コード例 #1
def solve_captcha(image_file, model_data):
    (model, graph, lb) = model_data
    #letter_images = preprocess_image(image_file)
    letter_images = segment_image(image_file)

    if not letter_images:
        return ""

    # Create an output image and a list to hold our predicted letters
    predictions = []

    # loop over the letters
    for letter_image in letter_images :

        # Re-size the letter image to 20x20 pixels to match training data
        # letter_image = resize_to_fit(letter_image, 20, 20)
        letter_image = resize_to_fit(letter_image, 28, 28)

        # Turn the single image into a 4d list of images to make Keras happy
        letter_image = np.expand_dims(letter_image, axis=2)
        letter_image = np.expand_dims(letter_image, axis=0)

        with graph.as_default():
            # Ask the neural network to make a prediction
            prediction = model.predict(letter_image)

        # Convert the one-hot-encoded prediction back to a normal letter
        letter = lb.inverse_transform(prediction)[0]

    # Print the captcha's text
    captcha_text = "".join(predictions)

    return captcha_text
コード例 #2
ファイル: train_svr.py プロジェクト: harrison8989/recolorizer
def generateSubsquares(path):
    img, segments = segment_image(path)
    yuv = retrieveYUV(img)
    n_segments = segments.max() + 1
    # code.InteractiveConsole(locals=locals()).interact()

    # Compute the centroids/average U and V of each of the superpixels
    point_count = np.zeros(n_segments)
    centroids = np.zeros((n_segments, 2))
    U = np.zeros(n_segments)
    V = np.zeros(n_segments)
    for (i, j), value in np.ndenumerate(segments):
        point_count[value] += 1
        centroids[value][0] += i
        centroids[value][1] += j
        U[value] += yuv[i][j][1]
        V[value] += yuv[i][j][2]

    for k in range(n_segments):
        centroids[k] /= point_count[k]
        U[k] /= point_count[k]
        V[k] /= point_count[k]

    # Generate the array of squares
    subsquares = np.zeros((n_segments, SQUARE_SIZE * SQUARE_SIZE))
    for k in range(n_segments):
        # Check that the square lies completely within the image
        top = max(int(centroids[k][0]), 0)
        if top + SQUARE_SIZE >= img.shape[0]:
            top = img.shape[0] - 1 - SQUARE_SIZE
        left = max(int(centroids[k][1]), 0)
        if left + SQUARE_SIZE >= img.shape[1]:
            left = img.shape[1] - 1 - SQUARE_SIZE
        for i in range(0, SQUARE_SIZE):
            for j in range(0, SQUARE_SIZE):
                subsquares[k][i * SQUARE_SIZE + j] = yuv[i + top][j + left][0]
        subsquares[k] = np.fft.fft2(subsquares[k].reshape(SQUARE_SIZE, SQUARE_SIZE)).reshape(SQUARE_SIZE * SQUARE_SIZE)

    return subsquares, U, V
コード例 #3
def generateSubsquares(path):
    img, segments = segment_image(path)
    yuv = retrieveYUV(img)
    n_segments = segments.max() + 1
    # code.InteractiveConsole(locals=locals()).interact()

    # Compute the centroids/average U and V of each of the superpixels
    point_count = np.zeros(n_segments)
    centroids = np.zeros((n_segments, 2))
    U = np.zeros(n_segments)
    V = np.zeros(n_segments)
    for (i,j), value in np.ndenumerate(segments):
        point_count[value] += 1
        centroids[value][0] += i
        centroids[value][1] += j
        U[value] += yuv[i][j][1]
        V[value] += yuv[i][j][2]

    for k in range(n_segments):
        centroids[k] /= point_count[k]
        U[k] /= point_count[k]
        V[k] /= point_count[k]

    # Generate the array of squares
    subsquares = np.zeros((n_segments, SQUARE_SIZE * SQUARE_SIZE))
    for k in range(n_segments):
        # Check that the square lies completely within the image
        top = max(int(centroids[k][0]), 0)
        if top + SQUARE_SIZE >= img.shape[0]:
            top = img.shape[0] - 1 - SQUARE_SIZE
        left = max(int(centroids[k][1]), 0)
        if left + SQUARE_SIZE >= img.shape[1]:
            left = img.shape[1] - 1 - SQUARE_SIZE
        for i in range(0, SQUARE_SIZE):
            for j in range(0, SQUARE_SIZE):
                subsquares[k][i*SQUARE_SIZE + j] = yuv[i + top][j + left][0]
        subsquares[k] = np.fft.fft2(subsquares[k].reshape(SQUARE_SIZE, SQUARE_SIZE)).reshape(SQUARE_SIZE * SQUARE_SIZE)

    return subsquares, U, V
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_svr.py プロジェクト: sanket0211/recolorizer
def predict_image(u_svr, v_svr, path, verbose, output_file = None):
    img, segments = segment_image(path)
    yuv = retrieveYUV(img)   # Use first component of yuv to obtain black and white
    n_segments = segments.max() + 1

    # Construct the centroids of the image
    point_count = np.zeros(n_segments)
    centroids = np.zeros((n_segments, 2))
    luminance = np.zeros(n_segments)

    for (i,j), value in np.ndenumerate(segments):
        point_count[value] += 1
        centroids[value][0] += i
        centroids[value][1] += j
        luminance[value] += yuv[i][j][0]

    for k in range(n_segments):
        centroids[k] /= point_count[k]
        luminance[k] /= point_count[k]

    # Generate the subsquares
    subsquares = np.zeros((n_segments, SQUARE_SIZE * SQUARE_SIZE))
    for k in range(n_segments):
        # Check that the square lies completely within the image
        top = max(int(centroids[k][0]), 0)
        if top + SQUARE_SIZE >= img.shape[0]:
            top = img.shape[0] - 1 - SQUARE_SIZE
        left = max(int(centroids[k][1]), 0)
        if left + SQUARE_SIZE >= img.shape[1]:
            left = img.shape[1] - 1 - SQUARE_SIZE
        for i in range(0, SQUARE_SIZE):
            for j in range(0, SQUARE_SIZE):
                subsquares[k][i*SQUARE_SIZE + j] = yuv[i + top][j + left][0]
        subsquares[k] = np.fft.fft2(subsquares[k].reshape(SQUARE_SIZE, SQUARE_SIZE)).reshape(SQUARE_SIZE * SQUARE_SIZE)

    # Predict using SVR
    predicted_u = np.zeros(n_segments)
    predicted_v = np.zeros(n_segments)
    for k in range(n_segments):
        predicted_u[k] = clampU(u_svr.predict(subsquares[k])*2)
        predicted_v[k] = clampU(v_svr.predict(subsquares[k])*2)

    # Apply MRF to smooth out colorings
    predicted_u, predicted_v = apply_mrf(predicted_u, predicted_v, segments, n_segments, img, subsquares)

    # Reconstruct images
    for (i,j), value in np.ndenumerate(segments):
        yuv[i][j][1] = predicted_u[value]
        yuv[i][j][2] = predicted_v[value]
    rgb = retrieveRGB(yuv)

    # Compute the norm error. Note that it will be wildly incorrect if the img is b/w.
    error = 1000 * np.linalg.norm(rgb - img) / (img.shape[0] * img.shape[1])

    if verbose:
        print 'Norm error:', error
        # Draw the actual figure
        fig = plt.figure(frameon=False)
        ax = plt.Axes(fig, [0., 0., 1., 1.])
        if output_file:
            imsave(output_file, rgb)

    return error