コード例 #1
ファイル: parsesdm.py プロジェクト: nathan-rice/rtpipe
def getsdm(*args, **kwargs):
    """ Wrap sdmpy.SDM to get around schema change error """

        sdm = sdmpy.SDM(*args, **kwargs)
    except XMLSyntaxError:
        kwargs['use_xsd'] = False
        sdm = sdmpy.SDM(*args, **kwargs)

    return sdm
コード例 #2
ファイル: calpipe.py プロジェクト: nathan-rice/rtpipe
    def __init__(self, sdmfile, fileroot='', workdir=''):
        self.sdmfile = os.path.abspath(sdmfile)

        if not fileroot:
            self.fileroot = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(sdmfile))[1]
            self.fileroot = fileroot

        if not workdir:
            self.workdir = os.path.split(self.sdmfile)[0]
            self.workdir = workdir

        self.scans = ps.read_scans(sdmfile)
        self.sources = ps.read_sources(sdmfile)
        self.gainscans = [
            sc for sc in self.scans.keys()
            if 'PHASE' in self.scans[sc]['intent']
        ]  # get all cal fields
        self.bpscans = [
            sc for sc in self.scans.keys()
            if 'BANDPASS' in self.scans[sc]['intent']
        ]  # get all cal fields
        self.sdm = sdmpy.SDM(self.sdmfile)

        if len(self.gainstr) or len(self.bpstr):
            print 'Found gaincal scans %s and bpcal scans %s.' % (self.gainstr,

コード例 #3
ファイル: parsesdm.py プロジェクト: bandersen441/rtpipe
def filter_scans(sdmfile, namefilter='', intentfilter=''):
    """ Parses xml in sdmfile to get scan info for those containing
    'namefilter' and 'intentfilter'

    goodscans = {}
    # find scans
    sdm = sdmpy.SDM(sdmfile)

    if 'VLA' in str(sdm['ExecBlock'][0]['telescopeName']):
        scans = [(int(scan.scanNumber), str(scan.sourceName),
                  str(scan.scanIntent)) for scan in sdm['Scan']]
    elif 'GMRT' in str(sdm['ExecBlock'][0]['telescopeName']):
        scans = [(int(scan.scanNumber), str(scan.sourceName),
                  str(scan.scanIntent)) for scan in sdm['Subscan']]

    # set total number of integrations
    scanint = [int(scan.numIntegration) for scan in sdm['Main']]
    bdfnum = [scan.dataUID.split('/')[-1] for scan in sdm['Main']]
    for i in range(len(scans)):
        if intentfilter in scans[i][2]:
            if namefilter in scans[i][1]:
                goodscans[scans[i][0]] = (scans[i][1], scanint[i], bdfnum[i])
        'Found a total of %d scans and %d with name=%s and intent=%s.' %
        (len(scans), len(goodscans), namefilter, intentfilter))
    return goodscans
コード例 #4
def read_metadata(sdmname):
    sdm = sdmpy.SDM(sdmname)
    scandict = {}
    sourcedict = {}

    idx = 0
    sidx = 0
    for scan in sdm.scans():
        ss = sdm.scan(scan.idx, scan.subidx)
        scandict[idx] = {}
        scandict[idx]['source'] = "%s" % ss.field
        scandict[idx]['startmjd'] = ss.startMJD
        scandict[idx]['endmjd'] = ss.endMJD
        scandict[idx]['intent'] = ss.intents
        scandict[idx]['scan'] = scan.idx
        scandict[idx]['subscan'] = scan.subidx
        scandict[idx]['duration'] = ss.endMJD - ss.startMJD
        scandict[idx]['nints'] = ss.numIntegration
        scandict[idx]['bdfstr'] = ss.bdf_fname

        if scandict[idx]['source'] not in [
                for source in sourcedict.iterkeys()
            sourcedict[sidx] = {}
            sourcedict[sidx]['source'] = "%s" % ss.field
            sourcedict[sidx]['ra'] = ss.coordinates[0]
            sourcedict[sidx]['dec'] = ss.coordinates[1]
            sidx += 1

        idx += 1

    return [scandict, sourcedict]
コード例 #5
def get_spwfreq(sdmname, sc):
    sdm = sdmpy.SDM(sdmname)
    last_scan = sc.keys()[-1]
    scan = sdm.scan(sc[last_scan]['scan'], sc[last_scan]['subscan'])
    spwfreq = scan.reffreqs
    spwfreq = n.array(spwfreq)
    spwfreq = (spwfreq + 64.0e6) / 1e9
    return spwfreq
コード例 #6
ファイル: plot_pwr.py プロジェクト: fschinzel/rfisweep
def readreduce(sdmname, scan, nskip, sc, intchunk):
  def reducedata(data):
    return n.abs(data).max(axis=4).max(axis=1).max(axis=0)[None,:] # (time, baseline, spw, chan, poln) 

  sdm = sdmpy.SDM(sdmname)
  scan = sdm.scan(sc[scan]['scan'],sc[scan]['subscan'])
  data = scan.bdf.get_data(trange=(nskip,nskip+intchunk))
  data = n.squeeze(data)

  return reducedata(data)
コード例 #7
def indexscan_sdm(sdmfile,
    """ Takes sdmfile and sdmscan and pushes to elasticsearch scans index.
    indexprefix allows specification of set of indices ('test', 'aws').
    Use indexprefix='new' for production.

    # must include:
    #    scanproperties = ['datasetId', 'scanNo', 'subscanNo', 'projid', 'ra_deg',
    #                      'dec_deg', 'scan_intent', 'source', 'startTime',
    #                      'stopTime']

    import sdmpy
    from numpy import degrees

    datasetId = os.path.basename(sdmfile.rstrip('/'))
    scanId = '{0}.{1}.{2}'.format(datasetId, str(sdmscan), str(sdmsubscan))

    sdm = sdmpy.SDM(sdmfile, use_xsd=False)
    scan = sdm.scan(sdmscan)

    scandict = {}

    # define dict for scan properties to index
    scandict['datasetId'] = datasetId
    scandict['scanId'] = scanId
    scandict['projid'] = 'Unknown'
    scandict['scanNo'] = int(sdmscan)
    scandict['subscanNo'] = int(sdmsubscan)
    scandict['source'] = str(scan.source)
    ra, dec = degrees(scan.coordinates)
    scandict['ra_deg'] = float(ra)
    scandict['dec_deg'] = float(dec)
    scandict['startTime'] = float(scan.startMJD)
    scandict['stopTime'] = float(scan.endMJD)
    scandict['datasource'] = datasource
    scandict['scan_intent'] = ','.join(scan.intents)

    # if preferences provided, it will connect them by a unique name
    if preferences:
        scandict['prefsname'] = preferences.name
        indexprefs(preferences, indexprefix=indexprefix)

    # push scan info with unique id of scanId
    index = indexprefix + 'scans'
    res = pushdata(scandict, index=index, Id=scanId, command='index')
    if res == 1:
        logger.info('Indexed scan config {0} to {1}'.format(scanId, index))
        logger.warn('Scan config not indexed for {0}'.format(scanId))
コード例 #8
ファイル: get_data.py プロジェクト: fschinzel/rfisweep
def get_scanlist(sdmname, sc):
    sdm = sdmpy.SDM(sdmname)
    scanlist = []
    for idx in range(len(sc)):
        if "OBSERVE_TARGET" in sc[idx]['intent']:

#  last_scan = sc.keys()[-1]
#  scanlist = range(1,last_scan,1)
    return scanlist
コード例 #9
ファイル: parsesdm.py プロジェクト: bandersen441/rtpipe
def read_scans(sdmfile, bdfdir=''):
    """ Use sdmpy to get all scans and info needed for rtpipe as dict """

    sdm = sdmpy.SDM(sdmfile, bdfdir)
    scandict = {}
    skippedscans = []

    for scan in sdm.scans():
        scannum = int(scan.idx)
        scandict[scannum] = {}

        intentstr = ' '.join(scan.intents)
        src = scan.source

        scandict[scannum]['source'] = src
        scandict[scannum]['intent'] = intentstr

        # bdf specific properties
            startmjd = scan.bdf.startTime
            nints = scan.bdf.numIntegration
            interval = scan.bdf.get_integration(0).interval
            endmjd = startmjd + (nints * interval) / (24 * 3600)
            bdfstr = scan.bdf.fname

            scandict[scannum]['startmjd'] = startmjd
            scandict[scannum]['endmjd'] = endmjd
            scandict[scannum]['duration'] = endmjd - startmjd
            scandict[scannum]['nints'] = nints
            scandict[scannum]['bdfstr'] = bdfstr

            # clear reference to nonexistent BDFs (either bad or not in standard locations)
            if (not os.path.exists(
                    scandict[scannum]['bdfstr'])) or ('X1' in bdfstr):
                scandict[scannum]['bdfstr'] = None
                logger.debug('Invalid bdf for %d of %s' % (scannum, sdmfile))

        except IOError:

    if skippedscans:
        logger.warn('No BDF found for scans {0}'.format(skippedscans))

    return scandict
コード例 #10
ファイル: parsesdm.py プロジェクト: bandersen441/rtpipe
def read_sources(sdmname):
    """ Use sdmpy to get all sources and ra,dec per scan as dict """

    sdm = sdmpy.SDM(sdmname)
    sourcedict = {}

    for row in sdm['Field']:
        src = str(row.fieldName)
        sourcenum = int(row.sourceId)
        direction = str(row.referenceDir)
        (ra, dec) = [float(val) for val in direction.split(' ')[3:]
                     ]  # skip first two values in string

        sourcedict[sourcenum] = {}
        sourcedict[sourcenum]['source'] = src
        sourcedict[sourcenum]['ra'] = ra
        sourcedict[sourcenum]['dec'] = dec

    return sourcedict
コード例 #11
ファイル: parsesdm.py プロジェクト: bandersen441/rtpipe
def read_bdf(sdmfile, scannum, nskip=0, readints=0, bdfdir=''):
    """ Uses sdmpy to read a given range of integrations from sdm of given scan.

    readints=0 will read all of bdf (skipping nskip).

    assert os.path.exists(sdmfile), 'sdmfile %s does not exist' % sdmfile

    sdm = sdmpy.SDM(sdmfile, bdfdir=bdfdir)
    scan = sdm.scan(scannum)
    assert scan.bdf.fname, 'bdfstr not defined for scan %d' % scannum

    if readints == 0:
        readints = scan.bdf.numIntegration - nskip

    logger.info('Reading %d ints starting at int %d' % (readints, nskip))
    chans = scan.numchans
    nchans = sum(chans)
    pols = sdmpy.scan.sdmarray(sdm['Polarization'][0].corrType)
    npols = len(pols)
    data = np.empty((readints, scan.bdf.numBaseline, nchans, npols),

    # read data
    for i in xrange(readints):
        integ = scan.bdf.get_integration(i + nskip)
        count = 0
        for bb in integ.basebands:
            for spwnum in range(len(integ.spws[bb])):
                ch0 = sum(chans[:count])
                ch1 = sum(chans[:count + 1])
                data[i, :, ch0:ch1, :] = integ.get_data(
                    bb, spwnum)[:, 0, :, :]  # 0 for nBin (not used here)
                count += 1

    return data
コード例 #12
def read_swpw(sdmname):
    import sdmpy.bintab
    s = sdmpy.SDM(sdmname)
    sp = sdmpy.bintab.unpacker(s['SysPower'])
    return sp
コード例 #13
ファイル: check_scans.py プロジェクト: fschinzel/rfisweep
def read_swpw(sdmname, sc, scanlist, intchunk=2):
    import sdmpy.bintab
    s = sdmpy.SDM(sdmname)
    sp = sdmpy.bintab.unpacker(s['SysPower'])

    # create dictionary matched to scan
    i = 0
    j = 0
    swpw = {}

    # match switched power values to scans and subscans; potentially this step could be skipped
    # and merged with the step following this one, matching not only to scans/subscans but to
    # integrations
    for row in sp.row:
        time = row[3] / 86400.0e9
        idx = scanlist[i]
        scan = sc[idx]
        if scan['startmjd'] <= time and scan['endmjd'] >= time:
            swpw[j] = {}
            swpw[j]['scan'] = scan['scan']
            swpw[j]['subscan'] = scan['subscan']
            swpw[j]['antenna'] = int(row[0].strip('Antenna_'))
            swpw[j]['spw'] = int(row[1].strip('SpectralWindow_'))
            swpw[j]['power0'] = n.mean(row[7][0])
            swpw[j]['power1'] = n.mean(row[7][1])
            swpw[j]['time'] = time
            j += 1
        elif scan['startmjd'] > time:
        elif scan['endmjd'] < time:
            i += 1
            if i >= len(scanlist):

    data_0 = []
    data_1 = []
    for j in range(2):
        if j == 0:
            pol = 'power0'
            pol = 'power1'
    # need to not only match to sc entry but to intchunk
    # otherwise len(sc) != len(altaz) != len(swpw)
        idx = 0
        data = []
        for i in range(len(scanlist)):
            scan = sc[scanlist[i]]
            inttime = scan['duration'] / scan['nints']
            for nskip in range(0, scan['nints'] - intchunk + 1, intchunk):
                starttime = scan['startmjd'] + nskip * inttime
                stoptime = scan['startmjd'] + (nskip + intchunk) * inttime
                spwdata = {
                    0: [],
                    1: [],
                    2: [],
                    3: [],
                    4: [],
                    5: [],
                    6: [],
                    7: [],
                    8: [],
                    9: [],
                    10: [],
                    11: [],
                    12: [],
                    13: [],
                    14: [],
                    15: [],
                    16: [],
                    17: []

                # seek start point or skip over scans flagged by scanlist
                while starttime > swpw[idx]['time']:
                    idx += 1
                    if idx >= len(swpw):

                # fill data
                while swpw[idx]['scan'] == scan['scan'] and swpw[idx][
                        'subscan'] == scan['subscan'] and starttime <= swpw[
                            idx]['time'] and stoptime >= swpw[idx]['time']:
                    spw = swpw[idx]['spw']
                    idx += 1
                    if idx >= len(swpw):

                spws = n.zeros(16)
                for x in range(16):
                        spws[x] = n.median(spwdata[x + 2], axis=0)

        data = n.ma.array(data)
        data = n.ma.masked_invalid(data)
        if j == 0:
            data_0 = data
            data_1 = data

    return data_0, data_1
コード例 #14
ファイル: bdf_average.py プロジェクト: realfastvla/sdmpy
                 help="extension to add to output SDM [%(default)s]")
par.add_argument("-b", "--bdfdir", default="", help="path to BDFs (optional)")
    help="Flag integrations with zero fraction greater than flagfrac")
args = par.parse_args()

sdmname = args.sdmname.rstrip('/')

sdm = sdmpy.SDM(sdmname, bdfdir=args.bdfdir)

assert (args.flagfrac >= 0.) and (args.flagfrac <= 1.)

tavg = args.time  # in seconds

sdmout = sdmname + '.' + args.ext
bdfoutpath = sdmout + '/ASDMBinary'


for scan in sdm.scans():
    print("Processing '{0}' scan {1}:".format(sdmname, scan.idx))
    if scan.bdf.fp is None:
        print("Error reading bdf for scan {0}, skipping".format(scan.idx))
コード例 #15
ファイル: parsesdm.py プロジェクト: bandersen441/rtpipe
def calc_uvw(sdmfile, scan=0, datetime=0, radec=(), bdfdir=''):
    """ Calculates and returns uvw in meters for a given SDM, time, and pointing direction.
    sdmfile is path to sdm directory that includes "Station.xml" file.
    scan is scan number defined by observatory.
    datetime is time (as string) to calculate uvw (format: '2014/09/03/08:33:04.20')
    radec is (ra,dec) as tuple in units of degrees (format: (180., +45.))
    bdfdir is path to bdfs (optional, for pre-archive SDMs)

    assert os.path.exists(
        os.path.join(sdmfile, 'Station.xml')
    ), 'sdmfile %s has no Station.xml file. Not an SDM?' % sdmfile

    # get scan info
    scans = read_scans(sdmfile, bdfdir=bdfdir)
    sources = read_sources(sdmfile)
    #    scans, sources = read_metadata(sdmfile, scan)

    # default is to use scan info
    if (datetime == 0) and (len(radec) == 0):
        assert scan != 0, 'scan must be set when using datetime and radec'  # default scan value not valid

            'Calculating uvw for first integration of scan %d of source %s' %
            (scan, scans[scan]['source']))
        datetime = qa.time(qa.quantity(scans[scan]['startmjd'], 'd'),
        sourcenum = [
            kk for kk in sources.keys()
            if sources[kk]['source'] == scans[scan]['source']
        direction = me.direction(
            str(np.degrees(sources[sourcenum]['ra'])) + 'deg',
            str(np.degrees(sources[sourcenum]['dec'])) + 'deg')

    # secondary case is when datetime is also given
    elif (datetime != 0) and (len(radec) == 0):
        assert scan != 0, 'scan must be set when using datetime and radec'  # default scan value not valid
        assert '/' in datetime, 'datetime must be in yyyy/mm/dd/hh:mm:ss.sss format'

        logger.info('Calculating uvw at %s for scan %d of source %s' %
                    (datetime, scan, scans[scan]['source']))
        sourcenum = [
            kk for kk in sources.keys()
            if sources[kk]['source'] == scans[scan]['source']
        direction = me.direction(
            str(np.degrees(sources[sourcenum]['ra'])) + 'deg',
            str(np.degrees(sources[sourcenum]['dec'])) + 'deg')

        assert '/' in datetime, 'datetime must be in yyyy/mm/dd/hh:mm:ss.sss format'
        assert len(
            radec) == 2, 'radec must be (ra,dec) tuple in units of degrees'

        logger.info('Calculating uvw at %s in direction %s' %
                    (datetime, direction))
        logger.info('This mode assumes all antennas used.')
        ra = radec[0]
        dec = radec[1]
        direction = me.direction('J2000', str(ra) + 'deg', str(dec) + 'deg')

    # define metadata "frame" for uvw calculation
    sdm = sdmpy.SDM(sdmfile)
    telescopename = str(sdm['ExecBlock'][0]['telescopeName']).strip()
    logger.debug('Found observatory name %s' % telescopename)

    me.doframe(me.epoch('utc', datetime))

    # read antpos
    if scan != 0:
        configid = [
            str(row.configDescriptionId) for row in sdm['Main']
            if scan == int(row.scanNumber)
        antidlist = [
            str(row.antennaId) for row in sdm['ConfigDescription']
            if configid == str(row.configDescriptionId)
        ][0].split(' ')[2:]
        stationidlist = [
            ant.stationId for antid in antidlist for ant in sdm['Antenna']
            if antid == str(ant.antennaId)
        stationidlist = [str(ant.stationId) for ant in sdm['Antenna']]

    positions = [
        str(station.position).strip().split(' ') for station in sdm['Station']
        if station.stationId in stationidlist
    x = [float(positions[i][2]) for i in range(len(positions))]
    y = [float(positions[i][3]) for i in range(len(positions))]
    z = [float(positions[i][4]) for i in range(len(positions))]
    ants = me.position('itrf', qa.quantity(x, 'm'), qa.quantity(y, 'm'),
                       qa.quantity(z, 'm'))

    # calc bl
    bls = me.asbaseline(ants)
    uvwlist = me.expand(me.touvw(bls)[0])[1]['value']

    # define new bl order to match sdm binary file bl order
    u = np.empty(len(uvwlist) / 3)
    v = np.empty(len(uvwlist) / 3)
    w = np.empty(len(uvwlist) / 3)
    nants = len(ants['m0']['value'])
    ord1 = [i * nants + j for i in range(nants) for j in range(i + 1, nants)]
    ord2 = [i * nants + j for j in range(nants) for i in range(j)]
    key = []
    for new in ord2:
    for i in range(len(key)):
        u[i] = uvwlist[3 * key[i]]
        v[i] = uvwlist[3 * key[i] + 1]
        w[i] = uvwlist[3 * key[i] + 2]

    return u, v, w
コード例 #16
ファイル: parsesdm.py プロジェクト: bandersen441/rtpipe
def read_bdf_segment(d, segment=-1):
    """ Reads bdf (sdm) format data into numpy array for realtime pipeline.

    d defines pipeline state. assumes segmenttimes defined by RT.set_pipeline.
    d should have 'writebdfpkl' key to define
    boolean for writing to bdfpkls in ASDMBinary directory.

    # define integration range
    if segment != -1:
        assert 'segmenttimes' in d
        assert segment < d['nsegments'], \
            'segment %d is too big for nsegments %d' % (segment,
        readints = d['readints']
        nskip = (24 * 3600 *
                 (d['segmenttimes'][segment, 0] - d['starttime_mjd']) /
        logger.info('Reading scan %d, segment %d/%d, times %s to %s' %
                    (d['scan'], segment, len(d['segmenttimes']) - 1,
                     qa.time(qa.quantity(d['segmenttimes'][segment, 0], 'd'),
                     qa.time(qa.quantity(d['segmenttimes'][segment, 1], 'd'),
        nskip = 0
        readints = 0

    # read (all) data
    if 'bdfdir' not in d:
        d['bdfdir'] = None

    data = read_bdf(d['filename'],

    # read Flag.xml and apply flags for given ant/time range
    # currently only implemented for segmented data
    if d['applyonlineflags'] and segment > -1:
        sdm = sdmpy.SDM(d['filename'])

        allantdict = dict(
            zip([str(ant.antennaId) for ant in sdm['Antenna']],
                [int(str(ant.name).lstrip('ea')) for ant in sdm['Antenna']]))
        antflags = [(allantdict[str(flag.antennaId).split(' ')[2]],
                     int(flag.startTime) / (1e9 * 24 * 3600),
                     int(flag.endTime) / (1e9 * 24 * 3600))
                    for flag in sdm['Flag']]  # assumes one flag per entry
        logger.info('Found online flags for %d antenna/time ranges.' %
        blarr = calc_blarr(d)  # d may define different ants than in allantdict
        timearr = np.linspace(d['segmenttimes'][segment][0],
                              d['segmenttimes'][segment][1], d['readints'])
        badints_cum = []
        for antflag in antflags:
            antnum, time0, time1 = antflag
            badbls = np.where((blarr == antnum).any(axis=1))[0]
            badints = np.where((timearr >= time0) & (timearr <= time1))[0]
            for badint in badints:
                data[badint, badbls] = 0j
            badints_cum = badints_cum + list(badints)
        logger.info('Applied online flags to %d ints.' %
    elif segment == -1:
        logger.warn('Online flags not yet supported without segments.')
        logger.info('Not applying online flags.')

    # test that spw are in freq sorted order
    # only one use case supported: rolled spw
    dfreq = np.array([
        d['spw_reffreq'][i + 1] - d['spw_reffreq'][i]
        for i in range(len(d['spw_reffreq']) - 1)
    dfreqneg = [df for df in dfreq if df < 0]
    # if spw are permuted, then roll them.
    # !! not a perfect test of permutability!!
    if len(dfreqneg) <= 1:
        if len(dfreqneg) == 1:
            logger.info('Rolling spw frequencies to increasing order: %s' %
            rollch = np.sum([
                for ss in range(np.where(dfreq < 0)[0][0] + 1)
            data = np.roll(data, rollch, axis=2)
        raise StandardError('SPW out of order and can\'t be permuted '
                            'to increasing order: %s' % str(d['spw_reffreq']))

    # optionally integrate (downsample)
    if ((d['read_tdownsample'] > 1) or (d['read_fdownsample'] > 1)):
        sh = data.shape
        tsize = sh[0] / d['read_tdownsample']
        fsize = sh[2] / d['read_fdownsample']
        data2 = np.zeros((tsize, sh[1], fsize, sh[3]), dtype='complex64')
        if d['read_tdownsample'] > 1:
            logger.info('Downsampling in time by %d' % d['read_tdownsample'])
            for i in range(tsize):
                data2[i] = data[i * d['read_tdownsample']:(i + 1) *
        if d['read_fdownsample'] > 1:
            logger.info('Downsampling in frequency by %d' %
            for i in range(fsize):
                data2[:, :,
                      i, :] = data[:, :, i * d['read_fdownsample']:(i + 1) *
        data = data2

    takepol = [d['pols_orig'].index(pol) for pol in d['pols']]
    logger.debug('Selecting pols %s' % d['pols'])

    return data.take(d['chans'], axis=2).take(takepol, axis=3)
コード例 #17
ファイル: test_write.py プロジェクト: realfastvla/sdmpy
def sdm(request):
    sdmfile = os.path.join(_install_dir,

    return sdmpy.SDM(sdmfile)
コード例 #18
par = argparse.ArgumentParser()
par.add_argument("sdmname", help="SDM to process")
par.add_argument("-i", "--idx", help="scan:int(:length) to store", 
        action="append", default=[])
par.add_argument("-e", "--ext", 
        help="extension to add for output [%(default)s]",
par.add_argument("-d", "--dm", type=float, default=556.9,
        help="dispersion measure [%(default)s]")
par.add_argument("-t", "--time", type=float, default=0.0,
        help="keep all data with integration > time")
args = par.parse_args()

sdmname = args.sdmname.rstrip('/')

sdm = sdmpy.SDM(sdmname,use_xsd=False)

# dict of scan/integrations to keep
#keep = {'7': 9514,}
keep = {}
keeplen = {}
for i in args.idx:
    stuff = i.split(':')
    scan = stuff[0]
    iidx = stuff[1]
        length = stuff[2]
    except IndexError:
        length = 1
    keep[scan] = int(iidx)
    keeplen[scan] = int(length)
コード例 #19
ファイル: realfast_sdm_fix.py プロジェクト: realfastvla/sdmpy
par = argparse.ArgumentParser()
par.add_argument("sdmname", help="SDM to process")
                 help="extension to add to output SDM [%(default)s]")
par.add_argument("-b", "--bdfdir", default="", help="path to BDFs (optional)")
                 help="correct SDM tables only (not BDFs)")
args = par.parse_args()

sdmname = args.sdmname.rstrip('/')

sdm = sdmpy.SDM(sdmname, bdfdir=args.bdfdir, use_xsd=False)

sdmout = sdmname + '.' + args.ext
bdfoutpath = sdmout + '/ASDMBinary'

if not args.sdmonly:
    for scan in sdm.scans():
        print("Processing '{0}' scan {1}:".format(sdmname, scan.idx))
        if scan.bdf.fp is None:
            print("Error reading bdf for scan {0}, skipping".format(scan.idx))

        bdf = scan.bdf
コード例 #20
ファイル: parsesdm.py プロジェクト: bandersen441/rtpipe
def get_metadata(filename, scan, paramfile='', **kwargs):
    """ Parses sdm file to define metadata for observation, including scan info,
    image grid parameters, pipeline memory usage, etc.
    Mirrors parsems.get_metadata().
    If paramfile defined, it will use it (filename or RT.Params instance ok).

    # create primary state dictionary
    d = {}

    # set workdir
    d['filename'] = os.path.abspath(filename)
    d['workdir'] = os.path.dirname(d['filename'])

    # define parameters of pipeline via Params object
    params = pp.Params(paramfile)
    for k in params.defined:  # fill in default params
        d[k] = params[k]

    # overload with provided kwargs
    for key in kwargs.keys():
        if key in params.defined:
            stdname = '(standard)'
            stdname = ''
        logger.info('Setting %s key %s to %s' % (stdname, key, kwargs[key]))
        d[key] = kwargs[key]

    # option of not writing log file (need to improve later)
    if d['logfile']:
        fh = logging.FileHandler(
                         'rtpipe_%d.log' % int(round(time.time()))))
                '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'))
        if hasattr(logging, d['loglevel']):
            logger.parent.setLevel(getattr(logging, d['loglevel']))
            logger.warn('loglevel of {0} not attribute of logging'.format(

    # define scan list
    if 'bdfdir' not in d:
        d['bdfdir'] = ''

    scans = read_scans(d['filename'], bdfdir=d['bdfdir'])
    sources = read_sources(d['filename'])

    # define source props
    d['source'] = scans[scan]['source']
    d['radec'] = [(prop['ra'], prop['dec'])
                  for (sr, prop) in sources.iteritems()
                  if prop['source'] == d['source']][0]

    # define spectral info
    sdm = sdmpy.SDM(d['filename'])
    d['spw_orig'] = [
        for row in sdm['SpectralWindow']
    d['spw_nchan'] = [int(row.numChan) for row in sdm['SpectralWindow']]

        d['spw_reffreq'] = [
            float(row.chanFreqStart) for row in sdm['SpectralWindow']
        ]  # nominal
        # GMRT uses array of all channel starts
        d['spw_reffreq'] = [
            float(row.chanFreqArray.strip().split(' ')[2])
            for row in sdm['SpectralWindow']
        d['spw_chansize'] = [
            float(row.chanFreqStep) for row in sdm['SpectralWindow']
        ]  # nominal
        # GMRT uses array of all channel starts
        d['spw_chansize'] = [
            float(row.chanWidthArray.strip().split(' ')[2])
            for row in sdm['SpectralWindow']

    # select spw. note that spw selection not fully supported yet.
    if not len(d['spw']):
        d['spw'] = d['spw_orig']

    spwch = []
    reffreq = d['spw_reffreq']
    spectralwindow = d['spw_orig']
    numchan = d['spw_nchan']
    chansize = d['spw_chansize']
    for freq in sorted(d['spw_reffreq']):
        ii = reffreq.index(freq)
        if spectralwindow[ii] in d['spw']:
            # spacing of channel *centers*
                                reffreq[ii] + (numchan[ii] - 1) * chansize[ii],

    d['freq_orig'] = np.array([
        np.mean(spwch[i:i + d['read_fdownsample']])
        for i in range(0, len(spwch), d['read_fdownsample'])
                              dtype='float32') / 1e9

    # select subset of channels
    if not len(d['chans']):
        d['chans'] = range(len(d['freq_orig']))

    d['nspw'] = len(d['spw'])
    d['freq'] = d['freq_orig'][d['chans']]
    d['nchan'] = len(d['chans'])

    # define chan ranges per spw (before selecting subset)
    spw_chanr = []
    i0 = 0
    for nch in d['spw_nchan']:
        spw_chanr.append((i0, i0 + nch))
        i0 = nch
    d['spw_chanr'] = spw_chanr

    # define nchan per spw after selecting subset
    d['spw_nchan_select'] = [
            ch for ch in range(d['spw_chanr'][i][0], d['spw_chanr'][i][1])
            if ch in d['chans']
        ]) for i in range(len(d['spw_chanr']))
    spw_chanr_select = []
    i0 = 0
    for nch in d['spw_nchan_select']:
        spw_chanr_select.append((i0, i0 + nch))
        i0 += nch
    d['spw_chanr_select'] = spw_chanr_select

    # define image params
    d['urange'] = {}
    d['vrange'] = {}
    d['scan'] = scan
    (u, v, w) = calc_uvw(d['filename'], d['scan'],
                         bdfdir=d['bdfdir'])  # default uses time at start
    u = u * d['freq_orig'][0] * (1e9 / 3e8) * (-1)
    v = v * d['freq_orig'][0] * (1e9 / 3e8) * (-1)
    d['urange'][d['scan']] = u.max() - u.min()
    d['vrange'][d['scan']] = v.max() - v.min()
    d['dishdiameter'] = float(str(
        sdm['Antenna'][0].dishDiameter).strip())  # should be in meters
    # delay beam larger than VLA field of view at all freqs
    d['uvres_full'] = np.round(d['dishdiameter'] / (3e-1 / d['freq'].min()) /

    if not all(('npixx_full' in d, 'npixy_full' in d)):
        # uvw from get_uvw already in lambda at ch0
        urange = d['urange'][d['scan']] * (d['freq'].max() / d['freq_orig'][0])
        vrange = d['vrange'][d['scan']] * (d['freq'].max() / d['freq_orig'][0])
        # power array for 2**i * 3**j
        powers = np.fromfunction(lambda i, j: 2**i * 3**j, (14, 10),
        rangex = np.round(d['uvoversample'] * urange).astype('int')
        rangey = np.round(d['uvoversample'] * vrange).astype('int')
        largerx = np.where(powers - rangex / d['uvres_full'] > 0, powers,
                           powers[-1, -1])
        p2x, p3x = np.where(largerx == largerx.min())
        largery = np.where(powers - rangey / d['uvres_full'] > 0, powers,
                           powers[-1, -1])
        p2y, p3y = np.where(largery == largery.min())
        d['npixx_full'] = (2**p2x * 3**p3x)[0]
        d['npixy_full'] = (2**p2y * 3**p3y)[0]

    # define ants/bls
    # hacking here to fit observatory-specific use of antenna names
    if 'VLA' in str(sdm['ExecBlock'][0]['telescopeName']):
        # find config first, then antids, then ant names
        configid = [
            str(row.configDescriptionId) for row in sdm['Main']
            if d['scan'] == int(row.scanNumber)
        antids = [
            str(row.antennaId) for row in sdm['ConfigDescription']
            if configid == row.configDescriptionId
        ][0].split(' ')[2:]
        d['ants'] = [
            int(str(row.name).lstrip('ea')) for antid in antids
            for row in sdm['Antenna'] if antid == str(row.antennaId)

# Not complete. Execblock defines ants per scan, which can change.
#        d['ants'] = [int(ant.name.lstrip('ea'))
#                     for ant in sdm['Antenna']]
    elif 'GMRT' in str(sdm['ExecBlock'][0]['telescopeName']):
        d['ants'] = [
            int(str(ant.antennaId).split('_')[1]) for ant in sdm['Antenna']

    # remove unwanted ants
    for ant in d['excludeants']:
    # required to assure that added antennas don't confuse cal antenna parsing

    d['nants'] = len(d['ants'])
    #    d['blarr'] = np.array([[d['ants'][i],d['ants'][j]]
    #                           for j in range(d['nants']) for i in range(0,j)])
    d['nbl'] = d['nants'] * (d['nants'] - 1) / 2

    # define times
    d['starttime_mjd'] = scans[d['scan']]['startmjd']
    # assume inttime same for all scans

    for scan in sdm['Main']:
        interval = float(scan.interval)
        nints = int(scan.numIntegration)
        # get inttime in seconds
        if 'VLA' in str(sdm['ExecBlock'][0]['telescopeName']):
            # VLA uses interval as scan duration
            inttime = interval / nints
            scannum = int(scan.scanNumber)
        elif 'GMRT' in str(sdm['ExecBlock'][0]['telescopeName']):
            # GMRT uses interval as the integration duration
            inttime = interval
            scannum = int(scan.subscanNumber)
        if scannum == d['scan']:
            d['inttime'] = np.round(inttime) * 1e-9
            d['nints'] = nints

    # define pols
    d['pols_orig'] = [
        for pol in (str(sdm['Polarization'][0].corrType).strip().split(' '))
        if pol in ['XX', 'YY', 'XY', 'YX', 'RR', 'LL', 'RL', 'LR']
    d['npol_orig'] = int(sdm['Polarization'][0].numCorr)

    # summarize metadata
    logger.info('Metadata summary:')
    logger.info('\t Working directory and data at %s, %s' %
                (d['workdir'], os.path.basename(d['filename'])))
    logger.info('\t Using scan %d, source %s' % (int(d['scan']), d['source']))
    logger.info('\t nants, nbl: %d, %d' % (d['nants'], d['nbl']))
    logger.info('\t Freq range (%.3f -- %.3f). %d spw with %d chans.' %
                (d['freq'].min(), d['freq'].max(), d['nspw'], d['nchan']))
    logger.info('\t Scan has %d ints (%.1f s) and inttime %.3f s' %
                (d['nints'], d['nints'] * d['inttime'], d['inttime']))
    logger.info('\t %d polarizations: %s' % (d['npol_orig'], d['pols_orig']))
        '\t Ideal uvgrid npix=(%d,%d) and res=%d (oversample %.1f)' %
        (d['npixx_full'], d['npixy_full'], d['uvres_full'], d['uvoversample']))

    return d