def add_dir(self, name, params, logo='', infoLabels={}, menuItems={}): name = util.decode_html(name) if 'title' not in infoLabels: infoLabels['title'] = '' if logo is None: logo = '' liz = xbmcgui.ListItem(name, iconImage='DefaultFolder.png', thumbnailImage=logo) if 'art' in infoLabels.keys(): liz.setArt(infoLabels['art']) if 'selected' in infoLabels.keys(): wnd = xbmcgui.Window(xbmcgui.getCurrentWindowId()) util.debug("[SC] wnd: %s [%d]" % (str(wnd), xbmcgui.getCurrentWindowId())) try: liz.setInfo(type='Video', infoLabels=self._extract_infolabels(infoLabels)) except: sys.exc_info() util.debug("CHYBA") util.debug(infoLabels) items = [] for mi in menuItems.keys(): action = menuItems[mi] if not type(action) == type({}): items.append((mi, action)) else: if 'action-type' in action: action_type = action['action-type'] del action['action-type'] if action_type == 'list': items.append((mi, 'Container.Update(%s)' % sctop._create_plugin_url(action))) elif action_type == 'play': items.append((mi, 'PlayMedia(%s)' % sctop._create_plugin_url(action))) else: items.append((mi, 'RunPlugin(%s)' % sctop._create_plugin_url(action))) else: items.append( (mi, 'RunPlugin(%s)' % sctop._create_plugin_url(action))) if len(items) > 0: liz.addContextMenuItems(items) return xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( handle=int(sys.argv[1]), url=sctop._create_plugin_url(params), listitem=liz, isFolder=True)
def _link(self, params): arg = { "play": "/Play/%d" % int(params['id']), "title": params['title'] } if 'season' in params: arg.update({ "play": "/Play/%d/%d/%d" % (int(params['id']), int( params['season']), int(params['episode'])) }) return sctop._create_plugin_url(arg, 'plugin://%s/' % sctop.__scriptid__)
def upNext(self): util.debug("[SC] upNext: start") try: if self.scid is None or self.upNextEnable == False: util.debug("[SC] upNext: nieje nas plugin") return playTime = xbmc.Player().getTime() totalTime = xbmc.Player().getTotalTime() if self.itemType == 'episode': util.debug("[SC] upNext: mame serial %sx%s" % (str(, str(self.ep))) provider = self.parent.provider url = provider._url( '/upNext/%s/%s/%s' % (str(self.scid), str(, str(self.ep))) util.debug("[SC] upNext URL: %s" % str(url)) data = provider._json(url) util.debug("[SC] upNext data: %s" % str(data)) if data and "url" in data: #$INFO[Player.TimeRemaining(ss)] nextUpPage = NextUpInfo("sc-NextUpInfo.xml", sctop.addonInfo('path'), "default", "1080i") nextUpPage.setItem(data) while xbmc.Player().isPlaying() and ( totalTime - playTime > 1) and not nextUpPage.isCancel( ) and not nextUpPage.isWatchNow(): sctop.sleep(100) try: playTime = xbmc.Player().getTime() totalTime = xbmc.Player().getTotalTime() except: pass nextUpPage.close() shouldPlayDefault = not nextUpPage.isCancel() shouldPlayNonDefault = nextUpPage.isWatchNow() self.upNextEnable = False util.debug( "[SC] upNext: [%s] [%s] " % (str(shouldPlayDefault), str(shouldPlayNonDefault))) if shouldPlayDefault or shouldPlayNonDefault: self.stop() data.update({'play': data['url'], 'url': data['url']}) pu = sctop._create_plugin_url( { 'dtitle': data['title'], 'play': data['url'] }, 'plugin://' + sctop.__scriptid__ + '/') util.debug("[SC] upNext pluginurl: %s" % str(pu)) return util.debug("[SC] upNExt smola :-(") return else: util.debug("[SC] upNext: mame film") return except Exception, e: util.error('[SC] upNext err: %s' % str(e)) pass
def add_video(self, name, params={}, logo='', infoLabels={}, menuItems={}): util.debug("_add_video") #util.debug("[SC] add video info: %s" % str(infoLabels)) _infoLabels = self._extract_infolabels(infoLabels) name = util.decode_html(name) if 'Title' not in _infoLabels: _infoLabels['Title'] = name util.debug("[SC] params: %s" % str(params)) url = sctop._create_plugin_url(params) if logo == '' or logo is None: logo = self.noImage li = xbmcgui.ListItem(name, path=url, iconImage='DefaultVideo.png', thumbnailImage=logo) li.setInfo(type='Video', infoLabels=_infoLabels) mt = sctop.getMediaType() util.debug("[SC] item media type: %s" % mt) if 'selected' in infoLabels.keys(): wnd = xbmcgui.Window(xbmcgui.getCurrentWindowId()) util.debug("[SC] wnd: %s [%d]" % (str(wnd), xbmcgui.getCurrentWindowId())) if 'mvideo' in infoLabels.keys(): li.addStreamInfo('video', infoLabels['mvideo']) if 'maudio' in infoLabels.keys(): li.addStreamInfo('audio', infoLabels['maudio']) if 'msubtitle' in infoLabels.keys(): li.addStreamInfo('subtitle', infoLabels['msubtitle']) if 'art' in infoLabels.keys(): li.setArt(infoLabels['art']) li.setProperty('IsPlayable', 'true') if 'runtime' in infoLabels.keys() and infoLabels['runtime'] > 0: duration = int(infoLabels['runtime']) * 60 li.addStreamInfo('video', {'duration': duration}) items = [(xbmc.getLocalizedString(13347), 'Action(Queue)')] self.setUniq(li, infoLabels) for mi in menuItems.keys(): action = menuItems[mi] if not type(action) == type({}): items.append((mi, action)) else: if 'action-type' in action: action_type = action['action-type'] del action['action-type'] if action_type == 'list': items.append((mi, 'Container.Update(%s)' % sctop._create_plugin_url(action))) elif action_type == 'play': items.append((mi, 'PlayMedia(%s)' % sctop._create_plugin_url(action))) elif action_type == 'trailer': items.append((mi, 'PlayMedia(%s)' % action['url'])) else: items.append((mi, 'RunPlugin(%s)' % sctop._create_plugin_url(action))) else: items.append( (mi, 'RunPlugin(%s)' % sctop._create_plugin_url(action))) if len(items) > 0: li.addContextMenuItems(items) #xbmc.executebuiltin("Container.SetViewMode(515)") return xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), url=url, listitem=li, isFolder=False)