def display_recipe(): user_query = session.get('a_query') obj = get_search_result() data, updated_query = table_header = ['Id', 'Web Page Title', 'Image', 'Short Description'] return render_template("table.html", data = data, user_query = user_query, updated_query = updated_query, table_header = table_header)
def view_result(): query_receive = request.args.get('query') dis_receive = request.args.get('display') movie_list = get_search_result(query_receive, dis_receive) return jsonify({ 'list': movie_list })
def search(): """ Get track search results """ search_query = request.args.get('search_query') result = get_search_result(search_query) if result is None: return jsonify({'success': False, 'message': 'Unable to get the data'}) else: return jsonify({'success': True, 'result': result})
def main(): info = get_detail_url(get_search_result('brca1')) item = next(info) print(item) if os.path.exists('transcripts-{}.txt'.format(item['name'])): return transcripts = parse_page(get_page(item['url'])) with open('transcripts-{}.txt'.format(item['name']), 'w+') as f: for transcript in transcripts: f.write('\n' + str(transcript))
from search import get_search_result if __name__ == '__main__': get_search_result()
async def handle_msg(context): message = context['message'] try: content = re.split(r'^小青[\s\,\,]*', message)[1] except: content = message if message == '小青': reply = await call_xiaoqing() elif content[:5] == 'alpha': question = re.split(r'^alpha[\s\,\,]*', content)[1] print(question) reply = get_answer(question) elif content[:2] == 'ip' or content[:4] == '你的ip': reply = get_localip() elif content in [ '流量', '流量信息', '剩余流量', '你还剩多少流量', '你还有多少流量', '你还剩多少流量?', '你还有多少流量?' ]: reply = getOnlineUserInfo() elif content[:2] in ['记忆', '记住', '学习']: question = re.split(r'^[(记忆)(记住)(学习)]*[\s\,\,]*', content)[1] reply = learnQA(question) elif content[:2] == '对话': question = re.split(r'^[(对话)]*[\s\,\,]*', content)[1] reply = getQA(question) elif content[:4] == '删除对话': question = re.split(r'^[(删除对话)]*[\s\,\,]*', content)[1] reply = removeQA(question) elif content[:2] == '赤化': reply = get_pred(content[3:]) elif content in ['测速', '测网速', '再测一次', '再测一遍']: await bot.send(context, '要测咯~') reply = '测完啦,结果:\n' + testmain() elif content[:2] == '决定' or content[:3] == '做决定': reply = make_choice(re.split(r'[\s\,\,]+', content)[1:]) elif content[:2] == '缩写': reply = abbr(re.split(r'[\s\,\,]+', content)[1:]) elif content[:3] == 'ads': reply = get_ads(content[4:]) elif '身份证号' in content and ('随机' in content or '生成' in content or '给我' in content or '帮我' in content): reply = random_id() elif content in [ '你能干啥', '你能做啥', '你会干啥', '你能干什么', '你能做什么', '你会干什么', '你会做什么', '你会做啥', '你会干啥', '你都能干啥', '你能能做啥', '你都能干什么', '你都能做什么', '你都会什么' ]: reply = what_i_can_do() elif content[:4] == '获取进程': reply = get_process(content[4:]) elif content[-2:] == '坐标': reply = get_coordinate(content[:-2]) elif content[-2:] == '天气': reply = get_weather(content[:-2]) elif content[:2] == '搜索': reply = get_search_result(content[3:]) elif content[:3] == '提醒我': q = re.split(r'[\s]+', content[4:]) Job = schedulers.add_job(send_sche_msg, 'cron', year=q[1], month=q[2], day=q[3], hour=q[4], minute=q[5], second=q[6], args=[context, q[0]]) reply = '记下来了。' elif content[:4] == '监视进程': q = '状态' + content[4:] jobsid = [ for i in schedulers.get_jobs()] if content[5:] in jobsid: reply = '进程已经在控制中啦。' else: schedulers.add_job(monitor_process, 'cron', minute='*/1', args=[context, q, content[5:]], id=content[5:]) reply = '知道啦,进程停下就会告诉你的。' elif content[:2] in ['骂人', '嘴臭']: reply = get_zanghua(content[3:]) elif content[:2] in [ '翻译', '通訳', '翻訳' ] or content[:6] == 'define' or content[:9] == 'translate': question = re.split(r'^[(翻译)(通訳)(翻訳)(define)(translate)]*[\s\,\,]*', content)[1] reply = get_translate(question) elif content[:4] == '下载文献': reply = get_papers(content[5:]) elif content[:4] == '删除文献': reply = remove_paper(content[5:]) elif content[:4] == '文献列表': reply = get_paper_list() elif content[:4] == '台词出处': reply = get_lines(content[5:]) elif content[:2] == '查词': reply = get_dict_result(content[3:]) elif content[:5] == 'adnmb': reply = get_adnmb(content[6:]) elif content[:2] == '笔记': reply = get_memo(content[3:]) elif content[:2] == '测试': reply = await testbot(context, content[3:]) elif content[:2] == '执行' or content[:7] in ['Execute', 'execute']: command = re.split(r'^[(执行)(Execute)(execute)]*[\s\,\,]*', content)[1] await shellexcute(context, command) reply = None elif content[:5] in ['天文学词典', 'astro']: question = re.split(r'^[(天文学词典)(astro)]*[\s\,\,]*', content)[1] reply = await get_astro_trans(question) elif content[:4] == 'bili': question = re.split(r'^bili[\s\,\,]*', content)[1] reply = await get_bili_code(question) elif content[:4] == 'jpnb': code = re.split(r'^jpnb[\s\,\,]*', content)[1] await get_jpnb_res(context, code) reply = None elif content in ['今日六公主', '今日列表', '今日央六列表', '今天央六节目单', '今天节目单']: await FetchCCTV6List_today(context) reply = None elif content in ['昨日六公主', '昨日列表', '昨日央六列表', '昨天央六节目单', '昨天节目单']: await FetchyCCTV6List_yestarday(context) reply = None else: with open('QA.json', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: data = json.load(f) if content in data.keys(): answer = data[content] np.random.shuffle(answer) reply = answer[0] else: reply = chat(content) if reply: await bot.send(context, reply)