コード例 #1
class tiger_lg(custom_import('system', 'slurm_lg')):
    """ Specially designed system interface for tiger.princeton.edu

      See parent class for more information.
    def check(self):
        """ Checks parameters and paths

        if 'UUID' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'UUID', str(uuid4()))

        if 'SCRATCH' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'SCRATCH',
                    join('/scratch/gpfs', getuser(), 'seisflows', PAR.UUID))

        if 'LOCAL' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'LOCAL', '')

        if 'NODESIZE' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'NODESIZE', 16)

        super(tiger_lg, self).check()

    def submit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Submits job
        if not exists(PATH.SUBMIT + '/' + 'scratch'):
            unix.ln(PATH.SCRATCH, PATH.SUBMIT + '/' + 'scratch')
        super(tiger_lg, self).submit(*args, **kwargs)
コード例 #2
class specfem3d_workaround(custom_import('solver', 'specfem3d')):
    """ Python interface for SPECFEM3D

      See base class for method descriptions

    def check(self):
        """ Checks parameters and paths
        super(specfem3d_workaround, self).check()

    def load_xyz(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ reads SPECFEM model or kernel

          Models are stored in Fortran binary format and separated into multiple
          files according to material parameter and processor rank.
        model = super(specfem3d_workaround, self).load(*args, **kwargs)
        model_path = args[0]

        model['x_loc'] = []
        model['y_loc'] = []
        model['z_loc'] = []

        for iproc in range(self.mesh.nproc):
            # read database files
            keys, vals = loadbypar(model_path, ['x_loc','y_loc','z_loc'], iproc, '', '')
            for key, val in zip(keys, vals):
                model[key] += [val]

        return model
コード例 #3
class tikhonov1(custom_import('postprocess', 'regularize')):
    """ Adds regularization options to base class

        Available options include 0-, 1-, and 2- order Tikhonov and total
        variation regularization. While the underlying theory is classical,
        application to unstructured numerical grids via the
        "seisflows.tools.math.nabla" operator is somewhat complicated. 

        So far, can only be used for 2D inversion, because the required spatial
        derivative operator "nabla" is not yet available for 3D grids.
    def check(self):
        """ Checks parameters and paths
        super(tikhonov1, self).check()

        if 'CREEPING' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'CREEPING', False)

        if not PAR.LAMBDA:
            raise ValueError

    def nabla(self, mesh, m, g):
        if PAR.CREEPING:
            G, grid = mesh2grid(g, mesh)
            DG = nabla(G, order=1)
            dg = grid2mesh(DG, grid, mesh)
            return -dg / np.mean(m)

            M, grid = mesh2grid(m, mesh)
            DM = nabla(M, order=1)
            dm = grid2mesh(DM, grid, mesh)
            return dm / np.mean(m)
コード例 #4
class slurm_sm(custom_import('system', 'mpi')):
    """ An interface through which to submit workflows, run tasks in serial or 
      parallel, and perform other system functions.

      By hiding environment details behind a python interface layer, these 
      classes provide a consistent command set across different computing

      Intermediate files are written to a global scratch path PATH.SCRATCH,
      which must be accessible to all compute nodes.

      Optionally, users can provide a local scratch path PATH.LOCAL if each
      compute node has its own local filesystem.

      For important additional information, please see 

    def check(self):
        """ Checks parameters and paths
        super(slurm_sm, self).check()

        if 'WALLTIME' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'WALLTIME', 30.)

        if 'SLURMARGS' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'SLURMARGS', '')

    def submit(self, workflow):
        """ Submits workflow


        # submit workflow
        call('sbatch '
                + '%s ' % PAR.SLURMARGS
                + '--job-name=%s '%PAR.TITLE
                + '--output=%s '%(PATH.SUBMIT +'/'+ 'output.log')
                + '--cpus-per-task=%d '%PAR.NPROC
                + '--ntasks=%d '%PAR.NTASK
                + '--time=%d '%PAR.WALLTIME
                + findpath('seisflows.system') +'/'+ 'wrappers/submit '
                + PATH.OUTPUT)
コード例 #5
class tikhonov0(custom_import('postprocess', 'regularize')):
    """ Adds regularization options to base class

        Available options include 0-, 1-, and 2- order Tikhonov and total
        variation regularization. While the underlying theory is classical,
        application to unstructured numerical grids via the 
        "seisflows.tools.math.nabla" operator is somewhat complicated. 

        So far, can only be used for 2D inversion, because the required spatial
        derivative operator "nabla" is not yet available for 3D grids.
    def check(self):
        """ Checks parameters and paths
        super(tikhonov0, self).check()

        if not PAR.LAMBDA:
            raise ValueError

    def nabla(self, mesh, m, g):
        return m / np.mean(m)
コード例 #6
class total_variation(custom_import('postprocess', 'regularize')):
    """ Adds regularization options to base class

        So far, can only be used for 2D inversion, because the required spatial
        derivative operator "nabla" is not yet available for 3D grids.

    def check(self):
        """ Checks parameters and paths
        super(total_variation, self).check()

        if not PAR.LAMBDA:
            raise ValueError

        if not hasattr(PAR, 'EPSILON'):
            setattr(PAR, 'EPSILON', 0.)

    def nabla(self, mesh, m, g):
        M, grid = mesh2grid(g, mesh)
        DM = tv(M, epsilon=PAR.EPSILON)
        dm = grid2mesh(DM, grid, mesh)
        return dm/np.mean(m)
コード例 #7
class lsf_lg(custom_import('system', 'base')):
    """ An interface through which to submit workflows, run tasks in serial or 
      parallel, and perform other system functions.

      By hiding environment details behind a python interface layer, these 
      classes provide a consistent command set across different computing

      Intermediate files are written to a global scratch path PATH.SCRATCH,
      which must be accessible to all compute nodes.

      Optionally, users can provide a local scratch path PATH.LOCAL if each
      compute node has its own local filesystem.

      For important additional information, please see 
    def check(self):
        """ Checks parameters and paths

        # check parameters
        if 'TITLE' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'TITLE', basename(abspath('.')))

        if 'WALLTIME' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'WALLTIME', 30.)

        if 'STEPTIME' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'STEPTIME', 30.)

        if 'SLEEPTIME' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'SLEEPTIME', 1.)

        if 'VERBOSE' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'VERBOSE', 1)

        if 'NTASK' not in PAR:
            raise ParameterError(PAR, 'NTASK')

        if 'NPROC' not in PAR:
            raise ParameterError(PAR, 'NPROC')

        if 'NODESIZE' not in PAR:
            raise ParameterError(PAR, 'NODESIZE')

        if 'LSFARGS' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'LSFARGS', '')

        # check paths
        if 'SCRATCH' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'SCRATCH', join(abspath('.'), 'scratch'))

        if 'LOCAL' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'LOCAL', None)

        if 'SUBMIT' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'SUBMIT', abspath('.'))

        if 'OUTPUT' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'OUTPUT', join(PATH.SUBMIT, 'output'))

        if 'SYSTEM' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'SYSTEM', join(PATH.SCRATCH, 'system'))

    def submit(self, workflow):
        """ Submits workflow
        unix.mkdir(PATH.SUBMIT + '/' + 'output.lsf')


        # prepare bsub arguments
        call('bsub ' + '%s ' % PAR.LSFARGS + '-J %s ' % PAR.TITLE + '-o %s ' %
             (PATH.SUBMIT + '/' + 'output.log') + '-n %d ' % PAR.NODESIZE +
             '-e %s ' % (PATH.SUBMIT + '/' + 'error.log') +
             '-R "span[ptile=%d]" ' % PAR.NODESIZE +
             '-W %d:00 ' % PAR.WALLTIME + findpath('seisflows.system') + '/' +
             'wrappers/submit ' + PATH.OUTPUT)

    def run(self, classname, funcname, hosts='all', **kwargs):
        """  Runs tasks in serial or parallel on specified hosts.
        self.save_kwargs(classname, funcname, kwargs)
        jobs = self.launch(classname, funcname, hosts)
        while True:
            # wait a few seconds before checking status
            time.sleep(60 * PAR.SLEEPTIME)

            isdone, jobs = self.task_status(classname, funcname, jobs)
            if isdone:

    def launch(self, classname, funcname, hosts='all'):

        # submit job
        with open(PATH.SYSTEM + '/' + 'job_id', 'w') as f:
            call('bsub ' + '%s ' % PAR.LSFARGS + '-n %d ' % PAR.NPROC +
                 '-R "span[ptile=%d]" ' % PAR.NODESIZE +
                 '-W %d:00 ' % PAR.STEPTIME + '-J "%s' % PAR.TITLE +
                 self.launch_args(hosts) + findpath('seisflows.system') + '/' +
                 'wrapper/run ' + PATH.OUTPUT + ' ' + classname + ' ' +
                 funcname + ' ',

        # retrieve job ids
        with open(PATH.SYSTEM + '/' + 'job_id', 'r') as f:
            # reads one entire line from the file
            line = f.readline()
            job_buf = line.split()[1].strip()
            job = job_buf[1:-1]
        if hosts == 'all' and PAR.NSRC > 1:
            nn = range(1, PAR.NSRC + 1)
            #return [job+'_'+str(ii) for ii in nn]
            return [job + '[' + str(ii) + ']' for ii in nn]
            return [job]

    def task_status(self, classname, funcname, jobs):
        # query lsf database
        for job in jobs:
            state = self.getstate(job)
            states = []
            if state in ['DONE']:
                states += [1]
                states += [0]
            if state in ['EXIT']:
                print 'LSF job failed: %s ' % job
                print msg.TaskError_LSF % (classname, funcname, job)
        isdone = all(states)

        return isdone, jobs

    def launch_args(self, hosts):
        if hosts == 'all':
            args = ''
            args += '[%d-%d] %% %d' % (1, PAR.NSRC, PAR.NTASK)
            args += '-o %s ' % (PATH.SUBMIT + '/' + 'output.lsf/' + '%J_%I')

        elif hosts == 'head':
            args = ''
            args += '[%d-%d]' % (1, 1)
            args += '-o %s ' % (PATH.SUBMIT + '/' + 'output.lsf/' + '%J')

        return args

    def mpiexec(self):
        """ Specifies MPI exectuable; used to invoke solver
        return 'mpiexec '

    def getstate(self, jobid):
        """ Retrives job state from LSF database
        with open(PATH.SYSTEM + '/' + 'job_status', 'w') as f:
            call('bjobs -a -d "' + jobid + '"', stdout=f)
        with open(PATH.SYSTEM + '/' + 'job_status', 'r') as f:
            lines = f.readlines()
            state = lines[1].split()[2].strip()
        return state

    def getnode(self):
        """ Gets number of running task
        return int(os.getenv('LSB_JOBINDEX')) - 1

    def timestamp(self):
        with open(PATH.SYSTEM + '/' + 'timestamps', 'a') as f:
            line = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S') + '\n'

    def save_kwargs(self, classname, funcname, kwargs):
        kwargspath = join(PATH.OUTPUT, 'SeisflowsObjects',
                          classname + '_kwargs')
        kwargsfile = join(kwargspath, funcname + '.p')
        saveobj(kwargsfile, kwargs)
コード例 #8
import numpy as np

from seisflows.tools import unix
from seisflows.tools.array import loadnpy, savenpy
from seisflows.tools.code import exists
from seisflows.tools.config import SeisflowsParameters, SeisflowsPaths, \
    custom_import, ParameterError

PAR = SeisflowsParameters()
PATH = SeisflowsPaths()

import solver
import postprocess

migration = custom_import('workflow','migration')()

class test_postprocess(object):
    """ Postprocessing class

    def check(self):
        """ Checks parameters and paths

        if 'INPUT' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'INPUT', None)

コード例 #9
class pbs_lg(custom_import('system', 'base')):
    """ An interface through which to submit workflows, run tasks in serial or
      parallel, and perform other system functions.

      By hiding environment details behind a python interface layer, these
      classes provide a consistent command set across different computing

      Intermediate files are written to a global scratch path PATH.SCRATCH,
      which must be accessible to all compute nodes.

      Optionally, users can provide a local scratch path PATH.LOCAL if each
      compute node has its own local filesystem.

      For important additional information, please see
    def check(self):
        """ Checks parameters and paths

        # check parameters
        if 'TITLE' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'TITLE', basename(abspath('.')))

        if 'WALLTIME' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'WALLTIME', 30.)

        if 'STEPTIME' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'STEPTIME', 30.)

        if 'SLEEPTIME' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'SLEEPTIME', 1.)

        if 'VERBOSE' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'VERBOSE', 1)

        if 'NTASK' not in PAR:
            raise ParameterError(PAR, 'NTASK')

        if 'NPROC' not in PAR:
            raise ParameterError(PAR, 'NPROC')

        if 'NODESIZE' not in PAR:
            raise ParameterError(PAR, 'NODESIZE')

        if 'PBSARGS' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'PBSARGS', '')

        # check paths
        if 'SCRATCH' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'SCRATCH', join(abspath('.'), 'scratch'))

        if 'LOCAL' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'LOCAL', None)

        if 'SUBMIT' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'SUBMIT', abspath('.'))

        if 'OUTPUT' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'OUTPUT', join(PATH.SUBMIT, 'output'))

        if 'SYSTEM' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'SYSTEM', join(PATH.SCRATCH, 'system'))

    def submit(self, workflow):
        """ Submits workflow
        unix.mkdir(PATH.SUBMIT + '/' + 'output.pbs')


        hours = PAR.WALLTIME / 60
        minutes = PAR.WALLTIME % 60
        walltime = 'walltime=%02d:%02d:00 ' % (hours, minutes)

        ncpus = PAR.NODESIZE
        mpiprocs = PAR.NODESIZE

        # prepare qsub arguments
        call('qsub ' + '%s ' % PAR.PBSARGS +
             '-l select=1:ncpus=%d:mpiprocs=%d ' % (ncpus, mpiprocs) +
             '-l %s ' % walltime + '-N %s ' % PAR.TITLE + '-j %s ' % 'oe' +
             '-o %s ' % (PATH.SUBMIT + '/' + 'output.log') + '-V ' + ' -- ' +
             findpath('seisflows.system') + '/' + 'wrappers/submit ' +

    def run(self, classname, funcname, hosts='all', **kwargs):
        """ Runs tasks in serial or parallel on specified hosts.

        self.save_kwargs(classname, funcname, kwargs)
        jobs = self._launch(classname, funcname, hosts)
        while True:
            time.sleep(60. * PAR.SLEEPTIME)
            isdone, jobs = self._status(classname, funcname, jobs)
            if isdone:

    def mpiexec(self):
        """ Specifies MPI exectuable; used to invoke solver
        return 'mpiexec '

    def getnode(self):
        """ Gets number of running task
            return os.getenv('PBS_ARRAY_INDEX')
            raise Exception(
                "PBS_ARRAY_INDEX environment variable not defined.")

    ### private methods

    def _launch(self, classname, funcname, hosts='all'):

        nodes = math.ceil(PAR.NTASK / float(PAR.NODESIZE))
        ncpus = PAR.NPROC
        mpiprocs = PAR.NPROC

        hours = PAR.STEPTIME / 60
        minutes = PAR.STEPTIME % 60
        walltime = 'walltime=%02d:%02d:00 ' % (hours, minutes)

        # submit job
        with open(PATH.SYSTEM + '/' + 'job_id', 'w') as f:
                'qsub ' + '%s ' % PAR.PBSARGS +
                '-l select=%d:ncpus=%d:mpiprocs=%d ' (nodes, ncpus, mpiprocs) +
                '-l %s ' % walltime + '-J 0-%s ' % (PAR.NTASK - 1) +
                '-N %s ' % PAR.TITLE + '-o %s ' %
                (PATH.SUBMIT + '/' + 'output.pbs/' + '$PBS_ARRAYID') +
                '-r y ' + '-j oe ' + '-V ' + self.launch_args(hosts) +
                PATH.OUTPUT + ' ' + classname + ' ' + funcname + ' ' +

        # retrieve job ids
        with open(PATH.SYSTEM + '/' + 'job_id', 'r') as f:
            line = f.readline()
            job = line.split()[-1].strip()
        if hosts == 'all' and PAR.NTASK > 1:
            nn = range(PAR.NTASK)
            job0 = job.strip('[].sdb')
            return [job0 + '[' + str(ii) + '].sdb' for ii in nn]
            return [job]

    def launch_args(self, hosts):
        if hosts == 'all':
            arg = ('-J 0-%s ' % (PAR.NTASK - 1) + '-o %s ' %
                   (PATH.SUBMIT + '/' + 'output.pbs/' + '$PBS_ARRAYID') +
                   ' -- ' + findpath('seisflows.system') + '/' +
                   'wrappers/run_pbsdsh ')

        elif hosts == 'head':
            arg = ('-J 0-0 ' + '-o %s ' %
                   (PATH.SUBMIT + '/' + 'output.pbs/' + '$PBS_JOBID') +
                   ' -- ' + findpath('seisflows.system') + '/' +
                   'wrappers/run_pbsdsh_head ')

        return arg

    def _status(self, classname, funcname, jobs):
        """ Determines completion status of one or more jobs
        for job in jobs:
            state = self._query(job)
            states = []
            if state in ['C']:
                states += [1]
                states += [0]
            if state in ['F']:
                print msg.TaskError_PBS % (classname, funcname, job)
        isdone = all(states)

        return isdone, jobs

    def _query(self, jobid):
        """ Queries job state from PBS database
        # TODO: replace shell utilities with native Python
        with open(PATH.SYSTEM + '/' + 'job_status', 'w') as f:
            call('qstat -x -tJ ' + jobid + ' | ' + 'tail -n 1 ' + ' | ' +
                 'awk \'{print $5}\'',

        with open(PATH.SYSTEM + '/' + 'job_status', 'r') as f:
            line = f.readline()
            state = line.strip()

        return state

    ### utility function

    def _timestamp(self):
        with open(PATH.SYSTEM + '/' + 'timestamps', 'a') as f:
            line = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S') + '\n'

    def save_kwargs(self, classname, funcname, kwargs):
        kwargspath = join(PATH.OUTPUT, 'SeisflowsObjects',
                          classname + '_kwargs')
        kwargsfile = join(kwargspath, funcname + '.p')
        saveobj(kwargsfile, kwargs)
コード例 #10
class mpi(custom_import('system', 'base')):
    """ An interface through which to submit workflows, run tasks in serial or 
      parallel, and perform other system functions.

      By hiding environment details behind a python interface layer, these 
      classes provide a consistent command set across different computing

      For important additional information, please see 
    def check(self):
        """ Checks parameters and paths

        if 'TITLE' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'TITLE', basename(abspath('.')))

        if 'NTASK' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'NTASK', 1)

        if 'NPROC' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'NPROC', 1)

        if 'VERBOSE' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'VERBOSE', 1)

        if 'MPIEXEC' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'MPIEXEC', 'mpiexec')

        if 'MPIARGS' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'MPIARGS', '--mca mpi_warn_on_fork 0')

        # check paths
        if 'SCRATCH' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'SCRATCH', join(abspath('.'), 'scratch'))

        if 'LOCAL' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'LOCAL', '')

        if 'SUBMIT' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'SUBMIT', abspath('.'))

        if 'OUTPUT' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'OUTPUT', join(PATH.SUBMIT, 'output'))


    def submit(self, workflow):
        """ Submits job


    def run(self, classname, funcname, hosts='all', **kwargs):
        """ Runs tasks in serial or parallel on specified hosts
        # to avoid cryptic MPI messages, use "--mca_warn_on_fork 0" as the
        # default value for MPIARGS, and use subprocess.call rather than
        # call_catch to invoke mpiexec
        self.save_kwargs(classname, funcname, kwargs)

        if hosts == 'all':
            unix.cd(join(findpath('seisflows.system'), 'wrappers'))
            subprocess.call(PAR.MPIEXEC + ' ' + '-n %d ' % PAR.NTASK +
                            PAR.MPIARGS + ' ' + 'run_mpi' + ' ' + PATH.OUTPUT +
                            ' ' + classname + ' ' + funcname,

        elif hosts == 'head':
            unix.cd(join(findpath('seisflows.system'), 'wrappers'))
            subprocess.call(PAR.MPIEXEC + ' ' + '-n 1 ' + PAR.MPIARGS + ' ' +
                            'run_mpi_head' + ' ' + PATH.OUTPUT + ' ' +
                            classname + ' ' + funcname,

            raise (KeyError('Hosts parameter not set/recognized.'))

    def getnode(self):
        """Gets number of running task"""
        from mpi4py import MPI
        return MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank()

    def mpiexec(self):
        """ MPI executable used to invoke solver
        # An empty string causes the solver to be invoked without an mpi
        # executable such as mpiexec or mpirun. Using an empty string here
        # presupposes that a simulation runs on a single core, which is
        # consistent with the PAR.NPROC == 1 assertion below. If you want to
        # carry out a workflow in which each simulation runs on multiple
        # cores, use a different system interface such as pbs_lg or slurm_lg.
        return ''

    def save_kwargs(self, classname, funcname, kwargs):
        kwargspath = join(PATH.OUTPUT, 'SeisflowsObjects',
                          classname + '_kwargs')
        kwargsfile = join(kwargspath, funcname + '.p')
        saveobj(kwargsfile, kwargs)

    def check_mpi(self):
        """ Checks MPI dependencies
        if PAR.NPROC > 1:
            raise Exception(mpiError1 % PAR.SYSTEM)

            import mpi4py
        except ImportError:
            raise Exception(mpiError2 % PAR.SYSTEM)

            f = open(os.devnull, 'w')
            subprocess.check_call('which ' + PAR.MPIEXEC, shell=True, stdout=f)
            raise Exception(mpiError3 % PAR.SYSTEM)
コード例 #11
class slurm_md(custom_import('system', 'base')):
    """ An interface through which to submit workflows, run tasks in serial or 
      parallel, and perform other system functions.

      By hiding environment details behind a python interface layer, these 
      classes provide a consistent command set across different computing

      Intermediate files are written to a global scratch path PATH.SCRATCH,
      which must be accessible to all compute nodes.

      Optionally, users can provide a local scratch path PATH.LOCAL if each
      compute node has its own local filesystem.

      For important additional information, please see 
    def check(self):
        """ Checks parameters and paths

        # check parameters
        if 'TITLE' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'TITLE', basename(abspath('.')))

        if 'WALLTIME' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'WALLTIME', 30.)

        if 'VERBOSE' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'VERBOSE', 1)

        if 'NPROC' not in PAR:
            raise ParameterError(PAR, 'NPROC')

        if 'NTASK' not in PAR:
            raise ParameterError(PAR, 'NTASK')

        if 'SLURMARGS' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'SLURMARGS', '')

        # check paths
        if 'SCRATCH' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'SCRATCH', join(abspath('.'), 'scratch'))

        if 'LOCAL' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'LOCAL', None)

        if 'SUBMIT' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'SUBMIT', abspath('.'))

        if 'OUTPUT' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'OUTPUT', join(PATH.SUBMIT, 'output'))

    def submit(self, workflow):
        """ Submits workflow


        # submit workflow
        call('sbatch ' + '%s ' % PAR.SLURMARGS + '--job-name=%s ' % PAR.TITLE +
             '--output=%s ' % (PATH.SUBMIT + '/' + 'output.log') +
             '--cpus-per-task=%d ' % PAR.NPROC + '--ntasks=%d ' % PAR.NTASK +
             '--time=%d ' % PAR.WALLTIME + findpath('seisflows.system') + '/' +
             'wrappers/submit ' + PATH.OUTPUT)

    def run(self, classname, funcname, hosts='all', **kwargs):
        """  Runs tasks in serial or parallel on specified hosts
        self.save_kwargs(classname, funcname, kwargs)

        if hosts == 'all':
            # run on all available nodes
            call('srun ' + '--wait=0 ' +
                 join(findpath('seisflows.system'), 'wrappers/run ') +
                 PATH.OUTPUT + ' ' + classname + ' ' + funcname)

        elif hosts == 'head':
            # run on head node
            call('srun ' + '--wait=0 ' +
                 join(findpath('seisflows.system'), 'wrappers/run_head ') +
                 PATH.OUTPUT + ' ' + classname + ' ' + funcname)

            raise (KeyError('Hosts parameter not set/recognized.'))

    def getnode(self):
        """ Gets number of running task
        gid = os.getenv('SLURM_GTIDS').split(',')
        lid = int(os.getenv('SLURM_LOCALID'))
        return int(gid[lid])

    def mpiexec(self):
        """ Specifies MPI exectuable; used to invoke solver
        return 'mpirun -np %d ' % PAR.NPROC

    def save_kwargs(self, classname, funcname, kwargs):
        kwargspath = join(PATH.OUTPUT, 'SeisflowsObjects',
                          classname + '_kwargs')
        kwargsfile = join(kwargspath, funcname + '.p')
        saveobj(kwargsfile, kwargs)
コード例 #12
class specfem3d(custom_import('solver', 'base')):
    """ Python interface for SPECFEM3D

      See base class for method descriptions
    def check(self):
        """ Checks parameters and paths
        super(specfem3d, self).check()

        # check time stepping parameters
        if 'NT' not in PAR:
            raise Exception

        if 'DT' not in PAR:
            raise Exception

        if 'F0' not in PAR:
            raise Exception

    def generate_data(self, **model_kwargs):
        """ Generates data

        setpar('SIMULATION_TYPE', '1')
        setpar('SAVE_FORWARD', '.true.')

        unix.mv(self.data_wildcard, 'traces/obs')
        self.export_traces(PATH.OUTPUT, 'traces/obs')

    def generate_mesh(self,
        """ Performs meshing and database generation
        assert (model_name)
        assert (model_type)


        if model_type in ['gll']:
            par = getpar('MODEL').strip()
            if par != 'gll':
                if self.getnode == 0:
                    print 'WARNING: Unexpected Par_file setting:'
                    print 'MODEL =', par

            assert (exists(model_path))

            src = glob(model_path + '/' + '*')
            dst = self.model_databases
            unix.cp(src, dst)

            self.export_model(PATH.OUTPUT + '/' + model_name)

            raise NotImplementedError

    ### low-level solver interface

    def forward(self):
        """ Calls SPECFEM3D forward solver
        setpar('SIMULATION_TYPE', '1')
        setpar('SAVE_FORWARD', '.true.')

    def adjoint(self):
        """ Calls SPECFEM3D adjoint solver
        setpar('SIMULATION_TYPE', '3')
        setpar('SAVE_FORWARD', '.false.')
        unix.ln('traces/adj', 'SEM')

    ### input file writers

    def check_solver_parameter_files(self):
        """ Checks solver parameters
        nt = getpar('NSTEP', cast=int)
        dt = getpar('DT', cast=float)

        if nt != PAR.NT:
            if self.getnode == 0: print "WARNING: nt != PAR.NT"
            setpar('NSTEP', PAR.NT)

        if dt != PAR.DT:
            if self.getnode == 0: print "WARNING: dt != PAR.DT"
            setpar('DT', PAR.DT)

        if self.mesh.nproc != PAR.NPROC:
            if self.getnode == 0:
                print 'Warning: mesh.nproc != PAR.NPROC'

        if 'MULTIPLES' in PAR:
            raise NotImplementedError

    def initialize_adjoint_traces(self):
        """ Works around SPECFEM3D file format issue by overriding base method
            super(specfem3d, self).initialize_adjoint_traces()
                import preprocess

                path_obs = self.getpath + '/' + 'traces/obs'
                path_adj = self.getpath + '/' + 'traces/adj'

                # read observed data
                _, h = preprocess.reader(path_obs, preprocess.channels[0])

                zeros = np.zeros((h.nt, h.nr))

                # write adjoint traces
                for channel in ['x', 'y', 'z']:
                    preprocess.writer(zeros, h, path_adj, channel)

                raise Exception(
                    'Seismic Unix format not supported for SPECFEM3D inversions because SPECFEM3D lacks an adequate parallel reader and writer'

    def write_parameters(self):

    def write_receivers(self):
        key = 'use_existing_STATIONS'
        val = '.true.'
        setpar(key, val)
        _, h = preprocess.load('traces/obs')
        solvertools.write_receivers(h.nr, h.rx, h.rz)

    def write_sources(self):
        _, h = preprocess.load(dir='traces/obs')
        solvertools.write_sources(vars(PAR), h)

    ### miscellaneous

    def data_wildcard(self):
        return glob('OUTPUT_FILES/*SU')

    def kernel_databases(self):
        return join(self.getpath, 'OUTPUT_FILES/DATABASES_MPI')

    def model_databases(self):
        return join(self.getpath, 'OUTPUT_FILES/DATABASES_MPI')

    def source_prefix(self):
        return 'FORCESOLUTION'
コード例 #13
ファイル: tiger.py プロジェクト: HongjianFang/seisflows
from seisflows.tools.config import custom_import
from seisflows.tools.config import ParameterError, SeisflowsParameters, SeisflowsPaths

PAR = SeisflowsParameters()
PATH = SeisflowsPaths()

""" For users of tiger.princeton.edu, determines whether
  slurm_sm, slurm_md, or slurm_lg should be used.

# ensure number of processers per forward simulation is defined
if 'NPROC' not in PAR:
    raise Exception

# there are 16 processers per node on tiger
    assert(PAR.NODESIZE == 16)

# which system interface is appropriate?
    tiger = custom_import('system','tiger_lg')
elif PAR.NPROC > 1:
    tiger = custom_import('system','tiger_md')
    tiger = custom_import('system','tiger_sm')

コード例 #14
class tiger_md_gpu(custom_import('system', 'tiger_md')):
    """ An interface through which to submit workflows, run tasks in serial or 
      parallel, and perform other system functions.

      By hiding environment details behind a python interface layer, these 
      classes provide a consistent command set across different computing

      For important additional information, please see 

    def check(self):
        """ Checks parameters and paths
        raise NotImplementedError('Provided by Etienne Bachmann. Not recently testested and not likely to work out of the box.')

        # why does Etienne have it this way?
        if 'NGPU' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'NGPU', 4)

        super(tiger_md_gpu, self).check()

    def submit(self, workflow):
        """ Submits workflow


        if not exists(PATH.SUBMIT + '/' + 'scratch'):
            unix.ln(PATH.SCRATCH, PATH.SUBMIT + '/' + 'scratch')

        call('sbatch '
                + '--job-name=%s ' % PAR.SUBTITLE
                + '--output=%s ' % (PATH.SUBMIT +'/'+ 'output.log')
                + '--nodes 1 '
                + '--ntasks=% ' % PAR.NGPU
                + '--ntasks-per-socket=%d ' % PAR.NGPU
                + '--gres=gpu:%d ' % PAR.NGPU
                + '--time=%d ' % PAR.WALLTIME
                + findpath('seisflows.system') +'/'+ 'wrappers/submit '
                + PATH.OUTPUT)

    def run(self, classname, funcname, hosts='all', **kwargs):
        """  Runs tasks in serial or parallel on specified hosts
        self.save_kwargs(classname, funcname, kwargs)

        if hosts == 'all':
            call('srun '
                    + '--wait=0 '
                    + join(findpath('seisflows.system'), 'wrappers/run ')
                    + PATH.OUTPUT + ' '
                    + classname + ' '
                    + funcname)

        elif hosts == 'head':
            # run on head node
            call('srun '
                    + '--wait=0 '
                    + join(findpath('seisflows.system'), 'wrappers/run_head ')
                    + PATH.OUTPUT + ' '
                    + classname + ' '
                    + funcname)

    def getnode(self):
        """ Gets number of running task
        gid = os.getenv('SLURM_GTIDS').split(',')
        lid = int(os.getenv('SLURM_LOCALID'))
        return int(gid[lid])

    def mpiexec(self):
        return 'mpirun -np %d '%PAR.NPROC

    def save_kwargs(self, classname, funcname, kwargs):
        kwargspath = join(PATH.OUTPUT, 'SeisflowsObjects', classname+'_kwargs')
        kwargsfile = join(kwargspath, funcname+'.p')
        saveobj(kwargsfile, kwargs)
コード例 #15
class regularize3d(custom_import('postprocess', 'base')):
    """ Adds regularization options to base class

        This parent class is only an abstract base class; see child classes
        TIKHONOV1, TIKHONOV1, and TOTAL_VARIATION for usable regularization.

        Prior to regularizing gradient, near field artifacts must be corrected.
        The "FIXRADIUS" parameter specifies the radius, in number of GLL points,
        within which the correction is applied.
    def check(self):
        """ Checks parameters and paths
        super(regularize3d, self).check()

        if 'FIXRADIUS' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'FIXRADIUS', 7.5)

        if 'LAMBDA' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'LAMBDA', 0.)

    def write_gradient(self, path):
        super(regularize3d, self).write_gradient(path)

        g = self.regularize3d(path)
        self.save(path, g, backup='noregularize')

    # modfified by DmBorisov
    def process_kernels(self, path, parameters):
        """ Processes kernels in accordance with parameter settings
        fullpath = path + '/' + 'kernels'
        assert exists(path)

        if exists(fullpath + '/' + 'sum'):
            unix.mv(fullpath + '/' + 'sum', fullpath + '/' + 'sum_nofix')

        # mask sources and receivers
        system.run('postprocess', 'fix_near_field', hosts='all', path=fullpath)


        if PAR.SMOOTH > 0.:
                       path=path + '/' + 'kernels/sum',

    # modified by DmBorisov
    def fix_near_field(self, path=''):
        import preprocess

        name = solver.check_source_names()[solver.getnode]
        fullpath = path + '/' + name

        g = solver.load(fullpath, suffix='_kernel')
        g_vec = solver.merge(g)
        nproc = solver.mesh.nproc

        if not PAR.FIXRADIUS:

        x, y, z = self.getcoords()

        lx = x.max() - x.min()
        ly = y.max() - y.min()
        lz = z.max() - z.min()
        nn = x.size
        nx = np.around(np.sqrt(nn * lx / (lz * ly)))
        ny = np.around(np.sqrt(nn * ly / (lx * lz)))
        nz = np.around(np.sqrt(nn * lz / (lx * ly)))
        dx = lx / nx * 1.25
        dy = ly / ny * 1.25
        dz = lz / nz * 1.25

        sigma = PAR.FIXRADIUS * (dx + dz + dy) / 3.0
        _, h = preprocess.load(solver.getpath + '/' + 'traces/obs')
        mask = np.exp(-0.5 * ((x - h.sx[0])**2. + (y - h.sy[0])**2. +
                              (z - h.sz[0])**2.) / sigma**2.)

        scale_z = np.power(abs(z), 0.5)

        power_win = 10
        win_x = np.power(x, power_win)
        win_y = np.power(y, power_win)
        win_z = np.power(z, power_win)

        win_x = win_x / win_x.max()
        win_y = win_y / win_y.max()
        win_z = win_z / win_z.max()

        win_x = 1.0 - win_x[::-1]
        win_y = 1.0 - win_y[::-1]
        win_z = 1.0 - win_z[::-1]

        win_x_rev = win_x[::-1]
        win_y_rev = win_y[::-1]
        win_z_rev = win_z[::-1]

        taper_x = x * 0.0 + 1.0
        taper_y = y * 0.0 + 1.0
        taper_z = z * 0.0 + 1.0

        taper_x *= win_x
        taper_y *= win_y
        taper_z *= win_z
        taper_x *= win_x_rev
        taper_y *= win_y_rev
        taper_z *= win_z_rev

        scale_z = scale_z * taper_z + 0.1

        mask_x = solver.split(taper_x)
        mask_y = solver.split(taper_y)
        mask_z = solver.split(scale_z)
        mask_d = solver.split(mask)

        for key in solver.parameters:
            for iproc in range(nproc):
                weight = np.sum(mask_d['vp'][iproc] * g[key][iproc]) / np.sum(
                g[key][iproc] *= 1. - mask_d['vp'][iproc]
                g[key][iproc] *= mask_z['vp'][iproc]
                g[key][iproc] *= mask_x['vp'][iproc]
                g[key][iproc] *= mask_y['vp'][iproc]

        #sigma = 1.0
        ## mask receivers
        #for ir in range(h.nr):
        #    mask = np.exp(-0.5*((x-h.rx[ir])**2.+(y-h.ry[ir])**2.+(z-h.rz[ir])**2.)/sigma**2.)
        #    mask_d = solver.split(mask)
        #    #mask = np.exp(-0.5*((x-h.rx[ir])**2.+(z-h.ry[ir])**2.)/sigma**2.)
        #    for key in solver.parameters:
        #        for iproc in range(nproc):
        #            #weight = np.sum(mask*g[key][0])/np.sum(mask)
        #            g[key][iproc] *= 1.-mask_d['vp'][iproc]
        #            #g[key][0] += mask*weight

        solver.save(fullpath, g, suffix='_kernel')

    def regularize3d(self, path):
        assert (exists(path))

        g = solver.load(path + '/' + 'gradient', suffix='_kernel')
        if not PAR.LAMBDA:
            return solver.merge(g)

        m = solver.load(path + '/' + 'model')
        mesh = self.getmesh()

        for key in solver.parameters:
            for iproc in range(PAR.NPROC):
                g[key][iproc] += PAR.LAMBDA *\
                    self.nabla(mesh, m[key][iproc], g[key][iproc])

        return solver.merge(g)

    def nabla(self, mesh, m, g):
        raise NotImplementedError("Must be implemented by subclass.")

    # modified by DmBorisov
    def getcoords(self):
        model_path = PATH.OUTPUT + '/' + 'model_init'

        model = solver.load_xyz(model_path)
        nproc = solver.mesh.nproc

        x = []
        y = []
        z = []

        for iproc in range(nproc):
            x = np.append(x, model['x_loc'][iproc])
            y = np.append(y, model['y_loc'][iproc])
            z = np.append(z, model['z_loc'][iproc])

        return np.array(x), np.array(y), np.array(z)

    def tukeywin2(window_length, alpha):
        '''The Tukey window, also known as the tapered cosine window, can be regarded as a cosine lobe of width \alpha * N / 2
        that is convolved with a rectangle window of width (1 - \alpha / 2). At \alpha = 1 it becomes rectangular, and
        at \alpha = 0 it becomes a Hann window.
        We use the same reference as MATLAB to provide the same results in case users compare a MATLAB output to this function
        # Special cases
        if alpha <= 0:
            return np.ones(window_length)  #rectangular window
        elif alpha >= 1:
            return np.hanning(window_length)

        # Normal case
        x = np.linspace(0, 1, window_length)
        w = np.ones(x.shape)

        # first condition 0 <= x < alpha/2
        first_condition = x < alpha / 2
        w[first_condition] = 0.5 * (1 +
                                    np.cos(2 * np.pi / alpha *
                                           (x[first_condition] - alpha / 2)))

        # second condition already taken care of

        # third condition 1 - alpha / 2 <= x <= 1
        third_condition = x >= (1 - alpha / 2)
        w[third_condition] = 0.5 * (
            1 + np.cos(2 * np.pi / alpha *
                       (x[third_condition] - 1 + alpha / 2)))

        return w
コード例 #16
from seisflows.tools.config import custom_import
from seisflows.tools.config import ParameterError, SeisflowsParameters, SeisflowsPaths

PAR = SeisflowsParameters()
PATH = SeisflowsPaths()
""" For users of tiger.princeton.edu, determines whether
  slurm_sm, slurm_md, or slurm_lg should be used.

# ensure number of processers per forward simulation is defined
if 'NPROC' not in PAR:
    raise Exception

# there are 16 processers per node on tiger
    assert (PAR.NODESIZE == 16)

# which system interface is appropriate?
    tiger = custom_import('system', 'tiger_lg')
elif PAR.NPROC > 1:
    tiger = custom_import('system', 'tiger_md')
    tiger = custom_import('system', 'tiger_sm')
コード例 #17
class slurm_lg(custom_import('system', 'base')):
    """ An interface through which to submit workflows, run tasks in serial or 
      parallel, and perform other system functions.

      By hiding environment details behind a python interface layer, these 
      classes provide a consistent command set across different computing

      Intermediate files are written to a global scratch path PATH.SCRATCH,
      which must be accessible to all compute nodes.

      Optionally, users can provide a local scratch path PATH.LOCAL if each
      compute node has its own local filesystem.

      For important additional information, please see 

    def check(self):
        """ Checks parameters and paths

        # check parameters
        if 'TITLE' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'TITLE', basename(abspath('.')))

        if 'WALLTIME' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'WALLTIME', 30.)

        if 'STEPTIME' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'STEPTIME', 30.)

        if 'SLEEPTIME' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'SLEEPTIME', 1.)

        if 'VERBOSE' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'VERBOSE', 1)

        if 'NTASK' not in PAR:
            raise ParameterError(PAR, 'NTASK')

        if 'NPROC' not in PAR:
            raise ParameterError(PAR, 'NPROC')

        if 'NODESIZE' not in PAR:
            raise ParameterError(PAR, 'NODESIZE')

        if 'SLURMARGS' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'SLURMARGS', '')

        # check paths
        if 'SCRATCH' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'SCRATCH', join(abspath('.'), 'scratch'))

        if 'LOCAL' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'LOCAL', None)

        if 'SUBMIT' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'SUBMIT', abspath('.'))

        if 'OUTPUT' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'OUTPUT', join(PATH.SUBMIT, 'output'))

        if 'SYSTEM' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'SYSTEM', join(PATH.SCRATCH, 'system'))

    def submit(self, workflow):
        """ Submits workflow


        # prepare sbatch arguments
        call('sbatch '
                + '%s ' % PAR.SLURMARGS
                + '--job-name=%s ' % PAR.TITLE
                + '--output %s ' % (PATH.SUBMIT+'/'+'output.log')
                + '--ntasks-per-node=%d ' % PAR.NODESIZE
                + '--nodes=%d ' % 1
                + '--time=%d ' % PAR.WALLTIME
                + findpath('seisflows.system') +'/'+ 'wrappers/submit '
                + PATH.OUTPUT)

    def run(self, classname, funcname, hosts='all', **kwargs):
        """  Runs tasks in serial or parallel on specified hosts.

        self.save_kwargs(classname, funcname, kwargs)
        jobs = self._launch(classname, funcname, hosts)
        while True:
            # wait a few seconds before checking status

            isdone, jobs = self._status(classname, funcname, jobs)
            if isdone:

    def mpiexec(self):
        """ Specifies MPI exectuable; used to invoke solver
        return 'srun '

    def getnode(self):
        """ Gets number of running task
            return int(os.getenv('SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID'))
            raise Exception("TASK_ID environment variable not defined.")

    ### private methods

    def _launch(self, classname, funcname, hosts='all'):

        with open(PATH.SYSTEM+'/'+'job_id', 'w') as f:
            call('sbatch '
                + '%s ' % PAR.SLURMARGS
                + '--job-name=%s ' % PAR.TITLE
                + '--nodes=%d ' % math.ceil(PAR.NPROC/float(PAR.NODESIZE))
                + '--ntasks-per-node=%d ' % PAR.NODESIZE
                + '--ntasks=%d ' % PAR.NPROC
                + '--time=%d ' % PAR.STEPTIME
                + self._launch_args(hosts)
                + findpath('seisflows.system') +'/'+ 'wrappers/run '
                + PATH.OUTPUT + ' '
                + classname + ' '
                + funcname + ' ',

        # retrieve job ids
        with open(PATH.SYSTEM+'/'+'job_id', 'r') as f:
            line = f.readline()
            job = line.split()[-1].strip()
        if hosts == 'all' and PAR.NTASK > 1:
            return [job+'_'+str(ii) for ii in range(PAR.NTASK)]
            return [job]

    def _launch_args(self, hosts):
        if hosts == 'all':
            args = ('--array=%d-%d% %50 ' % (0,PAR.NTASK-1)
                   +'--output %s ' % (PATH.SUBMIT+'/'+'output.slurm/'+'%A_%a'))

        elif hosts == 'head':
            args = ('--array=%d-%d% %50 ' % (0,0)
                   +'--output=%s ' % (PATH.SUBMIT+'/'+'output.slurm/'+'%j'))

        return args

    def _status(self, classname, funcname, jobs):
        """ Determines completion status of one or more jobs
        for job in jobs:
            state = self._query(job)
            states = []
            if state in ['COMPLETED']:
                states += [1]
                states += [0]
            if state in ['FAILED', 'NODE_FAIL', 'TIMEOUT']:
                print msg.TaskError_SLURM % (classname, funcname, job)
        isdone = all(states)

        return isdone, jobs

    def _query(self, jobid):
        """ Queries job state from SLURM database
        with open(PATH.SYSTEM+'/'+'job_status', 'w') as f:
            call('sacct -n -o state -j '+jobid, stdout=f)

        with open(PATH.SYSTEM+'/'+'job_status', 'r') as f:
            line = f.readline()
            state = line.strip()

        return state

    ### utility function

    def _timestamp(self):
        with open(PATH.SYSTEM+'/'+'timestamps', 'a') as f:
            line = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')+'\n'

    def save_kwargs(self, classname, funcname, kwargs):
        kwargspath = join(PATH.OUTPUT, 'SeisflowsObjects', classname+'_kwargs')
        kwargsfile = join(kwargspath, funcname+'.p')
        saveobj(kwargsfile, kwargs)
コード例 #18
class specfem2d(custom_import('solver', 'base')):
    """ Python interface for SPECFEM2D

      See base class for method descriptions
    if PAR.MATERIALS == 'LegacyAcoustic':
        parameters = []
        parameters += ['vs']

    def check(self):
        """ Checks parameters and paths
        super(specfem2d, self).check()

        # check time stepping parameters
        if 'NT' not in PAR:
            raise Exception

        if 'DT' not in PAR:
            raise Exception

        if 'F0' not in PAR:
            raise Exception

    def check_solver_parameter_files(self):
        """ Checks solver parameters
        nt = getpar('nt', cast=int)
        dt = getpar('deltat', cast=float)
        f0 = getpar('f0', file='DATA/SOURCE', cast=float)

        if nt != PAR.NT:
            if self.getnode == 0: print "WARNING: nt != PAR.NT"
            setpar('nt', PAR.NT)

        if dt != PAR.DT:
            if self.getnode == 0: print "WARNING: dt != PAR.DT"
            setpar('deltat', PAR.DT)

        if f0 != PAR.F0:
            if self.getnode == 0: print "WARNING: f0 != PAR.F0"
            setpar('f0', PAR.F0, file='DATA/SOURCE')

        if self.mesh.nproc != PAR.NPROC:
            if self.getnode == 0:
                print 'Warning: mesh.nproc != PAR.NPROC'

        if 'MULTIPLES' in PAR:
            if PAR.MULTIPLES:
                setpar('absorbtop', '.false.')
                setpar('absorbtop', '.true.')

    def generate_data(self, **model_kwargs):
        """ Generates data

        setpar('SIMULATION_TYPE', '1')
        setpar('SAVE_FORWARD', '.true.')
        self.call('bin/xspecfem2D', output='log.solver')

        unix.mv(self.data_wildcard, 'traces/obs')
        self.export_traces(PATH.OUTPUT, 'traces/obs')

    def generate_mesh(self,
        """ Performs meshing and database generation
        assert (model_name)
        assert (model_type)


        assert (exists(model_path))

        src = glob(join(model_path, '*'))
        dst = join(self.getpath, 'DATA')
        unix.cp(src, dst)

        self.export_model(PATH.OUTPUT + '/' + model_name)

    ### low-level solver interface

    def forward(self):
        """ Calls SPECFEM2D forward solver
        setpar('SIMULATION_TYPE', '1')
        setpar('SAVE_FORWARD', '.true.')

    def adjoint(self):
        """ Calls SPECFEM2D adjoint solver
        setpar('SIMULATION_TYPE', '3')
        setpar('SAVE_FORWARD', '.false.')
        unix.ln('traces/adj', 'SEM')


    ### postprocessing utilities

    def smooth(self, path='', parameters='dummy', span=0.):
        """ Smooths SPECFEM2D kernels by convolving them with a Gaussian
        from seisflows.tools.array import meshsmooth, stack

        #assert parameters == self.parameters

        # implementing nproc > 1 would be straightforward, but a bit tedious
        #assert self.mesh.nproc == 1

        kernels = self.load(path, suffix='_kernel')
        if not span:
            return kernels

        # set up grid
        _, x = loadbypar(PATH.MODEL_INIT, ['x'], 0)
        _, z = loadbypar(PATH.MODEL_INIT, ['z'], 0)
        mesh = stack(x[0], z[0])

        for key in self.parameters:
            kernels[key] = [meshsmooth(kernels[key][0], mesh, span)]

        unix.rm(path + '_nosmooth')
        unix.mv(path, path + '_nosmooth')
        self.save(path, kernels, suffix='_kernel')

    ### file transfer utilities

    def import_model(self, path):
        src = glob(path + '/' + 'model/*')
        dst = join(self.getpath, 'DATA/')
        unix.cp(src, dst)

    def export_model(self, path):
        if self.getnode == 0:
            src = glob(join(self.getpath, 'DATA/*.bin'))
            dst = path
            unix.cp(src, dst)

    ### input file writers

    def write_parameters(self):

    def write_receivers(self):
        key = 'use_existing_STATIONS'
        val = '.true.'
        setpar(key, val)
        _, h = preprocess.load('traces/obs')
        solvertools.write_receivers(h.nr, h.rx, h.rz)

    def write_sources(self):
        _, h = preprocess.load(dir='traces/obs')
        solvertools.write_sources(vars(PAR), h)

    ### miscellaneous

    def data_wildcard(self):
        return glob('OUTPUT_FILES/U?_file_single.su')
        #return glob('OUTPUT_FILES/*semd')

    def model_databases(self):
        return join(self.getpath, 'DATA')

    def kernel_databases(self):
        return join(self.getpath, 'OUTPUT_FILES')

    def source_prefix(self):
        return 'SOURCE'
コード例 #19
ファイル: multithreaded.py プロジェクト: sliu2002/seisflows
class multithreaded(custom_import('system', 'serial')):
    """ An interface through which to submit workflows, run tasks in serial or 
      parallel, and perform other system functions.

      By hiding environment details behind a python interface layer, these 
      classes provide a consistent command set across different computing

      For important additional information, please see 
    def check(self):
        """ Checks parameters and paths
        super(multithreaded, self).check()

        if 'NPROCMAX' not in PAR:
            raise Exception

    def run(self, classname, funcname, hosts='all', **kwargs):
        """ Runs tasks in serial or parallel on specified hosts

        self.save_kwargs(classname, funcname, kwargs)

        if hosts == 'all':
            running_tasks = dict()
            queued_tasks = range(PAR.NTASK)

            # implements "work queue" pattern
            while queued_tasks or running_tasks:

                # launch queued tasks
                while len(queued_tasks) > 0 and \
                      len(running_tasks) < PAR.NPROCMAX:
                    i = queued_tasks.pop(0)
                    p = self._launch(classname, funcname, itask=i)
                    running_tasks[i] = p

                # checks status of running tasks
                for i, p in running_tasks.items():
                    if p.poll() != None:

                if running_tasks:

            print ''

        elif hosts == 'head':
            func = getattr(__import__(classname), funcname)

            raise (KeyError('Hosts parameter not set/recognized.'))

    ### private methods

    def _launch(self, classname, funcname, itask=0):

        env = os.environ.copy().items()
        env += [['SEISFLOWS_TASKID', str(itask)]]

        p = Popen(findpath('seisflows.system') + '/' + 'wrappers/run ' +
                  PATH.OUTPUT + ' ' + classname + ' ' + funcname,

        return p

    def save_kwargs(self, classname, funcname, kwargs):
        kwargspath = join(PATH.OUTPUT, 'SeisflowsObjects',
                          classname + '_kwargs')
        kwargsfile = join(kwargspath, funcname + '.p')
        saveobj(kwargsfile, kwargs)
コード例 #20
class serial(custom_import('system', 'base')):
    """ An interface through which to submit workflows, run tasks in serial or 
      parallel, and perform other system functions.

      By hiding environment details behind a python interface layer, these 
      classes provide a consistent command set across different computing

      For important additional information, please see 
    def check(self):
        """ Checks parameters and paths

        # check parameters
        if 'TITLE' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'TITLE', basename(abspath('.')))

        if 'NTASK' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'NTASK', 1)

        if 'NPROC' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'NPROC', 1)

        if 'VERBOSE' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'VERBOSE', 1)

        # check paths
        if 'SCRATCH' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'SCRATCH', join(abspath('.'), 'scratch'))

        if 'LOCAL' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'LOCAL', '')

        if 'SUBMIT' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'SUBMIT', abspath('.'))

        if 'OUTPUT' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'OUTPUT', join(PATH.SUBMIT, 'output'))

        if 'SYSTEM' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'SYSTEM', join(PATH.SCRATCH, 'system'))

    def submit(self, workflow):
        """ Submits job


    def run(self, classname, funcname, hosts='all', **kwargs):
        """ Runs tasks in serial or parallel on specified hosts

        if hosts == 'all':
            for itask in range(PAR.NTASK):
                func = getattr(__import__(classname), funcname)
            print ''

        elif hosts == 'head':
            func = getattr(__import__(classname), funcname)


    def getnode(self):
        """ Gets number of running task
        return int(os.environ['SEISFLOWS_TASKID'])

    def setnode(self, itask):
        """ Sets number of running task
        os.environ['SEISFLOWS_TASKID'] = str(itask)

    def mpiexec(self):
        """ Specifies MPI exectuable; used to invoke solver
        if PAR.NPROC > 1:
            return 'mpiexec -np %d ' % PAR.NPROC
            return ''

    def progress(self, itask=None):
        """ Provides status updates
        if PAR.VERBOSE and PAR.NTASK > 1:
            print ' task ' + '%02d' % (itask + 1) + ' of ' + '%02d' % PAR.NTASK
コード例 #21
ファイル: specfem3d.py プロジェクト: zyex1108/seisflows
class specfem3d(custom_import('solver', 'base')):
    """ Python interface for SPECFEM3D

      See base class for method descriptions

    def check(self):
        """ Checks parameters and paths
        super(specfem3d, self).check()

        # check time stepping parameters
        if 'NT' not in PAR:
            raise Exception

        if 'DT' not in PAR:
            raise Exception

        if 'F0' not in PAR:
            raise Exception

        # check data format
        if 'FORMAT' not in PAR:
            raise Exception()

        if PAR.FORMAT != 'su':
            raise Exception()

    def generate_data(self, **model_kwargs):
        """ Generates data

        setpar('SIMULATION_TYPE', '1')
        setpar('SAVE_FORWARD', '.true.')
        call_solver(system.mpiexec(), 'bin/xspecfem3D')

        if PAR.FORMAT in ['SU', 'su']:
            src = glob('OUTPUT_FILES/*_d?_SU')
            dst = 'traces/obs'
            unix.mv(src, dst)

    def generate_mesh(self, model_path=None, model_name=None, model_type='gll'):
        """ Performs meshing and database generation


        if model_type in ['gll']:
            par = getpar('MODEL').strip()
            if par != 'gll':
                if self.getnode == 0:
                    print 'WARNING: Unexpected Par_file setting:'
                    print 'MODEL =', par

            src = glob(model_path +'/'+ '*')
            dst = self.model_databases
            unix.cp(src, dst)

            call_solver(system.mpiexec(), 'bin/xmeshfem3D')
            call_solver(system.mpiexec(), 'bin/xgenerate_databases')
            self.export_model(PATH.OUTPUT +'/'+ model_name)

            raise NotImplementedError

    ### low-level solver interface

    def forward(self, path='traces/syn'):
        """ Calls SPECFEM3D forward solver
        setpar('SIMULATION_TYPE', '1')
        setpar('SAVE_FORWARD', '.true.')
        call_solver(system.mpiexec(), 'bin/xgenerate_databases')
        call_solver(system.mpiexec(), 'bin/xspecfem3D')

        if PAR.FORMAT in ['SU', 'su']:
            src = glob('OUTPUT_FILES/*_d?_SU')
            dst = path
            unix.mv(src, dst)

    def adjoint(self):
        """ Calls SPECFEM3D adjoint solver
        setpar('SIMULATION_TYPE', '3')
        setpar('SAVE_FORWARD', '.false.')
        unix.ln('traces/adj', 'SEM')
        call_solver(system.mpiexec(), 'bin/xspecfem3D')

        # work around SPECFEM3D conflicting name conventions

    ### input file writers

    def check_solver_parameter_files(self):
        """ Checks solver parameters
        nt = getpar('NSTEP', cast=int)
        dt = getpar('DT', cast=float)

        if nt != PAR.NT:
            if self.getnode == 0: print "WARNING: nt != PAR.NT"
            setpar('NSTEP', PAR.NT)

        if dt != PAR.DT:
            if self.getnode == 0: print "WARNING: dt != PAR.DT"
            setpar('DT', PAR.DT)

        if self.mesh_properties.nproc != PAR.NPROC:
            if self.getnode == 0:
                print 'Warning: mesh_properties.nproc != PAR.NPROC'

        if 'MULTIPLES' in PAR:
            raise NotImplementedError

    def initialize_adjoint_traces(self):
        """ Works around SPECFEM3D file format issue by overriding base method

    def initialize_adjoint_traces(self):
        super(specfem3d, self).initialize_adjoint_traces()

        # workaround for SPECFEM2D's use of different name conventions for
        # regular traces and 'adjoint' traces
        if PAR.FORMAT in ['SU', 'su']:
            files = glob(self.getpath +'/'+ 'traces/adj/*SU')
            unix.rename('_SU', '_SU.adj', files)

        # workaround for SPECFEM3D's requirement that all components exist,
        # even ones not in use
        unix.cd(self.getpath +'/'+ 'traces/adj')
        for iproc in range(PAR.NPROC):
            for channel in ['x', 'y', 'z']:
                src = '%d_d%s_SU.adj' % (iproc, PAR.CHANNELS[0])
                dst = '%d_d%s_SU.adj' % (iproc, channel)
                if not exists(dst):
                    unix.cp(src, dst)

    def rename_data(self):
        """ Works around conflicting data filename conventions
        if PAR.FORMAT in ['SU', 'su']:
            files = glob(self.getpath +'/'+ 'traces/adj/*SU')
            unix.rename('_SU', '_SU.adj', files)

    def write_parameters(self):

    def write_receivers(self):
        key = 'use_existing_STATIONS'
        val = '.true.'
        setpar(key, val)
        _, h = preprocess.load('traces/obs')
        solvertools.write_receivers(h.nr, h.rx, h.rz)

    def write_sources(self):
        _, h = preprocess.load(dir='traces/obs')
        solvertools.write_sources(vars(PAR), h)

    ### miscellaneous

    def data_wildcard(self):
        channels = PAR.CHANNELS
        return '*_d[%s]_SU' % channels.lower()

    def data_filenames(self):
        if PAR.CHANNELS:
            if PAR.FORMAT in ['SU', 'su']:
               filenames = []
               for channel in PAR.CHANNELS:
                   for iproc in range(PAR.NPROC):
                       filenames += ['%d_d%s_SU' % (iproc, channel)]
               return filenames


            if PAR.FORMAT in ['SU', 'su']:
                return glob('*_d[%s]_SU')

    def kernel_databases(self):
        return join(self.getpath, 'OUTPUT_FILES/DATABASES_MPI')

    def model_databases(self):
        return join(self.getpath, 'OUTPUT_FILES/DATABASES_MPI')

    def source_prefix(self):
        return 'FORCESOLUTION'
コード例 #22
class thrifty_inversion(custom_import('workflow', 'inversion')):
    """ Thrifty inversion subclass

      Provides savings over conventional inversion by avoiding redundant forward
      simulations associated with sufficient decrease and curvature tests in a 
      safeguarded backtracking line search.

      The results of 'inversion' and 'thrifty_inversion' should be exactly the
      same.  Users who prefer a simpler but less efficient workflow can choose
      choose 'inversion'. Users who prefer a more efficient but more complicated
      workflow can choose 'thrifty_inversion.'

    def solver_status(self, maxiter=1):
        """ Keeps track of whether a forward simulation would be redundant
        if optimize.iter <= maxiter:
            # forward simulation not redundant because solver files do not exist
            # prior to first iteration
            return False

        elif optimize.iter == PAR.BEGIN:
            # forward simulation not redundant because solver files need to be
            # reinstated after possible multiscale transition
            return False

        elif PATH.LOCAL:
            # forward simulation not redundant because solver files need to be
            # reinstated on local filesystems
            return False

        elif PAR.LINESEARCH != 'Backtrack':
            # thrifty inversion only implemented for backtracking line search,
            # not bracketing line search
            return False

        elif optimize.restarted:
            # forward simulation not redundant following optimization algorithm
            # restart
            return False

            # if none of the above conditions are triggered, then forward 
            # simulation is redundant, can be skipped
            return True

    def setup(self):
        """ Lays groundwork for inversion
        # clean scratch directories
        if PAR.BEGIN == 1:


        isready = self.solver_status()
        if not isready:
            if PATH.DATA:
                print 'Copying data'
                print 'Generating data'

            system.run('solver', 'setup',

    def initialize(self):
        # are prerequisites for gradient evaluation in place?
        isready = self.solver_status(maxiter=2)

        # if not, then prepare for gradient evaluation
        if not isready:
            super(thrifty_inversion, self).initialize()

    def iterate_search(self):
        super(thrifty_inversion, self).iterate_search()

        isdone = optimize.isdone
        isready = self.solver_status()

        # to avoid redundant forward simulation, save solver files associated
        # with 'best' trial model
        if isready and isdone:
            unix.mv(PATH.SOLVER, PATH.SOLVER+'_best')

    def clean(self):
        isready = self.solver_status()
        if isready:
            unix.mv(PATH.FUNC, PATH.GRAD)
            unix.mv(PATH.SOLVER+'_best', PATH.SOLVER)
            super(thrifty_inversion, self).clean()
コード例 #23
import numpy as np

from seisflows.tools import unix
from seisflows.tools.array import loadnpy, savenpy
from seisflows.tools.code import exists
from seisflows.tools.config import SeisflowsParameters, SeisflowsPaths, \
    custom_import, ParameterError

PAR = SeisflowsParameters()
PATH = SeisflowsPaths()

import solver
import postprocess

migration = custom_import('workflow', 'migration')()

# modified by DmBorisov
class test_postprocess(object):
    """ Postprocessing class
    def check(self):
        """ Checks parameters and paths

        if 'INPUT' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'INPUT', None)

    def main(self):
        """ Writes gradient of objective function
コード例 #24
class regularize(custom_import('postprocess', 'base')):
    """ Adds regularization options to base class

        This parent class is only an abstract base class; see child classes
        TIKHONOV1, TIKHONOV1, and TOTAL_VARIATION for usable regularization.

        Prior to regularizing gradient, near field artifacts must be corrected.
        The "FIXRADIUS" parameter specifies the radius, in number of GLL points,
        within which the correction is applied.
    def check(self):
        """ Checks parameters and paths
        super(regularize, self).check()

        if 'FIXRADIUS' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'FIXRADIUS', 7.5)

        if 'LAMBDA' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'LAMBDA', 0.)

    def write_gradient(self, path):
        super(regularize, self).write_gradient(path)

        g = self.regularize(path)
        self.save(path, g, backup='noregularize')

    def process_kernels(self, path, parameters):
        """ Processes kernels in accordance with parameter settings
        fullpath = path + '/' + 'kernels'
        assert exists(path)

        #if exists(fullpath +'/'+ 'sum'):
        #    unix.mv(fullpath +'/'+ 'sum', fullpath +'/'+ 'sum_nofix')

        # mask sources and receivers
        system.run('postprocess', 'fix_near_field', hosts='all', path=fullpath)

        if PAR.SMOOTH > 0.:
                       path=path + '/' + 'kernels/sum',


    def fix_near_field(self, path=''):
        import preprocess

        name = solver.check_source_names()[solver.getnode]
        fullpath = path + '/' + name
        #print 'DB: name=', name
        #print 'DB: fullpath=', fullpath

        g = solver.load(fullpath, suffix='_kernel')
        g_vec = solver.merge(g)
        nproc = solver.mesh.nproc

        #print 'DB: len(g_vec)=', len(g_vec)

        if not PAR.FIXRADIUS:

        x, y, z = self.getcoords()
        #print 'DB: len(g)=', len(g)
        #print 'DB: len(g[vp][0])=', len(g['vp'][0])
        #print 'DB: x.shape=', x.shape
        #print 'DB: len(x)=', len(x)

        ##sys.exit("DB: stop from postporcess-regularize")

        lx = x.max() - x.min()
        ly = y.max() - y.min()
        lz = z.max() - z.min()
        nn = x.size
        nx = np.around(np.sqrt(nn * lx / (lz * ly)))
        ny = np.around(np.sqrt(nn * ly / (lx * lz)))
        nz = np.around(np.sqrt(nn * lz / (lx * ly)))
        dx = lx / nx * 1.25
        dy = ly / ny * 1.25
        dz = lz / nz * 1.25

        #print 'DB: lx=', lx
        #print 'DB: ly=', ly
        #print 'DB: lz=', lz
        #print 'DB: nn=', nn
        #print 'DB: nx=', nx
        #print 'DB: ny=', ny
        #print 'DB: nz=', nz
        #print 'DB: dx=', dx
        #print 'DB: dy=', dy
        #print 'DB: dz=', dz

        sigma = PAR.FIXRADIUS * (dx + dz + dy) / 3.0
        _, h = preprocess.load(solver.getpath + '/' + 'traces/obs')

        # mask sources
        mask = np.exp(-0.5 * ((x - h.sx[0])**2. + (y - h.sy[0])**2. +
                              (z - h.sz[0])**2.) / sigma**2.)

        # mask top
        # for matlab
        # z_sqrt=(abs(z).^(0.25)); depth_scale=1-z_sqrt/max(z_sqrt); figure; plot(depth_scale,z);
        z_factor = np.power(abs(z), 0.5)
        #max_z_factor = np.amax(z_factor)
        #scale_depth = 1.0 - z_factor/max_z_factor
        #print 'DB: max(z_factor)=',max_z_factor
        #print 'DB: max(scale_depth)=',np.amax(scale_depth)
        #print 'DB: min(scale_depth)=',np.amin(scale_depth)
        #mask *= scale_depth

        #mask_depth = solver.split(z)
        mask_depth = solver.split(z_factor)
        mask_d = solver.split(mask)

        ##print 'DB: sigma=',sigma
        ##print 'DB: mask=',mask
        #print 'DB: len(mask)=', len(mask)
        #print 'DB: len(mask_d)=', len(mask_d)
        ##print 'DB: len(g)=', len(g)
        ##print 'DB: len(g)[vp][0]=', len(g['vp'][0])

        for key in solver.parameters:
            for iproc in range(nproc):
                #print 'DB: key, iproc=', key, iproc
                #print 'DB: len(g[key][iproc])=', len(g[key][iproc])
                #print 'DB: len(mask_d[key][iproc])=', len(mask_d[key][iproc])
                weight = np.sum(mask_d['vp'][iproc] * g[key][iproc]) / np.sum(
                #print 'DB: key, iproc, weigth= ', key, iproc, weight
                g[key][iproc] *= 1. - mask_d['vp'][iproc]
                g[key][iproc] *= mask_depth['vp'][iproc]
                #g[key][iproc] += mask_d['vp'][iproc]*weight

                #weight = np.sum(mask_d['vp'][iproc]*g[key][iproc])/np.sum(mask_d['vp'][iproc])
                ##print 'DB: key, iproc, weigth= ', key, iproc, weight
                #g[key][iproc] *= 1.-mask_d['vp'][iproc]
                #g[key][iproc] += mask_d['vp'][iproc]*weight

        # mask receivers
        #for ir in range(h.nr):
        #    mask = np.exp(-0.5*((x-h.rx[ir])**2.+(z-h.ry[ir])**2.)/sigma**2.)
        #    for key in solver.parameters:
        #        weight = np.sum(mask*g[key][0])/np.sum(mask)
        #        g[key][0] *= 1.-mask
        #        g[key][0] += mask*weight

        solver.save(fullpath, g, suffix='_kernel')

    def regularize(self, path):
        assert (exists(path))

        g = solver.load(path + '/' + 'gradient', suffix='_kernel')
        if not PAR.LAMBDA:
            return solver.merge(g)

        m = solver.load(path + '/' + 'model')
        mesh = self.getmesh()

        for key in solver.parameters:
            for iproc in range(PAR.NPROC):
                g[key][iproc] += PAR.LAMBDA *\
                    self.nabla(mesh, m[key][iproc], g[key][iproc])
                #self.nabla(m[key][iproc], g[key][iproc] , mesh, h)

        return solver.merge(g)

    def nabla(self, mesh, m, g):
        raise NotImplementedError("Must be implemented by subclass.")

    def getcoords(self):
        model_path = PATH.OUTPUT + '/' + 'model_init'

        model = solver.load_xyz(model_path)
        nproc = solver.mesh.nproc

        #print len(model) #=5
        #print len(model['x']) #=32
        #print nproc #=32

        x = []
        y = []
        z = []

        for iproc in range(nproc):
            #print 'DB: iproc, len(model[x_loc][iproc])', iproc, len(model['x_loc'][iproc])
            x = np.append(x, model['x_loc'][iproc])
            y = np.append(y, model['y_loc'][iproc])
            z = np.append(z, model['z_loc'][iproc])

        return np.array(x), np.array(y), np.array(z)
コード例 #25
class regularize(custom_import('postprocess', 'base')):
    """ Adds regularization options to base class

        This parent class is only an abstract base class; see child classes
        TIKHONOV1, TIKHONOV1, and TOTAL_VARIATION for usable regularization.

        Prior to regularizing gradient, near field artifacts must be corrected.
        The "FIXRADIUS" parameter specifies the radius, in number of GLL points,
        within which the correction is applied.
    def check(self):
        """ Checks parameters and paths
        super(regularize, self).check()

        if 'FIXRADIUS' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'FIXRADIUS', 7.5)

        if 'LAMBDA' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'LAMBDA', 0.)

    def write_gradient(self, path):
        super(regularize, self).write_gradient(path)

        g = self.regularize(path)
        self.save(path, g, backup='noregularize')

    def process_kernels(self, path, parameters):
        """ Processes kernels in accordance with parameter settings
        fullpath = path + '/' + 'kernels'
        assert exists(path)

        if exists(fullpath + '/' + 'sum'):
            unix.mv(fullpath + '/' + 'sum', fullpath + '/' + 'sum_nofix')

        # mask sources and receivers
        system.run('postprocess', 'fix_near_field', hosts='all', path=fullpath)


    def fix_near_field(self, path=''):
        import preprocess

        name = solver.check_source_names()[solver.getnode]
        fullpath = path + '/' + name
        g = solver.load(fullpath, suffix='_kernel')
        if not PAR.FIXRADIUS:

        mesh = self.getmesh()
        x, z = self.getxz()

        lx = x.max() - x.min()
        lz = z.max() - z.min()
        nn = x.size
        nx = np.around(np.sqrt(nn * lx / lz))
        nz = np.around(np.sqrt(nn * lz / lx))
        dx = lx / nx
        dz = lz / nz

        sigma = 0.5 * PAR.FIXRADIUS * (dx + dz)
        _, h = preprocess.load(solver.getpath + '/' + 'traces/obs')

        # mask sources
        mask = np.exp(-0.5 * ((x - h.sx[0])**2. + (z - h.sy[0])**2.) /
        for key in solver.parameters:
            weight = np.sum(mask * g[key][0]) / np.sum(mask)
            g[key][0] *= 1. - mask
            g[key][0] += mask * weight

        # mask receivers
        for ir in range(h.nr):
            mask = np.exp(-0.5 * ((x - h.rx[ir])**2. + (z - h.ry[ir])**2.) /
            for key in solver.parameters:
                weight = np.sum(mask * g[key][0]) / np.sum(mask)
                g[key][0] *= 1. - mask
                g[key][0] += mask * weight

        solver.save(fullpath, g, suffix='_kernel')

    def regularize(self, path):
        assert (exists(path))

        g = solver.load(path + '/' + 'gradient', suffix='_kernel')
        if not PAR.LAMBDA:
            return solver.merge(g)

        m = solver.load(path + '/' + 'model')
        mesh = self.getmesh()

        for key in solver.parameters:
            for iproc in range(PAR.NPROC):
                g[key][iproc] += PAR.LAMBDA *\
                    self.nabla(mesh, m[key][iproc], g[key][iproc])
                #self.nabla(m[key][iproc], g[key][iproc] , mesh, h)

        return solver.merge(g)

    def nabla(self, mesh, m, g):
        raise NotImplementedError("Must be implemented by subclass.")

    def getmesh(self):
        model_path = PATH.OUTPUT + '/' + 'model_init'
            m = solver.load(model_path)
            x = m['x'][0]
            z = m['z'][0]
            mesh = stack(x, z)
            from seisflows.seistools.io import loadbin
            x = loadbin(model_path, 0, 'x')
            z = loadbin(model_path, 0, 'z')
            mesh = stack(x, z)
        return mesh

    def getxz(self):
        model_path = PATH.OUTPUT + '/' + 'model_init'
            m = solver.load(model_path)
            x = m['x'][0]
            z = m['z'][0]
            from seisflows.seistools.io import loadbin
            x = loadbin(model_path, 0, 'x')
            z = loadbin(model_path, 0, 'z')
        return x, z
コード例 #26
class pbs_sm(custom_import('system', 'mpi')):
    """ An interface through which to submit workflows, run tasks in serial or
      parallel, and perform other system functions.

      By hiding environment details behind a python interface layer, these
      classes provide a consistent command set across different computing

      Intermediate files are written to a global scratch path PATH.SCRATCH,
      which must be accessible to all compute nodes.

      Optionally, users can provide a local scratch path PATH.LOCAL if each
      compute node has its own local filesystem.

      For important additional information, please see

    def check(self):
        """ Checks parameters and paths
        super(pbs_sm, self).check()

        # check parameters
        if 'WALLTIME' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'WALLTIME', 30.)

        if 'MEMORY' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'MEMORY', 0)

        if 'NODESIZE' not in PAR:
            raise ParameterError(PAR, 'NODESIZE')

        if 'PBSARGS' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'PBSARGS', '')

    def submit(self, workflow):
        """Submits job

        # save current state

        # construct resource list
        resources = []
        nodes = int(PAR.NTASK / PAR.NODESIZE)
        cores = PAR.NTASK % PAR.NODESIZE
        hours = int(PAR.WALLTIME / 60)
        minutes = PAR.WALLTIME % 60
        if PAR.WALLTIME:
            resources += ['walltime=%02d:%02d:00'%(hours, minutes)]
        if PAR.MEMORY:
            resources += ['mem=%dgb' % PAR.MEMORY]
        if nodes == 0:
            resources += ['nodes=1:ppn=%d'%(cores)]
        elif cores == 0:
            resources += ['nodes=%d:ppn=%d'%(nodes, PAR.NODESIZE)]
            resources += ['nodes=%d:ppn=%d+1:ppn=%d'%(nodes, PAR.NODESIZE, cores)]

        # construct arguments list
        call('qsub '
                + '%s ' % PAR.PBSARGS 
                + '-N %s '%PAR.TITLE
                + '-o %s '%(PATH.SUBMIT +'/'+ 'output.log')
                + '-l %s '%resources.join(',')
                + '-j %s '%'oe'
                + findpath('seisflows.system') +'/'+ 'wrappers/submit '
                + '-F %s '%PATH.OUTPUT)
コード例 #27
ファイル: specfem2d.py プロジェクト: zyex1108/seisflows
class specfem2d(custom_import('solver', 'base')):
    """ Python interface for SPECFEM2D

      See base class for method descriptions
    if PAR.MATERIALS == 'LegacyAcoustic':
        parameters = []
        parameters += ['vs']

    def check(self):
        """ Checks parameters and paths
        super(specfem2d, self).check()

        if 'WITH_MPI' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'WITH_MPI', False)

        # check time stepping parameters
        if 'NT' not in PAR:
            raise Exception

        if 'DT' not in PAR:
            raise Exception

        if 'F0' not in PAR:
            raise Exception

        # check data format
        if 'FORMAT' not in PAR:
            raise Exception()

        if PAR.FORMAT != 'su':
            raise Exception()

    def check_solver_parameter_files(self):
        """ Checks solver parameters
        nt = getpar('nt', cast=int)
        dt = getpar('deltat', cast=float)
        f0 = getpar('f0', file='DATA/SOURCE', cast=float)

        if nt != PAR.NT:
            if self.getnode == 0: print "WARNING: nt != PAR.NT"
            setpar('nt', PAR.NT)

        if dt != PAR.DT:
            if self.getnode == 0: print "WARNING: dt != PAR.DT"
            setpar('deltat', PAR.DT)

        if f0 != PAR.F0:
            if self.getnode == 0: print "WARNING: f0 != PAR.F0"
            setpar('f0', PAR.F0, file='DATA/SOURCE')

        if self.mesh_properties.nproc != PAR.NPROC:
            if self.getnode == 0:
                print 'Warning: mesh_properties.nproc != PAR.NPROC'

        if 'MULTIPLES' in PAR:
            if PAR.MULTIPLES:
                setpar('absorbtop', '.false.')
                setpar('absorbtop', '.true.')

    def generate_data(self, **model_kwargs):
        """ Generates data

        setpar('SIMULATION_TYPE', '1')
        setpar('SAVE_FORWARD', '.false.')

        if PAR.WITH_MPI:
            call_solver(system.mpiexec(), 'bin/xmeshfem2D')
            call_solver(system.mpiexec(), 'bin/xspecfem2D')

        if PAR.FORMAT in ['SU', 'su']:
            src = glob('OUTPUT_FILES/*.su')
            dst = 'traces/obs'
            unix.mv(src, dst)

    def initialize_adjoint_traces(self):
        super(specfem2d, self).initialize_adjoint_traces()

        # work around SPECFEM2D's use of different name conventions for
        # regular traces and 'adjoint' traces
        if PAR.FORMAT in ['SU', 'su']:
            files = glob('traces/adj/*.su')
            unix.rename('.su', '.su.adj', files)

        # work around SPECFEM2D's requirement that all components exist,
        # even ones not in use
        if PAR.FORMAT in ['SU', 'su']:
            unix.cd(self.getpath + '/' + 'traces/adj')
            for channel in ['x', 'y', 'z', 'p']:
                src = 'U%s_file_single.su.adj' % PAR.CHANNELS[0]
                dst = 'U%s_file_single.su.adj' % channel
                if not exists(dst):
                    unix.cp(src, dst)

    def generate_mesh(self,
        """ Performs meshing and database generation
        assert (model_name)
        assert (model_type)


        assert (exists(model_path))

        src = glob(join(model_path, '*'))
        dst = join(self.getpath, 'DATA')
        unix.cp(src, dst)

        self.export_model(PATH.OUTPUT + '/' + model_name)

    ### low-level solver interface

    def forward(self, path='traces/syn'):
        """ Calls SPECFEM2D forward solver
        setpar('SIMULATION_TYPE', '1')
        setpar('SAVE_FORWARD', '.true.')

        if PAR.WITH_MPI:
            call_solver(system.mpiexec(), 'bin/xmeshfem2D')
            call_solver(system.mpiexec(), 'bin/xspecfem2D')

        if PAR.FORMAT in ['SU', 'su']:
            filenames = glob('OUTPUT_FILES/*.su')
            unix.mv(filenames, path)

    def adjoint(self):
        """ Calls SPECFEM2D adjoint solver
        setpar('SIMULATION_TYPE', '3')
        setpar('SAVE_FORWARD', '.false.')
        unix.ln('traces/adj', 'SEM')

        # hack to deal with SPECFEM2D's use of different name conventions for
        # regular traces and 'adjoint' traces
        if PAR.FORMAT in ['SU', 'su']:
            files = glob('traces/adj/*.su')
            unix.rename('.su', '.su.adj', files)

        if PAR.WITH_MPI:
            call_solver(system.mpiexec(), 'bin/xmeshfem2D')
            call_solver(system.mpiexec(), 'bin/xspecfem2D')

    ### postprocessing utilities

    def smooth(self, path='', parameters=None, span=0.):
        """ Smooths SPECFEM2D kernels by convolving them with a Gaussian
        from seisflows.tools.array import meshsmooth, stack

        #assert parameters == self.parameters

        # implementing nproc > 1 would be straightforward, but a bit tedious
        #assert self.mesh.nproc == 1

        kernels = self.load(path, suffix='_kernel')
        if not span:
            return kernels

        # set up grid
        x = sem.read(PATH.MODEL_INIT, 'x', 0)
        z = sem.read(PATH.MODEL_INIT, 'z', 0)
        mesh = stack(x, z)

        for key in parameters or self.parameters:
            kernels[key] = [meshsmooth(kernels[key][0], mesh, span)]

        unix.rm(path + '_nosmooth')
        unix.mv(path, path + '_nosmooth')
        self.save(path, kernels, suffix='_kernel')

    ### file transfer utilities

    def import_model(self, path):
        src = glob(path + '/' + 'model/*')
        dst = join(self.getpath, 'DATA/')
        unix.cp(src, dst)

    def export_model(self, path):
        if self.getnode == 0:
            src = glob(join(self.getpath, 'DATA/*.bin'))
            dst = path
            unix.cp(src, dst)

    def data_filenames(self):
        if PAR.CHANNELS:
            if PAR.FORMAT in ['SU', 'su']:
                filenames = []
                for channel in PAR.CHANNELS:
                    filenames += ['U%s_file_single.su' % channel]
                return filenames


            if PAR.FORMAT in ['SU', 'su']:
                return glob('U?_file_single.su')

    def model_databases(self):
        return join(self.getpath, 'DATA')

    def kernel_databases(self):
        return join(self.getpath, 'OUTPUT_FILES')

    def source_prefix(self):
        return 'SOURCE'
コード例 #28
class specfem3d_globe(custom_import('solver', 'base')):
    """ Python interface for SPECFEM3D_GLOBE

      See base class for method descriptions

    if PAR.MATERIALS in ['Isotropic']:
        parameters = []
        parameters += ['vp']
        parameters += ['vs']
        parameters = []
        parameters += ['vpv']
        parameters += ['vph']
        parameters += ['vsv']
        parameters += ['vsh']
        parameters += ['eta']

    def check(self):
        """ Checks parameters and paths
        super(specfem3d_globe, self).check()

        if 'CHANNELS' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'CHANNELS', 'ENZ')

        # check data format
        if 'FORMAT' not in PAR:
            raise Exception()

    def generate_data(self, **model_kwargs):
        """ Generates data

        setpar('SIMULATION_TYPE', '1')
        setpar('SAVE_FORWARD', '.true.')
        call_solver(system.mpiexec(), 'bin/xspecfem3D')

        if PAR.FORMAT in ['ASCII', 'ascii']:
            src = glob('OUTPUT_FILES/*.sem.ascii')
            dst = 'traces/obs'
            unix.mv(src, dst)

    def generate_mesh(self,
        """ Performs meshing and database generation
        assert (model_name)
        assert (model_type)


        if model_type == 'gll':
            assert (exists(model_path))

            unix.cp(glob(model_path + '/' + '*'), self.model_databases)

            call_solver(system.mpiexec(), 'bin/xmeshfem3D')
            self.export_model(PATH.OUTPUT + '/' + model_name)

            raise NotImplementedError

    ### model input/output

    def load(self, path, prefix='reg1_', suffix='', verbose=False):
        """ reads SPECFEM model or kernel

          Models are stored in Fortran binary format and separated into multiple
          files according to material parameter and processor rank.
        model = Model(self.parameters)
        minmax = Minmax(self.parameters)

        for iproc in range(self.mesh_properties.nproc):
            # read database files
            keys, vals = loadbypar(path, self.parameters, iproc, prefix,
            for key, val in zip(keys, vals):
                model[key] += [val]

            minmax.update(keys, vals)

        if verbose:
            minmax.write(path, logpath=PATH.SUBMIT)

        return model

    def save(self, path, model, prefix='reg1_', suffix=''):
        """ writes SPECFEM3D_GLOBE transerverly isotropic model

        for iproc in range(self.mesh_properties.nproc):
            for key in ['vpv', 'vph', 'vsv', 'vsh', 'eta']:
                if key in self.parameters:
                    savebin(model[key][iproc], path, iproc,
                            prefix + key + suffix)
                elif 'kernel' in suffix:
                    src = PATH.OUTPUT + '/' + 'model_init'
                    dst = path
                    copybin(src, dst, iproc, prefix + key + suffix)

            if 'rho' in self.parameters:
                savebin(model['rho'][iproc], path, iproc,
                        prefix + 'rho' + suffix)
            elif 'kernel' in suffix:
                src = PATH.OUTPUT + '/' + 'model_init'
                dst = path
                copybin(src, dst, iproc, prefix + 'rho' + suffix)

    ### low-level solver interface

    def forward(self, path='traces/syn'):
        """ Calls SPECFEM3D_GLOBE forward solver
        solvertools.setpar('SIMULATION_TYPE', '1')
        solvertools.setpar('SAVE_FORWARD', '.true.')
        call_solver(system.mpiexec(), 'bin/xspecfem3D')

        if PAR.FORMAT in ['ASCII', 'ascii']:
            src = glob('OUTPUT_FILES/*.sem.ascii')
            dst = path
            unix.mv(src, dst)

    def adjoint(self):
        """ Calls SPECFEM3D_GLOBE adjoint solver
        solvertools.setpar('SIMULATION_TYPE', '3')
        solvertools.setpar('SAVE_FORWARD', '.false.')
        unix.ln('traces/adj', 'SEM')
        call_solver(system.mpiexec(), 'bin/xspecfem3D')

    def check_mesh_properties(self, path=None, parameters=None):
        if not hasattr(self, '_mesh_properties'):
            if not path:
                path = PATH.MODEL_INIT

            if not parameters:
                parameters = self.parameters

            nproc = 0
            ngll = []
            while True:
                dummy = loadbin(path, nproc, 'reg1_' + parameters[0])
                ngll += [len(dummy)]
                nproc += 1
                if not exists('%s/proc%06d_reg1_%s.bin' %
                              (path, nproc, parameters[0])):

            self._mesh_properties = Struct([['nproc', nproc], ['ngll', ngll]])

        return self._mesh_properties

    def rename_data(self):
        """ Works around conflicting data filename conventions
        files = glob(self.getpath + '/' + 'traces/adj/*sem.ascii')
        unix.rename('sem.ascii', 'sem.ascii.adj', files)

    def initialize_adjoint_traces(self):
        super(specfem3d_globe, self).initialize_adjoint_traces()

        # workaround for  SPECFEM2D's use of different name conventions for
        # regular traces and 'adjoint' traces
        if PAR.FORMAT in ['ASCII', 'ascii']:
            files = glob(self.getpath + '/' + 'traces/adj/*sem.ascii')
            unix.rename('sem.ascii', 'adj', files)

    def data_filenames(self):

        print 'made it here'
        if PAR.FORMAT in ['ASCII', 'ascii']:
            filenames = []
            for channel in PAR.CHANNELS:
                filenames += glob('*.??%s.sem.ascii' % channel)
            return [filenames]

    def kernel_databases(self):
        return join(self.getpath, 'OUTPUT_FILES/DATABASES_MPI')

    def model_databases(self):
        return join(self.getpath, 'OUTPUT_FILES/DATABASES_MPI')

    def source_prefix(self):
        return 'CMTSOLUTION'
コード例 #29
class double_difference(custom_import('preprocess', 'legacy')):
    """ Data preprocessing class
    def check(self):
        """ Checks parameters, paths, and dependencies
        super(DoubleDifference, self).check()

    def prepare_eval_grad(self, path='.'):
        """ Prepares solver for gradient evaluation by writing residuals and
          adjoint traces

        d, h = self.load(prefix='traces/obs/')
        s, _ = self.load(prefix='traces/syn/')

        d = self.apply(self.process_traces, [d], [h])
        s = self.apply(self.process_traces, [s], [h])

        r = self.apply(self.write_residuals, [s, d], [h], inplace=False)

        s = self.apply(self.generate_adjoint_traces, [s, d, r], [h])
        self.save(s, h, prefix='traces/adj/')

    def write_residuals(self, s, d, h):
        """ Computes residuals from observations and synthetics
        nr = h.nr
        nt = h.nt
        dt = h.dt

        r = np.zeros((nr, nr))
        for ir in range(nr):
            for jr in range(nr):

                if ir < jr:
                    r[ir, jr] = (misfit.wtime(s[:, ir], s[:, jr], nt, dt) -
                                 misfit.wtime(d[:, ir], d[:, jr], nt, dt))

                elif ir > jr:
                    r[ir, jr] = -r[ir, jr]

                    r[ir, jr] = 0

        # write residuals
        np.savetxt('residuals', np.sqrt(np.sum(r * r, 0)))

        return np.array(r)

    def generate_adjoint_traces(self, s, d, r, h):
        """ Computes adjoint traces from observed and synthetic traces
        nr = h.nr
        dt = h.dt

        for ir in range(nr):
            nrm = sum((s[:, ir] * s[:, ir]) * dt)
            fit = np.sum(r[ir, :])

            s[1:-1, ir] = (s[2:, ir] - s[0:-2, ir]) / (2. * dt)
            s[0, ir] = 0.
            s[-1, ir] = 0.
            s[:, ir] *= fit / nrm

        return s
コード例 #30
class pbs_torque_sm(custom_import('system', 'base')):
    """ An interface through which to submit workflows, run tasks in serial or
      parallel, and perform other system functions.

      By hiding environment details behind a python interface layer, these
      classes provide a consistent command set across different computing

      Intermediate files are written to a global scratch path PATH.SCRATCH,
      which must be accessible to all compute nodes.

      Optionally, users can provide a local scratch path PATH.LOCAL if each
      compute node has its own local filesystem.

      For important additional information, please see
    def check(self):
        """ Checks parameters and paths

        # check parameters
        if 'TITLE' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'TITLE', basename(abspath('.')))

        if 'WALLTIME' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'WALLTIME', 30.)

        if 'MEMORY' not in PAR:
            raise ParameterError(PAR, 'MEMORY')

        if 'VERBOSE' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'VERBOSE', 1)

        if 'NTASK' not in PAR:
            raise ParameterError(PAR, 'NTASK')

        if 'NPROC' not in PAR:
            raise ParameterError(PAR, 'NPROC')

        if 'NODESIZE' not in PAR:
            raise ParameterError(PAR, 'NODESIZE')

        if 'PBSARGS' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'PBSARGS', '')

        # check paths
        if 'SCRATCH' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'SCRATCH', join(abspath('.'), 'scratch'))

        if 'LOCAL' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'LOCAL', None)

        if 'SYSTEM' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'SYSTEM', join(PATH.SCRATCH, 'system'))

        if 'SUBMIT' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'SUBMIT', abspath('.'))

        if 'OUTPUT' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'OUTPUT', join(PATH.SUBMIT, 'output'))

    def submit(self, workflow):
        """Submits job

        # save current state

        # construct resource list
        nodes = int(PAR.NTASK / PAR.NODESIZE)
        cores = PAR.NTASK % PAR.NODESIZE
        hours = int(PAR.WALLTIME / 60)
        minutes = PAR.WALLTIME % 60
        resources = 'walltime=%02d:%02d:00' % (hours, minutes)
        if nodes == 0:
            resources += ',mem=%dgb,nodes=1:ppn=%d' % (PAR.MEMORY, cores)
        elif cores == 0:
            resources += ',mem=%dgb,nodes=%d:ppn=%d' % (PAR.MEMORY, nodes,
            resources += ',mem=%dgb,nodes=%d:ppn=%d+1:ppn=%d' % (
                PAR.MEMORY, nodes, PAR.NODESIZE, cores)

        # construct arguments list
        call('qsub ' + '%s ' % PAR.PBSARGS + '-N %s ' % PAR.TITLE + '-o %s ' %
             (PATH.SUBMIT + '/' + 'output.log') + '-l %s ' % resources +
             '-j %s ' % 'oe' + findpath('seisflows.system') + '/' +
             'wrappers/submit ' + '-F %s ' % PATH.OUTPUT)

    def run(self, classname, funcname, hosts='all', **kwargs):
        """  Runs tasks in serial or parallel on specified hosts
        self.save_kwargs(classname, funcname, kwargs)

        if hosts == 'all':
            # run on all available nodes
            call('pbsdsh ' + join(findpath('seisflows.system'),
                                  'wrappers/export_paths.sh ') +
                 os.getenv('PATH') + ' ' + os.getenv('LD_LIBRARY_PATH') + ' ' +
                 join(findpath('seisflows.system'), 'wrappers/run_pbsdsh ') +
                 PATH.OUTPUT + ' ' + classname + ' ' + funcname + ' ' +

        elif hosts == 'head':
            # run on head node
            call('pbsdsh ' + join(findpath('seisflows.system'),
                                  'wrappers/export_paths.sh ') +
                 os.getenv('PATH') + ' ' + os.getenv('LD_LIBRARY_PATH') + ' ' +
                      'wrappers/run_pbsdsh_head ') + PATH.OUTPUT + ' ' +
                 classname + ' ' + funcname + ' ' +

    def getnode(self):
        """ Gets number of running task
        return int(os.getenv('PBS_VNODENUM'))

    def mpiexec(self):
        """ Specifies MPI exectuable; used to invoke solver
        # call solver as MPI singleton when using pbsdsh
        return ''

    def save_kwargs(self, classname, funcname, kwargs):
        kwargspath = join(PATH.OUTPUT, 'SeisflowsObjects',
                          classname + '_kwargs')
        kwargsfile = join(kwargspath, funcname + '.p')
        saveobj(kwargsfile, kwargs)