def get_solution(self, m): solution = Candidate() # f = open('sol.txt', 'w') for var_a in m.getVars(): vname = var_a.getAttr(GRB.Attr.VarName) if self.objective_type == ObjectiveType.MAX_FLEX_UNCERTAINTY: if vname.find("cl") == -1 and vname.find("cu") == -1: continue #f.write('%s %s\n' % (var_a.getAttr(GRB.Attr.VarName), var_a.getAttr(GRB.Attr.X))) # if vname.find("l") != -1: # print(var_a.getAttr(GRB.Attr.VarName), var_a.getAttr(GRB.Attr.X)) e = self.relax_e[vname] new_relaxation = TemporalRelaxation(e) if vname.find("cl") != -1: new_relaxation.relaxed_lb = var_a.getAttr("X") if new_relaxation.relaxed_lb != e.get_lower_bound(): solution.add_temporal_relaxation(new_relaxation) else : new_relaxation.relaxed_ub = var_a.getAttr("X") if new_relaxation.relaxed_ub != e.get_upper_bound(): solution.add_temporal_relaxation(new_relaxation) elif self.objective_type == ObjectiveType.MIN_COST: if vname.find("vlr") == -1 and vname.find("vur") == -1: continue; e = self.relax_e[vname] #print(vname,e.fro, new_relaxation = TemporalRelaxation(e) if vname.find("vlr") != -1: new_relaxation.relaxed_lb = self.l[(e.fro,].getValue() else: new_relaxation.relaxed_ub = self.u[(e.fro,].getValue() if var_a.getAttr("X") > 0: solution.add_temporal_relaxation(new_relaxation) # for e in # if e.activated: # print(e.fro,, self.l[(e.fro,].getValue(), self.u[(e.fro,].getValue()) solution.utility = round(m.getObjective().getValue(), 6) if solution.utility > 1000 and self.objective_type == ObjectiveType.MAX_FLEX_UNCERTAINTY: solution.utility = 1000 # for node_a in range(1, self.num_nodes+1): # for node_b in range(1, self.num_nodes+1): # if node_a != node_b: # f.write("%s->%s [%s, %s]\n"%(node_a,node_b,self.l[(node_a,node_b)].getValue(), self.u[(node_a,node_b)].getValue() )) # # if solution.utility > 100: # solution.utility = 100 # f.close() #print a dot file # f = open('', 'w') # f.write('digraph G {\n nodesep = .45; \n size = 30;\n label="CCTP";\n') # # for e in # if e.activated: # f.write('"%s"->"%s"'%(e.fro, # tlb = self.l[(e.fro,].getValue() # tub = self.u[(e.fro,].getValue() # f.write('[ label = "[%s,%s]'%(tlb, tub)) # if not e.controllable: # f.write(' type=dashed') # f.write('"];\n') # #%d"];'%(e.fro,,e.get_lower_bound(),e.get_upper_bound(),e.controllable)) # f.write("}") # f.close() return solution
def generate_maxflex_relaxations(candidate,negative_cycle): if len(negative_cycle.constraints) == 0: return None,0 all_cycles = candidate.continuously_resolved_cycles.copy() all_cycles.add(negative_cycle) # Solve using PuLP, TODO, incorporate interface to other solvers, # especially for nonlinear objective functions prob = LpProblem("MaxFlexConflictResolution", LpMaximize) # Solve using PyOpt/Snopt, # especially for nonlinear constraints/objective functions # construct variables and constraints lp_variables = {} lp_objective = [] max_flex_variable = LpVariable("Max Flex",0, None) lp_objective.append(max_flex_variable) # status indicating the feasibility of the relaxation problem # 1 is feasible # 0 is infeasible # Note that this variable is shared by PuLP for its result status = 1; # We only consider the relaxation of the upper bound of # uncontrollable duration. # which means that we basically ignore the definition of # 'relaxable bounds' in the network, and only consider the upper bounds # of uncertain durations. for cycle in all_cycles: lp_constraint = [] for constraint, bound in cycle.constraints.keys(): # The constraint is a pair (temporal_constraint,0/1) # where 0 or 1 represent if it is the lower or upper bound # first we define the variables # which only come from relaxable bounds of constraints # in other words, if no constraint in a negative cycle is # relaxable, the LP is infeasible # and we can stop here # TODO: add handler for uncontrollable duration variable = None if (constraint, bound) in lp_variables: variable = lp_variables[(constraint, bound)] coefficient = cycle.constraints[(constraint, bound)] if variable is None: if bound == 0: variable = constraint.lower_bound elif bound == 1: # upper bound, the domain is larger than the original UB # if the constraint is not relaxable, fix its domain if not constraint.controllable: variable = LpVariable( + "-UB",constraint.lower_bound, constraint.upper_bound) lp_variables[(constraint,bound)] = variable # add the variable to the objective function max_flex_constraint = [] max_flex_constraint.append((variable-constraint.lower_bound)) max_flex_constraint.append(-1.0*max_flex_variable) prob += sum(max_flex_constraint) >= 0 else: variable = constraint.upper_bound assert variable is not None lp_constraint.append(variable*coefficient) # add the constraint to the problem # print(str(lp_constraint)) if sum(lp_constraint) >= 0: # print(str(sum(lp_constraint)) + " >= 0") prob += sum(lp_constraint) >= 0 else: status = 0; # this is not resolvable # no need to proceed if status > 0: # Set the objective function prob += sum(lp_objective) # for c in prob.constraints: # print("CON: ", prob.constraints[c]) # print("OBJ: ", prob.objective) # Solve the problem try: import gurobipy status = prob.solve(solvers.GUROBI(mip=False,msg=False)) except ImportError: pass # Gurobi doesn't exist, use default Pulp solver. status = prob.solve() # exit(0); # if no solution was found, do nothing if status > 0: # A solution has been bound # extract the result and store them into a set of relaxation # the outcome is a set of relaxations relaxations = [] max_flex_value = value(max_flex_variable) for constraint, bound in lp_variables.keys(): variable = lp_variables[(constraint, bound)] relaxed_bound = value(variable) if bound == 0: # check if this constraint bound is relaxed if relaxed_bound != constraint.lower_bound: # yes! create a new relaxation for it relaxation = TemporalRelaxation(constraint) relaxation.relaxed_lb = relaxed_bound # relaxation.pretty_print() relaxations.append(relaxation) elif bound == 1: # same for upper bound if relaxed_bound != constraint.upper_bound: # yes! create a new relaxation for it relaxation = TemporalRelaxation(constraint) relaxation.relaxed_ub = relaxed_bound # relaxation.pretty_print() relaxations.append(relaxation) if len(relaxations) > 0: return relaxations,max_flex_value return None,0
def generate_cc_relaxations(candidate,negative_cycle,feasibility_type,cc,pInfinity=1e6,nInfinity=-1e6): global prob_means global prob_stds global prob_vars global cc_var all_cycles = candidate.continuously_resolved_cycles.copy() all_cycles.add(negative_cycle) # print("CC Solving against " + str(len(all_cycles)) + " cycles") numVar = 0 numConstraint = 0 # Solve using Snopt, # especiallFy for nonlinear constraints/objective functions # construct variables and constraints variables = {} variable_bounds = {} initial_values = {} constraints = [] objective = {} list_iA = [] list_jA = [] list_A = [] neA_count = 0 list_iG = [] list_jG = [] neG_count = 0 prob_durations = set() prob_means = [] prob_stds = [] prob_vars = [] cc_var = -1 # status indicating the feasibility of the relaxation problem # 1 is feasible # 0 is infeasible # Note that this variable is shared by PuLP for its result status = 1; # print("Cycles: " + str(len(all_cycles))) for cycle in all_cycles: lp_ncycle_constraint = {} rhs = 0 for constraint, bound in cycle.constraints.keys(): # The constraint is a pair (temporal_constraint,0/1) # where 0 or 1 represent if it is the lower or upper bound # first we define the variables # which only come from relaxable bounds of constraints # in other words, if no constraint in a negative cycle is # relaxable, the LP is infeasible # and we can stop here # TODO: add handler for uncontrollable duration variable = None if (constraint, bound) in variables: variable = variables[(constraint, bound)] coefficient = cycle.constraints[(constraint, bound)] if variable is None: if bound == 0: # lower bound, the domain is less than the original LB # if the constraint is not relaxable, fix its domain if constraint.relaxable_lb or (not constraint.controllable and constraint.probabilistic): # if constraint.relaxable_lb: # print("LB cost " + str(constraint.relax_cost_lb) + "/" + variable = numVar variables[(constraint, bound)] = variable initial_values[variable] = constraint.get_lower_bound() numVar += 1 if constraint.controllable or feasibility_type == FeasibilityType.CONSISTENCY: # add the variable to the objective function variable_bounds[variable] = [nInfinity,constraint.lower_bound] objective[variable] = [-1*constraint.relax_cost_lb,constraint.lower_bound*constraint.relax_cost_lb] else: variable_bounds[variable] = [constraint.lower_bound,constraint.upper_bound-0.001] # We collect all probabilistic durations # for encoding the chance constraint if constraint.probabilistic: prob_durations.add(constraint) else: objective[variable] = [constraint.relax_cost_lb, -1 * constraint.lower_bound * constraint.relax_cost_lb] # Add an additional constraint to make sure that # the lower bound is smaller than the upper bound # Only for non-probabilistic constraint if (constraint, 1) in variables : ub_variable = variables[(constraint, 1)] constraint = {} constraint[ub_variable] = 1 constraint[variable] = -1 constraint['lb'] = 0.001 constraint['ub'] = pInfinity constraints.append(constraint) list_iA.append(len(constraints)) list_jA.append(ub_variable + 1) list_A.append(1) neA_count += 1 list_iA.append(len(constraints)) list_jA.append(variable + 1) list_A.append(-1) neA_count += 1 lp_ncycle_constraint[variable] = coefficient else: variable = constraint.lower_bound rhs -= constraint.lower_bound*coefficient elif bound == 1: # upper bound, the domain is larger than the original UB # if the constraint is not relaxable, fix its domain if constraint.relaxable_ub or (not constraint.controllable and constraint.probabilistic): # if constraint.relaxable_ub: # print("UB cost " + str(constraint.relax_cost_ub) + "/" + variable = numVar variables[(constraint, bound)] = variable initial_values[variable] = constraint.get_upper_bound() numVar += 1 if constraint.controllable or feasibility_type == FeasibilityType.CONSISTENCY: variable_bounds[variable] = [constraint.upper_bound, pInfinity] objective[variable] = [constraint.relax_cost_ub,-1*constraint.upper_bound*constraint.relax_cost_ub] else: variable_bounds[variable] = [constraint.lower_bound+0.001, constraint.upper_bound] # We collection all probabilistic durations # for encoding the chance constraint if constraint.probabilistic: prob_durations.add(constraint) else: objective[variable] = [-1 * constraint.relax_cost_ub, constraint.upper_bound * constraint.relax_cost_ub] # Add an additional constraint to make sure that # the lower bound is smaller than the upper bound # Only for non-probabilistic constraint if (constraint, 0) in variables: lb_variable = variables[(constraint, 0)] constraint = {} constraint[variable] = 1 constraint[lb_variable] = -1 constraint['lb'] = 0.001 constraint['ub'] = pInfinity constraints.append(constraint) list_iA.append(len(constraints)) list_jA.append(variable + 1) list_A.append(1) neA_count += 1 list_iA.append(len(constraints)) list_jA.append(lb_variable + 1) list_A.append(-1) neA_count += 1 lp_ncycle_constraint[variable] = coefficient else: variable = constraint.upper_bound rhs -= constraint.upper_bound * coefficient assert variable is not None else: lp_ncycle_constraint[variable] = coefficient # print("Adding variable " + str(coefficient) + "*"+str(variable)) # add the ncycle constraint to the problem # print(str(lp_ncycle_constraint)) constraints.append(lp_ncycle_constraint) # print("C" + str(len(constraints)) + ": ", end="") empty_constraint = True for key in lp_ncycle_constraint: if lp_ncycle_constraint[key] != 0: list_iA.append(len(constraints)) list_jA.append(key + 1) list_A.append(lp_ncycle_constraint[key]) neA_count += 1 empty_constraint = False # constraint,bound = variables[key] # print(str(lp_ncycle_constraint[key]) + "*" + "(" +str(key)+ ") ", end="") lp_ncycle_constraint['lb'] = rhs+0.0001 lp_ncycle_constraint['ub'] = pInfinity if empty_constraint and rhs > 0: # This constraint cannot be met return None,0 # print(">= " + str(rhs)) # Create the chance constraint if len(prob_durations) > 0: cc_constraint = {} constraints.append(cc_constraint) # Check if the chance constraint is relaxable if cc.relaxable_bound: cc_constraint['lb'] = -1 cc_constraint['ub'] = 0 # we need to encode an additional variable # to represent cc cc_var = numVar variables[("CC", 1)] = cc_var numVar += 1 variable_bounds[cc_var] = [cc.risk_bound, pInfinity] list_iA.append(len(constraints)) list_jA.append(cc_var + 1) list_A.append(-1) neA_count += 1 # And add cc to the objective function objective[cc_var] = [cc.relax_cost, -1 * cc.risk_bound * cc.relax_cost] else: cc_constraint['lb'] = 0 cc_constraint['ub'] = cc.risk_bound # print("C" + str(len(constraints)) + " (CC): ", end="") # print(str(cc_constraint['lb']) + "<= ", end="") for constraint in prob_durations: if (constraint, 0) in variables: lb_var = variables[(constraint, 0)] else: lb_var = numVar variables[(constraint, 0)] = lb_var numVar += 1 if (constraint, 1) in variables: ub_var = variables[(constraint, 1)] else: ub_var = numVar variables[(constraint, 1)] = ub_var numVar += 1 # override their domain since we are free to # allocate any values for them variable_bounds[lb_var] = [0, constraint.mean] variable_bounds[ub_var] = [constraint.mean, pInfinity] # initial_values[lb_var] = constraint.mean - 4*constraint.std # initial_values[ub_var] = constraint.mean + 4*constraint.std initial_values[lb_var] = constraint.get_lower_bound() initial_values[ub_var] = constraint.get_upper_bound() list_iG.append(len(constraints)) list_jG.append(lb_var + 1) neG_count += 1 list_iG.append(len(constraints)) list_jG.append(ub_var + 1) neG_count += 1 prob_vars.append(lb_var) prob_vars.append(ub_var) # print("Risk((" + str(lb_var) + ")--"+str(constraint.mean)+"--"+str(constraint.std)+"--("+str(ub_var)+")) ", end="") prob_means.append(constraint.mean) prob_stds.append(constraint.std) # print("<= " + str(cc_constraint['ub'])) # Add the objective as the last constraint constraints.append(objective) for key in objective: list_iA.append(len(constraints)) list_jA.append(key + 1) list_A.append(objective[key][0]) if objective[key][0] != 0: neA_count += 1 objective['lb'] = nInfinity objective['ub'] = pInfinity # Start Constructing the problem!! # Solve using SNOPT snopt.check_memory_compatibility() # minrw, miniw, mincw defines how much character, integer and real # storeage is neede to solve the problem. # ! assigned by SNOPT minrw = np.zeros((1), dtype=np.int32) miniw = np.zeros((1), dtype=np.int32) mincw = np.zeros((1), dtype=np.int32) # Workspace for character, integer and real arrays. # The plus 1 is for the objective function rw = np.zeros((2000*(len(variables)+len(constraints)),), dtype=np.float64) iw = np.zeros((1000*(len(variables)+len(constraints)),), dtype=np.int32) cw = np.zeros((8 * 500,), dtype=np.character) # rw = np.zeros((10000,), dtype=np.float64) # iw = np.zeros((10000,), dtype=np.int32) # cw = np.zeros((8 * 500,), dtype=np.character) # The Start variable for SnoptA Cold = np.array([0], dtype=np.int32) Basis = np.array([1], dtype=np.int32) Warm = np.array([2], dtype=np.int32) # Variable definitions # Initial values x = np.zeros((len(variables),), dtype=np.float64) # Lower and upper bounds xlow = np.zeros((len(variables),), dtype=np.float64) xupp = np.zeros((len(variables),), dtype=np.float64) for key in variable_bounds: if key in initial_values: x[key] = initial_values[key] bounds = variable_bounds[key] xlow[key] = bounds[0] xupp[key] = bounds[1] # Initial values for x xstate = np.zeros((len(variables),), dtype=np.int32) # Vector of dual variables for the bound constraints # ! assigned by SNOPT xmul = np.zeros((len(variables),), dtype=np.float64) # Initialize values for constraints F = np.zeros((len(constraints),), dtype=np.float64) # Lower and upper bounds for constraints Flow = np.zeros((len(constraints),), dtype=np.float64) Fupp = np.zeros((len(constraints),), dtype=np.float64) for idx in range(0,len(constraints)): constraint = constraints[idx] Flow[idx] = constraint['lb'] Fupp[idx] = constraint['ub'] # Initial states Fstate = np.zeros((len(constraints),), dtype=np.int32) # Estimate of the vector of Lagrange multipliers. # Since we know nothing about it at the moment. Set it to zero. Fmul = np.zeros((len(constraints),), dtype=np.float64) # Constant added to the objective row for # printing purposes ObjAdd = np.zeros((1,), dtype=np.float64) ObjAdd[0] = 0 # The last row F is the objective function ObjRow = np.zeros((1,), dtype=np.int32) ObjRow[0] = len(constraints) # NOTE: We must add one to mesh with fortran */ # Reports the result of the call to snOptA INFO = np.zeros((1,), dtype=np.int32) # Set number of variables n = np.zeros((1,), dtype=np.int32) n[0] = len(variables) # Set the number of functions (constraints and objectives) # in F neF = np.zeros((1,), dtype=np.int32) neF[0] = len(constraints) # dimension of arrays iAfun, jAvar and A # They contain the nonzero elements of the linear part A lenA = np.zeros((1,), dtype=np.int32) lenA[0] = len(list_iA) neA = np.zeros((1,), dtype=np.int32) neA[0] = neA_count # iAfun = np.zeros((lenA[0],), dtype=np.int32) # jAvar = np.zeros((lenA[0],), dtype=np.int32) # A = np.zeros((lenA[0],), dtype=np.float64) if lenA[0] > 0: iAfun = np.array(list_iA, dtype=np.int32) jAvar = np.array(list_jA, dtype=np.int32) A = np.array(list_A, dtype=np.float64) else: lenA[0] = 1 iAfun = np.zeros((lenA[0],), dtype=np.int32) jAvar = np.zeros((lenA[0],), dtype=np.int32) A = np.zeros((lenA[0],), dtype=np.float64) # dimension of arrays iGfun and jGvar # They contain the nonzero elements of the nonlinear part of the derivativeG lenG = np.zeros((1,), dtype=np.int32) lenG[0] = len(list_iG) neG = np.zeros((1,), dtype=np.int32) neG[0] = neG_count if lenG[0] > 0: iGfun = np.array(list_iG, dtype=np.int32) jGvar = np.array(list_jG, dtype=np.int32) else: lenG[0] = 1 iGfun = np.zeros((lenG[0],), dtype=np.int32) jGvar = np.zeros((lenG[0],), dtype=np.int32) # Generate the usrf function for SNOPT # names for variables and constraints # By default no names provided (both set to 1) nxname = np.zeros((1,), dtype=np.int32) nFname = np.zeros((1,), dtype=np.int32) nxname[0] = 1 nFname[0] = 1 # Names for variables and problem functions # not used when nxname and nFname are set to 1 xnames = np.zeros((1 * 8,), dtype=np.character) Fnames = np.zeros((1 * 8,), dtype=np.character) Prob = np.zeros((200 * 8,), dtype=np.character) # final number of superbasic variables # ! assigned by SNOPT nS = np.zeros((1,), dtype=np.int32) # Number and sum of the infeasibilities of constraints nInf = np.zeros((1,), dtype=np.int32) sInf = np.zeros((1,), dtype=np.float64) # Define Print and Summary files # Must be called before any other SNOPT routing # Unit number for summary file iSumm = np.zeros((1,), dtype=np.int32) iSumm[0] = 0 # Unit number for the print file iPrint = np.zeros((1,), dtype=np.int32) iPrint[0] = 0 # Unit number for the specs file iSpecs = np.zeros((1,), dtype=np.int32) iSpecs[0] = 4 # name for output print and spec files printname = np.zeros((200 * 8,), dtype=np.character) specname = np.zeros((200 * 8,), dtype=np.character) # open output files using snfilewrappers.[ch] */ specn = "sntoya.spc" printn = "sntoya.out" specname[:len(specn)] = list(specn) printname[:len(printn)] = list(printn) # Open the print file, fortran style */ snopt.snopenappend(iPrint, printname, INFO) # ================================================================== */ # First, sninit_ MUST be called to initialize optional parameters */ # to their default values. */ # ================================================================== */ snopt.sninit(iPrint, iSumm, cw, iw, rw) # Set configurations strOpt = np.zeros((200 * 8,), dtype=np.character) DerOpt = np.zeros((1,), dtype=np.int32) # set derivative options strOpt_s = "Derivative option" DerOpt[0] = 1 strOpt[:len(strOpt_s)] = list(strOpt_s) snopt.snseti(strOpt, DerOpt, iPrint, iSumm, INFO, cw, iw, rw) # set iteration limit Major = np.array([250], dtype=np.int32) strOpt_s = "Major Iteration limit" strOpt[:len(strOpt_s)] = list(strOpt_s) snopt.snseti(strOpt, Major, iPrint, iSumm, INFO, cw, iw, rw) # SnoptA will compute the Jacobian by finite-differences. */ # The user has the option of calling snJac to define the */ # coordinate arrays (iAfun,jAvar,A) and (iGfun, jGvar). */ # ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ # Go for it, using a Cold start. */ # ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ # print("Computing relaxation") snopt.snopta(Cold, neF, n, nxname, nFname, ObjAdd, ObjRow, Prob, usrf, iAfun, jAvar, lenA, neA, A, iGfun, jGvar, lenG, neG, xlow, xupp, xnames, Flow, Fupp, Fnames, x, xstate, xmul, F, Fstate, Fmul, INFO, mincw, miniw, minrw, nS, nInf, sInf, cw, iw, rw, cw, iw, rw) snopt.snclose(iPrint) snopt.snclose(iSpecs) # print("Done computing relaxation") # print("Solution " + str(x)) if INFO[0] == 1: # An optimal solution has been found # extract the result and store them into a set of relaxation # the outcome is a set of relaxations relaxations = [] allocations = [] cc_relaxations = [] # print("Found relaxation: INFO=" + str(INFO[0])) for constraint, bound in variables.keys(): variable = variables[(constraint, bound)] relaxed_bound = x[variable] # print(str(variable) + "==" + str(x[variable])) if constraint == "CC": # print("Relaxing CC from " + str(cc.risk_bound) + " to " + str(relaxed_bound)) if abs(relaxed_bound-cc.risk_bound) > 0.001: cc_relaxation = ChanceConstraintRelaxation(cc) cc_relaxation.relaxed_bound = relaxed_bound cc_relaxations.append(cc_relaxation) continue if not constraint.controllable and constraint.probabilistic: # This is allocation # Both lb and ub variables must have been included in the calculation if bound == 0: lb_variable = variables[(constraint, 0)] ub_variable = variables[(constraint, 1)] allocated_lb = x[lb_variable] allocated_ub = x[ub_variable] allocation = TemporalAllocation(constraint) allocation.allocated_lb = allocated_lb allocation.allocated_ub = allocated_ub # allocation.pretty_print() allocations.append(allocation) else: # This is relaxation if bound == 0: # check if this constraint bound is relaxed if abs(relaxed_bound - constraint.lower_bound) > 0.001: # yes! create a new relaxation for it relaxation = TemporalRelaxation(constraint) relaxation.relaxed_lb = relaxed_bound # relaxation.pretty_print() relaxations.append(relaxation) elif bound == 1: # same for upper bound if abs(relaxed_bound - constraint.upper_bound) > 0.001: # yes! create a new relaxation for it relaxation = TemporalRelaxation(constraint) relaxation.relaxed_ub = relaxed_bound # relaxation.pretty_print() relaxations.append(relaxation) # print("") if len(relaxations) > 0 or len(allocations) > 0: return relaxations, allocations, cc_relaxations, 0 return None, None, None, 0
def generate_mincost_relaxations(candidate, negative_cycle, feasibility_type): all_cycles = candidate.continuously_resolved_cycles.copy() all_cycles.add(negative_cycle) # print("Solving against " + str(len(all_cycles)) + " cycles") # Solve using PuLP, TODO, incorporate interface to other solvers, # especially for nonlinear objective functions prob = LpProblem("MinCostConflictResolution", LpMinimize) # Solve using PyOpt/Snopt, # especially for nonlinear constraints/objective functions # construct variables and constraints lp_variables = {} lp_objective = [] # status indicating the feasibility of the relaxation problem # 1 is feasible # 0 is infeasible # Note that this variable is shared by PuLP for its result status = 1 # print("Cycles: " + str(len(all_cycles))) for cycle in all_cycles: # cycle.pretty_print() lp_ncycle_constraint = [] for constraint, bound in cycle.constraints.keys(): # The constraint is a pair (temporal_constraint,0/1) # where 0 or 1 represent if it is the lower or upper bound # first we define the variables # which only come from relaxable bounds of constraints # in other words, if no constraint in a negative cycle is # relaxable, the LP is infeasible # and we can stop here # TODO: add handler for uncontrollable duration variable = None if (constraint, bound) in lp_variables: variable = lp_variables[(constraint, bound)] coefficient = cycle.constraints[(constraint, bound)] if variable is None: if bound == 0: # lower bound, the domain is less than the original LB # if the constraint is not relaxable, fix its domain if constraint.relaxable_lb: # print("LB cost " + str(constraint.relax_cost_lb) + "/" + if constraint.controllable or feasibility_type == FeasibilityType.CONSISTENCY: variable = LpVariable( + "-LB", None, constraint.lower_bound) # print("New LB VAR: " + str(variable) + " [" + str(None) + "," + str(constraint.lower_bound) + "]") # add the variable to the objective function lp_variables[(constraint, bound)] = variable lp_objective.append( (constraint.lower_bound - variable) * constraint.relax_cost_lb) else: variable = LpVariable( + "-LB", constraint.lower_bound, constraint.upper_bound - 0.001) # print("New LB-UC VAR: " + str(variable) + " [" + str(None) + "," + str(constraint.lower_bound) + "]") # add the variable to the objective function lp_variables[(constraint, bound)] = variable lp_objective.append( (variable - constraint.lower_bound) * constraint.relax_cost_lb) # Add an additional constraint to make sure that # the lower bound is smaller than the upper bound if (constraint, 1) in lp_variables: ub_variable = lp_variables[(constraint, 1)] uncertain_duration_constraint = [] uncertain_duration_constraint.append( (ub_variable - variable)) prob += sum( uncertain_duration_constraint) >= 0.001 # print("Adding domain constraint for " + else: variable = constraint.lower_bound elif bound == 1: # upper bound, the domain is larger than the original UB # if the constraint is not relaxable, fix its domain if constraint.relaxable_ub: # print("UB cost " + str(constraint.relax_cost_ub) + "/" + if constraint.controllable or feasibility_type == FeasibilityType.CONSISTENCY: variable = LpVariable( + "-UB", constraint.upper_bound, None) # print("New UB VAR: " + str(variable) + " [" + str(constraint.upper_bound) + "," + str(None) + "]") # add the variable to the objective function lp_variables[(constraint, bound)] = variable lp_objective.append( (variable - constraint.upper_bound) * constraint.relax_cost_ub) else: variable = LpVariable( + "-UB", constraint.lower_bound + 0.001, constraint.upper_bound) # print("New UB-UC VAR: " + str(variable) + " [" + str(constraint.upper_bound) + "," + str(None) + "]") lp_variables[(constraint, bound)] = variable lp_objective.append( (constraint.upper_bound - variable) * constraint.relax_cost_ub) # Add an additional constraint to make sure that # the lower bound is smaller than the upper bound if (constraint, 0) in lp_variables: lb_variable = lp_variables[(constraint, 0)] uncertain_duration_constraint = [] uncertain_duration_constraint.append( (variable - lb_variable)) prob += sum( uncertain_duration_constraint) >= 0.001 # print("Adding domain constraint for " + else: variable = constraint.upper_bound assert variable is not None # print("Adding variable " + str(coefficient) + "*"+str(variable)) lp_ncycle_constraint.append(variable * coefficient) # add the constraint to the problem # print(str(lp_ncycle_constraint)) if sum(lp_ncycle_constraint) >= 0: # print(str(sum(lp_ncycle_constraint)) + " >= 0") # Over relax a bit to account for precision issues prob += sum(lp_ncycle_constraint) >= 0.0 else: status = 0 # this is not resolvable # no need to proceed if status > 0: # Set the objective function prob += sum(lp_objective) # for c in prob.constraints: # print("CON: ", prob.constraints[c]) # print("OBJ: ", prob.objective) # Solve the problem try: import gurobipy status = prob.solve(pulp.GUROBI(mip=False, msg=False)) except ImportError: # pass # Gurobi doesn't exist, use default Pulp solver. status = prob.solve() # exit(0); # print("Computing relaxation") # if no solution was found, do nothing if status > 0: # A solution has been found # extract the result and store them into a set of relaxation # the outcome is a set of relaxations relaxations = [] # print("Found relaxation") for constraint, bound in lp_variables.keys(): variable = lp_variables[(constraint, bound)] relaxed_bound = value(variable) if bound == 0: # check if this constraint bound is relaxed if relaxed_bound != constraint.lower_bound: # yes! create a new relaxation for it relaxation = TemporalRelaxation(constraint) relaxation.relaxed_lb = relaxed_bound # relaxation.pretty_print() relaxations.append(relaxation) assert relaxation.relaxed_lb <= constraint.upper_bound elif bound == 1: # same for upper bound if relaxed_bound != constraint.upper_bound: # yes! create a new relaxation for it relaxation = TemporalRelaxation(constraint) relaxation.relaxed_ub = relaxed_bound # relaxation.pretty_print() relaxations.append(relaxation) assert relaxation.relaxed_ub >= constraint.lower_bound # print("") if len(relaxations) > 0: return relaxations, 0 return None, 0
def generate_cc_relaxations(candidate, negative_cycle, feasibility_type, cc, pInfinity=1e6, nInfinity=-1e6): global prob_means global prob_stds global prob_vars global cc_var all_cycles = candidate.continuously_resolved_cycles.copy() all_cycles.add(negative_cycle) # print("CC Solving against " + str(len(all_cycles)) + " cycles") numVar = 0 numConstraint = 0 # Solve using Snopt, # especiallFy for nonlinear constraints/objective functions # construct variables and constraints variables = {} variable_bounds = {} initial_values = {} constraints = [] objective = {} list_iA = [] list_jA = [] list_A = [] neA_count = 0 list_iG = [] list_jG = [] neG_count = 0 prob_durations = set() prob_means = [] prob_stds = [] prob_vars = [] cc_var = -1 # status indicating the feasibility of the relaxation problem # 1 is feasible # 0 is infeasible # Note that this variable is shared by PuLP for its result status = 1 # print("Cycles: " + str(len(all_cycles))) for cycle in all_cycles: lp_ncycle_constraint = {} rhs = 0 for constraint, bound in cycle.constraints.keys(): # The constraint is a pair (temporal_constraint,0/1) # where 0 or 1 represent if it is the lower or upper bound # first we define the variables # which only come from relaxable bounds of constraints # in other words, if no constraint in a negative cycle is # relaxable, the LP is infeasible # and we can stop here # TODO: add handler for uncontrollable duration variable = None if (constraint, bound) in variables: variable = variables[(constraint, bound)] coefficient = cycle.constraints[(constraint, bound)] if variable is None: if bound == 0: # lower bound, the domain is less than the original LB # if the constraint is not relaxable, fix its domain if constraint.relaxable_lb or ( not constraint.controllable and constraint.probabilistic): # if constraint.relaxable_lb: # print("LB cost " + str(constraint.relax_cost_lb) + "/" + variable = numVar variables[(constraint, bound)] = variable initial_values[ variable] = constraint.get_lower_bound() numVar += 1 if constraint.controllable or feasibility_type == FeasibilityType.CONSISTENCY: # add the variable to the objective function variable_bounds[variable] = [ nInfinity, constraint.lower_bound ] objective[variable] = [ -1 * constraint.relax_cost_lb, constraint.lower_bound * constraint.relax_cost_lb ] else: variable_bounds[variable] = [ constraint.lower_bound, constraint.upper_bound - 0.001 ] # We collect all probabilistic durations # for encoding the chance constraint if constraint.probabilistic: prob_durations.add(constraint) else: objective[variable] = [ constraint.relax_cost_lb, -1 * constraint.lower_bound * constraint.relax_cost_lb ] # Add an additional constraint to make sure that # the lower bound is smaller than the upper bound # Only for non-probabilistic constraint if (constraint, 1) in variables: ub_variable = variables[(constraint, 1)] constraint = {} constraint[ub_variable] = 1 constraint[variable] = -1 constraint['lb'] = 0.001 constraint['ub'] = pInfinity constraints.append(constraint) list_iA.append(len(constraints)) list_jA.append(ub_variable + 1) list_A.append(1) neA_count += 1 list_iA.append(len(constraints)) list_jA.append(variable + 1) list_A.append(-1) neA_count += 1 lp_ncycle_constraint[variable] = coefficient else: variable = constraint.lower_bound rhs -= constraint.lower_bound * coefficient elif bound == 1: # upper bound, the domain is larger than the original UB # if the constraint is not relaxable, fix its domain if constraint.relaxable_ub or ( not constraint.controllable and constraint.probabilistic): # if constraint.relaxable_ub: # print("UB cost " + str(constraint.relax_cost_ub) + "/" + variable = numVar variables[(constraint, bound)] = variable initial_values[ variable] = constraint.get_upper_bound() numVar += 1 if constraint.controllable or feasibility_type == FeasibilityType.CONSISTENCY: variable_bounds[variable] = [ constraint.upper_bound, pInfinity ] objective[variable] = [ constraint.relax_cost_ub, -1 * constraint.upper_bound * constraint.relax_cost_ub ] else: variable_bounds[variable] = [ constraint.lower_bound + 0.001, constraint.upper_bound ] # We collection all probabilistic durations # for encoding the chance constraint if constraint.probabilistic: prob_durations.add(constraint) else: objective[variable] = [ -1 * constraint.relax_cost_ub, constraint.upper_bound * constraint.relax_cost_ub ] # Add an additional constraint to make sure that # the lower bound is smaller than the upper bound # Only for non-probabilistic constraint if (constraint, 0) in variables: lb_variable = variables[(constraint, 0)] constraint = {} constraint[variable] = 1 constraint[lb_variable] = -1 constraint['lb'] = 0.001 constraint['ub'] = pInfinity constraints.append(constraint) list_iA.append(len(constraints)) list_jA.append(variable + 1) list_A.append(1) neA_count += 1 list_iA.append(len(constraints)) list_jA.append(lb_variable + 1) list_A.append(-1) neA_count += 1 lp_ncycle_constraint[variable] = coefficient else: variable = constraint.upper_bound rhs -= constraint.upper_bound * coefficient assert variable is not None else: lp_ncycle_constraint[variable] = coefficient # print("Adding variable " + str(coefficient) + "*"+str(variable)) # add the ncycle constraint to the problem # print(str(lp_ncycle_constraint)) constraints.append(lp_ncycle_constraint) # print("C" + str(len(constraints)) + ": ", end="") empty_constraint = True for key in lp_ncycle_constraint: if lp_ncycle_constraint[key] != 0: list_iA.append(len(constraints)) list_jA.append(key + 1) list_A.append(lp_ncycle_constraint[key]) neA_count += 1 empty_constraint = False # constraint,bound = variables[key] # print(str(lp_ncycle_constraint[key]) + "*" + "(" +str(key)+ ") ", end="") lp_ncycle_constraint['lb'] = rhs + 0.0001 lp_ncycle_constraint['ub'] = pInfinity if empty_constraint and rhs > 0: # This constraint cannot be met return None, 0 # print(">= " + str(rhs)) # Create the chance constraint if len(prob_durations) > 0: cc_constraint = {} constraints.append(cc_constraint) # Check if the chance constraint is relaxable if cc.relaxable_bound: cc_constraint['lb'] = -1 cc_constraint['ub'] = 0 # we need to encode an additional variable # to represent cc cc_var = numVar variables[("CC", 1)] = cc_var numVar += 1 variable_bounds[cc_var] = [cc.risk_bound, pInfinity] list_iA.append(len(constraints)) list_jA.append(cc_var + 1) list_A.append(-1) neA_count += 1 # And add cc to the objective function objective[cc_var] = [ cc.relax_cost, -1 * cc.risk_bound * cc.relax_cost ] else: cc_constraint['lb'] = 0 cc_constraint['ub'] = cc.risk_bound # print("C" + str(len(constraints)) + " (CC): ", end="") # print(str(cc_constraint['lb']) + "<= ", end="") for constraint in prob_durations: if (constraint, 0) in variables: lb_var = variables[(constraint, 0)] else: lb_var = numVar variables[(constraint, 0)] = lb_var numVar += 1 if (constraint, 1) in variables: ub_var = variables[(constraint, 1)] else: ub_var = numVar variables[(constraint, 1)] = ub_var numVar += 1 # override their domain since we are free to # allocate any values for them variable_bounds[lb_var] = [0, constraint.mean] variable_bounds[ub_var] = [constraint.mean, pInfinity] # initial_values[lb_var] = constraint.mean - 4*constraint.std # initial_values[ub_var] = constraint.mean + 4*constraint.std initial_values[lb_var] = constraint.get_lower_bound() initial_values[ub_var] = constraint.get_upper_bound() list_iG.append(len(constraints)) list_jG.append(lb_var + 1) neG_count += 1 list_iG.append(len(constraints)) list_jG.append(ub_var + 1) neG_count += 1 prob_vars.append(lb_var) prob_vars.append(ub_var) # print("Risk((" + str(lb_var) + ")--"+str(constraint.mean)+"--"+str(constraint.std)+"--("+str(ub_var)+")) ", end="") prob_means.append(constraint.mean) prob_stds.append(constraint.std) # print("<= " + str(cc_constraint['ub'])) # Add the objective as the last constraint constraints.append(objective) for key in objective: list_iA.append(len(constraints)) list_jA.append(key + 1) list_A.append(objective[key][0]) if objective[key][0] != 0: neA_count += 1 objective['lb'] = nInfinity objective['ub'] = pInfinity # Start Constructing the problem!! # Solve using SNOPT snopt.check_memory_compatibility() # minrw, miniw, mincw defines how much character, integer and real # storeage is neede to solve the problem. # ! assigned by SNOPT minrw = np.zeros((1), dtype=np.int32) miniw = np.zeros((1), dtype=np.int32) mincw = np.zeros((1), dtype=np.int32) # Workspace for character, integer and real arrays. # The plus 1 is for the objective function rw = np.zeros((2000 * (len(variables) + len(constraints)), ), dtype=np.float64) iw = np.zeros((1000 * (len(variables) + len(constraints)), ), dtype=np.int32) cw = np.zeros((8 * 500, ), dtype=np.character) # rw = np.zeros((10000,), dtype=np.float64) # iw = np.zeros((10000,), dtype=np.int32) # cw = np.zeros((8 * 500,), dtype=np.character) # The Start variable for SnoptA Cold = np.array([0], dtype=np.int32) Basis = np.array([1], dtype=np.int32) Warm = np.array([2], dtype=np.int32) # Variable definitions # Initial values x = np.zeros((len(variables), ), dtype=np.float64) # Lower and upper bounds xlow = np.zeros((len(variables), ), dtype=np.float64) xupp = np.zeros((len(variables), ), dtype=np.float64) for key in variable_bounds: if key in initial_values: x[key] = initial_values[key] bounds = variable_bounds[key] xlow[key] = bounds[0] xupp[key] = bounds[1] # Initial values for x xstate = np.zeros((len(variables), ), dtype=np.int32) # Vector of dual variables for the bound constraints # ! assigned by SNOPT xmul = np.zeros((len(variables), ), dtype=np.float64) # Initialize values for constraints F = np.zeros((len(constraints), ), dtype=np.float64) # Lower and upper bounds for constraints Flow = np.zeros((len(constraints), ), dtype=np.float64) Fupp = np.zeros((len(constraints), ), dtype=np.float64) for idx in range(0, len(constraints)): constraint = constraints[idx] Flow[idx] = constraint['lb'] Fupp[idx] = constraint['ub'] # Initial states Fstate = np.zeros((len(constraints), ), dtype=np.int32) # Estimate of the vector of Lagrange multipliers. # Since we know nothing about it at the moment. Set it to zero. Fmul = np.zeros((len(constraints), ), dtype=np.float64) # Constant added to the objective row for # printing purposes ObjAdd = np.zeros((1, ), dtype=np.float64) ObjAdd[0] = 0 # The last row F is the objective function ObjRow = np.zeros((1, ), dtype=np.int32) ObjRow[0] = len( constraints) # NOTE: We must add one to mesh with fortran */ # Reports the result of the call to snOptA INFO = np.zeros((1, ), dtype=np.int32) # Set number of variables n = np.zeros((1, ), dtype=np.int32) n[0] = len(variables) # Set the number of functions (constraints and objectives) # in F neF = np.zeros((1, ), dtype=np.int32) neF[0] = len(constraints) # dimension of arrays iAfun, jAvar and A # They contain the nonzero elements of the linear part A lenA = np.zeros((1, ), dtype=np.int32) lenA[0] = len(list_iA) neA = np.zeros((1, ), dtype=np.int32) neA[0] = neA_count # iAfun = np.zeros((lenA[0],), dtype=np.int32) # jAvar = np.zeros((lenA[0],), dtype=np.int32) # A = np.zeros((lenA[0],), dtype=np.float64) if lenA[0] > 0: iAfun = np.array(list_iA, dtype=np.int32) jAvar = np.array(list_jA, dtype=np.int32) A = np.array(list_A, dtype=np.float64) else: lenA[0] = 1 iAfun = np.zeros((lenA[0], ), dtype=np.int32) jAvar = np.zeros((lenA[0], ), dtype=np.int32) A = np.zeros((lenA[0], ), dtype=np.float64) # dimension of arrays iGfun and jGvar # They contain the nonzero elements of the nonlinear part of the derivativeG lenG = np.zeros((1, ), dtype=np.int32) lenG[0] = len(list_iG) neG = np.zeros((1, ), dtype=np.int32) neG[0] = neG_count if lenG[0] > 0: iGfun = np.array(list_iG, dtype=np.int32) jGvar = np.array(list_jG, dtype=np.int32) else: lenG[0] = 1 iGfun = np.zeros((lenG[0], ), dtype=np.int32) jGvar = np.zeros((lenG[0], ), dtype=np.int32) # Generate the usrf function for SNOPT # names for variables and constraints # By default no names provided (both set to 1) nxname = np.zeros((1, ), dtype=np.int32) nFname = np.zeros((1, ), dtype=np.int32) nxname[0] = 1 nFname[0] = 1 # Names for variables and problem functions # not used when nxname and nFname are set to 1 xnames = np.zeros((1 * 8, ), dtype=np.character) Fnames = np.zeros((1 * 8, ), dtype=np.character) Prob = np.zeros((200 * 8, ), dtype=np.character) # final number of superbasic variables # ! assigned by SNOPT nS = np.zeros((1, ), dtype=np.int32) # Number and sum of the infeasibilities of constraints nInf = np.zeros((1, ), dtype=np.int32) sInf = np.zeros((1, ), dtype=np.float64) # Define Print and Summary files # Must be called before any other SNOPT routing # Unit number for summary file iSumm = np.zeros((1, ), dtype=np.int32) iSumm[0] = 0 # Unit number for the print file iPrint = np.zeros((1, ), dtype=np.int32) iPrint[0] = 0 # Unit number for the specs file iSpecs = np.zeros((1, ), dtype=np.int32) iSpecs[0] = 4 # name for output print and spec files printname = np.zeros((200 * 8, ), dtype=np.character) specname = np.zeros((200 * 8, ), dtype=np.character) # open output files using snfilewrappers.[ch] */ specn = "sntoya.spc" printn = "sntoya.out" specname[:len(specn)] = list(specn) printname[:len(printn)] = list(printn) # Open the print file, fortran style */ snopt.snopenappend(iPrint, printname, INFO) # ================================================================== */ # First, sninit_ MUST be called to initialize optional parameters */ # to their default values. */ # ================================================================== */ snopt.sninit(iPrint, iSumm, cw, iw, rw) # Set configurations strOpt = np.zeros((200 * 8, ), dtype=np.character) DerOpt = np.zeros((1, ), dtype=np.int32) # set derivative options strOpt_s = "Derivative option" DerOpt[0] = 1 strOpt[:len(strOpt_s)] = list(strOpt_s) snopt.snseti(strOpt, DerOpt, iPrint, iSumm, INFO, cw, iw, rw) # set iteration limit Major = np.array([250], dtype=np.int32) strOpt_s = "Major Iteration limit" strOpt[:len(strOpt_s)] = list(strOpt_s) snopt.snseti(strOpt, Major, iPrint, iSumm, INFO, cw, iw, rw) # SnoptA will compute the Jacobian by finite-differences. */ # The user has the option of calling snJac to define the */ # coordinate arrays (iAfun,jAvar,A) and (iGfun, jGvar). */ # ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ # Go for it, using a Cold start. */ # ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ # print("Computing relaxation") snopt.snopta(Cold, neF, n, nxname, nFname, ObjAdd, ObjRow, Prob, usrf, iAfun, jAvar, lenA, neA, A, iGfun, jGvar, lenG, neG, xlow, xupp, xnames, Flow, Fupp, Fnames, x, xstate, xmul, F, Fstate, Fmul, INFO, mincw, miniw, minrw, nS, nInf, sInf, cw, iw, rw, cw, iw, rw) snopt.snclose(iPrint) snopt.snclose(iSpecs) # print("Done computing relaxation") # print("Solution " + str(x)) if INFO[0] == 1: # An optimal solution has been found # extract the result and store them into a set of relaxation # the outcome is a set of relaxations relaxations = [] allocations = [] cc_relaxations = [] # print("Found relaxation: INFO=" + str(INFO[0])) for constraint, bound in variables.keys(): variable = variables[(constraint, bound)] relaxed_bound = x[variable] # print(str(variable) + "==" + str(x[variable])) if constraint == "CC": # print("Relaxing CC from " + str(cc.risk_bound) + " to " + str(relaxed_bound)) if abs(relaxed_bound - cc.risk_bound) > 0.001: cc_relaxation = ChanceConstraintRelaxation(cc) cc_relaxation.relaxed_bound = relaxed_bound cc_relaxations.append(cc_relaxation) continue if not constraint.controllable and constraint.probabilistic: # This is allocation # Both lb and ub variables must have been included in the calculation if bound == 0: lb_variable = variables[(constraint, 0)] ub_variable = variables[(constraint, 1)] allocated_lb = x[lb_variable] allocated_ub = x[ub_variable] allocation = TemporalAllocation(constraint) allocation.allocated_lb = allocated_lb allocation.allocated_ub = allocated_ub # allocation.pretty_print() allocations.append(allocation) else: # This is relaxation if bound == 0: # check if this constraint bound is relaxed if abs(relaxed_bound - constraint.lower_bound) > 0.001: # yes! create a new relaxation for it relaxation = TemporalRelaxation(constraint) relaxation.relaxed_lb = relaxed_bound # relaxation.pretty_print() relaxations.append(relaxation) elif bound == 1: # same for upper bound if abs(relaxed_bound - constraint.upper_bound) > 0.001: # yes! create a new relaxation for it relaxation = TemporalRelaxation(constraint) relaxation.relaxed_ub = relaxed_bound # relaxation.pretty_print() relaxations.append(relaxation) # print("") if len(relaxations) > 0 or len(allocations) > 0: return relaxations, allocations, cc_relaxations, 0 return None, None, None, 0
def generate_mincost_relaxations(candidate,negative_cycle,feasibility_type): all_cycles = candidate.continuously_resolved_cycles.copy() all_cycles.add(negative_cycle) # print("Solving against " + str(len(all_cycles)) + " cycles") # Solve using PuLP, TODO, incorporate interface to other solvers, # especially for nonlinear objective functions prob = LpProblem("MinCostConflictResolution", LpMinimize) # Solve using PyOpt/Snopt, # especially for nonlinear constraints/objective functions # construct variables and constraints lp_variables = {} lp_objective = [] # status indicating the feasibility of the relaxation problem # 1 is feasible # 0 is infeasible # Note that this variable is shared by PuLP for its result status = 1; # print("Cycles: " + str(len(all_cycles))) for cycle in all_cycles: # cycle.pretty_print() lp_ncycle_constraint = [] for constraint, bound in cycle.constraints.keys(): # The constraint is a pair (temporal_constraint,0/1) # where 0 or 1 represent if it is the lower or upper bound # first we define the variables # which only come from relaxable bounds of constraints # in other words, if no constraint in a negative cycle is # relaxable, the LP is infeasible # and we can stop here # TODO: add handler for uncontrollable duration variable = None if (constraint, bound) in lp_variables: variable = lp_variables[(constraint, bound)] coefficient = cycle.constraints[(constraint, bound)] if variable is None: if bound == 0: # lower bound, the domain is less than the original LB # if the constraint is not relaxable, fix its domain if constraint.relaxable_lb: # print("LB cost " + str(constraint.relax_cost_lb) + "/" + if constraint.controllable or feasibility_type == FeasibilityType.CONSISTENCY: variable = LpVariable( + "-LB",None,constraint.lower_bound) # print("New LB VAR: " + str(variable) + " [" + str(None) + "," + str(constraint.lower_bound) + "]") # add the variable to the objective function lp_variables[(constraint,bound)] = variable lp_objective.append((constraint.lower_bound - variable) * constraint.relax_cost_lb) else: variable = LpVariable( + "-LB",constraint.lower_bound, constraint.upper_bound-0.001) # print("New LB-UC VAR: " + str(variable) + " [" + str(None) + "," + str(constraint.lower_bound) + "]") # add the variable to the objective function lp_variables[(constraint,bound)] = variable lp_objective.append((variable - constraint.lower_bound) * constraint.relax_cost_lb) # Add an additional constraint to make sure that # the lower bound is smaller than the upper bound if (constraint,1) in lp_variables: ub_variable = lp_variables[(constraint,1)] uncertain_duration_constraint = [] uncertain_duration_constraint.append((ub_variable - variable)) prob += sum(uncertain_duration_constraint) >= 0.001 # print("Adding domain constraint for " + else: variable = constraint.lower_bound elif bound == 1: # upper bound, the domain is larger than the original UB # if the constraint is not relaxable, fix its domain if constraint.relaxable_ub: # print("UB cost " + str(constraint.relax_cost_ub) + "/" + if constraint.controllable or feasibility_type == FeasibilityType.CONSISTENCY: variable = LpVariable( + "-UB",constraint.upper_bound, None) # print("New UB VAR: " + str(variable) + " [" + str(constraint.upper_bound) + "," + str(None) + "]") # add the variable to the objective function lp_variables[(constraint,bound)] = variable lp_objective.append((variable - constraint.upper_bound) * constraint.relax_cost_ub) else: variable = LpVariable( + "-UB",constraint.lower_bound+0.001, constraint.upper_bound) # print("New UB-UC VAR: " + str(variable) + " [" + str(constraint.upper_bound) + "," + str(None) + "]") lp_variables[(constraint,bound)] = variable lp_objective.append((constraint.upper_bound - variable) * constraint.relax_cost_ub) # Add an additional constraint to make sure that # the lower bound is smaller than the upper bound if (constraint,0) in lp_variables: lb_variable = lp_variables[(constraint,0)] uncertain_duration_constraint = [] uncertain_duration_constraint.append((variable - lb_variable)) prob += sum(uncertain_duration_constraint) >= 0.001 # print("Adding domain constraint for " + else: variable = constraint.upper_bound assert variable is not None # print("Adding variable " + str(coefficient) + "*"+str(variable)) lp_ncycle_constraint.append(variable*coefficient) # add the constraint to the problem # print(str(lp_ncycle_constraint)) if sum(lp_ncycle_constraint) >= 0: # print(str(sum(lp_ncycle_constraint)) + " >= 0") # Over relax a bit to account for precision issues prob += sum(lp_ncycle_constraint) >= 0.0 else: status = 0; # this is not resolvable # no need to proceed if status > 0: # Set the objective function prob += sum(lp_objective) # for c in prob.constraints: # print("CON: ", prob.constraints[c]) # print("OBJ: ", prob.objective) # Solve the problem try: import gurobipy status = prob.solve(solvers.GUROBI(mip=False,msg=False)) except ImportError: # pass # Gurobi doesn't exist, use default Pulp solver. status = prob.solve() # exit(0); # print("Computing relaxation") # if no solution was found, do nothing if status > 0: # A solution has been found # extract the result and store them into a set of relaxation # the outcome is a set of relaxations relaxations = [] # print("Found relaxation") for constraint, bound in lp_variables.keys(): variable = lp_variables[(constraint, bound)] relaxed_bound = value(variable) if bound == 0: # check if this constraint bound is relaxed if relaxed_bound != constraint.lower_bound: # yes! create a new relaxation for it relaxation = TemporalRelaxation(constraint) relaxation.relaxed_lb = relaxed_bound # relaxation.pretty_print() relaxations.append(relaxation) assert relaxation.relaxed_lb <= constraint.upper_bound elif bound == 1: # same for upper bound if relaxed_bound != constraint.upper_bound: # yes! create a new relaxation for it relaxation = TemporalRelaxation(constraint) relaxation.relaxed_ub = relaxed_bound # relaxation.pretty_print() relaxations.append(relaxation) assert relaxation.relaxed_ub >= constraint.lower_bound # print("") if len(relaxations) > 0: return relaxations,0 return None,0
def generate_maxflex_relaxations(candidate, negative_cycle): if len(negative_cycle.constraints) == 0: return None, 0 all_cycles = candidate.continuously_resolved_cycles.copy() all_cycles.add(negative_cycle) # Solve using PuLP, TODO, incorporate interface to other solvers, # especially for nonlinear objective functions prob = LpProblem("MaxFlexConflictResolution", LpMaximize) # Solve using PyOpt/Snopt, # especially for nonlinear constraints/objective functions # construct variables and constraints lp_variables = {} lp_objective = [] max_flex_variable = LpVariable("Max Flex", 0, None) lp_objective.append(max_flex_variable) # status indicating the feasibility of the relaxation problem # 1 is feasible # 0 is infeasible # Note that this variable is shared by PuLP for its result status = 1 # We only consider the relaxation of the upper bound of # uncontrollable duration. # which means that we basically ignore the definition of # 'relaxable bounds' in the network, and only consider the upper bounds # of uncertain durations. for cycle in all_cycles: lp_constraint = [] for constraint, bound in cycle.constraints.keys(): # The constraint is a pair (temporal_constraint,0/1) # where 0 or 1 represent if it is the lower or upper bound # first we define the variables # which only come from relaxable bounds of constraints # in other words, if no constraint in a negative cycle is # relaxable, the LP is infeasible # and we can stop here # TODO: add handler for uncontrollable duration variable = None if (constraint, bound) in lp_variables: variable = lp_variables[(constraint, bound)] coefficient = cycle.constraints[(constraint, bound)] if variable is None: if bound == 0: variable = constraint.lower_bound elif bound == 1: # upper bound, the domain is larger than the original UB # if the constraint is not relaxable, fix its domain if not constraint.controllable: variable = LpVariable( + "-UB", constraint.lower_bound, constraint.upper_bound) lp_variables[(constraint, bound)] = variable # add the variable to the objective function max_flex_constraint = [] max_flex_constraint.append( (variable - constraint.lower_bound)) max_flex_constraint.append(-1.0 * max_flex_variable) prob += sum(max_flex_constraint) >= 0 else: variable = constraint.upper_bound assert variable is not None lp_constraint.append(variable * coefficient) # add the constraint to the problem # print(str(lp_constraint)) if sum(lp_constraint) >= 0: # print(str(sum(lp_constraint)) + " >= 0") prob += sum(lp_constraint) >= 0 else: status = 0 # this is not resolvable # no need to proceed if status > 0: # Set the objective function prob += sum(lp_objective) # for c in prob.constraints: # print("CON: ", prob.constraints[c]) # print("OBJ: ", prob.objective) # Solve the problem try: import gurobipy status = prob.solve(pulp.GUROBI(mip=False, msg=False)) except ImportError: pass # Gurobi doesn't exist, use default Pulp solver. status = prob.solve() # exit(0); # if no solution was found, do nothing if status > 0: # A solution has been bound # extract the result and store them into a set of relaxation # the outcome is a set of relaxations relaxations = [] max_flex_value = value(max_flex_variable) for constraint, bound in lp_variables.keys(): variable = lp_variables[(constraint, bound)] relaxed_bound = value(variable) if bound == 0: # check if this constraint bound is relaxed if relaxed_bound != constraint.lower_bound: # yes! create a new relaxation for it relaxation = TemporalRelaxation(constraint) relaxation.relaxed_lb = relaxed_bound # relaxation.pretty_print() relaxations.append(relaxation) elif bound == 1: # same for upper bound if relaxed_bound != constraint.upper_bound: # yes! create a new relaxation for it relaxation = TemporalRelaxation(constraint) relaxation.relaxed_ub = relaxed_bound # relaxation.pretty_print() relaxations.append(relaxation) if len(relaxations) > 0: return relaxations, max_flex_value return None, 0