def sedplots(cat, root, outdir, redo=False): if not exists(outdir): os.mkdir(outdir) ids = cat.get('segmid', b=sedplotAB.bpzPlots(root, ids, probs=None) redo = redo in [True, 'sed'] b.flux_comparison_plots(show_plots=0, save_plots='png', colors={}, nomargins=0, outdir=outdir, redo=redo)
def sedplots(cat, root, outdir, redo=False): if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.mkdir(outdir) ids = cat.get('segmid', b = sedplotAB.bpzPlots(root, ids, probs=None) redo = redo in [True, 'sed'] b.flux_comparison_plots(show_plots=0, save_plots='png', colors={ }, nomargins=0, outdir=outdir, redo=redo)
SEDoutdir = outdir+'/sedplots' if os.path.exists(pAnINPUT[0]+SEDoutdir): # checking if the directory excists if args.verbose: print ':: '+sys.argv[0]+' :: html/sedplots directory already exists' else: # if not move it if args.verbose: print ':: '+sys.argv[0]+' :: creating html/sedplot directory' os.mkdir(SEDoutdir) PROBoutdir= outdir+'/probplots' if os.path.exists(pAnINPUT[0]+PROBoutdir): # checking if the directory excists if args.verbose: print ':: '+sys.argv[0]+' :: html/probplots directory already exists' else: # if not move it if args.verbose: print ':: '+sys.argv[0]+' :: creating html/probplots directory' os.mkdir(PROBoutdir) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- b=sedplotAB.bpzPlots(pAnINPUT[1], objid, probs=None) # no need to loop over b.flux_comparison_plots(show_plots=0, save_plots='png', colors={}, nomargins=0, outdir=SEDoutdir) # note - comment out this and use to create the probability plots instead #for jj in range(Nobj): # #os.system('python $BPZPATH/plots/ '+pAnINPUT[1]+' '+objid[jj]+' "'+PROBoutdir+'" -SAVE') # SLOOOOW #probplot.probplot(pAnINPUT[1], int(objid[jj]), nomargins=0, outdir=PROBoutdir) # QUICKER; but chockes after 475 objects - memory leak when looping... #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # creating the actual webpage. outfile = outdir+'index.html' fout = open(outfile, 'w') fout.write('<HTML>') fout.write('<HEAD>')
if args.verbose: print ':: ' + sys.argv[0] + ' :: creating html/sedplot directory' os.mkdir(SEDoutdir) PROBoutdir = outdir + '/probplots' if os.path.exists(pAnINPUT[0] + PROBoutdir): # checking if the directory excists if args.verbose: print ':: ' + sys.argv[ 0] + ' :: html/probplots directory already exists' else: # if not move it if args.verbose: print ':: ' + sys.argv[0] + ' :: creating html/probplots directory' os.mkdir(PROBoutdir) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- b = sedplotAB.bpzPlots(pAnINPUT[1], objid, probs=None) # no need to loop over b.flux_comparison_plots(show_plots=0, save_plots='png', colors={}, nomargins=0, outdir=SEDoutdir) # note - comment out this and use to create the probability plots instead #for jj in range(Nobj): # #os.system('python $BPZPATH/plots/ '+pAnINPUT[1]+' '+objid[jj]+' "'+PROBoutdir+'" -SAVE') # SLOOOOW #probplot.probplot(pAnINPUT[1], int(objid[jj]), nomargins=0, outdir=PROBoutdir) # QUICKER; but chockes after 475 objects - memory leak when looping... #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # creating the actual webpage. outfile = outdir + 'index.html'