def test_iterative_deepening_search_at_goal(): # plan of length 0, start == goal task = dummy_task.get_search_space_at_goal() solution = iterative_deepening_search(task) print(solution) assert solution is not None assert len(solution) == 0
def main(): problem = MissionariesAndCannibals() result = iterative_deepening_search(problem) list_arr = [] for node in result.path(): list_arr.append(node.state.value) return list_arr
def test_iterative_deepening_search_four_step(): # plan of length 4 task = dummy_task.get_simple_search_space_2() solution = iterative_deepening_search(task) print(solution) assert solution is not None assert len(solution) == 4
def test_iterative_deepening_search_no_solution(): # plan with no solution task = dummy_task.get_search_space_no_solution() searcher = iterative_deepening_search(task, 10) solution = print(searcher.extract_solution(solution)) assert solution is None
def huarong_pass_search(search_name): goal_actions = [] hp = HuarongPass() if search_name == 'BFS': # print "Breadth first search...good choice. ", time.asctime() goal_actions = search.breadth_first_search(hp).solution() elif search_name == 'DFS': # print "Depth first search...really?", time.asctime() goal_actions = search.depth_first_graph_search(hp).solution() elif search_name == 'IDS': # print "Iterative deepening search...great choice!", time.asctime() goal_actions = search.iterative_deepening_search(hp).solution() elif search_name == 'BID': # print "Bidirectional search...not required...using BFS instead..." goal_actions = huarong_pass_search('BFS') elif search_name == 'DLS': # print "Depth limited search...", time.asctime() goal_actions = search.depth_limited_search(hp, DEPTH_LIMIT).solution() else: print "Invalid search_name given. Exiting..." return goal_actions
def test_iterative_deepening_search_three_step(): # plan of length 3 task = dummy_task.get_simple_search_space() searcher = iterative_deepening_search(task) solution = print(searcher.extract_solution(solution)) assert solution is not None assert len(solution) == 3
def run(self): from time import clock start_t = clock() results = \ iterative_deepening_search(state, expanded_state, evaluate, search, max_depth) runtime = clock() - start_t self._results = (results, runtime)
def test_ids(): global goal_state print "Testing IDS..." hp_0 = HuarongPass(initial_state) hp_24 = HuarongPass(step_24_state) hp_30 = HuarongPass(step_30_state) hp_41 = HuarongPass(step_41_state) hp_48 = HuarongPass(step_48_state) hp_59 = HuarongPass(step_59_state) hp_72 = HuarongPass(step_72_state) hp_81 = HuarongPass(step_81_state) # goal_state = step_24_state # acts_0_24 = search.iterative_deepening_search(hp_0).solution() # goal_state = step_30_state # acts_24_30 = search.iterative_deepening_search(hp_24).solution() # goal_state = step_41_state # acts_30_41 = search.iterative_deepening_search(hp_30).solution() # goal_state = step_48_state # acts_41_48 = search.iterative_deepening_search(hp_41).solution() # goal_state = step_59_state # acts_48_59 = search.iterative_deepening_search(hp_48).solution() # goal_state = step_72_state # acts_59_72 = search.iterative_deepening_search(hp_59).solution() goal_state = None acts_72_81 = search.iterative_deepening_search(hp_72).solution() # print len(acts_0_24), acts_0_24 # print len(acts_24_30), acts_24_30 # print len(acts_30_41), acts_30_41 # print len(acts_41_48), acts_41_48 # print len(acts_48_59), acts_48_59 # print len(acts_59_72), acts_59_72 # print len(acts_72_81), acts_72_81 # acts = acts_0_24 + acts_24_30 + acts_30_41 + acts_41_48 + acts_48_59 + acts_59_72 + acts_72_81 # print "Total steps: ", len(acts) # audit_state(hp_0.state_given(initial_state, acts)) audit_state(hp_0.state_given(step_72_state, acts_72_81)) print "IDS test complete."
def huarong_pass_search(desired_search_strategy): """The function returns a list of actions that when applied to the initial state lead to the goal state.""" initTime = problem = HuarongPass() if desired_search_strategy == "BFS": s = search.breadth_first_tree_search(problem) elif desired_search_strategy == "DFS": s = search.depth_first_graph_search(problem) elif desired_search_strategy == "IDS": s = search.iterative_deepening_search(problem) else: print "Desired search strategy not found!" endTime = print "Time taken", endTime - initTime return s.solution()
def solve(): """ this function considers 10 random values for m and n and returns the solutions for all the values between (1 and max(m)) """ count = 0 while count <= 10: m_choice = np.random.choice(list_m) n_choice = np.random.choice(list_n) # m should be be equal to n if m_choice != n_choice: if bltin_gcd(m_choice, n_choice) == 1: count = count + 1 for i in range(1, m_choice + 1): print(m_choice, n_choice, i) puzzle = WaterJug(initial_state, m_choice, n_choice, i) ans = iterative_deepening_search(puzzle) print(ans.path())
# comment out one copy, and modify the other to get things to run more quickly while you're debugging depths = (1, 2, 4, 8, 16) trials = 100 path_lengths = {} state_counts = {} for depth in depths: print('Gathering data for depth ' + str(depth) + '...') path_lengths[depth] = {'BFS': [], 'IDS': [], 'A*-mis': [], 'A*-Man': []} state_counts[depth] = {'BFS': [], 'IDS': [], 'A*-mis': [], 'A*-Man': []} for trial in range(trials): puzzle = EightPuzzle(depth) p = search.InstrumentedProblem(puzzle) path_lengths[depth]['BFS'].append(len(search.breadth_first_search(p).path())) state_counts[depth]['BFS'].append(p.states) p = search.InstrumentedProblem(puzzle) path_lengths[depth]['IDS'].append(len(search.iterative_deepening_search(p).path())) state_counts[depth]['IDS'].append(p.states) p = search.InstrumentedProblem(puzzle) path_lengths[depth]['A*-mis'].append(len(search.astar_search(p, misplaced).path())) state_counts[depth]['A*-mis'].append(p.states) p = search.InstrumentedProblem(puzzle) path_lengths[depth]['A*-Man'].append(len(search.astar_search(p, manhattan).path())) state_counts[depth]['A*-Man'].append(p.states) print('Path lengths:') print('{:>5} {:>8} {:>8} {:>8} {:>8}'.format('Depth', 'BFS', 'IDS', 'A*-mis', 'A*-Man')) for depth in depths: print('{:>5} {:>8} {:>8} {:>8} {:>8}' \ .format(depth, mean(path_lengths[depth]['BFS']), mean(path_lengths[depth]['IDS']), mean(path_lengths[depth]['A*-mis']),
def solveIterativeDeepeningSearch(): """Solves the puzzle using iterative_deepening_search""" return iterative_deepening_search(puzzle).solution()
if action == Constants.up: return zero_place - row_length if action == Constants.down: return zero_place + row_length if action == Constants.right: return zero_place + 1 return zero_place - 1 problem = EightPuzzle(Constants.begin, Constants.Goal) goalnode = search.breadth_first_graph_search(problem) # sammud (tegevused, käigud) algolekust lõppolekuni print(goalnode.solution()) # olekud algolekust lõppolekuni print("path", goalnode.path()) print("path_len", len(goalnode.path())) problem = EightPuzzle(Constants.begin, Constants.Goal) goalnode = search.iterative_deepening_search(problem) # sammud (tegevused, käigud) algolekust lõppolekuni print(goalnode.solution()) # olekud algolekust lõppolekuni print("path", goalnode.path()) print("path_len", len(goalnode.path())) search.compare_searchers([problem], ["name", "result"], searchers=[ search.breadth_first_graph_search, search.iterative_deepening_search ])
def iterative_deepening_search(problem): return search.iterative_deepening_search(problem)
def solveIterativeDeepeningSearch(puzzle): """Solves the two jug problem using iterative_deepening_search""" return iterative_deepening_search(puzzle).solution()
# Search methods import search ab = search.GPSProblem('A', 'B', search.romania) af = search.GPSProblem('A', 'F', search.romania) print("Anchura:") print search.breadth_first_graph_search(ab).path() print("Profundidad:") print search.depth_first_graph_search(ab).path() print search.iterative_deepening_search(ab).path() print search.depth_limited_search(ab).path() print search.depth_limited_search(ab).path() print("Branch_and_Bound ab") print search.branch_and_bound_search(ab).path() print("Branch_and_Bound_with_Subestimation ab") print search.branch_and_bound_with_subestimation_search(ab).path() print("Branch_and_Bound af") print search.branch_and_bound_search(af).path() print("Branch_and_Bound_with_Subestimation af") print search.branch_and_bound_with_subestimation_search(af).path() # Result: # [<Node B>, <Node P>, <Node R>, <Node S>, <Node A>] : 101 + 97 + 80 + 140 = 418 # [<Node B>, <Node F>, <Node S>, <Node A>] : 211 + 99 + 140 = 450
def test_iterative_deepening_search_no_solution(): # plan with no solution task = dummy_task.get_search_space_no_solution() solution = iterative_deepening_search(task, 10) print(solution) assert solution is None
} state_counts[depth] = { 'BFS': [], 'IDS': [], 'A*-mis': [], 'A*-Man': [] } for trial in range(trials): puzzle = EightPuzzle(depth) p = search.InstrumentedProblem(puzzle) path_lengths[depth]['BFS'].append( len(search.breadth_first_search(p).path())) state_counts[depth]['BFS'].append(p.states) p = search.InstrumentedProblem(puzzle) path_lengths[depth]['IDS'].append( len(search.iterative_deepening_search(p).path())) state_counts[depth]['IDS'].append(p.states) p = search.InstrumentedProblem(puzzle) path_lengths[depth]['A*-mis'].append( len(search.astar_search(p, misplaced).path())) state_counts[depth]['A*-mis'].append(p.states) p = search.InstrumentedProblem(puzzle) path_lengths[depth]['A*-Man'].append( len(search.astar_search(p, manhattan).path())) state_counts[depth]['A*-Man'].append(p.states) print('Path lengths:') print('{:>5} {:>8} {:>8} {:>8} {:>8}'.format('Depth', 'BFS', 'IDS', 'A*-mis', 'A*-Man')) for depth in depths: print('{:>5} {:>8} {:>8} {:>8} {:>8}' \ .format(depth,
import search from graph import Graph if __name__ == "__main__": # Setting graph we initiated to search class... graph = Graph() search.graph = graph search.depth_first_search() search.breath_first_search() search.iterative_deepening_search() search.uniform_cost_search() search.greedy_best_first_search() search.a_star_search()
def main(): problem = MissionariesAndCannibals() result = iterative_deepening_search(problem) print_path(result.path())
return state.board.is_goal_reached() def h(self, node: Node): """ Função heuristica utilizada para a procura A*. """ # TODO robot, oX, oY = node.state.board.objective x, y = node.state.board.robots[robot] if oX == x or oY == y: return 1 return 2 if __name__ == "__main__": # TODO: # Ler o ficheiro de input de sys.argv[1], # Usar uma técnica de procura para resolver a instância, # Retirar a solução a partir do nó resultante, # Imprimir para o standard output no formato indicado. board = parse_instance(sys.argv[1]) #board = parse_instance("testing.txt") # Criar uma instância de RicochetRobots: problem = RicochetRobots(board) # Obter o nó solução usando a procura Iterative Deepening Search: solution_node = iterative_deepening_search(problem) print(len(solution_node.solution())) for i in solution_node.solution(): print(i[0] + " " + i[1])