct_antsRegistration -d 3 -t Translation[0] -m MI[' + fname_new_template_gm + ',' + file_manual_gmseg + ext_manual_gmseg + ',1,16] -o [reg_ref_to_res,' + corrected_manual_gmseg + '] -n BSpline[3] -c 0 -f 1 -s 0') #'sct_maths -i '+corrected_manual_gmseg+' -thr 0.1 -o '+corrected_manual_gmseg)'sct_maths -i ' + corrected_manual_gmseg + ' -bin 0.1 -o ' + corrected_manual_gmseg) status_new_gm, output_new_gm = 'sct_dice_coefficient -i ' + corrected_manual_gmseg + ' -d ' + fname_new_template_gm + ' -2d-slices 2', error_exit='warning') try: status_new_wm, output_new_wm = 'sct_dice_coefficient -i ' + fname_manual_wmseg + ' -d ' + fname_new_template_wm + ' -2d-slices 2', error_exit='warning', raise_exception=True) except Exception: # put the result and the reference in the same space using a registration with ANTs with no iteration: path_manual_wmseg, file_manual_wmseg, ext_manual_wmseg = sct.extract_fname( fname_manual_wmseg) corrected_manual_wmseg = file_manual_wmseg + '_in_new_template_space' + ext_manual_wmseg'isct_antsRegistration -d 3 -t Translation[0] -m MI[' + fname_new_template_wm + ',' + fname_manual_wmseg + ',1,16] -o [reg_ref_to_res,' + corrected_manual_wmseg + '] -n BSpline[3] -c 0 -f 1 -s 0') #'sct_maths -i '+corrected_manual_wmseg+' -thr 0.1 -o '+corrected_manual_wmseg)'sct_maths -i ' + corrected_manual_wmseg + ' -bin 0.1 -o ' + corrected_manual_wmseg) status_new_wm, output_new_wm = 'sct_dice_coefficient -i ' + corrected_manual_wmseg + ' -d ' + fname_new_template_wm + ' -2d-slices 2', error_exit='warning') dice_name = 'dice_multilabel_reg.txt' dice_fic = open(dice_name, 'w') dice_fic.write( 'The "diff" columns are comparisons between regular template registration and corrected template registration according to SC internal structure\n' 'Diff = metric_corrected_reg - metric_regular_reg\n') dice_fic.write('#Slice, WM DC, WM diff, GM DC, GM diff\n') init_dc = '2D Dice coefficient by slice:\n' old_gm_dc = output_old_gm[output_old_gm.find(init_dc) + len(init_dc):].split('\n') old_wm_dc = output_old_wm[output_old_wm.find(init_dc) + len(init_dc):].split('\n') new_gm_dc = output_new_gm[output_new_gm.find(init_dc) + len(init_dc):].split('\n') new_wm_dc = output_new_wm[output_new_wm.find(init_dc) + len(init_dc):].split('\n') for i in range(len(old_gm_dc)): if i not in no_ref_slices: i_new_gm, val_new_gm = new_gm_dc[i].split(' ') i_new_wm, val_new_wm = new_wm_dc[i].split(' ') i_old_gm, val_old_gm = old_gm_dc[i].split(' ') i_old_wm, val_old_wm = old_wm_dc[i].split(' ') assert i == int(i_new_gm) == int(i_new_wm) == int( i_old_gm ) == int( i_old_wm ), 'ERROR: when comparing Dice coefficients, slice numbers differs.' dice_fic.write( str(i) + ', ' + val_new_wm + ', ' + str(float(val_new_wm) - float(val_old_wm)) + ', ' + val_new_gm + ', ' + str(float(val_new_gm) - float(val_old_gm)) + '\n') else: dice_fic.write(str(i) + ', NO MANUAL SEGMENTATION\n') dice_fic.close() os.chdir('..') sct.generate_output_file(tmp_dir + hd_name, self.param.output_folder + hd_name) sct.generate_output_file(tmp_dir + dice_name, self.param.output_folder + dice_name) if self.param.remove_tmp:'rm -rf ' + tmp_dir, error_exit='warning')
def main(args=None): # Initialization param = Param() start_time = time.time() parser = get_parser() arguments = parser.parse(sys.argv[1:]) fname_anat = arguments['-i'] fname_centerline = arguments['-s'] if '-smooth' in arguments: sigma = arguments['-smooth'] if '-param' in arguments: param.update(arguments['-param']) if '-r' in arguments: remove_temp_files = int(arguments['-r']) verbose = int(arguments.get('-v')) sct.init_sct(log_level=verbose, update=True) # Update log level # Display arguments sct.printv('\nCheck input arguments...') sct.printv(' Volume to smooth .................. ' + fname_anat) sct.printv(' Centerline ........................ ' + fname_centerline) sct.printv(' Sigma (mm) ........................ ' + str(sigma)) sct.printv(' Verbose ........................... ' + str(verbose)) # Check that input is 3D: from spinalcordtoolbox.image import Image nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = Image(fname_anat).dim dim = 4 # by default, will be adjusted later if nt == 1: dim = 3 if nz == 1: dim = 2 if dim == 4: sct.printv( 'WARNING: the input image is 4D, please split your image to 3D before smoothing spinalcord using :\n' 'sct_image -i ' + fname_anat + ' -split t -o ' + fname_anat, verbose, 'warning') sct.printv('4D images not supported, aborting ...', verbose, 'error') # Extract path/file/extension path_anat, file_anat, ext_anat = sct.extract_fname(fname_anat) path_centerline, file_centerline, ext_centerline = sct.extract_fname( fname_centerline) path_tmp = sct.tmp_create(basename="smooth_spinalcord", verbose=verbose) # Copying input data to tmp folder sct.printv('\nCopying input data to tmp folder and convert to nii...', verbose) sct.copy(fname_anat, os.path.join(path_tmp, "anat" + ext_anat)) sct.copy(fname_centerline, os.path.join(path_tmp, "centerline" + ext_centerline)) # go to tmp folder curdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path_tmp) # convert to nii format convert('anat' + ext_anat, 'anat.nii') convert('centerline' + ext_centerline, 'centerline.nii') # Change orientation of the input image into RPI sct.printv('\nOrient input volume to RPI orientation...') fname_anat_rpi = msct_image.Image("anat.nii") \ .change_orientation("RPI", generate_path=True) \ .save() \ .absolutepath # Change orientation of the input image into RPI sct.printv('\nOrient centerline to RPI orientation...') fname_centerline_rpi = msct_image.Image("centerline.nii") \ .change_orientation("RPI", generate_path=True) \ .save() \ .absolutepath # Straighten the spinal cord # straighten segmentation sct.printv('\nStraighten the spinal cord using centerline/segmentation...', verbose) cache_sig = sct.cache_signature( input_files=[fname_anat_rpi, fname_centerline_rpi], input_params={"x": "spline"}) cachefile = os.path.join(curdir, "straightening.cache") if sct.cache_valid(cachefile, cache_sig) and os.path.isfile( os.path.join( curdir, 'warp_curve2straight.nii.gz')) and os.path.isfile( os.path.join( curdir, 'warp_straight2curve.nii.gz')) and os.path.isfile( os.path.join(curdir, 'straight_ref.nii.gz')): # if they exist, copy them into current folder sct.printv('Reusing existing warping field which seems to be valid', verbose, 'warning') sct.copy(os.path.join(curdir, 'warp_curve2straight.nii.gz'), 'warp_curve2straight.nii.gz') sct.copy(os.path.join(curdir, 'warp_straight2curve.nii.gz'), 'warp_straight2curve.nii.gz') sct.copy(os.path.join(curdir, 'straight_ref.nii.gz'), 'straight_ref.nii.gz') # apply straightening[ 'sct_apply_transfo', '-i', fname_anat_rpi, '-w', 'warp_curve2straight.nii.gz', '-d', 'straight_ref.nii.gz', '-o', 'anat_rpi_straight.nii', '-x', 'spline' ], verbose) else:[ 'sct_straighten_spinalcord', '-i', fname_anat_rpi, '-o', 'anat_rpi_straight.nii', '-s', fname_centerline_rpi, '-x', 'spline', '-param', 'algo_fitting=' + param.algo_fitting ], verbose) sct.cache_save(cachefile, cache_sig) # move warping fields locally (to use caching next time) sct.copy('warp_curve2straight.nii.gz', os.path.join(curdir, 'warp_curve2straight.nii.gz')) sct.copy('warp_straight2curve.nii.gz', os.path.join(curdir, 'warp_straight2curve.nii.gz')) # Smooth the straightened image along z sct.printv('\nSmooth the straightened image...') sigma_smooth = ",".join([str(i) for i in sigma]) sct_maths.main(args=[ '-i', 'anat_rpi_straight.nii', '-smooth', sigma_smooth, '-o', 'anat_rpi_straight_smooth.nii', '-v', '0' ]) # Apply the reversed warping field to get back the curved spinal cord sct.printv( '\nApply the reversed warping field to get back the curved spinal cord...' )[ 'sct_apply_transfo', '-i', 'anat_rpi_straight_smooth.nii', '-o', 'anat_rpi_straight_smooth_curved.nii', '-d', 'anat.nii', '-w', 'warp_straight2curve.nii.gz', '-x', 'spline' ], verbose) # replace zeroed voxels by original image (issue #937) sct.printv('\nReplace zeroed voxels by original image...', verbose) nii_smooth = Image('anat_rpi_straight_smooth_curved.nii') data_smooth = data_input = Image('anat.nii').data indzero = np.where(data_smooth == 0) data_smooth[indzero] = data_input[indzero] = data_smooth'anat_rpi_straight_smooth_curved_nonzero.nii') # come back os.chdir(curdir) # Generate output file sct.printv('\nGenerate output file...') sct.generate_output_file( os.path.join(path_tmp, "anat_rpi_straight_smooth_curved_nonzero.nii"), file_anat + '_smooth' + ext_anat) # Remove temporary files if remove_temp_files == 1: sct.printv('\nRemove temporary files...') sct.rmtree(path_tmp) # Display elapsed time elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time sct.printv('\nFinished! Elapsed time: ' + str(int(np.round(elapsed_time))) + 's\n') sct.display_viewer_syntax([file_anat, file_anat + '_smooth'], verbose=verbose)
# append path that contains scripts, to be able to load modules path_script = os.path.dirname(__file__) # Get path of the toolbox path_sct = os.environ.get("SCT_DIR", os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))) sys.path.append(os.path.join(path_sct, 'scripts')) import sct_utils as sct from msct_image import Image # parameters fname_wm = os.path.join(path_sct, "PAM50", "template", "PAM50_wm.nii.gz") fname_gm = os.path.join(path_sct, "PAM50", "template", "PAM50_gm.nii.gz") fname_cord = os.path.join(path_sct, "PAM50", "template", "PAM50_cord.nii.gz") # create temporary folder path_tmp = sct.tmp_create() # go to temp folder os.chdir(path_tmp) # open volumes im_wm = Image(fname_wm) data_wm = im_gm = Image(fname_gm) data_gm = im_cord = Image(fname_cord) data_cord = dim = im_cord.dim # sum wm/gm data_wmgm = data_wm + data_gm
def main(args=None): # initializations initz = '' initcenter = '' fname_initlabel = '' file_labelz = 'labelz.nii.gz' param = Param() # check user arguments if not args: args = sys.argv[1:] # Get parser info parser = get_parser() arguments = parser.parse(args) fname_in = os.path.abspath(arguments["-i"]) fname_seg = os.path.abspath(arguments['-s']) contrast = arguments['-c'] path_template = os.path.abspath(arguments['-t']) scale_dist = arguments['-scale-dist'] if '-ofolder' in arguments: path_output = arguments['-ofolder'] else: path_output = os.curdir param.path_qc = arguments.get("-qc", None) if '-discfile' in arguments: fname_disc = os.path.abspath(arguments['-discfile']) else: fname_disc = None if '-initz' in arguments: initz = arguments['-initz'] if '-initcenter' in arguments: initcenter = arguments['-initcenter'] # if user provided text file, parse and overwrite arguments if '-initfile' in arguments: file = open(arguments['-initfile'], 'r') initfile = ' ' +'\n', '') arg_initfile = initfile.split(' ') for idx_arg, arg in enumerate(arg_initfile): if arg == '-initz': initz = [int(x) for x in arg_initfile[idx_arg + 1].split(',')] if arg == '-initcenter': initcenter = int(arg_initfile[idx_arg + 1]) if '-initlabel' in arguments: # get absolute path of label fname_initlabel = os.path.abspath(arguments['-initlabel']) if '-param' in arguments: param.update(arguments['-param'][0]) verbose = int(arguments.get('-v')) sct.init_sct(log_level=verbose, update=True) # Update log level remove_temp_files = int(arguments['-r']) denoise = int(arguments['-denoise']) laplacian = int(arguments['-laplacian']) path_tmp = sct.tmp_create(basename="label_vertebrae", verbose=verbose) # Copying input data to tmp folder sct.printv('\nCopying input data to tmp folder...', verbose) Image(fname_in).save(os.path.join(path_tmp, "data.nii")) Image(fname_seg).save(os.path.join(path_tmp, "segmentation.nii")) # Go go temp folder curdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path_tmp) # Straighten spinal cord sct.printv('\nStraighten spinal cord...', verbose) # check if warp_curve2straight and warp_straight2curve already exist (i.e. no need to do it another time) cache_sig = sct.cache_signature(input_files=[fname_in, fname_seg], ) cachefile = os.path.join(curdir, "straightening.cache") if sct.cache_valid(cachefile, cache_sig) and os.path.isfile( os.path.join( curdir, "warp_curve2straight.nii.gz")) and os.path.isfile( os.path.join( curdir, "warp_straight2curve.nii.gz")) and os.path.isfile( os.path.join(curdir, "straight_ref.nii.gz")): # if they exist, copy them into current folder sct.printv('Reusing existing warping field which seems to be valid', verbose, 'warning') sct.copy(os.path.join(curdir, "warp_curve2straight.nii.gz"), 'warp_curve2straight.nii.gz') sct.copy(os.path.join(curdir, "warp_straight2curve.nii.gz"), 'warp_straight2curve.nii.gz') sct.copy(os.path.join(curdir, "straight_ref.nii.gz"), 'straight_ref.nii.gz') # apply straightening s, o =[ 'sct_apply_transfo', '-i', 'data.nii', '-w', 'warp_curve2straight.nii.gz', '-d', 'straight_ref.nii.gz', '-o', 'data_straight.nii' ]) else: sct_straighten_spinalcord.main(args=[ '-i', 'data.nii', '-s', 'segmentation.nii', '-r', str(remove_temp_files), '-v', str(verbose), ]) sct.cache_save(cachefile, cache_sig) # resample to 0.5mm isotropic to match template resolution sct.printv('\nResample to 0.5mm isotropic...', verbose) s, o =[ 'sct_resample', '-i', 'data_straight.nii', '-mm', '0.5x0.5x0.5', '-x', 'linear', '-o', 'data_straightr.nii' ], verbose=verbose) # Apply straightening to segmentation # N.B. Output is RPI sct.printv('\nApply straightening to segmentation...', verbose) 'isct_antsApplyTransforms -d 3 -i %s -r %s -t %s -o %s -n %s' % ('segmentation.nii', 'data_straightr.nii', 'warp_curve2straight.nii.gz', 'segmentation_straight.nii', 'Linear'), verbose=verbose, is_sct_binary=True, ) # Threshold segmentation at 0.5[ 'sct_maths', '-i', 'segmentation_straight.nii', '-thr', '0.5', '-o', 'segmentation_straight.nii' ], verbose) # If disc label file is provided, label vertebrae using that file instead of automatically if fname_disc: # Apply straightening to disc-label sct.printv('\nApply straightening to disc labels...', verbose) 'isct_antsApplyTransforms -d 3 -i %s -r %s -t %s -o %s -n %s' % (fname_disc, 'data_straightr.nii', 'warp_curve2straight.nii.gz', 'labeldisc_straight.nii.gz', 'NearestNeighbor'), verbose=verbose, is_sct_binary=True, ) label_vert('segmentation_straight.nii', 'labeldisc_straight.nii.gz', verbose=1) else: # create label to identify disc sct.printv('\nCreate label to identify disc...', verbose) fname_labelz = os.path.join(path_tmp, file_labelz) if initz or initcenter: if initcenter: # find z centered in FOV nii = Image('segmentation.nii').change_orientation("RPI") nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = nii.dim # Get dimensions z_center = int(np.round(nz / 2)) # get z_center initz = [z_center, initcenter] # create single label and output as labels.nii.gz label = ProcessLabels( 'segmentation.nii', fname_output='tmp.labelz.nii.gz', coordinates=['{},{}'.format(initz[0], initz[1])]) im_label = label.process('create-seg') = dilate(, 3, 'ball') # TODO: create a dilation method specific to labels, # which does not apply a convolution across all voxels (highly inneficient) elif fname_initlabel: Image(fname_initlabel).save(fname_labelz) else: # automatically finds C2-C3 disc im_data = Image('data.nii') im_seg = Image('segmentation.nii') if not remove_temp_files: # because verbose is here also used for keeping temp files verbose_detect_c2c3 = 2 else: verbose_detect_c2c3 = 0 im_label_c2c3 = detect_c2c3(im_data, im_seg, contrast, verbose=verbose_detect_c2c3) ind_label = np.where( if not np.size(ind_label) == 0:[ind_label] = 3 else: sct.printv( 'Automatic C2-C3 detection failed. Please provide manual label with sct_label_utils', 1, 'error') sys.exit() # dilate label so it is not lost when applying warping dilate(Image(fname_labelz), 3, 'ball').save(fname_labelz) # Apply straightening to z-label sct.printv('\nAnd apply straightening to label...', verbose) 'isct_antsApplyTransforms -d 3 -i %s -r %s -t %s -o %s -n %s' % (file_labelz, 'data_straightr.nii', 'warp_curve2straight.nii.gz', 'labelz_straight.nii.gz', 'NearestNeighbor'), verbose=verbose, is_sct_binary=True, ) # get z value and disk value to initialize labeling sct.printv('\nGet z and disc values from straight label...', verbose) init_disc = get_z_and_disc_values_from_label('labelz_straight.nii.gz') sct.printv('.. ' + str(init_disc), verbose) # denoise data if denoise: sct.printv('\nDenoise data...', verbose)[ 'sct_maths', '-i', 'data_straightr.nii', '-denoise', 'h=0.05', '-o', 'data_straightr.nii' ], verbose) # apply laplacian filtering if laplacian: sct.printv('\nApply Laplacian filter...', verbose)[ 'sct_maths', '-i', 'data_straightr.nii', '-laplacian', '1', '-o', 'data_straightr.nii' ], verbose) # detect vertebral levels on straight spinal cord init_disc[1] = init_disc[1] - 1 vertebral_detection('data_straightr.nii', 'segmentation_straight.nii', contrast, param, init_disc=init_disc, verbose=verbose, path_template=path_template, path_output=path_output, scale_dist=scale_dist) # un-straighten labeled spinal cord sct.printv('\nUn-straighten labeling...', verbose) 'isct_antsApplyTransforms -d 3 -i %s -r %s -t %s -o %s -n %s' % ('segmentation_straight_labeled.nii', 'segmentation.nii', 'warp_straight2curve.nii.gz', 'segmentation_labeled.nii', 'NearestNeighbor'), verbose=verbose, is_sct_binary=True, ) # Clean labeled segmentation sct.printv( '\nClean labeled segmentation (correct interpolation errors)...', verbose) clean_labeled_segmentation('segmentation_labeled.nii', 'segmentation.nii', 'segmentation_labeled.nii') # label discs sct.printv('\nLabel discs...', verbose) label_discs('segmentation_labeled.nii', verbose=verbose) # come back os.chdir(curdir) # Generate output files path_seg, file_seg, ext_seg = sct.extract_fname(fname_seg) fname_seg_labeled = os.path.join(path_output, file_seg + '_labeled' + ext_seg) sct.printv('\nGenerate output files...', verbose) sct.generate_output_file( os.path.join(path_tmp, "segmentation_labeled.nii"), fname_seg_labeled) sct.generate_output_file( os.path.join(path_tmp, "segmentation_labeled_disc.nii"), os.path.join(path_output, file_seg + '_labeled_discs' + ext_seg)) # copy straightening files in case subsequent SCT functions need them sct.generate_output_file( os.path.join(path_tmp, "warp_curve2straight.nii.gz"), os.path.join(path_output, "warp_curve2straight.nii.gz"), verbose) sct.generate_output_file( os.path.join(path_tmp, "warp_straight2curve.nii.gz"), os.path.join(path_output, "warp_straight2curve.nii.gz"), verbose) sct.generate_output_file(os.path.join(path_tmp, "straight_ref.nii.gz"), os.path.join(path_output, "straight_ref.nii.gz"), verbose) # Remove temporary files if remove_temp_files == 1: sct.printv('\nRemove temporary files...', verbose) sct.rmtree(path_tmp) # Generate QC report if param.path_qc is not None: path_qc = os.path.abspath(param.path_qc) qc_dataset = arguments.get("-qc-dataset", None) qc_subject = arguments.get("-qc-subject", None) labeled_seg_file = os.path.join(path_output, file_seg + '_labeled' + ext_seg) generate_qc(fname_in, fname_seg=labeled_seg_file, args=args, path_qc=os.path.abspath(path_qc), dataset=qc_dataset, subject=qc_subject, process='sct_label_vertebrae') sct.display_viewer_syntax([fname_in, fname_seg_labeled], colormaps=['', 'subcortical'], opacities=['1', '0.5'])
def apply(self): # Initialization fname_src = self.input_filename # source image (moving) fname_warp_list = self.warp_input # list of warping fields fname_out = self.output_filename # output fname_dest = self.fname_dest # destination image (fix) verbose = self.verbose remove_temp_files = self.remove_temp_files crop_reference = self.crop # if = 1, put 0 everywhere around warping field, if = 2, real crop interp = sct.get_interpolation('isct_antsApplyTransforms', self.interp) # Parse list of warping fields sct.printv('\nParse list of warping fields...', verbose) use_inverse = [] fname_warp_list_invert = [] # fname_warp_list = fname_warp_list.replace(' ', '') # remove spaces # fname_warp_list = fname_warp_list.split(",") # parse with comma for idx_warp, path_warp in enumerate(fname_warp_list): # Check if inverse matrix is specified with '-' at the beginning of file name if path_warp.startswith("-"): use_inverse.append('-i') fname_warp_list[idx_warp] = path_warp[1:] # remove '-' fname_warp_list_invert += [[use_inverse[idx_warp], fname_warp_list[idx_warp]]] else: use_inverse.append('') fname_warp_list_invert += [[path_warp]] path_warp = fname_warp_list[idx_warp] if path_warp.endswith((".nii", ".nii.gz")) \ and msct_image.Image(fname_warp_list[idx_warp]).header.get_intent()[0] != 'vector': raise ValueError("Displacement field in {} is invalid: should be encoded" \ " in a 5D file with vector intent code" \ " (see" \ .format(path_warp)) # need to check if last warping field is an affine transfo isLastAffine = False path_fname, file_fname, ext_fname = sct.extract_fname(fname_warp_list_invert[-1][-1]) if ext_fname in ['.txt', '.mat']: isLastAffine = True # check if destination file is 3d if not sct.check_if_3d(fname_dest): sct.printv('ERROR: Destination data must be 3d') # N.B. Here we take the inverse of the warp list, because sct_WarpImageMultiTransform concatenates in the reverse order fname_warp_list_invert.reverse() fname_warp_list_invert = functools.reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, fname_warp_list_invert) # Extract path, file and extension path_src, file_src, ext_src = sct.extract_fname(fname_src) path_dest, file_dest, ext_dest = sct.extract_fname(fname_dest) # Get output folder and file name if fname_out == '': path_out = '' # output in user's current directory file_out = file_src + '_reg' ext_out = ext_src fname_out = os.path.join(path_out, file_out + ext_out) # Get dimensions of data sct.printv('\nGet dimensions of data...', verbose) img_src = msct_image.Image(fname_src) nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = img_src.dim # nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = sct.get_dimension(fname_src) sct.printv(' ' + str(nx) + ' x ' + str(ny) + ' x ' + str(nz) + ' x ' + str(nt), verbose) # if 3d if nt == 1: # Apply transformation sct.printv('\nApply transformation...', verbose) if nz in [0, 1]: dim = '2' else: dim = '3'['isct_antsApplyTransforms', '-d', dim, '-i', fname_src, '-o', fname_out, '-t', ] + fname_warp_list_invert + [ '-r', fname_dest, ] + interp, verbose=verbose, is_sct_binary=True) # if 4d, loop across the T dimension else: path_tmp = sct.tmp_create(basename="apply_transfo", verbose=verbose) # convert to nifti into temp folder sct.printv('\nCopying input data to tmp folder and convert to nii...', verbose), "data.nii")) sct.copy(fname_dest, os.path.join(path_tmp, file_dest + ext_dest)) fname_warp_list_tmp = [] for fname_warp in fname_warp_list: path_warp, file_warp, ext_warp = sct.extract_fname(fname_warp) sct.copy(fname_warp, os.path.join(path_tmp, file_warp + ext_warp)) fname_warp_list_tmp.append(file_warp + ext_warp) fname_warp_list_invert_tmp = fname_warp_list_tmp[::-1] curdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path_tmp) # split along T dimension sct.printv('\nSplit along T dimension...', verbose) im_dat = msct_image.Image('data.nii') im_header = im_dat.hdr data_split_list = sct_image.split_data(im_dat, 3) for im in data_split_list: # apply transfo sct.printv('\nApply transformation to each 3D volume...', verbose) for it in range(nt): file_data_split = 'data_T' + str(it).zfill(4) + '.nii' file_data_split_reg = 'data_reg_T' + str(it).zfill(4) + '.nii' status, output =['isct_antsApplyTransforms', '-d', '3', '-i', file_data_split, '-o', file_data_split_reg, '-t', ] + fname_warp_list_invert_tmp + [ '-r', file_dest + ext_dest, ] + interp, verbose, is_sct_binary=True) # Merge files back sct.printv('\nMerge file back...', verbose) import glob path_out, name_out, ext_out = sct.extract_fname(fname_out) # im_list = [Image(file_name) for file_name in glob.glob('data_reg_T*.nii')] # concat_data use to take a list of image in input, now takes a list of file names to open the files one by one (see issue #715) fname_list = glob.glob('data_reg_T*.nii') fname_list.sort() im_out = sct_image.concat_data(fname_list, 3, im_header['pixdim']) + ext_out) os.chdir(curdir) sct.generate_output_file(os.path.join(path_tmp, name_out + ext_out), fname_out) # Delete temporary folder if specified if int(remove_temp_files): sct.printv('\nRemove temporary files...', verbose) sct.rmtree(path_tmp, verbose=verbose) # 2. crop the resulting image using dimensions from the warping field warping_field = fname_warp_list_invert[-1] # if last warping field is an affine transfo, we need to compute the space of the concatenate warping field: if isLastAffine: sct.printv('WARNING: the resulting image could have wrong apparent results. You should use an affine transformation as last transformation...', verbose, 'warning') elif crop_reference == 1: ImageCropper(input_file=fname_out, output_file=fname_out, ref=warping_field, background=0).crop() #'sct_crop_image -i '+fname_out+' -o '+fname_out+' -ref '+warping_field+' -b 0') elif crop_reference == 2: ImageCropper(input_file=fname_out, output_file=fname_out, ref=warping_field).crop() #'sct_crop_image -i '+fname_out+' -o '+fname_out+' -ref '+warping_field) sct.display_viewer_syntax([fname_dest, fname_out], verbose=verbose)
def main(): # Initialization fname_anat = '' fname_centerline = '' gapxy = param.gapxy gapz = param.gapz padding = param.padding centerline_fitting = param.fitting_method remove_temp_files = param.remove_temp_files verbose = param.verbose interpolation_warp = param.interpolation_warp # get path of the toolbox path_sct = os.environ.get("SCT_DIR", os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))) print path_sct # extract path of the script path_script = os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/' # Parameters for debug mode if param.debug == 1: print '\n*** WARNING: DEBUG MODE ON ***\n' # fname_anat = path_sct+'/testing/data/errsm_23/t2/t2.nii.gz' # fname_centerline = path_sct+'/testing/data/errsm_23/t2/t2_segmentation_PropSeg.nii.gz' fname_anat = '/home/django/jtouati/data/cover_z_slices/errsm13_t2.nii.gz' fname_centerline = '/home/django/jtouati/data/cover_z_slices/segmentation_centerline_binary.nii.gz' remove_temp_files = 0 centerline_fitting = 'splines' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D verbose = 2 # Check input param try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'hi:c:r:w:f:v:') except getopt.GetoptError as err: print str(err) usage() for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': usage() elif opt in ('-i'): fname_anat = arg elif opt in ('-c'): fname_centerline = arg elif opt in ('-r'): remove_temp_files = int(arg) elif opt in ('-w'): interpolation_warp = str(arg) elif opt in ('-f'): centerline_fitting = str(arg) elif opt in ('-v'): verbose = int(arg) # display usage if a mandatory argument is not provided if fname_anat == '' or fname_centerline == '': usage() # Display usage if optional arguments are not correctly provided if centerline_fitting == '': centerline_fitting = 'splines' elif not centerline_fitting == '' and not centerline_fitting == 'splines' and not centerline_fitting == 'polynomial': print '\n \n -f argument is not valid \n \n' usage() # check existence of input files sct.check_file_exist(fname_anat) sct.check_file_exist(fname_centerline) # check interp method if interpolation_warp == 'spline': interpolation_warp_ants = '--use-BSpline' elif interpolation_warp == 'trilinear': interpolation_warp_ants = '' elif interpolation_warp == 'nearestneighbor': interpolation_warp_ants = '--use-NN' else: print '\WARNING: Interpolation method not recognized. Using: ' + param.interpolation_warp interpolation_warp_ants = '--use-BSpline' # Display arguments print '\nCheck input arguments...' print ' Input volume ...................... ' + fname_anat print ' Centerline ........................ ' + fname_centerline print ' Centerline fitting option ......... ' + centerline_fitting print ' Final interpolation ............... ' + interpolation_warp print ' Verbose ........................... ' + str(verbose) print '' # if verbose 2, import matplotlib if verbose == 2: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Extract path/file/extension path_anat, file_anat, ext_anat = sct.extract_fname(fname_anat) path_centerline, file_centerline, ext_centerline = sct.extract_fname( fname_centerline) path_tmp = sct.tmp_create(basename="straighten", verbose=verbose) # copy files into tmp folder'cp ' + fname_anat + ' ' + path_tmp)'cp ' + fname_centerline + ' ' + path_tmp) # go to tmp folder curdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path_tmp) # Open centerline #========================================================================================== # Change orientation of the input centerline into RPI print '\nOrient centerline to RPI orientation...' fname_centerline_orient = 'tmp.centerline_rpi' + ext_centerline'sct_orientation -i ' + file_centerline + ext_centerline + ' -o ' + fname_centerline_orient + ' -orientation RPI') print '\nGet dimensions of input centerline...' nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = sct.get_dimension(fname_centerline_orient) print '.. matrix size: ' + str(nx) + ' x ' + str(ny) + ' x ' + str(nz) print '.. voxel size: ' + str(px) + 'mm x ' + str(py) + 'mm x ' + str( pz) + 'mm' print '\nOpen centerline volume...' file = nibabel.load(fname_centerline_orient) data = file.get_data() # loop across z and associate x,y coordinate with the point having maximum intensity x_centerline = [0 for iz in range(0, nz, 1)] y_centerline = [0 for iz in range(0, nz, 1)] z_centerline = [iz for iz in range(0, nz, 1)] x_centerline_deriv = [0 for iz in range(0, nz, 1)] y_centerline_deriv = [0 for iz in range(0, nz, 1)] z_centerline_deriv = [0 for iz in range(0, nz, 1)] # Two possible scenario: # 1. the centerline is probabilistic: each slice contains voxels with the probability of containing the centerline [0:...:1] # We only take the maximum value of the image to aproximate the centerline. # 2. The centerline/segmentation image contains many pixels per slice with values {0,1}. # We take all the points and approximate the centerline on all these points. # # x_seg_start, y_seg_start = (data[:,:,0]>0).nonzero() # x_seg_end, y_seg_end = (data[:,:,-1]>0).nonzero() # REMOVED: 2014-07-18 # check if centerline covers all the image # if len(x_seg_start)==0 or len(x_seg_end)==0: # print '\nERROR: centerline/segmentation must cover all "z" slices of the input image.\n' \ # 'To solve the problem, you need to crop the input image (you can use \'sct_crop_image\') and generate one' \ # 'more time the spinal cord centerline/segmentation from this cropped image.\n' # usage() # # X, Y, Z = ((data<1)*(data>0)).nonzero() # X is empty if binary image # if (len(X) > 0): # Scenario 1 # for iz in range(0, nz, 1): # x_centerline[iz], y_centerline[iz] = numpy.unravel_index(data[:,:,iz].argmax(), data[:,:,iz].shape) # else: # Scenario 2 # for iz in range(0, nz, 1): # print (data[:,:,iz]>0).nonzero() # x_seg, y_seg = (data[:,:,iz]>0).nonzero() # x_centerline[iz] = numpy.mean(x_seg) # y_centerline[iz] = numpy.mean(y_seg) # # TODO: find a way to do the previous loop with this, which is more neat: # # [numpy.unravel_index(data[:,:,iz].argmax(), data[:,:,iz].shape) for iz in range(0,nz,1)] # get center of mass of the centerline/segmentation print '\nGet center of mass of the centerline/segmentation...' for iz in range(0, nz, 1): x_centerline[iz], y_centerline[ iz] = ndimage.measurements.center_of_mass( numpy.array(data[:, :, iz])) #print len(x_centerline),len(y_centerline) #print len((numpy.array(x_centerline)>=0).nonzero()[0]),len((numpy.array(y_centerline)>=0).nonzero()[0]) x_seg_start, y_seg_start = (data[:, :, 0] > 0).nonzero() x_seg_end, y_seg_end = (data[:, :, -1] > 0).nonzero() #check if centerline covers all the image if len(x_seg_start) == 0 or len(x_seg_end) == 0: sct.printv( '\nWARNING : the centerline/segmentation you gave does not cover all "z" slices of the input image. Results should be improved if you crop the input image (you can use \'sct_crop_image\') and generate a new spinalcord centerline/segmentation from this cropped image.\n', 1, 'warning') # print '\nWARNING : the centerline/segmentation you gave does not cover all "z" slices of the input image.\n' \ # 'Results should be improved if you crop the input image (you can use \'sct_crop_image\') and generate\n'\ # 'a new spinalcord centerline/segmentation from this cropped image.\n' #print len((numpy.array(x_centerline)>=0).nonzero()[0]),len((numpy.array(y_centerline)>=0).nonzero()[0]) min_centerline = min((numpy.array(x_centerline) >= 0).nonzero()[0]) max_centerline = max((numpy.array(x_centerline) >= 0).nonzero()[0]) z_centerline = z_centerline[(min_centerline):(max_centerline + 1)] #print len(z_centerline) nz = len(z_centerline) x_centerline = [x for x in x_centerline if not isnan(x)] y_centerline = [y for y in y_centerline if not isnan(y)] #print len(x_centerline),len(y_centerline) # clear variable del data # Fit the centerline points with the kind of curve given as argument of the script and return the new fitted coordinates if centerline_fitting == 'splines': x_centerline_fit, y_centerline_fit, x_centerline_deriv, y_centerline_deriv, z_centerline_deriv = msct_smooth.b_spline_nurbs( x_centerline, y_centerline, z_centerline, path_qc=curdir) #x_centerline_fit, y_centerline_fit, x_centerline_deriv, y_centerline_deriv, z_centerline_deriv = b_spline_centerline(x_centerline,y_centerline,z_centerline) elif centerline_fitting == 'polynomial': x_centerline_fit, y_centerline_fit, polyx, polyy = polynome_centerline( x_centerline, y_centerline, z_centerline) #numpy.interp([i for i in xrange(0,min_centerline+1)], #y_centerline_fit #print z_centerline if verbose == 2: # plot centerline ax = plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.plot(x_centerline, z_centerline, 'b:', label='centerline') plt.plot(x_centerline_fit, z_centerline, 'r-', label='fit') plt.xlabel('x') plt.ylabel('z') ax = plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.plot(y_centerline, z_centerline, 'b:', label='centerline') plt.plot(y_centerline_fit, z_centerline, 'r-', label='fit') plt.xlabel('y') plt.ylabel('z') handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() ax.legend(handles, labels) # Get coordinates of landmarks along curved centerline #========================================================================================== print '\nGet coordinates of landmarks along curved centerline...' # landmarks are created along the curved centerline every z=gapz. They consist of a "cross" of size gapx and gapy. # find derivative of polynomial step_z = round(nz / gapz) #iz_curved = [i for i in range (0, nz, gapz)] iz_curved = [(min(z_centerline) + i * step_z) for i in range(0, gapz)] iz_curved.append(max(z_centerline)) #print iz_curved, len(iz_curved) n_iz_curved = len(iz_curved) #print n_iz_curved landmark_curved = [[[0 for i in range(0, 3)] for i in range(0, 5)] for i in iz_curved] # print x_centerline_deriv,len(x_centerline_deriv) # landmark[a][b][c] # a: index along z. E.g., the first cross with have index=0, the next index=1, and so on... # b: index of element on the cross. I.e., 0: center of the cross, 1: +x, 2 -x, 3: +y, 4: -y # c: dimension, i.e., 0: x, 1: y, 2: z # loop across index, which corresponds to iz (points along the centerline) if centerline_fitting == 'polynomial': for index in range(0, n_iz_curved, 1): # set coordinates for landmark at the center of the cross landmark_curved[index][0][0], landmark_curved[index][0][ 1], landmark_curved[index][0][2] = x_centerline_fit[ iz_curved[index]], y_centerline_fit[ iz_curved[index]], iz_curved[index] # set x and z coordinates for landmarks +x and -x landmark_curved[index][1][2], landmark_curved[index][1][ 0], landmark_curved[index][2][2], landmark_curved[index][2][ 0] = get_points_perpendicular_to_curve( polyx, polyx.deriv(), iz_curved[index], gapxy) # set y coordinate to y_centerline_fit[iz] for elements 1 and 2 of the cross for i in range(1, 3): landmark_curved[index][i][1] = y_centerline_fit[ iz_curved[index]] # set coordinates for landmarks +y and -y. Here, x coordinate is 0 (already initialized). landmark_curved[index][3][2], landmark_curved[index][3][ 1], landmark_curved[index][4][2], landmark_curved[index][4][ 1] = get_points_perpendicular_to_curve( polyy, polyy.deriv(), iz_curved[index], gapxy) # set x coordinate to x_centerline_fit[iz] for elements 3 and 4 of the cross for i in range(3, 5): landmark_curved[index][i][0] = x_centerline_fit[ iz_curved[index]] elif centerline_fitting == 'splines': for index in range(0, n_iz_curved, 1): # calculate d (ax+by+cz+d=0) # print iz_curved[index] a = x_centerline_deriv[iz_curved[index] - min(z_centerline)] b = y_centerline_deriv[iz_curved[index] - min(z_centerline)] c = z_centerline_deriv[iz_curved[index] - min(z_centerline)] x = x_centerline_fit[iz_curved[index] - min(z_centerline)] y = y_centerline_fit[iz_curved[index] - min(z_centerline)] z = iz_curved[index] d = -(a * x + b * y + c * z) #print a,b,c,d,x,y,z # set coordinates for landmark at the center of the cross landmark_curved[index][0][0], landmark_curved[index][0][ 1], landmark_curved[index][0][2] = x_centerline_fit[ iz_curved[index] - min(z_centerline)], y_centerline_fit[ iz_curved[index] - min(z_centerline)], iz_curved[index] # set y coordinate to y_centerline_fit[iz] for elements 1 and 2 of the cross for i in range(1, 3): landmark_curved[index][i][1] = y_centerline_fit[ iz_curved[index] - min(z_centerline)] # set x and z coordinates for landmarks +x and -x, forcing de landmark to be in the orthogonal plan and the distance landmark/curve to be gapxy x_n = Symbol('x_n') landmark_curved[index][2][0], landmark_curved[index][1][0] = solve( (x_n - x)**2 + ((-1 / c) * (a * x_n + b * y + d) - z)**2 - gapxy**2, x_n) #x for -x and +x landmark_curved[index][1][2] = (-1 / c) * ( a * landmark_curved[index][1][0] + b * y + d) #z for +x landmark_curved[index][2][2] = (-1 / c) * ( a * landmark_curved[index][2][0] + b * y + d) #z for -x # set x coordinate to x_centerline_fit[iz] for elements 3 and 4 of the cross for i in range(3, 5): landmark_curved[index][i][0] = x_centerline_fit[ iz_curved[index] - min(z_centerline)] # set coordinates for landmarks +y and -y. Here, x coordinate is 0 (already initialized). y_n = Symbol('y_n') landmark_curved[index][4][1], landmark_curved[index][3][1] = solve( (y_n - y)**2 + ((-1 / c) * (a * x + b * y_n + d) - z)**2 - gapxy**2, y_n) #y for -y and +y landmark_curved[index][3][2] = (-1 / c) * ( a * x + b * landmark_curved[index][3][1] + d) #z for +y landmark_curved[index][4][2] = (-1 / c) * ( a * x + b * landmark_curved[index][4][1] + d) #z for -y # #display # fig = plt.figure() # ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') # ax.plot(x_centerline_fit, y_centerline_fit,z_centerline, 'g') # ax.plot(x_centerline, y_centerline,z_centerline, 'r') # ax.plot([landmark_curved[i][j][0] for i in range(0, n_iz_curved) for j in range(0, 5)], \ # [landmark_curved[i][j][1] for i in range(0, n_iz_curved) for j in range(0, 5)], \ # [landmark_curved[i][j][2] for i in range(0, n_iz_curved) for j in range(0, 5)], '.') # ax.set_xlabel('x') # ax.set_ylabel('y') # ax.set_zlabel('z') # # Get coordinates of landmarks along straight centerline #========================================================================================== print '\nGet coordinates of landmarks along straight centerline...' landmark_straight = [[[0 for i in range(0, 3)] for i in range(0, 5)] for i in iz_curved ] # same structure as landmark_curved # calculate the z indices corresponding to the Euclidean distance between two consecutive points on the curved centerline (approximation curve --> line) iz_straight = [(min(z_centerline) + 0) for i in range(0, gapz + 1)] #print iz_straight,len(iz_straight) for index in range(1, n_iz_curved, 1): # compute vector between two consecutive points on the curved centerline vector_centerline = [x_centerline_fit[iz_curved[index]-min(z_centerline)] - x_centerline_fit[iz_curved[index-1]-min(z_centerline)], \ y_centerline_fit[iz_curved[index]-min(z_centerline)] - y_centerline_fit[iz_curved[index-1]-min(z_centerline)], \ iz_curved[index] - iz_curved[index-1]] # compute norm of this vector norm_vector_centerline = numpy.linalg.norm(vector_centerline, ord=2) # round to closest integer value norm_vector_centerline_rounded = int(round(norm_vector_centerline, 0)) # assign this value to the current z-coordinate on the straight centerline iz_straight[index] = iz_straight[index - 1] + norm_vector_centerline_rounded # initialize x0 and y0 to be at the center of the FOV x0 = int(round(nx / 2)) y0 = int(round(ny / 2)) for index in range(0, n_iz_curved, 1): # set coordinates for landmark at the center of the cross landmark_straight[index][0][0], landmark_straight[index][0][ 1], landmark_straight[index][0][2] = x0, y0, iz_straight[index] # set x, y and z coordinates for landmarks +x landmark_straight[index][1][0], landmark_straight[index][1][ 1], landmark_straight[index][1][2] = x0 + gapxy, y0, iz_straight[ index] # set x, y and z coordinates for landmarks -x landmark_straight[index][2][0], landmark_straight[index][2][ 1], landmark_straight[index][2][2] = x0 - gapxy, y0, iz_straight[ index] # set x, y and z coordinates for landmarks +y landmark_straight[index][3][0], landmark_straight[index][3][ 1], landmark_straight[index][3][2] = x0, y0 + gapxy, iz_straight[ index] # set x, y and z coordinates for landmarks -y landmark_straight[index][4][0], landmark_straight[index][4][ 1], landmark_straight[index][4][2] = x0, y0 - gapxy, iz_straight[ index] # # display # fig = plt.figure() # ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') # #ax.plot(x_centerline_fit, y_centerline_fit,z_centerline, 'r') # ax.plot([landmark_straight[i][j][0] for i in range(0, n_iz_curved) for j in range(0, 5)], \ # [landmark_straight[i][j][1] for i in range(0, n_iz_curved) for j in range(0, 5)], \ # [landmark_straight[i][j][2] for i in range(0, n_iz_curved) for j in range(0, 5)], '.') # ax.set_xlabel('x') # ax.set_ylabel('y') # ax.set_zlabel('z') # # # Create NIFTI volumes with landmarks #========================================================================================== # Pad input volume to deal with the fact that some landmarks on the curved centerline might be outside the FOV # N.B. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO PAD ALSO ALONG X and Y, OTHERWISE SOME LANDMARKS MIGHT GET OUT OF THE FOV!!! print '\nPad input volume to deal with the fact that some landmarks on the curved centerline might be outside the FOV...''isct_c3d ' + fname_centerline_orient + ' -pad ' + str(padding) + 'x' + str(padding) + 'x' + str(padding) + 'vox ' + str(padding) + 'x' + str(padding) + 'x' + str(padding) + 'vox 0 -o tmp.centerline_pad.nii.gz') # TODO: don't pad input volume: no need for that! instead, try to increase size of hdr when saving landmarks. # Open padded centerline for reading print '\nOpen padded centerline for reading...' file = nibabel.load('tmp.centerline_pad.nii.gz') data = file.get_data() hdr = file.get_header() # Create volumes containing curved and straight landmarks data_curved_landmarks = data * 0 data_straight_landmarks = data * 0 # initialize landmark value landmark_value = 1 # Loop across cross index for index in range(0, n_iz_curved, 1): # loop across cross element index for i_element in range(0, 5, 1): # get x, y and z coordinates of curved landmark (rounded to closest integer) x, y, z = int(round(landmark_curved[index][i_element][0])), int( round(landmark_curved[index][i_element][1])), int( round(landmark_curved[index][i_element][2])) # attribute landmark_value to the voxel and its neighbours data_curved_landmarks[x + padding - 1:x + padding + 2, y + padding - 1:y + padding + 2, z + padding - 1:z + padding + 2] = landmark_value # get x, y and z coordinates of straight landmark (rounded to closest integer) x, y, z = int(round(landmark_straight[index][i_element][0])), int( round(landmark_straight[index][i_element][1])), int( round(landmark_straight[index][i_element][2])) # attribute landmark_value to the voxel and its neighbours data_straight_landmarks[x + padding - 1:x + padding + 2, y + padding - 1:y + padding + 2, z + padding - 1:z + padding + 2] = landmark_value # increment landmark value landmark_value = landmark_value + 1 # Write NIFTI volumes hdr.set_data_dtype( 'uint32') # set imagetype to uint8 #TODO: maybe use int32 print '\nWrite NIFTI volumes...' img = nibabel.Nifti1Image(data_curved_landmarks, None, hdr), 'tmp.landmarks_curved.nii.gz') print '.. File created: tmp.landmarks_curved.nii.gz' img = nibabel.Nifti1Image(data_straight_landmarks, None, hdr), 'tmp.landmarks_straight.nii.gz') print '.. File created: tmp.landmarks_straight.nii.gz' # Estimate deformation field by pairing landmarks #========================================================================================== # Dilate landmarks (because nearest neighbour interpolation will be later used, therefore some landmarks may "disapear" if they are single points) #print '\nDilate landmarks...''fslmaths tmp.landmarks_curved.nii -kernel box 3x3x3 -dilD tmp.landmarks_curved_dilated -odt short')'fslmaths tmp.landmarks_straight.nii -kernel box 3x3x3 -dilD tmp.landmarks_straight_dilated -odt short') # Estimate rigid transformation print '\nEstimate rigid transformation between paired landmarks...' 'isct_ANTSUseLandmarkImagesToGetAffineTransform tmp.landmarks_straight.nii.gz tmp.landmarks_curved.nii.gz rigid tmp.curve2straight_rigid.txt' ) # Apply rigid transformation print '\nApply rigid transformation to curved landmarks...' 'sct_WarpImageMultiTransform 3 tmp.landmarks_curved.nii.gz tmp.landmarks_curved_rigid.nii.gz -R tmp.landmarks_straight.nii.gz tmp.curve2straight_rigid.txt --use-NN' ) # Estimate b-spline transformation curve --> straight print '\nEstimate b-spline transformation: curve --> straight...' 'isct_ANTSUseLandmarkImagesToGetBSplineDisplacementField tmp.landmarks_straight.nii.gz tmp.landmarks_curved_rigid.nii.gz tmp.warp_curve2straight.nii.gz 5x5x5 3 2 0' ) # Concatenate rigid and non-linear transformations... print '\nConcatenate rigid and non-linear transformations...''isct_ComposeMultiTransform 3 tmp.warp_rigid.nii -R tmp.landmarks_straight.nii tmp.warp.nii tmp.curve2straight_rigid.txt') # TODO: use when output from the following command will be different from 0 (currently there seem to be a bug) cmd = 'isct_ComposeMultiTransform 3 tmp.curve2straight.nii.gz -R tmp.landmarks_straight.nii.gz tmp.warp_curve2straight.nii.gz tmp.curve2straight_rigid.txt' print('>> ' + cmd) # Estimate b-spline transformation straight --> curve # TODO: invert warping field instead of estimating a new one print '\nEstimate b-spline transformation: straight --> curve...' 'isct_ANTSUseLandmarkImagesToGetBSplineDisplacementField tmp.landmarks_curved_rigid.nii.gz tmp.landmarks_straight.nii.gz tmp.warp_straight2curve.nii.gz 5x5x5 3 2 0' ) # Concatenate rigid and non-linear transformations... print '\nConcatenate rigid and non-linear transformations...''isct_ComposeMultiTransform 3 tmp.warp_rigid.nii -R tmp.landmarks_straight.nii tmp.warp.nii tmp.curve2straight_rigid.txt') # TODO: use when output from the following command will be different from 0 (currently there seem to be a bug) cmd = 'isct_ComposeMultiTransform 3 tmp.straight2curve.nii.gz -R tmp.landmarks_straight.nii.gz -i tmp.curve2straight_rigid.txt tmp.warp_straight2curve.nii.gz' print('>> ' + cmd) #print '\nPad input image...''isct_c3d '+fname_anat+' -pad '+str(padz)+'x'+str(padz)+'x'+str(padz)+'vox '+str(padz)+'x'+str(padz)+'x'+str(padz)+'vox 0 -o tmp.anat_pad.nii') # Unpad landmarks... # THIS WAS REMOVED ON 2014-06-03 because the output data was cropped at the edge, which caused landmarks to sometimes disappear # print '\nUnpad landmarks...' #'fslroi tmp.landmarks_straight.nii.gz tmp.landmarks_straight_crop.nii.gz '+str(padding)+' '+str(nx)+' '+str(padding)+' '+str(ny)+' '+str(padding)+' '+str(nz)) # Apply deformation to input image print '\nApply transformation to input image...''sct_WarpImageMultiTransform 3 ' + file_anat + ext_anat + ' tmp.anat_rigid_warp.nii.gz -R tmp.landmarks_straight.nii.gz ' + interpolation_warp + ' tmp.curve2straight.nii.gz') #'sct_WarpImageMultiTransform 3 '+fname_anat+' tmp.anat_rigid_warp.nii.gz -R tmp.landmarks_straight_crop.nii.gz '+interpolation_warp+ ' tmp.curve2straight.nii.gz') # come back os.chdir(curdir) # Generate output file (in current folder) # TODO: do not uncompress the warping field, it is too time consuming! print '\nGenerate output file (in current folder)...' sct.generate_output_file(path_tmp + '/tmp.curve2straight.nii.gz', '', 'warp_curve2straight', '.nii.gz') # warping field sct.generate_output_file(path_tmp + '/tmp.straight2curve.nii.gz', '', 'warp_straight2curve', '.nii.gz') # warping field sct.generate_output_file(path_tmp + '/tmp.anat_rigid_warp.nii.gz', '', file_anat + '_straight', ext_anat) # straightened anatomic # Remove temporary files if remove_temp_files == 1: print('\nRemove temporary files...')'rm -rf ' + path_tmp) print '\nDone!\n'
def test_function(param_test): """ Parameters ---------- file_testing Returns ------- path_output str: path where to output testing data """ # load modules of function to test module_function_to_test = importlib.import_module( param_test.function_to_test) module_testing = importlib.import_module('test_' + param_test.function_to_test) # retrieve subject name subject_folder = os.path.basename(param_test.path_data) # build path_output variable path_testing = os.getcwd() if not param_test.path_output: param_test.path_output = sct.tmp_create( basename=(param_test.function_to_test + '_' + subject_folder), verbose=0) elif not os.path.isdir(param_test.path_output): os.makedirs(param_test.path_output) # get parser information parser = module_function_to_test.get_parser() if '-ofolder' in parser.options and '-ofolder' not in param_test.args: param_test.args += " -ofolder " + param_test.path_output dict_args = parser.parse(shlex.split(param_test.args), check_file_exist=False) # TODO: if file in list does not exist, raise exception and assign status=200 # add data path to each input argument dict_args_with_path = parser.add_path_to_file(copy.deepcopy(dict_args), param_test.path_data, input_file=True) # add data path to each output argument dict_args_with_path = parser.add_path_to_file( copy.deepcopy(dict_args_with_path), param_test.path_output, input_file=False, output_file=True) # save into class param_test.dict_args_with_path = dict_args_with_path param_test.args_with_path = parser.dictionary_to_string( dict_args_with_path) # initialize panda dataframe param_test.results = DataFrame(index=[subject_folder], data={ 'status': 0, 'duration': 0, 'output': '', 'path_data': param_test.path_data, 'path_output': param_test.path_output }) # retrieve input file (will be used later for integrity testing) if '-i' in dict_args: # check if list in case of multiple input files if not isinstance(dict_args_with_path['-i'], list): list_file_to_check = [dict_args_with_path['-i']] # assign field file_input for integrity testing param_test.file_input = dict_args['-i'].split('/')[-1] # update index of dataframe by appending file name for more clarity param_test.results = param_test.results.rename({ subject_folder: os.path.join(subject_folder, dict_args['-i']) }) else: list_file_to_check = dict_args_with_path['-i'] # TODO: assign field file_input for integrity testing for file_to_check in list_file_to_check: # file_input = file_to_check.split('/')[1] # Check if input files exist if not (os.path.isfile(file_to_check)): param_test.status = 200 param_test.output += '\nERROR: This input file does not exist: ' + file_to_check return update_param(param_test) # retrieve ground truth (will be used later for integrity testing) if '-igt' in dict_args: param_test.fname_gt = dict_args_with_path['-igt'] # Check if ground truth files exist if not os.path.isfile(param_test.fname_gt): param_test.status = 201 param_test.output += '\nERROR: The following file used for ground truth does not exist: ' + param_test.fname_gt return update_param(param_test) # run command cmd = param_test.function_to_test + param_test.args_with_path param_test.output += '\nWill run in %s:' % (os.path.join( path_testing, param_test.path_output)) param_test.output += '\n====================================================================================================\n' + cmd + '\n====================================================================================================\n\n' # copy command time_start = time.time() try: os.chdir(param_test.path_output) if not os.path.exists(param_test.path_output): # in case of relative path, we want a subfolder too os.makedirs(param_test.path_output) os.chdir(path_testing) param_test.status, o =, cwd=param_test.path_output, verbose=0) if param_test.status: raise Exception except Exception as err: param_test.status = 1 param_test.output += str(err) return update_param(param_test) param_test.output += o param_test.results['duration'] = time.time() - time_start # test integrity if param_test.test_integrity: param_test.output += '\n\n====================================================================================================\n' + 'INTEGRITY TESTING' + '\n====================================================================================================\n\n' # copy command try: os.chdir(param_test.path_output) param_test = module_testing.test_integrity(param_test) os.chdir(path_testing) except Exception as err: os.chdir(path_testing) param_test.status = 2 param_test.output += str(err) return update_param(param_test) return update_param(param_test)
def main(args=None): # initializations initz = '' initcenter = '' fname_initlabel = '' file_labelz = 'labelz.nii.gz' param = Param() # check user arguments if not args: args = sys.argv[1:] # Get parser info parser = get_parser() arguments = parser.parse(args) fname_in = os.path.abspath(arguments["-i"]) fname_seg = os.path.abspath(arguments['-s']) contrast = arguments['-c'] path_template = arguments['-t'] scale_dist = arguments['-scale-dist'] if '-ofolder' in arguments: path_output = arguments['-ofolder'] else: path_output = os.curdir param.path_qc = arguments.get("-qc", None) if '-discfile' in arguments: fname_disc = os.path.abspath(arguments['-discfile']) else: fname_disc = None if '-initz' in arguments: initz = arguments['-initz'] if '-initcenter' in arguments: initcenter = arguments['-initcenter'] # if user provided text file, parse and overwrite arguments if '-initfile' in arguments: file = open(arguments['-initfile'], 'r') initfile = ' ' +'\n', '') arg_initfile = initfile.split(' ') for idx_arg, arg in enumerate(arg_initfile): if arg == '-initz': initz = [int(x) for x in arg_initfile[idx_arg + 1].split(',')] if arg == '-initcenter': initcenter = int(arg_initfile[idx_arg + 1]) if '-initlabel' in arguments: # get absolute path of label fname_initlabel = os.path.abspath(arguments['-initlabel']) if '-param' in arguments: param.update(arguments['-param'][0]) verbose = int(arguments.get('-v')) sct.init_sct(log_level=verbose, update=True) # Update log level remove_temp_files = int(arguments['-r']) denoise = int(arguments['-denoise']) laplacian = int(arguments['-laplacian']) path_tmp = sct.tmp_create(basename="label_vertebrae", verbose=verbose) # Copying input data to tmp folder sct.printv('\nCopying input data to tmp folder...', verbose) Image(fname_in).save(os.path.join(path_tmp, "data.nii")) Image(fname_seg).save(os.path.join(path_tmp, "segmentation.nii")) # Go go temp folder curdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path_tmp) # Straighten spinal cord sct.printv('\nStraighten spinal cord...', verbose) # check if warp_curve2straight and warp_straight2curve already exist (i.e. no need to do it another time) cache_sig = sct.cache_signature( input_files=[fname_in, fname_seg], ) cachefile = os.path.join(curdir, "straightening.cache") if sct.cache_valid(cachefile, cache_sig) and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(curdir, "warp_curve2straight.nii.gz")) and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(curdir, "warp_straight2curve.nii.gz")) and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(curdir, "straight_ref.nii.gz")): # if they exist, copy them into current folder sct.printv('Reusing existing warping field which seems to be valid', verbose, 'warning') sct.copy(os.path.join(curdir, "warp_curve2straight.nii.gz"), 'warp_curve2straight.nii.gz') sct.copy(os.path.join(curdir, "warp_straight2curve.nii.gz"), 'warp_straight2curve.nii.gz') sct.copy(os.path.join(curdir, "straight_ref.nii.gz"), 'straight_ref.nii.gz') # apply straightening s, o =['sct_apply_transfo', '-i', 'data.nii', '-w', 'warp_curve2straight.nii.gz', '-d', 'straight_ref.nii.gz', '-o', 'data_straight.nii']) else: cmd = ['sct_straighten_spinalcord', '-i', 'data.nii', '-s', 'segmentation.nii', '-r', str(remove_temp_files)] if param.path_qc is not None and os.environ.get("SCT_RECURSIVE_QC", None) == "1": cmd += ['-qc', param.path_qc] s, o = sct.cache_save(cachefile, cache_sig) # resample to 0.5mm isotropic to match template resolution sct.printv('\nResample to 0.5mm isotropic...', verbose) s, o =['sct_resample', '-i', 'data_straight.nii', '-mm', '0.5x0.5x0.5', '-x', 'linear', '-o', 'data_straightr.nii'], verbose=verbose) # Apply straightening to segmentation # N.B. Output is RPI sct.printv('\nApply straightening to segmentation...', verbose)'isct_antsApplyTransforms -d 3 -i %s -r %s -t %s -o %s -n %s' % ('segmentation.nii', 'data_straightr.nii', 'warp_curve2straight.nii.gz', 'segmentation_straight.nii', 'Linear'), verbose=verbose, is_sct_binary=True, ) # Threshold segmentation at 0.5['sct_maths', '-i', 'segmentation_straight.nii', '-thr', '0.5', '-o', 'segmentation_straight.nii'], verbose) # If disc label file is provided, label vertebrae using that file instead of automatically if fname_disc: # Apply straightening to disc-label sct.printv('\nApply straightening to disc labels...', verbose)'isct_antsApplyTransforms -d 3 -i %s -r %s -t %s -o %s -n %s' % (fname_disc, 'data_straightr.nii', 'warp_curve2straight.nii.gz', 'labeldisc_straight.nii.gz', 'NearestNeighbor'), verbose=verbose, is_sct_binary=True, ) label_vert('segmentation_straight.nii', 'labeldisc_straight.nii.gz', verbose=1) else: # create label to identify disc sct.printv('\nCreate label to identify disc...', verbose) fname_labelz = os.path.join(path_tmp, file_labelz) if initz or initcenter: if initcenter: # find z centered in FOV nii = Image('segmentation.nii').change_orientation("RPI") nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = nii.dim # Get dimensions z_center = int(np.round(nz / 2)) # get z_center initz = [z_center, initcenter] # create single label and output as labels.nii.gz label = ProcessLabels('segmentation.nii', fname_output='tmp.labelz.nii.gz', coordinates=['{},{}'.format(initz[0], initz[1])]) im_label = label.process('create-seg') = sct_maths.dilate(, [3]) # TODO: create a dilation method specific to labels, # which does not apply a convolution across all voxels (highly inneficient) elif fname_initlabel: import sct_label_utils # subtract "1" to label value because due to legacy, in this code the disc C2-C3 has value "2", whereas in the # recent version of SCT it is defined as "3". Therefore, when asking the user to define a label, we point to the # new definition of labels (i.e., C2-C3 = 3). sct_label_utils.main(['-i', fname_initlabel, '-add', '-1', '-o', fname_labelz]) else: # automatically finds C2-C3 disc im_data = Image('data.nii') im_seg = Image('segmentation.nii') im_label_c2c3 = detect_c2c3(im_data, im_seg, contrast) ind_label = np.where( if not np.size(ind_label) == 0: # subtract "1" to label value because due to legacy, in this code the disc C2-C3 has value "2", whereas in the # recent version of SCT it is defined as "3".[ind_label] = 2 else: sct.printv('Automatic C2-C3 detection failed. Please provide manual label with sct_label_utils', 1, 'error') # dilate label so it is not lost when applying warping sct_maths.main(['-i', fname_labelz, '-dilate', '3', '-o', fname_labelz]) # Apply straightening to z-label sct.printv('\nAnd apply straightening to label...', verbose)'isct_antsApplyTransforms -d 3 -i %s -r %s -t %s -o %s -n %s' % (file_labelz, 'data_straightr.nii', 'warp_curve2straight.nii.gz', 'labelz_straight.nii.gz', 'NearestNeighbor'), verbose=verbose, is_sct_binary=True, ) # get z value and disk value to initialize labeling sct.printv('\nGet z and disc values from straight label...', verbose) init_disc = get_z_and_disc_values_from_label('labelz_straight.nii.gz') sct.printv('.. ' + str(init_disc), verbose) # denoise data if denoise: sct.printv('\nDenoise data...', verbose)['sct_maths', '-i', 'data_straightr.nii', '-denoise', 'h=0.05', '-o', 'data_straightr.nii'], verbose) # apply laplacian filtering if laplacian: sct.printv('\nApply Laplacian filter...', verbose)['sct_maths', '-i', 'data_straightr.nii', '-laplacian', '1', '-o', 'data_straightr.nii'], verbose) # detect vertebral levels on straight spinal cord vertebral_detection('data_straightr.nii', 'segmentation_straight.nii', contrast, param, init_disc=init_disc, verbose=verbose, path_template=path_template, path_output=path_output, scale_dist=scale_dist) # un-straighten labeled spinal cord sct.printv('\nUn-straighten labeling...', verbose)'isct_antsApplyTransforms -d 3 -i %s -r %s -t %s -o %s -n %s' % ('segmentation_straight_labeled.nii', 'segmentation.nii', 'warp_straight2curve.nii.gz', 'segmentation_labeled.nii', 'NearestNeighbor'), verbose=verbose, is_sct_binary=True, ) # Clean labeled segmentation sct.printv('\nClean labeled segmentation (correct interpolation errors)...', verbose) clean_labeled_segmentation('segmentation_labeled.nii', 'segmentation.nii', 'segmentation_labeled.nii') # label discs sct.printv('\nLabel discs...', verbose) label_discs('segmentation_labeled.nii', verbose=verbose) # come back os.chdir(curdir) # Generate output files path_seg, file_seg, ext_seg = sct.extract_fname(fname_seg) fname_seg_labeled = os.path.join(path_output, file_seg + '_labeled' + ext_seg) sct.printv('\nGenerate output files...', verbose) sct.generate_output_file(os.path.join(path_tmp, "segmentation_labeled.nii"), fname_seg_labeled) sct.generate_output_file(os.path.join(path_tmp, "segmentation_labeled_disc.nii"), os.path.join(path_output, file_seg + '_labeled_discs' + ext_seg)) # copy straightening files in case subsequent SCT functions need them sct.generate_output_file(os.path.join(path_tmp, "warp_curve2straight.nii.gz"), os.path.join(path_output, "warp_curve2straight.nii.gz"), verbose) sct.generate_output_file(os.path.join(path_tmp, "warp_straight2curve.nii.gz"), os.path.join(path_output, "warp_straight2curve.nii.gz"), verbose) sct.generate_output_file(os.path.join(path_tmp, "straight_ref.nii.gz"), os.path.join(path_output, "straight_ref.nii.gz"), verbose) # Remove temporary files if remove_temp_files == 1: sct.printv('\nRemove temporary files...', verbose) sct.rmtree(path_tmp) # Generate QC report if param.path_qc is not None: path_qc = os.path.abspath(param.path_qc) qc_dataset = arguments.get("-qc-dataset", None) qc_subject = arguments.get("-qc-subject", None) labeled_seg_file = os.path.join(path_output, file_seg + '_labeled' + ext_seg) generate_qc(fname_in, fname_seg=labeled_seg_file, args=args, path_qc=os.path.abspath(path_qc), dataset=qc_dataset, subject=qc_subject, process='sct_label_vertebrae') sct.display_viewer_syntax([fname_in, fname_seg_labeled], colormaps=['', 'subcortical'], opacities=['1', '0.5'])
def main(args=None): if args is None: args = sys.argv[1:] # get parser parser = get_parser() arguments = parser.parse(args) if '-d' in arguments: = int(arguments['-d']) if '-p' in arguments: param.path_data = arguments['-p'] if '-f' in arguments: param.function_to_test = arguments['-f'] if '-r' in arguments: param.remove_tmp_file = int(arguments['-r']) # path_data = param.path_data function_to_test = param.function_to_test start_time = time.time() # get absolute path and add slash at the end param.path_data = sct.slash_at_the_end(os.path.abspath(param.path_data), 1) # check existence of testing data folder if not os.path.isdir(param.path_data) or downloaddata() # display path to data sct.printv('\nPath to testing data: ' + param.path_data, param.verbose) # create temp folder that will have all results and go in it param.path_tmp = sct.tmp_create() os.chdir(param.path_tmp) # get list of all scripts to test functions = fill_functions() if function_to_test: if not function_to_test in functions: sct.printv('Function "%s" is not part of the list of testing functions' % function_to_test, type='warning') # loop across all functions and test them status = [test_function(f) for f in functions if function_to_test == f] else: status = [test_function(f) for f in functions] sct.printv('status: ' + str(status)) # display elapsed time elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time sct.printv('Finished! Elapsed time: ' + str(int(round(elapsed_time))) + 's\n') # remove temp files if param.remove_tmp_file: sct.printv('\nRemove temporary files...', param.verbose)'rm -rf ' + param.path_tmp, param.verbose) e = 0 if sum(status) != 0: e = 1 sct.printv(e) sys.exit(e)
def main(): # Initialization fname_data = '' interp_factor = param.interp_factor remove_temp_files = param.remove_temp_files verbose = param.verbose suffix = param.suffix smoothing_sigma = param.smoothing_sigma # start timer start_time = time.time() # Parameters for debug mode if param.debug: fname_data = os.path.join(sct.__data_dir__, 'sct_testing_data', 't2', 't2_seg.nii.gz') remove_temp_files = 0 param.mask_size = 10 else: # Check input parameters try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'hi:v:r:s:') except getopt.GetoptError: usage() if not opts: usage() for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': usage() elif opt in ('-i'): fname_data = arg elif opt in ('-r'): remove_temp_files = int(arg) elif opt in ('-s'): smoothing_sigma = arg elif opt in ('-v'): verbose = int(arg) # display usage if a mandatory argument is not provided if fname_data == '': usage() # sct.printv(arguments) sct.printv('\nCheck parameters:') sct.printv(' segmentation ........... ' + fname_data) sct.printv(' interp factor .......... ' + str(interp_factor)) sct.printv(' smoothing sigma ........ ' + str(smoothing_sigma)) # check existence of input files sct.printv('\nCheck existence of input files...') sct.check_file_exist(fname_data, verbose) # Extract path, file and extension path_data, file_data, ext_data = sct.extract_fname(fname_data) path_tmp = sct.tmp_create(basename="binary_to_trilinear", verbose=verbose) from sct_convert import convert sct.printv('\nCopying input data to tmp folder and convert to nii...', param.verbose) convert(fname_data, os.path.join(path_tmp, "data.nii")) # go to tmp folder curdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path_tmp) # Get dimensions of data sct.printv('\nGet dimensions of data...', verbose) nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = Image('data.nii').dim sct.printv('.. ' + str(nx) + ' x ' + str(ny) + ' x ' + str(nz), verbose) # upsample data sct.printv('\nUpsample data...', verbose)["sct_resample", "-i", "data.nii", "-x", "linear", "-vox", str(nx * interp_factor) + 'x' + str(ny * interp_factor) + 'x' + str(nz * interp_factor), "-o", "data_up.nii"], verbose) # Smooth along centerline sct.printv('\nSmooth along centerline...', verbose)["sct_smooth_spinalcord", "-i", "data_up.nii", "-s", "data_up.nii", "-smooth", str(smoothing_sigma), "-r", str(remove_temp_files), "-v", str(verbose)], verbose) # downsample data sct.printv('\nDownsample data...', verbose)["sct_resample", "-i", "data_up_smooth.nii", "-x", "linear", "-vox", str(nx) + 'x' + str(ny) + 'x' + str(nz), "-o", "data_up_smooth_down.nii"], verbose) # come back os.chdir(curdir) # Generate output files sct.printv('\nGenerate output files...') fname_out = sct.generate_output_file(os.path.join(path_tmp, "data_up_smooth_down.nii"), '' + file_data + suffix + ext_data) # Delete temporary files if remove_temp_files == 1: sct.printv('\nRemove temporary files...') sct.rmtree(path_tmp) # display elapsed time elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time sct.printv('\nFinished! Elapsed time: ' + str(int(np.round(elapsed_time))) + 's') # to view results sct.printv('\nTo view results, type:') sct.printv('fslview ' + file_data + ' ' + file_data + suffix + ' &\n')
def merge_images(list_fname_src, fname_dest, list_fname_warp, param): """ Merge multiple source images onto destination space. All images are warped to the destination space and then added. To deal with overlap during merging (e.g. one voxel in destination image is shared with two input images), the resulting voxel is divided by the sum of the partial volume of each image. For example, if src(x,y,z)=1 is mapped to dest(i,j,k) with a partial volume of 0.5 (because destination voxel is bigger), then its value after linear interpolation will be 0.5. To account for partial volume, the resulting voxel will be: dest(i,j,k) = 0.5*0.5/0.5 = 0.5. Now, if two voxels overlap in the destination space, let's say: src(x,y,z)=1 and src2'(x',y',z')=1, then the resulting value will be: dest(i,j,k) = (0.5*0.5 + 0.5*0.5) / (0.5+0.5) = 0.5. So this function acts like a weighted average operator, only in destination voxels that share multiple source voxels. Parameters ---------- list_fname_src fname_dest list_fname_warp param Returns ------- """ # create temporary folder path_tmp = sct.tmp_create() # get dimensions of destination file nii_dest = msct_image.Image(fname_dest) # initialize variables data = np.zeros([ nii_dest.dim[0], nii_dest.dim[1], nii_dest.dim[2], len(list_fname_src) ]) partial_volume = np.zeros([ nii_dest.dim[0], nii_dest.dim[1], nii_dest.dim[2], len(list_fname_src) ]) data_merge = np.zeros([nii_dest.dim[0], nii_dest.dim[1], nii_dest.dim[2]]) # loop across files i_file = 0 for fname_src in list_fname_src: # apply transformation src --> dest sct_apply_transfo.main(args=[ '-i', fname_src, '-d', fname_dest, '-w', list_fname_warp[i_file], '-x', param.interp, '-o', 'src_' + str(i_file) + '_template.nii.gz', '-v', param.verbose ]) # create binary mask from input file by assigning one to all non-null voxels sct_maths.main(args=[ '-i', fname_src, '-bin', str(param.almost_zero), '-o', 'src_' + str(i_file) + 'native_bin.nii.gz' ]) # apply transformation to binary mask to compute partial volume sct_apply_transfo.main(args=[ '-i', 'src_' + str(i_file) + 'native_bin.nii.gz', '-d', fname_dest, '-w', list_fname_warp[i_file], '-x', param.interp, '-o', 'src_' + str(i_file) + '_template_partialVolume.nii.gz' ]) # open data data[:, :, :, i_file] = msct_image.Image('src_' + str(i_file) + '_template.nii.gz').data partial_volume[:, :, :, i_file] = msct_image.Image( 'src_' + str(i_file) + '_template_partialVolume.nii.gz').data i_file += 1 # merge files using partial volume information (and convert nan resulting from division by zero to zeros) data_merge = np.divide(np.sum(data * partial_volume, axis=3), np.sum(partial_volume, axis=3)) data_merge = np.nan_to_num(data_merge) # write result in file = data_merge nii_dest.setFileName(param.fname_out) # remove temporary folder if param.rm_tmp: sct.rmtree(path_tmp)
def main(args=None): if not args: args = sys.argv[1:] # initialize parameters param = Param() # call main function parser = get_parser() arguments = parser.parse(args) fname_data = arguments['-i'] fname_bvecs = arguments['-bvec'] average = arguments['-a'] verbose = int(arguments.get('-v')) sct.init_sct(log_level=verbose, update=True) # Update log level remove_temp_files = int(arguments['-r']) path_out = arguments['-ofolder'] if '-bval' in arguments: fname_bvals = arguments['-bval'] else: fname_bvals = '' if '-bvalmin' in arguments: param.bval_min = arguments['-bvalmin'] # Initialization start_time = time.time() # sct.printv(arguments) sct.printv('\nInput parameters:', verbose) sct.printv(' input file ............' + fname_data, verbose) sct.printv(' bvecs file ............' + fname_bvecs, verbose) sct.printv(' bvals file ............' + fname_bvals, verbose) sct.printv(' average ...............' + str(average), verbose) # Get full path fname_data = os.path.abspath(fname_data) fname_bvecs = os.path.abspath(fname_bvecs) if fname_bvals: fname_bvals = os.path.abspath(fname_bvals) # Extract path, file and extension path_data, file_data, ext_data = sct.extract_fname(fname_data) # create temporary folder path_tmp = sct.tmp_create(basename="dmri_separate", verbose=verbose) # copy files into tmp folder and convert to nifti sct.printv('\nCopy files into temporary folder...', verbose) ext = '.nii' dmri_name = 'dmri' b0_name = file_data + '_b0' b0_mean_name = b0_name + '_mean' dwi_name = file_data + '_dwi' dwi_mean_name = dwi_name + '_mean' if not convert(fname_data, os.path.join(path_tmp, dmri_name + ext)): sct.printv('ERROR in convert.', 1, 'error') sct.copy(fname_bvecs, os.path.join(path_tmp, "bvecs"), verbose=verbose) # go to tmp folder curdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path_tmp) # Get size of data im_dmri = Image(dmri_name + ext) sct.printv('\nGet dimensions data...', verbose) nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = im_dmri.dim sct.printv('.. ' + str(nx) + ' x ' + str(ny) + ' x ' + str(nz) + ' x ' + str(nt), verbose) # Identify b=0 and DWI images sct.printv(fname_bvals) index_b0, index_dwi, nb_b0, nb_dwi = identify_b0(fname_bvecs, fname_bvals, param.bval_min, verbose) # Split into T dimension sct.printv('\nSplit along T dimension...', verbose) im_dmri_split_list = split_data(im_dmri, 3) for im_d in im_dmri_split_list: # Merge b=0 images sct.printv('\nMerge b=0...', verbose) from sct_image import concat_data l = [] for it in range(nb_b0): l.append(dmri_name + '_T' + str(index_b0[it]).zfill(4) + ext) im_out = concat_data(l, 3).save(b0_name + ext) # Average b=0 images if average: sct.printv('\nAverage b=0...', verbose)['sct_maths', '-i', b0_name + ext, '-o', b0_mean_name + ext, '-mean', 't'], verbose) # Merge DWI l = [] for it in range(nb_dwi): l.append(dmri_name + '_T' + str(index_dwi[it]).zfill(4) + ext) im_out = concat_data(l, 3).save(dwi_name + ext) # Average DWI images if average: sct.printv('\nAverage DWI...', verbose)['sct_maths', '-i', dwi_name + ext, '-o', dwi_mean_name + ext, '-mean', 't'], verbose) # come back os.chdir(curdir) # Generate output files fname_b0 = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path_out, b0_name + ext_data)) fname_dwi = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path_out, dwi_name + ext_data)) fname_b0_mean = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path_out, b0_mean_name + ext_data)) fname_dwi_mean = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path_out, dwi_mean_name + ext_data)) sct.printv('\nGenerate output files...', verbose) sct.generate_output_file(os.path.join(path_tmp, b0_name + ext), fname_b0, verbose) sct.generate_output_file(os.path.join(path_tmp, dwi_name + ext), fname_dwi, verbose) if average: sct.generate_output_file(os.path.join(path_tmp, b0_mean_name + ext), fname_b0_mean, verbose) sct.generate_output_file(os.path.join(path_tmp, dwi_mean_name + ext), fname_dwi_mean, verbose) # Remove temporary files if remove_temp_files == 1: sct.printv('\nRemove temporary files...', verbose) sct.rmtree(path_tmp, verbose=verbose) # display elapsed time elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time sct.printv('\nFinished! Elapsed time: ' + str(int(np.round(elapsed_time))) + 's', verbose) return fname_b0, fname_b0_mean, fname_dwi, fname_dwi_mean
input_second_fname = '' output_fname = 'hausdorff_distance.txt' resample_to = 0.1 if "-d" in arguments: input_second_fname = arguments["-d"] if "-thinning" in arguments: param.thinning = bool(int(arguments["-thinning"])) if "-resampling" in arguments: resample_to = arguments["-resampling"] if "-o" in arguments: output_fname = arguments["-o"] param.verbose = int(arguments.get('-v')) sct.init_sct(log_level=param.verbose, update=True) # Update log level tmp_dir = sct.tmp_create() im1_name = "im1.nii.gz" sct.copy(input_fname, os.path.join(tmp_dir, im1_name)) if input_second_fname != '': im2_name = 'im2.nii.gz' sct.copy(input_second_fname, os.path.join(tmp_dir, im2_name)) else: im2_name = None curdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(tmp_dir) # now = time.time() input_im1 = Image( resample_image(im1_name, binary=True,
def __init__(self, fname_mask, fname_sc, fname_ref, path_template, path_ofolder, verbose): self.fname_mask = fname_mask self.fname_sc = fname_sc self.fname_ref = fname_ref self.path_template = path_template self.path_ofolder = path_ofolder self.verbose = verbose self.wrk_dir = os.getcwd() if not set(np.unique(Image(fname_mask).data)) == set([0.0, 1.0]): if set(np.unique(Image(fname_mask).data)) == set([0.0]): printv('WARNING: Empty masked image', self.verbose, 'warning') else: printv( "ERROR input file %s is not binary file with 0 and 1 values" % fname_mask, 1, 'error') # create tmp directory self.tmp_dir = tmp_create(verbose=verbose) # path to tmp directory # lesion file where each lesion has a different value self.fname_label = extract_fname( self.fname_mask)[1] + '_label' + extract_fname(self.fname_mask)[2] # initialization of measure sheet measure_lst = [ 'label', 'volume [mm3]', 'length [mm]', 'max_equivalent_diameter [mm]' ] if self.fname_ref is not None: for measure in ['mean', 'std']: measure_lst.append(measure + '_' + extract_fname(self.fname_ref)[1]) measure_dct = {} for column in measure_lst: measure_dct[column] = None self.measure_pd = pd.DataFrame(data=measure_dct, index=range(0), columns=measure_lst) # orientation of the input image self.orientation = None # volume object self.volumes = None # initialization of proportion measures, related to registrated atlas if self.path_template is not None: self.path_atlas = self.path_template + 'atlas/' self.path_levels = self.path_template + 'template/PAM50_levels.nii.gz' else: self.path_atlas, self.path_levels = None, None self.vert_lst = None self.atlas_roi_lst = None self.distrib_matrix_dct = {} # output names self.pickle_name = extract_fname(self.fname_mask)[1] + '_analyzis.pkl' self.excel_name = extract_fname(self.fname_mask)[1] + '_analyzis.xls'
def main(args=None): if args is None: args = sys.argv[1:] # initialize parameters param = Param() # Initialization fname_output = '' path_out = '' fname_src_seg = '' fname_dest_seg = '' fname_src_label = '' fname_dest_label = '' generate_warpinv = 1 start_time = time.time() # get path of the toolbox status, path_sct = commands.getstatusoutput('echo $SCT_DIR') # get default registration parameters # step1 = Paramreg(step='1', type='im', algo='syn', metric='MI', iter='5', shrink='1', smooth='0', gradStep='0.5') step0 = Paramreg(step='0', type='im', algo='syn', metric='MI', iter='0', shrink='1', smooth='0', gradStep='0.5', slicewise='0', dof='Tx_Ty_Tz_Rx_Ry_Rz') # only used to put src into dest space step1 = Paramreg(step='1', type='im') paramreg = ParamregMultiStep([step0, step1]) parser = get_parser(paramreg=paramreg) arguments = parser.parse(args) # get arguments fname_src = arguments['-i'] fname_dest = arguments['-d'] if '-iseg' in arguments: fname_src_seg = arguments['-iseg'] if '-dseg' in arguments: fname_dest_seg = arguments['-dseg'] if '-ilabel' in arguments: fname_src_label = arguments['-ilabel'] if '-dlabel' in arguments: fname_dest_label = arguments['-dlabel'] if '-o' in arguments: fname_output = arguments['-o'] if '-ofolder' in arguments: path_out = arguments['-ofolder'] if '-owarp' in arguments: fname_output_warp = arguments['-owarp'] else: fname_output_warp = '' if '-initwarp' in arguments: fname_initwarp = os.path.abspath(arguments['-initwarp']) else: fname_initwarp = '' if '-initwarpinv' in arguments: fname_initwarpinv = os.path.abspath(arguments['-initwarpinv']) else: fname_initwarpinv = '' if '-m' in arguments: fname_mask = arguments['-m'] else: fname_mask = '' padding = arguments['-z'] if "-param" in arguments: paramreg_user = arguments['-param'] # update registration parameters for paramStep in paramreg_user: paramreg.addStep(paramStep) identity = int(arguments['-identity']) interp = arguments['-x'] remove_temp_files = int(arguments['-r']) verbose = int(arguments['-v']) # print arguments print '\nInput parameters:' print ' Source .............. '+fname_src print ' Destination ......... '+fname_dest print ' Init transfo ........ '+fname_initwarp print ' Mask ................ '+fname_mask print ' Output name ......... '+fname_output # print ' Algorithm ........... '+paramreg.algo # print ' Number of iterations '+paramreg.iter # print ' Metric .............. '+paramreg.metric print ' Remove temp files ... '+str(remove_temp_files) print ' Verbose ............. '+str(verbose) # update param param.verbose = verbose param.padding = padding param.fname_mask = fname_mask param.remove_temp_files = remove_temp_files # Get if input is 3D sct.printv('\nCheck if input data are 3D...', verbose) sct.check_if_3d(fname_src) sct.check_if_3d(fname_dest) # Check if user selected type=seg, but did not input segmentation data if 'paramreg_user' in locals(): if True in ['type=seg' in paramreg_user[i] for i in range(len(paramreg_user))]: if fname_src_seg == '' or fname_dest_seg == '': sct.printv('\nERROR: if you select type=seg you must specify -iseg and -dseg flags.\n', 1, 'error') # Extract path, file and extension path_src, file_src, ext_src = sct.extract_fname(fname_src) path_dest, file_dest, ext_dest = sct.extract_fname(fname_dest) # check if source and destination images have the same name (related to issue #373) # If so, change names to avoid conflict of result files and warns the user suffix_src, suffix_dest = '_reg', '_reg' if file_src == file_dest: suffix_src, suffix_dest = '_src_reg', '_dest_reg' # define output folder and file name if fname_output == '': path_out = '' if not path_out else path_out # output in user's current directory file_out = file_src + suffix_src file_out_inv = file_dest + suffix_dest ext_out = ext_src else: path, file_out, ext_out = sct.extract_fname(fname_output) path_out = path if not path_out else path_out file_out_inv = file_out + '_inv' # create QC folder sct.create_folder(param.path_qc) # create temporary folder path_tmp = sct.tmp_create() # copy files to temporary folder from sct_convert import convert sct.printv('\nCopying input data to tmp folder and convert to nii...', verbose) convert(fname_src, path_tmp+'src.nii') convert(fname_dest, path_tmp+'dest.nii') if fname_src_seg: convert(fname_src_seg, path_tmp+'src_seg.nii') convert(fname_dest_seg, path_tmp+'dest_seg.nii') if fname_src_label: convert(fname_src_label, path_tmp+'src_label.nii') convert(fname_dest_label, path_tmp+'dest_label.nii') if fname_mask != '': convert(fname_mask, path_tmp+'mask.nii.gz') # go to tmp folder os.chdir(path_tmp) # reorient destination to RPI'sct_image -i dest.nii -setorient RPI -o dest_RPI.nii') if fname_dest_seg:'sct_image -i dest_seg.nii -setorient RPI -o dest_seg_RPI.nii') if fname_dest_label:'sct_image -i dest_label.nii -setorient RPI -o dest_label_RPI.nii') if identity: # overwrite paramreg and only do one identity transformation step0 = Paramreg(step='0', type='im', algo='syn', metric='MI', iter='0', shrink='1', smooth='0', gradStep='0.5') paramreg = ParamregMultiStep([step0]) # Put source into destination space using header (no estimation -- purely based on header) # TODO: Check if necessary to do that # TODO: use that as step=0 # sct.printv('\nPut source into destination space using header...', verbose) #'isct_antsRegistration -d 3 -t Translation[0] -m MI[dest_pad.nii,src.nii,1,16] -c 0 -f 1 -s 0 -o [regAffine,src_regAffine.nii] -n BSpline[3]', verbose) # if segmentation, also do it for seg # initialize list of warping fields warp_forward = [] warp_inverse = [] # initial warping is specified, update list of warping fields and skip step=0 if fname_initwarp: sct.printv('\nSkip step=0 and replace with initial transformations: ', param.verbose) sct.printv(' '+fname_initwarp, param.verbose) #'cp '+fname_initwarp+' warp_forward_0.nii.gz', verbose) warp_forward = [fname_initwarp] start_step = 1 if fname_initwarpinv: warp_inverse = [fname_initwarpinv] else: sct.printv('\nWARNING: No initial inverse warping field was specified, therefore the inverse warping field will NOT be generated.', param.verbose, 'warning') generate_warpinv = 0 else: start_step = 0 # loop across registration steps for i_step in range(start_step, len(paramreg.steps)): sct.printv('\n--\nESTIMATE TRANSFORMATION FOR STEP #'+str(i_step), param.verbose) # identify which is the src and dest if paramreg.steps[str(i_step)].type == 'im': src = 'src.nii' dest = 'dest_RPI.nii' interp_step = 'spline' elif paramreg.steps[str(i_step)].type == 'seg': src = 'src_seg.nii' dest = 'dest_seg_RPI.nii' interp_step = 'nn' elif paramreg.steps[str(i_step)].type == 'label': src = 'src_label.nii' dest = 'dest_label_RPI.nii' interp_step = 'nn' else: # src = dest = interp_step = None sct.printv('ERROR: Wrong image type.', 1, 'error') # if step>0, apply warp_forward_concat to the src image to be used if i_step > 0: sct.printv('\nApply transformation from previous step', param.verbose)'sct_apply_transfo -i '+src+' -d '+dest+' -w '+','.join(warp_forward)+' -o '+sct.add_suffix(src, '_reg')+' -x '+interp_step, verbose) src = sct.add_suffix(src, '_reg') # register src --> dest warp_forward_out, warp_inverse_out = register(src, dest, paramreg, param, str(i_step)) warp_forward.append(warp_forward_out) warp_inverse.insert(0, warp_inverse_out) # Concatenate transformations sct.printv('\nConcatenate transformations...', verbose)'sct_concat_transfo -w '+','.join(warp_forward)+' -d dest.nii -o warp_src2dest.nii.gz', verbose)'sct_concat_transfo -w '+','.join(warp_inverse)+' -d dest.nii -o warp_dest2src.nii.gz', verbose) # Apply warping field to src data sct.printv('\nApply transfo source --> dest...', verbose)'sct_apply_transfo -i src.nii -o src_reg.nii -d dest.nii -w warp_src2dest.nii.gz -x '+interp, verbose) sct.printv('\nApply transfo dest --> source...', verbose)'sct_apply_transfo -i dest.nii -o dest_reg.nii -d src.nii -w warp_dest2src.nii.gz -x '+interp, verbose) # come back to parent folder os.chdir('..') # Generate output files sct.printv('\nGenerate output files...', verbose) # generate: src_reg fname_src2dest = sct.generate_output_file(path_tmp+'src_reg.nii', path_out+file_out+ext_out, verbose) # generate: forward warping field if fname_output_warp == '': fname_output_warp = path_out+'warp_'+file_src+'2'+file_dest+'.nii.gz' sct.generate_output_file(path_tmp+'warp_src2dest.nii.gz', fname_output_warp, verbose) if generate_warpinv: # generate: dest_reg fname_dest2src = sct.generate_output_file(path_tmp+'dest_reg.nii', path_out+file_out_inv+ext_dest, verbose) # generate: inverse warping field sct.generate_output_file(path_tmp+'warp_dest2src.nii.gz', path_out+'warp_'+file_dest+'2'+file_src+'.nii.gz', verbose) # Delete temporary files if remove_temp_files: sct.printv('\nRemove temporary files...', verbose)'rm -rf '+path_tmp, verbose) # display elapsed time elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time sct.printv('\nFinished! Elapsed time: '+str(int(round(elapsed_time)))+'s', verbose) sct.printv('\nTo view results, type:', verbose) sct.printv('fslview '+fname_dest+' '+fname_src2dest+' &', verbose, 'info') if generate_warpinv: sct.printv('fslview '+fname_src+' '+fname_dest2src+' &\n', verbose, 'info')
def main(args=None): # initializations initz = '' initcenter = '' initc2 = 'auto' param = Param() # check user arguments if not args: args = sys.argv[1:] # Get parser info parser = get_parser() arguments = parser.parse(sys.argv[1:]) fname_in = arguments["-i"] fname_seg = arguments['-s'] contrast = arguments['-c'] path_template = sct.slash_at_the_end(arguments['-t'], 1) # if '-o' in arguments: # file_out = arguments["-o"] # else: # file_out = '' if '-ofolder' in arguments: path_output = sct.slash_at_the_end(os.path.abspath(arguments['-ofolder']), slash=1) else: path_output = sct.slash_at_the_end(os.path.abspath(os.curdir), slash=1) if '-initz' in arguments: initz = arguments['-initz'] if '-initcenter' in arguments: initcenter = arguments['-initcenter'] # if user provided text file, parse and overwrite arguments if '-initfile' in arguments: # open file file = open(arguments['-initfile'], 'r') initfile = ' ''\n', '') arg_initfile = initfile.split(' ') for i in xrange(len(arg_initfile)): if arg_initfile[i] == '-initz': initz = [int(x) for x in arg_initfile[i+1].split(',')] if arg_initfile[i] == '-initcenter': initcenter = int(arg_initfile[i+1]) if '-initc2' in arguments: initc2 = 'manual' if '-param' in arguments: param.update(arguments['-param'][0]) verbose = int(arguments['-v']) remove_tmp_files = int(arguments['-r']) denoise = int(arguments['-denoise']) laplacian = int(arguments['-laplacian']) # if verbose, import matplotlib # if verbose == 2: # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # create temporary folder printv('\nCreate temporary folder...', verbose) path_tmp = tmp_create(verbose=verbose) # path_tmp = '/Users/julien/Dropbox/documents/processing/20160813_wang/t12/tmp.160814213032_725693/' # Copying input data to tmp folder printv('\nCopying input data to tmp folder...', verbose) run('sct_convert -i '+fname_in+' -o '+path_tmp+'data.nii') run('sct_convert -i '+fname_seg+' -o '+path_tmp+'segmentation.nii.gz') # Go go temp folder os.chdir(path_tmp) # create label to identify disc printv('\nCreate label to identify disc...', verbose) initauto = False if initz: create_label_z('segmentation.nii.gz', initz[0], initz[1]) # create label located at z_center elif initcenter: # find z centered in FOV nii = Image('segmentation.nii.gz') nii.change_orientation('RPI') # reorient to RPI nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = nii.dim # Get dimensions z_center = int(round(nz/2)) # get z_center create_label_z('segmentation.nii.gz', z_center, initcenter) # create label located at z_center else: initauto = True # printv('\nERROR: You need to initialize the disc detection algorithm using one of these two options: -initz, -initcenter\n', 1, 'error') # Straighten spinal cord printv('\nStraighten spinal cord...', verbose) # check if warp_curve2straight and warp_straight2curve already exist (i.e. no need to do it another time) if os.path.isfile('../warp_curve2straight.nii.gz') and os.path.isfile('../warp_straight2curve.nii.gz') and os.path.isfile('../straight_ref.nii.gz'): # if they exist, copy them into current folder sct.printv('WARNING: Straightening was already run previously. Copying warping fields...', verbose, 'warning') shutil.copy('../warp_curve2straight.nii.gz', 'warp_curve2straight.nii.gz') shutil.copy('../warp_straight2curve.nii.gz', 'warp_straight2curve.nii.gz') shutil.copy('../straight_ref.nii.gz', 'straight_ref.nii.gz') # apply straightening'sct_apply_transfo -i data.nii -w warp_curve2straight.nii.gz -d straight_ref.nii.gz -o data_straight.nii') else: run('sct_straighten_spinalcord -i data.nii -s segmentation.nii.gz -r 0 -qc 0') # resample to 0.5mm isotropic to match template resolution printv('\nResample to 0.5mm isotropic...', verbose) run('sct_resample -i data_straight.nii -mm 0.5x0.5x0.5 -x linear -o data_straightr.nii', verbose) # run('sct_resample -i segmentation.nii.gz -mm 0.5x0.5x0.5 -x linear -o segmentationr.nii.gz', verbose) # run('sct_resample -i labelz.nii.gz -mm 0.5x0.5x0.5 -x linear -o labelzr.nii', verbose) # Apply straightening to segmentation # N.B. Output is RPI printv('\nApply straightening to segmentation...', verbose) run('sct_apply_transfo -i segmentation.nii.gz -d data_straightr.nii -w warp_curve2straight.nii.gz -o segmentation_straight.nii.gz -x linear', verbose) # Threshold segmentation at 0.5 run('sct_maths -i segmentation_straight.nii.gz -thr 0.5 -o segmentation_straight.nii.gz', verbose) if initauto: init_disc = [] else: # Apply straightening to z-label printv('\nDilate z-label and apply straightening...', verbose) run('sct_apply_transfo -i labelz.nii.gz -d data_straightr.nii -w warp_curve2straight.nii.gz -o labelz_straight.nii.gz -x nn', verbose) # get z value and disk value to initialize labeling printv('\nGet z and disc values from straight label...', verbose) init_disc = get_z_and_disc_values_from_label('labelz_straight.nii.gz') printv('.. '+str(init_disc), verbose) # denoise data if denoise: printv('\nDenoise data...', verbose) run('sct_maths -i data_straightr.nii -denoise h=0.05 -o data_straightr.nii', verbose) # apply laplacian filtering if laplacian: printv('\nApply Laplacian filter...', verbose) run('sct_maths -i data_straightr.nii -laplacian 1 -o data_straightr.nii', verbose) # detect vertebral levels on straight spinal cord vertebral_detection('data_straightr.nii', 'segmentation_straight.nii.gz', contrast, param, init_disc=init_disc, verbose=verbose, path_template=path_template, initc2=initc2, path_output=path_output) # un-straighten labeled spinal cord printv('\nUn-straighten labeling...', verbose) run('sct_apply_transfo -i segmentation_straight_labeled.nii.gz -d segmentation.nii.gz -w warp_straight2curve.nii.gz -o segmentation_labeled.nii.gz -x nn', verbose) # Clean labeled segmentation printv('\nClean labeled segmentation (correct interpolation errors)...', verbose) clean_labeled_segmentation('segmentation_labeled.nii.gz', 'segmentation.nii.gz', 'segmentation_labeled.nii.gz') # label discs printv('\nLabel discs...', verbose) label_discs('segmentation_labeled.nii.gz', verbose=verbose) # come back to parent folder os.chdir('..') # Generate output files path_seg, file_seg, ext_seg = extract_fname(fname_seg) printv('\nGenerate output files...', verbose) generate_output_file(path_tmp+'segmentation_labeled.nii.gz', path_output+file_seg+'_labeled'+ext_seg) generate_output_file(path_tmp+'segmentation_labeled_disc.nii.gz', path_output+file_seg+'_labeled_discs'+ext_seg) # copy straightening files in case subsequent SCT functions need them generate_output_file(path_tmp+'warp_curve2straight.nii.gz', path_output+'warp_curve2straight.nii.gz', verbose) generate_output_file(path_tmp+'warp_straight2curve.nii.gz', path_output+'warp_straight2curve.nii.gz', verbose) generate_output_file(path_tmp+'straight_ref.nii.gz', path_output+'straight_ref.nii.gz', verbose) # Remove temporary files if remove_tmp_files == 1: printv('\nRemove temporary files...', verbose) run('rm -rf '+path_tmp) # to view results printv('\nDone! To view results, type:', verbose) printv('fslview '+fname_in+' '+path_output+file_seg+'_labeled'+' -l Random-Rainbow -t 0.5 &\n', verbose, 'info')
def main(): # initialization fname_mask = '' # Get parser info parser = get_parser() arguments = parser.parse(sys.argv[1:]) fname_data = arguments['-i'] fname_mask = arguments['-m'] vert_label_fname = arguments["-vertfile"] vert_levels = arguments["-vert"] slices_of_interest = arguments["-z"] index_vol = arguments['-vol'] method = arguments["-method"] remove_temp_files = int(arguments['-r']) verbose = int(arguments['-v']) # Check if data are in RPI input_im = Image(fname_data) input_orient = get_orientation(input_im) # If orientation is not RPI, change to RPI if input_orient != 'RPI': sct.printv( '\nCreate temporary folder to change the orientation of the NIFTI files into RPI...', verbose) path_tmp = sct.tmp_create() # change orientation and load data sct.printv('\nChange input image orientation and load it...', verbose) input_im_rpi = orientation(input_im, ori='RPI', set=True, fname_out=os.path.join( path_tmp, "input_RPI.nii")) input_data = # Do the same for the mask sct.printv('\nChange mask orientation and load it...', verbose) mask_im_rpi = orientation(Image(fname_mask), ori='RPI', set=True, fname_out=os.path.join( path_tmp, "mask_RPI.nii")) mask_data = # Do the same for vertebral labeling if present if vert_levels != 'None': sct.printv( '\nChange vertebral labeling file orientation and load it...', verbose) vert_label_im_rpi = orientation(Image(vert_label_fname), ori='RPI', set=True, fname_out=os.path.join( path_tmp, "vert_labeling_RPI.nii")) vert_labeling_data = # Remove the temporary folder used to change the NIFTI files orientation into RPI if remove_temp_files: sct.printv('\nRemove the temporary folder...', verbose) sct.rmtree(path_tmp, True) else: # Load data sct.printv('\nLoad data...', verbose) input_data = mask_data = Image(fname_mask).data if vert_levels != 'None': vert_labeling_data = Image(vert_label_fname).data sct.printv('\tDone.', verbose) # Get slices corresponding to vertebral levels if vert_levels != 'None': from sct_extract_metric import get_slices_matching_with_vertebral_levels slices_of_interest, actual_vert_levels, warning_vert_levels = get_slices_matching_with_vertebral_levels( mask_data, vert_levels, vert_labeling_data, verbose) # Remove slices that were not selected if slices_of_interest == 'None': slices_of_interest = '0:' + str(mask_data.shape[2] - 1) slices_boundary = slices_of_interest.split(':') slices_of_interest_list = range(int(slices_boundary[0]), int(slices_boundary[1]) + 1) # Crop input_data = input_data[:, :, slices_of_interest_list, :] mask_data = mask_data[:, :, slices_of_interest_list] # if user selected all slices (-vol -1), then assign index_vol if index_vol[0] == -1: index_vol = range(0, input_data.shape[3], 1) # Get signal and noise indexes_roi = np.where(mask_data == 1) if method == 'mult': # get voxels in ROI to obtain a (x*y*z)*t 2D matrix input_data_in_roi = input_data[indexes_roi] # compute signal and STD across by averaging across time signal = np.mean(input_data_in_roi[:, index_vol]) std_input_temporal = np.std(input_data_in_roi[:, index_vol], 1) noise = np.mean(std_input_temporal) elif method == 'diff': # if user did not select two volumes, then exit with error if not len(index_vol) == 2: sct.printv( 'ERROR: ' + str(len(index_vol)) + ' volumes were specified. Method "diff" should be used with exactly two volumes.', 1, 'error') data_1 = input_data[:, :, :, index_vol[0]] data_2 = input_data[:, :, :, index_vol[1]] # compute voxel-average of voxelwise sum signal = np.mean(np.add(data_1[indexes_roi], data_2[indexes_roi])) # compute voxel-STD of voxelwise substraction, multiplied by sqrt(2) as described in equation 7 of Dietrich et al. noise = np.std(np.subtract(data_1[indexes_roi], data_2[indexes_roi])) * np.sqrt(2) # compute SNR SNR = signal / noise # Display result sct.printv('\nSNR_' + method + ' = ' + str(SNR) + '\n', type='info')
def crop_with_gui(self): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.image as mpimg # Initialization fname_data = self.input_filename suffix_out = '_crop' remove_temp_files = self.rm_tmp_files verbose = self.verbose # Check file existence sct.printv('\nCheck file existence...', verbose) sct.check_file_exist(fname_data, verbose) # Get dimensions of data sct.printv('\nGet dimensions of data...', verbose) nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = Image(fname_data).dim sct.printv('.. ' + str(nx) + ' x ' + str(ny) + ' x ' + str(nz), verbose) # check if 4D data if not nt == 1: sct.printv('\nERROR in ' + os.path.basename(__file__) + ': Data should be 3D.\n', 1, 'error') sys.exit(2) # sct.printv(arguments) sct.printv('\nCheck parameters:') sct.printv(' data ................... ' + fname_data) # Extract path/file/extension path_data, file_data, ext_data = sct.extract_fname(fname_data) path_out, file_out, ext_out = '', file_data + suffix_out, ext_data path_tmp = sct.tmp_create() + "/" # copy files into tmp folder from sct_convert import convert sct.printv('\nCopying input data to tmp folder and convert to nii...', verbose) convert(fname_data, os.path.join(path_tmp, "data.nii")) # go to tmp folder curdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path_tmp) # change orientation sct.printv('\nChange orientation to RPI...', verbose) Image('data.nii').change_orientation("RPI").save('data_rpi.nii') # get image of medial slab sct.printv('\nGet image of medial slab...', verbose) image_array = nibabel.load('data_rpi.nii').get_data() nx, ny, nz = image_array.shape scipy.misc.imsave('image.jpg', image_array[math.floor(nx / 2), :, :]) # Display the image sct.printv('\nDisplay image and get cropping region...', verbose) fig = plt.figure() # fig = plt.gcf() # ax = plt.gca() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) img = mpimg.imread("image.jpg") implot = ax.imshow(img.T) implot.set_cmap('gray') plt.gca().invert_yaxis() # mouse callback ax.set_title('Left click on the top and bottom of your cropping field.\n Right click to remove last point.\n Close window when your done.') line, = ax.plot([], [], 'ro') # empty line cropping_coordinates = LineBuilder(line) # disconnect callback # fig.canvas.mpl_disconnect(line) # check if user clicked two times if len(cropping_coordinates.xs) != 2: sct.printv('\nERROR: You have to select two points. Exit program.\n', 1, 'error') sys.exit(2) # convert coordinates to integer zcrop = [int(i) for i in cropping_coordinates.ys] # sort coordinates zcrop.sort() # crop image sct.printv('\nCrop image...', verbose) nii = Image('data_rpi.nii') data_crop =[:, :, zcrop[0]:zcrop[1]] = data_crop nii.absolutepath = 'data_rpi_crop.nii' # come back os.chdir(curdir) sct.printv('\nGenerate output files...', verbose) sct.generate_output_file(os.path.join(path_tmp, "data_rpi_crop.nii"), os.path.join(path_out, file_out + ext_out)) # Remove temporary files if remove_temp_files == 1: sct.printv('\nRemove temporary files...') sct.rmtree(path_tmp) sct.display_viewer_syntax(files=[os.path.join(path_out, file_out + ext_out)])
def execute(self): print 'Execution of the SCAD algorithm' vesselness_file_name = "imageVesselNessFilter.nii.gz" raw_file_name = "raw.nii" if self.debug: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # import for debug purposes # create tmp and copy input path_tmp = sct.tmp_create() sct.tmp_copy_nifti(self.input_image.absolutepath, path_tmp, raw_file_name) if self.vesselness_provided:'cp '+vesselness_file_name+' '+path_tmp+vesselness_file_name) os.chdir(path_tmp) # get input image information img = Image(raw_file_name) # save original orientation and change image to RPI self.raw_orientation = img.change_orientation() # get body symmetry sym = SymmetryDetector(raw_file_name, self.contrast, crop_xy=1) self.raw_symmetry = sym.execute() # vesselness filter if not self.vesselness_provided:'sct_vesselness -i '+raw_file_name+' -t ' + self._contrast) # load vesselness filter data and perform minimum path on it img = Image(vesselness_file_name) raw_orientation = img.change_orientation() self.minimum_path_data, self.J1_min_path, self.J2_min_path = get_minimum_path(, invert=1, debug=1, smooth_factor=1) # Apply an exponent to the minimum path self.minimum_path_powered = np.power(self.minimum_path_data, self.minimum_path_exponent) # Saving in Image since smooth_minimal_path needs pixel dimensions = self.minimum_path_powered # smooth resulting minimal path self.smoothed_min_path = smooth_minimal_path(img) # normalise symmetry values between 0 and 1 normalised_symmetry = equalize_array_histogram(self.raw_symmetry) # multiply normalised symmetry data with the minimum path result self.spine_detect_data = np.multiply(, normalised_symmetry) # extract the centerline from the minimal path image centerline_with_outliers = get_centerline(self.spine_detect_data, self.spine_detect_data.shape) = centerline_with_outliers img.change_orientation() img.file_name = "centerline_with_outliers" # use a b-spline to smooth out the centerline x, y, z, dx, dy, dz = smooth_centerline("centerline_with_outliers.nii.gz") # save the centerline centerline_dim = img.dim = np.zeros(centerline_dim) for i in range(0, np.size(x)-1):[int(x[i]), int(y[i]), int(z[i])] = 1 img.change_orientation(raw_orientation) img.file_name = "centerline" # copy back centerline os.chdir('../') sct.tmp_copy_nifti(path_tmp + 'centerline.nii.gz',self.input_image.path,self.input_image.file_name+'_centerline'+self.input_image.ext) if self.rm_tmp_file == 1: import shutil shutil.rmtree(path_tmp) if self.produce_output: self.produce_output_files()
def main(): # Initialization size_data = 61 size_label = 1 # put zero for labels that are single points. dice_acceptable = 0.39 # computed DICE should be 0.931034 test_passed = 0 remove_temp_files = 1 verbose = 1 # Check input parameters try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'hvr:') except getopt.GetoptError: usage() for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': usage() elif opt in ('-v'): verbose = int(arg) elif opt in ('-r'): remove_temp_files = int(arg) path_tmp = sct.tmp_create(basename="test_ants", verbose=verbose) # go to tmp folder curdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path_tmp) # Initialise numpy volumes data_src = np.zeros((size_data, size_data, size_data), dtype=np.int16) data_dest = np.zeros((size_data, size_data, size_data), dtype=np.int16) # add labels for src image (curved). # Labels can be big (more than single point), because when applying NN interpolation, single points might disappear data_src[20 - size_label:20 + size_label + 1, 20 - size_label:20 + size_label + 1, 10 - size_label:10 + size_label + 1] = 1 data_src[30 - size_label:30 + size_label + 1, 30 - size_label:30 + size_label + 1, 30 - size_label:30 + size_label + 1] = 2 data_src[20 - size_label:20 + size_label + 1, 20 - size_label:20 + size_label + 1, 50 - size_label:50 + size_label + 1] = 3 # add labels for dest image (straight). # Here, no need for big labels (bigger than single point) because these labels will not be re-interpolated. data_dest[30 - size_label:30 + size_label + 1, 30 - size_label:30 + size_label + 1, 10 - size_label:10 + size_label + 1] = 1 data_dest[30 - size_label:30 + size_label + 1, 30 - size_label:30 + size_label + 1, 30 - size_label:30 + size_label + 1] = 2 data_dest[30 - size_label:30 + size_label + 1, 30 - size_label:30 + size_label + 1, 50 - size_label:50 + size_label + 1] = 3 # save as nifti img_src = nib.Nifti1Image(data_src, np.eye(4)), 'data_src.nii.gz') img_dest = nib.Nifti1Image(data_dest, np.eye(4)), 'data_dest.nii.gz') # Estimate rigid transformation sct.printv('\nEstimate rigid transformation between paired landmarks...', verbose) # TODO fixup isct_ants* parsers['isct_antsRegistration', '-d', '3', '-t', 'syn[1,3,1]', '-m', 'MeanSquares[data_dest.nii.gz,data_src.nii.gz,1,3]', '-f', '2', '-s', '0', '-o', '[src2reg,data_src_reg.nii.gz]', '-c', '5', '-v', '1', '-n', 'NearestNeighbor'], verbose, is_sct_binary=True) # # Apply rigid transformation # sct.printv('\nApply rigid transformation to curved landmarks...', verbose) #'sct_apply_transfo -i data_src.nii.gz -o data_src_rigid.nii.gz -d data_dest.nii.gz -w curve2straight_rigid.txt -p nn', verbose) # # # Estimate b-spline transformation curve --> straight # sct.printv('\nEstimate b-spline transformation: curve --> straight...', verbose) #'isct_ANTSLandmarksBSplineTransform data_dest.nii.gz data_src_rigid.nii.gz warp_curve2straight_intermediate.nii.gz 5x5x5 3 2 0', verbose) # # # Concatenate rigid and non-linear transformations... # sct.printv('\nConcatenate rigid and non-linear transformations...', verbose) # cmd = 'isct_ComposeMultiTransform 3 warp_curve2straight.nii.gz -R data_dest.nii.gz warp_curve2straight_intermediate.nii.gz curve2straight_rigid.txt' # sct.printv('>> '+cmd, verbose) # # # # Apply deformation to input image # sct.printv('\nApply transformation to input image...', verbose) #'sct_apply_transfo -i data_src.nii.gz -o data_src_warp.nii.gz -d data_dest.nii.gz -w warp_curve2straight.nii.gz -p nn', verbose) # # Compute DICE coefficient between src and dest sct.printv('\nCompute DICE coefficient...', verbose)["sct_dice_coefficient", "-i", "data_dest.nii.gz", "-d", "data_src_reg.nii.gz", "-o", "dice.txt"], verbose) with open("dice.txt", "r") as file_dice: dice = float('3D Dice coefficient = ', '')) sct.printv('Dice coeff = ' + str(dice) + ' (should be above ' + str(dice_acceptable) + ')', verbose) # Check if DICE coefficient is above acceptable value if dice > dice_acceptable: test_passed = 1 # come back os.chdir(curdir) # Delete temporary files if remove_temp_files == 1: sct.printv('\nDelete temporary files...', verbose) sct.rmtree(path_tmp) # output result for parent function if test_passed: sct.printv('\nTest passed!\n', verbose) sys.exit(0) else: sct.printv('\nTest failed!\n', verbose) sys.exit(1)
def main(): parser = get_parser() param = Param() arguments = parser.parse(sys.argv[1:]) # get arguments fname_data = arguments['-i'] fname_seg = arguments['-s'] fname_landmarks = arguments['-l'] if '-ofolder' in arguments: path_output = arguments['-ofolder'] else: path_output = '' path_template = sct.slash_at_the_end(arguments['-t'], 1) contrast_template = arguments['-c'] remove_temp_files = int(arguments['-r']) verbose = int(arguments['-v']) if '-param-straighten' in arguments: param.param_straighten = arguments['-param-straighten'] if 'cpu-nb' in arguments: arg_cpu = ' -cpu-nb '+arguments['-cpu-nb'] else: arg_cpu = '' if '-param' in arguments: paramreg_user = arguments['-param'] # update registration parameters for paramStep in paramreg_user: paramreg.addStep(paramStep) # initialize other parameters file_template_label = param.file_template_label output_type = param.output_type zsubsample = param.zsubsample # smoothing_sigma = param.smoothing_sigma # capitalize letters for contrast if contrast_template == 't1': contrast_template = 'T1' elif contrast_template == 't2': contrast_template = 'T2' # retrieve file_template based on contrast fname_template_list = glob(path_template+param.folder_template+'*'+contrast_template+'.nii.gz') # TODO: make sure there is only one file -- check if file is there otherwise it crashes fname_template = fname_template_list[0] # retrieve file_template_seg fname_template_seg_list = glob(path_template+param.folder_template+'*cord.nii.gz') # TODO: make sure there is only one file fname_template_seg = fname_template_seg_list[0] # start timer start_time = time.time() # get absolute path - TO DO: remove! NEVER USE ABSOLUTE PATH... path_template = os.path.abspath(path_template+param.folder_template) # get fname of the template + template objects # fname_template = sct.slash_at_the_end(path_template, 1)+file_template fname_template_label = sct.slash_at_the_end(path_template, 1)+file_template_label # fname_template_seg = sct.slash_at_the_end(path_template, 1)+file_template_seg # check file existence sct.printv('\nCheck template files...') sct.check_file_exist(fname_template, verbose) sct.check_file_exist(fname_template_label, verbose) sct.check_file_exist(fname_template_seg, verbose) # print arguments sct.printv('\nCheck parameters:', verbose) sct.printv('.. Data: '+fname_data, verbose) sct.printv('.. Landmarks: '+fname_landmarks, verbose) sct.printv('.. Segmentation: '+fname_seg, verbose) sct.printv('.. Path template: '+path_template, verbose) sct.printv('.. Path output: '+path_output, verbose) sct.printv('.. Output type: '+str(output_type), verbose) sct.printv('.. Remove temp files: '+str(remove_temp_files), verbose) sct.printv('\nParameters for registration:') for pStep in range(1, len(paramreg.steps)+1): sct.printv('Step #'+paramreg.steps[str(pStep)].step, verbose) sct.printv('.. Type #'+paramreg.steps[str(pStep)].type, verbose) sct.printv('.. Algorithm................ '+paramreg.steps[str(pStep)].algo, verbose) sct.printv('.. Metric................... '+paramreg.steps[str(pStep)].metric, verbose) sct.printv('.. Number of iterations..... '+paramreg.steps[str(pStep)].iter, verbose) sct.printv('.. Shrink factor............ '+paramreg.steps[str(pStep)].shrink, verbose) sct.printv('.. Smoothing factor......... '+paramreg.steps[str(pStep)].smooth, verbose) sct.printv('.. Gradient step............ '+paramreg.steps[str(pStep)].gradStep, verbose) sct.printv('.. Degree of polynomial..... '+paramreg.steps[str(pStep)].poly, verbose) path_data, file_data, ext_data = sct.extract_fname(fname_data) sct.printv('\nCheck input labels...') # check if label image contains coherent labels image_label = Image(fname_landmarks) # -> all labels must be different labels = image_label.getNonZeroCoordinates(sorting='value') hasDifferentLabels = True for lab in labels: for otherlabel in labels: if lab != otherlabel and lab.hasEqualValue(otherlabel): hasDifferentLabels = False break if not hasDifferentLabels: sct.printv('ERROR: Wrong landmarks input. All labels must be different.', verbose, 'error') # all labels must be available in tempalte image_label_template = Image(fname_template_label) labels_template = image_label_template.getNonZeroCoordinates(sorting='value') if labels[-1].value > labels_template[-1].value: sct.printv('ERROR: Wrong landmarks input. Labels must have correspondence in template space. \nLabel max ' 'provided: ' + str(labels[-1].value) + '\nLabel max from template: ' + str(labels_template[-1].value), verbose, 'error') # create temporary folder path_tmp = sct.tmp_create(verbose=verbose) # set temporary file names ftmp_data = 'data.nii' ftmp_seg = 'seg.nii.gz' ftmp_label = 'label.nii.gz' ftmp_template = 'template.nii' ftmp_template_seg = 'template_seg.nii.gz' ftmp_template_label = 'template_label.nii.gz' # copy files to temporary folder sct.printv('\nCopying input data to tmp folder and convert to nii...', verbose)'sct_convert -i '+fname_data+' -o '+path_tmp+ftmp_data)'sct_convert -i '+fname_seg+' -o '+path_tmp+ftmp_seg)'sct_convert -i '+fname_landmarks+' -o '+path_tmp+ftmp_label)'sct_convert -i '+fname_template+' -o '+path_tmp+ftmp_template)'sct_convert -i '+fname_template_seg+' -o '+path_tmp+ftmp_template_seg)'sct_convert -i '+fname_template_label+' -o '+path_tmp+ftmp_template_label) # go to tmp folder os.chdir(path_tmp) # smooth segmentation (jcohenadad, issue #613) sct.printv('\nSmooth segmentation...', verbose)'sct_maths -i '+ftmp_seg+' -smooth 1.5 -o '+add_suffix(ftmp_seg, '_smooth')) ftmp_seg = add_suffix(ftmp_seg, '_smooth') # resample data to 1mm isotropic sct.printv('\nResample data to 1mm isotropic...', verbose)'sct_resample -i '+ftmp_data+' -mm 1.0x1.0x1.0 -x linear -o '+add_suffix(ftmp_data, '_1mm')) ftmp_data = add_suffix(ftmp_data, '_1mm')'sct_resample -i '+ftmp_seg+' -mm 1.0x1.0x1.0 -x linear -o '+add_suffix(ftmp_seg, '_1mm')) ftmp_seg = add_suffix(ftmp_seg, '_1mm') # N.B. resampling of labels is more complicated, because they are single-point labels, therefore resampling with neighrest neighbour can make them disappear. Therefore a more clever approach is required. resample_labels(ftmp_label, ftmp_data, add_suffix(ftmp_label, '_1mm')) ftmp_label = add_suffix(ftmp_label, '_1mm') # Change orientation of input images to RPI sct.printv('\nChange orientation of input images to RPI...', verbose)'sct_image -i '+ftmp_data+' -setorient RPI -o '+add_suffix(ftmp_data, '_rpi')) ftmp_data = add_suffix(ftmp_data, '_rpi')'sct_image -i '+ftmp_seg+' -setorient RPI -o '+add_suffix(ftmp_seg, '_rpi')) ftmp_seg = add_suffix(ftmp_seg, '_rpi')'sct_image -i '+ftmp_label+' -setorient RPI -o '+add_suffix(ftmp_label, '_rpi')) ftmp_label = add_suffix(ftmp_label, '_rpi') # get landmarks in native space # crop segmentation # output: segmentation_rpi_crop.nii.gz status_crop, output_crop ='sct_crop_image -i '+ftmp_seg+' -o '+add_suffix(ftmp_seg, '_crop')+' -dim 2 -bzmax', verbose) ftmp_seg = add_suffix(ftmp_seg, '_crop') cropping_slices = output_crop.split('Dimension 2: ')[1].split('\n')[0].split(' ') # straighten segmentation sct.printv('\nStraighten the spinal cord using centerline/segmentation...', verbose)'sct_straighten_spinalcord -i '+ftmp_seg+' -s '+ftmp_seg+' -o '+add_suffix(ftmp_seg, '_straight')+' -qc 0 -r 0 -v '+str(verbose)+' '+param.param_straighten+arg_cpu, verbose) # N.B. DO NOT UPDATE VARIABLE ftmp_seg BECAUSE TEMPORARY USED LATER # re-define warping field using non-cropped space (to avoid issue #367)'sct_concat_transfo -w warp_straight2curve.nii.gz -d '+ftmp_data+' -o warp_straight2curve.nii.gz') # Label preparation: # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Remove unused label on template. Keep only label present in the input label image sct.printv('\nRemove unused label on template. Keep only label present in the input label image...', verbose)'sct_label_utils -p remove -i '+ftmp_template_label+' -o '+ftmp_template_label+' -r '+ftmp_label) # Dilating the input label so they can be straighten without losing them sct.printv('\nDilating input labels using 3vox ball radius')'sct_maths -i '+ftmp_label+' -o '+add_suffix(ftmp_label, '_dilate')+' -dilate 3') ftmp_label = add_suffix(ftmp_label, '_dilate') # Apply straightening to labels sct.printv('\nApply straightening to labels...', verbose)'sct_apply_transfo -i '+ftmp_label+' -o '+add_suffix(ftmp_label, '_straight')+' -d '+add_suffix(ftmp_seg, '_straight')+' -w warp_curve2straight.nii.gz -x nn') ftmp_label = add_suffix(ftmp_label, '_straight') # Create crosses for the template labels and get coordinates sct.printv('\nCreate a 15 mm cross for the template labels...', verbose) template_image = Image(ftmp_template_label) coordinates_input = template_image.getNonZeroCoordinates(sorting='value') # jcohenadad, issue #628 <<<<< # landmark_template = ProcessLabels.get_crosses_coordinates(coordinates_input, gapxy=15) landmark_template = coordinates_input # >>>>> if verbose == 2: # TODO: assign cross to image before saving template_image.setFileName(add_suffix(ftmp_template_label, '_cross'))'minimize_int') # Create crosses for the input labels into straight space and get coordinates sct.printv('\nCreate a 15 mm cross for the input labels...', verbose) label_straight_image = Image(ftmp_label) coordinates_input = label_straight_image.getCoordinatesAveragedByValue() # landmarks are sorted by value # jcohenadad, issue #628 <<<<< # landmark_straight = ProcessLabels.get_crosses_coordinates(coordinates_input, gapxy=15) landmark_straight = coordinates_input # >>>>> if verbose == 2: # TODO: assign cross to image before saving label_straight_image.setFileName(add_suffix(ftmp_label, '_cross'))'minimize_int') # Reorganize landmarks points_fixed, points_moving = [], [] for coord in landmark_straight: point_straight = label_straight_image.transfo_pix2phys([[coord.x, coord.y, coord.z]]) points_moving.append([point_straight[0][0], point_straight[0][1], point_straight[0][2]]) for coord in landmark_template: point_template = template_image.transfo_pix2phys([[coord.x, coord.y, coord.z]]) points_fixed.append([point_template[0][0], point_template[0][1], point_template[0][2]]) # Register curved landmarks on straight landmarks based on python implementation sct.printv('\nComputing rigid transformation (algo=translation-scaling-z) ...', verbose) import msct_register_landmarks # for some reason, the moving and fixed points are inverted between ITK transform and our python-based transform. # and for another unknown reason, x and y dimensions have a negative sign (at least for translation and center of rotation). if verbose == 2: show_transfo = True else: show_transfo = False (rotation_matrix, translation_array, points_moving_reg, points_moving_barycenter) = msct_register_landmarks.getRigidTransformFromLandmarks(points_moving, points_fixed, constraints='translation-scaling-z', show=show_transfo) # writing rigid transformation file text_file = open("straight2templateAffine.txt", "w") text_file.write("#Insight Transform File V1.0\n") text_file.write("#Transform 0\n") text_file.write("Transform: AffineTransform_double_3_3\n") text_file.write("Parameters: %.9f %.9f %.9f %.9f %.9f %.9f %.9f %.9f %.9f %.9f %.9f %.9f\n" % ( rotation_matrix[0, 0], rotation_matrix[0, 1], rotation_matrix[0, 2], rotation_matrix[1, 0], rotation_matrix[1, 1], rotation_matrix[1, 2], rotation_matrix[2, 0], rotation_matrix[2, 1], rotation_matrix[2, 2], -translation_array[0, 0], -translation_array[0, 1], translation_array[0, 2])) text_file.write("FixedParameters: %.9f %.9f %.9f\n" % (-points_moving_barycenter[0], -points_moving_barycenter[1], points_moving_barycenter[2])) text_file.close() # Concatenate transformations: curve --> straight --> affine sct.printv('\nConcatenate transformations: curve --> straight --> affine...', verbose)'sct_concat_transfo -w warp_curve2straight.nii.gz,straight2templateAffine.txt -d template.nii -o warp_curve2straightAffine.nii.gz') # Apply transformation sct.printv('\nApply transformation...', verbose)'sct_apply_transfo -i '+ftmp_data+' -o '+add_suffix(ftmp_data, '_straightAffine')+' -d '+ftmp_template+' -w warp_curve2straightAffine.nii.gz') ftmp_data = add_suffix(ftmp_data, '_straightAffine')'sct_apply_transfo -i '+ftmp_seg+' -o '+add_suffix(ftmp_seg, '_straightAffine')+' -d '+ftmp_template+' -w warp_curve2straightAffine.nii.gz -x linear') ftmp_seg = add_suffix(ftmp_seg, '_straightAffine') # threshold and binarize sct.printv('\nBinarize segmentation...', verbose)'sct_maths -i '+ftmp_seg+' -thr 0.4 -o '+add_suffix(ftmp_seg, '_thr'))'sct_maths -i '+add_suffix(ftmp_seg, '_thr')+' -bin -o '+add_suffix(ftmp_seg, '_thr_bin')) ftmp_seg = add_suffix(ftmp_seg, '_thr_bin') # find min-max of anat2template (for subsequent cropping) zmin_template, zmax_template = find_zmin_zmax(ftmp_seg) # crop template in z-direction (for faster processing) sct.printv('\nCrop data in template space (for faster processing)...', verbose)'sct_crop_image -i '+ftmp_template+' -o '+add_suffix(ftmp_template, '_crop')+' -dim 2 -start '+str(zmin_template)+' -end '+str(zmax_template)) ftmp_template = add_suffix(ftmp_template, '_crop')'sct_crop_image -i '+ftmp_template_seg+' -o '+add_suffix(ftmp_template_seg, '_crop')+' -dim 2 -start '+str(zmin_template)+' -end '+str(zmax_template)) ftmp_template_seg = add_suffix(ftmp_template_seg, '_crop')'sct_crop_image -i '+ftmp_data+' -o '+add_suffix(ftmp_data, '_crop')+' -dim 2 -start '+str(zmin_template)+' -end '+str(zmax_template)) ftmp_data = add_suffix(ftmp_data, '_crop')'sct_crop_image -i '+ftmp_seg+' -o '+add_suffix(ftmp_seg, '_crop')+' -dim 2 -start '+str(zmin_template)+' -end '+str(zmax_template)) ftmp_seg = add_suffix(ftmp_seg, '_crop') # sub-sample in z-direction sct.printv('\nSub-sample in z-direction (for faster processing)...', verbose)'sct_resample -i '+ftmp_template+' -o '+add_suffix(ftmp_template, '_sub')+' -f 1x1x'+zsubsample, verbose) ftmp_template = add_suffix(ftmp_template, '_sub')'sct_resample -i '+ftmp_template_seg+' -o '+add_suffix(ftmp_template_seg, '_sub')+' -f 1x1x'+zsubsample, verbose) ftmp_template_seg = add_suffix(ftmp_template_seg, '_sub')'sct_resample -i '+ftmp_data+' -o '+add_suffix(ftmp_data, '_sub')+' -f 1x1x'+zsubsample, verbose) ftmp_data = add_suffix(ftmp_data, '_sub')'sct_resample -i '+ftmp_seg+' -o '+add_suffix(ftmp_seg, '_sub')+' -f 1x1x'+zsubsample, verbose) ftmp_seg = add_suffix(ftmp_seg, '_sub') # Registration straight spinal cord to template sct.printv('\nRegister straight spinal cord to template...', verbose) # loop across registration steps warp_forward = [] warp_inverse = [] for i_step in range(1, len(paramreg.steps)+1): sct.printv('\nEstimate transformation for step #'+str(i_step)+'...', verbose) # identify which is the src and dest if paramreg.steps[str(i_step)].type == 'im': src = ftmp_data dest = ftmp_template interp_step = 'linear' elif paramreg.steps[str(i_step)].type == 'seg': src = ftmp_seg dest = ftmp_template_seg interp_step = 'nn' else: sct.printv('ERROR: Wrong image type.', 1, 'error') # if step>1, apply warp_forward_concat to the src image to be used if i_step > 1: #'sct_apply_transfo -i '+src+' -d '+dest+' -w '+','.join(warp_forward)+' -o '+sct.add_suffix(src, '_reg')+' -x '+interp_step, verbose)'sct_apply_transfo -i '+src+' -d '+dest+' -w '+','.join(warp_forward)+' -o '+add_suffix(src, '_reg')+' -x '+interp_step, verbose) src = add_suffix(src, '_reg') # register src --> dest warp_forward_out, warp_inverse_out = register(src, dest, paramreg, param, str(i_step)) warp_forward.append(warp_forward_out) warp_inverse.append(warp_inverse_out) # Concatenate transformations: sct.printv('\nConcatenate transformations: anat --> template...', verbose)'sct_concat_transfo -w warp_curve2straightAffine.nii.gz,'+','.join(warp_forward)+' -d template.nii -o warp_anat2template.nii.gz', verbose) #'sct_concat_transfo -w warp_curve2straight.nii.gz,straight2templateAffine.txt,'+','.join(warp_forward)+' -d template.nii -o warp_anat2template.nii.gz', verbose) sct.printv('\nConcatenate transformations: template --> anat...', verbose) warp_inverse.reverse()'sct_concat_transfo -w '+','.join(warp_inverse)+',-straight2templateAffine.txt,warp_straight2curve.nii.gz -d data.nii -o warp_template2anat.nii.gz', verbose) # Apply warping fields to anat and template if output_type == 1:'sct_apply_transfo -i template.nii -o template2anat.nii.gz -d data.nii -w warp_template2anat.nii.gz -crop 1', verbose)'sct_apply_transfo -i data.nii -o anat2template.nii.gz -d template.nii -w warp_anat2template.nii.gz -crop 1', verbose) # come back to parent folder os.chdir('..') # Generate output files sct.printv('\nGenerate output files...', verbose) sct.generate_output_file(path_tmp+'warp_template2anat.nii.gz', path_output+'warp_template2anat.nii.gz', verbose) sct.generate_output_file(path_tmp+'warp_anat2template.nii.gz', path_output+'warp_anat2template.nii.gz', verbose) if output_type == 1: sct.generate_output_file(path_tmp+'template2anat.nii.gz', path_output+'template2anat'+ext_data, verbose) sct.generate_output_file(path_tmp+'anat2template.nii.gz', path_output+'anat2template'+ext_data, verbose) # Delete temporary files if remove_temp_files: sct.printv('\nDelete temporary files...', verbose)'rm -rf '+path_tmp) # display elapsed time elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time sct.printv('\nFinished! Elapsed time: '+str(int(round(elapsed_time)))+'s', verbose) # to view results sct.printv('\nTo view results, type:', verbose) sct.printv('fslview '+fname_data+' '+path_output+'template2anat -b 0,4000 &', verbose, 'info') sct.printv('fslview '+fname_template+' -b 0,5000 '+path_output+'anat2template &\n', verbose, 'info')
def main(args=None): if args is None: args = sys.argv[1:] # get parser parser = get_parser() arguments = parser.parse(args) if '-d' in arguments: = int(arguments['-d']) if '-p' in arguments: param.path_data = arguments['-p'] if '-f' in arguments: param.function_to_test = arguments['-f'] if '-r' in arguments: param.remove_tmp_file = int(arguments['-r']) # path_data = param.path_data function_to_test = param.function_to_test # function_to_avoid = param.function_to_avoid remove_tmp_file = param.remove_tmp_file start_time = time.time() # # download data # if # downloaddata() # # get absolute path and add slash at the end param.path_data = sct.slash_at_the_end(os.path.abspath(param.path_data), 1) # check existence of testing data folder if not os.path.isdir(param.path_data) or downloaddata() # display path to data sct.printv('\nPath to testing data: '+param.path_data, param.verbose) # create temp folder that will have all results and go in it param.path_tmp = sct.tmp_create() # param.path_tmp = sct.slash_at_the_end('tmp.'+time.strftime("%y%m%d%H%M%S"), 1) # sct.create_folder(param.path_tmp) os.chdir(param.path_tmp) # get list of all scripts to test functions = fill_functions() # loop across all functions and test them status = [] [status.append(test_function(f)) for f in functions if function_to_test == f] if not status: for f in functions: status.append(test_function(f)) print 'status: '+str(status) # display elapsed time elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time print 'Finished! Elapsed time: '+str(int(round(elapsed_time)))+'s\n' # remove temp files if param.remove_tmp_file: sct.printv('\nRemove temporary files...', param.verbose)'rm -rf '+param.path_tmp, param.verbose) e = 0 if sum(status) != 0: e = 1 print e sys.exit(e)
def eddy_correct(param): sct.printv('\n\n\n\n===================================================', param.verbose) sct.printv(' Running: eddy_correct', param.verbose) sct.printv('===================================================\n', param.verbose) path_tmp = sct.tmp_create() # go to tmp folder curdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path_tmp) fname_data = param.fname_data min_norm = param.min_norm cost_function = param.cost_function_flirt verbose = param.verbose sct.printv(('Input File:' + param.fname_data), verbose) sct.printv(('Bvecs File:' + param.fname_bvecs), verbose) # Extract path, file and extension path_data, file_data, ext_data = sct.extract_fname(fname_data) if param.mat_eddy == '': param.mat_eddy = 'mat_eddy' if not os.path.exists(param.mat_eddy): os.makedirs(param.mat_eddy) mat_eddy = param.mat_eddy # Schedule file for FLIRT schedule_file = os.path.join(path_sct , 'flirtsch', 'schedule_TxTy_2mmScale.sch') sct.printv(('\n.. Schedule file: ' + schedule_file), verbose) # Swap X-Y dimension (to have X as phase-encoding direction) if param.swapXY == 1: sct.printv('\nSwap X-Y dimension (to have X as phase-encoding direction)', verbose) fname_data_new = 'tmp.data_swap' cmd = [fsloutput, 'fslswapdim', fname_data, '-y', '-x', '-z', fname_data_new] status, output =, verbose) sct.printv(('\n.. updated data file name: ' + fname_data_new), verbose) else: fname_data_new = fname_data # Get size of data sct.printv('\nGet dimensions data...', verbose) nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = Image(fname_data).dim sct.printv('.. ' + str(nx) + ' x ' + str(ny) + ' x ' + str(nz) + ' x ' + str(nt), verbose) # split along T dimension sct.printv('\nSplit along T dimension...', verbose) from sct_image import split_data im_to_split = Image(fname_data_new + '.nii') im_split_list = split_data(im_to_split, 3) for im in im_split_list: # cmd = [fsloutput, 'fslsplit', fname_data_new, file_data + '_T'] # status, output =,verbose) # Slice-wise or Volume based method if param.slicewise: nb_loops = nz file_suffix = [] for iZ in range(nz): file_suffix.append('_Z' + str(iZ).zfill(4)) else: nb_loops = 1 file_suffix = [''] # Identify pairs of opposite gradient directions sct.printv('\nIdentify pairs of opposite gradient directions...', verbose) # Open bvecs file sct.printv('\nOpen bvecs file...', verbose) bvecs = [] with open(param.fname_bvecs) as f: for line in f: bvecs_new = list(map(float, line.split())) bvecs.append(bvecs_new) # Check if bvecs file is nx3 if not len(bvecs[0][:]) == 3: sct.printv('.. WARNING: bvecs file is 3xn instead of nx3. Consider using sct_dmri_transpose_bvecs.', verbose) sct.printv('Transpose bvecs...', verbose) # transpose bvecs bvecs = list(zip(*bvecs)) bvecs = np.array(bvecs) opposite_gradients_iT = [] opposite_gradients_jT = [] index_identified = [] index_b0 = [] for iT in range(nt - 1): if np.linalg.norm(bvecs[iT, :]) != 0: if iT not in index_identified: jT = iT + 1 if np.linalg.norm((bvecs[iT, :] + bvecs[jT, :])) < min_norm: sct.printv(('.. Opposite gradient for #' + str(iT) + ' is: #' + str(jT)), verbose) opposite_gradients_iT.append(iT) opposite_gradients_jT.append(jT) index_identified.append(iT) else: index_b0.append(iT) sct.printv(('.. Opposite gradient for #' + str(iT) + ' is: NONE (b=0)'), verbose) nb_oppositeGradients = len(opposite_gradients_iT) sct.printv(('.. Number of gradient directions: ' + str(2 * nb_oppositeGradients) + ' (2*' + str(nb_oppositeGradients) + ')'), verbose) sct.printv('.. Index b=0: ' + str(index_b0), verbose) # ========================================================================= # Find transformation # ========================================================================= for iN in range(nb_oppositeGradients): i_plus = opposite_gradients_iT[iN] i_minus = opposite_gradients_jT[iN] sct.printv(('\nFinding affine transformation between volumes #' + str(i_plus) + ' and #' + str(i_minus) + ' (' + str(iN) + '/' + str(nb_oppositeGradients) + ')'), verbose) sct.printv('------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n', verbose) # Slicewise correction if param.slicewise: sct.printv('\nSplit volumes across Z...', verbose) fname_plus = file_data + '_T' + str(i_plus).zfill(4) fname_plus_Z = file_data + '_T' + str(i_plus).zfill(4) + '_Z' im_plus = Image(fname_plus + '.nii') im_plus_split_list = split_data(im_plus, 2) for im_p in im_plus_split_list: # cmd = fsloutput + 'fslsplit ' + fname_plus + ' ' + fname_plus_Z + ' -z' # status, output =,verbose) fname_minus = file_data + '_T' + str(i_minus).zfill(4) fname_minus_Z = file_data + '_T' + str(i_minus).zfill(4) + '_Z' im_minus = Image(fname_minus + '.nii') im_minus_split_list = split_data(im_minus, 2) for im_m in im_minus_split_list: # cmd = fsloutput + 'fslsplit ' + fname_minus + ' ' + fname_minus_Z + ' -z' # status, output =,verbose) # loop across Z for iZ in range(nb_loops): fname_plus = file_data + '_T' + str(i_plus).zfill(4) + file_suffix[iZ] fname_minus = file_data + '_T' + str(i_minus).zfill(4) + file_suffix[iZ] # Find transformation on opposite gradient directions sct.printv('\nFind transformation for each pair of opposite gradient directions...', verbose) fname_plus_corr = file_data + '_T' + str(i_plus).zfill(4) + file_suffix[iZ] + '_corr_' omat = 'mat_' + file_data + '_T' + str(i_plus).zfill(4) + file_suffix[iZ] + '.txt' cmd = [fsloutput, 'flirt', '-in', fname_plus, '-ref', fname_minus, '-paddingsize', '3', '-schedule', schedule_file, '-verbose', '2', '-omat', omat, '-cost', cost_function, '-forcescaling'] status, output =, verbose) file = open(omat) Matrix = np.loadtxt(file) file.close() M = Matrix[0:4, 0:4] sct.printv(('.. Transformation matrix:\n' + str(M)), verbose) sct.printv(('.. Output matrix file: ' + omat), verbose) # Divide affine transformation by two sct.printv('\nDivide affine transformation by two...', verbose) A = (M - np.identity(4)) / 2 Mplus = np.identity(4) + A omat_plus = os.path.join(mat_eddy, 'mat.T' + str(i_plus) + '_Z' + str(iZ) + '.txt') file = open(omat_plus, 'w') np.savetxt(omat_plus, Mplus, fmt='%.6e', delimiter=' ', newline='\n', header='', footer='', comments='#') file.close() sct.printv(('.. Output matrix file (plus): ' + omat_plus), verbose) Mminus = np.identity(4) - A omat_minus = os.path.join(mat_eddy, 'mat.T' + str(i_minus) + '_Z' + str(iZ) + '.txt') file = open(omat_minus, 'w') np.savetxt(omat_minus, Mminus, fmt='%.6e', delimiter=' ', newline='\n', header='', footer='', comments='#') file.close() sct.printv(('.. Output matrix file (minus): ' + omat_minus), verbose) # ========================================================================= # Apply affine transformation # ========================================================================= sct.printv('\nApply affine transformation matrix', verbose) sct.printv('------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n', verbose) for iN in range(nb_oppositeGradients): for iFile in range(2): if iFile == 0: i_file = opposite_gradients_iT[iN] else: i_file = opposite_gradients_jT[iN] for iZ in range(nb_loops): fname = file_data + '_T' + str(i_file).zfill(4) + file_suffix[iZ] fname_corr = fname + '_corr_' + '__div2' omat = os.path.join(mat_eddy, 'mat.T' + str(i_file) + '_Z' + str(iZ) + '.txt') cmd = [fsloutput, 'flirt', '-in', fname, '-ref', fname, '-out', fname_corr, '-init', omat, '-applyxfm', '-paddingsize', '3', '-interp', param.interp] status, output =, verbose) # ========================================================================= # Merge back across Z # ========================================================================= sct.printv('\nMerge across Z', verbose) sct.printv('------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n', verbose) for iN in range(nb_oppositeGradients): i_plus = opposite_gradients_iT[iN] fname_plus_corr = file_data + '_T' + str(i_plus).zfill(4) + '_corr_' + '__div2' cmd = [fsloutput, 'fslmerge', '-z', fname_plus_corr] for iZ in range(nz): fname_plus_Z_corr = file_data + '_T' + str(i_plus).zfill(4) + file_suffix[iZ] + '_corr_' + '__div2' cmd = cmd + [fname_plus_Z_corr] status, output =, verbose) i_minus = opposite_gradients_jT[iN] fname_minus_corr = file_data + '_T' + str(i_minus).zfill(4) + '_corr_' + '__div2' cmd = [fsloutput, 'fslmerge', '-z', fname_minus_corr] for iZ in range(nz): fname_minus_Z_corr = file_data + '_T' + str(i_minus).zfill(4) + file_suffix[iZ] + '_corr_' + '__div2' cmd = cmd + [fname_minus_Z_corr] status, output =, verbose) # ========================================================================= # Merge files back # ========================================================================= sct.printv('\nMerge back across T...', verbose) sct.printv('------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n', verbose) fname_data_corr = os.path.join(param.output_path, file_data + '_eddy') cmd = [fsloutput, 'fslmerge', '-t', fname_data_corr] for iT in range(nt): if os.path.isfile((os.path.join(path_tmp, file_data) + '_T' + str(iT).zfill(4) + '_corr_' + '__div2.nii')): fname_data_corr_3d = file_data + '_T' + str(iT).zfill(4) + '_corr_' + '__div2' elif iT in index_b0: fname_data_corr_3d = file_data + '_T' + str(iT).zfill(4) cmd = cmd + [fname_data_corr_3d] status, output =, verbose) # Swap back X-Y dimensions if param.swapXY == 1: fname_data_final = fname_data sct.printv('\nSwap back X-Y dimensions', verbose) cmd = [fsloutput, 'fslswapdim', fname_data_corr, '-y', '-x', '-z', fname_data_final] status, output =, verbose) else: fname_data_final = fname_data_corr sct.printv(('... File created: ' + fname_data_final), verbose) sct.printv('\n===================================================', verbose) sct.printv(' Completed: eddy_correct', verbose) sct.printv('===================================================\n\n\n', verbose) # come back os.chdir(curdir) # Delete temporary files if param.delete_tmp_files == 1: sct.printv('\nDelete temporary files...') sct.rmtree(path_tmp)
def main(args=None): # initialization start_time = time.time() path_out = '.' param = Param() # reducing the number of CPU used for moco (see issue #201) os.environ["ITK_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_THREADS"] = "1" # get path of the toolbox # status, param.path_sct ='echo $SCT_DIR') # check user arguments if not args: args = sys.argv[1:] # Get parser info parser = get_parser() arguments = parser.parse(sys.argv[1:]) param.fname_data = arguments['-i'] param.fname_bvecs = arguments['-bvec'] if '-bval' in arguments: param.fname_bvals = arguments['-bval'] if '-bvalmin' in arguments: param.bval_min = arguments['-bvalmin'] if '-g' in arguments: param.group_size = arguments['-g'] if '-m' in arguments: param.fname_mask = arguments['-m'] if '-param' in arguments: param.update(arguments['-param']) if '-thr' in arguments: param.otsu = arguments['-thr'] if '-x' in arguments: param.interp = arguments['-x'] if '-ofolder' in arguments: path_out = arguments['-ofolder'] if '-r' in arguments: param.remove_temp_files = int(arguments['-r']) if '-v' in arguments: param.verbose = int(arguments['-v']) # Get full path param.fname_data = os.path.abspath(param.fname_data) param.fname_bvecs = os.path.abspath(param.fname_bvecs) if param.fname_bvals != '': param.fname_bvals = os.path.abspath(param.fname_bvals) if param.fname_mask != '': param.fname_mask = os.path.abspath(param.fname_mask) # Extract path, file and extension path_data, file_data, ext_data = sct.extract_fname(param.fname_data) path_mask, file_mask, ext_mask = sct.extract_fname(param.fname_mask) path_tmp = sct.tmp_create(basename="dmri_moco", verbose=param.verbose) # names of files in temporary folder ext = '.nii' dmri_name = 'dmri' mask_name = 'mask' bvecs_fname = 'bvecs.txt' # Copying input data to tmp folder sct.printv('\nCopying input data to tmp folder and convert to nii...', param.verbose) convert(param.fname_data, os.path.join(path_tmp, dmri_name + ext)) sct.copy(param.fname_bvecs, os.path.join(path_tmp, bvecs_fname), verbose=param.verbose) if param.fname_mask != '': sct.copy(param.fname_mask, os.path.join(path_tmp, mask_name + ext_mask), verbose=param.verbose) # go to tmp folder curdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path_tmp) # update field in param (because used later). # TODO: make this cleaner... if param.fname_mask != '': param.fname_mask = mask_name + ext_mask # run moco dmri_moco(param) # come back os.chdir(curdir) # Generate output files fname_dmri_moco = os.path.join(path_out, file_data + param.suffix + ext_data) sct.create_folder(path_out) sct.printv('\nGenerate output files...', param.verbose) sct.generate_output_file( os.path.join(path_tmp, dmri_name + param.suffix + ext), os.path.join(path_out, file_data + param.suffix + ext_data), param.verbose) sct.generate_output_file( os.path.join(path_tmp, "b0_mean.nii"), os.path.join(path_out, 'b0' + param.suffix + '_mean' + ext_data), param.verbose) sct.generate_output_file( os.path.join(path_tmp, "dwi_mean.nii"), os.path.join(path_out, 'dwi' + param.suffix + '_mean' + ext_data), param.verbose) # Delete temporary files if param.remove_temp_files == 1: sct.printv('\nDelete temporary files...', param.verbose) sct.rmtree(path_tmp, verbose=param.verbose) # display elapsed time elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time sct.printv( '\nFinished! Elapsed time: ' + str(int(round(elapsed_time))) + 's', param.verbose) sct.display_viewer_syntax([fname_dmri_moco, file_data], mode='ortho,ortho')
def create_mask(): fsloutput = 'export FSLOUTPUTTYPE=NIFTI; ' # for faster processing, all outputs are in NIFTI # parse argument for method method_type = param.process[0] # check method val if not method_type == 'center': method_val = param.process[1] # check existence of input files if method_type == 'centerline': sct.check_file_exist(method_val, param.verbose) # Extract path/file/extension path_data, file_data, ext_data = sct.extract_fname(param.fname_data) # Get output folder and file name if param.fname_out == '': param.fname_out = param.file_prefix+file_data+ext_data # create temporary folder sct.printv('\nCreate temporary folder...', param.verbose) path_tmp = sct.tmp_create(param.verbose) # )sct.slash_at_the_end('tmp.'+time.strftime("%y%m%d%H%M%S"), 1) #'mkdir '+path_tmp, param.verbose) sct.printv('\nCheck orientation...', param.verbose) orientation_input = get_orientation(Image(param.fname_data)) sct.printv('.. '+orientation_input, param.verbose) reorient_coordinates = False # copy input data to tmp folder convert(param.fname_data, path_tmp+'data.nii') if method_type == 'centerline': convert(method_val, path_tmp+'centerline.nii.gz') if method_type == 'point': convert(method_val, path_tmp+'point.nii.gz') # go to tmp folder os.chdir(path_tmp) # reorient to RPI sct.printv('\nReorient to RPI...', param.verbose) # if not orientation_input == 'RPI':'sct_image -i data.nii -o data_RPI.nii -setorient RPI -v 0', verbose=False) if method_type == 'centerline':'sct_image -i centerline.nii.gz -o centerline_RPI.nii.gz -setorient RPI -v 0', verbose=False) if method_type == 'point':'sct_image -i point.nii.gz -o point_RPI.nii.gz -setorient RPI -v 0', verbose=False) # # if method_type == 'centerline': # orientation_centerline = get_orientation_3d(method_val, filename=True) # if not orientation_centerline == 'RPI': #'sct_image -i ' + method_val + ' -o ' + path_tmp + 'centerline.nii.gz' + ' -setorient RPI -v 0', verbose=False) # else: # convert(method_val, path_tmp+'centerline.nii.gz') # Get dimensions of data sct.printv('\nGet dimensions of data...', param.verbose) nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = Image('data_RPI.nii').dim sct.printv(' ' + str(nx) + ' x ' + str(ny) + ' x ' + str(nz)+ ' x ' + str(nt), param.verbose) # in case user input 4d data if nt != 1: sct.printv('WARNING in '+os.path.basename(__file__)+': Input image is 4d but output mask will 3D.', param.verbose, 'warning') # extract first volume to have 3d reference nii = Image('data_RPI.nii') data3d =[:,:,:,0] = data3d if method_type == 'coord': # parse to get coordinate coord = map(int, method_val.split('x')) if method_type == 'point': # get file name fname_point = method_val # extract coordinate of point sct.printv('\nExtract coordinate of point...', param.verbose) # TODO: change this way to remove dependence to ProcessLabels.display_voxel returns list of coordinates status, output ='sct_label_utils -i point_RPI.nii.gz -display', param.verbose) # parse to get coordinate coord = output[output.find('Position=')+10:-17].split(',') if method_type == 'center': # set coordinate at center of FOV coord = round(float(nx)/2), round(float(ny)/2) if method_type == 'centerline': # get name of centerline from user argument fname_centerline = 'centerline_RPI.nii.gz' else: # generate volume with line along Z at coordinates 'coord' sct.printv('\nCreate line...', param.verbose) fname_centerline = create_line('data_RPI.nii', coord, nz) # create mask sct.printv('\nCreate mask...', param.verbose) centerline = nibabel.load(fname_centerline) # open centerline hdr = centerline.get_header() # get header hdr.set_data_dtype('uint8') # set imagetype to uint8 spacing = hdr.structarr['pixdim'] data_centerline = centerline.get_data() # get centerline z_centerline_not_null = [iz for iz in range(0, nz, 1) if data_centerline[:, :, iz].any()] # get center of mass of the centerline cx = [0] * nz cy = [0] * nz for iz in range(0, nz, 1): if iz in z_centerline_not_null: cx[iz], cy[iz] = ndimage.measurements.center_of_mass(numpy.array(data_centerline[:, :, iz])) # create 2d masks file_mask = 'data_mask' for iz in range(nz): if iz not in z_centerline_not_null: # write an empty nifty volume img = nibabel.Nifti1Image(data_centerline[:, :, iz], None, hdr), (file_mask + str(iz) + '.nii')) else: center = numpy.array([cx[iz], cy[iz]]) mask2d = create_mask2d(center, param.shape, param.size, nx, ny, even=param.even, spacing=spacing) # Write NIFTI volumes img = nibabel.Nifti1Image(mask2d, None, hdr), (file_mask+str(iz)+'.nii')) # merge along Z # cmd = 'fslmerge -z mask ' # CHANGE THAT CAN IMPACT SPEED: # related to issue #755, we cannot open more than 256 files at one time. # to solve this issue, we do not open more than 100 files ''' im_list = [] im_temp = [] for iz in range(nz_not_null): if iz != 0 and iz % 100 == 0: im_temp.append(concat_data(im_list, 2)) im_list = [Image(file_mask + str(iz) + '.nii')] else: im_list.append(Image(file_mask+str(iz)+'.nii')) if im_temp: im_temp.append(concat_data(im_list, 2)) im_out = concat_data(im_temp, 2, no_expand=True) else: im_out = concat_data(im_list, 2) ''' fname_list = [file_mask + str(iz) + '.nii' for iz in range(nz)] im_out = concat_data(fname_list, dim=2) im_out.setFileName('mask_RPI.nii.gz') # reorient if necessary # if not orientation_input == 'RPI':'sct_image -i mask_RPI.nii.gz -o mask.nii.gz -setorient ' + orientation_input, param.verbose) # copy header input --> mask im_dat = Image('data.nii') im_mask = Image('mask.nii.gz') im_mask = copy_header(im_dat, im_mask) # come back to parent folder os.chdir('..') # Generate output files sct.printv('\nGenerate output files...', param.verbose) sct.generate_output_file(path_tmp+'mask.nii.gz', param.fname_out) # Remove temporary files if param.remove_tmp_files == 1: sct.printv('\nRemove temporary files...', param.verbose)'rm -rf '+path_tmp, param.verbose, error_exit='warning') # to view results sct.printv('\nDone! To view results, type:', param.verbose) sct.printv('fslview '+param.fname_data+' '+param.fname_out+' -l Red -t 0.5 &', param.verbose, 'info') print
def apply(self): # Initialization fname_src = self.input_filename # source image (moving) list_warp = self.list_warp # list of warping fields fname_out = self.output_filename # output fname_dest = self.fname_dest # destination image (fix) verbose = self.verbose remove_temp_files = self.remove_temp_files crop_reference = self.crop # if = 1, put 0 everywhere around warping field, if = 2, real crop islabel = False if self.interp == 'label': islabel = True self.interp = 'nn' interp = sct.get_interpolation('isct_antsApplyTransforms', self.interp) # Parse list of warping fields sct.printv('\nParse list of warping fields...', verbose) use_inverse = [] fname_warp_list_invert = [] # list_warp = list_warp.replace(' ', '') # remove spaces # list_warp = list_warp.split(",") # parse with comma for idx_warp, path_warp in enumerate(self.list_warp): # Check if this transformation should be inverted if path_warp in self.list_warpinv: use_inverse.append('-i') # list_warp[idx_warp] = path_warp[1:] # remove '-' fname_warp_list_invert += [[use_inverse[idx_warp], list_warp[idx_warp]]] else: use_inverse.append('') fname_warp_list_invert += [[path_warp]] path_warp = list_warp[idx_warp] if path_warp.endswith((".nii", ".nii.gz")) \ and Image(list_warp[idx_warp]).header.get_intent()[0] != 'vector': raise ValueError("Displacement field in {} is invalid: should be encoded" \ " in a 5D file with vector intent code" \ " (see" \ .format(path_warp)) # need to check if last warping field is an affine transfo isLastAffine = False path_fname, file_fname, ext_fname = sct.extract_fname(fname_warp_list_invert[-1][-1]) if ext_fname in ['.txt', '.mat']: isLastAffine = True # check if destination file is 3d if not sct.check_if_3d(fname_dest): sct.printv('ERROR: Destination data must be 3d') # N.B. Here we take the inverse of the warp list, because sct_WarpImageMultiTransform concatenates in the reverse order fname_warp_list_invert.reverse() fname_warp_list_invert = functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, fname_warp_list_invert) # Extract path, file and extension path_src, file_src, ext_src = sct.extract_fname(fname_src) path_dest, file_dest, ext_dest = sct.extract_fname(fname_dest) # Get output folder and file name if fname_out == '': path_out = '' # output in user's current directory file_out = file_src + '_reg' ext_out = ext_src fname_out = os.path.join(path_out, file_out + ext_out) # Get dimensions of data sct.printv('\nGet dimensions of data...', verbose) img_src = Image(fname_src) nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = img_src.dim # nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = sct.get_dimension(fname_src) sct.printv(' ' + str(nx) + ' x ' + str(ny) + ' x ' + str(nz) + ' x ' + str(nt), verbose) # if 3d if nt == 1: # Apply transformation sct.printv('\nApply transformation...', verbose) if nz in [0, 1]: dim = '2' else: dim = '3' # if labels, dilate before resampling if islabel: sct.printv("\nDilate labels before warping...") path_tmp = sct.tmp_create(basename="apply_transfo", verbose=verbose) fname_dilated_labels = os.path.join(path_tmp, "dilated_data.nii") # dilate points['sct_maths', '-i', fname_src, '-o', fname_dilated_labels, '-dilate', '2']) fname_src = fname_dilated_labels sct.printv("\nApply transformation and resample to destination space...", verbose)['isct_antsApplyTransforms', '-d', dim, '-i', fname_src, '-o', fname_out, '-t' ] + fname_warp_list_invert + ['-r', fname_dest] + interp, verbose=verbose, is_sct_binary=True) # if 4d, loop across the T dimension else: if islabel: raise NotImplementedError dim = '4' path_tmp = sct.tmp_create(basename="apply_transfo", verbose=verbose) # convert to nifti into temp folder sct.printv('\nCopying input data to tmp folder and convert to nii...', verbose), "data.nii")) sct.copy(fname_dest, os.path.join(path_tmp, file_dest + ext_dest)) fname_warp_list_tmp = [] for fname_warp in list_warp: path_warp, file_warp, ext_warp = sct.extract_fname(fname_warp) sct.copy(fname_warp, os.path.join(path_tmp, file_warp + ext_warp)) fname_warp_list_tmp.append(file_warp + ext_warp) fname_warp_list_invert_tmp = fname_warp_list_tmp[::-1] curdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path_tmp) # split along T dimension sct.printv('\nSplit along T dimension...', verbose) im_dat = Image('data.nii') im_header = im_dat.hdr data_split_list = sct_image.split_data(im_dat, 3) for im in data_split_list: # apply transfo sct.printv('\nApply transformation to each 3D volume...', verbose) for it in range(nt): file_data_split = 'data_T' + str(it).zfill(4) + '.nii' file_data_split_reg = 'data_reg_T' + str(it).zfill(4) + '.nii' status, output =['isct_antsApplyTransforms', '-d', '3', '-i', file_data_split, '-o', file_data_split_reg, '-t', ] + fname_warp_list_invert_tmp + [ '-r', file_dest + ext_dest, ] + interp, verbose, is_sct_binary=True) # Merge files back sct.printv('\nMerge file back...', verbose) import glob path_out, name_out, ext_out = sct.extract_fname(fname_out) # im_list = [Image(file_name) for file_name in glob.glob('data_reg_T*.nii')] # concat_data use to take a list of image in input, now takes a list of file names to open the files one by one (see issue #715) fname_list = glob.glob('data_reg_T*.nii') fname_list.sort() im_out = sct_image.concat_data(fname_list, 3, im_header['pixdim']) + ext_out) os.chdir(curdir) sct.generate_output_file(os.path.join(path_tmp, name_out + ext_out), fname_out) # Delete temporary folder if specified if remove_temp_files: sct.printv('\nRemove temporary files...', verbose) sct.rmtree(path_tmp, verbose=verbose) # Copy affine matrix from destination space to make sure qform/sform are the same sct.printv("Copy affine matrix from destination space to make sure qform/sform are the same.", verbose) im_src_reg = Image(fname_out) im_src_reg.copy_qform_from_ref(Image(fname_dest)) # set verbose=0 to avoid warning message about rewriting file if islabel: sct.printv("\nTake the center of mass of each registered dilated labels...")['sct_label_utils', '-i', fname_out, '-o', fname_out, '-cubic-to-point']) if remove_temp_files: sct.printv('\nRemove temporary files...', verbose) sct.rmtree(path_tmp, verbose=verbose) # 2. crop the resulting image using dimensions from the warping field warping_field = fname_warp_list_invert[-1] # if last warping field is an affine transfo, we need to compute the space of the concatenate warping field: if isLastAffine: sct.printv('WARNING: the resulting image could have wrong apparent results. You should use an affine transformation as last transformation...', verbose, 'warning') else: if crop_reference in [1, 2]: # Extract only the first ndim of the warping field img_warp = Image(warping_field) if dim == '2': img_warp_ndim = Image([:, :], hdr=img_warp.hdr) elif dim in ['3', '4']: img_warp_ndim = Image([:, :, :], hdr=img_warp.hdr) # Set zero to everything outside the warping field cropper = ImageCropper(Image(fname_out)) cropper.get_bbox_from_ref(img_warp_ndim) if crop_reference == 1: img_out = cropper.crop(background=0) elif crop_reference == 2: img_out = cropper.crop() sct.display_viewer_syntax([fname_dest, fname_out], verbose=verbose)
def main(args=None): # initialization start_time = time.time() param = Param() # check user arguments if not args: args = sys.argv[1:] # Get parser info parser = get_parser() arguments = parser.parse(sys.argv[1:]) param.fname_data = arguments['-i'] if '-g' in arguments: param.group_size = arguments['-g'] if '-m' in arguments: param.fname_mask = arguments['-m'] if '-param' in arguments: param.update(arguments['-param']) if '-x' in arguments: param.interp = arguments['-x'] if '-ofolder' in arguments: path_out = arguments['-ofolder'] if '-r' in arguments: param.remove_temp_files = int(arguments['-r']) param.verbose = int(arguments.get('-v')) sct.init_sct(log_level=param.verbose, update=True) # Update log level sct.printv('\nInput parameters:', param.verbose) sct.printv(' input file ............' + param.fname_data, param.verbose) # Get full path param.fname_data = os.path.abspath(param.fname_data) if param.fname_mask != '': param.fname_mask = os.path.abspath(param.fname_mask) # Extract path, file and extension path_data, file_data, ext_data = sct.extract_fname(param.fname_data) path_tmp = sct.tmp_create(basename="fmri_moco", verbose=param.verbose) # Copying input data to tmp folder and convert to nii # TODO: no need to do that (takes time for nothing) sct.printv('\nCopying input data to tmp folder and convert to nii...', param.verbose) convert(param.fname_data, os.path.join(path_tmp, "fmri.nii"), squeeze_data=False) # go to tmp folder curdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path_tmp) # run moco fmri_moco(param) # come back os.chdir(curdir) # Generate output files fname_fmri_moco = os.path.join(path_out, file_data + param.suffix + ext_data) sct.create_folder(path_out) sct.printv('\nGenerate output files...', param.verbose) sct.generate_output_file(os.path.join(path_tmp, "fmri" + param.suffix + '.nii'), fname_fmri_moco, param.verbose) sct.generate_output_file(os.path.join(path_tmp, "fmri" + param.suffix + '_mean.nii'), os.path.join(path_out, file_data + param.suffix + '_mean' + ext_data), param.verbose) # Delete temporary files if param.remove_temp_files == 1: sct.printv('\nDelete temporary files...', param.verbose) sct.rmtree(path_tmp, verbose=param.verbose) # display elapsed time elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time sct.printv('\nFinished! Elapsed time: ' + str(int(np.round(elapsed_time))) + 's', param.verbose) sct.display_viewer_syntax([fname_fmri_moco, file_data], mode='ortho,ortho')
def main(args=None): # initializations param = Param() # check user arguments if not args: args = sys.argv[1:] # Get parser info parser = get_parser() arguments = parser.parse(args) fname_data = arguments['-i'] fname_seg = arguments['-s'] if '-l' in arguments: fname_landmarks = arguments['-l'] label_type = 'body' elif '-ldisc' in arguments: fname_landmarks = arguments['-ldisc'] label_type = 'disc' else: sct.printv('ERROR: Labels should be provided.', 1, 'error') if '-ofolder' in arguments: path_output = arguments['-ofolder'] else: path_output = '' param.path_qc = arguments.get("-qc", None) path_template = arguments['-t'] contrast_template = arguments['-c'] ref = arguments['-ref'] remove_temp_files = int(arguments['-r']) verbose = int(arguments['-v']) param.verbose = verbose # TODO: not clean, unify verbose or param.verbose in code, but not both # if '-straighten-fitting' in arguments: param.straighten_fitting = arguments['-straighten-fitting'] # if '-cpu-nb' in arguments: # arg_cpu = ' -cpu-nb '+str(arguments['-cpu-nb']) # else: # arg_cpu = '' # registration parameters if '-param' in arguments: # reset parameters but keep step=0 (might be overwritten if user specified step=0) paramreg = ParamregMultiStep([step0]) if ref == 'subject': paramreg.steps['0'].dof = 'Tx_Ty_Tz_Rx_Ry_Rz_Sz' # add user parameters for paramStep in arguments['-param']: paramreg.addStep(paramStep) else: paramreg = ParamregMultiStep([step0, step1, step2]) # if ref=subject, initialize registration using different affine parameters if ref == 'subject': paramreg.steps['0'].dof = 'Tx_Ty_Tz_Rx_Ry_Rz_Sz' # initialize other parameters zsubsample = param.zsubsample # retrieve template file names file_template_vertebral_labeling = get_file_label( os.path.join(path_template, 'template'), 'vertebral labeling') file_template = get_file_label( os.path.join(path_template, 'template'), contrast_template.upper() + '-weighted template') file_template_seg = get_file_label(os.path.join(path_template, 'template'), 'spinal cord') # start timer start_time = time.time() # get fname of the template + template objects fname_template = os.path.join(path_template, 'template', file_template) fname_template_vertebral_labeling = os.path.join( path_template, 'template', file_template_vertebral_labeling) fname_template_seg = os.path.join(path_template, 'template', file_template_seg) fname_template_disc_labeling = os.path.join(path_template, 'template', 'PAM50_label_disc.nii.gz') # check file existence # TODO: no need to do that! sct.printv('\nCheck template files...') sct.check_file_exist(fname_template, verbose) sct.check_file_exist(fname_template_vertebral_labeling, verbose) sct.check_file_exist(fname_template_seg, verbose) path_data, file_data, ext_data = sct.extract_fname(fname_data) # sct.printv(arguments) sct.printv('\nCheck parameters:', verbose) sct.printv(' Data: ' + fname_data, verbose) sct.printv(' Landmarks: ' + fname_landmarks, verbose) sct.printv(' Segmentation: ' + fname_seg, verbose) sct.printv(' Path template: ' + path_template, verbose) sct.printv(' Remove temp files: ' + str(remove_temp_files), verbose) # check input labels labels = check_labels(fname_landmarks, label_type=label_type) vertebral_alignment = False if len(labels) > 2 and label_type == 'disc': vertebral_alignment = True path_tmp = sct.tmp_create(basename="register_to_template", verbose=verbose) # set temporary file names ftmp_data = 'data.nii' ftmp_seg = 'seg.nii.gz' ftmp_label = 'label.nii.gz' ftmp_template = 'template.nii' ftmp_template_seg = 'template_seg.nii.gz' ftmp_template_label = 'template_label.nii.gz' # copy files to temporary folder sct.printv('\nCopying input data to tmp folder and convert to nii...', verbose) Image(fname_data).save(os.path.join(path_tmp, ftmp_data)) Image(fname_seg).save(os.path.join(path_tmp, ftmp_seg)) Image(fname_landmarks).save(os.path.join(path_tmp, ftmp_label)) Image(fname_template).save(os.path.join(path_tmp, ftmp_template)) Image(fname_template_seg).save(os.path.join(path_tmp, ftmp_template_seg)) Image(fname_template_vertebral_labeling).save( os.path.join(path_tmp, ftmp_template_label)) if label_type == 'disc': Image(fname_template_disc_labeling).save( os.path.join(path_tmp, ftmp_template_label)) # go to tmp folder curdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path_tmp) # Generate labels from template vertebral labeling if label_type == 'body': sct.printv('\nGenerate labels from template vertebral labeling', verbose) ftmp_template_label_, ftmp_template_label = ftmp_template_label, sct.add_suffix( ftmp_template_label, "_body") sct_label_utils.main(args=[ '-i', ftmp_template_label_, '-vert-body', '0', '-o', ftmp_template_label ]) # check if provided labels are available in the template sct.printv('\nCheck if provided labels are available in the template', verbose) image_label_template = Image(ftmp_template_label) labels_template = image_label_template.getNonZeroCoordinates( sorting='value') if labels[-1].value > labels_template[-1].value: sct.printv( 'ERROR: Wrong landmarks input. Labels must have correspondence in template space. \nLabel max ' 'provided: ' + str(labels[-1].value) + '\nLabel max from template: ' + str(labels_template[-1].value), verbose, 'error') # if only one label is present, force affine transformation to be Tx,Ty,Tz only (no scaling) if len(labels) == 1: paramreg.steps['0'].dof = 'Tx_Ty_Tz' sct.printv( 'WARNING: Only one label is present. Forcing initial transformation to: ' + paramreg.steps['0'].dof, 1, 'warning') # Project labels onto the spinal cord centerline because later, an affine transformation is estimated between the # template's labels (centered in the cord) and the subject's labels (assumed to be centered in the cord). # If labels are not centered, mis-registration errors are observed (see issue #1826) ftmp_label = project_labels_on_spinalcord(ftmp_label, ftmp_seg) # binarize segmentation (in case it has values below 0 caused by manual editing) sct.printv('\nBinarize segmentation', verbose) ftmp_seg_, ftmp_seg = ftmp_seg, sct.add_suffix(ftmp_seg, "_bin")['sct_maths', '-i', ftmp_seg_, '-bin', '0.5', '-o', ftmp_seg]) # Switch between modes: subject->template or template->subject if ref == 'template': # resample data to 1mm isotropic sct.printv('\nResample data to 1mm isotropic...', verbose)[ 'sct_resample', '-i', ftmp_data, '-mm', '1.0x1.0x1.0', '-x', 'linear', '-o', add_suffix(ftmp_data, '_1mm') ]) ftmp_data = add_suffix(ftmp_data, '_1mm')[ 'sct_resample', '-i', ftmp_seg, '-mm', '1.0x1.0x1.0', '-x', 'linear', '-o', add_suffix(ftmp_seg, '_1mm') ]) ftmp_seg = add_suffix(ftmp_seg, '_1mm') # N.B. resampling of labels is more complicated, because they are single-point labels, therefore resampling # with nearest neighbour can make them disappear. resample_labels(ftmp_label, ftmp_data, add_suffix(ftmp_label, '_1mm')) ftmp_label = add_suffix(ftmp_label, '_1mm') # Change orientation of input images to RPI sct.printv('\nChange orientation of input images to RPI...', verbose) ftmp_data = Image(ftmp_data).change_orientation( "RPI", generate_path=True).save().absolutepath ftmp_seg = Image(ftmp_seg).change_orientation( "RPI", generate_path=True).save().absolutepath ftmp_label = Image(ftmp_label).change_orientation( "RPI", generate_path=True).save().absolutepath ftmp_seg_, ftmp_seg = ftmp_seg, add_suffix(ftmp_seg, '_crop') if vertebral_alignment: # cropping the segmentation based on the label coverage to ensure good registration with vertebral alignment # See for details image_labels = Image(ftmp_label) coordinates_labels = image_labels.getNonZeroCoordinates( sorting='z') nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = image_labels.dim offset_crop = 10.0 * pz # cropping the image 10 mm above and below the highest and lowest label cropping_slices = [ coordinates_labels[0].z - offset_crop, coordinates_labels[-1].z + offset_crop ] # make sure that the cropping slices do not extend outside of the slice range (issue #1811) if cropping_slices[0] < 0: cropping_slices[0] = 0 if cropping_slices[1] > nz: cropping_slices[1] = nz msct_image.spatial_crop( Image(ftmp_seg_), dict(((2, np.int32(np.round(cropping_slices))), ))).save(ftmp_seg) else: # if we do not align the vertebral levels, we crop the segmentation from top to bottom im_seg_rpi = Image(ftmp_seg_) bottom = 0 for data in msct_image.SlicerOneAxis(im_seg_rpi, "IS"): if (data != 0).any(): break bottom += 1 top =[2] for data in msct_image.SlicerOneAxis(im_seg_rpi, "SI"): if (data != 0).any(): break top -= 1 msct_image.spatial_crop(im_seg_rpi, dict( ((2, (bottom, top)), ))).save(ftmp_seg) # straighten segmentation sct.printv( '\nStraighten the spinal cord using centerline/segmentation...', verbose) # check if warp_curve2straight and warp_straight2curve already exist (i.e. no need to do it another time) fn_warp_curve2straight = os.path.join(curdir, "warp_curve2straight.nii.gz") fn_warp_straight2curve = os.path.join(curdir, "warp_straight2curve.nii.gz") fn_straight_ref = os.path.join(curdir, "straight_ref.nii.gz") cache_input_files = [ftmp_seg] if vertebral_alignment: cache_input_files += [ ftmp_template_seg, ftmp_label, ftmp_template_label, ] cache_sig = sct.cache_signature(input_files=cache_input_files, ) cachefile = os.path.join(curdir, "straightening.cache") if sct.cache_valid( cachefile, cache_sig ) and os.path.isfile(fn_warp_curve2straight) and os.path.isfile( fn_warp_straight2curve) and os.path.isfile(fn_straight_ref): sct.printv( 'Reusing existing warping field which seems to be valid', verbose, 'warning') sct.copy(fn_warp_curve2straight, 'warp_curve2straight.nii.gz') sct.copy(fn_warp_straight2curve, 'warp_straight2curve.nii.gz') sct.copy(fn_straight_ref, 'straight_ref.nii.gz') # apply straightening[ 'sct_apply_transfo', '-i', ftmp_seg, '-w', 'warp_curve2straight.nii.gz', '-d', 'straight_ref.nii.gz', '-o', add_suffix(ftmp_seg, '_straight') ]) else: from sct_straighten_spinalcord import SpinalCordStraightener sc_straight = SpinalCordStraightener(ftmp_seg, ftmp_seg) sc_straight.algo_fitting = param.straighten_fitting sc_straight.output_filename = add_suffix(ftmp_seg, '_straight') sc_straight.path_output = './' sc_straight.qc = '0' sc_straight.remove_temp_files = remove_temp_files sc_straight.verbose = verbose if vertebral_alignment: sc_straight.centerline_reference_filename = ftmp_template_seg sc_straight.use_straight_reference = True sc_straight.discs_input_filename = ftmp_label sc_straight.discs_ref_filename = ftmp_template_label sc_straight.straighten() sct.cache_save(cachefile, cache_sig) # N.B. DO NOT UPDATE VARIABLE ftmp_seg BECAUSE TEMPORARY USED LATER # re-define warping field using non-cropped space (to avoid issue #367) s, o =[ 'sct_concat_transfo', '-w', 'warp_straight2curve.nii.gz', '-d', ftmp_data, '-o', 'warp_straight2curve.nii.gz' ]) if vertebral_alignment: sct.copy('warp_curve2straight.nii.gz', 'warp_curve2straightAffine.nii.gz') else: # Label preparation: # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Remove unused label on template. Keep only label present in the input label image sct.printv( '\nRemove unused label on template. Keep only label present in the input label image...', verbose)[ 'sct_label_utils', '-i', ftmp_template_label, '-o', ftmp_template_label, '-remove', ftmp_label ]) # Dilating the input label so they can be straighten without losing them sct.printv('\nDilating input labels using 3vox ball radius')[ 'sct_maths', '-i', ftmp_label, '-o', add_suffix(ftmp_label, '_dilate'), '-dilate', '3' ]) ftmp_label = add_suffix(ftmp_label, '_dilate') # Apply straightening to labels sct.printv('\nApply straightening to labels...', verbose)[ 'sct_apply_transfo', '-i', ftmp_label, '-o', add_suffix(ftmp_label, '_straight'), '-d', add_suffix(ftmp_seg, '_straight'), '-w', 'warp_curve2straight.nii.gz', '-x', 'nn' ]) ftmp_label = add_suffix(ftmp_label, '_straight') # Compute rigid transformation straight landmarks --> template landmarks sct.printv('\nEstimate transformation for step #0...', verbose) from msct_register_landmarks import register_landmarks try: register_landmarks(ftmp_label, ftmp_template_label, paramreg.steps['0'].dof, fname_affine='straight2templateAffine.txt', verbose=verbose) except Exception: sct.printv( 'ERROR: input labels do not seem to be at the right place. Please check the position of the labels. See documentation for more details:', verbose=verbose, type='error') # Concatenate transformations: curve --> straight --> affine sct.printv( '\nConcatenate transformations: curve --> straight --> affine...', verbose)[ 'sct_concat_transfo', '-w', 'warp_curve2straight.nii.gz,straight2templateAffine.txt', '-d', 'template.nii', '-o', 'warp_curve2straightAffine.nii.gz' ]) # Apply transformation sct.printv('\nApply transformation...', verbose)[ 'sct_apply_transfo', '-i', ftmp_data, '-o', add_suffix(ftmp_data, '_straightAffine'), '-d', ftmp_template, '-w', 'warp_curve2straightAffine.nii.gz' ]) ftmp_data = add_suffix(ftmp_data, '_straightAffine')[ 'sct_apply_transfo', '-i', ftmp_seg, '-o', add_suffix(ftmp_seg, '_straightAffine'), '-d', ftmp_template, '-w', 'warp_curve2straightAffine.nii.gz', '-x', 'linear' ]) ftmp_seg = add_suffix(ftmp_seg, '_straightAffine') """ # Benjamin: Issue from Allan Martin, about the z=0 slice that is screwed up, caused by the affine transform. # Solution found: remove slices below and above landmarks to avoid rotation effects points_straight = [] for coord in landmark_template: points_straight.append(coord.z) min_point, max_point = int(np.round(np.min(points_straight))), int(np.round(np.max(points_straight))) ftmp_seg_, ftmp_seg = ftmp_seg, add_suffix(ftmp_seg, '_black') msct_image.spatial_crop(Image(ftmp_seg_), dict(((2, (min_point,max_point)),))).save(ftmp_seg) """ # open segmentation im = Image(ftmp_seg) im_new = msct_image.empty_like(im) # binarize = > 0.5 # find min-max of anat2template (for subsequent cropping) zmin_template, zmax_template = msct_image.find_zmin_zmax(im_new, threshold=0.5) # save binarized segmentation, '_bin')) # unused? # crop template in z-direction (for faster processing) # TODO: refactor to use python module instead of doing i/o sct.printv('\nCrop data in template space (for faster processing)...', verbose) ftmp_template_, ftmp_template = ftmp_template, add_suffix( ftmp_template, '_crop') msct_image.spatial_crop(Image(ftmp_template_), dict( ((2, (zmin_template, zmax_template)), ))).save(ftmp_template) ftmp_template_seg_, ftmp_template_seg = ftmp_template_seg, add_suffix( ftmp_template_seg, '_crop') msct_image.spatial_crop( Image(ftmp_template_seg_), dict(((2, (zmin_template, zmax_template)), ))).save(ftmp_template_seg) ftmp_data_, ftmp_data = ftmp_data, add_suffix(ftmp_data, '_crop') msct_image.spatial_crop(Image(ftmp_data_), dict(((2, (zmin_template, zmax_template)), ))).save(ftmp_data) ftmp_seg_, ftmp_seg = ftmp_seg, add_suffix(ftmp_seg, '_crop') msct_image.spatial_crop(Image(ftmp_seg_), dict(((2, (zmin_template, zmax_template)), ))).save(ftmp_seg) # sub-sample in z-direction # TODO: refactor to use python module instead of doing i/o sct.printv('\nSub-sample in z-direction (for faster processing)...', verbose)[ 'sct_resample', '-i', ftmp_template, '-o', add_suffix(ftmp_template, '_sub'), '-f', '1x1x' + zsubsample ], verbose) ftmp_template = add_suffix(ftmp_template, '_sub')[ 'sct_resample', '-i', ftmp_template_seg, '-o', add_suffix(ftmp_template_seg, '_sub'), '-f', '1x1x' + zsubsample ], verbose) ftmp_template_seg = add_suffix(ftmp_template_seg, '_sub')[ 'sct_resample', '-i', ftmp_data, '-o', add_suffix(ftmp_data, '_sub'), '-f', '1x1x' + zsubsample ], verbose) ftmp_data = add_suffix(ftmp_data, '_sub')[ 'sct_resample', '-i', ftmp_seg, '-o', add_suffix(ftmp_seg, '_sub'), '-f', '1x1x' + zsubsample ], verbose) ftmp_seg = add_suffix(ftmp_seg, '_sub') # Registration straight spinal cord to template sct.printv('\nRegister straight spinal cord to template...', verbose) # loop across registration steps warp_forward = [] warp_inverse = [] for i_step in range(1, len(paramreg.steps)): sct.printv( '\nEstimate transformation for step #' + str(i_step) + '...', verbose) # identify which is the src and dest if paramreg.steps[str(i_step)].type == 'im': src = ftmp_data dest = ftmp_template interp_step = 'linear' elif paramreg.steps[str(i_step)].type == 'seg': src = ftmp_seg dest = ftmp_template_seg interp_step = 'nn' else: sct.printv('ERROR: Wrong image type.', 1, 'error') # if step>1, apply warp_forward_concat to the src image to be used if i_step > 1: #'sct_apply_transfo -i '+src+' -d '+dest+' -w '+','.join(warp_forward)+' -o '+sct.add_suffix(src, '_reg')+' -x '+interp_step, verbose) # apply transformation from previous step, to use as new src for registration[ 'sct_apply_transfo', '-i', src, '-d', dest, '-w', ','.join(warp_forward), '-o', add_suffix(src, '_regStep' + str(i_step - 1)), '-x', interp_step ], verbose) src = add_suffix(src, '_regStep' + str(i_step - 1)) # register src --> dest # TODO: display param for debugging warp_forward_out, warp_inverse_out = register( src, dest, paramreg, param, str(i_step)) warp_forward.append(warp_forward_out) warp_inverse.append(warp_inverse_out) # Concatenate transformations: sct.printv('\nConcatenate transformations: anat --> template...', verbose)[ 'sct_concat_transfo', '-w', 'warp_curve2straightAffine.nii.gz,' + ','.join(warp_forward), '-d', 'template.nii', '-o', 'warp_anat2template.nii.gz' ], verbose) #'sct_concat_transfo -w warp_curve2straight.nii.gz,straight2templateAffine.txt,'+','.join(warp_forward)+' -d template.nii -o warp_anat2template.nii.gz', verbose) sct.printv('\nConcatenate transformations: template --> anat...', verbose) warp_inverse.reverse() if vertebral_alignment:[ 'sct_concat_transfo', '-w', ','.join(warp_inverse) + ',warp_straight2curve.nii.gz', '-d', 'data.nii', '-o', 'warp_template2anat.nii.gz' ], verbose) else:[ 'sct_concat_transfo', '-w', ','.join(warp_inverse) + ',-straight2templateAffine.txt,warp_straight2curve.nii.gz', '-d', 'data.nii', '-o', 'warp_template2anat.nii.gz' ], verbose) # register template->subject elif ref == 'subject': # Change orientation of input images to RPI sct.printv('\nChange orientation of input images to RPI...', verbose) ftmp_data = Image(ftmp_data).change_orientation( "RPI", generate_path=True).save().absolutepath ftmp_seg = Image(ftmp_seg).change_orientation( "RPI", generate_path=True).save().absolutepath ftmp_label = Image(ftmp_label).change_orientation( "RPI", generate_path=True).save().absolutepath # Remove unused label on template. Keep only label present in the input label image sct.printv( '\nRemove unused label on template. Keep only label present in the input label image...', verbose)[ 'sct_label_utils', '-i', ftmp_template_label, '-o', ftmp_template_label, '-remove', ftmp_label ]) # Add one label because at least 3 orthogonal labels are required to estimate an affine transformation. This # new label is added at the level of the upper most label (lowest value), at 1cm to the right. for i_file in [ftmp_label, ftmp_template_label]: im_label = Image(i_file) coord_label = im_label.getCoordinatesAveragedByValue( ) # N.B. landmarks are sorted by value # Create new label from copy import deepcopy new_label = deepcopy(coord_label[0]) # move it 5mm to the left (orientation is RAS) nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = im_label.dim new_label.x = np.round(coord_label[0].x + 5.0 / px) # assign value 99 new_label.value = 99 # Add to existing image[int(new_label.x), int(new_label.y), int(new_label.z)] = new_label.value # Overwrite label file # im_label.absolutepath = 'label_rpi_modif.nii.gz' # Bring template to subject space using landmark-based transformation sct.printv('\nEstimate transformation for step #0...', verbose) from msct_register_landmarks import register_landmarks warp_forward = ['template2subjectAffine.txt'] warp_inverse = ['-template2subjectAffine.txt'] try: register_landmarks(ftmp_template_label, ftmp_label, paramreg.steps['0'].dof, fname_affine=warp_forward[0], verbose=verbose, path_qc="./") except Exception: sct.printv( 'ERROR: input labels do not seem to be at the right place. Please check the position of the labels. See documentation for more details:', verbose=verbose, type='error') # loop across registration steps for i_step in range(1, len(paramreg.steps)): sct.printv( '\nEstimate transformation for step #' + str(i_step) + '...', verbose) # identify which is the src and dest if paramreg.steps[str(i_step)].type == 'im': src = ftmp_template dest = ftmp_data interp_step = 'linear' elif paramreg.steps[str(i_step)].type == 'seg': src = ftmp_template_seg dest = ftmp_seg interp_step = 'nn' else: sct.printv('ERROR: Wrong image type.', 1, 'error') # apply transformation from previous step, to use as new src for registration[ 'sct_apply_transfo', '-i', src, '-d', dest, '-w', ','.join(warp_forward), '-o', add_suffix(src, '_regStep' + str(i_step - 1)), '-x', interp_step ], verbose) src = add_suffix(src, '_regStep' + str(i_step - 1)) # register src --> dest # TODO: display param for debugging warp_forward_out, warp_inverse_out = register( src, dest, paramreg, param, str(i_step)) warp_forward.append(warp_forward_out) warp_inverse.insert(0, warp_inverse_out) # Concatenate transformations: sct.printv('\nConcatenate transformations: template --> subject...', verbose)[ 'sct_concat_transfo', '-w', ','.join(warp_forward), '-d', 'data.nii', '-o', 'warp_template2anat.nii.gz' ], verbose) sct.printv('\nConcatenate transformations: subject --> template...', verbose)[ 'sct_concat_transfo', '-w', ','.join(warp_inverse), '-d', 'template.nii', '-o', 'warp_anat2template.nii.gz' ], verbose) # Apply warping fields to anat and template[ 'sct_apply_transfo', '-i', 'template.nii', '-o', 'template2anat.nii.gz', '-d', 'data.nii', '-w', 'warp_template2anat.nii.gz', '-crop', '1' ], verbose)[ 'sct_apply_transfo', '-i', 'data.nii', '-o', 'anat2template.nii.gz', '-d', 'template.nii', '-w', 'warp_anat2template.nii.gz', '-crop', '1' ], verbose) # come back os.chdir(curdir) # Generate output files sct.printv('\nGenerate output files...', verbose) fname_template2anat = os.path.join(path_output, 'template2anat' + ext_data) fname_anat2template = os.path.join(path_output, 'anat2template' + ext_data) sct.generate_output_file( os.path.join(path_tmp, "warp_template2anat.nii.gz"), os.path.join(path_output, "warp_template2anat.nii.gz"), verbose) sct.generate_output_file( os.path.join(path_tmp, "warp_anat2template.nii.gz"), os.path.join(path_output, "warp_anat2template.nii.gz"), verbose) sct.generate_output_file(os.path.join(path_tmp, "template2anat.nii.gz"), fname_template2anat, verbose) sct.generate_output_file(os.path.join(path_tmp, "anat2template.nii.gz"), fname_anat2template, verbose) if ref == 'template': # copy straightening files in case subsequent SCT functions need them sct.generate_output_file( os.path.join(path_tmp, "warp_curve2straight.nii.gz"), os.path.join(path_output, "warp_curve2straight.nii.gz"), verbose) sct.generate_output_file( os.path.join(path_tmp, "warp_straight2curve.nii.gz"), os.path.join(path_output, "warp_straight2curve.nii.gz"), verbose) sct.generate_output_file( os.path.join(path_tmp, "straight_ref.nii.gz"), os.path.join(path_output, "straight_ref.nii.gz"), verbose) # Delete temporary files if remove_temp_files: sct.printv('\nDelete temporary files...', verbose) sct.rmtree(path_tmp, verbose=verbose) # display elapsed time elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time sct.printv( '\nFinished! Elapsed time: ' + str(int(np.round(elapsed_time))) + 's', verbose) if param.path_qc is not None: generate_qc(fname_data, fname_in2=fname_template2anat, fname_seg=fname_seg, args=args, path_qc=os.path.abspath(param.path_qc), process='sct_register_to_template') sct.display_viewer_syntax([fname_data, fname_template2anat], verbose=verbose) sct.display_viewer_syntax([fname_template, fname_anat2template], verbose=verbose)
def main(args=None): # Initialization param = Param() start_time = time.time() parser = get_parser() arguments = parser.parse(sys.argv[1:]) fname_anat = arguments['-i'] fname_centerline = arguments['-s'] if '-smooth' in arguments: sigma = arguments['-smooth'] if '-param' in arguments: param.update(arguments['-param']) if '-r' in arguments: remove_temp_files = int(arguments['-r']) verbose = int(arguments.get('-v')) sct.init_sct(log_level=verbose, update=True) # Update log level # Display arguments sct.printv('\nCheck input arguments...') sct.printv(' Volume to smooth .................. ' + fname_anat) sct.printv(' Centerline ........................ ' + fname_centerline) sct.printv(' Sigma (mm) ........................ ' + str(sigma)) sct.printv(' Verbose ........................... ' + str(verbose)) # Check that input is 3D: from spinalcordtoolbox.image import Image nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = Image(fname_anat).dim dim = 4 # by default, will be adjusted later if nt == 1: dim = 3 if nz == 1: dim = 2 if dim == 4: sct.printv('WARNING: the input image is 4D, please split your image to 3D before smoothing spinalcord using :\n' 'sct_image -i ' + fname_anat + ' -split t -o ' + fname_anat, verbose, 'warning') sct.printv('4D images not supported, aborting ...', verbose, 'error') # Extract path/file/extension path_anat, file_anat, ext_anat = sct.extract_fname(fname_anat) path_centerline, file_centerline, ext_centerline = sct.extract_fname(fname_centerline) path_tmp = sct.tmp_create(basename="smooth_spinalcord", verbose=verbose) # Copying input data to tmp folder sct.printv('\nCopying input data to tmp folder and convert to nii...', verbose) sct.copy(fname_anat, os.path.join(path_tmp, "anat" + ext_anat)) sct.copy(fname_centerline, os.path.join(path_tmp, "centerline" + ext_centerline)) # go to tmp folder curdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path_tmp) # convert to nii format convert('anat' + ext_anat, 'anat.nii') convert('centerline' + ext_centerline, 'centerline.nii') # Change orientation of the input image into RPI sct.printv('\nOrient input volume to RPI orientation...') fname_anat_rpi = msct_image.Image("anat.nii") \ .change_orientation("RPI", generate_path=True) \ .save() \ .absolutepath # Change orientation of the input image into RPI sct.printv('\nOrient centerline to RPI orientation...') fname_centerline_rpi = msct_image.Image("centerline.nii") \ .change_orientation("RPI", generate_path=True) \ .save() \ .absolutepath # Straighten the spinal cord # straighten segmentation sct.printv('\nStraighten the spinal cord using centerline/segmentation...', verbose) cache_sig = sct.cache_signature(input_files=[fname_anat_rpi, fname_centerline_rpi], input_params={"x": "spline"}) cachefile = os.path.join(curdir, "straightening.cache") if sct.cache_valid(cachefile, cache_sig) and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(curdir, 'warp_curve2straight.nii.gz')) and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(curdir, 'warp_straight2curve.nii.gz')) and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(curdir, 'straight_ref.nii.gz')): # if they exist, copy them into current folder sct.printv('Reusing existing warping field which seems to be valid', verbose, 'warning') sct.copy(os.path.join(curdir, 'warp_curve2straight.nii.gz'), 'warp_curve2straight.nii.gz') sct.copy(os.path.join(curdir, 'warp_straight2curve.nii.gz'), 'warp_straight2curve.nii.gz') sct.copy(os.path.join(curdir, 'straight_ref.nii.gz'), 'straight_ref.nii.gz') # apply straightening['sct_apply_transfo', '-i', fname_anat_rpi, '-w', 'warp_curve2straight.nii.gz', '-d', 'straight_ref.nii.gz', '-o', 'anat_rpi_straight.nii', '-x', 'spline'], verbose) else:['sct_straighten_spinalcord', '-i', fname_anat_rpi, '-o', 'anat_rpi_straight.nii', '-s', fname_centerline_rpi, '-x', 'spline', '-param', 'algo_fitting='+param.algo_fitting], verbose) sct.cache_save(cachefile, cache_sig) # move warping fields locally (to use caching next time) sct.copy('warp_curve2straight.nii.gz', os.path.join(curdir, 'warp_curve2straight.nii.gz')) sct.copy('warp_straight2curve.nii.gz', os.path.join(curdir, 'warp_straight2curve.nii.gz')) # Smooth the straightened image along z sct.printv('\nSmooth the straightened image...') sigma_smooth = ",".join([str(i) for i in sigma]) sct_maths.main(args=['-i', 'anat_rpi_straight.nii', '-smooth', sigma_smooth, '-o', 'anat_rpi_straight_smooth.nii', '-v', '0']) # Apply the reversed warping field to get back the curved spinal cord sct.printv('\nApply the reversed warping field to get back the curved spinal cord...')['sct_apply_transfo', '-i', 'anat_rpi_straight_smooth.nii', '-o', 'anat_rpi_straight_smooth_curved.nii', '-d', 'anat.nii', '-w', 'warp_straight2curve.nii.gz', '-x', 'spline'], verbose) # replace zeroed voxels by original image (issue #937) sct.printv('\nReplace zeroed voxels by original image...', verbose) nii_smooth = Image('anat_rpi_straight_smooth_curved.nii') data_smooth = data_input = Image('anat.nii').data indzero = np.where(data_smooth == 0) data_smooth[indzero] = data_input[indzero] = data_smooth'anat_rpi_straight_smooth_curved_nonzero.nii') # come back os.chdir(curdir) # Generate output file sct.printv('\nGenerate output file...') sct.generate_output_file(os.path.join(path_tmp, "anat_rpi_straight_smooth_curved_nonzero.nii"), file_anat + '_smooth' + ext_anat) # Remove temporary files if remove_temp_files == 1: sct.printv('\nRemove temporary files...') sct.rmtree(path_tmp) # Display elapsed time elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time sct.printv('\nFinished! Elapsed time: ' + str(int(np.round(elapsed_time))) + 's\n') sct.display_viewer_syntax([file_anat, file_anat + '_smooth'], verbose=verbose)
def main(): # Initialization fname_data = '' interp_factor = param.interp_factor remove_temp_files = param.remove_temp_files verbose = param.verbose suffix = param.suffix smoothing_sigma = param.smoothing_sigma # start timer start_time = time.time() # get path of the toolbox path_sct = os.environ.get("SCT_DIR", os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))) # Parameters for debug mode if param.debug: fname_data = os.path.join(path_sct, 'testing', 'data', 'errsm_23', 't2', 't2_manual_segmentation.nii.gz') remove_temp_files = 0 param.mask_size = 10 else: # Check input parameters try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'hi:v:r:s:') except getopt.GetoptError: usage() if not opts: usage() for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': usage() elif opt in ('-i'): fname_data = arg elif opt in ('-r'): remove_temp_files = int(arg) elif opt in ('-s'): smoothing_sigma = arg elif opt in ('-v'): verbose = int(arg) # display usage if a mandatory argument is not provided if fname_data == '': usage() # sct.printv(arguments) sct.printv('\nCheck parameters:') sct.printv(' segmentation ........... ' + fname_data) sct.printv(' interp factor .......... ' + str(interp_factor)) sct.printv(' smoothing sigma ........ ' + str(smoothing_sigma)) # check existence of input files sct.printv('\nCheck existence of input files...') sct.check_file_exist(fname_data, verbose) # Extract path, file and extension path_data, file_data, ext_data = sct.extract_fname(fname_data) path_tmp = sct.tmp_create(basename="binary_to_trilinear", verbose=verbose) from sct_convert import convert sct.printv('\nCopying input data to tmp folder and convert to nii...', param.verbose) convert(fname_data, os.path.join(path_tmp, "data.nii")) # go to tmp folder curdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path_tmp) # Get dimensions of data sct.printv('\nGet dimensions of data...', verbose) nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = Image('data.nii').dim sct.printv('.. ' + str(nx) + ' x ' + str(ny) + ' x ' + str(nz), verbose) # upsample data sct.printv('\nUpsample data...', verbose)[ "sct_resample", "-i", "data.nii", "-x", "linear", "-vox", str(nx * interp_factor) + 'x' + str(ny * interp_factor) + 'x' + str(nz * interp_factor), "-o", "data_up.nii" ], verbose) # Smooth along centerline sct.printv('\nSmooth along centerline...', verbose)[ "sct_smooth_spinalcord", "-i", "data_up.nii", "-s", "data_up.nii", "-smooth", str(smoothing_sigma), "-r", str(remove_temp_files), "-v", str(verbose) ], verbose) # downsample data sct.printv('\nDownsample data...', verbose)[ "sct_resample", "-i", "data_up_smooth.nii", "-x", "linear", "-vox", str(nx) + 'x' + str(ny) + 'x' + str(nz), "-o", "data_up_smooth_down.nii" ], verbose) # come back os.chdir(curdir) # Generate output files sct.printv('\nGenerate output files...') fname_out = sct.generate_output_file( os.path.join(path_tmp, "data_up_smooth_down.nii"), '' + file_data + suffix + ext_data) # Delete temporary files if remove_temp_files == 1: sct.printv('\nRemove temporary files...') sct.rmtree(path_tmp) # display elapsed time elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time sct.printv('\nFinished! Elapsed time: ' + str(int(np.round(elapsed_time))) + 's') # to view results sct.printv('\nTo view results, type:') sct.printv('fslview ' + file_data + ' ' + file_data + suffix + ' &\n')