コード例 #1
    def _gradient_fk_xc(self, xc, yc, clf, loss_grad, tr, k=None):
        Derivative of the classifier's discriminant function f(xk)
        computed on a set of points xk w.r.t. a single poisoning point xc

        This is a classifier-specific implementation, so we delegate its
        implementation to inherited classes.

        # we should add a control here. convert_binary_labels should not be
        #  called when y is continuous (regression problems)
        yc = convert_binary_labels(yc)

        xc0 = xc.deepcopy()

        # take validation points
        xk = self._val.X.atleast_2d()
        x = tr.X.atleast_2d()

        H = clf.hessian_tr_params(x)

        grad_loss_fk = CArray(loss_grad.ravel()).T  # column vector

        # handle normalizer, if present
        xc = xc if clf.preprocess is None else clf.preprocess.transform(xc)
        xc = xc.ravel().atleast_2d()
        #xk = xk if clf.preprocess is None else clf.preprocess.transform(xk)

        # gt is the gradient in feature space
        k = xk.shape[0]  # num validation samples
        d = xk.shape[1]  # num features

        M = clf.w.T.dot(
            xc)  # xc is column, w is row (this is an outer product)
        M += (clf.w.dot(xc.T) + clf.b - yc) * CArray.eye(d)
        db_xc = clf.w.T
        G = M.append(db_xc, axis=1)

        # add diagonal noise to the matrix that we are gong to invert
        H += 1e-9 * (CArray.eye(d + 1))

        # # compute the derivatives of the classifier discriminant function
        fd_params = self.classifier.grad_f_params(xk)
        grad_loss_params = fd_params.dot(grad_loss_fk)

        # gt is the gradient in feature space
        gt = self._compute_grad_inv(G, H, grad_loss_params)
        # gt = self._compute_grad_solve(G, H, grad_loss_params)
        # gt = self._compute_grad_solve_iterative(G, H, grad_loss_params) #*

        # propagating gradient back to input space
        if clf.preprocess is not None:
            return clf.preprocess.gradient(xc0, w=gt)

        return gt
コード例 #2
    def hessian_tr_params(self, x, y=None):
        """Hessian of the training objective w.r.t. the classifier parameters.

        x : CArray
            Features of the dataset on which the training objective is computed.
        y : CArray
            Dataset labels.

        alpha = self.alpha

        x = x.atleast_2d()
        n = x.shape[0]

        # handle normalizer, if present
        x = x if self.preprocess is None else self.preprocess.transform(x)

        d = x.shape[1]  # number of features in the normalized space

        H = CArray.zeros(shape=(d + 1, d + 1))
        Sigma = x.T.dot(x)
        dww = Sigma + alpha * CArray.eye(d)
        dwb = x.sum(axis=0)
        H[:-1, :-1] = dww
        H[-1, -1] = n  # + self.alpha
        H[-1, :-1] = dwb
        H[:-1, -1] = dwb.T
        H *= 2.0

        return H
    def _backward(self, w=None):
        Compute the gradient w.r.t. the input cached during the forward pass.

        w : CArray or None, optional
            If CArray, will be left-multiplied to the gradient
            of the preprocessor.

        gradient : CArray
            Gradient of the normalizer wrt input data.
            it will have dimensionality
            shape (w.shape[0], x.shape[1]) if `w` is passed as input
            (x.shape[1], x.shape[1]) otherwise.

        x = self._cached_x
        d = self._cached_x.size  # get the number of features

        # compute the norm of x: ||x||
        x_norm = self._compute_x_norm(x)
        # compute the gradient of the given norm: d||x||/dx
        grad_norm_x = self._compute_norm_gradient(x, x_norm)

        # this is the derivative of the ratio x/||x||
        grad = CArray.eye(d, d) * x_norm.item() - grad_norm_x.T.dot(x)
        grad /= (x_norm**2)

        return grad if w is None else w.dot(grad)
コード例 #4
    def test_eye(self):
        """Test for CArray.eye() classmethod."""
        self.logger.info("Test for CArray.eye() classmethod.")

        for dtype in [None, float, int, bool]:
            for sparse in [False, True]:
                for n_rows in [0, 1, 2, 3]:
                    for n_cols in [None, 0, 1, 2, 3]:
                        for k in [0, 1, 2, 3, -1, -2, -3]:
                            res = CArray.eye(n_rows=n_rows,
                                "CArray.eye(n_rows={:}, n_cols={:}, k={:}, "
                                "dtype={:}, sparse={:}):\n{:}".format(
                                    n_rows, n_cols, k, dtype, sparse, res))

                            self.assertIsInstance(res, CArray)
                            self.assertEqual(res.isdense, not sparse)
                            self.assertEqual(res.issparse, sparse)

                            if dtype is None:  # Default dtype is float
                                self.assertIsSubDtype(res.dtype, float)
                                self.assertIsSubDtype(res.dtype, dtype)

                            # n_cols takes n_rows if None
                            n_cols = n_rows if n_cols is None else n_cols
                            self.assertEqual(res.shape, (n_rows, n_cols))

                            # Resulting array has no elements, skip more checks
                            if res.size == 0:

                            # Check if the diagonal is moving according to k
                            if k > 0:
                                    0, res[0, min(n_cols - 1, k - 1)].item())
                            elif k < 0:
                                    0, res[min(n_rows - 1,
                                               abs(k) - 1), 0].item())
                            else:  # The top left corner is a one
                                self.assertEqual(1, res[0, 0])

                            # Check the number of ones
                            n_ones = (res == 1).sum()
                            if k >= 0:
                                    max(0, min(n_rows, n_cols - k)), n_ones)
                                    max(0, min(n_cols, n_rows - abs(k))),

                            # Check if there are other elements apart from 0,1
                            self.assertFalse(((res != 0).logical_and(
                                (res == 1).logical_not()).any()))
コード例 #5
    def _gradient_fk_xc(self, xc, yc, clf, loss_grad, tr, k=None):
        Derivative of the classifier's discriminant function f(xk)
        computed on a set of points xk w.r.t. a single poisoning point xc

        This is a classifier-specific implementation, so we delegate its
        implementation to inherited classes.

        xc0 = xc.deepcopy()

        d = xc.size

        if hasattr(clf, 'C'):
            C = clf.C
        elif hasattr(clf, 'alpha'):
            C = 1.0 / clf.alpha
            raise ValueError("Error: The classifier does not have neither C "
                             "nor alpha")

        H = clf.hessian_tr_params(tr.X, tr.Y)

        # change vector dimensions to match the mathematical formulation...
        yc = convert_binary_labels(yc)
        xc = CArray(xc.ravel()).atleast_2d()  # xc is a row vector

        w = CArray(clf.w.ravel()).T  # column vector
        b = clf.b
        grad_loss_fk = CArray(loss_grad.ravel()).T  # column vector

        # validation points
        xk = self.val.X.atleast_2d()

        # handle normalizer, if present
        xc = xc if clf.preprocess is None else clf.preprocess.transform(xc)

        s_c = self._s(xc, w, b)
        sigm_c = self._sigm(yc, s_c)
        z_c = sigm_c * (1 - sigm_c)

        dbx_c = z_c * w  # column vector
        dwx_c = ((yc * (-1 + sigm_c)) *
                 CArray.eye(d, d)) + z_c * (w.dot(xc))  # matrix d*d

        G = C * (dwx_c.append(dbx_c, axis=1))

        fd_params = self.classifier.grad_f_params(xk)
        grad_loss_params = fd_params.dot(grad_loss_fk)

        gt = self._compute_grad_inv(G, H, grad_loss_params)
        # gt = self._compute_grad_solve(G, H, grad_loss_params)
        # gt = self._compute_grad_solve_iterative(G, H, grad_loss_params) #*

        # propagating gradient back to input space
        if clf.preprocess is not None:
            return clf.preprocess.gradient(xc0, w=gt)

        return gt
    def test_2D(self):
        """Plot of a 2D example."""
        grid_limits = [(-4, 4), (-4, 4)]

        A = CArray.eye(2, 2)
        b = CArray.zeros(2).T
        circle = CFunction.create('quadratic', A, b, 0)

        self._test_2D(circle, grid_limits, levels=[16])
コード例 #7
    def hessian_tr_params(self, x, y):
        """Hessian of the training objective w.r.t. the classifier parameters.

        x : CArray
            Features of the dataset on which the training objective is computed.
        y : CArray
            Dataset labels.

        y = y.ravel()
        y = convert_binary_labels(y)
        y = CArray(y).astype(float).T  # column vector

        C = self.C

        x = x.atleast_2d()
        n = x.shape[0]

        # nb: we compute the score before the x normalization as decision
        # function normalizes x
        s = self.decision_function(x, y=1).T
        sigm = self._sigm(y, s)
        z = sigm * (1 - sigm)

        # handle normalizer, if present
        x = x if self.preprocess is None else self.preprocess.transform(x)

        d = x.shape[1]  # number of features in the normalized space

        # first derivative wrt b derived w.r.t. w
        diag = z * CArray.eye(n_rows=n, n_cols=n)
        dww = C * (x.T.dot(diag).dot(x)) + CArray.eye(d, d)  # matrix d*d
        dbw = C * ((z * x).sum(axis=0)).T  # column vector
        dbb = C * (z.sum(axis=None))  # scalar

        H = CArray.zeros((d + 1, d + 1))
        H[:d, :d] = dww
        H[:-1, d] = dbw
        H[d, :-1] = dbw.T
        H[-1, -1] = dbb

        return H
コード例 #8
 def _dts_function(self, X):
     """ TODO: Put a comment for this function. """
     from secml.ml.stats import CDistributionGaussian
     d = X.shape[1]  # number of features
     Y = self.bias
     for gauss_idx in range(len(self.centers)):
         Y += self.w[gauss_idx] * \
                                    cov=self.cluster_std[gauss_idx] *
                                    CArray.eye(d, d)).pdf(X)
     return Y
コード例 #9
ファイル: c_scaler_norm.py プロジェクト: pralab/secml
    def _backward(self, w=None):
        """Compute the gradient w.r.t. the input cached during the forward

        w : CArray or None, optional
            If CArray, will be left-multiplied to the gradient
            of the preprocessor.

        gradient : CArray
            Gradient of the normalizer wrt input data.
            it will have dimensionality
            shape (w.shape[0], x.shape[1]) if `w` is passed as input
            (x.shape[1], x.shape[1]) otherwise.

        x = self._cached_x
        if x.shape[0] > 1:
            raise ValueError("Parameter 'x' passed to the forward() method "
                             "needs to be a one dimensional vector "
                             "(passed a {:} dimensional vector)".format(

        d = self._cached_x.size  # get the number of features
        if w is not None:
            if (w.ndim != 1) or (w.size != d):
                raise ValueError("Parameter 'w' needs to be a one dimensional "
                                 "vector with the same number of elements "
                                 "of parameter 'x' of the forward method "
                                 "(passed a {:} dimensional vector with {:} "
                                 "elements)".format(w.ndim, w.size))

        # compute the norm of x: ||x||
        x_norm = self._compute_x_norm(x)
        # compute the gradient of the given norm: d||x||/dx
        grad_norm_x = self._compute_norm_gradient(x, x_norm)

        # this is the derivative of the ratio x/||x||
        grad = CArray.eye(d, d) * x_norm.item() - grad_norm_x.T.dot(x)
        grad /= (x_norm**2)

        return grad if w is None else w.dot(grad)
    def _quadratic_fun(d):
        """Creates a quadratic function in d dimensions."""
        def _quadratic_fun_min(A, b):
            from scipy import linalg
            min_x_scipy = linalg.solve((2 * A).tondarray(),
            return CArray(min_x_scipy).ravel()

        A = CArray.eye(d, d)
        b = CArray.ones((d, 1)) * 2

        discr_fun = CFunction.create('quadratic', A, b, c=0)

        min_x = _quadratic_fun_min(A, b)
        min_val = discr_fun.fun(min_x)

        discr_fun.global_min = lambda: min_val
        discr_fun.global_min_x = lambda: min_x

        return discr_fun
    def explain(self, x, y, return_grad=False):
        """Compute influence of test sample x against all training samples.

        x : CArray
            Input sample.
        y : int
            Class wrt compute the classifier gradient.
        return_grad : bool, optional
            If True, also return the clf gradient computed on x. Default False.

        H = self.hessian(x, y)

        p = H.shape[0]
        H += 1e-9 * (CArray.eye(p))

        if self._inv_H is None:
            # compute hessian inverse
            det = linalg.det(H.tondarray())
            if abs(det) < 1e-6:
                self._inv_H = CArray(linalg.pinv2(H.tondarray()))
                self._inv_H = CArray(linalg.inv(H.tondarray()))

        x = x.atleast_2d()

        if self._grad_inner_loss_params is None:
            self._grad_inner_loss_params = self.grad_inner_loss_params(
                self.tr_ds.X, self.tr_ds.Y)

        v = self.grad_outer_loss_params(x, y).T.dot(self._inv_H).dot(

        return (v, H) if return_grad is True else v
    def _gradient_fk_xc(self, xc, yc, clf, loss_grad, tr, k=None):
        Derivative of the classifier's discriminant function f(xk)
        computed on a set of points xk w.r.t. a single poisoning point xc

        svm = clf  # classifier is an SVM

        xc0 = xc.deepcopy()

        d = xc.size
        grad = CArray.zeros(shape=(d, ))  # gradient in input space

        alpha_c = self._alpha_c(clf)

        if abs(alpha_c) == 0:  # < svm.C:  # this include alpha_c == 0
            # self.logger.debug("Warning: xc is not an error vector.")
            return grad

        # take only validation points with non-null loss
        xk = self._val.X[abs(loss_grad) > 0, :].atleast_2d()
        grad_loss_fk = CArray(loss_grad[abs(loss_grad) > 0]).T

        # gt is the gradient in feature space
        # this gradient component is the only one if margin SV set is empty
        # gt is the derivative of the loss computed on a validation
        # set w.r.t. xc
        Kd_xc = self._Kd_xc(svm, alpha_c, xc, xk)
        gt = Kd_xc.dot(grad_loss_fk).ravel()  # gradient of the loss w.r.t. xc

        xs, sv_idx = clf.sv_margin()  # these points are already normalized

        if xs is None:
            self.logger.debug("Warning: xs is empty "
                              "(all points are error vectors).")
            return gt if svm.preprocess is None else \
                svm.preprocess.gradient(xc0, w=gt)

        s = xs.shape[0]

        # derivative of the loss computed on a validation set w.r.t. the
        # classifier params
        fd_params = svm.grad_f_params(xk)
        # grad_loss_params = fd_params.dot(-grad_loss_fk)
        grad_loss_params = fd_params.dot(grad_loss_fk)

        H = clf.hessian_tr_params()
        H += 1e-9 * CArray.eye(s + 1)

        # handle normalizer, if present
        xc = xc if clf.preprocess is None else clf.preprocess.transform(xc)
        G = CArray.zeros(shape=(gt.size, s + 1))
        svm.kernel.rv = xs
        G[:, :s] = svm.kernel.gradient(xc).T
        G *= alpha_c

        # warm start is disabled if the set of SVs changes!
        # if self._sv_idx is None or self._sv_idx.size != sv_idx.size or \
        #         (self._sv_idx != sv_idx).any():
        #     self._warm_start = None
        # self._sv_idx = sv_idx  # store SV indices for the next iteration
        # # iterative solver
        # v = - self._compute_grad_solve_iterative(
        #     G, H, grad_loss_params, tol=1e-3)

        # solve with standard linear solver
        # v = - self._compute_grad_solve(G, H, grad_loss_params, sym_pos=False)

        # solve using inverse/pseudo-inverse of H
        # v = - self._compute_grad_inv(G, H, grad_loss_params)
        v = self._compute_grad_inv(G, H, grad_loss_params)

        gt += v

        # propagating gradient back to input space
        if clf.preprocess is not None:
            return clf.preprocess.gradient(xc0, w=gt)

        return gt
コード例 #13
    def _g(self, d):

        return CArray.eye(d)
 def setUp(self):
     A = CArray.eye(2, 2)
     b = CArray.zeros((2, 1))
     c = 0
     self.fun = CFunction.create('quadratic', A, b, c)