def login_user(): """User login.""" data = json.loads( uname = data.get('uname') password = data.get('pass') dummy = True # If problem with implementation, fails closed. if not uname: dummy = True else: user = User.query.filter(User.uname == uname.lower()).first() if user is None: dummy = True elif user.deleted: dummy = True else: dummy = False if dummy == True: # Helps prevent side channel timing attacks. check_password(password) abort(403) else: hash_match = check_password(password, user.salt, user.pass_hash) if hash_match is True: session['id'] = auth_change(request.remote_addr, request.user_agent, return jsonify({'uid':}) else: abort(403)
def auth_acc() -> Tuple[str, bool, str]: os.chdir('TheFourth') files = os.listdir('notes') for i in range(3): try: auth_acc = input("Введите ваш логин от аккаунта:") if auth_acc in files: os.chdir('notes') os.chdir(auth_acc) with open("maininf.conf", 'r', encoding='utf-8') as auth_file: method = auth_file.readline().rstrip().split(' ') for i in range(3): try: auth_p = input("Введите пароль для аккаунта:") if security.check_password(method[1], auth_p) is True: return auth_acc, True, auth_p else: i += 1 if i == 3: os.chdir('..') return auth_acc, False, auth_p except BaseException: print("Проблемы с паролем") else: i += 1 if i == 3: return auth_acc, False, auth_p except FileNotFoundError: print("Не найдено такого аккаунта") return auth_acc, False, auth_p
def sign_in(): params = request.get_json() user = models.User.query.filter_by(email=params["email"]).first() if user is None: return jsonify(error="User doesn't exist") if check_password(params["password"], user.password): return jsonify({"ok": True}) else: return jsonify({"notok": True})
def login(username, password): """returns the dict: \"success\": bool, \"user_id\": user_id """ if user_exist(username): user_password = db.get_password_db(username) if user_password: login_success = sec.check_password(password, user_password[0], user_password[1]) if login_success: return { "success": True, "user_id": db.get_userid_db(username)[0] } return {"success": False}
def login(request): try: validate(instance=request.json, schema=login_schema) user = DBSession.query(User).filter( == request.json['email']).first() if user: if check_password(user.password, request.json['password']): request.response.status = 200 return { 'id' :, 'group' :, 'token' : request.create_jwt_token( } except: request.response.status = 400 return {'msg' : MESSAGES['request']} request.response.status = 403 return {'msg' : MESSAGES['login']}
def login(): username = request.form.get('username') password = request.form.get('password') validate = validate_login(username, password) if validate is True: username, password = username.strip(), decrypt_password(password) customer = Customer.query.filter_by(username=username).all() if len(customer) == 1: pwhash = username + password pwd = customer[0].password if check_password(pwd, pwhash): cookie = generate_cookie(username, password) if add_cookie(cookie, {username: password}): return render_200(cookie) return render_400(_('login failed')) return render_400(_('The password invalid')) return render_400(_('The username invalid')) return validate
def authentication() -> str: try: flag = 0 way = os.getcwd() bd_way = os.path.join(way, 'bd.txt') flag = start_file(bd_way) if flag == 3: print("Создайте аккаунт") access = '' return access while flag < 3: login = input("\nВведите логин\n") flag += 1 with open(bd_way, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as bd_file: for line in bd_file: line = line.rstrip('\n') login1, hash_salt, access = line.split('|') if login == login1: i = 0 while i != 3: password = input("Введите пароль\n") if sec.check_password(hash_salt, password): print("Успешно") i = 2 sec.security_sys_files(bd_way) return access else: print("Неверный пароль") i += 1 if i == 3: print("Слишком много попыток") if login != login1: print("Данный пользователь не найден") if flag == 3: print("Слишком много попыток") except FileNotFoundError: sec.security_sys_files(bd_way) print("Создайте аккаунт") except Exception: sec.security_sys_files(bd_way) print("Ошибка") assert False
def delete_acc() -> bool: os.chdir('TheFourth') files = os.listdir('notes') for j in range(3): try: delete_login = input("Введите логин аккаунта который удаляете:") if delete_login in files: break else: j += 1 if j == 3: os.chdir('..') return False except FileNotFoundError: print("Не найдено такого аккаунта") os.chdir('notes') os.chdir(delete_login) with open("maininf.conf", 'r', encoding='utf-8') as delete_file: method = delete_file.readline().rstrip().split(' ') for i in range(3): try: delete_pass = input("Введите пароль для данного аккаунта:") if security.check_password(method[1], delete_pass) is True: check = True break else: i += 1 if i == 3: os.chdir('..') os.chdir('..') os.chdir('..') return False except BaseException: print("Проблемы с паролем") if check is True: os.chdir('..') shutil.rmtree(delete_login) os.chdir('..') os.chdir('..') return True return False
def check_password(self, password): return check_password(password, self.password)
def check_pw(self, pw, hashed_pw): return check_password(pw, hashed_pw)
def is_password_valid(_login, user_password): hashed_password = fetch_user(_login).password return check_password(hashed_password, user_password)
def change_password() -> bool: os.chdir('TheFourth') files = os.listdir('notes') for j in range(3): try: change_login = input("Введите логин аккаунта который изменяете:") if change_login in files: break else: j += 1 if j == 3: os.chdir('..') return False except FileNotFoundError: print("Не найдено такого аккаунта") os.chdir('notes') os.chdir(change_login) with open("maininf.conf", 'r', encoding='utf-8') as change_file: method = change_file.readline().rstrip().split(' ') for i in range(3): try: change_pass = input("Введите пароль для данного аккаунта:") if security.check_password(method[1], change_pass) is True: check = True break else: i += 1 if i == 3: os.chdir('..') os.chdir('..') os.chdir('..') return False except BaseException: print("Проблемы с паролем") if check is True: for i in range(3): try: new_pass = input("Введите ваш новый пароль(без пробелов):") if ' ' in new_pass: i += 1 elif len(new_pass) < 1: i += 1 elif len(new_pass) > 30: i += 1 else: choise = True break if i == 3: os.chdir('..') os.chdir('..') os.chdir('..') return False except BaseException: print("Проблемы с паролем") if choise is True: with open('encodeinf.conf', 'rb') as encode_file: encode_key = master_key = security.master_key(change_pass) new_master_key = security.master_key(new_pass) new_encode_key = security.decrypt(encode_key, master_key) new_encode_key = security.encrypt(new_encode_key, new_master_key) mainf = open("maininf.conf", 'w') mainf.write(change_login + ' ' + security.hash_password(new_pass)) mainf.close() encodefile = open("encodeinf.conf", 'wb') encodefile.write(new_encode_key) encodefile.close() os.chdir('..') os.chdir('..') os.chdir('..') return True return False
def sign(login, password): db_password = repository.get_password(login) return security.check_password(password, db_password)