コード例 #1
ファイル: lift.py プロジェクト: agrc/forklift
def process_pallets(pallets, is_post_copy=False):
    pallets: Pallet[]
    is_post_copy: Boolean

    Loop over all pallets, check if data has changed and determine whether to process.
    Call `process` if this is not the post copy. Otherwise call `post_copy_process`.
    Finally, call ship.

    if not is_post_copy:
        verb = 'processing'
        verb = 'post copy processing'

    log.info('%s pallets...', verb)

    for pallet in pallets:
        if pallet.is_ready_to_ship():  #: checks for schema changes or errors
            if pallet.requires_processing() and pallet.success[0]:  #: checks for data that was updated
                log.info('%s pallet: %r', verb, pallet)
                start_seconds = clock()

                    if not is_post_copy:
                except Exception as e:
                    pallet.success = (False, e.message)
                    log.error('error %s pallet: %s for pallet: %r', verb, e.message, pallet, exc_info=True)

                log.debug('%s pallet %s', verb.replace('ing', 'ed'), seat.format_time(clock() - start_seconds))

            if not is_post_copy:
                log.debug('shipping pallet...')
                start_seconds = clock()

                    log.info('shipping pallet: %r', pallet)
                    log.debug('shipped pallet %s', seat.format_time(clock() - start_seconds))
                except Exception as e:
                    pallet.success = (False, e.message)

                    log.error('error shipping pallet: %s for pallet: %r', e.message, pallet, exc_info=True)
コード例 #2
ファイル: cli.py プロジェクト: agrc/forklift
def speedtest(pallet_location):
    print('{0}{1}Setting up speed test...{0}'.format(Fore.RESET, Fore.MAGENTA))

    #: remove logging
    log.handlers = [logging.NullHandler()]

    #: spoof hashes location so there is no caching
    core.garage = speedtest_destination
    core.hash_gdb_path = join(core.garage, core._hash_gdb)
    core.scratch_gdb_path = join(core.garage, core._scratch_gdb)

    #: delete destination and other artifacts form prior runs
    import arcpy
    if arcpy.Exists(join(speedtest_destination, 'DestinationData.gdb')):
        arcpy.Delete_management(join(speedtest_destination, 'DestinationData.gdb'))
        arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(speedtest_destination, 'DestinationData.gdb')
        arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(speedtest_destination, 'DestinationData.gdb')

    if arcpy.Exists(core.hash_gdb_path):
    if arcpy.Exists(core.scratch_gdb_path):

    print('{0}{1}Tests ready starting dry run...{0}'.format(Fore.RESET, Fore.MAGENTA))

    start_seconds = clock()
    dry_report = start_lift(pallet_location)
    dry_run = seat.format_time(clock() - start_seconds)

    print('{0}{1}Repeating test...{0}'.format(Fore.RESET, Fore.MAGENTA))
    start_seconds = clock()
    repeat_report = start_lift(pallet_location)
    repeat = seat.format_time(clock() - start_seconds)

    #: clean up so git state is unchanged
    if arcpy.Exists(join(speedtest_destination, 'DestinationData.gdb')):
        arcpy.Delete_management(join(speedtest_destination, 'DestinationData.gdb'))
    if arcpy.Exists(core.hash_gdb_path):
    if arcpy.Exists(core.scratch_gdb_path):

    print('{1}Dry Run Output{0}{2}{3}'.format(Fore.RESET, Fore.CYAN, linesep, dry_report))
    print('{1}Repeat Run Output{0}{2}{3}'.format(Fore.RESET, Fore.CYAN, linesep, repeat_report))
    print('{3}{0}{1}Speed Test Results{3}{0}{2}Dry Run:{0} {4}{3}{2}Repeat:{0} {5}'.format(Fore.RESET, Fore.GREEN, Fore.CYAN, linesep, dry_run, repeat))
コード例 #3
ファイル: cli.py プロジェクト: agrc/forklift
def start_lift(file_path=None, pallet_arg=None):
    log.info('starting forklift')

    git_errors = git_update()

    start_seconds = clock()

    pallets_to_lift, all_pallets = _sort_pallets(file_path, pallet_arg)

    start_process = clock()
    lift.process_crates_for(pallets_to_lift, core.update, config.get_config_prop('configuration'))
    log.info('process_crates time: %s', seat.format_time(clock() - start_process))

    start_process = clock()
    log.info('process_pallets time: %s', seat.format_time(clock() - start_process))

    start_copy = clock()
    copy_results = lift.copy_data(pallets_to_lift, all_pallets, config.get_config_prop('copyDestinations'))
    log.info('copy_data time: %s', seat.format_time(clock() - start_copy))

    start_post_copy_process = clock()
    lift.process_pallets(pallets_to_lift, is_post_copy=True)
    log.info('post_copy_process time: %s', seat.format_time(clock() - start_post_copy_process))

    elapsed_time = seat.format_time(clock() - start_seconds)
    report_object = lift.create_report_object(pallets_to_lift, elapsed_time, copy_results, git_errors)


    log.info('Finished in {}.'.format(elapsed_time))

    report = _format_dictionary(report_object)
    log.info('%s', report)

    return report
コード例 #4
ファイル: lift.py プロジェクト: agrc/forklift
def process_crates_for(pallets, update_def, configuration='Production'):
    pallets: Pallet[]
    update_def: Function. core.update
    configuration: string. Production, Staging, Dev

    Calls update_def on all crates (excluding duplicates) in pallets
    processed_crates = {}

    log.info('processing crates for %d pallets.', len(pallets))

    for pallet in pallets:
        log.info('processing crates for pallet: %r', pallet)

            log.debug('building pallet: %r', pallet)
        except Exception as e:
            pallet.success = (False, e.message)
            log.error('error building pallet: %s for pallet: %r', e.message, pallet, exc_info=True)

        for crate in pallet.get_crates():
            log.info('crate: %s', crate.destination_name)
            if crate.result[0] == Crate.INVALID_DATA:
                log.warn('result: %s', crate.result)

            if crate.destination not in processed_crates:
                log.debug('%r', crate)
                start_seconds = clock()

                processed_crates[crate.destination] = crate.set_result(update_def(crate, pallet.validate_crate))

                log.debug('finished crate %s', seat.format_time(clock() - start_seconds))
                log.info('result: %s', crate.result)
                log.info('skipping crate')

コード例 #5
ファイル: lift.py プロジェクト: agrc/forklift
def copy_data(specific_pallets, all_pallets, config_copy_destinations):
    #: we're lifting everything
    if len(specific_pallets) == 0:
        specific_pallets = all_pallets

    #: filter out pallets whose data did not change
    specific_pallets = [pallet for pallet in specific_pallets if pallet.requires_processing() is True]

    #: no pallets to process. we are done here
    if len(specific_pallets) == 0:

    lightswitch = LightSwitch()
    services_affected, data_being_moved, destination_to_pallet = _hydrate_data_structures(specific_pallets, all_pallets)
    results = ''

    log.info('stopping %s dependent services.', len(services_affected))
    ok, problem_children = lightswitch.ensure('off', services_affected)

    service_msg = 'Service(s) will not {}: {}. '
    if not ok:
        stop_msg = service_msg.format('stop', problem_children) + 'This will affect data copy.'
        results = stop_msg

    for source in data_being_moved:
        if Describe(source).workspaceFactoryProgID.startswith('esriDataSourcesGDB.FileGDBWorkspaceFactory'):
            log.info('compacting %s', source)

        for destination in config_copy_destinations:
            destination_workspace = path.join(destination, path.basename(source))

            log.info('copying {} to {}...'.format(source, destination_workspace))
            start_seconds = clock()
                if path.exists(destination_workspace):
                    log.debug('%s exists moving', destination_workspace)
                    shutil.move(destination_workspace, destination_workspace + 'x')

                log.debug('copying source to destination')
                shutil.copytree(source, destination_workspace)

                if path.exists(destination_workspace + 'x'):
                    log.debug('removing temporary gdb: %s', destination_workspace + 'x')
                    shutil.rmtree(destination_workspace + 'x')

                log.info('copy successful in %s', seat.format_time(clock() - start_seconds))
            except Exception as e:
                    #: There is still a lock?
                    #: The service probably wasn't shut down
                    #: if there was a problem and the temp gdb exists
                    #: since we couln't delete it before we probably can't delete it now
                    #: so take what is in x and copy it over what it can in the original
                    #: that _should_ leave the gdb in a functioning state
                    if path.exists(destination_workspace) and path.exists(destination_workspace + 'x'):
                        log.debug('cleaning up %s', destination_workspace)
                        _copy_with_overwrite(destination_workspace + 'x', destination_workspace)
                        shutil.rmtree(destination_workspace + 'x')
                except Exception:
                    log.error('%s might be in a corrupted state', destination_workspace, exc_info=True)

                if source.lower() in destination_to_pallet:
                    for pallet in destination_to_pallet[source.lower()]:
                        pallet.success = (False, str(e))

                log.error('there was an error copying %s to %s', source, destination_workspace, exc_info=True)

    log.info('starting %s dependent services.', len(services_affected))
    ok, problem_children = lightswitch.ensure('on', services_affected)

    if not ok:
        start_msg = service_msg.format('start', problem_children)
        results += ' ' + start_msg

    return results