コード例 #1
ファイル: sdc_hashmap_ext.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/hpat
def concurrent_dict_pop_ovld(self, key, default=None):
    if not isinstance(self, ConcurrentDictType):
        return None

    _func_name = f'Method {self}::pop()'
    ty_checker = TypeChecker(_func_name)

    # default value is expected to be of the same (or safely casted) type as dict's value_type
    no_default = isinstance(default,
                            (types.NoneType, types.Omitted)) or default is None
    default_is_optional = isinstance(default, types.Optional)
    if not (no_default or check_types_comparable(default, self.value_type)
            or default_is_optional
            and check_types_comparable(default.type, self.value_type)):
                             f'{self.value_type} or convertible or None',

    dict_key_type, dict_value_type = self.key_type, self.value_type
    cast_key = key is not dict_key_type

    def concurrent_dict_pop_impl(self, key, default=None):
        _key = key if cast_key == False else _cast(key, dict_key_type)  # noqa
        found, res = hashmap_pop(self, _key)

        if not found:
            if no_default == False:  # noqa
                return _cast(default, dict_value_type)
                return None
        return res

    return concurrent_dict_pop_impl
コード例 #2
def sdc_pandas_series_operator_binop(self, other):
    Pandas Series operator :attr:`pandas.Series.binop` implementation

    Note: Currently implemented for numeric Series only.
        Differs from Pandas in returning Series with fixed dtype :obj:`float64`

    .. only:: developer

    **Test**: python -m sdc.runtests -k sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op1*
              python -m sdc.runtests -k sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op2*
              python -m sdc.runtests -k sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_operator_binop*

    series: :obj:`pandas.Series`
        Input series
    other: :obj:`pandas.Series` or :obj:`scalar`
        Series or scalar value to be used as a second argument of binary operation

        The result of the operation

    _func_name = 'Method comp_binop().'
    ty_checker = TypeChecker(_func_name)
    self_is_series, other_is_series = isinstance(self, SeriesType), isinstance(other, SeriesType)
    if not (self_is_series or other_is_series):
        return None

    # this overload is not for string series
    self_is_string_series = self_is_series and isinstance(self.dtype, types.UnicodeType)
    other_is_string_series = other_is_series and isinstance(other.dtype, types.UnicodeType)
    if self_is_string_series or other_is_string_series:
        return None

    if not isinstance(self, (SeriesType, types.Number)):
        ty_checker.raise_exc(self, 'pandas.series or scalar', 'self')

    if not isinstance(other, (SeriesType, types.Number)):
        ty_checker.raise_exc(other, 'pandas.series or scalar', 'other')

    operands_are_series = self_is_series and other_is_series
    if operands_are_series:
        series_indexes_comparable = check_types_comparable(self.index, other.index)
        if not series_indexes_comparable:
            raise TypingError('{} Not implemented for series with not-comparable indexes. \
            Given: self.index={}, other.index={}'.format(_func_name, self.index, other.index))

    series_data_comparable = check_types_comparable(self, other)
    if not series_data_comparable:
        raise TypingError('{} Not supported for not-comparable operands. \
        Given: self={}, other={}'.format(_func_name, self, other))

    def series_operator_binop_wrapper(self, other):
        return sdc_binop(self, other)

    return series_operator_binop_wrapper
コード例 #3
def sdc_pandas_series_operator_comp_binop(self, other):
    Pandas Series operator :attr:`pandas.Series.comp_binop` implementation

    .. only:: developer

    **Test**: python -m sdc.runtests -k sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op7*
              python -m sdc.runtests -k sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_operator_comp_binop*

    series: :obj:`pandas.Series`
        Input series
    other: :obj:`pandas.Series` or :obj:`scalar`
        Series or scalar value to be used as a second argument of binary operation

        The result of the operation

    _func_name = 'Operator comp_binop().'
    ty_checker = TypeChecker(_func_name)
    self_is_series, other_is_series = isinstance(self, SeriesType), isinstance(
        other, SeriesType)
    if not (self_is_series or other_is_series):
        return None

    if not isinstance(self, (SeriesType, types.Number, types.UnicodeType)):
        ty_checker.raise_exc(self, 'pandas.series or scalar', 'self')

    if not isinstance(other, (SeriesType, types.Number, types.UnicodeType)):
        ty_checker.raise_exc(other, 'pandas.series or scalar', 'other')

    operands_are_series = self_is_series and other_is_series
    if operands_are_series:
        none_or_numeric_indexes = ((isinstance(self.index, types.NoneType)
                                    or check_index_is_numeric(self))
                                   and (isinstance(other.index, types.NoneType)
                                        or check_index_is_numeric(other)))
        series_indexes_comparable = check_types_comparable(
            self.index, other.index) or none_or_numeric_indexes
        if not series_indexes_comparable:
            raise TypingError(
                '{} Not implemented for series with not-comparable indexes. \
            Given: self.index={}, other.index={}'.format(
                    _func_name, self.index, other.index))

    series_data_comparable = check_types_comparable(self, other)
    if not series_data_comparable:
        raise TypingError('{} Not supported for not-comparable operands. \
        Given: self={}, other={}'.format(_func_name, self, other))

    def sdc_pandas_series_operator_comp_binop_impl(self, other):
        return self.comp_binop(other)

    return sdc_pandas_series_operator_comp_binop_impl
コード例 #4
ファイル: range_index_ext.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/hpat
def pd_range_index_equals_overload(self, other):
    if not isinstance(self, RangeIndexType):
        return None

    _func_name = 'Method equals().'
    if not isinstance(other, sdc_pandas_index_types):
        raise SDCLimitation(
            f"{_func_name} Unsupported parameter. Given 'other': {other}")

    if not check_types_comparable(self, other):
        raise TypingError('{} Not allowed for non comparable indexes. \
        Given: self={}, other={}'.format(_func_name, self, other))

    if isinstance(other, sdc_indexes_range_like):

        def pd_range_index_equals_impl(self, other):

            if len(self) != len(other):
                return False
            if len(self) == 0:
                return True

            if len(self) == 1:
                return self.start == other.start

            return self.start == other.start and self.step == other.step

        def pd_range_index_equals_impl(self, other):
            return sdc_numeric_indexes_equals(self, other)

    return pd_range_index_equals_impl
コード例 #5
def pd_int64_index_append_overload(self, other):
    if not isinstance(self, Int64IndexType):
        return None

    _func_name = 'Method append().'
    ty_checker = TypeChecker(_func_name)

    if not isinstance(other, sdc_pandas_index_types):
        ty_checker.raise_exc(other, 'pandas index', 'other')

    if not check_types_comparable(self, other):
        raise TypingError('{} Not allowed for non comparable indexes. \
        Given: self={}, other={}'.format(_func_name, self, other))

    convert_other = not isinstance(other, types.Array)
    _, res_index_dtype = find_index_common_dtype(self, other)
    return_as_array_index = res_index_dtype is not types.int64

    def pd_int64_index_append_impl(self, other):
        _other = other.values if convert_other == True else other  # noqa
        new_index_data = hpat_arrays_append(self._data, _other)
        # this is only needed while some indexes are represented with arrays
        # TO-DO: support pd.Index() overload with dtype arg to create indexes
        if return_as_array_index == False:  # noqa
            return pd.Int64Index(new_index_data)
            return new_index_data

    return pd_int64_index_append_impl
コード例 #6
def pd_positional_index_reindex_overload(self,
    if not isinstance(self, PositionalIndexType):
        return None

    _func_name = 'Method reindex().'
    if not isinstance(target, sdc_pandas_index_types):
        raise SDCLimitation(
            f"{_func_name} Unsupported parameter. Given 'target': {target}")

    if not check_types_comparable(self, target):
        raise TypingError('{} Not allowed for non comparable indexes. \
        Given: self={}, target={}'.format(_func_name, self, target))

    def pd_positional_index_reindex_impl(self,
        return sdc_indexes_reindex(self,

    return pd_positional_index_reindex_impl
コード例 #7
def pd_positional_index_ne_overload(self, other):

    _func_name = 'Operator ne.'
    if not check_types_comparable(self, other):
        raise TypingError('{} Not allowed for non comparable indexes. \
        Given: self={}, other={}'.format(_func_name, self, other))

    self_is_positional_index = isinstance(self, PositionalIndexType)
    other_is_positional_index = isinstance(other, PositionalIndexType)

    possible_arg_types = (types.Array, types.Number) + sdc_pandas_index_types
    if not (
            self_is_positional_index and other_is_positional_index or
        (self_is_positional_index and isinstance(other, possible_arg_types)) or
        (isinstance(self, possible_arg_types) and other_is_positional_index)):
        return None

    def pd_positional_index_ne_impl(self, other):

        eq_res = np.asarray(
            self ==
            other)  # FIXME_Numba#5157: remove np.asarray and return as list
        return list(~eq_res)

    return pd_positional_index_ne_impl
コード例 #8
ファイル: numpy_like.py プロジェクト: kozlov-alexey/hpat
def sdc_array_equal_overload(A, B):
    """ Checks 1D sequences A and B of comparable dtypes are equal """

    if not (isinstance(
            A, (types.Array, StringArrayType, types.NoneType, RangeIndexType))
            or isinstance(B, (types.Array, StringArrayType, types.NoneType,
        return None

    _func_name = "numpy-like 'array_equal'"
    if not check_types_comparable(A, B):
        msg = '{} Not comparable arguments. Given: A={}, B={}'
        raise TypingError(msg.format(_func_name, A, B))

    if (A == string_array_type and A == B):

        def sdc_array_equal_str_arr_impl(A, B):
            is_index_equal = (len(A) == len(B)
                              and num_total_chars(A) == num_total_chars(B))
            for i in numpy.arange(len(A)):
                if (A[i] != B[i]
                        or str_arr_is_na(A, i) is not str_arr_is_na(B, i)):
                    return False
            return is_index_equal

        return sdc_array_equal_str_arr_impl
        both_range_indexes = isinstance(A, RangeIndexType) and isinstance(
            B, RangeIndexType)

        def sdc_array_equal_impl(A, B):
            if both_range_indexes == True:  # noqa
                if len(A) != len(B):
                    return False
                if len(A) == 0:
                    return True
                if len(A) == 1:
                    return A.start == B.start

                return A.start == B.start and A.step == B.step
                if len(A) != len(B):
                    return False
                # FIXME_Numba#5157: change to simple A == B when issue is resolved
                eq_res_size = len(A)
                eq_res = numpy.empty(eq_res_size, dtype=types.bool_)
                for i in numba.prange(eq_res_size):
                    eq_res[i] = A[i] == B[i]
                return numpy.all(eq_res)

        return sdc_array_equal_impl
コード例 #9
def pd_int64_index_equals_overload(self, other):
    if not isinstance(self, Int64IndexType):
        return None

    _func_name = 'Method equals().'
    if not isinstance(other, sdc_pandas_index_types):
        raise SDCLimitation(
            f"{_func_name} Unsupported parameter. Given 'other': {other}")

    if not check_types_comparable(self, other):
        raise TypingError('{} Not allowed for non comparable indexes. \
        Given: self={}, other={}'.format(_func_name, self, other))

    def pd_int64_index_equals_impl(self, other):
        return sdc_numeric_indexes_equals(self, other)

    return pd_int64_index_equals_impl
コード例 #10
ファイル: multi_index_ext.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/hpat
def pd_multi_index_eq_overload(self, other):

    _func_name = 'Operator eq.'

    self_is_multi_index = isinstance(self, MultiIndexType)
    other_is_multi_index = isinstance(other, MultiIndexType)
    both_are_multi_indexes = self_is_multi_index and other_is_multi_index
    if not (both_are_multi_indexes and check_types_comparable(self, other) or
             and other is getattr(self, 'dtype', types.none)) or
            (self is getattr(other, 'dtype', types.none)
             and other_is_multi_index)):
        raise TypingError('{} Not allowed for non comparable types. \
        Given: self={}, other={}'.format(_func_name, self, other))

    def pd_multi_index_eq_impl(self, other):

        if both_are_multi_indexes == True:  # noqa
            self_size = len(self)
            if len(self) != len(other):
                raise ValueError("Lengths must match to compare")

            if self.nlevels != other.nlevels:
                res = np.zeros(self_size, dtype=types.bool_)
                res = np.empty(self_size, dtype=types.bool_)
                for i in prange(self_size):
                    res[i] = self[i] == other[i]

        elif self_is_multi_index == True:  # noqa
            self_size = len(self)
            res = np.empty(self_size, dtype=types.bool_)
            for i in prange(self_size):
                res[i] = self[i] == other

            other_size = len(other)
            res = np.empty(other_size, dtype=types.bool_)
            for i in prange(other_size):
                res[i] = self == other[i]

        return list(
        )  # FIXME_Numba#5157: result must be np.array, remove list when Numba is fixed

    return pd_multi_index_eq_impl
コード例 #11
def pd_positional_index_append_overload(self, other):
    if not isinstance(self, PositionalIndexType):
        return None

    _func_name = 'Method append().'
    ty_checker = TypeChecker(_func_name)

    if not isinstance(other, sdc_pandas_index_types):
        ty_checker.raise_exc(other, 'pandas index', 'other')

    if not check_types_comparable(self, other):
        raise TypingError('{} Not allowed for non comparable indexes. \
        Given: self={}, other={}'.format(_func_name, self, other))

    def pd_positional_index_append_impl(self, other):
        _self = self._data
        return _self.append(other)

    return pd_positional_index_append_impl
コード例 #12
ファイル: range_index_ext.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/hpat
def pd_range_index_append_overload(self, other):
    if not isinstance(self, RangeIndexType):
        return None

    _func_name = 'Method append().'
    ty_checker = TypeChecker(_func_name)

    if not isinstance(other, sdc_pandas_index_types):
        ty_checker.raise_exc(other, 'pandas index', 'other')

    if not check_types_comparable(self, other):
        raise TypingError('{} Not allowed for non comparable indexes. \
        Given: self={}, other={}'.format(_func_name, self, other))

    def pd_range_index_append_impl(self, other):
        int64_index = pd.Int64Index(self.values, name=self._name)
        return int64_index.append(other)

    return pd_range_index_append_impl
コード例 #13
ファイル: numpy_like.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/hpat
def sdc_array_equal_overload(A, B):
    """ Checks 1D sequences A and B of comparable dtypes are equal """

    valid_arg_types = sdc_pandas_df_column_types
    if not (isinstance(A, valid_arg_types) or isinstance(B, valid_arg_types)):
        return None

    _func_name = "numpy-like 'array_equal'"
    if not check_types_comparable(A, B):
        msg = '{} Not comparable arguments. Given: A={}, B={}'
        raise TypingError(msg.format(_func_name, A, B))

    if (A == string_array_type and A == B):
        def sdc_array_equal_str_arr_impl(A, B):
            if A is B:
                return True

            is_index_equal = (len(A) == len(B)
                              and num_total_chars(A) == num_total_chars(B))
            for i in numpy.arange(len(A)):
                if (A[i] != B[i]
                        or str_arr_is_na(A, i) is not str_arr_is_na(B, i)):
                    return False
            return is_index_equal

        return sdc_array_equal_str_arr_impl

        def sdc_array_equal_impl(A, B):
            if A is B:
                return True

            if len(A) != len(B):
                return False
            # FIXME_Numba#5157: change to simple A == B when issue is resolved
            eq_res_size = len(A)
            eq_res = numpy.empty(eq_res_size, dtype=types.bool_)
            for i in numba.prange(eq_res_size):
                eq_res[i] = A[i] == B[i]
            return numpy.all(eq_res)

        return sdc_array_equal_impl
コード例 #14
ファイル: range_index_ext.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/hpat
def pd_range_index_eq_overload(self, other):

    _func_name = 'Operator eq.'
    if not check_types_comparable(self, other):
        raise TypingError('{} Not allowed for non comparable indexes. \
        Given: self={}, other={}'.format(_func_name, self, other))

    self_is_range_index = isinstance(self, RangeIndexType)
    other_is_range_index = isinstance(other, RangeIndexType)

    possible_arg_types = (types.Array, types.Number) + sdc_pandas_index_types
    if not (self_is_range_index and other_is_range_index or
            (self_is_range_index and isinstance(other, possible_arg_types)) or
            (isinstance(self, possible_arg_types) and other_is_range_index)):
        return None

    def pd_range_index_eq_impl(self, other):
        return sdc_indexes_operator_eq(self, other)

    return pd_range_index_eq_impl
コード例 #15
ファイル: multi_index_ext.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/hpat
def pd_multi_index_ne_overload(self, other):

    _func_name = 'Operator ne.'

    self_is_multi_index = isinstance(self, MultiIndexType)
    other_is_multi_index = isinstance(other, MultiIndexType)
    both_are_multi_indexes = self_is_multi_index and other_is_multi_index
    if not (both_are_multi_indexes and check_types_comparable(self, other) or
             and other is getattr(self, 'dtype', types.none)) or
            (self is getattr(other, 'dtype', types.none)
             and other_is_multi_index)):
        raise TypingError('{} Not allowed for non comparable types. \
        Given: self={}, other={}'.format(_func_name, self, other))

    def pd_multi_index_ne_impl(self, other):

        eq_res = np.asarray(
            self ==
            other)  # FIXME_Numba#5157: remove np.asarray and return as list
        return list(~eq_res)

    return pd_multi_index_ne_impl
コード例 #16
ファイル: multi_index_ext.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/hpat
def pd_multi_index_append_overload(self, other):
    if not isinstance(self, MultiIndexType):
        return None

    _func_name = 'Method append().'
    ty_checker = TypeChecker(_func_name)

    if not (isinstance(other, MultiIndexType)):
        ty_checker.raise_exc(other, 'pandas MultiIndex', 'other')

    if not check_types_comparable(self, other):
        raise TypingError('{} Not allowed for non comparable indexes. \
        Given: self={}, other={}'.format(_func_name, self, other))

    def pd_multi_index_append_impl(self, other):

        self_and_other_data = _multi_index_binop_helper(self, other)
        tup_append_level_res = sdc_tuple_map(
            lambda x: _multi_index_append_level(*x), self_and_other_data)

        new_levels, new_codes = sdc_tuple_unzip(tup_append_level_res)
        return pd.MultiIndex(levels=new_levels, codes=new_codes)

    return pd_multi_index_append_impl
コード例 #17
def sdc_pandas_series_operator_binop(self, other):
    Pandas Series operator :attr:`pandas.Series.binop` implementation

    Note: Currently implemented for numeric Series only.
        Differs from Pandas in returning Series with fixed dtype :obj:`float64`

    .. only:: developer

    **Test**: python -m sdc.runtests -k sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op1*
              python -m sdc.runtests -k sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op2*
              python -m sdc.runtests -k sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_operator_binop*

    series: :obj:`pandas.Series`
        Input series
    other: :obj:`pandas.Series` or :obj:`scalar`
        Series or scalar value to be used as a second argument of binary operation

        The result of the operation

    _func_name = 'Operator binop().'

    ty_checker = TypeChecker('Operator binop().')
    self_is_series, other_is_series = isinstance(self, SeriesType), isinstance(
        other, SeriesType)
    if not (self_is_series or other_is_series):
        return None

    # this overload is not for string series
    self_is_string_series = self_is_series and isinstance(
        self.dtype, types.UnicodeType)
    other_is_string_series = other_is_series and isinstance(
        other.dtype, types.UnicodeType)
    if self_is_string_series or other_is_string_series:
        return None

    if not isinstance(self, (SeriesType, types.Number)):
        ty_checker.raise_exc(self, 'pandas.series or scalar', 'self')

    if not isinstance(other, (SeriesType, types.Number)):
        ty_checker.raise_exc(other, 'pandas.series or scalar', 'other')

    operands_are_series = self_is_series and other_is_series
    if operands_are_series:
        none_or_numeric_indexes = ((isinstance(self.index, types.NoneType)
                                    or check_index_is_numeric(self))
                                   and (isinstance(other.index, types.NoneType)
                                        or check_index_is_numeric(other)))
        series_indexes_comparable = check_types_comparable(
            self.index, other.index) or none_or_numeric_indexes
        if not series_indexes_comparable:
            raise TypingError(
                '{} Not implemented for series with not-comparable indexes. \
            Given: self.index={}, other.index={}'.format(
                    _func_name, self.index, other.index))

    series_data_comparable = check_types_comparable(self, other)
    if not series_data_comparable:
        raise TypingError('{} Not supported for not-comparable operands. \
        Given: self={}, other={}'.format(_func_name, self, other))

    # specializations for numeric series only
    if not operands_are_series:

        def _series_operator_binop_scalar_impl(self, other):
            if self_is_series == True:  # noqa
                result_data = numpy.empty(len(self._data), dtype=numpy.float64)
                result_data[:] = self._data + numpy.float64(other)
                return pandas.Series(result_data,
                result_data = numpy.empty(len(other._data),
                result_data[:] = numpy.float64(self) + other._data
                return pandas.Series(result_data,

        return _series_operator_binop_scalar_impl

    else:  # both operands are numeric series

        # optimization for series with default indexes, that can be aligned differently
        if (isinstance(self.index, types.NoneType)
                and isinstance(other.index, types.NoneType)):

            def _series_operator_binop_none_indexes_impl(self, other):

                if (len(self._data) == len(other._data)):
                    result_data = astype(self._data, numpy.float64)
                    result_data = result_data + other._data
                    return pandas.Series(result_data)
                    left_size, right_size = len(self._data), len(other._data)
                    min_data_size = min(left_size, right_size)
                    max_data_size = max(left_size, right_size)
                    result_data = numpy.empty(max_data_size,
                    if (left_size == min_data_size):
                        result_data[:min_data_size] = self._data
                        result_data[min_data_size:] = numpy.nan
                        result_data = result_data + other._data
                        result_data[:min_data_size] = other._data
                        result_data[min_data_size:] = numpy.nan
                        result_data = self._data + result_data

                    return pandas.Series(result_data)

            return _series_operator_binop_none_indexes_impl
            # for numeric indexes find common dtype to be used when creating joined index
            if none_or_numeric_indexes:
                ty_left_index_dtype = types.int64 if isinstance(
                    self.index, types.NoneType) else self.index.dtype
                ty_right_index_dtype = types.int64 if isinstance(
                    other.index, types.NoneType) else other.index.dtype
                numba_index_common_dtype = find_common_dtype_from_numpy_dtypes(
                    [ty_left_index_dtype, ty_right_index_dtype], [])

            def _series_operator_binop_common_impl(self, other):
                left_index, right_index = self.index, other.index

                # check if indexes are equal and series don't have to be aligned
                if sdc_check_indexes_equal(left_index, right_index):
                    result_data = numpy.empty(len(self._data),
                    result_data[:] = self._data + other._data

                    if none_or_numeric_indexes == True:  # noqa
                        result_index = astype(left_index,
                        result_index = self._index

                    return pandas.Series(result_data, index=result_index)

                # TODO: replace below with core join(how='outer', return_indexers=True) when implemented
                joined_index, left_indexer, right_indexer = sdc_join_series_indexes(
                    left_index, right_index)

                result_size = len(joined_index)
                left_values = numpy.empty(result_size, dtype=numpy.float64)
                right_values = numpy.empty(result_size, dtype=numpy.float64)
                for i in numba.prange(result_size):
                    left_pos, right_pos = left_indexer[i], right_indexer[i]
                    left_values[i] = self._data[
                        left_pos] if left_pos != -1 else numpy.nan
                    right_values[i] = other._data[
                        right_pos] if right_pos != -1 else numpy.nan

                result_data = left_values + right_values
                return pandas.Series(result_data, joined_index)

            return _series_operator_binop_common_impl

    return None
コード例 #18
def sdc_pandas_series_operator_comp_binop(self, other):
    Pandas Series operator :attr:`pandas.Series.comp_binop` implementation

    .. only:: developer

    **Test**: python -m sdc.runtests -k sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op7*
              python -m sdc.runtests -k sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_operator_comp_binop*

    series: :obj:`pandas.Series`
        Input series
    other: :obj:`pandas.Series` or :obj:`scalar`
        Series or scalar value to be used as a second argument of binary operation

        The result of the operation

    _func_name = 'Operator comp_binop().'

    ty_checker = TypeChecker('Operator comp_binop().')
    self_is_series, other_is_series = isinstance(self, SeriesType), isinstance(
        other, SeriesType)
    if not (self_is_series or other_is_series):
        return None

    if not isinstance(self, (SeriesType, types.Number, types.UnicodeType)):
        ty_checker.raise_exc(self, 'pandas.series or scalar', 'self')

    if not isinstance(other, (SeriesType, types.Number, types.UnicodeType)):
        ty_checker.raise_exc(other, 'pandas.series or scalar', 'other')

    operands_are_series = self_is_series and other_is_series
    if operands_are_series:
        none_or_numeric_indexes = ((isinstance(self.index, types.NoneType)
                                    or check_index_is_numeric(self))
                                   and (isinstance(other.index, types.NoneType)
                                        or check_index_is_numeric(other)))
        series_indexes_comparable = check_types_comparable(
            self.index, other.index) or none_or_numeric_indexes
        if not series_indexes_comparable:
            raise TypingError(
                '{} Not implemented for series with not-comparable indexes. \
            Given: self.index={}, other.index={}'.format(
                    _func_name, self.index, other.index))

    series_data_comparable = check_types_comparable(self, other)
    if not series_data_comparable:
        raise TypingError('{} Not supported for not-comparable operands. \
        Given: self={}, other={}'.format(_func_name, self, other))

    if not operands_are_series:

        def _series_operator_comp_binop_scalar_impl(self, other):
            if self_is_series == True:  # noqa
                return pandas.Series(self._data < other,
                return pandas.Series(self < other._data,

        return _series_operator_comp_binop_scalar_impl


        # optimization for series with default indexes, that can be aligned differently
        if (isinstance(self.index, types.NoneType)
                and isinstance(other.index, types.NoneType)):

            def _series_operator_comp_binop_none_indexes_impl(self, other):
                left_size, right_size = len(self._data), len(other._data)
                if (left_size == right_size):
                    return pandas.Series(self._data < other._data)
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Can only compare identically-labeled Series objects")

            return _series_operator_comp_binop_none_indexes_impl

            if none_or_numeric_indexes:
                ty_left_index_dtype = types.int64 if isinstance(
                    self.index, types.NoneType) else self.index.dtype
                ty_right_index_dtype = types.int64 if isinstance(
                    other.index, types.NoneType) else other.index.dtype
                numba_index_common_dtype = find_common_dtype_from_numpy_dtypes(
                    [ty_left_index_dtype, ty_right_index_dtype], [])

            def _series_operator_comp_binop_common_impl(self, other):
                left_index, right_index = self.index, other.index

                if sdc_check_indexes_equal(left_index, right_index):
                    if none_or_numeric_indexes == True:  # noqa
                        new_index = astype(left_index,
                        new_index = self._index
                    return pandas.Series(self._data < other._data, new_index)
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Can only compare identically-labeled Series objects")

            return _series_operator_comp_binop_common_impl

    return None
コード例 #19
def sdc_pandas_series_comp_binop(self, other, level=None, fill_value=None, axis=0):
    Intel Scalable Dataframe Compiler User Guide

    Pandas API: pandas.Series.comp_binop

    Parameters ``level`` and ``axis`` are currently unsupported by Intel Scalable Dataframe Compiler

    .. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/series/series_comp_binop.py
       :language: python
       :lines: 27-
       :name: ex_series_comp_binop

    .. command-output:: python ./series/series_comp_binop.py
       :cwd: ../../../examples

    Intel Scalable Dataframe Compiler Developer Guide
    Pandas Series method :meth:`pandas.Series.comp_binop` implementation.

    .. only:: developer
        Test: python -m sdc.runtests -k sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op8

    _func_name = 'Method comp_binop().'

    ty_checker = TypeChecker(_func_name)
    ty_checker.check(self, SeriesType)

    if not (isinstance(level, types.Omitted) or level is None):
        ty_checker.raise_exc(level, 'None', 'level')

    if not (isinstance(fill_value, (types.Omitted, types.Number, types.UnicodeType, types.NoneType))
            or fill_value is None):
        ty_checker.raise_exc(fill_value, 'scalar', 'fill_value')

    if not (isinstance(axis, types.Omitted) or axis == 0):
        ty_checker.raise_exc(axis, 'int', 'axis')

    self_is_series, other_is_series = isinstance(self, SeriesType), isinstance(other, SeriesType)
    if not (self_is_series or other_is_series):
        return None

    if not isinstance(self, SeriesType):
        ty_checker.raise_exc(self, 'pandas.series', 'self')

    if not isinstance(other, (SeriesType, types.Number, types.UnicodeType)):
        ty_checker.raise_exc(other, 'pandas.series or scalar', 'other')

    operands_are_series = self_is_series and other_is_series
    if operands_are_series:
        series_indexes_comparable = check_types_comparable(self.index, other.index)
        if not series_indexes_comparable:
            raise TypingError('{} Not implemented for series with not-comparable indexes. \
            Given: self.index={}, other.index={}'.format(_func_name, self.index, other.index))

    series_data_comparable = check_types_comparable(self, other)
    if not series_data_comparable:
        raise TypingError('{} Not supported for not-comparable operands. \
        Given: self={}, other={}'.format(_func_name, self, other))

    # specializations for both numeric and string series
    def series_comp_binop_wrapper(self, other, level=None, fill_value=None, axis=0):
        return sdc_comp_binop(self, other, fill_value)

    return series_comp_binop_wrapper
コード例 #20
def sdc_pandas_series_binop(self, other, level=None, fill_value=None, axis=0):
    Intel Scalable Dataframe Compiler User Guide

    Pandas API: pandas.Series.binop

    Parameters ``level`` and ``axis`` are currently unsupported by Intel Scalable Dataframe Compiler

    .. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/series/series_binop.py
       :language: python
       :lines: 27-
       :name: ex_series_binop

    .. command-output:: python ./series/series_binop.py
       :cwd: ../../../examples

    Intel Scalable Dataframe Compiler Developer Guide
    Pandas Series method :meth:`pandas.Series.binop` implementation.

    .. only:: developer
        Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op5

    _func_name = 'Method binop().'
    ty_checker = TypeChecker(_func_name)
    self_is_series, other_is_series = isinstance(self, SeriesType), isinstance(
        other, SeriesType)
    if not (self_is_series or other_is_series):
        return None

    # this overload is not for string series
    self_is_string_series = self_is_series and isinstance(
        self.dtype, types.UnicodeType)
    other_is_string_series = other_is_series and isinstance(
        other.dtype, types.UnicodeType)
    if self_is_string_series or other_is_string_series:
        return None

    if not isinstance(self, (SeriesType, types.Number)):
        ty_checker.raise_exc(self, 'pandas.series or scalar', 'self')

    if not isinstance(other, (SeriesType, types.Number)):
        ty_checker.raise_exc(other, 'pandas.series or scalar', 'other')

    operands_are_series = self_is_series and other_is_series
    if operands_are_series:
        none_or_numeric_indexes = ((isinstance(self.index, types.NoneType)
                                    or check_index_is_numeric(self))
                                   and (isinstance(other.index, types.NoneType)
                                        or check_index_is_numeric(other)))
        series_indexes_comparable = check_types_comparable(
            self.index, other.index) or none_or_numeric_indexes
        if not series_indexes_comparable:
            raise TypingError(
                '{} Not implemented for series with not-comparable indexes. \
            Given: self.index={}, other.index={}'.format(
                    _func_name, self.index, other.index))

    series_data_comparable = check_types_comparable(self, other)
    if not series_data_comparable:
        raise TypingError('{} Not supported for not-comparable operands. \
        Given: self={}, other={}'.format(_func_name, self, other))

    if not isinstance(level, types.Omitted) and level is not None:
        ty_checker.raise_exc(level, 'None', 'level')

    if not isinstance(fill_value, (types.Omitted, types.Number,
                                   types.NoneType)) and fill_value is not None:
        ty_checker.raise_exc(fill_value, 'number', 'fill_value')
    fill_value_is_none = isinstance(
        fill_value, (types.NoneType, types.Omitted)) or fill_value is None

    if not isinstance(axis, types.Omitted) and axis != 0:
        ty_checker.raise_exc(axis, 'int', 'axis')
    # specializations for numeric series only
    if not operands_are_series:

        def _series_binop_scalar_impl(self,
            if self_is_series == True:  # noqa
                numpy_like.fillna(self._data, inplace=True, value=fill_value)
                result_data = numpy.empty(len(self._data), dtype=numpy.float64)
                result_data[:] = self._data + numpy.float64(other)
                return pandas.Series(result_data,
                numpy_like.fillna(other._data, inplace=True, value=fill_value)
                result_data = numpy.empty(len(other._data),
                result_data[:] = numpy.float64(self) + other._data
                return pandas.Series(result_data,

        return _series_binop_scalar_impl

    else:  # both operands are numeric series
        # optimization for series with default indexes, that can be aligned differently
        if (isinstance(self.index, types.NoneType)
                and isinstance(other.index, types.NoneType)):

            def _series_binop_none_indexes_impl(self,
                numpy_like.fillna(self._data, inplace=True, value=fill_value)
                numpy_like.fillna(other._data, inplace=True, value=fill_value)

                if (len(self._data) == len(other._data)):
                    result_data = numpy_like.astype(self._data, numpy.float64)
                    result_data = result_data + other._data
                    return pandas.Series(result_data)
                    left_size, right_size = len(self._data), len(other._data)
                    min_data_size = min(left_size, right_size)
                    max_data_size = max(left_size, right_size)
                    result_data = numpy.empty(max_data_size,
                    _fill_value = numpy.nan if fill_value_is_none == True else fill_value  # noqa
                    if (left_size == min_data_size):
                        result_data[:min_data_size] = self._data
                        for i in range(min_data_size, len(result_data)):
                            result_data[i] = _fill_value
                        result_data = result_data + other._data
                        result_data[:min_data_size] = other._data
                        for i in range(min_data_size, len(result_data)):
                            result_data[i] = _fill_value
                        result_data = self._data + result_data

                    return pandas.Series(result_data)

            return _series_binop_none_indexes_impl
            left_index_is_range = isinstance(self.index,
                                             (RangeIndexType, types.NoneType))
            right_index_is_range = isinstance(other.index,
                                              (RangeIndexType, types.NoneType))
            check_index_equal = left_index_is_range and right_index_is_range
            self_index_dtype = RangeIndexType.dtype if isinstance(
                self.index, types.NoneType) else self.index.dtype
            other_index_dtype = RangeIndexType.dtype if isinstance(
                other.index, types.NoneType) else other.index.dtype
            index_dtypes_match = self_index_dtype == other_index_dtype
            if not index_dtypes_match:
                numba_index_common_dtype = find_common_dtype_from_numpy_dtypes(
                    [self_index_dtype, other_index_dtype], [])
                numba_index_common_dtype = self_index_dtype

            def _series_binop_common_impl(self,
                left_index, right_index = self.index, other.index
                numpy_like.fillna(self._data, inplace=True, value=fill_value)
                numpy_like.fillna(other._data, inplace=True, value=fill_value)
                if check_index_equal == True:  # noqa
                    equal_indexes = numpy_like.array_equal(
                        left_index, right_index)
                    equal_indexes = False

                if (left_index is right_index or equal_indexes):
                    result_data = numpy.empty(len(self._data),
                    result_data[:] = self._data + other._data
                    if index_dtypes_match == False:  # noqa
                        result_index = numpy_like.astype(
                            left_index, numba_index_common_dtype)
                        result_index = left_index.values if left_index_is_range == True else left_index  # noqa

                    return pandas.Series(result_data, index=result_index)

                # TODO: replace below with core join(how='outer', return_indexers=True) when implemented
                joined_index, left_indexer, right_indexer = sdc_join_series_indexes(
                    left_index, right_index)
                result_size = len(joined_index)
                left_values = numpy.empty(result_size, dtype=numpy.float64)
                right_values = numpy.empty(result_size, dtype=numpy.float64)
                _fill_value = numpy.nan if fill_value_is_none == True else fill_value  # noqa
                for i in range(result_size):
                    left_pos, right_pos = left_indexer[i], right_indexer[i]
                    left_values[i] = self._data[
                        left_pos] if left_pos != -1 else _fill_value
                    right_values[i] = other._data[
                        right_pos] if right_pos != -1 else _fill_value
                result_data = left_values + right_values
                return pandas.Series(result_data, joined_index)

            return _series_binop_common_impl

    return None
コード例 #21
def sdc_pandas_series_comp_binop(self,
    Intel Scalable Dataframe Compiler User Guide

    Pandas API: pandas.Series.comp_binop

    Parameters ``level`` and ``axis`` are currently unsupported by Intel Scalable Dataframe Compiler

    .. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/series/series_comp_binop.py
       :language: python
       :lines: 27-
       :name: ex_series_comp_binop

    .. command-output:: python ./series/series_comp_binop.py
       :cwd: ../../../examples

    Intel Scalable Dataframe Compiler Developer Guide
    Pandas Series method :meth:`pandas.Series.comp_binop` implementation.

    .. only:: developer
        Test: python -m sdc.runtests -k sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op8

    _func_name = 'Method comp_binop().'

    ty_checker = TypeChecker(_func_name)
    ty_checker.check(self, SeriesType)

    if not (isinstance(level, types.Omitted) or level is None):
        ty_checker.raise_exc(level, 'None', 'level')

    if not isinstance(fill_value, (types.Omitted, types.Number,
                                   types.NoneType)) and fill_value is not None:
        ty_checker.raise_exc(fill_value, 'number', 'fill_value')

    if not (isinstance(axis, types.Omitted) or axis == 0):
        ty_checker.raise_exc(axis, 'int', 'axis')

    self_is_series, other_is_series = isinstance(self, SeriesType), isinstance(
        other, SeriesType)
    if not (self_is_series or other_is_series):
        return None

    if not isinstance(self, (SeriesType, types.Number, types.UnicodeType)):
        ty_checker.raise_exc(self, 'pandas.series or scalar', 'self')

    if not isinstance(other, (SeriesType, types.Number, types.UnicodeType)):
        ty_checker.raise_exc(other, 'pandas.series or scalar', 'other')

    operands_are_series = self_is_series and other_is_series
    if operands_are_series:
        none_or_numeric_indexes = ((isinstance(self.index, types.NoneType)
                                    or check_index_is_numeric(self))
                                   and (isinstance(other.index, types.NoneType)
                                        or check_index_is_numeric(other)))
        series_indexes_comparable = check_types_comparable(
            self.index, other.index) or none_or_numeric_indexes
        if not series_indexes_comparable:
            raise TypingError(
                '{} Not implemented for series with not-comparable indexes. \
            Given: self.index={}, other.index={}'.format(
                    _func_name, self.index, other.index))

    series_data_comparable = check_types_comparable(self, other)
    if not series_data_comparable:
        raise TypingError('{} Not supported for not-comparable operands. \
        Given: self={}, other={}'.format(_func_name, self, other))

    fill_value_is_none = isinstance(
        fill_value, (types.NoneType, types.Omitted)) or fill_value is None
    if not operands_are_series:

        def _series_comp_binop_scalar_impl(self,
            if self_is_series == True:  # noqa
                numpy_like.fillna(self._data, inplace=True, value=fill_value)
                return pandas.Series(self._data < other,
                numpy_like.fillna(other._data, inplace=True, value=fill_value)
                return pandas.Series(self < other._data,

        return _series_comp_binop_scalar_impl


        # optimization for series with default indexes, that can be aligned differently
        if (isinstance(self.index, types.NoneType)
                and isinstance(other.index, types.NoneType)):

            def _series_comp_binop_none_indexes_impl(self,
                numpy_like.fillna(self._data, inplace=True, value=fill_value)
                numpy_like.fillna(other._data, inplace=True, value=fill_value)
                left_size, right_size = len(self._data), len(other._data)
                if (left_size == right_size):
                    return pandas.Series(self._data < other._data)
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Can only compare identically-labeled Series objects")

            return _series_comp_binop_none_indexes_impl
            left_index_is_range = isinstance(self.index,
                                             (RangeIndexType, types.NoneType))
            index_dtypes_match = self.index.dtype == other.index.dtype
            if not index_dtypes_match:
                numba_index_common_dtype = find_common_dtype_from_numpy_dtypes(
                    [self.index.dtype, other.index.dtype], [])
                numba_index_common_dtype = self.index.dtype

            def _series_comp_binop_common_impl(self,
                numpy_like.fillna(self._data, inplace=True, value=fill_value)
                numpy_like.fillna(other._data, inplace=True, value=fill_value)
                left_index, right_index = self.index, other.index

                if (left_index is right_index
                        or numpy_like.array_equal(left_index, right_index)):
                    if index_dtypes_match == False:  # noqa
                        new_index = numpy_like.astype(
                            left_index, numba_index_common_dtype)
                        new_index = left_index.values if left_index_is_range == True else left_index  # noqa
                    return pandas.Series(self._data < other._data, new_index)
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Can only compare identically-labeled Series objects")

            return _series_comp_binop_common_impl

    return None