def __init__(self, app, da, validUntil): self._da = da self._validUntil = validUntil self._extents = {} self._extentsSorted = [] self._extentsOID = {} for i in xrange(self._da.dataExtentCount()): ext = self._da.dataExtent(i) wid = ext.waveformID() sid = "%s.%s.%s.%s" % (wid.networkCode(), wid.stationCode(), wid.locationCode(), wid.channelCode()) restricted = app._openStreams is None or sid not in app._openStreams if restricted and not app._allowRestricted: continue self._extents[sid] = (ext, restricted) # Logging.debug("%s: %s ~ %s" % (sid, ext.start().iso(), # ext.end().iso())) if app._serveAvailability: # load data attribute extents if availability is served for i in xrange(da.dataExtentCount()): extent = da.dataExtent(i) app.query().loadDataAttributeExtents(extent) # create a list of (extent, oid, restricted) tuples sorted by stream self._extentsSorted = [(e, app.query().getCachedId(e), res) for wid, (e, res) in sorted(self._extents.iteritems(), key=lambda t: t[0])] # create a dictionary of object ID to extents self._extentsOID = dict((oid, (e, res)) for (e, oid, res) in self._extentsSorted)"loaded %i extents" % len(self._extents))
def _loadInventory(self): Logging.debug("loading inventory") dbr = DataModel.DatabaseReader(self.database()) self._inv = DataModel.Inventory() # Load networks and stations staCount = 0 for i in xrange(dbr.loadNetworks(self._inv)): staCount += dbr.load( Logging.debug("loaded %i stations from %i networks" % (staCount, self._inv.networkCount())) # Load sensors, skip calibrations (not needed by StationXML exporter) Logging.debug("loaded %i sensors" % dbr.loadSensors(self._inv)) # Load datalogger and its decimations, skip calibrations (not needed by # StationXML exporter) deciCount = 0 for i in xrange(dbr.loadDataloggers(self._inv)): deciCount += dbr.loadDecimations(self._inv.datalogger(i)) Logging.debug("loaded %i decimations from %i dataloggers" % (deciCount, self._inv.dataloggerCount())) # Load responses resPAZCount = dbr.loadResponsePAZs(self._inv) resFIRCount = dbr.loadResponseFIRs(self._inv) resPolCount = dbr.loadResponsePolynomials(self._inv) resCount = resPAZCount + resFIRCount + resPolCount Logging.debug("loaded %i responses (PAZ: %i, FIR: %i, Poly: %i)" % (resCount, resPAZCount, resFIRCount, resPolCount))"inventory loaded")
def _loadInventory(self): Logging.notice("loading inventory") dbr = DataModel.DatabaseReader(self.database()) self._inv = DataModel.Inventory() # Load networks and stations staCount = 0 for i in xrange(dbr.loadNetworks(self._inv)): staCount += dbr.load( Logging.debug("loaded %i stations from %i networks" % ( staCount, self._inv.networkCount())) # Load sensors, skip calibrations (not needed by StationXML exporter) Logging.debug("loaded %i sensors" % dbr.loadSensors(self._inv)) # Load datalogger and its decimations, skip calibrations (not needed by # StationXML exporter) deciCount = 0 for i in xrange(dbr.loadDataloggers(self._inv)): deciCount += dbr.loadDecimations(self._inv.datalogger(i)) Logging.debug("loaded %i decimations from %i dataloggers" % ( deciCount, self._inv.dataloggerCount())) # Load responses resPAZCount = dbr.loadResponsePAZs(self._inv) resFIRCount = dbr.loadResponseFIRs(self._inv) resPolCount = dbr.loadResponsePolynomials(self._inv) resCount = resPAZCount + resFIRCount + resPolCount Logging.debug("loaded %i responses (PAZ: %i, FIR: %i, Poly: %i)" % ( resCount, resPAZCount, resFIRCount, resPolCount))"inventory loaded")
def __init__(self, config, name, group): mediatorAddress = config.getString("connection.server") dbDriverName = config.getString("database.type") dbAddress = config.getString("database.parameters") connection = Communication.Connection.Create(mediatorAddress, name, group) if connection is None: Logging.error("Cannot connect to Mediator") raise ConnectionError, "connection could not be established" else:"Connection has been established") dbDriver = IO.DatabaseInterface.Create(dbDriverName) if dbDriver is None: Logging.error("Cannot find database driver " + dbDriverName) raise DatabaseError, "driver not found" if not dbDriver.connect(dbAddress): Logging.error("Cannot connect to database at " + dbAddress) raise DatabaseError, "connection could not be established" self.__connection = connection # This reference to dbDriver is essential, since dbQuery becomes # invalid when dbDriver is deleted self.__dbDriver = dbDriver self.dbQuery = DatabaseQuery(dbDriver)
def run(self): retn = False try: for user in self._authBlacklist: self._userdb.blacklistUser(user) site = self._site() if not site: return False # start listen for incoming request self.__tcpPort = reactor.listenTCP(self._port, site, self._connections, self._listenAddress) # setup signal handler self.__sighup = False signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, self._sighupHandler) task.LoopingCall(self._reloadTask).start(60, False) # start processing"start listening") log.addObserver(logSC3) retn = True except Exception, e: Logging.error(str(e))
def emit(self, record): msg = self.format(record) if record.levelname == 'DEBUG': Logging.debug(charstar(msg)) elif record.levelname == 'INFO': elif record.levelname == 'WARNING': Logging.warning(charstar(msg)) else: Logging.error(charstar(msg))
def logSC3(entry): try: isError = entry['isError'] msg = entry['message'] if isError: for l in msg: Logging.error("[reactor] %s" % l) else: for l in msg:"[reactor] %s" % l) except: pass
def run(self): rules = self.rules iv = Client.Inventory.Instance().inventory() if not rules: return False if not iv: return False Logging.debug("Loaded %d networks" % iv.networkCount()) if self.outputFile is None: DataModel.Notifier.Enable() self.setInterpretNotifierEnabled(True) for net in self._loop(, iv.networkCount()): (ncode, nstart, nend) = self._collect(net) key = rules.findKey(ncode, nstart, nend) if not key: continue att = rules.getNetworkAttributes(key) self._modifyInventory("network", net, att)"%s %s" % (ncode, att)) for sta in self._loop(net.station, net.stationCount()): (scode, sstart, send) = self._collect(sta) att = rules.getStationAttributes(key, ncode, scode, None, None, sstart, send) self._modifyInventory("station", sta, att) if att:" %s %s" % (scode, att)) for loc in self._loop(sta.sensorLocation, sta.sensorLocationCount()): (lcode, lstart, lend) = self._collect(loc) att = rules.getStationAttributes(key, ncode, scode, lcode, None, lstart, lend) self._modifyInventory("location", loc, att) if att:" %s %s" % (lcode, att)) for cha in self._loop(, loc.streamCount()): (ccode, cstart, cend) = self._collect(cha) att = rules.getStationAttributes(key, ncode, scode, lcode, ccode, cstart, cend) self._modifyInventory("channel", cha, att) if att:" %s %s" % (ccode, att)) for sensor in self._loop(iv.sensor, iv.sensorCount()): att = rules.getInstrumentsAttributes(, "Se") self._modifyInventory("sensor", sensor, att) for datalogger in self._loop(iv.datalogger, iv.dataloggerCount()): att = rules.getInstrumentsAttributes(, "Dl") self._modifyInventory("datalogger", datalogger, att) return True
def run(self): rules = self.rules iv = Client.Inventory.Instance().inventory() if not rules: return False if not iv: return False Logging.debug("Loaded %d networks" % iv.networkCount()) if self.outputFile is None: DataModel.Notifier.Enable() self.setInterpretNotifierEnabled(True) for net in self._loop(, iv.networkCount()): (ncode, nstart, nend) = self._collect(net) key = rules.findKey(ncode, nstart, nend) if not key: continue att = rules.getNetworkAttributes(key) self._modifyInventory("network", net, att)"%s %s" % (ncode, att)) for sta in self._loop(net.station, net.stationCount()): (scode, sstart, send) = self._collect(sta) att = rules.getStationAttributes(key, ncode, scode, None, None, sstart, send) self._modifyInventory("station", sta, att) if att:" %s %s" % (scode, att)) for loc in self._loop(sta.sensorLocation, sta.sensorLocationCount()): (lcode, lstart, lend) = self._collect(loc) att = rules.getStationAttributes(key, ncode, scode, lcode, None, lstart, lend) self._modifyInventory("location", loc, att) if att:" %s %s" % (lcode, att)) for cha in self._loop(, loc.streamCount()): (ccode, cstart, cend) = self._collect(cha) att = rules.getStationAttributes( key, ncode, scode, lcode, ccode, cstart, cend) self._modifyInventory("channel", cha, att) if att:" %s %s" % (ccode, att)) for sensor in self._loop(iv.sensor, iv.sensorCount()): att = rules.getInstrumentsAttributes(, "Se") self._modifyInventory("sensor", sensor, att) for datalogger in self._loop(iv.datalogger, iv.dataloggerCount()): att = rules.getInstrumentsAttributes(, "Dl") self._modifyInventory("datalogger", datalogger, att) return True
def _reloadTask(self): if not self.__sighup: return self.__sighup = False"reloading inventory") self.reloadInventory() site = self._site() if site: self.__tcpPort.factory = site"reload successful") else:"reload failed") self._userdb.dump()
def send_notifiers(self, group): Nsize = DataModel.Notifier.Size() if Nsize > 0:"trying to apply %d change%s" % (Nsize, "s" if Nsize != 1 else "")) else:"no changes to apply") return 0 Nmsg = DataModel.Notifier.GetMessage(True) it = Nmsg.iter() msg = DataModel.NotifierMessage() maxmsg = 100 sent = 0 mcount = 0 try: try: while it.get(): msg.attach(DataModel.Notifier_Cast(it.get())) mcount += 1 if msg and mcount == maxmsg: sent += mcount Logging.debug("sending message (%5.1f %%)" % (sent / float(Nsize) * 100.0)) self.send(group, msg) msg.clear() mcount = 0 self.sync() except: pass finally: if msg.size(): Logging.debug("sending message (%5.1f %%)" % 100.0) self.send(group, msg) msg.clear() self.sync()"done") return mcount
def dump(self):"known users:") for name, user in self.__users.items():" %s %s %d" % (name, user[1], user[2]))
def loadStreams(self): now = Core.Time.GMT() inv = Client.Inventory.Instance() self.streams = {} # try to load streams by detecLocid and detecStream mod = self.configModule() if mod is not None and mod.configStationCount() > 0:'loading streams using detecLocid and detecStream') for i in range(mod.configStationCount()): cfg = mod.configStation(i) net = cfg.networkCode() sta = cfg.stationCode() if sta in self.streams: Logging.warning('ambiguous stream id found for station ' '%s.%s' % (net, sta)) continue setup = DataModel.findSetup(cfg,, True) if not setup: Logging.warning('could not find station setup for %s.%s' % ( net, sta)) continue params = DataModel.ParameterSet.Find(setup.parameterSetID()) if not params: Logging.warning('could not find station parameters for ' '%s.%s' % (net, sta)) continue detecLocid = '' detecStream = None for j in range(params.parameterCount()): param = params.parameter(j) if == 'detecStream': detecStream = param.value() elif == 'detecLocid': detecLocid = param.value() if detecStream is None: Logging.warning('could not find detecStream for %s.%s' % ( net, sta)) continue loc = inv.getSensorLocation(net, sta, detecLocid, now) if loc is None: Logging.warning('could not find preferred location for ' '%s.%s' % (net, sta)) continue components = {} tc = DataModel.ThreeComponents() DataModel.getThreeComponents(tc, loc, detecStream[:2], now) if tc.vertical(): cha = tc.vertical() wfsID = DataModel.WaveformStreamID(net, sta, loc.code(), cha.code(), '') components[cha.code()[-1]] = wfsID Logging.debug('add stream %s (vertical)' % wfs2Str(wfsID)) if tc.firstHorizontal(): cha = tc.firstHorizontal() wfsID = DataModel.WaveformStreamID(net, sta, loc.code(), cha.code(), '') components[cha.code()[-1]] = wfsID Logging.debug('add stream %s (first horizontal)' % wfs2Str(wfsID)) if tc.secondHorizontal(): cha = tc.secondHorizontal() wfsID = DataModel.WaveformStreamID(net, sta, loc.code(), cha.code(), '') components[cha.code()[-1]] = wfsID Logging.debug( 'add stream %s (second horizontal)' % wfs2Str(wfsID)) if len(components) > 0: self.streams[sta] = components return # fallback loading streams from inventory Logging.warning('no configuration module available, loading streams ' 'from inventory and selecting first available stream ' 'matching epoch') for iNet in range(inv.inventory().networkCount()): net = inv.inventory().network(iNet) Logging.debug('network %s: loaded %i stations' % ( net.code(), net.stationCount())) for iSta in range(net.stationCount()): sta = net.station(iSta) try: start = sta.start() if not start <= now: continue except: continue try: end = sta.end() if not now <= end: continue except: pass for iLoc in range(sta.sensorLocationCount()): loc = sta.sensorLocation(iLoc) for iCha in range(loc.streamCount()): cha = wfsID = DataModel.WaveformStreamID(net.code(), sta.code(), loc.code(), cha.code(), '') comp = cha.code()[2] if sta.code() not in self.streams: components = {} components[comp] = wfsID self.streams[sta.code()] = components else: # Seismic Handler does not support network, # location and channel code: make sure network and # location codes match first item in station # specific steam list oldWfsID = list(self.streams[sta.code()].values())[0] if net.code() != oldWfsID.networkCode() or \ loc.code() != oldWfsID.locationCode() or \ cha.code()[:2] != oldWfsID.channelCode()[:2]: Logging.warning('ambiguous stream id found ' 'for station %s, ignoring %s' % (sta.code(), wfs2Str(wfsID))) continue self.streams[sta.code()][comp] = wfsID Logging.debug('add stream %s' % wfs2Str(wfsID))
def run(self): modeStr = None if self._evaluationMode is not None: modeStr = whitelistStr = "<None>" if self._eventTypeWhitelist is not None: whitelistStr = ", ".join(self._eventTypeWhitelist) blacklistStr = "<None>" if self._eventTypeBlacklist is not None: blacklistStr = ", ".join(self._eventTypeBlacklist) stationFilterStr = "<None>" if self._stationFilter is not None: stationFilterStr = self._stationFilter dataSelectFilterStr = "<None>" if self._dataSelectFilter is not None: dataSelectFilterStr = self._dataSelectFilter Logging.debug("\n" \ "configuration read:\n" \ " serve\n" \ " dataselect : %s\n" \ " event : %s\n" \ " station : %s\n" \ " listenAddress : %s\n" \ " port : %i\n" \ " connections : %i\n" \ " htpasswd : %s\n" \ " accessLog : %s\n" \ " queryObjects : %i\n" \ " realtimeGap : %s\n" \ " samples (M) : %s\n" \ " allowRestricted : %s\n" \ " useArclinkAccess: %s\n" \ " hideAuthor : %s\n" \ " evaluationMode : %s\n" \ " eventType\n" \ " whitelist : %s\n" \ " blacklist : %s\n" \ " inventory filter\n" \ " station : %s\n" \ " dataSelect : %s\n" \ " debug enabled : %s\n" \ " trackdb\n" \ " enabled : %s\n" \ " defaultUser : %s\n" \ " auth\n" \ " enabled : %s\n" \ " gnupgHome : %s\n" % ( self._serveDataSelect, self._serveEvent, self._serveStation, self._listenAddress, self._port, self._connections, self._htpasswd, self._accessLogFile, self._queryObjects, self._realtimeGap, self._samplesM, self._allowRestricted, self._useArclinkAccess, self._hideAuthor, modeStr, whitelistStr, blacklistStr, stationFilterStr, dataSelectFilterStr, self._debugFilter, self._trackdbEnabled, self._trackdbDefaultUser, self._authEnabled, self._authGnupgHome)) if not self._serveDataSelect and not self._serveEvent and \ not self._serveStation: Logging.error("all services disabled through configuration") return False # access logger if requested if self._accessLogFile: self._accessLog = Log(self._accessLogFile) # load inventory needed by DataSelect and Station service stationInv = dataSelectInv = None if self._serveDataSelect or self._serveStation: retn = False stationInv = dataSelectInv = Inventory.Instance().inventory()"inventory loaded") if self._serveDataSelect and self._serveStation: # clone inventory if station and dataSelect filter are distinct # else share inventory between both services if self._stationFilter != self._dataSelectFilter: dataSelectInv = self._cloneInventory(stationInv) retn = self._filterInventory(stationInv, self._stationFilter, "station") and \ self._filterInventory(dataSelectInv, self._dataSelectFilter, "dataSelect") else: retn = self._filterInventory(stationInv, self._stationFilter) elif self._serveStation: retn = self._filterInventory(stationInv, self._stationFilter) else: retn = self._filterInventory(dataSelectInv, self._dataSelectFilter) if not retn: return False if self._serveDataSelect: self._access.initFromSC3Routing(self.query().loadRouting()) DataModel.PublicObject.SetRegistrationEnabled(False) shareDir = os.path.join(Environment.Instance().shareDir(), 'fdsnws') # Overwrite/set mime type of *.wadl and *.xml documents. Instead of # using the official types defined in /etc/mime.types 'application/xml' # is used as enforced by the FDSNWS spec. static.File.contentTypes['.wadl'] = 'application/xml' static.File.contentTypes['.xml'] = 'application/xml' # create resource tree /fdsnws/... root = ListingResource() fileName = os.path.join(shareDir, 'favicon.ico') fileRes = static.File(fileName, 'image/x-icon') fileRes.childNotFound = NoResource() fileRes.isLeaf = True root.putChild('favicon.ico', fileRes) prefix = ListingResource() root.putChild('fdsnws', prefix) # right now service version is shared by all services serviceVersion = ServiceVersion() # dataselect if self._serveDataSelect: dataselect = ListingResource() prefix.putChild('dataselect', dataselect) dataselect1 = DirectoryResource( os.path.join(shareDir, 'dataselect.html')) dataselect.putChild('1', dataselect1) dataselect1.putChild('query', FDSNDataSelect(dataSelectInv)) msg = 'authorization for restricted time series data required' authSession = self._getAuthSessionWrapper(dataSelectInv, msg) dataselect1.putChild('queryauth', authSession) dataselect1.putChild('version', serviceVersion) fileRes = static.File(os.path.join(shareDir, 'dataselect.wadl')) fileRes.childNotFound = NoResource() dataselect1.putChild('application.wadl', fileRes) fileRes = static.File( os.path.join(shareDir, 'dataselect-builder.html')) fileRes.childNotFound = NoResource() dataselect1.putChild('builder', fileRes) if self._authEnabled: dataselect1.putChild( 'auth', AuthResource(self._authGnupgHome, self._userdb)) # event if self._serveEvent: event = ListingResource() prefix.putChild('event', event) event1 = DirectoryResource(os.path.join(shareDir, 'event.html')) event.putChild('1', event1) event1.putChild( 'query', FDSNEvent(self._hideAuthor, self._evaluationMode, self._eventTypeWhitelist, self._eventTypeBlacklist)) fileRes = static.File(os.path.join(shareDir, 'catalogs.xml')) fileRes.childNotFound = NoResource() event1.putChild('catalogs', fileRes) fileRes = static.File(os.path.join(shareDir, 'contributors.xml')) fileRes.childNotFound = NoResource() event1.putChild('contributors', fileRes) event1.putChild('version', serviceVersion) fileRes = static.File(os.path.join(shareDir, 'event.wadl')) fileRes.childNotFound = NoResource() event1.putChild('application.wadl', fileRes) fileRes = static.File(os.path.join(shareDir, 'event-builder.html')) fileRes.childNotFound = NoResource() event1.putChild('builder', fileRes) # station if self._serveStation: station = ListingResource() prefix.putChild('station', station) station1 = DirectoryResource(os.path.join(shareDir, 'station.html')) station.putChild('1', station1) station1.putChild( 'query', FDSNStation(stationInv, self._allowRestricted, self._queryObjects)) station1.putChild('version', serviceVersion) fileRes = static.File(os.path.join(shareDir, 'station.wadl')) fileRes.childNotFound = NoResource() station1.putChild('application.wadl', fileRes) fileRes = static.File( os.path.join(shareDir, 'station-builder.html')) fileRes.childNotFound = NoResource() station1.putChild('builder', fileRes) # static files fileRes = static.File(os.path.join(shareDir, 'js')) fileRes.childNotFound = NoResource() fileRes.hideInListing = True prefix.putChild('js', fileRes) fileRes = static.File(os.path.join(shareDir, 'css')) fileRes.childNotFound = NoResource() fileRes.hideInListing = True prefix.putChild('css', fileRes) retn = False try: # start listen for incoming request reactor.listenTCP(self._port, Site(root), self._connections, self._listenAddress) # start processing"start listening") log.addObserver(logSC3) retn = True except Exception, e: Logging.error(str(e))
def _sighupHandler(self, signum, frame):"SIGHUP received") self.__sighup = True
def run(self): modeStr = None if self._evaluationMode is not None: modeStr = whitelistStr = "<None>" if self._eventTypeWhitelist is not None: whitelistStr = ", ".join(self._eventTypeWhitelist) blacklistStr = "<None>" if self._eventTypeBlacklist is not None: blacklistStr = ", ".join(self._eventTypeBlacklist) stationFilterStr = "<None>" if self._stationFilter is not None: stationFilterStr = self._stationFilter dataSelectFilterStr = "<None>" if self._dataSelectFilter is not None: dataSelectFilterStr = self._dataSelectFilter Logging.debug("\n" \ "configuration read:\n" \ " serve\n" \ " dataselect : %s\n" \ " event : %s\n" \ " station : %s\n" \ " listenAddress : %s\n" \ " port : %i\n" \ " connections : %i\n" \ " htpasswd : %s\n" \ " accessLog : %s\n" \ " queryObjects : %i\n" \ " realtimeGap : %s\n" \ " samples (M) : %s\n" \ " allowRestricted : %s\n" \ " useArclinkAccess: %s\n" \ " hideAuthor : %s\n" \ " evaluationMode : %s\n" \ " eventType\n" \ " whitelist : %s\n" \ " blacklist : %s\n" \ " inventory filter\n" \ " station : %s\n" \ " dataSelect : %s\n" \ " debug enabled : %s\n" \ " trackdb\n" \ " enabled : %s\n" \ " defaultUser : %s\n" \ " auth\n" \ " enabled : %s\n" \ " gnupgHome : %s\n" % ( self._serveDataSelect, self._serveEvent, self._serveStation, self._listenAddress, self._port, self._connections, self._htpasswd, self._accessLogFile, self._queryObjects, self._realtimeGap, self._samplesM, self._allowRestricted, self._useArclinkAccess, self._hideAuthor, modeStr, whitelistStr, blacklistStr, stationFilterStr, dataSelectFilterStr, self._debugFilter, self._trackdbEnabled, self._trackdbDefaultUser, self._authEnabled, self._authGnupgHome)) if not self._serveDataSelect and not self._serveEvent and \ not self._serveStation: Logging.error("all services disabled through configuration") return False # access logger if requested if self._accessLogFile: self._accessLog = Log(self._accessLogFile) # load inventory needed by DataSelect and Station service stationInv = dataSelectInv = None if self._serveDataSelect or self._serveStation: retn = False stationInv = dataSelectInv = Inventory.Instance().inventory()"inventory loaded") if self._serveDataSelect and self._serveStation: # clone inventory if station and dataSelect filter are distinct # else share inventory between both services if self._stationFilter != self._dataSelectFilter: dataSelectInv = self._cloneInventory(stationInv) retn = self._filterInventory(stationInv, self._stationFilter, "station") and \ self._filterInventory(dataSelectInv, self._dataSelectFilter, "dataSelect") else: retn = self._filterInventory(stationInv, self._stationFilter) elif self._serveStation: retn = self._filterInventory(stationInv, self._stationFilter) else: retn = self._filterInventory(dataSelectInv, self._dataSelectFilter) if not retn: return False if self._serveDataSelect: self._access.initFromSC3Routing(self.query().loadRouting()) DataModel.PublicObject.SetRegistrationEnabled(False) shareDir = os.path.join(Environment.Instance().shareDir(), 'fdsnws') # Overwrite/set mime type of *.wadl and *.xml documents. Instead of # using the official types defined in /etc/mime.types 'application/xml' # is used as enforced by the FDSNWS spec. static.File.contentTypes['.wadl'] = 'application/xml' static.File.contentTypes['.xml'] = 'application/xml' # create resource tree /fdsnws/... root = ListingResource() fileName = os.path.join(shareDir, 'favicon.ico') fileRes = static.File(fileName, 'image/x-icon') fileRes.childNotFound = NoResource() fileRes.isLeaf = True root.putChild('favicon.ico', fileRes) prefix = ListingResource() root.putChild('fdsnws', prefix) # right now service version is shared by all services serviceVersion = ServiceVersion() # dataselect if self._serveDataSelect: dataselect = ListingResource() prefix.putChild('dataselect', dataselect) dataselect1 = DirectoryResource(os.path.join(shareDir, 'dataselect.html')) dataselect.putChild('1', dataselect1) dataselect1.putChild('query', FDSNDataSelect(dataSelectInv)) msg = 'authorization for restricted time series data required' authSession = self._getAuthSessionWrapper(dataSelectInv, msg) dataselect1.putChild('queryauth', authSession) dataselect1.putChild('version', serviceVersion) fileRes = static.File(os.path.join(shareDir, 'dataselect.wadl')) fileRes.childNotFound = NoResource() dataselect1.putChild('application.wadl', fileRes) fileRes = static.File(os.path.join(shareDir, 'dataselect-builder.html')) fileRes.childNotFound = NoResource() dataselect1.putChild('builder', fileRes) if self._authEnabled: dataselect1.putChild('auth', AuthResource(self._authGnupgHome, self._userdb)) # event if self._serveEvent: event = ListingResource() prefix.putChild('event', event) event1 = DirectoryResource(os.path.join(shareDir, 'event.html')) event.putChild('1', event1) event1.putChild('query', FDSNEvent(self._hideAuthor, self._evaluationMode, self._eventTypeWhitelist, self._eventTypeBlacklist)) fileRes = static.File(os.path.join(shareDir, 'catalogs.xml')) fileRes.childNotFound = NoResource() event1.putChild('catalogs', fileRes) fileRes = static.File(os.path.join(shareDir, 'contributors.xml')) fileRes.childNotFound = NoResource() event1.putChild('contributors', fileRes) event1.putChild('version', serviceVersion) fileRes = static.File(os.path.join(shareDir, 'event.wadl')) fileRes.childNotFound = NoResource() event1.putChild('application.wadl', fileRes) fileRes = static.File(os.path.join(shareDir, 'event-builder.html')) fileRes.childNotFound = NoResource() event1.putChild('builder', fileRes) # station if self._serveStation: station = ListingResource() prefix.putChild('station', station) station1 = DirectoryResource(os.path.join(shareDir, 'station.html')) station.putChild('1', station1) station1.putChild('query', FDSNStation(stationInv, self._allowRestricted, self._queryObjects)) station1.putChild('version', serviceVersion) fileRes = static.File(os.path.join(shareDir, 'station.wadl')) fileRes.childNotFound = NoResource() station1.putChild('application.wadl', fileRes) fileRes = static.File(os.path.join(shareDir, 'station-builder.html')) fileRes.childNotFound = NoResource() station1.putChild('builder', fileRes) # static files fileRes = static.File(os.path.join(shareDir, 'js')) fileRes.childNotFound = NoResource() fileRes.hideInListing = True prefix.putChild('js', fileRes) fileRes = static.File(os.path.join(shareDir, 'css')) fileRes.childNotFound = NoResource() fileRes.hideInListing = True prefix.putChild('css', fileRes) retn = False try: # start listen for incoming request reactor.listenTCP(self._port, Site(root), self._connections, self._listenAddress) # start processing"start listening") log.addObserver(logSC3) retn = True except Exception, e: Logging.error(str(e))
def blacklistUser(self, name):"blacklisting %s" % name) self.__blacklist.add(name)
def __expireUsers(self): for (name, (password, attributes, expires)) in self.__users.items(): if time.time() > expires:"de-registering %s" % name) del self.__users[name]
def run(self): modeStr = None if self._evaluationMode is not None: modeStr = whitelistStr = "<None>" if self._eventTypeWhitelist is not None: whitelistStr = ", ".join(self._eventTypeWhitelist) blacklistStr = "<None>" if self._eventTypeBlacklist is not None: blacklistStr = ", ".join(self._eventTypeBlacklist) Logging.notice("\n" \ "configuration read:\n" \ " serve\n" \ " dataselect : %s\n" \ " event : %s\n" \ " station : %s\n" \ " listenAddress : %s\n" \ " port : %i\n" \ " connections : %i\n" \ " htpasswd : %s\n" \ " accessLog : %s\n" \ " queryObjects : %i\n" \ " realtimeGap : %s\n" \ " samples (M) : %s\n" \ " allowRestricted : %s\n" \ " hideAuthor : %s\n" \ " evaluationMode : %s\n" \ " eventType\n" \ " whitelist : %s\n" \ " blacklist : %s\n" % ( self._serveDataSelect, self._serveEvent, self._serveStation, self._listenAddress, self._port, self._connections, self._htpasswd, self._accessLogFile, self._queryObjects, self._realtimeGap, self._samplesM, self._allowRestricted, self._hideAuthor, modeStr, whitelistStr, blacklistStr)) if not self._serveDataSelect and not self._serveEvent and \ not self._serveStation: Logging.error("all services disabled through configuration") return False # access logger if requested if self._accessLogFile: self._accessLog = Log(self._accessLogFile) # load inventory needed by DataSelect and Station service if self._serveDataSelect or self._serveStation: self._loadInventory() DataModel.PublicObject.SetRegistrationEnabled(False) shareDir = os.path.join(Environment.Instance().shareDir(), 'fdsnws') # Overwrite/set mime type of *.wadl and *.xml documents. Instead of # using the official types defined in /etc/mime.types 'application/xml' # is used as enforced by the FDSNWS spec. static.File.contentTypes['.wadl'] = 'application/xml' static.File.contentTypes['.xml'] = 'application/xml' # create resource tree /fdsnws/... root = ListingResource() fileName = os.path.join(shareDir, 'favicon.ico') fileRes = static.File(fileName, 'image/x-icon') fileRes.childNotFound = NoResource() fileRes.isLeaf = True root.putChild('favicon.ico', fileRes) prefix = ListingResource() root.putChild('fdsnws', prefix) # right now service version is shared by all services serviceVersion = ServiceVersion() # dataselect if self._serveDataSelect: dataselect = ListingResource() prefix.putChild('dataselect', dataselect) dataselect1 = DirectoryResource(os.path.join(shareDir, 'dataselect.html')) dataselect.putChild('1', dataselect1) dataselect1.putChild('query', FDSNDataSelect()) msg = 'authorization for restricted time series data required' authSession = self._getAuthSessionWrapper(FDSNDataSelectRealm(), msg) dataselect1.putChild('queryauth', authSession) dataselect1.putChild('version', serviceVersion) fileRes = static.File(os.path.join(shareDir, 'dataselect.wadl')) fileRes.childNotFound = NoResource() dataselect1.putChild('application.wadl', fileRes) # event if self._serveEvent: event = ListingResource() prefix.putChild('event', event) event1 = DirectoryResource(os.path.join(shareDir, 'event.html')) event.putChild('1', event1) event1.putChild('query', FDSNEvent(self._hideAuthor, self._evaluationMode, self._eventTypeWhitelist, self._eventTypeBlacklist)) fileRes = static.File(os.path.join(shareDir, 'catalogs.xml')) fileRes.childNotFound = NoResource() event1.putChild('catalogs', fileRes) fileRes = static.File(os.path.join(shareDir, 'contributors.xml')) fileRes.childNotFound = NoResource() event1.putChild('contributors', fileRes) event1.putChild('version', serviceVersion) fileRes = static.File(os.path.join(shareDir, 'event.wadl')) fileRes.childNotFound = NoResource() event1.putChild('application.wadl', fileRes) # station if self._serveStation: station = ListingResource() prefix.putChild('station', station) station1 = DirectoryResource(os.path.join(shareDir, 'station.html')) station.putChild('1', station1) station1.putChild('query', FDSNStation(self._inv, self._allowRestricted, self._queryObjects)) station1.putChild('version', serviceVersion) fileRes = static.File(os.path.join(shareDir, 'station.wadl')) fileRes.childNotFound = NoResource() station1.putChild('application.wadl', fileRes) retn = False try: # start listen for incoming request reactor.listenTCP(self._port, Site(root), self._connections, self._listenAddress) # start processing"start listening") log.addObserver(logSC3) retn = True except Exception, e: Logging.error(str(e))
def _site(self): modeStr = None if self._evaluationMode is not None: modeStr = whitelistStr = "<None>" if self._eventTypeWhitelist is not None: whitelistStr = ", ".join(self._eventTypeWhitelist) blacklistStr = "<None>" if self._eventTypeBlacklist is not None: blacklistStr = ", ".join(self._eventTypeBlacklist) stationFilterStr = "<None>" if self._stationFilter is not None: stationFilterStr = self._stationFilter dataSelectFilterStr = "<None>" if self._dataSelectFilter is not None: dataSelectFilterStr = self._dataSelectFilter Logging.debug("\n" "configuration read:\n" " serve\n" " dataselect : %s\n" " event : %s\n" " station : %s\n" " availability : %s\n" " listenAddress : %s\n" " port : %i\n" " connections : %i\n" " htpasswd : %s\n" " accessLog : %s\n" " queryObjects : %i\n" " realtimeGap : %s\n" " samples (M) : %s\n" " recordBulkSize : %i\n" " allowRestricted : %s\n" " useArclinkAccess: %s\n" " hideAuthor : %s\n" " evaluationMode : %s\n" " data availability\n" " enabled : %s\n" " cache duration: %i\n" " repo name : %s\n" " dcc name : %s\n" " eventType\n" " whitelist : %s\n" " blacklist : %s\n" " inventory filter\n" " station : %s\n" " dataSelect : %s\n" " debug enabled : %s\n" " trackdb\n" " enabled : %s\n" " defaultUser : %s\n" " auth\n" " enabled : %s\n" " gnupgHome : %s\n" " requestLog : %s\n" % ( self._serveDataSelect, self._serveEvent, self._serveStation, self._serveAvailability, self._listenAddress, self._port, self._connections, self._htpasswd, self._accessLogFile, self._queryObjects, self._realtimeGap, self._samplesM, self._recordBulkSize, self._allowRestricted, self._useArclinkAccess, self._hideAuthor, modeStr, self._daEnabled, self._daCacheDuration, self._daRepositoryName, self._daDCCName, whitelistStr, blacklistStr, stationFilterStr, dataSelectFilterStr, self._debugFilter, self._trackdbEnabled, self._trackdbDefaultUser, self._authEnabled, self._authGnupgHome, self._requestLogFile)) if not self._serveDataSelect and not self._serveEvent and \ not self._serveStation: Logging.error("all services disabled through configuration") return None # access logger if requested if self._accessLogFile: self._accessLog = Log(self._accessLogFile) # request logger if requested if self._requestLogFile: # import here, so we don't depend on GeoIP if request log is not needed from seiscomp3.fdsnws.reqlog import RequestLog self._requestLog = RequestLog(self._requestLogFile) # load inventory needed by DataSelect and Station service stationInv = dataSelectInv = None if self._serveDataSelect or self._serveStation: retn = False stationInv = dataSelectInv = Inventory.Instance().inventory()"inventory loaded") if self._serveDataSelect and self._serveStation: # clone inventory if station and dataSelect filter are distinct # else share inventory between both services if self._stationFilter != self._dataSelectFilter: dataSelectInv = self._cloneInventory(stationInv) retn = self._filterInventory(stationInv, self._stationFilter, "station") and \ self._filterInventory( dataSelectInv, self._dataSelectFilter, "dataSelect") else: retn = self._filterInventory( stationInv, self._stationFilter) elif self._serveStation: retn = self._filterInventory(stationInv, self._stationFilter) else: retn = self._filterInventory( dataSelectInv, self._dataSelectFilter) if not retn: return None self._access = Access() if self._serveDataSelect and self._useArclinkAccess: self._access.initFromSC3Routing(self.query().loadRouting()) DataModel.PublicObject.SetRegistrationEnabled(False) shareDir = os.path.join(Environment.Instance().shareDir(), 'fdsnws') # Overwrite/set mime type of *.wadl and *.xml documents. Instead of # using the official types defined in /etc/mime.types 'application/xml' # is used as enforced by the FDSNWS spec. static.File.contentTypes['.wadl'] = 'application/xml' static.File.contentTypes['.xml'] = 'application/xml' # create resource tree /fdsnws/... root = ListingResource() fileName = os.path.join(shareDir, 'favicon.ico') fileRes = static.File(fileName, 'image/x-icon') fileRes.childNotFound = NoResource() fileRes.isLeaf = True root.putChild('favicon.ico', fileRes) prefix = ListingResource() root.putChild('fdsnws', prefix) # dataselect if self._serveDataSelect: dataselect = ListingResource(DataSelectVersion) prefix.putChild('dataselect', dataselect) lstFile = os.path.join(shareDir, 'dataselect.html') dataselect1 = DirectoryResource(lstFile, DataSelectVersion) dataselect.putChild('1', dataselect1) dataselect1.putChild('query', FDSNDataSelect( dataSelectInv, self._recordBulkSize)) msg = 'authorization for restricted time series data required' authSession = self._getAuthSessionWrapper(dataSelectInv, msg) dataselect1.putChild('queryauth', authSession) dataselect1.putChild('version', ServiceVersion(DataSelectVersion)) fileRes = static.File(os.path.join(shareDir, 'dataselect.wadl')) fileRes.childNotFound = NoResource(DataSelectVersion) dataselect1.putChild('application.wadl', fileRes) fileRes = static.File(os.path.join( shareDir, 'dataselect-builder.html')) fileRes.childNotFound = NoResource(DataSelectVersion) dataselect1.putChild('builder', fileRes) if self._authEnabled: dataselect1.putChild('auth', AuthResource( DataSelectVersion, self._authGnupgHome, self._userdb)) # event if self._serveEvent: event = ListingResource(EventVersion) prefix.putChild('event', event) lstFile = os.path.join(shareDir, 'event.html') event1 = DirectoryResource(lstFile, EventVersion) event.putChild('1', event1) event1.putChild('query', FDSNEvent(self._hideAuthor, self._evaluationMode, self._eventTypeWhitelist, self._eventTypeBlacklist, self._eventFormats)) fileRes = static.File(os.path.join(shareDir, 'catalogs.xml')) fileRes.childNotFound = NoResource(EventVersion) event1.putChild('catalogs', fileRes) fileRes = static.File(os.path.join(shareDir, 'contributors.xml')) fileRes.childNotFound = NoResource(EventVersion) event1.putChild('contributors', fileRes) event1.putChild('version', ServiceVersion(EventVersion)) fileRes = static.File(os.path.join(shareDir, 'event.wadl')) fileRes.childNotFound = NoResource(EventVersion) event1.putChild('application.wadl', fileRes) fileRes = static.File(os.path.join(shareDir, 'event-builder.html')) fileRes.childNotFound = NoResource(EventVersion) event1.putChild('builder', fileRes) # station if self._serveStation: station = ListingResource(StationVersion) prefix.putChild('station', station) lstFile = os.path.join(shareDir, 'station.html') station1 = DirectoryResource(lstFile, StationVersion) station.putChild('1', station1) station1.putChild('query', FDSNStation(stationInv, self._allowRestricted, self._queryObjects, self._daEnabled)) station1.putChild('version', ServiceVersion(StationVersion)) # wadl, optionally filtered filterList = [] if self._daEnabled else ['name="matchtimeseries"'] try: fileRes = WADLFilter(os.path.join(shareDir, 'station.wadl'), filterList) except: fileRes = NoResource(StationVersion) station1.putChild('application.wadl', fileRes) fileRes = static.File(os.path.join( shareDir, 'station-builder.html')) fileRes.childNotFound = NoResource(StationVersion) station1.putChild('builder', fileRes) # availability if self._serveAvailability: # create a set of waveformIDs which represent open channels if self._serveDataSelect: openStreams = set() for iNet in xrange(dataSelectInv.networkCount()): net = if utils.isRestricted(net): continue for iSta in xrange(net.stationCount()): sta = net.station(iSta) if utils.isRestricted(sta): continue for iLoc in xrange(sta.sensorLocationCount()): loc = sta.sensorLocation(iLoc) for iCha in xrange(loc.streamCount()): cha = if utils.isRestricted(cha): continue openStreams.add("{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}".format( net.code(), sta.code(), loc.code(), cha.code())) self._openStreams = openStreams else: self._openStreams = None ext = ListingResource() prefix.putChild('ext', ext) availability = ListingResource(AvailabilityVersion) ext.putChild('availability', availability) lstFile = os.path.join(shareDir, 'availability.html') availability1 = DirectoryResource(lstFile, AvailabilityVersion) availability.putChild('1', availability1) availability1.putChild('extent', AvailabilityExtent()) availability1.putChild('query', AvailabilityQuery()) availability1.putChild( 'version', ServiceVersion(AvailabilityVersion)) fileRes = static.File(os.path.join(shareDir, 'station.wadl')) fileRes.childNotFound = NoResource(AvailabilityVersion) availability1.putChild('availability.wadl', fileRes) fileRes = static.File(os.path.join( shareDir, 'availability-extent-builder.html')) fileRes.childNotFound = NoResource(AvailabilityVersion) availability1.putChild('builder-extent', fileRes) fileRes = static.File(os.path.join( shareDir, 'availability-builder.html')) fileRes.childNotFound = NoResource(AvailabilityVersion) availability1.putChild('builder', fileRes) # static files fileRes = static.File(os.path.join(shareDir, 'js')) fileRes.childNotFound = NoResource() fileRes.hideInListing = True prefix.putChild('js', fileRes) fileRes = static.File(os.path.join(shareDir, 'css')) fileRes.childNotFound = NoResource() fileRes.hideInListing = True prefix.putChild('css', fileRes) return Site(root)