def createMONTHLY(self): d = sd.SDialogue('Monthly Time-Series Dialogue') txt = "Choose the starting month for your project." months = range(1, 13) entries = ['Start Month'] sd.MultiEntry(d, months, entries, title='', helpText=txt) txt = "Choose the start year for your project." sd.UserEntry(d, label="Start Year", align="LEFT", title="", helpText=txt) txt = "Choose the ending month for your project." entries = ['End Month'] sd.MultiEntry(d, months, entries, title='', helpText=txt) txt = "Choose the end year for your project." sd.UserEntry(d, label="End Year", align="LEFT", title="", helpText=txt) d.draw() if d.status: startM = int(d.results[0]['Start Month']) startYear = int(d.results[1]) endM = int(d.results[2]['End Month']) endYear = int(d.results[3]) self.proj.createMonthly(startM, startYear, endM, endYear)
def createQUARTERLY(self): d = sd.SDialogue('Quarterly Time-Series Dialogue') txt = "Choose the starting quarter for your project." quarters = range(1, 5) entries = ['Start Quarter'] sd.MultiEntry(d, quarters, entries, title='', helpText=txt) txt = "Choose the start year for your project." sd.UserEntry(d, label="Start Year", align="LEFT", title="", helpText=txt) txt = "Choose the ending quarter for your project." entries = ['End Quarter'] sd.MultiEntry(d, quarters, entries, title='', helpText=txt) txt = "Choose the end year for your project." sd.UserEntry(d, label="End Year", align="LEFT", title="", helpText=txt) d.draw() if d.status: startQ = int(d.results[0]['Start Quarter']) startYear = int(d.results[1]) endQ = int(d.results[2]['End Quarter']) endYear = int(d.results[3]) self.proj.createQuarterly(startQ, startYear, endQ, endYear)
def cs2Panel(self): d = sd.SDialogue('Convert Existing CS Variables to a CSTS Variable') varNames = self.proj.getCSVariableNames() varNames.sort() time = str(self.proj.t) txt = """Select the CS variables in temporal order. Make sure that you have the same number of CS vars as time periods""" tRemind = "Choose t = " + time + " CS Variables" sd.DualListBoxes(d, varNames, title=tRemind, helpText=txt) txt = "Choose a name for your STARS Panel variable." sd.UserEntry(d, label="Choose Panel Variable Name", align="LEFT", title="", helpText=txt) title = 'Would you like to delete the original CS Variables?' values = ['No', 'Yes'] txt = """If you select Yes, then the original CS variables will be erased. ***The default is No""" sd.RadioButtons(d, values=values, title=title, helpText=txt) d.draw() if d.status: varList = d.results[0] panelName = d.results[1] delete = d.results[2] if len(varList) == self.proj.t: self.proj.cs2Panel(varList, panelName, delete=delete) else: s = """ERROR: The number of CS Variables you provided do not match the number of time periods in your project."""
def createANNUAL(self): d = sd.SDialogue('Annual Time-Series Dialogue') txt = "Choose the start year for your project." sd.UserEntry(d, label="Start Year", align="LEFT", title="", helpText=txt) txt = "Choose the end year for your project." sd.UserEntry(d, label="End Year", align="LEFT", title="", helpText=txt) d.draw() if d.status: start = d.results[0] end = d.results[1] self.proj.createAnnual(start, end)
def createIRREGULAR(self): d = sd.SDialogue('Irregular Time-Series Dialogue') txt = "Choose the number of time periods (Integer)" sd.UserEntry(d, label="Number of Time Periods (t)", align="LEFT", title="", helpText=txt) d.draw() if d.status: t = int(d.results[0]) self.proj.createIrregular(t)
def convertCSTSVariable(self): d = sd.SDialogue('Convert Initial Fields to a STARS Panel Variables') varNames = self.proj.getDBFVariableNames() varNames.sort() txt = """Select the fields in time order to be create a panel variable.""" time = str(self.proj.t) tRemind = "Choose t = " + time + " fields" sd.DualListBoxes(d, varNames, title=tRemind, helpText=txt) txt = "Choose a name for your STARS Panel variable." sd.UserEntry(d, label="Choose Panel Variable Name", align="LEFT", title="", helpText=txt) entries = ['Aggregation Method'] txt = """If the same cross-sectional unit has more than one value associated with it, ProjectMaker will have to combine the values in some way. You have the following options: Sum: will sum up any values associated with the same cross-section. Max: will take the maximum value of any values associated with the same cross-section. Min: will take the minimum value of any values associated with the same cross-section. Average: will average the values associated with the same cross-section. String: will essentially use the value of the last instance for each cross-section. Furthermore the value is a string. Use this for categorical data. ***The default method is "Average".""" types = ['Sum', 'Max', 'Min', 'Average', 'String'] sd.MultiEntry(d, types, entries, title='Optional Arguments', helpText=txt) d.draw() if d.status: varList = d.results[0] varName = d.results[1] cohesion = d.results[2]['Aggregation Method'] if cohesion: pass else: cohesion = 'Average' createVar = self.proj.convertArcViewVariable( cohesion, varName, varList)
def convertCSTSVariableBatch(self): d = sd.SDialogue('Convert Initial Fields to a STARS Panel Variables') varNames = self.proj.getDBFVariableNames() batch = MATCH.batchSplit(varNames) varNames = batch['strings'] varNames.sort() timeInfo = batch['ints'] timeInfo.sort() txt = """Select the fields to create panel variables via the batch method.""" time = str(self.proj.t) add = """Remember that field must have " + time + " time periods associated with it.""" txt = txt + "\n" + add title = "Choose fields for batch CSTS creation" sd.DualListBoxes(d, varNames, title=title, helpText=txt) txt = """Choose a variable associated with the first time period in your study, and an additional oone for the year time period. You may also type this in manuallly.""" timeStuff = ['Start Period for Batch', 'End Period for Batch'] sd.MultiEntry(d, timeInfo, timeStuff, title='Time Period Arguments', helpText=txt) txt = """Provide the time period increment: I.e. Annual: 1 BiAnnual: 2 Decadal: 10 """ sd.UserEntry(d, label="Integer Value", align="LEFT", title="User Defined Time Increment", helpText=txt) entries = ['Aggregation Method'] txt = """If the same cross-sectional unit has more than one value associated with it, ProjectMaker will have to combine the values in some way. You have the following options: Sum: will sum up any values associated with the same cross-section. Max: will take the maximum value of any values associated with the same cross-section. Min: will take the minimum value of any values associated with the same cross-section. Average: will average the values associated with the same cross-section. String: will essentially use the value of the last instance for each cross-section. Furthermore the value is a string. Use this for categorical data. ***The default method is "Average".""" types = ['Sum', 'Max', 'Min', 'Average', 'String'] sd.MultiEntry(d, types, entries, title='Optional Arguments', helpText=txt) d.draw() if d.status: vars = MATCH.Matcher('vars', d.results[0]) varList = vars.unique start = int(d.results[1]['Start Period for Batch']) end = int(d.results[1]['End Period for Batch']) step = int(d.results[2]) cohesion = d.results[3]['Aggregation Method'] if cohesion: pass else: cohesion = 'Average' for var in varList: try: newVar = [ var + str(i) for i in range(start, end + step, step) ] createVar = self.proj.convertArcViewVariable( cohesion, var, newVar) except: beg = "Could not create new variable for " + var + "." end = "\nPerhaps the the time series does not match." + end)
def createNewSTARSProject(self): """ Creates a new STARS project. Callback. """ d = sd.SDialogue('Create New STARS Project') values = 'ArcView', 'CSV' txt = "Choose the type of file you want to use as your base data.\n" rbutton = sd.RadioButtons(d, label='Base Data', values=values, align='LEFT', title='Types', helpText=txt) d.draw() if d.status: type = d.results[0] if type == 0: fileType = "*.dbf" else: fileType = "*.csv" FILE_TYPES = [("Files", fileType)] baseFileName = askopenfilename(filetypes=FILE_TYPES, title="Choose Base Data File.") if baseFileName: self.prj = 0 type = baseFileName.split(".")[-1] if type == "dbf": arc = 1"Base data generated from an ArcView Project") else: arc = 0 "Base data generated from a Comma Delimited File") self.proj = ProjectMaker(baseFileName, arc=arc) d = sd.SDialogue('Create STARS Project Name') txt = """Choose a name for the STARS project you want to create.""" sd.UserEntry(d, label="Project Prefix", align="LEFT", title="", helpText=txt) d.draw() if d.status: self.proj.changeProjPrefix(d.results[0]) self.baseVariableTable() d = sd.SDialogue('Choose Time Series Type') values = 'Decadal', 'Annual', 'Quarterly', 'Monthly', 'Irregular' txt = "Choose the type of file you want to use as your base data.\n" rbutton = sd.RadioButtons(d, label='Time-Series', values=values, align='LEFT', title='Types', helpText=txt) d.draw() if d.status: type = d.results[0] self.evalTimeInfo(values[type]) self.createIdsAndNames() if arc == 1: self.createGal() self.starsProjectOn = 1