def __init__(self, yaml): self._tf_listener = tf.TransformListener() self._grid = SearchGrid(10, 10, 2.0, 2.0) camera = yaml.sensors[0].camera self._fov_h = camera.horizontal_fov self._fov_v = 2.0 * scipy.arctan( scipy.tan(self._fov_h / 2.0) * (camera.image_height / camera.image_width)) self._fov_vectors = fov_vectors(self._fov_h, self._fov_v)
def __init__(self, yaml): self._tf_listener = tf.TransformListener() self._grid = SearchGrid(10, 10, 2.0, 2.0) camera = yaml.sensors[0].camera self._fov_h = camera.horizontal_fov self._fov_v = 2.0 * scipy.arctan(scipy.tan(self._fov_h / 2.0) * (camera.image_height / camera.image_width)) self._fov_vectors = fov_vectors(self._fov_h, self._fov_v)
class Test_SearchGrid: parameters = {'class_weight':[{0:1,1:10}]} classifier = LogisticRegression(random_state=42) variableNames = ['split' + str(i) + f'_test_truePositives' for i in range(1)] gridresults = {'split0_test_truePositives' : [5, 5], 'split0_test_falsePositives' : [5, 15], 'split0_test_falseNegatives' : [5, 15], 'mean_test_roc_auc' : [2, 1], 'params': [{'class_weight' : {0:1, 1:10}}, {'class_weight' : {0:10, 1:1}}]} def test_InitializeGrid(self): self.GridSpace = SearchGrid() self.GridSpace.setClassifier(Test_SearchGrid.classifier) def test_setGridParameters(self): self.GridSpace.setGridParameters(Test_SearchGrid.parameters) assert Test_SearchGrid.parameters == self.GridSpace.getGridParameters() def test_initializeGridMetrics(self): self.metrics = GridMetrics(Test_SearchGrid.gridresults, NUM_SPLITS=1) def test_BestResults(self): params, scores = self.metrics.getBestResults() assert params == {'class_weight': {0: 1, 1: 10}} assert scores == ((0.5, 2)) def test_getVariableNames(self): assert Test_SearchGrid.variableNames == self.metrics.getVariableNames("truePositives", 1) def test_calculateTotal(self): total = self.metrics.calculateTotal("truePositives", 0) assert total == 5 def test_calculateF1(self): f1 = self.metrics.calculateF1(0) assert f1 == 0.5 def test_calculateScores(self): self.metrics.calculateScores() assert self.metrics.getBestindex() == 0 def test_calculateBestindex(self): # also tests calculateScore method (same as above, except # that there's only one parameter) gridresult = {'split0_test_truePositives' : [5], 'split0_test_falsePositives' : [5], 'split0_test_falseNegatives' : [5], 'mean_test_roc_auc' : [2], 'params': [{'class_weight' : {0:1, 1:10}}]} metrics = GridMetrics(gridresult, NUM_SPLITS=1) metrics.calculateBestindex() assert metrics.getBestindex() == 0 def test_run(self): assert self.GridSpace.getMetrics().getBestindex() == 0 def test_all(self): self.test_InitializeGrid() self.test_setGridParameters() self.test_initializeGridMetrics() self.test_BestResults() self.test_getVariableNames() self.test_calculateTotal() self.test_calculateF1() self.test_calculateScores() self.test_calculateBestindex() self.test_run()
def test_InitializeGrid(self): self.GridSpace = SearchGrid() self.GridSpace.setClassifier(Test_SearchGrid.classifier)
class ObjectFinder: _grid = None _collision_objects = [] _fov_h = 0 _fov_v = 0 _fov_vectors = [] _tf_listener = None def __init__(self, yaml): self._tf_listener = tf.TransformListener() self._grid = SearchGrid(10, 10, 2.0, 2.0) camera = yaml.sensors[0].camera self._fov_h = camera.horizontal_fov self._fov_v = 2.0 * scipy.arctan( scipy.tan(self._fov_h / 2.0) * (camera.image_height / camera.image_width)) self._fov_vectors = fov_vectors(self._fov_h, self._fov_v) def update_search_grid(self): # TODO Get planning scene from moveit service # TODO Get gripper pose and calculate visible fields # Create a PoseStamped for the camera camera_pose = self._get_camera_pose() rospy.logdebug('Camera pose: %s' % str(camera_pose)) # Get the points for the fov fov_points = self._get_fov_points() rospy.logdebug('FOV points: %s' % str(fov_points)) # Get the intersection points of the fov lines with the table table_points = [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]] point_to_vector = lambda point: scipy.array( [point.x, point.y, point.z]) intersection_points = map( lambda fov_point: intersection_line_plane( point_to_vector(camera_pose.pose.position), point_to_vector(fov_point.point), *table_points), fov_points) rospy.logdebug('Intersection points fov lines with table: %s' % str(intersection_points)) # Update visible fields visible_fields = self._get_visible_fields(intersection_points) for pos in visible_fields: self._grid.field[pos[0], pos[1]] += 1 rospy.loginfo('Visible fields: %s' % str(visible_fields)) # Visualize search grid visualization.publish_marker_array(self._grid.to_marker_array()) # Visualize fov visualization.publish_lines( camera_pose.pose.position, map(lambda point_stamped: point_stamped.point, fov_points)) # Visualize intersection fov lines with table map(lambda vec, name: visualization.publish_vector(vec, name), intersection_points, [5000, 6000, 7000, 8000]) def get_place_to_search(self): focused_field = self._get_focused_field() x_s = focused_field[0] y_s = focused_field[1] lowest_value = 100 best_field = None for i in range(1, len(self._grid.field)): for x_diff in range(-i, i): y_diff = i - abs(x_diff) x1 = x_s + x_diff y1 = y_s + y_diff x2 = x_s - x_diff y2 = y_s - y_diff if x1 < len(self._grid.field) and y1 < len(self._grid.field[0]) and \ self._grid.field[x1][y1] < lowest_value: best_field = [x1, y1] lowest_value = self._grid.field[x1][y1] if x2 < len(self._grid.field) and y2 < len(self._grid.field[0]) and \ self._grid.field[x2][y2] < lowest_value: best_field = [x2, y2] lowest_value = self._grid.field[x2][y2] if lowest_value == 0: break # ends both loops if inner loop breaks, kinda hacky but should work else: continue break rospy.logdebug('Focused field: %s Field to search: %s' % (str(focused_field), str(best_field))) place_to_search = PointStamped() place_to_search.point = Point(best_field[0], best_field[1], 0) place_to_search.header.frame_id = '/odom_combined' rospy.logdebug('Place to search %s' % str(place_to_search)) visualization.publish_vector( self._grid.coordinates[best_field[0], best_field[1]], 9999) return place_to_search def _get_camera_pose(self): camera_pose_tdepth = PoseStamped() camera_pose_tdepth.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0) camera_pose_tdepth.header.frame_id = '/tdepth' camera_pose_tdepth.pose.orientation.w = 1 camera_pose = None try: camera_pose = self._tf_listener.transformPose( '/odom_combined', camera_pose_tdepth) except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException): print 'camera tf lookup failed' return camera_pose def _get_fov_points(self): fov_points = [] for vector in self._fov_vectors: point = PointStamped() point.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0) point.header.frame_id = '/tdepth' point.point.x = vector[0] point.point.y = vector[1] point.point.z = vector[2] try: fov_points.append( self._tf_listener.transformPoint('/odom_combined', point)) except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException): print 'fov points tf lookup failed' continue return fov_points def _get_visible_fields(self, intersection_points): points = map(lambda point: [point[0], point[1]], intersection_points) polygon = scipy.array([points[0], points[1], points[3], points[2]]) return self._get_fields_in_polygon(polygon) def _get_fields_in_polygon(self, polygon): fields = [] for x in range(0, len(self._grid.field)): for y in range(0, len(self._grid.field[0])): if self._in_polygon(polygon, (self._grid.coordinates[x][y][0], self._grid.coordinates[x][y][1])): fields.append([x, y]) return fields @staticmethod def _in_polygon(polygon, point): path = mplPath.Path(polygon) return path.contains_point(point) def _update_collision_objects(self): self def _is_visible(self): self @staticmethod def _get_collision_objects(): rospy.wait_for_service('get_planning_scene') try: scene = rospy.ServiceProxy('get_planning_scene', GetPlanningScene) comp = PlanningSceneComponents comp.components = PlanningSceneComponents.WORLD_OBJECT_GEOMETRY return scene(comp) except rospy.ServiceException, e: print "Service call failed: %s" % e
class ObjectFinder: _grid = None _collision_objects = [] _fov_h = 0 _fov_v = 0 _fov_vectors = [] _tf_listener = None def __init__(self, yaml): self._tf_listener = tf.TransformListener() self._grid = SearchGrid(10, 10, 2.0, 2.0) camera = yaml.sensors[0].camera self._fov_h = camera.horizontal_fov self._fov_v = 2.0 * scipy.arctan(scipy.tan(self._fov_h / 2.0) * (camera.image_height / camera.image_width)) self._fov_vectors = fov_vectors(self._fov_h, self._fov_v) def update_search_grid(self): # TODO Get planning scene from moveit service # TODO Get gripper pose and calculate visible fields # Create a PoseStamped for the camera camera_pose = self._get_camera_pose() rospy.logdebug('Camera pose: %s' % str(camera_pose)) # Get the points for the fov fov_points = self._get_fov_points() rospy.logdebug('FOV points: %s' % str(fov_points)) # Get the intersection points of the fov lines with the table table_points = [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]] point_to_vector = lambda point: scipy.array([point.x, point.y, point.z]) intersection_points = map(lambda fov_point: intersection_line_plane(point_to_vector(camera_pose.pose.position), point_to_vector(fov_point.point), *table_points), fov_points) rospy.logdebug('Intersection points fov lines with table: %s' % str(intersection_points)) # Update visible fields visible_fields = self._get_visible_fields(intersection_points) for pos in visible_fields: self._grid.field[pos[0], pos[1]] += 1 rospy.loginfo('Visible fields: %s' % str(visible_fields)) # Visualize search grid visualization.publish_marker_array(self._grid.to_marker_array()) # Visualize fov visualization.publish_lines(camera_pose.pose.position, map(lambda point_stamped: point_stamped.point, fov_points)) # Visualize intersection fov lines with table map(lambda vec, name: visualization.publish_vector(vec, name), intersection_points, [5000, 6000, 7000, 8000]) def get_place_to_search(self): focused_field = self._get_focused_field() x_s = focused_field[0] y_s = focused_field[1] lowest_value = 100 best_field = None for i in range(1, len(self._grid.field)): for x_diff in range(-i, i): y_diff = i - abs(x_diff) x1 = x_s + x_diff y1 = y_s + y_diff x2 = x_s - x_diff y2 = y_s - y_diff if x1 < len(self._grid.field) and y1 < len(self._grid.field[0]) and \ self._grid.field[x1][y1] < lowest_value: best_field = [x1, y1] lowest_value = self._grid.field[x1][y1] if x2 < len(self._grid.field) and y2 < len(self._grid.field[0]) and \ self._grid.field[x2][y2] < lowest_value: best_field = [x2, y2] lowest_value = self._grid.field[x2][y2] if lowest_value == 0: break # ends both loops if inner loop breaks, kinda hacky but should work else: continue break rospy.logdebug('Focused field: %s Field to search: %s' % (str(focused_field), str(best_field))) place_to_search = PointStamped() place_to_search.point = Point(best_field[0], best_field[1], 0) place_to_search.header.frame_id = '/odom_combined' rospy.logdebug('Place to search %s' % str(place_to_search)) visualization.publish_vector(self._grid.coordinates[best_field[0], best_field[1]], 9999) return place_to_search def _get_camera_pose(self): camera_pose_tdepth = PoseStamped() camera_pose_tdepth.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0) camera_pose_tdepth.header.frame_id = '/tdepth' camera_pose_tdepth.pose.orientation.w = 1 camera_pose = None try: camera_pose = self._tf_listener.transformPose('/odom_combined', camera_pose_tdepth) except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException): print 'camera tf lookup failed' return camera_pose def _get_fov_points(self): fov_points = [] for vector in self._fov_vectors: point = PointStamped() point.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0) point.header.frame_id = '/tdepth' point.point.x = vector[0] point.point.y = vector[1] point.point.z = vector[2] try: fov_points.append(self._tf_listener.transformPoint('/odom_combined', point)) except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException): print 'fov points tf lookup failed' continue return fov_points def _get_visible_fields(self, intersection_points): points = map(lambda point: [point[0], point[1]], intersection_points) polygon = scipy.array([points[0], points[1], points[3], points[2]]) return self._get_fields_in_polygon(polygon) def _get_fields_in_polygon(self, polygon): fields = [] for x in range(0, len(self._grid.field)): for y in range(0, len(self._grid.field[0])): if self._in_polygon(polygon, (self._grid.coordinates[x][y][0], self._grid.coordinates[x][y][1])): fields.append([x, y]) return fields @staticmethod def _in_polygon(polygon, point): path = mplPath.Path(polygon) return path.contains_point(point) def _update_collision_objects(self): self def _is_visible(self): self @staticmethod def _get_collision_objects(): rospy.wait_for_service('get_planning_scene') try: scene = rospy.ServiceProxy('get_planning_scene', GetPlanningScene) comp = PlanningSceneComponents comp.components = PlanningSceneComponents.WORLD_OBJECT_GEOMETRY return scene(comp) except rospy.ServiceException, e: print "Service call failed: %s" % e